#and ven's 'don' stop' was intentional
pintsizemama · 2 years
Heroes & Heartbreak
Chapter 18
Summary: Ari and Javi are conflicted on what happens next. A new CI leads the DEA and CNP to a huge bust. Carrillo makes a decision that will impact Ari’s relationship. Javi has to come to terms with his feelings.
Pairings: Javier Peña x OFC Ariana Morgan—DEA Agent and daughter of Pablo Escobar
Fandom: Narcos
Rating: Explicit 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 7,356
Warnings: language, hangover, jealousy, angst, reference to death of a teen, gunshot, violence, blood, drinking, Smut, PiV, prostitution, possessiveness...let me know if I missed anything, and I’ll happily add it here!
A/N: I’m gonna warn you, I’ve gone back and forth on what happens with Carrillo in this chapter. Not entirely sure I’m content with it…but it will have to do.
I included conversations from the episode to help anyone who hasn’t seen it or hasn’t watched it in awhile. Sorry if it feels redundant if you’ve seen the show a million times like me.
As always, feel free to let me know if I need to correct the Spanish translations!
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Chapter 17 Chapter 19 Series Masterlist Masterlist AO3 Join my taglist
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Javi was the first one at his desk the next morning. Steve had stopped in but then disappeared. Ari was still asleep. He felt that familiar guilt well up inside him. She was never late. She never overslept. She never drank that damn much. Until him. Steve breezed back in from wherever the hell he had been.
“Ari?” Steve asked. Javi just shook his head. Steve frowned, concern etched across his face. The phone rang and Javi picked it up.
“Agente Peña,” the man on the other end began. “Habla con don Berna. Tengo una propuesta que podría interesarle.” (This is Don Berna. I have a proposition you might be interested in.)
“Qué sorpresa,” (What a surprise.) Javi murmured. He agreed to meet with Berna in a small cafe. Javi walked in and noticed Berna right away. He approached the table, cautious of the narco and his intentions.
“¿Qué pasa, Peña?” (What’s up, Peña?) Berna greeted him. “¿Estás esperando a alguien?” (Are you expecting anyone else?)
“No,” Javi replied. “¿Y tú?” (Are you?)
“No,” Berna assured him, “no es necesario. En esta ciudad, donde yo me meta, tengo amigos alrededor. Pero sentate. Sentate pa que pruebas el mejor café de Medellín.” (No, it’s not necessary. Everywhere I go in this city, I’m surrounded by friends. Sit down. Sit down so you can taste the best coffee in Medellín.) Javi reluctantly sat across from him.
“¡Doña Luz!” Berna called out. “Prepárele aquí un café a mi amigo.” (Bring my friend a coffee.) Javi crossed his arms and surveyed Berna.
“¿No tienes más que un café para ofrecerme?” (You have something other than coffee for me?) Javi asked.
“Mire, agente,” Berna began, “you no soy como cual quiera de esos informantes a los que ustedes les dan unos dólares y ya. No, señor,” (Look, Agent, I’m not one of those street corner informants that you slip a few gringo dollars for a tip. No, sir.)
“¿Entonces qué hacemos aquí?” (Then why are we here?) Javi asked. Berna leaned forward.
“Agente, usted y yo somos como la serpiente y el gato. Si la serpiente puede, mata al gato. Y s el gato puede, mata a la serpiente. Pero, a veces, los dos ven una rata bien grande y ambos se la quieren comer.” (Agent, you and I are like the snake and the cat. If the snake has the chance, it will kill the cat. And if the cat has the chance, it will kill the snake. But there are times when they see a big rat, and they both want to eat it.)
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“This is Moncada’s biggest lab,” Javier said, circling a spot on the aerial photo. “It’ll have to be inventoried before it’s dismantled and moved.” Ari squinted at the photo. Her headache had calmed from a sharp, relentlessly pounding pain to a persistent dull ache. She definitely had way too much whiskey last night.
“How do you know that?” Steve asked, perched on the desk. Carrillo was looking at Javier with surprise, the intel being very good...better than he usually gets.
“One of my CI’s,” Javi told them. Ari stiffened. Was this the girl Javi had been fucking?
“Hell of a tip,” Steve said.
“It’s a hell of a CI,” Javier told him. Ari couldn’t help the scoff or the words that slipped from her mouth.
“I’ll bet,” she muttered. All three men looked at her. She realized she had spoken aloud and not in her head. She cocked an eyebrow, challenging one of them to say something. They didn’t, but Carrillo kept looking at her, an unreadable expression on his face.
“Look, you want Escobar’s men, there they are,” Javi said, pulling Carrillo’s attention from Ari.
“Let’s do it,” Carrillo said.
“All right,” Steve agreed.
“Princesa,” Carrillo turned to her. “Are you alright? You look exhausted.”
“Late night,” she replied, with a wave of her hand. “I’m fine. More than capable of going on this raid.”
“Are you sure?” Carrillo said, concern laced in his husky voice. “I don’t want to take any chances with you, Ari.”
“I promise, Horacio,” she told him. “I was in worse shape this morning. Feeling much better now. Just a mild headache.” Carrillo nodded, and they made their way outside to the Jeeps, Carrillo’s men ready to go within minutes. Carrillo eyed Ari for a minute. She began to climb up into the Jeep with Javi and Steve, when she heard Carrillo.
“Princesa,” he called out. He beckoned her over. “You ride with me.” Ari sighed but quickly jumped down and jogged over to Carrillo, hopping in before him. She had a feeling he wouldn’t let the comment about Javi’s informant slide. She’d seen it on his face the moment the words slipped out. Carrillo turned and gave Javi a hard look before sliding in next to Ari.
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“What the fuck was that all about?” Steve asked. Javi clenched his jaw, reading between the lines, interpreting the look Carrillo had given him. Something had felt off ever since he came back. That look he just gave him…and what Ari said last night. Fuck. Carrillo was staking his claim.
“Not sure,” he told Steve. “Maybe...” He trailed off, not wanting to say out loud the horrible thoughts swirling in his head, fearful that speaking them would make them true.
“What?” Steve prodded when Javi didn’t elaborate. Javi shook his head.
“Trust me, you don’t want to know what I’m thinking,” he said angrily. “It’ll just piss you off.” Steve considered his words for a minute. Poor guy was having a tough time sorting it out. Finally understanding dawned on his face.
“Wait,” Steve said, his voice low, even though the men in the car with them did not understand English, “is Carrillo trying to move in on our girl?” Javi clenched his fists, looking away. “Fuck,” Steve said, seeing Javi’s anger as confirmation. “He’s married...what the fuck is he thinking?”
“Listen, I don’t know if that’s what’s going on,” Javi told him. “Ari said he and his wife are having problems...I guess they’re separated right now, and I don’t know for sure if he’s interested in Ari. He mentioned something a long time ago, back before he was sent to Spain...he said if he wasn’t happily married he’d be first in line to ask her out.”
“I remember,” Steve said quietly, thinking back to that night at the bar. “What. The. Fuck.” Steve fumed. He paused and mulled it over once more. “You know, I thought something seemed…different with him since he’s been back.”
“Different how?” Javi asked, hoping he wasn’t crazy and Murphy had picked up on the same thing he had.
“Just a different vibe between the two of them,” Steve replied. “I can’t explain it, but something shifted.” Javi sighed. “He’s been looking at her differently…more possessively.”
“I noticed it too,” Javi said quietly. “Right away.” Steve shook his head.
“This is insane.” Javi refused to meet Steve’s eyes, too lost in his own pain. “Hey, look at me!” Javi was staring out the window. Finally he turned to his partner. Steve sucked his breath in when he saw the agony in Javi’s eyes. “Shit, Javi...” Javier let out a ragged breath. “Why the fuck don’t you just tell her how you feel? She doesn’t want anyone else, man. Just you.” Javier looked shocked at what Steve said. “Don’t look so surprised, Javi. I’m not an idiot. I know you two have been...well, more than partners.”
“Fuck,” Javi hissed.
“Don’t worry, man,” Steve assured him. “It’s not as obvious as you might think, I just know you both really well, so it was easy enough to figure out. Plus, I do live right above you guys and the walls are thin. I’m pretty sure Connie and I are the only one who knows though...other than Carrillo.”
“Shit,” Javi said, “Carrillo knows?” Steve nodded.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure,” Steve told him. “Nothing gets by him. Plus the look he just gave you…fuck if that wasn’t some sort of alpha male challenge.” There were a few minutes of silence before Steve spoke again. “Do you...do you think she’d say yes?” Javi looked confused for a moment. “To Carrillo, if he’s interested in her?” Javi’s face fell for a moment before he schooled his features.
“She mentioned something last night...that makes me think she’d consider it,” he said reluctantly.
“Really?” Steve asked incredulously. Javi sighed.
“She was drunk and pissed at me, so I don’t know how truthful she was being,” he told Steve, who looked at him like he needed to know more. “After we saw the kid get shot...I needed to forget for a while, so I went to see someone I found a right after we got here that has been good source to fuck out my frustration. Ari offered to be the one to help me...but I didn’t choose her...again, so she downed a bottle of whiskey. We got into a fight when I got back. She mentioned finding some backup fucks for when I’m not around...mentioned Carrillo. Fuck...I really messed up with her.”
“What do you mean you didn’t choose her again?” Steve asked angrily.
“She’s caught me turning to other women instead of her a few times...times when she’s needed to lose herself in someone just as much as I did. The first time it happened, was the day we found Olivia. She came over to fuck...and I already had someone there. The look on her face...she was so cautious of me, so utterly heartbroken. She tried to hide it, but she was crying.” Javi swallowed, the memory twisting his gut.
“Goddamnit, Peña!” Murphy shouted. The officers in the front seat glanced back at them.
“Lo siento,” (Sorry.) Steve said with a reassuring smile. They turned back around and Steve shot Javi a glare. “I can’t believe you! Ari is fucking amazing, and you’re treating her like an expendable piece of shit. Jesus Christ, man…I don’t fucking get it.”
“I know!” Javi growled. “I’ve been such a fucking asshole to her, Steve, and she doesn’t deserve it. It kills me to see how much I hurt her, but I don’t know how to be anything but this. I have no idea how to be a man worthy of her. Fuck, she’s way too good for me. I don’t know why she puts up with me.”
“Because she loves you,” Steve said simply. Javi looked at him sharply. “She does, Javi. You can fight it all you want, but that woman loves you.”
“I know,” Javi whispered hoarsely. “She told me the day before Escobar ordered the hit on the CNP.”
“She told you she loves you?” Steve asked in shock. Javi nodded. “Shit.”
“Yeah,” Javi murmured. “Shit.” He sighed heavily.
“What’d you say?” Steve asked.
“Nothing,” Javi answered.
“Nothing?” Steve groaned. “Really, Javi? Nothing?”
“I didn’t know what to say,” he said defensively. “Besides she told me she didn’t expect me to say it back.”
“But you do,” Steve said quietly. “You love her.” Javi just swallowed audibly and refused to answer. “Run from it all you like, Javi, but it won’t change the fact that you’re head over heels for that woman. Just get your head out of your ass and tell her before it’s too late and she gets tired of waiting for you.” Javi just nodded. Steve saw the agony on his friend’s face, so he gripped his shoulder, giving it a squeeze, and dropped the subject.
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“Princesa,” Carrillo said quietly. Ari looked up to meet his eyes. “There are a couple things I need to discuss with you.” He was using English, knowing the other men in the truck—other than Trujillo—did not speak it. “Are we ok?” She frowned, confused. “After last night…I saw the look on your face…”
“Oh,” she whispered. She chewed her lip. “Honestly, I don’t know how I feel about last night, Horacio. I saw a side of you I never could have fathomed existed. I understand you needed to make a point…but he was just a kid.”
“He was old enough to know better, princesa,” Carrillo argued.
“I know,” she agreed, “but something like that—it stays with you, Horacio. It changes you. Send you down a path you cannot return from. I don’t want that for you. Hell, he was only a bit younger than your own son.” She looked into his eyes. “I know you feel guilty. I could see it as soon as the boys left and that mask came down for just a few seconds.” Carrillo stayed silent. “That’s a good sign though. If you feel remorse, you’re not too far gone. There’s still hope.”
“You think so?” He asked softly. “You don’t think I’m too much of a monster?”
“No,” she assured him. “You’re not a monster. Just don’t lose sight of who you are and what you stand for in your pursuit of the real monster.” Carrillo nodded once.
“There’s something else we need to discuss,” he said after a moment. “What is going on with you and Peña?” Ari sucked in her breath, not expecting that question at all.
“What do you mean?” She asked, trying to figure out how much he already knew.
“I mean are you together or are you just fucking?” He asked boldly.
“Shit,” Ari swore angrily. Trujillo’s eyebrow’s shot up. “We’re not—”
“—Don’t try to talk your way out of it,” Carrillo interrupted her. “I see the way you two look at each other, and Peña is ready to kill any man that comes near you. Plus, I know what I saw in that tent in Tolu.” He watched her reaction closely. “I have never brought it up because it doesn’t seem to effect your work.”
“Fuck,” Ari cursed, she paused, trying to figure out what she was going to say. “I-It’s just physical. A way to blow off steam.” Carrillo stared her down.
“I don’t like when you lie to me, Ariana,” Carrillo warned.
“I’m not lying to you, Horacio,” she insisted. “We are not in a relationship. He has made that abundantly clear. Shit, he hasn’t touched me in weeks. He’s been fucking some other woman since we got here.”
“But you care for him...” Carrillo prodded. She blew out an aggravated breath.
“Yeah. Yeah, I care for that asshole,” she whispered, then a little louder, “But he doesn’t feel the same way, so I just...well, it is what it is.” She winced, knowing how pathetic that sounded. Carrillo considered her words.
“You deserve better than this,” he said finally.
“Probably,” she said with a sad smile.
“Are you ok to work with him?” He asked gently. “I can alternate taking you both on raids. Or just bench his sorry ass for treating you this way.” Ari chuckled. Trujillo stifled a laugh. Everyone knew how much the boss cared about everyone’s favorite DEA agent. Hell most of the CNP was infatuated with her at this point.
“No, it’s fine, Horacio,” she assured him. “We work well together. I can keep this professional. Been doing it for a couple years now.” Carrillo’s eyes widened when he realized just how long this had been going on. “This is the arrangement we initially agreed upon—one that I wholeheartedly accepted. My feelings changed. Not his fault. Thanks for the concern though...it’s nice to know someone gives a shit about me.”
“Of course, princesa,” he said in a low voice. “I care very much for you. You are one of the most amazing women I have ever known.” He paused a moment, carefully considering his next words. “You know there are men who would not treat you this way. Men who will treat you how you deserve. Do you remember the night my men were fawning all over you?” Ari nodded. “I told Peña he shouldn’t deny his feelings for you. I warned him you wouldn’t stay single long...that you enchant every man you meet.”
