#and worst of all i am going to be reblogging a lot of fanart of an m/f shounen ship with like 5 chapters of interaction. sorry
stackslip · 2 years
if the csm 115 and 116 leaks are real then i’m sorry in advance for the person i’m going to become in exactly one week and twelve hours
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Welcome to my blog! I'm Pizzahead, and we're gonna have fun here, haha!
This site is gonna be one of my first interactions with the world outside of my tower, but haha, i'll manage!
(psst, hey! i'm the person who runs this thing. this is also my first time doing anything like this, so sorry if it's bad.)
(anyways, i'm gonna speak in these parenthesis just because i want people to know the difference in tags about whether Pizzahead or i am saying a thing.)
(so here are some rules btw-)
1: I could be a bit slow with asks sometimes. Sorry, but i got a life, and i can't control that. Just dont get angry or demand asks be turned on or answered or smth
2: I'm a minor, and i have friends that dislike NSFW! At their worst, keep asks mildly suggestive please! Otherwise they will be deleted
3: Basic DNI stuff (racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc.)
4: Don't be mean in general, unless its for RP reasons
(and if you want to refer to me, you can just call me RandMod. Okay now some other info...)
I think that one blue square on my blog is usually called "asks" by others or somethin? Well, haha, either way, mine are...
Open! Go ahead, don't be shy, ha! say whatever!
Closed! Sorry, heh, ya gotta come back later!
Hrm... Think that's about enough for now, ha! Bye!
(And also, here's my explanation on some of the tags ill use. I'm using them all on this post mostly to check if they don't exist yet...)
("Just silly pizza thoughts" will be used whenever Pizzahead is just saying things)
("Just sad pizza thoughts" will be used for AAAAAANGST!!! which apparently happens a lot ig)
("the RandMod speaks!" will be used whenever i make a post that's just me talking to you directly, or if i'm in a post)
("Pizzahead's art gallery" will be used when art is reblogged on this blog, which will be rare unless its direct fanart for this blog)
(And of course i will use the basic tags of "Pizzahead" and "Pizza Tower" for each post)
(Oh, and you can do just about whatever with the stuff from this blog as long as u credit it, and it abides to the rules from earlier)
(Alright then, uh... bye. Hope you have some sort of fun with this...)
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locke-n-k3y · 9 months
As we've gotten the last episode of dungeons and daddies of the year I wanted to take a bit of time to just kind of reflect on my experience with the series and what it's meant to me since I found, this will be an obnoxious long post and will be alot about my past relationship which was in short terms, not good, so please feel free to skip this post, it's more catharsis for me than anything
Up until July this year I'd been in a relationship for seven years, from the ages of 11-18 which is what I am now, over the course of those seven years I had my resolve drained out of me until I had no friends, no social media besides instagram and was steadily pulling away from my family to the point they were like strangers to me. I binded every day and endured constant transphobia and bodyshaming because I sincerely believed we were like soulmates (both trans and both outcasted) and it was meant to be.
This is all of course bad, but one of the most sinister things he did that I wouldn't have expected was he completely disabled ny ability to enjoy things. Prior to our relationship I was a phannie, I shipped Klance, I watched sanders sides religiously, I was a blossoming furry and brony and I liked these things loudly and proudly. And he made fun of and belittled these interests until I stopped participating in each and every one of them, until all my interests were either ones shared with him or ones he deemed acceptable.
And it didn't hit me how hard that followed me out of the relationship until I had to sit down and think about what I was into, and I came up totally blank, everything I liked was either tainted by memories of him or I had stopped engaging with so many years ago I wouldn't even know where to pick it up again.
And then like Mercy descending from the clouds I decided to go back through my podcasts and pick one, just one, and I happened to land on dndads. I'd previously listened to episode one with him but it had been a resounding no on his end so I put it down and never looked back. Until now. I hit play on that first episode and the next two weeks were a complete blur as I binged every ounce of content, after I caught up on the first two seasons at breakneck pace I used my meager funds to sub to the patreon and listened through everything there as well.
It was the first time in seven freaking years I'd been this excited about anything, I was going on walks as an excuse to listen to more, I was obsessively looking for fans on tiktok and posting in the discord. I was stimming more than I had in my whole life and talking again, in a lot of ways it felt like looking at myself again, I cut my hair and dyed it blonde (totally not because of Henry) I started buying clothes that I actually liked because I felt more confident in myself.
And then after unsuccessfully hunting for a community I said fuck it and redownloaded tumblr, somehow remembered the login to this account and I posted some fanart of Scary Marlowe, honestly not expecting anything to come of it, and then it got some reblogs, people liked it and I kept posting and I made moots and I talked to people and just-
I cannot thank the daddies themselves enough for bringing me into this and I cannot thank literally every single person who has ever liked or reblogged one of my posts, especially my moots, enough. You guys seriously made what was shaping up to be the worst year of my life the best year ever, and I'm not like better, it's only been 5 months and I'm very much still shaking off his effects but things are okay, O-A-K if you will, and I'm more confident that like I will be okay if that makes sense? So just like yeah, thank you, seriously, I love this fandom and everyone in it so much and this whole not-a-bdsm-podcast thing really helped me in a very very dark time <3
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kitty-ception · 1 month
A warm welcome to my page under the cut! :)
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Let’s start things off with a simple introduction:
Who am I? My name is Everest! However, you can also call me by my username. I don’t mind ^^
Sexuality? I am asexual! Inappropriate posts and comments make me very uncomfortable, so please be respectful! Unfortunately, I am aware this is the internet, so not everyone will abide by my boundaries, but let’s try to at least keep it mostly PG here.
