#can we start calling Adam buttercup can I make that happen
soullessjack · 1 year
learning that Cary Elwes was also Wesley Princess Bride has changed me in ways I can never reverse. Look at himmp ..
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cakerybakery · 1 month
“Oh, fuck me.” Adam muttered, staring down the barrel of the gun.
“Oh, have we gotten to the ‘I’ll do anything if you spare me’ portion of this robbery, sherif?” Lucifer Morningstar, had a cocky smile as he teased the much bigger man.
Adam didn’t say anything as train under their feet clacked its way down the track.
“Well folks, it seems I have your officer of the law at my mercy.” That smirk never quit. “I was going to rob you fine people, but it seems I have a two for one special. I’ll take you money and I’ll take your protection.”
Adam barely grabbed the bag that was tossed at him.
“Now, here’s how it works. The sheriff is going to walk around and collect your valuables into this here sack. If anyone tries anything funny, I shoot him in the fucking head. Maybe you’d be willing to risk your neck but will you sentence a man of the law to death to play hero?” There was silence and Lucifer called them smart.
Doing what he was told, Adam walked around with the bag in his hand and gun aimed for his head.
Lucifer was notorious for only taking from those that can afford to go without. Real Robin Hood type, if Robin Hood kept the money only for himself. He was only after the goods he could get in this one car. It’s why Adam picked it for the stake out.
One of Lucifer’s men stopped the train and, gun to his head, Lucifer walked Adam off the train.
“On your knees.” Adam dropped, the cold steel pressed to the back of his head.
“If anyone tries to be a hero, I’ll blow his fucking brain out. Now get that god damned train going again. If I see it stop, bye-bye sheriff.”
The train started up again and Angel, another one of Lucifer’s men rode up with a pair of horses. Although Angel seemed to spend more time in dresses than pants, so Adam didn’t know if he could call Anthony, aka Angel, a proper man.
Husk, a third member of Lucifer’s crew walked up as the train started to pick up steam once more.
The barrel didn’t pull off the back of his head until t’il the train was out of sight. Adam didn’t have time to do much before he was grabbed by the collar and pulled up into a kiss. Lucifer’s tongue ravaging his mouth.
“Get a room you two.” Husk’s gruff voice interrupted Adam and Lucifer’s make out session.
Lucifer pouted and snuggled his head into Adam’s chest. “But we haven’t seen each other for hours!”
Adam laughed at his husband. Little fucker had probably been whining the whole time too. Almost blew the con to be cheeky.
Well, maybe not almost. But still! It could have happened.
He hauled himself up on Lucifer’s horse and helped pull Lucifer up too. His was back at camp and they needed to ride together. Not that either minded.
“We best get heading back if we want to beat Charlie’s train. She’s arriving in a few days and we still have a full day’s ride to get back.”
“Hard to believe she’s home from college for Christmas.”
Lucifer leaned back against Adam’s chest and let Adam steer old Buttercup back to camp.
“Just think, Lucifer, our little Charlie, of to college to become a doctor cause she wants to help people. Where did we go wrong?” Adam laughed but he was proud of her.
“Perhaps hiding that we’re wanted bandits from her?”
“That might have done it.”
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emphistic · 5 months
i’m afraid i’m not too specific, i just read your pucker up, buttercup and that seems like what happened before they started dating
i honestly don’t know if you’re writing a multi chapter series about this specific sukuna bf or it’s different from each one, but can you do something like his friend hitting sukuna with the “can i like your friend?” about reader so sukuna becomes jealous and claimed reader
if not, it’s alright, looking forward to reading more of your works :))
A/N: hi! just to clear up some confusion, my General Masterlist is full of works that are stand-alones (not in any series) — but i guess some of them could be read as works from the same universe. on the other hand, all works part of my Boy Nextdoor Series Masterlist are in the same universe/au and the same timeline.
anywho, here’s your request
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Sukuna used his jersey to wipe the sweat off his face. The gymnasium was still full of shouts by angry fans, hollers by exuberant fans, and sweaty basketball players — of course including himself.
His team had just won another of their games and all Sukuna wanted to do was to take a quick shower, change, and spend the rest of the evening relaxing, with you. But alas, the duties of a team captain were far from tranquil.
For, he soon heard the squeaking of shoes approaching him. Sukuna didn't turn around, wholeheartedly expecting it to be just another person trying to shoot their shot and get his number. But he was wrong; it was actually quite opposite.
"Yo, Captain! You're close with Y/N, right? Could you maybe hook me up with her? I think she might be the one for me," Jacob — a friend of Sukuna — spoke, in a loud and obnoxiously masculine voice.
Gojo — another of Sukuna's teammates — spits out his water, laughing in the background. "He's gonna be an Adam 2.0*, I'm calling it," Gojo nudged his friend Geto — another of Sukuna's teammates — with his elbow.
*allusion to Oblivion
Sukuna huffed, turning around and raising a brow at the younger man, "Hell no," before walking away to the locker room. Jacob let out an audible 'huh?' before he turned to look at Gojo. "What's his problem?"
"Haha, you seriously don't know, man? Aren't you and Sukuna friends or something?" Gojo continued to laugh.
Geto frowned at his friend's behavior towards Jacob, "Don't worry about it, dude. There's plenty of other fish in the sea . . . just try not to get eaten by shark."
This made Jacob go 'huh?' again.
All the while, Sukuna went to finish up his shower and change, before exiting the locker room and searching for you. He walked up and down the court, waited outside the women's restrooms, looked under the bleachers (in case you had fallen through), but you were no where to be found.
Sukuna was completely and utterly puzzled. Where could you possibly be?
He didn't even get the chance to kiss you after his game; Sukuna's lips contorted into a pout.
Defeated, Sukuna resorted to just going to the parking lot and waiting for you by the car. When he neared the said car and saw your figure already sitting in the passenger seat on your phone, Sukuna started to pick up his pace.
"Hi, baby. Congratulations on your win," you placed your phone onto your lap when Sukuna entered the driver's seat. Sukuna frowned, making you ask, "What?"
"Tch. Nothing," Sukuna crossed his arms.
"You're so demanding," you giggle, pulling Sukuna in by the collar and meeting his lips with yours.
Sukuna smiled against your lips, humming in content.
You pulled away, "Why'd you take so long?"
"Was lookin' for you. But I guess you were already waiting f'me in the car."
"Ah, my bad. Anyways, what should we have for dinner? Or would you rather prefer eating out, since you won your game. It'll be on me," you laced your fingers with Sukuna's on the car's console.
"Let's eat out. And — I appreciate the offer, baby, I really do, but we all know I'm never letting you pay."
The next time you go to another of Sukuna's basketball games, Jacob finally grows the balls to talk to you himself — albeit, he was still confused from last week about why Sukuna wouldn't give him your number.
You mindlessly tap on your phone, waiting for Sukuna to meet you at the bottom of the bleachers — where you currently stand.
Out of the blue, you feel two arms wrap themselves around the curve of your waist before their owner pulls you in for a kiss. Sukuna, you think, as you kiss him back.
"Congrats, baby!" You pull Sukuna closer into a hug.
"Uh huh," that was all Sukuna could say, as he focused on making sure Jacob saw that you were wearing the jersey that he had forced you to wear. His jersey. His last name on your back. His team number.
All the while, Jacob stood with his mouth agape. From that day on, he never tried to approach you, much less looked in your direction ever again, in fear of his captain kicking him off the team.
A/N: Sukuna is such a baby, but he's my baby — this wasn't beta read btw, sorry; i cringe while reading my own writing
Taglist: @starlets-things @sad-darksoul @mochimoee @r0ckst4rjk @lillycore @deepchromatose @yinyinyinyinyinyin @fivehoneyharg @desihopelessromantic @lich1 @hannas16 @acroso
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miraclekittyandbug · 3 years
Ten Questions With a Twist Chapter 6
I. Cannot. TELL you how sorry I am for the delay. It has been a crazy couple of days, but I’m about to post the two final chapters of Ten Questions With A Twist!
~ Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 2 ~ Chapter 3 ~ Chapter 4 ~ Chapter 5 ~ This Chapter ~ Chapter 7 ~
“Hey, Marinette!” Adrien called, waving frantically at the bluenette. Classes had just ended and he wanted to be sure to catch her before she left in a hurry.
Marinette turned and saw Adrien there, red in the face. “Hey Adrien. Are you okay? Did you just… run to find me?”
“Umm… How many more of those questions do you have?” Adrien deliberately didn’t answer the question, for fear of seeming like the desperate mess he had turned into. “You know, from that Black Cat guy?”
A light of comprehension shone behind her eyes, “Oh, those. Just a few. I’m really sorry if they were too invasive or anything. I can always tell him it was a bad idea.”
“No! Actually, I think it’s kind of a fun idea. I’d like to answer the rest of them for you.”
“Oh! That would be great!” She put her backpack on the ground and started digging through it to find the list, a formality at this point, as she had already memorized the questions.
“Why don’t we hang out for a bit? We could go back to your place and answer these questions. Maybe play some Mecha Strike? That good luck charm you gave me might even help me beat you.” Adrien wiggled his eyebrows and Marinette blushed, but laughed. 
“I’m not sure it’s that lucky, but it sounds like fun.” Her eyes widened, “Actually, could you give me just a little bit of time to clean up my room first? It’s in a pretty embarrassing state right now. Meet me at the bakery in twenty minutes?”
“Sounds good P- pal.” Adrien caught himself. He was about to call her Princess, but that would give him away. He had a challenge to win, after all.
It took about fifteen minutes to convince the Gorilla to cover for him, not too difficult to do considering he was supposed to take Adrien to his Chinese lessons directly after school. Adrien simply reminded the Gorilla that a conversation in Chinese with Mrs. Dupain-Cheng was a very practical application of the information he already knew so well. They agreed that he would pick him up from the Dupain-Cheng bakery in about two hours.
Adrien made his way, slowly, to the bakery. 
The bakery, being right across the street from the school, and having such delicious treats, was very busy. Adrien waited dutifully in line and when he got to the counter, Sabine greeted him warmly. He responded in Chinese, explaining that the only way he had talked his bodyguard into letting him come was to promise to practice his Chinese. Sabine smiled and ushered him to the back. She pointed him to the staircase and told him, in Chinese, to follow it until he reached Marinette’s room, and that there would be snacks up there for the both of them. 
Now, at this point, Adrien knew for a fact he was in love with this girl. But if there had been even a sliver of doubt in his mind, it all evaporated when he lifted the hatch to Marinette’s room. 
She must have done a wonderful job cleaning, because apart from some half-finished sewing on a desk and a few balls of yarn on her bed, Marinette’s room was spotless. But that wasn’t what caught his eye. Leaning over her computer, attempting to plug in the game console, Marinette was humming contentedly with a cookie in her mouth. The picture of it all was so endearing, Adrien hated to alert her to his presence. However, he thought it might be creepy if she were to turn around and find him staring, so he cleared his throat.
Marinette made a noise that could only be described as a squeak, and bit down on the cookie, causing a portion of it to fall to the floor. “Adrien! I didn’t see you there! Come on in, I’ve got snacks!”
He climbed the final steps into her room and reached for a cookie, “Don’t mind if I do.”
Once Marinette had plugged in the console correctly and booted up the game, they chose their players and began. It didn’t take long for Marinette to secure a lead, so Adrien thought a distraction was in order.
“So what about those questions?”
Marinette was silent for a moment before speaking, “I know you’re just trying to distract me. But to prove a point, I will ask these questions AND win this round at the same time. Just watch.”
“Jeez, B- Marinette, that’s pretty harsh,” he said, playfully. He was learning that it would be very difficult to refrain from calling her by her nicknames. “Won’t you go easy on me? Please?” Adrien made puppy dog eyes at the screen, leaning forward so that she would hopefully catch a glimpse of his pouty lips and fast blinking eyes. Not two minutes later, he flung himself back into his seat, having been defeated. 
Marinette placed her controller onto the desk in front of them, flashing him a sympathetic look. “And I wasn’t even distracted with those questions.”
“Alright,” Adrien relented, “What are they?”
“Okay, well, the question that seemed to make you sick might not be a good one to start off with…”
Adrien remembered his odd behavior earlier, and how stupid he had been to not see it sooner. “No, really, I’m fine. Shoot!”
“Okay, what’s your dream job?”
Adrien pretended to think, as if this question were a surprise to him, “I’d like to be a stay at home dad one day.”
“That’s so sweet! I’d like to be a designer one day. Have my own fashion line, company, that kind of thing. What’s your favorite movie?”
“The Princess Bride.”
“Isn’t that a bit of a chick flick?”
“There’s sword fighting and pirates and impossible odds! And anyway, what’s wrong with chick flicks?”
Marinette quickly defended herself, “There’s nothing wrong with chick flicks, I guess I pegged you as more of a studio Ghibli guy.”
Goodness, it had been a year or two since his last binge of those movies, “Oh, studio Ghibli is amazing! But still, there’s nothing like Wesley rolling down a hill screaming ‘As you wish’ only for Buttercup to fling herself down with him.”
Marinette started giggling, “I totally forgot about that part! Oh, I’ll have to rewatch that movie sometime soon. Favorite dessert?”
“Easy, the macarons from your parents bakery.”
“Really?” Marinette responded, “I’m flattered! What flavor?”
“That passionfruit one is my all time favorite, but that’s only seasonal. I really like any of the fruit ones.”
“Good to know! The other questions are pretty basic. What’s your name?”
Adrien put on a face and spoke in an accent, “My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die.”
Marinette laughed and Adrien decided it was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard.
“What school do you go to?”
She rolled her eyes, “No, seriously.”
Adrien looked at her, eyes calculating, “Is there a reason you want this guy to know all the answers?”
“No!” she crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair, “We just have to give the guy a chance. And anything he doesn’t guess correctly, I don’t have to tell him. So it’s not like I’m giving him all your information or anything.”
“That’s not what I meant,” Adrien said, leaning forward. Marinette blushed as if she knew exactly what he meant, but he continued anyway. “You like this guy, don’t you? You want him to guess correctly so you can go on a date with him!”
“What?!” Marinette acted repulsed by this, but her blush only deepened, “No way! He’s just a friend!”
“But you want to give him a chance.”
She seemed to hold her breath, making her face even redder, but then released and deflated, placing her head in her hands with her elbows on her knees. “I don’t know. Honestly, I probably like this guy a lot, I’ve just been so caught up on… this other guy for so long. It’s so confusing.”
“Have you thought about meeting him? You know, in person?”
Marinette lifted her head and looked at the ceiling instead, “Yeah. I have. I mean, this black cat guy is my best friend. We tell each other everything. He’s the only one who knows about this big part of my life and I rely on him for so much. He’s so sweet and really understanding about me wanting to keep our real names out of it.”
Adrien winced, but Marinette didn’t notice. He felt awful. She had always been so adamant that they not know each other’s identities. But he just happened upon it! One coincidence led to another, led to some questions, led to a point where he couldn’t turn back. “So you don’t want him to know who you are?”
“Well I wouldn’t say that.” Her hand went to the back of her neck and she rubbed it anxiously. “If we somehow found out, I’d honestly be thrilled. I even went so far as to ask Master F- forum.” Marinette blanched, looking Adrien directly in the eye, “Our forum master. The guy that runs the forum that we chat on. I went so far as to ask him about meeting in real life and he just smiled. He said ‘The wheels of life are in motion, but you cannot determine the speed’. I have no idea what that means, but he’s notoriously cryptic.” Adrien was going to say something, but Marinette was on a rant, so he sat back and listened. “And it’s like, he’s wanted to know for a really long time. Ever since the beginning. But I was so cautious, I said no. I thought it would be dangerous for us and our families.” 
“And you need to be careful, with strangers on the internet.”
“Exactly! Strangers on the internet. But then, almost immediately, I trusted him. Right away, we were inseparable. And now that I want to know, I don’t know what to do.”
Adrien couldn’t help the smile that plastered itself on his face. “Well, Marinette, I’m sure things will work out. And you never know! Maybe he’s a really good guesser.”
“Maybe.” She said, obviously glad to have gotten some things off her chest. “In the meantime, let’s sneak down and grab you a couple of macarons.”
~ Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 2 ~ Chapter 3 ~ Chapter 4 ~ Chapter 5 ~ This Chapter ~ Chapter 7 ~
Next chapter should be up by the time you read this far!
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shesclearlya3 · 5 years
In Case You Don’t Live Forever P.5
pairing: Xavier Plympton x Reader
word count: 1,516
warnings: fluff, cuteness, slightly sad, references of smut/murder, a little cheesy not gonna lie, canon(?)
not entirely proof-read. *title inspired by Ben Platt’s song*
part 1 part 2 part 3
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June 2019
"KEEP UP! Don't need any of you getting lost, now!"
You could hear Montana in front of the group of children following her to their hiking trail. There were seventeen kids in this group, all of them packed with water bottles, sunscreen, and some with cellphones as they saw the beautiful valleys of California. They talked and laughed excitedly when someone tripped up, and from having a good time.
Xavier held your hand as you followed them, making sure nobody strayed too far from the path. He was wearing designer sunglasses, smiling at everything and anyone when they asked where he got them.
"I know a guy," he'd say. 
Camp Redwood was currently in its fifth successful year. One of the siblings from the 1970 massacre decided to open it up, tearing down most of the original cabins and replacing them with nicer, updated ones. His family was full of successful architects, and they wanted to make something good come out of all the tragedy.
People were very skeptical when the news broke in 2013 that the camp was undergoing repairs and construction. The ones who were old enough to remember everything became the harshest critics. When the camp finally opened the next Summer, the number of kids barely filled a school bus. 
Yet, the six of you were there, offering your services as counselors.
After the first year, more and more kids came. It seemed that the Camp Redwood curse was finally broken, and now the children had sleepaway camp eight weeks during the Summer. In the offseason, it was open to entire families, and every Halloween, there was a haunted house, much to your amusement.
Most of the kids had come back year after year until they were not allowed to go back once they were sixteen. It was hard, growing attached to a kid who would soon be too old to come back. 
Finally, they demolished the original kitchen, much to Xavier's relief.
He never went into much detail about what went down that night, and you never pushed him. When Bertie made an appearance, he spent time with her. You'd explore, or read the limited selection of books, or rest. The others liked to spend time with you, you found a good relationship with Ray and Chet over the years. Montana stopped her killing ways once the year 2000 rolled around. 
Once you officially joined their group, Xavier came clean.
You weren't really shocked at Montana's behavior, and Xavier didn't pretend he was innocent, neither. He didn't mind capturing intruders who raided the camp, playing the "lost boy" to gather their trust, before giving them to Montana. He was angry and vengeful what had happened to him, to Bertie, and temporarily being cooked up.
When you died, that's when he killed people.
It wasn't something he was ever proud of. Your death only brought another slew of people who wanted to test their luck, taking pictures and defacing the property, like it wasn't where you and the others lived their final moments. He stabbed people, slashed their throats, even strangling ones who were particularly feisty. 
Finally, Ray was able to get to him, once again explaining this wouldn't be what you wanted. You still hadn't appeared to any of them, you were in limbo, and it pissed Xavier off. Honestly, none you had figured out why certain people came back, and others didn't. Plympton and Duke both should be happy their malicious spirits didn't pay them a visit. 
You and Xavier liked to say your relationship was going on thirty-four years, at least to your group. There was no way in hell you'd say that to outsiders, they'd think you two were crazy. 
Xavier liked to touch you, kiss your hair, neck, lips, he was a man of affection. The kids would giggle and tease him if they caught you two, and Xavier would only roll his eyes and pretend it didn't bother him, giving them smart-ass replies. It was safe to say Xavier was the favorite. 
You hadn't realized they stopped walking, bumping into Xavier's arm. He laughed, reaching down to pinch your butt. "Earth to y/n, you alright in there?" 
"I'm fine, just thinking," you sighed, leaning your head against him. The kids had begged Montana to stop, as you reached the highest point of the hills. It was a fantastic sight to you, seeing kids see nature for the first time. 
"It's our favorite time of the year. Cheer up, buttercup," Xavier said, speaking loudly just to spite the children. A small group of them turned, wrinkling their noses and saying "eeeewww," 
"Y/n and Xavier sitting in a tree," one kid, Adam, started to sing.
"K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" the rest chimed in, causing you to throw your head back and laugh. Montana grinned from the front. Xavier pouted.
"Oh yeah? Well, you guys sounded horrible, thank god we don't have a choir." Xavier said, already starting a rivalry, and the day had barely begun. 
"How about we continue, Montana?" you chirped, trying not to cackle. Some of Xavier's favorite kids stuck their tongues at him, before everybody shuffled forward, more giggles in the air as a kid already tripped. 
"You are so rude to these kids," you teased him, linking your hands together again. 
"They can handle it, they love me," he mumbled, leaning down to kiss your head. 
One of your favorite spots to be with Xavier was on the docks. You were still too high up to place your feet in the water, though. It was lovely sitting there, basking in the moonlight with the love of your life. He held your intertwined hands in his lap, this time leaning his head against you. His blonde hair tickled your nose.
"Xavier?" you whispered.
"y/n?" he replied.
"Do you remember when we said I love you for the first time, together?"
Xavier laughed, "Babe, I remember that day like it was yesterday. What's going on, you've been inside your head all day." he gently squeezed your hand, sitting up. His blue eyes found yours quickly. 
You smiled at his name for you, placing your other hand on top of your connected ones. "I just think about it a lot. You said it took us dying to finally confess our feelings, how long did you... love me?" you asked shyly. 
You knew it was random, bringing this up over thirty-years after it happened. You were just dying to know.
"It was the night you picked me up from Blake's house, remember him?" he asked. You nodded, knowing you wouldn't forget that piece of shit any time soon. "I remember waking up, scared because I didn't know where I was. I had a horrible trip, I didn't want my life to get that bad, you know?" Xavier coughed, trying to hide his discomfort. You squeezed his hand. 
"... He just promised me all of these good things, all of this money that I could use to finally pay off my bills, get us out of our first shitty apartment-"
You frowned, "Xavier-"
"Shh," he said, giving you a gentle smile, "I just... When you picked me up, crying because you didn't know where I was the entire night, smacking me around because you were hurt so badly." he sniffed. "That's when I understood nobody would love me as much as you do."
You had tears in your eyes as you leaned into him, pressing a kiss to his bare shoulder. "I'm sorry for uh, smacking you around," you giggled through your tears. 
"I deserved it, y/n!" he said, cupping your cheeks in his hand before pressing a loud, sloppy kiss to your lips. You were taken by surprise, until-
You broke away from him, turning to see a small group of kids with flashlights, gawking at the two of you. Xavier smirked, waving at them. 
"That's what you get for eavesdropping!" he called after them after they scurried away, their lights bobbing around in the dark. 
"You just love torturing them, don't you?" you laughed. 
"It's the second-best part of my day,"
"And the first?" you asked, leaning closer to him. Your lips brushed together, feeling the heat bubbling between you and between your legs. 
"In the kitchen with Bertie-" he began, laughing at the surprised look on your face. You went to give him a playful smack, but Xavier disappeared. You looked around, hoping none of the kids had seen that.
"Xavier!" you giggled quietly, trying to hide it. 
"y/n," you heard in your ear, causing you to jump and scream loudly.
"DON'T DO THAT!" you said through your laughter, feeling his arms wrap around you from behind. Xavier helped you up, pressing another kiss to your lips. 
"I'll show you the best part of my day," he mumbled, trailing small kisses from the corner of your lips to your jawline. "Let's hope the others don't take a shower any time soon." 
You and Xavier took off towards the showers, laughing the entire way. 
"I love you more than you'll ever wrap your head around, Xavier Plympton,"
Thank you so much to all of you who supported and loved this story as much as I did. I never thought it would get the attention it received, it was heart-wrenching in so many ways, but I needed this story to be told. The next multi-chapter story will be of Foreign Exchange!Michael. If you want to be on that taglist, let me know!  -----
taglist: @thexmancometh​ @the-walking-daryl​ @trichy-knitts​ @shydragonrider​ @thefandomzoneisdangerous​ @lemonwhiskers​  @jetblackpayne​ @langdonsvcrd​ @okoktrinity22​ @uwonman​ @stefanmikaleson1864​ @sevenwonderwitch​ @rubbrninja
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thorne93 · 5 years
Unforeseen Chasm (Part 28)
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together.
Word Count: 4516
Warnings: Language, fighting,arguing,jealousy,trust issues,torture flashbacks,angst
Song for this part: Time by NF
Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my novels). It’s a collaboration with the amazing @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​. It started as a funny “What if…?” and it evolved and got huge. This took two years to write. We are both proud and happy and we hope you enjoy it. It follows from Thor 1 to Endgame in the MCU. Some of the timelines may be off in order to fit certain people, and some characters may show up earlier or in different ways than they have in the movie. But for the most part, it follows the MCU. It also has a bit of crossover with some other Marvel characters throughout the story.
Masterlist for Unforeseen Chasm
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The day had finally come for you to leave the cell. When Shannon had told you she got all the obstacles tackled, you were in awe. How did she convince Fury to let you out? Then again, it seemed everyone did whatever Shannon asked of them.
But she had told you that you being out had to be a secret and to do your best not to be seen by anyone. This was strictly a need to know basis, and so far, only five people knew.
It was early morning when Shannon came down to receive you. She was on the phone with someone, when suddenly Kurt appeared in your cell. It made Loki jump slightly and frown. He probably wasn’t expecting it. You had to make the escape fast so no one would see it on the cameras so you kissed Loki quickly, and Kurt grabbed your hand, and you were suddenly in an SUV with pitch black tinted windows.
“Thanks, Kurt,” you said with a smile as you saw who was driving. “Hi, Steve,” you greeted with a coy smile.
“I will see you at the mansion, ya?” Kurt said, his accent heavy.
“See you there.”
And with that, he was gone.
Shannon was still in the cell room, talking to Loki. “I am not sure when we’ll be back, but if you could do your Loki thing and cast an illusion of Y/N/N while we’re gone…”
“I’m already ahead of you,” he stated with a smile as a carbon copy of you walked out of the bedroom, reading something.
“That’s… incredibly unsettling,” she commented. She shivered and shook her head, then gave him a beaming smile. “But, for our purposes, it’s great. Thank you.”
“Anything I can do to help.”
She grinned, nodded, and left, meeting you in the SUV, sitting in the passenger seat.
“Are we really supposed to trust you?” Steve asked, catching your eyes in the rearview mirror.
“No,” Shannon stated, and you started to feel disappointment run over you before she added, “You’re supposed to trust me.”
This made you smile quietly to yourself in the backseat.
Steve checked the traffic, and then pulled out. In order to alleviate some of the tension in the car, Shannon turned on the radio and the ride upstate was rather… pleasant. You stared out at the city the entire way, taking in people, the way they talked, moved, walked. It was amazing how several months without much human interaction could really make you go stir crazy. You were hungry for all the lights, the noises, the sights… Even watching people walking a dog, or grabbing coffee made you smile.
The ride upstate turned from the city, to the country and it was just as stunning as the city. Asgard was like a golden heaven, it truly was beautiful, but all you had known for nearly the past two years was one desolate, windy rock, and an isolated cell with four rooms.
As soon as you turned into the familiar drive, you were nearly like a kid arriving at Disney World. You could hardly contain the excitement. Once Steve parked the car, you jumped out, making him nervous.
“Woah,” he said, getting out and holding his hand up.
“What?” you asked, confused.
“Just...slow down,” he said, eyeing you.
“Yes, Captain,” you said with a polite smile as you folded your hands behind your back and stepped in front of him, so that he could keep an eye on you as Shannon went up to the door and knocked. Storm let the three of you inside, where you stood in the foyer, trying to remember the last time you’d come here.
In an instant, it seemed like the foyer was filled with X-Men. Kurt had appeared, Jean and Scott came up holding hands, Logan, Jubilee, and Marie were all there. Charles arrived only a second later, where he and Shannon traded a hug and he smiled to you, welcoming you back to the mansion.
“Thank you, Professor,” you said sweetly before glancing to Jean and bounding over to her. “Jean! Scott!” you greeted wrapping them both in a tight embrace.
“And just where is my hello?” A cajun drawl suddenly pulled your attention away.
Your head snapped up to the top of the stairs where Remy stood, a shit eating grin on his face.
“Remy!” you all but squealed, dashing up the stairs to greet him.
Without any warning, Steve launched into his super soldier mode and took off quickly. He hurled over the circular wooden table in the middle of the foyer, knocking over the vase full of flowers, before he bounded up the stairs and grabbed your biceps, pulling them behind you.
“What the--?” you asked calmly, looking to see what had just happened. “Steve? What the hell, man? Let me go. I’m just trying to hug my friend.”
The X-Men shared a look of strong confusion, but Charles simply waved it off.
“Steve, it’s okay, let her go,” Shannon commanded. “She’s known Remy for a long time.”
Remy gave Steve an incredulous look before Steve stepped back one step and let you go. Ignoring your perplexion over the event that just occurred, a warm smile spread on your face and you wrapped your arms around Gambit.
“How have you been?” you asked.
“Uh, Y/N/N, we need to utilize our time here,” Shannon reminded, making you turn around.
“What? Hmm, oh! Right! Point me wherever I need to go,” you said happily.
Charles spoke up. “Jean, Logan, and Remy, go with Y/N. Shannon, my dear, you can come with me and Scott.”
