#and us being here isn't profitable enough to keep the site running? because they have since 2013 sold the site... twice
megafreeman · 10 months
Its insane how many people here, when criticizing staff's shitty decision making, they completely fail to take into account how IT companies actually work and just spew bullshit like its some gotcha at the staff. Yall are making all of us rightfully criticizing their terrible decisions like fools that have no idea what they're talking about.
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damazcuz · 4 months
I've only had this account for about 5 years now. But I've been on tumblr for 13 years, since I was 16 and just starting to learn who I was, what transgender meant, what the world looked like at the time for a group I was swiftly realizing included me.
And for 13 years I have consistently used this site and stayed on, occasionally blog hopping when things felt stale or if things got bad. And things got bad sometimes. You'd get people calling you nasty things in your ask or replies or reblogs or tagging your username to sic their followers on you. And tumblr has always treated targeted harassment as a "Sorry you feel that way. That's not against tos though! Was this answer helpful?" issue whenever it's reported. They've never cared against abuse on their website, IN THE EXCEPTION of cases in which radfems and nazis have maliciously mass reported users for MAYBE hitting their breaking points and MAYBE snapping and saying something stupid that could be used as an excuse. Could be something today or four years ago in your archive but at some point, you had a bad day and posted something that could make tumblr say finally, we can get rid of a pest! or you were just transgender and said as much. A little too loudly in front of the wrong mod.
And this sounds so silly to say. But when you live in a website for 13 years and it's where you have your primary interactions with so many people and where you've met so many of your friends! It starts to feel like your community. Like an apartment building we all live in and visit each other's apartments and talk and decorate and laugh and play. And it's a bit of a dump and we all laugh about the crumbling peeling wallpaper and the slumlord that runs the place. We know the landlord isn't our friend, they just want us to pay rent until we're no good for it anymore. Produce the posts that make this site anything more than a hate forum, make the memes and the art and the posts that end up everywhere from your little sister's pinterest to your mom's Facebook to your uncle's meme subreddit. Keep up the garden and don't pile trash on the curb or you're out. This is "the queerest place on the net" only because queer people live here and hung on with our fingernails to stay here because if you have to leave, what's your fallback? You like your neighbors. They can't all come with you. They won't. Even the kind of crumbly parts feel like home after a while.
Like I want to clarify that Tumblr's reputation as a funny place to chill and scroll and meet people and see new things is not from the transphobes working on staff. Their job is to turn a profit or at least keep it LOOKING profitable, so the site can sell to the next moron to buy it out. The fun and joy of Tumblr is us. WE made this place. When you tear down our decorations and rip out our furnishings and toss us out on the street and look at what's left to show the next prospective tenant, it's a fucking dump. There is nothing left but the shittiest people in our neighborhood who are allowed to stay and make hate posts about us. There's the framework for "someone could make pretty posts here! It's a fixer upper!" But it's shit. It sucks.
I've been spiraling since yesterday over a couple of things I'm not taking well. One is work. "They can't fire us all!" I always joke. And people laugh. Last night my boss and I spent an hour and a half in this miserable fucking meeting, talking about the pressure pushing down on our load bearing team. We fantasized over all 8 of us being able to say "that's enough. I'm better than this. We are all walking out today and we will not come back. Don't text." And we can't. None of us can lose the stability of a full time job that pays kind of okay even though it's killing you. None of us can face that uncerainty. I left with chest pain. It was my first day back after major surgery. I went home and sat in one spot for over six hours almost unmoving, crying and just in disbelief of how unfair it is. We can't leave. But something has to give before my team dissolves and one of us puts a gun in their mouth. And then we all still have to make our shift. Who else will do all that? Who's going to cover, huh? Clock in.
And I spent the rest of my day, which ran to 4 am before I was able to sleep, wishing I could quit and hating what's happening on tumblr just as much. On a fucking blogging platform. Because this has been my fun sandbox for over a decade and it's always kind of sucked, it's full of cat shit and people throw sand at you and you're getting sunburned but it's fun here. You find your people to play with. And then it's like you remember oh yeah, other people here want me dead. The owner of this place wants me to die. He wants everyone that makes this place cool and fun to die. And he'll turn around and say "yeeeah well you shouldn't have joked about being mean to me." And it's like why am I here! Why am I making posts for YOU?
