#and we have 1 that's really big and next to the dive tank that no one swims in bc it's scary and you always add like 5m
swim-culture-is · 10 months
swim culture is trying to figure out who goes in the wall lane
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cricketnationrise · 5 months
Congrats on the followers!!
I would love some Kent Parson, 1:13am, in Vegas. I’m thinking The (Shipped) Gold Standard - Fall Out Boy for vibes and the rating is up to you, I’m good with any!
I’m dairaliz on AO3
ngl, as much as i love this song on its own and for Kent post-draft in particular, i was really worried about writing this one. i haven't actually written Kent POV before, so i hope i did him justice and that it's even a little bit what you were hoping to get 💜🦗
read the rest of the ficlets here
1:31am, las vegas
Parson! Over here, Kent! What do you think about Jack Zimmermann’s overdose? No comment.
The bar Kent’s sitting in didn’t even card him. 
For all Kent wants to pretend he’s got his life together—he’s got his dream job, he’s moved out of his parents’ house for good, he’s making enough money to buy his mom a goddamn mansion—he’s scared fucking shitless. 
Every clink of the ice cubes against the bottom of his glass grates on his brain, a sharp reminder of the weight of an entire fucking franchise sitting on his shoulders. A franchise that might be settling for second-best, the only option available. Kent will never know—too terrified to ask—if Vegas would have drafted him regardless of Ja—Zimmermann’s presence; will never know just how he and Zimmermann would have done playing on opposing teams, how they would have stacked up.
And the bar didn’t even card him. Sure, he was dragged out by his new teammates, was being welcomed to the fold with alcohol and non-diet-approved bar food, was surrounded by boisterous young men who were putting their faith in him—
It’s fine, probably. They definitely picked this bar because they don’t card regularly. It’s not his teammates’ fault that the idea of one night of drinking being enough to tip the scales, to irrevocably tank a promising career, a future—is spiraling around Kent’s head, circling the drain. Zimms had been right there with him, neck and neck, constantly battling for more points, for bigger numbers. They’d pushed each other, pulling the best performance out of the other both off and on the ice. And in the blink of an eye, the flash of lightning, the space between one breath and the next: Jack had been ripped away—from hockey, from the NHL, from Kent.
Kent knew. He knew as soon as he saw Jack on the floor, skin a shade no skin should be, empty orange pill bottle next to his limp hand, and dialed 9-1-1 that life as he knew it was over. No matter what happened next, this would change everything. Part of him was panicking, practically hyperventilating, as he half-yelled, half-sobbed through the phone at the dispatcher, as he hovered ineffectually around the medics as they strapped Jack to a backboard. The other part of him railed from behind a wall of mute shock and horror and resignation as Jack blocked his phone number, kicked him out of his room, told his parents not to let Kent visit.
Each time Jack shut him out, another layer of chill settled around Kent’s heart. The wall around his real self got another brick higher every time a reporter asked about the draft. Deep in the core of himself, he wants to lash out, to push back, to scream that the boy he loves won’t talk to him and what did he do to deserve that—but even Kent isn’t self-destructive enough to say any of that where someone else can hear. So he’ll drink with his teammates, in a sketchy Vegas dive bar, and count down the days until the season starts.
It’s the only thing he’s got left.
Kent, what do you say to those people who say you only went first in the draft because Zimmermann wasn’t there? Haha, um...I guess we’ll never know what would have happened, will we? A great big mystery for us all. I’m just excited to get started on winning the Aces a Cup.
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flnderseekers · 4 months
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heyyy! i'm bird (s/th) and i'm joining you guys with top actor turned public enemy, do jihan, who is filling the role of genesis in the rising star subplot. aka... he's the guy who played the role of terra's founder in the blockbuster biographical film! and then lost his fucking mind! without further ado...
born oct 1 2993 (30 yrs old)
libra sun / aries moon / capricorn rising... interpret this as you wish
an extreme attention-seeker from birth. the boy who cried wolf x1000. would fake injuries (and consequently fake glitches), would lose shit and spin elaborate stories of being robbed, would throw insane fits when he didn't get his way like... something was (and is) fs wrong with him but his parents kind of brushed it off under the guise of him just being a bad ass kid, being brushed off by his parents fueled his behavioral issues, you know how it goes
he was (and is) a bored, lonely kid with a tendency to latch on to anything that made him feel something. in early teens, the “anything” became acting - he had a natural talent for it (as proved by the outrageous shows he put on earlier in life) and having an outlet to express big emotions in a way that didn’t result in him being reprimanded or eye-rolled was cool!
so it goes, time passes and by age 18 he was playing supporting roles in daytime dramas; a few years pass, he’s proved his worth, and he was a top star appearing in emotionally loaded films. his name was known. he got a 5.0 star rating, the public counted days on their fingers - he broke a record, a record that he still holds, for the most days spent consecutively at the top.
throughout it all, his pr team held a firm grip on him. he had aged out of the worst of his attention-seeking behavior, but he had never really learned to bite his tongue and smile; his excessive, hungry existence was a threat to his reputation. because of this, he very rarely did interviews or any type of fan meetings—if you asked his pr team, this was because he was a method actor, always preparing for the next role, and a loud public appearance would disrupt his character immersion. like... pretentious as all get out but, well, he was a damn good actor, so his loyal fans begrudgingly dealt with his minimal public appearances
ten years being relatively liked came to a crescendo in 3022, when the biographical film where he stars as the creator of terra was released - it was a hit, his performance was praised, but for the FIRIIIRIST TIME!!! he opened his big ass mouth. tldr is that he did extensive research on kang suho / terra, deep-diving, days without sleep, head in the books type shit and sleep deprivation + the discovery of information he'd have been better off not knowing resulted in extreme paranoia and a sense of obligation to "wake society up". what i mean is, he no longer saw terra as a utopia and he became extremely fearful for his own life......... and he convinced his pr team to let him do a talk show...... promised he'd behave himself...... and dude started ranting and raving about "the evil nature of terra", "kang suho's dark intentions", "life or a lack thereof?" and YEAAA the hosts were thrilled to have a top star losing his fucking mind on live tv (now THAT'S entertainment!) but his reputation tanked. fast.
here we are now... dude's still regarded as being mentally unwell. he's no longer a top star, HASN'T been for two years now. it doesn't matter that he's a good actor, what matters is that he's trying to disturb the peace / spreading slander, what matters is that he shit on the name of the man who enabled him to play his biggest role to date. so now no one wants to cast him... boohoo... good news is, he's always been incredibly frugal so he's still living on money from the good ol' days.
as far as his personality goes, he talks an awful lot now that he doesn't have a bitch in his ear telling him to be quiet (re: his former team has turned their backs on him). plays devil's advocate as often as he feels he can get away with... and then some. no outright malicious motives, but he likes seeing what gets people worked up. will piss people off and then (attempt to) be the one to calm them back down. spends a lot of time at home, but has been spotted getting drunk and going on long tangents at bars in the city on occasion. well-mannered at his best, volatile at his worst. as mentioned before, he clings to anything that makes him feel something, and in recent times, that "anything" has been the idea that terra isn't what the people are being told it is. want to get existential? he's your guy.
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Do you guys know that thing about creative writers with ideas (plot bunnies) and how they always seem to multiply one after the other? That's me with Twisted Wonderland AUs. I can't help it! The series just reminds me of all the stories I loved as a kid, with characters that had depth and / or developed or we got to learn more about--even if it was stupid little things they do in their everyday life! I've grown to appreciate it in ways I never imagined I could any form of media. ;;v;;
To be honest...this game has given me the creativity to consistently create and build upon ideas, and the support you all have given me has meant so much. I can't thank you all enough for sticking with me for so long, and for sending me all the ideas or scenarios you all have been daydreaming of. ;;v;;
So I wanted to give a bit of an update on a few things I'm going to do with the blog:
1) Create a rules page. I've gone far too long without updating my original set, and I feel it's long overdue 😂 Plus, it'll help me keep track of certain things!
2) Go back through and update the links on the Masterlists with posts I may have missed. I didn't realize that some things I was referencing in some of my latest posts (aka the grape incident in the monster!AU) were missing, so I'm gonna comb through my posts and make sure I label and organize them easier for you guys to find (and for me to refresh myself on what I write)!
3) Answering asks (of course). Things are a little slow going and my muse has been getting finicky with me, but I will make sure I get to everyone's asks! Some I may answer because they're quick and easy, others...I may end up getting an idea for something more expansive, so that'll take a bit longer. 😅
And finally, 4) Introducing a(nother) AU:
Twisted Wonderland!Mermaid AU!!!
Honestly, this started because I got inspired by the artwork by this artist here where they drew the characters based on Floyd's nicknames for them, and it started as a Marine Biologist AU where Yuu is a marine biologist and taking care of the mermaid bois (all 22 boys + one fire-breathing cat) buuuuuut...at the moment, Yuu getting shipwrecked and living on the island with the mermaid boys wouldn't leave me alone. 😂
As well as an idea where Yuu is a full-blooded Kaiju/born a Kaiju and has Land Before Time like adventures because I got emotional at baby Littlefoot hatching, but who's counting the ideas? Certainly not me!
Anyway, I wanted to share a snippet of the prologue I have written that's currently under construction, so the final product may differ. I'm honestly really excited about this AU too, and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do~ ;;v;;
Snippet under a read-more because this post is going to be long anyway 😂 Enjoy!
Oh, and if I need to tag it a certain way for future posts, please let me know and I'll be sure to add them!
If anyone were to ask Yuu what they were going to be doing over the summer, they likely would have told them: catch up on their reading, or playing video games, or any number of different things they had planned. Even just relaxing at home or on the beach would have been an enticing offer.
A scuba diving trip was not something they expected to get dragged into.
“First time diving?”
“Was it that obvious?” Yuu asked, one hand gripping the bar on the seat next to them until their knuckles were white while the other kept hold of the oxygen tank sitting in front of their flippered feet.
“Yeah…kinda obvious for a first timer,” the instructor said with a chuckle, the man giving them a reassuring pat. “It can be a bit nerve-wracking for new divers, but you’ll be fine. You’re one of the contest winners, right?”
“I put my name in as a joke, I didn’t think I’d actually win!” Peering over the edge of the railings, Yuu couldn’t make out anything in the dark water. “I…thought we were going to dive near the shallows closer to land. What are we doing so far out?” they asked, swearing they saw a big shadow pass by…only to realize it was the ship’s frame reflecting on the water.
“I know we’re a lot further out than we normally would for first time divers, but we had problems with our normal ship and the only one that was available was this ship a couple of marine biologists were using.”
“…why didn’t you just cancel and set it for another day?”
“Try telling that to my bosses,” the man muttered under his breath before the smile was back on his face. “Anyway, I think this will be a fun change to the program! These biologists are actually working to explore the reactions of marine life to musical instruments, and we’ll get to see it firsthand ourselves!”
Before Yuu could respond, the ship came to a stop and the driver said, “We’re here! You folks ready to go diving while we get set up? There’s a coral reef not far below us, so you’ll have plenty of time to sightsee.”
“Yup! Okay, so let’s go over the basics again, and I’ll make sure your gear is on properly.”
Yuu listened nervously as the instructor walked through each procedure and rule of diving, the wetsuit sticking tightly to their body as the tank weighed heavily on their back. This was not how they imagined their first time scuba diving would be—they could barely even make out the shore from a wave in the distance. Finally—with mask secured and breathing apparatus in—the instructor gave them a reassuring nod…before falling backwards into the water with a  ‘sploosh!’. For a brief moment they froze, but the motion of the ship and the weight on their back knocked them off balance and forced them backwards.
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5 Times Musa wore Riven’s clothes
Read here or on ao3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29376804
The Alfea Games is a bullshit annual tradition. It's an exam masquerading as a tournament, just a way for the teachers and high rankers of the Kingdom to see who they want to pluck out of the Academy and take for their army, or task force, or some other random position Riven could really not care less about.
Still, he's competitive, and if there's one thing he likes doing, it's beating Sky.
He slashes, a dagger in each fist, at the Burned One projection and it falls to its knees shrieking.
The stands are full of students cheering, and Riven gets a rush at their applause.
"Show off." Sky pants from beside him, as Riven's tally flicks up to 7, and Sky's stays stubbornly at 4.
"Jealous, much?" Riven grins; relieved when the half-time bell chimes because his legs are sore, and the late afternoon sun still burns as it begins to dip out of the sky. He and the other Specialists head over to the shade and he rifles through his rucksack for some water as Sky goes to kiss Bloom, who's leaning over the rail; red tresses swaying in the breeze.
"You were amazing!" Bloom gushes, and Sky beams at her, and Riven mimes throwing up.
Someone laughs.
He turns to see Musa, headphones around her neck, hair in pigtails, and-and-
In his jacket.
She's wearing his jacket. His leather jacket. It's draped over her shoulders. Her bare shoulders, because she's wearing some strapless, form-fitting purple dress, and Riven's coat, she's wearing Riven's-
"You okay, man?" Sky asks, and Riven realises they're all looking at him, and he's still looking at Musa, and her big, brown eyes are lit up a sort of hazel in the red setting sun.
He nods, waving them off, and chugs more of his water, trying to temper his heartbeat.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Musa asks, more quietly, her irises flaring purple. Her eyebrows stitch together worriedly. "You're like- really anxious. It's just a game."
"Stay out of my head." He hisses furiously, petrified that she might be able to see, might be able to tell-
She leans away from him, scowling. "Fine. Whatever."
He's grateful when the bell rings again, but his winning streak is gone. As the flood-lights turn on and the sun disappears, he misses target after target. He keeps getting pinned by fucking rookies and everyone else's tally continues to jump up as his dies on a plateau.
He can see her, in his peripheral, wearing his jacket and she probably doesn't even know it's his. She probably doesn't know how she looks in that leather swamping her frame, the collar resting at her neck, where the skin looks so soft that-
"Fuck, dude," Sky curses, hauling Riven off his ass. "Pull yourself together."
"She's wearing my jacket." He snaps, and Sky looks at him blankly for a moment, before he groans.
"Dude, I know you're like, against sharing, but she was freezing and it was just lying there. I'd have given her mine, but Bloom had already-"
"It's fine, just-" Riven tries to shake it off, "I'm focused."
He can't help a final glance over his shoulder, to see Musa leaning sleepily against the railings, headphones now secured over her ears, resting her chin on her arms. On his jacket sleeves. She's lit by the silver floodlights, and her eyes are half-closed, and he wonders what she's listening to. He wonders-
The Burned One knocks him to the ground, and the buzzer blares.
The next day, traces of her perfume linger on his jacket, swirling around him the way she does, always, in his thoughts.
It's sweet, like honey and vanilla, like home-spun sugar and toffee.
He'd found his jacket right on the bench where he'd left it after the game: the stands empty, the game over. It had been folded neatly and left just beside his things and he'd slid it on and tried not to replay their interaction in his head.
Today's a new day.
As part of Sky's new scheme to become the best boyfriend in the history of boyfriends, they've been sitting with the Winx Suite most lunch times. It's not exactly Riven's idea of a good time. He feels some horrid mix of guilt and irritation whenever he looks at Terra, and Aisha glowers at him like his very proximity will end in her getting a suspension. He spends most of the time arguing with Stella, and trying (failing) not to look at Musa while Sky and Bloom stray the line between PDA and go get a room.
When he gets to the cafeteria and heads for the table, he's surprised, and maybe a little thrilled, to see that it's just Musa at the table.
She stands up as soon as she seems him.
"Good, the others just left. They wanted to have lunch out by the lake. Bloom has apparently ‘found a place’. C'mon, we can catch up."
He has no option but to follow her, and sure enough, half-way across the field is the whole merry-fucking-gang. Riven doesn't know how to feel. Sky could've texted, if his brain was capable of fathoming anything other than Bloom when she was nearby. Were they even going to invite him? Was he going to get to the cafeteria to see an empty table? They probably wouldn't have missed him anyway, he thinks bitterly.
And yet- Musa was there. Waiting.
He looks at her thoughtfully, and her eyes flash purple when she catches him. She winces. "It wasn't like that." She says, "they were caught up in the idea of going there. They weren't purposely trying to leave you behind."
Jesus Christ, can't she just-
"I'm sorry," she barrels on, as they fall into the same steps, almost caught up to the others. "I'm trying to respect your privacy and everything, I'm working on it- my control isn't great at the moment."
"You should work on that." He mutters.
Her shoulders slump dejectedly. "I know."
Well, fuck, he didn't mean to- he swallows hard. "I'm tanking my field training." He says, trying to ignore her look of surprise at this freely-offered information. "Great at everything else, but camouflage? The element of surprise? I'm struggling. It's hard. I also fucking hate it, so there's that."
She huffs out a small laugh. "I bet you just like the thrill of attacking someone face to face. None of that 'sneaking up on you' bullshit."
He grins before he can check himself, and she catches it, and smiles too.
"There you are!" Bloom calls excitedly, "c'mon, we're gonna use Stella's ring."
Riven hates to give Bloom props for anything- and it isn't because he doesn't like her, or anything like that- he's just reluctant to acknowledge anybody's good traits since they all seem so loathe to see any in him- but the lake is nice.
Large and leafy green, surrounded by trees and over-hung by the clear blue sky. There's a sunbeaten deck strutting proudly into the middle, and Aisha strips out of her clothes to reveal a swim suit, and in three great strides, dives in like a dolphin.
The rest of them stare after her in awe.
"Are you always wearing that under your clothes?" Riven asks, toeing off his shoes, watching as Aisha tumble turns and glides through the water like a dolphin. She smiles at him from the water, and he's surprised by the look of it on her face. For the first time, she looks relaxed. Stress-free. Content.
Bloom and Stella change into their swim suits, as he and Sky just strip down to their boxers. Bloom wolf-whistles, and Sky blushes.
Riven puffs his chest out, winking at Stella who scoffs at him. He turns to find Musa. She's shrugged off her coat and shoes, and is rifling through her bag in confusion. She's too pre-occupied to notice his abs. Riven tries not to take offence.
"I can't find my- oh shit." Musa groans, thumping her head. "I left it back in the fire circle."
"Oh! Don't worry, Musa," Terra says brightly, as she sits, fully-dressed, on the mossy bank, with a stack of books beside her. "You can sit this one out with me!"
Musa turns to her with a smile (that to Riven, looks fucking forced) just as Bloom and Sky jump in. They scream, splashing Stella who cannon-balls in after them. Riven watches Musa's face, can see the hidden longing in her eyes.
A part of him wants to tease her, entice her in by saying how much he wouldn't mind if they decided to go skinny-dipping instead, but he knows it ultimately wouldn't work. Instead, he reaches for his discarded black tee, and tosses it to her.
"Should be long enough to preserve your modesty," he says, going for casual and heading for the dock. "Considering you're such a short-arse."
Musa sticks her tongue out at him, but she eagerly turns to get changed and Riven plunges into the lake to resist the urge to watch.
