#and unfortunately saw came out in theatres before I came out the womb so I never got to experience it until almost 20 years later
soullessjack · 1 year
learning that Cary Elwes was also Wesley Princess Bride has changed me in ways I can never reverse. Look at himmp ..
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ohmygoditsrowaelin · 5 years
Rowaelin - Pregnancy (3/3) - Symptoms and Birth
Just as a warning the final part of this headcanon series does involve blood/bodily fluids so if that is a trigger or are triggered by things in a medical sense please take caution when reading this instalment. OH!!! Also shit tone of angst guys.
As mentioned in previous instalment, Aelin doesn’t begin to show until around the second trimester. She was thankful for this as this gave her more time to announce it to those closest to her. Unfortunately her precious gowns no longer fit. The royals seamstress took it upon herself and her apprentices to make her maternity gowns that resembled her fashion style.
She did suffer from morning sickness severely in the first couple of months, which was easily disguised as her eating to much food such as cake or chocolates.
Her cravings were nothing extreme like the kitchens had prepared for, all that changed was that she liked her meat a bit more rare and had an increased want for cake. Rowan was prepared to travel for days to get whatever she wanted, only wanting her and the child to be happy.
Yrene took it upon herself to stay close to Terrasen, going as far as to make Chaol purchase an estate in Orynth. The woman wanting help Aelin through the process of childbirth as much as possible.
Yrene gave creams and ointments to ease her morning sickness, cramps and lesson the pain when the child decided to kick.
Midway through the pregnancy Aelin found herself forgetting things more often. One time completely forgetting that she had a council meeting or that she was scheduled to make an appearance at the Royal Terrasen Theatre. So Rowan with the help of Lysandra, Elide and Yrene took it upon themselves to always remind her of tasks and duties of the day, much to her annoyance.
I’d also like to include that Aelin would be 100000% hornier, like she just had to look at Rowan and BOOM! She would climb him like a monkey on a tree, not that he really minded. It turned out that some of their best experiences in the bedroom occurred when she was with child.
Rowan also adapted to having a shorter sleep schedule, having to help his mate to the bathroom multiple times during the night. Brushing off Aelin’s embarrassed apologies and her complaints that she could do it herself.
The lords tried to discuss succession with the couple, trying to enforce that if the child happened to be a girl and then they have a boy later. The boy would be King, the daughter being passed over. 
It turned out that Rowan was the one who had to show restraint, almost going feral and killing the lords at the suggestion that any child of his would be refused their birthright. Aelin returned his sentiment, but her rage was wielded like steel. Swift and clean, she took it upon herself to remind the men that she in the end would have the final say.
They both walked away from that meeting with a burning pit of hatred for the lords.
So it draws closer to the predicted date of the child’s birth, and Aelin starts to feel different. Not about being a mother, she worked past those issues very easy on. No, she felt like something was wrong.
She would say nothing, having worried to much in the past.
But her pains grew more potent, at first she thought it could have been contractions, but from what she had been told these pains weren’t localised in one area.
She steadily grew weaker, not eating as much and what she did manage to eat eventually came back up. When asked about the change she brushed it off the symptoms she had experienced throughout her pregnancy.
The one person who could tell she was lying is Rowan, but he was away with Fenrys and Lorcan, visiting some of the border villages of Terrasen.
Aedion and Lysandra had decided to stay in the palace just in case something arose.
One night, just after twilight, Aelin awoke to a pain unlike any she had previously experienced. Removing the covers so that she could relieve herself she was confronted with the sight of blood. It covered her legs and the sheets.
Aelin would begin to hyperventilate, shock taking over and her ability to call for help would be stunted. Until the pain she was already experiencing increased yet again.
Her screams would echo through the halls of the palace, the first to reach her room would be Aedion and Lysandra. His blade drawn and her ready to shift at a moments notice.
The sight they were confronted with was one that would haunt their dreams for years to come.
Aelin arched in bed, covered in her own blood, screaming as she clawed at her stomach. 
Lysandra’s maternal instincts surfaced, her feet carrying her towards her best friend. 
Aedion began to move forward also.
“No, get Yrene, something is wrong with the baby. She may be the only one to save them both.” She instructed, not looking back to make sure he had understood.
Aedion rushed past guards and servants. Ignoring the questions of lords and dignitaries. He was thankful to the gods that Yrene and Chaol had decided to stay the night.
He practically rips the door of its hinges, sending Chaol for his sword, prepared to defend his pregnant wife and child. But when he sees Aedion’s face, terror and pain consuming his features. 
Yrene had sat up when Chaol had reached for his sword that was always beside their bed. She only had to take one look at the general to know something was wrong with Aelin. 
“Chaol, get my satchel, the one by the dresser. Aedion, I’m going to need your help getting to her.” Both men nodded, Choal grabbing his cane, Aedion carrying Yrene in his arms.
They reached Aelin as a pageboy was rushing out, Lysandra was beside Aelin, gripping her hand and whispering encouragement.
Yrene waddled over to Aelin, ripping away the sheet, going pale at what she saw. She motioned for her husband to hand over the supplies. 
He’d shuffle over, trying not to make eye contact with Aelin, knowing if he did he might break, knowing how much this baby meant to her and...Rowan
He returned to his place at the wall near the door beside Aedion, the two men unable to help in the situation. Both feeling like they were both failing the woman in the bed.
“Where’s Rowan?” Aelin would moan, having descended into delirium due to the pain. Everyone would make eye contact, the tension in the room intensifying tenfold.
“I’ve sent word, he’ll be back any moment now.” Lysandra would explain, wiping the sweat from Aelin’s brow.
“I-I don’t think I’ll b-be-”
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence.” Aedion growled, not letting her or anyone else in the room entertain the prospect of Aelin not being here when he returned.
Yrene swore after finishing examining her, her hands covered in blood. Her hands glowing softly, as she tried to use her gifts to heal the damage done in her womb.
Rowan that night had nightmares like he hadn’t experienced since before the war ended, all revolving around Aelin and their future family.
Rowan wakes up in the morning being shaken relentlessly by Lorcan, as he begins to tell the fae to piss off he notices the worry in his eyes, then sees the letter in his hand with the royal seal.
He doesn't wait to hear what Lorcan has to say before shifting into his falcon. Flying as fast as he can back to his mate, feeling the pain and terror through the bond.
He arrives at the palace via the balcony of their chambers. He’s immediately confronted by the sight of Aelin. She’s deathly pale, covered in sweat, the bottom half of her body covered in blood. He could see Lysandra holding her hand, Yrene furiously trying anything to heal her. The royal doctor beside her, offering his services when Yrene would become unsure of what to do. Choal and Aedion remained by the wall, the two first noticing his presence.
Lysandra looks over her shoulder, seeing him, she’d stand so that he could take over.
As he reached her side he’d notice how quiet she was, the occasional moan would fall from her lips, but other than that she remained silent.
Yrene and the doctor began whispering hurriedly, but due to his worry Rowan didn’t make out anything they said. But he could see dread written on both of their faces.
“What? What are the two of you saying?”
“We need to deliver, the placenta, it’s torn from womb causing her to bleed out and cut off circulation to the child.”
“Why haven't you delivered yet then?” He’d ask through gritted teeth, anger evident through his words, he couldn't imagine what could cause them to not deliver.
“I can’t promise she or the baby will survive. The baby will be born before it should, and there is a high chance that tear lead to her to bleed internally. We haven’t done anything in hopes that my gifts could reverse the damage, but it’s to far gone.”
Rowan paled the healer’s words sinking in.
He turned back to his wife, who was barely conscious. He leaned down and nuzzled the crook of her neck. 
“Save the child.” Her voice, even in that moment sounded like a symphony, instructed the healer.
“Aelin, you might not make it if she does. I can’t lose you, either of you.” 
Aelin remained silent through that and many more pleas from her mate, ignoring his wishes. Knowing that she'd never forgive herself if she let the child perish just so that she could survive.
She lifted her head to indicate to Yrene her wish once again. They held eye contact, both knowing what a mother would do for their child. 