I can't leave employment. I'm only a couple of weeks, maybe a couple months away from homelessness at any given time, with how tight finances are. "Shoestring budget" would be generous. We're making it through sheer force of will. But I can't quit my job, and neither can anyone else.
But I can leave this place that I've hated and loved for so, so long. The other massive drain on my life that wants to see me shrivel and die. I can get up and go. We could all just go. Mass exodus. And I know it won't happen. Give it a week, ten days. People move along. Yeah, that sucked. Well, here we all still are. Still posting. Still tumbling. Still complaining about the landlord. But most people won't leave. How can you walk on your friends and community, knowing they won't all follow? But how do you continue to stay here watching this happen? I'm already listening to people tell me "so? that doesn't affect me. it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. and of course this happened, duhhhh." It's like, feel stupid for getting comfortable here. You should feel stupid for settling in and making it a home and thinking it would be fun here. If you are transgender you are not safe and you are not wanted. Not in the queerest place on the web, either.
It's not about the funny hammer car explosion """threat.""" It was never about the hammer car explosion. That was a dogwhistle through a megaphone to transphobes. Tumblr's darlings. Don't worry. I'll take care of this one that thinks she can speak up against me. And against you. And now there's a defined "REASON" for the ban. Why, Matt hardly knew he was banning a trans woman. All he knew was fear! He had no choice! And you can ignore the ACLU and the claims of systemic transphobia, that's something else. We fixed that!
I want this place to die because it is already rotting. We are scraping at the bones at this point. Walls are crumbling and there's a hole in the floor to the room below and the windows have long been knocked out and the boiler hasn't worked in years. They aren't going to fix it. It has never been the intention to fix it. They want you to leave or die. Whichever. Don't matter. Just get lost. I will find another tenant. I will find another person who will give me more ad revenue. You are replaceable in that sense. Someone else will join tumblr tomorrow. And tumblr will make a buck off them instead.
But they cannot replace the ways in which you and I have made this site livable and bearable and fun. And I want us to leave so that the husk of this place can collapse and blow away in the wind. I want tumblr to take a major hit and I want the loss of ad revenue to HURT THEM. I want a mad scramble to figure out how to fix it all. They can't. They won't. The fix has always been there and it's always been refused. Terfs will never be turned away from tumblr. Neither will nazis. "Sorry you feel that way, but that's not against our tos. Was this answer helpful?"
You know how they say, "it there are ten people at a table and one is a nazi and no one stands up, you have ten nazis"? This feels like that to me. If 20,000 of us wait a week, shrug, and resume joking and playing and say, well, yeah, it's sad that another dozen trans fems were banned last night. But I like it here...
It feels like that. Why are my trans sisters' archives of 5, 10+ years of life and joy being wiped clean? I can't even tell you how many posts I've seen from an op whose url I recognize from last week, but whose username is grey and icon default, because she posted something less than a day ago to say "yo this sucks. Fuck this place and fuck this guy." They've never ever found the terfs and nazis to ban them because they DON'T CARE. Those are the ones they prefer. That they cater to. Post about the ceo being a dumbfuck and in 12 hours, risk losing your community and the ability to look back at your life online. Clean slate. As if you never lived there. Oh, but tumblr isn't a transphobic place. We fired the one and only naughty transphobe on staff who was taking bribes to send out bans. Pay to win moderation. That person's gone. So it's okay and you don't need to worry. It's okay, I promise. It's the queerest place on the web. Get comfortable.
I love my job and I love this place. One of them is going to push me to the edge. But I can choose to leave one. You can choose to leave with me. They can't fire us all.
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protodot · 11 months
Ok, real talk about the whole "Tumblr is trying to get our money" thing:
It's a sentiment I understand, honestly. The moderation is crap (to put it lightly), the site barely functions at times, and they're proposing changes that would fundamentally alter the way the site works. Why would you give them your hard earned money in spite of all that? The fact that they're in the red is a lot harder to care about when you look at tumblr and only see another faceless corporation.
