#and we all know cocaine is highly addictive
Do you guys ever think about the fact that Elias Bouchard could legitimately have been/be addicted to cocaine?
Because I do
A lot
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good evening, diabolik lovers fandom. today i would like to talk about kou and his history of drug use again, because i found something interesting while digging around some Romanian history.
content warning under the cut for discussions of the Romanian orphan crisis and, of course, drugs/addiction.
so we all know how kou used drugs as a kid, right? yeah, if you forgot, here's our two canon confirmations.
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the first is from kou's MB manga prequel, and the second is from ruki's lost eden maniac prologue, as translated by @dialovers-translations.
as highlighted by the translator, it's highly likely that what kou/ruki are discussing is related to drugs, being distributed around the orphanages in the Romanian orphan crisis. if you're not familiar with this and the conditions in such orphanages, i suggest reading the wikipedia article briefly.
at one point in this article, it's mentioned that especially in the late 1980s/early 1990s, a substance known as "aurolac" was being distributed and abused both on the street and within these orphanages. the emergence of aurolac as a substance of abuse is highlighted in this article as beginning in the 1980s.
aurolac is a type of paint used specifically by Romanian orphans as an inhalant to produce a high - euphoric, a buzz, etc, though with serious health consequences attached. you can read more about this here and here. though these articles are more recently, the use of aurolac does date back to around the time the mukami's would've been around these streets/orphanages.
solvent abuse isn't exactly rare and is quite common even in the western world, particularly with teenagers due to ease of accessibility and whatnot. i think it's interesting that this aurolac is almost certainly what kou is using, especially when it looks like he's being handed a sniffing bag in this panel.
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it's also interesting that children underground, a documentary regarding this issue from early 2000s, shows that aurolac can be addictive and often children/adults using it can be very stuck in this cycle.
this is probably what ruki is referring to when he says people ruined themselves with it. and kou saying he'll only use a little... my baby, that's not how it goes. it's not that easy.
seriously, i love the fact ruki probably stopped kou from spiralling into drug addiction. but with all that aside, i think it's interesting that rejet was onto something with this. maybe it's my dumb drugs fascinated brain but i'm super excited to finally know what drug kou was probably using as a kid.
how does this relate to kou as an adult, you ask? wow that's such a great question. let me talk about it real quick.
obviously given the trauma which kou endured (sexual and physical abuse) it's no surprise whatsoever he sought out substances to deal with that. aurolac is described to have a numbing feeling, and well...
i'd always headcanoned kou as using uppers like cocaine and mdma, but if he was using aurolac as a kid, maybe he'd be seeking out downers more so. heroin addict kou is staring at me right now. maybe i was onto something with that.
anyway, i hope someone else found this anywhere near as interesting as i did. if you have any further questions PLEASE ask me.
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
What is Addiction?
Addiction is when a person continually takes a substance - or engages in a behavior - with a destructive impact on their health and life.
In Ancient Rome, when a person couldn’t repay a debtor they were forced to become their slave, or ‘addictus.’ This is the origin of being “a slave to your addictions.”
Addictions take many forms; some of them may surprise you. Do you struggle with any of these?
Body piercing
Book collecting
Plastic surgery
Prescription drugs
Screens (smartphones, computers, tablets, TV’s, etc.)
Social media
Video games
Addicts crave the behavior or substance, even when they know it causes them physical harm, mental harm, and/or harm to their relationships. Addiction can lead to criminal behavior, poverty, homelessness, and death.
Addiction is not defined by how much a person engages in the behavior but by the impact it has on their life. A workaholic may be very successful in the office, but at home their relationships are failing and their anxiety is increasing.
What Causes Addiction?
People become addicts through many different paths, but seeking pleasure (or avoiding pain) is the ultimate driver.
Whether a person is addicted to heroin or video games, their goal is to alter their mental state and reduce subconscious-stress.
Some people believe that taking drugs leads to addiction - but this is only part of the picture. Not everyone who takes narcotics becomes addicted to them. Therefore, there must be another factor involved - the human factor.
Research involving mice found they became easily addicted to cocaine when kept in isolation. But, when the environment was enriched with social activities, interesting food, places to explore, toys to play with and new mice to meet… they stopped taking cocaine! Just like mice, humans get depressed, miserable and bored when trapped in an unfulfilling life.
Unresolved Emotions
Addiction often stems from trauma. Adverse experiences during childhood (e.g. divorce, emotional neglect, poverty) predispose us to addiction later in life. Addiction is a response to painful or traumatic events, not simply a poor choice that people make.
Demonizing addicts is counterproductive; they need to be treated with care and compassion to maximize their chances of recovery. Brain scans on people with a range of addictions reveal the same neural circuits are involved, and they all share feelings of shame and low self-value.
People develop addictions to try and cover up issues and uncomfortable emotions:
To cope with stress and life events.
To escape the pain of past trauma.
To create connections with others.
To achieve a sense of control in life.
To avoid facing feelings of inadequacy.
To hush internal voices of self-loathing.
Overcoming Addiction
There’s no one size-fits-all solution for all addicts, but here are some general tips:
1. Find the Right Help
Addicts using opiates and narcotics need help. Addiction experts can provide the highly specialized support needed for this kind of recovery. Addicts can also be aided with behavioral re-training and dedicated recovery groups.
2. Increase Self-Value
All addicts can benefit from increasing their self-worth. Any activity that improves physical or mental health enhances esteem. Getting a massage, eating vitalizing alkaline foods, and going for walks in nature are acts of self-care that enhance how we feel about ourselves.
“Because the one thing you want to do is to LOVE, and that love should begin with you” - Dr. Sebi.
3. Be Ready to Give Up
The addicted person must be ready and willing to give up their addiction; if they are forced to give it up they are likely to relapse.
What are you ready to give up?
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Links Roundup
Welcome to another edition of links roundup. This week, Ariel’s been reading and thinking about the following articles, none of which are explicitly solarpunk, but all of which relate to the way solarpunks choose to interact with the world and their communities.
Experts Agree: Sugar Might Be as Addictive as Cocaine
This comparison has been floating around for a while, but reading a properly-cited article about it is a bit of a trip. The language is fairly cautious around sugar’s addictive properties, which is par for the course with scientific studies, but I can tell you that my brain has certainly rearranged itself to accept sugar as the only acceptable reward despite harmful consequences. Hopefully this awareness means less added sugar to our daily foods going forward, although that’s hard to control unless you have the luxury of time/space to make your own foods on the regular.