Yrene then asked the doctor for a scalpel.
Rowan’s eyes would fill with fury, Lysandra would have to restrain him. Chaol stepping forward his face hardening. He didn't care what was happening, he wouldn't let the fae intimidate his wife. Aedion would pull him back, the pair had to remain otherwise the room would descend into chaos.
As Yrene would begin working to save the child Aelin would scream again, her hand reaching out in search for Rowan.
He’d immediately drop resisting Lysandra, his instincts making him be their for his mate. He held her hand tightly, pressing kisses to it while his other hand stroked her forehead. He tried to comfort her as best he could, but couldn’t help but flinch every time she cried out. After a minute he was crying with her.
Then there was a moment of quiet.
A baby’s cry filled the room, Rowan looked at their child in awe as Yrene cleaned the child as best she could.
“It’s a girl.” Yrene announced with a sad smile, handing the newborn over to her father.
Rowan cradled the child in his arms, almost forgetting everything and everyone in the room. His entire being was focused on the daughter he and Aelin had made together. She was so small, she had almost no hair, but he could tell it would be the same shade as her mother. Her eyes were closed, as they would remain for a week or two but he silently hoped they would also be her mother’s.
Turning to Aelin, he sat beside her and leaned down. Showing her their beautiful child.
Aelin cooed at the little one, holding out her pinky for her to latch onto.
“What shall we name her Fireheart?”
“Lyria.” The room stilled, all except the doctor knew that was the name of  his first wife and who he was lead to believe was his mate.
“Aelin I-”
“She brought great joy and love into your life. I’m sad I never got to know her, but I can only hope that our Lyria will grow up to be just as wonderful as her namesake.” Aelin whispered hoarsely, her eyes closed. Rowan blinked away tears, he knew Lyria, the one he married wasn’t his mate. But she still held an important part of his heart, and Aelin wanting to honour her memory...it made him love her more than he thought possible.
“Oh, Oh my!” Yrene gasped, Rowan’s head looked up, afraid of what she might say.
Yrene did not elaborate on what caused her outburst, but it must have caused the following groans and almost screams.
Then another wail filled the room, silencing the room once again as the two cries joined together.
“It’s a boy! Twins, you have twins!” Yrene announced joyfuly, the room filling with cheers. The lords rushing to make the announcement to Terrasen and the surrounding kingdoms.
Rowan handed Lyria to Lysandra who was practically purring at the sight of her goddaughter. Taking his son into his arms, shock, joy and wonder filling his soul. He showed him to Aelin like he did with Lyria, but this time Aelin remained silent.
At first he’d pay no attention to it, believing that she was just shocked as he was. But he turned to ask her what they should name her when he noticed she had gone still and her chest had stilled.
“Fireheart? Aelin-Aelin? Darling wake up, do not leave me now after everything we’ve survived don’t leave me now!” He begged, their son’s cries mixing with his own.
Yrene’s face would harden, telling Aedion and Chaol to get Rowan out of the room so she could save the Queen.
Rowan waits outside the room, his son still in his arms, but had fallen asleep shortly after exiting. He tries to refrain from crying but can’t. Tears slowly trail down his face as he tries to comprehend raising his children without his Fireheart. 
He can hear Yrene shouting at the doctor and then there's silence, it feels like hours before the door opens. The royal doctor exiting without saying a word, then Yrene opens the door wider. She’s covered in sweat blood and birth fluid, but she has a smile on her face.
That smile sends relief through him, almost making his knees weak knowing that Aelin will be okay. 
“She’ll be okay. She won’t be able to leave her bed for a month at least but she will be okay.” She explains to everyone, but her eyes never leave his. 
They all began to renter the room but Yrene stopped them with a hand. She only let through Rowan and Aedion who was now hold Lyria who was gurgling happily to herself.
Rowan almost sprinted to Aelin’s bedside, kneeling beside her, needing to see any evidence that she was alright. And he let out a breath of relief when she opened her eyes, those eyes he loved so dearly.
“Wha-what happened?”
“Nothing that can’t wait. Would you like to meet our son?”
Aelin almost sat up straight at those words, she looked over to Aedion to confirm that she did in fact have two children. 
They spent an hour together, the three adults and two newborns just learning what they looked like, acted and mannerisms. That is until Aedion perked up.
“What are you going to name him?” 
The couple shared a look before going at their son then Aedion.
Aedion nods quickly looking back down at Lyria quietly, but both Aelin and Rowan can see the tears in Aedion’s eyes.
They both at that moment can’t wait to see what life had in store for them next.
tags: @zarixxx
If you’d like to see more about how things continue from the end please leave a request. Well that brings an end to the pregnancy au! series, and I can confirm that the next thing I write that will be posted will be for...(DRUM ROLL) ELORCAN!!!
El, xoxo
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jecngs · 5 years
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                it’s  ya  girl  𝒅𝒓𝒊  (nineteen,  she/her,  pst  but  i’m  in  the  philippines  for  two  weeks  so  that’s gmt+8 !),  a  soft  edgy  born  with  a  name  that  means  "dark  one  of  the  lord"  on  friday  the  13th  !  if  you’re  meeting  me  for  the  first  time,  some  fun  facts  are  that  i  have  the  incredibly  dangerous  combo  of  high  ambition  and  poor  time  management  and  i’d  Risk  It  All  for  a.c.e,  ateez,  and  loona  !  so,  anyway,  here’s  my  poor,  poor  girl,  miss  amelia  !  why  i  did  her  so  dirty  is  a  Good  Question  i  do  not  have  the  answer  to,  but  let's  plot  !
𝗕𝗜𝗥𝗧𝗛  𝗡𝗔𝗠𝗘:  amelia  christine  jeong   𝗡𝗜𝗖𝗞𝗡𝗔𝗠𝗘:  lia,  li,  call  her  amy  and  she’ll  beat  u  up   𝗔𝗚𝗘:  twenty   𝗗𝗢𝗕:  november  29,  1998   𝗭𝗢𝗗𝗜𝗔𝗖:  sagittarius  sun,  aries  moon   𝗢𝗥𝗜𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡:  bisexual   𝗢𝗖𝗖𝗨𝗣𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡:  actress
         ♡   daughter  of  edith  byun  and  christopher  jeong,  two  major  players  in  broadway  (and  later  on  the  film  industry),  she  was  practically  famous  in  the  industry  before  she  was  even  born.  it  was  without  a  doubt  that  she  was  anticipated  to  be  nothing  short  of  talented  and  successful  once  she  popped  out  of  the  womb!  imagine  legendary  dance  couple  keone  and  mari  madrid’s  child  but  if  they  both  had  a  reputation  akin  to  idina  menzel  or  lea  salonga.  that’s  basically  lia.
        ♡   with  this,  her  parents  unfortunately  succumbed  to  public  pressure  and  wanted  to  ensure  that  their  daughter  would  meet  these  expectations.  to  fall  short  would  be  the  greatest  misfortune  on  her  reputation,  and  they  simply  would  not  have  that.  was  it  the  healthiest  mindset  to  have  raising  their  first  and  only  child?  lmao  no,  but  it’s  the  mindset  that  came  with  the  fame  they  had.  eyes  would  be  on  her  the  moment  she  came  into  the  world,  so  she  had  to  be  everything  the  public  wanted  her  to  be.
        ♡   a  few  months  before  lia  was  scheduled  to  be  born,  her  father  was  cast  in  the  us  tour  of  miss  saigon  (pretend  there  was  one  in  1998),  and  it  overlapped  with  the  due  date!  he  was  supposed  to  be  performing  at  the  pantages  for  a  few  weeks  in  that  general  timeframe  of  when  her  mom  could  be  going  into  labor,  so  they  took  a  risk  and  just…  moved  to  los  angeles  because  he  wasn’t  going  to  miss  the  birth  of  his  child!  so  ever  since  she  was  born  she  resided  in  the  hollywood  area!
