#and usually just skip it because sasuke isn't it
p8567899754nhu · 1 year
sakura making fun of naruto for being an orphan is B.S.
sakura never made fun of naruto for being an orphan . yeah thats it . no matter how much naruto dude-bro's may lament over it she never did it. i mean their sakura hate is so comical they keep inventing weird shit to back it up , but here are the panels from the manga for reference:
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she is not "making fun" of naruto in either of these panels though she says a bunch of stuff-
"naruto was badly brought up"
-im sorry ? do you object to this? do you think naruto was not badly bought up? idk what to even say here, when usually naruto wankers' lament over how sad were the conditions in which naruto was bought up and how hiruzen is a trashy caretaker , also notice how sasuke doesnt care when she says that and continues to walk past
"how he always comes between us"
um.. considering the shit naruto was just doing(beating sasuke , tying him up, and then fcking trying to kiss sakura disguised as sasuke!! ) and before that (sitting on desk and glaring at sasuke because sakura likes him and he is popular) i dont think sakura's complaint is very misplaced , and it could be that he might have done similar shit prior to this
"dont you envy him for being alone, not having parents to nag at you all time"
This is somewhat insensitive and not to naruto , who isn't even present at the moment but to sasuke because she is ASKING sasuke if he envies naruto because his parents dead .sakura saying to sasuke (indirectly) that lack of family is something one should feel good about and is lucky for .(although compared to the shit naruto and kakashi and even lee give sasuke on his clan in particular this is something that is indirect and somewhat subtle and is not intended to berate sasuke in anyway )
P.S.: she is not a psycho who wants her parents dead or anything she wants to be alone and to not have her parents nag at her or ground her
but I never saw this as delinquent or unsual behaviour from sakura's POV, because sakura is a normal 13 year old !!
it would make perfect sense for a teen to want to be alone , to be rebellious, and to not want your parents tell you how to do everything!
especially since kishimoto wanted sakura to be a charechter that is relatable to young girls
however post time skip sakura's views have on family seemed to have changed a bit when she asks sasori "what is family to you?!"
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i really really cant understand how psychos of naruto fandom would give a pass to-no askchually WORSHIP charechters like Itachi (who is a fucking remorseless genocidaire!) and hate this girl , i made a post before but it seems its a lot of misogyny acting up, aint it - for she not only rejects naruto(which is a big sin in itself) , she HATES him , and doesnt coddle him (most of the time-although there are moments when she does), she doesnt give two hoots about him a lot of the time and is fangirling on sasuke -oh the misery!! - arent these reasons enough to take petty things about her and constrew them as though they were on a whole different league of evil .
"he doesnt have to answer to anyone, its made him selfish, if i did something similar, id be grounded for life"
well.. sakura's speculation on why naruto is selfish is sort of misplaced but somewhat makes sense comparing to the shit naruto has done up to now i dont think she is wrong in calling him selfish -he does what he wants without giving a damn about anyone else ,that is selfish -isnt that what he did just now, he beat sasuke, tied him up and went to kiss sakura without giving 2 hoots bout either one of them, and got no consequences for it ! if sakura wouldve attempted something similar then she would've been punished severely by her parents, who would perhaps also make sure that something like this never happened again. - is there something wrong in what she said here ? i dont quite understand...
To sum up everything , all she says is :
1. Naruto is badly brought up
2. He does fucked up shit because he's badly bought up
3. He has no one to watch over so he does selfish things
4. Sakura wishes she could do a lot if the things naruto does and is envious at how far he can go without getting reprimanded
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Reasons for submission under the cut
he has anxiety - is shown to have actual reservations and fears about the world he lives in, which is honestly horrific and terrifying. Everyone elses' lack of worry in the War Arc is more unrealistic
his fears may sound outlandish and they may be played for laughs, but nothing he says isn't unreasonable given the universe he exists in
his teamwork with Karui was great
shown to be very capable and was instrumental in defeating Sasori and later Deidara in the War Arc. If given more opportunity, he could have shined bright.
