#and well if jane is affected by that kind of writing then val is even worse
dispatchwithlove · 1 year
I absolutely adore your ideas for turian culture. The shawls, the interesting word choices correlating with Roman/Latin words (like zuccha, amar, saccha). My absolute favorite thing though is the ties they have with the sky and stars. Garrus' curses (empty night, blackest night) especially are some of my favorite little elements in the universe you write for them. Where did you come up with these awesome ideas? I'm just so invested in the culture you created for my favorite space cats!
Hello Anon! Sorry this took so long to answer, I got absolutely giddy when I read it!
Well the whole Latin thing is taken both from canon (they're based on the Roman empire) and fanon. I know others have used Latin words and Roman culture to develop turian culture, and I liked it so I ran with it. A lot of the words I made up are bastardized latin words, lol. Saccha, mela, and zuccarum (zucca for short) are taken from the Latin words for sugar, honey, and ... sugar again, I think, lol. Crulum is taken from cookie. I kind of just look up the latin words for things and throw some letters around until I'm happy with the mouth feel of it. Other words I just plain make up, like lambas, which is a dish Val makes for the family. I want all turian words to sound like a rich, rolling, rumbly language as much as possible. For Avinelin, a Garrus/Nihlus one shot, I wanted the turian language Nihlus teaches Garrus to sound more like Spanish, because I think it's an incredibly sexy language. Basically, I want turians to sound hot I guess! I think a lot of people like to write turians as cold and ultra-militaristic, and go as far as to say they don't show physical affection easily (which is a valid take that I fully support!). But, I like to show the opposite of that -- that yes their culture is regimented and bureaucratic, but there's still warmth within them. Maybe expressing that warmth within them is even more important, considering their strict social guidelines.
I think that's also why I like to explore the importance of celestial themes with them as well. It shows that they once were religious, just like many species, and that shaped their language and how they cope with life. I know others play with curses being star based as well, so I didn't invent that, I just have fun playing with it. I will say that so far my favorite bit of star theme that I've come up with though, is Garrus seeing Jane's freckles as stars in a night sky, and that when he was a boy he'd look up at the night sky for comfort and solace. I don't get gushy over things I write often, but that moment in The Quarian where he makes that connection gets me! And I will absolutely be playing with that as Garrus and Jane reveal their feelings and explore their relationship in The Boy. One day he'll tell Jane that her freckles are like stars and she'll just melt 🥺 (I've already written the scene 😁)
OH, and the shawls...in the sequel to The Boy (working title is The Missing -- I hate my titles btw, but I feel stuck to the theme now, lol) There's going to be a murder based on the Jeffrey McDonald murders (a military doctor accused "hippies" of killing his family) and I wanted turians to have some sort of cultural appearance that xenophobic humans judged, but was based on something loving, so I thought maybe turians wear shawls while they marry, then i daydreamed about Jane wearing a shawl when her and Garrus get married, then when I was writing about a winter turian holiday (Anivia Vocan) I thought it would be cool if turians wear shawls for all important occasions. Boom, turians have special shawls. Okay, I feel like I've blabbered on enough. Bless anyone who read through this all. TLDR is that I have no plan and don't even keep track of the stuff I write. It all just bubbles up while I'm daydreaming about Jane and Garrus and I include what I remember.
Thanks for asking! Hope this was fun to read. If it was, I'm always down to answer any questions about my stories or world building! ❤️
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oflgtfol · 2 years
literally my main complaints with thor 4 and the main complaints im seeing elsewhere (but maybe i just follow sane people. idk) is that valkyrie was fucking sidelined . for some girl who literally has not appeared in the franchise for EIGHT YEARS !!!!! add on the fact that valkyrie is black and the woman she was sidelined over is white its like. its bad dude ! its fucking bad. it fucking sucks. i dont understand how thor ragnarok set everything up so great and then thor 4 just went down the dumpster
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misskneen-blog · 7 years
introducing --> florence kneen
Val again, and with my last baby! I think she’s my oldest one, I’ve been playing her for so long(although the faceclaim did change a few times, as well as her personality and backstory). But anyway, enjoy!