Pronouns? I go by factory settings, so she/her please! Honestly, I can go by any, but this is the one that I’m more used to hearing lol X3
What will I be posting?
Mostly fandom content or fanart! The fandom I’ll be mainly posting about is Invader Zim, which is my current interest. Unfortunately, this may change at any moment. For now, all you’ll be hearing from me is them while this obsession lasts!
Oc/Self insert drawings or textposts! Cringe culture is dead, so why not insert myself into my current interests? We’re all weirdos one way or another. Just a warning: All of my self insert and canon interactions are all COMPLETELY PLATONIC!! (There is only one exception to this, and it is Sebastian from Stardew Valley. What can I say? He’s great.)
Writing prompts/ideas! My brain comes up with lots of scenarios, but I myself can’t write. Feel free to use any of mine as inspiration! I’d be honored.
Random thoughts/updates in my life! Of course you’re going to see these, because what is a blog page without a “OMG I SCREWED UP SO BAD THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING!” scattered here and there?
Reposts/Reblogs! Sometimes I’ll see a really good artwork my friends made or someone making a headcanon for a character in a fandom I like. Naturally, I’m gonna show it on my page because “HOW HAVE I NOT THOUGHT OF THAT CONCEPT EARLIER???”
What is your opinion on [ship]?
Honestly, I would say, “Cringe culture is dead, why shouldn’t we let people do what they love as long as they’re not hurting anybody?” but I know people witch-hunt others if they see something they don’t agree with.
So, I guess I have to put my opinion out there, so the right people can stay, and others can find a better blog to go to. Stay safe out there.
Let’s start with the fandom I’m in right now: Invader Zim.
Just a disclaimer! I view most of the main characters in this show as children! If you create or consume content that contains inappropriate material with these characters aged up or not, it is safe to say this is not the page for you. Please find another one to go to. (Also, the fact that you have to age up characters to do anything with them is pretty self explanatory.)
[ZaDr]: Mostly neutral, but partial to liking it. Sue me, I think it’s cute. Well, actually, don’t sue me. I can definitely see it, and I don’t mind having it on my feed if it’s appropriate. (View disclaimer above for minor character ships.)
[TaGr]: Completely neutral. I can see it happening, but I have no opinion on it. It’s just girlbosses in love. As long as it is appropriate, I have no issues with it. (View disclaimer above for minor character ships.)
[ZaGr]: Mostly neutral, leaning towards dislike. I personally cannot see this happening at all. I do think it’s really funny that Zim and Dib’s rivalry went so far that Zim started dating Gaz. Imagine your worst enemy dating your sister - I would never recover. Good luck, Dib! (View disclaimer above for minor character ships.)
[TaZr]: Neutral, slightly dislike. I will admit, having to hide your relationship from the irken government does sound pretty cool. However, Tak absolutely hates Zim’s guts, and vice versa, so I don’t see it happening anytime soon. (View disclaimer above for minor character ships.)
[TaDr]: Mostly dislike. I know that in the show, Dib did try asking Tak out, but it just doesn’t seem like the right match. Tak was only using Dib for information, and Dib depended on her for being one of the only ones to believe him. Sounds pretty toxic to me. But hey, maybe in the future they’ll chill out, and perhaps it’ll work then? (View disclaimer above for minor character ships.)
[RaPr]: Neutral. I think it’s alright. Pretty amusing to have a militaristic-centered government being run by two dumb gay aliens. I think everyone on the Massive would know they were somewhat in a relationship, because these guys are not subtle in the least. (View disclaimer above for character ships.)
Any other ship I didn’t list: Same rules apply for both characters I view as children and characters that are viewed as adults or young adults. If it’s not inappropriate or illegal, then it is fine in my eyes. Just don’t be weird and only ship them to sexualize them. That’s real uncomfortable.
Well, that’s about it folks!
Anything else that I have missed, or if I have gotten any information wrong, please do reach out to me either in private messages or in my asks. They’re always open, and I will try to respond as quickly as possible.
Thanks for visiting my page, and reading so far! Keep yourself safe and be respectful on the internet! :)
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anonygowose · 3 months
!!! WELCOME !!!
☆ I'm Goose / Goosey, this is my main blog! ☆
♡ 19 - They / Them ♡
☆ I think many people can be something's biggest fan ☆ ᵀʰᵃᵗ ᵇᵉᶦⁿᵍ ˢᵃᶦᵈ, ᴵ ᵃᵐ ᵗʰᵉ ᵇᶦᵍᵍᵉˢᵗ ʳᵒᵇᵒᵗ ᶠᵃⁿ
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This includes:
☆ My own art / creations from my other blogs
♡ Fandoms I am a part of / enjoy
☆ Friend's art
♡ Shitposts
This includes:
☆ Light vents
♡ Dreams
☆ Conversations
♡ Random thoughts / ideas
☆ Game screenshots / stories
♡ Shitposts
However I have learned I am absolutely terrible at doing this consistently.
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☆ @anonygooose - Art Blog!
♡ @asurrealexperience - Dream Game! (massive eyestrain warning)
☆ @afterlifeafterhours - NOT MY BLOG but I voice one of the characters in this series! I am Erus, the silly pink one, go check it out!
more to come...
☆ My Website!