very handsome. Adorable, even. 10/10
funny. He is usually played for laughs and it works. He plays off Karui and B really well.
is from the Hidden Cloud, the best village. Excellent representative.
was a representative of the Shinobi Union before his promotion, working with and no doubt influencing the direction of the novel organization as it was developed in the fallout of the Fourth Great Ninja War. Trusted to advocate and make decisions on behalf of his village in a time of unprecedented change
cried when he died
a quote about Haku: "He was a pure spirit – as true and clean as a newly fallen snow."
he really manages to leave a long lasting impression
gender non-conforming/androgynous
he is SO memorable because he's part of the first real antagonists of the Naruto series. There's a good reason why the Wave arc is so beloved and is rarely skipped in rewrite fanfics of the series, and part of that magic is Haku
incredibly strong and intelligent
good at healing and using needles in long-ranged combat
Haku is very loyal to Zabuza
he is so dedicated that he was willing to die for Zabuza, not realizing that Zabuza saw Haku as one of his loved ones and not just a tool
was the perfect enemy for Naruto and Sasuke to face because they were kind under it all
Haku helped awaken Sasuke's sharingan and Naruto's tailed beast chakra by serving as a life-threatening challenge
ultimately too soft to kill Naruto or Sasuke and just puts Sasuke to sleep with a needle technique
Naruto realizes that Haku is not so different from him, being an orphan that clings to the one precious person that helped them not feel so alone
gave weight to what it means to be a ninja in this world to Team Seven
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narhinafan · 11 months
I do have a confession when I was starting to write fanfiction this is when I was just writing in concepts before I published them one obstacle always got in my way and that was Sakura. I tried to make her into a supportive friend and it ended up making her into a toxic one instead improving the character is literally impossible the only way you can make Sakura a well written character if you keep her character as it is in Canon and just stick to it.
Well written characters can be awful people and can be insufferable the problem with Sakura is she's not a well-written character at all there really isn't anything to work with without making her into a negative person. It's easier to make Sakura into a someone that could go down an evil path because she's not a good person in general other characters you have to do a complete 180 to do such a thing.
To make Sakura a good friend to Naruto and everybody else you might as well just make an OC because it isn't Sakura anymore when you make her into anybody but an awful human being.
I can see that the thing is if you make Sakura canon then at some point you need to address how toxic she is and possibly write her out of the story or go out of your way to develop her organically which is really hard cause as you said its easier to make her bad.
I never faced this problem since I don't like Sakura enough to develop her so she usually to remains bad or gets ignored and forgotten in the background. I may develop her as a good or decent character for the story sake, but only enough so I can I pretty much ignore her most of the time.
Yeah awful or bad characters can be well written the issue is with Sakura in canon she is never written well. Kishimoto never full committed to making her bad , but never truly developed her enough to make her better. In canon there were at least two chances to develop Sakura so that she would be a decent character. The first time would have been to have her lose to Ino with that and everything she went through during the Forest of Death it was the perfect chance to have her start taking being a ninja seriously go out of her way to train and focus less on Sasuke, but nope she gets a pity tie and doesn't learn anything from it. All the challanges she faced during the Chunin exams wasted. The second was the time skip it could have shown her having truly matured with Tsunade having broken her in, but nope she was doing better briefly, but overall she was the same person she always was, her personality was still bad, in a fight she is on the sidelines bring everyone else down and when Naruto is training she just watches. Along with her obsession with Sasuke being as bad as ever.
As a character it would have been better off if they didn't try to salvage Sakura. She could have been that character everyone hates, but is still consider a good character cause she is made to be hated. In the manga though even though Sakura is so bad it always covers it up and never address or solves it. It would have been better to make her a bad guy, like have her follow Sasuke and made an assistant to Orochimaru's experiments you could use the negatives of her personality to develop her in all kinds of ways. Or if you do it from a romance genre use her to bring Naruto and Hinata together, as well as strengthen Naruto's bond with the rest of the genin after they all realise how toxic she is.
Making Sakura a good friend to Naruto just isn't worth the effort cause you have to develop her into a completely different character or basically make her an OC who is Sakura in name only.