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels’ Manifesto of the Communist Party and its genesis, published by the Marxists Internet Archive
Cheating a bit here because I’m not all the way through it and maybe showing my hand a bit that I haven’t fully read the Communist Manifesto, but I’ve had one too many Marxist bros tell me, in the course of grad school, that it will like, change my life and how I look at things. You know how you tend to avoid something because it’s too popular and too many people recommend it to you? Or is that just me? Either way, this edition really helps set the Manifesto in its context and has some very insightful commentary. (I still don’t agree that class is the fundamental oppression on which all others are predicated and you cannot make me see it that way, DAVE).
How Good, Kind, Caring People Became The Bad Guys
I highly enjoy the articles from OkDoomer, although it’s pretty explicitly the opposite of solarpunk. Jessica Wildfire is an incredibly compelling writer, and imo this article recasts Sara Ahmed’s theory of the feminist killjoy in a skilful, contemporary way that applies to how we are living our lives post-pandemic. Food for thought.
Dairy worker with bird flu never developed respiratory symptoms, only pinkeye
This is a fun article to read and spiral off of. Gonna warn those with anxiety now, please have the group chat or whatever mental health supports you need open before reading through this one, because you might be hyperventilating afterwards. It’s always a good time to experiment with veganism, and now more than ever, at least get yourself off of cow products and byproducts, for everyone’s sakes.
Pluralistic: Tabs give me superpowers (25 Jan 2024)
Cory Doctorow is so productive it’s bananas - this blog post of his has some insight into how he manages to maintain that, the bullshit that is “life hacking”, and some very useful information.
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blorbo question: what kinds of drugs do you think ed would be into? which ones would help him and which ones would make him feel worse?
Ok so I project onto Ed so this might be colored by my own drug experiences, but I'll do my best. I'll tell you generally what I think he'd like and the I'll put up a cut and go through all the ones I've done and tell you how I think Ed would be on them.
General before I get into specifics. Canonically he uses stimulants during the Kraken era and weed socially. However I do kinda feel like Rhino Horn is not his favorite drug just the most manageable way to get a hit of endorphins while also being able to oversee raids so he can break Ned Lowe's record. I am biased because I'm a psychedelic enjoyer, but Ed's a pretty confident guy who doesn't really second guess himself until after he acts (lbr the man did not second guess fucking knife parade for like multiple years and he doesn't apologize). Of course he also hates himself but I don't think that makes him not confident, which being confident and not immediately second guessing yourself is a great personality for producing good hallucinogenic experiences. Hallucinogens are usually great if you're not afraid of them. And I also think that Ed wants to be taken out of his life for a little bit and hallucinogens are conducive to that. I think he and Jack probably did a bit of P&P back in the day and I think ecstasy was probably their favorite because Jack is a tweaker and Ed is a psychedelics guy. Now that he and Stede are together he's doing poppers.
Onto specifics. What makes him better, what makes him worse
Ok here's the drugs I have experience with: Meth, Mushrooms, Weed, Coke, LSD, GHB, and DMT. So I'll just give you those.
Let's start with coke and weed because we have canon evidence for those.
Cocaine Rhino Horn- ok so for me personally coke kinda ain't shit. It's the best stimulant by far (ecstasy is a stimulant/hallucinogen so I'm not counting it because it's also something else) but it's still just sort of me but faster. I've said many a time that Coke is my ADHD meds but horny and Meth is like my ADHD meds but evil. I can drive on the shit literally better than I drive sober because I am less distracted. And before someone accuses me of micro dosing I can pack the shit away, I do twice as much as whoever I'm with and get half as high, every ounce of coke ive ever done was waisted on me. I have fun on it it's not a bad feeling but I it's like if coffee was poppers rather than a real drug. I think Ed probably has a similar experience here with being relatively coherent because we see him doing raids while high on the stuff. I think coke is giving him that little euphoria bump he needs to be passively suicidal instead of actively suicidal and not much else. That said once I did like three lines and then went to the wrong bus station subsequently missing my bus (I ordered my Uber before doing the coke so it was not the coke's fault) and I had a tantrum but I did not cry or start doom spiraling over the 200$ I was forced to pay, so I'm gonna go with a tentative better? For how coke makes Ed.
Weed- Ed also displays a high tolerance here, given that he shares a blunt with Mary and then he's sober in the next scene. That being said I think if he had more than half a blunt he would get emotional very quickly. If he's in a good mood he gets clingy and everyone around him is his favorite person and if he's in a bad mood he starts crying. Weed would make him worse and I know this about him
Meth- Tina is my enemy I hate her. They told me it was highly addictive and would make you crazy and then it just gave me insomnia and a weird bowl movement. Did you know while on meth you don't get hungry but you do get hangry? You can't sleep you can't eat but your body doesn't stop needing to eat and sleep. I've done meth exactly twice and once was on accident (the idiot I smoked shrooms with didn't clean his fucking pipe and I did not realize I had imbibed methamphetamine until about 24 hours later when I had been trying and failing to sleep for roughly 10 hours). Anyway I think given how hangry Ed gets meth would make him worse in every conceivable way. Meth also makes me more focused so I think he would invent some diabolical scheme and it would be a genuinely good one and then he would also lose his fucking mind and pulverize the next thing to surprise him after not eating for 18 hours (imagine the snake scene from 1x07 but on... Well on meth I guess) and cry because he is so so tired.
GHB- for those of you not in the know this is a depressant but not an opioid that is sometimes used as a daterape drug because it's got an incredibly dangerous interaction with alcohol but is mostly manageable on its own. It's not entirely dissimilar to high doses of alcohol in its high ill be honest, but maybe I just haven't had enough depressants to be able to tease apart their distinct personalities. I enjoyed this one but I think I'm gonna let my experience diverge from Ed's a little bit here. I don't think he would be a fan. He might be alright with it if he and Stede were doing it together as a sexual aid, but it tastes really bad, like putting bitterant directly into your mouth levels of bad, and we know Ed is a sweet tooth. The poor old man would also get tired on it a lot quicker than I did, and I remember laying there like I was asleep with a pleasant buzz in my brain and not really wanting to get up for quite a bit of it.