♡ Ko-Fi
☆ Art Fight
♡ Flight Rising
☆ UnVale
♡ LinkTree
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RAIN WORLD - Literally my ENTIRE personality since 2020. I will NOT shut up about it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If Rain World has a million fans I am one of them. If Rain World has 10 fans I am one of them. If Rain World has 1 fan I am it. If Rain World has 0 fans it must take place in an alternative universe where it's an actual good game (just KIDDING guys GOSH take a JOKE ((/lh /no ill intent /Rain World is a very good game it just makes me want to rip all of my hair out <3)))
PLACID PLASTIC DUCK SIMULATOR - Probably one of my bigger hyperfixations, I am a HUGE fan of the series. To the point the Developers my beloved ADDED ME TO THE "THANK YOU" SECTION OF THEIR GAME!!! I'M LISTED THERE!!!! THANK YOU DUCK DEVS <333 Anyways, I am a MASSIVE supporter and enjoyer, and I play any of their games! I cannot wait for Placid Plastic Duck - A Quiet Quest and also Slowly Sliding Ducks. ACE ATTORNEY - Becomes a hyperfixation every few months. You will know it happens when my entire theme changes to Godot and I spend every hour I am awake and should be asleep talking about it and / or reblogging posts about it and / or playing the games and / or watching the show AGAIN !!!
BUGSNAX - Probably THE biggest fixation I have ever had, took place the entirety of 2021. Pulled me out of the worst depression I've had in my life, made me start drawing again and I have over a dozen grumpus ocs. It's what made me comfortable enough to create headcanons and fan characters again. Holds a special place in my heart.
INFINITY TRAIN - My all time favorite show !!! I have ocs regarding this series and I rewatch it pretty frequently. It means a lot to me, I hold it in a special place in my heart :)
MOOMIN VALLEY - A series I enjoy a ton, there will be certain days I will focus entirely on this silly series I love it <3
ALL SAINTS STREET - Another series I enjoy a ton! I talk about it every so often but it's something I mostly keep to myself.
CULT OF THE LAMB - One of my current bigger obsessions, I actively desire to have the time to draw my lamb and all the silly followers I have. I reblog a LOT of fanart of this game, beware.
REGRETEVATOR - The biggest obsession I have at the moment, I draw my character Dizzy & canon characters whenever I can and you can find posts of them on my art account! Currently drawing a lot of Regretevator ocs on Art Fight :D
OTHER THINGS I LIKE (NO SPECIFIC ORDER): Psych, Phighting!, Flight Rising, New Girl, Schitt's Creek, Mii Related Games, Tomodachi Life, Arctic Eggs, 7 Days To Die, Project Zomboid, Fallout Games, Stardew Valley, An Airport for Aliens Currently Run By Dogs, ARK, Buddy Simulator 1984, Crypt Of The Necrodancer, Content Warning, Lethal Company, Darkwood, Costume Quest, Inscryption, Neon White, Night In The Woods, No Man's Sky, No Straight Roads, OMORI, Oneshot, Rhythm Doctor, The Sam & Max Series, The Sims Series, Slime Rancher, The Subnautica Games, Voidigo, Wobbledogs, Pokemon, Everything Everything, The Scary Jokes, Of Montreal, Glass Animals, Arcade Fire, Robots, Minecraft, Terraria, Minecraft Story Mode, Murder Drones, The Amazing Digital Circus, Epithet Erased, Stuffed Animals
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☆ I am Polish but based in America
♡ ENFP !
☆ I am currently a Game Design & Development college student :D
♡ My favorite animal is the Red Panda
☆ My favorite colors are brown & pink !
♡ I have two very odd kins- being the Twitter cat emoji and cyriak's 7 Billion rabbit rabbits
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☆ If you are a NSFW blog attempting to follow / reach out, do not be shocked it I do not respond and potentially block you! This is rare but if your blog makes me uncomfortable I WILL do it. If you are afraid of this happening, use a side account to interact!
☆ If you are anti-LGBTQ (including ANY amounts of homophobia, transphobia, acephobia, against neopronouns & against the use of umbrella terms such as pansexuality, you are OUT)
Licherally be open minded, not a creep, or at the VERY least keep all of it to yourself if you want to interact with this blog or any of my side blogs :)
I do want to note I love making new friends, if you would like to get to know me and share interests and such, please reach out!
And ANY person I have ever once known, whether we ended our relationships on good or bad terms, are ALWAYS accepted in my mind. If you ever want to reach out, I am here :)
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emyn-arnens · 1 year
13-15 and 21-23 for the ask meme thing c:
Thanks for the ask! <3 (choose violence ask game)
13. worst blorboficiation
I've seen in some "worst woobification" polls that Sauron and Morgoth get woobified a lot, which is very not my jam, but I've never run into that in the wild (luckily), so I'll go with Maeglin. I have sympathy for him in his early life with how Eol mistreated him, but his mistreatment of Idril later on can't be excused/ignored/minimized imo, and it often is, in my experience.
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
It's been a hot minute since I've read Fourth Age LOTR fic, but I remember it being very common to depict Ivriniel as a shrew, which I always disliked. There are so few female characters in LOTR as it is that it's disappointing to see the few named female characters shoved into overused (often sexist) tropes. In general, though, I remember the Fourth Age fic I used to read being a bit of a mess all over with portraying women's relationships—very all or nothing (either everyone's friends, with no allowance for nuance, or everything's political and no one actually likes each other, neither of which are my cup of tea).