The water is warm and licks at his skin as the sun beats down onto his shoulders. It's deep and he can't quite graze the bottom, and he's suddenly, a little stupidly, grateful for knowing Sky. Grateful that he gets to be here. He floats on his back, staring up at the sky and letting himself just bask in the moment. As the water laps in his ears, he can hear the others laughing, Aisha swimming, Stella screaming, and the sun warms red spots onto his eye lids, marvellous colours in the dark- so he opens them.
Just in time to see Musa standing on the dock.
Suddenly, all his attention is on her. Her long, tan legs on display, his tee, his t-shirt, tickling down past her hips, and she jumps.
Okay. Turns out it's not a leather jacket thing. Anything that's his looks good on her. He could look good on her.
He watches for her when she re-surfaces, as she joins in splashing Stella, and he waits, waits, waits, until- victory.
She swims over to him. A little way away from the group, to where he's treading water alone. The t-shirt clings to her and he wants to touch her and-
"Hey," she says, with wet hair and water droplets on her eyelashes. "Thanks for the tee."
He shrugs. "I'd rather you'd jumped in without anything on."
She hits him, but finally, finally, he gets her eyes on him. They linger, as the water rivets roll down the breadth of his shoulders, his chest, down to- her eyes flicker away, cheeks red.
"Don't be shy," he purrs, "I'm hot. It's not a sin to look. You're hot too. Dancer’s body. Bet you're flexible."
"Wouldn't you like to know?" She murmurs, before her eyes flash purple. He tries not to let it irritate him. He hates the violation of his privacy, but he knows she can't control it- but she turns away from him, and he follows her gaze to Terra, sitting balefully alone. "If I do what I'm gonna do," she whispers, and his heart trips up a little, at her whispering to him over the water, pulling him in closer. A secret just for the two of them. "Promise you won't tell anyone."
Riven grins. "I'm great with secrets."
Musa takes a breath, before she stares at Terra, face tense with concentration, eyes shimmering purple.
Riven turns to look at Terra expectantly. "You're mind-controlling her?"
"No." Musa mutters, still focused, "I'm just trying to increase her confidence, trying to-"
Terra looks up suddenly, and Musa hurriedly grabs Riven's arm to move behind him.
"The water does look good!" Terra calls, "is it warm?"
"Oh, it's lovely, Terra!" Musa hollers back, "you should come in!"
"Yes! Join us!" Bloom sings, from her position perched on Sky's shoulders.
Terra wavers. Riven can feel Musa's hand curled around his arm, her body against his back. "I don't have my costume!" She yells.
"You're wearing like five layers," Stella calls, "you can spare one."
Terra chews on her bottom lip, and Riven turns his head to whisper: "can't you boost it anymore?"
"I'm trying." Musa insists quietly, "I can't manufacture it. I can only enhance what's already there."
"Terra," Riven yells, startling her, "if you come in, I'll let you dunk me."
Sky bursts out laughing, and Terra giggles.
"Well, I can't resist that!" She says, getting to her feet. Riven turns away, looking down at Musa who's beaming up at him.
"Wow." She says, pressing her lips together to hide the glee in her tone. "That was very sweet."
"Fuck off." Riven mutters, but his eyes are on the collar of his wet tee as it clings to her skin. "I only did it because that was bloody painful to watch. By the way, is there anything else you can do with your powers that I should watch out for?"
Musa tips her head contemplatively. "Actually, yes." She lifts her hands and cups his face. He startles a little, at her fingertips against his jaw, before he sees her eyes purple and shimmer, and then suddenly, a weird emotion clouds into his head. It's familiar yet foreign, it's-
"It's meant to be gratitude." Musa says, when her eyes are back to normal and she's panting a little, "I'm not great at-"
"I got it." He reassures her, “I felt it."
She smiles, pleased, pushing away from him to swim further to the centre of the lake.
He watches her go, mind reeling. More powerful than he thought, though he's not sure why he's surprised. He can still feel her hands on his face. He wants to swim after her, but Terra and Sky corner him, eager to see him dunked.
It marks a turning point for the group as a whole.
The afternoon at the lake has softened grudges, strengthened bonds, and Terra talks to him more over lunch. Aisha doesn't bore him so much, not now he can see her for more than a stuck-up rule-follower. He and Stella get along as well as they usually do, but their barbs seem less sharp than before. Bloom has always been pretty accepting, and Musa-
Well, she's Musa.
She's making him lose all sense of normalcy, of sanity, because that's the only reason he'd agree to this fucking slumber party.
"No, I think it was better over there." Sky says, changing his mind for the fourth time, as Riven struggles under the weight of the mattress. The entire floor is covered with pillows and cushions and Sky needs to make up his mind before Riven kills him. "No, no, you were right- put it back."
"Jesus," Riven groans, setting it down and spotting the stack of Disney Princess movies. "We're two guys about to sleep with five girls, and you're suggesting we watch Pocahontas?"
"They won the coin toss," Sky shrugs, "besides, I always liked the little hummingbird."
The girls arrive after Laurie, the RI for the floor, has done her final rounds. They shuffle into the room on tiptoes, and Riven closes it behind them, meeting Musa's eyes. Her hair's down and loose around her shoulders, and he's never seen it like that before. In her soft looking, cotton pyjamas, some rainbow sweater, she's more enticing than usual so he busies himself with the popcorn as Sky sets out the rest of the snacks.
"This is a nice set-up, guys," Bloom grins, getting comfy right in the middle. Sky joins her, and soon, the lights are off- bar Stella's glowing little ball- and everyone's shuffling into place.
Bloom and Sky are cosied up to one another, and Aisha and Terra are tucked neatly into one corner. Stella fancies herself above the ground, and lies on Sky's bed, half her attention on her phone.
Musa settles in the other corner, leaning against a mountain of cushions, and Riven debates for about half a second before he joins her.
"Hi," she whispers, sounding pleased, "wanna hear a sad story?"
Their thighs are touching. Her fleece pants are warm against his bare leg, and the cushions are ridiculously comfortable, and she looks so different with her hair down, her face almost obscured from him. "Sure," he whispers back.
She points are her bare feet. "I forgot my socks."
He snorts. "If that's your idea of a sad story-" he breaks off into a hiss when she cruelly presses her toes onto his shin. "Jesus, they're fucking ice." He complains, and she laughs, tossing a kernel of popcorn into the air and catching it perfectly between her teeth.
He reaches over her, feels her entire body stiffen and does his best to ignore it, opening one of his drawers and pulling out a pair of mis-matched socks.
She takes them gleefully, leaning down to pull them on. Her shirt rides up and he catches a glimpse of her lower back, and when she sits up- she catches him. Their eyes dart away from each other, and the first hour of Pocahontas is a stiff, awkward affair. The darkness seems to electrify the space between them and Riven's too afraid to move. Musa seems to be feeling the same way, but then Terra starts singing along with the song, and the the air relaxes a little.
Then, somehow, in Little Mermaid 2, Riven's oddly invested in Melody and her pull to the sea, when Musa sighs, sinking back further into the cushions, resting her body weight on Riven, looking completely content.
"You comfortable?" He teases, and she smiles lazily up at him, wiggling her toes in his socks.
"Very comfortable." She says, and he isn't thinking when he says:
"You're insufferably cute, you know that?"
He regrets it immediately, but it's slipped out, and Musa barely seems to notice his panic. She just yawns, and then she- she- rests her head on his shoulder, and her hair fans down over him, and tickles his arm.
He feels, suddenly, the rather vicious urge to protect her. He's on high-alert, for some reason, for any intruder, because she's here, half-asleep, resting against him. So trusting. So vulnerable, and-
The DVD menu chimes on repeat, and when Riven looks up he realises that everyone else is asleep, and Stella's orb of light has vanished into darkness, and that it's well past midnight.
Slowly, gently, he rests his cheek on Musa's head, feels the way they're tucked in together, and he closes his eyes.
He's not sure how it happened.
How they can go one minute from a group of friends binging Disney movies, to out here, in the woods, watching Bloom's fucking fire wings and surrounded on all sides by Burned Ones. Real ones. Not projections.
The girls are all glowing, eyes burning, and there's splashes of water, tangling ivy, shooting flames, blinding light and Musa: shouting locations as she tracks them.
"Try to project lethargy!" Aisha screams, clutching one arm, as Sky slashes a Burned One along the chest.
Riven jams two sharp jabs into the torso of another, and growls over his shoulder. "She's already fucking tracking them, Aisha! Why don't you just water-board them some more?"
Musa doesn't mediate their bickering, just whirls and points and says "Another three over there, I can sense them. They want Bloom!"
Sky and Terra immediately run over to Bloom, who has fire burning along her shoulders, and it's so arresting a sight that Riven doesn't even notice when the Burned One crumbles into ash beneath him.
He doesn't notice when another hisses just to his left. He can't get his blade out in time, and it has one deformed hand around his throat, claws pricking into his skin when Musa's suddenly shoving him away, taking his place, and he just has time to notice, to scream- when she lunges forward, and stabs the monster in the chest. It howls, and she yells out in unison, her voice shaking with agony, a sound that'll haunt him.
The Burned One crumples, and Musa with it.
"Musa!" Stella cries, racing over, trying to get closer, but Riven blocks her, taking Musa's chin in his hands, tilting her face up. There are tears stained along her cheeks, and her eyes are still rimmed purple.
"I felt it," she gasps, clutching Riven's arms, still shaking, "I felt it die, I felt it-"
"It's okay." Stella insists, voice shaky, rubbing Musa's back. "You did amazing, you did so great."
Musa clenches her eyes shut. "I've gotta- I can feel more of them."
"Take a minute." Riven pleads, trying to catch his breath, feeling blood move sluggishly down his own neck. "Take a minute, you just fucking saved my life, you're allowed a goddamn minute."
His entire being seems to light up at the small, strained smile she gives him. Stella sees the smile too, so she shoots Riven a look that says keep going, moron.
He doesn't need her prompting. "And what a sexy knife move. Where'd you get that blade?"
This earns more of a laugh from her. Relieved and a little hysterical sounding, but a laugh nonetheless. She holds the blade up, and its blue handle glints in the moonlight. "Stole it from you." She says, and he wants to tell her it isn't the only thing she's stolen from him. She has everything he is in the palm of her hand, and she saved his life. She hands the dagger back to him, and he shakes his head.
"Keep it. You look hot with a knife in your hand."
Musa laughs again, still a little choked up, and the two of them help her to her feet. He doesn't want to let go for her, but she sniffles, nodding, so Riven just sticks close by the rest of the night.
They defeat the burned ones with minimal injuries. Aisha's leg is broken, and Terra's bandaged it as best she can, as they limp back to the school. Dowling and Silva meet them half way, overflowing with worry and gratitude, and at their insistence, Riven collapses into a bed in the infirmary as they tend to his neck.
They put Musa in the bed beside him, and he sees claw marks on her ribs, and it's a good thing the Burned Ones are dead, because it's the only thing stopping him from marching right out into that forest to have their heads.
He's on his way back from the drinks table, two glasses in his hands, when he notices that Musa isn't there anymore.
Terra points to the back door. "She needed to step out. Mind fairy thing."
Riven nods, setting down the drinks and heading for the exit.
It's a warm summer night, and the air is humid, and Musa's standing out on the grass, gazing up at the stars.
She must feel his mental presence, because she turns and smiles.
He heads over to her, and she steps easily into the circle of his arms, and he holds her tightly.
Here they are. At the Alfea Ball, dating. Their three month anniversary is coming up soon, and Riven has something in mind. He's excited to see her reaction. But right now, he just basks in having her in his arms. She's a vision, in a lace-sleeved, indigo dress, her hair up the way he likes, and heels that mean she doesn't need to tiptoe to kiss him.
"Sorry," she murmurs, "got a little loud in there."
"I don't mind," he reassures, dropping a kiss onto her head. He feels her shiver, so he shrugs out of his tux jacket and drapes it over her shoulders. As pulls it around her, she looks up at him, soft and smiling, and his throat goes a little dry. "What?"
"Nothing," she shrugs, "you just look very dapper in your tux. I'm feeling it." Her hands slide up onto the plane of his chest, and he grins, nipping at her nose.
"Shall we get out of here, then?"
She hums in agreement, but tangles her fingers into his hair to pull him down for a kiss. As usual, the heat flares down to his stomach, and he pulls her tighter to his body.
"We should get out of here," he insists, kissing at her jaw, "or we'll definitely get suspended."
Musa laughs, and she leads the way back to the dorms.
Once there, he whispers, low and greedy into her ear, to take off everything but his jacket.
"Is this some sort of kink?" She asks delightedly, once his tux suit is the only thing on her gorgeous body, and she's straddling him, thighs spread over his, her fingers dragging through his hair.
"I don't know," he admits, even though he knows it's only a thing for him when she's involved. "I think I just look really good on you."
She bites his neck and scratches his down his back, and it hurts and he loves it, and she looks down at the marks like a satisfied kitten with tiger claws. "I look good on you too." She whispers, and he kisses her again.
And again.
And again.
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maddiwrites · 4 years
Secrets of the Shore (Chapter 4)
Pairing: Pogues x OC, Eventually JJ x OC
Summary: This is just my rewrite of the show Outer Banks with my own twist by adding another main character which also happens to be John B’s twin sister.
Note: Changed my update schedule to two times a week (probably Sunday and Wednesdays) because three days was kind of overwhelming hahah. Again, thank you for all the wonderful reviews and feedback!! I appreciate every single one!!!
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: Being shot at?
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3
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The Pogues come over later to hang out like usual. No one mentions last night's party. I don't know whether its because they don't want to talk about it or we're pretending like it never happened. I'm fine with either.
I sit next to Kie who taps her fingers on a bongo and bobs her head to her own beat. Pope's shuffling a deck of cards to my right and JJ sips on another beer across from me. It's hard to concentrate on what they're talking about. I'm too busy locked in my own head, thinking about what Peterkin said - foster care - what life would be like if we were taken away. Would I ever see my friends again? Would John B and I be in the same foster home? The thought of being separated makes me sick.
"Look, I'm calling it off. All right?" John B pulls me out of my thoughts. JJ rolls his eyes at my brother and glances at me. "Peterkin said if we stay out of the marsh, she'll help us with DCS."
"And you believed her?" JJ asks. "An actual cop, John B. You believed a cop."
John B sighs. "All I gotta do is stay out of the marsh for a couple days, and she'll help me out. It doesn't help that your ass was the one shooting a gun."
Here we go.
"You know what I should have done? Just let Topper drown your ass."
"Topper was gonna drown me?"
"Sure looked like it."
"Funny," John B deadpans.
"Have you looked in a mirror?"
"Tell me some more. Come on." I can tell by the look on John B's face that he's getting annoyed. It's pinched and he keeps rolling his eyes.
JJ steps closer to him. "They always win, don't they, man? Kooks versus Pogues. They always, always win!" He turns around and punches one of the small volleyballs we have tied in a string like a decoration.
"Look, it's okay!" Kie tries to calm him down.
"No, it's not okay! It's not! They don't want us to go down into the marsh." JJ comes back. "That means there's something valuable down there, and you know it." He turns to me and points. "I know you do." Then he looks at Pope. "I know you do. And I understand why you don't wanna go. You're the golden boy. You got way too much to risk. And you -" He turns to Kie. "I mean, you're already rich as fuck anyway. Why would you bother? But you and me, and Marleigh, man, we got nothing to lose! We really don't all right?"
"JJ -" I sigh.
"And I know it didn't use to be that way for you -"
John B shakes his head. "I don't want to talk about this. I don't want to talk about it!"
"So that's it?"
John B shoves past JJ. "Just get out of my way, bro."
"John B, listen to me. I have a plan." Well thats never good. "You got the key to Cameron's big boat right?"
"No," John B says, already knowing where JJ's head is at.
"There's scuba gear. We borrow that, and then we go down to the wreck this afternoon, and that is what's gonna save you, man. You don't see rich kids going into foster care, do you?"
Here's the thing about JJ. He can be really convincing, which is usually the reason he and I get into the most trouble. Because I always fall for what he's saying. He gives me hope when I don't think there is any. He can be surprisingly optimistic sometimes. And when he is, I fall for his charm and agree with everything he says. If he told me to jump off a bridge, I probably would.
When he looks at me, my lips tug upwards into a smile. This creates a domino effect, and soon the other Pogues get excited. John B looks at me, trying to look disapproving but I shrug in response. I mean, JJ's right. What do we have to lose?
                                                       ~ ~ ~
I light a match and ignite my gas stove to make myself lunch. A can of chicken noodle soup that's been in my food closet for who knows how long. John B left to grab the tanks from the Cameron's boat, so the rest of us are waiting here until he comes to pick us up.
"You're eating soup? Its like a hundred degrees outside." JJ walks into the kitchen and lifts himself up on the counter next to the stove.
I stir the liquid around with a wooden spoon and smirk. "Do you see any other edible food around here?" JJ chuckles at that. He knows better than anyone how horrible John B and I are at food shopping. "I meant to go to the store today but..." I sigh. "I've been busy."
JJ pauses, causing me to look up at him. He's usually so quick with his wit and humor. Something I admire and love about him. How he always manages to put a smile on my face with some dumb remark or a sarcastic reply. Only now he's staring at me with curiosity. "Are you okay?"
"You mean other than the impending doom that is foster care that's going to hit me and John B in the near future?" I say sarcastically. I turn the stove off and grab two bowls out of the cabinet behind JJ's head. He ducks for me and my waist presses against his thigh. I pour half the soup in each bowl and hand him one with a spoon.
"Yeah, I mean other than that," JJ says. I blow on the liquid on my spoon to cool it down. The steam that comes up from my bowl already makes me feel hot.
"I'm fine," I tell him.
He gives me a look that says he's doesn't believe me, but I ignore it and he doesn't press me on it. Truth is, I am fine. I just have a lot of my mind but I'm going to do my best not to let it ruin my summer. JJ got me excited again. He's promising an adventure and possibly a fortune. He's right. John B and I have nothing to lose. If we don't go on the marsh today, DCS will find another reason to snatch us. So why hold ourselves back?
"Mar, JJ, he's back!" Kie calls out to us from my yard.
JJ sips the last of his broth out of the bowl and I shovel in the last couple of scoops into my mouth. We throw the bowls in the sink and run to the dock where John B and the others are waiting for us.
Pope directs John B to the part of the marsh where we found the wreck. I sit next to Kie in the front of the boat. She's looking at the two tanks that John B was able to snag off the Cameron's boat. Her brows are furrowed in confusion as she studies the gear.
"This is empty," Kie says, looking up at my brother who stops the boat when we find the sunken Grady-White. "You took empty tanks?"
"I..." John B says slowly. He definitely didn't look at it before he took it.
"Okay, this one's a quarter full," Kie says, pulling the tank to her left closer to her. "Its enough for one of us."
"Love it when a plan comes together," I say sarcastically and pass a look to JJ who rolls his eyes.
"Does anybody know how to dive?" Kie asks.
I purse my lips and look around at my friends and brother. None of them speak up.