But that last part right there is why it's important to do your homework. "Understand thy enemy" and all that. So, let's start with the basics: why hate corps? Chances are you already know the answer: they will do anything and everything to continue their infinite growth regardless of the damage they might cause in the process. They perpetuate systems of oppression, lobby for laws that benefit them but screw over everyone else, work their employees so hard that they don't have the energy to do something about the situation they're in, etc.
Now that we've got the what out of the way, time to ask another important question: why? Corporations are legal entities fundamentally different from a person in a number of ways, a key difference being that they are run by people one way or another. Usually, one would think of the massive ones run by a small handful of people born into money who use it to acquire more money. They can get in that position because there are systems in place that allow them to buy ownership of participating companies, such as the stock market. Companies that are publicly trading their stock are essentially putting ownership of itself up for sale, and if the Old Money sees enough potential for growth, they'll buy it all up and take total ownership.
That's when they can start doing all the nefarious shit. But, the important takeaway here is that companies which publicly trade their stock are likely susceptible to this exact kind of parasitism. We know that tumblr's parent company is Automattic, best known for being the owners of WordPress. So, what does their stock look like?
Well, I don't know. It isn't publicly traded:
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(If you're wondering what an "Automattician" is, it's essentially a fancy word for their employees)
And this is a very important detail. It fundamentally sets Automattic apart from from companies like Reddit and Meta which are publicly traded, as it's owned by its employees. So, instead of some old white cishet men, it's owned by the ~2,000 people across the world who actually run it.
This leads me to an important conclusion: tumblr's push for monetization is a genuine effort to keep the lights on. Now, if Automattic were to start being publicly traded, or tumblr were to change hands again, then there would be real cause for concern over harmful, profit-driven changes. But as it is now, it seems to me they're trying to compromise what they want it to be with the financial and legal reality of running a social media site and the finances are getting starved, hence the merchandise, the paid features, and the paywalled gimmicks.
TL;DR If you want this site to change for the and you have the means to, throw some money their way. If enough people do it, they'll be able to not worry about keeping their head above water long enough to make better changes.
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Want to Increase Profitability in Your Cleaning Business? Here's How!
When the country's economy is in such bad shape because of the pandemic, it's hard to make money when you are thinking about how to expand cleaning business.
But you're doing more harm than good if you're trying to make money with your business. Instead of focusing on how to keep your business successful, be more proactive and work on making it more profitable. And this is what we'll talk about today.
1. The first step is to find different ways to make money.
Adding more ways for your business to make money will lead to more money coming in. Here we are. You can make a lot of money if you don't have just one source of income. So here are a few ways to bring in more money for your business.
For example, the demand for services to clean and disinfect after the pandemic has caused the number of businesses offering these services to grow.
You can make money from your site in several ways, such as running ads, affiliate marketing, or getting sponsors. And that's not all: you'll also make more money while your business and brand grow.
You can start selling your cleaning supplies if they fit your company's long-term goals and are financially possible.
The main point is that to grow your business; you need to be creative and look for new ways to do things.
2. Selling cleaning services is an excellent way to make more money.
Even though this is important, many companies still don't care about it. Just leaving and coming back isn't enough. It would help if you always tried to sell more of your products or services.
Are you cleaning the house yourself? If that's the case, learn how to sell your services for more money. You can teach them how to sell more profitable services if they are already doing the work.
Get better at being productive and efficient. Your Training of Employees - There's no question about it: labor costs are a cleaning company's highest cost. Even if you don't have any employees, it's okay. Right now, there's nothing you need to worry about.
On the other hand, businesses hire people to ensure they bring out the best in their employees. Therefore, putting time, money, and other resources into better employee training will pay off significantly. With this tool, you can find out the strengths and weaknesses of your employees and use them to your advantage.
Aside from that, you'll need to teach your staff how to clean and keep them up to date on new tools and equipment.