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
Let it be known that I have the utmost love and respect for fanartists; they make the Silm fandom go round and visualize characters in ways I never could. That said, my pet peeve is Maedhros with scars after Thangorodrim. It looks cool; I've reblogged a lot of amazing art of it, but I don't believe he had lasting scars. I think his torture was largely mental torture; being chained to a rock for thirty years is more than enough physical torture to make someone break down. And if Sauron was involved, I don't doubt that he'd choose mind games over physical torture.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
......Fingon's rescue of Maedhros? I'm sure that's a very unpopular opinion. 😅 I see people depicting it and talking about it a lot, and it just...doesn't really do anything for me? I really wish their relationship interested me more since it's so popular in the fandom, but it's just never grabbed me. :(
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
A Conspiracy Unmasked in FOTR!!!! It does not get enough recognition. If PJ had included it in the films, it might have made his later crimes against the hobbits' characterizations easier to bear. Maybe. Probably not.
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
I'm wracking my brain, but I can't think of one. In general, I have very few ships I sail and am mostly interested in platonic relationships, so that's probably why. I wish I could give you a more interesting answer here! :(
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themoreeviltwin · 7 months
A lil' introduction to the weirdo who owns this blog!
This post is a stub, and I'll work on it a bit more later – I'm not as experienced in making my posts look so pretty like y'all do, haha – so please bear with this lousy introduction before I get my shit together and write something proper. :D
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Who's that?
Hey!!! I usually go by Par on the internet. I'm an 18yo girlie with an unhealthy obsession with fictional 2D men and an unlimited access to the internet... bad combo. Other than that, I listen to a big lot of music, and my biggest thing is studying languages. I've got three and a half language under my belt right now (that being Czech, English, German and French), and you bet I'm constantly working on more (Finnish and Japanese for now). I'm hopefully not new to Tumblr as a silent observer, but I definitely am new as an active contributor, so please, be patient with me. D: Totally down to chat if you feel like we could share some interests! Worst case scenario, we just don't click. :) Regarding what kind of content I consume here – whatever I feel like. I switch obsessions and fictional crushes as often as I change my socks, so the range is wiiiiide. I mostly do self-ships, but character x character is definitely not off the table!
What's up with this place?
Well, not a lot right now. I used to write a lot for myself in the past, but not anymore, since, you know... school stuff. I had somewhat of a break from watching anime this last year, but I recently got into it and I'm having more fun than ever. That's what led me to the decision to actually start using this blog! So... what you can currently see here will most likely just be reblogs of memes, fanart and fics that I enjoyed, and some occasional shitposting and thirsting from my humble self. Maybe someone will find it entertaining! HOWEVER! I'm hoping to start writing again and maybe even share my silly little imagines with you, lovely people!
So... what fandom?
Tons of them. I'm making the decision to not name them all yet, since there is a lot, but hopefully one day I'll list them here! If you try hard enough, you can maybe even find me on MAL. :) You can take a few guesses based on the stuff that I share, anyway. <3
Asks? Is that a thing here??
No, not yet, but it totally can be if you do have an ask to send my way! I'm open to all kinds of asks, from friendly greetings to thirsts and... *ominous music*... requests? If you caught me posting or reblogging about your favorite guy, chances are I'm down bad (too). I don't have a lot of motivation to write for myself, and I totally don't wanna make no empty promises here, but if you have an idea in your head and want to see how someone else would execute it... I'm all ears! That being said, there are currently no big "no's" regarding what you can ask for/about. If a line gets crossed or I don't wanna write something, I'll just tell you! So no worries. <3
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variousqueerthings · 2 years
I want to write something about everyone who’s been very kind to me, which really isn’t something I usually do (EDIT: having written this I’m tempted to delete it all, but I will commit to the earnestness, I will commit to being somewhat seen online. I hope it doesn’t make anyone uncomfortable to be mentioned here, let me know if so and I’ll take you out of the post) 
Considering I haven’t been able to follow anyone or go onto the tag, this has been a very unusual experience for me. It’s the first long-form thing I ever watched as an adult going in totally blind and simultaneously getting involved in the fandom in some way, mainly through you lot being very gracious and interacting with my reactions to it
I mentioned this in a recent post, but MASH feels like the worst-kept secret that I didn’t know about, and now I do it’s a treasure trove of story, and also of a 50yr old fandom, and of what seems to have been a creative team that was very close over the 11 years that they made this story happen, so while I am currently crying on and off and will be for some time, because I’ve never dealt with the ends of stories very well, I know that the finality of this is somewhat different to other stories that I’ve engaged with -- in the sense that it is very definitely Finished, but in many ways I was also looking forward to this moment --
am now going to go on the tags, search out AO3 (absolutely my next stop @quordleona03 ), read/watch/listen to those interviews and reunions I’ve been setting aside, see if I can get a hold of the MASH book that Arlene Alda took pictures for, and you know... I’m only at the end of s4 on the rewatch I was doing concurrently (also when I go home for the holidays, I’ll be starting another rewatch to get my family into it...), so there’s also the things that I want to write now I’ve got the puzzle made (except for the fact that I’ve been getting fun facts about how reality influenced the story and I think there’s a fair few of those facts still to come, so really not even a complete puzzle!)
favourite fics and interviews you love, please send them my way!!! especially things that deal with Themes and character studies
and now properly, an earnest thanks for the other part of this experience that has been so novel and exciting and strangely emotional, because you were all very nice to me and I know that I’ve put an awful lot on said tags I couldn’t look at -- the guys from MASH and the old guys who I knew from Cobra Kai who as it turned out were already into MASH!: @genderqueer-klinger , @pomegranate , @majorbaby , @quordleona03 , @mashbrainrot ,  @mauvecardigans , @jewish-hawkeye , @jamborae , @awkward-aro-ace-princess-76 , @jerottblyth , @thebreakfastgenie -- also @shootfighting for not even going here and sending me fanart, I really feel so much has changed for me specifically because I got into Cobra Kai and it was definitely down to the people in the fandom -- this felt like it needed to come off the back of that fandom experience, which was also such a new thing for me to get involved in! @le-red-queen and @hunkydorkling and @mimsyaf (I suck at writing heartfelt things to people I’ve spent a lot of time with and have come to care for an awful lot, I need to get better at that, but you know... just because of you...)