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KYLIE BUNBURY - FLORENCE KNEEN is a 22 years old HALFBLOOD. The FEMALE is known for working as a JOURNALIST FOR MAGICAL SPORTS while being WITH THE ORDER. The SLYTHERIN alumni is said to be AMBITIOUS, CARING but also NAIVE, HEADSTRONG. If she had a theme song, it would be DREAM IT POSSIBLE - JANE ZHANG.
Name: Florence Kneen
Birthday: February 14, 1995
Zodiac: Aquarius
Birthplace: Paris, France
Hometown: London, England
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Body shape: Slim
Ethnicity: Afro-Guyanese, white
Tattoo(s): a Quidditch broom along her spine
Piercing(s): ears(twice)
Parents: André Kneen(deceased), Marissa Kneen(née Montpetit)
Siblings: one half sister
Pets: n/a
Other important family members: n/a
What was their family like? André, her father, was a pureblood professional Quidditch player, while her half blood mother, Marissa, was a reporter. Both were incredibly loving to their daughter, and almost raised her as a little princess, but that never got to her head. While her mother was stricter, André was a lot kinder, often trying to teach her how to fly. But after he passed away, her mother became a lot sadder, sometimes feeling like she was entirely disconnected from the world. But apart from her parents, Florence barely never knew any of the other family members.
What was it like growing up? While she was born in Paris - her parents had rented a small place during the time the Quidditch season was off - she was only a few months old when she moved to London. Although she has no recollection of that time, her mother kept a lot of baby pictures of her in Paris. Nonetheless, Florence had almost anything she asked for. And while she could’ve abused of this, she still remained down to Earth, and understood life would not always be this way. She was already displaying mature signs, but still enjoyed doing most of what kids do as they grow up. However, when her father passed away, her maturity just came out, as she needed to take care of the house and her mother a little more.
What was their school life like? Hogwarts, for her, was a time of joy, but also of discovering herself. She realized she was better in some subjects she didn’t expect to. But most of all, it made her see how the purists were. Up until then, she’d never even heard about it, but it was hard not to when it was constantly around the halls. While she was not directly affected - although she did receive a few names once in a while - it made her mad to think some people would do such things. And all she wanted was to help to stop those acts. Being picked as a prefect, it did help in keeping the purists at bay, at least when she was around. But Hogwarts did not give her a family within her house. She seemed to hardly fit in Slytherin, if only for her ambition. Most of the friends she made were from the three other houses, making her kind of a castaway from her own house. Florence didn’t really mind it, she was not going to fake who she was just to fit in with the cool kids.
How did they decide to do this job? Originally, Florence wanted to become a Quidditch player, just like her father. However, it became rather obvious she was unable to fly. All her attempts ended in accidents and bruises. For some time, she was even too saddened to get out of her dorm, only for classes. Until the newspapers fell in front of her, landing on the Magical Sports section. Her brain did not take longer to find a new goal. If she was not able to be a player, then she would follow them. Quidditch had always been her passion - blame it on her father - and she knew whatever she’d have to do, it would have to revolve around Quidditch. So she studied in journalism, her expertise in the sport landing her an official journalist spot for the Daily Prophet rather easily.
Write about at least one important event in your character’s life: Graduation was still around the corner when Florence met a boy. She truly fell in love with him, something she’d always only dreamed of. Ever since she was a kid, falling in love was something she was constantly wishing for, she wanted the same love her parents had. And she thought she found it in him. For four years, Florence and him were in a relationship, a rather serious one. She was already dreaming about a wedding and founding a family. Those four years were the happiest years of her life after the ones she had with her father. But it all came to an end only a few weeks ago. It was hard for her, still is, to accept it was over. Maybe she was blinded and didn’t see the signs the relationship wasn’t going right anymore, but it was a complete surprise, something she certainly hadn’t expected.
Does your character drink? Sometimes
Does your character smoke? No
Does your characters take drugs? She tried once, but hated it, and swore to never do it again.
Favorite movie: She’s the man
Favorite TV show: Skins
Favorite color: Red
One thing they could not live without: Florence always wears a small golden locket around her neck. Inside is a picture of her with both of her parents. It helps her calm down, and she could never imagine getting rid of it.
How often do they use Muggle technologies? Mostly, Florence uses it as a tool for her job. It facilitates taking notes during the games, and she later transcribes it for the journal. Otherwise, she does own a phone and a computer, but doesn’t check it that often.
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