#and while I'm stuck sitting in the house I'm going to take advantage of playing my game
narsimsist · 8 months
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Blue baby 🩵
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obsessive-valentine · 7 months
Just suddenly thought of it, but I'm imagining your Yan!Fae wants to increase the love between them and their lover (the lover will probably be colder after the kidnapping) and he started thinking of a way, What would it be like for a lover who wants to read books but the books in the library are written in a language they cannot read (I think every race or country would have their own form of writing). I think he will take advantage of that to get closer, like teaching them the words and then praising them (he intentionally kisses their cheeks).
Yandere!Childhood-Friend-Fae x Kidnapped-GN!Reader
Fae 100% have their own language and many variations so it can be difficult for a human to grasp, love this idea. He just wants closeness and to recreate the love he had from reader in his childhood but went about it the wrong way lol -let him try win your favour again ❤️
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You wanted to hate him but you knew the person he used to be was still in there, you grew up with those eyes and that smile and a part of you missed him.
But his voice is different and hes dauntingly tall, he’s colder even if it’s unintentionally he’s not as relaxed and innocent as he used to be. You can’t bring yourself to think of him like you used to, he’s now your kidnapper who slightly resembles your beloved childhood friend.
Stuck in the limbo of not hating but not liking his presence, a indifference badly masking your fear and mourning for your old life. He could tell you were troubled and expected it from such a fragile human, you always were so empathetic and emotional as a kid.
Before he could begin recounting those memories he snapped himself out of it. “Not getting any damn work done” he huffed to himself before standing up from his desk making the dark wood chair scrape against the floors and closing the ink pot for his pen before leaving the room.
He found you sitting comfortably in one of the various lounge rooms of the house, this one you’d taken to most. The sofas were plush and the room wasn’t to big, the carpet and fireplace made it somewhat homely. He lingered in the door way watching you with amusement as you sprawled out on the sofa dramatically, staring at the carved details on the ceiling.
He wondered what you were thinking, you hardly talked to him anymore and tried to slip away from his company any chance you’d get. “Hello love” he started with his knuckles grazing gently on the door like a quiet knock in an attempt to not spook you. Your head tilted awkwardly to look at him with an expecting face “what are you doing in here?” He continues while inviting himself in.
“Nothing, there’s nothing to do. I can’t go outside without you, no sane person to talk to nor books to read” you ranted turning away from him once again, he let the jab about his sanity slide “Ive got a whole library” he replied plainly. You sent him a nasty glare but he stood unmoving just now with a slight grin sneaking on his face.
The smile made it blantantly obvious he was messing with you, you huffed and went back to looking at the ceiling. “Yes I know you can’t read those books but what I’m suggesting is I teach you” you didn’t bother look at him this time instead answering with silent rejection, you rather not be stuck in a room with your captor for hours.
“Suit yourself” his hand gently ran over your hair “I’ll be downstairs if you change your mind” he mentioned rather softly before taking his hand back and leaving the room.
That offer was sounding really nice after another boring hour passed, every evening he’d take you for a walk around his gardens but that was hours away and it felt weird and lonely that he was bothering you much less than usual. You knew deep down that he was playing yet another game with your head, making you come to him but you stopped caring about your dignity when the silence became deafening.
Slowly you tiptoed down the lush carpeted stairs and peaked over the banister during a moment of doubt, ultimately you decide to walk to the door. You didn’t knock, you became to nervous, instead you stood and peered into the crack of the door. Before you could turn around “you okay out there love?”
You pushed the door open fully, the book he occupied himself with was already closed in his lap and he sat expectingly. “Come here” he demanded calmly, when you were close enough he gently pulled you down into his lap “change your mind?”
“I’ll go mad if I can’t read” you replied bluntly. You are glad he didn’t push further, instead he sat back comfortably dragging you with him “The books I read are more academic, probably bore you to death”
He reached over to another book laying on the side table “-this book is probably easier to read, a fantasy” there were no other books in the room, you realised that he’d picked that out for you and was waiting for you to come to him. He’d predicted this and it made heat rise to your cheeks in embarrassment, it was frustrating that he’s always right and knows it.
He pulled it in front of you and began teaching you letter by letter and word by word. The whole time not letting you off his lap, it had been maybe 2 hours of repeating sentences after him, but it went by fast. You were so focused and quite comfortable.
So focused you you wouldn’t question it when his hands began wandering down your sides, or tracing your thighs followed by hums of approval. And it would only get worse as days went on quicks kisses on your shoulders then your nape, cheek and eventually grabbing you cheeks to kiss you on the lips.
That night after a walk and dinner he took you to pick out your own book from the library, and instead of going to bed and read his own book as you drift to sleep you both slowly read the first chapter together at candle light. He even rummaged through his draws to find a delicate metal book mark once you both decide to get to sleep.
At some point you’d gotten the hang of reading, but he wouldn’t stop there. No, he enjoyed having you in his lap while he taught you what each word meant or correcting your speech. Instead, one morning he calls you into his study and pulls you into his lap.
“You’re getting much better at reading, you’re going to learn to write it now” he left no room argument and handed you the expensive looking dip pen. He liked this activity much more because he had yet another excuse to touch you, for most of it his hand gently hovered over yours, correcting any mistakes. He would lean close over your shoulder so he could read what you were writing but really he’s just pressing himself gains you as close as he can.
You signed up for more than you realised.
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The great regular sleep experiment 2024 part "haunted"
So, I slept from 10:30 ish am to 2 ish pm... I laid there a while trying to sleep more before giving up and checking the clock and seeing 2:45, The length of time I was laying there felt like an hour or two, so I am assuming I slept till 2, probably, but hat might be generous.
In general I seem cursed to sleeping 6 hours per day or less.
The other really annoying thing is that the last time I was this sleep deprived and this stuck on a firm schedule, I was in my early 20's, working at a call center and living with the guy I refer to as my ex husband.
... Which means I keep having dreams that we're reconnecting and having conversations about maybe getting back together and I DO NOT care for it.
That was the one relationship I had were I was never harassed for sex when I didn't want it, and didn't have to deal with little tantrums or displays when I didn't feel like being affectionate or visiting, and don't get me wrong, he's -overall- genuinely a sweet guy.
But I always got the distinct sense that he didn't even like me as a person, and was just there so I would support him and he could avoid his abusive grandmother and uncle. I tried to talk to him about things and take him at his word, but he always seemed so depressed and shut down in a way that read as guilt or shame to me. He never seemed to enjoy talking to me, or spending time with me, and he certainly didn't want sex, at least with me, even by my standards which is to occasionally entertain it as a thing you can do with someone that feels good if you're both in the mood.
I always, once I stopped believing what he was telling me about how he felt, wrote him off as not meaning to take advantage of me, and as feeling really guilty about it, to the point of being paralyzed and kind of stuck, or not even conscious of it... Which is why I broke up with him even when that meant losing my home, which was a one bedroom apartment with 525$ inclusive rent [curses T~T]...
But the thing is, I keep becoming aware in the dreams, stuck as a part of my psyche that has been dormant a long time when I am awake, someone who doesn't remember everything that happened since high school and 'her' early 20s. I keep becoming aware of myself as I am now and starting to ask the uncomfortable questions that come up whenever I look back on everything from my perspective now.
I would have a very hard time -these days- watching someone lie daily about wanting to be in a relationship with me, only to act miserable, avoid me, criticize me constantly, shut down in most conversations with me, act so miserable around me but so happy around everyone else that all our mutual friends assume I must be doing something to upset him, and who just lets his family shit-talk me to my face about being 'lazy' without saying anything to defend the fact that I work 10 hour shifts to support him while he sits at home and plays games all day... I would have a hard time watching that and not seeing it as being done -to some significant degree- on purpose, or at least while consciously aware that's what he was doing. Maybe I'm just a suspicious person now, or maybe it's the experience of people talking.
And I cannot stress enough that I never "nagged" him. I didn't express anything unreasonable like a guilt trip. I was on eggshells trying to be careful how I brought up him video-gaming all day and doing nothing to clean up or pitch in while I worked a full time high stress job. I always put things as gently as possible, tried and failed to set boundaries, made occasional, calm and conversational requests that he at least keep the house clean or learn to cook, or at least go back to high school before he couldn't anymore, if he wasn't going to get a job. If he could tell I was upset and that he was unfairly burdening me when he didn't have to, or that it was destroying my health, those were his own observations and judgements. I was WAY too gentle with him. I felt bad asking him for anything at the time, too much so to try to demand he stand up to unfair accusations about me and actually tell people I was footing all the work/chores and financial burden of two people.
It wasn't until about 3 years in when I seemed ready to kick him out that he went back to school and made local friends.
And that's when I started to see it. I started to understand why our mutual friends thought I was "hen pecking" him or maybe being verbally abusive in private? He'd go back to his old cheery but shy self around other people. He'd bring a friend from school to visit once and they'd be nice to my face but avoid me forevermore. He'd hang out with me and my old girlfriend and even though they both regularly shamed me for things like speaking too loudly in public... They'd get distracted and caught up and start loudly play fighting around the food court in the mall. They were BOTH only afraid of attracting the attention of strangers when they were being seen with me.
If I had my life experiences as of now, back then, and having lived with fine and GB myself [who coincidentally were his two friends from school, even though GB tried to lie to me about it and "bunny" we'll call him, wouldn't dignify my messages with an answer to confirm... and I swear I couldn't have known it was them it was their other two roommates who interviewed me and got me in there]... As of today -if I had to take a shot in the dark- I'd say he was cheating on me with Fine at the time, or at least that part of her bitchy animosity towards me, despite claiming to want to be my friend, has to do with my ex-husband being her type entirely and him not -quite- cheating on me. Or maybe guilt and a sense of obligation to make nice because he did.
If he had've just answered my message and told me honestly what his relationship was like with these two, about 6 years ago, long after he was out of my life and theirs, or that GB was the guy who was a complete bitch to me the whole time out of jealousy over Bunny 'getting to date someone like [me]' [by his own admission, look I'm face-blind okay?]... He could have saved me so much fucking trouble. I would have known I couldn't trust Fine to be honest with me about anything from the start [and that she'd start taking attached men home to fuck all the time], and GB never would have raped me, and I never would have been in the position I was in when the plague hit or when we got evicted.
But any time I had asked ANY of them about what was going on back then, they all just clam up and get avoidant or lie [tic tacs too if she ever knew him, which seems likely because she's been friends with the other two since gradeschool, absolutely would not admit to knowing anything about the situation even while cozy-ing up to me], so I am probably never going to get answers about any of it.
Unless my ex has the decency to fucking answer me and be honest about it all. That's the only way I get closure on just how badly the other three lied to and manipulated me. Or any of them. IG if any of the 4 come forward I have my answers about the other 3.
...So in the dream I do what I would do now, once I become aware as one of my current selves, or a sum of them, I ask him shit like whether he was cheating one me, ect...
And in the dreams he says 'no' but I can tell he's lying, at least in the dreams, I can parse what part of his responses are genuine and which ones are an act to cover some deep shame or guilt. And all in all it seems a little more clear that he was more conscious of what he was doing than I had ever given him credit for. Maybe that's my being cynical now.
But these are just dreams, they are never going to be a reliable account and they are never going to give me real closure.
So in effect, every other night or so I am just wasting about 3 hours of sleep talking to someone I don't even want to be talking to, trying to get answers that will never mean anything. I don't want to be doing that.
I want to be building a consistent dream relationship with someone I LIKE and can TRUST
The other half of the time I dream about being friends with youtubers because their faces and voice are the only ones familiar to me and -at least physiologically- I am desperately lonely. My nervous system knows I need human contact and is trying to invent it for me. Which is leading to the other most socially awkward dreams I could possibly have. I need to feed my brain what Piccolo dbz would look and sound like irl, and not animated, so my brain can attach to him, or my imaginary girlfriend instead. The youtubers thing is very para-social, it's always someone new, so no weird fixations, but I'm not sure it's healthy compared to alternatives... Better than my exs and ex friends though fr.
I have finally regressed through most of my shitty ex's to finally be unpacking the fact that I want to demand fucking answers from my ex husband... Which I ALREADY KNEW... I didn't fucking need my dreams to tell me that! I have messaged him at least twice begging him to just tell me who's lying to me... Which I hope means I'll never dream about the others again. But I still do not care for it and I want it to stop. That was shoved in a box because there's nothing I can reasonable DO about it. The ball is NOT in my court.
Send THEM dreams compelling them to be honest with ME ffs... [please]
Maybe if I reach out to him for answers I could make the dreams go away, but the last time I sent him a message asking for some clarification, he just never answered me.
These people have been haunting my life since my first apartment and I want them excised. I want closure on how full of bullshit they all were so I can improve my ability to read people socially -with feedback- in a way that seems essential to keeping myself safe from ending up in the same shitty situations on repeat... So I can get my unconscious mind to let got of that mystery and let me fucking sleep.
I also want fucking closure from my family and am -also- not getting that. I want closure from my ex girlfriend and I am not getting that.
I only ever wanted honesty so I could make my own informed choices.
So I would rather it not drag up dead versions of me and make me relive these times every night when I am trying to sleep more than 3 hours.
... Also had a dream with a haunted doll, unrelated, that had to do with men showing up in my living space and a woman forcing me to justify why I should keep getting to live there... Can't say I cared for that either... The haunted doll was good though, she was helping me prevent children committing suicide, so... The literal hunted doll was not the problem... Best part of the dreams really, other than being friends with Sabrina and Abigail of youtube [we were discussing their recent unemployment???].
Anyway, my point being, by putting myself back into the same sleep deprived state of my 20's I have ended up slamming part of my brain back into those memories, only instead of getting that part of my psyche back, she's still dead, and now I am haunted by endless social betrayal when I am trying to fuggen sleep.
And I don't know how to fix it.
Because at this point I can't sleep outside the sleep times if I try, no matter how sore and exhausted, and no matter how much I desperately need more than 6 hours.
I could never had predicted this experiment would go this badly. I had though that -at worst- I just wouldn't be able to stay awake to maintain the schedule.
I never should have started this.
I knew this was bad road.
I just didn't know how bad.
If I could sleep an extra 2-4 hours daily and not dream about people who aren't in my life anymore for a fucking reason... This would be fine. Successful even.
The problem is that regular sleep for me is this double edged blade.
I also think I forgot to mention trying to find a phosphorus supplement at walloworld, but they didn't seem to have any and I am still pretty sure coke is cheaper and that one can of coke on most days can't possibly have enough phosphorus in it to overdose.
Unfortunately, the atp theory panning out, in practice [still unconfirmed with blood work or anything but getting results??], for me means only that I am unusually productive for someone this sleep deprived and that is NOT A GOOD THING, I fear, because I keep injuring myself.
It's a lot like being VERY drunk but having so much more energy than I should for someone this sore, uncoordinated, and drunk... Not a great combo. Bad road.
At least my dishes are done and I keep feeding myself?
The cuts bruises, pulled muscles, and missing skin sure hurt a lot though...
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glowstick-cafe · 3 years
Abandoned||SBI x hybrid!reader
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SBIx hybrid!reader
Genre: Angst
Warning: Violence, Swearing, implied injury??
I use the Doomsday war to my advantage, that just feels right.
Why is everything dark?
I-Why can't I see?!
Why can't I move my wings?!
Dad! Help me, I'm scared!
"Dad! Help me, I'm scared!" Tears rolled down my face as I clung to the tree branch, "Y/n, it's ok! Keep your eyes on me and jump." Philza yelled. You were playing hide and seek with your brothers and managed to get stuck in a tree, which is why you're in this situation. "W-What if I fall?!" I yelled back, my tears blurred my vision, the only thing recognizable to me was Phil's white and green bucket hat. "I'll catch catch you. I promise." He said, his calming voice relaxing me. You took his word of it and jumped from the branch, you expecting to hit the ground or Phil's arm at least but with a small peak you saw that you were flying. "D-Dad....I'm flying!" You yelled excitedly while Philza was clutching his chest as if his heart was about to collapse on itself. If you were to ask him about it today, he would say that it was the most stressful day of his life.
"Tech, c'mon!" You whined, as your brother payed not mind to the fact that you were bothering or well at least trying to bother him. "Y/n, for chirst sake stop annoying your brother." Philza said, he just wanted some peace and quiet in the house for once and you were the only thing keeping it from that. "Y/n, I've already told you that you can't go outside with me a night, you're going to get hurt." The pink haired piglin murmured, "I can protect myself, you know this." "No, is no." He said in a stern tone making you huff in annoyance.
"Go with him, I won't tell a soul." Wilbur's voice cheered, his red beanie rested lazily on his head as he leaned on the couch. "Thank you, I'll do your chores for 3 days." "Make it a week." "Fine." After that little exchange you ran out the door to find Techno.
Deep into the forest you silently trail behind your brother while hiding behind trees and bushes, upon hearing a sudden noise that surprised you, you turned around to see your brother nowhere in sight. Your breath quicken as you looked around the forest in panick, where the hell is he?, while walking through the forest you bumped into someone, "Techno! I'm so glad to see yo-AAAA!" You cut yourself off to find out that instead stood a zombie, you backed yourself into a tree which left you nowhere to go, as much as you wanted to use your wings it was useless since the zombie could just grab you. "I can't believe I'm going to die to a zombie-" You managed to say, your terror was short lived because Techno stabbed the zombie through the heart. "Techno, I'm so sorry for following you. I almost got killed and-" Your rambling was cut short due to the sudden hug from the piglin, "I'm just glad your ok, I don't know what I'd do with myself if you got hurt." He whispered, all you could do was cry into his never as he carried you home.
"Dad, I'm not six anymore, I take care of myself. Techno gets to move out, what about me?!" You yelled, it was anthor fight between you and Phil, it's been getting more worse everytime. "The difference between you and Techno is that he proved that he can take care of himself." Phil argued back making you more annoyed. "When did it become about proving something? All I'm asking you to do is trust me, when did the become so hard to do?!" You screamed, you were at your limit, you ran out of the house and flew up to sit on the roof.
You were left to your thought until you heard a familiar voice, "It's rough in there haha..." Wilbur said, he was trying to make you feel better but he mentally cursed himself for even saying that. "You know he's trying his best right?" He sighed, Wilbur took a seat next to you and stared at the sky. Phil, Tommy, Wilbur, Techno and you used to sit on the roof and talk about the weirdest of things while watching the sunset, but not that Techno left to love on his on it doesn't feel the same. "Yeah, but I wish he'd do the bare minimum and treat me like I'm seventeen." I mumbled letting out a deep sigh, "Well, just know that I have your back no matter what, ok?" Wilbur reassured, he put out his pinky finger and you did the same, "Ok..." You gave the brunette a small smile then turning your attention back to the sunset.