@mimupf ❤
and to everyone who wrote in my replies or on reblogs or messages, I’m about 99.99% sure there’s probably someone I’ve talked with who I haven’t mentioned here, please don’t assume I did that on purpose, I am forgetful as all heck. you’re really a swell lot
and @jewish-hawkeye you were absolutely right! it was the numbers of the dead and the wounded and the dispossessed and the orphaned. oddly enough I forgot to put in my “VIETNAM? WHERE’S THAT?” note, because that was something that twisted me up too
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hpsucks · 1 year
Read me before interacting, thanks!
Hey, hello, hi. Welcome to my corner of the Internet. This is a Harry Potter blog. I realise that is a controversial statement at best and outrageous at worst, but here it is.
I’m a trans person myself. Harry Potter made me realise that I am, in fact, trans. Even after everything that has happened, Harry Potter happens to mean a lot to me.
Yes, I’m ashamed. Yes, I’m the absolute worst person you have ever had the misfortune of meeting. I’ve heard it all. So. If you’re here to spread hate… just don’t.
That I rewatch my old DVDs, and that I reread my old books, and that I sometimes reblog fanart isn’t going to give the author any money or any traction. That ship sailed years ago. My hyperfixation comes in bursts. It’s been years since last time.
So… why can’t I let go off Harry Potter when so many others have? I don’t know. It saved my life. It made me realise things about myself that define who I am. Without Harry Potter, I would most likely have force quit life. :’)
On top of that, I find it really, really difficult to see how I am the bad person in this whole ordeal. I’m not the terf. I’m not the person that berates and bullies others because they have an interest in something they loved as a child. I’m not the person who purposefully posts triggering content to upset fans. So. Maybe just leave me the fuck alone.
I don’t understand why my opinion means less than any other trans person’s does.
And finally: the only people who know about this shit is people who are chronically online. A close friend of mine, who loves Harry Potter, had absolutely no idea about any of this until I told her.
Again: That I rewatch my 10+ year old DVDs won’t give the author any traction.
Please, don’t interact if:
You’re a transphobe or a TERF
You’re here to spread hate
You’re under the age of 18
Thank you for being respectful and mindful of this post!
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hoodedmiho · 2 years
Another four digit blog here, prolific poster of creativity, regular new genuine follows. Also like being in an empty warehouse with two people in the corner who wave occasionally and might every now and let out a cheer. Anyway, here's an ask - What's your personal favorite piece of fanart you've ever made and what are you the most proud of about it? Who are your favorite fanartists and fic authors?
Oh wow, I reblogged that text post about no engagement yesterday and went to sleep - I honestly didn’t expect to get any answer to it. Thank you for surprising me, Anon! Good to know I’m not the only one with similar experience on tumblr nowadays. And thank you for the wonderful questions and turning it all into spreading some positive feelings <3
Favourite piece of mine I’ve written at the moment is probably my finnpoe fic - even though it’s one of my worst fic in terms of engagement, I’m really fond of it and it has a special place in my heart because how long it is. My adhd brain is awful at multichaptered fics so I’m proud of myself for producing 30k of story of decent quality and ending it. You asked about fanart though but I answered about fics because it was an ask on my main tumblr. But I do have an art tumblr, too, which has double digit followers because it’s a new one and my art is very much a process of figuring shit out right now lol. But just in case you did mean fanart and not fan content in general, my fav would be my latest call of duty fanart. Just because I really felt like I am onto something with digital colouring here.
I’ve got lots of artists and writers who’s work I love but to list some that particularly have been keeping me sane recently I’d say @amikoroyaiart, @bluegiragi, @blackkatmagick, @queeniegalore - go check these people out, they’re amazing <3 (gods I’ve been fighting with myself if I should make it into actual @ since I don’t wanna bother anyone so I can only hope you’ll appreciate some love from a random follower).
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e-m-p-error · 5 months
Munday Writing Detail Meme
Repost, don't reblog.
Feel free to edit/add your own parts!
Name: Key (Keith but I mostly go by Key)
Age Range: under 18 | between 18 and 25 | 25 and older
Pronouns: He/They
Random Fact About Me: I really like baking and cooking!
When it comes to planning threads: I like to wing it completely | I like to plan the start of the thread | I like to plan several key points in the thread | I like to plan every reply | It depends
Pre-established relationships between muses: I enjoy them | I like them occasionally but mostly prefer to play the relationship out | I don't do pre-established relationships
When it comes to replies, I like to: Keep mine short (1-2 paragraphs) | Keep mine to medium length (3 - 6 paragraphs) | Keep my replies long (7+ paragraphs) | It depends
I generally try to reply in: 1 day | 3 days | A week | Within a month | More than a month*
* most likely it will be a month or more on accident because I bite off more than I can chew a lot of the time.
I like getting asks for memes I reblogged a long time ago: Yes | No | Depends
I like getting random IC asks from my mutuals: Yes | No | Depends
I like getting tagged in unplanned starters from my mutuals: Yes | No | Depends
I like getting getting OOC asks from my mutuals to plan our threads: Yes | No | Depends
I like getting getting OOC asks from my mutuals just to chat about things not related to RP: Yes | No | Depends
I enjoy writing: Smut, kink, romance, slice-of-life threads, romance threads with no real "point," silly threads, adventure threads, angst, hurt/comfort, drama, Most AUs, canon-divergent threads, modern/human AUs, crossovers, dark content, complicated relationship dynamics, crack, violence, drug/alcohol use/dependency, mental health, character growth through adversity, long threads, short threads
I don't enjoy writing: I can't think of a whole lot. If I don't know something I do try to give it a shot and do my research. I am not okay with Homestuck crossovers and I am picky about a couple of ships (RadioStatic and Verbie) due to trauma related to people I've known ruining those ships for me.