“I do not,” Ari scoffed.
“Yes, you do, princesa,” Carrillo said sternly. “You do not see it, but you do. I also told Peña that if I wasn't a happily married man, I would be first in line to ask you out.” Ari looked shocked at his words.
“What are you saying, Horacio?” She asked cautiously. He mulled over her question for a moment.
“I’m not sure, Ari,” he answered honestly. “I don’t know where I stand with my wife at the moment...I love her, but…if I were to find myself single once again...well, I wonder if I would take the opportunity to show you how you should be treated by a man, princesa.”
“I—I...” she stumbled over her words.
“Shh,” he soothed her quietly. “Don’t worry yourself over this. You mean a lot to me, Ariana. My feelings for you are not…romantic at the moment, but I know that could change easily. But I would never do anything to make you uncomfortable or jeopardize the friendship we have. I think you just might be my best friend, princesa.” Ari smiled at the colonel.
“You’re my best friend too, Horacio,” she said gently. “And I love you. Very much.” She paused, wondering if she had the guts to say the next words out loud. “Javier has my heart. I’ve been in love with him for a long time...I don’t know if that will ever change.” Carrillo looked at her, something she couldn’t understand in his eyes.
“Then I hope he can be what you deserve, Ari,” he said after a moment. Ari smiled sadly. “I love you too, you know,” he said quietly. She reached out and squeezed his hand.
“I’m glad I have you in my life, Horacio,” she whispered.
“The feeling is mutual,” he murmured as he brought her hand up to kiss her knuckles. He rubbed his thumb over her the spot he kissed for a moment. “I think a little competition will help.”
“Competition?” Ari asked confused.
“For your heart,” he clarified. “If Peña believes I am interested—and available to you—he may get his head out of his ass.”
“I’m not looking to play games, Horacio,” Ari warned him.
“You don’t have to do anything,” he assured her. “Just enjoy the attention you will get from us both.”
“Horacio—” she began.
“—Nope, it’s been decided,” he cut in. “I will romance you to make Peña see the light and finally commit to you.”
“Oh my god,” Ari groaned.
“And if it doesn’t work, and you fall madly in love with me, then so be it,” he teased.
“You are incorrigible, Colonel,” Ari sighed and shook her head.
“Just enjoy it, princesa,” he replied. “Who knows, maybe once you see how you deserve to be treated you will be the one to end things with Peña.” Ari didn’t think this insane plan would work…but maybe it would help her to finally see her own worth.
“If Peña asks, I want you to tell him I’m pursuing you,” he added.
“Horacio, no,” Ari shook her head adamantly.
“Yes,” he said firmly. “Just trust me…it’s best this way.” Ari shook her head again and looked out the window. The man was insane.
They arrived at the rendezvous point just south of the lab. They geared up and carefully made their way in, through the jungle. Javi, Steve, and Ari split up, each going in with a couple of Carrillo’s guys. It was relatively easy, since most of the men there weren’t armed. The ones that were armed were not afraid to shoot. They took out several of the sicarios, Carrillo’s men sweeping in behind them to round up those that were unarmed. Ari saw Steve and Carrillo meet up to go after Gato.
Ari heard the all clear given. She lowered her weapon and moved into the next room. She approached a table full of cocaine and money. A loud sound drew her attention to the back of the room and had her raising her weapon on instinct. A man popped out from a large cabinet in the back and started shooting. Ari felt a sharp pain in her shoulder, but she ignored it, her focus on the threat. She fired three rounds into the hidden sicario, two in the chest, one in the head.
“What the fuck?” Steve, Carrillo, Trujillo, and Javier came bursting into the room. “We got the all clear...what’s going on?”
“Looks like one of the fuckers was hiding...must have missed him in the sweep,” Ari said, gesturing to the dead man. Carrillo shouted at his men, furious at the oversight. They glanced over at the sicario, noticing the deadly precision of the bullet wounds.
“Nice shot, princesa,” Carrillo complimented her.
“You’re bleeding, Ari,” Steve said suddenly.
“Huh?” She asked, still not feeling the wound, adrenaline buzzing through her. She looked down to see blood on her shoulder and running down her arm. “Shit.” Javier and Carrillo rushed to her side. Trujillo and Steve smirked at each other, seeing the two hardened men fussing over her. She looked back over her shoulder at the wound.
“It went straight through,” she assured them. “I’m fine, guys.”
“I’ll be the judge of that,” Javier told her, his voice hard. He had felt pure terror when he saw she was bleeding. “Let’s get you outside so we can take a look.” She rolled her eyes. They went out and a medic took a quick look. Ari was right, it was a through and through, nothing serious and easily patched up.
“You’re awfully calm for someone who just got shot,” Carrillo said. She laughed.
“It’s not the first time I’ve been shot,” she told them. Steve shook his head at her.
“You’re unbelievable, Ari,” he said laughing.
“What?” she scoffed. “I’m still buzzing on adrenaline, so it doesn’t even hurt that much yet. Now this one,” she lifted the hem of her shirt to show a scar on her stomach near her hip, “this one hurt like a fucking bitch. They had to dig it out, hit a few nerves...man that day sucked.”
“Princesa,” Carrillo said, “You are something else.” She saw his eyes linger a little longer than necessary on her toned stomach. She lowered her shirt and suppressed an eye roll. He was already starting in on his bullshit…and from the clench of Javi’s jaw, it was working.
“She’s got quite a few battle scars hidden under those clothes,” Javier said, without thinking. Ari’s eyes went wide.
“Javier,” she hissed quietly. She looked at Steve and Carrillo.
“Relax,” Javi said. “Apparently these two already know we’ve been fucking.”
“What?” She said, taking a step back. Steve knew too? Shit, did everyone know? Fuck, did the guys talk about her around CNP headquarters? Was she getting the reputation she had tried so hard to never have?
“It’s alright, Ari,” Steve tried to calm her. They could see the panic in her eyes. “No one else knows...well, Connie knows. But to be fair, that’s mostly on you guys because you’re too damn loud when you’re fuckin’.” Ari turned bright red and looked away. Javier couldn’t help but smirk.
“What can I say?” Javier taunted, eyeing Carrillo. “I love the sounds she makes.” Carrillo clenched his jaw.
“Javi, shut the fuck up,” Ari gritted out between her teeth.
“I’m sorry, querida,” he said with a roguish grin. “It’s the truth though.”
“Isn’t it also true that you’ve been fucking someone else the last couple weeks?” Carrillo bit back. Javier paled, eyes darting to Ari’s face. Pain flashed across her features before she quickly put up the wall she hid her feelings behind.
“Nothing new there,” Ari told them, trying to sound uncaring and casual. “Javi’s free to fuck whoever he wants. And so am I.” Javier clenched his jaw in anger. Carrillo stepped forward and cupped her jaw.
“Good,” he whispered in a low, seductive voice. He ran his thumb over her bottom lip. Her eyes widened in shock. Just then one of Carrillo’s guys called to him and he left the three DEA agents alone, muttering something about stubborn idiots in Spanish under his breath. Ari felt unsteady after that encounter. She would never get used to her best friend acting in a romantic way with her.
“What the fuck was that?” Javi asked angrily.
“No idea,” Ari said evasively. They stood awkwardly for a few moments, trying to move past the conversation. They surveyed the scene. They had captured forty-five guys in the raid. Despite the tension between the four of them, it was a good fucking day.
“Your CI hooked us a pretty big fish,” Steve said, breaking the tension.
“Yeah,” Javier agreed, “he’s a winner.” Ari’s head snapped up when Javi said ‘he’. So it wasn’t the girl he’s been seeing...which meant she wasn’t his informant...He didn’t fuck her to get information. He slept with her because he wanted to. Ari felt a pain that had nothing to do with her shoulder course through her body followed immediately by disgust. With herself. She needed to put an end to this toxic arrangement.
“Wonder if he’ll give us Escobar,” Steve pondered.
“I don’t know,” Javi said, “we’ll see what Carrillo gets out of him.”
“Yeah, we’ll see,” Steve agreed. Javier chewed on his bottom lip, looking at Steve.
“Carrillo told me that he talked to you,” Javier said to Steve. “He thinks he can trust you.” Ari shot his a questioning look.
“Steve let Carrillo know he wasn’t happy to be left out last night,” Javi explained.
“Ah,” Ari said. She turned to Steve. “Trust me…you did not want to experience last night.”
“Let’s go!” Carrillo called from the Jeep. Steve turned to Javi.
“I’m a big boy,” he said, “I can handle it.” Javi looked like he wanted to say more, but Steve walked away.
“Yeah,” Javi said softly. He turned to Ari. “You coming with us or are you riding with your boyfriend again?” Ari ground her teeth.
“I’ll stick with you two this time,” she said, trying to sound less annoyed than she was.
“What did he want?” Javi asked.
“Nothing,” Ari said.
“Hmm,” Javi hummed. “I’m sure.” Ari was pissed at his tone. She was tired of the insinuations and misplaced jealousy. Especially considering he was the one fucking another woman less than twenty-four hours ago.
“Yeah, he just really needed to fuck,” she said nonchalantly. “And since I did too—considering I was left high and dry last night—I rode him in the backseat on the way here. I think we may have scarred Trujillo for life, but it was worth it.” Javier glared at her. Ari could tell he knew she was lying, but it was still irritating him, so she was content with that.
“Does he fuck you as good as I do, querida?” He said seductively, moving closer. “Can he pull all those wonderful sounds out of you the way I can? Can he make that perfect, tight little pussy drench his cock? Does he make your thighs tremble and make you come so hard you blackout? Hmm?” Ari glared back at him, not having fun with this game anymore.
“Fuck you, Javi,” she said angrily. He chuckled. She pushed away from him and got into the backseat of the Jeep with Steve. Javi quickly jumped into the front seat. They sat in tense silence for part of the drive. Steve couldn’t take it after awhile.
“How’s the shoulder?” He asked Ari.
“Fine,” she said.
“You’re tough, kid,” Steve said fondly. She smiled at him. “So, why did Carrillo want you to ride with him?” Ari tensed at his question.
“He just wanted to talk,” she said.
“Last night.”
“Anything else?��� He pushed. She shrugged.
“Stuff,” Ari mumbled.
“Goddammit, Ari, is he trying to sleep with you?”
“What?” Ari said, shocked at Steve’s question.
“Well?” Steve pushed. “Is he trying to fuck you?”
“Jesus, Murphy,” Ari groaned. He looked at her expectantly. She noticed Javi had turned around to face them. She wanted to deny it immediately, then she remembered what Carrillo had told her. She didn’t want to lie to them or play games to get Javi. She wanted him to love her all on his own. Not because she manipulated it. She sighed and went with the easiest answer.
“I don’t know.”
“What the fuck does that mean?” Javier asked angrily.
“It means I don’t know,” she told them. “His marriage may be over…and he said his feelings for me could easily become romantic.” Ok, good. Not a lie. He did say that to her. “He also wanted to know about my...personal life.”
“Ari...” Steve warned, wanting more information. She sighed.
“He asked if Javi and I were in a relationship or if we’re just fucking,” she told him.
“What did you tell him?” Steve asked, eyeing Javi.
“I told him we’re just fucking,” she said simply. “We’re not in a relationship.” Javier winced. “He mentioned something about the night awhile back when all his guys were buying me drinks.” Javi paled. “He wanted to know if I was still ok to work with Javi. I told him we’ve been making whatever this is work for a couple years, so he doesn’t need to worry about it.”
“And his…feelings for you?” Steve prodded. Ari sighed.
“He told me I deserve better, and that if his marriage is indeed over...he might want to show me how I deserve to be treated my a man.” Javi clenched his jaw.
“Ari,” Steve said, “I don’t think that’s a good idea...”
“I didn’t say I would start up anything with him,” she told them, looking out the window. “I’m just telling you what he told me.”
“So, you won’t start seeing him?” Steve asked. Ari shrugged.
“He’s my best friend,” Ari said quietly. “I love him, but it’s different…I don’t know.” She sighed. “I really don’t need anymore headaches with this fucking job.” Javier’s face reflected the guilt he felt at how much pain he had caused her with their arrangement. The rest of the trip was spent in silence, though it was less tense than before.
They got back to CNP headquarters and piled out of the Jeeps. Carrillo walked over to them.
“You get anything out of them?” Javi asked Carrillo, tamping down the anger he felt at seeing the man who wanted to pursue his girl.
“Something,” Carrillo said. “Not everything. You coming?” He asked without looking at any of them, letting them know all would be welcome. He looked back to see their responses. Javi shook his head no.
“I’m in, yeah,” Steve said.
“Princesa?” Ari looked at Carrillo and then the helicopter. She remembered a story he had told her at one of their nights at the bar. She knew exactly what was going to go down in that helicopter. Or more accurately who was going to go down in that helicopter.
“No,” she said quietly. “I don’t have that in me today.” He nodded, understanding.
“If we get back early enough, let’s have a drink tonight,” Carrillo told her. She nodded and Javi clenched his fists.
“Let’s go,” Steve said. The two men walked off and got in the helicopter, taking off into the sky.
“He has no fucking clue what he just got himself into,” Ari said, looking up at their partner flying away.
“Yeah,” Javi agreed. “But he said he can handle it.”
“He has to see this shit to understand why we tell him to stay out of it,” Ari said. “He just doesn’t get how intense Carrillo can be.”
“But you do,” he sneered.
“What the fuck?” Ari said angrily.
“I thought you wanted to be taken seriously with this job, Ari,” he spat. “Instead you’re just gonna fuck half the guys you work with?”
“Wow,” Ari shook her head in disbelief. “Why don’t you tell me how you really feel?” She turned to leave, paused, and turned back. “You know what, no. You don’t get to call me a whore, you son of a bitch. You fuck any woman you want, whenever you want. How dare you slut shame me for even the possibility of considering another man.”
“It’s different,” he protested.
“Why?” She scoffed. “Because I don’t have a dick?”
“No, because you don’t just fuck around,” he said angrily. “The other women I fuck mean nothing. I have no relationship with them. I fuck, I leave. End of story.” He took a deep breath. “You said you love me.” Her stomach plummeted at him finally acknowledging her love. “I know you love Carrillo—maybe not the same way, but you do. If you fuck him…it will mean something. It won’t be meaningless. I have meaningless sex. You make love. It’s fucking different.” Ari gazed at into the warm, gorgeous eyes of the man that held her heart. She couldn’t keep doing this. It was time. Javi had to make a choice.
