#and we had donuts
jewishraypalmer · 2 months
Everyone at work: Happy National Library Workers day!!!
Me: *they don't know it's my birthday*
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ibetittering · 9 days
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Realized I haven't made one of these in a while 😋
(Part 19)
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sabotourist · 1 month
Some thoughts on season 19
This is probably going to be one of the most personal things I ever post on social media. But I have some thoughts.
Sarge and Doc died. Doc wasn't even killed on-screen. Was barely even mentioned until the end. He died having only saved two people in his entire career as a medic. Sarge died, and Donut wasn't even there to see it happen.
Was he off grieving Doc? Was he just doing other stuff? I don't know. But he was gone.
Why was he actually gone? Probably for budget reasons. Time constraints. Studio trouble and issues with the engine or model or whatever else. Writing constraints that forced Donut and Doc into such secondary roles. Into dying off screen. Into not even being there when two people you care so much about die.
But like, how much of that was actually in the narrative's control? They had these limitations to write around, and it put these characters in situations where they couldn't be in narratively satisfying roles.
In some ways, it's the most brutal depiction of what life is like.
When I was 14, I lost touch with my best friend. I just didn't keep my phone on me often at the time. He died. I think, if he had lived, he would have gone on to do some absolutely amazing things. He didn't get to. He called me a couple days before it happened. I didn't see it.
Death isn't fair. But it's not the end.
I think, if the story had had more time, these characters could have had better roles. But life isn't always so kind. Death isn't always so kind. We lose people when we're not looking. We blink and people are gone.
Doc, Sarge, Church, and Tex are dead. Wash was in an institution again. Tucker just went through all that. Grif went back to earth.
That's... that's brutal. Why don't I hate it? On paper, I'd hate it.
I think it might be because it doesn't feel like a goodbye, or even the end. There are loose ends. A lot of them. There's so much pain there, so much healing and moving on to be done. Just because Grif went back to earth doesn't mean he and Simmons don't call all the time. Just because Donut wasn't here to maybe save Sarge doesn't mean he won't be there eventually.
Just because Doc only saved two people doesn't mean it didn't matter.
Life is brutal. Death is brutal. Shit happens. Shit that isn't fair. Whether it's people we love dying, or just studio drama fucking a show.
But... that doesn't mean it's the end.
Doesn't mean Simmons is going to be alone, doesn't mean Doc died for nothing, doesn't mean Sarge's sacrifice meant nothing, doesn't mean Wash or Tucker's lives are ruined, or that Caboose can't have a new best friend.
I like to imagine Donut taking up medical studies after this. Doc saved him. He's going to make damn sure that matters. Maybe Blood Gulch becomes something of a boot camp for some future loser rejects in need of a home that Simmons can guide.
Church, in all his forms, may be gone. But that doesn't mean they're going to be so quick to forget. Leave the past in the past. But still look back from time-to-time. It got you where you were.
Sometimes we pass memories down through stories. Sometimes, just in the choices we make throughout our lives.
But just... unfair things happened. To the show, and to the characters in it. To the people running it. My best friend died when he was 14. Monty Oum died in his prime. Life is tragic. But hey, it's not the end. It's just the start of something new.
Maybe it isn't perfect. Maybe it isn't ideal. Maybe it hurts. Maybe it'll never stop hurting. But it can still be beautiful. it still has meaning.
It may just be a silly show about Halo dudes, but it matters.
Tl;dr: Raven is stupidly sentimental right now
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thecryptidart1st · 2 months
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Sometimes you see a TikTok so beautiful that it inspires new canon for Soldered Wires
Bonus Pic:
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bobmckenzie · 5 months
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💕 bob rambles to me about his hockey cards and I turn into this post lol :Dc
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burstingsunrise · 4 days
amtrak??? I am so incredibly confused and curious
amtrak trains are the most efficient way to get between cities in the northeast US, which means meg and i spent a lot of time on them while traveling to luke’s east coast shows.
they’re such a specifically bizarre liminal space where it constantly feels like you’re on a dark comedy show bc the people and situations are so unique. lots of strange and memorable experiences.
because of our tight schedule, amtrak was also where meg and i wound up watching luke on nikkie tutorials, so now that video will always be linked with the odd little amtrak world in my mind.
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foldingfittedsheets · 7 months
This week on Donuts and Dogs we pulled up next to another car and I was like, “Look! That car is doing Donuts and Dogs too!”
My betrothed looked over to see another couple sitting in their rainy car and said, “No. They don’t have donuts, they’re just looking at the dogs.”
I scowled but conceded there was no donuts. After a while they started moving to leave and the driver lifted an empty donut bag and I yelled, “Eat my whole dick, they did have donuts!!!”
They laughed and we proceeded to watch a man who had been brave enough to let his Shiba Inu off leash chase it around as it tried to go home with another family and fully ignored its owners increasingly desperate calls.
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caterpillarinacave · 3 months
y’all I just got the MOTHERLOAD of all pastries
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lokh · 3 months
had a dream i went to a knitting club and baby trafalgar law showed up. still not free from the one piece dream curse i see
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wedding-shemp · 8 months
Ok ok I can't find the post to screenshot it so you'll have to bear with me. But I saw with my own two eyes someone speculating that the "Palestine" tag was being supressed from trending (it wasn't) because th owner of Tumblr is Jewish (he isn't). And y'know. Ok. I should be mad. But it is just now hitting me how how funny it is to take the ol' "Jews run the Media" line and apply it to TUMBLR. We run the media, but only the lamest half-dead social media platforms you can possibly imagine. That's hilarious, I can't even be that upset.
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ibetittering · 2 months
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Yay or nay to the cropped tweets for next time
(Part 16)
Also say happy birthday to my cat his name is Gur
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simptasia · 5 days
We do have the meteor that killed the dinosaurs! Kind of! The iridium anomaly is this fine layer of astroid powder that can be found worldwide. So. First step would be reassembling it, which, you know, is Step Zero for every truly great necromancy project.
like putting the cheese back together after it's been grated
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chantalstacys · 3 months
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tea time 🍵🍃🌸
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mielgf · 7 months
besties what does it mean when a straight man bakes bread and steam mops his entire house and goes out and buys sweet treats before you come over
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meimeikyu · 4 days
neko and azzy can be buddies! he had to get a cone on bc he kept reopening a scratch <3
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excuses to send mutuals pics of my cat goooo
this is callie shes been put in the donut hole bcs she kept escaping the cone </3
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( she got a chunk of fur yoinked off her face n kept scratching the scab off so she had to be coned </3 )
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goblinbugthing · 1 month
i fucking love krispy kreme, absolutely goated, best donuts all around
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