"Anybody?" Kie asks.
"It's kind of a Kook sport," I say.
Pope raises his hand. "I...read about it."
"Great, Pope read about it so someone's gonna die," Kie says.
JJ walks towards us and picks up the mouth piece and shrugs his shoulders. "Look, you put the thing in your mouth and breathe. How hard could it be?"
Pope answers, "If you come up too fast, nitrogen gets into your blood, and you get the bends."
JJ glances between Pope and the rest of us. "Bends like..." JJ bends forward, purposely sticking his butt out, "bend over and..."
Pope cuts him off. "The bends kill you."
JJ snaps straight up. "Right."
I roll my eyes and stand up. "I'll do it."
"Uh, I don't think..." JJ starts to say but my brother cuts him off.
"No. I'll do it."
"What, why?" I turn to my brother and send him a glare.
"Because Pope just said it can kill you and you don't listen to instructions very well." My brother glares back at me. I roll my eyes. He does have a point and evidence to prove it. I usually follow my own gut and ignore others' directions. And because I don't want him to bring up past events, I decide not to fight him on it.
"He has a point," JJ says, earning a punch in the bicep from me. He looks at my brother. "You can dive. I'm cool with that."
"Since when can you dive?" Kie says not liking the idea any more than me.
He shrugs. "I'll do it. It's fine."
"Let me do some calculations real quick," Pope says as John B starts putting on the scuba gear.
"You serious?" JJ asks.
"That boat's about thirty feet down. Okay? So it'll take twenty five minutes at that depth. Twenty five. Which means you need to make your safety stop at about...ten feet."
Contrary to popular belief, I do the actual listening to instructions, I just don't always follow through. But I process everything Pope just said and think of a way to make this easier for John B.
I shimmy out of my jean shorts and pull my top over my head, leaving me in a purple and white striped bikini. Without saying anything, I jump into the water with my shirt.
"Uh..." Pope says, looking into the water where I just disappeared. "What was that about?"
"I don't know. But I liked it. A lot," JJ says, staring at the same spot. John B slaps the back JJ's head and glares daggers in his direction. JJ pretends to clear his throat and turns away from John B.  "Uh, so..."
Pope pretends to focus on his calculations again, not wanting to get caught by John B for staring at his sister too. "Yeah. Uh, when you uh, when you're down there, you look for the cargo hold. You stick this thing inside and twist and pull, okay?"
I guesstimate how deep ten feet is and tie my shirt around the chain attached to our anchor. I look one last time at the blurry image of the sunken boat and pull myself back up.
"Hey," I say to grab their attention. They all look at me. "I tied my T-shirt to the anchor chain about ten feet down. It's where you need to do your safety stop."
John B nods. "Cool."
I stay in the water, loving how the water feels around me like a protective blanket. I listen to Pope explain the important parts of diving. There's some kind of meter he has to pay attention to to keep track of time.
"Okay, how much do I need?" John B asks.
"Unclear," Pope answers. "Breathe as little as possible."
JJ slaps John B on the shoulder. "Zen. Think zen, you know?"
John B turns to the water, preparing to jump in next to me.  "Yeah. Got it."
"Hey," Pope says, stopping him. "If we get caught in the marsh, we're basically screwed, so better get a move on."
"No pressure or anything," I add.
"Copy that," John B says.
Kie approaches my brother and stands in front of him. She's really close to him, almost inches away from his face. Then she leans in and kisses his cheek slowly. Way more intimate than usual. My eyes widen in surprise and I look at Pope and JJ to see their reaction. They mirror mine.
"Diver down?" Kie says softly.
"Diver down." John B says just as softly.
"See ya, dude," JJ says.
John B jumps in the water and sinks down below me. I lay on my back in the water and bathe in the warmth of the sun above me. I even close my eyes, letting relaxation overcome me. I could probably sleep here if I wanted too.
"Shit, JJ," Pope curses, catching my attention.
"Guys, that's the police," Kie says.
"Oh, you gotta be kidding me," JJ says, glancing at me.
My eyes go wide with anxiety. I swim closer to the boat and look up at JJ. "JJ, they can't know I'm here. If they find me-"
"Hey, hey, hey. It's gonna be okay. They're not going to, just stay there."
I nod and press myself tighter against the boat.
"Just act freaking normal," Kie says through clenched teeth.
I can hear the sirens coming closer until I feel their boat bump against ours. I flinch against it and kick my feet faster to stay afloat. I look down at the water, but I can't see John B. My heart races at the thought of him running out of air.
"Evening," I hear one of the cops greet my friends.
"JJ, tie it off," Pope says.
"How you kids doing? You know the marsh is closed?" The officer asks them.
"No. Wow."
My friends play dumb. I look up, finding comfort in seeing JJ's long hair. I can tell he's trying hard not to look down at me.
"Why - why is it closed?" Pope asks.
"Well, we're conducting a search out here. Boat went down." The officer explains.
"See anything?"
"No." JJ purses his lips and shrugs.  
"No boats," Kie says. "No."
There's a pause and for a split second I think he's gonna call their bluff. But he doesn't. "Where are the other two kids you always hang with? The twins? They here?"
I bite my bottom lip hard in anticipation for what's to come. He knows we're here. He has to. I can tell by how suspicious he sounds. I look back down in the water, John B still invisible to me. I don't know how much time he has left, but he's definitely running out of it.
"They both had to work," I hear Kie answer.
"Hm," The officer hums. "I'm gonna check your little boat out."
Shit, shit, shit, shit. I look around for a place to hide, but the only thing surrounding me is water. I'm going to have to go under.
"Yeah." JJ coughs, risking one last look at me before pretending to help the officer into the boat. "Yeah, hop aboard."
I push myself under the water and swim directly underneath the boat. I open my eyes, ignoring the sting of the salt water. I can see John B's silhouette by my T-shirt and the blurry light of his timer.
Thirty more seconds pass. I swing my arms upwards, pushing myself deeper into the water. The shadow of the cops' boat is still next to ours. My lungs are screaming at me for for air like they're tearing into my chest. Just like John B, I don't know how long I'm going to be able to last down here.
My body reactively gulps for air, forcing myself to swallow the salt water. It feels like a stab in my chest, my throat on fire. I've got to pop back up to the surface or I'm going to drown.
Just as I'm about to reveal myself, the shadow of the boat drives off. I push myself up, coughing up the water I swallowed and gasping for air. Less than a second later, John B pops up next to me.
"Oh, god! Jesus Christ," Kie says with her eyes closed and her head looking up.
"Don't scare us like that!" Pope says.
JJ watches me instead of John B, concern laced into his features. As I feel my heart go back to its normal pace, I smile at him and laugh the anxiety off. "You good?" He asks me. I nod and let him help me back up to the boat. "How'd it go down there?" He asks my brother. "Did you find anything?"
"Did I find anything?" John B scoffs and holds up a dark velvet bag.
"Yeah, there we go!" JJ claps his shoulders. "That's my boy!"
"Jeez, dude," Pope sighs.
"You okay?" Kie asks John B.
John B pants as he swims closer to the boat. "Yeah, I ran out of air."
"You and me both," I tell him.
John B pulls himself up. When he stands, he's met face to face with Kie who shoves him back playfully. "You scared the shit out of me."
"Yeah, the cops were up here, but, uh...we took care of 'em." Pope says, trying to act like he wasn't going to piss his pants the entire time he was talking to them.
"My bad," John B laughs.
"You're all good."
"Yeah, you kinda missed the show, brother," JJ says.
I move to the back of the boat to ring my wet hair out when something catches me eye. Its another boat, but it doesn't look like the one the cops were just using.
"Hey, guys? Guys!" I call louder to grab their attention. "Bogey, two o'clock."
"What?" JJ comes up next to me and eyes the boat that's making its way closer to us.
"Do you recognize the boat?" Pope asks.
"I've never seen it," I answer.
A bad feeling settles in the pit of my stomach. I can make out two people, I think men, standing in the front. They keep their eyes straight on us. No laughing or talking like a couple of buds would on a boat day in the marsh.
"What are they doing here? The marsh is closed," Kie says.
"Let's not stick around and find out." JJ places his hands on my bare waist and pulls me to the side so he can pull up the anchor.
"JJ get the bowline," John B says, not realizing that JJ was already on it.
"Should we wait on 'em?" Pope asks.
"No. No. We should leave now. Right now," Kie says, looking directly at John B.
"Go get the stern," John B tells me. "Go!"
I kneel next to JJ and help him. Similar to how I felt in the water, my heart beats violently against my chest and my breathing becomes static. I try not to think of the fear that creeps through my veins as I help release the boat from it's hold in the marsh.
"Guys, don't wait for us! Go!" JJ yells.
"Go!" Kie says.
"Pull out the stern!" Pope yells at us.
I yank the chain hard, revealing the slimy anchor covered in seaweed and moss.
"I don't like this," I mutter to JJ between clenched teeth.
John B pulls away from the wreck. JJ looks between me and the boat that still driving in our direction. "Are they coming for us?"
"Maybe they're fishing," Pope says.
"Go, go, go, go!"
"Go into the marsh," I tell my brother, constantly glancing between him and the other boat.
"Let's go," Kie says. I can hear fear creep into her voice and her hands shake around the drivers seat she's holding with a death grip.
"I'm going. Act natural!" John B hisses and revs the engine of the boat.
He takes a left turn into the marsh. I watch anxiously for the people in the other boat to make its move.
They turn left.
"Guys, they're following us!" Kie says.
"This can't be good," Pope says.
"Dude, you gotta go faster!" JJ says.
"I'm going!" John B yells back.
"Gun it!"
I look behind the boat. They're getting closer. Too close. Can't say I'm surprised. The HMS Pogue is no match for their boat that looks more expensive than my house. However, something catches my eye. Something long the guy in the passenger seat is holding and pointing right at us.
"Is that..." I mutter before I'm cut off by exactly what I was going to say.
The gun shot rings through my ears as if the person who shot it was standing next to me. Before I can react, JJ pulls me down to the floor of our boat by my waist and covers me with his own body. I gotta say, this isn't how I pictured him being on top of me. His left arm outlines my head, keeping me face down while other bullets pass our boat. The cries of my friends are dull through the blood pounding in my ears and my heart inching its way up my throat.
"Holy shit!" Kie shouts.
"John B, get down!" JJ yells.
I try looking up at my brother but JJ's hold is strong. John B's still behind the wheel, trying his best to duck from bullets without crashing the boat.
"We're gonna die!" Pope yells.
I try looking around the boat for anything we can use against these guys. Of course JJ decides to leave the gun he stole at my house for the day, leaving us practically useless against these two strangers.
My eyes find a net pooling in front of Kie's face as she keeps her head down. I try crawling out of JJ's embrace which only makes him tighten his arms around me.
"Kie!" I shout. She looks up at me with wide eyes. "The net!"
Immediately she understands what I'm trying to tell her. She pulls herself away from Pope and army crawls to the wide net. This only makes my friends yell at her, telling her to get down, but she doesn't listen.
"Get down, Kie!" John B shouts.
Another gun shot echoes through the air, making me flinch closer into JJ.
Kie throws the net overboard towards their boat and drops back down to her knees. The sound of the other boat's engine clanging against the net gets my head to perk up and I watch Kie's reaction. She's surprisingly smiling. When she looks at me, she lets out a breathy laugh and shakes her head in disbelief because that just worked. Their boats gets stuck.
"Let's go, let's go, let's go," Pope says.
One last gun shot rings through my ears before we make our getaway.  I pull myself off the floor and look back at the boat one last time. We severely underestimated how important finding that boat was. Whatever John B found was worth killing us for.
A couple minutes later, John B pulls the boat up to the Chateau and docks it by the wooden slacks that I used as a bed last night. My friends cheer and actually smile after what just happened.
"That was insane!" Kie says.
I look at my brother with adrenaline rushing straight to me head. I feel giddy about finding out what JB found - what must be so important. "What do you think it is?"
"Gotta be money, right?" He asks, looking at me.
"That or a couple of keys with street value to the low-to-mid-mills," JJ says, leisurely danglingly his arm around my shoulders.
"Can we please just open the bag?" Pope says loudly, forcing everyone's attention at him who now looks at us sheepishly.
"Wow, Pope," John B laughs. "That's a rare outburst of emotion."
"Okay, you guys are literally killing me with anticipation," He says. "Open the bag!"
"Jeez." JJ whistles.
"We almost died over this," Pope says like its an explanation. But he's right. We did almost die for this, which is why I need to know what's in it now.
John B opens the velvet bag. Something heavier than money falls out of it with a thunk. Its round and metal. Dirty and dented. Physically ugly and maybe priceless, but it looks familiar. I narrow my eyes at it, trying to study it and rack my brain through where I've seen it before.
"Oh, wow. Yup. That's about right," Pope sighs at the sight of our treasure. "Good job, everybody. We found a compass."
The word compass hits me like a train and my body goes slack like my limbs just turned into jell-o. John B is already looking at me, shocked at the real meaning of what we just found. I push myself in front of JJ and look down at the object he's holding. Priceless maybe true to the others but not to me. Not to John B. This means everything.
JJ looks between John B and I and laughs nervously at our reactions. "Dude, what? It's not worth anything."
My brows furrow together in confusion as I try to wrap my head around how we just found our dad's possession on another man's boat. A dead man's boat. But I feel blank. Like someone just wiped all my thoughts and memories.
"This was our father's compass," I say emotionless, keeping my eyes on JB who looks equally as terrified.
Tag List: @notyourcupofteax @acvross-the-universe @jjmaybankzz  @jeeperky​ @realistic-breadstick  @moniamaybank  @urbinoutfiters​ @brebear121​  @x-lulu​
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capsteddybear · 3 years
Our Playlist: Candy - Cameo
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Song lyric: **" You're like a brand new feeling, in a special way, A surprise package, On a bright clear sunny day."
You and Chris are unpacking all of the food and drinks you just bought from the store for your game night. Tonight you would be meeting some of Chris' friends. Okay not just friends, but his fellow co stars from the Avengers.
You let out a deep breathe, "Not gonna lie I'm kinda nervous about meeting everyone."
Chris stops unpacking and touches your hand, "there's no reason to be. I love you and they will too." He kisses your cheek and continues unpacking the food. You put all of the drinks and beer in the fridge while Chris sets up the snacks on the coffee table. You guys then get games from the hallway closet and place them on the coffee table. You also bring out one of your portal white boards to keep score and to maybe play pictionary.
The doorbell rings and Chris takes your hand, "they're here." You take a deep breath as you're walking to the door and Chris squeezes your hand, "hey, it's gonna be fine" and kisses you on the cheek. You smile and Chris opens the front door. The first person you see is Anthony Mackie.
"Heeeey!" Chris and Anthony exchange hugs and Chris introduces you. "Anthony, this is (y/n). (Y/n) this is Anthony."
You shake his hand, "nice to meet you."
"Pleasure is all mine. You're more beautiful than Chris described."
You blush at his comment, "thank you."
"Hey stop flirting with the poor girl, she's already taken." You turn around and see Scarlett.
You laugh, "Hi Scarlett."
"Hi, it's (y/n), right?" You shake hands.
"Nice to meet you. And ignore Anthony's flirty comments." She gives him a playfully punch on the shoulder. She greets Chris with a hug, "hi Chris."
"Hi Scarlett."
Next to walk in is Sebastian Stan and Chris Hemsworth.
"This is Sebastian and this is the other Chris. Guys, this is (y/n)."
"Hi (y/n), nice to meet you" Sebastian shakes your hand.
"Nice to meet you."
"Hi, other Chris" you laugh as you shake his hand.
"Please, feel free to call me Hemmy. There'll be less confusion."
You smile, "Alright, Hemmy it is."
Chris closes the front door as everyone takes a seat in the living room, "you guys want a beer or something to drink?"
Everyone including you answers yes in unison. Chris laughs and heads to the kitchen to grab some beers for everyone.
Anthony scoots to the edge of the couch and clips his hands together, "Alright, so what's the first game we're gonna play? I came here to win!"
Scarlett points to the white board, "let's start off easy, how about some pictionary?"
Sebastian answers, "sounds good. Who's on what team?"
"Well I would say boys versus girls, but we're outnumbered" Scarlett replies.
"I'll be the better man and join you ladies," Hemmy raises his hand.
Chris walks back into the living room with everyone's drinks, "so did we decide what we're starting with?"
You answer, "yeah, pictionary. And you're on the loser team with Sebastian and Anthony" you give Chris a smirk and everyone laughs.
"Oh, starting the trash talking early aren't we?" Anthony asks.
"Of course." You smile at Anthony.
"Alright let's start. Our team goes first." Anthony grabs a marker from the table and a card with the subject on it.
You grab the sand timer from the table, "Okay you got 30 seconds to draw. Ready? Go!" You flip it over and the sand starts to flow. Everyone's attention is on Anthony as he starts to draw. He starts with a stick figure standing on some sort of board.
Chris and Sebastian start yelling out their guesses.
Anthony shakes his head. He adds dots around the stick figure.
"What the fuck is that???" Chris shouts.
Everyone starts laughing. Anthony then draws pine trees.
Anthony then draws an arrow to the board.
"Snowboard!" Sebastian stands up and yells.
"Oh my God finally" Anthony says.
"Wait, hang on, what are the dots?" Chris points to the picture, "are those supposed to snowflakes? That's not how you draw snowflakes, man."
"whatever, we got the point."
Anthony takes a seat back on the couch and Scarlett is the first to go from your team. Sebastian flips the timer and Scarlett begins to the draw. She first draws a big mouth with teeth showing. You and Hemmy begin guessing.
She then draws a toothbrush.
She adds bubbles around the toothbrush.
You point to the board and shout, "toothpaste!"
"Yes!" Scarlett runs up to you and gives you a high five.
Sebastian is up next. You flip the timer and he begins drawing. First he draws a t-shirt and pants.
Sebastian then adds a bed.
"Pajamas!?" Chris yells.
Sebastian nods his head, "Yeeeeeah." He gives Chris and Anthony fist bumps before taking a seat. It's now Hemmy's turn to draw. Chris flips the time and he starts. He draws a circle with a little leaf on the top.
"An apple!"
"A tomato.
He then draws a bottle.
"Apple juice?"
"Apple cider!"
Hemmy shakes his head and quickly draws a hotdog and a squiggly line on it and points to it.
You stand up and shout, "ketchup!"
Hemmy points to you and everyone busts out laughing. Hemmy gives you a high five and passes the marker to Chris. He grabs a card and he waits for you to flip the timer to begin drawing.
Chris starts with a big square.
"Picture frame."
Chris laughs and draws a couple of fish.
"A fish tank!"
"Finding Nemo?"
Chris shakes his head and continues drawing. He draws stick figures.
"Scuba diving!"
"Deep sea divers!"
Chris shakes his head again and adds a whale, but the timer runs out.
"Time!!!" Scarlett shouts.
Chris groans, "damn it."
"Was it an aquarium?" Sebastian asks.