DMT- So dmt isn't good unless you're doing a near death experience type breakthrough trip otherwise you see some fun colors for 20 minutes and then it's over. I cannot speak to the breakthrough trip because I did it with a Grindr date and I did not want to be at his mercy for a half an hour while I was experiencing The Tunnel. However from what I've heard of the breakthrough trip, that shit is a mental game. You don't want to do that third rip but you've gotta. Ed loves to win at games and he's got some mental fortitude so I think he would flex how much he likes DMT. It would make him WORSE
LSD- I love her everyone loves her Lucy is my best friend. She's a bit... Lovecraftian but certainly not in a bad way. I think acid would really depend where Ed was at mentally. Like Ed when Stede is around would have a good time taking to the universe. I think that talking to the universe during the Kraken era could go really well or really really horrendously. On the one hand I wonder if ego death might actually be good for him? Like feeling like you're one with everything and like you aren't real could be either freeing for a guy who hates himself that much or it could end up making him hate everything because his self hatred could get as expensive as his dissolving ego. I think immediately pre Stede however acid would not be the best idea this is a vibe I'm getting. Acid has the potential to go either way on the better worse question.
Mushrooms- mushrooms have always been really nice to me but I need to be up and doing something while I'm on them. Totally a club drug for me. I know that's an insane thing to say but I think my brain chemistry may be fucked up. Anyway this does not make Ed better or worse but it does make him look at stuff and giggle which is objectively cute.
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nulifelinecarerehab · 2 months
Drug Addiction Treatment — Get the rehab help you need today.
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Detoxification and Rehabilitation Center For Drug Dependency and Addiction
Drug addiction is a powerful, overwhelming force. For those who suffer from drug addiction, they often find deterioration in their health, behaviors, and decision-making abilities. For most people, drug addiction develops over time until it is both a mental and physical addiction. Overcoming both of these issues without professional help is impossible for many people. That’s where our drug detox and rehabilitation programs can help. If you’re struggling with drug addiction, whether it is to cocaine, heroin, marijuana, methamphetamines, or another substance, you’ve likely experienced the ravages of addiction. Fortunately, you’re not alone — The NuLifeLineCare Rehab Center is here to help you achieve lifelong recovery and safely navigate the drug detox process.
What Can I Expect?
An addiction specialist will outline your individualized drug addiction treatment program. Our thorough process consists of a personalized assessment of drug habits, a comprehensive physical to evaluate your overall health, and an individualized detox program. This multi-channel approach is coupled with medical supervision, healthy dietary planning, individual and group therapy, and daily, organized physical activity.
What Sets the NuLifeLineCare Rehab Center’s Addiction Treatment Apart?
Cutting-Edge Care:
Our highly trained doctors and addiction specialists have created a proprietary program that evaluates each one of our clients’ unique addictive tendencies and personal needs. This comprehensive form of care helps our clients reach their sobriety goals in a safe and supportive environment.
Sensitivity and Discretion:
We understand the sensitivity surrounding drug addiction and know that the path to recovery isn’t simple. Because of this, our staff promises the utmost discretion from the moment you call through the end of your treatment program.
Comfortable Facilities:
At our facilities, our clients find a scenic backdrop to overcome their dependency and prepare for life post-treatment. Located in the beautiful Dehradun, Uttarakhand, our addiction treatment center creates the perfect atmosphere for addiction recovery.
Drug Detoxification Center Details
If you’ve made the decision to seek treatment for your drug dependency, you’ve already taken the most difficult step. While you may think you can do it on your own, drug detoxification can produce dangerous side effects, and it is important that it is done with the appropriate medical supervision. Once you’re admitted into The NuLifeLineCare Rehab Center’s drug detoxification program, our expert care staff will analyze your specific addiction needs to develop a safe and effective detox protocol that’s tailored to you. The entire drug detoxification process typically takes between five and seven days, during which time you’ll be closely monitored to minimize the side effects with the support of drug addiction specialists.
Drug Detoxification Process
The entire drug detoxification process can be summarized in 3 steps, which are as follows:
Your current physical and mental health will be evaluated in addition to your specific addiction(s). A comprehensive, multi-paneled test will be administered to identify all drug types and amounts present in your body.
The withdrawal effects from drug dependency can be painful and challenging to endure. We make the process as comfortable as possible for you by providing you all necessary medical supervision and mental support along with sleeping accommodations and regular meals that meet the highest standards. Your safety is our number one priority throughout the drug detoxification process. As the side effects of withdrawal can be mentally and physically harmful, the entire detox will be performed under the supervision of addiction specialists, physicians, and mental health counselors.
Transition to Treatment:
While the physical effects of your drug dependency will be alleviated during detoxification, successful recovery requires dedication to rehabilitation. Our addiction specialists will provide support for you throughout the entire rehabilitation process.
A Lasting Recovery Starts Here
If you feel that you must use a prescription or illegal drug regularly and have failed at attempts to stop the cycle, we urge you to contact us today. You can reach our admissions specialists at 08958305058, or you can fill out our confidential contact form. It doesn’t matter if you are standing at the brink of addiction or if you have been addicted for years; our team of specialists can develop an individualized treatment program that will help you begin your path to a lasting recovery.
Contact NuLifeLineCare Rehab Center today to learn more about our treatment program.
Call us on: +91–8958305058
Or visit: https://nulifelinecare.org/
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handsforu · 1 year
Effects Of Substance Abuse On The Body Parts Of An Addict
Substance abuse treatment helps individuals in getting rid of drugs. We are one of the leading providers of Substance abuse treatment in Mumbai because we are offering everyone excellent quality treatment with the help of which one can get rid of their drug addiction. Today, here we are going to shed some light on the effects of substance abuse on the body parts. 
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Effects Of Substance Abuse On The Body Parts 
Brain: It leads to cognitive impairment, memory problems, and difficulty in decision-making. 
Heart: Drug addiction can lead to increased heart rate and elevated blood pressure. 
Lungs: Lung damage can increase the risk of lung infections. It can cause chronic cough, wheezing, and reduced lung function. 
Liver: Impaired liver function can lead to problems with detoxification and metabolism. 
Kidneys: Kidney damage and impaired filtration due to substances like cocaine and heroin increase the risk of kidney failure. 
Pancreases: Pancreatitis can be severe and life-threatening. 
Skin: Skin conditions such as acne, sores, and infections are often associated with heavy alcohol use. 
Immune System: A weakened immune system and slower wound healing increases the risk of infection in drug addicts. 
If you or anyone you might know is searching for Drug addiction treatment in Mumbai, then you don’t have to worry about it anymore because we are the destination for you. We have years of experience and expertise with the help of which we always ensure that everything is done according to the pre-defined guidelines. Since the time of our inception, we have served a wide number of addicts, and all of them are highly satisfied with the drug addiction programs we offer. We have a team of professionals who always do everything according to the pre-defined de-addiction program guidelines. For more information, you can reach out to them and they will deliver you with the required de-addiction treatment as per your condition.