“You don’t want to make love, Javier,” she whispered sadly. “You want meaningless sex. You want uncomplicated. You want everything I’m not. You’ve proven that time and time again. You need to make a decision. If you want me, I need more. I can’t keep watching you fall into the arms of another woman. But, if you’re done with me—if you can’t give up other women and commit to me—then I need you to let me go, Javi. Because I don’t think I’m strong enough to walk away from you.” She swallowed audibly and wiped the tears that had pooled in her eyes. “Take some time to think about what you want and let me know. But I can’t keep doing what we’ve been doing. It’s all or nothing now, Javi.” She walked back into the building and left Javi standing in shock.
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A while later Javi sat at his desk typing up reports. Ari was sitting at her desk, sorting through more paperwork, wincing every now and then when she moved her shoulder wrong. Steve walked in dejectedly. He put his gun in his desk and sat down heavily. Ari stood up, walked around to Steve, poured him a glass of whiskey and handed it to him. He took it and looked up at her, nodding his thanks. She leaned back against his desk, and folded her arms across her chest. She stared at him for a moment.
“Did he toss both of them out or just one?” she asked quietly. Steve and Javi’s heads shot up.
“How did you—” Steve started.
“—I know his methods,” Ari interjected. “Drink up. You’re going to need it tonight.” She moved back to her seat and continued her work. Carrillo strode in and grabbed a chair. He pulled it up next to Ari’s desk and fell heavily into it.
“Got any more of that for me?” He gestured to the whiskey. Ari grabbed another glass out of her desk and poured him three fingers. He drank half of it in one go.
“Fuck,” he groaned. “I swear, most days, this job really fucking sucks.” Ari laughed quietly. She held up her glass.
“Cheers,” she toasted as he clinked his glass to hers. They both finished their drinks and poured another.
“You could try not being a savage when you’re on the clock,” Ari suggested.
“I’m extremely civilized,” Carrillo argued.
“Sure,” Ari rolled her eyes.
“Last time I checked civilized people don’t toss men out of helicopters,” Steve murmured.
“True,” Carrillo agreed, “but it’s effective. And don’t forget, Murphy, you signed up for this. All in, remember?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Steve grumbled.
“Princesa,” Carrillo turned to her. “How’s the shoulder?”
“Eh, been better,” she replied.
“You scared me today,” he said softly. “When I saw that blood…my heart stopped.”
“I’m fine, Horacio,” she assured him.
“I know,” he said. “Still scared the shit out of me.”
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Over an hour later they had finished up most of their work and were ready to call it a night. Javi stubbed out his cigarette. He was pissed. He had spent the last hour watching Carrillo drink and flirt with Ari. If it hadn’t been clear before, it was now. He was definitely interested. He kept brushing her hair off her shoulder, touching her hand, grasping her thigh when they laughed at something. Just a couple hours ago she had stood outside this building and told him to make a decision. To commit to her.
His anger swelled. How dare she give him an ultimatum? Who the hell did she think she was? Just as quickly as it came, the anger dissipated and he deflated. She was the woman who loved him. That’s who she was. The only person who saw all the parts of him—good and bad—and still loved him. He wanted to be the man for her, but he knew he would only end up destroying her. He wasn’t built for love. Only devastation.
His head was pounding. He couldn’t process everything that had happened over the course of the last day: Carrillo staking his claim, their relationship being outed, finally admitting his love for Ari, Ari getting shot, the ultimatum...it was just too much. He needed to shut it all down, just for a few hours. He decided he would go see Gabby as soon as he got the reports done for today’s raid. He couldn’t be with Ari tonight. He needed more time to figure his shit out. Fucking another woman was probably the worst way to do that, but he didn’t know any better way to handle his stress. He stood up and put his jacket on.
“Going out?” She asked him. He looked at her, shame in his eyes.
“Uh, yeah,” he said quietly.
“So, you’ve made a decision?” She said, trying to sound casual. Javi shook his head.
“I need some time,” he said pathetically. Ari shook her head in disgust.
“Well, have fun,” she said looking away. Her hand reached out to the bottle of whiskey. She gripped it tight, stood up, and started to walk out.
“Ari,” Steve warned, “you shouldn’t drink anymore with that bullet wound.”
“Like I give a fuck,” she said tossed over her shoulder and made her way back to their room. Javi watched her walk away, swallowing past the lump in his throat.
“Way to go, Javi,” Steve slurred slightly. He had downed quite a bit in the last hour. “Take your fucking jacket off and go to Ari.” Javi shook his head no.
“I—I can’t,” he said sadly.
“You’re gonna lose her, man,” Steve warned.
“I know,” Javi whispered and left headquarters.
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Hours later while Steve sat drinking at his desk after talking to Connie in Miami and Ari sat drinking in their room alone, Javi was pounding relentlessly into Gabby trying desperately to drown out the thoughts in his head. He thrust harder, his hips snapping into her ass violently, hoping he could lose himself, but he just kept seeing Ari: the blood on her shoulder after the raid, the hurt in her eyes she had tried to hide when she knew he was going to see Gabby again, how peaceful she had looked last night when he whispered those three forbidden words. He thought about how good she felt when he was inside her. How hard her pussy clenched around his dick. How she moaned his name and whimpered, begging him to fill her up. How beautiful she looked when she said she loved him.
He felt his balls pulling up, and knew he was close. He grabbed Gabby and pulled her up flush against his chest, gripping her tight and burying his face in her neck as he came, filling the condom. He shuddered and thrust through his orgasm, panting. His mind was still filled with Ari. He didn’t even realize when he opened his mouth and whispered against Gabby’s neck, “Ari.” Gabby tensed hearing him call out another woman’s name. It was nothing new in her line of work, but Javier was not the type of man to pine over a woman.
Javi was coming down from his high. He breathed in deep and caught the scent of the woman he was holding—vanilla. It was all wrong...Ari smelled like lilacs...he snapped out of his haze and realized he wasn’t clutching Ari to his chest. He was holding Gabby. He had just fucked Gabby. He shook his head slightly, trying to focus. He had been so caught up in his thoughts about Ari, he had mixed reality and fantasy. He slowly pulled out, holding the condom at the base of his dick. He tied it off, tossed it in the trash, and grabbed his clothes. He dressed quickly.
“Thanks,” he said, distractedly, and bolted out the door. That was the first time in months he’d felt anything while fucking a prostitute, and it was because all he could think about was Ari. These women did nothing for him anymore. Ari was all that mattered…and he had made the wrong decision yet again.
He felt so fucking guilty. He had betrayed Ari. He hadn’t made a commitment to her yet—but it was still a betrayal in his eyes. He fucking loved her. He needed her. He had to figure out how to make this work. He didn’t know if he was capable of being in a committed monogamous relationship…but fuck, he wanted to try. He would beg her forgiveness, and then beg her to be his.
He made his way back to headquarters and quietly entered their shared room. Steve was out cold on his bed, snoring lightly. Ari’s bed was empty, and for a moment Javier panicked. Was she with someone? Fuck, was he too late? Panic flooded his body. Then he noticed her head peaking over the back of the armchair. He quietly walked over and saw her slumped down, fast asleep in the chair, the bottle of whiskey tucked in next to her. He picked it up carefully, happy to see it wasn’t nearly as empty as the one last night. He set it on the desk and carefully scooped Ari out of the chair and into his arms. She snuggled into his chest and sighed. He laid her down gently on her bed, removed her shoes, and tucked her in. He noticed blood seeping through her shirt. He carefully pulled it aside to find the bandage soaked through.
“Shit,” he cursed quietly. She must have opened the bullet wound up from her awkward position in the chair. The alcohol definitely did not help the situation. He stood up and rummaged through the mediocre first aid kit they had in their room. He grabbed some new bandages and sat back down on the bed next to her. He redressed both wounds quickly, trying not to hurt or wake the goddess in his arms. Once she was patched up, he sat back a bit.
He brushed her hair off her face and just looked at her. She looked peaceful and so beautiful. He wanted to let her sleep. He could confess his sins and his feelings tomorrow. His thumb stroked along her cheekbone. He decided to stay there a few moments more, feeling the softness of her skin and listening to her quiet even breathing. He wanted nothing more than to stretch out beside her and fall asleep with her in his arms.
“I’m going to make this work,” he whispered to her sleeping form. “I’ll be a better man for you.” He leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead before getting up, tossing the bloody bandages in the trash, and getting into his own bed. He lay on his side, facing her. He felt like he could stare at her forever. Eventually the sounds of Steve’s soft snores lulled Javier to sleep.
Chapter 19
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nyctospoilers · 5 years
The Power of Waking and how I believe it affects Sora, Young Xehanort, Luxu, the Master of Masters and destiny.
So I was GOING to say all this in an answer to an ask. But I decided to post it as it’s own so that I can cover more topics then the question itself. And then, I’ll go back to questions in my inbox and answer them with reference to this post.
Sora and the Power of Waking
Before I say anything, I want to list off the rules of time travel stated by Young Xehanort in Dream Drop Distance
First, you must leave your body behind to do it.
Then, there must be a version of you waiting at the destination.
Upon arrival, you can only move forward as per the laws of time.
And you cannot rewrite the events that are destined to happen.
The Power of Waking has let Sora reverse time and change events that were fated to happen. This goes directly against the fourth rule. Young Xehanort has always been able to travel with his body intact, and that goes against the second rule. So how are these laws, these restrictions, able to be broken? I believe that the Power of Waking is a power that allows you to break the restrictions of time travel, and it is a power that Young Xehanort has used (or still uses) himself (and possibly forgets about when he returns to his own time to grow into Master Xehanort, as MX never mentions it once ever). Let’s see word for word how Young Xehanort describes the Power of Waking after Sora fights the Lich:
“It’s for traversing hearts to reach worlds, not for traversing worlds to reach hearts.”
Something we need to ask ourselves is- how does YX know this? Even Yen Sid describes the Power of Waking as simply that- the power to awaken people’s hearts. But YX clearly knows more about how it works and how it can affect other things.
Let’s take a look at each technique. “Traversing worlds to each hearts” is what Sora had just done before this conversation. He traverses the Stations of Awakening of worlds to reach his friends’ hearts and recovers them. That in turn, saves them from the destiny of “light expiring” like the prophecy states. I think it’s important to note that the worlds he arrives in may not actually be those worlds though, but rather something similar to say, the world revisits in The End of the World in KH1. I’ll expand more about KH1 in the next paragraph.
Now let’s take a took at “Traversing hearts to reach worlds”. In my opinion, this is like Sora opening a portal in Master Xehanort to reach Scala ad Caelum. But I don’t think that was actual Scala ad Caelum, but rather a memory or dream of it. Similar to Riku opening a portal in Sora to reach his memory/dream of Destiny Islands. [[ And I also think this is similar to another instance of KH1: Sora having a flashback to Kairi in Hollow Bastion with her grandmother. I recognized instantly from KH3 the Sora gliding through the star field sort of thing. I said “Hey this is like when he see’s Kairi’s memory in KH1!” and sure enough, later he does it and once again is joined by Kairi herself. My point here is, these two scenes of Sora gliding through that space in KH3, I believe is Nomura trying to hint at us that Sora traversed through Kairi’s heart to reach her memory/dream of Hollow Bastion in KH1. In other words, Sora’s been able to use the Power of Awakening since KH1 ]]
The Master of Masters and Destiny
Before I said that the Power of Waking has let Sora change events that were fated to happen. Sora changed destiny, and supposedly there were repercussions to that. But why? Let’s look at what Kingdom Hearts defines destiny as. One of the best examples is Xehanort during his final speech in KH3:
“The World needs someone to stand up and lead. Someone strong, to stop the weak from polluting the World with their endless darkness. Someone to dictate their destiny.”
This connects to Xehanort’s past revelations in his reports:
Xehanort’s Report IV excerpt: And when Kingdom Hearts is complete, it is said the one who opens its door will bring about the creation of the Next World. Such a feat is above any human. Or, to put it a different way: whoever opens that door will be reborn as something far greater than human.
Xehanort’s Report VI excerpt: And, as stated before, opening this door arguably gives that person control over all worlds and all people.
Xehanort’s statements say that the person who opens Kingdom Hearts will give them supernatural powers, allowing them to oversee the World and it’s destiny.
Now tell me, who does that sound like to you?
I could be wrong, but at the moment I believe that long ago, the Master of Masters was the last person to open Kingdom Hearts, and since then has overseen destiny. This is backed up by various lines of KHX, Ava asking Luxu if this was all the Master’s “intentions” the whole time. In Luxu’s Observation excerpts, asking “Are these new events just another phase in the Master’s grand plan?”
Taking this into account, Sora defying destiny and changing it is seen differently. Sora isn’t defying some insentient force. Sora is defying a person- a person with a plan that they desire to come to fruition.
And I think that is the repercussion. I believe, that Sora won’t just fade away because it’s the law of the universe that if you disobey destiny too many times you’ll be punished. I think that when the MoM returns, he himself will punish Sora for defying his will. That is what Young Xehanort is playfully warning him about.
Young Xehanort and Luxu
So what about Young Xehanort? He’s able to time travel with his body. He knows about the potential of the Power of Waking, and he warns Sora about repercussions [not to help Sora, but more to amuse himself], and not at all worried about himself.
I think Young Xehanort is purposely following the Master’s destiny rather than defying it like Sora. I think somehow, Young Xehanort has a piece of vital information that he forgets when he returns to his time. So there is something that Young Xehanort knows, that Master Xehanort does not. And I believe it is Luxu who tells him, possibly during the time that YX traveled with him during DDD.
I think for this, it’s good to refer back to Luxu’s Observation excerpts form KH3:
Observations excerpt 2 “Somewhere in this cyclical history of bequeathings, a chosen one will appear and reenact the Keyblade War. When this scapegoat arrives and takes my Keyblade in hand, that will be the time to take the stage and finish my role.”
Observations’s third excerpt is interesting to me, as it seems to be written at different points of time. Here is the entire excerpt. I will bold important words.
Observations excerpt 3 It seems this body, this name will be my last. The lives I have lived over the ages could fill volumes, but for now I must focus on what matters most.     The Keyblade has been successfully passed down, generation to generation, and it seems a Keyblade Master devoted to the darkness may finally arise. Until now, I have watched over the course of events from a distance. Perhaps the time has come to intervene. I need only play the role of a fool desirous of the Keyblade’s power. I will don the mask of his ally in order to keep watch over my Keyblade from close by.      The Gazing Eye: a Keyblade forged from the eye of the Master of Masters. He passed it to me, as I have to others, and through it he can see the future – all that will ever come to pass. Spanning the ages in body after body, life after life, my task has been to keep vigil over the Eye as it passes from hand to hand. It has been a long time. Longer than I can express.     But now at last the Keyblade War has begun, and Kingdom Hearts will open – a true and complete Kingdom Hearts, born of the clash between darkness and light. I will soon be reunited with my old companions, and in that moment my long vigil will reach its end. He will return…
Excerpt 3 starts off sounding like it’s written during BbS, when Braig meets Xehanort. But then it says the Keyblade War HAS begun. Perhaps Braig is only referring to when Terra, Ven, and Aqua are fighting in BbS’s ending. But I think Luxu knows better, I think he knows it’s the next battle at the Keyblade War that reunites him with his old companions.