"Yeah." Chris answers. He puts his head down and walks over to you and hands you the marker. You give him a pouty face and pat him on the shoulder as you walk by. Sebastian flips the timer and you start drawing.
"Hot air balloon"
You then add a stick figure to the bottom of the balloon.
"Sky diver."
You draw an arrow to the balloon part of your drawing.
"A parachute!" Hemmy yells.
"Yes!" You run up to your teammates and give a high five.
You guys play a couple more rounds. Your team has been in the lead by just 1 point. It's the last round and Chris' team needs to get this last drawing in order to win the game.
"Alright so who's gonna go for your team?"
"Uh we vote Sebastian to go."
Sebastian stands up and heads to the white board.
"Come on man you got this." Anthony roots.
You flip the timer and he starts drawing. Within a couple of seconds the game is over.
Sebastian quickly turns around bows.
"What the fuck? That was too easy." You yell.
Everyone cracks up.
Anthony leans over, "what did you say about the losing team earlier?"
You roll your eyes and stick out your tongue, "oh shush."
"What should we play next?" Scarlett asks.
Anthony quickly replies, "doesn't matter because I'm gonna win."
Sebastian grabs the deck of cards on the table, "Uno?"
You raise an eyebrow, "How about drunk uno? If you forget to shout out Uno when you're down to one card you gotta take a shot in addition to picking up cards."
Everyone nods, "sounds good."
You run to the kitchen to grab shot glasses and liquor from the cabinet while the rest of them clear off the coffee table and grab extra chairs from the dining room and sit around the table. Chris shuffles the cards and passes them out.
While you guys are playing they ask how you and Chris met. Chris explains how you met at the welcome home party. You smile and start to reminisce and forget to yell uno when you put your card down.
Sebastian quickly points to you and shouts, "uno! Take a shot."
"Ah shit, I got distracted."
Chris quickly turns to you and kisses your cheek, "sorry" he whispers.
You laugh and pour yourself a shot.
The game continues. During the game Hemmy and Anthony end up taking shots for forgetting to shout uno. Scarlett ends up winning the first game. Chris wins the second game even though he had to take 2 shots for not yelling uno the first two times. You were starting to think that the alcohol was helping him focus because he also won the next game. You guys play a few more rounds of uno before just lounging around the coffee table talking and drinking.
Chris and Anthony get up from their seats to go to the kitchen for more snacks.
You go to the bathroom while the others pick what game they wanna play next. When you come back from the bathroom the group has decided to play cards against humanity and are setting up the game. You head to the kitchen to tell Chris and Anthony to hurry up when you sneak up on them talking about you. You hide behind one of the pillars and listen in on their conversation.
"You seem really happy", Anthony says leaning against the kitchen counter.
Chris looks down and smiles, "I am, man. I really am", he takes a drink of his beer.
"She's perfect for you, man. She has the same humor as you."
He laughs, "Thanks. I love her so much."
Your eyes tear up a bit and you smile. You take a deep breath and come out from behind the pillar. "Hey guys, we're ready for the next game. Let's go." You walk up to Chris and wrap your arms around him. He notices your eyes are watery.
"You okay?"
"Uh yeah", you put your hand on his chest.
Chris smiles and kisses your forehead.
"Alright you love birds, let's go" Anthony buds in.
You guys head back to the living room and rejoin the rest of the group. During the rounds of Cards Against Humanity the group gets a real feel for the sense of humor you have. A dirty sense of humor to be exact because you win the first two games.
You guys play for a bit longer before calling it quits since its 3 o'clock in the morning. Once everyone has left, you and Chris attempt to clean up, but are distracted by each other. Every time you pass him he grabs you and kisses you.
You moan against his lips, "come on Chris, we gotta clean up. I don't wanna do it tomorrow morning."
He groans and kisses your forehead, "Okay fine, but as soon as we're done you're mine."
You guys continue cleaning up, but when you see Chris in the kitchen putting stuff away in the cupboard you sneak up behind him and wrap your arms around him. He jumps at your touch, "hey, what did you say earlier? Hands off til we're done."
"Yeah, I'm done" You kiss him on the cheek.
He points to the counter, "Okay but I'm not. I still need to put this stuff away."
You tickle his sides, "hurry up."
"Hey!" Chris quickly turns around and tries to tickle you, but you slip out of his reach and take off running down the hallway to your bedroom. "You're not getting away that easy."
Chris grabs you and you both fall onto the bed out of breath and laughing. He rolls you over so he's laying on top of you both of his arms on either side of you so he doesn't squish you. You run your hands up and down his forearms as he looks into your eyes. You both calm down from laughing. "Told you I'll catch you."
You bite your lip, "Now that you have me, what's next?"
"This." Chris leans down and starts kissing you. You moan against his lips. You wrap your arms around him to pull him closer. He kisses your neck, "I love you, (y/n)."
"I love you too."
You guys keep kissing each other before you push on Chris' chest.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm hot."
Chris laughs, "why yes you are."
You smile, "No, well thanks, but I meant you're making me hot."
Chris raises an eyebrow, "you're welcome."
You laugh, "goddamn it, that's not what I meant, Chris. Well in that category you are too, but I mean temperature hot." You tug at his jacket.
He looks down and laughs, "Oh." He sits on the edge of the bed and kicks off his shoes and starts taking off his jacket and shirt. When he turns back he sees you have taken off your shirt as well. He lays back on top of you. "Better?"
"Much better?" You wrap your arms around his back and kiss him. Chris' hands start to wander down your sides, but he feels you tense up and stops.
"Hey what's wrong?" He cups your face with his hand. You keep your eyes close and stay silent. Chris kisses you on the cheek. "(Y/n), what's wrong? Talk to me."
You open your eyes and let out a deep breath, "As much as I would love to have sex with you right now, I'm not ready yet... Sorry." Your eyes are watery so you look away.
Chris cups your face so you would look at him, "Hey, Don't be sorry. I'm more than okay with waiting." He kisses your cheek as a single tear rolls down. "I love you." He hugs you before rolling over and pulling you close to his chest.
"I love you too."
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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One Shot: The Stealth Suit
Summary: Katie has a Stealth Suit Kink, but who doesn’t??
Pairings: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark.
A/N: Let’s face it…there’s no plot here bar a load of smut so…yeah.. Enjoy.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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“For the 500th time…I’m FINE, Steve!” Katie snapped at him. Steve took a deep breath, his hands falling to his hips as the jet fell silent. “I’m not the one with a bullet in my leg” “There’s nothing in my leg!” A voice said causing them to turn to the back of the jet where Natasha was sat, Clint wrapping her leg in a bandage. “Its just a graze…” “Nat, I’m so sorry…” Katie started and Nat shook her head, waving her hand. “Nova, I told you to take the shot.” She shrugged “It was a 50/50…ee had to take the chance. Besides, it hit him too so…” “2 people, 1 bullet…” Clint grinned, but Katie couldn’t find it in herself to smile. “I told Fury this was a bad idea…” she shook her head. “I shouldn’t have come.” Clint frowned “Hey, Nova look…I know you’re not technically an agent now but we’d have been out numbered and out gunned without you…it would have been a lot worse.” Katie didn’t say anything. Instead she simply nodded and headed over to retrieve a bottle of water before she sat down. How she had gotten roped into this she had no idea. Actually that was a lie. She knew exactly how it had happened. SHIELD had been tracking a big player who had been bragging amongst certain circles that he had something new, a game changer in the world of arms dealing- a piece of the whiplash technology that Ivan Vanko had developed and used to fight Tony back in 2010. As Tony was currently in London, Fury had asked Katie to look over the blueprints Natasha had retrieved whilst undercover. She had JARVIS confirm it was, indeed, a similar technology and that she also knew from history with Stark Industries that it would be possible to manufacture with the right equipment. That was enough for Fury to run a full scale op to exfil Natasha at the same time as shutting the target down and acquiring the designs to prevent this happening again in the future. Katie had been all set to wish them good luck when Clint had levelled her with a look and told her they were a sniper down as Evans had broken his arm in a training op. Katie had shrugged until Fury had looked at her, asking her to take a place on the field team for this particular mission, and as she had sighed Steve had turned to her and simply said that she didn’t have to do anything she didn’t want to whilst crossing his arms over the front of his broad chest which was adorned with the silver star and stripes…and that was it. She had agreed.
Because she had a weakness for her soldier…and a fucking kink for that goddamned midnight blue and silver kevlar. The mission had gone to shit. They’d gotten what they needed, Katie covering the rendezvous point where they were meeting Natasha only to see her approaching being followed by a man with some form of machete looking weapon. Katie didn’t have a clear shot as Natasha started to duck and dive out of the hostile’s way but Natasha had instructed her to take it anyway. So she did and the bullet had hit it’s intended target…after first grazing Natasha’s thigh as she had thrown her legs up around the guys chest to flip him over. “Stop beating yourself yourself up about it Nova.” Rumlow piped up “Sometimes we take collateral and this time collateral was Widow.” Katie gave an angry noise and turned to Rumlow “I don’t like collateral on any fucking scale Brock…” Rumlow looked as if he was going to bite back but Steve shot him a look causing the man to fall silent. Katie shook her head and made her way back to the seat, pulling our her StarkPhone and burying herself in her actual job, replying to a few emails. Once the debrief was over and Katie had apologised, once again to Natasha, she headed off to the locker room. “You should go talk to her.” Nat looked at Steve as he stood up from where he had been undoing the buckles on his boots. “She’s pissed…” “She’s upset.” Steve corrected. “Get to Medical, that’s an order.” “I’ll see to it she does Cap.” Clint assures him. Steve gave a nod, swinging his shield up onto his back before he headed off after Katie, taking the elevator down to the floor which held the equipment stores and the changing rooms. He knocked on the female one, poking his head in as he knew she would be the only one in there given the hour and the fact Nat was the only other female on the mission. “Honey?” He asked softly as he stepped inside. She emerged from the locker area, dressed in the tight compression tank-top and shorts she wore under the catsuit. “You ok?” “No.” She admitted to him. “Not really…” He sighed and crossed towards her, pulling her into a hug. She pressed her check to his chest as he dropped a kiss to her head. “It wasn’t your fault.” He said and she shrugged in his arms. He pulled back slightly and tilted her chin up with his glove clad hand and she allowed him to capture her lips in a soft kiss. Katie pulled back, and Steve watched as she cocked her head to one side, biting her lip.
He knew that look very well. “You’re a nightmare…” he chuckled, arching an eyebrow and she shrugged, running her hands up his chest, fingers tracing the silver star. He caught her wrists in his hands and she glanced up at him, swallowing at the darkness that was now in his eyes as they flashed with desire. Without a word he reached down, hands hooking on her thighs as he hoisted her up, his lips crashing to hers, her legs wrapped around his waist, underneath the edge of his shield on his back. Shucking off his boots, he strode out of the main area of the room through to the wet room at the back where he gently set her down on the edge of the counter which held the sinks along the edge of the room. He shifted his hands to her back, holding her strongly to him, lips moving from her mouth to her jaw line and then her neck where he nipped gently. Katie gave a groan and her hands dropped to his utility belt, hastily unclipping it before she next went to the button and zips on his uniform pants. “Want something baby girl?” He teased “You know what I want…” she said as he grinned and decided to help her out. He reached for the waist band of his combats, intending on pushing them down over his hips but she stopped him. “Leave it on” “What?” He asked, his voice was gravely from his arousal and he wasn’t quite sure be had heard her right. “You know I love this suit…” she said, reaching into his flies and grabbing his length on her hand, drawing a load grunt from his mouth as she freed him through the space now his trousers were undone at the front. “Leave it on…” “Yes ma'am.” He mumbled, one hand tangling in her hair, the other on the base of her spine as he pulled her close for another deep kiss. He gripped the bottom of her compression tank top and she moved her arms so he could pull it over the top, freeing her breasts and she gave a soft sigh as his head dropped to her chest. His tongue gently traced her nipple, teasing it to a peak as his other hand rubbed at her core through her lycra shorts which were fast becoming soaked. She groaned, her head falling back as Steve grinned to himself, the sight of her simply surrendering herself completely to him in such a raw, trusting and unabashed way was something he would never tire of. His lips traced upwards and he felt her gently pushing on his chest through his uniform. Stepping back slightly, he watched as she jumped down and pushed him round so he had his back to the counter before she dropped to her knees, hands sliding up to the back of his thighs. “Fuck…” he half groaned, half cursed as Katie licked the underside of his shaft making her way from the base up to the tip. She looked up at him, his still gloved hand fell to the back of her head, gently tangling in her hair, the other one grasping at the marble counter top behind him. Maintaining eye contact, Katie wrapped her lips around him and slowly moved her mouth up and down her fingers tightening on the backs of his thighs as he did so. He allowed her to control the pace, his hand simply resting in her hair as her head moved back and forth. His eyes never left hers, the mischievous twinkle still present and as she took him to the back of her throat he let out a loud hiss as his cock twitched. His fingers tightened around the marble top and it was then that they both heard a loud cracking noise. Katie stilled, releasing him from her mouth with a small pop and looked up as Steve glanced at the place his hand rest, the side now displaying finger shaped marks in the marble. “Something got you worked up Soldier?” Katie teased and with that Steve gently tugged her hair. “Get up here…” he instructed softly and she did as she was told, rising to her feet. Grabbing her hips he spun her around and pushed her roughly against the sink basin. His hands tore the fabric of her shorts easily and he tossed the shreds of lycra to the side before he pressed his body into hers, one hand settling on her hip, the other ever so tenderly wrapped around the front of her throat. Steve leaned forward, lips by her ear as he used the hand on her neck to hold her head in place so she was looking directly in the mirror. His eyes locked onto hers as he whispered his simple instruction. “Watch” He saw a flicker in her ears, excitement, as he used his foot to knock her legs apart, bending her forwards slightly before he buried himself in her in one slow, deliberate move, eyes not once leaving hers in the mirror. He saw her face screw up in pleasure as she gave a moan at being taken this way and the hand on her throat gave a gentle squeeze. “Eyes on me doll…” he instructed. Her eyes opened again and locked back onto his as he moved his hips, rocking into her, as deep as he could get. Her back arched, her mouth freely allowing her soft cries and whispers to escape while he thrust deeply into her, again and again. The feeling was exquisite to Katie. He always felt good but now, accompanied by the feel and scratch of that suit against her skin, the noises it was making as it rustled with each movement, the clinging of buckles and belts and then the fact he was being so dominant, ensuring she did as she was told and watched him…fuck, she was all kinds of turned on here. The hand that had been on her hip crept round the front if he belly and Steve reached down, teasing her clit, causing her to shudder and a loud wail of pleasure fell from her lips. Steve chuckled slightly, eyes on hers in the mirror. “Shhhh” he said softly, before he smirked “Like that, huh?” “Fuck, yes…” she groaned, as the hand on her neck moved to the side of her face and Steve turned her head so he could kiss her, his hips moving faster now as he could feel himself starting to unravel. “You close baby?” His voice was a whisper and she answered him with a soft moan as his fingers continued to work in time with his trust, his mouth moving to her jaw line, nipping softly before his hand, once again on her neck, forced her face round to look at him in the glass again. “Cap…Captain…I’m gonna…” “Let go…c'mon…thass my girl…” his Brooklyn accent rolled off his tongue as he continued his deliberate thrusts into her, hand holding her neck in place so her face was focused on his in the mirror. He watched carefully, as her eyes fluttered shut for a moment and she reached up, grabbing at his arm, as he felt her tightening around him, her legs shaking as she gave a loud, drawn out moan, her entire body convulsing. When Katie opened her eyes she saw Steve’s own flutter shut, his mouth dropping open as his head fell forward, pressing into her neck, biting down softly as he groaned, hips faltering with his release. She watched him, those long eyelashes resting against his now flushed cheeks and when they cracked open to reveal those deep blue eyes she had fallen in love with from the very start, she gave him a soft smile which he returned, tipping her head to kiss him. “You ok?” He asked, his hands sliding over her belly, noticing the marks where she had banged into the unit, frowning slightly. “Did I…” “Stop it…” she instructed him, looking at him. “I’m fine…more than fine…that was amazing.” He chuckled, a swell of smugness in his chest warmed him through as he kissed the side of her neck. “Guess you really do like this suit, huh?” He asked as she turned to look at him, her hands tracing the lines of the star. “Prefer the guy that’s in it but…yeah, not gonna lie. It does things to me…your ass looks great.” She said, looking round him as he laughed. “Its all yours baby” he quipped and she grinned, leaning up to kiss him. “I need a shower.” She mumbled “you joining me?” “Can I take the suit off for that?” He asked. She nodded as her lips ghosted over his “Like I said, the suit’s a kink…what I really love is the man in it.” 30 seconds later said suit was not so stealthily littered around the female changing rooms as Steve backed his girl into the large, rainfall shower cubicle, shutting the glass door behind him with his foot.
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turnthedirtintojoy · 3 years
I finished Rule of Wolves last night and although it was a thoroughly enjoyable read (as everything Leigh Bardugo writes) and an overall satisfying ending to the series, I do have mixed feelings about some of the choices that were made. And there were some VERY big plot holes. Some thoughts below the cut. Beware: spoilers.
Things I liked:
It was so nice to dive into this world one more (last?) time and to see all our beloved characters again (my Crow babies, Alina, Mal, Misha, Oncat...). Leigh’s writing was on point as always, and she really did a great job expanding this universe as well. We got to discover Shu Han and see a bit more of Fjerda, and this novel, I feel, has a lot more scope than the previous ones. 
Leigh’s main strength remains her characters. Nikolai was delightful as always. Zoya’s arc was absolutely amazing. Nina was still the badass waffle-loving pansexual queen we all love.
Rule of Wolves offers great representation with a diverse set of characters. I never really clicked with Hanne’s character, but their story was told with grace and subtlety, and I love that Fjerda now has a gender non-conforming Grisha ruler (and they don’t even know it). Zoya’s road to acceptance of her Suli origins was also a nice touch. 
I’m really grateful that we got a happy ending for most of the characters. Obviously I love that Nikolai and Zoya are endgame. Nina has found love and joy again. And although we only got a brief glimpse of the rest of the Crows, I like where they’re at (Wesper living happily, Kaz ruling the Barrel while Inej rules the True Sea).
Things I didn’t like:
So many plot holes and inconsistencies... 
1. Let’s talk about the Ice Court, this supposedly unbreachable Fjerdan stronghold. It takes a whole book for the Crows to break into it, and they literally have to blow a hole in the wall with a tank to get out of it. But in ROW, although it is specifically stated security has been reinforced since the prison break, people seem to come and go as they please. Nina breaks into the Drüskelle sector not once, but twice. Not to mention Magnus Opjer who mysteriously manages to escape with nothing but a bone dart. Sorry, I don’t buy it.