With that, everyone went their separate ways. Charles escorted Shannon to the large training room, while Steve, Logan, Remy, and Jean showed you to another training room underground in the backyard.
When Charles got settled in, he began questioning Shannon.
“So when did this start?”
“I think it was around the time I ran into… what was that kid’s name that had the emotional power? Where he could feel what people felt?” she asked.
“Ah.. Adam, the empath,” he remembered. “And you think that’s what’s wearing on you?”
She shrugged lightly. “It’s the only thing I noticed. When I use any of my powers, I get a little weak. But it’s nothing like what’s compared to when I have an emotional high or low,” she informed.
“Interesting… so the powers themselves aren’t bothering you, but your emotions are wearing on you?”
She bobbed her head side to side.
Just then the infamous Wade Wilson comes skipping in having heard that his favorite none avenger was in the mansion.
“ Spicy Buttercup!” he stops right in front of her and lifts her off the ground in a strong hug. “It’s been way too long since the last time I saw you.” he mock pouts knowing she wouldn’t believe it.
“Too tight….Wade” she gets out feeling light headed from his surprisingly strong grip. “Hah! Wow it has been a while also you never come by I told you, you’re always welcome.” she brushes her hair back and takes a deep breath in.
Steve had moved to stand closer unaware that the man in the mask was a friend of Shannon’s. “If you could not do that, it would be very appreciative.” he said in a stern tone noticing how she was taking a moment to catch her breath. “We’re a little busy at the moment, would you mind letting us get back to it?”
“Well hello to you too star spangled man,” he snorts and bumps his shoulder with her. “What’s up his butt?” he shakes his head and looks to Shannon for an answer. “Did stark finally get you a babysitter!” he laughs at his own joke.
“Hahaha very funny Wade, and no Steve’s just a little protective of me with my powers going haywire lately.” she bumps her shoulder back into his. “And Steve has a point there’s something that we are doing that's a little more important.” She makes it to move near Charles.
“Hey wait a darn damn minute!” he playfully scowls. “How come everyone else gets to hang with you and I don’t?” he cocks his head to the side. “I thought I was the fun friend.”
“Wade.. you are the fun friend.” she giggles at his expressions behind his mask. “How about this you let me do this and we can hang out and watch a movie or something?” she offers hoping it’ll satisfy the man-child
“Alright fine! But the moment they finish I'm stealing you away!” he claims looking at everyone to let them know he was serious. “Your treat by the way I’ll be in the background letting all you guys work.” he gives Shannon a peck on the cheek and moves to give them space.
“Okay doll you get your stuff done i’m gonna go keep an eye on Y/N make sure she’s keeping out of trouble,” he hugs his friend and walks off. “Call me if you need anything.”
“I will Stevie and be nice to her would’ya?” she smiles at the Cap but he was out of earshot. She turns to the professor. “Now where were we?” she motions to the man to continue where he left off.
“Lie back and let me run some tests,” he offered. With that, Hank entered the room and they began talking to her as if she were in a doctor’s office. They hooked up electrodes to her head and placed heart monitors on her.
“So tell me about these new powers,” Jean coaxed.
“Well… Long story short, I went to Asgard,” you began explaining.
“Mhm, and what happened there?” she urged, looking at her clipboard.
“Well, we found out that the longer I was on Asgard I got the same power Remy does,” you informed, glancing to your friend. “I could take the potential energy of any object, and turn it kinetic, as well as absorb energy that’s thrown at me.”
“And that’s bad?” she inquired, perching an eyebrow.
You shook your head. “No, no, that isn’t what the problem is. That power is a part of me, but… But I got pushed into a bad situation and someone gave me another power, a dark one. This one is just straight energy, but whenever I’ve used it, I’ve felt angry. It’s just so… dark.”
She nodded, frowning, looking at her notes. “Okay, let’s do this. Let’s get your blood going, get you angry, and let’s see what triggers this power.”
You bobbed your head.
“Why don’t you and Remy do some contact training? You did say you had the same power as his, right?”
Again, you nodded.
Luckily, the training room had a few objects you could use -- yoga ball, sports balls, weights, metal rods, vases, glasses, empty cans.
“Are you okay with that, Rem?” you asked, glancing to him.
“Whatever I can do to help, cher,” he said with a lilt and a wink.
The two of you took your positions opposite of each other, getting ready to spar.
“Begin whenever you’d like,” Jean sweetly instructed as she stood off to the side with Logan and Steve.
You picked up an empty can, charged it, and threw it at Remy, who deflected it easily. A grin popped onto both of your faces. This grin suddenly sparked something very competitive in both of you and the training quickly became rapid fire shots and dodges. The two of you were throwing anything you could get your hands on. You started out small, but Remy was building up impressively quick. One second it was empty cans and vases, the next, you were lifting entire gym machines and launching them. On the very last one, Remy had to tuck and roll.
“Y/N, have you used your dark energy, at all yet?’
You turned and faced Jean, frowning. “Uh, no, I guess I haven’t.”
“Go ahead and try that for me,” she suggested.
“Um… I don’t know. On Remy it might be too much,” you said, looking to your friend and shaking your head.
“Don’t worry about me, mon cheri,” he assured, nodding towards you, encouraging you. “We gotta find out what’s eatin’ away at ya, don’t we?”
“I suppose,” you said uneasily. You lifted your hands, ready to fire the dark energy, but when you did… it didn’t reach him. The dark purple, electric looking power barely fizzled out of your hands. “What the hell?” you asked, peering down at your hands.
“Interesting,” was all Jean could say.
“All that talk and no action,” Logan mocked from the back corner. You stared back at him, an unreadable expression on your face.
“Try again,” Jean urged.
You turned back, getting ready to aim the power at Remy. You lifted your hand, felt the charge under your skin, the tingling in your hand, but when you actually pushed it from your body -- it simply fell to the floor.
“I don’t know what’s happening,” you stated, staring down at your hands with worry. What if they thought you were lying about needing help?
“When was it at its peak?” Jean asked.
Her question made you think back to months ago when you were a monster, when you were hurting everyone you loved. You flinched involuntarily, it didn’t go unnoticed by the others.
“When I… when I was trying to take over New York,” you explained, shame entangling in your voice and body language.
“How’s everything going in here?” Shannon suddenly asked, stepping into the bunker style training room.
Seeing her felt like a wave of fresh air and sunshine. You instantly straightened up and smiled.
“We’re trying to get to the bottom of exactly what makes her dark power so powerful,” Jean explained. “She said it had to do with the terrorist attack on New York and her hand in it?” she said, looking a little puzzled as she turned to Shannon.
She looked to you silently asking if she could explain what had exactly happened and how you were involved in all of it. You nodded your approval.
“Well it’s a long story but to summarize her hand was forced into helping another Asgardian open up the portal to letting the creatures in. At the time she brainwashed and was completely unable to do anything but do as told or fear losing not only her life but seeing the lives of her loved ones taken one by one before her,” she said trying to keep it as clean and with little detail possible so as not to shed a bad light on you, she knew how much their opinion of you mattered.
You looked to her and silently thanked her for not telling them of all the horrible things you had done to her and the people that you cared about. You felt as if though they were looking at you in a different light and began shrinking in on yourself and she could see that this topic was beginning to bother you.
“There is one hint I will give you as to what happens to be a part of what triggers her dark energy,” she said looking at Jean.
“Well, what is the hint Shannon?” Jean asked, wanting to figure out quickly how to help you.
“Your hint is a who, rather than a what, that goes by the name Loki,” she went on to say.
“And who might this Loki be?” Gambit asked her, looking to you curiously.
“He’s a man that she is very connected to,” was all that Shannon had said. She really had no place in telling them of who exactly Loki was to you so she kept it at that. She also realized that there was indeed a connection between the dark energy and Loki, Shannon remembered how upset you got when you two had been fighting and she kept bad mouthing him and your powers getting stronger.
The very first session of testings were out of the way. Shannon had gone off to speak to someone at the mansion and told you she’d see you back at the tower later on. Not being one to waste time, she quickly went to look for her masked friend.
“Wade? Wade Wilson if you don't appear in the next 2 minutes I'm heading home!” she giggled feeling someone’s emotions were playful. She walked closer to where he had been earlier with her. “Hmmm, I guess I’ll have to find someone else to go eat some chimichangas with.” she shrugs her shoulders and makes to leave the room.
“Woah there! Now just wait a minute no one else likes chimichangas as much as I do.” He rushed to stand in front of her. 
“I got you!” She smirked. “Come on dork lets go catch up.”
“Hey no fair.” He mock pouted. “You used my weakness against me.” 
“That's what happens when you have a spy as a friend.” She smiled up at him.
He pulled her close and messed with her hair. “Alright off to go watch a movie what are you in the mood for?”
 The two had walked to the lounge area and spent the rest of the afternoon together. Wade had made a ton of questions about the event of New York, the issues that occured between her and you. She had left feeling a bit  better about what happened, she knew she could always count on Wade to help her.
Kurt popped you back into the cell and left instantaneously, as to not be seen by Tony or any other prying eyes. Loki dismissed his illusion of you that was currently sitting on the couch with a mug.
“Was she good company?” you asked with a coy grin before sitting next to Loki on the other couch.
“She was... Didn’t talk much, but then again, isn’t that a good thing with girlfriends?” he teased and you shook your head at him. “How was it?”
“It was… good, I suppose. They don’t know what triggers my powers. Well, we might know, but they need to run more tests.”
“So...you’ll have to go back?” Loki inferred.
“Probably. We’re thinking it will be in two days. Shannon can’t exactly keep sneaking out without raising suspicion,” you informed with a shrug. “I just hope it goes a little better than it did today,” you remarked, getting up to go make a drink and make Loki something for dinner since he couldn’t cook for himself.
“Oh? Why? I thought you said it went well?” he questioned, concerned.
“It was,” you answered, “until Steve almost tackled me.”
“The soldier? What on Midgard for? What could you have possibly done?”
You turned to face him. “It’s silly really. I was running to hug my friend Remy and--”
“Your friend?” he questioned, frowning at you, the slightest tone of anger in his voice.
“Well, yes.You remember Remy. I told you about him. We kind of grew up together in the same foster home,” you explained. “He’s a character,” you said with a laugh. “You may like him.”
Loki closed his eyes and held his hands up. “Wait… So while I waste away in this cell, you went and had brunch with friends?” he asked, his voice rising dramatically.
“What? No. It’s not like that. I was exhausting myself physically and mentally trying to figure out why I feel so different. Trying to find a way to feel normal. I thought you were fine with this?” you asked. “You told me to go find answers.”
He shouted, “Yes! Answers! Not off having mimosas with some man you used to know!”
“I wasn’t off ‘having mimosas’,” you mocked in his voice. “I was trying to figure out what the hell that asshole put in my head, in my body!”
“Okay so you just think Shannon was helping you out of the kindness of her heart?” he pressed.
“Yes, I do. What else would she be doing?” you challenged.
“How do we know she wasn't just installing more surveillance when she gave you that tablet?” Loki asked as you worked on making him tomato soup in the small kitchen.
“What? Loki, there are literally cameras in every room except the bathroom. What more could they install?” you asked incredulously.
“I’m merely saying… do you trust her?” he said as he stood close to you like a shadow.
“I guess,” you answered unsure. Sure, she got you out for the day, and she helped you, and respected your privacy about New York and Loki, but both of you had a long way to go before there would be full trust again. She was still on the side of the heroes, and you on the villains afterall.
“Your level of confidence astounds me,” he mocked.
You sighed, frustrated at you laid down the stirring spoon. “I don’t know, Loki. She says she believes us, she came inside the cell--”
“Romanoff, the spy? She fooled me on that helicarrier. Shannon did the same thing to me in this tower. She pretended to be you for gods’ sake, and stabbed me in the back.”
“And I threw Tony out the window,” you reminded with a gleeful, fake smile, sarcasm behind it. “We’re pretty even.”
Loki took a deep breath before he said, “All I am saying is that she doesn't exactly stand on moral high ground. We don’t know her intentions. Coming in here, saying she believes us, all of that could’ve been a ruse. Trust me, I’m a master of trickery.”
“Moral high ground? Have you forgotten what we did?” you asked, turning to him.
“No,” he told you flatly, his eyes cold. “But she stabbed me in the back, Y/N. Not figuratively, like I do, but literally. What if she does the same to you?”
“Stab me or betray me?” you teased.
He gave you a cold look. “Neither is a joking matter,” he chastised.
You rolled your eyes. “Lok, she isn’t going to do that.”
“Oh, you’re right,” he said, putting his hand on his forehead dramatically. “I forgot that humans are so prone to forgiveness.” He gestured to the cell around you, looking at the concrete walls outside the glass cell.
You pursed your lips. “What do you want me to do?” you asked in a huff. “Send her away? You want me to say, ‘Oh, no, Shannon, that’s fine. I only spent the better part of a year trying to get you to come and see me, to forgive me. But now that you believe me, you can go’.” You crossed your arms and stared at him.
“No, I just… I want you to be cautious. I don’t want you getting hurt by her. I can't bear to watch it,” he stated.
“You know, not everyone is a fucking snake, looking how to double cross someone. That’s pretty much your department,” you snapped, shoving napkins in his chest as you started to walk to the bedroom. “Your soup is done.”
Loki stood, hurt evident on his face, sighing in frustration before he turned around. “The last I checked, that was hers. She was raised to lie, to gather information on the enemy. Or am I wrong?”
You froze.
“Look me in the eye and tell me I’m wrong. That her background doesn’t lay solely in lies, betrayal, pretending…” He demanded. “I may be a snake. I may do what’s best for me, but at least all my friends and foes know that. I don’t pretend to hide behind some innocent facade,” he hissed.
You turned and slowly advanced on him, your eyes dark. “I thought you were happy for me? I thought you were happy for us? She’s on our side! Tony couldn’t care less if we rot down here. She might be our only chance at ever getting our freedom! She got me out today. She is trying to get me help! And even if she wasn’t, even if we never got our freedom, that’s okay, because we don’t deserve it. I’m lucky she even wants to look at me after what I did...Just her talking to me is just as good as freedom. Why can’t you see that?”
In low tone, he looked down at you and said, “Because I can never see the good in people. If you always expect people to betray you, you’ll never be disappointed.”
You flinched away from him. “Is that what you think about me? That one day I’ll betray you? That one day I’ll somehow leave your side?”
His wild blue eyes met yours for a long moment before looking away.
Tears sprang to your eyes. “Wow. How fantastic. Does nothing I did prove my love to you? I lost my freedom for you. I stabbed my best friend for you. I threw Iron Man out a fucking window for you. I jumped into a portal for you. I endured brainwashing and hellish conditions for you. And you still think that I could just turn on you?”
“You wouldn’t be the first,” he remarked with hatred. “If history has taught me anything, it’s that I will always end up standing on my own. Remind me again who got to leave this cell today and who didn’t.”
You pulled away from him even farther. In a whisper, you asked, “How could you even say that to me? I have been by your side through everything when no one else was. I never once said, ‘This is all Loki’s fault. I plea insanity, let me go.’”
“Ah, so there it is. You do think it’s all my fault.”
“That’s not what I said,” you argued through clenched teeth.
“It’s just a matter of time before you cast me aside like all the others. You’re already leaving without me, maybe one day you just won’t return.” A cold smile fell on his lips as he cocked his head to the side.
“Maybe this is why!” you cried. “Did you ever think of that? Maybe it’s because you expect the worst from people and eventually they’re tired of trying to show you that you’re wrong, so they just betray you anyway. It’s easier just to prove you’re right, rather than to constantly fight to prove you wrong!”
“Then it’s best I do it first, before they do it to me,” he said, his eyes narrowing as his voice got low.
You held up your finger, warning him, “Shannon is a good person. So long as she doesn’t hurt you or me, we will go on trusting her and believing her. Do you hear me?”
“Loud and clear darling,” he cooed darkly.
“Just… eat your soup,” you said finally before turning and going into the living room to read. You sat with your back to him, hoping he wouldn’t hear you crying. Of all the people you could fight with, you really didn’t want it to be the one man you were literally stuck with for the rest of your life.
Was this your life now? Constantly choosing between Loki and other people? Choosing Loki or freedom? Choosing Loki or a normal life?
Tag List: @essie1876​ @magpiegirl80​ @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked​ @iamwarrenspeace​ @marvel-imagines-yes-please​ @superwholocked527 @missinstantgratification​ @thejemersoninferno​ @rda1989​ @munlis​ @thefridgeismybestie​​ @bubblyanarocks3​​ @igiveupicantthinkofausername​​ @kaliforniacoastalteens​ @feelmyroarrrr​​ @kaelingoat​ @friendlyneighbourhoodweirdo​​ @damalseer​​ @heyitscam99​​ @yknott81​​ @sorryimacrapwriter​​ @glitterquadricorn​​ @xxqueenofisolationxx @little-dis-kaalista-pythonissama @bittersweetunicorm​​ @alyssaj23​​ @sea040561​​ @princess76179​​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​​ @sarahp879​​ @malfoysqueen14​​ @ellallheart​​ @breezy1415​​ @marvelmayo​​ @random-fluffy-pink-unicorn @cocosierra94 @hardcollectionworldtrash @capsmuscles @marvelloushamilton
Loki: @lostinspace33​​ @ultrarebelheart​​ @lenawiinchester​​ @esoltis280​​ @tngrayson​​ @wangdeasang​​ @harrymewmew @jayfantasyatyourservice​​
36 notes · View notes
himluv · 5 years
Another Solavellan oneshot, because this is my life now. Set a week or so after A Different Kind of Truth.
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Riallan stood at the war table with her advisors and mulled over what her next steps should be. The Hinterlands were rift-free now, and she’d rescued their soldiers from the Avvar. She knew that she could only delay sealing the Breach for so much longer, but she was adamant that the mages get settled and rest before she called upon them. She could return to the Storm Coast, but she’d only just felt like she’d dried out after the Mires. She wasn’t sure she could handle another week of rain.
“Herald,” Leliana said.
“Hmm?” Riallan looked up to see the ghost of a smile on the Nightingale’s lips.
“It is getting late,” she said. “Perhaps we could continue this in the morning?”
She looked around the table, at the knowing look between Jospehine and Leliana, at the distinctly uncomfortable look on Cullen’s face, and Cassandra’s barely concealed excitement and knew that they were up to something.
It couldn’t be later than five, and they’d worked well past that before, but she didn’t argue. “If you think that’s best,” she said.
Josephine shuffled her papers into a tidy pile. “I know I could use the time. We have several dignitaries from Orlais requesting a tour of our operations.”
“How exciting,” Cullen said, a wry smile on his lips.
“Riveting,” the ambassador said. “If you have need of me, I will be in my office.” She left the room and thus released them from the spell of the War Council.
Cassandra followed Riallan out of the Chantry. “What will you do with your evening?” She asked.
“I’m not sure,” she said. “Maybe I’ll have dinner in the tavern. It’s been awhile since I’ve irritated Sera.”
The Seeker snorted. “It does not take much.”
She smiled. “Sometimes it’s the simple things, Cassandra.”
“Maker knows, that is the truth.” They paused at the side door to the tavern. “Have a good evening, Herald.” It was an oddly formal farewell, but then, Riallan thought Cassandra was frequently oddly formal.
“You too, Seeker.” Inside the tavern was loud, the evening festivities well underway. Maryden strummed her lute and sang an upbeat song, one a few folks seemed to have already learned.
“This one’s ‘bout me!” Sera crowed when she spotted Riallan. She bounced her head along to the beat, a giant grin on her face. “Catchy, innit?”
She listened for a moment and had to admit that it was. “Not too bad.”
“Yeah. Wait a tick,” she squinted at Riallan. “What are you doin’ here?”
“In the tavern?” Riallan looked around, waiting for the punchline.
“Yeah, you’re s’posed to be--”
“-- in meetings!” Varric said, joining their conversation. “You’re always in meetings.”
“Right, yeah. Always stuck blabbing with ol’ curly hair and stabby whatsit.”
She looked between them and crossed her arms. “All right. You’re being weird.” Sera opened her mouth, but Riallan cut her off. “Weirder than usual. What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” Varric promised. He covered his mouth so Sera couldn’t see his lips. “Between you and me, Buttercup has had one too many.”
Sera blew a raspberry at him, but didn’t otherwise deny his claim.
“If you say so,” she said. “I’m going to order dinner. If that’s all right with you two?”
Varric raised his tankard to her and smiled. “By all means, Herald.”
If she thought her companions were acting strangely, the bartender confirmed all of her suspicions that her friends were up to something.
“Good evening, Flissa,” she said.
“Your worship,” the woman said, promptly ignoring the two other patrons that sat at the bar. Riallan felt bad, but neither man seemed to care. “Order anything you like. I’ll have it sent to your quarters straight away.”
“My quarters?” She had planned to eat with Varric and Sera. Maybe even see if Bull and Dorian wanted to join them.
“Yes, Ma’am.” She smiled, but her nervousness soured the expression. “We’ll bring it to you, just like he said to.”
“Like who said to?” What was going on in this village?
Flissa covered her mouth with one hand. “Oh. Oh no. I’ve ruined it, haven’t I?”
“Considering that I have no clue what is happening, I don’t think so Flissa.” She smiled, finding the woman’s good-natured panic actually endearing.
“Oh good!” She ran her hands through her hair, then rested them on her hips. “Now what can I get for you, Herald?”
Riallan ordered a larger meal than usual, one with more red meat than she would typically eat. She had a reason to treat herself this evening, after all. She waved to Varric and Sera on her way out, both of whom lifted their glasses to her as she went.
Once outside, she looked up the stairs to where Solas usually stood, but he wasn’t there. The wind bit at her as the sun set behind the mountains, so maybe he’d just gone indoors to avoid the cold. But she didn’t think so; that would be too convenient. He was up to something.
It wasn’t until she stepped into her cabin that she remembered their conversation in the Fade all those nights ago. They’d been so busy, traipsing through the Hinterlands, solving so many problems that she’d completely forgotten they’d even talked about her birthday.
Solas clearly had not.
In the center of her room stood a large tub, steam rising off the water in gentle wafts. It smelled wonderful, like crystal grace and lavender, fresh and floral. The fragrance alone made her want to climb into the tub and let all of her troubles melt away.
But there was more than just a warm bath waiting for her.
A small table sat next to the basin. On it sat a bottle of Antivan Red accompanied by a delicately stemmed glass, a leather-bound book, and a note. As much as her fingers itched to open the book, she started with the note. His handwriting was unsurprisingly neat, the letters crisp and swooping into one another. Somehow, the words looked just how he sounded.
I hope you do not consider this impertinent, but I do not think it unreasonable you have an evening to yourself. Unfortunately, I could not avoid including some of the others in my plans; getting ‘fancy Orlesian soaps’ on such short notice would have been impossible without Leliana’s assistance. The wine is a gift from Lady Montilyet. She assures me that this vintage is particularly satisfying. Dorian crafted the rune heating the water, which he insisted I mention. The book is a gift from me.
I hope all is to your liking.
Annar’vegara’shenathe nuvenehn,
She stared at the note, blinking back sudden tears. Riallan knew he was thoughtful, that was readily apparent from their conversations in the Fade. But she couldn’t help thinking that this was an awfully big gesture coming from him. She set the note down and took up the book with trembling hands.
She had no idea what to expect in a gift from Solas. Maybe a text about magic, or ancient Elvhenan, if such a thing existed. But the soft, leather cover held neither of those things. It was a sketchbook, and now she recognized it as the book he’d carried with him during their travels so far. She’d noticed him drawing, of course. He’d spent many an evening with the book on his lap, a soft ball of light hovering over the pages as he sketched beside their campfire.
She had no idea what he drew, and she hadn’t wanted to pry. Now she held the answer in her hands. The first few pages were mostly landscapes, quick sketches of rocks and creeks and trees. She recognized some of the landmarks from her time in the Hinterlands. She leaned against the edge of the tub, fascinated by this glimpse into his point of view.
The next drawing was so detailed it barely qualified as a sketch. She recognized the long, bony fingers and the lines in the palm as her own, even with the gash of the mark down the center. There were notes in his tidy script around the drawing, so small she had to squint to make them out.
On the back of that page was a rough sketch of her face. Her brow was furrowed, eyes closed, the lines of her vallaslin drawn in light dashes on her forehead and cheeks. Even though the sketch was obviously a quick one, she felt breathless at how accurate the image was.
After that there were more drawings of members of the Inquisition. Cassandra and Varric, Leliana, even Cullen and Jospehine. They all made their appearance in the pages of Solas’ mind. There were depictions of the Breach and the demons that appeared through the tear in the Veil. Those pages were often shaded with aggressive strokes, the graphite smeared and angry.
As she flipped through the pages she got a sense of the timeline of the book. It started with his journey to Haven, then his time watching over her, followed by the first days of the Breach and the Inquisition. Toward the middle of the book were drawings of plants and animals, familiar landscapes from their travels so far.
And the closer to the present she came, the more she saw her own face staring back at her. Looking back over her shoulder. Sitting at the fire, a smile on her lips. Sitting with her back to him, looking out over the water of the Fallow Mire. There was even one of her barefaced with long hair, as she’d been as a child. As he’d seen her in her dream.
Riallan flipped the page and met with blank space. She blinked, turning pages to find more of his drawings, but the remainder of the book was empty.  Her heart sank, the disappointment heavy in her chest. She would have looked at his drawings the whole night if she could. She cradled the book to her and wondered at receiving such a gift. She had no words for what it meant to her.
A knock at her door announced the arrival of her dinner. Flissa brought it herself, hemming and hawing and generally making a fuss. She left it on the table beside the tub and wished Riallan happy birthday, which made the elf blush.
Once she was alone, she eyed the tub. The rune would keep the water warm and she wouldn’t be gone long enough for the food to go cold. Her mind made up, she held the sketchbook tight against her chest and hurried out into the cold night air.
She hesitated at his door for just a moment; she’d never been inside his cabin before. And despite his presence in hers only a few weeks ago, she feared she was intruding. Then she thought of the tub, the wine, and the book in arms.
She knocked gently and instantly worried he wouldn’t hear her. But of course he did.
“Riallan,” he greeted, surprise on his face. He looked her up and down and realized she must be cold. “Come in.”
She stepped over the threshold and turned to him before he’d even closed the door. “Thank you,” she said. She couldn’t keep the blush from her face or the tremor from her voice, but she refused to let that stop her. “You didn’t have to do all this. The wine, the soaps, this book? Really, it was more than--”
He shook his head but a smile played at the edges of his mouth. “I hardly acted alone,” he said. “Did you read my note?”
She rolled her eyes. “Of course I read the note! But, Solas, this book?” She shook her head. “It’s amazing. I knew you enjoyed drawing, but I had no idea you were so talented.”
He looked away, suddenly bashful under her gaze.
“I can’t keep it,” she said.
He looked up at her sharply, hurt flashing across his face. She held the book out for him to take, but he didn’t move. He eyed the sketchbook and swallowed before reaching out to take it.  “May I ask why not?”
She smiled at him. “It’s not finished,” she said. “I want to see what you’ll draw next.”
He looked at her as if she were some intricate riddle, a puzzle he couldn’t manage to solve. It was that intense, searching gaze she’d come to expect from him, and this time it sent a flash of heat through her.
The flush of embarrassment on her cheeks only made her more self-conscious. “So, yeah. I’m going to go… take a bath now?” She bit her lip at how awkward she sounded. With any luck she would drown and never have to face him again.
He laughed, but opened the door for her, his sketchbook tucked under one arm. “Happy birthday, Riallan,” he said as she walked past him.
“Thank you, Solas.”
Even as she walked back to her cabin, eager to enjoy her evening of solitude, another part of her couldn’t wait until she fell asleep. These days, the best part of her day happened long after she’d slipped into the Fade. She expected tonight would be no exception.
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doedreamss · 5 years
The Cowboy and the Mustang (Part Two)
Ship: Hangman Adam Page x Jane (FOC)
Summary: Jane’s decided to carpe that diem and linger in the small Montana town for a night, intent on meeting the handsome cowboy Adam Page for drinks at the local bar.  Their already complicated relationship gets even more so. 
Rating: Explicit (there’s a descriptive smut scene)
Length: 8,308  words
Available below the cut or on AO3 HERE
Harry’s Bar was the only place open passed five o’clock in the evening on a weekday in the tiny Montana town they were stopped in.  The heavy, big wood doors were propped open to help let some cool, fresh air into the packed inside.  Laughter, music and general chatter spilled from within bathed in yellow light.  It tried to touch the few groups of patrons who’d ducked outside for a smoke and laughed and took pauses as they sucked in deep breaths and poured smoke up into the sky.
As Jane and Kate made their way down the sidewalk toward the open doors, one of the men smoking reached to pinch the brim of his white cowboy hat and dipped his head respectfully. He was handsome enough for Kate’s eyes to linger, and she wore a smile as mischievous as his quickly became. She lifted her hand and gave her fingers a little wave at him before turning away and walking with Jane into the bar.
“I don’t know how you do that so effortlessly.”
“Do what?”
“Wrap men around your finger with just a look.  It’s like a superpower.”
Kate laughed, but Jane could tell she was flattered by the compliment.  She was wild and adventurous, far more so than Jane, and often thrived on playing games with the men who tried their luck with her.  Jane wondered if Kate would ever actually find someone captivating enough to keep her interest for long.  She moved through men like she was going through seasons, never completely satisfied with who she found.