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chaotic-adriary · 2 years
Part 1 of the best fanfiction I have read in 2022.
So. I really wanted to make a post of appreciation to my favorite fanfiction on AO3 this year. This doesn't mean that this fics all written in 2022, just that I read them this year. This year was like *really* hard for me so music and fanfiction was one of the biggest things that kept me sane.
I really love my gen and /other/ fics so don't expect too much of romance on my account :D
Naruto fandom:
1. "Focus then refocus". You should know that I *really* love my time-travel fics. And this one is really good. So here is our usual Sasuke who comforting kids and has many regrets. Personally I would recommend this fic only because there are Orochimaru that silently drinking his tea with his new friend(Sasuke). This fic isn't too fluffy and there is a good balance between hurt and comfort. And it's finished! Beautiful, comfort (long) read for me.
Sherlock fandom:
2. "The Montague street doctor". This I legendary fic, like I don't understand why I didn't read it till this year. I was like: "post-reichenbach? Boring. *goes to another fic* I WAS SO WRONG. Ugh, the feels this fic gave me. This strong spirited Watson was such a big inspiration to me. And I just appreciate how author written all side characters with such care and attention. Fic also have very nice pacing.
So if you want to read about a strong, adult character that grieves but stays true to himself, that's fic for you.
3. "Wee doctor" I was like: "a story about Doc turned into a child in alternative London? Boring." Again WHY I just skip amazing stories like that. I was so WRONG— it's amazing, and not really fluffy as someone would expect. The story is just so complex, interesting and long(it's nice when a good story have many chapters and parts isn't it?). And here you can see such a well written side characters too! The story is kinda like a time-travel to other dimension, at least it feels like one. And Watson is still mentally grown up and acts like it. And there is also Sherlock like "low-maintenance child that acts like a grown up in a child's body. Not boring".
This is my first time posting on Tumblr. Please let me know what I can do better, or anything really. I just need a place for my fic reading rumblings.
(In part 2 I would like to write about some honorable mentions)
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narutosrighthand · 2 years
quick, explain why would you dream about this when you’re unconscious huh
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sneezemonster15 · 3 years
You know what I noticed, Sakura is a judgemental person in general, she thought Lee was a freak and Naruto was nothing but a nuisance until they saved her ass. Yet, while her behavior towards Lee did a 180, she still kept beating Naruto over nothing and berating him. It's so weird. It's like she has it against him specifically or something. Like something about Naruto's very self pisses her off. Which is weird because no one saves and comforts her when she's sad as much as he does.
She does seem unreasonably violent towards Naruto. Their dynamic where Sakura beats Naruto up is typically a shounen thing where the hero gets scolded or beaten by a female cohort who is hot headed (I don't find it funny but I guess part of the target audience does), but you see Kishi doesn't write stereotypes just for stereotypes' sake. He adds meaning to it, by subverting it or adding another meaningful layer to it. He wrote Naruto the protag as someone who uses what we perceive as perversion (perversion is also a pretty common device meant for humor in shounen) to deflect from his closeted gayness. He does it so subtly and smartly that people with a deeper understanding of media get it while others take some time. Or they skip it entirely.
Sakura, as a result of her poor perception, thinks Naruto comes between her and Sasuke.
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Not to mention that Naruto took Sasuke's first kiss that she really wanted, and thought had the rightful claim to, eyeroll. The way she talks in the above panel, it seems something like this has happened before and keeps happening. Not the kiss per se, but incidents that make her feel that Naruto takes away Sasuke's attention from her or foils her plans to get with Sasuke. She thinks Naruto is the one who blocks her way to Sasuke, without giving a second thought to the fact that Sasuke pays next to no attention to her. Like this panel, she is getting unreasonably mad at Naruto for doing, what? Sitting? Hehe. Well sitting next to Sasuke where she thinks she should ideally be.
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She gets unreasonably mad at Naruto for doing nothing offensive. For instance, here.