My favourite tropes are: Sex as a metaphor for other feelings/thoughts, mutual pining, obsessive pining, stalking, There Was Only One Bed, coffee shop, corruption arcs, redemption arcs, love conquers all, the Power Of Friendship, The Worst People You Know Make Each Other Better
Opinion on shipping (for a specific character or in general): I love shipping. I'm a shipping hoe. I have certain ships I am always down to do, and definitely ships I am always willing to have as established from the get-go. I don't give a shit what people ship and what they write, just go ham! Make the dolls kiss! It's fun!
I get inspired to write by doing this: Listening to music, interacting with source material, interacting with fanart, writing fanfiction, discussing headcanons/fandom related stuff
One of my favourite threads/drabbles/etc:
I love writing darker themes and the story I wrote for how my Angel ended up at the Hotel is one of my favorites that I've written to date. Link is to Ao3.
A writing partner (or partners!) I've enjoyed writing with: Okay this is gonna turn into a lovefest from me. Some of these people aren't really rping on Tumblr anymore but they are very near and dear to my heart. This is by no means everyone, because I write with so many of you and care so much about all of you!
@dont-take-shxt-from-other-demons, @strangeandun-muse-ual, @infernal-feminae, @videokilled, @overangeled, @voxiiferous, @manubia-summanus, @infernalight, @rocxyoulikeahurricane, @holyfurnace, @because-i-simp, @frostworkxfiction, @hellsmayflower, @ticklishjevil, @alteredassistant, @voxxcd, @arachn0philia, @defiedfate, @tangledfate, @hotelbitches
A mutual I want to write with but haven't yet: If we're mutuals and we haven't written yet, this applies to you! I definitely get overwhelmed and overstimmied soometimes, and I bite off more than I can chew, but I want to interact with all of you, even if that means I need to be reminded.
You're always welcome to message me and send me things to respond to, and I'll do whatever I get muse for! I promise that just because I'm a space cadet that doesn't mean I'm not interested or that I'm ignoring you! It isn't on purpose, I promise.
Tagging: If I tagged you in the writing partner thing, do it! Also if you just see this and want to do it, feel free to tag me as who you stole it from!
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mir-mape · 2 years
lil ramble about hnk, and me, and change, because it's 1:20 am and i can't bear to be alone with my thoughts so i'm going to scream into the void of the internet for comfort
hnk is a story i started reading a few years ago. i didn't get past the start. sooner this year, maybe around january or so, i gave it another try, and i finished all the available chapters in the span of like two days. And i think i did so because it's fundamentally a story about change, and as a dumb child about to start college, i really need a story to cling onto that deals with that topic
don't expect me to make a lot of sense, but like,, i've always struggled with handling change. i've always been the top of my class, mom and dad's pride, the friend you can always rely onto at any given time to help you with anything. so if my life's been that great why on earth would i want to change who i am. people already are happy with who i am. changing anything about myself is unnecessary at best and an inconvinience for everyone at worst
and so when adolescence hit, instead of trying to figure out who i was, it became a game of balancing what i wanted to be and the image other people had of me that i couldn't let go of because i didn't want to disappoint them.
then the lockdown happened, and turns out having a lot of time for myself without having to take into account anyone else was really enlightening (albeit also very maddening). that and also my closests friends now have helped me realize that if i ever want to be happy, i really need to start accepting that i'm no longer who i was as a child.
But that realization didn't "cure" me of my fear of change and dissappointing people around me that knew that old version of me. I was scared that being the person I wanted to be would inconvenience them, and they'd want back who I once was, and would I really be loved then? Like, of course my close friends and family would still love me in some way or another, but everyone else? How would I go on with life knowing I had everyone's approval and I threw it all away?
I went on an impressibly long personal tangent there and I'm sorry, but going back to my relationship with houseki no kuni—
phos is like. the completely opposite thing to me. they want to change for other people because they don't feel like they're good enough as it is, and i want to change for myself, but the fear of no longer being good enough for other people has always stopped me. And tragic as hnk is, it somehow manages to give me a bit of a cathartic feeling.
i'm terrified of change. i'm going to uni in like, what, two weeks? i'm going to live independently from my parents. i'm going to meet new teachers that know nothing about me and don't expect anything from me. same goes for my new classmates!! i can make new friends that could love me, and not old me!! it's a whole change of everything!
it's literally the opportunity that i always strived for. and yet i've spent the whole summer with this heavy feeling in my chest because gosh im TERRIFIED of growing up. what if i become nothing but wasted potential. i fear that i've spent so much of my life trying to live up to my older self that i no longer can make decisions in benefit of my own, current self
and yet... it's a bit like little phos, isn't it? i've always been alone with myself, and i will always be alone with myself. and i'm taking this out of the hnk story context, but I, myself, is the only person that I can assure will always be with me. So I should always be by her side in whatever she needs.
Hnk is an interesting story with incredibly complex character arcs and story,,, and yet, I feel like I will always hold it dear to me not only for that, but mostly because of it's core concept of change. This summer's been a tough one for me, I overthought my life way too much, and hnk has managed to bring me a strange comfort in the middle of all that. In the middle of the pain of becoming, as the last comic/fanart I reblogged before writing this post (accurately) called it
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selfdestructivecat · 2 years
Ok I’m sorry I’m about to go on a bit of a rant but this has been something I’ve seen a LOT of so I wanted to say something, at least to get it out of my system.