Source: https://handsforyoualittlehelp.blogspot.com/2023/09/effects-of-substance-abuse-on-body-parts-of-an-addict.html
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Signs of a Cocaine Overdose and Treatment Options
Using cocaine can have serious health consequences, including the potential for overdose. If you or a loved one is struggling with a cocaine addiction, it’s important to understand the signs of a cocaine overdose. At Banyan Treatment Center, our expert addiction specialists are here to help if you or a loved one is struggling with a cocaine addiction. A cocaine overdose occurs when you’ve taken too much of the drug, leading to serious short-term and long-term health issues. Here are some of the most common signs of a cocaine overdose:
Rapid heartbeat, breathing, and/or increased temperature
Irritability, aggression, and/or paranoia
Seizures and/or tremors
Other symptoms are possible depending on the amount of cocaine ingested and the individual’s general health. If you or someone you know shows any of these signs, seek medical attention as soon as possible. After leaving the hospital, speak to a medical professional about drug rehabilitation options to ensure a successful recovery. If a loved one needs help with a cocaine addiction, there are many reputable addiction treatment centers in Delaware. At Banyan Treatment Center, our team of highly qualified addiction professionals is dedicated to ensuring success for those struggling to overcome a cocaine addiction. We address all aspects of addiction treatment, providing individual and group counseling, relapse prevention, 12-step meetings, and more. As a comprehensive, state-of-the-art addiction treatment center we can provide the navigation, guidance, and skillset needed to live a life free from the effects of addiction. If you’re looking to get help for a cocaine addiction, get in touch with the addiction treatment specialists at Banyan Delaware. Our experienced and compassionate team of addiction professionals is dedicated to helping you and your family members get the best treatment options. Contact us today for more information.
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medicinemane · 1 year
So first off, weed shouldn't be a schedule 1 drug
C1 means "highly addictive with no medical application"
Cocaine is a C2 meaning "highly addictive with medical application"
Weed 100% is at most a C2, probably more like a C5. Super irritating to me just from a... having a brain an looking at how it should be ranked as a controlled substance medically speaking
Anyway, my point with this is CBD based stuff is one of the only painkillers I've found that actually does anything for me. Try to avoid the stuff with THC in it, cause that's what seems to get me high, and weed highs are very unpleasant for me (hyper awareness of stuff like the pulse in my head, zero fun for me with how I get them)
So I buy the recreational gummies very occasionally just to have a stock of painkillers basically, but I don't really like the gummies cause they get stuck in my teeth, and frankly I basically want a pill
I want something that's actually optimized as a painkiller, that's actually got a medical focus. I want sometime where they maybe studied how to get the most bang out of it when it comes to getting rid of pain, you know?
But nah, the fed says it's a C1, "no medical application". Just really really annoying to have to pay recreational drug prices to buy painkillers
And when I say the only thing that really works, I mean I had vicodin when I got my wisdom teeth out, and I didn't even notice it. NSAIDs are closer to wishing on a star in terms of practical use. If I need inflammation down, they're amazing, but if I need pain gone... they're closer to a placebo... just something to do to say I did something
I just want a good painkiller. I can never tell how much pain I'm in, in absolute terms, in terms of how it would compare to people with chronic pain. I just know that I'm usually sore in my joints, and days like today when I got back how, I couldn't do anything but lie in bed till I shuffled downstairs and had a gummy... now I'm just sore
It's political, we all know it's political, but... damn
Like, I literally don't want to get high with it (which we all know is treated like a moral failing if you do), I in fact hate getting high by accident if something has THC in it but I risk it
I literally just want a pain med that actually works for me. I sometimes think I'm just making it up when I say other meds don't touch it for me, but... then I have something that works and it's like... other meds actually kind of do nothing
Anyway... just a thought and a complaint about scheduled drugs and how we do things... damn my hands are sore even now, I can move again instead of just laying there tired, but frankly my hands just want to claw up for some reason
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Get out of my house is especially interesting, as 43 shows up both times & symbolizes three of cups and shows a triad of women, not to mention the lyrics waxing katebushpoetic about get the fuck out of my house because of how they filled it with madness
This one from yesterday is exceptionally interesting, though:
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19:19 is the baby. All baby, right?
Except look when the minute changed. And keep in mind it’s called “lost my mind”
14 is obviously the number of past lives.
And 36? The Blondrichclosetwitch. At first I thought it was about her going crazy, and I asked Stella.
“Nope” she said. It’s about how -you- lost your mind.”
Of course the fact that it falls doubly on the baby’s number is validation enough that that was her way in. And that that really happened, grace à la Tarot Reader (the 2).
Wow trés disturbing tbh
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This one is really interesting too. It goes back to Dec 30 2017.
That was the day that Jakk’s mother came through to me. It was the first time someone that I had never met in the flesh came to me, and it was overwhelming in an energetic and lovely way. It made me cry, laugh and shake all at once. As I wrote that, a song titled como ayer (like yesterday) played at 4:39 with the numbers 49on one side and 1:58 on the other. 1:58 was the first past life time I ever paid attention to.
Anyway, right after the moment where she spun me, and I calmed down from my emotional-spiritual meltdown, this song started to play, and this is what fake katie used to tell me that we needed to “party”, which struck me as completely odd.
“Party? With what?”
And then the words cocaine and ecstasy were put in my head.
I highly disliked cocaine so it was kind of an odd thought. But you know who loved it? The tarot reader. In fact, I was told that was why she took Blond’s money, because her habit had started back up. And led to the worst drug addiction of my life.
And you’ll notice the numbers for that song are 49&2.
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The three of cups and the madness card.
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Kat this is clearly for you
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Tarot Reader yet again, gosh how much have you been paid honey
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alldrinkingaside · 2 years
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"Addicted to the Culture of Addiction"​: 3 Great Examples
"I slowly came to appreciate that many people were addicted to the culture of addiction and the needs they got met there as they were to the drugs that were the centerpiece of that culture. It became clear that recovery was more than severing a person-drug relationship. It was often a process of disengaging a person from a culture that had met a broad spectrum of their needs and, in the process, transformed their character and identity." - William L. White, "Recovery Rising," p. 51
"I came to understand that you could not disengage people from a drug culture unless you could offer entrance into an alternative culture capable of meeting the same needs met in the drug culture. That insight was crucial to my thinking about cultures of recovery and their role in the long-term recovery process." - William L. White, "Recovery Rising," p. 57
[There are several concentric and overlapping circles in this post. The title just about describes it best. I am but an example, as are the others you will find below.]