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When Naruto and Sakura arrive at the spot where Sasuke is fighting Gaara after Konoha is attacked by Oro and sand village, she immediately goes to Sasuke, as usual, who is struggling under the curse seal. So when Naruto brings her attention to Gaara who is only a few feet away, she gets mad at Naruto. Why? Naruto is being aware of his surroundings, like any other ninja. This is a battle ground after all. So why is she getting so pissed over such a simple thing? Except it's not so simple. She thinks Naruto always creates distance between her and Sasuke. She is too daft and delusional to realize it's not Naruto's doing, it's Sasuke's who just isn't interested. Well she isn't as smart as she thinks she is, something that Kishi points out again and again. That and Sasuke and Naruto have a special bond, that she doesn't really get.
She starts to get it eventually, in the sense that Naruto and Sasuke definitely are close in some way, even if she doesn't understand the extent or nature of it.
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She clearly admires Naruto's strength and battle instincts when she sees him fighting but still calls him stupid and whatnot, implying multiple times that she is better than him when she is the least useful ninja in the entire team, who basically just stands there and watches while Naruto (along with Sasuke in part one) is the one who wins the battles for the team. Her sense of superiority is unfounded, but she has been consistently portrayed by Kishi as narcissistic and self congratulatory for no reason.
Naruto I guess is amused by her and as a response to his own people pleasing tendencies rooted in his abandonment issues growing up as an orphan, he entertains/tolerates her violent behaviour towards him.
Naruto knows where to draw the line. Where his bond with Sasuke is concerned, no one gets to intervene. It's just the two of them. No third party required or warranted.
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And I think Sakura understands it. Towards the end. Because of how little to no attention Sasuke pays her, especially during the war arc.
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I remember you also talked about this. She realizes that Naruto and Sasuke have a special bond and Sasuke would ignore her quite effortlessly but give his undivided attention to Naruto. She cannot exchange blows with Sasuke, unlike Naruto. (Off topic, but if superior shinobis can read each other's minds just by exchanging blows, and Sakura is unable to given how puny she is infront of Sasuke and Naruto's skills since Naruto is the only one who is capable of fighting Sasuke, then the claim made by Sakura stans that she is equal in strength to Naruto and Sasuke kinda falls apart, no?? I mean she is admitting this herself.)
Anyway. Sakura is jealous of Naruto. Not just in terms of strength and skills, which she admits in part one itself but also because of Sasuke's care and fondness for Naruto which she wants for herself, which isn't said so explicitly. However she also admits she was wrong about her estimation of Naruto's resolve.
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She also admits that Naruto helped and cheered for her when she needed it most.
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So if she sees Naruto's skills, strength, determination and resolve, then what makes her so antagonistic towards him? If she can change her mind about Lee whom she had known for a matter of days, then why not for Naruto who is her team member, who has saved her life time and again and has been her cheerleader during battles?
Is it in keeping with her character to be antagonistic to anyone in regard to Sasuke no matter what happens or who the person in question is?
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I guess that pretty much sums it up. Kishi obviously couldn't have shown the reason for her jealousy towards Naruto explicitly. Because of the gay. But what's clear is this. She disliked Naruto at first because he was brash and unskilled and 'came between' her and Sasuke. Then he got better and she came to admire his skills and appreciated his emotional support towards her. So what's left??
Naruto and his bond with Sasuke, all the attention Sasuke gives Naruto. While all she gets is a measly thank you, consistently well deserved savage mockery, attempt to murder without a second thought and some serious mental harm.
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
Hey, I'm glad I came into your blog! The analysis you provided helped me better grasp Naruto and Sasuke's relationship. To be honest, I didn't like Sasuke at first, but after reading your analysis I came to understand why he did what he did, and I now like him. I wasn't expecting Sasuke was actually a complicated character. So, thank you! 🥰
By the way, I've always loved opening 9 Naruto Shippuden and I recently realized that the lyrics meaning actually represent Naruto and Sasuke's feelings for each other.
In that song there is lyrics :
· You keep trying to act tough and refuse to show your tears.
· But deep inside you’re afraid.