I think this Observation was written around the time of Re:Coded’s secret ending, titled ‘Destiny’. That cutscene takes place during DDD, before Lea and the others wake up as somebodies again. However, the Braig we see is his BbS appearance, not his DDD appearance as Xigbar. So we know this Braig time traveled, and being accompanied by Young Xehanort, we can assume they traveled together (notice neither had to give up their hearts). I believe that is why Young Xehanort appears in Birth by Sleep as the Mysterious Figure, to visit Luxu during the time of BbS. And it is AFTER Young Xehanort’s visit in BbS is when ‘Destiny’ takes place.
Why do I say after and not before? Because in BbS Young Xehanort does not use a keyblade (We are given a keyblade when beating him, but it is noticeably different). In ‘Destiny’ Young Xehanort says him having MoM’s No Name is yet to be a reality. BUT, Young Xehanort DOES have a keyblade in DDD, which, like I said, takes place soon after ‘Destiny’. And not only that, his keyblade (notably also named No Name) in DDD is the one we recieve from him in BbS- but now has decorations similar to that of the MoM’s No Name- a goat head and the gazing eye. After ‘Destiny’ Luxu (as BbS Braig, not DDD Xigbar) gives Young Xehanort that keyblade.
THAT is when Luxu writes Observation 3. “Keyblade Master devoted to the darkness may finally arise.” Refers to Young Xehanort, even if he’s in modern times. “I need only play the role of a fool desirous of the Keyblade’s power.” Refers to the way he behaves in ‘Destiny’ and in BbS when he returns. And “But now at last the Keyblade War has begun” refers to the situation of all 12 darkness being assembled (think back to his line in Destiny when he says “The party’s already begun, huh?”).
This is what leads me to believe that whatever Young Xehanort learns that Master Xehanort does not, he was taught to it by Luxu. And what was Young Xehanort taught? We see in KH3 he now knows about the Power of Waking, he continuously teases Sora about his dark fate. I believe Luxu tells Young Xehanort about The Master of Masters and the role he gave him. Even if Luxu returns back to the time of BbS, YX remains with this new information until Sora defeats him near the end of KH3.
We MUST remember this however: Young Xehanort was still able to time travel to BbS in the first place as the mysterious figure. Which means there is an event during the times of Young Xehanort and Young Eraqus at Scala ad Caelum that sets all these events in motion, as Ansem the Seeker of Darkness did not make it so YX could time travel like fan speculation suggests. I believe all Ansem did was give YX the opportunity to cross worlds, leaving Destiny Islands and arrive in Scala ad Caelum.
We must also remember that Xigbar (not BbS Braig) says in DDD that he is already half Xehanort, with an emphasis on his golden eye. We never completely defeated Xigbar in KH3, and he still has his golden eye in KH3′s epilogue. So, Young Xehanort could very well be able to travel forward past KH3. If we find out that he for sure does, it will explain why YX knows so much about Sora’s tragic fate that he warns him about many times in KH3.
The conclusion 
I practically spent all day writing this post. I understand that the Young Xehanort/Luxu part is by far the longest, and for that I apologize. I wrote the other two sections a couple times before in drafts (now deleted) so I already had a better idea on how to condense all that important information. I was realizing things about YX and Luxu while writing this, and that’s why those details seem much longer.
I have a headache now so I’m not really in the mood to properly close this off, I hope you’ll forgive me :’) but now, i WILL answer other asks about this. So if you want more, look at my tag #analysis 
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pinkcaseotakadl · 7 years
Diabolik lovers [Kino‘s CD drama: para selene] ~translation|traducción~
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Summary: The heroine loses her memories, and the boy tries to bring them back.  Por cierto, eso que tiene Kino en su boca se llama Kompeitou, en realidad son dulces xD A qué son extraños, verdad?
Track 1: Daily routine - Rutina diaría.  Track 2: At the other side of the Eclipse - Al otro lado del Eclipse. Track 3: Pain and memories - El dolor y los recuerdos. Track 4: No matter how many times - No imports cuantas veces. Track 5: The meaning of “love” - El significado del amor.
TRACK 1: Daily routine
*videogame sounds*
Kino: Yeah! With this *he presses the buttons harder* Kino: Yeeey~! I win, too bad for you.
*Music changes*
Kino: Ehhh? What does that mean? Were you letting me play with the intention of losing at the end? Kino: Mmm, if you were thinking to lose from the very beginning, then I won without winning. That’s boring for me. Kino: I don´t need a whole speech if you are going to apologise. Ahh, something like going easy in a game against me. Kino: Hm, it can’t be helped *he comes close* Kino: Heheh, “What’s wrong?” you say... We are going to play a punishment game, isn’t it obvious? Kino: That’s right, you lost against me. Mm, that’s why~ what kind of punishment should I give you~? Kino: Which one would you like? As I thought, would you like that I suck your blood?
*She answers*
Kino: Even if you say that you don’t want any... I can’t leave it just like this. Kino: *In her ear* Because... this is funny for me... fufu. Kino: *He gets away from her ear* Even you like things that feel good, don’t you? You like me because I make you feel good with my fangs, right? Kino: So there is no problem. That’s why... *He pushes her down* Kino: Fufu, is good to look at you from above, we’ll start the punishment like this. Kino: To begin with... *Kisses* What a good expression you make. At this rate I feel like piercing you with my fangs. Kino: Could it be that you thought that I was going to suck your blood? If I did, then it wouldn’t be a punishment, would it? Kino: If I didn’t do things you dislike, then it wouldn’t be a punishment. Kino: That’s why I’ll do this... I’ll touch veeery lightly your skin with my lips... *kisses*
*She says that it tickles*
Kino: Does it tickle?
*She resists*
Kino: Be obedient. There’s still a lot ahead, we are just at the good part. *kisses*
*She tries to escape*
Kino: Uwahh... *He catches her* Wait a moment! Why are you running? *She still resisting but he grabs her* Kino: Don’t say “but”. Geez, I’m a little gentle with you and you do that all of a sudden. Do I have to show you how scary I can be? Just in this way...! *He bites her* Kino: *Drinking and moaning* ... It hurts, right? Fufu, of course it does, I am the one who makes it hurt. Kino: Hee? What? I can’t listen. *You apologise* Mmm? Why are you apologising? I don’t understand... *He bites you* *Drinks and moans* Kino: Fufu, that’s it, do that. If you finally understood, then I’ll forgive you. *He’s about to bite her, but instead he kisses her* Kino: That was a kiss of reconciliation. Kino: Mm? What is it? Do I have something on my face? *You try to ask something* It’s futile/useless even if you try to trick me. Kino: *He gets closer* Say it. This time I won’t get angry and I’ll listen to you. Come on. *You ask if he really likes you* Kino: What, it was that? By the way, why do you doubt? Am I someone so little reliable? Even I think about you, and do many things for you. *spoiled child voice* Aren’t you being a bit mean? Kino: Even the fact that I spend my time with you is the very proof that I like you. Kino: That’s it. I don’t get involved with persons I’m not interested in. *Kisses* Kino: I am telling the truth! Geez, the next time I say that, I won’t spoil you. Kino: Oops! It’s almost time for the event. I’ll go get ready, so I’ll go back to my room. *He gets up from bed* Kino: Good night! *He leaves* *Outside the room* Kino: To like or to hate... as I thought, I don’t understand those feelings. Maybe that’s the reason why I’m not good at love games.
TRACK 2: At the other side of the Eclipse
Kino: *sighs* Finally I’ve finished the event! *Drinks guava juice* Kino: Drinking guava juice after a event is the best!
*Lefts the glass on the table*
*Strange noises* (It’s a lasting clattering sound)
Kino: Ugh?!... Ahg... *The sound stops* Ahg... My head... hurts...
*Kino stands up to look at the mooon*
Kino: That really was... the eclipse “Para Selene”... It’s the first time I see it. Kino: I knew that demons became strange because of the eclipses, but... don’t tell me this pain is also because of the moon...? Kino: Ugh... Somehow it feels bad... Haa... haa... It’s finally gone. Kino: Oh?! *He sees you walking* Kino: Eyyy! Where are you going at this time? If you go somewhere someone may catch you! Hey, where do you plan to go? Kino: If it’s about school, today is a free day, isn’t it? Are you asleep? *You run away* Kino: Eh?! Why are you running away? *He gets up immediately* I don’t understand what’s going on!
*She is running and suddenly Kino teleports in front of her*
Kino: Why~ are you running all of a sudden? Do you want to start a chasing game?
*She slowly gets away from him and ask who he is* Kino: Haa? “Who are you?”... What are you saying? It’s me. You know me very well, I’m Kino-kun, aren’t I? Kino: Are you a somnambulist? Geez, wake up *He gets closer and catches her, but she resists* Kino: Wo?! Ey, don’t resist! I’m even worrying about you! What’s gotten into you? *She keeps resisting* Kino: Ugh...! Geez! It can’t be helped *He makes you faint* Kino: I hurt you, eh. Geez... I don’t understand what’s going on.
*She wakes up*
Kino: Have you woken up, Princess? *With a cold sarcastic tone*
Kino: That frightened look... Hey, you don’t really know I am? Or where we are?
*She answers she doesn’t*
Kino: Haa. Could this be amnesia?
*She answers it’s not*
Kino: By the way, if it’s not, then what is it? You don’t even remember my name. Kino: Hmm... Just a moment ago you were fine. Maybe you hit your head or saw something that left you in shock? Did something like that happen?
*She says she can’t remember*
Kino: You don’t remember, eh. Fine, then I’ll ask this: Is there anything you remember?
*She only remembers her name*
Kino: Mm~ In short, you have forgotten everything except your name, and you are in a completely new state, eh... Kino: Then, have you forgotten about Eve and all the vampires in the Demon World?
*She answers yes*
Kino: I see... Then this is... *smiles* fufu... interesting in many ways.
*He comes close and gets on top of her*
Kino: It’s all right. E~ven you don’t know a~nything, there’s no problem. I’ll tell you everything you need to know. So just relax. Kino: Because I’m your Master. Fufu... that’s right, I am a vampire. I’m an existence that is above humans. Kino: Fufufu... That reaction completely afraid, it’s pretty good. Kino: I feel like drinking your blood.
*She fights*
Kino: Hahaha... You should not r~un. *He presses her wrists* Kino: *In a dark tone* Because I am going to sink my fangs... Stay still, will you? Kino: Otherwise... I’ll make a big hole in this neck... Yes, good girl. Kino: *In the ear* Now... Itadakimasu... *He’s going to bite her, but instead he kisses her neck* Kino: As I thought, I’ll leave it here.
*He gets up*
Kino: I thought that if I surprised you in this way, you would remember something, but it looks like you’ve remembered nothing, so I’ll stop. Kino: Haha, oh? I surprised you too much? Maybe the stimulus of a moment ago was too much for the current you, forgive me. Kino: However, the first reaction was very goo~d. This became amusing. Kino: I know! I’ll give a tour around the household for the poor you, who have lost her memories. And of course, I’ll be with you all the time!
*She tries to run but he grabs her*
Kino: Nope, Nope. You can’t run. Kino: Okay, shall we go?
TRACK 3: Pain and memories
*Opens the door*
Kino: Well, this is the bathroom. Go in.
*Yui asks why*
Kino: “Why” you say... I did that thing before, but you didn’t react much. So I thought of playing here the same way.
*Yui resists* Kino: Geez, how troublesome... How about you stop resisting already? Kino: Come on. *He pushes her inside* You do like me, don’t you? Then just be obedient and do as I say.
*Yui answers that she doesn’t remember that feeling*
Kino: What does that mean? Can’t you remember that you like me? Is that why you were resisting a moment ago? Kino: I don’t understand what it means at all. I thought your amnesia would be fun... but it’s the worst. Kino: This is wrong; I’ll make you remember everything. Kino: Conveniently we came to the right place. *He turns the water on* Kino: “What are you doing?” you say, can’t you tell just by looking? I’m going to put you in the bathtub so you can remember. Kino: Well, just like this, get in. Ah, but... In that time I pushed you? Mmm, then like this *He gets in the bathtub* Kino: Done, you too *He pulls her inside* Kino: Ahh~ah, we are all soaked, geez... Just for you to know, all this is for your own good *knocking sound* Kino: Be grateful with the kind me *He rips her clothes* Kino: Ahh, I just ripped your clothes a little, don’t be noisy. I won’t be so bad, so quit screaming *He turns the water off* Kino: Don’t you remember? When I sucked you blood in the bathtub? You were a bit weak, and saying weird things. You defied my fangs. Kino: Come on, just by coming closer like this you want me to make you feel good, don’t you?
*She tries to push him*
Kino: What a stubborn girl. I wouldn’t mind if you just admit it and your memories come back.  As I thought, first I’ll have to make you remember my fangs. Kino: Fufu... ah, well, it’s been awhile since the last time I saw you trembling like this, maybe it’s good. Kino: Now... Where shall I drink from...? ...Good! I’ve decided! I’ll drink from this place. *He’s going to bite her* Kino: It was a joke~... As I thought, it’s better here *He bites her and she starts to move* Kino: Nn... ha... that voice, I like it... *He keeps drinking* Nnmm... haa... haa... Mm, maybe I do get excited when you resist. (Ese “si” que pusiste cómo es? Es un si condicional o un sí de afirmación? Si es un “sí” de afirmación, entonces la oración está bien. Si es un “si” condicional entonces sacale el “do”) Kino: Are you trembling? Fufu, nonetheless your face is red. Which means it felt good, right? Kino: Hey, this must be like the first time for you [because she doesn’t have memories], but still you feel more pleasure rather than pain, eh. Kino: Mmm~ (T/N: I couldn’t get this part) This isn’t enough yet? Then this time will be here. I’ll make it hurt more than before *He bites her* Kino: Nn... Mmm... Haaa, haaa... Somehow even I got hot. Moreover... this aroma... was like this before? *She falls* Kino: Wo *Catches her* fufu, does it feel so good that you can’t even stand up? However, this has just started. Kino: *Holds her stronger* I thought that getting into the bathtub with clothes on would feel gross, but I could become addicted to this. Kino: *He draws her closer to him* This is was way more intense than before. Come on, look at me? It’s not time to have your head in the clouds, because from now on I’ll do you even better things than this. Kino: So it’s not the moment to be relaxed. Wait a little longer; it’s not to my liking playing with a fainted human. Kino: Come on *He holds her* Haha, are you dizzy? I sucked your blood in the bathtub, so it can’t be helped, eh. But I won’t stop. Kino: *In her ear* Hey, you surely think that vampires don’t suck from any other place than the neck, do you? But I can also sink my fangs where the nerves bundle up, you know? Although I think it must hurt a looot. So just endure it? Kino: *Bites* Nnmm... Mm... No matter how much it hurts, until you remember I won’t stop sucking your blood, heheh. Kino: If you try to stop me, it just makes me want to do it more, you know? [T/N: I don’t know what he meant] You say that knowing it? Well, after all you are stubborn, so for sure you’ll say “It’s not like that”. Kino: You don’t have to answer. Just like I’ve said before, I’ll keep sucking until you remember. *Weird sound* Kino: Ugh...! Fuck, again...! *Sound disappears* Kino: I’m fine, it’s nothing. Just concentrate in this *He bites her* Kino: Nnm... haa... You will faint, or you will remember, what will happen first? This just got a little funny.