"Now you've done it ya lil shit!" You jokingly yelled, you chase Tommy around the living room while Phil was making dinner and Wilbur was writing a song in his book. "Dad help! Y/n is brutally murdering me!" Tommy yelled while Phil hummed, not paying any attention to the blonde. "Imbeciles! Everyone of you in this house, imbeciles!" The blonde chanted while everyone laughed at you piled your entire weight on the boy.
Later in the night you heard a knock on your door, you utter a gentle come in to see Tommy. "What's up bud?" You ask, you sat up to look at him, "You know how Phil is finally letting you go live on your own?" You hummed and watced the boy try to find his word. "I...I don't want you to go-" He said, his voice sounding shakes which alarmed you.
"Is that was this is about? C'mon, sit." You sighed and patted a spot on you bed signaling for him to sit. "I know that you're going to miss me but just know that you'll have to get used to not having me around, I'm sure Wilbur feels the same. I believe in you, big man." I said while ruffling his hair, his expression seemed like he still wasn't read to let go. "But what about when you wake me up when I don't want to get up? What about you kicking me under the table during dinner, what about when I need you to tell me that everything is find? What about-" He paused to collect his thoughts. "Y/n, what am I without you?" His words made me halt, "Yourself..."
"You chose your side Y/n, Techno and I chose ours." Phil spoke, his tone cold and devoid of care."But, I thought- I thought we were a family." I say, Philza only wince at my words. I look up at him, Techno, and Dream as they set off the TNT dropper, with little time I tried to fly away I kept missing the TNT only by a kiss and a prayer until, "Y/n look out!" Tommy yelled, I quickly look behind me see TNT about to explode, out of instinct I use my wing to shield me.
Why is everything dark?
I-Why can't I see?!
Why can't I move my wings?!
Dad! Help me, I'm scared!
Why is no one there?
Dad-No, Phil, Techno, Wilbur, Tommy.....where are you?
My body felt like it was about the give out, I was losing a lot of blood. "I guess this is how I die...Techno can't save me this time." I chuckled to myself, "I wonder how one of Wilbur's songs go... Jubilee Line, was it?" I paused.
"Wasting your time
You're wasting mine
I hate to see you leaving
A fate worse than dying
Your city gave me asthma
So that's why I'm fucking leaving."
While I was singing a voice called out to me, it seems like I was buried under a pile of rocks...cool I guess. A hand reached and pulled me out of the dark creavis, surprising me completely.
I didn't realize how relieved I was to not die until I stole a hug from the person that saved me, he smelled of blueberries and heaven he was wear a colorful hoodie and a sea foam green swirl on the front. "It's ok, everything will be ok." Even his soft voice resembled an angel, I cried into his hoodie an. The man hugging me whispered small reassurances as my tears stain his hoodie, in that moment I've never been this scared to let someone go.
I hoped you liked this because I sure did, I shall go pass out now. It's 3:06am rn.
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say-narry · 3 years
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Characters: Harry!boyfriend x reader
Word count: ~1.8K
Tags: insinuations, masturbation, explicit sex
Quotes: 5. "The noises you make are amazing" / 21. "Lie down and touch yourself. I want to watch."
Author's note: English isn't my first language, tell me if you enjoyed
Versão em pt-br
Touch yourself
Harry's house was the best place in the world.
Because of the extensive area, with high walls and almost isolation, we could scream and moan as loudly as we could and as much as we could.
Harry loved this show and so did I. He was on vacation, a fortnight away from the show.
He was on vacation, 15 days to be exact. I had also taken a leave of absence from work and my college was once a week, so we could be stuck with each other all the time.
Today would be no different.
It was late Friday night, we had made a carbonara and red wine.
We talked about his next movie, about his band, about Mitch's son, and about my college.
It was so nice to live with Harry in that way. He was witty, he always made me laugh, and we were good together, in bed and out.
Harry went through the streaming catalog and nothing, he went through the animated movies but we had seen almost all of them, horror movies were not a good choice because I had frequent nightmares, until he came to one: 365 dni.
I had seen this movie before, Massimo was mafia and had kidnapped Laura, who in turn resisted the temptation to fuck him and in the end they fell in love.
The plot was not so good, but the explicit scenes were to be given a standing ovation.
"How about it?" Harry suggested with a mischievous little smile on his lips, I agreed as if I hadn't noticed that.
I continued with my glass of wine in one hand while scrolling through social media on my smartphone with the other. I was sitting next to Harry on the huge black couch, who was lying down and patting my bent knee.
Every now and then I would look at the screen, the actor Michele Morrone was showing off his tattoos and fit body, I wouldn't be crazy to deny how gorgeous he was.
"Do you think he's handsome?" I heard Harry's voice and turned my face quickly, I didn't know if it was embarrassment or the wine, but my cheeks heated up.
"You don't think so?"
"Don't answer one question with another, lovie." Her eyes closed minimally and her dimples showed.
"I think, this man must do some damage." I teased Harry, who crossed his arms and sat down on the couch, staring at me in an indignant way.
"What about me, Y/N?" His voice came out squeaky, which made him scratch his throat making me laugh.
"What about you?" I turned my attention back to my cell phone. We had always been very free to talk about sex, no wonder Harry wrote about it in his songs.
"I also do damage in bed, your squirts are proof of that." His hand that was on my knee, went to my thigh, closer to my spot.
"I never denied that, Harry." I blocked the cell phone and climbed into his lap. He was wearing a pair of shorts and was apparently without underwear, because as soon as our privates made contact, I could tell his cock was already a little perky. "But what do you say we test something?" I put my hair to the side and my hands on his shoulders, my right hand pulling his head to the side, giving me room to take advantage of his exposed neck.
I moaned softly and rolled over once, which was enough for Harry's hands to grab my waist and press me down further, making me feel his member even more.
"Anything you want, baby." Harry moaned with his eyes closed and I licked his neck before branding him.
I moved up to his marked jaw. I could hear the movie in the background, but I didn't care, Harry's uncompressed breathing was what mattered.
"I want you to masturbate for me." I spoke softly in his ear and Harry's fingers gripped my ass, digging his fingers into my flesh.
"Volvyer?" His question came out in a whisper and I agreed with a grunt.
I had already done this on video call, I spread my legs and deleted myself with my own fingers while Harry masturbated his own cock on the tour bus. He owed me one.
Within minutes, his clothes were on the floor and I was still only in my panties and bra. I ran my wet panties over his semi-erect cock, moving it back and forth.
I couldn't wait to feel him stretching and thrusting until I was senseless, but I would like to have that scene in my head.
"Do it for me, baby. I licked his lips and pulled him with my teeth "Lie down and touch yourself. I want to watch."
I left a kiss on his mouth and sat down next to Harry, touching my clit under my panties.
Harry grabbed his long pink member, moving it from top to bottom, biting his lower lip and sometimes seeing his belly flex momentarily, due to the excitement coursing through his cock.
I continued massaging my clit, Harry could see my act, so much so that his empty hand reached out and pulled my panties aside.
"Baby..." he moaned.
"Come on baby, I'm so wet for you, do this for your lovie..." I tapped my wet center, evidencing what I was saying.
My blood shot out of my chest and I could see the pre-cum dripping from the head of Harry's cock. It was beautiful to see his lips and the head of his cock in the same color, it was sexy and exciting.
I saw Harry's member get a little bigger, his right hand that was on it already showed the bulging veins, the sound of the humidity was louder than the sound of the TV. Harry laid his head down and his hand took more precise movements "Y/N... I want to fuck you so hot..." Harry's chest was already sweating, his cock was shiny from excitement and at times I saw his hips lift off the couch as he tried to take more friction from his own hand. "I thought of my pussy squeezing you baby, you know how hot and tight I am...you make me so full..." Harry's mouth opened and his hand quickened.
I had stopped touching myself to enjoy the scene, but Harry's fingers moved under my spot very slowly, making me spread my legs even wider.
Harry was sweating, his breathing was ragged, his eyes closed with a frown on his forehead and his mouth still ajar. "Oh Hazz..." I moaned rolling around in his fingers as I gripped the couch cushions.
It was the sight of the highest carnal pleasure.
"Oh... I'm going to cum..." Harry moaned and I plucked up courage and sat down next to him, I placed my hand over his and settled down kissing his neck. "The noises you make are amazing..." I moaned and soon the the liquid of Harry's arousal was all over my hand, his cock with bulging veins was hot and heavy, sometimes I ran my thumb over his glans and he stretched his legs in a spasm and opened his mouth even wider. "Do you want to cum, Harry?"
He nodded in agreement as my movements became slower "Yes Y/N, please, I beg you, I was a good boy!" Harry moaned desperately and arched his hips again "My good little boy..." I sped up my movements on Harry's cock and my other hand returned to my clit.
Within minutes, we both let out moans in unison in the room, Harry's cock was spasming as he released his thick, white leitinho as I felt my panties get completely wet.
"Ohh... ohh... oohh" Harry grabbed my hand that was making the last movements on his cock and squeezed it, in a kind of milking.
Harry's toes had curved, his cum dripping down onto his abdomen and now with his eyes open, you could see his pupils dilated and his breathing deep.
I ran my index finger in my mouth and sucked it staring at him, still with my head lying on the couch next to him, thanks to Harry's fruit diet, its taste was pleasant.
"Did you like it?" Harry asked and I agreed, a little soft from the recent orgasm "You teased me too much, we make a great team..."
"We are Harry..." I closed my eyes and heard I see red playing in the background.
"Baby..." Harry called out to me.
"Yes, honey?" Sleep had caught up with me after all this effort with relaxation.
"I'm going to buy us a boat."
I still kept my eyes closed, but I could see the scenes in replay and Harry's mischievous smile as he said it... and I definitely wasn't going to complain about being Harry's Laura.
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yunhofingers-writes · 3 years
The Things We learned (Diary Fantasies) Chap.1
Note♥︎- Hello <3 firstly, i’m hoping everyone gets the photo i’m using for this series. Second, i’ll be putting the diary at the end, so keep that in mind. also keep in mind that the reader (you) wrote what’s in the diary at the end in between the story, okay? I’m so geeked for this story, it’s not even funny. Please give me your thoughts in my ask box, the comments, or the reblogs please. As always my taglist is here if you want to be in there, but if it’s just this specific one, dm me <3 let’s thank @atiny-piratequeen for helping me
Key: The slanted words are the dreams and the bold words are what’s in the diary
Genre♡︎- Fluff, smut
Warnings/Tags♥︎- Nipple play, pet names, degrading names, nothing too bad, and finger sucking.
Pairing: Ateez X F ! reader
Word count♡︎- 2,800+
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❥- “I didn’t even know you like such things, baby.” The faceless man whispered in your ear as he continued to flick your nipples with his pointer fingers. “You’re so naughty.” He licked his lips, bringing them down to wrap them around your left perked nipple. Your whole body felt euphoric, lips letting moans and whimpers slip between them. “I bet you can cum just from me rubbing them right?” He chuckled a little.
“Are you even listening to me?” Yunho snapped his fingers in your face, bringing you out of your daydream. You shook your head to snap out of your thoughts and looked at Yunho.
You’ve been having these weird dreams. They started 4 days ago and you already hate them, well a love-hate relationship with them. They’re helping you learn more things about yourself that you can’t help but to be happy about.
“-and Jongho ate them all '' Yunho finished with a pout. His eyes were doe and his bottom lip poked out. You couldn’t help it, you coo’ed and reached your hand out to pat his head. He groaned and pushed your hand off of him, glaring at you.
You raised your hands up in defeat and apologized.
“I’ll buy you some more.” You reassured him already knowing what he’s whining about. This isn’t his first time crying about Jongho eating all of his chocolate turtles.
The door opened to show the professor. “Good morning class.” He smiled and the class greeted him back.
“turn to page 56 for me, please.”
“Come on Y/N I want more chocolate.” Yunho whined at you and you rolled your eyes and collected your books, turning towards the jumpy man. You let him drag you all the way down the street to the convenience store.
He grabbed his candy plus more and turned towards you with his big puppy eyes. “Can I get a drink too?” You couldn’t resist his puppy eyes. You nodded and he ran over there to get it.
Sometimes you think he’s a kid in a grown man body, same with Mingi. They both know how to take great advantage of you.
You paid and walked out with Yunho following behind you. “What’s the plan for today?” You asked Yunho and he turned towards you and tilted his head.
“We’re supposed to meet up at Yeosang’s house today, remember?” He asked
“Oh yeah!!”
“I’ll call Yeosang to tell him we’re on our way now.” He told you before dialing Yeosang’s number in.
“Why do you always dial our number when you could just scroll through the contact list?” You asked him genuinely confused. He does this all the time.
He shrugged “that’s too much work”
“That’s too much work?!” You raised your eyebrows , puzzled.
He laughed and quickly responded to Yeosang. “Hello” He raised his index finger up, letting you know he’ll be right back.
Your mind wondered as you waited. Who was that man in your daydream? What the fuck was he talking about? What things did he not know you liked? His voice was so deep. The way he touched your body had you feeling some type of way. He had long fingers, you think you have a thing for long fingers. Thinking about it is killing you.
“Yeosang said everyone is waiting for us there.”
You smiled at the information and grabbed his hand, walking to Yeosang’s house. He’s a clingy human. By the eye of anyone who doesn’t know you two like that, they’ll immediately assume that you two are dating.
Yunho likes hugs and cuddles a lot so holding hands isn’t really a big thing for you two. He swung both of your hands together with a big smile.
On the way there, Yunho texted Yeosang,letting him know that you two are close. The moment you both got there the door was open with the screen door closed. You walked in there together, greeting everyone with happy smiles and everyone greeted back. Yunho ran to Mingi and sat next to him with a humongous smile and ruffled his hair. Mingi smacked his hand and laughed loudly at the scream Yunho let out.
You hugged everyone in the kitchen and walked in the living room and hugged Mingi as well. Mingi’s smile grew as he saw you walk in and quickly hugged you back.
“So what are we planning on doing for the day?” Wooyoung asked and you shrugged.
“Don’t you two have classes?” You raised your eyebrow at Mingi and Jongho and they both nodded.’
“Mines is actually later on and Mingi’s is...right now actually.”
Mingi looked away, avoiding your stern look. “Mingi.”
“No, I’ve read ahead, I don't need to go in today. I promise I won't skip anymore.”
“Please don’t make Mingi leave.” Yunho pouted and you rolled your eyes.
“Y’all act like babies.” You looked away with a small smile.
Mingi laughed along with Yunho. You ignored the two giants and sat on the couch next to them and laid down on it.
“I'm going to take a nap.” You told everyone before closing your eyes.
“I bet you like the way my fingers are rubbing your nipples. Such A naughty little doll.” The man whispered in your ear, later gnawing on it.
Your moans grew louder each flick he gave to your sensitive nipples. Your hips bucked up quickly. “G-give me more.”
You were desperate, so desperate. Your body was hot and your mind was clouded.
The man smirked at you and bent down, sticking his tongue out, licking on one of your nippes with his quick tongue. His rhythm switched as his eyes stayed on yours. He went from fast, spit-sloppy licks and sometimes switched to slow licks, sucking on your titty while his tongue continued it’s work on you.
Your back arched so deep you thought you broke it. Your needy hole was clenching around nothing, and your hips swiveled in circles. You needed something inside of you and you knew exactly what you wanted.
“P-please.” You weakly begged. The man’s free hand went up to your mouth. You quickly opened your mouth and he pushed his index finger inside of your mouth only for a quick second. You whined when he pulled his finger out of your mouth. But that whine turned into another loud moan the moment his saliva covered finger rubbed your other nipple.
He lifted up and looked you in your eyes. “Please what? You want my fingers inside of you, doll?” He smirked and nodded quickly.
He lifted up and licked your lips before slowly dragging his hand down to your exposed cunt. You spread your legs further so he could have better access. “Get up, baby.” He whispered in your ear, You raised your eyebrow at him and he repeated it, but louder.
You shot up quickly out of your wet dream again, looking around to find the culprit who had the audacity to wake you.
Your eyes landed on Yeosang. He smirked at you and bit his lip. ‘Shesh, what were you dreamin about, sweetheart?”
Yeosang always flirted with you for some unknown reason. You can’t deny the fact that it sometimes does get to you.
His eyes scanned your body quickly before he looked at you again.
It’s all platonic, You think
“Oh shut it.” You pushed your hand against his mouth and turned around to sit on the couch properly. He laughed and explained himself.
I heard you groaning out something. I came to check on you and you were widely humping my pillow. “ He raised his eyebrow at you and your eyes went wide as your heart dropped.
He spotted your panicked state and ruffled your hair. “Hey, we all have our moments. I’ll pretend like I saw nothing and move on, okay?” He spoke to you softly and you nodded.
“One more question though.”
“Were you dreaming of me at least?” He smirked and you rolled your eyes.
“You wish.”
He shook his head and got up from you. You are never spending a night over here ever again. (lies) Did anyone else hear?
Oh my god.
It’s going to be so awkward now. Why the fuck did that dream just randomly pop up anyway? Where are they even coming from?
You were so frustrated right now. You sat there, thinking about what the fuck just happened for a least 10 minutes, until San walked in there with a small red cup. You snatched it from him and gulped it.
You stuck your tongue out at him and he touched it.
“EW! San !”
“Shouldn’t have stuck it out.”
You got up after purposely stomping on his foot and walked into the kitchen. “What time is it, Hongjoong?”
“It’s 9:00 PM”
Your eyes widened. You only slept for 2 hours?! What the fuck?
“I’m going home.” You told him and he just nodded, continuing on eating everything Yeosang had to offer.
You walked out, noticing that it was getting dark outside. Not even five steps away from the house, you heard footsteps behind you. You turned around and saw Seonghwa jogging to catch up.
“Why didn't you tell me you were leaving, I would have walked you home.”
“Yeah I know, I just didn’t really want to bother you.” You shrugged.
He shook his head and frowned. “No, don’t worry about that. You know I’ll do anything for you.”
You smiled at him. Yeah, you really do love him.
Once you made it home, you quickly ran to your bed and grabbed your diary and a pen.
As you were finishing the book, you heard a knock at your door. You closed your diary and stuffed it inside your dresser drawer, before walking up to the door. You looked in the peephole and saw Yunho standing there. You opened the door, facing a pouty Yunho.
“You left me. We were supposed to have a sleepover, remember?”
You made an ‘O’ face and stepped to the side so he could walk in. “I forgot, I'm so sorry.”
“It’s okay. So what will we be doing?” He flopped on your bed and looked at you.
“Wanna watch a movie?” You suggested and he nodded.
Scary movie.” You both said at the same time and giggled.
“Jinx” You said
“What do I owe?”