1) When I first got clean and sober in 1996 and well before 8 years of recovery groups being a revolving door back into the nearest barroom, I attended a Narcotics Anonymous meeting that left me shocked and amazed by a guy who claimed that he was addicted to selling drugs but did not use drugs himself.
Drug Dealers Anonymous.
There is no such group, but this guy was not exactly a square peg in a round hole, was he?
In a manner of speaking, he belonged in N.A. as much or more than I did. After all, I was predominantly addicted to alcohol, a legal drug, and spent my drinking career on a bar stool. The illegal drugs were delivered to me so I wouldn't have to rub elbows with the drug trade. I was better than that, or so I once thought.
2) Shortly after my last relapse in 2004 I had become friends and eventual A.A. Sponsor to a guy I'll call Mike who was in recovery from his addiction to crack cocaine. It took quite some time in our early friendship for him to finally admit to me something that at that time seemed highly unusual. He had a rap sheet a mile long for various crimes (which I'll omit here). It's so simple to imagine, isn't it, that a drug addiction could lead to a life of crime as the tolerance for a drug increases?
Join me in being so wrong.
Mike's addiction to crack cocaine was the direct result of his prolonged criminal activity and the partners in crime he met along the way. Mike had never used cocaine or even thought of trying it until the underground culture of crime he was involved in introduced him to cocaine.
Culture PRECEDED drug use.
Were he to remain clean and sober from his cocaine use, his attraction to crime culture would most definitely have to be addressed (or at least be replaced by the culture of recovery found within the walls of A.A., N.A., SMART Recovery or the like).
And then there's me.
3) I tended bar my first year sober and eventually relapsed. I was sucked into the culture of addiction to alcohol long before I swallowed that first deadly drink.
Yada. Yada. Yada. Fill in the blanks.
Like I've expanded on here briefly with these 3 examples (and explained so clearly by William L. White in this post's opening quote), Addiction is more than a drug. It is more than a drug that swallows you whole.
I was Addicted to the Culture of Addiction until I Found, Made and Lived a Culture of Recovery. I came to know that "Nothing matters more than that we remain sober because when we remain sober everything matters more." 
This Post is excerpted from my Non-Fiction, BECOMING UNBROKEN: Reflections on Addiction and Recovery (Find it on Amazon, Book it here): https://lnkd.in/dkF767RT 
You may also wish to explore my Autobiographical Fiction, ALL DRINKING ASIDE: The Destruction, Deconstruction & Reconstruction of an Alcoholic Animal 
(Find it on Amazon. Book it here): https://lnkd.in/esP83n-c
Print and Kindle Versions of Both Books are Available.
7,600+ Recovery Tweets: https://twitter.com/JimAnders4  
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cocainerehabcentre · 2 years
Cocaine Rehab Centre
It is not a secret that cocaine addiction is a huge problem in the UK. Every day, people succumb to the temptation of this powerful drug, and every day, families are destroyed by its effects. Cocaine Rehab Centre is here to help those affected by cocaine addiction. We are a team of highly trained professionals who are dedicated to helping people overcome their addictions and get their lives back on track.
Cocaine addiction is a serious problem because it is so addictive. Once someone starts using cocaine, it is very difficult for them to stop. The high that cocaine provides is intense and short-lived, so people quickly start chasing the next hit. This can lead to people using more and more of the drug and eventually becoming addicted.
Cocaine addiction has serious consequences. It can lead to financial problems, as people spend all their money on drugs. It can also lead to health problems, as cocaine damages the body. And it can lead to relationship problems, as cocaine addiction can cause people to isolate themselves from their loved ones.
How can we help?
If you or someone you know is struggling with cocaine addiction, we can help. We offer a range of services that are designed to help people overcome their addictions and get their lives back on track.
Our services include:
This is the first step in overcoming cocaine addiction. Our team will work with you to detoxify your body from the drug and help you to cope with withdrawal symptoms.
Once you have detoxified your body, our team will help you to rebuild your life. We offer a range of rehabilitation services that are designed to help you get your life back on track.
Once you have completed our rehabilitation program, we will provide you with aftercare to help you stay on track. We offer a range of support services that are designed to help you stay drug-free for life.
We offer one-to-one counseling sessions with our team of qualified counselors. These sessions are designed to help you understand your addiction and to develop a plan to overcome it.
5)Group therapy.
We offer group therapy sessions where you can share your experiences with others who are going through the same thing. These sessions are a great way to get support and advice from people who understand what you are going through.
Cocaine addiction is a serious problem, but it is one that can be overcome. With the help of our team at Cocaine Rehab Centre, you can overcome your addiction and get your life back on track. We offer a range of services designed to help you overcome your addiction, and we are here to support you every step. Please get in touch if you or someone you know is struggling with cocaine addiction. We can help.
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zwellness · 2 years
Why the Elderly Are at Risk For Drug Addiction
While drug abuse can appear to be all around us, showing up in demographics as young as pre-teens and up through middle age, many would agree that at least one age group would be safe. As hard as it can be to believe, elderly Indians are currently one of the fastest-growing age groups of drug addicts. We have the rehabilitation centres in Mumbai.
Availability of Drugs
When viewing these statistics, one naturally asks how this could happen. How can any group increase their amount of drug use to such a large degree? One reason may simply be the wide availability of powerful drugs for the elderly to become addicted to.
When we think of drug addiction, images of illegal street drugs like cocaine or heroin usually come to mind. Some of the most powerful and highly addictive drugs are the completely legal class of prescription painkillers called opiates, and many elderly Indians are prescribed at least one.
30% of the elderly are prescribed at least five medications. With so many drugs available, it's not hard for someone to start using the drugs at the wrong times or in too large a quantity. When the drugs are used "off-label" like this, they can quickly become addicted.
Stress Factors
Elderly Indians also have stress factors specific to their age and situation in life. With increasing age, the human body is prone to experience more injuries and diseases. With the increasing reasons and opportunities to be in pain, many elderly people will turn to powerful painkillers to try to feel better.
Added to this, the elderly are often dealing with spouses and friends dying, and they often live away from their families in care homes. These factors can lead to depression and the desire to self-medicate to try to feel happier again.
With so many drugs available (to themselves or friends), the elderly are becoming addicted just as fast or faster than younger demographics.