TRACK 4: No matter how many times
*Kino wakes up*
Kino: Oh? ... Just a moment ago we were in the bathroom. Kino: *Takes a look at himself* I’m not wet...? Even my hair and clothes are dry. What happened? Kino: Ugh! Still... my head hurts. Was it because of that weird sound a moment ago? Kino: Ah, you woke up? “Where are we?”? Well, wherever you look, it’s the living room of my mansion. Kino: No, we were already here when I realised. It could be that... *He stands up* Kino: Mmm? No, there’s something I just want to check. Kino: *In a loud voice* OI, YUURI! Yuuri, are you there? Hey! *... ...* Kino: Mm, as I thought, he’s not here. *She asks who he is (Yuuri)* Kino: Ahh, Yuuri is like my right hand. He should be in the mansion, but it seems that’s not the case. Kino: There’s no way that he has gone somewhere without telling me anything. Kino: hhmm~? I see. *Walks to the window and stares at the moon* Kino: There are two moons. As I thought... it must be it. *He takes a sit* Kino: I’ve finally realised what’s going on, and also the reason why you have lost your memories. Kino: I get angry just by knowing this. At least it would’ve been better if something funnier happened. But why did you lose your memories? *?* Kino: I’m talking to myself. Is just... after understanding I’m starting to feel angry. Kino: Right now, I don’t exist within you. Along with that, all your memories about me disappeared. Kino: Actually I don’t mind that but... *With a heavy voice and getting close* When I do this! Kino: See? Just by getting a little close you are already frightened. Kino: In this kind of situation you don’t plan to play any game with me, do you? *She doesn’t remember* Kino: You also forgot about that, eh... Kino: *He makes himself comfortable* It’s not funny at all... more like, I’m against this. Kino: That new reaction of yours was funny, but apart from that this is not funny at all. Kino: Actually I don’t care if someone forgets me but... that specifically you forget me, that’s something I don’t really want. Kino: Look! You are making that face again. No, that’s not the reaction I want *His voice sorrowful* Kino: Ahh, geez! *He gets close* It hurts within my chest, what is this? Kino: I see, I can’t accept that I’m gone from you. All this is because your loss of memory. Kino: It’s the first time I feel so tense, is not funny at all. Kino: Don´t forget so easily. Remember everything! Remember me. *She is sorry* Kino: Why do you apologise? A moment ago you were so afraid. Suddenly you feel guilty because of me? Kino: Or maybe you remembered something? *She says she doesn’t* Kino: True. If you had remembered something, you would have answered something better. *She asks something* Kino: That’s right but, what about that? *She asks if he was in love with her* Kino: Haa? How do you know that? I... like you...? Kino: I’m sorry, but I don’t know what it is to like or hate. I just don’t like that you don’t remember me, is just that. *She insists* Kino: You keep saying that? Then I will ask you: What do you think about me? *She says that she loves him* Kino: You... like me, eh. Liar. Kino: You know, I hate liars, I despise them. And right now you are trying to lie to me. *She says that is not a lie* Kino: Hee, is not a lie? Although you don’t remember me? *She says that her chest hurts too* Kino: Hmm... So your chest hurts too, eh. I don’t think you can call that love, though. Kino: But if you are insisting until this point, then prove it. Kino: As I thought, you can’t do it, right. I can’t be satisfied just with sweet words. *She touches him* Kino: What is it... with this hand? Are you trying to seduce me? Kino “I’ll make my best” eh... Even though we did every kind of things, I think that’ll be useless. Kino: ?! You want... to remember me? *She answers she does* You want to remember me, eh... I see. Kino: Then I will cooperate so that your memories come back. But you don’t have to run away like you did a moment ago, even so you agree? Kino: Hee... Alright, then I have to take it seriously too. *He gets close* Kino: No matter how much you don’t want it and try to stop me, I won’t Kino: I’ll make you suffer until you remember everything, because the pain is the only memory that connects us. Kino: If I’m not careful enough you could die. Even so, do you agree? *She answers she does* Kino: *laughs* Well said. Me too, I don’t [T/N: I couldn’t understand this part] Kino: Like I always do, just this way *He throws her into the sofa* Kino: Does it hurt? Of course it does, this is the second time I scratch you. Kino: Come on, look, my finger is covered in your delicious blood. Kino: *Licks his finger* “Why?” you say... Long ago I did the same thing. Although in that moment I was completely angry. Kino: You were quite defensive *Kisses* Kino: Haha, did it feel good? The flavour of my fangs or the flavour of my nails... Which one do you prefer? Kino: Mmm... I think I stabbed them very deep... The blood flow doesn’t stop. It seems like it hurts. [No shit, Sherlock] Kino: However, your face is red and hot, your face says “Instead of hurting, this feels so good that I can’t help it”. Kino: Fufu, good, isn’t it? Because you like pain, don’t you? Just now the pain was so intense that it became pleasurable, remember it with your body, will you? [T/N: I couldn’t understand] Kino: Hey... Do you want me to be crueler? I’ll sink my fangs even deeper than before. You want me to suck your blood a lot of times, don’t you? Kino: [T/N: Again, I couldn’t understand a single word!] Kino: Sure. Kino: You don’t have just to nod, say it with your mouth. Just one word: “Do it”. Kino: As expected, a lot of blood is coming out. Kino: There’s no other way, I’ll help you *He licks the wound* Kino: Fufu, just that felt good? It was something simple, though. Kino: *Keeps licking and kissing* Well, even if this just a treatment I’m really enjoying the flavour of the blood *He keeps licking* Kino: *Laughs* Do you want to say something? Kino: *In her ear* You want me to bite you, don’t you? Then say it. If you don’t, I won’t do it. Kino: Just now you had a face like “I don’t care what you do to me”. As I thought, were you really prepared for this? *She says she wasn’t* Kino: Right? Then say it. Look, I’ll draw my ear closer. *She tells him* Kino: Fufu, “Please” eh... It can’t be helped, but that’s enough for now. Kino: [T/N: I didn’t understand] *He bites her and she starts to resist* *He grabs her wrists hard and keeps drinking* Kino: Endure it... It won’t finish just with this, right. Because you... still don’t remember anything about me... anything *he bites her again* Kino: Mmm... nn... haa... Come on, I’m even cooperating. So hurry up... and remember me... *The music stops* Kino: ?! What’s wrong? Why are you crying? Did it hurt... that much? ( No sé, a vos qué te parece?? :v ) Kino: Why do you apologise all of a sudden? If you want me to stop then... *She hugs him* Woah?! Kino: What’s going on? I really don’t understand... Kino: First... Stop crying... Kino: ... ... Kino: Before apologising tell me the reason. You are not crying because it hurt, are you? Kino: *sad laugh* What’s the meaning of this? *In a tender yet sad tone* It’s not your fault that you don’t remember... Kino: *He hugs her back* There, there... I’m sorry, Princess... Kino: I did not mean to get you to such an extreme [T/N: This was the most heart-touching part, AND I COULND’T UNDERSTAND] Kino: You know... The fact that you forgot me feels lonely. But... way more important than the memories is that you think about me, the feeling. Kino: The fact that you are crying this way it’s because you think about me just like before, isn’t it? Kino: Or am I wrong? *She says he’s correct* Kino: Right? Well, don’t cry anymore. If you cry any more than this, I’ll do mean things to you. Kino: Yeah, well done. Now, a reward for having stopped crying *He kisses her* Kino: Fufu, I see... this could be the feeling of love... *She says that she wants a kiss in the mouth* Kino: Eh?! Are you sure? In your mouth... Kino: Maybe I like this new thing a little, it look sweet [her mouth] *Kisses* [T/N: Just for you to know, since she lost her memory, Kino kissed her everywhere except for her lips because he would never do it without her consent. *cof* In this CD drama, in his route he stole a kiss from her *cof*] Kino: After the kiss, I’ll suck your blood gently... *He bites her and the weird sound is heard again*
TRACK 5: The meaning of “love”
*Kino wakes up*
Kino: Is this... my room...? What was that thing from before...—Oh! Are you alright?! Kino: *Sighs relieved* It seems like you are. Kino: Mmm? What is it? Kino: Eh?! You really... remembered? Kino: *He hugs her excited* Kino: Great...! You really... remember, don’t you? Kino: Ah! It’s true, the moon! *He runs to the window and draws the curtains open* Kino: It’s back to normal... hahaha... That was something weird Kino: Yes, I’m sorry. Before you lost your memory you were looking at the moon, weren’t you? Kino: You have seen a ring on the moon, right? Well, about that... Kino; As I thought... Probably we both were absorbed by the eclipse. Kino: Demons are affected by the moon, are they not? Kino: I’ve heard that the moon does that. Certainly it was called... “The Para-Selene syndrome” Kino: I think it’s an illness that makes you see illusions... In other words, what we saw just now was an illusion. Kino: Probably your memory came back after you woke up. Kino: Haa... for now, it’s a very good thing that it has come back~ *He hugs her* Really, very good... Kino: If you hadn’t remembered me... I... might have gone crazy. Kino: Don’t make me go through that again, okay? Kino: *His cell phone rings* Mmm? OHH! The event is almost over, this is bad! Although I’m late, I might can-... Kino: ... ... Kino: Well, it doesn’t matter now. The event will be available until tomorrow. Kino: Right now I want to do the things that I couldn’t [???] Kino: *Closer* It’s not something to be so surprised, is it? You are way more important than the event, isn’t it obvious. *He takes her to bed* Kino: Now, I should receive some gratitude. The thing from before was not enough at all. Kino: Besides, you were not satisfied in the least, were you? Kino: Fufu~ Bull’s eye (Es una frase súper difícil, y este año la aprendí, lloro de emoción al usarla) Kino: Well, itadakimasu~ *Kisses* I shall please you with these fangs, the pain will feel good. Kino: Brace yourself, will you?
**The End**
Track 1:
*Sonido de videojuegos*
Kino: Bien! Con esto *aprieta más fuerte los botones* Kino: Yeeey~! Yo gano. Que lástima para ti.
*música cambia*
Kino: Ehhh? Qué significa eso? Estabas jugando con la intención de perder al final? Kino: Mmmmm, si ya estabas pensando desde el comienzo en perder, entonces gané sin haber ganado. Eso es aburrido para mí. Kino: No necesito un discurso si vas a disculparte. Ahh, [hiciste] algo como ir fácil conmigo en un juego. Kino: Hm, no se puede evitar. *Se acerca más* Kino: Heheh, ''qué sucede'' dices... vamos a jugar un juego-de-castigo, qué no es obvio? Kino: Así es, perdiste ante mí. Mm, por lo que~ qué tipo de castigo debería darte~? Kino: Cual te gustaría a ti? Como lo supuse, te gustaría que chupe tu sangre?
*Le contesta*
Kino: Aunque me digas que no quieres ninguno... no puedo dejar que quede así. Kino: *En el oido* Porque... esto es divertido para mí... fufu. Kino: *Se aleja de tu oido* Incluso a ti te gustan las cosas que se sienten bien, no es así? Yo te gusto porque te hago sentir bien con mis colmillos, verdad? Kino: Así que no hay ningún problema. Por lo que... *la recuesta?* Kino: Fufu, es una bueno mirarte desde arriba, empezaremos el castigo de esta forma. Kino: Para empezar... *beso* Que buena reacción haces. A este paso me dieron ganas de clavarte mis colmillos. Kino: Podría ser que pensaste que iba a chupar tu sangre? Si lo hiciera, entonces no se volvería un castigo, verdad? Kino: Si no hago cosas que te desagraden, entonces esto no se volvería un castigo. Kino: Es por eso que haré esto... tocaré ligeeeramente tu piel con mis labios... *beso*
*Le dice que le hace cosquillas*
Kino: Haces cosquillas? *Ella se resiste*
Kino: Se obediente. Todavía queda mucho por delante, recién estamos en la parte buena. *beso*
*Ella intenta huir*
Kino: Uwahh... *la atrapa* Un momento! Por qué estás huyendo? *se sigue resistiendo pero él la sostiene*
Kino: No es ''por qué''. Caray, soy un poco gentil contigo y enseguida haces eso. Acaso tengo que enseñarte el miedo que doy? Justo de esta forma...! *La muerde* Kino: *bebiendo y gemidos kdsfsd* ...duele, verdad? Fufu, por supuesto que si, porque yo estoy haciendo que duela Kino: Hee? Qué? No se escuchaa. *ella se disculpa* Mmm? De que te estas disculpando? No lo entiendo...*la muerde* *bebidas y gemidosssss* Kino: Fufu, así es, has eso. Si ya pudiste entender, entonces te perdonaré. *va a morderla pero en vez de eso la besa* Kino: Ese fue un beso de reconciliamiento. Kino: Mm? Qué sucede? Tengo algo en mi cara? *ella inteta preguntarle* Es inutil aunque intentes engañarme. Kino: *Se acerca* dilo. Esta ves no me enojaré y te escucharé. Vamos
*le pregunta si en realidad ella le gusta a él*
Kino: Qué, era eso? Por cierto, por qué estas dudando? Soy alguien tan poco confiable? Incluso yo pienso apropiadamente en ti, y hago muchas cosas por ti. *voz de niño mimado* No estás siendo un poco mala? Kino: Incluso el hecho de que yo este pasando tiempo contigo es la viva prueba de que me gustas. Kino: Así es. Yo no me involucro con personas que no me interesan. *beso* Kino: Estoy diciendo la verdad! Caray, la próxima vez que diga eso no te consentiré. Kino: Oops! Ya casi es hora del evento. Yo me iré a preparar, así que volveré a mi habitación. 
*se levanta de la cama*
Kino: Buenas noches! *se va**
afuera de la habitación*
Kino: Gustar u odiar... como lo pensé, no entiendo esas emociones. Tal vez esa es la razón por la que no soy bueno en los juegos con el amor.