“You owe me a...coffee for the morning meet up.”
You turned on Netflix and clicked some random movie that sounded scary.
As the movie went on, you turned towards Yunho, noticing he was half asleep. He yarned and raked his hand through his hair. Your eyes followed his hand, noticing how big it was. His fingers are so long. You continued to eye Yunho’s hand as your mind took you back to your wet dream. The way the man touched your body, the way he pushed his fingers down into your throat. You couldn't help but to think of Yunho’s hands now.
They were so pretty, you couldn’t help it.
What the fuck are you thinking. Yunho’s your friend. Get a grip.
You thought about your friend doing all of the things to you in your dream and you started squirming.
“What’s wrong with you?” He asked, voice a little deeper.
You shuddered and looked at him and nodded.
“You sure? You’ve been staring at my hands for a while.” He chuckled. “Now that I think about it, you’ve been staring at my hands all day.” You looked like a deer caught in headlights.
You were staring at his hands all WHAT?! You didn’t even notice that. How could you not have noticed that?!
“I-I'm just not feeling well.” You blurted out.
You need to learn how to lie better.
Yunho looked like he had a lot to say but instead, he kept it all to himself. He nodded and pulled you down with him. “I'm sleepy anyways and we have to get up early.
You slowly looked over at his hand that was holding your body close to him and looked up at his face.
Take deep breaths.
You counted to 10 and closed your eyes, forcing yourself to sleep.
“You have a thing for my fingers? Do you also have a thing for Mingi’s?, Yeosang’s?, Seonghwa’s? Yunho asked with a sly smile. You looked away, legs crossed at the mention of Seonghwa’s fingers. This didn’t go unnoticed by Yunho at all.
“You do. You’re such a slut, doll.” He chuckled darkly and touched your face.
Your breath hitched.
You woke up quickly in cold sweat.
AW, come on
You got up and slowly got out of Yunho's embrace. You were grumpy and were in need of a shower.
You took a quick shower, put some light makeup on and a baby blue, flower printed dress on. You walked out of the bathroom to see that Yunho was gone. You checked your phone and noticed he had sent a text
See you at the cafe shop.
You grabbed your keys and went out of the house, getting to the small cafe first. You sat and waited for everyone to show up.
You ordered a donut as you waited and decided to just get on your phone. You were so into your phone, you didn’t even notice anyone pulling the seat to sit in it.
“Hey, sorry I’m a little late.” Someone sat right next to you. By the strawberry smell, you could tell this was Seonghwa.
You looked up and smiled. “No worries.” You nervously sat there waiting for the rest to get here with your chocolate donut in your hand.
Everything felt awkward. You had no way to start a conversation, You didn’t know what to say to him.
You breathed out, relieved that the rest walked in. Seonghwa smiled at you and scooted closer to you so they could all fit in the booth.
“Yunho pays for my drink.” You yelled and Yunho groaned.
“Oh yeah, right.” He got back, already knowing what to get.
You took this time to look at Seonghwa’s hands, which were sitting up on the table. His hands look so fucking pretty.
You thought of what yunho in your dreams said to you. “You’re such a slut doll.”
You like that more than you think you do. You love that.
His fingers are way longer than yours and you're sure they can reach way more better spots than your hand.
“Y/N, Your drink.” Yunho half shouted, knocking you out of your tance.
You grabbed it and thanked him.
“Are you okay?” San asked.
“Yeah, you’ve been a bit dazed out.” Wooyoung added on
You shook your head and smiled up at them. “Yeah, I’m okay.”
San gave you a ‘i doubt it’ face and you averted your eyes from him.
You spent some time in the cafe with boys, before they all started getting up one by one. Well, except two of them.
Yeosang and Seonghwa.
“I’ll be right back, I have to use the bathroom.” Yeosang told you both before getting up and leaving.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Seonghwa’s concerned voice ranged through your head and you quickly nodded.
He raised his hand up to feel your forehead to make sure you didn’t have a fever. Your eyes widened at that and you bit your lip. He retreated his hand back and looked at you.
“You sure you're okay?” You quickly nodded, eyes still following his hands.
He followed where you were staring and looked back at you. “Y/N are you looking at my hands?” He asked as he placed them on your thighs, but close to your knees of course.
You held your breath in, looking at his hands. He bit his lip, dark eyes looking at you.…
“I didn’t know you like such things.”
☆*・゜゚・*♡´・ᴗ・`♡*・゜゚・*☆ ☆*・゜゚・*♡´・ᴗ・`♡*・゜゚・*☆ ☆*・゜゚・*♡´・ᴗ・`♡*・゜゚・*☆
Dear Diary
I had a weird dream this morning. It was kind of a wet dream and I've slowly found something new about myself. There’s something the faceless man did to me that made me realize that I really like it. Something about the way he talked in my ear. So dirty, sexual. The whole situation did something to me, but it always cuts off before he actually touches me the way i want and i hate that. THAT REMINDS ME ! I was at Yeo’s and fell asleep today, right? Remember what I said about the wet dreams? I had one there and apparently he woke me up because I was rubbing myself on his pillow. I was so embarrassed.
Back to the things I learned
I want to try these specific things for real.
- Fingers
(Idk they just do something to me..)
- Nipple play
- Pet names
(specifically doll)
- Degrading names
(slut is all i have)
☆*・゜゚・*♡´・ᴗ・`♡*・゜゚・*☆ ☆*・゜゚・*♡´・ᴗ・`♡*・゜゚・*☆ ☆*・゜゚・*♡´・ᴗ・`♡*・゜゚・*☆
To be continued
End note: What you think’s going to happen next? just curious 👁👁
Krusty crew: @serialee @galaxteez @multidreams-and-desires @woowommy @a-soft-hornytiny @yeotlny @lizsvcks @build-a-roleplay @moonxteez @yeosang99 @yunsangoveryonder @twancingyunhoe @seongsangsgf @chvngbxn @ki6hyun @latte-fairytaekwoon @sansbun @little-precious-baby @let-this-be-a-lesson @ateezappreciation @yutasyiddiepiercing2 @empenguin01 @violetwinters
network pings: @8makes1teamnet
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lovelytarou · 4 years
tidal waves
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pairing: atsumu miya x reader
genre: angst, suggestive
tags: high school sweethearts(?), breakup, strangers to lovers, mentions of cheating
a/n: i was about to put in some warnings for toxic relationship, but i couldn't do that to tsumu i don't hc him as someone who would do such a thing to his lover. also this is not proofread!!
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atsumu is like a wild current, when you get taken by his strong waves, there is nothing else to do than just go with his flow.
this is osamu’s life ever since they were kids. it was nothing forced, he loved hanging out with his twin. although sometimes, atsumu could be a handful.
even while playing, atsumu is like a roaring tide – ready to take on whatever stands in his way and granted, he always gets what he wants.
his overzealous life is what keeps him going every day, playing with his 100%, not half-assing anything, and living life to its fullest.
atsumu realized he was in love when he had heard your laughter in the hallways.
everything stops then. he could've sworn none of the people that littered the hallways moved, and he felt his heart stop.
there you were – laughing with your friends, a bright beautiful smile on your face and letting out melodious sounds without seeming to notice the effect it had on him.
he could only stare at you for how long before he felt osamu whack him upside the head.
“hey, idiot. you havin’ a stroke or somethin’?” osamu narrowed his eyes on his brother, looking for anything off but he guessed atsumu has always been weird.
“let's go inside, class is about to start–”
“samu, who’s that angel?” atsumu cut him off, gaze still on your retreating figure. his voice sounded distant as him you're taking him with you as you walked away with your friends.
“huh? who? that girl? dunno her,” osamu shrugged before dragging his twin inside the classroom.
all day, you’ve been stuck in atsumu’s mind, not caring at all about the lectures. he had a goofy smile on his face as he stared out the window.
who are you? what is your name? do you know him? what class are you in? are you older than him? what are you doing now? why are you so beautiful?
there are so many questions that atsumu miya would like to know. and the first thing in his list is to ask you on a date.
he sure hopes you’re not dating anybody.
the second time atsumu saw you was when you were sitting inside the gymnasium with a friend, holding what looks to be a bento box. were you giving it to someone? his heart fluttered inside his chest, imagining the receiver to be him.
god, he wished it was him.
his gaze tore off you when a ball hit his head. his glare was immediately wiped off his face when he saw who threw the ball at him.
“atsumu, pay attention.” kita scolded, the cold expression on his face causing a shiver to run up and down his spine. he could really be scary without even trying.
“sorry, captain!” he saluted before jogging off to his position.
osamu had noticed that atsumu felt a little off that day. not in a sense that his performance was bad, per se. more so, he was pushing himself to his limits. other than that, he kept glancing to the stands and doing spontaneous moves with his irritating smirk on his face.
he has always been observant, and he had seen this expression on his twin’s face before.
atsumu likes someone. but he doesn’t know who.
osamu kept a close eye on his twin as they continued practicing. the team they are up against are coming in a moment now and they don’t need to waste any time.
when break came, atsumu kept whining about how his body hurt as he downed his bottle of water. osamu can only roll his eyes as his twin obviously was showing off when he lifted up his shirt and wiped it on his sweating face. a few fangirls of theirs squealed from the stands, and although atsumu would sometimes bask in their praise and screams, this time, he had a pout on his lips as he stared at that same spot once again.
“who the hell are you lookin’ at?” he can't help but interrogate his twin, he's highly suspicious and he wanted atsumu to just spit it out instead of acting this way. or else, his performance will surely affect the game.
“hm? oh, them.” atsumu pointed at you, who’s on the edge of your seat as you looked at their opponent who is now entering the gym.
oh. that girl he heard laughing in the hallway.
his gaze then shifted to what you’re looking at and realized it was the captain of their opposing team you were ogling.
osamu shook his head, “leave it, ‘samu. yer hopeless.” patting his twin on the back, they jogged back over to greet the other team before the game started.
atsumu played normally throughout the game, albeit a little harshly against your boyfriend. he gave them little to no opening, and they even scored a point lower than theirs. nevertheless, he gripped the captains hand after the game a little too tight with a fake smile on his face.
he followed you as you pranced towards your boyfriend and gave him the bento box. he felt his stomach turn when he leaned down to kiss you. finally, he decided he can no longer watch and turned his back to you.
what a lucky bastard.
atsumu didn’t sleep a wink that night. his thoughts kept drifting back to you, thinking about how he has no hope like what his twin said. he thought about what could’ve been if he was in that guy’s place. he’ll always flaunt the bento you bring him in front of the team, he’ll even take you to their practices and walk you home afterwards. maybe have a date, or just hangout in yours or his house.
he’ll treat you better than that guy.
the next day, atsumu decided he can’t have you and what he feels is only a crush. a crush so intense, he had his heart broken by someone who he doesn’t even know.
the third time he saw you was when you were crying alone in one of the stairs. he was supposed to go back to the classroom that time but he stopped in his tracks when he saw you, head dropped down as your sobs and sniffles echoed. he gulped, feet frozen from where he stood, not knowing whether to reach out for you or if you will even like to be approached right now.
clearing his throat, he took a few steps towards you as he sat a few inches away from you. you gasped when you lifted your head up as you saw him, quickly wiping away your tears as you looked away from atsumu.
“hey, so, uh...you okay?” he was hesitant. he felt like he was approaching a wild animal instead of offering comfort for someone who was crying their eyes out.
“no...” your small voice answered, sniffles followed after that and before he knew it, you were crying again.
his eyes widened in panic as he wracks his mind on what to do.
“hey, shh! uh, calm down. um – shit –i'm sorry, i didn’t mean to make you cry harder, oh fuck–” he decided to put his arms around you and bring your head to his chest. he rocked the two of you from side to side as he shushes you, his hand coming up to stroke your hair.
“there, there.” he patted your head when he felt you calm down. he winced at the wet patch on his uniform but he didn’t comment about it. “a beautiful person like you shouldn’t be crying, anyway.”
he heard you let out a breathy chuckle as you pull yourself away from him. a tinge in his heart made him wish that you hadn’t pulled away from him too soon. all his feelings from long ago suddenly rushed back, looking at your tear streaked face and reddened nose. even after crying you looked radiant.
“sorry about that, i don’t usually go around crying on strangers.” you forced a smile, hiccuping slightly as you forced yourself to calm down some.
“but thank you. i, uh, i needed that.” this time, it was a genuine smile.
“no worries! i just happen to pass by and you know, yer lucky it was me, because if it was somebody else they might take advantage of you or somethin’,” he rubbed the back of his nape, a blushing blooming across his face as he averted his gaze from you.
it was totally not because he realized it was his crush from before and he wanted to comfort you. nope!
“sorry about your uniform, um...” your eyes switched to his face then to his tear stained uniform.
“atsumu. atsumu miya. but you can call me ‘tsumu,” he offered his hand, blush still on his face. you told him your name as you shook his hand.
“i can wash it for you if you want?” even if your offer might sound like he might have a chance to see you again, he decided he doesn’t want to burden you with it and shook his head no.
“nah, i’ll be fine. don’tcha worry yer pretty little head over it.” he went and ruffled your hair, making you smile as you rolled your eyes and swatted his hand away.
“you know, there’s something that can help you feel better.” he added, a thoughtful look on his face. for a moment, you admired how expressive he is with his emotions. you can’t deny that he looks cute.
atsumu dragged you away from the stairs and out of the campus. your eyes widened in shock upon realization that you two are going outside despite the class not being over yet. what is with this guy? what if he’s a delinquent all along!
“um, atsumu, we shouldn’t be leaving the school right now...” your worried tone made him turn his head to you and flashed you a grin. you swore your heart skipped a beat when he smiled at you like that.
“don’t worry, i’m sure you can ace yer classes, anyway. and yer goin’ to like this, i promise!” you can’t help his energetic self rubbing off on you and let him lead the way to wherever it is he’s going to take you.
he might look all suave and composed, but inside he’s panicking just by the feel of your soft palm against his.
you’re holding hands, for heaven’s sake! he just comforted you because you were crying and now he’s holding your hands! he might pass out at this point, but he’s not done with his mission just yet. he wouldn’t let this day end without you being at least a little bit happy.
you both stopped in front an ice cream stand that many students also frequented. atsumu dug in his pockets for money, his tongue poking out. he paid the vendor and soon, he’s holding two ice cream cones with his favorite flavor.
“try this! it’s the best!” he handed you the other ice cream cone, immediately scarfing his own as he watched your face expectantly.
you took a small lick on the cold dessert and you were suddenly taken to heaven. whatever this is he gave you, it was good.
you moaned when the flavors bursted in your tongue, “you’re right! this is the best!”
atsumu laughed at your face, ice cream making a mess on your lips, near your cheek and even your nose! it was cute for him, and he felt himself fall in love all over again.
when you noticed him staring at you with an amused smile on his face, you tilted your head in confusion, hand going up to swipe at your cheek. but it only made the mess even worse by the action.
“what’s wrong, ‘tsumu? is there something on my face?”
atsumu shook his head as he bit his lip, holding back his laughter.
“nope, yer all good! nothing wrong with yer face at all!” turns out you didn’t trust him so you went to the car parked on one of the stores nearby. you gasped upon looking at your reflection. you were a mess!
nothing wrong with my face, my ass.
“tsumu! you’re so mean!” you whined, immediately wiping your face with a tissue that came with the ice cream.
the man in question only laughed at your reaction. you can only glare at him playfully as he seemed to almost run out of breath from laughing at you.
meanwhile, atsumu can’t help but think that this is probably one of the first time in a while where he laughs happily. and it’s over something stupid as seeing your face with ice cream.
“s-sorry! can’t help it, you looked ridiculous!” he managed out in between laughs.
once he calmed down, he apologized sincerely to you dragged you once again to who knows where.
the two of you skipped class that day.
since then, you and atsumu kept hanging out. usually with his twin, osamu, and sometimes tagging you along to their volleyball practices and even introducing you to the whole team. everybody seems to know you already from how much atsumu has told them about you. he can’t help it, you’re just so amazing that you take his breath away.
it didn’t take them too long to notice how much you two grew closer and closer.
atsumu has never been the one to be nervous before, during, and after their games. he likes to call himself level-headed when it comes to tense situations, not immediately letting his nerves take control of his body and consume him.
he lived for the thrills of life.
so, why, when he looks at you as you smile at him while pointing to a cotton candy stand did he feel his heart race a mile a minute? he was just going to ask you out.
and if you said no, then he’ll understand. it wouldn’t be the first time he’ll experience heartbreak.
“look, ‘tsumu! they have a lot of cotton candy there! let’s go, maybe we can buy some before they ran out.” you tugged at his hand and pulled him towards the stand. he lets himself get dragged by you. he paid the vendor absentmindedly.
throughout the day, atsumu keep glancing at anything except for you. he even forgot to eat his own cotton candy and instead let you eat it.
when you asked him to go to the rides in the fair, he agreed, which is why you both find yourself in the front seats of the roller coaster.
okay, since when the hell did the two of you get there?
he looked over at you who’s smiling from ear to ear, screaming in excitement as you put your arms in the air. you looked so beautiful, still so amazing in his eyes. he doesn’t deserve you but he doesn’t want to let you go ever again.
the ride is pulling back, back, back until it snapped. there was a deafening silence before the ride fell slowly then faster and faster until it threw you into a high spiral.
you were screaming, the people behind you were screaming, but atsumu can only shut his eyes because he was feeling dizzy.
“y/n! will you go out with me?!” he shouted into the air. there was absolutely no way that you can hear him over the screams and the air attacking your ears.
“what?!” you screamed back.
“will you go ou–”
“no, i heard you! i was just asking if you were serious!”
“yes i am! i'm in love with you!”
your heart flew along with the rollercoaster and you think it was the most memorable moment than all the rides in the amusement park.
“yes!” you laughed, feeling giddy all over. it might be because of atsumu or it could be because of the rollercoaster.
“i’m in love with you too!”
you both went home hand in hand, smiling at each other like two lovestruck idiots.
dating miya atsumu was like being caught in a wild current. and just like everything else when they're taken by his strong waves, you went along and swam perfectly with his flow.
you were there for him when he has a match. wearing his jacket as you cheered for him louder than the school’s band. he appreciates it, really. he finds it endearing how you showed all of your support for him and in turn, he scored every point for you and only you.
he’s the sweetest boyfriend. promising you’ll never regret a moment if you agreed to go out with him. a date turned into two, and before you knew it, you’re both falling deeper and deeper in love with each other.
he has your restaurant orders memorized, almost like muscle memory at this point from how often you two always spent time with the other. you even know where he last put something of his when you both decided to move in together.
college came and the two of you can’t help the stresses it came with it. yet, the flame of your love couldn’t burn any brighter. despite the hectic schedules, you both find a way to spend even at least a day with the other. squeezing in dates in the weekends, study dates on wednesdays, even hanging out sometimes in the cafeteria.
then there was that party after they won against another univerity’s team. it was loud, the place packed with people, swimming with drinks and drunk in the thrill of the party.
he has an arm wrapped on your waist protectively as you both wafted through the house. he had a few drinks in him, and when you told him to calm down a bit he only dismissed you saying he can handle himself.