“The way that handsome blond-haired cowboy was watching you earlier, I’d say you have a bit of that superpower yourself.”  Kate teased as they sidled up to the bar and Jane blushed immediately, still unable to believe she’d somehow caught his attention enough for him to ask her out for a drink. Jane turned away from the bar, scanning the crowd to see if she could see Adam anywhere.  They’d run a little late.  It was already a half-hour past when he’d said he’d be here.  What if he thought she’d decided not to come and left?
“You know how bad I am with this kind of stuff,” Jane said, frowning as she failed to spot him among the crowd, “you know how atrocious some of those dates you’ve forced me to go on have been.”
Kate made a small, sympathetic murmur of agreement.
“This was weird Kate,” Jane said, shaking her head and glancing back at her friend.  Thankfully on the opposite side of the bar from the juke box and dance floor, the girls didn’t need to yell at one another to have a conversation.  “I’ve never felt like this before with any guy I’ve been with.”  She blinked and met Kate’s eyes.  “It’s a little scary.”
“Okay buttercup,” Kate said, taking a breath and reaching out to comfortingly rub Jane’s shoulders, “I think you might be close to spinning out about this and ruining something great for yourself.  It’s scary, yes, but it’s also exciting, right?  We said this trip was going to help us learn something about ourselves, didn’t we?  You owe it to yourself to at least have a drink with him and see where the night takes you.  If you wind up going home with him, well… we can call this a huge success.”
“Wait, aren’t you going to stay here with me?”
“No!  Besides,” Kate jerked her chin over Jane’s shoulder, “handsome cowboy dead ahead.”
“What?”  Jane asked and turned to look.  Adam was walking toward her, through the crowd.  As soon as their eyes met, he lit up in a smile that made her heart race.  She looked back and saw Kate ducking through the crowd, making her way toward a cowboy lingering near the dance floor.  Kate winked and grinned, to which Jane rolled her eyes and glanced back at Adam as he approached.
He was wearing a vintage western style long-sleeve button-up, pitch black with bold, shiny gold embroidery.  A large gold belt buckle held his leather belt closed, and she imagined when he sat it would bite gently into the soft fat on his stomach.  The belt was strapped through a pair of perfectly fitted black Wrangler jeans and the ensemble was completed with a black cowboy hat on his let-down blond curls and black-dyed ostrich leather boots.  
Damn.  The man knew how to dress to impress.  Jane suddenly worried her boho-style, flowy white and floral print dress with her brown leather cowgirl boots wasn’t enough.  If she’d known she was going to be meeting an attractive cowboy for a date, she might have thought twice about what outfits she needed to pack before she started this road trip.
“Jane, you look… amazing.” His country drawl stalled for a moment as astonishment warmed his tone.  He hesitated with his hand, it’d been clear he wanted to slide it along her hip with familiarity, as if they’d been dating for ages, and pull her in to press her body along his.  But he remembered how much they were practically strangers and stopped instead, letting the flicker of want to play out across his face.  They shared a hug that was all too brief instead and smiled shyly at each other.
“No!  You look, I mean,” Jane waved her hand up and down him, “Wow.”  Could she sound any more stupid?  This was what she’d meant when she told Kate she didn’t have what she had with men. Kate would have said something suave enough to knock Adam off his feet.
Adam grinned anyways and managed to somehow look a little bashful, which only endeared Jane to him more. “I’m sorry I’m late by the way,” he began, brows dipping further inward.  “I hope you weren’t waiting too long?”
“Oh!  No, I wasn’t.  Kate and I were running a little behind anyways, so it kind of worked out.”
“Alright!  Come on, let me buy you that whiskey I promised you.”
Adam stepped up at the bar and slammed the flat of his palm against the bar top, drawing the attention of the bartender who’d been distracted joking around with a few other patrons.
“Adam!  Let me get your beer,” the bartender said with a grin, happy to see Adam, and turned to grab a glass.
“Actually – wait, Wade, instead of the usual, can I get two glasses and a bottle of… hell, whatever whiskey you’d recommend.”
“Oh?  I can’t remember the last time you drank with anyone other than yourself.  Which sucker did you offer to buy booze for tonight?”  Wade asked and swept his eyes over to Jane who was standing beside Adam. Something seemed to click, and his gaze flashed a little wider back on Adam. “Oh… Oh, alright.  Sure Adam.”  He turned, fighting a smile as he went to fetch them glasses and a bottle of whiskey.
Why did Adam always drink alone?  Why was it such a surprise for the bartender to see him with her?  Jane glanced toward Adam’s profile with a gently confused frown across her brow, but he didn’t turn toward her or say anything.  She decided it must be a topic he didn’t want to discuss.
After getting the glasses and bottle, they found a secluded booth toward the back of the bar, tucked away from the music and the dance floor where they could drink and talk with some privacy.  Adam poured a splash of deep, golden whiskey into each glass and handed hers before lifting his own.
“We should say cheers to something.”
“Alright,” Jane agreed, frowning, “cheers to…Whiskey, the horse that brought us together.”  
“Actually,” Adam lifted a finger from his glass and pointed it at her, “he told me his name, and it isn’t Whiskey.”
“Oh no?”  Jane grinned.  “What did he tell you his name was?”
“Lucky.”  Adam replied, and there was a bit of softness there. “We both figured he must be my good luck charm if the same day I got him and started working him was the day you showed up.”
Jane’s cheeks were warm as she glanced at the cowboy sitting across from her.  A smile turned the corner of her lips before she softly decreed, “Cheers to random moments that lead us to something unexpectedly wonderful.”
Adam was smiling too, and he raised his glass toward hers, clinking them gently.  “Cheers.”
After they’d each taken a sip and admired the smooth depth of the whiskey – Adam had waved his hand at Wade and complimented his choice– they fell into easy conversation.  At first it was the basic stuff.  Jane learned Adam had grown up in this town but moved away when he went to college.  He’d come back a few years ago to be close to his parents again, and for a moment he went a little quiet, and Jane suspected that wasn’t the only reason he’d decided to come home.  She wondered what could have happened to him.  
Before she had the opportunity to think about prying further, Adam had turned a new question on her, wondering where she was from.  Jane had told Adam she was from Oregon.  They talked about the mountain, the forests, how she’d come to love horses and how he’d come to love them; Adam had been raised around horses, his father had tamed wild horses just like Adam did now, and that’s where he’d learned it from.  Jane had always wanted a horse but came from a family that couldn’t afford one.  She’d studied horses from afar and been lucky the few times her parents had the money to put her in riding lessons.  She’d eventually earned scholarships for school and worked hard to keep herself exactly where she wanted to be. Adam found that admirable, and she’d blushed and chewed at her bottom lip when he rained the sweetest compliments on her.
The night continued as they drank and laughed and talked and drank.  The more time passed and the drunker they both got, the more times they stopped talking to wander toward the dance floor.  Adam would pinch her hips with his broad palms and pull her in tight against him and get a little bit braver every song they went out to.  The next time he spun her, his hand slid firm and with purpose down the curve of her ass.   As his fingers gripped into the fat he hissed in a hard breath through his nose, lips pressed in a thin line together and jaw clenched.
Jane swallowed thick; her body pressed up against his.  The room was spinning and warm.  She felt sticky with sweat.  She curled her fingers into his shirt and looked up into his hungry face.  “Can we step outside?  I think all the dancing is… getting to me.”
“Of course, darlin,” Adam said softly and put an arm around her waist as he walked her outside the bar.
The cool night air was exactly what she needed to steady her racing heart.  She smiled over at Adam, tilting her head at how pretty he looked beneath the sign’s neon light.  He’d tugged his hat off and run his thick fingers through his long, curly blond hair, and it made her want to do it, too.  She giggled.
“What?”  He asked, watching her curiously.
“I just can’t believe how handsome you are.”
“Ah, I…”  He grinned and ducked his eyes down, giving her that sweet reaction she’d grown to love since she’d seen how shy he’d get. “Thank you.  Means a lot, especially coming from a woman as beautiful as you,” he managed, glancing up at her and smiling as though dazed.
“God… you are too much.” The last words Jane managed before she flung herself forward, drunk and crashing her body into his thick, sturdy frame before laying her arms across his broad shoulders.  Her lips smashed against his.  His shocked surprise melted away quick and soon he was kissing her back with as much need as she’d demanded from him, if not more.  Desperation paused at the edges of his touch, like he’d been a man starved of affection for too long and was having trouble holding himself back from devouring it all at once.
It’d been a long time since Jane had been kissed, let alone like this.  Adam’s hands were all over her body and he’d backed her against the brick wall to the bar, digging his hips up against hers.  He was rough, but somehow Jane still knew he was doing everything he could to hold back, and he could be rougher.  The way that storm brewed inside him and he tried his best to contain it made her heart pound.  Adam pressed his tongue into her mouth and a soft moan vibrated in her throat as he dug his hips up between her legs.
A few snickers and whistles from down the way quickly reminded them both they weren’t alone.  Adam jumped away from her as though she burned – or he burned her – and blinked until he’d cleared himself of the haze their desire had laid over them.
“I –”
“Are you sober?” Before he could get through his thoughts, Jane pressed, knowing exactly what she wanted now.  She’d never felt this way before and Kate had been right. She was going to take full control of this experience and she had a feeling Adam needed to let go too.
Jane suppressed a groan, knowing she was still too drunk to safely drive.  “Please tell me this town has a cab service.”
“Actually, on Friday and Saturday nights, old Earl runs a little complimentary service to give free rides to people who can’t drive themselves home.”
“Oh, perfect.  Can we…” she realized then that she didn’t want to bring him back to the hotel room.  What if Kate had gone back early?  What if she already had someone there?  What if she arrived there later when Jane and Adam were… busy?  She felt awkward, suddenly, realizing she was essentially inviting herself over to his place.  “I mean, if you wanted to,” she stumbled out through kiss-swollen lips that still tasted like him, “I figured I could come to your place and we could… keep… going.”
Adam looked at her for only a moment and then nodded quick.  “Yep.  C’mon.” He pulled his phone out of his back pocket and quickly hit a number, dialing the man who offered rides and letting him know how much they’d appreciate one.  As soon as he hung up the phone, he was pulling her toward him, letting her body gently crash and settle against his.  His hand slid greedy down her backside and rested against the side-curve of her ass.  
“I don’t really do this.” Her alcohol loose tongue spilled the beans but before she could be embarrassed, Adam was nodding.
“I don’t either.”
“I don’t know if I believe you,” Jane said, tilting her head and looking up at him.  “You’re… ridiculously handsome, you’re sweet, you’re funny… wait, did I say how hot you were?”
“I think handsome counts toward that.”
“No.  No, handsome and hot are two things.  You are both.”
“You’re quite the flatterer when you’re drunk.”
“And it’s adorable how shy you are about your good qualities, but also very frustrating. Stop dodging my compliments, cowboy.” Jane pressed up on the tip of her toes and pecked a quick kiss against his lips.  They smiled at each other when she pulled away.
“Actually, Jane, I –” Adam began, but Jane shook her head firmly.
“Nu-uh.  I said no arguing.”
“I wasn’t, I needed to tell you –” but before it could register that Adam was talking, someone honked their car horn behind her, and Jane jumped to look at an old man in a pick-up waving his hand toward them.
“Hey Adam!”  It must’ve been Earl, the man who was going to give them a ride.  Jane grinned and, hand in Adam’s, turned to head toward the truck.  Adam didn’t follow.
“Wait, Jane, before we go, I needed to tell you –”
“Adam,” Jane said as she turned back toward him.  “Whatever you have to say won’t change my mind.  I… there’s something about you, about the way I feel about you, that I just can’t explain.  I’m always logical, I always follow the path I can clearly see.  I told Kate I wanted to learn to take risks and be brave, and I think fate led me here at the right moment so I could meet you.  I don’t want to think about what tomorrow morning means, or that eventually I’m going to have to leave.  I just want to be in the moment with you.  Tonight.  Please?”
Adam drew in a breath; he opened his mouth but seemed lost for words.  His hand squeezed hers tight before nodding and following her toward the waiting pick-up truck.
Somehow Adam managed to hold a casual conversation with Earl on the short drive back to his property. Earl shot a few questions at her which Jane managed to answer despite being distracted eyeing Adam every chance she got.  She needed those firm hands on her body again.  She needed his mouth searing kisses into her skin.  She needed to feel him pull her close as if every second they spent apart was a kind of torture for him to endure.  That passionate storm was inside him, and Jane wanted to be the one he unleashed it on.
She needn’t suffer long, since the town was small, and Adam’s small ranch wasn’t too far outside the main streets.  Earl pulled the truck into the driveway and let Adam know to give him a call if he needed a ride to get his pick-up the next day.  He bid farewell to Jane and told her it was a pleasure meeting her. As he rolled his pick-up truck out of the driveway, leaving them standing hand-in-hand in front of Adam’s house, a horse nickered gently from the pine-wood arena.
“Looks like we woke Lucky up.” Adam said with a grin, gesturing toward the bay colt who stood at the fence, watching them with ears perked.
“Sorry Lucky!” Jane waved, and Lucky snorted, bobbing his head and giving another rumbling nicker.
“He’s telling you,” Adam whispered playfully, and jane laughed.
“I said sorry!”
Lucky snorted, swished his tail against his flanks and turned around, clearly deciding he’d heard enough and was done talking with her.
“Come on,” Adam whispered in her ear, pressing his lips against her neck.  “Let’s go inside.”  He turned her toward the door, fishing into his pocket for the house keys.
After fumbling a little with the lock, Adam managed to open the door and the pair of them spilled into the living area without any grace.  The door slammed shut as she pushed him into it and fell against him, lips hot on his and tongue slipping in his mouth.  Adam groaned, fingers pinching her skin and tracing over her curves. Jane’s hands dropped between their bodies, and her fingers brushed the shape of his cock, semi-hard and trapped in the tight denim of his jeans.  Adam grunted and clenched his jaw, pouring a hot breath out of flared nostrils.
“God woman,” he managed in a tight voice as she ran her fingers up and down its shape, teasing more blood to fill it.
Drunk and giddy on the boldness inside her, Jane kept pushing the more Adam responded.  She tugged his shirt from his jeans and slipped her fingers up beneath the material where she could feel his warm skin.  Adam groaned.  His wide palms skimmed down her backside until they could grip and squeeze into the fat on her ass.  He pushed her into him, and Jane went without a fuss.
While she had been the one to lose control initially, Adam turned the tides quickly.  He pushed off the door and bullied her willing body backwards, one hand lifting to the back of her hair, guiding her mouth against his. His tongue pushed into her mouth just as the arm of the couch touched the back of her knees.  Adam didn’t stop and they toppled over, him falling as a shadowed blanket over her body.  Their laughter and giggling were breathless and short-lived as their mouths crashed together again.
A knee between her legs parted them, and Adam’s hips sank dominantly.  He pressed the bulge of his hard cock, painfully trapped beneath his denim jeans, against the rucked-up fabric of her flowy dress and the cotton of her panties.  He thrusted and groaned.  Jane’s eyelashes fluttered, chin jutting out toward him as the back of her head pressed into the couch cushion she was laid on.  When his mouth left hers – he panted in warm breaths above her as he grinded between her legs – Jane moaned unashamedly.  It melted into a needy whine, and her fingers left his thick, muscled arms to run down the shape of his back, nails pushing into the material of his shirt.
Adam lowered his mouth, caught her lips greedily and with enough force to bruise, but didn’t stay long. He left her lips tingling as he began to kiss along her jawline and down her neck.  Jane’s hands went to the buttons on his shirt, eagerly and blindly slipping them out of their holes until the material hung open.  Her fingers were immediately on his chest, smoothing down the firm shape of his pecs and over the soft fat on his stomach that lay atop the firm muscle below.  She arched her nails into his skin just to feel him tremble, and to hear him moan against her as he took his mouth from her collarbone.
Pushing his palm into the couch for leverage, Adam lifted himself off the couch and away from her.  He stood, breathing in great, heaving gasps, with his shirt hung open at his sides and showing that delicious torso and chest underneath.  His cock was a hard and thick defined shape trapped in his Wranglers.  His long, fluffy blond curls had been tousled by her greedy fingers and lay in wild directions around his face.  He reached down, easily grabbing her up and swinging her over his shoulder.  He was strong…  Jane squealed and laughed, kicking her feet out. “C’mon, wild thing.  I think it’s time you were tamed.” He said while playfully jostling her up and onto his shoulder.  He reached with the hand not holding her and smacked her ass.  Hard.
“Adam!”  Jane squealed, gasping at the soft sting of contact that made her nerves sing.
Adam chuckled with a raspy breath and kicked the door to his bedroom open with his boot, walking quickly across the open space to dump her gently onto the bed.  Jane bounced into the soft give of the mattress, laughter in her mouth as she turned on the duvet and laid herself out in front of him.  The flowy, flirty material of her dress had ridden up her thighs and left them bare and pale for him to look at.  Adam stood at the end of the bed, knees brushing its edge, and stared down at her with his blue eyes gone black in hunger.
Jane had never had a man look at her like that, let alone one who looked like Adam.  She was breathless, skin flush and patched with red from where his mouth, tongue and teeth had already tasted her all down her neck and over the soft cleavage of her breasts.  Lying out on his bed, Jane propped herself up on her elbows as Adam slowly began to strip from his clothes in front of her.  He pushed the shirt still hanging open off first, revealing those thick, work-muscle curved arms, broad chest and thick torso.  His fingers fell to his belt buckle next, which caught a shimmer of light from the moon outside when he tugged it from the clasp and left the leather of the belt hanging open in his well-fitting jeans.  
She drew a breath as he slipped the button free on his jeans, tugging the stiff denim off his hips. She could easily see the thick bulge of his cock pressed hard and needy against his boxer-briefs, tip of the head skimming the elastic band.  He hooked them on his thumbs and tugged, pulling them down his thick, blond-hair dusted thighs.  His cock swung forward, heavy, and he grunted before sighing with relief at finally having no restrictions holding it tight.  He was big… bigger than Jane had ever been with (not that she’d been with many men to compare him to).  Her eyes widened, and she forced herself to pull them from his cock, so their eyes could meet.
Jane swore the alcohol should have all but burned up in her veins but thought she must still be at least buzzed for the bravado she suddenly grasped.  Beneath the steadfast eyes of a handsome, naked blond-haired angel cowboy in front of her, Jane slowly pushed herself up on the bed until she was on her knees.  She reached down, grabbing the material of her dress, heart pounding in her throat and skin hot.  Forcing herself to hold his eyes, Jane pulled it upright slowly, pulling the fabric away until she was kneeling in front of him in her cute matching set of baby blue and white pinstripe bra and panties.  She didn’t stop or hesitate, even when Adam’s tongue wet his lips in anticipation and made the muscles in her belly squeeze tight.   She twisted an arm behind her back and easily popped the clasp to her bra, shrugging the material off completely.  Her fingers went to her panties.
“Wait,” he could barely talk, his throat was so tight, but that command fell hard between them.  She watched his large chest rise and fall with needed breaths and slowly pulled her hands away from her hips.
Adam leaned his weight onto the bed, setting his bare knees atop the duvet.  He crawled over her and Jane laid back until her head was on the pillows and he was a dark shadow above her.  Horses, the outdoors, a faint wisp of unoffensive cologne and the clean smell of whatever he used for his curly, blond hair drifted off him and wrapped itself around her.  She sighed into it, too wrapped up in the emotions to realize that though they were practically strangers, that smell made her soul feel as if she was home.
His fingertips lay gentle touches on her body, down her arms, along her sides, to her hips.  They stilled in the elastic of her panties, and Adam pressed his lips against hers, suppressing a groan on her tongue as he pulled that last bit of clothing that lay as a barrier between them.  As soon as they were cast aside, his hands returned to her body, skimming her curves, fingers curling in to where fat naturally rested on her figure and giving it a greedy squeeze.  His calloused palms slipped from her ass to her breasts, where he devoted time, tongue, and touch to making her nipples hard and her moans sing one after the other from her caught-open mouth.  Jane arched her back toward his touch and reached to slip her fingers into his blond curls, pulling tight.
His mouth popped wet off her right breast, the skin tingling from where his beard had gently scratched it. One hand was used to prop his large body over her, so he didn’t squish her beneath his weight, but the other reached so his thumb and forefinger clasped her chin.  Adam turned her eyes toward his – barely discernible, but for the moonlight pouring in the window to the left of the bed – and slowly lowered his hips between her parted legs.  His cock skimmed her thigh before the head pressed at the warm, wet, tender lips between her legs.  He found where she parted, their eyes locked, and his open mouth poured a warm, long moan over her as he slowly sank inch after inch inside her.
Only once there was no more room left for him to press in did Adam release her chin.  He dipped and smeared his lips over hers.  His tongue pushed into her mouth at the same time he drew his hips back and pushed in again.  His moan was a vibration in against her tongue and to hear it made her eyes want to roll.  Jane arched toward him, taking him more eagerly at his next thrust.  Together, they found a pace that drew passionate moans spilling freely from her kiss-swollen lips and ones from him in hot, heavy breaths above her.
For a moment, that’s what it was.  Fucking. The pair of them lost in the sensation of being in that intimate, special place with someone their hearts were deeply moved by.   Jane watched him over her, what she could see of him in eyes adjusted to the dark and moonlight spilled through glass pane.  She watched the hard dip of his brow, the intense dark of his blue eyes staring down at her, and the jerk of his gold curls over her, the ends just brushing her bare shoulders every time he thrust inside.  She could feel how tight she was around him.  How wet.
Adam’s eyes met hers, and they were pulled back into the moment and away from their individual, romantic thoughts.  Adam’s hips slowed, and each stroke was full, languid, and enjoyed.  He dipped, brushing his lips across hers with a brief touch that sent tingles through them.  Once.  Twice. He teased these kisses, but never fully pressed his mouth against hers.  She ached for it.  The tips of her brows pulled inward and the noise she made became half a moan, half a whine.  Adam responded with a chuckle that was merely a breath and sank into kissing her as deeply and fully as she’d wanted.  His tongue stroked hers as his cock pressed inside, and she moaned, arching beneath him.
Only when their lungs were near starved of air did their lips break, and each drew desperate, shared breaths as Adam’s forehead pressed against hers.
“Jane,” he moaned, and to hear him say her name nearly pushed her to the edge.
“Oh,” she whined, brow pinched tight, face warm with his breath, “Adam… Adam…”
The slow pace dissipated as he pulled them toward delectation, his hips swinging wildly into hers, their moans and grunts and panting mixing together.  Sweat stuck their skin close and blood sang through their veins, every nerve in their bodies on fire, sensitive to the faintest touch.  Jane’s eyes closed tight, her mouth hung open, and the velvet muscles wrapped around his cock squeezed tight before, victim to the whims of her body, she went still as stone.
“Adam!”  One last cry strangled from her throat as the crash came. Fireworks behind her eyes.  Jane’s thighs trembled and shook, clapping against his hips as Adam grunted and drove himself deep inside her, going still. His thick fingers curled tight into the sheets, muscled arms squeezing her arms tight.  The heat of him poured inside her, and it was only then she realized they’d been too wrapped up in the moment and hadn’t thought to use protection. Strangely enough, for a girl who never took risks, Jane wasn’t the slightest bit bothered.
Adam slumped on top of her for a moment, drew a breath, and slowly eased his weight from suffocating her. Sensitive and coming down from their individual highs, they maneuvered their bodies carefully to relax into the aftermath.  Gingerly, Adam pulled himself from her, bent to lay a soft kiss against her forehead, and walked barefoot across the room to what appeared to be the master bathroom. The light pooled white and gentle from the open door and he left it on as he returned clutching a small washcloth which he’d lightly dampened with warm water.
“If you’d like?”  A question in his voice as he handed it toward her.
Jane smiled and took it from him, trying not to be touched that his first thought after sex was to get her a washcloth to clean up with.  It was an act that should be commonplace, but she knew from experience it often wasn’t.  As she cleaned away the sticky webs of their joined cum from her thighs, Adam returned to the bathroom to presumably wash himself up, came back to pull on his boxer-briefs and turned to rummage around in the nearby dresser.
“I can give you one of my shirts to sleep in, if you’d like?”
Jane had just started gathering up her clothes when she looked up and saw him smiling gently, hand extended with a white cotton t-shirt in hand.  She smiled and nodded, taking it with a thank you and went to clean herself up, pulling on her panties and pulling his shirt on before glancing at herself in the bathroom mirror.  Had she ever seen herself look so carefree and happy?  A smile crawled across her face before she could stop it, and she ran her fingers through her hair, fixing it from where it’d bunched and tangled during their lovemaking.  Her heart felt as if it skipped, thinking of going back into the room and snuggling into his arms for the evening.
That smile again.
She turned away and clicked off the light, stepping into the moonlit room where her cowboy had gingerly taken her dress and bra, setting them on the dresser beside where he’d propped her boots.  He was laying in bed beneath the cover and, when she entered the room, threw the other side back and gently patted the mattress.
“C’mere beautiful,” he said, voice gentle and sweet.
Jane slipped into bed and cuddled up against his side as he opened his arm for her to tuck in.  That arm wrapped around her body as Jane turned into him, head resting on his broad, warm chest.  For a moment they said nothing, only existed.  Adam’s breath was warm against her hair.  Everything in Jane began to relax, her entire body feeling as if it were made of jelly.  She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt this content.  Her eyelids began to gently close and she fought them, not wanting to waste a moment they had together on sleep.  Adam’s fingers began to skim up and down her bicep and shoulder.
“Can I say something super cheesy?”  Jane asked quietly, eyes still closed.
“Mm?”  His voice rumbled in his chest where her cheek rested.
“The way I feel with you… I’ve never felt this way with anyone.”  Too astonished, too happy, and too relaxed, Jane couldn’t pause to worry about whether that was something she should have kept to herself.  Those were the kind of things you said to a man you’d been seriously dating, not a one night stand you met on a quick stop-off on a road trip where you’d likely never return.
It was only when Adam didn’t say anything immediately that worry pinched at her heart.  Jane stirred on his chest, tilting her head up to look at him.  She found him watching her, blond curls a fluffy mane around his handsome face, blue eyes filled with a myriad of emotions all tangled up in one.  He was smiling, though, and he shook his head gently back and forth before leaning forward and pulling her in with his arm, so he could press his lips in a kiss against the top of her head.
“I feel the same way about you,” he confessed once he’d laid back and relaxed his arm, letting them return to how they’d been snuggling.
Without it needing to be said, they both were smart enough to see that this wasn’t easy.  In the morning, Kate would likely be ready to drive on, and they’d continue to their destination.  Maybe on the way back they could stop again… but Jane still had a semester left before graduating university and from there, she’d planned on job hunting closer to home to stay near her parents, siblings, and nephews and nieces.  Adam had his parents here and his small horse ranch and horse training business.  Their lives were set in opposite directions.
It was with that unfortunate echo of an ache, wrapped up in Adam’s arms, that Jane drifted off to sleep, her mind unable to grasp to a solution, but too comfortable being held by him to do anything but surrender to the peace it inspired.
Sleep came and stayed until the soft, gentle chiming of an alarm began to pull her back to consciousness. She groaned gently.
“Sorry darlin’,” Adam whispered in a soft voice, gently easing himself out from where they’d still been tucked up close together, so he could grab his phone and cut the alarm.  “I have to go feed the horses.”  It was still dark outside, judging by the lack of light in the room.  He slipped out of the bed and the immediate lack of his warmth made her shiver. Gently, he set the cover back around her before rummaging around for clothes.
“Do you want me to help?” It was mumbled into the crook of her arm, where she hadn’t managed to lift her head.  Despite offering, she could feel sleep pulling her back.
Adam leaned over and placed a kiss on her temple, thumb gently tucking a wayward lock of her hair behind her ear.  Jane lifted her sleepy eyes toward him and raised a brow.
“No, that’s alright sweetheart,” his gently spoken terms of endearment were making her heart ache in the most wonderful ways.  He was still bent toward her, holding her face in the palm of his hand as if he couldn’t pull away.  “When I get done we’ll go get some breakfast.  Sound good?”
“Mm, mhm.”  Jane nodded, and Adam brushed his lips against hers, sank into a deeper kiss, smiled and finally let her go.
“Go back to sleep. I’ll wake you up when I’m done.”
“Mmkay,” she barely managed, eyelids already drooping, and curled her arms around the blanket in his absence, inhaling his smell that sat in the sheets and drifting back off to sleep. His gentle laugh at her sleepy antics where the greeting to her dreams.
Jane wasn’t sure how long she slept for, but the soft light of early morning pushing in through the curtains pried at her eyes and she slowly opened them, wiping the sleep away and blinking the room into focus.  Adam still hadn’t returned, but she wasn’t entirely surprised and felt a small stab of guilt, thinking she should have forced him to let her help him.  It would’ve gone faster with the two of them.  Slowly she moved from the bed, pulling the covers back and going to the bathroom to splash a bit of water on her face and run her fingers through her hair.  She was just beginning to debate whether she should steal a pair of sweatpants from his drawers and go out to help him when she realized she could hear noises from somewhere in the house.