2. The ending to Nina and Hanne’s story makes absolutely zero sense whatsoever. Why would Nina choose to keep Mila’s face? Couldn’t Prince Rasmus just marry Nina Zenik now that Fjerda is at peace with Ravka? It would make sense as a political alliance for the Prince to marry a Grisha. I hate that Nina will have to live as someone else for decades. Also, are we supposed to believe that Hanne will fool everyone as Prince Rasmus? A large chunk of KOS is devoted to Isaak’s training and difficulties to impersonate Nikolai, a man he has known for years and with the help of his closest friends (Genya, Tolya, Tamar...). He barely scrapes it in front of nobles, but Hanne will somehow manage to pass as Prince Rasmus, a man she barely knows, in front of his parents? That seems highly unlikely... One would say improbable.
3. As much as I adore the Crows, their appearance feels a bit forced and doesn’t really work narratively. I loved the Ketterdam chapters (of course I did), but they don’t really belong in Rule of Wolves and feel out of place. First, why would Nikolai and Zoya go in person? Also, we are talking about a Demon King and a Dragon Queen with an army of Grisha at their service, and they can’t manage without the help of Kaz Brekker, a 19-year old gangster, to steal stuff? Once was cute, twice is pushing it.
4. Since when are there Suli settlements in Kerch? And if Kaz knew it, why wouldn’t he tell Inej? This makes no sense.
Apart from this gaping holes, there are a couple of choices Leigh made that I am not a fan of. I mean, why kill David? On his wedding day no less! Hasn’t Genya suffered enough? I usually like a good character death, but this felt needlessly cruel and and it didn’t really advance the plot or the character. 
The other thing that sort of bugged me were the two main romances which felt really dragged out. I love slow burns as much as the next person, but not every relationship needs to be slow burnt. It took almost two books for Nikolai/Zoya and Nina/Hanne to admit their feelings for each other while it was obvious to everyone involved that they liked each other since early in KOS. Leigh was trying really hard to find excuses to keep them apart until the very end and it kind of got tiresome at one point.
Finally, let’s talk about the Darkling’s storyline. COMPLETELY UNECESSARY. I mean he is by far my favourite antagonist in the Grishaverse (the other ones are a bit too one-dimensional), but bringing him back for so little was a waste of pages. I really didn’t like his arc: it felt forced and rushed and made very little sense. The blight storyline was solved in one chapter and didn’t really tie in with the rest of the story. Unpopular opinion but I also didn’t like that the Darkling had POV chapters. Kind of ruins the mystery of the character. I was fine with his ending (endless agony in exchange for Sainthood), but the fact that Genya, Alina and Zoya changed their minds five pages later kind of ruined the whole thing...
Despite its flaws, I still loved the book and devoured it in only a few days. I’m always sad when I finish a Grishaverse book and have to say goodbye to these characters, but thankfully we have the show coming out in a few days!
What did you guys think of ROW?
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polar534 · 3 years
Hockey AU: Pizza Date Pt. 1
Hi. It's ya girl. Back again. This is the last of the fully written parts I have done for Hockey AU, so anything else that gets posted is being worked on and completed currently. For example, Pizza Date was the second(?) fully written thing I've ever done for Hockey AU. I drew alot from my own experiences while writing it. Hockey AU is just the thing I write to de-stress anymore.
TW: Homophobia.
"So. Whatcha feeling? It's my treat today!" Luz grinned at Amity as they both stood at the counter.
"Oh. Luz, I'm not really that hungry. I thought we were just going home." Amity said with a small frown.
Luz watched her face fall and felt only a tiny twinge of guilt. Luz glanced over at the man behind the counter who rolled his eyes with smile, communicating that, yes, he didn't mind waiting.
"Oh we'll make it home eventually, but you've got to be hungry after a practice like today. I'm starving and all I did was watch!" Luz exclaimed, giving her full attention back to Amity.
"You're always starving Luz." Amity said, giving her a look.
Luz smirked. "Alright. Well, how about this, I'll order enough for the both of us, and whatever you don't eat, I'll finish." She proposed, and before Amity could answer, she turned to the man behind the counter and flashed him a huge smile.
"One large pepperoni pizza, and an order of breadsticks please. Oh... wait. Make that 2 orders."
"For here or to go?"
"For here."
Luz collected the little ticket number the man put out for them and swiftly grabbed Amity by the hand, leading them to a booth in the corner of the restaurant. She stood outside of the table and gestured dramatically for Amity to scoot inside before climbing into the other side's bench.
The restaurant was warm however, and Amity quickly got back up to allow herself room to take off her jersey. Now in just a plain tank top, Luz grinned at the witch widely, holding her hands out expectedly with a grabby motion.
Amity sighed heavily and rolled her eyes, but she couldn't hide the smile that appeared on her face at Luz's antics. She tossed the jersey the human's way, and Luz scrambled into it without hesitation.
"I don't know why you always insist on wearing that. It's all gross and sweaty from practice." Amity mused aloud, already knowing the answer.
"Because it's yours, and I looooveee you. And because it's big and baggy and swooshes when I do this." Luz explained with a grin as she shook her shoulders in a small wiggle, making the jersey ripple with movement.
It brought a giggle out of both of the girls and they fell into a quiet conversation, Luz mostly leading, as Amity listened supportively with a tired smile. At some point, Luz snaked her hand onto the table, holding it out in a clear invitation. Amity took it without hesitation.
A couple of minutes passed and Luz watched as the Sunday afternoon crowd started to file in to the pizza joint. It was mostly young adults along with a group of older, middle aged women. For the most part, they ignored the two girls in the corner, but Luz still felt tense. She kept one eye out of the booth as she squeezed Amity's hand tighter.
If Amity picked up on her anxiety, she didn't say anything. Instead she simply gently stroked the back of Luz's hand comfortingly with her thumb.
Eventually the whispers started. Just as Luz knew they would. Mostly spearheaded by a group of 3 stern-looking older ladies who sat directly in the middle of the dining area.
Luz lost focus in the conversation as Amity's eyes drooped, clearly tired after the long day. The server startled them both as he slid their food onto the table with a smile.
"And how are you ladies doing today?" He asked cheerfully as he pulled out some napkins and plates for them.
Luz glanced quickly up at the ladies who were now glaring directly at her. Her shoulders shot up as she felt the venom radiating off of their stares and she quickly turned away and gave the man a weak smile.
"Doing well. Just a little tired is all." She said in a rush, gently squeezing Amity's hand as she let go to help organize the table and food.
All three people paused in what they were doing as they heard a loud rumbling come from underneath the table. Luz's eyes shot straight up to Amity with a grin.
"Not that hungry, huh?" She smirked.
"Shut up." Amity grumbled as she grabbed at a slice of the pizza.
The server laughed heartedly as he looked again at Luz. "Let me know if I can get you anything. Enjoy your meal!"
Luz didn't dive right into the pizza like she thought she would, but instead watched curiously as the waiter approached the table of ladies next, having been waved down by one of them. They gestured for him to lean in close and pointed at Luz and Amity angrily quite a few times before the man turned to them with a scowl. A small argument ensued and the man quickly walked away, obviously upset, leaving the ladies alone to stew in their discomfort.
Luz's head sunk even lower. Despite how good the food smelled and how hungry she had been, suddenly her appetite was completely gone.
Instead she watched quietly as Amity shoveled some much needed nutrition, well, as nutritional as the best greasy pizza the town had to offer was, into her face.
Luz felt a flicker of warmth despite everything.
Titan, her girlfriend was so cute.
A few more minutes went by and with the time, so did the ladies patience. Their whispers turned into obviously exaggerated complaints and quite a few people were now turning to stare.
'It's just disgusting.'
'They have to come here of all places, out in public, ruining people's evening's and appetites.'
Luz began to fidget, her nerves were on edge and she kept glancing over at Amity, praying she didn't notice the scene that was unfolding.
After the 3rd time the ladies tried to catch the attention of a server, Luz stood up suddenly, causing Amity to pause and look at her worriedly.
"Luz? Is everything ok?" She asked softly, reaching over to take her hand in a comforting gesture.
Luz quickly swiped at the number on their table to occupy her hands before Amity was able to grasp them. Her heart twisted as she watched the once concerned expression turn into confusion with a trace of hurt.
Luz flashed Amity a quick, forced, smile.
"Uh... yeah! Everything's just fine! I was just thinking we should really be headed home is all. I'm going to grab us some boxes, you uh, you stay here." Luz's eyes flashed over at the ladies once more before turning back to face Amity. "And um... get us all ready to go." She suggested nervously, turning and practically running over to the counter before Amity had a chance to speak.
The man at the counter was the same one as earlier and flashed her a smile.
"What's up? Did your date decide she was hungry yet?" He joked kindly.
Luz couldn't meet his eyes. "Actually, I was just hoping for some take home boxes please. One for the pizza and one for what's left of the breadsticks."
The man raised his eyebrows in concern. He looked over Luz’s shoulders and his eyes narrowed. A scowl darkened his face.
“Look, kid, I don’t know what you may have overheard, but those ladies ain’t getting their way here. You are plenty welcome to stay and enjoy your pizza. You and your girlfriend, you guys make a cute couple. You’ve been here before and have never once caused a disturbance. Whereas those old birds have. Say the word, and we’ll make them leave.” He told her plainly, his voice although stern, held a warmth to it.
“No… it’s ok, we can just take the boxes and finish up at home.” Luz smiled half-heartedly. “We uh… we’ve already caused enough problems it seems.” Luz mumbled quietly, avoiding the man’s eyes.
She heard him sigh heavily. “Alright. I wouldn’t want you to feel uncomfortable. Give me just a sec and I’ll be right out with those boxes.” He said gently.
Luz fidgeted anxiously. She fought the urge to look behind her as she waited.
Thankfully, the man came back quickly. Luz took the boxes with another weak smile and booked it back to Amity. She forced herself not to look at the ladies as she passed them, instead locking her eyes on her girlfriend as she organized what food they had left.
Approaching her quickly, Luz set the boxes down with a soft thud. The suddenness of the movement caused Amity to look up in alarm.
“Luz, is everything alright?” Amity asked, narrowing her eyes and pausing in what she was doing.
Feeling her confidence fading, Luz knew she couldn’t keep the illusion up. Amity knew her better then that.
“We just, we need to leave. Ok?” Luz admitted quietly, unable to meet those amber eyes.
Luz could sense the change in Amity immediately. The witch nodded quickly and reached over the table to put a comforting hand over Luz’s before grabbing the boxes.
The small gesture caused a ripple effect of whispers. Luz’s head buzzed with the words she heard around her.
“Oh, I don’t really think we need 3 boxes though. You wanna run one back while I pack up?” Amity’s suggested helpfully, cutting through the haze that Luz had been in.
Brown eyes widened. Luz was so tense that she hadn’t even noticed the extra box. Her fists clenched at the thought of leaving Amity alone again. Especially now. It was safer if they just stuck together.
“Oh it’s fine. I’m sure it was a honest mistake. We’ll just take it with us and make King a little something with it.” Luz mumbled quickly.
Amity raised an eyebrow, but she didn’t say anything more. Putting the last of their food away, Luz swiped the boxes off the table. Shifting them onto one of her arms, she used her free hand to grab Amity’s and led them through the dining area quickly. Her eyes flitted back and forth nervously as they drew closer to the exit. Almost all of the eyes in the restaurant were on them. Every time someone shifted or moved Luz braced herself. She was ready to run and ready to take Amity with her.
Before they were fully out the door, one of the ladies stood up from the table. Luz nearly froze in fear, but she kept up the steady pace she was making, knowing they were almost out the door.
Meeting Luz’s eyes with a cold stare, the lady crossed her arms and smirked.
Psssst, hey! Like this? Wanna see more or want to know what the heck is happening? Check out the Masterpost!
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fleetingfigures · 3 years
Mitigation made Manifest - A Scholar Analysis
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Hello everyone, and welcome to the first part of my analysis series! Today we're going to be taking a look at the titular Scholar job, as well as delve into how it works, what it excels at, what it comes short on, and how well it is designed!
In an effort to keep everything organized, I'll section off this post into 4 main portions. If you're on a computer, you can use ctrl+f (or command+f if you're on a mac) to search for the following headings:
[ Basics ] [ How Scholar Works ] [ Gameplay, Tips and Design ] [ Final Evaluation ]
With that out of the way, let us begin!
[ Basics ]
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Before we dive into Scholar, I believe I must go over a few things, the first being the issue of Scholar’s origin. Scholar, and by extension, its sibling, Summoner, have a unique system wherein they originate from the same base class, Arcanist, and also share each others’ levels (i.e if you level Summoner to 71, your Scholar will also be 71). As per most jobs, many of the base class’ actions translate to its advanced jobs, but the issue comes in its respective role - Arcanist is a magical dps. For Summoner, this is a fine transition as they share this role, but for Scholar, it is a tad awkward. At no point in your time as an arcanist are you ever really taught how healing in FFXIV functions, nor is it ever your ‘job’. The only real healer you can even start the game with is Conjurer, and beyond that, if you want to pick up a healer on the side without a level skip, only Astrologian and Conjurer are healers right out of the gate. As such, It’s hard to recommend Scholar as someone’s first healer as its levelling experience does not translate to how healers are played effectively.
Though, on this topic of effective healer play, I also feel the need to describe XIV’s healing design. At its core, a healer’s job is to obviously keep the party, and most importantly their tank, from dying. But, this is where some issues arise. In higher-end content, a healer is expected to also carry their weight in terms of DPS, and should have comparable RDPS (Damage taking into account buffs/debuffs applied) to that of a party’s tanks. This brings me to the focus of XIV’s healer philosophy: One is to balance the healing they must do with the damage they output. Spending all of your MP on healing is forsaking your duty to at least deal some damage, and only doing damage will obviously cause your party to die. Healing is essentially a game of ‘how low can I go?’, and as you gain more experience and comfort in the role, you can push that threshold lower and lower.
As for more general terms to be aware of, I shall make a small list!
DPS/ADPS/RDPS: Damage per second/Actual damage per second/Raid-contributing damage per second. These are terms used mostly by raiders to quantify how much damage is contributed. For classes that have buffs and debuffs, their DPS/ADPS do not accurately show their true damage, but their RDPS takes into account the bonus damage their buffs and debuffs have granted. Slidecasting: A term describing the leniency that cast times are given in this game because of server connection. For all spells, you do not have to be sitting through their entire cast bar, as they can instead be cut short so that one can still move while in the last bit of their cast. When one can slidecast a spell is dependent upon the cast time of the spell and the spell speed of the individual. HoT/DoT: Heal over time, Damage over time. GCD/OGCD: Global Cooldown/Off-Global Cooldown. Spells and weaponskills operate off of something called a ‘GCD’. A GCD is essentially a lockout until you can cast your next spell/weaponskill. For spells, as they have a cast time equivalent to their GCD, you can cast another right after you finish the first. By default, this GCD is 2.5 seconds for every class, and is reduced by abilities and skill/spell speed. But for weaponskills/spells that are classified as instant, that GCD lockout can instead be used to move or to use OGCD’s, namely abilities, that aren’t constricted by the GCD. The use of OGCD’s during a GCD lockout is called... Weaving: Using OGCD’s during a GCD lockout. Using just one in this timeframe is referred to as a single weave, and using two is referred to as a double weave. For SCH, you want most weaves to be double weaves. Ghosting: The bane of all arcanist-based classes. Unfortunately due to the AI of pets in this game, there is a delay between when you input an action and when your pet performs it, and a general delay in all pet actions if you are moving and they have to catch up. Sometimes when inputting abilities too quickly or using a demi-summon as actions are queued (like Summon Bahamut, Phoenix Trance and Summon Seraph), the queued action will either be delayed or never go off, but will still go on cooldown. Hence the term ‘ghosting’.
[ How Scholar Works ]
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Now with the basics made clear, we can get to the actual meat of this analysis! In FFXIV, there are two denominations of healers: Shielding and Pure. Scholar falls into the prior classification as most of its kit is themed around the prevention of damage. Adloquium and Succor, for example, heal less than White Mage’s Cure II and Medica II, but apply a shield equivalent to 125% of the health restored. As such, Scholar is less of a reactive healer, but more of a proactive one; they set up their resources in advance so that the fight flows with less chaos. Scholar’s base kit is as follows:
Ruin/Broil I, II, and III: Your standard damage spell for a healer. Cast this when you’re not healing. Bio/Bio II/Biolysis: Your standard DoT spell for a healer, ticks 10 times over 30 seconds. Make sure to always have this on the enemy, that is unless the enemy is about to go away, or will die in 15 seconds or less. if this spell sticks to a target for more than 15 seconds, then it technically has outdamaged 1 broil, thus making it a theoretical gain! Physick: The basic heal for a healer; heals for about 400 potency. Once you get to a higher level, you should realistically never touch this heal again. Adloquium (Lvl 30): Scholar’s ‘big single target heal’; heals for 300 potency while erecting a shield equivalent to 125% of the healing done (technically 675 potency in total). Shields generated by this are denoted by the ‘Galvanize’ buff. If this crits, bonus shields will be added as another buff called ‘Catalyze’. This shield does not stack with itself, Succor, Seraphic Veil, or Nocturnal AST’s shields. Succor (Lvl 35): Scholar’s AoE heal; heals for 180 potency and erects a shield equivalent to 125% of the healing done (technically 405 potency in total). Shields generated by this are denoted by the ‘Galvanize’ buff. Like Adlo, it does not stack with what was listed above. Ruin II (Lvl 38): An instant cast version of ruin. It’s potency upgrades as you level, capping at 200 at level 72. This spell is mostly used to weave OGCD’s, or to just generally move while not missing too many casts. Art of War (Lvl 46): Your standard AoE spell for a healer. Deals 160 potency to all enemies in 5 yalms and is instant. Unlike Holy, this spell is a DPS gain on 2 targets or more. Deployment Tactics (Lvl 56): As an OGCD, spreads the target’s Galvanize buff to all nearby allies within 10 yalms. Does not spread Catalyze. Emergency Tactics (Lvl 58): Transforms the shields from Adlo and Succor into a flat heal. Useful in a pinch, hence its name, and gives Scholar a chance at outputting fat heals. Chain Stratagem (Lvl 66): Where Scholar’s RDPS comes from. Applies a debuff to a target that increases the chance they receive critical hits from all allies hitting it by 10% for 15 seconds. Multiple of these cannot be applied to the same boss, and will overlap. Keep in mind its 120 second cooldown as it is crucial to getting better at Scholar! Recitation (Lvl 74): Your next Succor, Adloquium, Excogitation, or Indomitability will always crit. In the case of Succor and Adlo, they will also not cast mana. In the case of Excog and Indom, they will not require an aetherflow stack. Mostly used to cast excog/indom through a double weave, and is immensely useful to make healing easier. 90 second cooldown.