“i’m gonna go and get us drinks, babe. wait here.” he slurred, kissing your temple as he got up from his spot next to you on the couch, waddling through the people to get to where the drinks are.
you stayed put on the couch, eyes straying to the couple making out on the couch across from yours. almost all the people around you are either touching each other or having a lip locking session by themselves.
it made you squirm in your seat as you thought about atsumu’s lips on yours, hands wandering all over your body like what these people are doing right now.
it must be the atmosphere or the alcohol you had downed a while ago, but it suddenly felt too hot. you took off your top layer of your clothes and fanned yourself with your hands.
atsumu still wasn’t back so you decided to get up and check on him, avoiding the grinding bodies of people.
your heart sank, a boiling rage bubbling inside you as you saw him in a corner with a girl who was also very much drunk and all over your boyfriend. she was getting handsy with him and you hated it. you should be the one touching him like that, not some girl in this party that he wouldn’t even remember the day after.
huffing, you walked towards him and grabbed his hand.
“baby, there you are! what took you so long?” your hands flipped his body towards yours so the girl would be stuck with the sight of atsumu’s back.
your boyfriend’s eyes are a little unfocused as he glanced down at you. it widened when he saw who it was, a smile stretching his face upon seeing who it is.
“hey there, yourself.” his eyes drank you in, taking every bit of skin exposed, until they landed on your lips. “god, yer smokin’ hot.”
he captured your lips with his, you let yourself appreciate the moment, hands playing with his hair as you purposely make loud moans while opening your eyes slightly to see the girl he was with a while ago with an enraged look.
i win.
you would've scoffed at her when atsumu’s hands drifted down to your hips, grinding his own to yours as he started nipping your jaw and neck.
“let’s go somewhere private, baby, please.” he suckled on the spot near your collarbone before travelling back up to your neck, lips nibbling on your earlobe, “wanna touch you, wanna feel you, please, baby, please.”
the neediness laced in his tone almost made your knees give out underneath you. a hot liquid feeling inside of you swirling in your stomach as you felt arousal cloud your whole being.
biting your lip, you nodded at him, pecking his lips one last time before dragging him to a more private place.
you stopped in front of a room, knocking first to see if there’s anyone inside. when no one answered, you both proceeded to go in, locking the door behind you. atsumu was quick to pin you against the door, attacking your lips with rough kisses as he grinded his pelvis against yours.
“fuck, baby,” he moaned between kisses, “i want you, ‘m gonna make you feel so fucking good,” it wasn’t a promise, more so it was a statement. you know, he’s going to make you feel so good by the end of the night, and you don’t doubt that one bit.
“ah! i know, baby. nnngh– fuck,” you whimpered when his hand travelled down to touch you beneath your bottoms, “l-let’s move this to the bed,” you panted, out of breath just from him kissing you alone.
it took him a while to get his hands off you and process the words you said to him. he lifted you up with ease and threw you onto the bed, removing both of your clothes with lightning speed. he couldn’t wait anymore, he just wanted to be inside you, entangled with you.
before he can position himself inside you, however, you pushed him down with all your might and straddled his hips.
you showed him just who he belongs to that night.
you thought it was silly, the next day you asked him about the girl last night. it sparked something in him, causing him to snap at you.
“what do you want me to say, y/n? that i’m cheatin’ on you? for fuck’s sake, i don’t even know the girl! so will you stop bitchin’ about it?!” he was seething, not even sparing you a glance as he spat those words at you.
your chest felt tight as you stared at him with disbelief.
many fights followed after that.
atsumu realized he fell out of love for you when he doesn’t look forward to coming home. he looks like a robot, emotionless as he only grunted to acknowledge your presence, if he even acknowledged it at all.
you would eat together, but no word will be spoken unless it would start another fight.
it was getting tiring, to say the least. every other day, all the two of you have been doing was make up, fight again, then make up. you would storm off, he would follow after you, you will both apologize, you will fight again in the morning, the house will be filled with angered screams.
you both lied in bed, backs facing each other, feeling the cold wrapping the two of you like a blanket.
he never invites you to his games anymore. never puts any effort on dates, or even study dates the two of you were used to doing. you rarely even see his face unless it was to come home and get his stuff and then he was gone. sometimes days, weeks, it even came to a point where he disappeared for a month.
the both of you don’t even know, how or why you started fighting like this. how you both drifted apart when it’s been going great to the two of you.
as per usual, it was osamu who noticed the whole ordeal. he never saw you with his twin anymore, never brings you up to any conversation. the light in his eyes seemed to dull, and he looked like he wasn’t getting any sleep.
“how’s y/n, by the way? you seemed to stay here more than yer guys’ own place,” he wss just making small talk, moving around his own kitchen as he prepared dinner for himself and his twin who’s sitting on his couch in the livingroom, busy playing games.
“fine. just busy with her studies ‘s all,” atsumu nonchalantly replied, paying half a mind to what his brother was saying.
“you guys doing alright?” osamu almost broke the bowl he was holding when atsumu let out a curse.
“i just said we’re fine, samu! god, this is why i don’t want to stay here in the first place.” atsumu stormed off, throwing the controller on the couch before slamming the door shut.
osamu doesn’t understand why his brother got mad at that. but judging by his reaction, things with the two of you weren’t fine at all.
it was cold when atsumu went outside, his own breaths coming out in smoke as he leveled his breathing. if somebody mentioned you one more time, he’s sure he was going to lose his shit.
he brought out his phone, dialling a familiar number and bringing the device to his ear, waiting for it to ring.
“are you home right now?”
moans and sounds of slapping of skin reverberated in the room. both of their sweaty bodies moving against each other desperately. it felt good, too good. but it wasn’t you, atsumu know that. but for a while, it made him forget about you.
with her, he can control her however he wanted. pleased him however he wanted. without complaints, without second thoughts, she simply just allows him to use her body whichever way he wanted.
“a-ah! atsumu, i– fuck! i lo-love you–”
atsumu gripped the girl’s neck, cutting off her air slightly but not completely, enough to make her lightheaded.
“shut up, cumsluts don’t talk unless i order them to,” he punished them with bruising thursts of his hips, chasing after his own release.
the girl screamed louder and louder. it felt too good, he hits all the right spots leaving her to roll her eyes to the back of her head, seeing stars behind her eyelids.
atsumu stayed the night in the girl’s house, limbs entangled as they fucked again and again and again until all thoughts of you disappeared from his head.
two weeks later, he texted you saying he wants to break up. you felt suffocated. lungs fighting over the sobs wracking your body as you hugged yourself tight. after being disconnected with him for so long, worrying yourself over where he could’ve gone or how he was. he’s only going to give you a text saying he wanted to break up without even sparing you an explanation? it’s like you didn’t even spend years together.
your brain remembered his words from when you first started dating. he said you will never regret a moment when you agreed to go on a date with him.
yet as you found yourself lost in his wild tidal waves, the water choking you and not allowing you air to breathe, you were only left drowning in the sea.
turns out you couldn’t swim along with his flow anymore.
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jamilelucato · 4 years
hi!! I just followed and saw your open request for hp fics!! congrats btw!! I was wondering if you could write for me either a Fred Weasley x reader or Sirius Black x reader with Enemies to Lovers? If y/n could be a hufflepuff that'd be awesome too lol ❤️❤️ also I'm here for the banter + unresolved sexual tension 👁️👄👁️ thank you!!
Gryffies and Puffies [F. W.]
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Hufflepuff!reader
Summary: Fred and [y/N] were never close, in fact, they hated each other, but Angelina is determined to change that.
A/N: Hi! Thank you, really! I tried to follow your request as much as I could, sorry if the Hufflepuff portrait is not much Hufflepuff like, I’m not one and I don’t have many friends that are, but I tried to keep it as I knew. Hope you like it! (gif not mine)
Last chance to send a request! || Harry Potter Masterlist
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Although, generally, [y/N] doesn’t bother doing her homework way earlier than needed, this time she knew she had to start soon if she wanted a good grade.
Professor Snape wasn’t very fond of the Hufflepuff’s students, so, as a proud member of her house, [y/N] felt like she had to prove the Professor wrong, and show the authoritarian how smart Hufflepuffs can be.
It was the third book she had got from the Library, and this one specifically was just about the subject — Ageing Potions — but [y/N] seemed more lost than before while reading it. Sh even asked, politely, to the Librarian if the book was in English because she couldn’t understand a full paragraph.
“Having trouble there?” asked Angelina Johnson before sitting down in the chair next to [y/N]’s.
[y/N] smiled at her long-time friend. Angelina’s mom was a great friend of [y/N]’s mom, and so, they grew up together, as a weird but cool duo. Angelina had a more explosive personality, when [y/N] was generally softer and prefered to talk instead of punching.
“A lot, actually,” [y/N] sighed. “Have you started yours yet?” the sixth-years Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors shared Snape’s classes, so [y/N] knew Angelina had the same assignment as her.
“Oh, haven’t even started,” answered Angelina, catching one of the books in front of them and flipping through it.
“Angie! Professor Snape already has something against you, don’t give him an extra to work with!” [y/N] retorted, genuinely worried for her friend.
Angelina chuckled. “By something against me, you mean because I sit with the twins?”
“Exactly!” the girls burst into soft laughter.
Angelina knew that [y/N] was out for the Weasley twins ever since third-year when they painted the whole Hufflepuff common room black for one week. Professor Flitwick had to step in to help get rid of the magical paint.
But that wasn’t just it. It seemed as if whenever [y/N] got into trouble, the twins, and more specifically, Fred Weasley, was around.
“So... Hogsmeade this weekend. You comin’?” asked Angelina when the laughter calmed down.
“Nope, got this to finish,” [y/N] sighed, pointing to the parchment blank. “Or gotta start it.”
Angelina protested, “come on, you never come!”
“With you, I don’t!” [y/N] frowned. “You always bring them!”
“They’re my best friends!”
“Ouch,” [y/N] pretended to be offended, but only gained a shove from Angie before her best friend started laughing again. Those two were always laughing.
“I promise they’ll behave,” Angie sparkled her dark brown eyes towards [y/N], and seeing a pit face, [y/N] knew she had lost.
“Fine,” the Hufflepuff agreed, closing the books in front of them, knowing very well that no preparation in the world would make her homework worthy of a good grade in Snape’s eyes. “But you owe me one.”
“Put it on the account,” smiled Angie.
“Here she comes, the Hufflepuff princess,” smirked an inpatient Fred Weasley, watching with a brow raised as [y/N] finally got out of the train.
Without staring the identical redheads, [y/N] apologized to Angelina, “sorry, got stuck with Bryan and Clary, they were tellin’ me about the...”
“No one cares, puffie,” Fred whispered, in a voice that sounded almost like a whistle.
“Shut it, Weasley,” [y/N] warned, with a tired look. If her visit to Hogsmeade was going to be like that, she did not know if she’d be able to honour the motto of kindness and forgiveness of her Hogwarts House.
“Oh, she acknowledges I’m here,” Fred smirked again, “finally.”
[y/N] rolled her eyes, wrapping her arm around Angelina’s, while she murmured apologies. The two girls took the lead, while the twins followed, and [y/N] could swear that every announced turn she and Angie decided to take, she could hear Fred sighing in complain — and she was loving that.
“First stop: Honeydukes!” [y/N] shouted, stating the way.
Angelina stopped when she noticed Fred had stopped too.
“No way — Zonko’s first,” he debated.
[y/N] turned around, facing the redhaired boy — really facing him, like she had not done yet. She sometimes forgot how cute he was.
Well, any boy taller than her, she considered cute really, because she loved how they leaned down to look at her — and Fred had a lot of leaning down to do.
“Honeydukes,” [y/N] said, hoping her voice sounded as scary as Professor Snape because he was the one she was trying to imitate.
“Look, you can eat later, puffie, but the good products will sell out if George and I don’t go to Zonko’s now,” he continued his pledge.
“You two go then — I’m going Honeydukes first,” [y/N] was trying her hardest to stand her point, but when Angelina and George puffed next to them, she lost a bit of her posture.
“You expect George and I will let you two girls walk around alone?”
“I don’t need a bodyguard!” [y/N] shouted, crossing her arms.
“If that’s supposed to be your scare-people-away face, then yes, you need bodyguards,” Fred argued.
“Let’s go to Zonko’s first, y/N. It’ll give less time for the chocolates to melt,” Angelina stepped in the argument, knowing that the two would continue to argue all day if they could. In fact, Angelina had already witnessed them arguing two whole hours about which team was better at Quidditch — and it seemed to be horrible to [y/N] offend Angelina as a player just to win the argument.
Puffing the whole way and not daring to face Fred, [y/N] followed them to Zonko’s. It was easier to avoid looking at him when the boys entered the store (already crowded) and got lost from the girls in the middle of the shelves, their eyes shining with new and classic products.
Taking advantage of the momentary peace, [y/N] wandered around the store, looking for something that could be used for good fun, like some board game. She didn’t realize that Fred was right behind her until he opened his mouth.
His voice a whisper so close to her ear, that it shivered all over her: “you should buy it if you can’t stop staring,” he smirked.
She turned around to face the boy way too close than she expected. Trying to step away, she bumped into the shelve, but fortunately, nothing fell.
“I don’t want a stupid...” [y/N] battled with herself if she should say or not the next word, “furry bear,” she ended up saying because she hated leaving phrases unfinished.
“Yeah, okay,” Fred pretended to believe, puffing his chest.
“I don’t,” [y/N] stated again.
“Sure, if you say so,” he continued his little game.
“Just because Hufflepuffs are kind, it does not mean we like all cute and fluffy and soft things, okay,” [y/N] tried to prove her point using of more complex sentences, but noticing his smile, she thought she only contradicted herself.
“Not all Hufflepuffs are the same,” Fred tried to help her.
“Exactly,” [y/N] crossed her arms.
“But you like the fluffy and plushy,” Fred raised an eyebrow, but he did not look into her eyes.
“Yes,” [y/] agreed, before even realizing what she was saying yes to. She only had time to listen to Fred burst into laughter, she could no longer take back what she said.
But for a second, it didn’t matter; his laugh was worth it. Until it wasn’t.
“So you like plushy, huh,” he repeated non-stop.
“Oh, for Helga’s sake,” [y/N] she puffed, desperately trying to get away from the ginger boy.
When the boys had finally bought all they wanted from Zonko’s, [y/N] and Angelina were already outside waiting. There weren’t many things that the girls founded interesting there. Angelina favours Quidditch stuff and, [y/N], as pointed out by Fred himself, prefers fluffy things.
“That took a while,” you pretended to whisper when actually you spoke loud enough for the twins to hear.
“Oh, did we make you wait, puffie?” Fred teased, but [y/N] just rolled her eyes, not ready to fall into his traps again.
“Well, for fairness, it’s you girls’ time to pick a place,” George said, and [y/N] involuntarily smiled at the more delicate Weasley twin.
“Honeydukes!!” [y/N] shouted before Angelina could say anything, but it didn’t matter. The three Gryffindors immediately started giggling at the girl’s excitement to visit the candy store.
Angelina and George got themselves involved in a talk about the new best broom in the market, leaving Fred and [y/N] behind. They both played Quidditch too, but George and Angie made no effort to include them in the conversation.
“See,” [y/N] decided to tease Fred since they were closest, “if we had gone to Honeydukes first, you wouldn’t need to carry those many bags around.”
Fred almost forgot how to walk. He was generally the one that started the teasing — [y/N] wasn’t much of the provocative kind unless she was provoked. However, Fred liked it.
“You would be the one carrying the bags then, genius,” Fred pointed out, turning his face sightless to the right to get a glimpse of her reaction.
“How many sweets do you think I’m buying?” she asked, analyzing the three plastic bags in his left hand and the two others in his right one. She compared it to the three chocolate bars and a couple of chocolate frogs she had in mind, and she was sure it would be just one bag.
Fred shrugged, letting out a soft chuckled. [y/N] might have had a point, but he was not going to admit it.
When they finally arrived at the candy shop, Fred lost sight of [y/N] because she fastly ran inside. Angelina entered the shop too, but George and Fred had so many bags they were afraid to walk in, so they decided to take turns inside.
Fred went in first, excited to see how [y/N] would be in her environment, but he didn’t like what he saw. As soon as he walked in, he saw her in a corner on the left-back, surrounded by some boys. At that distance, Fred would not guess they were Hufflepuffs.
His first instinct was to suppose she was in danger, but then she laughed. Really laughed, in the sweetest way possible, in a way she had never laughed to his jokes.
He knew she was alright, but he wasn’t. He rushed out of the store, surprising George.
“Back so soon?” George asked.
Fred was not in the mood to tell his twin that might have caught feelings for a certain uneasy girl, so he lied.
“Yeah, had no money left. I mean, if I still want a butterbeer,” Fred said, shrugging and taking his brother’s place as the guard of their Zonko’s products.
George said no more, glad to have the chance to buy something sweet for himself. In the middle of the night, after running around with Fred, George loved having a chocolate frog to recharge his energies.
“Next stop,” said Angelina, once the three got out of the candy store, “Three Broomsticks.”
Everybody agreed with ununderstanding whispers. [y/N], as she planned, got out of Honeydukes with only one plastic bag, that she teasingly raised towards Fred, who rolled his eyes, with a troubled expression.  
His reaction wasn’t the one [y/N] was anticipating. She wanted him to make a quick remark, mess with her bad eating habits, anything like that. But ignore a clear chance to mess with her — she did not expect that.
She rushed to Angie’s side, happy to get a chance to gossip with her best girl about what the boys she had met in the shop had just told her.
“So, Luke told me that Cormac McLaggen is chasing after your friend Alicia, is that true?” [y/N] asked.
Angelina turned her face to her best friend, confused with such a question. Not that the two never gossip before, but [y/N]’s tone was generally less invasive and judge than this.
“Why? Are you interested?” Angie asked, raising a brow.
[y/N] almost choked.
“Interested? Me?” she puffed. “Please.”
Behind the girls, one of the twins was paying very close attention to the conversation.
“He’s not really your type, is he?”
“I’m not interested in him,” [y/N] debated. “I could be, but I ain’t.”
Angie turned her face to the front again before pulling the door of the Three Broomsticks. The four got in, and George was looking around for an empty table when [y/N] asked: “what are you guys taking?”