It sounded like a skillet being put on the stove, and she wondered if Adam had decided to surprise her by cooking breakfast instead of them going out.  Smiling, Jane moved quickly from the bathroom, still dressed only in her panties and his shirt (it was large on her, the hem just barely covering the curve of her rear), she decided she’d let him know she was awake and spend time with him while he cooked.  
Jane started down the hallway, not trying to be particularly quiet.  From around a turn, where she assumed the kitchen was, there came a sudden voice.
“Adam?  You must’ve slept in late!  Those horses are pry starving!”
A woman’s voice.
“I didn’t see your truck in the driveway!  Did Earl Brown have to drive you home last night?”
Jane froze in step, eyes wide.  What…? Who…?
“I’m making biscuits and gravy; it’ll be ready by the time you’re through feeding!”
Standing near the end of the hallway, Jane glanced back down at the end where the bedroom was, fingers pulling the hem of his shirt down and wondering what she should do.  Should she go hide in the room until Adam came back in and explained what was happening?  Should she go grab her dress, see if she could sneak out the window and call Kate to come pick her up?  Shit… she couldn’t do that, she’d left her purse with her cellphone next to the couch when they’d first started making out.
Was he… with another woman? No… that couldn’t be it…  Adam didn’t seem like the kind of man capable of cheating.  Jane didn’t understand.
“Adam?”  Concern and confusion now, and the voice was closer than before.  When Jane hadn’t answered they’d apparently decided to come investigate.
Fuck.  Fuck, fuck, fuck…  It was too late for Jane to duck back down the hall.  They’d see her scurrying away.
“Oh!”  An older woman appeared around the corner of the hallway and stopped dead in her tracks, blinking with wide eyes and staring at Jane. “Oh… Oh my dear, I am so sorry… I thought you were…”  She turned red in the face at the sight of Jane’s lack of dress.
“Um…”  Jane took a small step back, dying inside and trying to figure out what to do.
At that exact moment someone else joined them.  A young girl, maybe six or seven, with long curly blond hair set like a wild, untamable mane around her fair face and the prettiest set of blue eyes.  She was holding a small, stuffed pony and dressed in a long cotton purple shirt with frilly fabric at the end and pink heart patterned leggings.
“Why are you wearing my daddy’s shirt?”
“Uhh…”  Jane’s eyes were wide and jumped to the woman, who she now assumed must be Adam’s mother.  Oh god… oh god…
“Avery, sweetheart,” the older woman blinked and snapped her realizations in place, turning with a smile at her granddaughter.  “Can you help grandma set the table?  Three places, alright?”
“But grandma,” the little girl argued in a whisper, glancing back at Jane with a confused and suspicious look across her young face, “she’s wearing my daddy’s shirt.”
“Avery be a good girl, alright.  Listen to grandma.  Go set the table.”
Avery looked from her grandma to the stranger in the house – Jane – and a look of frustration crossed her face before she turned around and headed back the way they’d come.
“I’m so sorry dear,” Adam’s mother started with hushed apologies, shaking her head and waving over Jane’s shoulder, “You just go back and get yourself decent.  Breakfast will be ready in a little while.”  With one last look that was both confused and apologetic, the older woman turned and followed the way Avery had gone, leaving Jane standing alone in the hallway, struggling to process what had just happened.
Adam… had a daughter?
Jane had ducked quickly into the living room to grab her purse, retreated to the bedroom to put on her bra and dress and was sitting on the bed, trying to figure out what she was going to do, by the time Adam slowly came into the room.  He looked embarrassed and closed the door with a soft click behind him.
“Jane… I…”
“You have a daughter.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Confused, she searched his face for answers.
“I don’t know…” He glanced from the floor at his feet to her and shook his head slowly.  “I… I was going to, before we got into Earl’s truck, but… what you said about not wanting to worry about the consequences, and it just being about last night… I was drunk… I…”  He paused and blew out a breath, walking across the room to sit on the end of the bed.  They were in reach, but still sitting apart.  “I don’t have a good enough reason, Jane.  I just felt something for you I haven’t felt for anyone in a long time, and I was afraid if you knew I was a single father, you wouldn’t want to get involved with me.  I should have said something, I know.  I just… wanted to let go for once and enjoy something good that crossed my path.  I don’t get that very often, if ever.”
There was an ache in his voice.  A sorrow. It transcended across his body and his shoulders were hunched, eyes dark and troubled.  
“Well…”  Jane drew a breath, “it’s not like anyone got hurt… I mean, I’m horrifyingly embarrassed knowing the first time your mother and daughter saw me, I was only wearing your t-shirt and my panties, but I’ll be fine as long as your daughter isn’t mentally scarred.”
Adam’s brows dipped apologetically.  “God, Jane, I’m so sorry… my mom was going to keep Avery for the day, but she had a nightmare and wanted me, so they decided to come over and cook up breakfast.  I was out in the barn and didn’t hear them pull up, and I never have anyone over, so she didn’t think…”
Immediately, Jane thought of that adorable little girl with his fluffy blond curls and lovely blue eyes, scared and needing her father, and nothing else mattered.  Who cared if she’d suffered some embarrassment?  It wasn’t the first time.  It would have been nice to have Adam tell her about his daughter, but Jane could see his side of things.  Why bother talking about her if it was obvious, they weren’t going to see one another again?  
“Can I ask about her mother?”
A look crossed Adam’s face. It was that same one he’d had briefly last night, when Wade had been surprised to see he was with a girl, and when he’d started talking about moving back home after college.  It was pain and sadness and regret.
“She’s out of the picture. For good.”  His voice clipped at the end.
“Oh…”  Jane said softly and glanced at her hands in her lap.
“It was her choice.”
She looked over at him. Adam licked his lips and ran a frustrated hand through his curls, offsetting them.  It made Jane’s fingers itch, wanting to reach across the distance between them to tuck the hair back in place.  He wore his pain so close to the surface, it was impossible not to see it.
“How old was Avery when she left?”
“It was a month before she turned two.  I moved back home so my mom could help me with raising her.”
“Oh…”  Jane blinked, trying to think of a reason a woman would leave her year-old daughter and a man like Adam behind.  She just kept drawing blanks.
Suddenly, there came a wild flurry of little knocks on the door.  “Daddy and Daddy’s friend, Grandma says breakfast is ready!  Come get it while it’s hot!”  The little voice yelled behind the door, and despite the heavy atmosphere in the room, Jane smiled.  They could hear the little patter of her feet as she ran back away, returning to the kitchen.
Adam looked over at Jane.
“If you just want to leave, I wouldn’t blame you.  I can wait with you until your friend arrives… I’d hate to subject you to sitting down for breakfast with my mama and my daughter after all this.”
Those were the sort of things you did after you’d been dating for a while, when you talked about maybe becoming a little more serious and kept going back and forth about when and how you’d meet them.  Their already complicated story got a whole lot more complicated.
“Do you want me to leave?” Jane asked, watching him quietly.
“No,” he said it too quickly, realized he did, and drew a breath.  It slipped out slow and he shook his head, staring at her.  “I don’t ever want you to leave.”  He hesitated, as if realizing he’d said it, and then decided to charge full steam ahead.  “Actually, I uh… I’ve been trying to sort it out the whole morning while I was feeding the horses, I might have some ideas how we could make this work…”
“Make… what work?” Jane could barely breathe.
“Us…”  Adam’s blue eyes were soft on her.  “If… if you wanted to try it, that is.”
Talk about complicated. Jane blinked, envisioning her strict plan she’d kept herself diligently on, pushing herself through university to earn her degree, and how close she was to finally checking everything off her to-do list.  Nowhere did it say she’d start dating a single father in Montana.
But when was the last time anyone made her feel this way?
Jane stood up slowly. A look of sorrow touched Adam’s face as he assumed, she meant to leave, but he pushed it away, as if he wanted to do everything he could to help ease the burden of making this decision  He didn’t even want her knowing he was upset about the choice he made, trying to respect what she chose.  Jane’s heart ached, but she didn’t leave the room. Instead, she walked around to his front to face him, put her hands on his shoulders and smiled when his eyes lifted and met hers.
“Let’s hear those ideas,” Jane said, and was about to say more when Avery’s little voice yelled through the house.
They both broke out into grins.
“After breakfast.” Jane concluded.  “I’d hate to let a man’s biscuits go cold.”
Adam stood up, and his wide, warm, calloused palms wrapped around her hands.  He pulled her in and leaned down, kissing her gently.
“After breakfast.”
28 notes · View notes
Unforseen Chasm (part28)
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Part 28 of Unforseen Chasm
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together. Word Count: 4516 Warnings: language, fighting, arguing, jealousy, trust issues, torture flashbacks,angst
song for this part: Time-NF Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my other fic series). first major Collab with my best friend @thorne93 what was first a simple “what if” moment turned into a two year writing session and I’ve never been more prouder of myself than when i started my first series. goes through most of the MCU plots there are some changes to accommodate for what we wanted and there is a bit of a crossover between the MCU and other characters. I hope you guys enjoy reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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The day had finally come for you to leave the cell. When Shannon had told you she got all the obstacles tackled, you were in awe. How did she convince Fury to let you out? Then again, it seemed everyone did whatever Shannon asked of them.
But she had told you that you being out had to be a secret and to do your best not to be seen by anyone. This was strictly a need to know basis, and so far, only five people knew.
It was early morning when Shannon came down to receive you. She was on the phone with someone, when suddenly Kurt appeared in your cell. It made Loki jump slightly and frown. He probably wasn’t expecting it. You had to make the escape fast so no one would see it on the cameras so you kissed Loki quickly, and Kurt grabbed your hand, and you were suddenly in an SUV with pitch black tinted windows.
“Thanks, Kurt,” you said with a smile as you saw who was driving. “Hi, Steve,” you greeted with a coy smile.
“I will see you at the mansion, ya?” Kurt said, his accent heavy.
“See you there.”
And with that, he was gone.
Shannon was still in the cell room, talking to Loki. “I am not sure when we’ll be back, but if you could do your Loki thing and cast an illusion of Y/N/N while we’re gone…”
“I’m already ahead of you,” he stated with a smile as a carbon copy of you walked out of the bedroom, reading something.
“That’s… incredibly unsettling,” she commented. She shivered and shook her head, then gave him a beaming smile. “But, for our purposes, it’s great. Thank you.”
“Anything I can do to help.”
She grinned, nodded, and left, meeting you in the SUV, sitting in the passenger seat.
“Are we really supposed to trust you?” Steve asked, catching your eyes in the rearview mirror.
“No,” Shannon stated, and you started to feel disappointment run over you before she added, “You’re supposed to trust me.”
This made you smile quietly to yourself in the backseat.
Steve checked the traffic, and then pulled out. In order to alleviate some of the tension in the car, Shannon turned on the radio and the ride upstate was rather… pleasant. You stared out at the city the entire way, taking in people, the way they talked, moved, walked. It was amazing how several months without much human interaction could really make you go stir crazy. You were hungry for all the lights, the noises, the sights… Even watching people walking a dog, or grabbing coffee made you smile.
The ride upstate turned from the city, to the country and it was just as stunning as the city. Asgard was like a golden heaven, it truly was beautiful, but all you had known for nearly the past two years was one desolate, windy rock, and an isolated cell with four rooms.
As soon as you turned into the familiar drive, you were nearly like a kid arriving at Disney World. You could hardly contain the excitement. Once Steve parked the car, you jumped out, making him nervous.
“Woah,” he said, getting out and holding his hand up.
“What?” you asked, confused.
“Just...slow down,” he said, eyeing you.
“Yes, Captain,” you said with a polite smile as you folded your hands behind your back and stepped in front of him, so that he could keep an eye on you as Shannon went up to the door and knocked. Storm let the three of you inside, where you stood in the foyer, trying to remember the last time you’d come here.
In an instant, it seemed like the foyer was filled with X-Men. Kurt had appeared, Jean and Scott came up holding hands, Logan, Jubilee, and Marie were all there. Charles arrived only a second later, where he and Shannon traded a hug and he smiled to you, welcoming you back to the mansion.
“Thank you, Professor,” you said sweetly before glancing to Jean and bounding over to her. “Jean! Scott!” you greeted wrapping them both in a tight embrace.
“And just where is my hello?” A cajun drawl suddenly pulled your attention away.
Your head snapped up to the top of the stairs where Remy stood, a shit eating grin on his face.
“Remy!” you all but squealed, dashing up the stairs to greet him.
Without any warning, Steve launched into his super soldier mode and took off quickly. He hurled over the circular wooden table in the middle of the foyer, knocking over the vase full of flowers, before he bounded up the stairs and grabbed your biceps, pulling them behind you.
“What the--?” you asked calmly, looking to see what had just happened. “Steve? What the hell, man? Let me go. I’m just trying to hug my friend.”
The X-Men shared a look of strong confusion, but Charles simply waved it off.
“Steve, it’s okay, let her go,” Shannon commanded. “She’s known Remy for a long time.”
Remy gave Steve an incredulous look before Steve stepped back one step and let you go. Ignoring your perplexion over the event that just occurred, a warm smile spread on your face and you wrapped your arms around Gambit.
“How have you been?” you asked.
“Uh, Y/N/N, we need to utilize our time here,” Shannon reminded, making you turn around.
“What? Hmm, oh! Right! Point me wherever I need to go,” you said happily.
Charles spoke up. “Jean, Logan, and Remy, go with Y/N. Shannon, my dear, you can come with me and Scott.”
With that, everyone went their separate ways. Charles escorted Shannon to the large training room, while Steve, Logan, Remy, and Jean showed you to another training room underground in the backyard.
When Charles got settled in, he began questioning Shannon.
“So when did this start?”
“I think it was around the time I ran into… what was that kid’s name that had the emotional power? Where he could feel what people felt?” she asked.
“Ah.. Adam, the empath,” he remembered. “And you think that’s what’s wearing on you?”
She shrugged lightly. “It’s the only thing I noticed. When I use any of my powers, I get a little weak. But it’s nothing like what’s compared to when I have an emotional high or low,” she informed.
“Interesting… so the powers themselves aren’t bothering you, but your emotions are wearing on you?”
She bobbed her head side to side.
Just then the infamous Wade Wilson comes skipping in having heard that his favorite none avenger was in the mansion.
“ Spicy Buttercup!” he stops right in front of her and lifts her off the ground in a strong hug. “It’s been way too long since the last time I saw you.” he mock pouts knowing she wouldn’t believe it.
“Too tight….Wade” she gets out feeling light headed from his surprisingly strong grip. “Hah! Wow it has been a while also you never come by I told you, you’re always welcome.” she brushes her hair back and takes a deep breath in.
Steve had moved to stand closer unaware that the man in the mask was a friend of Shannon’s. “If you could not do that, it would be very appreciative.” he said in a stern tone noticing how she was taking a moment to catch her breath. “We’re a little busy at the moment, would you mind letting us get back to it?”
“Well hello to you too star spangled man,” he snorts and bumps his shoulder with her. “What’s up his butt?” he shakes his head and looks to Shannon for an answer. “Did stark finally get you a babysitter!” he laughs at his own joke.
“Hahaha very funny Wade, and no Steve’s just a little protective of me with my powers going haywire lately.” she bumps her shoulder back into his. “And Steve has a point there’s something that we are doing that's a little more important.” She makes it to move near Charles.
“Hey wait a darn damn minute!” he playfully scowls. “How come everyone else gets to hang with you and I don’t?” he cocks his head to the side. “I thought I was the fun friend.”
“Wade.. you are the fun friend.” she giggles at his expressions behind his mask. “How about this you let me do this and we can hang out and watch a movie or something?” she offers hoping it’ll satisfy the man-child
“Alright fine! But the moment they finish I'm stealing you away!” he claims looking at everyone to let them know he was serious. “Your treat by the way I’ll be in the background letting all you guys work.” he gives Shannon a peck on the cheek and moves to give them space.
“Okay doll you get your stuff done i’m gonna go keep an eye on Y/N make sure she’s keeping out of trouble,” he hugs his friend and walks off. “Call me if you need anything.”
“I will Stevie and be nice to her would’ya?” she smiles at the Cap but he was out of earshot. She turns to the professor. “Now where were we?” she motions to the man to continue where he left off.
“Lie back and let me run some tests,” he offered. With that, Hank entered the room and they began talking to her as if she were in a doctor’s office. They hooked up electrodes to her head and placed heart monitors on her.
“So tell me about these new powers,” Jean coaxed.
“Well… Long story short, I went to Asgard,” you began explaining.
“Mhm, and what happened there?” she urged, looking at her clipboard.
“Well, we found out that the longer I was on Asgard I got the same power Remy does,” you informed, glancing to your friend. “I could take the potential energy of any object, and turn it kinetic, as well as absorb energy that’s thrown at me.”
“And that’s bad?” she inquired, perching an eyebrow.
You shook your head. “No, no, that isn’t what the problem is. That power is a part of me, but… But I got pushed into a bad situation and someone gave me another power, a dark one. This one is just straight energy, but whenever I’ve used it, I’ve felt angry. It’s just so… dark.”
She nodded, frowning, looking at her notes. “Okay, let’s do this. Let’s get your blood going, get you angry, and let’s see what triggers this power.”
You bobbed your head.
“Why don’t you and Remy do some contact training? You did say you had the same power as his, right?”
Again, you nodded.
Luckily, the training room had a few objects you could use -- yoga ball, sports balls, weights, metal rods, vases, glasses, empty cans.
“Are you okay with that, Rem?” you asked, glancing to him.
“Whatever I can do to help, cher,” he said with a lilt and a wink.
The two of you took your positions opposite of each other, getting ready to spar.
“Begin whenever you’d like,” Jean sweetly instructed as she stood off to the side with Logan and Steve.
You picked up an empty can, charged it, and threw it at Remy, who deflected it easily. A grin popped onto both of your faces. This grin suddenly sparked something very competitive in both of you and the training quickly became rapid fire shots and dodges. The two of you were throwing anything you could get your hands on. You started out small, but Remy was building up impressively quick. One second it was empty cans and vases, the next, you were lifting entire gym machines and launching them. On the very last one, Remy had to tuck and roll.
“Y/N, have you used your dark energy, at all yet?’
You turned and faced Jean, frowning. “Uh, no, I guess I haven’t.”
“Go ahead and try that for me,” she suggested.
“Um… I don’t know. On Remy it might be too much,” you said, looking to your friend and shaking your head.
“Don’t worry about me, mon cheri,” he assured, nodding towards you, encouraging you. “We gotta find out what’s eatin’ away at ya, don’t we?”
“I suppose,” you said uneasily. You lifted your hands, ready to fire the dark energy, but when you did… it didn’t reach him. The dark purple, electric looking power barely fizzled out of your hands. “What the hell?” you asked, peering down at your hands.
“Interesting,” was all Jean could say.
“All that talk and no action,” Logan mocked from the back corner. You stared back at him, an unreadable expression on your face.
“Try again,” Jean urged.
You turned back, getting ready to aim the power at Remy. You lifted your hand, felt the charge under your skin, the tingling in your hand, but when you actually pushed it from your body -- it simply fell to the floor.
“I don’t know what’s happening,” you stated, staring down at your hands with worry. What if they thought you were lying about needing help?
“When was it at its peak?” Jean asked.
Her question made you think back to months ago when you were a monster, when you were hurting everyone you loved. You flinched involuntarily, it didn’t go unnoticed by the others.
“When I… when I was trying to take over New York,” you explained, shame entangling in your voice and body language.
“How’s everything going in here?” Shannon suddenly asked, stepping into the bunker style training room.
Seeing her felt like a wave of fresh air and sunshine. You instantly straightened up and smiled.
“We’re trying to get to the bottom of exactly what makes her dark power so powerful,” Jean explained. “She said it had to do with the terrorist attack on New York and her hand in it?” she said, looking a little puzzled as she turned to Shannon.
She looked to you silently asking if she could explain what had exactly happened and how you were involved in all of it. You nodded your approval.
“Well it’s a long story but to summarize her hand was forced into helping another Asgardian open up the portal to letting the creatures in. At the time she brainwashed and was completely unable to do anything but do as told or fear losing not only her life but seeing the lives of her loved ones taken one by one before her,” she said trying to keep it as clean and with little detail possible so as not to shed a bad light on you, she knew how much their opinion of you mattered.
You looked to her and silently thanked her for not telling them of all the horrible things you had done to her and the people that you cared about. You felt as if though they were looking at you in a different light and began shrinking in on yourself and she could see that this topic was beginning to bother you.
“There is one hint I will give you as to what happens to be a part of what triggers her dark energy,” she said looking at Jean.
“Well, what is the hint Shannon?” Jean asked, wanting to figure out quickly how to help you.
“Your hint is a who, rather than a what, that goes by the name Loki,” she went on to say.
“And who might this Loki be?” Gambit asked her, looking to you curiously.
“He’s a man that she is very connected to,” was all that Shannon had said. She really had no place in telling them of who exactly Loki was to you so she kept it at that. She also realized that there was indeed a connection between the dark energy and Loki, Shannon remembered how upset you got when you two had been fighting and she kept bad mouthing him and your powers getting stronger.
The very first session of testings were out of the way. Shannon had gone off to speak to someone at the mansion and told you she’d see you back at the tower later on. Not being one to waste time, she quickly went to look for her masked friend.
“Wade? Wade Wilson if you don't appear in the next 2 minutes I'm heading home!” she giggled feeling someone’s emotions were playful. She walked closer to where he had been earlier with her. “Hmmm, I guess I’ll have to find someone else to go eat some chimichangas with.” she shrugs her shoulders and makes to leave the room.
“Woah there! Now just wait a minute no one else likes chimichangas as much as I do.” He rushed to stand in front of her. 
“I got you!” She smirked. “Come on dork lets go catch up.”
“Hey no fair.” He mock pouted. “You used my weakness against me.” 
“That's what happens when you have a spy as a friend.” She smiled up at him.
He pulled her close and messed with her hair. “Alright off to go watch a movie what are you in the mood for?”
 The two had walked to the lounge area and spent the rest of the afternoon together. Wade had made a ton of questions about the event of New York, the issues that occured between her and you. She had left feeling a bit  better about what happened, she knew she could always count on Wade to help her.
Kurt popped you back into the cell and left instantaneously, as to not be seen by Tony or any other prying eyes. Loki dismissed his illusion of you that was currently sitting on the couch with a mug.
“Was she good company?” you asked with a coy grin before sitting next to Loki on the other couch.
“She was... Didn’t talk much, but then again, isn’t that a good thing with girlfriends?” he teased and you shook your head at him. “How was it?”
“It was… good, I suppose. They don’t know what triggers my powers. Well, we might know, but they need to run more tests.”
“So...you’ll have to go back?” Loki inferred.
“Probably. We’re thinking it will be in two days. Shannon can’t exactly keep sneaking out without raising suspicion,” you informed with a shrug. “I just hope it goes a little better than it did today,” you remarked, getting up to go make a drink and make Loki something for dinner since he couldn’t cook for himself.
“Oh? Why? I thought you said it went well?” he questioned, concerned.
“It was,” you answered, “until Steve almost tackled me.”
“The soldier? What on Midgard for? What could you have possibly done?”
You turned to face him. “It’s silly really. I was running to hug my friend Remy and--”
“Your friend?” he questioned, frowning at you, the slightest tone of anger in his voice.
“Well, yes.You remember Remy. I told you about him. We kind of grew up together in the same foster home,” you explained. “He’s a character,” you said with a laugh. “You may like him.”
Loki closed his eyes and held his hands up. “Wait… So while I waste away in this cell, you went and had brunch with friends?” he asked, his voice rising dramatically.
“What? No. It’s not like that. I was exhausting myself physically and mentally trying to figure out why I feel so different. Trying to find a way to feel normal. I thought you were fine with this?” you asked. “You told me to go find answers.”
He shouted, “Yes! Answers! Not off having mimosas with some man you used to know!”
“I wasn’t off ‘having mimosas’,” you mocked in his voice. “I was trying to figure out what the hell that asshole put in my head, in my body!”
“Okay so you just think Shannon was helping you out of the kindness of her heart?” he pressed.
“Yes, I do. What else would she be doing?” you challenged.
“How do we know she wasn't just installing more surveillance when she gave you that tablet?” Loki asked as you worked on making him tomato soup in the small kitchen.
“What? Loki, there are literally cameras in every room except the bathroom. What more could they install?” you asked incredulously.
“I’m merely saying… do you trust her?” he said as he stood close to you like a shadow.
“I guess,” you answered unsure. Sure, she got you out for the day, and she helped you, and respected your privacy about New York and Loki, but both of you had a long way to go before there would be full trust again. She was still on the side of the heroes, and you on the villains afterall.
“Your level of confidence astounds me,” he mocked.
You sighed, frustrated at you laid down the stirring spoon. “I don’t know, Loki. She says she believes us, she came inside the cell--”
“Romanoff, the spy? She fooled me on that helicarrier. Shannon did the same thing to me in this tower. She pretended to be you for gods’ sake, and stabbed me in the back.”
“And I threw Tony out the window,” you reminded with a gleeful, fake smile, sarcasm behind it. “We’re pretty even.”
Loki took a deep breath before he said, “All I am saying is that she doesn't exactly stand on moral high ground. We don’t know her intentions. Coming in here, saying she believes us, all of that could’ve been a ruse. Trust me, I’m a master of trickery.”
“Moral high ground? Have you forgotten what we did?” you asked, turning to him.
“No,” he told you flatly, his eyes cold. “But she stabbed me in the back, Y/N. Not figuratively, like I do, but literally. What if she does the same to you?”
“Stab me or betray me?” you teased.
He gave you a cold look. “Neither is a joking matter,” he chastised.
You rolled your eyes. “Lok, she isn’t going to do that.”
“Oh, you’re right,” he said, putting his hand on his forehead dramatically. “I forgot that humans are so prone to forgiveness.” He gestured to the cell around you, looking at the concrete walls outside the glass cell.
You pursed your lips. “What do you want me to do?” you asked in a huff. “Send her away? You want me to say, ‘Oh, no, Shannon, that’s fine. I only spent the better part of a year trying to get you to come and see me, to forgive me. But now that you believe me, you can go’.” You crossed your arms and stared at him.
“No, I just… I want you to be cautious. I don’t want you getting hurt by her. I can't bear to watch it,” he stated.
“You know, not everyone is a fucking snake, looking how to double cross someone. That’s pretty much your department,” you snapped, shoving napkins in his chest as you started to walk to the bedroom. “Your soup is done.”
Loki stood, hurt evident on his face, sighing in frustration before he turned around. “The last I checked, that was hers. She was raised to lie, to gather information on the enemy. Or am I wrong?”
You froze.
“Look me in the eye and tell me I’m wrong. That her background doesn’t lay solely in lies, betrayal, pretending…” He demanded. “I may be a snake. I may do what’s best for me, but at least all my friends and foes know that. I don’t pretend to hide behind some innocent facade,” he hissed.
You turned and slowly advanced on him, your eyes dark. “I thought you were happy for me? I thought you were happy for us? She’s on our side! Tony couldn’t care less if we rot down here. She might be our only chance at ever getting our freedom! She got me out today. She is trying to get me help! And even if she wasn’t, even if we never got our freedom, that’s okay, because we don’t deserve it. I’m lucky she even wants to look at me after what I did...Just her talking to me is just as good as freedom. Why can’t you see that?”
In low tone, he looked down at you and said, “Because I can never see the good in people. If you always expect people to betray you, you’ll never be disappointed.”
You flinched away from him. “Is that what you think about me? That one day I’ll betray you? That one day I’ll somehow leave your side?”
His wild blue eyes met yours for a long moment before looking away.
Tears sprang to your eyes. “Wow. How fantastic. Does nothing I did prove my love to you? I lost my freedom for you. I stabbed my best friend for you. I threw Iron Man out a fucking window for you. I jumped into a portal for you. I endured brainwashing and hellish conditions for you. And you still think that I could just turn on you?”
“You wouldn’t be the first,” he remarked with hatred. “If history has taught me anything, it’s that I will always end up standing on my own. Remind me again who got to leave this cell today and who didn’t.”
You pulled away from him even farther. In a whisper, you asked, “How could you even say that to me? I have been by your side through everything when no one else was. I never once said, ‘This is all Loki’s fault. I plea insanity, let me go.’”
“Ah, so there it is. You do think it’s all my fault.”
“That’s not what I said,” you argued through clenched teeth.
“It’s just a matter of time before you cast me aside like all the others. You’re already leaving without me, maybe one day you just won’t return.” A cold smile fell on his lips as he cocked his head to the side.
“Maybe this is why!” you cried. “Did you ever think of that? Maybe it’s because you expect the worst from people and eventually they’re tired of trying to show you that you’re wrong, so they just betray you anyway. It’s easier just to prove you’re right, rather than to constantly fight to prove you wrong!”
“Then it’s best I do it first, before they do it to me,” he said, his eyes narrowing as his voice got low.
You held up your finger, warning him, “Shannon is a good person. So long as she doesn’t hurt you or me, we will go on trusting her and believing her. Do you hear me?”
“Loud and clear darling,” he cooed darkly.
“Just… eat your soup,” you said finally before turning and going into the living room to read. You sat with your back to him, hoping he wouldn’t hear you crying. Of all the people you could fight with, you really didn’t want it to be the one man you were literally stuck with for the rest of your life.
Was this your life now? Constantly choosing between Loki and other people? Choosing Loki or freedom? Choosing Loki or a normal life? 