Track 2:
Kino: *Suspira* Al fin terminé el evento! *Bebe jugo de guayaba* Kino: Beber jugo de guayaba después de un evento es lo máximo!
*Deja el vaso en la mesa*
*Sonidos raros* [Suena como si dos metales se hubieran golpeado, y el sonido perdura]
Kino: Ugh!? ...Ahg... *El sonido se detiene* Ahg... mi cabeza... duele... Kino: Qué fue eso... agh... Oh... parece como si un extraño sonido viniera de la luna...
*Kino se levanta para ver la luna*
Kino: Aquello ciertamente era... el eclipse ''Para selene''... Es la primera vez que lo veo. Kino: Sabía que los demonios se volvian raros por los eclipses pero... no me digas que este dolor también es culpa de la luna...? Kino: Ugh... de alguna manera se siente mal... Haa... haa... Al fin cedió [el dolor] Kino: Oh!? *Ve a Yui/heroina caminando* Kino: Eyyy! A donde vas a estas horas? Si te quedas por ahí algún abuelo malo te atrapará! Oye, a donde planeas ir? Kino: Si se trata de la escuela, hoy es un día de descanso, no es así? Acaso estas dormida? *Yui/heROINA huye* Kino: Eh!? Por qué estás huyendo!? *Se levanta a toda prisa* No entiendo que esta pasando!
*Yui/LA HEROINA bueno ya. Esta corriendo y de repente Kino se teletransporta frente a ella*
Kino: Por qué~ de repente estas huyendo? Acaso quieres comenzar un juego de atrapar? (Corre que el Oni te atrapa lololol)
*La chica se aleja de él muy lentamente y le pregunta quien es*
Kino: Haa? ''Quién eres''... Qué estas diciendo? Soy yo. Tú me conoces muy bien, soy Kino-kun, no es así? Kino: Eres sonambula? Caray, despierta. *se acerca y la agarra pero ella se resiste* Kino: Wo!? Ey, no resistas! Incluso me estoy preocupando por ti! Qué te sucedió? *ella sigue resistiendo* Kino: Ugh...! Caray! No queda de otra *la desmaya* [...COMO HICISTE ESO!?] Kino: Te lastimé, eh. Caray... no entiendo para nada lo que esta sucediendo.
*Yui (sorry, para referirme a la protagonista voy a usar su nombre cannon) despierta*
Kino: Ha despertado, princesa? *Tono frio y sarcastico* Kino: Esa expresión de miedo... oye, de verdad no sabes quien soy? O donde estamos?
*Yui le dice que no*
Kino: Haa. Esto podría ser amnesia?
*Le dice que noh*
Kino: Por cierto, si no es eso, entonces qué es? Incluso hasta no recuerdas mi nombre. Kino: Hmm... hace un rato estabas normal. Tal vez te golpeaste muy fuerte la cabeza, o viste algo que te dejó muy en shock? Algo así pasó?
*Le dice que no se acuerda*
Kino: No lo recuerdas, eh. Bien, entonces preguntaré esto: hay algo que recuerdes?
*Sólo mi nombre*
Kino: Mm~ en resumen, te has olvidado de todo a parte de tu nombre, y estas en un estado completamente nuevo, eh... Kino: Entonces, te has olvidado de Eva y todos los vampiros del Mundo de los demonios?
Kino: Ya veo... entonces esto es... *sonrisa* fufu... interesante en muchos sentidos.
*Se acerca y se pone encima de ella*
Kino: Todo esta bien. Au~nque no sepas naaa~da, no hay ningún problema. Yo te contaré todo lo que necesites. Así que relajate? Kino: Ya que yo soy tu Amo. fufu... así es, yo soy un vampiro. Soy una existencia que esta por encima de los humanos. Kino: FUfufu... esa reacción llena de miedo, es bastante buena. Kino: Me dieron ganas de tomar tu sangre.
Kino: Hahaha... no deber hu~ir. *Aplasta sus muñecas* Kino: *Tono oscuro* Porque voy a clavar mis colmillos... quédate quieta, si? Kino: De lo contrario... haré un graaan agujero en este cuello. ...Asi, buena niña. Kino: *En el oido* Ahora... itadakimasu... *va a morderla pero en vez de eso le da un beso en el cuello* Kino: Como lo pensé, lo dejaré aquí.
*Se levanta*
Kino: Pensé que si te sorprendía de esta manera recordarías algo, pero parece que no has recordado nada, así que me detendré. Kino: Haha, oh? Te sorprendí demasiado? Tal vez el estímulo de recién fue muy fuerte para la tú de ahora, sólo estaba probando un poco, perdóname. Kino: Sin embargo, esa primera reacción estuvo muy bien~ Esto se volvió divertido Kino: Ya sé! Daré un tour por la mansión a la pobre tú la cual ha perdido sus recuerdos. Y por supuesto! Yo estaré constantemente contigo.
*ella intenta huir pero el la agarra*
Kino: Nope, nope. No puedes huir. Kino: Bien, vamos?
Track 3:
*Abre la puerta*
Kino: Bien, este es el baño. Entra adentro.
*Por qué?*
Kino: ''Por qué'' dices... antes hice aquello pero no reaccionaste mucho. Así que pensé en jugar aquí de la misma forma.
*Yui resiste*
Kino: Caray, que problematica... qué tal si ya dejas de resistirte? Kino: Vamos, *la hace entrar a la fuerza* yo te gusto, no es así? Entonces, sólo se obediente y obedeceme.
*Le dice que no recuerda ese sentimiento* [OSEA GENIO, OBVIO LA CHICA NO SE ACUERDA DE NADA DUH]
Kino: *in the feelings* Qué significa eso? No puedes recordar que yo te gusto? Eso por eso que desde hace un rato has estado oponiendo resistencia? Kino: No entiendo para nada que significa eso. Pensé que sería divertida tu amnesia... pero es lo peor. Kino: Esto esta mal, te haré recordar todo. Kino: Convenientemente vinimos a un lugar adecuado. *abre el agua* Kino: ''Qué estas haciendo'' dices, no lo entiendes con sólo mirarlo? Voy a ponerte dentro de la bañera, con el proposito de que recuerdes. Kino: Bien, justo de esa forma, entra adentro. Ah, pero... en aquel momento yo te había empujado? Mmm, entonces así *se mete él a la bañera* Kino: Listo, tú también ven *la tira adentro de la bañera* Kino: Ahh~ah, estamos todos mojados, caray... para que sepas, todo esto es por tu bien. *sonido de golpe* Kino: Se agradecida con el amable yo. *razga su ropa* Kino: Ahh, sólo razgué un poco tu ropa, no seas ruidosa. No seré tan malo, así que deja de gritar. *cierra la ducha* Kino: No recuerdas? Cuando chupé tu sangre dentro de la bañera? Estabas algo debil, y decias cosas raras. Desafiaste a mis colmillos. Kino: Vamos, con sólo acercarme un poco de este modo quieres que te haga sentir bien, no es así? *Intenta empujarlo* Kino: Qué chica tan testaruda. No me importaría si lo admites y así tus recuerdos vuelven. Como lo pensé, primero tendré que hacer que recuerdes mis colmillos. Kino: Fufu... pero bueno, hace mucho que no te veía temblar de este modo, tal vez este un poco bueno. Kino: Y ahora... de donde beberé...? ...Bien! Lo decidí. Beberé en este lugar. *va a morderla* Kino: Era broma~... como lo pensé, mejor desde aquí *la muerde y ella coienza a moverse* Kino: Nn... haa... esa voz, me gusta... *sigue bebiendo* Nnmm... haa.. haa... Mm, tal vez si me excite cuando te resistes. Kino: Estas temblando? Fufu, sin embargo tu cara esta roja. Lo que significa que se sintió bien, verdad? Kino: Oye, esto debería ser como tu primera vez para ti [porque no tiene recuerdos], pero aún así sientes más placer que dolor, eh. Kino: Mmm~ *no entendí* Esto aún no es suficiente? Entonces, esta vez será aquí. Haré que te duela más que recién. *la muerde* Kino: Nn... Mmm... HAaa, haaa... de alguna forma hasata yo me puse caliente. Y además... este aroma... era así antes? *ella cae* Kino: Wo *la agarra* fufu, te siente tan bien al punto de no poder quedarte en pie? Sin embargo, esto recién comienza. Kino: *La sostiene más fuerte* Pensaba que meterse a la bañera con la ropa puesta se sentiría asqueoroso, pero podría volverme adicto a esto. Kino: *la acerca más a él* Esto es mucho más intenso que antes. Vamos, mirame? No es el momento de estar en las nubes, porque de ahora en adelante te haré cosas mucho mejores que esta. Kino: Así que no es el momento de estar relajada. Aguanta un poco más, no es de mi gusto jugar con un humano desmayado. Kino: Vamos, *la sostiene* Haha, estas mareada? Chupé tu sangre dentro de la bañera, así que es imposible que eso no pase, eh. Pero no me detendré. Kino: *En el oido* Oye, seguro piensas que los vampiros no chupan sangre de otro lugar que no sea el cuello, verdad? Pero también puedo clavar mis colmillos donde los nervios están reunidos, sabes? Aunque creo que debe doler un monnnton. Así que aguantalo? Kino: *muerde* Nnmm... Mm... No importa cuanto te duela, hasta que no recuerdes no dejaré de chupar tu sangre, heheh. Kino: Si intentas detenerme me dan ganas de regresar, sabes? [No entendí que quiso decir] Lo dices sabiendolo? Bueno, despues de todo eres una testaruda, así que seguro dirás ''no es así'' Kino: No tienes que responder. Justo como lo dije antes, seguiré chupando tu sangre hasta que recuerdes.
*sonido raro*
Kino: Ugh...! Mierda, otra vez...! *el sonido desaparece* Kino: Estoy bien, no es nada. Tú concentrate en esto. *La muerde* Kino: Nnm... haa... te desmayarás, o recordarás, cual sucederá primero? Esto se puso un poco divertido
Track 4:
*Kino se despierta*
Kino: Oh? ...Hace un rato ciertamente estabamos en el baño [Jezu, eso suena porno] Kino: *se mira* !? No estoy mojado...? Incluso mi cabello y mi ropa están secos. Qué sucedió? Kino: Ugh! Aún... me duele la cabeza. Habrá sido por el sonido extraño de recién? Kino: Ah, te despertaste? ''Donde estamos''? Bueno, mire por donde lo mires es mi living de mi mansión. Kino: No, cuando me di cuenrta ya estabamos aquí. Tal vez pdría ser que... *se levanta* Kino: Mmm? No, sólo hay algo que quiero comprobar. Kino: *En voz alta* OI, YUURI! Yuuri, estás ahí? Oye!
*... ...*
Kino: Mm, como lo pensé, no esta.
*Le pregunta quien es*
Kino: Ahh, Yuuri es como mi mano derecha. Debería estar en la mansión, pero parece no ser el caso. Kino: No hay manera que él se haya ido a alguna parte sin decirme nada. Kino: Hhmm~? Ya veo. *Camina hacia la ventana y ve la luna*   Kino: Hay dos lunas. Como lo pensé... debe ser culpa de eso. *Se va a sentar* Kino: Al fin ya me di cuenta de lo que esta pasando, y también de la razón por la que perdiste tus memorias. Kino: Me enoja de solo saberlo. Al menos hubiera estado mejor que pasara algo más divertido. Pero por qué perdiste tus recuerdos?
Kino: Estoy hablando conmigo. Sólo... después de entenderlo estoy comenzando a enojarme. Kino: Justo ahora, dentro tuyo yo no existo. Y junto con eso, todos tus recuerdos de mí desaparecieron. Kino: En realidad no me molesta eso pero... *pone voz pesada y se acerca* cuando hago esto! Kino: Ves? Con sólo acercarme un poco ya estás asustada. Kino: En esta situción no planeas jugar a ningún juego conmigo, no es así?
*No lo recuerda*
Kino: También te has olvidado de eso, eh... Kino: *Se acomoda* No es para nada divertido... más bien, estoy en contra de esto. Kino: Aquella reacción nueva fue divertida, pero a parte de eso todo lo demás no me parece divertido. Kino: En realidad no me importa que alguien me olvide pero... que especificamente tú me olvides, es algo que realmente no quiero. Kino: Mira! Otra vez estas haciendo esa cara. No, esa no es la reacción que yo quiero *su voz suena triste* Kino: Ahh, caray! *Se acerca* Me duele dentro de mi pecho, qué es esto? Kino: Ya veo, no puedo aceptar que yo haya desaparecido de ti. Todo esto es por culpa de tu pérdida de memoria. Kino: Es la primera vez que me sienton tan tenso, no es para nada divertido. Kino: No me olvides tan fácilmente. Acuerdate de todo! Acuerdate de mí
*Lo siento*
Kino: Por qué te disculpas? Incluso hace un momento estabas tan asustada. De repente sentiste culpa por mí? Kino: O tal vez recordaste algo?  
Kino: Verdad. Si hubieras recordado algo habrías dado una respuesta mejor.
*Le pregunta algo*
Kino: Así es pero, qué sucede con eso?
*le pregunta si él estaba enamorado de ella*
Kino: Haa? Cómo sabes eso? Tú... me gustas...? Kino: Lo siento, pero yo no sé que es querer u odiar. Solamente no me gusta no estar en tus recuerdos, solamente eso.
Kino: Aún dices eso? Entonces yo preguntaré: qué es lo que piensas de mí?
*Le dice que lo ama*
Kino: Yo te... gusto, eh. Mestirosa. Kino: Sabes, yo odio a los mentirosos, los detesto. Y justo ahora tú estás intentado mentirme.
*No es mentira*
Kino: Hee, no es mentira? Aunque no te acuerdes de mí?
*le dice que a ella también le duele el pecho*
Kino: Hmm... a ti también te duele el pecho, eh. No creo que puedas llamar a eso amor, sin embargo. Kino: Pero si insistes hasta ese punto, entonces pruebamelo. Kino: Como lo pensé, no puedes hacerlo, verdad. A mí no me alcanza con solo palabras dulces.
*lo toca*
Kino: Qué pasa... con esta mano? Estas intentando seducirme? Kino: ''Me esforzaré'' eh... Aunque recién hicimos de todo, creo que eso sería inútil. Kino: !? Quieres... recordarme? *le dice que si* Quieres recordarme, eh... ya veo. Kino: Entonces coopearé para que tus recuerdos vuelvan. Pero no tienes que huir como hace unos momentos, pero aún así estas de acuerdo? Kino: Hee... esta bien, entonces yo también tengo que tomarlo en serio.
*se cerca*
Kino: No importa cuanto no quieras, y me digas que pare, yo no lo haré. Kino: Te harpe sufrir hasta que recuerdes todo, ya que el dolor es el mejor recuerdo que nos conecta. Kino: Si me descuido, tú podrías llegar a morir. Aún así estas de acuerdo?