An At-Risk Group
Most would agree that younger generations must take care of our parents, grandparents, and the elderly in general. What, then, can we do to help older indians not fall prey to drug abuse?
One of the first steps is simply being involved in the lives of our elders. This helps in two ways. First, just visiting the elderly and talking to them can raise the spirits of almost anyone. Showing care and interest in someone's life can ward off depression and lower the need or interest in using drugs to self-medicate.
This involvement also helps because it allows you to see how the elderly person is doing and whether or not they need help in any area of their lives. Being interested and simply observing what is going on can help you spot any indications that something is amiss.
If you observe that the elderly person appears to be taking more medication than they are supposed to, for example, you can talk to them about this or let their doctor know. Even talking to the person about this one-on-one may help ward off an abuse situation. You can contact us through our website, we have one of the best rehabilitation centers in Mumbai. Get Directions to Rehabs Near Me
This article was originally published at https://www.livepositively.com/@rohittsingh0878/why-the-elderly-are-at-risk-for-drug-addiction/
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Fic Rec: Holmes POV
For @bendedwillow, who wanted more Holmes-narrated fics!
Jean la Bête (1k, G, established, proposal) by @gardnerhill. "He knows I love him. I may have once opined that I was very fond of the soil upon which he trod. We have fought and bled and celebrated for nearly twice as long as Victoria and Albert were wed. Yet all our legal documents list us as 'Single.'"
Riddle Me This, Mr Holmes (2k, G, established, fluff, epistolary) by @ancientreader. "The sixth day of Watson’s absence was a Sunday, and Wiggins did not appear. A Benevolent Society had taken an interest in him of late; the interest was not mutual, but one of the benevolent persons had a daughter for the sake of whose beaux yeux Wiggins suffered through interminable sermons."
Not the Voice That Commands (2k, G, pre-slash, growing relationship) by @educatedinyellow. "Watson seemed genuinely pleased to watch me evolve into a domestic mystery, and he had trouble concealing his amusement at my more eccentric bona fides. I could not always resist the temptation to talk absolute rot to him for the pleasure of watching his eyebrows zoom."
The Hawthorn Grove (1k, G, hiatus, pre-slash) by orchid314. "To find himself sharing lodgings with a person who believed that life was worth living. Well. The idea was at first an object of Sherlock's scorn. Then it became a faintly amusing habit in which he indulged his fellow lodger. And finally it was something without which he could not exist."
Two Days (6k, E, Labouchere amendment, first time) by @tweedisgood. "Watson did not attempt to press his suit in the days following, though a distinctly discernible air of hesitant yearning made a fair job of doing it for him."
Instruments of an Art (500w, G, first kiss) by keep_calm_and_ks. "To realise that one is in love with John Watson is not unlike experiencing the breathless pause after the first, vivace movement of Tchaikovsky’s fourth concerto. It is dangerous, too, because it marks an inevitable beginning: a headlong rush into a quiet and inescapable adagio."
Five Dirty Minutes In The Dark (1k, T, casefic, pre-slash, part of the fantastic Missing Pages series, highly recommend starting at the beginning) by @plaidadder. "Twenty cubic feet of air. Unknown quantity of chloroform, soaking the rags wrapped around my head. Hands bound behind my back. Lid on box. Light: zero. Room for maneuvering: almost nil. Time remaining: four minutes thirty seconds. This is the problem. These are the givens. Find the solution."
Broken, Mended, Mine (2k, G, established, addiction recovery) by @gailbsanders. "I very nearly killed you this morning, Watson,' I said softly. I trembled lightly, and longed for the heady rush of cocaine which would have fortified my courage. But the fragile, wounded bravery of a man barely holding his head above water was all I could manage, and so it would have to do."
Simple Tastes (1k, T, pre-slash, coming out) by aelfay. "I am fully prepared to account for my tastes, and I find them simple enough, despite the fact that Watson would no doubt describe them as eccentric. I simply want the best. Ofttimes, the best is cocaine, others, the thrill of a case.
At all times, Watson is the best of me."
Bloody Cornwall (8k, M, ptsd recovery, friends to lovers) by @mistyzeo. "'Holmes, you haven't slept a full night since we came back from Cornwall. Something's the matter, isn't it?'
'Nothing's the matter,' I said. My cup of coffee barely shook in my hands."
Some Gentle Dove (8k, T, established, miscommunication, Sussex) by @sanspatronymic. "Watson nodded and turned the page, trying his best to appear unaffected by my praise, though I caught the trace of a pleased smile below his mustache. He is not terribly good at keeping a straight face, my John, but his attempts are utterly bewitching."
Possible (900w, T, friends to lovers, bisexual Watson) by violsva. "Watson looks rather charming when confused and irritated, but I dislike the reaction when I am making perfect sense."
Chimera (800w, G, pre-slash, pining, hiatus, epistolary) by stardust_made. "My dear John. I am writing this letter on one of the quietest nights I have ever had. There is some peace in it, but no great measure. It is not the silent night of songs, but that of the desert, and there is only one thing I miss more than the cold, damp climate of England."
Since First I Saw Your Face (300k, M, ICONIC novel-length fic, unfinished, friends to lovers) by @artemisastarte. "I was not the austere icon, the saint of the intellect he thought me. I was not the passionless creature I had pretended to be. I was human, and hungry, and the torment of longing and not having fevered me to madness."
The Thieves' Den (6k, T, casefic, friends to lovers) by flawedamethyst. "'If he dies,' he started, and then found himself stumbling over the word, unable to continue. If Watson died, then what? How could he recover from such a thing?"
Idée fixe (1k, T, late love, first kiss) by nowstfucallicles. "It is too grave a thing to be treated as a mere distraction, too tenacious to be dissolved in tobacco smoke. What does one begin with an idée fixe? With a mind bent towards one single thing. One single man. This man."
That Most Precious of All Things (11k, T, heartbreak and recovery, friends to lovers) by earlybloomingparentheses. "He could not love me. I am a master of deduction; certainly I would know if he did. And that was overwhelmingly for the best. I could live with the constant ache of unfulfilled desire; but he, good soul that he was, should never have to."
The Tempest (3k, T, after hiatus, friends to lovers) by hardboiledbaby. "In this manner, we had forged a life together. We were partners in all but the carnal: this had been sufficient. Cherished, even.
But then he plighted his troth to Mary Morstan, pledged to her those parts of him that were beyond my reach: his love, his ardor, his fidelity. And that was unbearable."