To build off of my last point of resources, it’s high time to introduce two of Scholar’s best friends: Eos and Selene! Eos and Selene, as per SCH’s Arcanist base, are the pets for this job. Unlike carbuncles and egis, they do not deal damage, but instead use their actions to heal, and are crucial to Scholar’s gameplay. Also like the other pets, their action potencies scale differently as opposed to the player’s. For example, Eos/Selene’s Whispering Dawn skill has a listed regen potency of 120, meanwhile WHM’s Medica II regen has a listed potency of 100. One would think that Whispering Dawn would tick for more than Medica II, but through my testing, it is only about 86.8% as effective (due to number variation in FFXIV, this percentage is subject to change). The factor in which pet scaling affects your fairy’s heal is about 64%. With that little disclaimer out of the way, the Faeries’ kits are as follows:
Embrace (Lvl 1): A 150 (96 with pet scaling) potency single-target heal. This is what your fairy will do with its free time. Whispering Dawn (Lvl 20): A 120 potency regen over 21 seconds (537 potency heal in total with pet-scaling). Due to FFXIV’s server ticks, HoT’s and DoT’s hit every 3 seconds, and as such, WD translates to about 840 potency (in terms of your pet’s scaling that is). This ability is activated by the player as an OGCD. Fey Illumination (Lvl 40): A buff that reduces magic damage taken by all allies in range by 5% and increases their healing received by 10%. Lasts 20 seconds. Dissipation (Lvl 60): Munch on your Fairy to gain 3 aetherflow charges and +20% healing magic. This does NOT AFFECT THE POTENCY OF YOUR OGCD HEALING. Your fairy will automatically respawn after the 30 second duration. Aetherpact & Fey Union (Lvl 70): Designate an ally as an OGCD to form a tether between them and your fairy. Your Fairy gauge will then deplete by 10 every 3 seconds to apply a 400 potency (256 potency with pet scaling) heal. This tether will break after the target is 15 yalms away, if you cancel it by using aetherpact again, or if you use another fairy skill. Fey Blessing (Lvl 76): As an OGCD, spend 10 Fairy Gauge to have your Fairy perform an aoe heal of 350 potency (224 potency with pet scaling). Summon Seraph (Lvl 80): As an OGCD, replace your fairy with Seraph. Embrace now becomes Seraphic Veil, a 200 potency (128 potency heal with pet scaling) heal + shield. Consolation (Lvl 80): Essentially Fey Blessing, but only available during Seraph. Heals for 300 potency (192 potency with pet scaling), and shields for the same amount. Has 2 charges per every Seraph summon, and the shield stacks with your own shields as well as a nocturnal Astro’s shields.
Now that those are out of the way, you must be thinking, “The fuck is fairy gauge and aetherflow?” Well, I’m glad you asked, as they’re both intrinsically tied to each other! Starting at level 70, every time you spend an aetherflow stack, you gain 10 fairy gauge, pretty simple, yea? As for aetherflow itself, every 60 seconds you can cast the skill named, well, Aetherflow, to gain 3 stacks of it and recover 1000 MP. These Aetherflow stacks can be used on the following OGCD abilities:
Lustrate (Lvl 45): A 600 potency heal. Very straightforward, and often not used because of the value of the other options. Energy Drain (Lvl 45): A 100 potency damaging OGCD. If you don’t need to heal, and you don’t think you need to heal for a bit, this is your go-to aetherflow dump. Also, if you’re attempting parses on Scholar, have fun using all your aetherflow on this. Sacred Soil (Lvl 50): Create a bubble that reduces damage taken by all allies inside by 10% for 15 seconds. At level 78 this upgrades to offer a 100 potency heal (500 potency heal in total). Only costing 1 aetherflow gauge, having a 30 second cooldown, and lasting 15 seconds, this skill is INCREDIBLY GOOD, especially after the level 78 upgrade. Indomitability (Lvl 52): A 400 potency AoE heal. Straightforward, but very effective because of its numbers. Excogitation (Lvl 62): An 800 potency heal that triggers when the target falls under 50% HP, or if its 45 second duration ends. While it feels awkward to use for beginners, its usefulness is immeasurable. It is technically a higher potency version of Lustrate, with a slight cooldown and delay, but fills a more ‘fire-forget’ niche. Very useful inside of all settings but remember, it will not proc if the target will outright die to the damage before it triggers (i.e if a tank takes a tankbuster at 51% health, and the hit does 60%, excog will not proc.)
[ Gameplay, Tips and Design ]
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Scholar, as I have stated, fills the role of a preemptive healer, especially with all of the mitigation present in its kit, as well as the existence of Excog. As such, this job sees a greater increase in effectiveness as you yourself learn a fight compared to a pure healer such as WHM/Diurnal AST. If you know when the party/raid-wide damage is coming, and you prepare accordingly with... Say, A sacred soil and a succor, that is a good chunk of damage you or your co-healer won’t have to heal, thus affording both of you more time to deal damage. Inside of higher end content, like savage raids, having said mitigation is both invaluable for progressing through fights, as well as streamlining and perfecting them. For a while, because of that fact, SCH was the unofficial ‘king’ of healers for a very long time, especially considering there used to be a lot more damage inside of SCH’s kit (rest in peace almost everything that made it unique lol). The start of Shadowbringers was when SCH was finally taken off of its throne, not by AST like many would think (also because it took quite the hit), but by WHM of all things. Thankfully through a series of buffs since 5.0, SCH would begin to see themselves slowly climb back and situate in a comfortable position, but while Scholar is in a good spot now, that does not mean it’s perfect.
Scholar’s ability to heal pure HP is a bit lacking, especially so when dealing with attacks that place the party or specific players at 1 hp. SCH’s find themselves having to use multiple resources in trying to recover that lost HP, often losing much more damage uptime in comparison to WHM or AST (Which is why the ideal healing composition involves 1 pure healer and 1 shield healer). This usage of multiple resources also makes SCH a fair bit more punishing to inexperienced healers than AST or WHM. With the HP recovery of fairies being nerfed in Shadowbringers, much more of the agency is placed back upon the player, who in turn must pay attention to everything that the class has to offer. Obviously not all content is going to necessitate OPTIMAL PLAY, but with all the moving parts present within its kit, Scholar demands a bit more attention to be paid towards it and its skills.
Outside of a learning curve and lack of pure healing, Scholars are punished heavily for dying. Not only must they spend a GCD in resummoning their fairy, all fairy gauge and aetherflow stacks are also lost on death, and if aetherflow was on cooldown at the time, A SCH is going to not have a majority of their kit for awhile on top of having reduced healing due to weakness/brink of death. This once again lends itself to Scholar being less beginner-friendly as opposed to the other healers, even with the existence of freebie heals from your fairy.
Hell, speaking about fairies, therein lies an issue itself - Scholar being a pet class. Conceptually it’s awesome, but with how FFXIV handles pets/demi-summons and their AI, it’s also quite the hassle. Like I mentioned above, ghosting is a problem when it comes to pet classes, and if you don’t properly adjust around it, some of your cooldowns can simply just go poof. Weaving both Whispering Dawn and Fey Illumination in the same double weave will cause the one that’s cast later to cast quite a bit later. On top of that, if you’re moving while you’re weaving them, there’s a chance you’ll have to wait for the fairy to catch up to you to finally cast them (which is why placing your fairy pre-battle is very useful). And as a general rule of thumb, never use summon seraph right after you use Whispering Dawn or Fey Illumination. Wait until after you see the buff apply on everyone as using Seraph will cancel the queued action.
With all that being said, however Scholar is still highly effective in what it does, it just requires a bit of experience. While I can’t offer tutorials on every fight, there are a few general tips I can give for aspiring scholars out there!
[ Tips ]
(General Advice + Combos)
Double weaving on Scholar is rather straightforward, but if you're using Ruin II to do so after your Broil, it will be a technical DPS loss if you do not use an energy drain within the weave window! Broil III has a potency of 290, Ruin II has a potency of 200, and Energy Drain has a potency of 100. In weaving without the use of energy drain, you will lose 90 potency in comparison to if you were to cast another Broil III. Using Energy Drain will add another 100 potency, thus gaining you 10 potency overall. Of course you shouldn't always dump an aetherflow on energy drain when you're weaving, but it is something to keep in mind when you are aiming to do more damage!
- Healing Combos -
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[Single Target] If you are AoE'ing, replace ruin II/Biolysis with Art of War!
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[AoE Mitigation] (Shield + 5% magic damage mitigation + 10% all damage mitigation)
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[Panic AoE Healing] (1029 potency AoE Healing) As a bonus little tip in regards to this, remember Scholar's AoE healing spell/ability priority! The above combo is when you cannot afford time for a regen, but if you can, follow this list. 1. Whispering Dawn (if you can afford time for the regen) 2. Fey Blessing 3. Sacred Soil (if you can afford time for the regen) 4. Indomitability 5. Succor + Emergency Tactics 6. Succor
Scholars luckily have a wonderful mobility tool in Ruin II which allows them to position easily, though at the cost of DPS. However, this loss is minimal compared to its cohorts, wherein WHM either has to clip their Dia or use a lily, and AST either has to use Lightspeed, or slowly shuffle over with Malefics. This makes Scholar a bit easier to navigate when learning fights! Don't be afraid to use Ruin II if you're looking to push for a clear or learn a mechanic better, as a dead scholar is worse than one that is losing dps.
A crucial part of Scholar's kit is actually Chain Stratagem. While it loses much of its usefulness in public groups, or those who do not exactly care for proper rotations, when you can coordinate buffs and opening combos, it provides a large boost in DPS for the whole party. Typically, the ideal time to use Chain Stratagem is upon your 4th GCD, and everytime it comes off cooldown after, but this can change depending on your group. Here is an example 4th GCD Chain opener.
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While AoE’ing mob packs, you can keep your focus target on the tank. It will make it much easier to heal them in a pinch.
Sacred Soil is essentially a free 15 second long cooldown for the tank, that ALSO heals at level 78 and above. It’s very, very useful.
Using Excog and adlo between pulls will allow you to spend more time AoE’ing mobs
Don’t forget about your fairy skills, especially fey union. Lazy mode is using fey union after whispering dawn, fey illumination and sacred soil and then proceeding to press art of war until the cows come home.
Recitation + Excog on your main tank pre-pull. Many use recitation+Adlo and then spread the shield with deployment tactics, but you don’t need to use recitation for that! Catalyze is the bonus shielding a crit adlo creates, and cannot be spread. Therefore save your recitation for a free excog and use a normal adlo+deployment tactics afterwards.
Please, please, PLEASE, if you are in a static or raid environment, make sure you allies stand in Sacred Soil when they can. It makes all of your lives easier.
Pre-placing your fairy in the center of the arena is a good habit to get in, but if you need your fairy AoE’s while you’re away from the center, make sure to press heel on your fairy hotbar to make it follow you again.
Outside of all that, there is a collection of miscellaneous things that I do want to prattle off in relation to this category, mostly being some design choices and ideas I had for the class going forward. So, let’s begin!
Why does Fey Blessing not become Consolation when you have Seraph out? They are essentially the same thing, and you CAN’T EVEN USE FEY BLESSING WHEN YOU HAVE SERAPH OUT. WHY IS FEY BLESSING AND CONSOLATION SEPARATE BUTTONS. ANSWER ME SQUARE ENIX, TELL ME WHY.
There should be another way to dump Fairy gauge. It would make the system a bit more interactive (A lot like how lilies got an AoE version as well as Afflatus misery with SHB).
We should be able to cancel fey union in the middle of a cast. Breaking the tether does not have an animation nor any animation lockout, and in my eyes is technically not an OGCD. With this change, cancelling fey union can be done on the fly and not require a weave so as to not lose uptime.
The delay upon shield application is a tad annoying, especially so in the use of deployment tactics. Sometimes, if you cast too late, the boss’ Aoe will eat the heal, but not the shield. And in the case of the latter, if you use deployment tactics too quickly, you’ll spread nothing.
Bring back fairy uniqueness ;-;
[ Final Evaluation ]
Now comes time for my final grading.
Going forward with these Class Analyses, I will grade the class upon a set of categories unique to their role (DPS, Tank, Healer). As such, in my grading of Scholar, I will judge it based on the following categories, on a scale of F-S:
Damage (Personal) - The damage they bring to the table by themselves. Damage (Raid setting) - The damage they bring based upon their RDPS potential Accessibility - How easy is it to pick up and play? Mitigation - How well can they prevent damage? Healing - How well can they heal damage? Fun - Well, is it fun? Fantasy fulfillment - Does it fit the class aesthetics/lore?
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Damage (Personal) [7] - While not as powerful alone as White Mage, Scholar is not entirely dependent upon team mates for damage like Astrologian.
Damage (Raid Setting) [8] - The addition of chain stratagem to Scholar’s already decent damage takes that one extra step beyond.
Accessibility [4] - Starts as a DPS in Arcanist, has many unique functions and is punished heavily if they die in the middle of a battle.
Mitigation [10] - They’re the originator of shield healers, and definitely keep the crown. Sacred soil is always going to be ridiculous.
Healing [6.5] - Scholar’s pure healing is a bit lacking, but with Square’s fight design, any healer should be able to make it through a fight. Therefore, I cannot rate Scholar all too low in this category.
Fun [7.5, almost 8] - Keeps you engaged, but lacks the pizzazz of Astro and the oomph of White Mage. Still a fun class at the end of the day, though!
Fantasy Fulfillment [9] - As tactical geniuses in the lore, the feel of Scholar gameplay fits that ideal! Through your mitigation, pre-planned abilities, and setting up of fairy abilities, you definitely feel like a tactician controlling the flow of battle, though it does falter a bit with a lot of their old options being removed in SHB.
[ End ]
And with that, we are done with this analysis! As for my personal conjecture with Scholar, it’s one of my mains, and used to be my go to raid healer, that is until my static needed a bit more upfront healing for e12s prog awhile back. If you were to look at my FFlogs, you’d probably see an absolute deluge of WHM parses since it’s uhh... Kinda technically my new healer main, but I still love SCH I swear! Another thing that made me switch from SCH to WHM was the inclusion of a DRK in our static. The ability to instantly remove Walking Dead with one button is so much easier than blowing cooldowns on both healers. Though, technically, from a savage perspective, the highest damage team setup is SCH + AST (Mostly because boosting teammate damage will always do more than just being good yourself, especially this late in the tier).
Anywho... This is the REAL end of the analysis. Hope you enjoyed and if you have any suggestions, questions or things to address, just comment and let me know!
Yabi, out~
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Stark Spangled Kinks: The Stealth Suit
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Summary: Katie has a Stealth Suit Kink, but who doesn’t?? Warning: SMUT SMUT SMUT- This enrire series is SMUT so NSFW and NO UNDER 18s!! Pairings: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark. A/N: Let’s face it...there’s no plot here bar a load of smut so...yeah.. Enjoy.
SSK Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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"For the 500th time...I'm FINE, Steve!" Katie snapped at him. Steve took a deep breath, his hands falling to his hips as the jet fell silent. "I'm not the one with a bullet in my leg" "There's nothing in my leg!" A voice said causing them to turn to the back of the jet where Natasha was sat, Clint wrapping her leg in a bandage. "Its just a graze..." "Nat, I'm so sorry..." Katie started and Nat shook her head, waving her hand. "Nova, I told you to take the shot." She shrugged "It was a 50/50...ee had to take the chance. Besides, it hit him too so..." "2 people, 1 bullet..." Clint grinned, but Katie couldn't find it in herself to smile. "I told Fury this was a bad idea..." she shook her head. "I shouldn't have come." Clint frowned "Hey, Nova look...I know you're not technically an agent now but we'd have been out numbered and out gunned without you...it would have been a lot worse." Katie didn't say anything. Instead she simply nodded and headed over to retrieve a bottle of water before she sat down. How she had gotten roped into this she had no idea. Actually that was a lie. She knew exactly how it had happened. SHIELD had been tracking a big player who had been bragging amongst certain circles that he had something new, a game changer in the world of arms dealing- a piece of the whiplash technology that Ivan Vanko had developed and used to fight Tony back in 2010. As Tony was currently in London, Fury had asked Katie to look over the blueprints Natasha had retrieved whilst undercover. She had JARVIS confirm it was, indeed, a similar technology and that she also knew from history with Stark Industries that it would be possible to manufacture with the right equipment. That was enough for Fury to run a full scale op to exfil Natasha at the same time as shutting the target down and acquiring the designs to prevent this happening again in the future. Katie had been all set to wish them good luck when Clint had levelled her with a look and told her they were a sniper down as Evans had broken his arm in a training op. Katie had shrugged until Fury had looked at her, asking her to take a place on the field team for this particular mission, and as she had sighed Steve had turned to her and simply said that she didn't have to do anything she didn't want to whilst crossing his arms over the front of his broad chest which was adorned with the silver star and stripes...and that was it. She had agreed. 
Because she had a weakness for her soldier...and a fucking kink for that goddamned midnight blue and silver kevlar. The mission had gone to shit. They'd gotten what they needed, Katie covering the rendezvous point where they were meeting Natasha only to see her approaching being followed by a man with some form of machete looking weapon. Katie didn't have a clear shot as Natasha started to duck and dive out of the hostile's way but Natasha had instructed her to take it anyway. So she did and the bullet had hit it's intended target...after first grazing Natasha's thigh as she had thrown her legs up around the guys chest to flip him over. "Stop beating yourself yourself up about it Nova." Rumlow piped up "Sometimes we take collateral and this time collateral was Widow." Katie gave an angry noise and turned to Rumlow "I don't like collateral on any fucking scale Brock..." Rumlow looked as if he was going to bite back but Steve shot him a look causing the man to fall silent. Katie shook her head and made her way back to the seat, pulling our her StarkPhone and burying herself in her actual job, replying to a few emails. Once the debrief was over and Katie had apologised, once again to Natasha, she headed off to the locker room. "You should go talk to her." Nat looked at Steve as he stood up from where he had been undoing the buckles on his boots. "She's pissed..." "She's upset." Steve corrected. "Get to Medical, that's an order." "I'll see to it she does Cap." Clint assures him. Steve gave a nod, swinging his shield up onto his back before he headed off after Katie, taking the elevator down to the floor which held the equipment stores and the changing rooms. He knocked on the female one, poking his head in as he knew she would be the only one in there given the hour and the fact Nat was the only other female on the mission. "Honey?" He asked softly as he stepped inside. She emerged from the locker area, dressed in the tight compression tank-top and shorts she wore under the catsuit. "You ok?" "No." She admitted to him. "Not really..." He sighed and crossed towards her, pulling her into a hug. She pressed her check to his chest as he dropped a kiss to her head. "It wasn't your fault." He said and she shrugged in his arms. He pulled back slightly and tilted her chin up with his glove clad hand and she allowed him to capture her lips in a soft kiss. Katie pulled back, and Steve watched as she cocked her head to one side, biting her lip. 