The Sanders Sides fandom has a pretty heavy emphasis on shipping, and that’s awesome! While the overarching storyline is really intriguing, it’s truly the characters that make the show shine. So obviously there is going to be lots of fanart and fanfics dedicated to shipping these characters. And there are a LOT of ships in this fandom.
And that brings me to what’s been really bugging me. If you are by any chance a content creator for this fandom and are making shipping art/fanfic…
Not only is this good for your own post, as it helps your shipping content reach people who LIVE for that stuff, but it’s also helpful for people who are filtering certain ships. Some of these ships can really upset a lot of people, like if one of their comfort characters is shipped with another character they don’t like, or if they have a comfort ship that is being contradicted by another ship, or even if the ship itself just bothers them in a way they can’t describe.
THIS IS NOT AN ATTACK AGAINST PEOPLE WHO LIKE CERTAIN SHIPS. This is also not an attack against people who multiship. You do whatever makes you happy! But something that this community does (and one of the most WONDERFUL things about this community!) is that stuff gets reblogged and shared around a lot! So even if I don’t follow someone specifically because they post content of a ship I don’t like, it’ll usually get around to my dash because y’all are awesome about reblogging stuff!
So that makes it REALLY FRUSTRATING when I see content of a ship that makes me squick. I am not blaming the people who reblog. I often don’t tag in reblogs either. But sometimes I see content of ships I’ve filtered because the original poster didn’t tag the ship.
ALSO, and I know this can be a bit more difficult, but PLEASE REMEMBER TO SPELL THE SHIP NAME CORRECTLY!!!
The shipping names for the SaSi fandom are very tricky and often nonsensical, but if you misspell the ship, it will get past filters. So remember to double check your spellings!!! Ships with Virgil (aka names that include “Anxiety”) and Janus (“Deceit”) have been some of the worst perpetrators.
And I know that can be especially difficult for people whose first language isn’t English, so I understand that mistakes will be made, but please try your best! Other posts with that ship are a great reference!
Ok that’s all. Sorry again for the rant, and I appreciate you guys for listening. ^.^
(And if you ever see me misspell a ship name or fail to include a ship, PLEASE let me know! The last thing I want to do is make anyone uncomfy.)
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redstone-sun · 3 years
differenr anon - if you dont mind sharing, why did TRSNS have discourse? what happened?
ah, the dreaded discourse.
context: i am an able-bodied neurodivergent traumatized person. i based a lot of the emotional strife in this fic on some of my own experiences. it was my first fic for any fandom ever and i did no research for it. it's a very flawed and angsty fic, and it leans on both the going-crazy-killing-your-friends trope and the disability-as-angst trope.
some people latched onto those parts of the fic and deemed the fic ableist and irredeemable, decided i was a horrible person, and added 'liked trsns' as addendums on callouts. no one ever approached me to discuss this in an educational manner rather than an accusatory one, which made me defensive instead of wanting to learn from my mistakes. for a while i tried hard to avoid mentioning the discourse on my blog at all because i wanted to keep the small, lovely community that had formed around me because i'd never had anything like that before, so i was very careful about what i posted.
i did eventually make a post acknowledging it, and that discourse died down right before the hermitship discourse flared up really badly. i stayed off hermitblr and basically abandoned this blog for a long while until a large portion of that community had left and i felt safe posting again. the harassment i experienced wasn't the worst by far that the community has perpetrated and can barely be called harassment, but it's left me anxious about sharing any of my writing with anyone who i don't know personally and kind of ruined hermitcraft for me for a long time. theres a reason i don't reblog a lot of general hermitcraft fanart here any more.
i havent heard anything about The Discourse in a long while, and havent heard anything about trsns recently other than positives. the fic's still up and will remain up, despite its flaws.
if anybody has anything else to add or any corrections, feel free
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thealexchen · 4 years
One Year On: Life is Strange 2 Critique
December 3rd, 2020 marks a year since Life is Strange 2 ended. I was inspired by @smitethepatriarchy‘s text posts (here, but there are several other answered asks worth reading) and @suhaplays’s text post (here) criticizing Life is Strange 2 to write a critique about how Life is Strange 2 handled certain themes and social issues.
(tw: gun violence, police brutality, animal death, incarceration, racism. In this essay, I use the word “queer” in a reclaimed sense, as a queer person myself. Of course, spoiler warning for all five episodes of Life is Strange 1 and 2).
A year on, my feelings about this game have soured... a lot. When the game was first announced, I was overjoyed that our new protagonists would be two Latino boys. Finally, we would have a culturally meaningful, groundbreaking video game with people of color and their experiences at the forefront! 
Then the game was met with immediate backlash and I utterly exhausted myself defending it for weeks on Reddit and Tumblr. Throughout 2019, as the episodes came out I became increasingly disillusioned, frustrated, and disappointed with where the story was going. I couldn’t figure out why I felt so damn miserable while playing this game.
Then in the summer of 2020, when Tell Me Why began rolling out pre-release material, I noticed that they posted a Q&A about transphobia, gave content warnings, and discussed at length about their collaboration with GLAAD, Checkpoint, and the Huna Heritage Foundation to make the game with sensitivity and proper research. I cannot speak for trans and gender non-conforming people on whether Dontnod succeeded at doing so with Tell Me Why. But Life is Strange 2 did… none of that.