        ♡    she  was  homeschooled  for  a  majority  of  her  childhood,  but  ur  a  Big  Fool  if  u  thought  it  was  by  her  parents!  they  were  incredibly  busy  with  their  own  careers  so  she  had  a  nanny  and  a  homeschool  teacher!  and  to  be  Quite  Honest  her  nanny  was  more  of  a  mother  to  her  than  miss  edith  could  ever  be!  to  lia,  her  parents  were  more  like  a  dream,  a  fantasy,  some  sort  of  ethereal  beings  —  untouchable.  [cue  parental  longing]
        ♡   despite  how  much  the  media  loved  to  talk  about  amelia  and  her  parents,  she  didn't  actually  get  to  see  them  all  that  often!  they  loved  her,  there's  no  doubt  about  it,  but  they  didn't  exactly  know  to  express  it...  despite  being  acclaimed  performers  SGKSDJGHDS  so!  basically  in  lia's  mind,  succeeding  meant  getting  love  from  her  parents  because  they  always  seemed  to  pay  the  most  attention  to  her  when  she  was  doing  something  impressive  —  they  loved  to  show  her  off  to  their  colleagues  like  some  sort  of  dog  who  can  do  tricks.  lia  ate  up  this  "love",  though,  because  there's  nothing  that  beats  the  glimmer  in  their  eyes  when  they  watch  her  perform.
        ♡    lia  took  private  lessons  for  everything  ranging  from  acting,  voice,  and  dance!  fun  fact:  she’s  classically  trained  in  several  dance  styles,  such  as  contemporary,  jazz,  ballet,  tap,  and  hip  hop!  she  was  basically  set  to  follow  her  parents’  footsteps  with  all  of  this  training.  she  played  several  child/teen  roles  in  musicals  thanks  to  her  family,  and  it  was  an  almost  effortless  kickstart  to  her  career.
        ♡    when  she  was  high  school  aged,  lia  was  admitted  into  la  county  school  of  the  arts,  but  she  wasn’t  there  for  long.  despite  growing  up  being  taught  how  to  handle  lingering  paparazzi  and  answer  questions  interviewers  sent  her  way,  she  was  never  quite  taught  how  to  handle  the  Hell  that  is  high  school.  she  wasn’t  accepted  well  into  the  social  climate  and  was  frequently  bullied  and  judged.  they  didn’t  believe  that  she  worked  to  be  there,  she  was  only  there  because  of  her  parents.  they  didn’t  actually  know  anything  about  her,  but  they  made  these  assumptions  that  eventually  led  to  her  pulling  out  of  school.  she  had  been  excited  to  finally  see  what  it’d  be  like  to  make  friends  of  her  own  —  friends  that  weren’t  just  fed  to  her  because  of  who  her  parents  were.  she  didn’t  know  that  same  fact  would  make  it  all  the  more  difficult.
        ♡    she's  a  theatre  kid  through  and  through,  and  that's  all  i  have  to  say  about  that!  lia  grew  up  adoring  the  theatre,  not  only  watching  the  shows  her  parents  were  casted  in  but  almost  every  single  one  she  could  become  an  audience  to!  it  was  to  no  surprise  when  the  public  found  her  in  minor  and  supporting  roles  as  a  child,  and  it  was  pretty  much  expected  for  her  to  become  one  of  the  next  big  names  in  broadway  —  she  was  anticipated  to  make  the  Big  Move  to  new  york  once  she  got  her  footing  in  the  industry!
        ♡    as  time  progressed,  she  continued  to  pursue  theatre,  slowly  taking  on  more  mature  roles.  every  now  and  then  she  would  be  given  television/film  offers,  but  it  was  more  of  a  side  gig  at  the  time.  theatre  was  truly  what  she  was  passionate  about.  even  though  it  was  a  profession  forced  on  her,  it  was  no  lie  that  she  actually  enjoyed  it.
        ♡    she  began  to  develop  her  own  fame  outside  of  her  parents  around  the  time  she  was  seventeen/eighteen,  with  a  supporting  role  in  an  independent  film  that  garnered  pretty  notable  success.  around  this  time,  her  parents  invested  in  a  publicist/agent  just  for  her,  a  relative  of  edith  who  was  also  involved  in  the  industry.  it's  true  when  they  say  it's  bad  to  mix  personal  affairs  with  business  because  things  began  to  take  a  bit  of  a  turn  for  miss  lia!
        ♡    her  pr  team  was  really  big  on  transforming  her  the  Big  Name  everyone  expected  her  to  be,  all  the  while  creating  an  identity  completely  separate  from  her  family  where  she  can  thrive.  and  that’s  exactly  what  they  did.  they  created  an  identity.
        ♡    she  had  a  love/hate  relationship  with  being  associated  with  her  parents.  on  one  hand,  it  was  a  burden  having  to  constantly  live  with  the  expectation  of  being  just  as  successful  as  them,  but  on  the  other,  it  fueled  her  fantasies  of  being  the  dream  family  she  had  always  wanted  them  to  be.
        ♡    they  stressed  the  importance  of  whom  she  associated  with,  they  slowly  transitioned  her  out  of  theatre  and  immersed  her  completely  into  the  film  industry,  lining  her  up  for  roles  that  would  eventually  become  quite  memorable.  they  took  who  lia  was  and  restructured  her  as  they  saw  fit,  and  lia  went  along  with  all  of  this  because  they  constantly  reassured  her  that  this  was  what  was  best  for  her  career.  she  didn't  want  to  go  against  family,  for  to  ruin  any  connections  with  her  parents  would  be  a  step  closer  to  losing  them  completely,  so  she  played  along  in  this  role  made  just  for  her.
        ♡    her  brain  eventually  became  fine  tuned  to  see  relationships  as  “how  can  this  benefit  me?”  rather  than  actual  companionship  which  Sucks  bc  she  totally  wants  friendship  —  she’s  always  craved  it  —  but  in  the  back  of  her  mind  there’s  always  this  lil  checkbox  where  she  has  to  get  something  from  this  which  is  Not  Healthy  but  she  doesn’t  know  what  to  do  about  it  because  she’s  in  too  deep  to  change  anything
        ♡    she’s  become  so  detached  from  her  individuality  and  become  the  rising  starlet  her  team  shaped  her  into.  she  hasn’t  been  in  a  musical  production  in  a  long  time,  so  it’s  as  if  they  ripped  a  major  part  of  her  identity  away  from  her.  but  i  guess  that  was  the  plan  all  along.  i  don’t  wanna  say  that  her  mom's  cousin  has  some  lingering  resentment  toward  her  due  something  along  the  lines  of  always  living  in  her  shadow…  but  her  mom's  cousin  has  some  lingering  resentment  toward  her  mom.  it’s  just  cleverly  disguised  because  lia  is  technically  thriving  when  you  look  at  it  from  the  outside.  inside,  she  yearns  for  her  past.
        ♡    in  the  past  few  years,  she’s  been  conditioned  to  want  the  world.  she  thinks  she  is  owed  it,  but  this  sentiment  is  also  fueled  by  her  longing.  she  has  this  hunger  for  success  that’s  highkey  kinda  unhealthy!  she  isn’t  even  capable  of  discussing  these  things  with  her  parents  because  they’re  all  busy  all  the  time!  her  team  would  tell  her  to  say  yes  to  projects,  pr  stuff  including  false  articles  later  debunked  just  for  the  publicity,  whatever  works!  she’s  been  forced  into  this  addiction  for  attention  but  it’s  pretty  much  a  result  of  her  channeling  the  negative  energy  toward  her  career…  to  help  her  career?  but  in  a  way  that’s  detrimental  to  her  own  health.  her  sleep  schedule?  fucked  up!  she’s  ruining  herself  from  the  inside  out  and  she  doesn’t  want  to  admit  it!