After providing excellent cleaning services, the most important thing you can do for your cleaning business is to keep growing it. Most business owners want to grow their business, but they are always busy with tedious, repetitive work that keeps them from having time to do so.
Using scheduling software like Maidily, which automates client communication, online reservations, work administration, and calendar functions, can save you a lot of time.
Lastly, a scheduling program will give you more time to work on your business instead of on it.
3. A great way to save money is to buy in bulk.
Some companies make customers buy all the cleaning supplies and tools they need as part of their cleaning service. Some people buy their supplies. If your company is one of them, read this.
Most likely, you already do this, but it's still worth bringing up. The price will always go down when you buy a lot of stock or supplies. So using it can save you money on costs and help you make more money. But you should be careful.
Don't spend money on things you don't need. It's a waste of money to stock up on things that are rarely or never used. Because of this, your business will suffer.
4. 5. Find clients who pay a lot.
Getting clients who pay a lot is the best and quickest way to make more money with your cleaning business. But getting in touch with these clients is the hardest part.
Most small business owners don't have time to work on business growth and marketing.
5. How to advertise your cleaning business the right way
Marketing your cleaning service well is essential for your business's long-term success and making more money. To their disappointment, most business owners choose the wrong ways to market their businesses.
This is not their fault, though. It takes time and a lot of trial and error to find the best marketing channels to get you the most results for the least amount of money spent. So here are some tips on marketing your cleaning business to make money. This should help you get back on the right track.
We are sure your profits will go up quickly if you follow and use any or all of these steps. Of course, we won't be a big hit overnight, but how you measure your business will improve.
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raggaraddy · 3 years
I'd Die Fighting
Request from @dramaclub-thin: Mafia BTS where the reader is shot for/because of them.
A/N: Thank you for your request! I really like the concept, and kind of got carried away with the stories and now they're too long. So I'll release them as individuals as I finish them. I hope you like them! ^-^
If anyone else wants to request you can here.
Mafia Bangtan Other parts:
Summary: Pinned down by the cops, you know you're the only one who can stop Jimin from getting himself killed.
Trigger Warnings: Police shooting, gun usage, blood, violence, death, ambiguous ending.
Mafia! Jimin
You were in the middle of a scheduled pick up, collecting the gang's share of the profits for the month. There had already been 3 today and all had gone as routine as the times before. You're in a residential building site, parked in one of the driveways, and on a Sunday too, so it's nice and quiet and empty. There was no reason to think that this stop would be any different than the last.
That was until the lights and sounds of police sirens filled the street.
You could only watch on in dread as 4 cop cars sped into the driveway trapping you and the two men into a box. With a 10-foot foundation wall behind you and building walls on either side, you were now realizing that this location wasn't so much secure, as it was an obvious dead end.
Looking back in the side-view mirror, you can see Jimin with the dealer. The guy panics instantly, pulling out his gun without a chance to even aim it before he is blown away. There are dozens of deafening shots all at once and the guy, no older than you, drops down dead.
Barely able to contain your terror, you are not able to do anything but to watch helplessly as Jimin dives behind the rear of the car to avoid the stray bullets.
Slowly, the officers start down the concrete path, closing in tighter, all of them with their guns drawn, all of them looking alarmed and ready to fire. With this many cops, you know neither of you stands a chance. There is no escape here, not without a miracle. But you know Jimin. You know he isn't going to just give in. He's said it before, he's said it often. He might die, but he'll die fighting before he dies in a cage.
The officer coming closest to the car bangs on the hood to draw your attention making you jump. "Stay in the car," He mouths the words.
You can't abide. If you don't do something Jimin is going to get himself killed. He may be willing to die, but you're not willing to lose him. You shake your head hard, swinging the car door open, stepping out tensely with your hands upright. Your arms and legs are shaking with pure adrenaline, relying on nothing but a prayer that they don't shoot you right now.
"Get back in the car." "Stay in the car." "Miss, get back in the car." A sea of loud, demanding voices shout at you all at once. While your survival instinct is telling you to obey the angry people with guns, you ignore them all. Your instinct-your love for Jimin is greater than your fear.