The Rose Grew Round the Briar (4k, G, established, growing relationship) by garonne. "I had done something to displease him, but I knew not what. He wasn't sulking, of course; he never did. Watson, unlike myself, took no pleasure in being aggrieved, and no satisfaction in showing it."
Avowals (3k, T, post-hiatus, love confession) by garonne. "The feelings which had welled up in me upon seeing Watson again had been difficult to master, and it sometimes seemed that my every moment since our reunion had been dedicated to fighting the impulse to throw myself at his feet."
Wintry Morning, Victoria Station (1k, T, established relationship, proposal) by garonne. "The scope of my senses had shrunk to encompass only the little patch of platform in which Watson and I stood, separated by a mere two feet of air. He was grinning into his moustache, his eyes crinkling up into lines of joy."
In the Shadow of the Past (5k, M, casefic, established) by garonne. "I looked with amusement on Watson's enthusiasm. There was a time when I was desperately jealous of such attentions paid to other people, but I have been confident of him for many years now."
A Taste of Honey (3k, T, pre-slash, sickfic) by methylviolet10b. "I had long since ceased to think of Watson as an invalid, or anything other than a reliable companion, a constant source of strength, support, and occasional pawky humor. I certainly never considered him as fragile.
But I should have known better."
Songs of Spring (800w, unrated, established, Sussex, epistolary) by waid. "I know, dear heart, that you haven’t left me for good. I do not know what it would take to drive you away; after almost thirty years of utterly wrongheaded if mostly inadvertent experimentation upon the subject, I have concluded I will never find out."
Mon Cœur (1k, T, established, jealousy) by la_novatrice. "'You must know that there is nowhere I would rather be than here with you, my boy.' He broke away only slightly and uttered the words between their breaths. Holmes, startled, opened his mouth to reply and discovered he had none."
Last (1k, M, mourning, epistolary, part of a brilliant series) by the_cool_aunt. "I do not go to church and light a candle in your remembrance. Instead, every year on this day I play all of your favourite tunes. They are, for the most part, lively and light, and that helps."
The Adventure of the Doctor's Heart (12k, E, casefic, friends to lovers) by @mistyzeo. "Some days, I am very glad he is so painfully unobservant; if he had noticed the way I was devoted to him, I would have been lost. Watson is the best sort of upstanding citizen, and I am the worst sort of invert."
And my own Holmes-POV fic:
Luck Or Something Like It (2k, T, early days, ptsd, love confession). Watson feels the need to test his luck; Holmes hopes to help him trust it.
Loch Lomond (200w, T, post hiatus, first kiss). Watson comes home.
Coup De Foudre (800w, T, established, love confession). For once, Watson beats him to it.
The Answer to a Question (22k, T, friends to lovers, coming out, rewriting the hiatus). The stories behind the story we know.
The Certainty Of John Watson (1k, G, post hiatus, pre slash). A chance to make things right.
Poets Lie (5k, T, canon rewrite, Garridebs, getting together). He could have loved him silently forever if Watson hadn’t gotten that glimpse of his heart.
That’s my Holmes-POV bookmarks! Let me know what I missed!
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jaimetheexplorer · 2 years
The Kettlemans are a ticking time bomb [aka, Kim's final dark turn?]
I came up with a theory yesterday about what the next couple of episodes might have in store, so I thought I'd jot it down for future reference. I think the key in the next episodes could very well be The Kettlemans. Speculation under the cut.
The Kettlemans are the biggest loose end in the whole plan to pass off Howard’s death as suicide. They are the only ones who know that Jimmy and Kim came up with the cocaine scam to ruin Howard. I find it highly suspect that they were brought back this season only to fail to fit in the McWexler’s scam, but still know enough to be dangerous. While Jimmy and Kim managed to shut them down and buy them out at first, I wonder if this will still hold up in the face of Howard’s “suicide”. I don’t think they would go to the authorities themselves about it; after all, why would they care? But there is someone who might go sniff around them: Cliff Main.
The Kettlemans went to Cliff to see if there could be a case with regards to Howard being under the influence during their legal troubles. Cliff must remember this, and, also, he always seemed at least a tiny little bit unconvinced that Howard could truly be an addict. Again, just as with the Kettlemans above, I don’t think Cliff would randomly decide to start poking around the Kettlemans of his own initiative. BUT… I think there could be a perfect storm of coincidences that might spur him into action at Howard’s funeral.
We know this is very likely to happen in the next episode: there is a promo photo of Jimmy in what looks like his funeral suit, and Howard’s wife (to whom Howard had said that basically all she hears about him is Jimmy's fault)  is supposed to be in the next episode. Cliff Main (who also knows Kim missed the meeting of a lifetime the same day as Howard’s death, and who was meeting with Kim during the Jag play of the scam) would undoubtedly be at the funeral, as well as Jimmy and Kim (officially the last people to see Howard alive), trying their best to hold it together and keep up the facade. All these characters converging is a recipe for disaster. I could very well envision a moment where someone (likely Kim, given her psychological state) slips up and says something suspicious, similar to Jimmy calling Jorge DeGuzman “Lalo” in court. THIS is what might spur Cliff (on behalf of Howard’s wife) to look into the Kettlemans. 
And this is where I think things are going to turn dark: Cliff won’t make it to the Kettlemans, because Jimmy and Kim will get to them first and off them.** And this will spell Jimmy and Kim’s ultimate dark turn. 
There is a lot of speculation right now about the events of 6x07 and 6x08 being the ones that spell the end of the relationship between Jimmy and Kim, so that Kim can drop off the radar and explain her absence in Breaking Bad, while Jimmy fully becomes Saul to cope with the pain. But I am starting to wonder whether that speculation is looking in the wrong direction. The interviews saying that “there is still room for Kim to fall”, that the final episodes are “provocative and psychologically disturbing”, that there was something about the moment where Kim realized she was going to gun down a complete stranger that you can’t come back from, seem to imply that the real direction of the story is Kim shedding the last of her moral compass, rather than realizing that their relationship is too dangerous and leaving for her own good. And this final dark turn could very well come about via Kim being the one who calls the shots on having the Kettlemans “taken care of” ***, in order to salvage the results of the scheme that cost her and Jimmy so much trauma (I can imagine the Kettlemans to be just small potatoes at this point for her, after all she endured): “You think you’ve lost everything? You have no idea.”