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Unforseen Chasm Tag list- @reigningqueenofwords @oldfreakything @weclassygirl @adefectivedetective​ 
Tag list- @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you @winchester-writes @winchesterenthusiast   @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog   @sammysbuttcheek @misz-adrii @sandlee44 @womanxofletters @natsuccs @childishhoebinoo @expecteddifferent 
@girl-next-door-writes @fanaticfanfiction @dakotapaigelove @sassy-spn-knight-of-hell
4 notes · View notes
huntertales · 7 years
Part Four: Sam, It’s Okay. (Swan Song S05E22)
Episode Summary: The showdown between good and evil is at hand. With the apocalypse looming, the reader, now a demon, abandons the Winchesters to work at Lucifer’s side to help further his plans along. Sam and Dean realize they are out of options to save her and the fate of humanity. They are forced to make heart-breaking decisions that will change their lives forever. Warnings: mentions of attempted suicide (it’s not exactly what you think), angst, violence, character deaths, Demon!Reader. Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader  Word Count: 6,693.
Previous Part | Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist | Alt. Ending
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The moment all of you have been waiting for. It was about to begin. But you were going to put a stop to it once and for all. You stepped out onto the grassy field and slammed the passenger's side door shut, Dean following suit. It was the prize fight that had been planned out since Lucifer had been thrown into the cage and disobeyed his father for not doing what he was told. Fate had worked out a perfect bloodline that could be traced to the four of you to this exact field. This place was chosen because this was where the big plans started. Some were in the exact roles they were supposed to be, a few were improvising for what they had. And others were writing their script, changing things up for the hell of it.
You weren't the least bit scared at who you were going up against. If it was going down bloody, you weren't afraid to die. You didn't care if the world went down in flames and all of this was for nothing. You just needed to try. If you could fight who they wanted you to be, maybe there was a chance Sam could as well.
“Hey.” You called out to the younger Winchester as you pointed a finger at him, you walked over in his direction until you were standing right next to him. "We need to talk."
"Y/N, of all people. If you know what’s good for you, don’t do this. After everything that I did for you. And this is now you repay me." Lucifer spoke with an icy cold tone. His eyes narrowed slightly when you scoffed at his passive threat as his gaze slowly adverted to the man standing next to you. "And Dean. Even for you, this is a whole new mountain of stupid."
"What have you done for me, exactly? ‘Cause from my point of view, you’ve done nothing but make my life a miserable hell. You disgusting, obsessive son of a bitch. And I'm not talking to you." You corrected him as your voice grew harder from the way he was trying to make you feel. "I'm talking to Sam."
"You're no longer the vessel, Dean. You got no right to be here." Michael spoke up, deciding to get a few things straight here. He wasn't going to let a human and his brother's little mutt ruin things for him. This was a moment he'd been waiting for a very long time. And it was going to happen today. "And Y/N, well, why are you even speaking at all? Your part is here done."
"Adam, if you're in there somewhere, I am so sorry." Dean apologized to his half brother, knowing what was about to come was going to be a painful experience anyone could be faced with. But the archangel was friendly enough to reassure the both of you that it was just him in his meatsuit.
“Adam isn’t home right now.” Michael said, knowing the young man was long gone.
"Well, then you're next on my list, buttercup. But right now we need five minutes with him." You said, brushing off whatever sort of threat he was passing off with his facial expression. You looked away from Michael and to his brother, but your attention on lasted for a few moments when you heard the man mutter an insult. You could feel your fists clench as you slowly looked back over at this archangel Michael. "You know what? Let's one thing straight here. I might be your brother’s reason for being free. He might have a crude sense of humor of giving me a look that reminds you of someone. But I’m not Katerina. I’m not anybody’s puppet to play with anymore. I’m not going to fall into submission because you told me to. I'm not going to turn myself into a demon. And," You stepped forward to him as you pointed a finger at him like it was a weapon. Your lips stretched into a smirk as you looked at him straight in the eye. "I am not going to watch you burn this place down to the ground.”
“You little mutt.” Adam hissed at you with a venomous tone. You weren’t the least bit afraid when he started to make his way forward to you, closing the gap between the both of you. It seemed your words had struck a nerve in the archangel from the way he spoke to you. “You are the reason why we’re doing this in the first place. You’re the reason why the world is coming to an end. And you will do exactly what I tell you to do!”
“Hey, ass-butt!”
Two words saved you from ending your story with your heart getting ripped out by Michael. You could feel yourself letting out a sigh of relief from hearing Cas' voice from across the field. Michael looked over his shoulder to see the angel was standing with what appeared to be a glass bottle in his hand and a cloth slowly burning away. Bobby stood not too far from where he stood, making sure all of this went down right. You watched as Cas leaned back slightly before throwing the bottle across the field, and landing perfectly on the archangel, sending his vessel up into flames from the holy oil and fire.
You could hear Adam’s screams of pain as the familiar piercing sound of Michael as you tried to block out the nose best that you could. Dean managed to pull you away from the fire before Adam's body engulfed in flames. You watched as his skin sizzled and smoked, all before vanishing into thin air. You could feel your eyes widen from what you had just witnessed, Dean, however, was a little too caught up on the insult the angel used to grab Michael's attention. It was one that you'd never heard before, that was for sure.
“‘Ass-butt’?” Dean repeated the insult, seeming a little surprised himself at what the angel came up all on his own.
“He’ll be back—and upset—but you got your five minutes.” Cas wasn't too caught up on the details, all he knew was that you were going to have two very angry archangels in the matter of minutes. But you were going to have a feeling the wrath of the Devil himself was going to be more than you could ever handle.
“Castiel. Did you just molotov my brother with holy fire?” Lucifer asked a simple question, but it was his tone of voice that made you feel uneasy for what was about to come of this. Cas tried his hardest to give the archangel a smile as he raised his hands slightly in defense. He tried to deny his actions as he muttered a no. “No one dicks with Michael but me.” 
Lucifer decided the punishment should fit the crime. Ever so slowly, he raised his hand, and with the snap of his fingers, Cas—the sweet, obnoxiously annoying angel who disobeyed Heaven, the one who you had started to view as family—was gone just like that. You could feel yourself inhaling a sharp gasp as your eyes grew wide from how Lucifer made Cas into nothing more than just blood and bits of organs on the grass. Your breathing slowly to turn heavier as you tried your hardest to break your concentration away from the sight. Bobby stood there with a look of shock, a fine spray of blood from the explosion stained his skin. You tried your hardest to open your mouth, but you were afraid if you did, the only thing that would come out was a sob from what you had just witnessed. This wasn’t supposed to happen.
“Sammy,” Dean swallowed as he directed his attention to the man that still appeared to be his little brother. He had to try at least once to see if he was still in there. “Can you hear me?”
Lucifer slowly turned his head to look at the man at his tiresome attempts of trying to reach someone that will never come out again. His expression was nothing more than stone cold, exactly what you would expect to look in the eyes of the Devil himself. You let out a shaky breath as you tried your hardest to appear as unafraid when Lucifer glanced in your direction. It seemed that he had a few things he wanted to get off his chest before his brother came back and got things back on track.
"You know, Y/N, I tried to be nice. Let you make the right decisions and do things at your own pace. For you and Sammy’s sake. I never wanted you to feel rushed. I made promises and all you had to do was exactly what I wanted. And even that you couldn’t do right. But I’ve had enough. Of you disobeying me...you rolling around with this little maggot.” Lucifer said as he walked over to Dean. His hands reached out and took ahold of each side of the jacket. You could hear the leather squeak underneath his grip as he clenched his fists, making sure to get a good grip on the jacket. “I think it's time for you to understand what I was forced to go through."
Before you realized what was happening, you watched as Dean was flung into the windshield of the Impala, his weight cracking the glass as it shattered into spiderweb cracks. Lucifer began walking forward to the man as he reached out an arm to get started on what he’d been dying to do since being free from the cage. "No, don't!" You suddenly screamed on the top of your lungs, getting him to stop for a fraction of a second. Any logical part of you was gone. You stared at the man that was supposed to be your best friend. But all you saw was pure evil. Tears began to form in your eyes as you tried to see if there was any trace of Sam still left in there. He wouldn’t do this. He couldn’t hurt his brother. “Sammy, please. Don’t do this.”
“Sammy’s long gone, Y/N. He has been since Detroit.” Lucifer reminded you that the person you were trying to reach was long gone. You tried your hardest to deny what he was saying as you began to shake your head, trying anything to keep yourself from letting your tears fall. This was not the moment to show him vulnerability. If he knew what he was doing, it meant that he could crawl his way in before. No hope meant no chances of letting you return to your humanity that you managed to get back for a short amount of time. “You brought this upon yourself.”
Lucifer turned his attention back to the man that he’d spent months loathing over, the one person he wanted nothing more than to rip his head off clean. Since Dean wasn’t important to this story anymore and his brother gone for a few minutes, he decided to kill two birds with one stone. He took a giant step forward as he reached out an arm to grab ahold of Dean by the leg, but before he could get to the main event, all of you froze at the sound of a gunshot.
The Devil looked over his shoulder to see that Bobby was standing across the field holding the smoking gun. The hunter pressed his finger on the trigger again, landing a shot directly to the heart. But the bullets were nothing that he couldn't handle anymore. You knew it was like poking the beast with a stick, you gave him a look for what he did, Bobby shrugged his shoulders. He thought it wouldn’t have hurt to use all your options. But the man should have known from Cas when taking on someone like Lucifer. Bobby Singer, the one person who had been like a parent to the three of you, was forced to face the consequences of his actions.
Your hand quickly pressed itself against your mouth to muffle the bloody scream that escaped your throat when you watched Bobby's neck twist at an angle that didn't seem humanly possible. The echoing sounds of bones crunching made you realize the man's neck broke after Lucifer simply moved his hand. You could hear Dean shout on the top of his lungs himself, horrified at what he saw. Both of you were forced to watch Bobby, the man that all of you had viewed like a father, the one who was there for you through thick and thin, forced to be another casualty of this fight as his lifeless body fell to the ground.
You could feel your heartbeat pounding inside your ears as you could feel your body shaking like a leaf, your knees threatened to buckle underneath your weight as your eyes stared at the sight from across the field. Seeing Bobby's lifeless body on the floor and Cas being reduced to nothing more than blood and guts, it made you wonder if there was a way out of this. The sight became blocked when he stepped in front of you with that stupid little smile on his face made you want to believe that Sam really wasn’t in there anymore. But you couldn’t give up hope just yet. You stared at him straight in the eye, and with a weak voice, you asked the Devil a simple question: “Why?”
"Why am I going to force you to watch as I slaughter everyone you love? Like I said, Y/N. Your actions will always have consequences. I’ve been nothing but patient. You were so close to being what I wanted. But I see what the problem is.” Lucifer began walking back over to the Impala where he had the last person on his list that really mattered. Your eyes looked away from the man with his back turned to you and Dean. You inhaled a deep breath and got started on the plan that was your last option. “"Humanity is such a pitiful thing. Emotions drive you things into doing the stupidest things. You think you’re important. But you are nothing more than scum who deserves to—”
He might have been right about emotions driving you to do stupid things. You had one trick up your sleeve left. It was gonna require some sacrifice, but you knew the outcome wouldn't last long. Chuck had thought this could work after what happened in Missouri. It was a good piece of information that you could use against him. You watched as Lucifer stopped talking mid-sentence as he felt the sharp pain rush through his abdomen, like a stabbing pain. Ever so slowly, he looked over his shoulder to see what you've just done.
Your lips stretched into a smirk as you pulled out the demon knife from the middle of your chest and let the bloody weapon fall to the ground. You took a step backwards, but the weight you suddenly felt from the pain made your knees buckle underneath your weight and land onto the grassy field. You didn't know what you were expecting to happen, but this was your last chance at stopping him before things could get worse. You stared at the Devil straight in the eye as you began to let out a laugh from the look on his face.
But the taunts only lasted for a moment before you let out a painful cough, you leaned over and tried your hardest to spit out whatever sort of blood that was starting to rise to the surface. "You thought it was gonna be that easy, you son of a bitch?"
Lucifer noticed that your attempts of harming yourself had caused blood to start pooling out from the wound. Your breathing became heavier as you could feel the effects of what you just done start to come in effect. “I get it. Kill yourself, I die. Grab the rings off me and shove me back into the cage? Clever. I'll give you that much. But you’re gonna need something better than that little knife.” He kicked the weapon out of your reach when you realized this plan wasn't going to work as he continued on talking. He hovered over you as you leaned yourself against the side of the Impala, your breathing becoming more shallow as you barely were strong enough to keep yourself up. “You can't kill who you're meant to be, Y/N. She's still in there. And I’m gonna bring her out. I guess letting you take control wasn't the right move. I think I like you better this way...weak, on the edge of death. Like ripping wings off a butterfly.”
You tried your hardest to somehow push yourself to your feet when Lucifer made his way over to Dean, deciding to finally get started on this plan of his feet. Your hands slipped across the glossy hood as you begged one last time for all of this to stop. Lucifer didn't listen. He grabbed ahold of the oldest Winchester by the leg and dragged him forward, giving him no chance to defend himself when he swung a punch directly at Dean. The man went swinging face first into the hood of the Impala, but he managed to catch himself by placing his hands out in front of him. He could feel a trickle of blood pour out from his mouth at the punch landed directly around his jaw.
Dean put his hand out in front of him to see a small pool of blood form in the palm of his hand. He seemed stunned at what happened, but that didn't stop him from turning around and facing the man. “Sammy?” He spoke his little brother’s name, hopeful that he could hear everything that he was about to say. “Are you still in there?”
“Oh, he’s in here, all right.” Lucifer answered as he swung yet another punch, hard enough to make Dean fall back for a moment. “And he’s gonna feel the snap of your bones.” He kept going as he punched the man again. This time he watched as the man fell to the ground and gave him a moment to try and crawl away. “Every single one.” Lucifer decided that he had enough of seeing Dean suffer at getting back up to his feet. He bent down and helped him up, only before slamming him against the hood, giving you a perfect view of Dean’s face that was already bloody from what he did. “We’re gonna take our time. We're gonna give Y/N a nice showing of Sammy killing you. How's that sound?"
You’d never felt more scared in your life than you had right now of what was going to happen. It didn’t mean that you tried to beg for him to stop. You’d do anything in your power for this not to happen. But it was too late. You had been given the option to have a happy ending, but instead, you were forced to see the consequences of your own actions. Lucifer wouldn’t stop as he kept hitting Dean with all the pent up rage of his own. He kept punching him to what felt like a thousand different times. You dug your nails into the metal as you pulled yourself so you were now leaning against the hood with all the strength that you had.
"Stop! Please!" You pleaded one last time as you pressed your flustered cheek against the coldness of the metal. You shut your eyes as you could feel the emotions of everything happen suddenly hit you at once. You shook your head as you pressed your eyelids tighter when a sob broke from your throat. This wasn’t supposed to be how it ended. You let out a choked noise as you began to cry from what was happening. You couldn’t stomach the sight of Sam killing Dean with your own eyes. You would rather burn in Hell than any of this. "Just stop! Please! I...I don’t care what you want from me. Do whatever you want to me. Just don’t do this.”
Dean always been the stronger one than you. You slowly opened your eyes to see that his head was resting against the hood, with one eye still partly open, he looked at you. You could feel yet another sob build in your throat at the expression on his face. He wasn’t angry or sad at what was unfolding. He seemed...okay with what was about to happen. If the world was going to end, fine. He didn’t care about that matter. As long as the three of you were together. You would go down as a family, like how he always expected it to be.
“Sam, it’s okay. It’s okay. I’m here.” Dean reassured his little brother that everything was going to be okay as he placed a hand on the man's chest to try and steady himself. He didn't care if the man standing in front of him was the Devil himself. Because he knew his baby brother was still in there. He was witnessing this, and knowing that big conscious of his, would feel guilty for letting him do this. Lucifer threw yet another punch, as if to let him know that the younger man was long gone. You could another rush of tears come out from your eyes when Dean managed to find whatever strength that he had to look at you. “I’m not gonna leave you two.”
Lucifer drew his arm back up in the air, getting ready to throw yet another punch at the man to end this once and for all. But he stopped himself for a moment when the clouds began to move to reveal the sun, and with the angle that he was standing, it could do wonders for the mind to feel the warmth on one’s skin. Lucifer looked down to stare at the oldest Winchester who was about to kill. He was so set on it. But his arm never moved from his position. He stared down at the man who had been a thorn in his side for months. He kept him away from the two things that he desperately wanted. That he thought were rightfully his. But it wasn’t the Devil who was staring at the Winchester.
Sam furrowed his brow to see what he’d done. He slowly looked away from his brother and to you. You stared at him with a look in your eyes that he’d only seen once before in his life. The vulnerability made you appear like your sixteen year old self. Hopeless and afraid of what he was going to do. Sam looked away from you and his brother to stare at himself. What had he done? His fist throbbed as he stared at the person he had become.
His eyes drifted away from himself and that little green army man shoved in the ashtray. That was one of his favorite toys growing up. He’d been so upset from what he did. But Dean tried to put a silver lining to it. The little army man would be there when he slept in the backseat. It was a different story when Dean shoved his legos into the heating vent. Their father found out one winter morning when he went to turn on the heat to warm up the car. And then there was the time Dean was eight and he was four. The both of them climbed into the backseat and carved their initials into the interior. Because Baby was theirs. And she always will be.
The brothers had been their entire life in that damn car, but it felt like the only home they needed. The first time he got back into it after leaving for college was when his father went missing and you tagged along for what was supposed to be a weekend trip. You in the backseat, Sam in the front and Dean the driver. Your soundtrack was the dusty cassette tapes that you and him teased the older Winchester over. But the rules went; driver picks the music, passengers shuts their cake hole. And just like that, five years worth of memories came flooding back to him.
The times of discussing cases, fighting over what to do. laughing and singing to those stupid songs. You and Dean doing whatever you could to make sure that Sam was all right. That's what it’s been all about. What you and his brother were willing to do just to make sure that the younger Winchester was safe. Now it was time to return the favor.
Sam could feel a sudden surge of something that he hadn't felt in almost a full day—it was control. He was in control of himself again. The man felt his fist loosen as he started to gain the strength back from the Devil. He quickly stepped away as he let out a groan, knowing it wasn't easy, but he wasn't going to let him win. Sam let go of his brother and stepped away, allowing the man to fall to the ground so he was next to you. You watched as the younger man inhaled a few deep breaths as he made sure that this would work.
“It’s okay, guys. It’s gonna be okay. I got him.” Sam reassured the both of you as he gave a smile. He wanted the last sight of him as a happy one. You forced yourself to give him a smile for what he was about to do. This was his decision, it was what was going to happen. Sam fetched out the rings from his pocket and threw it across the field, moving quickly before the son of a bitch could take control again. "Bvtmon tabges babalon."
You watched as the spell began to work again when the ground began to slowly sink down and the wind picked up again, getting ready to drag anything down into the dark pits of below. It was the swan dive that would end all of this once and for all, give a happy ending to the people that deserved it the most. You could see that Sam was trying his hardest not to psyche himself at the darkness that was going to swallow him forever. He inhaled a few deep breaths as he took a step forward, knowing this was how it had to end. But before he made a single move, a familiar voice called out to him, stopping this plan.
“Sam!” It was Michael, back in his vessel without a scratch on him. And it seemed he didn’t like how all of you were going to end this story. “It’s not gonna end this way! Step back!”
“You’re gonna have to make me!” Sam shouted, not backing down from what he was about to do.
“I have to fight my brother, Sam! Here and now!” Michael said. "It's my destiny!"
Destiny; it was the word one that kept repeating itself over and over again. For a split second Sam wondered if it was the right thing to do. If Michael won, all of you would be given happiness and Heaven on earth. But that's not what lead up to this moment. That's not what all of you had been fighting for. Sam knew what the right thing to do was. He always knew, and nothing would stop him from doing this. He shut his eyes, and taking a breath, he let himself fall backwards.
Michael shouted when he realized what the younger man was about to do. There was a split second of time when the man was quick to act on his feet and grabbed ahold of Sam by the fabric of his jacket. But two could play this game. Sam grabbed the man by the arm and took a step backwards into the pit, dragging Michael to the darkness below, and disappearing from sight. You could feel your eyes being blinded by a bright light that came out from nowhere. You attempted to shield your face from the rays as you accidentally slipped to the ground after losing your balance on the hood. It only lasted for a moment before everything went back to normal.
You slowly opened your eyes when you felt the wind slowly go back down to a gentle freeze that hit your flustered cheeks. You let out a shaky breath as you began looking around, almost expecting to see Sam around, but there was nothing. The hole in the ground disappeared as if nothing happened. He was gone. Sam was gone.
You couldn’t help it when you felt yet another rush of tears come over you. But you weren't crying just because you were sad. You felt....free. Lucifer was gone. The world was saved. You could feel whatever sort of darkness that you had been fighting of your own disappear just like that. Maybe you had broken whatever sort of connection that you had to Lucifer. Now that he was gone, you killed off whatever sort of demon that was inside of you.
You pressed your hand against your stomach when you felt a sudden rush of pain shoot straight through your lower half when you tried to move. You looked away from the rings and to your shirt to see that a small piece of fabric was starting to grow darker as it stuck to your skin. You furrowed your brow in confusion as you took your shaky hands and pulled up your top. The stab wound you had given yourself hadn't healed like you hoped. It was starting to slowly trickle out with blood.
+ + +
Dean pressed harder against your stomach to keep the wound from gushing out anymore blood. He kept whispering with a swollen mouth and a shut eye that everything was going to be all right. The man kept talking about anything to keep you awake. He tried to ignore your coughing as you spit out blood and stained the grass. He said that everything was going to be all right, you were doing a good job. Just a little longer before the both of you would be home safe and sound. No more evil to fight. The both of you could be together.
“The world is ours, sweetheart. You and me." Dean chuckled as he watched the cloth he gotten from the Impala growing more soaked with blood. He swallowed down any sort of tears that threatened to come as he continued on talking about the life that ahead for the two of you. “We can go anywhere. Do anything we want. Hell...maybe we could leave all of this behind. Start a family of our own.”
You slowly looked away from the spot across the field where you still pictured Sam standing right before he took the dive below. Your eyes softened as you stared at the man you loved with all of your heart. Part of you knew this was how it was going to end. But you didn’t want to let go just yet. You wanted a few minutes longer. “Yeah.” You said with a quiet voice. A fraction of a smile began to spread across your lips. “I always wanted to have twins. Boy and a girl.”
"We could still do that. Sell your place, move far away from here. Pick any spot in the world, and I'll do it." Dean said. He tried to smile, but his mouth could only move so much. You let out a small laugh at the idea of him getting on a plane, but it caused you to let out another rough cough, making you wheeze before you managed to settle down. "Hey, hey. Take it easy, sweetheart. It'll be okay."
“No, it’s not. I can’t feel my legs, Dean. I don’t think I’m gonna make it.” You told him the truth as your eyes began to fill up with tears from what you had just said. He shook his head as he pressed down harder on the wound. “It’s over...but not for you. Go to—”
“Y/N,” Dean cut you off as he hissed your name. “Don’t. Please.”
"I know you don't want to do this anymore. And that's okay. I've known for a while. Go to Lisa, Dean. Make yourself happy. Give yourself a family that deserves you. Leave this all behind and don't look back. Promise me." You told him, not giving him much of a choice in the matter. But you decided to give him a bit of a hopeful outlook as you tried to see things on the bright side of things. “We won’t be separated forever. I mean, we do have a spot reserved upstairs just for the two of us. That is, if you don’t screw this up and do something stupid.” Dean tried to think that you were going to make it out of this alive. But from the way that you had gotten yourself and the amount of blood that you were losing, the outcome was looking impossible. “I love you, Dean.”
"I love you, too, sweetheart." Dean whispered with a quiet voice.
The first kiss you had ever shared with Dean was when you and him were at your final minutes of the demon deal and attempting to kill Lilith one last time. You made the first move. You leaped on him and pressed your lips against his, taking him by surprise. It was one of the best moments in your life. It seemed only appropriate your final kiss would be shared in the same style.
Dean could feel the grip that you had around his jacket that you had used to pull him to him loosen. His opened slightly to see that you were staring at him with a smile as your hand slowly began to fall until it dropped into your lap. Your eyes slowly began to flutter shut as you took the final breath you world before slipping out of consciousness, leaving him alone. The man stared at you for what felt like the longest time. He attempted to lightly shake your body. But he knew. It was over. All of this bloody mess was finally over.
But it seemed this wasn't the end for some. Dean could feel someone watching him. He slowly looked away from your face and over his shoulder. He stared at a sight that he'd thought would never see again. "Cas, you're alive?"
“I’m better than that.” The angel said.
Cas showed what kind of abilities he could do as he pressed two fingers against the man’s forehead, and just like that, Dean could feel the swelling in his face disappear as he could finally see normally again. Perhaps it was a stupid question to ask. The older Winchester pushed himself to his feet as he stared at the person in front of him with awe at what he could have done. Maybe the person that he'd been looking for was right in front of his face. Or maybe he took over the role. "Cas, are you God?"
“That’s a nice compliment. But no.” Cas said, a smile creeping at the ends of his lips from what the man thought. “All though, I do believe he brought me back.”
The angel left him with the words to think about as he walked over to Bobby when he spotted the man lifeless on the ground. He felt good to be back to his old self again. Cas bent down, and with a simple touch to the forehead, he brought life back to him. He watched as Bobby took a moment before he was revived. The man's eyes bulged open as he began to frantically look around, wondering where he was for a second. When he saw the angel Castiel standing over him, he suddenly realized what happened. And the place he'd been before wasn’t just a dream.
Cas thought his work was done here. He'd brought back the people that needed to be and Dean was fixed. But someone else didn't think so. Dean shouted at the angel, capturing his attention just long enough for him to face the man, wondering what else he wanted. The older Winchester let out a breath as he looked away from him and to you, who remained lifeless and leaned against the Impala. He looked back at the angel, hoping he would understand. And from the sullen look that settled across his face, he understood. But there was nothing that he could do. When someone dies, they want to believe their loved ones went to Heaven, where they would wait for them until the end of their days.
Dean could feel his knees give out from his weight when he realized that you weren’t going to be waiting for him when death came for him.
+ + +
Endings are hard. Any chapped-ass monkey with a keyboard can crap out a beginning, but the endings are impossible. You try to tie up every loose end, but you never can. The fans are always gonna bitch. There's always gonna be holes. And since it's the ending, it's all supposed to add up to something. I'm telling you, they're a raging pain in the ass. Guy defeats the monster and saves the girl. That's how it's supposed to end, right? No. I wish it would. But...sadly, no.
Hunters were given the traditional salt and burn funeral. But not for Y/N. She had a life outside of this world, she had friends that knew her for someone else. He made sure the service was quiet and peaceful, surrounded by people that she loved. A few days after the incident, she was buried in the cemetery in Lawrence with her parents. Where she belonged.
Dean's final goodbye to the woman he loved was also to someone else he was close the very next day. This will be the last time Dean and Bobby will see each other for a very long time. And, for the record, at this point next week, Bobby will be hunting a rugaru outside of Dayton.
But not Dean.Dean didn’t want Cas to save him, every part of him, every fiber he's got, wants to die or find a way to bring back Y/N and Sam. But he isn’t gonna do either. Because he made a promise to the both of them.He went back to the woman that he shared one weekend with. One weekend that was one of the best nights of his life. She wasn’t Y/N. Nobody could be that woman. But little did Dean realize when he knocked on Lisa's front door, she was waiting for him. Because that's what Y/N wanted. She knew the two of them would make each other happy, to complete a family that doesn't always need to end in blood. And that’s where Dean’s story ends. WIth a happy ending. Doesn’t seem so fair, I know.
And you might be asking yourself, what’s all this add up to? It’s hard to say. But me, I’d say this was a test...for Y/N and the boys. And I think they did all right. Up against good, evil, angels, devils, destiny, and God himself,  they made their own choice. They chose family. And...well, isn’t that kind of the whole point?
No doubt—endings are tough. But then again...nothing ever really ends, does it?
When we close the books or see the ending credits for a movie, we think that's where it ends. The characters disappear and everything for them ends. But it doesn't. They continue on going through their life, living life like you and me. Waiting for that moment for the adventure to kick up again. And it will soon. Y/N and the boys don’t let death stick to them for very long. This is just the beginning. I think the rest is up to them to decide for how their story goes.
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Pynch Week 2017 Day 6: Fireflies
So I decided to fit chapter 2 into the fireflies prompt! Hope you enjoy! 
Ronan couldn't stop thinking about Adam. They had had such a good time until fucking Trae interrupted. Of fucking course Adam hadn’t been his actual date. That would mean that something good would have to happen to Ronan.
Ronan knew he was moping but he couldn’t get himself to snap out of it. He hadn’t left Monmouth in three days and had barely left his room. Gansey had attempted to find out what had happened a couple of times but Ronan had always shouted at him to leave him the fuck alone and mind his own fucking business. For once, Gansey listened and dropped his attempts at getting information, but that didn’t stop him from checking in on Ronan every few hours like an overbearing mother.
On the fifth day, Noah burst into Ronan’s room and went straight to the window. He pulled the curtains open dramatically, letting in the sunlight and threw the window open.
“Rise and shine, buttercup! We are going out today!” Noah sang cheerily.