        ♡    her  sentiment  toward  her  public  identity  is  akin  to  lottie  person  of  the  snotgirl  comic!  who  she  is  interpreted  as  on  social  media  isn���t  the  whole  truth.  she  posts  as  if  she’s  under  careful  watch  because,  well,  she  is.  anything  her  team  didn't  like  simply  didn't  cut  it  and  was  deleted  almost  immediately  followed  by  a  sharp  scolding.  "image  is  everything"  is  one  of  the  many  sentences  ingrained  into  her  mind.  an  effortless  kind  of  everyday,  that's  what  she  was  supposed  to  be.  idk  how  to  explain  it  well  but  u  know  those  instagrams  where  it  looks  super  casual  but  is  probably  super  planned?  yes?  idk  in  my  head  she  has  an  instagram  feed  like  hyulari  or  pameluft  where  it  looks  rly  normal  but  it's  rly  pretty
        ♡    i'm  trying  to,  like,  put  it  into  words  what  her  persona  is  perceived  as,  but  it's  something  along  the  lines  of  a  person  you  think  you  know  but  you  really  don't.  you  see  her  posts,  you  see  who  she's  with,  where  she's  having  coffee,  but  who  is  lia,  really?
        ♡    clearly,  this  entire  situation  can  get  extremely  overwhelming!  the  melatonin  she  takes  to  help  control  her  sleeping  habits  also  gifts  her  with  the  side  effect  of  irritability,  so  there  have  been  times  when  she  “slipped  up”  and  Snapped!  her  fans  are  quick  to  defend  her,  however,  claiming  she’s  tired  and  needs  rest,  or  place  blame  on  the  individuals  who  dare  disrespect  her  privacy  and  personal  space. 
        ♡    scandals  are  also  something  she  isn’t  immune  to.  she  frequents  club  and  party  settings  often,  and  rumors  often  circulate  about  her  activities,  but  it's  easy  to  shift  blame  on  bad  influences.  her  image  isn't  exactly  squeaky  clean,  but  hey,  as  her  team  likes  to  say,  "total  prudes  don't  get  attention"
        ♡    people  who  work  with  lia  either  love  her  or  hate  her,  there's  really  no  in  between.  she's  friendly  or  stuck-up.  some  believe  she's  ungrateful,  maybe  they're  onto  something.  she  doesn't  cause  trouble  on  sets,  but  people  love  to  make  assumptions  about  this  girl  whose  identity  they  can't  seem  to  crack.  but  they'll  be  damned  if  they  don't  see  her  come  in  every  morning  with  a  smile  on  her  face.
        ♡    if  it  wasn't  clear,  she  despises  the  identity  she’s  forced  into!  it  feels  like  a  role  she  has  to  play  almost  24/7,  and  she’d  easily  give  it  all  up  if  it  didn’t  mean  losing  everything  good  that  came  from  it.  she  missed  the  girl  she  used  to  be,  the  girl  anyone  could  easily  approach  to  talk  about  their  day.  she  doesn’t  know  amelia  anymore.  she  hasn’t  been  amelia  for  a  long  time,  only  lia.
        ♡    she  learned  recently  that  the  contract  with  her  team  is  set  for  a  renewal  soon,  which  prompted  a  crisis  within  lia.  to  terminate  the  contract  would  mean  freedom,  but  at  what  cost?  spicy,  stay  tuned.
        ♡    lia  and  her  relationship  with  her  own  identity  has  definitely  affected  her  personality  and  how  she  portrays  herself  even  when  she  is  at  her  most  comfortable
        ♡    my  base  inspiration  that  Started  It  All  for  lia  came  from  me  watching  a  stephanie  soo  vlog  KSDLHGDSG  so  yea  she's  like  this  likable,  kinda  loud  and  blunt  personality  but  that  comes  more  as  a  surprise  to  people  who  get  to  know  her  because  she's  been  molded  into  having  a  more  suppressed  type  of  character  —  friendly,  but  never  too  much
        ♡    for  the  sake  of  her  sanity,  i'm  gonna  say  that  she  still  holds  on  to  her  personality  in  fear  of  becoming  too  absorbed  by  her  public,  consumable  image,  but  there  are  times  when  she  confuses  the  two.  she  can  slip  up  and  say  something  a  bit  too  blunt  in  an  interview  or  find  herself  holding  back  with  her  close  friends.  she's  essentially  become  a  blend  of  her  true  nature  and  her  public  image  where  it's  almost  the  same  thing
        ♡    incredibly,  incredibly  insecure!  lia  does  not  have  a  hold  on  her  own  identity,  so  even  the  smallest  things  will  make  her  question  everything!  she  constantly  wonders  if  there’s  a  party  happening  that  she’s  not  invited  to,  if  people  like  her,  if  people  are  gossiping  about  her.  so  many  aspects  of  her  current  identity  have  been  conditioned  to  be  close  enough  to  genuine  that  she  actually  doesn’t  know  what’s  real  anymore.
        ♡    she  can  be  a  little  bit  manipulative  if  it  comes  down  to  her  career.  she  doesn’t  really  mean  it  but  she  can’t  help  it  at  this  point!
        ♡    if  she’s  friends  with  someone,  even  if  it’s  for  some  symbiosis-type  relationship,  she  will  play  into  that  role,  she  will  act  as  if  it’s  real.  even  if  she  doesn’t  believe  it,  she  wants  to  believe  it  because  she  also  is  unsure  if  she’s  capable  of  real  feelings??!  she  thinks  she’s  devoid  of  emotion  but  she  just  …  doesn’t  think  about  it.  like,  she  doesn’t  want  to  admit  to  herself  that  she  cares  about  people  bc  she  knows  the  Ugly  side  of  her  brain  will  hyper-analyze  the  relationship  and  find  ways  to  sabotage  it  for  herself  to  the  point  where  she  can’t  enjoy  it  anymore  —  so  i  guess  it's  safest  for  her  to  think  that  this  really  isn't  her!  coping  mechanisms  let's  roll  out!
        ♡   she’s  definitely  had  her  fair  share  of  significant  others  in  the  past,  but  they’ve  been  mixed  into  a  bag  of  a  bunch  of  pr  relationships  (she's  had  so  many)  so  she  doesn’t  know  if  she’s  capable  of  actually  loving  someone.  it!  all!  seems!  fake!  but  she  definitely  craves  affection  and  will  try  to  find  it  wherever  she  can.
        ♡    tldr  she's  actually  a  nice  gal,  outgoing,  caring,  but  she  can't  help  but  think  that  she's  a  robot  because  she  thinks  too  much  about  how  people  see  her
       ♡    super  prone  to  asian  glow
       ♡    loves  anything  peach!  peach  soju  with  yakult  is  her  favorite  alcoholic  beverage,  peach  is  her  favorite  color,  but  she  doesn't  like  actual  peaches???  make  it  make  sense
       ♡    credited  as  lia  jeong  in  everything.  feels  weird  if  someone  addresses  her  as  amelia  if  they're  not  reading  an  official  document  or  really  close  to  her.
       ♡    feels  a  strange  connection  to  "the  i  love  you  song"  from  the  25th  annual  putnam  county  spelling  bee
       ♡    her  favorite  film  genre  to  work  on  is  definitely  romance  because  it's  fun  to  pretend  to  be  loved!  coming  of  age  is  a  close  second.
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zukalations · 7 years
Farewell Takarazuka Grand Theatre: 4 Top Stars Special Talk
This interview, published in the December 1992 Kageki, features the four Top Stars of the time (Shion Yuu, Mori Keaki, Anju Mira, and Suzukaze Mayo) reminiscing as the Takarazuka Grand Theatre was about to be entirely rebuilt. There’s a lot of details about their early careers and time as fans themselves before entering the company.
Farewell Takarazuka Grand Theatre: 4 Top Stars Special Talk
Participants: Suzukaze Mayo, Shion Yuu, Mori Keaki, Anju Mira
Shion: I’ve been watching Takarazuka e~ver since I was in my mother’s womb, so I’m very sad to lose the Takarazuka Grand Theatre we have now. I love the atmosphere…getting off at Takarazuka station, walking down the road lined with souvenir shops, and going past the onsens to see a show at the Grand Theatre. And then heading back along the Hana no Michi humming the show’s theme song.
Mori: The first time I went inside the Takarazuka Grand Theatre was when I took the TMS entrance exam.
Shion: Really!?
Mori: Until then I had only seen Takarazuka on TV. When I first set foot in Takarazuka, it sort of reminded me of Sendai somehow.