He knew that look very well. "You're a nightmare..." he chuckled, arching an eyebrow and she shrugged, running her hands up his chest, fingers tracing the silver star. He caught her wrists in his hands and she glanced up at him, swallowing at the darkness that was now in his eyes as they flashed with desire. Without a word he reached down, hands hooking on her thighs as he hoisted her up, his lips crashing to hers, her legs wrapped around his waist, underneath the edge of his shield on his back. Shucking off his boots, he strode out of the main area of the room through to the wet room at the back where he gently set her down on the edge of the counter which held the sinks along the edge of the room. He shifted his hands to her back, holding her strongly to him, lips moving from her mouth to her jaw line and then her neck where he nipped gently. Katie gave a groan and her hands dropped to his utility belt, hastily unclipping it before she next went to the button and zips on his uniform pants. "Want something baby girl?" He teased "You know what I want..." she said as he grinned and decided to help her out. He reached for the waist band of his combats, intending on pushing them down over his hips but she stopped him. "Leave it on" "What?" He asked, his voice was gravely from his arousal and he wasn't quite sure be had heard her right. "You know I love this suit..." she said, reaching into his flies and grabbing his length on her hand, drawing a load grunt from his mouth as she freed him through the space now his trousers were undone at the front. "Leave it on..." "Yes ma'am." He mumbled, one hand tangling in her hair, the other on the base of her spine as he pulled her close for another deep kiss. He gripped the bottom of her compression tank top and she moved her arms so he could pull it over the top, freeing her breasts and she gave a soft sigh as his head dropped to her chest. His tongue gently traced her nipple, teasing it to a peak as his other hand rubbed at her core through her lycra shorts which were fast becoming soaked. She groaned, her head falling back as Steve grinned to himself, the sight of her simply surrendering herself completely to him in such a raw, trusting and unabashed way was something he would never tire of. His lips traced upwards and he felt her gently pushing on his chest through his uniform. Stepping back slightly, he watched as she jumped down and pushed him round so he had his back to the counter before she dropped to her knees, hands sliding up to the back of his thighs. "Fuck..." he half groaned, half cursed as Katie licked the underside of his shaft making her way from the base up to the tip. She looked up at him, his still gloved hand fell to the back of her head, gently tangling in her hair, the other one grasping at the marble counter top behind him. Maintaining eye contact, Katie wrapped her lips around him and slowly moved her mouth up and down her fingers tightening on the backs of his thighs as he did so. He allowed her to control the pace, his hand simply resting in her hair as her head moved back and forth. His eyes never left hers, the mischievous twinkle still present and as she took him to the back of her throat he let out a loud hiss as his cock twitched. His fingers tightened around the marble top and it was then that they both heard a loud cracking noise. Katie stilled, releasing him from her mouth with a small pop and looked up as Steve glanced at the place his hand rest, the side now displaying finger shaped marks in the marble. "Something got you worked up Soldier?" Katie teased and with that Steve gently tugged her hair. "Get up here..." he instructed softly and she did as she was told, rising to her feet. Grabbing her hips he spun her around and pushed her roughly against the sink basin. His hands tore the fabric of her shorts easily and he tossed the shreds of lycra to the side before he pressed his body into hers, one hand settling on her hip, the other ever so tenderly wrapped around the front of her throat. Steve leaned forward, lips by her ear as he used the hand on her neck to hold her head in place so she was looking directly in the mirror. His eyes locked onto hers as he whispered his simple instruction. "Watch" He saw a flicker in her ears, excitement, as he used his foot to knock her legs apart, bending her forwards slightly before he buried himself in her in one slow, deliberate move, eyes not once leaving hers in the mirror. He saw her face screw up in pleasure as she gave a moan at being taken this way and the hand on her throat gave a gentle squeeze. "Eyes on me doll..." he instructed. Her eyes opened again and locked back onto his as he moved his hips, rocking into her, as deep as he could get. Her back arched, her mouth freely allowing her soft cries and whispers to escape while he thrust deeply into her, again and again. The feeling was exquisite to Katie. He always felt good but now, accompanied by the feel and scratch of that suit against her skin, the noises it was making as it rustled with each movement, the clinging of buckles and belts and then the fact he was being so dominant, ensuring she did as she was told and watched him...fuck, she was all kinds of turned on here. The hand that had been on her hip crept round the front if he belly and Steve reached down, teasing her clit, causing her to shudder and a loud wail of pleasure fell from her lips. Steve chuckled slightly, eyes on hers in the mirror. "Shhhh" he said softly, before he smirked "Like that, huh?" "Fuck, yes..." she groaned, as the hand on her neck moved to the side of her face and Steve turned her head so he could kiss her, his hips moving faster now as he could feel himself starting to unravel. "You close baby?" His voice was a whisper and she answered him with a soft moan as his fingers continued to work in time with his trust, his mouth moving to her jaw line, nipping softly before his hand, once again on her neck, forced her face round to look at him in the glass again. "Cap...Captain...I'm gonna..." "Let go...c'mon...thass my girl..." his Brooklyn accent rolled off his tongue as he continued his deliberate thrusts into her, hand holding her neck in place so her face was focused on his in the mirror. He watched carefully, as her eyes fluttered shut for a moment and she reached up, grabbing at his arm, as he felt her tightening around him, her legs shaking as she gave a loud, drawn out moan, her entire body convulsing. When Katie opened her eyes she saw Steve's own flutter shut, his mouth dropping open as his head fell forward, pressing into her neck, biting down softly as he groaned, hips faltering with his release. She watched him, those long eyelashes resting against his now flushed cheeks and when they cracked open to reveal those deep blue eyes she had fallen in love with from the very start, she gave him a soft smile which he returned, tipping her head to kiss him. "You ok?" He asked, his hands sliding over her belly, noticing the marks where she had banged into the unit, frowning slightly. "Did I..." "Stop it..." she instructed him, looking at him. "I'm fine...more than fine...that was amazing." He chuckled, a swell of smugness in his chest warmed him through as he kissed the side of her neck. "Guess you really do like this suit, huh?" He asked as she turned to look at him, her hands tracing the lines of the star. "Prefer the guy that's in it but...yeah, not gonna lie. It does things to me...your ass looks great." She said, looking round him as he laughed. "Its all yours baby" he quipped and she grinned, leaning up to kiss him. "I need a shower." She mumbled "you joining me?" "Can I take the suit off for that?" He asked. She nodded as her lips ghosted over his "Like I said, the suit's a kink...what I really love is the man in it." 30 seconds later said suit was not so stealthily littered around the female changing rooms as Steve backed his girl into the large, rainfall shower cubicle, shutting the glass door behind him with his foot.
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tadashitea · 4 years
We’re on a bit of a hiatus and I have no idea when the Series will return now (probably sometime next year) but I wanted to talk about how it’s doing...
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These are the number of viewers for the first few episodes in Season 1 (in millions) this is the highest it’s ever been and is mostly the case for many other series, the beginnings usually have decently high ratings.
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As we move to season 2, it dropped quite a bit but that’s to be expected and it’s still not bad. The peak for the first half (since it was split) was “.39″ on “The Fate of the Roommates” which is when Honey was leaving the room and Gogo didn’t want her to. I can’t find a whole lot of ratings for Season 2 Part 2 but the ones that I can see are very much in the same vein.
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This is Season 3, the episodes are now in pairs and therefore have the same ratings as pairs. Unfortunately .12 was the peak of this season so far, is it due to the new format? Is it due to how long it’s run? Is it due to Corona. I wanted to dive a bit deeper into what other shows have been performing like.
Let’s start with Ducktales which is currently airing and also started it’s 3rd season this year. The highest rating so far is
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.19, which is better than BH6 S3 as of right now but for one, it’s been on since April, and it’s not all that big of a jump. What does it take to tank it though? That’s my fear. Well Star Wars Resistance ended this year and had similar views but it apparently wasn’t cancelled for low ratings, the reason is unclear but it was announced that season 2 would be the last season, it wasn’t just randomly not picked up for S3. 
Disney+ is also a factor in all of this because it can sort of make or break a series. The only thing I really have to go off of is something Dan Povenmire said about the possibility of Milo Murphy’s Law Season 3. It hasn’t aired at all this year and has more or less been stagnant, no announcements good or bad. All he’s said is that the viewership was low and they were banking on Disney+ resulting in an uptick. But as far as views go, it’s not looking good because the last episode it did have (last year) had .46
Don’t get too distraught yet though because plenty of current series have similar ratings as I mentioned with Ducktales, and at the same time, the budgets are different and viewership is more important for something of a higher budget than lower. Unfortunately, I’m not sure where BH6 falls on that spectrum.
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davidmann95 · 4 years
Comics this week (3/17/2021)?
Justice League #59: This issue feels like the biggest testament to the word that Infinite Frontier is just the interim before the real relaunch that’s coming, because there is zero pomp or circumstance here of the kind you’d expect even if you think Bendis sucks. Young Justice of all things felt weightier than this in its debut; this is perfectly passable mind you, but if it was anything less than Justice League I’d go “ok, this is one of those Bendis books I don’t care about” and pass it by. I’m pretty sure his more substantial plans for the title are being kept for a proper new #1 waiting in the wings, but in the meantime it’s a perfectly slick team book with a couple decent bits, a bunch of my favorite characters, and pretty Marquez/Bonvillain art so I’m fine with it. Obviously the V/Xermanico Justice League Dark backup was the highlight.
Superman: Red and Blue #1: Apparently a lot of Superman fans didn’t like this, which doesn’t surprise me - a lot of it is Clark beaten down, needing help, or otherwise on the back foot one way or another, and that triggers a lot of alarm bells for a certain type of stan at this point. For my money though these were almost all great, and I was even able to get the cover by the Final Fantasy logo artist Yoshitaka Amano.
* Ridley/Henry/Bellaire/Sharp: The big advertised presentation, I’ve been really curious in the wake of Other History what Ridley would do with a Superman solo story and this absolutely didn’t disappoint. A harrowing take on Clark as truly vulnerable and how his mindset shifts or doesn’t in response I’m kind of astonished DC let the team get away with, this came together wonderfully.
* Easton/Lieber/Chan/Cowles: The weakest of the bunch, a severe but moving tale contrasting Superman’s splashy adventures with his potential impact on those around him bookended by some much weaker stock “are you sure you’re doing enough?” material, though it’s absolutely beautiful under Lieber and Chan, especially the final page.
* Craig/Bennett: A fantastic little tale of parallels on the human scale existing in Superman’s wake, and while that material’s only front-and-center for a couple panels here I would kill to see Craig draw a big cosmic epic.
* Watters/Dani/Sharpe: The big standout aside from Ridley’s story, there’s kind of no excuse for this not having been the first feature of the issue given it’s about the gimmick of the format in a way that leads directly out of its inspiration in Batman: Black and White. I do wonder what colorblind readers would make of the message of this one though, even if I read it the point of what happened as extending beyond the literal physical. In any case, I desperately hope this and Future State: Superman/Wonder Woman won’t be the extent of Watters’ work in this territory.
* Bennett/Thompson/Peteri: A simple but sweet little story of a young Clark learning a formative lesson - don’t see the gimmick that often of having both caption boxes and thought balloons around for different purposes, and it’s one I’m always happy to see.
Nightwing #78: As a Taylor fan, gotta say, this sucks. Flat, twee, totally without narrative momentum or weight except for a single completely bonkers new element in Dick’s world I’ll discuss in another ask, and of all things for some reason a bizarrely shameless Fraction/Aja Hawkeye ripoff alongside its rote regurgitation of Dixon and Snyder. This is everything people who hate the guy’s (non-Injustice, non-DCeased) work think of it as, and Redondo, Lucas, and Abbott’s next level, jaw-droppingly gorgeous work here is crushingly wasted. I’m not sure I can judge this as a ‘failure’ when it’s absolutely going to succeed at its actual goals - not as a story even if I understand even more people are pulling it than the new JL, but as contextless panels to circulate around comics Twitter/Tumblr in perpetuity - but as someone who thought a lot of Taylor’s strengths have been often overlooked and was hoping he’d pull out of some of his worst habits, it’s such a downer to watch him dive in face-first. An instant drop.
Catwoman #29: Fully out of the Brubaker shadow for me at this point and into its own oddball take on crime in Gotham, it doesn’t seem to be attracting much heat but I hope the team gets the space to see its story through and I suspect this run will be looked back on very fondly as a hidden gem in years to come.
Batman vs. Ra’s Al Ghul #5: IT’S BACK BABY, AND LESS EXPLICABLE THAN EVER. So happy.
Captain America Anniversary Tribute #1: Actually picked this up for a friend of the family who was interested and it’ll be shipped to him later, but read it while we have it and it’s exactly what it says on the tin, so if a bunch of artists doing their spins on these pages appeals it’s perfectly worth your time.
Iron Man #7: I continue to be unable to believe in the best way that this is what the ongoing Iron Man comic is about now.
S.W.O.R.D. #4: Alright, alright, alright - probably the weakest issue so far (which is to say it’s still a lot of fun by most any other books’ standard), but we’re past the King In Black of it all and ready to get into the promise of that debut.
Radiant Black #2: I was really concerned whether this would live up to the promise of the first issue or immediately begin to decline, but I’m happy to report that so far this seems like it’s leaning into its better aspects even if the superheroism remains the weaker half, and I’m still curious to see where this goes.
Abbott 1973 #3: Picked up some after the last issue was losing me, I’m back in the tank for the remaining couple.
Orphan and the Five Beasts #1: Stokoe doing kung-fu horror, madness, and righteous vengeance, an easy win.
Ultramega #1: I was skeptical about this one - I’d barely heard of James Harren even as folks were suddenly talking as if him doing work was long understood as a must-see, the preview didn’t especially grab me, and this didn’t seem to much stand out to me among the increasing surge of toku-inspired material. I was ready for the hype to betray me, but while I’ve seen a critique of this as a sausage-fest unwittingly or otherwise building a lot of its narrative on the pain and death of mothers I’d like to see femme or nonbinary critics unpack further, as a reading experience (prior to seeing said critique) this absolutely blew me away. Incredibly dense even at 60 pages - where a lot of those are splash pages no less - beautifully disgusting, gut-wrenching even aside from the pages with guts being wrenched, monumental, and mysterious, a tale of what happens when we’re let down by the men forced into the role of godling-saviors and what happens next. That Harren mentions in the afterward that this is the first comic he’s written is as remarkable as its is infuriating.
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stripper-patrick · 4 years
Can’t get enough🌜 Khalil (TikTok)
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Warnings: language, major fluff, smut, oral (f), multiple sex scenes, dirty talk, unprotected scene, choking, fingering, a whole lot
Tags: @rebellious-desires @mrsbanreswillseeyou
Relationship: Khalil x black plus sized reader
“Mama can you spend the night” Khalil asks on FaceTime pulling his hair up.
“Yea but aren’t we going to Brielle’s graduation tomorrow” she’s his 6 year old niece and she’s graduating kindergarten
“Yea Bring ya clothes” he smiles cheekily
“I’m on the way” I say
“Yes ma’am”
I knock on the door with my bag in my hand and Khalil opens it with a smile. I walk into his open arms feeling him kiss my head and the scent of teakwood fills me up.
“Wassup ma” he smiles letting me go. I shake my head and walk past him but it without a pat on the butt.
“I brought my nail polish so you could do my nails” I smile
“Can I get a kiss first” he sets my bag down smiling. I lean forward and up kissing his lips.
“What you got planned for us tonight”
“Well for starters we could watch a movie and I could paint your toes they look rough” he laughs. I hit him “then I figured later I could take you upstairs and make you scream”
“boy please you ain’t bout it” I laugh
“Yea ard play with me if you want”
“Pick the movie and lets get to it” he looks through and I sit down and he plops next to me grabbing the remote and turning on Netflix.
“Despicable Me?” I shake my head “princess and the frog?” I shake my head again “Incredibles 2?”
“Yes” I jump
“Ok” he turns it on and I get comfortable next to him. He wraps his arm around my shoulder pulling me into a kiss. I smile kissing him again before laying on his shoulder.
Khalil painted my nails and toes a light crimson red while the Incredibles is still on. Now we’re sitting on the couch with my legs in his lap and he’s rubbing the bottom of my butt/thigh area. I see his head turn to me and I look seeing his pretty eyes already on me.
“What?” I ask
“You gon be ok with meeting my family tomorrow?”
“Yea I’ll be fine” I nod
“I think it’ll be great” he smiles squeezing slightly. I look at him imagining all the things I’d do to him and vice versa. I need him now. I’m already starting to ache.
“You know ‘Lil I think I’m ready for that other thing you had planned for us” he looks at me cocking his brow and biting his lip
“You ain’t said nothing but a word” he turns off Netflix and takes my hand helping me up. Khalil stops dead in his tracks “wait are your toes dry?” I lightly tap them feeling if they’re dry and they are. I nod and he does the same.
“Let’s go lil mama”
As soon as we get to his bedroom door Khalil is on me like glue. His lips are so soft against mine and his hands are rubbing my body down. He gives my ass a good squeeze going in between my cheeks and rubbing my pussy. I moan into his mouth earning a smile. He stops all movements and I’m about to protest but he speaks first “get undressed and on the bed face down ass up” I smile slowly pulling off my tank top teasing him.
I drop my black shorts and I’m about to take off my underwear but Khalil stops me “leave those on” I take off my bra and get on the bed lowering my upper body on the mattress. I even shake my ass letting it bounce in front of him. He grabs a condom tearing open the wrapper. Next his pants and underwear drop to the floor as he rolls it on. I wiggle my ass more and feel a sting only a second later. My body is on fire and I’m aching.
Following suit Khalil pushes the head in and I help guide him inside of me. My other hand grips the sheet. “You’re so tight mama” he starts thrusting forward allowing my ass to bounce back on his dick after each stroke.
“Yea” I moan “you like this tight pussy don’t you? I want you to stretch it out”
“That’s what ima do trust and believe” he moans spanking me again. I moan feeling his hand go to the back of my neck keeping my down.
“Right there Lil” I moan biting my lip. His hands move to my hips leaning n me further back on him so he’s deeper. He spanks me again making me jump. “You so wet baby”
“Fuck” I move my arm and grab ahold of his balls squeezing them. He gives off a loud moan. His hips slam into me harder and I’m ready to give out but mama didn’t raise a bitch. My body involuntarily starts to lift up off of him until his grip on my hips tighten slamming into me harder “since you wanna be grown. Don’t run”
“Babe I’m cumming” his breathing gets shakier feeling his grip tighten even more. But it feels good. My toes curl and my eyes roll to the back of my head as we both cum at the same time. I squeeze his balls again and his stomach caves. His moans are soft but dominant as he cums in the condom. I bite my lips still breathing heavily and I feel him slow down eventually stopping and pulling out leaving me sore.
My body lays on the bed on my side and I smile watching him throw away the condom. I notice he’s still hard as he grabs another rolling it on “I’m not done yet baby stay right there” he comes towards me pressing his bare chest against my back. He picks me leg up rubbing my clit softly making me jump from the sensitivity.
I feel Khalil slide in again and he pulls my chin towards him giving me a sloppy kiss with tongue. His tongue fights for dominance against mine and my hands move to his hair while I moan in his mouth as he slowly hits my spot on each stroke.