Ronan glared at Noah and threw his pillow directly at his face. Noah batted away the pillow and made for Ronan’s dresser. He started pulling open the drawers and pulling out random clothing, muttering under his breath.
“What the fuck do you think you are doing?” Ronan growled at Noah, who now was going through Ronan’s underwear drawer. He held up a pair of neon green underwear and raised an eyebrow at Ronan.
“This doesn't match your aesthetic,” Noah said giggling.
Ronan shot up from the bed and grabbed the underwear from Noah and shoved them back in the drawer.
“Noah, get the fuck out of my room. I am not going anywhere with you asshole.”
Noah pouted at Ronan, eyes looking like a sad puppy. Ronan never could tell Noah no.
“Fine,” Ronan huffed, “where are we going?”
Noah’s face lit up, a huge smile spreading across his face.
“I have the whole day planned!”
Ronan was regretting giving in to Noah’s request so easily. When he said he had the whole day planned out he was not kidding. Ronan had thought he meant to keep him out a few hours at most, maybe a movie and some food. He clearly had been planning this day since Ronan had come home the first night upset from the date, probably with Gansey’s help.
The three of them had started at the mall because Noah had insisted that Ronan needed to freshen his wardrobe up and buy something that wasn’t black or any variation of gray. Ronan had laughed until he realized that Noah wasn’t joking. After spending two hours at the mall and visiting several stores Ronan finally just grabbed the first non-black or gray shirt he could fine in his size and purchased it without trying it on.
After the mall they stopped and ate pizza at Nino’s. Ronan had never eaten at Nino’s, but Noah and Gansey had been on several occasions and had promised it was good.
Once they were sat at a booth Ronan started scanning the menu. As he was trying to decide what he wanted he heard a female’s voice addressing Gansey.
“You’re not here to call me a prostitute again are you?” the girl said with humor in her voice.
Gansey’s entire face went a deep shade of red as he looked up at the girl.
“Blue! Hello!” Gansey’s face now plastered with a ridiculous smile, “It is lovely to see you again!”
Ronan stared at the girl, Adam’s laughter echoing in his head. There was no way this was the same girl that Adam had told him about. He would have known if Gansey called someone a prostitute and he would have never let Gansey live it down. He would need to drag Gansey’s side of the story out of him later.
“What are you staring at, Snake?”
It took Ronan a few seconds to realize that Blue was talking to him. He hadn’t realized he was still staring, he had been too stuck in his head. Normally Ronan would have shot back with something nasty, but he wanted a real answer to his next question, so he decided to ignore her.
“Are you friends with a guy named Adam? Dusty hair, really tan with freckles?”
Gansey and Noah were looking at Ronan bewildered, surely surprised that Ronan hadn’t bitten this girl’s head off.
Blue squinted her eyes at him and recognition spread across her face.
“You’re him aren't you? The guy from last week.”
Ronan could feel Gansey and Noah trying to catch his eye to get answers. Ronan looked down at the menu, trying to hide his emotions. He was feeling too many emotions at the moment.
He was feeling angry and hurt that Adam had lied to him and pretended to be someone he wasn’t. He was feeling jealous that this girl knew Adam and spent enough time with him that she knew who he was. He was feeling hopeful that maybe he would be able to reconnect with Adam through Blue. He was feeling betrayed by himself that he even wanted to find Adam again. He needed to get his emotions in check before he exploded. He took a deep steadying breath and told his order to Blue.
Blue hesitated a moment, thrown off by the sudden subject change, but seemed to sense that the conversation was over. She took the two other’s orders and left.
Without a menu to keep him occupied, Ronan had to face the other two. Before either of them could bombard him with questions he went ahead a told them what had happened the other night. By the end of the story, Gansey and Noah were both looking at him sadly.
“You should ask Blue if she has his number or contact information.” Gansey suggested helpfully.
“Hell no! And neither of you are going to ask either.” Ronan warned.
Gansey and Noah tried to argue with Ronan but Ronan ignored their attempts and changed the subject. Once they finished, Noah went to pay the bill at the register while Ronan and Gansey went to wait in the car. Once Noah arrived in the car he directed them to their next destination.
After several more hours of “fun” activities Ronan just wanted to go home and wallow in his room some more. The run in with Blue, and knowing she was connected to Adam, had left him emotionally drained. He told Noah he wanted to go home, but Noah said there was one more place that they HAD to go before they headed home. Ronan had closed his eyes and put his forehead against the back of Gansey’s seat, muttering curses under his breath.
When they arrived at their final stop, Ronan was not happy. They were in the middle of a field, little tents dotting the perimeter. There were kids running around and families camped out on picnic blankets. The sun was just starting to go down behind some trees in the distance. There was a handmade banner hanging between two poles that stated they were at the “Henrietta 25th Annual Lightning Bug Festival”. Ronan turned to Noah, scowling.
“Are you fucking serious, man? I’m not staying for this shit.” Ronan turned to walk back to the car.
“Ronan wait! Please! Can we stay for a few minutes?” Noah was pulling out his pout and puppy dog eyes again. “I used to come here with my family before….”
Fuck. There was no way Ronan could say no.
“Fine. Twenty minutes. Then we leave.”
Noah nodded enthusiastically as he led them through the smattering of people to the center of the field. He kept glancing around like he was looking for someone until his gaze settled somewhere to the left of them. Ronan started to turn to look where Noah was looking but Noah quickly redirected his attention elsewhere.
They finally came to a spot that Noah deemed worthy and sat on the grass. Just as Ronan’s ass hit the ground Noah pulls out some money and asks Ronan to go and get him a funnel cake.
“Are you fucking serious? You can’t even eat it!”
“I just want to pretend that I can. My mom always…”
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Ronan cut him off, “Fine I’ll go get it”
Ronan snatched the money from Noah and headed to the funnel cake tent. The line was about 15 people deep. Ronan was cursing Noah under his breath when he felt someone tap him on the shoulder. He turned around, ready to snap at someone, but was stunned to find Adam standing there.
“Hi, I’m Trae.” Adam said with a smirk on his face.
Ronan opened his mouth to say something and nothing would come out. He looked at Adam for a few seconds and then turned back around to face the front of the line.
He felt Adam tapping him on the shoulder again. He pretended like he couldn’t feel it, although it was pretty obvious he could. His shoulders tensed as he felt Adam move to stand beside him.
“Okay, that was a dumb joke to make. I’m sorry.” Adam turned to better face Ronan.
Ronan kept his eyes forward and answered through clenched teeth, “What the fuck are you doing here?”
From the corner of his eye he saw Adam’s brow furrow.
“Blue called me and said you wanted to meet up and talk. Said to meet you at the lightnin’ bug festival at 7:00.” Ronan tried not to focus on the adorable country twang that slipped into Adam’s voice when he said lightning bug.
Ronan turned to finally make eye contact with Adam. He should have stayed facing forward. Adam’s blue eyes looked so hopeful that it hurt Ronan’s heart.
“Well I didn’t tell her I was going to be here because I didn’t even know I was going to be here. Noah has been….” Realization hit Ronan. He really didn't like people playing with his life like this. He let out a groan.
“Little fucker. Look I don’t know what Noah told Blue to tell you but I’m not interested. I don’t date people who I can’t trust not to lie to me.”
Adam’s face fell.
“Oh…I see.” Adam stammered as he broke eye contact with Ronan. “I just assumed since we hit if off so well…but okay. I can take a hint.”
Adam started to walk away, but before he got too far he turned back to Ronan.
“But for the record, I never lied to you about who I was.”
Ronan rolled his eyes. He had already explained this to Adam, but he realized he never let Adam explain.
“Then why did you go along with me calling you Trae?”
Adam let out a soft laugh, “You keep saying you called me Trae, but I have no memory of that happening. I’m sure I would have corrected you if you had called me someone else’s name. I thought it was odd that you wanted to sit with a complete stranger to begin with, but I humored you. And I’m not sorry I did.”
Ronan scoffed at Adam’s response.
“I walked up to your table and said ‘Hi Trae’ and you pretended to not hear me for a second and then finally acknowledged me. I should have known right then that something wasn’t right.”
Understanding flitted across Adam’s face.
“You came up on my left side that day, right?”
Ronan thought back to that day and nodded.
Adam let out a joyful noise.
“Well that explains it! I’m deaf in my left ear. I never heard you say Trae.” Adam explained, sounding a little too happy for someone talking about their own deafness.
Ronan’s eyes went to Adam’s left ear like he would be able to be physical evidence that Adam was telling the truth. Adam must have caught this because his hand came up to his ear and a slight blush spread across his cheeks.
“Look, Ronan. I like you. I had a surprisingly good time with you last week and I’d like to see you again.” Adam’s face had gone very serious. “But I don’t want to force you into seeing me. This was obviously a set up. If you don’t feel comfortable because you feel like I lied to you I will understand. Just say the word and I will leave and tell Blue not to interfere anymore.”
Adam waited patiently while Ronan considered what he had said. The line had moved up and Adam nudged Ronan to move forward. Ronan brought his wrist up to him mouth and started chewing on his leather bracelets.
Ronan was having a hard time deciding on what to tell Adam. On one hand, he had had a great time with him last week and wanted to see him again too. On the other hand, he was still embarrassed from the mix-up.
Adam must have been able to see the indecision on Ronan’s face.
“Okay, how about this. We hang out, as friends, during the rest of the lightnin’ bug festival, and if by the end of the night you decide that you still can’t trust me I will leave you alone.”
Ronan considered Adam’s offer. It wouldn’t be too bad to hang out with Adam for a little bit. He didn’t want to go back to where Noah and Gansey were right now. If he didn't enjoy himself he never had to see Adam again.
“Fine.” Ronan grumbled.
Adam’s face lit with a smile again.
“Great! Once we’re done here, we can go find a spot.”
“Fuck, Noah. He can get his own funnel cake. I doubt he really even wanted one anyways.”
Ronan turned and searched the crowd for Noah and Gansey. When he spotted them they were both watching him and Adam eagerly. Ronan flipped them off and turned back to Adam.
“Lead the way.”
Adam had come prepared. He had a few small blankets and a few snacks and drinks for the two of them. They sat a little ways from the crowd so they could have some privacy. Adam was beaming at Ronan the whole time, telling wild stories and asking Ronan questions about himself and his friends. Ronan found himself laughing more than he had in a long time.
Slowly, the two boys moved closer to each other. Neither had intentionally done so, but they seemed to gravitate towards each other. Ronan made eye contact with Adam and was breathless. He was so beautiful. His eyes sparkles in the dim light and he seemed completely at ease with Ronan. Ronan couldn’t believe that this smart, clever boy was actually enjoying his company.
Adam broke eye contact first and gestured for Ronan to look around. There were thousands of lightning bugs lighting up the field. Ronan was awed by the beauty surrounding him. He glanced back at Adam and saw the wonder written on his face as well. Ronan inched a little closer to Adam and grabbed his hand and laced their fingers together. Adam turned to look at Ronan and then back down at their hands with a smile. When Adam raised his eyes back to Ronan’s they were full of relief. Ronan was sure the safe thing was mirrored in his. The boys smiled softly at each other and turned back to watch the lightning bugs light up the world, hand in hand.
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My assignment for @autisticfanworkexchange - a fanfic for  @kyrfiore
I’m sorry that I couldn’t write anything more specific, but we were matched by mods and I’m only familiar with Harry Potter. However I tried my best and I hope you will still appreciate it. Also sorry for my weird punctuation - twelve years of learning English, still can’t punctuate dialogues the English way.
“We’re Scully and Mulder”
fandom: Harry Potter 
rating: PG-13/T
AU (alternative to “Nighteen Years Later”), Luna/Hermione, detective, mystery, fluff, autistic!Luna, autistic!Hermione; ~5500 words long
content warnings for: death/murder (but there’s nothing too nasty or graphic)
“They got together; wave and stone,
Verse and prose, ice and flame…”
Alexander Pushkin, ‘Eugene Onegin’
 Today Hermione came back home even later than usual. Her fumbling with the door keys woke up the neighbors’ yappy dog, and she quietly cursed under her breath, as she continued to look for the keyhole in the darkness of the alleyway. The door seemed adamant about not wanting to be opened. Glancing over her shoulder to check for strangers, Hermione took out her wand and whispered ‘lumos’. A beam of white light shone from the wand, and finally she could locate the keyhole. She couldn’t just use ‘alahomora’ on this one – it was protected from unwanted entrance.
The door clicked, hissed and screeched – as if tiny gears were spinning and turning inside it. When, in the end, it opened, it revealed a small room lit by a soft, orange light. If someone was to enter it without a special key, all they would find in the house was dust and empty halls. But the muggles believed the house was abandoned years ago, so they rarely bothered to even pass by. Sometimes kids would come to explore the place, out of curiosity or for a dare, but they didn’t stay for long. For them, it wasn’t entertaining enough, simply because they never saw the truth.
Hermione closed the door behind her, and tiptoed her way into the living room. It was quiet and dark, so she assumed Luna was already asleep. She wasn’t surprised – it was already past midnight when she left the Ministry. It must have been very late now. Or very early, depending on your point of view. She dropped her heavy bag on the couch, took off her coat and boots, and headed for the kitchen. There a big plate covered by a metal lid was waiting for her on the table. Hermione smiled, took of the lid and breathed in the smell of food. One time she asked Luna what kind of magic she used for cooking. To that she replied with one word: ‘spices’.
She heated up the cold chicken curry with a silent movement of her wand and sat in the kitchen eating. All around her on the walls were paintings, paintings of rare (and sometimes imaginary) creatures, beautiful landscapes, and friendly faces. Luna’s life centered on her art, it was everywhere you looked. In the morning, right after sunrise, she was already in their garden, painting another masterpiece. Often she would draw the same picture over and over again, perfecting the technique, focusing on every tiny detail that seemed important to her. Hermione was pretty sure that, by now, their every friend had at least a few of Luna’s paintings in their house. And still, there was never a shortage. She didn’t seem to ever run out of inspiration.
After finishing her late night dinner, Hermione put the dish in the sink and tiptoed up the stairs to the bedroom. As she has guessed, Luna was in the bed, wrapped in three heavy blankets and asleep. Not bothering to change into pajamas, Hermione took off everything apart from her underwear and quietly slipped under the blankets. Luna’s sleep remained undisturbed. With a sign of relief, Hermione turned on her side and pressed her face into the soft, cool pillow. She was so tired that sleep kidnapped her mind before her thoughts came back to today’s events, and luckily so. At least the disturbing images stayed out of her dreams.
She woke up because something heavy was sitting on her chest. Hermione rubbed her eyes and squinted. It was Vincent – their fluffy, slightly overfed cat. She stretched, making Vincent jump from her chest and walk away on his short legs, evidently not very pleased.
As she got up and started picking a new set of clothes, Luna entered the room.
-Good morning, buttercup. – She murmured, fiddling with a lock of her hair. – Breakfast is ready.
And immediately after she turned round to leave.
-You’re not gonna ask me about yesterday? – Hermione asked.
Luna shrugged. – I’m not gonna interrogate you before your first cup of coffee. Besides, I have flowers to water. – She pointed at the shirts that Hermione held in her hands. – That one. – She said. – It is softer, and looks much better on you. Now, gotta check on those tulips.
Hermione smiled. Luna and she couldn’t have been more different. Luna was quiet and gentle, moving like a flower petal on the wind, carefully avoiding every obstacle in her way. She spoke rarely, and even when she did, her words were sometimes puzzling, sometimes outright nonsensical, but Hermione could always understand her. And Hermione spoke a lot, maybe even too much – even when exhausted beyond the point of no return, she would still create long, sophisticated monologues filled with meaning. But she always envied Luna, her creative talents, the grace in her movements… Hermione couldn’t walk across her own house without bumping into something.
The differences didn’t stop there. Hermione was order, and Luna was chaos. Hermione took the same route on her way home, every day, for the last seven years. She read the same books she had as a child, and kept her interests and obsessions for decades. Luna collected obsessions like stamps – every few months, there was something new. She loved re-decorating the house, moving the furniture around in ever so subtle ways, which sometimes pissed Hermione off. Luna resided in randomness; it seemed her world was bigger than just the objects around her. There was a universe in her mind that she didn’t share with anyone.
 The golden rays of the sun were crawling slowly up the walls, highlighting every scratch and dusty surface. The air was thick and smelled of syrop and coffee beans. Hermione held her cup firmly in her hands, sipping the hot liquid. She loved her mornings: sitting near the window, eating breakfast and watching her beloved girlfriend take care of the flowers. Her house was a safe place. It was calm, quiet, and familiar – pleasantly devoid of surprises. Well, except for Luna’s eccentric decorating projects.
-Did you enjoy the waffles?
Hermione didn’t catch the moment Luna came back to the house. She was standing in front of the table, her blond hair messy and tangled, dirt under her fingernails.
-I did. – Hermione nodded, mixing her coffee absent-mindedly.
-What is bothering you? – Luna asked, and took a seat opposite her.
Once again, Hermione was surprised by Luna’s abilities to read her state of mind. Five years of living together, and she still relied on taking sneak-peaks at Luna’s mood stone. Despite sounding like a cheap fake, that trinket of her actually worked.
-The usual. – Hermione replied. – Rather nasty case in the ministry.
Hermione loved working in the Magical Law Enforcement, she truly did. But every time they sent her to be an expert on a ‘special case’, the memories would haunt her for weeks.
-Suspected. And nobody has any idea what might have killed him.
-Who was the victim?
-A man, Sebastian Abbey. He lived alone, no family, no friends, recently released from Azkaban after two years of service for various small crimes – not exactly a celebrated member of society. That’s probably why he was found a week after he died. No one checked on him. They aren’t sure if it has any connection with magic, they called us because he was a wizard.
-What do you think has happened? – Luna was twirling a ribbon in her hands, wrapping it around her index finger, then unwrapping, then doing it again.
-I have no idea. Couldn’t have been murder, or suicide, or natural cause. But it sure is creepy.
 They climbed down the wobbly staircase, and it felt like it could break under their feet at any minute. The cellar was dark, and the smell of rotting and decay was overwhelming. The wooden floor was covered by dirt, dry leafs and old, yellow scrolls. And there, in the middle of the room, was the reason they were here – a body of a young man.
Avior, Hermione’s trainee, stood in the corner, eyes fixated on one spot. He was easily frightened and didn’t deal very well with stress, but it didn’t stop him from choosing his current job. Hermione wanted to encourage him, but she didn’t feel well herself. She almost had to force her own hand to move and direct the source of light to the victim. The dead man laid on his back on the muddy floor, his eyes closed, his skin grey and slightly wrinkled. There were no signs of trauma or struggle. In fact, he looked as if he fell asleep and passed away for no reason at all. Hermione has seen things much worse, during the war and at her work. Nevertheless, the sight was bothering her immensely.
-This place looks deserted. Like no one has lived here for years. – Avior said, cautiously taking a step forward.
-He returned from prison a month ago. – Hermione explained. – His name is, was, Sebastian.
-Did the previous team come up with any explanations?
-They haven’t got a clue. – She was waving her wand over the body, checking for any used spell. – That’s why they called us.
-Doesn’t look like a human could have done it. Could it be an animal, or a magical creature? Like a dementor.
-Dementors don’t kill. – Hermione replied. – They are only interested in the soul.
-Maybe it was an accident. I saw a cauldron in the living room. Many potions prepared improperly can kill. – He forced an awkward smile. – I was good at potions at school.
-I’m very happy for you. – She told him, only then realizing how sarcastic her tone was. – I’m sorry, Ave. I like this no more than you do.
The other workers soon arrived to take the body to a facility. They had specialists who could identify tiny traces of any substance, or any spell. Yet they discovered nothing. When they came back to the ministry, Hermione turned to the best source of comfort and knowledge she knew – a library. Her own collection was so extensive, finding the right volume was already a challenge. She spent the rest of her day with her books. She was so absorbed by the confusing, contradicting statements that her perception of time just turned off. By the time she got up from her chair, it was already late evening.
What was the mysterious force that killed a man right there, in his house, leaving no traces and no clues? She didn’t know, and it was making her feel uneasy and rather anxious.
 -When lost, look for someone who is lost too. – Luna said, then got up and started picking up the dirty dishes. She hummed a tune under her breath as she guided the plates into the sink with an upward motion of her wand. – Nevil will love the asters. They are about to bloom.
Immediately, Hermione understood what Luna meant.
-You’re right. – She said. – I’ll ask Harry about it.
-Say hi to thestrals from me. – Luna added, kissing Hermione on the cheek.
And a minute later she was gone from the room.
The Floo network between the ministry and Hogwarts was due for a renewal decades ago, but the wizards and witches in charge of budget kept postponing it. ‘We already have the Hogwarts Express to pay for!’ they said. Hermione wondered what they would say if they had to use the system, at least once in a while. She cursed under her breath, then sneezed, and a small puff of Floo powder erupted from her nose. Trying desperately to brush it off her robe, she climbed out of the fireplace and stretched.
The Defense against the dark arts professor’s office was empty and looked rather lonely. Hermione has heard that Harry didn’t use it very often, and preferred to spend his free time in the Gryffindor common room. It made the students increasingly uncomfortable, but no one wanted to talk to him about it. Twenty years later, Harry still couldn’t take a hint.
She found him in one of the classrooms, cleaning up after some sort of magical accident. There were tiny pieces of shredded paper everywhere: some of them smoking, some already burning. Harry was leaping from one pile of paper shreds to another, distinguishing the fire with swift motions of his wand, completely absorbed by the task. Hermione giggled, but he didn’t notice. She took her own want out of her pocket, raised her arm in the air and said:
And the mess disappeared. Harry turned on the spot and looked at Hermione as if she just did something absolutely inexcusable.
-Thanks a lot. – He said, and sighed. – Now I’ll have to set it up again for the next class.
-You mean this was done on purpose?
-Of course! I am simulating a snow storm.
-You do know there is a spell that creates snow, right? – She pointed her wand upwards, and snowflakes started falling from the ceiling.
-Oh. – Harry scratched his head, rather embarrassed. – Well, paper still looks nicer.
 They sat near a window and drank tea while a bunch of first year students had their broomstick flying class outside. Hermione smiled as she remembered her first try, and Harry’s ultimate triumph on that day.
-Oliver Wood comes to give a masterclass or two every year. – Harry informed her. – I go to Hogsmeade when it happens. He always makes me do a demonstration, and I hate that.
-Sure, because you can’t stand being in the center of attention, the chosen one.
-I’d love it, if I could fly as well as I used to. – He replied. – No, I’d rather stick to my own subject.
Once they have discussed all the recent news and rumors, Hermione was going to get to the purpose of her visit, but was interrupted by a girl in Ravenclaw robes sneaking into the classroom without knocking.
-Professor Potter? – She called, her hands clasped awkwardly behind her back.
-What is it, Jamie? – Harry asked.
-There are pixies in the corridor near the Clock Tower.
-No there aren’t. I checked. Twice.
-But sir, Lin and I, we saw them!
-If there were any pixies there, I would have found them. – Harry insisted. – I have been an auror, you know.
The girl giggled. – For six months.
-Have you been an auror for six months, Jamie? – He asked, a kind expression on his face.
-No. – The girl replied. – But I might be, when I grow up.
-You shouldn’t miss your classes then. Don’t you have Herbology right now?
She nodded, and turned to leave.
-Kind of tired of those pixie rumors. – Harry told Hermione when the girl closed the door behind her. – To be honest, I did hear some noise in that corridor. Hope they won’t actually find any. That would be embarrassing.
Hermione laughed. – You know, I am still a little bit shocked by the fact McGonnagal even allowed you to teach, with no experience and no recommendation letter.
-They don’t exactly have people lining up for this position. – He shrugged. – Besides, at least I do my job better than, say, a man with Voldemort on his head, or worse – Umbridge.
-Can’t argue with that. – Hermione smiled.
-So, might I ask you why you are here? – He asked. – Apart from insulting my teaching abilities.
-Oh, you should be pleased.  –She replied. – I am here for your wisdom and expertise.
He listened to her speak, and not a muscle moved on his face. Harry wasn’t easily disturbed. Maybe he developed an immunity, or maybe he just learned not to show it. Once she had nothing more to say, he shook his head.
-I’m sorry, but I have no idea. My only original guess was Basilisk, or something of the kind. There is magic that leaves no trace, but I am not familiar enough with that. I can list a dozen or so of potential spells, but I don’t think it will help you.
-Right. – Hermione frowned. – I guess we’ll have to postpone the case, until more evidence resurfaces. It’s a shame though. Maybe he wasn’t a very nice guy, but he deserves justice too.
Suddenly someone burst through the door.
-Professor Potter! – It was a tall, skinny boy with a Slytherin scarf around his neck. – Pixies! Near the Clock Tower!
-How many times…
-No, they caught them now. They really did!
Harry rubbed his eyes, thinking.
-Do I have to deal with it?
-It was your son who set them free though, sir. Headmistress wants to see you.
-I’ll be there in a minute. Now go, Augustus, go.
The boy nodded and left the room.
Hermione got up. – I guess I’ll be going. James is in trouble, probably.
-Three weeks at Hogwarts, already two detentions.
-You aren’t proud?
-He caused them all by accident.
Hermione smiled, but covered her mouth. – Like father, like son.
Harry didn’t react.
-Okay then, I’m gonna go see Neville. Luna gave me some aster seeds for him.
There were many things Hermione disliked: cruelty, hypocrisy, itchy sweaters, lukewarm tea… the list went on. However one thing never failed to ruin her emotional stability – uncertainty. Ambiguity. Mystery. When asked a question, she would spend her every waking moment thinking about it, until the answer was clear to her. People thought of her as an obnoxious know-it-all, but the truth was, absence of knowledge simply made her incredibly uncomfortable, so she strived to fill that vacuum. The problem began when a question existed, but nobody knew the answer. That’s when her need for certainty would get on her nerves.
She was biting her nails again, curled up in an armchair, and Luna noticed how tense and uncomfortable she looked. A minute later she was there with a warm blanket and a tin of sweets.
-Take one. – She said, opening the tin.
-My parents would be furious if they knew you are feeding their beloved daughter pure sugar.
-But they aren’t here. – Luna replied, and took one to demonstrate. – They taste like mint and lemon.
Hesitating for a second, Hermione took a sweet as well. Maybe it’s not very good for her teeth, but at least she isn’t biting her nails anymore. She wrapped herself in the blanket that Luna brought and made room for her in the big armchair.
-You look stormy. – Luna said. – Like a cloud when it’s about to rain. What’s on your mind?
-Oh, you know. The case. It’s bothering me so much! I just need to know what it was.
-Maybe it was tacita interfectorem. – She suggested. – It’s a wild spirit, lives under the ground, hides in there at night: in mole tunnels and in between the roots of trees. It doesn’t usually attack people, but when it does, they die instantly, and there is no trace. Blink of an eye, and that’s it.
-I appreciate your effort, but I doubt it was an imaginary creature.
-They are as imaginary as nargles. – Luna told her, slightly offended.
-Exactly my point. – Hermione nodded.
For a moment, they were silent.
-I wonder if the flavor of the quarks is a nice flavor or not. – Luna said, suddenly changing the subject. – I think their colors are pretty.
-What are you talking about? – Hermione asked.
-The quarks. The tiny things that electrons and protons and photons are made of.
One of the muggle sciences, quantum physics, was Luna’s latest obsession. She would go on for hours about the properties of Higg’s bosons and particle-wave duality of light, and to Hermione it sounded indistinguishable from her usual tales and fantasies. She found it hard to believe that those unfamiliar with magic could take these peculiar ideas and call them science, but then she saw Luna write a rather complex equation right on the living room table, and it changed her mind. She wasn’t surprised that out of all people Luna took interest in the area, and managed to make sense of it. She was a true Ravenclaw after all.
-Quarks have a spin, a color, a flavor and strangeness. And some other properties, too. I’ve told you about it a week ago, when we were outside in the garden.
-Yes, I remember. – Hermione told her. – And I still don’t understand it.
-Want to know a secret? – She asked, then leaned closer and whispered in her ear: - Nobody does. And if they say they do, they are lying.
Then Luna laughed, and her laughter was clear and melodic, like tiny bells ringing. It made Hermione feel warm and fuzzy.
-What did Harry say? Did he help you? – Luna asked, returning back to point.
-Not really. But I’m glad I talked to him. And being at Hogwarts was nice. Things are really changing there, in terms of equality. He said that back in April Slytherin students had to stay in other dorms because there was a stink problem at the dungeons again, and barely anyone protested.
-Was it Peeves that ruined their dorms?
-I think it’s just a natural thing. Maybe one day they will have to rebuild the whole building. Wouldn’t be a bad idea. The sewers definitely need a renewal – there’s a skeleton of a huge deadly snake somewhere in there.
-Are you gonna keep investigating?
Hermione sighed. – I don’t know. I think we will have to leave it unsolved.
-Okay. – Luna said. – Do you want to listen to the radio?
-With pleasure.
 They sat in the armchair together, wrapped in one blanket, with Vincent on Luna’s lap, and listened to Lee Jordan go on about the crisis in the broomstick industry – and in that moment, no evil existed in the world, or at least not in their home.