Suzukaze: Ah, I think I understand what you mean.
Mori: It’s a very peaceful area, and everything’s really pretty. When did you first see Takarazuka, Kaname (Suzukaze)?
Suzukaze: I first saw Takarazuka on a field trip in my third year of middle school. I just had a seat behind a pillar, but it was a really vivid memory for me.
Shion: I love that pillar, you know. It really makes me feel like I’m in the Grand Theatre. When I was first a fan and didn’t understand how to get tickets ahead of time, I’d line up for tickets and if I got one it would always be behind that pillar. I’d watch everyone heading up to the seats in front and wonder who on earth they could be to get seats so close.
Suzukaze: When I first saw Takarazuka during the field trip, I thought anyone could meet the stars of the show whenever they liked. So I went to the place where they were renting the opera glasses, pointed to a picture in the program, and asked ‘Please, I’d like to meet this person.’
Shion, Mori, Anju: So cu~te!!
Suzukaze: The young lady there told me 'You can’t do that.’ (laughs)
Mori: When I first saw Takarazuka, I bought same-day tickets and ended up in the very back of the first floor. Watching from that far back the stage looked so far away that it seemed like something I could never reach: it felt like watching TV.
Anju: I first went to the Takarazuka Grand Theatre for Shime (Shion)-san’s TMS Culture Festival.
Mori: I was there too, in the yokasei drum and fife ensemble. (laughs)
Anju: Oh, you were there together~. I came for the entrance exam and saw the Culture Festival, and I was just in time for Snow Troupe’s Gone With The Wind, so I watched that as well, feeling like I was going to fall from the third floor the whole time. I couldn’t see faces clearly, and there was a ton of applause at the opening announcement 'This is Migiwa Natsuko of Snow Troupe,’ so I was really startled. At the Culture Festival, I even saw Shime-san leaving through the stage door.
Shion: The Culture Festival was the first time I set foot on the stage of the Grand Theatre, so I was really emotional~
Mori: You had a quick change coming through the audience, right? That was so moving.
Shion: The costumes were hanging up in the wings, and just seeing that I was like 'Real Takarazuka costumes~’ so it was really emotional for me. I knew it wasn’t like Koshien [1], but I thought 'Maybe I could just take this home after getting off stage…’ (laughs)
Anju: I don’t really remember my Culture Festival well, but when I was doing the address for my debut I was so emotional I thought I would cry.
Suzukaze: I remember being in the yokasei drum and fife ensemble better. For my Culture Festival I feel like I was just desperately trying to get through it.
Shion: And after debuting and gradually becoming a senior actress there are even more various emotions to encounter.
Anju: It’s delightful going up through the lifts, or being on the silver bridge - it’s like your dreams are coming true one by one.
Mori: While when I was started I was always way off to the side where it says 'Hankyu Department Store’ [2], gradually I moved more towards the center until before I even realized it I’d ended up here - that sort of thing is so fascinating.
Suzukaze: On the last day of the Moon Troupe show in the Grand Theatre I felt like it was the most emotional performance we’d ever done. From the start everyone was so enthusiastic and then during the last curtain call we all said 'thank you’ to the Grand Theatre together with the whole audience, which was a really happy moment. I love that theatre, it feels like it raised me…it’s really hard on me to see it go. They told us that by the time Moon Troupe gets back from the Tokyo performance, all the electricity will have been shut off, even the emergency lights, so that made closing day even more emotional.
Mori: Snow Troupe will be the very last to perform in the current Grand Theatre [3], which really is deeply moving. What I keep thinking about is how it’s not just part of my career, but that it’s connected to all the other performers who have stood on that stage for nearly 70 years - to be at the end of that is something that makes me feel happy, pressured, all sorts of emotions. When I start thinking about it I can’t help but feel that the Grand Theatre is a truly amazing place.
Anju: It’s a theatre full of so much history and so many memories.
Shion: It’s so sad~
Suzukaze: Did you take video when you were doing your last Grand Theatre performance?
Shion: I did, I did! From the dressing rooms to the baths (laughs)
Suzukaze: During the Moon Troupe performance, to commemorate it we let even the most junior actresses use the Uni Baths [4], so everyone was happy.
Anju: The stars to the dressing rooms after the shrine to Inari-san leave such an impression, right?
Suzukaze: And don’t the dressing rooms have their own unique scent?
Shion: They do, they do~
Suzukaze: It’s really calming somehow.
Shion: It’s like our home after all…
Mori: I feel like in a way an era is ending with this Grand Theatre and after this will be a fresh start.
Shion: Of course I have to be happy about a brand new Takarazuka Grand Theatre being built, but it’s actually a very complicated feeling, and I’m so sad I can hardly bear it…
Mori: I think there is going to be a bit of a dividing line between those who will only know the new Grand Theatre, and it’s going to be hardest on those like us who will experience both theatres. Which would be everyone here now…
Suzukaze: On the last day of the Moon Troupe performances, during the curtain call our kumichou said 'I feel the new Grand Theatre will inherit all the gathered memories that our current Grand Theatre has protected.’ When I heard it I thought 'That’s really it.’ The new Grand Theatre will be good in its own way, and since humans are territorial creatures we’ll surely get used to it, but emotionally, the current Grand Theatre seems to know all our joys and strengths so it’s very sad.
Mori: It’ll be really tough until we get used to the new theatre, I’m sure. When we were doing the photoshoot in the audience seats I was thinking 'this is really our home’ - it really feels like it’s full of the souls of so many different people.
Shion: it’s a living building. You can feel the life in it.
Mori: I heard that in the new Grand Theatre, the state operations will be controlled by a computer system, but I won’t be able to forget the artistic skill of all the stage staff who have supported us until now. For example, how happy a feeling it is when the spotlight operator shuts off the light, bam! at the perfect moment. It’s a really great feeling, like, 'we’re in perfect sync!’ It’s rather like a mental art so it’s very unfortunate that it will go away. There are so many stagehands doing hard, sweaty work to support us, and all sorts of other staff giving their all out of love to put these productions together. I loved that feeling of what we do being a collaborative art.
Anju: In Fancy Touch I’m on top of a pyramid in the prologue, and they got me up there backstage through human power. I think if you didn’t have a trusting relationship with the stagehands you’d surely be too scared to do that sort of thing. So it makes me wonder what will become of that in the future as well.
Suzukaze: Like Yan-san (Anju), when I was in PUCK there were mechanisms moving me through the air and such, and there wasn’t a single error through the whole production. When I’m in this current Grand Theatre I can really feel that us actresses can’t make a show all by ourselves, but it starts with all the people supporting and helping us. My strongest memory is the warmth, how people would do things like say 'good luck’ during a performance. I’m sure that won’t change even when we go to the new theatre, but I still have a lot of worries.
Mori: I’m sure everyone has a lot of doubts and concerns about starting over, but I feel that once we get started in the new theatre we’ll be able to enjoy it. But still, this theatre is filled with so many memories they can’t even be expressed in words.
Shion: I can’t forget the performance of War and Peace when the Grand Theatre stairs broke. They weren’t able to repair them in time for the last performance, so even though so many people were retiring - Shou-chan (Haruna Yuri), Rin-chan (Tajima Kumi), Pucchii-san (Azumi Reika), Maimai (Minakaze Mai), and so many others - through the whole run we had to use a staircase with only a few steps, as if it was a regional production. If we start talking about all the memories of things like that that have happened in this Grand Theatre there’ll be no end to it.
Mori: By the way, it’s quite unusual for all 4 of us to be able to talk like this. What’s really interesting is that there’s only one class year between each of us [5].
Shion: That’s right, even though I feel like some of us are together for magazine features and such regularly. I’ve had newspaper intervieews and such together with Yan often, so if I’m asked about her reason for joining the company or something I can answer easily. (laughs)
Anju: I can do the same for Shime-san! (laughs)
Mori: I’ve done events and special appearances for a while, so I feel like we’ve been well acquainted for some time. When we’re all face to face like this it ends up feeling like a school reunion.