Walking paced steps backwards, you're watchfully eyeing them. They're still pressing forwards, but they have slowed substantially. Half of the group aiming more aggressively, and the other half pointing their guns at you more hesitantly. Calls of stay in the car turn into orders to get on the ground. But you can't, you won't.
Coming in line with the back of the car, Jimin is knelt behind it his gun in hand. "Y/n! What the fuck are doing?!" he snaps, eyes full of worry.
He may bluster to everyone else, but you know the full expression. In private he'd whisper the ending to you and only you. 'I'd die fighting before I ever die in a cage. And I'll spend my life locked up before I ever see you hurt.'
"Get back in the car!" He growls.
"No," you whisper.
"Get back in the car!"
"Oh for fucks sake, will you just listen to me for once!" He growls, running his hand back through his hair, about to lose any composer he has remaining.
"No!" You shout, your eyes darting from the cops to Jimin and back.
He roars, grabbing your shirt, yanking you down the ground beside him. The commands of the police heighten and start coming more frequently as they steadily begin to entrap the two of you again.
"I'm gonna beat the hell outta you after this." He shouts, reaching over the top of the car to fire a slew of shots, not aiming to hit anyone but just trying to keep the cops away.
"Fine. Do it. But just let there be an after." You plead, eyes filling with tears. "Put the gun down. Please!"
"What?! No!"
"Come out with your hands up or we open fire." A far off voice, coming through a speaker, gives a sickening order.
Jimin's harsh defiant look turns to one of pure fright and frenzy. He knows if they're shooting at him, they're shooting at you.
His hand scrunches in the scruff of your shirt, dragging you flat to the ground further out of harms-way, using the same momentum to launch himself into the open, weapon ready. He gets only 2 shot off before they retaliate with more than half a dozen. Not all connect, one catching his leg, another his shoulder. The hits double him over, making him drop the gun.
It all happens before you are able to even turn back over. The sight of him struck has you screaming, acting rashly and impulsively. You wail his name clambering to your feet, wrapping your arms around his neck. Lifting him upright, you're covering him with your body as much as you possibly can. You don't pause think what might happen right now if the officers began to fire again. You only know you need to save him from them. Save him from himself. Pushing him with your chest, you force him back more and more until his body hits the foundation wall. You turn yourself around towards the encroaching men and women, shoving your weight roughly against him. To shield him, and trying your best to keep him pinned to the bricks so he is unable to act suddenly or foolishly.
Thankfully the cops still seem hesitant to shoot at you. Although you don't trust it for it to last much longer.
Your stomach drops, feeling a warm wetness dripping over the exposed skin on your upper back. Jimin's shoulder is bleeding heavily down you.
This is so fucking bad.
"Stop, please stop, Baby!" You whisper to Jimin, nearly unable to form the words due to the shake in your voice. It's just the two of you opposing 7 armed police officer. You know he hates the thought of defeat, he may even hate you for this, but neither of you has any way of winning this standoff.
His forehead presses to the back of your head, his hot breath fanning down your neck. In the smallest motions, you feel him nod against you.
Raising them in surrender, his arms come out from behind you. There's a sharp pain in your side with a sudden booming sound. It knocks your breath away. You whine, your hand squeezing tighter against his legs, into the fabric of his jeans.
"Y/n?" Jimin knows what's happening before you do.
One of the officers mistook Jimins actions as hostile and got twitchy with his gun.
You gasp slumping back into him, your legs weakening. He catches you, lowering with you as you fall to the floor. "Baby!"
Jimin looks up to the cop who fired. He's memorizing every detail of their face. Already having resigned to hunt them down and make them suffer.
Finally able to inhale, you cry out a low scream, pain spreading from your stomach up. "Jimin," you cry clawing his arm, fingers wrapped in his sleeve.
The swarm of police starts to move more frantically. A knee flies at Jimin sending him into the wall, separating him from you. Without him, you fall flat into the dirt. To your right one of the men is forcing Jimin to the ground with a knee trying to flatten him. But he isn't giving in, fighting and struggling against the weight, desperately trying to get back to you.