“Butterbeer,” the three Gryffindors answered together, causing the girl to smile at their synchronization.
“I’ll get it; you go sit down,” she was actually being nice because, of all of them, she was the one with fewer bags.
Being friends with Madam Rosmerta had its privileges, such as [y/N] was first attended as soon as she reached the counter.
“Hey, Madam Rosmerta! How’s it goin’?” [y/N] asked, working extra hard her charm. The whole counter was staring at her, half angry, half not believing, that she was being served before them.
When the woman finally gave [y/N] her drinks, she headed to the table her friends had picked, noticing with an exhalation that the only chair left was in the middle of Fred and George.
“That was fast,” pointed out George, getting his butterbeer with a smile and tossing you a sickle.
“No need, it’s on me,” [y/N] said, giving George his coin back. “Actually on Rosmerta, but that’s supposably to be a secret.”
Angelina smiled, reaching for her cup and savouring the butterbeer as if it was more tasteful because it had been free.
Fred looked at you without exactly turning but grabbed his drink anyway.
“Thanks,” he whispered, this time Fred’s tone had no sign of banter.
[y/N] was scared they would remain in that dreadful silence, bt Angelina took her chance to tell everyone about her father’s newest accomplishment and how it would affect them — he had a bought a summer house near the beach. She was sure he would allow her to bring them for a weekend.
“Wow, Angie, count me in! Would love beach day!” [y/N] beamed.
Angelina chuckled. “I’ll see if we can go next holiday.”
The whole table cheered in excitement, and George was so happy that he decided to buy them the next round of butterbeer.
When the day in Hogsmeade was over, [y/N] and Fred got back to their usual bickering. George knew that would happen, but Angie was, in fact, hoping for them to finally develop a real friendship, better than the day to day teasing.
Days and months went by. [y/N] ended up getting the better side of Professor Snape, after all — he said her essay was the best one from that class.
Angelina kept trying to connect Fred and [y/N], but it was like she was running from him. Fred seemed neutral about it all, and that was a first.
“So my father got back to me...” Angelina started telling the twins as soon as the Quidditch practice was over.
“And?” George was genuinely enthusiastic.
“And we can go for the Easter holiday!” cheered Angelina. “Unless your mom doesn’t allow you to come...”
“Molly will be pleased to have two less in the house,” admitted George.
“Is [y/N] coming?” Fred asked, raising his voice so he could be heard since he was in the back of the tent.
Angelina exchanged looks with George before answering, scared that he wouldn’t like her answer. “Yes, she is, and I hope you behave.”
“Are you saying that to her?” Fred retorted.
“Don’t pretend you aren’t the one who messes with her,” Angelina tilted her head towards Fred, who just shrugged, puffing as if he was innocent. “Well, gonna invite Alicia and Katie. See you later.”
Part of [y/N] wondered why she had said yes. Sure, Angelina Johnson was her best friend of all times, but still, as her father drove you two to the beach house, all she could think of was that it would be a house filled with Gryffindors and she would be the only outsider.
She wasn’t friends with the others. She could become friends with Alicia and Katia, she guessed, and George was somewhat of a colleague, but Fred? Oh, Helga, she signed in for a nightmare.
Since the Hogsmeade trip a couple of months ago, things without explanation kept on happening with [y/n] more often than before. Clothes coloured in bright pink, her cat turning in with two tails instead of just one, and she even received letters with nothing written on — those were the most confusing of the pranks. Again, she was almost sure it was Fred’s fault, but since the pranks were harmless, she never confronted him about them.
Angelina and [y/N] had time to settle themselves down in a room just for the two — Katie and Alicia were getting another one, and Fred and George the one far most at the end of the corridor.
When the six kids were all together, things started getting, well, exciting. There was no way Fred and George were going to let that trip be a bore.
Without parents around, you six stayed on the beach until 4 a.m, watching the sun rising far away. Alicia had brought some firewhisky, but since it was only two bottles, the group decided to save for later.
When [y/N] woke up on the second day, she found herself lying in a mattress-shaped floater, tossed in the middle of the pool.
“WEASLEYS!!” she shouted, waking the whole house up.
With no wand around, [y/N] had no option but to jump in the pool and swim to get out of there. When she managed to cross half of the backyard, Fred and George appeared at the door, and you took a glimpse inside the house, where the girls ate breakfast like nothing was happening to [y/N].
“Morning-swim, huh?” Fred crossed his arms, smirking slightly.
“You’ll pay for that, Fred,” she replied, shaking, the coldness of the water that soaked her combined with the wind of the beach was not doing her good.
“Cute pyjamas, puffie” he continued teasing as she passed him by — his eyes following her back as she went upstairs. The nickname was not something she was quite fond of, especially because she knew he used it just because of her house.
George nudged his twin. “Don’t ask why she doesn’t like you,” George said, leaving his brother at the door and sitting down next to Alicia.
“What? You helped,” pointed down Fred, sitting too.
“Yeah, but she likes me,” George raised a brow, his confident expression did not even shake at the dark look his twin cast.
*** When the night came, [y/N] was sure she had gotten a tan, but after she got in the shower and took a good look in front of the mirror, it was like the tan was gone. She wasn’t hurt, though, so it wasn’t all bad.
Getting downstairs, she noticed that the group hadn’t been able to keep themselves away from the firewhisky any longer, because the only two bottles were displayed in the middle of the table set outside in the backyard.
[y/N]’s white dress was practically sparkling in the dim light of outside, and for a minute, Fred was out of breath, staring at her in a way he had never before.
Well, actually... Never before since they arrived. But Fred was not gonna mention the other thousand times she left him breathless by her looks.
“Where’s Angie?” [y/N] asked before sitting down, noticing that her bestie was the only one left.
“Still showering. Angie says she can feel the sand everywhere yet,” explained Katie.
“And who’s to blame...” [y/N] wondered aloud, trying to provoke the twins who had been fighting everyone in the sand earlier.
Even though Fred teased her the whole afternoon — how she would never win him in the fight, how she was laze, how he was fast — she didn’t give in, preferring to get sunbathed. It didn’t work though, but at least she didn’t have sand in all weird places now.
Angie finally got outside, wearing a beautiful set of shorts and a floral blouse.
“Let’s start the game, come on, I really need it,” she said, and the whole table agreed.
They played an updated version of beer pong, the muggle game, and [y/N] was losing badly to everyone else. That meant that she was the one drinking more, and, for Helga, she was not used to it, but with time, the effects seemed to disappear.
When the game was over, [y/N] had been sitting for minutes at the edge of the pool, wetting only her feet. There was a cup of firewhisky in her hands, but even if not drunk, she knew she shouldn’t keep drinking it.
Someone found a way to play muggle music, and Angelina, Alicia, Katie and George were having the time of their lives in the improvised dance floor.
Fred was walking, as silently as he could, towards [y/N]. He wasn’t very fond of the music playing, and he wasn’t as drunk as the others. Generally, he would have pretended to be, like George was doing, just for the fun of it, but watching [y/N] all alone, he knew he had to something about her.
“Hey,” she smiled softly, noticing the boy sitting down next to her.
“Are you okay?” he asked, but she never answered. She put the cup down though — Fred thought that was a good sign. “I’m sorry about the pool earlier.”
[y/N] stared back at him, this time trying to analyze every aspect of his face. Like how he had moe freckles on his left cheek then the right. How his nose was big but yet perfectly pleasant to look at. How he was leaning towards her even though he wasn’t noticing. But she did. And she leaned in too.
“You know, if you wanted my attention, there were other ways to get it,” she said, surprising herself with the bravery to speak up.
Fred froze.
“You could have apologized to my cat, that would’ve been nice, for starters,” she said, this time surprising him, who laughed it off.
“He didn’t like the extra tail?”
“He actually did,” she joined him in the laughter, remembering her pet playing with a smile in her dorm room because he now had two tails. “Hey, how did you found out that he was my cat and not any other?”
Fred smiled in the dim light.
“He was the fluffiest,” was his answer. [y/N] elbowed him, pretending to be angry, but she knew that, unfortunately, her cat was the furriest cat Hogwarts had ever seen.
After a moment of silence, [y/N] decided she better get back to her room — and she hoped this time she would wake up there too. Getting up without warning, she ended up scaring Fred.
“Where are you going?” he asked, getting up too.
“Back to bed,” she said. “Better get a good night sleep before tomorrow — it is our last day after all.”
Fred wrinkled his nose. He knew she was right, but he also knew that it was his last chance to do something with her, at least, under the spark of the moon.
But she seemed so far away...
“Well, at least let me accompany you,” Fred offered [y/N] his arm, which she took with a smile.
They walked in silence — the rest of the group didn’t even notice they were gone.
[y/N] was about to get to her room when Fred stopped her.
“Wait,” he was confused whether it was the best time or not, but it was his only time so... “wait here, I’m gonna grab something for you.”
He walked to the end of the corridor, rushing to his room. Fred was rummaging through his suitcase, looking for what he wanted to give her.
[y/N] waited patiently — and quite anxiously — for whatever Fred was going to give her.
“Here, ” he said, giving her something he had hidden in his back. [y/N] grabbed from his hands, surprised with the texture of what she got. “I don’t know if Angelina ever mentioned me and my brother want to open a joke shop, and well, this product... You kinda inspired me to do it.”
She studied the hairy, yellow ball in her hands. Thankfully, she held it gently, because when she turned the thing over, she noticed that two little blue eyes were staring at her, startled.
“Oh my Helga, Freddie, is this alive?” she asked, but the answer didn’t really matter because she was already petting the small furry ball.
“It’s she, actually,” he smiled, noticing how happy she was with the gift. “Has no name, though.”
“What is she?” she asked while playing with the pet, noticing she was warming up to [y/N]’s touch.
“George and I named it Pygmy Puff — a miniature Puffskein,” Fred explained, petting the furry ball too. “They are generally pink or purple, so yours was made with a lot of care.”
[y/N] looked up from the yellow Pygmy Puff to Fred and tilted her head, uncontrollably smiling.
“Guess the Pygmy Puff has something to do with me too,” [y/N] teased.
“The whole thing has something to do with you,” Fred let out, blushing immediately, but [y/N] didn’t notice. Fred fake-coughed. “So, what will you name her?”
[y/N] thought about it for a while. “I guess it would only make sense if she was named Gryffie. After all, her creator is a Gryffindor,” [y/N] blushed but avoided looking at Fred, focusing solemnly in the Pygmy Puff.
“It makes sense,” Fred looked from the pet to the girl and bit his inner cheek. “Two houses come together for an invention.”
“That’s the Hogwarts spirit,” [y/N] laughed it off. “Thank you, Fred,” she said before leaning on tiptoes to place a kiss on Fred’s cheek.
The Pygmy Puff enjoyed the time with no attention and walked from [y/N]’s hand to her shoulder, and Fred stared at the fluffy thing while [y/N] kissed him.
And somehow it felt like the pet was trying to say something.
[y/N] stepped away and said good-night, entering her room with a sad look. She didn’t want the night to end. So, after placing Gryffie on the bed, she turned to the door, ready to open it again. But Fred was faster.
They stared for a full second before both rushed towards each other, locking their lips in a soft but potent kiss.
Fred’s hands found her waist and pulled her closer, as closer as Fred could — close as he always wished she was. [y/N], of course, ran her fingers through his hair, something she had been wanting to do for a while now, and she was glad to find such fluffy and soft hair.
They were breathless, but neither wanted to pull away. Fred leaned to her neck, finding her sensitive spot right away, and there was nothing better than hearing her moan so close to his ear.
Behind them, the Pygmy Puff made some sound weird, but they just laughed it off and pulled each other closer again, as if they could be closer than they were.
The Pygmy Puff cried again, and this time non-stop, so [y/N] had to pull away. She was the mother of that pet for only a couple of minutes, but she was very protective over it already.
“What is it?” she murmured towards the fluffy ball at the same time Fred cleared his throat, making [y/N] turn to Fred again, who was looking at the stairs.
“Hi, little love birds,” giggled a very drunk Angelina.
Fred and [y/N] were instantly red, from head to toes, but Angelina and the rest of the group didn’t even care, they just couldn’t giggling and bumping into each other.
“Hey, George, I think I’ll better sleep in your room,” Angelina spoke again. “I believe you’ll have an empty bed.”
“Good idea,” George said, locking arms with Angelina to protect her from falling — she could do it at any moment now. “Good-night, love birds. Or should I say love puffs?”
The four teenagers were laughing out loud, they could wake someone up if only someone were sleeping. George and Angie closed their door as soon as they walked in and winking at [y/N] and Fred, Alicia closed the door of hers and Katie’s room.
“Well, I guess I just lost my bed, puffie” Fred sighed, pretending to be upset, leaning on the door frame.
His eyes sparkled in the dim light of her room. [y/N] smirked, pulling him by his collar, suddenly very aware of her Femme Fatale powers.
“Good thing I have an extra one here,” she said, kissing him again, and again, and again...
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I live in the wilds of Pennsylvania, surrounded by trees, birds singing and fresh breezes, and a lake that extends for miles through the wilderness. I love to walk the paths and roadways that surround the lake and hike through the hills and valleys. I love to explore the grounds in search of little caverns or caves, I love rocks and unusual natural things. I collect the native herbs and cut fresh flowers. I live with my husband in a cottage that is near the lake. We don't see many people out this way and since the town is on the other side of the lake we a lot of times take our boat and head to town that way instead of driving the way around. If there are any other people up here they are, summer people, and only stay in the area till around Labor Day and then the land clears of any other people. We have wild animals that come around. Deer, rabbit, and even bear. We have learned to leave them be when they are near and just stay inside until they are gone. We keep all of our rubbish indoors so that we aren't feeding them and they don't come around too often.
But, it is not winter and I was wanting to pack a lunch and head out for a few hours exploring. I was walking down the roadway and enjoying the sunshine on my face and the sound of nature when about a mile from home I noticed an unknown vehicle parked. Everyone that camps up here for the summer has closed down their cabins and has gone for the summer. So I headed over to it and saw a shirtless young man sitting in the back of his van. I walked around to see if he needed any help and he was completely naked. Taking me by surprise, I said, "oh, excuse me". He was built like a brick shit house and handsome at the same time. I looked him over really good and noticed he was also quite hung.
He noticed me staring at him and a smile appeared on his face. I blushed and smiled back. "I'm sorry", I said. He said, "No worries". I went to leave and he asked if I had lived nearby and had a working phone. I said that I did and that he was welcome to use it. He was washing off and then getting dressed when I came across him and he said that he didn't realize that anyone was still up here and that he was happy that there was. His van broke down and he stayed the night in it, I could smell the smoke of a fire that had been wet down to be put out. He told me that he was going to hike around and see if he could either find someone or get to the town on the other side of the lake.
As he dressed, I noticed that he was just as hot clothed, as he was naked and was happy to escort such a good-looking man back to my place. I'll admit, the dirty thoughts were there.
My husband and I have an open relationship and always welcome a third party if that can be the case. We don't get out much because the city is so far away but we do have visitors come to stay with us. Another couple. We switch partners and just have a weekend of sex, drinking, and more sex. We have fires and have sex. We go swimming and have sex. I am a bottom, so I get to get under the other top all weekend long and it is nice to have someone else with my husband's permission. And I definitely want to get under this guy if I can.
We reached our cabin and I let my husband know who this man is and what the situation was and he led him to the phone. We told him who to call and the earliest that the tow man would be able to get out this way was 2 days from today and that he was the only mechanic in town and depending on what was needed for the van, it could take up to a week total for him to get it fixed. In the meantime, we had talked and had decided that I could have sex with him all that I wanted to if the young man was up for that kind of fucking. He was definitely straight but I have a way of getting men into bed that my husband just loves because it is always advantageous to us both.
We invited the young man to stay with us and he agreed since there were no hotels open now either. He didn't seem too concerned about our marriage and he was quite comfortable with himself. I love a confident man and he was really turning me on. He seemed to take a liking to both us and especially to me. I was in the kitchen cooking and he sat down at the table after I had told him to make himself at home. He asked if that meant to me as well. I turned and looked at him surprised and then told him, "yes". Again I blushed and he said it was cool and that he didn't have a girlfriend and could use a few good blowjobs if I were really interested. He knew that I was and I didn't have to say a word more.
We had dinner, all three of us, and then my husband retired to bed. I lit a fire in the fireplace and offered him a glass of wine or a beer. "I have liquor too if you prefer?" He said no because it gives him whiskey dick and he wanted to be hard for the occasion. I blushed again and giggled a little bit too. The excitement was rising up in me as it was rising in pants as he was thinking about having his dick sucked finally. He said it had been a while for him. I thought to myself how can such a great looking stud go without any sex? Then he proceeded to tell me as though he were reading my mind. He told me that he could see it on my face. I had to laugh this time.
"If you would like to get comfortable, please do", I told him. He told me that he is naked a lot when he is home and I assured him that would be no problem at all. He took his clothes off and folded them up neatly and put them on the sofa. I motioned for him to come to lay down on the floor and rest his body on the pillows. He did and as he walked, his manhood bounced freely back and forth as I watched and licked my lips. My mouth was watering like a flood. He noticed and commented that he appreciated the hungry looks from me. It made him feel good. He hadn't had anyone look at him like that for a long time.
We were instantly comfortable with each other. He rested himself upon the pillows and I looked at his thick cock and low hanging balls. I asked if I could taste him and instead, he motioned for me to come up to him and said, "I may be the man in this but I do have respect for you." He looked at me then moved in to kiss me. He kissed me for a long time and I rubbed his cock till it was hard as stone. It grew to a beautiful nine inches long and was thick. I looked down at and he asked if I liked it and I, of course, said "yes". He teased and said that if I played my cards right that he would also fuck me if I wanted. Like I'm going to tell him no.
We kissed a little more then I made my way down his freshly showered neck, to his stomach, his happy trail, then I took him in my mouth. He was softly moaning and exhaling as I did so. I laid my head down on his muscular, inner thigh and teased the head of his cock with my tongue. My lips went around and sucked on it and then down the shaft I went. I could hear him breathing hard and with excitement. I would go all the way down his shaft to his big, low-hanging balls, then make my way back up to the head. I wanted to take my time and enjoy this beautiful stranger. I also wanted to swallow a nice big load.
He motioned for me to move my body up close to his. All I had on was a bathrobe. He noticed that I was naked underneath and said that he thought that was hot. He reached under to grab my ass cheek in his hand and told me that he was going to fuck that for me. I loved his forthright and confidence. He was never with another guy before but he knew how to handle a hungry fuck hole.