Anju: We were able to appear together in The Rose of Versailles [6] as well.
Suzukaze: That’s right. Even though I was a yokasei when Yan was a honkasei, we didn’t have any interaction [in TMS], but we became close when we were playing Oscar in The Rose of Versailles. After that, when you saw Memories of You, you told me 'your dancing has gotten better’, and that one sentence made me so happy I felt like jumping for joy and I started crying.
Anju: No way~ (laughs)
Suzukaze: That one statement gave me energy all the way through to the end of the run. I think Takarazuka is fascinating because of all the different sorts of shows all four troupes can do.
Shion: It’s great that each troupe has its own specialty.
Anju: I could never do Puck.
Suzukaze: If you put the ears on anyone could do it! (laughs)
Anju: They’d say I was an evil spirit, not a fairy. (laughs)
Shion: But it’s really sad that even though all four of us are together, Karincho (Mori) is about to retire. I feel like I’m losing my last comrade-in-arms I’ve spent all this time with, together with the Grand Theatre, which makes it all even more painful. I have so many memories welling up, but I’ve already told the person in question (laughs) so I won’t repeat all that! But I’m really so happy we will be able to perform together in the new Grand Theatre in January [7]!
Anju: Karincho-san was already a star even when she was still in TMS. You were somehow different from everyone else, and you were amazing even then. Being in the center seemed to suit you, so you would be placed in the center naturally from the beginning, and you could change the whole atmosphere around you.
Suzukaze: When me and Mori-san played Oscar and Andre together in The Rose of Versailles [8], I was so affected I wished I couuld steal even a tiny bit of Mori-san’s unique qualities for myself… While I think it’s really appropriate that you are the last to perform in the Grand Theatre, personally I wish you could be there forever. Please don’t leave~!! I’ll be there behind you taking notes as long as you’re here.
Mori: Thank you so much, everyone. Takarazuka is such a wonderful place, and I’ve had so much fun working with everyone to put on the shows, and the Top Stars all help each other out so warmly. Gosh, I’m going to cry… (laughs) Having the opportunity to be Top for four years, I had so many different experiences as both a stage performer and a human being, and I don’t have any regrets.
Shion: I’m really happy that Karincho-san and so many others will be there in January for the opening performance of the new theatre. Star Troupe is happy to have you.
Mori: I’ll be there getting in the way from the first show~ I’m glad I’ll be able to make one more good memory. I’ll have to investigate e~verything about the new Grand Theatre. I’m looking forward to it, hahaha.
Anju: While I’m sure I’ll be a bother in a lot of ways, I think I’m very lucky to have a special appearance in Star Troupe productions in both the old and new theatres. Thank you to everyone in Star Troupe for having us.
Suzukaze: I’ll give it my all. While I don’t know yet what they’ll be having me do, I want to be myself and enjoy the show with the kind help of the Star Troupe members. My dream to do a Japanese-themed show is coming true, and while I’m sure I’ll be terribly clumsy I’m prepared to do whatever it takes. Directors, Senka members, everyone in Star Troupe, please take care of Suzukaze Mayo. I think when I’m onstage at the new Grand Theatre in the Star Troupe performance I’ll feel even more that this Grand Theatre is really gone.
Anju: Even if I wail and cry, this Grand Theatre will still be gone, so although I’ll be sad and miss it dearly, I would like to go onstage at the new theatre with fresh emotions.
Mori: I’m very grateful that Snow Troupe will be closing out the Grand Theatre. There’s only one thing remaining for me, which is to give this Grand Theatre, that has been filled with everyone’s memories, a brilliant conclusion. Every day I express my gratitude to the Grand Theatre so I feel confident it will go well.
Shion: Thank you!! After this when you appear in the new theatre’s opening production, we can begin building a new history together.
1. I think this is a reference to the special uniforms worn by teams competing in the Koshien baseball tournament.
2. In very old shows, the Grand Theatre drop curtain said ‘Hankyu Department Store’ on the side, where lower-ranking actresses would end up.
3. The Takarazuka run of The 47 Ronin was the last production to take place in the old Grand Theatre.
4. The Grand Theatre (old and new as far as I can tell) has three bathing areas separated by rank, with the Uni Baths reserved for the most senior actresses.
5. Shion Yuu, 64th class; Mori Keaki, 65th class; Anju Mira, 66th class; Suzukaze Mayo, 67th class.
6. 1990 Fersen production starring Ooura Mizuki.
7. The Star Troupe Houjushou/Parfum de Paris was the opening performance in the rebuilt Grand Theatre, featuring guests from the other troupes.
8. 1991 Oscar production starring Suzukaze Mayo.
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post-bronze-medals · 7 years
Hi! I posted awhile ago that I have a Percy Jackson AU for Yuri on Ice! in my head and I thought I would finally get around to typing it all out. Super thanks to @forovnix​ for not telling me to piss off when I sent her most of this drunk off my face and for encouraging me. Jus, you’re the best, ily a lot. Also I heard through the grapevine that her and @actualyuuri​ are writing one together, which was the whole inspiration for this universe I have thought up, so I am crediting them too ;) . It is very long - so I will put it under the cut!
Let us begin with...
CHILD OF: Hecate
POWERS: Magic - specialism in spiritual and shielding; Mist control; Astral Projection into the lives of other Demigods and godly beings; Dance is his primary spell casting method.
BACKSTORY: After Hiroko had Mari, she found her womb was too damaged to bear another child. Wanting another child, they tried everything from medicine to, eventually, prayer. The only one who answered was Hecate, who was a distant relative of Toshiya from many generations ago. And with a little divine interference, Yuuri was made from three parents.
Yuuri’s eyes go gold when he uses his powers, a throwback to Kronos that Hecate thinks is kind of adorable. Zeus banned visiting their godly children back after WWII, but he can only really control what happens in the US, as it is the current seat of Olympian (and Roman) power. As such, Hecate has visited Yuuri four times a year since he was a baby, and drops in on him occasionally for a few hours at other times too.
CHILD OF: Persephone
POWERS: Control of flowers and plant life - especially creating and killing them; Strengthen harvests in the early stages (springtime); Talented at poison creation; Spreads poison through his flowers (airborne) and generally though touch.
BACKSTORY: Victor’s mother had zero need or desire for a husband, partner or indeed, physical sex. She, being somewhat dramatic, prayed to Persephone in a ritual handed down from mother to daughter for generations but generally regarded as a bit. Persephone, bored and wanting to create some life in the world, agreed to help her conceive a child with her as the other mother. She however, recalling how much Hades’ indiscretions had hurt her, told him about her plans beforehand, and Hades’ was absolutely fine with it. He knew he had no room to talk about extra-marital children and he loved his wife a great deal. Something that came of her would surely be only a good force in the world.  
Victor has his human mother’s silver hair, and his godly mother’s eyes that cycled through colour according to the weather, the state of the plants around him and his mood. He settled on a teal he liked as his day to day eye colour, and controls himself to keep it that way. Persephone and Hades, taking advantage of the same loophole as Hecate regarding non-interference, bring him down to the underworld every so often. Hades is actually a very doting uncle and is immensely fond of Victor’s loving and giving nature. He teaches him about poisons and summons spirits Victor wants to talk to for a chat whenever he asks. Persephone loves him a lot as well, but in a more distant fashion. It was her that taught him French, and they like to sit together in the pomegranate orchard underground and read.
CHILD OF: Apollo
POWERS: Graceful; Slight Precognition; Archery.
BACKSTORY: Yuri’s mum had a relationship with Apollo for two weeks, in which she could have sworn she was careful with condoms, but apparently not. Yuri was conceived and he left long before she found out or could tell him about it. The loss of the relationship didn’t really hit her hard, it was only really a fling to them both. She decided to have Yuri anyway, and once she recovered from the birth, she went straight back to work to earn money to support them all, leaving Yuri with his grandfather.