Kino: *risa* Así se habla. Yo también, no me [Otra vez no entendí] Kino: Como siempre lo hago, justo de esta manera *la tira contra el sofa* Kino: Duele? Por supuesto, es la segunda vez que te araño. [Eh!?] Kino: Vamos, mira, mi dedo esta cubierto con tu deliciosa sangre. Kino: *Lo lame* ''por qué'' me dices... hace mucho tiempo hice la misma cosa. Aunque en ese momento yo estaba completamente enojado/irritado. Kino: Estabas muy a la defenciba *bechito* Kino: Haha, se sintió bien? El sabor de mis colmillos o el sabor de mis uñas... cual prefieres? Kino: Mmm... creo que las clavé muy profundo... tu sangre no se detiene. Parece que duele [NOOO, QUÉ TE PARECE!?] Kino: Sin embargo tu cara esta roja y quema, en tu cara dice''en vez de doler se siente tan bien que no puedo evitarlo'' Kino: Fufu, qué bueno, no? Ya que a ti te gusta el dolor, no es así? El dolor de recién fue tanto como para hacerse plasentero, recuerdalo con tu cuerpo, si? [No entenddddí] Kino: Oye... quieres que sea más cruel? Clavaré mis colmillos aún más profundo que antes. Quieres que chupe un montón de veces tu sangre, no es así? Kino: *no entendí nada de lo que dijo*
Kino: Seguro. Kino: No solo debes asentir, dilo claramente con tu boca. Sólo es una palabra: ''hazlo''. Kino: Oh, como era de esperarse, salió mucha sangre. Kino: No queda de otra, te ayudaré un poco. *lame la herida* Kino: Fufu, sólo eso se sintió bien? Fue algo muy simple sin embargo. Kino: *sigue lamiendo/besando* Bueno, aunque sea un tratamiento, estoy disfrutando el sabor de la sangre. *sigue lamiendo* Kino: *risa* quieres decir algo? Kino: *en el oido* Quieres que te muerda, no es así? Entonces dilo. Si no lo dices entonces no lo haré. Kino: Incluso recién tenías una cara de ''no me importa lo que me hagas''. Como lo pensé, hiciste una preparación incompleta? [menos literal sería que no se preparó por completo]
*Le diche que noh*
Kino: Verdad? Entonces dilo. Mira, yo acercaré mi oido.
*se lo dice*
Kino: Fufufu, '' por favor'' eh... No se puede evitar, con eso basta. [En realidad le dice: ''no se puede evitar, te dejaré ahora sólo con eso'' como diciendo... no lo dijiste pero aún así es aceptable] Kino: [tampoco ENTENDÍ] *la muerde y ella comienza a resistirse, entonces Kino sujeta sus muñecas con fuerza y sigue bebiendo* Kino: Soportalo... aún no terminará con sólo esto, verdad. Porque tú... aún no has recordado nada de mí...  nada... *la vuelve a morder* Kino: Mmm... nn... Haa... vamos, incluso estoy cooperando. Así que date prisa... y recuerdame...
*música se detiene*
Kino: !?. Qué sucede? Por qué estás llorando? Dolió... tanto así? Kino: Por qué te disculpas de repente? Si quieres que me detenga entonces... *lo abraza* woah!? Kino: Qué sucede!? Realmente no estoy entendiendolo... Kino: Primero... deja de llorar... Kino: ... ... Kino: Antes de disculparte, dime la razón. No estás llorando por que dolió, no es así? Kino: *risa triste* Qué significa eso? *tono tierno y triste* No es tu culpa que no recuerdes Kino: *la abraza también* Ya, ya... lo siento Princesa...   [Un pañuelo por favor] Kino: No era mi intención que llegaras hasta este extremo [La parte más tierna y no la entendí, matadme] Kino: Sabes... el que me hayas olvidado se siente algo solitario. Pero... más importante que los recuerdos es que pienses en mí, el sentimiento Kino: El hecho de que estés llorando de esta manera, es que miensas en mí como antes[de que pasara todo esto], no es así? Kino: O me equivoco?
*No te equivocas mi amor, te comoh*
Kino: Verdad? Bien, entonces no llores más. Si lloras más que esto te haré cosas malvadas. Kino: Sip, bien hecho. Ahora, la recompenza por haber dejado de llorar *besito* Kino: Fufu, ya veo... este podría ser el sentimiento de amar...
*Le dice que quiere un beso en su boca*
Kino: Eh!? Estas segura? En tu boca... Kino: Tal vez esto nuevo me gusta un poco, se ven dulces [los labios] *beso* [Para que sepan, Kino desde que ella perdió la memoria la ha besado en todos lugares menos la boca, obviamente él no lo haría sin su consentimiento. Cof, en este cd drama, obviemos que le robó un beso en su ruta] Kino: Después del beso, chuparé tu sangre amablemente... *la muerde y el sonido extraño vuelve*
Track 5:
*Kino se despierta*
Kino: Esta es... mi habitación...? Qué fue lo de recién...- oh! Estás bien!? Kino: *Suspiro de alivio* Al parecer si. Kino: Mmm? Qué pasa? Kino: Eh!? Realmente... recordaste? Kino: *Emoción* *LA ABRAZA* Kino: Que bien...! Realmente... recuerdas, no es así. Kino: Ah! Es verdad, la luna! *corre hacia la ventana Y ABRE LA CORTINA CON MUCHA PRISA* Kino: Volvió a la normalidad... hahaha... esto fue algo raro Kino: Si, lo siento. Tú antes de perder tus recuerdos estabas mirando la luna, no es así? Kino: Viste un anillo en la luna, verdad. Bueno, es sobre eso... Kino: Como lo pensé, probablemente nosotros dos fuimos absorvidos por el eclipse. Kino: Los demonios son afectados por la luna, no es así? Kino: He escuchado que la luna hacía eso. Ciertamente se llamaba... ''el sindrome de Para-selene'' Kino: Creo que era una enfermedad que te hace ver ilusiones... en otras palabras, lo que recién vimos fue una ilusión. Kino: Probablemente tu memoria volvió después de despertarte. Kino: Haa... por ahora, que bueno que haya vuelto~ *abrazoh* realmente, que bueno... Kino: Si no me hubieras recordado... yo... tal vez me habría vuelto loco. Kino: No me vuelvas a hacer pasar eso, okay? Kino: *Su celular suena* Mmm? OHH! El evento esta llegando a su fin, esto es malo!! Aunque esté un poco retrasado, tal vez pueda-... Kino: ... ... Kino: Bueno, eso ahora no importa. El evento estará hasta mañana. Kino: Justo ahora tengo que hacer las cosas que no podría [???] Kino: *Más cercaa* No es algo por lo cual sorprenderse así, verdad. Tú eres mucho más importante que el evento, qué no es obvio [WOW, este hombre de verdad la quiere. He perdido muchas amigas por los videojuegos lol]
*la lleva hasta la cama*
Kino: Por ahora tengo que recibir un agradecimiento. Aquello no fue para nada suficiente Kino: Además, tú no quedaste nada satisfecha, no es asi? Kino: Fufu~ di en el clavo Kino: Bien, itadakimaasu~ *beso* te compleaceré con estos colmillos, el dolor se sentirá bien Kino: Preparate, si?
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ice-cream-beat · 7 years
[KH Fic] Demons Run (But Count the Cost)
summary: When provoked, even the bird raised in a cage knows how to bite.
or why you don’t screw with Namine
Ao3 version here
“--The battle's won, but the child is lost.”
/ / / / /
When the silence was broken by the sound of a portal splitting the still air, Naminé knew something was wrong.
She opened her eyes and lifted her head, blinking a couple times as she readjusted to the bright, all-encompassing white of the walls, floor, and ceiling. Her gaze was naturally drawn to the only spot of color in sight: the earthy, light and dark tones of the sleeping boy’s clothes. He sat upright in a throne too big for him, his posture limp and relaxed. The expression on his face was as peacefully blank as his dreams.
That easy air around him normally made her smile, but Naminé was frowning as she dragged her eyes away from her charge and turned towards the unwelcome sound. The black-purple rift at the far end of the room was familiar, troublingly so. As she watched, a single person emerged -- donning a black coat and hood that were also familiar.
She knew her surprise and confusion showed. They had located the Chamber? How? Aqua had revealed it to her and let her inside, convinced that it was still safe and hidden as long as the castle remained in its current state. That was the only reason, surely, that she and Terra had left Ven here, trusting him to the room’s protection a little longer while they were pulled away.
“What are you doing here?” Naminé’s voice sounded more confident than she felt. The bigger question was how he was here -- because it was, going by the stance and body shape, most definitely a he -- but she could worry about that later.
The figure stared at her for several blank seconds, and then in a forebodingly slow motion turned his head towards Ventus. Naminé tensed. Without so much as a word he started towards the throne, his footsteps patient and deliberate.
Naminé’s hands clasped together until they hurt. Every muscle in her body told her to step back, but she fought the urge and remained rooted in place. The stranger ignored her, and all too soon drew up beside her as he stopped directly before Ventus’ still form. He was only a little taller than her.
“What do you want with him?” she demanded.
Again, silence was her answer. Naminé inhaled sharply as the figure raised an arm and reached forward, his gloved fingers outstretched towards Ventus’ chest--
The paralysis holding her broke. Naminé did the only thing she could think of and threw out both hands to grasp the man’s arm, her thin fingers holding tight. “Don’t--!”
Her shoulders went rigid with surprise in the same second that his head whipped sharply towards her. Feelings, personality, desires, intentions, memory -- they all flowed into her through that touch and in a quickened beat of her heart she knew--
“You?” she breathed in surprise. The muscle beneath her hands tensed and a second later Naminé was on the ground, tossed aside with hardly any effort on his part. Her elbows and shoulders surely bruised on the cold marble flooring, but she bit back her discomfort and quickly pushed herself up onto her hip.
The stranger -- no, no longer a stranger -- had already turned his back on her, his focus once more on Ventus, and now she knew why. Now she knew why he was here, why he intended to take Ventus from this place--
And she knew she couldn’t let that happen. She also knew that he was strong, far stronger than anything she could ever hope to contend with, and she stood no chance against him in physical might.
But she had touched his memory just now, because he was connected to Sora. And if he was connected to Sora… she could touch his memory again.
With the same panicked urgency as before, Naminé reached out -- not for his arm this time, but his heart and mind. She closed her eyes and searched, feeling for the links in the chain of his memories. She found them, threw all of her concentration into seizing the closest one, pulled sharply at it--
--and heard a loud, pained grunt. She looked up to see the figure stumble back from the throne, grasping his head. Still gripping his memory in her mind, she could read his shock and confusion; she could sense his suspicion, and then feel his realization when he abruptly rounded on her with what she knew was a hot glare. She held his hidden gaze defiantly.
“They trusted him to me,” she said quietly, her voice terse with the effort of holding on. “I won’t let you hurt him.”
He straightened up and turned to face her fully. A short crackle and glimpse of light announced the Keyblade materializing into his right hand, but he didn’t move right away. Maybe he was wary of her attacking him again; maybe it was a sign that he was hesitant to kill her; maybe it was something else, but Naminé couldn’t get a read on him right then. He was too collected and somehow managed to keep his thoughts subdued and concealed from her. When she made no sign of backing down, he started towards her, again with that easy pace.
He wouldn’t be caught off guard again. Even if she continued to poke at his memory like she just did, he would easily find the opportunity to strike her down. Pushing herself back across the floor, struggling in vain to keep some space between them, Naminé tried to think of something, anything that could distract him, but manipulating his memory to that degree would take time that she didn’t have. Taking it apart, rearranging, reattaching -- that all took time and precision, and she couldn’t--
She went still.
This wasn’t Sora. This wasn’t any of the others. This was someone trying to hurt Ventus and, by extension, those who cared for him.
Naminé didn’t need to be careful.
As he drew back his Keyblade for a stabbing blow, Naminé put all of her focus forward now, the bright room around her going dark as she concentrated every ounce of power she could muster onto a couple of his memory’s links. It was a blind grab; it didn’t matter which ones she chose. She just took hold of them with her will and, for the first time in her short life, consciously poured too much force onto them.
She felt the chain snap like thin glass between her hands.
He actually cried out this time, an angry snarl that seethed with killing intent beneath the agony that shot through his head. Naminé scrambled to her feet and dashed back towards Ventus -- but with another furious cry the hooded figure intercepted her, making a wild swing of his Keyblade that she only narrowly avoided by stumbling sideways. Steel met marble in a small shower of sparks.
Naminé whirled around in time to see him bearing down on her again, but he was hunched over with pain and she could hear his labored breathing. Another clumsy move saved her as she tripped backwards, that Keyblade’s edge passing only inches over her head. Even as she hit the floor on her back and felt the air leave her lungs, she reached up, focused again, and yanked, determination fueling her efforts like machinery. Another link broke.
His head snapped back as though physically struck, his hood falling away from his face. Again Naminé moved to stand and flee, but even now, barely conscious, he was used to fighting through pain, to ignoring it, and he lashed out with a swing that cut hard across the back of her right shoulder and sent her down to her knees. She knew it hurt, she knew it was bleeding, but adrenaline must have kicked in because for the moment she only felt a light sting. She kept going, her breath leaving her in anxious pants now as she forced herself up and hurried towards Ventus. She wasn’t sure what she would do once there. She didn’t even know if the tremble in her body was from pain or fear or the nausea of having intentionally mishandled someone’s memories like that, but the only thing that seemed right just then was Get to Ventus.
She nearly collapsed against the arm of the throne as she reached it. “Ventus,” she whispered, “Ventus, please, wake up--” She turned around -- just in time for the back side of a fist to strike her hard across the face. The blow knocked her backwards onto the throne and Ventus, her jaw throbbing with a pulsing pain that worked up into the rest of her head and made her vision tilt. The ringing in her ears was piercing, making it hard to focus on one point long enough to attack the wielder’s memory again. He didn’t even give her time to try. A second later hard fingers closed around her throat and hauled her up out of the seat, their grip choking the breath out of her and with it any hopes of fighting back.
His golden-yellow eyes were narrow, intent, and full of spite. His face was pale with pain but otherwise collected and neutral -- and while Naminé had never met him in-person before now, she still wasn’t surprised in the slightest to find herself face-to-face with a dead ringer for Sora.
“Orders were to let you live if it could be helped,” Vanitas told her, his tone indifferent as he watched her scratch in vain at his hand. “Too bad you’re not helping.”