As I stroked his cock and gave him head, he was getting more and more excited and moving his hips to meet my face as I went down on him. He stuck his fingertip in his mouth and was rubbing my asshole with it saying how he can't wait to sink himself in a nice warm pussy. It was cool of him to call it that. He let out a moan, shoved my head down on his throbbing cock, and fed me the biggest load of cum. OMG was it tasty too. I kept sucking his dick gently after he erupted. He was ready for another beer and then motioned for us to go up to his room. We climbed the stairs to his room and he shut the door behind us. Our room is on the first floor and he was on the second floor on the other side of the house. This is the room that the other top and I use when the couple comes to visit.
He dropped my robe around my ankles. I was a little shy because I am a little bigger around the waist. He told me that he loves thick chicks and that I was perfect. He teased and said that he likes a little more titty but....He instantly subdued my insecurities when he picked me up, kissed me, then laid me on the bed, spreading my knees and laying on top of me. He continued to make out with me until he was fully erect again and told me that I was in a lot of trouble because I already made him cum and that it takes him a lot longer to cum the second time around. Yeah, like I would have a problem with that, I told him and he giggled and slid himself deep inside my cock hungry hole.
He stayed that whole week and he fucked me every night.
He would visit often until he met a nice young lady and then the visits dwindled down. I'll always remember that first day we met.
by Marshall Bosley
(I do not own the rights to the pic)
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milazka · 4 years
August twelve — Rudy Pankow
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image found on pinterest
summary: the one where it’s your boyfriend’s birthday and you planned an amazing day for him.
request: yes
content: fluff
author’s note: i didn’t add a smut part because i feel like i’m only writing smutty imagines and i needed to write a fluffy one with this hottie! my requests are open and you can find my masterlist at the end of this post if you feel like reading more of my stuff!
warnings: most of my stories may contain mature themes such as swearing, underage drinking, substance abuse, sexual language and scenes, fights and more. also, i do not intend to be offensive towards anyone who reads this blog, if anything written can be perceived as hurtful to any community or person, i apologize, it was never my purpose while writing it.
word count: 1700.
She was standing in the frame of the door, her pretty eyes observing the young man lying on the bed, his body half covered by the grey blanket. His chest was rising at a peaceful rate with no sign of trouble apparent on his angel face. A little smile slipped over her rosy lips as she thought about how lucky she was that this man was still a part of her life, twenty years later. Both born in Ketchikan, Alaska, just a few months apart, Rudy and her had grown up as a duo. hey did everything together. Rarely did you ever saw one without the other; she was the Bonnie to his Clyde and nothing in the world could have changed that. Over the years, they both had a few meaningless relationships, and they never lasted long. The girls were envious of his closeness with Y/n while the boys were quick to understand that she would never look at them the way she looked at Rudy; he was her person, but she hadn't figured it out yet. It was on a cold December afternoon, a few days before the New Year’s eve, that they exchanged their first kiss, their lips frozen by the Alaskan winter, both seated by the burning fire in the chimney. Five years later and in a much warmer town, she was looking at her sleepy boyfriend with the same sparks in her eyes.
“You're staring at my butt, aren't ya?” 
Rudy's sleepy voice took her out of her thoughts as she laughed. His eyes were half opened and he had pillow marks all over his right cheek. His disheveled blond hair was falling out in front of his pretty ocean colored eyes. She carefully made her way to the bed, trying not to knock over the breakfast tray she was holding with both hands. 
“I made you waffles” 
“The blueberry ones?” he asked with his childish voice and she nodded. “For what occasion?”
“It’s your birthday, remember?” she chuckled as she watched his facial expression change from confused to excited. He has always loved his birthday, especially since the day she became his girlfriend and always planned a day full of surprises for him. Rudy grasped her blue sweater sleeve and lured her towards him to kiss her lips tenderly.
“Mmm you taste like maple syrup.” 
“I may or may not have already eaten a waffle while cooking them,” she smiled, tilting her head to the side to give him her guilty puppy eyes, making him fall more in love with her. “I planned the whole day so you better start eating your waffles now because we’re leaving in an hour.”
“Did I ever tell you you're the best girlfriend?” he mumbled with his mouth full of waffles dipped in maple syrup.
“Many times, but I'll never get tired of hearing you say it, lover boy.”
“Good, because with such a good waffles recipe, you're stuck with me for a while, pretty girl!”
─── °• ❀ ───
Chase picked them up around eight pm in front of their apartment with his black truck, the rest of the cast were already at the the Pate’s house, decorating and preparing the cake. She had blindfolded his boyfriend and he kept asking where they were going every single minute of the trip like a child. He had done the same thing a few months ago when she took him skydiving for the first time, it was almost routine for her to hear him complain in the back of the car. 
“Stop asking, you big baby!” she said to him, turning her upper body toward the back of the car where he was seated. “It’s a surprise, I’m not gonna ruin it because you can't wait for a few minutes.”
He gave her his pouting face and crossed his arms on his chest, knowing she would not say a word to him about it even if he tried harder. A few minutes later, Chase parked his truck next to Drew's car. She walked to the left side of the car to opened Rudy's door, quickly kissing him on the lips and automatically causing a big smile to cover his pouty face. She guided him to the backyard with Chase’s help. He opened the back yard gate, letting them pass in front of him before closing it back so Lilah's dog would not run away like he did multiple times when they filmed the first season of the show. All the cast members were silently gathered in front of a multicoloured cloud of balloons and were holding a sign that said 'Happy birthday, Rudy!' 
“Okay, you can take your bandana off!” she said to his ear and he could feel the excitement in her voice. 
Slowly, he pulled his blindfold down and a wide smile slipped on his lips at the sight of all his friends singing happy birthday to him. He squeezed his girlfriend's hand while his friends were still singing and she couldn't help but let a few tears of joy run down her cheeks when she saw him so touched by the surprise she had planned for him. 
“Thank you for all of this, baby. I love you more and more everyday my sweet girl,” he whispered to her ear before leaning down to kiss her soft lips that tastes like caramel due to the caramel macchiato she drank in the car.
“I’m happy you’re happy, lover boy,” she said to him as he pressed his cheek against her palm, a smile at the corner of his lips. “Now, go hug your friends!” 
─── °• ❀ ───
After her and Rudy hugged and thanked everyone, they all swapped their clothes for bathing suits that would come in handy during their little boat trip of the afternoon. Jonas had let them borrow his boat, taking advantage of the fact that his children were with them to spend a day with his wife at the spa. Drew was at the helm of the boat while the others were all sitting on the benches, toasting to Rudy's birthday just before Chase announced that they were far enough away from the shore to put the tube in the water. JD, Rudy and Y/n were the first ones to shotgun a spot on the pneumatic tyre.
“Babe? Can you help with the zipper?” Rudy asked his girlfriend, frowning completely clueless.
“He’s twenty-two and still needs his girlfriend to zip his life jacket,” Jonathan mocked him, resulting in him being pushed in the water by a proudly smirking Rudy who quickly followed him the water, grabbing Y/n by the waist to take her with him. She surfaced quickly thanks to her life jacket, clearing her face of wet hair and sending a wince at her boyfriend. They all swam to the tube, splashing each other on purpose along the way. Rudy climbed aboard first and reached out his hand to Y/n to help her climb up. She sat between him and Jonathan, clutching a black rubber handle with one hand while the other was firmly intertwined with her boyfriend's hand. 
“Are you ready?” yelled drew, turning his upper body toward the back of the boat, his right hand resting on the wheel. 
“Aye aye, Captain!” Rudy screamed back and the boat begun to pick up speed. 
The water was splashing back in their faces and they could barely keep their eyes open, but they couldn't help smiling stupidly. The three of them let out cries of surprise and laughter every time they jumped a wave and almost got ejected from the tube. They could see Madison and Chase laughing at them while Madelyn filmed them for her next tomfoolery instagram post. Drew took a sharp right turn, dropping Y/n and JD on Rudy. She firmly grabbed her boyfriend's bicep after she lost her grip on the handle and pushed JD back up with her shoulder so he could settle back into his seat. Just when they thought Drew was done messing with them, he suddenly accelerated, ejecting them out of the tube like three little rockets. 
“You fucker!” Rudy shouted to his friend, laughing before turning towards his girlfriend. “You okay baby?”
“All good and still in one piece!” she replied, swimming back to the boat where Deion gave her a hand to climb up. A few seconds later, she felt a towel being placed on her shoulders and two arms wrapped around her waist. She smiled, turning her head to meet the face of her boyfriend who had pressed his chin to her shoulder. He placed a few kisses on her neck, making her squirm under his grip from the tickling of his lips against her wet skin. 
“Look at them! You guys are so cute,” whined Lilah, taking a picture of them. Y/n blushed while Rudy smiled proudly. “Can you send me the picture? I'm gonna post it on instagram.” rudy said as he grabbed his phone and sat on one of the benches while Chase and Madelyn were putting on their life jackets. She sat next to him, resting her head on his shoulder and playing with the hem of his boarding shorts, a gift she gave him for his birthday last year, right before he started shooting for Outer Banks. He quickly wrote a caption and posted the photo of them on his instagram, getting hundred of likes and comments only a few seconds after. 
‘My sweet girl. Thanks for the amazing birthday surprise! Love you to the moon and back, my love.’
“I love you too, baby,” she cupped his face with her palms and kissed his salty lips. “Oh, before I forgot,” she brought her face close to his and took her sensual innocent voice. “Since it’s your birthday, I’m gonna let you do whatever you wanna do to me tonight.”
His eyes opened widely and he cleared his throat. “Fuck, you’re gonna be the death of me, pretty girl,” he kissed her, nibbling at her bottom lip. “I’m gonna please you so much tonight that you’re gonna beg me to stop.” 
She smirked at him and grazed his crotch with her fingertips. “I look forward to it.”
─── °• ❀ ───
mila’s masterlist
taglist (send me an ask if you want to be added)
@milaonthemoon @spilledtee @pogue-writings @thebutterflyonhischest @ilovejjmaybank @bananasfromtarget @drewstarkeyobx @void-maybank @prejudic3 @pit-zuh @starlightstarkey @lefthandwritings @theonetheonlyalexbrown
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with Hank ‘Tranq’ Loza.
Request: HERMANA acabo de ver que estás taking requests for tranq, and maybe is too late pero por si acaso how about tranq x younger reader (25 or so) having a soft day or a nice date, like cuddles, watching films together... Thank youuuuuuu💖💖💖💖
BY @aquamento
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Warnings: none.
Word count: about 1.3k
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: @angels-reyes
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📱to Bish✨:
“Hey, prez. I was thinking about stealing you my man. It's gonna rain and I already finished at the hospital, so I would like to spend the afternoon on my sofa doing nothing, but cuddling as fuck till it hurts”.
📱 from Bish✨:
“Don't you want to level up to El Presidente? Maybe, adopt me?”
📱 to Bish✨:
“I change you my man, for a delicious lunch tomorrow”.
📱 from Bish✨:
“I already kicked his big ass outta my club, querida. But now that you said so…”
Leaving your phone over the passenger's seat, with a triumphant smile drawn on your lips. You have the window down, with an elbow nailed there and the other over the steering wheel, thanking to have taking the automatic car this morning, because your hands are a little sleepy after a long, long day. But your reward is coming, and you can't ask for anything else. Turning to the left on the main avenue of Santo Padre, you slow down the velocity, as if you had all the time in the world, stopping some minutes after for a red light. Palming your lap following the rhythm of the song playing through the radio, while you sing it so concentrated, the strong buzz of an engine pushes you back to reality. Resting both arms on the door and your chin over them, you can't help but smile like a teen in love with a soft sigh escaping out from your lips.
“You kill me every time you do that”. Stopping his motorbike next to your car, he takes off the sunglasses for a second.
“Hm…” You just say, so absorbed that you can't even talk.
“That smile”. Hank points at it, before poking your nose, making you wrinkle it.
Leaning towards your car, you stick your head out of the window to reach his lips with a smooth kiss that pushes you to heaven. You met him almost four years ago, but it wasn't until two years after that you dared to tell each other about your feelings. Since then, you are inseparable. And his brothers consider you one more of the Mayan family, so you can take some advantage with it sometimes. Like this one.
As soon as you are at the porch of your shared house, you step out from your car taking your phone and your bag, and walking to your boyfriend with both arms raised so it's easier for him to lift you up between his. Wrapping his waist with both legs, you can hear him chuckling while you fill up his face with kisses, leading his steps to the main door. Four years, and you are still falling for him a little more every day. Sometimes you wish to not have been such jerks, hiding what you were feeling because of the fear of the age difference, being almost twenty years between both. But age is just a number, and you couldn't ever regret being together.
In the meantime Hank takes a shower, you change your clothes for one of his big shirts, wrinkling the neckline of it between your fingers to have a soft sniff of the scent. You love to wear them, mostly when he's out of your hometown. Coming back to the kitchen, you tuck in the microwave the popcorn packet to set it for three minutes, putting whilst some beers to get cold in the fridge. Making sure that the big window in the living room is open and the fluffy blanket is already over the back rest, you look for some action movie on Netflix. All you want to do is to lie down on the sofa, and spend the rest of the day and the whole night eating junk food and curled up under Tranq's strong arms.
When the microwave dings, you're careful taking off the popcorn to put them inside a big bowl, grabbing two beers and some chocolate bars, to bring them all to the coffee table close to the sofa. Sitting there, you wait for your boyfriend to join you, hearing the first drops of water falling from the clouds.
“Make me some space”. Hank says then, standing you up to lie down and welcoming you after between his arms, stucking his chest to your back.
Throwing the blanket over you two, accommodating it to cover your bodies, he places a leg above yours sinking his nose into your neck. Moving backwards a hand to his nape, you feel him hugging you tightly leaving some kisses on your shoulder.
“I couldn't ask for a better plan”. He mutters.
“I only have good ideas, baby”. You chuckle, caressing his tattooed forearm with your fingertips.
“Like being my girl”. Sighing then, the mexican leans forward to loudly kiss your cheek, while you press play to start the movie.
Actually, you never focus too much on the tv, getting lost in your thoughts because of his strokes in your hair, neck or belly; always being so gentle and dearly, that you don't care about anything else, ending up falling asleep under his grip. You have needed it since some days ago, when you had to attend a multiple accident with four cars and more than a dozen badly injured people. And he never complains about it, without stopping his caresses to make you feel more relaxed.
Next time you open your eyes, Netflix has paused itself. Raising your sleepy eyes to the huge window, you see how much is raining for the first time in months. Obviously, it's not a common thing living in the middle of the Calexico desert. The smell of wet sand floods your lungs, giving you some nice chills down your backbone, it reminds you of those years studying in Los Angeles and the good moments there. Stretching a hand over the table to check the hour in your phone, you start to feel somewhat hungry. It's almost dinner time and you know that you're not going to sleep too much tonight after such a long nap. Turning under Tranq's arms, you find him peacefully sleeping yet. His warm breath colliding against your face, while you set an arm under his neck, stroking his cheek with your free fingers. You can't help but stare at him for some seconds, before leaning to peck his lips with soft kisses, until he starts to return every one with a smile growing on his face.
“You feel better than earlier?”
“Yes”. You simply reply, non stopping kissing him.
“How is that?” He teases you, slowly opening his eyes.
“My man's arms are my safe place”.
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah, really”. You nod, raising up both eyebrows. He puckers up his lips in concordance, listening to you so convinced of your words. “I was thinking about going to Paco's food truck and taking away some dinner, what do you think?”
You are too lost on the way your forefinger roams his bottom lip, that you don't hear him agreeing until he bites it and repeats what he said.
“I think I'm going to have to drive…” He laughs, feeling your cheeks burning a little. “What's up with rainy days, ah?”.
“They just turn me a little fluffier than normal”.
“Yeah, I see that, and I like it”.
Pressing his lips over yours, tightening his arms around you, he tucks his tongue into your mouth, gently caressing yours for some long seconds until you two are out of air. Resting your head on the cushion, you lean just a little to kiss his forehead, before hugging him. It's true. His arms are your safe place, always making you feel better, always making you feel loved. You don't know a better place to be in, because it doesn't exist.
“I love you, Hank. So, so much”. You whisper then, with your eyes fixed on the dark ones.
“I love you too, mi amor”. He says back without hesitating, holding your chin with one of his hands to push you closer. “I can't explain how much, but I'm going to show it to you every day”.
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selkiesblog · 3 years
The ruse(DracoX OC) Chapter 1- The plan
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"mooom please, does she really have to spend the summer here???" The little boy with white silverish hair said pulling on his mother's robe ends, hiding his head over her kilt
Every June until September Saphira Jones would come to his mansion to spend the summer over the Malfoy's
It started as a tradition, the two families were quite fond of each other. Since Voldemort first vanished and the rumors of his return started. The Malfoy's needed to reassure their family's safety and economic stability in case of things gone wrong during the rise of death eaters and late battle. So they made a pact that neither of the children would know: for every year until they turn a majority age, they would unite their families in expectation of a great match. And not until then deny or agree with a marriage proposal, that should be made
Draco utterly despised every second and Saphira knew it, so she would try to make his life just as miserable as hers, the only problem is that the game they both plays of twisting and pulling each other until one or another give up or break was never-ending
He would bark she would bite
As a child, they would fight over toys
"Mooom!!! Saphira stole my broom!!" He cried
"No, I did not!!"
Sometimes she would indeed steal his toys and hide in the most inconvenient of places cause at the very young age she would be more advanced in spells than he, a fact that she would- till this day- constantly remind him.
"You did!! Stop lying!!"
But this time she didn't
Oh no, he was just having fun getting her in trouble.
"Safira, give him his broom!" Her mother stepped in the light
before she could deny his allegations or make any more of her comments she heard a snap and by pulling her hear she was dragged into her room "that's it!! No wand for a week!" He smirked through his fake tears
And it got worse as it got physical. In school he will do whatever it takes to provoke her, pulling her long brown braids, pushing through the halls, calling her names until she snapped over him with her hand in a fist. She got -10 points to Gryffindor's he got a red-eye
Summer came and there she was again cuffed to him like a second skin
"Kneel," he said
"No you kneel" she pushed him
"No, I'm older than you"
"And I'm richer than you"
"Enough both of you!!!" Narcissa said "now Saphira, kneel" she took a large breath, she went down reverencing like a Princess only less charmingly. He puffed his chest with pride and kept his back straight smirking with victory "now you kiss her hand" they both looked at Narcissa who seemed with her patience on the edge, both hands in her temples. Draco not into hearing more of his mother's speeches on how the Yule ball was a very important event and that he was going to make a fool of himself if he didn't know the proper steps. Soon he raised her hand to meet his lips and planted a kiss there
The music started, slower. Saphira still taken by surprise with his action crumbled over his pace, stepping on his foot. The music started again and again until she got it right, only when it was time for him to spin her and catch he let her fall
Fifteen and It was time for pranks that she learned from the Weasley twins, Fred and George. Colorful bombs in his dorm room or shoes that would fart every time he walked, name it she has it
"Never heard of it?"