Even as there are three of them versus only Jimin, he is still putting up enough resistance that they are unable to fully hold him.
"Y/n!" He yells, as one of his arms is pinned behind his back, driving him heavily into the dirt. "Get the fuck off!" he snarls.
Your throat feels full. You're starting to choke, spluttering blood out and down your cheeks. Your hands clutching your stomach are wet and slippery from blood. The heavy amounts of it pouring from you making you weaker with each passing second.
"Alright!" There's a heavy thump as Jimin stops resisting and is plunged aggressively into the floor. "Just help her! Help her!" With all of the pain and fear you're feeling, it's the pure panic in Jimin's voice that finally brings you to tears.
Rolling your head towards him, his chin is dug into the concrete floor, his skin and clothes red with blood, his face pale and flush, his eyes red and teary with emotion. With him no longer fighting they are able to cuff his hands. They haul him to his feet, carrying his weight. He yells in pain, his cries turning into pleas for you, calling again and again for someone, anyone to help you.
One of the officers comes to your side pressing firmly on your wound making you shriek, spitting out even more blood. They speak into their walkie-talkie describing your state and injuries calling for an ambulance. Explaining that a male will be coming to the hospital by a police cruiser.
In front of you, the others are dragging a limping Jimin away. Being pulled from you he begins his fight again, battling to not leave you. But he's too injured and restricted to combat them much more. Only able to call out to you over and over.
Even as the car doors close on him, you can still hear him shouting your name. Even as you lose consciousness you can still hear the echo of his voice.
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Not sure you even answer this sort of thing as it isn't really that much about writing but ... might as well. Any tips on how to find the "ideal cast" to your characters? I simply can't seem to find somebody that fits the description enough. It's okay if you can`t help, but I'm not even sure where to go to about this so here I am. Thanks already
Guide: Casting Your Characters
You came to the right place! I’ve been casting my characters since before the internet as we knew it existed. The first time I ever did it was in the mid-1990s, when I cast a fan-fiction OC out of a Teen Beat magazine. I’ve got you covered!
Why Cast Your Characters?
No matter how well you flesh out your character, it can still be difficult to conjure up a crisp image of them in your mind’s eye. Casting brings their appearance into full focus and can make it easier to visualize them moving through a scene, imagine their body language and facial expressions, etc. It’s also handy when creating non-promotional character aesthetics and other inspirational images.
5 Tips for Casting Your Characters
1) Flesh Them Out FIRST - This is SUPER important. Your character needs to be fully fleshed out internally and externally before you cast them. Otherwise, you run the risk of being influenced by the faceclaim or characters they’ve played.
2) Avoid Well Known Celebrities or People You Stan - Also super important. As tempting as it might be to cast your favorite K-Pop star or your latest MCU crush, this can also lead to being influenced by them and not the character you created. Try to stick with people you’re not that familiar with, whose careers you don’t follow closely.
3) Remember: These are “Faceclaims” Only - You’re casting based on physical looks, not personality.
4) Proper Representation Matters - Even though this is about physical appearance, I do think it’s important to cast people correctly. If you’re casting a character who is deaf, try to choose a faceclaim who is also deaf. If you’re casting a character who is Native American, don’t choose a white person who happens to have dark hair and brown eyes.
5) Casting Isn’t Set in Stone - Casting is mostly for fun and because it can be helpful, but don’t feel like your choices are set in stone. You may find someone who fits what you’re imagining better. Or, you may decide later on down the line that you’re not happy with a choice and you want to recast. That’s fine!
Where to Find Faceclaims
Tumblr - Tumblr has been at the forefront of the faceclaim game as long as I can remember. Simply go to the “search tumblr” box and type in “faceclaim” and you’ll find tons of posts and blogs dedicated to helping you find faceclaims. You can also do a Google search for “faceclaim tumblr” and blogs will pop up.