What kind of person could still move like he was? Her first attack should have knocked him out cold, easily. For him to still be functioning after two…
Maybe it was because he didn’t regard any of his memories as precious, Naminé realized, the thought occurring to her somewhere in the back of her panicking mind. If he didn’t consider them to be a part of his identity, it wouldn’t matter how many of them she stressed or shattered. He would keep going, keep obeying orders. The pitch-black hatred that he emanated towards Ventus, as thick and obvious to Naminé as a fog at this proximity, was seeped into him so deeply that he probably didn’t need conscious thought to keep driving him forward.
Any other time, she would have found that sad.
Even around her hopeless gasps for air, she could hear Vanitas’ thoughts like passing voices in an empty hall. He was half-considering stabbing through her and Ventus both, the Master can find another, he felt some dark satisfaction when he tightened his grip and she shuddered weakly, only able to watch as he drew back his weapon--
The room faded and the pressure around her neck, the growing agony in her shoulder, the sticky warmth running down her arm -- it all left her. Her thoughts went dark, and for some length of time Naminé wondered why she had felt so scared in the first place…
And then she collided with something hard. Cold marble struck her side, cold air filled her burning lungs, cold light blinded her as sight flooded back into her eyes. She was only vaguely aware of blurred movements and muffled sounds -- but as her thoughts rearranged themselves into something lucid, she remembered where she was and quickly pushed herself up, shaking her sore head clear.
Fear seized her and she quickly turned around -- and found him still sleeping in his chair, still unmoved despite the events. She dared to let out a short sigh of relief, but a gentle voice beside her made her jump.
Startled and confused, she looked over and discovered Aqua kneeling beside her, one hand outstretched towards her injured shoulder. Her face was etched with worry. “Stay still, I’ll heal you.”
“Aqua… When--” Naminé realized then that the muted sounds from before were louder, clearer -- and that they were the sounds of battle. She looked quickly towards the center of the room and saw Vanitas knocked backwards, landing hard on his feet and snaking swiftly to the side to avoid a charge and a swing from--
Terra? Keyblades clashed and Terra’s plated armor rattled as he gave chase, but Vanitas had fallen back entirely on defensive maneuvers to avoid the other wielder’s aggressive two-handed strokes.
The touch of healing magic seeped into Naminé’s shoulder, instantly soothing what had grown into a piercing throb. She tried to ignore the sensation of her torn skin reattaching itself to seal the wound, but while it didn’t hurt, it was still noticeable and strange and she had to resist an uneasy shiver.
She watched the fight, silently amazed at both fighters’ speeds. Seeing a battle through someone’s memory was one thing; it was no substitute for watching it in-person. Terra and Vanitas were each a blur and she could only marvel at how quickly they could think, let alone react.
When Vanitas faked a dodge and instead cast Firaga at point-blank range, Terra was forced to halt and defend against it, cutting it out of the air with a swing. That split-second opportunity was all Vanitas needed to swiftly open a dark portal and disappear into it. Terra hurried after him, but then stopped at the last second and instead watched the Corridor close and vanish.
As soon as it was gone he turned back, his armor disappearing to reveal a concerned expression that mirrored Aqua’s. By the time he joined them, Aqua had finished her spell and Naminé felt as good as new, if still a bit shaky. The would-be bruises on her neck and arms felt as though they had been taken care of, too. Her only discomfort was the blood smeared and drying on her skin.
“Thank you,” she said quietly. She moved to sit on her knees proper. Despite her genuine gratitude, she was frowning and her eyes were downcast. “I’m sorry… I couldn’t do more. You left Ventus with me, and I couldn’t… If you hadn’t shown up…”
Now Aqua did touch her shoulder. “Naminé, you did plenty,” she assured her. “We’re just glad you and Ven are all right.” She leaned down to try and catch Naminé’s eye. “And if it wasn’t for you calling us here? We wouldn’t have made it in time.”
Blinking, Naminé raised her head a fraction. “Calling you? I didn’t… I didn’t do anything like that.”
Terra and Aqua exchanged looks. “But we heard Ven’s voice,” Terra told her with a frown. “We thought it was you, reaching out to us through our memories again.”
Naminé continued to stare. She had done such a thing before, true -- to Riku, and again when she had planted those phantoms in Aqua’s heart during her time in the Realm of Darkness, using the shadows of her friends to strengthen her resolve and help her connect with them, even speak with them. What they described now was certainly within Naminé’s power, but such a task would have taken time and intense concentration. It was nothing she could have done while distracted by Vanitas as she had been.
“N-No,” she insisted with a small shake of her head. “It wasn’t me. What did… his voice say?”
“Your name,” Terra answered. “That was it. But he sounded worried.”
“Scared,” Aqua added softly. Her expression was distant and troubled, as if the very memory still made her uneasy. The two of them had probably dropped everything they were doing to hurry back here so quickly.
Naminé turned back to Ventus. Still asleep, still the same, his head hanging forward and his shoulders rising and falling gently every few seconds. She stood up -- finding her knees a bit wobbly, but managing -- and stepped up in front of him as she closed her eyes and concentrated. Like before, she found his sleep to be too thick a barrier for even her powers to penetrate much farther than the surface.
It wasn’t all that different than how Vanitas had consciously hidden his thoughts from her, at least for the most part.
Looking down at her hands, Naminé hesitated for a thoughtful moment. Then, slow and considerate, she leaned forward to take one of Ventus’ hands between her own. It was warm, his palm worn like Sora’s and Roxas’. She immediately felt feelings and thoughts brush against her own, but they were faint and distant, like voices in an adjacent room. They were also calm and gentle, the opposite of Vanitas’ abrasive emotions.
After some number of steady heartbeats, Naminé carefully withdrew her hands. Ventus still didn’t stir.
She continued to watch him, but her next words were for Terra and Aqua. “Please…” she said quietly. “Keep believing in him. He’s so close.” When she did turn around, she looked at each of them in turn, smiling brightly despite the tears gathering in her eyes. Not out of grief, but gratitude, touched beyond words by the actions of this sleeping boy. By all logic and reason it should have been impossible -- but that glance into the surface of his heart told her it wasn’t. Much like Sora, he didn’t let the impossible stop him.
Ventus had defied reason and protected her.
“He’s with you both, everywhere you go. He hears you. So please… Keep thinking of him, even when you’re apart. Keep him in your hearts. And he’ll find his way home.”
She didn’t watch for their reactions. She only turned to Ventus again, reaching out once more for the memory in his heart, heavy and hazy with sleep. A simple thought passed between them, as passing and light as a breeze, and she could only hope it reached him in the depths of his dark slumber.
And if it didn’t… she would say it again when he finally woke.
Thank you, Ventus.
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nikky-the-writer · 7 years
I can protect you
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Donald Pierce x Reader
Request: Yes
Summary: Donald is spending time with you after you got hurt.
Warning: smut
A/N: I’ve never written real smut before, I’m really nervous about it.
Scream woke you up from your nap. Your whole body was stiff and you rubbed your eyes. There was another scream and then the alarm went on. It was happening again. You were getting tired of working at Transigen. As the one of the leading doctors on the newest experiment you had to spend your whole time in the basement of the building. Space in the building was differently arranged than in other institutions, usually the highest floors would be the most important, but not in this one. You worked there for a few years. When you took the job you didn’t know about kids being the lab rats, but you still stayed. It was a pure curiosity ‘cause Doctor Rice was the one who offered it to you. He was  an amazing doctor and scientist and you admired the man. Also, the fact that you were intrigued by mutants kept you at Transigen. There were bad days, but after every bad day came a good one and the day like today will probably be a bad one.
You tried your best to ignore the alarm lifting your head from the metal table. You straighten your back looking around your office. The strange feeling settled in your body and you couldn’t ignore it. A tiny little voice in your head was telling you that something will happen. Getting up from your chair you put on the lab coat and you grabbed your ID card. When you opened the white metal door you saw bodies on the ground. Both your guards were lying on the ground, their ears were covered in blood. You thought about going back in, but you couldn’t. You were always curious and we all know what happens to those who are toocurios. Bending down to the guard’s body you took the gun from his holster. You were holding the gun so tight that the bones of your knuckles were strongly visible through your skin. The alarm was still on, and the emergency lights were lighting up the hallway. You walked through the white halls looking for anyone that you knew. Just as you passed the corner you saw someone you knew. A little boy that was held there for experiments. You were his doctor, the one who would take his blood and inject liquids into him. Your hand was next to your body with the gun.
˝Cal, mírame. Todovaa estarbien. Ven conmigo. (Cal, look at me. Everything is going to be alright. Come with me.) ˝ You said, hoping that he will listen to you.
˝No! ˝ The brown haired boy yelled. You knew that you were screwed. The kid wasn’t really powerful, but he could do a damage to a human body, just as he did to those two guards.
˝No grites, por favor. (Don’t scream, please) ˝ You lowered the gun to the floor, looking at the little boy. He seemed tired, physically exhausted from all the screaming earlier. You took a step forward and Cal came closer. You heard the ecko of combat boots and that scared Cal. He was too far away from you to put your hand over his mouth so you put your hands over your ears. Just a second latter, he screamed and you felt the blood dripping from your ears. You fall to your knees looking at him. As the steps became louder your body collapsed on the cold floor.
Your nose wrinkled a few times as you inhaled a familiar scent. You didn’t want to bother to open your eyes because you thought it was just his pillow. You missed him so much and your head hurt, you needed him next to you. As a sign of comfort you decided to hug his pillow. Your head hurts a little more as you turned your body to the place he would sleep next to you and you reached for his pillow. Your fingers came in contact with something that must be the hair. Your eyes were wide opened and your heart calmed down as you saw his big blue eyes looking at you.
˝I.. I though that.. ˝ You couldn’t find the right words so you moved closer to him placing your hand on his chest.
˝You got hurt, so I came back. ˝ He trailed the line of your spine with his fingers. You didn’t even realize that you didn’t wear clothes that you had before.
˝Donny, you can’t just come back ‘cause I got hurt. ˝ You lifted your head a little putting your chin on his chest and looking at him.
˝Baby, I should’ve been there for you. How could I let this happen? What if Cagge found you later? You would be dead. ˝ He gazed in your eyes going through his hair with his metal hand. His voice was sad and his left hand stayed at your lower back.
˝Don, don’t say that. I can take care of myself. ˝ You kissed his covered chest and than his collarbone. ˝Don’t be worried about me. I can really take care of myself. ˝
˝I know. God, I really know, but you shouldn’t. That’s why you have me. ˝
˝Then do something about it. ˝You teased grazing his Adam’s apple with your lips.
˝What are you doing? ˝ Donald was taken back from your behavior. You were unconscious for twenty two hours and now you behaved like nothing had happened.
˝You know. ˝ You bit the skin next to his ear, setting your body on his.
˝Baby, you just woke up. ˝ He moved his right hand to move the strands of your hair from your face. He gently strokes your cheek with his thumb and you couldn’t stop looking in his eyes.
˝Don’t play innocent here Donny. How many times have you woken me up with soft kisses on my body. ˝ You smirked at him and he smiled.
˝You weren’t hurt then. ˝
˝If you don’t do something right now, I’ll be hurt. You’ll hurt my feelings. ˝ You started tracing kisses along his scruffy jaw and he tensed under your touch. He gently rolls you on the bed, hovering over you. You chuckled at his actions locking your legs around his waist, pulling him closer to you. Donald grabbed the hem of your shirt, pulling it over your head. There was nothing else that covered your chest. He moved his metal arm to your bare chest and you shivered under the cold metal. You moved your hands between you, putting your palms on his chest. Your hands traveled down his body and they stopped at the end of his shirt. Your finger gripped the material slowly pulling it from his toned body. Moving his shirt he supported his weight with his left arm. His muscles flexed and you traced every muscle on his arm. Then, he leaned in kissing your yaw and then your neck. His lips finally found yours and you smiled into the kiss. His lips were moving in sync with yours. He gently moved his fingers over your breast and you couldn’t suppress the moan. His tongue entered your mouth and you tightened your grip on his shoulders. He pulled away from the lack of air and you giggled. ˝I missed you.˝
˝I missed you to baby. ˝ His hand wandered to your shorts and he quickly moved his hand inside them. His fingers grazed the edge of your panties and you pulled him in for another kiss. He played with the edge of them and you moved your hands to his V line letting your right hand go lower. You gripped the material of his sweatpants moving them lower. He kicked them away and you smirked at him.
˝No underwear? Donny, when did you became a slut? ˝ He laughed at your question and it was the sweetest sound that you ever heared. Your ears were still under pressure from the events from Transigen, but you could hear his thick accent rolling from his tongue.
˝Baby, you are killing me. ˝
˝Well, that was never  my intention. ˝ You placed your hand on your shorts where his hand was still inside. You pulled your shorts down, throwing them away with your leg. He moved closer to you and you felt his stiff member on your lower abdomen.
˝I see that you are happy to see me˝ You said through a chuckle
˝Always, beautiful. ˝
˝Than what are you waiting? ˝ You winked at him when he looked up. He slowly parted your legs a little more setting his body between your legs. His left hand gripped the inner of your thigh and he placed kisses on your body. From the neck all the way to the beginning of your underwear. Your fingers tangled in his thick blond hair and you tried to suppress a moan when his lips came to your inner tight. He sucked and bit your skin and your fingers gripped his hair tightly. His metal fingers sneaked inside your panties and you pulled his hair a little and he looked up at you.
˝Come here. ˝ His fingers stayed inside your panties and he moved his body to you. Pressing his chest on yours.
˝What’s wrong, baby? ˝
˝I need you. ˝ You whispered, barely staying focused as his fingers played against your skin.
˝Are you sure that you are alright? ˝
˝Mhmm˝You murmured, and he pulled your panties down your legs and he kissed your lips. He parted your legs a little more and he settled himself slowly entering you. You gasped, pulling his hair, as he moved deeper in you. Your breathing already became rapid and you moaned as he filled you.
He started moving his hips and you were already falling apart. He didn’t want to go too fast, but your moans drove him crazy. With one hand he gripped your hips and with the other he gripped the sheet next to your body. He could feel that you were close so he quickened his pace, bringing you over the edge.
˝Donny! Don’t stop! ˝ You screamed and your body relaxed as you come. Not long after he comes inside you, setting his forehead between your breast, breathing deeply. He kissed your chest and he walked to the bathroom taking a washcloth to clean you both.
As your heart beats slowed down you grabbed his shirt, pulling it over your head. You covered your body with covers and he crawled in bed behind you. His metal hand sneaked inside your shirt and he pulled you closer so that your back was on his bare chest.
˝I love you.˝ Donald kissed the back of your head and you smiled.
˝I love you too, Donny.˝
Tag list:  @we-love-our-bandz, @tc-stark, @stonedsoldier23, @sighsophiia,@nearlybandoms, @fuzzysnowyou, @sinners-glory, @tonictransistor, @tremilyteapot, @arabella-fella, @missphanosaur18, @onlyasoulthings, @raeeclipse,@tremilyteapot, @sighsophiia
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