Yuri inherited his fathers colouring but his mother’s face. He also had Apollo’s artistic talents but enjoys dance the most, so generally ignored poetry and music - until he discovered hard rock at age 11. He is also a little precognitive, his instincts have got him away from more than one fight and also led him to the rink where Yakov took him on.  His mother doesn't care about his father’s absence but he kind of does, and really really hates the guy, whoever he is. Apollo never bothered to think of a loophole to the decree of non-interference and so never even tried to meet Yuri - he fairly quickly forgot about him and his mother when his newest conquest came around.
CHILD OF: Thanatos
POWERS: Sense when someone is about to die and if it is their ‘time’; Gravitas; BACKSTORY: Otabek’s parents were cultists when they were younger, cultists in service of Thanatos. Although they settled down a bit when they were older, dropping most of their worship, Thanatos never forgot about them. He doesn't often get cults in his name! So when they were trying for a kid and it turned out his father was infertile, Thanatos helped out without even being requested.
Otabek’s parents love him a lot, as an unexpected and much appreciated surprise. After his birth they figured that it must have been some kind of divine interference and began to pray to Thanatos again. The god sometimes comes to chill out with Otabek and teach him how to use his senses. Unfortunately, his heritage makes him seem creepy af to non demigods. Yuri is his first true friend.
POWERS: See the truth of love - as threads binding people; Cause lust (orgies); Wings
BACKGROUND: Chris' dads are a very gay, very happy couple who are somewhat overdramatic (being theatre actors) but love with all their hearts. While performing in Paris they prayed they could have a child through their love and nine months later, Chris was dropped on their doorstep in Switzerland. Whether he is the child of all three parents, or of one of them and Cupid, or if he is adopted is unknown.
Chris is seriously loved by them, even though they definitely know something is up because he has large bird-like rose pink wings that show up every so often when he is excited and cannot control himself. His dad isn’t around often, it isn't his nature, but he leaves gifts for him whenever he is in Switzerland, so Christophe doesn't really mind. He has his parents either way!
CHILD OF: Athena
POWERS: Tactics/Strategy; Unshakeable calm
BACKSTORY: Seunggil has a single biologist father who had a one night stand with Athena when in the US for a conference. When he returned to S Korea, a son showed up on his doorstep and after confirming he was his son he rolled with it.
Seunggil was brought up as a scientist, to question everything, which only helps his sense of strategy. He is a calm person but if you rile him up utterly he completely loses it and is terrifying.He also is very interested in coding and technology. He never meets Athena and doesn’t care about it - his father barely knew the woman anyway. 
POWERS: Charmspeaking; See love bonds
BACKGROUND: Phichit’s mothers are devotees to beautiful things, but most especially to dance. Venus saw them dancing and blessed them with a threesome in bed in exchange for them spending an evening dancing for her. Phichit was the result, as they found out several months later.
Phichit, like his mothers, loves beautiful things but prefers selfies and photography as his outlet, he is determined to capture the manmade and natural world in all its diverse beauty! Being able to charm people into doing what he wants means that he can be a little manipulative but he has a very strong moral code generally and would never hurt a friend.
CHILD OF: Morpheus
POWERS: Send people to sleep; Influence dreams
BACKSTORY: Leo's dad has a very long and healthy relationship with Morpheus through his dream scape, where the bright colours of his artistic mind drew the sleepy god. They decided, after much deliberation, that they wanted a son as a sign of their love and to dote upon in the real world. Leo was conceived in a surrogate’s womb, but is of the two men’s DNA. Leo gets visited as regularly as possible by his godly dad in his dreams, as he is unable to leave the underworld to meet in person. He has never doubted that he is loved. He lives in Mexico with his dad but trains in the US / for the US when he gets his bracelet (more on that later)...
POWERS: Fire, Constancy
BACKSTORY: Guanghong parents were unable to conceive and both being pure of heart, were blessed by Vesta so that they could have just one child. He doesn't see her often, but feels close to his godly mother when near a fire or a hearth. He is the emotional centre of his friend group and his sweet nature is pretty much never-ending, also he is asexual.
CHILD OF: Dionysus
POWERS:  Grape Control; Invoke Narcissism and other disorders involving delusion; Makes a party crazy fun when he feels like it (rarely).
BACKSTORY: Mickey and Sara’s mother is a single black mother from a big Italian family. Dionysus didn't want to test his father in Italy, although he probably would have been fine, and decided to leave the Crispinos alone ‘for their own safely’. They pair were raised by their grandmother and long extended family primarily as their mother works. Mickey is protective of Sara for multiple reasons that are Not a sister complex here.
CHILD OF: Dionysus
POWERS: Cause Maenad like madness with a touch; Make wine at will
BACKSTORY: Mickey and Sara’s mother is a single black mother from a big Italian family. Dionysus didn't want to test his father in Italy, although he probably would have been fine, and decided to leave the Crispinos alone ‘for their own safely’. They pair were raised by their grandmother and long extended family primarily as their mother works. Sara is very gay.
POWERS: Create infatuations; Exceptional Beauty
BACKSTORY: Mila has a single father, who is a premier ballerino and remarried when Mila was seven. Mila was a typical Venus ‘one night of passion’ baby, who was dropped off with her father after her birth and then promptly ignored by her mother. She really likes her stepmum actually, who is a ballerina as well. Mila is very beautiful personally and also a dab hand at makeovers.
Phew - that is a lot! Dont worry, anything important will come up in the fic (if I ever write it...)
Now, onto the actual Plot...
ARC 1: Yuuri begins to astral project as a child, while he is still learning to control his powers. Through his astral projection he meets the other demigod kids (the geographically closest first, then he ranges progressively further afield). He makes friends with them all and gets something of a crush on Victor, his skating idol (and pretty lovely guy when he gets to know him in person!) Monsters, able to smell their scent, are coming for them even though they aren't in America and everyone is pretty afraid. Yuuri, having the biggest heart,  decides to try to change that fact of demigod life at just age 11 and he is very very stubborn about it, asking all the gods of the underworld and all the friendly or neutral monsters he sees about it. He hurts himself a lot trying it, but after a year or so he managed to create a bracelet that holds in the demigod 'scent', making his friend safer. The bracelets have to be personalised to the specific powers of each child so the first one goes to Phichit (his first friend). Then he makes them all one as he meets each character in person, either posting them out or giving them at the novice and junior skating competitions he attends. The hardest to create was Victor’s, who as the first child of Persephone is very powerful. Yuuri ends up accidentally putting a piece of his Self into the bracelet as that is the strongest power he has. It is very dangerous but even after his upset mum Hecate told him what he had done, he could;t regret it. The life of his friend was the most important thing!
ARC 2: Aboveworld gods don't care for their kids by and large (see character notes above.). They often forget them as they are not under American jurisdiction and therefore won't fight battles for them. Only The underworld gods and those mentioned above really care. Even as they become friends at competitions and through Yuuri’s projections, the strain of the bracelets wears on yuuri and maybe eventually one bracelet snaps or becomes overwhelmed. No one blames Yuuri but Yuuri, they just didn't realise how tough it was to power the close shielding of their scent. They have to team up to defeat the monsters that come for them. There is a Big Battle Scene and despite their desperate prayer to the above world parents, none can help. The underworld ones do their best but it is the solstice - their absence would be noticed. The arc ends with them all being pseudo adopted by underworld gods.
ARC 3: They all decide fuck the above gods, they won't be beholden to them anymore. The decide to circumvent their monopoly on items such as nectar and ambrosia, in the process setting up in the Underworld and creating their own godly market/culture/empire for those who dont want to use Olympus. In the process, they make friends with or at least win respect from some monsters. who admire their chutzpah, and also their stylish fashion.
ARC 4: Camp Half-Blood need hep with something as of yet undefined ( a prophecy?). Nico knows Victor through the Hades/Persephone connection and also because of their underground empire. Hades favours Victor as an heir despite not being his son because of his love for Persephone and also his strong underworld connection through Yuuri, his boyfriend, who is also an immensely powerful son of the underground. Victor, having survived past his teens, is also very responsible and wise so is a generally good choice. The whole crew agree to visit the camp at Nico's request and to meet their siblings. Drama ensues...