Google Searches - One of the best ways to find lists of potential faceclaims is to go to Google and do searches for actors/celebrities/models with the criteria you’re looking for. “Up and coming actors under 20″ or “popular teen actors” for example. “Up and coming Latina stars, “red-haired actresses” or “male actors over the age of 60.”
Google Image Search - You can also go straight to GIS and type things like “Black actress teenager” or “Chinese actress.”
IMDb Cast Lists - One of my favorite ways to find a variety of actors I’m not familiar with is to look at the cast lists for different TV shows and movies. You can start by looking at TV shows and movies that are likely to have a cast that will fit what you’re looking for. For example, if you’re writing a story that features high school aged characters, look for current shows or movies that take place in high schools, then go through the cast list to find options.
Casting Agency Web Sites - Sometimes you can find options in databases on casting agency web sites. If you’re lucky, you might find someone with enough acting experience that you can find them in IMDb or elsewhere online.
Pinterest - Pinterest is an amazing place to find faceclaims. Not only have people put together extensive galleries (boards) you can browse, but if you go to the search bar and type in “faceclaim,” you get a wall of options right from the start, plus popular keywords for beginning your search. To find faceclaim boards, go to the drop down menu beside the search bar, where it says “all pins” and select “boards.”
Stock Photo Web Sites - Pixabay, Pexels, Unsplash, StockSnap.io, and Gratisography are great places to find pictures of people who aren’t known actors or models to use as faceclaims. The best thing is these photos can usually be used for promotional images, though you should always check the rules on the specific web site and photo.
Make a Faceclaims Folder - Create a faceclaims folder on your computer that you can search whenever you’re casting. I have mine divided into sub folders:
kids 0 - 6
kids 7 - 12
middle grade
young adults 
college age 
Adults 25 - 40
Adults 40 - 60
Adults 60 plus
Adults 80 plus
For each sub folder I have a male folder and a female folder. When you’re looking at faceclaims using any of the methods listed above, when you see people you like but who aren’t right for the character you’re casting, save them to your faceclaims folder. That way, you have a “first stop” in your casting process before you throw out a wider net.
How You Can (And Can’t) Use Faceclaims
One thing to keep in mind: you should never use actors, models, or celebrities as your faceclaims in materials used to promote a book that is for sale. Avoid using them in book ads, book trailers, book covers, etc. For those, you will need to use images from a stock photo site that allows promotional use of its images.
You can use faceclaims in non-promotional character sheets, aesthetics, dream cast posts/galleries, etc., just nothing that you profit from or that promotes something you’ll profit from. (And, as always, I’m not a lawyer or expert so always be sure to consult a lawyer if you’re concerned.)
Good luck and have fun!
Have a question? My inbox is always open, but make sure to check my FAQ and post master lists first to see if I’ve already answered a similar question. :)
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alikstore-blog · 4 years
The Beginners Guide to Starting a Dropshipping Business
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I’m certain as you’ve looked into beginning your on-line search, you've got encounter the term “dropshipping.” Sound complicated? Not very. these days we tend to are getting to facilitate clear it up for you with our Beginners Guide to beginning a Dropshipping Business.
Remember, at its base, dropshipping is simply differently from sourcing things to sell in your online search. It doesn’t mean you would like to dropship everything. It may be a way to supplement what you already supply. Either way, it’s smart to grasp the fundamentals.
When it’s done right and everything goes swimmingly, dropshipping is nearly the proper business model. once it’s done wrong, it may be a nightmare. We’ll show you the way to line it up to induce started on the proper food.
Inside this text, I'm getting to share with you the necessary things concerning dropshipping. But first, we’ll reconsider some straightforward rationalization, a list of all its benefits, show you how on the way to begin your dropshipping business, and more.
What is Dropshipping?
Dropshipping could be thanks to selling products while not keeping a stock of inventory. Rather, you may be partnering with a provider of a wholesale, that stocks all its own stock/inventory. what is more, you may be transferring the client orders, moreover because of the cargo info to them. Then, they'll ship the product straight to the individual client. one of the most important advantages of dropshipping is that you simply don’t get to hassle with any inventory or fulfillment matters.