"What does it do?"
"It tickles the skin non-stop until the person breaks in laugh"
"Rather harmless..." Fred started
"But very affective" George finished
"Okay!..." She whispered to herself "Rictumsempra"
In the tall estate of the games, missing one point to Slytherin score 150 and Draco catch the golden snitch. He started twisting on his broom, having a pit of a contagious laugh. Everyone started to making fun until he lost balance and crush in the dirt of the ground
She was shaking when they took him to Papoula Pomfrey, he had hit his head but the problem was in his broken arm. He was still conscious when they asked him what happened, he just looked at her, and said "I lost balance and fall"
He lied?
It didn't make sense, he knew it was her and he wouldn't tell her off? He would always tell her off. Draco was the boy who would do everything in his reach to get her in trouble, wasn't he? Did he beat his head so hard that he has forgotten he hates her? Was he gonna use it to his advantage, just waiting for the right moment to strike like a snake?
While he was asleep she stayed up all night on his side, guild kicking in, anxiety keeping her awake, looming at his facials expression as he slept. That night Saphira discovered many things...
first one: Draco talked in his sleep
"No, No I won't fail you"
he woke in shook in the morning, sweat dripping from his forehead, breathing heavily
"Are you feeling better?" She asked ready to question why didn't he told dumbledore it was her who cursed him
"Yes" he simply said
Second one: don't trust the Weasleys with spells
"It was a really hard crash" she sighed "unfortunately I have some bad news" he positioned steadily in the bed frowning "you fall so hard and ground that your face fractured" he quickly turned to the mirror on his side " now you look normal"
His delicate lips had a small cut in them, nothing scandalous, but he looked angry as he turned at her, his serious serious expression turned into a grin. They both laughed immensely for a couple of seconds and stared at each other not knowing what to say, or do.
"Draco?" A small voice echoed in the corner of the room
"H-Hi pansy!" He said
Suddenly it was a weird atmosphere that broke through the windows as she had just crossed nearly headless nick for the first time
"I'm gonna live your two alone" heading out the door, leaving space for the both to talk she realizes the Third one: she was completely head over heels in love with Draco Malfoy
And every time she would catch him snogging pansy in the corner of the halls, kissing the length of the neck, or overheard them talking, she would get this feeling of nausea on the bottom of her stomach
"You're jealous!" Hermione said
"Why would she be jealous?" Ron asked with his mouth full, she never so gentle smacked his head with her hand pointing at the way pansy would play with Draco hair
"He doesn't even like it in the middle part," Saphira said playing with the vegetables on her plate with her fork, not hungry at all
"You gonna eat that? " Ron asked
"Wait...you like Draco? " Harry asked, "why?"
"I don't like him!!!"
"Okay...But you spent every summer with him, it's a little suspicious"
"It's because of my family you know that"
"Have you ever considered confessing your feelings to him?" Hermione again asked
" I don't like him," she said again loudly "even so, he doesn't see me that way"
But the thought lingered in her mind for a couple of weeks, weeks-long enough for the students already know that Malfoy would keep his Summers busy with her. Suddenly everyone knew and assumed the same thing that Hermione did
"Are you dating Malfoy?"
"How long are you guys together?"
"What about Pansy?"
"Is he a good kisser?"
Overwhelmed by the random questions and thoughts she went to talk with Draco personally until found him talking with Blaise and his friends "come on guys, I'm not dating her" he laughs "she not even my type" he said making an ugly face "I am just is stuck with her through the Summers cause she so annoying and boring that even her parents don't want her around" he quickly realized the words that had just come out of his mouth and shut
There was so much truth in those words, the truth that she never wanted to admit nor she could. She was adopted, it's true, people didn't know and those who knew certainly didn't talk about that.
When two purebloods decide to adopt a magic muggle-born, the elite society doesn't take it very well, first of all, it's illegal. Second: the chance of dishonoring the bloodline and status of the family by polluting their legacy mixing their divergence with a "mudblood", it a risk that no one should take, even a mother who lost her child at early birth; a bare family in an empty nest; a tree rotten in its core. She was embarrassed, only for a couple of seconds, soon she was filled with the very familiar feeling that emerged in her mind of angst
She got a suspension when the school heard from her that she had used a spell against a student and wounded him during a game of quidditch. Sitting on the bench Draco looked at her stiffed
"Why did you tell them?"
"My parents are going to move me to
Beauxbatons school" he looked worrisome that she almost felt pity "then I won't have to trouble you with my annoyingly boring behavior" she was about to get up when she felt his hand on her wrist twirling her body close to his, too close even
"Is this what you want?" She felt his mint breath in her cheeks and shivered over the wooden cologne
"W-what I-?"
" You wanna ruin everything don't you?" Her stomach filled with butterflies "our parent's plans, the secret, you found out and now you wanna ruin it"
Instantly the short moment went away, she stepped out of his intense gaze and unlocked her wrist
"Why do you think you would come every summer to my house?" He said
"obviously isn't because we're so friends"
"Our parent's plans all along were that we would be more than that, I guarantee you" the words hissed against her thoughts, it was all so obvious now "marriage, Saphira, they want us to be wedd"
She felt like crying, run away like a little girl who just found out that Santa isn't real. She felt like breaking. Draco was bounded to her, stuck with a girl that he doesn't want
Making his life miserable as hers
"Draco, hear me, loud and clear," she said crying out, he never saw her tears, but that day it poured like a stormy rain
"you will never, never marry me. I give you that" alone with his thoughts, he builds his first wall
You're free
That summer she didn't come. It was his darkest summer, that gloomed into his mind like clouds over a parade
"Will you fail me, boy?" Voldemort whispered
"No, my Lord"
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fangirl-ramblings · 5 years
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Pairing: Charles Smith x F!reader story
Summary: The story picks up just after Jack has been rescued from Angelo Bronte & the gang are celebrating the happy occasion - though not everybody in camp is in a mood to celebrate
Tags: Possible spoilers for the end of chapter 3 / part of chapter 4. A little bit angsty, a little bit nsfw, but then some fluff to lighten the mood
Notes: This is the first story I ever wrote for the RDR2 fandom and looking back on it...it's certainly is far from perfect, but I'm still proud I took the leap to share it with you all. Hope you enjoy
~* Tumblr Masterlist *~
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Sweet Dreams
The seats around the campfire were starting to fill up fast, so you sat on the ground next to Javier, as he started to play his guitar.
Shit, poor Sean – shot dead in the middle of Rhodes. You weren’t there of course, but you’d walked past Arthur’s tent one day and saw he’d left his journal open on his bed. Curiosity had gotten the better of you so you wandered over, but as you approached, you wish you hadn’t – the sketch Arthur had drew showing the young Irish lad’s split skull had haunted you for the last couple of weeks every time you closed your eyes.
You reopened them only when you felt somebody nudge you with their leg and you looked up to see Arthur standing next you with a drink in each hand
You looked around at all the smiling faces around the campfire and try to think when was last time everybody was so happy & carefree; it decided it probably wasn’t since Sean was rescued from bounty hunters a couple of months ago.
“You okay y/n? “ he asked handing one of the bottles to you
“Yeah, I think so” you answered before taking a long sip “suppose I’m just tired”
“Already the party’s just begun?!” he laughed as he walked off to check on everybody else.
The truth was a bit more complicated than that, and you were finding it had to paint on a smile & pretend everything was okay, especially when you were sat in front of the scene that hurt you the most.
You watched as Abigail cuddles Jack, as if she’s never going to let him go again, before you turn your attention towards Hosea & John. Both wearing wide grins as the older man gives John a pat on the back.
You had known eventually it would come to this; when you have somebody like Hosea, a master of charm, gently persuading John to do the right thing by his son, it would be only a matter of time before John listened to his head instead of heart. Yet you always had held out hope that one day the two of you could still run off into the sunset, perhaps far away so there’d be no going back this time.
But now that last fleeting moment of hope had suddenly vanished as saw John follow Abigail & Jack over to Pearson’s wagon and actually make pleasant conversation with her.
“Ay, Ay, Ay , ay canta y no llores, ay, ay ay ay” You try to join in alongside everybody else, but you’re too distracted. It was a small moment, over in a split second but you saw it, Abigail had turned to John & touched him lightly on the arm and for the first time since you returned to camp you noticed he didn’t flinch or scowl at her – in fact he placed a gentle hand on her back as she rose with the boy. You closed your eyes again and this was now the image plastered in your mind. The Marstons looking like a proper happy family
“Ay, Ay, Ay , ay canta y no llores, ay, ay ay ay”  the words rang in your ears. You spoke no Spanish, but when you heard Javier sing it for the very first time, you felt moved by the song and has asked him what did mean
“Sing and don’t cry” he had explained, but right now you felt like the opposite so you downed the rest of your bottle and stood up & excused yourself from the group
From here you could still listen to the events of camp – right now you could just about hear Dutch speaking to Arthur about Tahiti - but you were far enough away to left alone in your thoughts, not that you really wanted to go down that dark path.
You’d been sitting there for no more than five minutes, sobbing gently and taking swigs of alcohol, when you heard footsteps approach and then stop right behind you. You wiped your cheeks & turned your head around to see a shadowy figure topped with a white hat looking at down at you
Walking into your room on the ground floor of the house, you located your satchel and rummaged about before finding exactly what you were looking for – a bottle of gin. Taking the stopper out with your teeth, you opened the back door and sat down on the quiet patch of grass.
“Can I help you Mr. Bell?” you asked
He had piqued your interest
“How so?” you replied arching an eyebrow
“I was thinking more along the lines of I could help you Miss (l/n)?” he drawled
“Tsk, I’d rather go swimming with the alligators if it’s all the same to you” you replied before turning back round to finish off your drink
“I doubt the alligators would go anywhere near you stuck-up frigid bitch” he huffed marching back towards his tent.
“A pretty girl such as yourself, upset and by sitting on her lonesome – I thought maybe I could introduce you to a friend of mine. A real good friend who’d know how to make you moan in ecstasy rather than misery” he responded pointing to his crotch
After emptying the contents of the bottle down your throat, you were starting to feel a bit light headed, so you closed eyes once more and leaned back onto the ground. You could hear the voices from the other side of camp getting louder by the minute; a few rowdy songs being sung by Karen, Uncle & Grimshaw accompanied by Javier, Arthur drunkenly greeting everybody in his path and laughing at himself whenever he shouted Lenny’s name and Molly having a go at Dutch yet again.
Frustrated that you couldn’t just fall into a drunken stupor, you clenched your fists & pounded them into the ground – though it took you a few seconds to work out why the ground felt soft & squishy & had made an “Ow” sound
“Sorry, Charles” you slurred
You opened one eye and saw Charles crouched over rubbing his foot
“It’s okay Miss (l/n). It’s my fault that I didn’t see you down there”
“Are you okay?” he leant over and helped you sit up, only for you to wobble again “Here lean on me” he told you as he sat next to you
You did as you were told and took it upon yourself to place your head onto his chest.
“Stop with the Miss (l/n) nonsense” you told him as you tried to prop yourself up on your elbows, only to fall back down into a fit of giggles “Ooops”
You could tell by looking at Charles that he had a strong frame, but you were  stunned to feel how muscular his chest was and found yourself wondering what exactly was he hiding under his shirt
“Erm… you know that you just said that out loud” he blushed
“Did I? I don’t think I did”
He laughed at your drunken logic and thought it would be easier to just agree with you for the time being
“Anyway Miss (l/n) …” you cut him off
“(y/n), My name is (y/n)” you lifted yourself up to face him “You’ve known me for several months now Charles, you don’t need to be so formal with me all the time”
You smiled at him “That’s better” You found yourself focusing on his scars
“Sorry, *(y/n)*” He empathised saying your name as if it was something foreign to him “
“How did you get them?” you absent-mindedly ask as you traced them with your fingers. You feel him pull away slightly.
“Charles Smith” you sigh “a man who says so much by saying so little” He looks at you with bemusement and you stare back in his deep dark eyes, “but then again why do you need to say anything when you can let actions speak louder than words” 
“That’s a story for another day” he teased
You found you gaze was now focused on his mouth & you started moving slowly towards him. You gently placed your lips on his and was pleasantly surprised to feel him kiss you back. Without breaking you straddled his lap and draped your hands around his neck while he wrapped his around your waist whilst you both continue to explore each others mouths.
“Not like this” he shook his head “I’m not going to take advantage of you when you’re drunk”
You decided this wasn’t enough, so you moved your hands over his chest, working your way down slowly taking in the contours of his body. As you you finally reach the top of his trousers and started to unbuckle his belt, you found his hands over yours moving them away. You looked back at him with a confused look
“Trust me I want this” you plead, moving your hands back towards his area
“I want this too.” He lifted you off him and stood up. The sizeable bulge in his pants agreed with what he was saying. “But I don’t want either of us waking up in the morning filled with regret” 
He took hold of your hands and helped you stand up. You was still a bit wobbly, but that passionate kiss had sobered up you enough that you could walk, even it had made your legs turn to jelly. He placed an arm around your waist and helped guide you back to your room.
As you entered, you looked around and saw that none of the other girls had retired for the night yet, so it was just you & Charles standing there. He helped lower you onto the couch you were calling a bed and you leaned forward and pulled his shirt closer to you so you could kiss him again. He lingered for a few seconds before stroking your cheek and kissing your forehead
“Goodnight (y/n). Sweet dreams”
“Goodnight” you blissfully responded as you lay back down. 
You closed your eyes and for the first time in several weeks you did indeed have sweet dreams
A follow up to this story can be found here
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fal-carrington · 5 years
Take On Me
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Pairing: KamilahxMc
Prompt: Watching Lily's training with Kamilah sounds so much better than staying up all night working on paperwork, when the opportunity arises to see the vampire queen in sportswear, Mia is the first to accept and maybe that night brings more surprises than she expects.
Author Notes: This has been in my mind for some while.
Kamilah’s Penthouse, 23h30pm
"... For god's sake!" Lily exclaimed angrily as she fell in tatâmi for the sixth time that day, making a highly audible sound as her body was flung to the other side of the tatâmi mat.
Mia pulled away as she fell hard. The blonde bit her lip and peeked over the rubber ropes.
"Are you okay, lil?" She asked slightly concerned, even though she knew her friend would be okay, she just was not used to seeing... Vampires training. It was all so fast, mere flashes in her eyes, and when she hardly noticed, one was already on the floor.
"Get up, Lily." Kamilah's authoritative voice caught the blonde's attention, making her look at the brunette a few feet away. Kamilah stood with a serious expression on her face, her straight brown hair, usually loose, was elegantly stuck in a ponytail, she wore a black top, tactel shorts and a golden necklace, that sporting look, unlike the usual suits she used to wear, was absolutely breathtaking, she was too gorgeous. Mia could not take her eyes off that body, that brown skin, she was not used to seeing so much exposed skin... Well, just when they were both in a private room, but seeing Kamilah like that was completely intoxicating.
Watching Kamilah train Lily was definitely more interesting than reviewing Adrian's reports, since there were meetings at that time of night, he dismissed her earlier, knowing she was curious to watch Lily's training at Kamilah's house.
"Ugh, my ass..." Lily was still moaning on the floor, too lazy to get up, clearly aware that if she got up she would be thrown in mere seconds again.
"I'm not going to wait all day." Kamilah finally stopped pacing the tatami, her eyes on Lily, skillfully turning the bamboo stick in her hands. "...Do you think a vampire will wait for your good will to get up before killing you or maybe you are unable to fight me?"
"Oh, fuck it." Lily moaned angrily, and stood up again, her red eyes fangs flashing, Mia stepped away from the tatâmi when she realized that Kamilah was getting exactly what she wanted.
"Oh, do you think you’re frightening, sorry to inform, but you’re as scary as a little bunny," Kamilah teased again. Lily grunted and charged her full speed forward over Kamilah, preparing to strike with her stick.
But even before she could reach it, Kamilah swerved away from the attack with the greatest ease, doing the same with the successive attacks that Lily was trying to reach her. Mia watched with interest, not taking her eyes off the scene before her. Lily breathlessly and angry, tightening her grip on the stick as she tried impatiently to reach Kamilah without success.
On Lily's fifteenth attempt to reach Kamilah, she surprised Lily by holding the stick before it hit her face. "...Too weak. Predictable,” she said between her teeth, slamming into Lily's knee and knocking her down again.
"Geez, you promised you would not kick my butt so much." Lily groaned on the floor.
"And you foolish believed," Kamilah replied as she surrounded Lily with calm, contemplative steps. "Here we are, almost three hours, and you still can not get me. When will you stop behaving like a child and grow up?” Kamilah teased again, now with her back to Lily, looking directly at Mia. Lily got to her feet and in that act of anger, tried to attack Kamilah behind her back. Kamilah smiled seconds before the staff struck her, drifting in time. "... Attacking from behind, huh?" She smiled, and the next few moments came with mere flashes before Mia's green eyes, bamboo against bamboo, a popping sound that echoed through the gym, Lily panting, and finally Lily again in the tatâmi. “I thought I had teach you better than that.”
"Can we have a twenty-minute break, please?" Lily moaned, touching her own back.
"Be quick." Kamilah sighed, rolling her eyes, moving away. Mia took advantage of that moment to climb into the tatâmi, approaching Lily and helping her up.
"Is it hurting too much?" She asked, as Lily took her hand and stood up.
"I've gotten used to it." Lily moaned and giggled at Mia.
"I see." Mia replied by watching her best friend get out of tatâmi and sit on one of the benches. "I think you made her traumatized." Mia turned around laughing at Kamilah on the other side of the ring, which was pressing her bandage between her fingers, Kamilah looked over her shoulder, her brown eyes studying her.
"In our world confrontation is always inevitable, Mia." Kamilah snapped.
"Kamilah, do you still have peanutbutter? I'm starving.” Lily stood up, with a smile, that smile that Mia knew well, she would not go back to that tatami to fight so soon.
"I suspect still have the rest of the last time you stayed here." Kamilah sighed.
"Well, I'm going to make a sandwich, I'll be back in 20 minutes, guys." Lily said smiling and walking out of the gym, leaving the two of them alone in that tatâmi.
“So... She did not look that bad. I think she's evolving a lot.” Mia said trying to sound optimistic.
"She needs to grow up," Kamilah said earnestly, looking deep into Mia's eyes.
"I'm pretty sure you spanked her here, honestly, I do not blame her, but again, who could fight the greatest vampire queen? Mia shrugged.