Yes, There are elements not mentioned here (how do Victuuri get together? What about other pairings? What happens at Camp Half-Blood?) but hey, have to leave something for the actual fic. Hope this is interesting to you guys, I spent several weeks daydreaming this. Tell me your head canons if you want, what do you think about my godly parent decisions? I would love to chat about it. <3 <3 <3
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For Mrs. Maria Odeh, a 2004 Theatre Arts graduate of Benue State University, her joy overflowed when she got married to her 37-year-old heartthrob, Joseph Odeh in April, 2007, shortly after completion of the mandatory national youth service scheme.
She met her hubby in Kano, where she was deployed for the programme, and was consumed by a sizzling love affair which transformed to marriage in no distant time. As she signed the dotted lines on the altar, thoughts of an uninterrupted and lively union overwhelmed her, as she danced to the glory of God for giving her a man of her dreams.
That was the situation for several years as the couple settled down at Akwanga, Nasarawa State, and Maria professed her husband’s true love to friends and relations at any opportunity. Her only worry was that she is unable to bear a child, years after their marriage. The couple had sought medical help at the General Hospital, Akwanga, where Joseph was said to have been diagnosed of low sperm count which was treated and normalized in three months.
Maria said though doctors certified her reproductive organs okay after conducting series of tests, she was unable to conceive thereafter. Her consolation, however, was that her spouse did not betray signs of desperation and frustration as the search for the fruit of the womb continued.
However, indications that her luck had been stretched to the limits manifested seven years into the marriage, but she least expected the events that unfolded. “About three years back, precisely towards the end of 2013, my husband suddenly lost interest in me. Whenever I touched him at night, he gave me one complaint or another. It is either he is tired or not in the mood”, she recalled in an interview with Saturday Sun.
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Unknown to her, Joseph was engaged in a secret romance with Joy Agbo, her 24-year-old younger sister who she relocated earlier in the year from her village in Ogbadibo Local Government Area of Benue State to live with them at Akwanga. In her determination to ensure she played her expected role after the demise of their mother, Maria secured admission for her sibling at the College of Education, Akwanga, to study Business Education.
Unfortunately, rather than concentrate on her studies, Joy indulged in illicit sexual affair with her sisters’ hubby. She was away from home daily from dawn to dusk, having secured a job with Patriotic Health Organization, a non-governmental outfit. She had been unemployed for several years, during which she sold second-hand clothes.
Last month, Maria was jolted to the realisation that her beloved husband had betrayed the love and trust she invested in him by not only having an affair with Joy, but also impregnating her. To worsen matters, her husband is resolute on marrying her younger sister, and has shown her a red card if she is unwilling to accept his weird idea.
“In August 2016, I got a job with an NGO as secretary and most times, had to leave home very early in the morning for either Keffi or Lafia, as the job demanded, and closed late by 7.pm. I didn’t know how it happened, but in June this year, I noticed that my younger sister’s breasts increased in size and she looked very heavy. On a close examination, I discovered she was four months pregnant and when I probed further, she told me Joe was responsible for it. I asked her which Joe? She said your own Joe, my husband, but I did not believe it. When I confronted my husband at night, he confirmed it and went ahead to tell me he would marry her; he said if I can’t tolerate it, I should pack my belongings and go. I screamed and cried, and almost died of shock; I immediately called my people on phone and told them what has happened”, she said, sobbing.
Maria says the situation threw her into confusion on her inability to conceive for her husband, more so, as doctors had certified her fertile, and she had no cause to discreetly seek proof through an extra marital affair. “Even my people are as confused as I am; they keep calling me to ask what I wanted to do. After wide consultations with my friends, I am considering divorce. But I will re-marry if I find a genuine person, I can’t stay alone; I need a gentle man to settle down. I will soon file a divorce suit so that I can start a new life; I will definitely remarry if an honest man comes my way, though I won’t be in a hurry,” she said.
It’s divine, says hubby
While Maria is traumatized, her husband has no qualms even as he pointed at the devil for committing the act, which in another breathe, he described as divine. Last week, Joseph affirmed his resolve to marry his sister-in-law in a chat with our correspondent. “I have told my wife that I am responsible for the pregnancy of her sister, and now that she is pregnant for me, she cannot abort it, though it was the devil’s work; if she is not comfortable with it, she can go. We have been married for 10 years, no child; if her people want me to pay the pride price for Joy, I will do it. It is unfortunate, but that is the reality. I’m not a womanizer; I don’t drink beer, ask my friends. I don’t keep girlfriends outside; I don’t know how it happened, but my affair with Joy is divine intervention”, he emphasized.
But his father-in-law, Clement Agbo, has declared his unwillingness to dine with the devil, not even with a long spoon. “We are not in support of what happened, and cannot collect bride price again, from him. I lack words to express my feelings, but I have asked Maria to file a divorce suit; she can’t stay in that house again. For me, I have disowned Joy; she is no longer my daughter. If their mother was alive, she would have supported my position. What Joy and Joseph did is an abomination in our tradition; let them stay together. It is only God that will resolve this shameful matter”, he told Saturday Sun on telephone.
How it happened – Joy
Like Joseph, Joy is also unperturbed over the incident, and is prepared for the worst. “I deeply sympathise with my sister, but Joe told me not to worry about anything, that the issue will be resolved. Since my sister is ready to divorce him, I will keep the pregnancy”, she said, as she gave a blow-by-blow account of how it all happened. Hear her:
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“It started precisely on February 17, this year. That afternoon, when my sister had gone to work and her husband came home from his shop to pick up some items. I was sleeping in the sitting room, and because I was not expecting any of them to return home soon, I didn’t put on pants and my chest was open; in fact I was naked because I was feeling hot. I suddenly slept off, but forgot to lock the entrance door and Joe came in unexpectedly.
Though I was asleep I guess when he saw me naked, he must have been moved to a point that he couldn’t control his libido. Before I realised it, he was already on me with his lip on my breast; my efforts to push him off me failed, and he had sex with me. Before then, he used to take me out to supermarkets, and fast food spots; we became very close, but he never approached me and I didn’t expect such from him, though he kept telling me he was desperate to talk with me.
After that afternoon sex, he knelt down and begged me not to tell anybody; he said it was the devil’s work, but I cried and vowed to tell my sister when she returned; he begged me and promise not to do it again. That day, he gave me N20, 000 for my shopping, and I promised him I wouldn’t tell anybody about what happened.
I don’t know what came over me, as if it was a dream. A few days after, he invited me for an outing and somehow, convinced me and we started making love regularly, as if it was a charm. We were madly in love, and he bought a mobile phone worth N40, 000 for me. At night when he is in his room with his wife, I will be chatting with him from my room; somehow, I became pregnant for him.
I do not intend to abort the pregnancy because the harm has already been done; I apologised to my sister, but she doesn’t talk to with me any longer. I don’t know what is on her mind, but for me, I will deliver the baby and further my education to the university. I deeply sympathise with my sister, but Joe told me not to worry about anything, that the issue will be resolved. Since my sister is ready to divorce him, I will keep the pregnancy; my people are not in support of what I’m doing but they have no choice. It is not my wish, but that is the reality. For me, I love Joseph because he is caring and lovely”.
To be sure, these are trying times for Maria as darkness and despondency set into her once blissful marriage. Things are no longer at ease with her, Joe and her younger sister, Joy. Enveloped in a cloud of uncertainty, she spoke of her moments of joy with Joseph, who also hails from Benue, her home state. Both are of Idoma extraction.
“After my four year programme in the university, I was posted to Kano State for my NYSC, where Joseph who had earlier completed his service and was working as farm manager at Wodi Farms where he served and was retained. I fell in love with him, because he has a charming personality; he exuded an air of confidence, and his poise was breathtaking. He swept me off my feet right from the first day I met him at a market in Kano. We became lovers and our days of beautiful romance were the happiest moments of my life; I was on top of the world and really acted like a girl in love. I married him and was the happiest woman on earth; I love him and he loved me too, but suddenly, all that crashed in one irrational moment”, she lamented. Sad!
The Sun News
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