He moves to my neck and I look down watching big his dick disappear and reappear in and out of my pussy just covered in my juices. Khalil holds my leg up and I pull his hair lightly hearing a low moan. He gets visceral wrapping his hand around my throat then starts pounding my shit “what was allat shit you was talking earlier mama hmm”
His grip tightens around my throat but he lets go moving to my clit slapping it “baby fuck” my leg drops when he lets go and he growls “put ya leg up” his other hand grabs my breast rolling my nipple in between his fingers. My fingers interlock with his and his eyes close just being in the moment.
“It’s so good” I moan my jaw dropping after each rock. My body starts to shake but I’m not exactly there yet “please keep going”
“You look so pretty taking my dick like that baby girl” I’m chasing after my breath and he grabs my throat pulling me in for a kiss pushing me over the edge. I struggle to moan into his mouth. I’m just breathing heavily in a daze as he damn near splits me in half. “That’s my good girl look at you cumming on my dick for the second time tonight. That’s it I want it all mama” he talks me through my orgasm making it much more powerful. My nails scratch down his flexed thigh feeling him finally find his release.
“Oh god” I cry out shaking. Khalil rubs my clit in a DJ motion making my body cave in. I move into a fetal position with my leg still up hearing him moan as he’s still cumming.
“I can’t anymore ‘Lil” I moan. He slows down giving me small slow strokes kissing me passionately. Finally he stop and pulls out again getting up and disposing the condom. Khalil lays back down next to me pulling me close so now we’re chest to chest. He kisses my nose “because of you I’ll look like Bambi tomorrow trying to walk in heels”
“I’ll be the only one that notices” he laughs
I wake up feeling kisses being smothered all over my face and I open my eyes seem Khalil with a cheeky smile on his face. ”morning gorgeous”
I groan rolling over and I feel a hard sting making me groan “I have other ways to wake you up. Plus I cooked breakfast”
“I’m coming”
“Good” he smiles kissing my shoulder. I stretch and stand up feeling the effects of last night. I go into the bathroom where I grab my toothbrush and to toothpaste brushing my teeth. I’m ass naked just brushing my teeth. I’ve never felt so free. I finish brushing my teeth and grab my tank top and shorts. I would grab his shirt but it would look like a crop top on me with our size differences.
I grab the stair rail and see Khalil at the bottom of the steps with his arms crossed and a smirk “what?”
“Just watching you attempt to walk down”
“Kiss my ass” I laugh
“Bend over” I finally get down the stairs and kiss him walking past. I sit down at the table and he sits across from me. I cut up my pancakes and pour syrup on them taking a bite. “What time are we leaving?”
“Uhhh” Khalil grabs his phone looking at the time “1:30 and my mom is making lunch so she most likely wants us to come over” I nod
“And can you not take 40 days just to do your makeup”
“Uh uhhhh beauty takes time” I laugh
I’m fresh out the shower with a towel wrapped around my body and I see Khalil playing video games “really”
“What” he doesn’t even look at me eyes locked to Call of Duty.
“I thought you were supposed to be getting dressed”
“I’ll get dressed soon as you put that powder on your face” I smile rolling my eyes
I grab some underwear and a bra dropping my towel in front of him. He looks at the towel then at me licking his lips “what” I smile innocently
“Come here” he paused the game.
“Why” I ask laughing “play the game”
“I’ll play it after I eat you now come here”
“Nope” I put on my bra and thong teasing him even more. He sucks his terth going back to the game and I sit on the floor right under the window to get the natural light to start on my makeup.
“Ima eat you today so just be prepared”
“Yea ok” I laugh
“Last time you said that I kept my word didn’t I? Don’t think it won’t be any different sweetheart” I look at him biting my lip and shaking my head. I continue my makeup with the thought of him between my legs in the back of my mind.
I’ve just finished my makeup and I applied lip gloss. Khalil has finally decided to get dressed. I’m watching him get dressed and I’m feeling extra bold so I take off my panties and sit on the bed “babe”
“Hmm” he turns around stopping dead in his tracks looking at me. He smirks “finally” Khalil dives head first into my pussy pushing my knees to my chest getting his first taste. I prop myself up on my elbows watching his head swivel and work lapping on my clit.
I wet my dry lips and watch his eyes gaze up to me. He growls like he hasn’t eaten in weeks. “Baby that feels so good”
He hums in response pulling me closer to him “Khalil” my elbows give out and I push back my hair. Khalil was always easy at finding my clit whereas my last boyfriend wasn’t. That was a nightmare.
“Keep going please” I beg pulling his hair keeping him close to me, afraid if I let go he’ll tip the pleasure away. My hips buck into his mouth as he wraps around me sucking me like a leech.
“Shit” I arch my back rolling my eyes to the back of my head seeing spots. I grip the sheet lifting myself up and away from him making him growl and grab me by the throat “don’t fucking run from you hear me”
“Yes” he goes back down on me kissing licking and sucking until I’m tapping on his arm. I need him to slow down. I start to get dizzy from the pleasure but of course he doesn’t care.
My legs shake and try to close around his head but he forces them open eating me through my orgasm. At this point I’m wheezing and whimpering for him to stop.
After Khalil has sucked me dry he comes up licking his lips. He stands up above me with a deep smirk on his face “we gotta go” I sit up grabbing my underwear and pulling them back on. I go to the mirror gelling up my hair and putting it in a cute low bun. I go in my bag grabbing a white crew neck short sleeved shirt and a navy blue flowy long skirt with a thigh slit that sit at the top of my thigh. Khalil gets dressed in a burgundy and navy button down. I grab my heels putting them on and strapping them comfortably.
Khalil smiles “you look good baby girl”
“Thanks so do you”
We get in the car and he starts the 20 minute drive to Brielle’s school. His hand slides on the exposed part of my thigh rubbing it softly. I look at him with a smile. I know exactly heya he’s up to.
“What” he asks maintaining his eyes on the road.
“I didn’t say anything but I know what your doing”
“And that is”
“Try to touch me yet again”
“What can I say I can’t keep my hands off of you” he laughs making a left into the next lane. I’ll admit I do want his fingers inside of me.
“Fine then” he takes his hand off of me and I quickly grab it back putting it on my thigh this time closer to my pussy. He takes it upon himself to move up touching the thin material of my underwear. “Open your legs baby girl”
I do as told placing one leg on the dashboard giving him full access. His hand disappears into my underwear rubbing my clit softly taking his middle finger and dragging it up my slit collecting my juices “you was talking all that shit and you’re this wet? Wild”
I bite my lip placing my hand on his and making him rub me harder. “You’re so pretty when you’re a needy little slut”
I moan feeling him move down to my entrance pushing in two fingers to stretch me out again. He curls forward in a quick motion making me moan out and grab his arm. He continues assaulting my g-spot and trying to focus on the road and my reactions. Khalil pulls his fingers out rubbing my clit sloppily making my body jerk. My breath gets away from me.
“Khalil watch the road” I smile.
“But I wanna watch you cum. So that means I’ll have to get you there quicker” he bites his lip hitting my g-spot harder. He pulls into the parking lot of the school but pulls into the back and parks the car. Khalil unbuckles his seat belt and leans Over middle console kissing me making it hard for me to kiss back from hoe fast and hard he’s going. My orgasm comes like a runaway train. Fast and hard.
My legs shake and drop from the dashboard as I keep a tight grip on his arm. Nails making crescents in his forearm.
“Khalil” I moan holding him close to me feeling him kiss my neck still going. My jaw drops as he stops thrusting his hand and just ripples his fingers slowly inside of me. I close my legs around his hand hearing him chuckle.
He pulls out his dripping fingers catching my juices in his mouth before they spilled. “So sweet” I pull his lips on mine tasting myself.
“Khalil?” His mom starts walking over and he wipes his hand with a napkin and I adjust my skirt and underwear. Unfortunately my legs are still shaking from the aftershocks. He opens the window and smiles “hey honey. Who’s this?”
“This is my girlfriend Y/N”
“Nice to meet you” I can see she noticed my legs and I cross them “cold?”
“Yea there’s a chill in the air” I nod
“Well just park at the front and meet us inside” he nods and rolls up the window watching her walk away. I exhale and he rubs my knee “that’s what happens when you wear sexy stuff like this” he pulls off into a parking space near the door.
“I guess I’ll do it more often” I wink
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chinatea · 4 years
Jikook Sexy Alien AU Part 1
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Personas are a product of @satellite-jeon​ ‘s beautiful mind.
This is WIP and still pretty drafty, and I’ll be posting new parts to tumbler as I finish them. I’m planning 4-5 parts overall. 
For my best girl @kmheart​ <3333 Thank you for loving this mess. <333
Warnings: Coarse language.
Jungkook doesn’t know exactly when his life took a dive from awesome to downright shitty.
And even if he did, he wouldn’t be telling that story any time soon ‘cause no one gives a rat’s arse about good ol’ boy Jungkook who scrubs pools for a living. 
It didn’t start that way. In high school, he was a local superstar. The golden jock. The whole fucking trope, baby. With titties of all caliber following him everywhere. Boy did love him some pussy. Dicks, too. He loved everything to do with sex, drugs and rock’n’roll.
He believed himself invincible and it was only a matter of time before he mingled with the wrong crowd. Only back then, he thought of them as friends. His bros for life.
Now, he cleans pools - the only kind of gig he can scrounge up nowadays, what with a criminal record and whatnot - and trusts no bro. 
And when he’s not cleaning pools, he’s stuck at the garage being bossed around by a dirtbag who happens to be his uncle. His uncle, Sunmu, hates his guts - one of those stupid homophobic fucks who can’t mind their own fucking business. Needless to say, no love lost.
As much as Jungkook wants to punch his stupid teeth out - what’s left of them anyhow - he needs the money and it’s not like his uncle can do much more than run his smelly farthole of a mouth. Which he does. At lengths. The dude just never shuts up. Until one day, Jungkook made him shut up - even his golden-boy patience has its limits. And the dude blew up, called the police, the neighbors came a-running, the whole nine yards.
One hell of a shitshow, that night.
So now, Jungkook has taken to bringing guys to fuck in his garage instead. Totally intentional. He knows the geezer, like the sick fuck he is, had cameras installed all over for his own perverse pleasure. So Jungkook lets him enjoy it while he can.
‘Cause once the summer ends, Jungkook will burn down his fucking shack and hit the road, because he’s this close to being done with the shitfucks that are hell bent on ruining his life.
Another day. Another mindless grind.
Luckily for him, the client has vacated the house for the day, leaving their big pool in his capable hands. A much welcome break from those rich fucks being all smug and pissy and all up in his grill about every little nothing. 
Rich tits always think they know everything.
Not to mention their shitty kids running around, destroying his equipment and yapping his ear off. Or worse yet, their old haggy wives flashing their saggy tits at him - goodness gracious, does his face say he’s into wrinkled-ass pussy or something?
He thinks the fuck not.
Jungkook plops down on a deck chair and pops a can of coke open, taking a long chug. When he doesn’t have people looming over his ass, he prefers taking things slow. At his own pace. That’s what he’s all about. 
As much as he could wrap things up faster and call it a day, he’s not looking forward to trudging back to the garage. Sunmu the dipshit would be there, of course, nagging at him with this shit or that and he’d rather chill out here - the house is off-limits, locked tight, but the scenery is gorgeous. The house sits on a cliff, with the pool area overlooking the city below. 
It’s private and quiet and damn therapeutic. Like, he could just close his eyes and pretend it’s all his. That he’s not a broke-ass dude about to keel over any day now, but someone who is in control of his life. 
And he does just that. Closes his eyes and leans back, cradling the coke to his chest like one does a lover.
Mind blank of any thought.
The sky above crackles in warning, too close for comfort. And it wakes up goosebumps along his skin as he jostles awake from his little moment of inner peace. His hands flap around, knocking his coke over - it drips all over his tank top. 
Nice, Jungkook thinks. 
Of-fucking-course, it must rain today of all days. He scrambles up to his feet, ready to start hauling all the gear back into his truck when IT happens.
At first, he is not even sure what IT even is. One moment, he’s one grouchy mess, spewing dozens of profanities at no one in particular while tugging at his stained top in a retarded attempt to shake the mess off. And the next-
Something, fairly massive and spherical, materializes a few inches above the pool before plunging into water like a dead weight. Jungkook can only manage an undignified squawk before the impact wave sends him flying into the thorny shrubs framing the pool.
When he drags his ass back from the shrubs, drenched from head to toe and covered in scratches, all he knows is that his stained shirt is the least of his problems now, because this…
What the fuck is this? he thinks, staring agog at the offender, hogging the pool now.
It looks like…something.
Maybe a futuristic car or a flying vessel of some sort. He has no clue, really. What it is or where it came from, but it’s here, right in his face, obstructing his work. Like a bastard.
He’ll have to call up a tow truck or something to pluck this sucker out, which will take forever and there go his plans for Friday night out.
Jungkook walks around the pool, inspecting the strange contraption from all sides. It’s slick and round and very, very chrome. Perhaps - a submarine. Some ultra-slick technology with masking abilities. Which apparently can fly, but not very well, otherwise, how the fuck it’d ended up stuck in his pool.
Those rich fucks and their stupid malfunctioning toys, eh. 
Jungkook sighs and kicks the empty coke can lying about. It flies off towards the pod, ricocheting right off its shiny cask with a sharp clank. And now he has even more trash to dredge up from the puddle bellow. What joy.
As he is about to roll over and wail in self-pity, the pod wakes up with a tremor, sending shallow ripples over the water. Jungkook freezes, frantically thinking over his choices - his gut reaction is to hightail the fuck out of here, because the thing is starting to show signs of life and it doesn’t sit well with Jungkook, not one bit.
He better scram and scram fast. Fuck the money and his uncle - especially his uncle - no one told him scrubbing pools involved close encounters of the third kind.
He makes to do just that but doesn’t make it too far as he bumps into someone, loosing his balance and sending them both to the ground. With a groan, he opens his eyes to stare at the unfortunate soul who had to bear the brunt of the fall on their- his. 
It’s definitely a he. A he so stunning Jungkook’s jaw goes slack and his brain radio-silent. Meanwhile, the he doesn’t waste any time making the most of their proximity as he slithers his hands around Jungkook’s neck and presses against him in a soft sweet kiss.
A supernova goes off at the back of his skull. 
It was awesome.
“Hello,” the other says, a quality to his voice that is out of this world. He must be out of this world, because how?
“I’m Jimin.”
“Hi,” Jungkook says.
A dumb grin takes over his face.
He’s tingly all over. He thinks he’s in love. 
“You’re gorgeous, Jimin-ah. Will you marry me?”
“Marry?” Jimin says tentatively as if testing the word on his tongue. His lips are pretty and full, forming a perpetual pout. It’s adorable. “I can’t marry. I need to mate.”
“Oh.” That throws Jungkook for a loop, as his heart swells with emotion. “Mate who?”
“You,” Jimin smiles. “Serendipity has chosen you as the most suitable candidate within this quadrant of our galaxy. We’re compatible.”
“Wow,” Jungkook whispers. He understands jack shit, but it does feel like serendipity, doesn't it. Just a moment ago, he was one miserable son of a bitch and now…he’s the luckiest son of a bitch in the whole fucking quadrant of their galaxy. 
“You do know I’m scrubbing pools for a living, right?”
He props himself up on his hands, hovering over the gorgeous Jimin and eyeing him like a candy on a stick. Jimin has pretty dainty hands. They are always in motion, feelings up Jungkook’s arm muscles, bulging all prettily just for him - this shameless little minx.
“I know everything about you,” Jimin says, his voice washing over Jungkook’s mind like a gentle summer tide.
Turns his brain all mush-mush. 
“Every second of your waking moment. Every dream, every thought you’ve had. Serendipity has shown me all of it.”
Whomever this Serendipity is, Jungkook hopes it didn’t show every single thought he had. After a certain age, they’d gotten rather repetitive and tended to fixate mostly on things below the belt - which is not the image of himself he wants to project into this world. 
“You’re thinking too much,” Jimin purrs, tapping his temple lightly.
His hands wind up in Jungkook’s hair, massaging the scalp and down his neck. His touches are flitting, almost shy and it kindles longing in Jungkook like never before. It tramples all of the questions budding in his head. Melting reason away. Before he knows they’re kissing again and it plays out like a dream. 
He’s doing something, but he’s not really in control. It feels good. Peaceful, he’s in a safe place. Jimin’s touches are weightless and tender as he maps out his body with the very tips of his fingers. 
Like he can reach everywhere - can touch anywhere.
The moment something prods his mind, gentle and soothing - akin to a light breeze caressing the leaves - Jungkook shivers. Falls under. A feeling like no other. Floating, like a little air bubble. 
It’s gone as sudden as it came and Jungkook finds himself yearning.
“We can’t do it here,” Jimin says as they both move upright in sync. He grabs Jungkook’s hand. “Let’s go. Serendipity will have to stay here for now.”
“Serendipity?” Jungkook asks, shaking off the drowsiness as his brain slowly kicks back into gear. “You mean that pod thing?”
“Don’t call her ‘a thing’,” Jimin chides. “She has feelings. Quite a temper, too.”
“Damn, a she-pod with feelings”.
They’re standing now with Jimin plastered against his chest and nuzzling his mighty pec. Not awkward at all. 
“She’s a ship. The most intelligent ship in the whole galaxy. Completely self-aware,” Jimin says, exploring the vastness of Jungkook’s chest with his curious palms now. Jungkook starts to notice a certain obsession here of a tactile nature, but can’t find it in himself to complain. “Be kind to her.”
“I am kind,” Jungkook says. “I’m like...wait, who are you?”
“I’m Jimin.”
“Okay,” Jungkook nods. “But what kind of Jimin are you? Where did you come from? You’re not with the Joneses here, are you?”
With the burden of rational thinking, Jungkook slumps into a realization that he has questions. And he must ask them. 
“No, I’m from space,” Jimin says like it’s not big deal. “We need to go,” he commands, taking charge and dragging Jungkook along.
“Space? Wow,” Jungkook says. “That’s, ah, nice, I guess. Never been myself, what with the radiation and minus fuck-ton degrees, you know. Transportation kinda sucks, too. I don’t know if you’re aware but we’re kinda still in the stone age or whatever, but, ehm...remember when I was lying on top of you, with our private parts perfectly aligned? That was nice too, wanna, ehm, do that again?”
“Here is not safe,” Jimin says and at least, it’s not a no. “Serendipity can hide herself well enough, but it’s a matter of time before he tracks me down. And if that happens, I don’t want him to track me down right next to her.”
“Who’s he?” 
“Just a man who never gives up what’s his.”
“You mean, like, ex-boyfriend?” Jungkook asks, swallowing down an annoying spike of jealousy. “Do you even have boyfriends in space?”
“I meant Serendipity, not me,” Jimin says. “And yes, we do have boyfriends up there in space. You don’t have to worry though, he’s been mated for the past five hundred years. He’s that boring.”
Jungkook lets out a low whistle.
“If his mate looks anything like you, that’s understandable.”
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