This can also explain a number of other things, like why Saul’s office has the inflatable Lady Liberty from the Kettlemans, and why Saul in Breaking Bad is not adverse to suggesting that witnesses who know too much could be “sent to Belize”, despite Jimmy having shown literally no inclination of being ok with murdering witnesses up until now. We would end up in a situation where these two have basically built a life from blood money, with a string of dead people to go along with it. And who knows if this is even the end? Will this turn into an endless domino? The Kettlemans deaths might silence the last witnesses, but, on top of Cliff’s pre-existing doubts, would look incredibly suspicious (not to mention, orphan two kids, who will weigh on Jimmy and Kim’s conscience too). Will there be more deaths? Will Jimmy and Kim have to constantly look over their shoulders to hold onto the fragile reality they created for themselves? Is this going to just lead to a train-wreck situation that will eventually force Kim to run?
This could also explain the quotes looking at the ending in terms of what Jimmy/Saul (and Kim) “deserve”, and why it might be a satisfying and hopeful ending, but not a happy one. This is not something they could redeem themselves from in one final episode; the road of atonement would be LONG, and probably never fully repair all the damage. (but one can still hope for a “El Camino” type movie someday - I do think they’ll both be alive in the end, and as long as there's life, anything can happen after all). 
**I don't think they'd do the job themselves, of course. Mike would probably carry it out - he definitely would not be happy to have a loose end like that dangling around, because if the suicide play falls apart, then that will inevitably bring attention to Gus and the cartel.
***The other option is them using the Sandpiper money to buy the Kettlemans out. However, I think it would be unlikely as it’s 1) too repetitive of 6x02 and 2) I believe that money is what will be used to fully build up Saul Goodman and Associates to its final glory (house included, which I suspect will be originally purchased as Jimmy and Kim’s new home, before turning into the Saul mansion).
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nulifelinecarerehab · 2 months
Drug De-Addiction Centre in Dehradun, Uttarakhand
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Complex in nature, addiction causes a patient’s family members to suffer greatly as well as numerous health and psychosocial issues. A person may become addicted to drugs, alcohol, nicotine, cannabis, sedatives, inhalants, heroin, cocaine, amphetamine, brown sugar, stimulants, hallucinogens, and other substances. Addiction may also result from certain behaviors, such as gambling.
Loss of control over the substance, using it in spite of negative effects, cravings, progressive increases in the amount of the substance or behavior, loss of other sources of pleasure, and neglecting other crucial obligations are all characteristics of addiction. Since most have experienced its terrible effects, it is only natural for someone to look desperately for a place where their problems can be addressed once they or their family members become aware of them. That usually results in a rehab center. It is evident, though, that these frequently do not resolve the issue and may even make new ones. This is followed by an endlessly frustrating journey of hope and despair marked by repeated admissions to and discharges from rehab centers.
The patient experiences extreme pain and despair as a result of this. Most individuals suffering from this illness are ignorant that it can be effectively treated in contemporary medicine at the right place, improving their chances of recovery by making their attempt to quit smoking a successful one. Despite years of cutting edge scientific research into this field of addictive behavior and addiction, we now know that not everyone who uses an addictive substance is addicted to it or has this disease. But there’s a big problem when someone becomes addicted. A medical condition called addiction is caused and sustained by a number of factors. Moreover, we ought to know by now that addiction is a chronic, relapsing disease. According to a number of studies, most people who suffer from this illness have tried multiple times in earnest to quit taking the drug, but they have also failed multiple times. However, most of the time, these are not deemed cute by family members or society.
For treatment of such illness, it requires a highly skilled multidisciplinary team of health professionals to deal with various psychiatric, Psycho- social aspects of addiction as well as the number of physical complications that co-exist with addiction. Present day treatment believe in enhancing motivation to quit, sustaining the motivation at that level, using it for achieving individuals different goals in life, using various medicines to address addiction and to take care of coexisting psycho-social problems with psychiatric and physical illness. It also focuses on the individuals vulnerabilities toward addiction that were responsible for addiction at first place and maintained it later as well; causing repeated failed attempts to quit and takes measures to address them. This is a non coercive client centric collaborative partnership model which is the key to success in addiction treatment. This therefore, needs a highly trained team of expert doctors and supportive staff in the field of addiction medicine and backed by adequate infrastructure to cater to their varied needs.
We at NuLifeLineCare Drug De-Addiction Centre, attempt to provide the best available evidence based treatment in present time. The service is offered by team of professionals like Doctors, Psychological Counsellor, Clinical Psychologists, Psychiatric Social Worker, Psychiatric Nurses trained in addiction medicine. This team is supported by the multidisciplinary team of professionals from the tertiary care hospital in all capacities round the clock.
NuLifeLineCare Drug De-Addiction Centre in Dehradun offers individualized detox programs that are tailored to each person’s unique needs. The center provides a safe and supportive environment where individuals can detox from alcohol under the care of medical professionals. In addition to detox, the center also offers a range of services such as therapy, counseling, and aftercare programs that aim to support individuals through their recovery journey and help them maintain a sober lifestyle.
NuLifeLineCare Drug De-Addiction Centre in Dehradun provide high quality residential facilities without relatives and are focused on providing comprehensive, multimodal care solutions. NuLifeLineCare Drug De-Addiction Centre have been widely appreciated and applauded all across.
NuLifeLineCare De-Addiction Centre acknowledges that addiction is a condition that can be treated with specialized addiction therapies, psychological re-programming, rehabilitation, and recovery support. We understand that addiction is not a moral failing but a recognized and diagnosable disease that requires a combination of treatments. Our drug rehabilitation centre strive to encourage and assist addicts in cultivating self-awareness and the determination to overcome their addiction through a range of therapies, including individual, group, and family psychotherapies, and integrated clinical treatments that have been proven effective.
In conclusion, detoxing from alcohol is a crucial step towards living a sober and healthy lifestyle. Seeking the guidance of a reputable rehabilitation center like NuLifeLineCare De-Addiction Centre in Dehradun can provide the necessary support and care during the detox process, ultimately leading to a successful recovery.
If you’re struggling with addiction to drugs or alcohol, finding the right rehab center can be critical to your recovery. Fortunately, Dehradun is home to several reputable rehab centers offering a range of treatment programs to suit different needs and preferences.NuLifeLineCare Rehab, the best Drug De-Addiction Centre in Dehradun can provide you with the support, guidance, and care you need to overcome your addiction and achieve long-term sobriety.
Contact the centre today to learn more about their treatment program.
Call us on: +91–8958305058
Or visit: https://nulifelinecare.org/
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