· You desperately ran this far.
· So that you wouldn’t lose what’s important to you.
It's like Naruto talking to Sasuke isn't it? Sasuke was never seen crying in the series. Sasuke was always good at concealing his emotions. But there are moments when he can't keep his emotions hidden, and that moment was when Itachi died and his final battle with Naruto in the Valley End.
· Enticed by someone softly spoken words.
· I was dancing in the trap.
· The thing that was important to me was the “You” I remembered in my heart.
· Scared of beliving, i forgot how to cry.
These lyrics sound like Sasuke is speaking to himself. He was willing to go to Orochimaru despite knowing it was dangerous for him. He was willing to take that risk because he did not want to kill Naruto in order to become stronger.
· In such a vast world.
· You will probably be all alone.
· I will take up your overflowing thoughts.
These lyrics remind me of the moment when Naruto told Sasuke that he would bear all of Sasuke's hatred.
The fact that the opening title is "Lover" makes me overjoyed. This is equivalent to implying that Naruto and Sasuke have had feelings for each other all along. I don't think this can be a coincidence.
So, I wondering what's your thought about this?
Thank You, Anon. Can't believe that I could make someone like Sasuke (???).
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And to be honest, I never knew about the meaning of those lines in that Opening. Because On my First watch, I usually skipped that particular one. LOL. Partly because, I watched that Kage Summit Arc starting from 8PM and I pulled an All-Nighter to finish it. That Arc was damn good and irresistible. But the Opening Visuals were pretty Sakura-esque. It's almost she was portrayed as if everything revolves around her tears and kunai and I was like, 'WTF, Just fast-forward this dumb asshole already'. And the Song's opening lines were too loud for my ears in that silent Night (1 AM). All the more reason to skip it altogether.
In that song there is lyrics :
· You keep trying to act tough and refuse to show your tears.
· But deep inside you’re afraid.
· You desperately ran this far.
· So that you wouldn’t lose what’s important to you.
It's like Naruto talking to Sasuke isn't it?
I think it's like Naruto speaking to himself, I guess. Especially, this is the Arc, where Naruto stopped lying to himself and started to being honest with himself.
He acted tough in front of Sasuke as if he hated him and refused to show how he really felt about him (In Part 1) (And he ended up confessing Under the Bridge as to how he felt about him all along and he finally stopped doing that 'Brother' bullshit and acknowledged that he is his 'Friend')
And he desperately chased Sasuke to save him in all the Arcs that came before.
So that he won't lose what's important to him. And that's Sasuke.
The fact that the opening title is "Lover" makes me overjoyed. This is equivalent to implying that Naruto and Sasuke have had feelings for each other all along. I don't think this can be a coincidence.
Firstly, I don't know who decides these Song choices which always made me go 'Wait a Second... What was that about!!'.
Secondly, How could people not take the hints from these Lyrics and still call them as 'Brothers'.???
Atleast, when it comes to the production team who animates or picks these songs, they definitely know the Nature of SNS bond. That's for sure. Probably they are making up for all those censorship nonsense they did to portray Naruto as this Hetero boy and they ended up doing these in OPS and EDS.
The Opening title "Lover", I think it implies, the way Naruto declares that he will die along with Sasuke by bearing all the burdens of his Hatred like a Lover. This is a Lover trope who commits double suicide in order to be together even in the Afterlife. And they had feelings ever since they smiled at each other near that Lake Pier.
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thefairyletters · 4 years
Ask a ship and I'll tell you:
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Who proposed the other first?
Right after the war ended, Ino kissed Sakura in front of everyone – dead and alive. Next thing Ino knew, Sakura was on the ground, kneeling, with a chakra ring held out. They got more or less married in the war, but they never held a proper ceremony to complete their union. They don't need it.
Who kissed the other first?
It was a drunk kiss that had them tumbling into the bed. It, however, never progressed past kisses because Ino had passed out by the time Sakura – who was still far from tipsy – could do anything about it. Sakura was stuck staring at the ceiling all night, with Ino huddled in her arms. To add further to her stress, Ino didn't remember anything the next morning.