Sometimes Luna’s mind would play tricks on her. Sometimes her wild imagination kept her awake at night. She had a tendency to be haunted by the ghosts of the pasts. She found it hard to let go of old fears and heartbreaks. To this day every time she saw someone laughing, her first thought would be ‘they are laughing at me’. Hermione couldn’t relate. For her anxieties of the future were more common, and much more bothersome. But she always tried to support her the best way she could.
Luna woke up mere minutes before the first rays of sunrise touched the windows. She tossed and turned trying to fall asleep again, but it only made her feel worse. With a sigh she gently poked Hermione’s arm, and she immediately woke up, and looked at her, her eyebrows frowned.
-What is it? – Hermione asked.
Luna made a high-pitched, distressed noise. Words were difficult for her to process when she was worried.
-Dreams. Bad dreams. – Luna said, finally.
Hermione rubbed her eyes and glanced at the clocks. Six fifty three in the morning. There was no point in going back to sleep now.
-Dreams about what?
-Things that never was, never have been. – Luna told her, squeezing Hermione’s hand. – Parallel universes.
-Parallel universes?
-Yes. Other worlds, worlds that don’t look like ours. Foreign, and cursed. Not all of them, just the ones I saw.
-How can parallel worlds exist?
Luna blinked, gathering her thoughts. – They keep separating, with every decision that we make. Sometimes they are kind, and beautiful. Sometimes they are wrong. I saw a world where we never met, where you, and Ron, and Harry, and Neville haven’t been my friends. It was lonely. I don’t like lonely.
-Well, you aren’t alone now. – Hermione assured her, and they embraced.
-We’re Scully and Mulder, and we need each other. – Luna said.
Hermione smiled. – Sure, if you want to believe.
And together they watched the world drown in pallid pink shades of the young dawn.
Hermione looked to her right, then to her left, then to her right again. On one side of the table laid an enormous stack of parchment, her neat handwriting all over it. On the other was a second, even bigger stack, of blank parchment. It didn’t seem to diminish no matter how much time she spent working on it. And it was nearly lunch break.
Suddenly her decision to help everyone in the department seemed not very wise. She was trying to be nice, get people to like her, but now she just had a headache from all the paperwork. Perhaps she should turn people down, tell them to do their part themselves, but then they would dislike her even more. She stretched, and got up from the table. She will feel better after a break.
Before she had time to return to her self-appointed duties, there was a knock on the door. ‘Weird’, Hermione thought. Usually she didn’t have any visitors in the middle of the day, unless something bad has happened. And she definitely didn’t need any more bad in her life right now. Cautiously, she opened the door leading to her office.
Behind it was a short woman, casually dressed, with very long hair and dark circles under her eyes. She hid her hands in her pockets and coughed.
-Excuse me? – Hermione wasn’t sure about what to say. – Are you looking for something, or someone?
-Mmmm, yes. – The woman replied. – Can I come in?
Hermione shrugged. – I guess.
-Thank you. – She stepped over the threshold and closed the door behind her. – I’m Ruby, Ruby Whittaker. I’m here to collect the personal possessions of Sebastian Abbey.
-Oh. – Suddenly Hermione felt weak and pale, as if she alone was responsible for the man’s murder. – Are you his family member?
-Friend, or at least we used to be friends. We weren’t that close. – She quickly added.
-I’m sorry for your loss. – Hermione told her, as the only socially acceptable thing she knew for this situation. – Want a cup of tea?
-Sure. – Ruby said, taking a free seat near Hermione’s table.
 ‘Drinking tea is such a British thing’, Hermione thought to herself, mixing the brown liquid in her cup. ‘In case of emergency, put the kettle on’. She liked it though. There was something calming about the whole ritual, from boiling the water to adding milk and sugar. It brought confidence.
-I do not have the possessions here. – Hermione said. – We’ll have to descend two levels down for that. But I can talk to you about… it, answer any questions you might have.
Ruby was rather occupied by the photos on Hermione’s table: one with Ron and Parvati, one with Neville and Hannah, and the one where Harry and Ginny stood with all three of their kids, waving at the camera together.
-Are you Hermione Granger? – She asked, scratching her nose.
-Yes, yes I am. – She nodded.
-I have read that book about you all. I didn’t believe most of it, but I must say – your contribution to winning the war will never be forgotten.
Hermione felt awkward. It has been a lot of time since it happened, and less and less people would bring it up. This has been the first time in months.
-I was a second year student when it happened. I wanted to stay and fight but we were all evacuated. Sat it out safely while so many people died. It is sad. I just want you to know that people remember and people are grateful.
-Thank you. – Hermione finally made herself say something. She sipped her tea, hoping that part of the conversation was now over. – So, do you have any questions about the investigation?
-Not really. – Ruby replied. – I don’t have illusions about Seb. He was never a lawful citizen. It’s a shame though. He was a great student, brilliant at transfiguration. But he used his talents in the wrong way. He would sell transfigured stuff at the Diagon Alley for a lot of money, and as soon as the “happy customer” would come back home, the trinkets would turn back into a piece of rusty metal or something like that. He made a fortune on that. Too bad they took it all away when he went to Azkaban.
-Not all people have enough good in them. – Hermione said. – Doesn’t mean they deserve to die.
-Oh no, I’m not saying he deserved death. But I am not surprised he ended up like that. I really tried to help him, but he didn’t want my help. He just wanted more gold. – Ruby sighed. – I missed being his friend. I remember our time in the Hufflepuff dorm rooms, sharing secrets, exchanging chocolate frog cards. Good times.
Ruby looked up and saw a big Hogwarts banned hanging on the wall.
-I see you are nostalgic too. – She smiled.
-A little bit. – Hermione agreed.
-Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandes. – Ruby read. – Funny thing, I still don’t know what that means.
-It means ‘don’t tickle a sleeping dragon’. – Hermione explained. – It’s Latin.
-Yes, like ‘veni vidi vici’, or ‘homo homini lupus est’, or… - Suddenly she felt as though a light bulb lit up in her mind. – Or ‘tacita interfectorem’. – She murmured.
-What does that mean?
-Silent killer. It means silent killer. – Hermione got up. – Sorry, I need to go now. Knock on someone else’s door, they can lead you to the right place.
And without a reply, she stormed off. As she ran across the corridors, thoughts swarmed once again in her head, pieces of a puzzle assembling into one picture. Everything made sense now: the pale grey skin, the horrible smell, even Luna’s comment. She practically forced her way into Avior’s office, and he nearly chocked on a slice of pie.
-Lunch is over. – She told him. – We’re going to the crime scene.
 Apparition didn’t go that well for Avior – a patch of his hair was removed in the process. Now, while Hermione examined every corner of the building, he stood in front of a dirty mirror and scratched the back of his head.
-You’re okay? – Hermione asked, passing by with a wand in her hand.
-Sure. – He didn’t sound very convincing. – I wanted to get a haircut anyway.
-I think we need to go down there again.
He nodded, wrapping himself in his coat for comfort. ‘Should have taken that job in an ice cream shop’ he said to himself as they climbed down the same wobbly staircase.
-It should be here somewhere. – Hermione seemed to be sniffing the air in the room, very focused on her task.
-Silent killer! Ugh, I should have known from the beginning. It’s obvious!
-Not to me.
She turned around and looked him in the eyes. – H2S, hydrogen sulfide. It’s a colorless, poisonous gas. It can kill in a minute, and it leaves no trace. Except for the smell.
-The smell?
-The smell of rotting eggs. It must be somewhere in here, that’s where we found him. – One more minute of searching, and finaly success. – Aha! – She exclaimed. – Here. – And she beckoned Avior with her finger.
He came closer and cautiously sniffed the air, then immediately made a step back.
-It’s disgusting.
-We better move away. – Hermione added, stepping back as well.
-How can you breathe that in for a whole minute?!
-Your nervous cell start to die – after ten seconds, you don’t even smell it anymore.
-Huh. – He scratched his head, which reminded him of the bold patch. – So he must ‘ave been trying to fix something in there, breathed in too much, and died.
-This thing leads straight to a container filled to the brim with garbage. Perfect conditions for the gas to be produced.
-So there is no murdered then?
-No. It was an accident.
They paused. The whole event still seemed rather tragic.
 -It’s not pointless. – Avior said, when they were back upstairs. – This house was already bought. If you didn’t solve this mystery, the next owners could have died as well, or people who came to clean that thing. You saved their lives.
-Thanks. – Hermione replied. – But it wasn’t me who solved it.
-It was my girlfriend.
The evening was pitch black and unusually warm. Outside dozens of moths flew in circles around a lamp, pushing and fighting for a better spot, looking for god knows what. The kitchen smelled of cinnamon and ginger – Luna was making an apple pie. She hummed a tune under her nose, hoping from one spot to another. Hermione sat opposite her, knitting a hat, or maybe a sock. She wasn’t sure yet. It didn’t really matter anyway, she just liked the sensation of having the soft material in her hands, and the motion of the fingers.
-I wanna go feed squirrels tomorrow. – Luna said, adding some last pinches of spices into the dough.
-No problem. – Hermione told her.
-If we feed them tomorrow, October will be sunny and not too dull.
-What about the birds?
-The birds can feed themselves. They are wizards and witches too.
-Really? – Hermione couldn’t help but smile.
-Not all of them. Robins are, and so are magpies and crows. But not sparrows. No, that’s silly.
The pie was in the oven, and Luna joined Hermione in her seat. Every now and then they would share a kiss, or laugh at a silly joke, or simply look at each other, and see sparks in each other’s eyes. Hermione was never good at feelings, but she knew one thing – this is where she belonged. With another person, in her own house, where it was safe to be who she is.
-What kind of baby names do you like? – Luna asked, completely out of the blue.
-You want kids?
-One day. I like flowery names, like Lilly. Could we name our kid Lilly?
-That’s what Harry’s daughter is called.
-Right. – Luna frowned. – Okay then, what about Poppy?
-That’s our old school nurse, Madam Pomfrey.
-Hmmm. – Luna paused, then smiled. – I know! Rose.
-Yeah, Rose. It’s a lovely name, isn’t it?
-Sure it is. – Hermione agreed. – We will call our daughter Rose then.
-Uh-hu. – Luna confirmed. – We can come up with more names later.
Hermione nodded, and continued to knit.
The world could be a nasty place sometimes, but it had nice things too, and it was hers – or, rather, theirs. And their world was bright, complicated, exciting and absolutely, mind-blowingly beautiful.
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emulateharry · 8 years
Story of my life
Chapter 13 A/N: Thank you to my always wonderful Alex @niallandharrymakemestrong​ and Mel @melissas173​ for their input and encouragement.
Clarissa Dickson Wright was the youngest woman ever admitted to the Bar.  She led a very interesting life eventually becoming a celebrity chef (one half of the Two Fat Ladies).  I could think of no one better to use as Kacey’s attorney. Fair warning: this one has some intense moments.
Kacey showed up to the set of Mortwick Murders at 630AM on December 27.  She arrived dangerously low on caffeine having run out of coffee at Harry’s where she was staying.  That and the fact that she had been unable to get in touch with Harry for the previous 24 hours made her uncharacteristically grumpy.  Nikki, her make-up artist, tried to tease a smile out of her to no avail.  A runner came banging into the make-up room with an urgent message for her.  Taking the envelope that he handed her, she tore it open to find that Geoff, her co-star and guest director for this episode, had made some rather significant changes to the script.  It seemed that the cuddly little bedroom scene they were to shoot that day had been rewritten to be quite a bit more risqué.
“Has he lost his fucking mind??” Kacey blurted out when she read the changes.  “Nikki, have you seen this?”
Nikki read the changes over her shoulder, frowning.  “What has that little ferret done now?” her dislike for the actor apparent.
“He’s got me topless! No way in hell.  What has gotten into him?” she queried as she hopped out of the chair.  
She stalked out of the room shouting his name. Finding him on the set wearing a robe and talking to the AD, she confronted him with the script clenched in her fist.  
“Geoff, what the hell is this?” she demanded.
“Why Kacey, good of you to show up today.  First call was at 6, not 630.  And that looks to be the script changes for today’s scene. Thanks to your tardiness we’re behind schedule.  Please go get ready.” he said silkily.
Taking a deep breath Kacey tried to control her tone in front of the crew, with only partial success.
“First, no one told me that the first call was changed; perhaps the director should have seen to that.  Second, there is no way in hell that I am doing a topless scene.”
“Oh, but you are Kacey.  It’s in the script and you are contractually obligated.  It’s time for these characters to spice it up,” Geoff’s voice dripped condescension.
“Oh, it is, is it? We shall see,” Kacey said quietly before turning on her heel and stalking away.
Back in the makeup room she snatched her phone from her purse and called her attorney.  Clarissa Dickson-Wright was a formidable woman based solely on her credentials but when you added in her large stature and booming voice, even the bravest quailed before her when she was angry. Kacey’s head was pounding as she waited for her attorney to answer, knowing it was not her custom to rise before dawn.  After hearing a barely intelligible greeting on the other end of the call, Kacey began her exposition.  Nikki could only hear Kacey’s side of the conversation. “Clarissa, he is trying to force me to do a topless scene.”
“I know! There is no nudity provision in my contract.  His tone was threatening though.”
“I know it’s early but can you come?” this in a small voice, her fear edging in.
“Oh, thank goodness.  Thank you.  Yes, I’ll wait in my dressing room.”
Thirty minutes later, Hurricane Clarissa blew onto the set as grown men scrambled for cover.  Inquiring loudly for the director and the producer, she stomped through the soundstage until she found them.  Sneering at Geoff Adams’ attire, his short terry robe being scant protection from her onslaught, she demanded an explanation for the sexual harassment that her client was currently experiencing.  The producer, a formidable woman in her own right, flinched at the term.  Geoffrey Adams, not the brightest of men, decided to “mansplain” the situation.
“We’ve had some script changes and your client is refusing to accept them.  She is also holding up the production which will result in monetary…” his voice faded away as Clarissa gave him the benefit of her full glare.
“Let me see if I can make you understand, Mister Adams,” Clarissa began in a low voice. “Kassidy Day will not be participating in any scene in which she is required to be fully or partially nude.  Ms. Day has provisions in her contract that exclude that possibility.  As soon as you accept this fact, I will instruct my client to bring herself to the set to begin working, but not a moment sooner.  I will also be staying here to observe the day’s proceedings personally to ensure the safety and well-being of my client.  Now be a good lad and get me a large black coffee before I change my mind and wrap this entire production up in lawsuits that will take years to unravel.”
Geoff hesitated for only a moment before scurrying away to the beverage cart.  Clarissa found a chair and planted herself in it.  She texted Kacey that it was safe to come to the set and begin the day. * Somehow Kacey made it through the twelve takes that Geoff insisted on.  She deserved an award for kissing him without allowing her revulsion to show.  He had decided that for more realism, he would be naked under the sheets.  With each take he tried to get progressively more passionate and Kacey was becoming progressively more uncomfortable.  On the twelfth take, he slid his hand up and flipped the strap of the gown she was wearing down exposing her breast before he grabbed it.  He immediately signaled the end of the scene.  Kacey was mortified.  And livid. Unfortunately, Clarissa had moved off the set to take a phone call and presumably did not see it. Kacey bolted out of the bed and turned on Geoff, practically snarling.
“What the fuck do you think you were doing?” she shouted at him.
“Oh, come on Miss High and Mighty, it’s just a boob.  Get over yourself,” he sneered back at her.
“I will sue your ass off, Geoff. What the hell is wrong with you?” she yelled.
“What evidence will you use, precious? None of the crew would risk their jobs to testify for you.  Suck it up buttercup and get ready for the next scene.”
Kacey, speechless, had turned to go and find Clarissa when she felt a sharp slap on her behind.  Spinning around she landed an open-handed blow on Geoff’s cheek with such force it knocked him to the ground.  Standing over him she pointed her finger and said with quiet menace “Don’t you ever touch me again.”  She walked toward her dressing room to begin packing her things to leave. Behind her she heard Clarissa methodically dismantling the executive production staff one person at a time. * It was a cool, rainy morning when Kacey awoke on New Year’s Day.  She debated going back to sleep but decided to go for a cup of coffee instead. While the pot was brewing, she went into the lounge and fired up her laptop intending to do some surfing before brainstorming ideas for her next book.  Clicking on her browser, she got an error message.  She stopped and started the network connection to no avail.  She went over to the broadband router and reset it.  Nothing.  Damn.
Returning to the kitchen, eager for that cuppa, she saw a huge mess.  She had forgotten to put a filter in the basket so the coffee and grounds had leaked all over the counter. With a sigh, she cleaned it all up and started again.  As soon as there was enough in the pot, she poured it into her favorite mug.  Heading to the fridge she pulled out the container of cream to discover that it was empty. Damn it all to hell. How had that happened? Now she’d have to use milk.  Eww.  Opening the milk, she was met with the sharp odor of sour.  Well isn’t that special? Frustrated, she poured it down the sink and threw the carton into the trash with a little more force than necessary.  It hit the edge of the bin and bounced off onto the floor spraying little chunks of smelly milk all over the cabinets.  Terrific.
Walking back to the bedroom to get her phone, sipping her black coffee, she found the battery was dead.  The day was getting better and better.  Plugging the iPhone into the rapid charger, she walked back down to the lounge to her laptop.  On the bottom stair, her sock slipped and she fell flat on her ass, hot coffee spilling all over her.  That was the last straw; Kacey just sat on the floor and cried.
It had been the worst week that she could remember.  After the fiasco on the set, Clarissa had filed about two dozen motions and complaints on Kacey’s behalf and was working on a lawsuit for damages.  Being semi-retired with only a few select clients, she had been bored and looking for something to do and Mortwick Murders’ production team would suffer for that.  Kacey had spent most of the week in her office rehashing the whole incident over and over again.  Geoffrey Adams had apparently been having substance abuse problems for quite a while but had managed to keep the problem hidden.  Two days after the altercation with Kacey, he had loaded up on his drug of choice and sauntered naked through his posh neighborhood wearing a monocle and top hat.  The press release stated that “Mr. Adams was resting comfortably at the St. Symeon Clinic recuperating from exhaustion.”  Whatever.
Kacey had been unable to contact Harry all week.  She had tried calling and texting Anne and Robin also but with no luck.  Harry had become her happy place; all she wanted to do was curl up in his arms and hide for a while.  She was still at his house because she felt closer to him there.  She had had the crew come in to take down all the Christmas decorations except for the tree in his room. She had splurged and had a maid service come in and clean everything from top to bottom so it would be fresh when he got home.  She had stocked the pantry and refrigerator so they would not have to go out for a while after he returned in two days.  She could hardly wait.  The separations were becoming more and more difficult for her.
Taking a deep breath, she stood up and took the mug to the kitchen and put it in the dishwasher.  Maybe she would go out for a nice lunch.  Heading to the bedroom to take a shower and change her clothes she could hear her phone pinging.  Picking it up, she looked at her notifications.  She scrolled through four or five until one made her inhale sharply.  She stared at the video looping on the screen for several minutes before running to the bathroom to vomit. * Harry had wanted Kassidy to come with him on the yacht, he really had.  A sunny, warm New Year’s celebration with his mum and Robin.  A week away from the work pressures, the relentless schedule.  A chance to celebrate his signing with Jeff to manage his solo career.   But when he found out that Mortwick Murders was filming an episode the day after Boxing Day that featured her character his disappointment was clear.  It was even worse after the lovely family Christmas that they shared at his house.  The day had been full of laughter and fun, good food and conversation.   He had not wanted to leave her.
Harry had known that Kendall Jenner and her mom were going to be among the other guests on the yacht. He enjoyed her company and they had fun when they were together.  She was a natural flirt, as was he, and their banter had often been misinterpreted as something more.  Kris was a little overbearing but she was always entertaining, even when she wasn’t trying to be.  Ever the savvy entertainment mom, Kris had come up with the idea of Harry and Kendall being photographed together, flirting and playing, for the publicity.  He had not been aware of her plans and would have vetoed them had he known.  As it happened, he played right into them.
The first few days of the vacation were fine though he missed Kacey.  Whenever they were apart, they usually texted back and forth all day long and then Facetimed at night.  But on this trip text after text went unanswered.  He tried calling but couldn’t get through.  As Harry became more concerned, his mum soothed him with probable explanations as to the lack of communication.  Kendall, prompted by her mother, stepped in to distract him.  He also began to drink a little more than usual; everyone on board was in a festive mood.  The perfect storm was building. On New Year’s Eve Harry began drinking early, starting with mimosas at breakfast.  He was feeling very good—the sun, the alcohol and the pleasant company relaxed him.  Kendall was always right next to him and they played in the water most of the morning.  In the afternoon, they lounged on the deck sunning themselves and talking...and drinking.  She was particularly snuggly all day and rarely left his side.  In the evening, they posed for some silly pictures before dinner and the several glasses of wine that accompanied it.   Running up to the New Year, the champagne flowed and the party continued.  At midnight, the fireworks were close and loud and when he went to kiss her on the cheek, she turned her head and the kiss landed on her lips instead.  They both burst into drunken giggles.  Harry moved to hug her as she turned to him and kissed him again.   More kisses, deeper kisses and Harry was getting lost in the moment.  He moved his hands to her face and then tangled them in her hair.  Something was not quite right but he was too intent on kissing her to figure it out.  “Oh, love.  Kassidy, baby. I missed you.”  She pulled away from him abruptly.  He opened his eyes to see, not his girlfriend, but a none-too-pleased Kendall.  What?  His heart sank.  This wasn’t right.  Muttering something indignantly, she stalked away from him.  A confused Harry stood amidst the revelers and wished he were at home. He was awakened the next morning by his phone buzzing almost constantly.  It seemed that while he had been having fun the day before, the paps were having a field day.  The internet had exploded with pictures of himself and Kendall.  While they were innocent, some looked to be more than they were.  Then he remembered last night on the deck.  And he found a video of their midnight kisses.  It was not good.  He tried to call Kacey.  The call went straight to voicemail and he hung up without leaving a message.   He texted throughout the day but no reply.  Kendall was noticeably cooler to him, keeping some distance.  He had apologized for kissing her but that only seemed to make it worse.  All the angst added to the terrific hangover he had and Harry was miserable.  He tried to put on a good face so as not to ruin the rest of the holiday for his parents but, in reality, he could hardly wait for the trip to be over.
Kacey had stayed in the bathroom for an hour, dry heaving long after her stomach had emptied.  The vision of Harry with his tongue down Kendall’s throat and his hands wrapped in her hair triggered her gag reflex.  How could that be? How could that have happened?  She could not believe it, but then there was proof. That it was Harry in the video was undeniable. Splashing water on her face, she felt it grow hot as anger rose up within her.  How could he do that to her? And with that…that…that fucking little cunt.  Kacey turned and stormed out of the bathroom.  That simpering little bitch who stood right there with her twig friend and made fun of her at her own premiere.  That vacuous, conceited, self-absorbed little whore! And he chose THAT over her? How could she have been so stupid? Oh my god. She actually fell for his charm!  She could see them laughing as he told her about Kacey falling for him, looking at him with those puppy eyes silently begging him to love her.   Reaching the bottom of the stairwell, she turned into the lounge and in a burst of rage grabbed the first thing she saw: a designer lamp.  Yanking it off the table she hurled it at the wall watching it shatter.  Good.  That fucker doesn’t deserve a nice lamp.  Carrie Underwood suddenly began to play in her head and it took all her willpower not to trash his house. No wonder his mom thought she was a leech, a gold digger; look what he usually brings home.  Wait!  Maybe that’s why Anne didn’t like her…maybe she preferred that little twat.  Oh that would explain things.  How could she have been so stupid?  Her phone rang.  She hit answer and Laura’s voice filled her ear.
“I will fucking rip his balls off and feed them to him!  Kace are you okay?” concern vying for anger in her tone.
“No, I am not okay.  I have been the biggest idiot!  Oh my god Laur, will I ever learn??  How the fuck do you find a guy who won’t cheat on you? Or am I just the cheat-on-able type?” Kacey vented.  “Laur, why would he do this to me?” she added in a smaller voice.
“Because he is a fucking man-whore and that jackass GQ guy was right,” she answered, fuming.
Kacey was fumbling with a broom sweeping up the mess she had made. It wouldn’t be good if she stepped on a piece of the broken lamp, cut her foot, and bled all over the place.
“Do you think they are fucking right now?  Oh my god. They are on that boat and he is fucking her right now, isn’t he?” she paused, images now filling her mind.
“Kacey, come home.
“I can’t Laur…” Kacey began.
“Yes, you can.  Clarissa doesn’t need your help to dismantle Mortwick, your book is done, and you need to be with someone who will take care of you. Besides, you have to do Jimmy Fallon’s show.”
“Oh no!  Damn it!  That’s just what I need, more humiliation but on a national scale.” Kacey froze suddenly as a thought struck her. “You don’t think…you don’t think he’d bring her home with him, do you?  I can’t…I can’t see that.  I don’t think…” she trailed off.
“Kacey listen to me.  I am booking your flight now.  There.  You leave tomorrow morning.  Just get to the airport and get on the plane.  You can do that,” Laura added encouragingly.
“Yes, I can do that.  Text me the details.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow.  It will be okay, Kacey,” Laura insisted. * Kacey was staring at the wall in the lounge, her body still but her mind racing. If only she had tried harder.  If only she had told him how she felt instead of biting her tongue all those times.  If only she had said no when he asked her to dinner that night in James’ office.  But she knew that she couldn’t have said no to him.  She was crazy about him from the start; she was Icarus and he was the sun.
She was trying to reason why he would cheat on her when she was struck with a flash of insight: he didn’t cheat on her.  Oh. My. God.  It was clear. Harry had never, ever said anything about their relationship.  He had not led her on; she had assumed.  Her heart sank as she realized that.  She had assumed that he cared for her as much as she cared for him.  She projected her feelings onto him.  He had been kind and generous and fun, but he had never hinted that they were a couple.  She had built this all up in her mind and he had no idea.  He had probably been seeing Kendall all along.  And who knows how many others; he was discreet.  She made a mental note to get tested for STDs at that thought.  How could she have been so stupid? He had done nothing wrong, she had fantasized a relationship that never was.
Kacey sat for a few more moments gathering courage before getting up.  She dreaded what she had to do.  She went to the bedroom and stripped the sheets from the bed and carried them to the washer.  After starting the cycle she went into the utility room where she found a box and carried it back her.  Back in the bedroom she gathered up all her things that she had left strewn around and placed them in the box. Remembering her promise to Anne, she collected all the gifts that Harry had given her.  The Gucci scarf, the cherry pin, some books; they all went into the box. The stuffed moose.  The scarf he had knitted for her.  She took the box to the guest bedroom and placed it on the bed.  Checking the rest of the house, she found a couple more items. She tossed the sheets into the dryer and went into the kitchen.  It occurred to her that they would be hungry when they got home after the long flight so she prepped one of Harry’s favorite dinners and left it in the fridge.  All they would have to do was pop it in the oven.   The sheets were finished so she carried them up to the bedroom and made the bed, her hands lingering on his pillow.  In the closet, she grabbed a duffel bag and threw as many clothes as she could into it before going to the bathroom to collect her toiletries.  Checking to see that she had everything, she carried the bag down to the dining room and placed it by the French doors. In Harry’s office, she found a pen and paper and sat at his desk to write him a letter.
It took a long time for the words to come to her.  She struggled to know how to say what she needed to tell him.  She managed to get something out, knowing it would never be enough and signed it.  Putting it in an envelope, she took it to his room to find a place to leave it. She decided to leave it in the bathroom hoping that Harry would find it first. She went back downstairs to do a final sweep and saw her laptop on the table in the lounge.  She tried the internet again and was glad that it was up. She quickly ordered a replacement lamp for the one she broke before shutting the computer down and carrying it to the guest room.  She placed it on the shelf and turned to the box of her things on the bed.  She placed the stuffed moose into the box and then pulled the jumper she was wearing over her head.  It still smelled faintly of Harry which wrenched a sob from her.  She kissed it and put it in the box, putting her iPhone on the top.  She put the box in the closet, walked out of the room and down the stairs.  Picking up her bag and her purse, she went out the French doors, securing them behind her.  She walked to the security door in the wall, entered the passcode and prepared to step through.  She paused for one last look back, then closed the door and walked to the bus stop just next door to his house. Kacey only had to wait a few minutes for the next bus and shared the bench in the shelter with a schoolgirl on her way home.  She boarded the first bus and inquired of the driver which transfers she needed to get to Heathrow.  Settling into an empty seat, she began the 90 minute ride to the airport. She really didn’t care. She didn’t care about anything anymore. * Harry walked into his house and was met with silence.  “Kassidy? Babe?  Are you here?”  No reply.  He walked to his bedroom to find it empty.  Dropping his bags, he looked around for Kacey.  He walked through the house looking for her, hoping that she just had headphones on and hadn’t heard him come in.  No.  She wasn’t there.  He walked to the kitchen to get a drink from the fridge.  It was fully stocked and there was a meal already prepared needing only to be reheated.  It was the first good sign that he had seen.  She couldn’t be too mad at him if she had cooked for him.  He grabbed his phone from his pocket to call her.  No answer still.  He went back to his room to unpack.  Taking his toiletries into the bathroom, he saw an envelope on the sink.  With a slight tremble in his hands he opened the envelope, took out the letter and began to read.          