Kamilah paused for a moment, watching her, studying her with those ancient brown eyes, surprisingly she gave a small smile.
"You, perhaps," Kamilah said.
"What?" Mia laughed without understanding.
"Fight me." Kamilah smiled for the first time that day, displaying her shiny, perfect teeth in a cocky smile.
Mia looked at her discreetly, blinking uncomprehendingly.
"You're kidding, right?" She laughed.
"I never play," Kamilah said.
"I can not... I can not fight you. This is ridiculous, I do not want to break my body, we are not at all compatible. You have thousands of years of training. No, ma'am.” She shook her head.
"It's funny to hear this, you face the Council, you were in the middle of a horde of ferals, but you're giving up on fighting with me. Are you scared?” Kamilah cocked her head, arching a perfect eyebrow.
"No, no teasing. It does not work for me.” Mia folded her arms.
"Is that so?" Kamilah paced. "Would not you like the satisfaction of knocking me down for the first time? Or, being on top?" She bit her lip with a seductive smile.
Mia laughed at that provocation.
"We both know this is impossible."
"I don’t know, you keep surprising me. Who knows...” She grabbed Lily's stick from the floor and threw it at Mia, who grabbed it awkwardly.
"I wasn’t ready!" Mia exclaimed.
"First lesson, always be on your guard," Kamilah said as she surrounded her by the tatâmi mat. "I was half your age when my father taught me how to fight." Kamilah moved towards her with the bamboo, trying to hit her, Mia in her defense, stepped back, shielding herself with the bamboo that defended her over and over again, as Kamilah was trying to reach her, leaving her breathless. "Your fear may try to control you, and that's what makes you weak." Kamilah retreated a few steps.
Mia bit her lips and tried to move towards her, Kamilah rolled before she could even blink, and she was already on the tatami’s floor.
"You're anticipating, do not let me see your move before you do." Kamilah said looking at her.
"Oh, fuck," Mia moaned.
"Stand up," Kamilah said.
"I can not."
"The ability to take pain is the real weapon of a warrior, master that and nothing will have control over you," Kamilah said softly. "I will not say it again, stand up."
Mia took a deep breath and stood, staring the vampire queen in the eyes, taking a deep breath, and standing guard. Kamilah turned the bamboo skillfully in her fingers, and gestured for Mia to approach, which she did with slow steps.
"I can do this," she thought to herself before attacking Kamilah again, who without even leaving her place knocked her down again by hitting her on the feet. "...Oh, God, that hurts." She groaned in tatâmi mat. Kamilah advanced towards her with the bamboo, but she managed to protect her face before being hit, rolling to the side, she managed to stand with difficulty, defending herself from Kamilah's advances. Until Kamilah knocked her down for the third time, with the bamboo close enough to her neck, her body over Mia's.
Mia stared at Kamilah's brown eyes, that perfect face inches from hers, she felt a familiar shiver in her body. She stared at the queen, panting. Kamilah looked directly into her eyes, Mia swallowed hard as she stared at those lips that were so close to hers, the desire burning in her body. Kamilah noticed that, catching her gaze, deep inside, Mia knew that Kamilah felt the same desire. The brown eyes burned with it.
Boldly, Mia pulled her by the neck and stole a kiss, at the same instant Kamilah's tightness around the bamboo weakened and she succumbed to the kiss, deepening the kiss with her tongue, Mia noticing that she was distracted, knocked her down, rolling over above her. Kamilah looked at her in shock as the blonde smiled down at her.
"Appealing to seduction, little firefly?" Kamilah asked.
"I learn fast and you were right, I do like the satisfaction of being on top of you." Mia whispered close to her lips and gave her a quick kiss before stepping away from Kamilah. "Up," she said, Kamilah shook her head with a broad grin on her face, rising to her feet.
"Smart, but it will not save you again." She picked up her bamboo again. “I will not be there all the time to save you. Adrian will not always be there to protect you." She threatened with a blow and Mia swerved, deep down she knew Kamilah was taking it lightly.
“I'm not counting on that.” Mia said breathlessly as she tried to reach Kamilah without success, her movements were predictable, and even if they were not, Kamilah could see before she even tried to hit her. It was useless. "I can take care of myself."
"No, you can not." With a quick blow, Kamilah hit her on the cheek with the staff, making a small cut on Mia's face. Mia stepped away.
"What the hell, Kam?" She touched her own face that a mean amount of blood came out.
"This is what happens when you do not pay attention, which proves my theory; You can not take care of yourself," Kamilah answered seriously.
Mia and she exchanged glances briefly, Kamilah approached with slow steps, raising Mia's face with her finger under the girl's chin, looking intently at the superficial cut. Kamilah turned her face to the side, Mia could see perfectly Kamilah's fangs shining, threatening to appear.
The girl's heart was racing, she would never get used to it, to be so close to Kamilah, her body would never stabilize, every touch, every kiss, every sensation. No, she would never get used to it.
Unexpectedly, Kamilah approached her, waiting for a bite from the queen, Mia bit her lip, waiting for the pain she was so familiar with, but to her surprise, Kamilah approached her face and licked the flowing blood, seductively. Mia's breath stopped in her throat.
Kamilah moved away enough to look into her eyes, the brown had disappeared and in its place, the red blood replaced it. Mia touched her face, standing on tiptoe and touching her nose with Kamilah's, gluing both foreheads, staring straight at the queen. Mia brought her to a passionate kiss, pulling her down because of the height difference between them, Kamilah took advantage of the situation to catch the girl in her lap, which wrapped her legs around Kamilah's waist, the queen carried her to the ground, above her, Mia breathed breathlessly, leaving small moans between kisses, she touched Kamilah’s face, who in response, took her hands and held them above her head, responding the kiss with the same passion.
Mia bit her lower lip, taking out a small gasp from Kamilah, which weakened her grip on the girl's wrists, Mia noticing that, curled her fingers against Kamilah's.
"Lily is in the next room." Kamilah said trying to control herself, after a few minutes of kissing, Mia with her lips on Kamilah's neck, leaving kisses followed by slight bites.
"Yeah...?" Mia said distractedly, too busy with Kamilah's neck.
"You know we can’t." Kamilah with her lips against Mia's, stepping away to look the girl directly in the eye. "At least not here and now."
Mia sighed, her lips red, the pupil of her eyes dilated, her breath quick.
"Nobody knows. Yet," Mia said impatiently. "I didn’t tell Lily about us." Noticing the girl's frustration, Kamilah grinned.
"I promise as soon as Lily returns to your apartment, I'll devote every second to make you scream," she whispered into Mia's ear, making her shudder. Mia smiled, taking advantage to steal a kiss from Kamilah.
"You better.” She said between Kamilah's lips before giving her a kiss.
"This is my girl. Perhaps you really learned something today.” Kamilah said with a satisfied smile.
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Hello, I'm back! I'd really like a matchup please (M!)! I'm a white girl, who is 5'4" with green/blue and gold brown eyes and wavy to slightly curly extremely dark brown hair. I love to read (mostly historical fiction), write stories, and play video games, most of which are on the rpg genre. Most of my friends say that i am very nice and willing to help anyone who needs it, as well as having a very dark sense of humor. Most people don't know that i also have a really bad short temper, that used
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Welcome back, Emily dear! Thank you so much for the kind words!!! <3 The matchup is all yours, hope you like it! //AND sorry for taking a while!!! Lemme tag you (if tumblr lets me) so you get the notification @emilyd-i-c-k-ens ;;//
Okay this is gonna sound a bit weird, but at first I didn’t know who to match you up with! Why? Because except on the physical aspect, you and I are pretty similar! Imagine the struggle of not just slapping in here a moodboard of my biggest stinky jojo crush...
NO MATTER! I found the answer in the end! And it’s double, so bare with me please!
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Translation: “Love, with you by my side, I can do anything!”
Narancia Ghirga!
He just finds your natural charm and mature air tremendously magnetic. It’s like you’re exactly the balance he needs in his life. 
You met at the movies when you went to see the same one, you went by yourselves so when you sat down and saw the theater almost empty and the single spot between you two vacant, Narancia just decided to sit next to you and give you a bright smile to start up chatting before the movie started rolling.
You had time to introduce yourselves, and you heard him ramble on how much he liked this kinda movies! He was so excited it made you feel his own excitement in return, making you naturally relaxed and bubbly around him.
When you got out of the movies, he chatted with you about it all the way outside, with your small input from time to time when he slowed down for a second. Once outside under the night’s sky, he seemed to look around curious, raising an eyebrow and looking back at you while scratching the back of his head. “Say, Y/N, is no one coming to fetch you? It’s pretty late to walk around alone...” He drifted off, even more surprised when you shook your head to confirm that, in fact, no one was coming. 
“Well, in that case, I’ll walk you to your house, if you don’t mind it!” He asserted, showing you some quite comical flexing and posing to pretend he was strong and fearsome. “Alright, let’s get going then, Narancia.”
You didn’t live that far from the theater, so it didn’t worry you to make him lose his own path back to his own place. While you walked in silence, his hands in his pockets and kicking the occasional peeble on the pavement, he seemed to steal quick glances on your direction, thinking you didn’t notice.
“Something on my face, Nara?” You asked, both amused and curious. His reaction made you chuckle, as he shook his head from side to side violently and turned his gaze away from you. “No it’s...” He started, quietly. After a sigh from him, he finished his sentence. “You look pretty, that’s it.” Even if his tone sounded uninterested, you knew full well he was actually very embarrassed. The shade on his cheeks and his slight pout gave him away.
“Why, thank you, you look handsome too.” He gave you a look, his lips contorted into a lopsided smile and his eyes cast into the ground before him. Taking one of his hands to the back of his head, he kept walking with a small smile on his face. “Well, thanks, Y/N.” That was the first time a girl as pretty as you had called him handsome. Hell, the only one that called him that sometimes had been Buccellati when he asked if an outfit was ill-fitting on himself.
Before you’d realized, you stood at your door, turning to face him and give him a smile. “Thank you Narancia, it was a pleasure to walk home with you.” You started, not expecting the dark haired male to almost instantly extend his arm towards you, firmly grasping a phone in his hand that pointed in your direction. “P-please, could I have your number, Y/N?” Silence, and Ghirga felt some sweat beads on his temples. “I-I mean, I just really want to keep taking because you’re so nice and, and we like the same stuff and well I-” He was cut off by you gently hoovering your index finger on his lips, taking his unlocked phone and introducing your number in his contacts. “Saved.” You announced, giving him back his device and turning around once more, and waving him off with a little amused smile on your face.
He gave a little jump in front of your now closed door, that you didn’t fail to notice since you could see him through the window right next to it. This adorable gesture made you let out an amused small chuckle and a hand be brought to your chest. He was a cute one, and you wanted to get to know him better. 
Almost around midnight, a text message entered your notifications from a new number, and you smiled. You couldn’t fall asleep thinking on how well your evening went, and the cause of that state just texted you without even thinking that people are usually asleep at that hour.
“Wanna go the arcade tmrrw??” Yes! You wanted to! And you let him know. 
You went to the arcade and spent a wonderful time in there! He’d playfully bump your shoulders together when playing on the racing games, making you lose your balance to give him advantage. Whine even if he was amused when you beat him in crane games, and even sticking his arm inside with the risk of sticking it inside to get you a price that didn’t quite fall right!
It was a cute teddy bear, the perfect size to sit in your palm. Fluffy as all could be, and it held a small heart between its tiny arms. Narancia gave you a shy smile. “It reminds me of you and me, Y/N!” He said, cheery. “Why is that?” You replied between giggles and fist-bumping his shoulder gently. He reluctantly rose his hand to his neck and looked down. “Well.” He started. “We just met it, and it already holds a heart between its hands. You two are similar.” You took a second to understand what he meant, giving him a shy smile. Damn, he really went for it all huh?
“That’s so sweet, Narancia.” You replied, giving him a soft smile and gently grabbing his wrist, only to tug at it and start leading the way. “Come on, I wanna try and beat you on DDR*. Winner gets to challenge the other on whatever they want.” 
The violet eyed male blinked a few times before smiling and following after you with an excited step. He was very good at DDR, excellent almost. As you stood both in your positions, one to the other’s side, he was already thinking about what he’d challenge you to.
As soon as the coins slid down the slot and you’d chosen your song, it was clear that neither of you were playing around. Nevertheless, Narancia’s movements were smoother, precise, his “Perfect!!” combo streak never faltering. You, on the other hand, were growing weary. Why’d he have to choose the difficulty? You were trying your best to keep up, when you slid your arms behind you and rested them on the support bar, while looking at the screen and trying to keep up. Unfortunately, last minute, when you tried to step on the correct arrow, your foot slipped and you fell on your butt, the last 4 arrows going by and the song ending with a nice little tune. Of course, Narancia had won.
“Y/N! Are you okay??” He missed his last notes to come immediately help you up though; and you couldn’t help but smile at him and swat your free hand to make him rest assured, while your other hand was the one he held tightly to help you. “I’m... fine, don’t worry.” You stared at him, he was close. 
He gave you a lopsided smile, never letting go of your hand as he almost hoovered over you, you could barely feel his chest press on yours. “You know what, I think I know what I challenge you to, Y/N.” He started, tilting his head slightly to the side as he gave your face a short scan with his beautiful eyes up and down.
“Yeah? ... What is it?” You replied, your voice quiet, feeling a weird sensation turn and tighten in your stomach, your heartbeat in your ears. He smiled, showing you his slightly pointy canines and leaning close to place a soft kiss on the tip of your nose. 
“I challenge you to have another date with me, next time, we can meet in my apartment, I got Danganronpa on my PC.” You raised your eyebrow and gave his shoulder another soft punch. “That, that fills me with hope.” You replied, making him chuckle and gently let go of you, holding his hands behind his back. “Well then, it’s settled!” He exclaimed, balancing his body on his feet one time on his tip toes and one time on his heels. “I would have been filled with despair, otherwise.” 
You laughed at his reference and gave him an amused smile. You liked him, you really did.
After you start dating some months later, he’s just... a wonderful boyfriend, you really have no complaints. He loves to laze around with you at home, playing whatever games you particularly enjoy. He particularly loved to watch you play Stardew Valley, he found it relaxing, even if sometimes, he got pouty and was overly clingy almost not letting you move when he noted that “You married a small pixel character and had two children and he was stuck as the pillow boyfriend”. You smacked him softly when he said such stupid things, but, it made you laugh, and he knew that.
Get ready for lots of cuddling and just physical affection while you watch movies at home together. Sometimes, you’ll feel him shake if something on the movie disturbed him. Occasional screaming when he gets scared. You noted he feels more distressed when watching indie horror movies, such as the Blair Project. He claims “he just likes the adrenaline they give him” when you ask him why he watches if he’s scared.
Fugo Pannacotta!
He finds support and understanding in you, he sees you as a strong pillar, he really admires you! As a person who’s had some problems with keeping his rage under check, he finds your understanding of the situation very assuring; he feels like a completely normal guy when he’s with you.
He thinks you’re the most interesting person around that does not get on his nerves, ever. (Narancia, does, even if he loves him very much, all has to be said.) You read very interesting books too! He respects that hobbie, sometimes he’ll sit with you to read his own and then quietly comment on how’s each other’s lecture going.
Your dark humor... He loves it. Each time you crack a way too dark for normal comfort joke, he absolutely cracks up. He just really likes how you have no trouble saying such things, besides, that’s his type of humor too man! He loves that!
He really likes your eyes! That’s a weird trait, but he really likes to focus on people’s eyes, and yours were so pretty and full of depth, he really liked what your eyes communicated. It made him feel assured and relaxed around you.
A smaaaaall side note on the * ; For the younger peeps, DDR means Dance Dance Revolution. And in my time (I mean i’m not THAT old but yeah), it was basically the most popular, fun and stressing dance game there was at the arcade back then. Now it’s rare to find one of those machines, at least where I live! 
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nekkidnanner · 2 years
Backstory Part 2: Kittens!!
So we settled into a bit of a routine, but I was on constant kitten watch. It really seemed like Lolly could pop any day. She was eating a ton, almost a whole can of wet food every 1-2 hours. But she had just gone through a lot and was massively pregnant so I didn't feel like telling her no and just kept feeding her. Everything that wasn't belly was on the skinny side, but she filled out nicely in a couple weeks.
Making her nesting box:
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She was stuck to me like glue. She didn't like me going into the bathroom without her, but then would lay in front of the door, trapping me in because I'm not pushing a pregnant cat jeez. She took advantage of this often:
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I didn't take her to the vet right away because I was worried about stressing her out. I didn't know how she'd react to getting back in a car so soon after being dumped, and I wanted to build trust first. Her health seemed fine, she was playful and sassy, and suuuuper cuddly. She was eating and drinking, all that jazz. The kittens were kicking inside her. I started taking time off work because she looked young to me, and I figured this was probably her first litter, and I didn't want her to give birth alone in case something went wrong. Also my workplace was super toxic, and I'd rather be at home with her than in that shit show. Which brings us to...
Kitten time!
So I had taken most of the week off, it was the last day of my work week technically, and boyfriend was at work. She was still eating me out of house and home, but instead of every hour it was maybe every 3 hours. I was watching closely. She suddenly started avoiding soft surfaces. I had put towels in her nesting box, nestled under the counter in a corner of the bathroom, but she didn't seem to like it anymore. I really didn't want her to give birth on our carpet though, because I hadn't told my apartment complex about her and therefore hadn't paid a pet deposit for things like this. I actually still haven't told them, but we're probably moving next summer if we can anyway. So screw it. But we're not getting our deposit back anyway, I can tell you that much...
Anyhoo, so this was us throughout the day:
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This last pic was us loafing in bed together, we were both working some stuff out. And then about an hour later she walks into the bathroom and starts yowling. I follow, but she won't get in the box. She sprawls out on my rug and then suddenly there's a kitten 😳
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At 4am October 18th we have kittens. The first three came pretty quickly. But she was tired and I knew there's more in there. She took about an hour break, I sit and play my Switch and watch them. RIP that rug.
She eventually gets back to it, there was a little trouble with the fifth one because it came out backwards and she was really tired. I had to help her get the sac off that one. She also seemed overwhelmed like she didn't know which one to lick and focus on, we were both frazzled. Not gonna lie guys, I was feeling some type of way, I was teary-eyed, but we got through it. A total of six kittens. That fifth one scared me because it was more still than the others and didn't start nursing immediately, but I kept checking that it was breathing and eventually it dug in there with the others.
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She slept for a while and the next day I convinced her to let me get them set up in the corner I had originally set aside for her, with towels and another old rug because she really hated that box still.
And I was looking at this situation now because I'm about to have 7 cats in my tiny apartment. Next shopping trip I loaded up on allergy pills.
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