Furthermore, most of the shoppers won't grasp that you simply are dropshipping moreover. this can be the “private tag shipping” is what is going to allow you to transport from a jobber with AN invoice and name and address that's changed to your e-commerce store.
You might be asking, however, will this work? perhaps you have already got detected of the term floating around on some e-commerce platforms, or maybe this can be your 1st time to encounter this idea in the slightest degree. Well, in a very abundant easier manner, when a dropshipper sells a specific product, he/she can decease from a provider so he has this product shipped straight thereto explicit client.
Benefits of Dropshipping
There are innumerable reasons why you want to take into account dropshipping, these embody the following:
Mobility: Having all of the physical satisfaction problems being handled, you're allowed to control your own business where you're, for as long as you've got an online affiliation.
There’s no want for innumerable Money: What makes dropshipping superb is that it's straightforward to start it on-line. this can be as a result of there's no want for you to speculate an oversized quantity of cash and invest greatly within the inventory, thus far you're still able to supply a large number of the product to your customers.
Dropshipping could be a trustworthy Model: there are tons of Shopify businesses on-line, in fact, even the key retail stores like Sears that use the dropshipping technique to be able to supply a way the wider style of things or product to their customers even while not handling the rise of inventory hassles.
Efficiency and Convenience: To be able to with success launch and grow your e-commerce business, it takes countless work. most importantly after you have a restricted resource. If you don’t have any worries concerning the fulfillment is astoundingly convenient and it releases up your own time to be able to specialize in your own promoting arrange, operations, moreover as client service.
How to Start Dropshipping?
This explicit guide can assist you in giving birth out every single factor that you simply got to get things started. this can discuss to you what are the various steps that you simply should take, and the way to try and do all of them. From your humble starts, you will solely go however up.
So let’s get started!
Step 1: puzzle out your niche.
“You are in and profitable in most the niche potential, though you don’t have any interest in what you're merchandising,” this can be in all probability one among the most important misconceptions that you simply might hear concerning dropshipping. However, this can be not true. it's important to own enough data of the niche that you simply select. If you choose a distinct segment that you simply very perceive, then it'll offer you some extra advantage over all of your competitors.
Step 2: realize a drop ship provider.
It may sound tough to seek out a wholesale provider, however, with toil you will realize a prestigious provider that gives a product that you simply have an interest in. And if you probably did, then you’re in very smart luck. However, if you discover one, you want to still check on what your provider is capable of doing before subsiding. this can be to avoid any anomalies within the future.
Step 3: select a merchandising platform.
It is continuously an honest plan to expand once merchandising on numerous on-line auction sites. this can be since all of the sites have their distinguished guests and with most of them being liberated to be a part of. Thus, there's no reason to not provides it an attempt. Remember, Amazon and eBay aren't the sole choices to the present, their ar a lot of. however, check it all alright to avoid any discrepancies.
Step 4: Promote your store.
If you're simply to start on your e-commerce business, you will realize it thus arduous to achieve the ability to your store. Well, so as for you to achieve the following, you've got to figure arduous on promoting your online store.
Here are some ways in which you'll be able to use in promoting your online store:
SEO: exploitation of basic techniques in SEO, you may be able to rank higher in search engines, which means a lot of individuals are checking your store. therefore a lot of individuals can fathom it.
Facebook Ads: Facebook ad works supported the discourse knowledge and not on query-based knowledge. What you would like to try and do is to seek out the proper audience to focus on and create them click on your ad. This can be straightforward since most individuals have Facebook currently.
Content Marketing: This technique strategically adds a price to every one of the customers’ interaction together with your brands. This helps in guiding you through the sales funnel.
Congratulations! we've currently reached the tip, and by now, you want to skills to start up your e-commerce dropshipping business from scratch. Don’t be too snug although, your work isn't nonetheless done. Yes, you've got your online store setup, now, you've got need to run it. As I have aforementioned earlier, once you tumble started, there are only 1 thanks to going, and it's to travel up. Good luck!
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Video Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEYJxTBa1Jg
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