Harry, I’m so sorry.  I don’t know what else to say.  I have made a huge mistake and I hope you will forgive me. I missed you so much when you left.  Once you boarded the yacht, I called and texted but couldn’t get through.  I was getting worried but I knew if anything had happened it would have been all over the news.  I just couldn’t understand.  Then the pictures and the video hit the internet.  My God, I was shocked.  I cried.  I screamed.  I threw things.  (You might notice that a lamp is missing in the lounge—it was a casualty.  I’ll order a replacement).  I was so angry with you.  I just could not figure out how this could happen.  How could you do that to me?  Then I realized:  we have never talked about the status of our relationship.  We have never, ever said anything about being exclusive.  I had just assumed.  I know better than that.  I know that I should never assume.  But I did.  Because I love you.  I love you with everything that I am.  I know that isn’t much but it is all that I have.  I got carried away and I assumed that you loved me too.   Now I’ll do the hardest thing I have ever done; I will let you go.  See, I am a one and only kind of woman.  I’m a once in a lifetime.  I can’t even be a one in a million—for you that would mean dozens.   I can’t be one of many because it will tear me to pieces.  It already has.  If I stayed around, you would end up hating me and I could not bear that.
So.  I wasn’t sure if you would be coming home alone or if she would be with you.  I removed all my things that were just everywhere and what I could not carry with me I have left in the second guest room out of sight.  I made sure that there is food in the fridge.  I changed the sheets—she would not want to sleep on sheets that smelled like me.  I tried to leave this in an unobtrusive spot. I hope she doesn’t see it. These last six months have been the happiest of my life.  I will always cherish the memories of being with you.  I am a better person for having known you.  Thank you for sharing some of yourself with me.  You are an amazing man and I will love you for the rest of my life.  
Harry dropped the letter into the sink and walked to the guest room.  Her clothes were hanging in the closet.  On one shelf was her laptop.  On the other, a large box.  Taking it down and setting it on the bed, he opened it to see every gift he had ever given Kacey.   Her iPhone was on the top of the stack.  Beneath it was the pin he had bought her for her birthday, there was the silk Gucci scarf, the scarf he made her for Christmas, a simple gold necklace, two books of poetry and more.  There, folded neatly next to the moose, was the jumper he had worn on Christmas.  He had left it with her because she said she wanted to have something soft that she could wrap herself in. It still smelled faintly of his cologne but also smelled like her.  He felt a longing so intense that it brought tears to his eyes.   She was gone.  He had to find her.
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stress-bob · 5 years
Ok. Worked out, cleaned my room, paid credit card payment, paid rent, posted my probably-wont-make-progress-but-maybe progress picture, and smoked a bowl. My body is ready.
So I was talking about what happened around the time Dea and I broke up recently with a friend, and made me think that it’s been awhile since i’ve sorted through it. Figured why not put as much as I can remember down ~a year and a half later.
Buckle up buttercup,This gonna be looooooooong.
My order of things might be a little muddled, there was a lot going on at the same time.
So let’s back up to before we actually broke up!
For about a year prior I was getting real stressed out about my job. I was in a customer service position working for her Dad actually. He owned a Diesel shop, and had a Company owner in Italy who he was buddies with. Marco (italy guy), asked him to set up a place in the US to service his customer base.
I was going to college at the time, and decided I didn’t want to pass up a really interesting opportunity. I’m mostly glad I did. Anyway, I dropped out to work full time here and ended up making some good money. Most of what I did was answer phone calls and help people solve issues (99.9% of the time they caused) . At some point we started going to trade shows, and that was super super fun. I would fly out, set up a pop up tent and the whole shebang.
I was also sent to Mexico two different times for something similar. Except this one, it was with our distributor who was huge. They took their top 100 dealers on a “land cruise” (used to be an actual one, but they do resorts now), and about 25 manufacturers would pay ~20k to fund and attend this. During 3 of the 6 days, the 100 dealers would be set up at tables or 5. Basically think of speed dating. We’d each go around and give a 30 minute pitch about our product to these guys, answer questions, etc. I believe it was 4-5 hours each of the 3 days. You’d think an introvert like me would have a hard time with that, but it was actually a BLAST.
So what was the issue with the job?
Two big things. Dea’s dad (Rip), and a co worker of mine. I worked with a buddy of mine Adam, and he was fantastic. But we had this other co worker who was an old hick from Idaho (buddy of Rip’s) who was to handle our forum and some online stuff. For most of the time I worked with him it was fine. At some point he got really nasty. We had our own forum going on, and a buddy of his helped set it up for us. There were a lot of stupid things that happened surrounding that.
So eventually he’s outright hurling insults at me basically daily on the private side of this form (for a WHILE), and Rip wouldn’t do shit about it. On top of that, Rip had his own shitshow of a shop to run on top of it, and he’s old and tired. But he wouldn’t really give us the autonomy we needed so we could prioritize and get things done with what we had. We can’t be expected to try to learn fucking SEO while answering calls, updating the website, doing sales etc etc infinity fucking etc. Too much do be done with two people, and it was all expected to be done.
Eventually I was donezos, sent him a longwinded 2000 word email about exactly what I had problems with and why i was leaving (prob still have it).
So during the culmination of my work bullshit, that’s when Dea and I’s problems are starting to come to a crossroad. To be completely fair with myself, this was a long time coming. Tbh not sure exactly how long, but it probably should have been over before this went down.
We’ve always had communication problems. I think fundamentally we just don’t understand each-other well. Sure we both could have pointed out a lot of habits and what each would have done in certain situations, things we liked. But that’s not really the type of understanding i’m talking about.
The first time I realized something might happen is when she asked me about how I felt about polyamory. It’s something I had thought about before, because other women are definitely attractive. But with how long we’d been together, I knew it would bring up a lot of really jealous feelings that wouldn’t be pretty. So when she asked, I answered pretty matter-of-factly that it wasn’t going to work for me.
Looking back she was watching a lot of shows about poly life around this time, fun tidbit.
I wouldn’t say this answer upset her necessarily....but she was clearly idk, put off? Maybe disappointed.
IIRC she eventually asked again, and my answer remained the same. I think this was what spurred the discussion of “I don’t know if this what I want”. I did know what I wanted. She didn’t. What else can I do but wait until she does figure it out? I’m not that type of person that’s going to try and influence her. I could have tried to convince her she would be happy if she stayed or some bullshit. I loved her, and if not being with me is the way it needs to be? Them’s the breaks. I was also so SO tired emotionally. I had nothing left to give at that point.
So she breaks up with me. I think I left to walk to 7-11 at this point, because I needed a break. I don’t actually remember that well. I wasn’t around her right then, regardless. Maybe we were in our room when we broke up. Anyway Not that long after she breaks up with me(5 mins, half hour?), she’s crying and didn’t want to break up.
And of course I didn’t either. That lasted about a month, and she does it for real. Now here’s where the fun stuff started!
Sometime before or shortly after this I found out my Mom has an autoimmune disease that will kill her sooner or later. It’s very possible this is what her contributed to her mom dying when I was 8. So scary stuff yeah?
I quit my job, because FUCK that noise. It was too much.
I stayed living in the same house, but different room. Big mistake. I trusted her ability to communicate too much. Not that mine was stellar (we’ll get into this).
My parents divorce. Which hey, go be happy Mom! Again, sorry Dad, them’s the breaks. Happened to me to not even a month prior. But no, they both decided to be giant shitters. I think my Mom definitely did worse things to him, and to the family. He definitely said some nasty shit too though.
My mom decides to encourage my dad to go visit some family in Ohio (maybe he was thinking about it already? he reconnected with them recently at this point). By the time he comes back, she has a “friend” staying in the house. I feel like she said he was just staying for a while. Well my dad aint dumb, and this is the guy that has been in love with my mom forever, apparently.
She lied to the family a bunch, introduced my sisters kid to Frank even though she SPECIFICALLY told her not to. Her fucking kid’s grandparents split up. Shes like 7 for fucks sake. My sister was LIVID. Like didn’t let my mom see her granddaughter for many months livid. It’s hard to get that trust back. On top of lying to my sister plenty etc etc.  I don’t even want to get into frank right now.
I also had about 9 grand saved up at this point, and decided to not work for awhile and take care of my mental state. I literally could not work anymore after the breakup, and my parents bullshit. Another side note, but a root canal decided to cost me $1500 out of pocket a few months in. Probably like $2k total with the other stuff. Great timing, life. I think I was doing a “staycation” for like, 8 months? ish?
So here I was, jobless (had $$ tho tbf), freshly broken up with, super fucking depressed, stuck in the middle of my parents bullshit when i don’t even have enough for myself (and i’m a grown ass fucking adult too)[[, and just generally lost. Really really lost.
I just remembered. Something that made me pretty angry at the time (guess what leads to resentment?). Very shortly after we broke up, Jordan (the good friend he is), decides to try and set up a guys night for me at john’s house (jordan lived with karis at this point). Of course the bros say “hell yeah!” as they are wonderful. We invite Dex too, because why not?
The time rolls around, Jordan can’t go. Dex does show up at some point. Here’s what happened: Dea was really hurt because people were all getting together to make me feel better, i guess? I don’t remember the wording but....i think she felt like nobody was being her friend in that moment I guess? It was her home alone. And for context we got together every saturday for years pretty much, so I do kinda get it. She was also actually pretty mad at Dex because he showed up. She didn’t invite ANYBODY to do anything. So Jordan had to stay with Karis to comfort her, basically.
Like dude. YOU broke up with me. I get it was also really hard for you too, but put the shoe on the other foot for a goddamned second and consider how I felt in all this. Also consider I didn’t set any of this up. Also consider that you didn’t tell anybody that you needed a friend. I did. Don’t get mad at us for this, fuck.
Here’s where the “this-is-why-i-shoulda-moved-out” happens.
Let me say this up front. I expected Dea to bring back dates. This was definitely part of the deal of still living there. I get it. And I did figure she will be comfortable finding someone sooner, given the poly thing.
She brought someone over about 2 months after we broke up, and had mentioned nothing about this.
Now how this played out, was the night before she says “Hey i’m gonna have a friend over tomorrow”. I just say ok. Didn’t really matter because I didn’t have anywhere I could just go on moments notice like that. Coupla days to figure it out woulda been nice, thanks.
Turns out, it’s a dude that been over before. He was Taylors husband (they were poly before they split) who was at our holloween party like half a year before. To top it off, I got to hear the wonderful sounds of them having sex down the hall. Fucking thanks for that. Happened twice too.
You just shut down yeah? Or maybe that’s just me. How am I supposed to feel 2 months after breaking up a 9 year, third of my fucking life relationship, and within 2 months you’re banging a dude while i’m like 2 rooms over AND CAN HEAR YOU. And a dude that’s been over before for the cherry. FUCK man. I still get a little animated about that one.
Those were the big things. A great way to wrap up the whole burrito though? Dex and I were both given 1 months notice to leave from Rip. MY understanding of the local law was that 2 months is required if you’ve been month to month for more than 1 year (6 years...). He didn’t care, or knew I wouldn’t lawyer up. Whatever. The last and final fuck you was the day I went to get the rest of my shit. BEFORE the time on the notice, the locks were changed. Here I am, at 8 in the morning with a U haul we rented, and we can’t get in the house to get my stuff. What. The. Flying. Fuck.
I sure as shit wasn’t going to talk to Dea at ALL at this point, so I called him and he came down. And he sat there the entire time waiting for us and doing bills. Jesus fuck dude. Like, you think i’m gonna murder your daughter or something ffs?
I think I got most of it. I’ve got some stuff with my current living situation, but it’s really peanuts compared to everything else. I‘m also like, idk fairly happy right now too in general so. I’ve grown a lot, and that gives me some comfort.
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duaneodavila · 6 years
Debate: PC, At Best Inauthentic Babble, At Worst Dangerous Obfuscation
Ed. Note: After two prominent intellectuals, a New York Times reporter and an award winning British media personality failed to debate the question ,“Be it Resolved: What You Call Political Correctness, I Call Progress,” former Fault Lines contributors Mario Machado and Chris Seaton attempted to succeed where four others failed. Bellow Mario’s argument.
If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. 
–George Orwell, Animal Farm (Original Preface)
Let’s begin with stating the obvious: for some many of my fellow primates, there are some words that are just too much to bear. These words need to be diluted so that the chance of someone being hurt or “offended” becomes impossible.
Yes, these folks are fine with words either being banned outright or replaced with more antiseptic ones, at the expense of reason and the English language.  For those who have respect for language (especially those who make a living off of it, along with the First Amendment), and who don’t require they be treated like backward children, that state of affairs is something that must be addressed and corrected.  The stakes are high, amigos.
Those on the other side, who with a straight hysterical face will tell you that “words are violence,” will claim that no measure is too stiff, no punishment too severe so long as no feelings are hurt and everyone’s sensitivities remain one-hundred-percent intact.  Notice how another cherished concept of civilization – a sense of nuance and proportion – has now been thrown overboard as a result of this “movement”?
It’s not so bad that Hollywood, in part because of Trump Derangement Syndrome, has become a beacon for bullying gangs that will excoriate anyone that goes off the politically-correct script (no pun). Make one remark off-the-cuff that may offend one member of the tribe for one second, and it is off-with-your-fucking-head, amigos.  No matter how perfect or swift the contrition by the offender, their careers will go up in smoke.
Speaking of Trump, a lot of this censoring is done in the name of “things have never been so nasty, so uncivil.” Really? During the 1800 presidential campaign, John Adams referred to that fellow from Monticello, another founding father, as “a mean-spirited, low-lived fellow, the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father.” In 1828, Andrew Jackson’s opponent called him a murderer, an adulterer, and a pimp.  So the current political climate of naughty words does not justify these cries for civility.
Raising the sights a bit, let’s talk about academia.  A majority of students think that words are violence. One would think that a basic academic (pardon the expression) explanation would put such a foolish position to rest: “Junior, violence is blunt force that can cause physical injury. By definition, words can’t do that.” But you may get called a white supremacist or a Nazi before Junior’s rusted brain wheels start spinning.
But it gets worse, much, much worse.  The professors and the administrators – yes! those who are supposed to be in charge – have become the proverbial hostages to the students. They’re terrified of putting these brats in place, lest they be reported and lose their jobs. This is in part because they know their spineless colleagues will not come to their defense.
So what are we left with at these universities? Trigger warnings, cry-ins, de-platforming of speakers, riots. The last two usually occur when the really bad speakers come to town.  Nothing says “I’m a smart, strident, dependable person who deserves a paycheck” like breaking a Starbucks window with a sledge hammer because someone was uttering politically incorrect stuff at an event where attendance was not compulsory.  These are the professionals of our future who will enter the workforce en masse without calloused sensitivities, all because of the campaign for political-correctness-for-all.
What happens when these political-correctness warriors get off the academic teat of appeasement and are lucky enough to get a job? What will they do when their boss is a ball-buster, who also happens to have the temerity to use “incorrect” gender pronouns? Will they curl up into a ball, toughen up, or simply report it to the higher-ups in the hopes of having a competent leader thrown out?
With regards to the last question, which involves someone snitching out another for using language that’s forbidden by the tribe, the American Bar Association has joined the party.  ABA’s Model Rule 4.8(g) is full of vague, meaningless tripe that forbids lawyers to:
engage in conduct that the lawyer knows or reasonably should know is harassment or discrimination on the basis of race, sex, religion, national origin, ethnicity, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status or socioeconomic status in conduct related to the practice of law
Let’s say you finally found the right lawyer who puts you first, and is in the best position to get you out of a serious jam. This rule can be used to take his license, should anyone perceive he said something considered “harassment,” and perhaps that leaves you with lawyers who will cower should a prosecutor threaten with putting you in a cage if she doesn’t capitulate.  There you have it ladies and gentlemen, how far the termites have spread.
I will come full circle, and finish with our beloved language, and how political correctness has been used to trivialize things that cause real pain and suffering.  Freaking out because you’re facing a lifetime of banishment from this country and don’t have the coin to pay for your defense? Well, you’re not entitled to a lawyer, because the deportation process is “administrative” and not punitive. In an immigration jail and hate the conditions? How bad can it possibly be, buttercup? They’re not jails, but rather “service processing” and “transitional” centers.
You’re in prison awaiting trial, and you got thrown in a filthy hole?  Calm down, drama queen. It’s not a hole, but a “secure housing unit,” or SHU.  Facing life in prison, so you want your lawyer to pulverize the government’s parade of rats? Understandable, but make sure he only addresses him as “cooperating witness” during cross and closing argument.  Is all this progress? Very far from it.
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byron1 · 6 years
Microwave door bouncer to keep you from eating garbage. "Where do we Go now" guns & roses/ picking a restaurant Fallout joke: I was at work while you cheating all day. Punchline: I never even got to cheat AND she would tell me about her bounty EVRyday SKIT: Danielle cooking pie (or anything really) and you have headphones on improve rapping to her and it sounds good to me but cut to her with no music and she looks at me very annoyedly Opener: Walks on stage, grabs mic and lays down. "Instead of stand up up I'm gonna try "lay down", it's way more comfortable.. That joke needs a Mitch headberg voice" repeat joke in Mitch headberg voice "com-fort-able" Hotel TV remotes have never been cleaner. Everybody on the phone watching porn and Netflix. The last person to use a hotel remote for porn died years ago Terminator cop in San Diego -what it felt like on mushrooms (terminator slo mo walk by) -what really happened (cop just walks by and shrugs) "Whenever I start dating a girl I buy her a really nice, big purse as a gift. ...Cuz she's gonna be carrying a bunch of my shit around for the next 4 1/2 months" - jack bliss Old west - duel going on in the middle of town. Mayor stops everything -"what are you guys arguing about" "is it worth dying over? I mean I can look this up on my phone" Mayor looks it up on the phone and who ever was wrong gets shot with no countdown ..Watch a little porn. Once you get too familiar with a site you drift to the lesser known porn sites ...This particular website has a top 50 viewed videos.. And you can sort em by 1 day, 7 days, 30 days, and my favorite, "all-time". ..That's just a buncha like minded individuals helpin' each other out.. But you can always tell when a bunch of likeminded weirdos find the site cuz for the 1 Day Most Viewed, it's just a ton of videos of people peein' on each other. And now it's like "maaaan, now I'm not even in the mood. AND I'm disappointed in you PornoTime, I didn't even now that was so prevalent on your site!" And it's usually on a Sunday... All you pee heathens jerkin off on the toilet with your computers on your laps should be at church! But then I'm like ".....let's see what all this hype is about" If I eat Asian food and drink a glass of milk, will I explode? Asians they don't drink milk! I think it's cuz they know. It's like when you have Indian or real African neighbors and that food smell just permeates ev-er-y thing. Unpleasant for the most part. Asians think white people smell like rotten cheese or like the cow aushwitz off the 5. <----Cowlinga. Nasty place. I was on a road trip with my wife and "she's tired" (bitchy voice) so she wants to stop for the night. At night she couldn't tell but in the morning when that sun came up?.. And that stink starts stinkin?.. She's like "oh those poor Asians. We should stop eating cheese for them" And then she puked. Friendricks Smitreaux - hands too small, not allowed in Burger King. Has quarrels. (Jack) Calling GameStop, having a nerdy conversation, with a funny voice. Rb movie voice could be a thing. Do you have x y z Round table pizza local interview podcast Wife's mom with gigantic fat pet and gets scolded by vet. Mom is pissed new underwear lint gets stuck to your dick. About to get a blowjob and she freaks out cuz there's fuzzy berries all over your jimmy wang dong. (Explain in between these sentences how fuzz sticks to your dick when you have new unwashed out of the box underwear) I've done this to my wife since we started dating "Chivalry Gone Wild" - pushing girls out of the way to open the doors for them. Later girl has chivalry ptsd (now she shivers when a guy reaches for the check at a restaurant) "Once I got roofied..." Story ensues "Once I had a crazy dream..." Story ensues Either way you're bored Went into the bank, for the candy of course, why else would you go inside these days. As I reach for the candy, the lady behind the counter says "DON'T TAKE THAT CANDY!...... It's super old.. Here take this, I have a 'secret stash' back here" I was like "You Smoke Weed, huh?" No I didn't say that, I just did the stoner laugh, which basically communicates the same message I have road rage. Like.. bad. But they're really cracking down on that now. I mean you can't even throw the bird these days. So I'm trying to advocate this, in place of the bird, you hit the rear window spray 2 times. (doesn't work if your window is dirty) I'm trying to spread this so people know I'm insulting them..... Also the "up hand", thumbs up is for assholes...... I just don't want road rage to go away, you know?! Went to the grocery store at night and someone was sleeping in the car I parked in front of. I see a middle finger come over the dash. I quickly kill my headlights and the middle finger turns into a thumbs up and recedes below the dash. I like that person.. Soccer needs timeouts like catholic priests need to be able to fuck. Flopping soccer players = selabate priests Lost lake truck sinks into water. Guy goes back for cigarettes brings one pack instead of the ENTIRE CARTON White people now can only do other ethnicities voices while reading a name. (List 3 different "ethnic" names) Buttercup story: weed in New York Trying to get a random buddy to be the third player in the game of RISK is like trying to get a random girl to come back to your house and suck you AND your buddies dicks. "Wanna play a game of risk?" Shit no Instead of people saying "Grizzly Adams DID have a beard" I think we should change it to "Kurt Cobain DID have a gun" "no I swear I don't have a gun" ...too soon?! Liqueur Control Board. Two young kids walk into a bar. They order jäger. Liquor Control comes in and says to the bartender: "do you those kids you served are underaged?" Bartender says "you're out of your Jurisdiction!!! Call the Liqueur Control Board!!" Liqueur Control Board shows up lookin like French cops "(( assholeish French accent thing here))" I work construction..... (Frown face) You THINK you want to shit in a freshly clean porta-potty. But that's not the case. You drop any size turd in that blue water and it's coming back up to splash your asshole. You need a big pile of turd to cushion the blow. I frequent a sports bar, and they allow kids in a certain section and sometimes you don't see these children behind you. So you day-drunkenly yell out "well I can't exactly tit fuck 'er, but they're perfectly shaped!" ((Rule of thirds here, needs 2 more examples)) History Lesson: •Good at art cuz no porn - there was much better art, and I mean paintings, back in the days of yore. Do you know why so many iconic paintings come from this era?! Because there was no porn. You think these guys (Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Monet) weren't drawing weird sex stuff in their spare time?! Of course they were. People think porn took over in vhs days but it's gone back much further than you think Way back in the day, I don't think they had the ADA (American Dental Association), but if they did it would be The Association of Guys that Own Pliers. If you had a tooth ache in the 18th century, your barber would pull your tooth!.. Guess the barber had a set of pliers.. therefore making him.. also a dentist. Hatred for people with red hair bleed over from hatred for the Irish? I just found out I'm Irish.. My dad was adopted and he just did the genealogy thing. Piss on a stick, or something.... I may be thinking of something else.. Anyway, it makes a ton of sense cuz my mom was Swiss. And if you know anything about the Swiss, they don't tend to takes sides, (hmhrph wwii). So when I get high, I'm Swiss: "hey whatever your views man, let's just have a dialogue.. Orrr not, I really have no stance on the issue." But when I drink whiskey: ..I wanna fight people. And I'm not a big guy soooo, I try not to drink whiskey.. I try to test myself against my friends, but they are all bigger than me so it never ends well. There is one guy who's bigger than me, but I can just psychologically break him down, and it's all true so I always win. And those other big guys are around and laughing so I have some protection. Things like "good thing those chicks can't see how many times you swipe right, otherwise they would call you a "Desperate Bitch!" Or: "you're so pathetic, how do you not have a crescent wrench?!" Things like that. One Friday night, He was a coward and attacked me while I was fall over baby deer legs drunk. We shut the bar down and as we're walking out he shoves me and I go flying into the ashtray. Butts are flyin.. I was not happy with him and I think I had some whiskey that night because I plotted revenge for the next day, I say "I'm gonna fuck this guy up". Saturday morning we always go back to the bar for breakfast. He says "you gonna be at the bar for breakfast?" I say "yeah buddy, 20 minutes". That's when I start loading the quarters into the sock. But yeah, whiskey makes me angry, I guess. Did anyone notice how the hitler youth haircut came back right around the time most of the wwii vets were pretty much all dead? The hipsters were scared of some old vet having a flashback to the war. "YOU.. NAZI.. BASTARD!!!" So my wife says to me while we're in the kitchen, out of nowhere, and I quote, "yeah I drop craisins" I'm thinking this is some new thing the kids are doing. Then she points to the floor and..there is a craisin. She says "watch this" and shoves a gigantic handful in her mouth and a few fall on the floor. She then walks away Slava drug store story. "What kind of a name is that?!" Shia vs. Tink The wiener dog comes in the house, if it smells the cat, he goes crazy. (Killed the neighbor tea cup something or another) the cat hears his collar and jumps up out of range and watches us shower the dog with love. ((Cats reaction is the punchline)) "What the fuck, that dude is trying to kill me!! Benedict friggin Arnolds" Danielle: "Willy Wonka" is like "Saw" for kids Never touch a mans belt buckle. Cuz they drape their balls over them while taking a piss "Hey lesbians, do you have your gloves in the car? They said yes. Well let's get a pickup game going! Hunters heroin people story - "she's sucking his DICK!" MMA fighter goes back in time to 1907. Breaks 1907's guys wrist because of his dumb boxing stance Lady at rite aid going through gender reassignment. I use my chip and she tells me to slide. I say "yeah we're going through a transitional phase right now" instantly realize what I just said Back to the bar. Being a smoker you know everybody's car.. you've seen them come and go enough because you're that much of an alcoholic and smoke on the half hour for the six hours you're there. (Well not you, me) So you'll walk up to the bar and be like "oh hello, jacks car, let's just lift up your windshield wipers there buddy" or "oh yup, Old Man Roy parked like a dick again.." Or "Hey look! there's Kevin's truck, let's draw a dick on it". <---Another thing about being a smoker that brings me joy, is watching the horror on people's faces when they scape the plastic underneath their bumper when pulling to close to the curb. I always give a look implying "you just fucked up your bumper!" Bar, Interior: If I'm on my phone and you come sit next to me at the rail, do not get on your phone, cuz then I feel like we look like assholes and I put my phone away.. But I still have shit to do so you're really being a real monkey wrench in my operation People who do bird calls: trying to trick birds? Stock internet passwords make you seem like an insane person. Jolly ocean 3, rapid pineapple 0. An insane person looks at it and goes "....that works. No need to even change it.." Bevmo event planner needs an option for your alcoholic friends. 3 pictures. What do your friends look like at the end of the night; 1. Someone smiling 2. Hot mess 3. Just a toilet Sleeping in the wrong car overnight My wife put my jerk off blanket out for people to use. "You sicko!! You were gonna let my friends use that blanket" I'm thinking of the scenario where somebody goes to grab and I say "oh that's my baby blanket, I don't know how that got out here, let me get you another one.." And..((eyebrow)) I wouldn't be lying about the baby blanket thing. Old men's memory's are bad because their spank banks are 70 years full. Head Bobbers of Noddingham My wife said "you know how I know you're an alcoholic? Because your handwriting is shit but your numbers are beautiful. Signing tabs everyday for the last 10 years will do that" You know what really freaks out the ladies? When you immediately realize what you did wrong. You start apologizing too soon and it somehow makes things much worse. So if you one day have an immediate realization about something you did wrong... Play the dumb card for a day or 3 to make it seem like you've put deep thought into your mistake. Skinny guys dating fat chicks: what if she gets cold, how can you share your jacket?! My dad was adopted and finally did that genetics test •"spit"• hey, we're Irish. That makes a ton of sense. Too much whiskey and all of the sudden I get ridiculous agry Power went out in target. Here's how weird I am: I stole a snoop dogg cd and a Björk cd. To all women: if one is partaking upon a banana in public, use a knife. This will discourage onlookers. #yesallwomen Anyone old enough to send away "proof of purchases" for a prize from the back of a cereal box? Had to ask your mom for $2.50 to cover shipping and handling.. Waiting for it made you realize there is no true instant gratification. The waiting! Everyday: did it arrive, mother?!... No? (sulk away) then FINALLY when your 6 piece Lego set shows up you think: "I'm 27 I don't care about Legos anymore!" (Needs a tag) ((maybe:)) but I forgot to pull out when I was 21 so my 6 yr old will enjoy it) Old phone when unlocked will have a random screen of something from earlier. Sometimes it's porn. Gotta be careful Nowadays you see an old lady walking around and you think "that lady looks as old as my grandma when I was 9. She's got the old lady hair, the old lady sweater, old lady shoes, old lady jewelry" but then she has some rockin' tits! They do a "facelift" for those titties Gotta be careful watching porn with headphones. The getting caught factor isn't even what I mean, I leave one ear off for that. I only do les porn with headphones. cuz you don't need some dude "ugh ugh ugh! Oh Ya baby suck that cock" RIGHT IN YOUR ear. Not what I'm goin for there. White people always put housin sauce in the pho. Next to the bar I go to is a pho place. Smoking with Paul Teaching us how after we go in drunk.. (Housen sauces for dippin the meat)((white people put it in the broth)) "oh really?? Cut to me at home- it's delicious!!" Free bottle of siracha Pouring the old pho in the toilet ("how else do you get rid of old pho?!") How pissed off are you when someone in a Tesla SUV doesn't open their back doors? "Lemme see that back to the future sheeeit!" Old guy coughing sounds like someone taking crap to you. "What the hell did you say to me, old man?
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