Who gives a good-morning kiss to other?
Sakura wakes up earlier than Ino for her job. She kisses her girlfriend, makes breakfast for two and leaves with a note far from romantic – usually something short like "early shift", "be back before 10", and always with "don't miss me too much."
Ino pretends she doesn't know it translates to "I will miss you."
Who likes to play footsies?
She knows Sakura has better legs but it is Ino who puts hers to good use. Their romantic dates are always less talk and more leting eyes and legs do the talking. Sakura dips it.
Who is the dominant one?
Everything is a competition between them – who will make the other come first? Who will be first to fall asleep? Who will pleasure the other the loudest? – but of course, not without cheating. Ino knows to be beware of Sakura's glowing hands and Sakura knows to watch for Ino's mouth.
Their tendency to do ridiculous competitions is an inside joke between rest of the Konoha 12 minus Sasuke and Naruto who knows it all too well.
Who likes to keep a picture of the other with them all the time?
She keeps Ino's photo framed in her office because Ino's smile is what keeps her going everyday. She also replaces her red ribbon with Ino's yellow ribbon and red hairclip whenever Ino is away on a mission.
Who likes to buy the other gifts?
Between two of them, Sakura is the most romantic one.
Every Monday, when she's on her break, Sakura drops by to buy flowers from Ino, something which she gifts right back to her. Ino thinks it is stupid to buy things from your girlfriend's shop only to gift them right back to her.
All with a bright blush on her face.
It is hard not to blush when Sakura coordinates her flowers to convey something cheesy and romantic like "you're the prettiest thing I've seen all day". Ino's all-time favourite message is "you're the best mistake of my life".
It should lose its charm after one couple times it happened, but to Ino, it never gets old.
Who takes initiative in making physical contact?
Romantic at heart, Sakura loves to keep close to her Ino even if she isn't very vocal about it, and Ino isn't the best psychologist in the village for nothing. PDA is very normal between them – from holding hands whenever they could, Sakura playing with Ino's hair and Ino smacking Sakura's butt, to Ino pinching Sakura's cheeks and Sakura poking Ino's sides – they just can't pass a week without physical contact between them.
They are not the kind of couple who say 'I love you' to each other. Whenever they open their mouth, it ends up in either kiss, argument, or both at once. But they know each other well enough to understand the other without them saying anything because they makes it up with better things.
Who plans their dates?
While they do usually go for shopping/drinking every weekend and travel out of Konoha every few months, they don't do formal romantic dates as much. Sakura is usually too busy at the hospital to make time for herself, so Ino loves to add a little spice to her girlfriend's monotonous everyday life (whenever she is not involved). She takes it upon herself to surprise Sakura by taking her out to new food joints, forcing her into clothes Ino knows Sakura would never wear, make her favourite food and set up candlelight dinner at home, or decorate their bedroom with most gorgeous flowers she could find.
Sakura thinks she doesn't deserve it, but Ino thinks it's a shame that she thinks so.
Who was shy on their first date?
Their first date was the first and the only date planned by Sakura. As someone who had a bad track record in everything synonymous to romance, she was rightly terrified about things that could go wrong in their date. And she was right, because, by the time their date got over, they both were soaked to their bones, their makeup a work of abstract art, with chakra burns marring their limbs.
Neither of them understood that time how a simple date by the lake could go so horribly wrong – but later they understood everything would go wrong when your teammates attempt to perfect your date.
Who wakes up the other?
Unfortunately for them, for as long as Sakura remained is the head doctor of the only hospital in Konoha, the morning cuddles are the last thing they will get.
Who was shy in taking their relationship to next level?
No, they were angry.
It began with Ino bunking at Sakura's house after the death of Asuma. One moment they were softly recalling fond memories of their childhood, cuddled in Sakura's bed, but one thing led to another when their memories ended up taking them back to their academy days, of memories that they always carefully skipped looking into. All bottled flames of fury and hurt broke between them, and next thing they knew they were hitting and hurling insults at each other. Things broke, their hearts broke and then they were kissing.
When Ino took the lead, determined to break themselves further, Sakura let her.
They were not each other's first, but they decided they could be the last.
Who hogs up the blankets in their sleep?
Ino and Sakura are not peaceful sleepers. They move a lot in their sleep. They cuddle a lot in their sleep. They even fight each other in their sleep. Between that and more, the blanket always manages to land on the floor.
Who is easy to get jealous?
Ino is a gorgeous woman. Sakura knows it, Ino knows it, and everyone else who have eyes knows it. But when a woman says she is taken, the person should back off. ANBU men, though, are the worst. More often than not they don't take the hint when they hit on Ino of all people. Too bad for them, Sakura has little patience for people who can't take 'no' for what it is. If she hits them little too hard, enough to land them in hospital that she runs, it isn't on Sakura because they didn't stand down when Sakura politely asked them to.
Ino doesn't need a strong man to protect her from perverted hands and leering eyes when she's got Sakura.
Who cooks in the house?
They take turns – breakfast Sakura, lunch takeaway, and dinner Ino. On sundays, they cook together and invite their teammates for a customary team dinner that no member is allowed to miss lest they wish to face wrath of a woman scorned. Everyone agrees that Ino and Sakura make the scariest couple in Konoha.
It is because of Ino and Sakura that Team 10 and Team 7 became the closest pack in the village. They are one big family mothered and fathered by Sakura and Ino respectively.
Who 'protects' and who 'nutures'?
Sakura protects.
Ino nurtures.
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non-operator · 2 years
For nart-- 3, 5, 10?
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
I usually don't follow someone until I have gone through like. half of their posts already. So usually I wouldn't follow someone if we had like. extremely clashing fandom opinions.
I have blocked people though over a fandom opinion 😌 for my mental health. It's not that I find their opinion /wrong/ per say (it's a valid interpretation of the text/character), but it certainly does not fit with mine and makes me feel bad to read it so! blocked
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Hmmmm, I usually don't enter fandom until I'm already finished with reading the work or near the end of it, so I just go look for the pairings I already shipped. I curate my fandom experience very well 😌 it's personalized for me <3
But I guess... Madaobi? I didn't really like or ship the pairing before, but like. saw a few fanart and the people were weird with it. No longer want to see it, or think about it.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
War arc, which I consider to be after the Five Kage Summit and up to the Obito becoming the Ten Tails Jinchūriki. I just thought that it felt kind of rushed compared to previous arcs.
For the edo tensei enemies, I felt like there were too much and consequently weren't given any impact. Like, we had a resurrected Hizashi but that's kind of skipped over, because there's other battles and characters that needed to be shown. Zabuza and Haku literally pop up and then die almost instantly. The fight between Mifune and Hanzo was like ? Not only do we not really know either of these characters that well, but we're not particularly attached to them either. This kind of applies for the rest of the battles. I think there were simply too many players on the field to make any of the fights have emotional impact or narrative significance. It just felt like the story was just checking things off a list.
There's also the fact that many conflicts were easily dealt with? Like internal tensions among the shinobi nations was solved with one speech from Gaara. This is somewhat outside the war arc, but the entire war itself only takes what. three day? Seriously?!
And there was also a bunch of information given to us in such a short span--I think this is where the flashback of Rin's suicide is shown, Hashirama's time with Madara flashback also takes place in this arc, Tobirama explains how the sharingan works, etc. And this isn't even mentioning the more minor details, like how Gaara's defense came from his mother and not Shukaku, how each character's techniques function (ie Rasa's gold dust, or the fucking genjutsu clam from that dead kage whose name i don't even remember), we get background information on bitches who only stay for like. three chapters or something?
I will admit though, there are parts of the war arc that I did like, such as Obito's reveal and edo tensei Itachi's meeting with Sasuke. But overall, I felt like there were many things happening that weren't given as much attention as previous arcs did.
I'll also give this arc some slack because it did cover a greater range of characters and locations than previous arcs. But I guess that's why it kind of felt less. individualized and focused. It just feels more messy.
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