Essentially, I realized that the reason why I was so frustrated with LiS2 is because it focuses way too heavily on a trauma narrative. This comes off as insensitive to players of color without any content warnings or extensive research.
Sean didn’t have to get kidnapped, kicked in the face, and called a racial slur by a gas station owner. Daniel did not need to watch his puppy get mauled by a mountain lion for the sake of a “difficult choice.” Sean didn’t have to lose his eye for the sake of heightened drama. Sean didn’t need to get called a racial slur and humiliated by his native language/beaten in the desert for refusing to sing. Daniel didn’t need to get shot— twice. Hell, all of “Faith” probably could’ve been cut— how is a church cult that brainwashes Daniel and beats Sean half to death relevant at all to the story?
Even if not all of the game’s violence was racially motivated, the consistent trauma that Sean and Daniel endure does not make for positive representation— or even good characterization. There is a difference between sympathetic characters and well-written characters, and trauma does not make Sean and Daniel any more complex or likable-- just more fucking traumatized.
LiS2 is more grounded in reality, but that also makes plot holes that much harder to excuse (Daniel’s powers being spotted, most of the Parting Ways ending, Sean’s prison sentence). But most of all, it grounds all of Sean and Daniel’s pain and trauma in reality. 
There is no magicking away a town-destroying storm with time travel. Sean can’t keep his dad alive by ripping up a Polaroid. After Max unlocked her powers, she was still a Blackwell student, reconnecting with Chloe, taking photos, saving lives, and uncovering a murder mystery. After Daniel unlocked his powers, the Diaz brothers lost everything. 
The game never lets you forget that Sean and Daniel are homeless, wanted, constantly in danger, and that they are never getting their old lives back. It permeates the entire game, and for players of color, just reinforces a sad, miserable, grim reality about living in the United States. It is, as @smitethepatriarchy said, potentially triggering for players of color, and it is certainly not something I needed to be reminded of.
And the representation of POC? It feels shallow and ill-researched. It would only take a Google search to find out that Dia de Muertos (a holiday to honor the dead, no less) was from October 31 to November 2 in 2016, the year the game takes place, but Daniel only talks about Halloween in episode 1. Sean and Daniel never discuss any Mexican customs, foods, or holidays. Sean doesn’t speak Spanish with his immigrant father, only during a scene when he’s traumatized (again!) by two racists, and again when talking to Mexican immigrants— in jail. Daniel doesn’t speak Spanish at all. Most of their allies throughout the game are white, including Finn and Cassidy, who appropriate Black culture with their dreadlocks.
So what’s left? Sean and Daniel’s existence as people of color is, at worst, just a narrative prop to justify everything that happens to them. They are people of color on the surface only. In a meta-sense, the game only considers the color of their skin and their last names as what is narratively important… yikes.
I don’t have anything against people who genuinely loved the game and were moved by its messages and story. But I can’t help but feel bitter that white players have the luxury of only thinking of this game as a work of fiction and not feeling any personal reliability to Sean and Daniel’s racialized trauma.
I don’t regret playing LiS2, but I do regret all the time and energy I spent defending it in the beginning. I understand now that I shouldn’t let people’s opinions get to me, nor should I feel obligated to like or defend a game for its attempts at representation. But now, I think I understand how queer fans must have felt in late 2015 when Polarized released. After following the game for 10 months, to see that Chloe’s ultimate destiny was to die and Pricefield is another ship plagued by the Bury Your Gays trope (in the ending that the devs clearly put more work into) must have been just as disillusioning and infuriating. I understand why some fans were so quick to unfollow LiS or develop mixed feelings about the series, because that’s how I feel too after following LiS2’s development from September 2018 to December 2019.
Before I end, I will admit that Life is Strange 2 arrived at a time when I needed it. I still stand by my belief that DN did a great job characterizing Sean, Daniel, and Chris without toxic masculinity, which is the best thing they could’ve done for a male-focused follow-up to a game about queer women. I love that Sean is still a canonically bisexual man of color in a major video game and that DN didn’t forget their queer audience. I love the world and characters that DN built, but I still prefer AU fanfictions of their normal lives, without all that trauma. 
So, I will continue to treasure Lyla and her 10 minutes of screentime (aka the only shred of Asian American representation I can get from this series). I still reblog LiS2 fanart to support the artists. I still support Dontnod, because as Tell Me Why has shown, they are capable of researching and writing stories with more sensitivity. And let’s be honest-- I’m still gonna be hella excited if Life is Strange 3 is announced.
But so many aspects of Life is Strange 2 were bungled that it came off as a remarkably average and forgettable experience. A year on, I don’t hate Life is Strange 2, but I am writing this to move on from it.
Thank you for reading.
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szecretary · 3 years
info about my blog under the cut, if you’re the kind of person that needs to know. have a nice day 💜
non-exhaustive list of obsessions: avatar the last airbender, legend of korra, the kyoshi novels, voltron: legendary defender, the camp half-blood chronicles, the all for the game series (and anything that is to my fancy at any moment.)
about me and my blog. 
you can call me kay ✨
i am on ao3 as kuarahy. i've only written for two fandoms so far.
english and spanish, mostly english unless necessary.
i spend a lot of time analyzing canonical aspects of the shows i watch, trying to figure out why they resonate with me. i also like exploring fan-generated ideas that could fit in there and make sense in context.
i studied literature for a bit and never got over it, you can expect a lot of overly enthusiastic rambling from me because of this. i have a passion for storytelling and literary theory, but i am not an expert on anything i talk about.
i’m here to talk about things that make me happy, and i value respectful discussions about the less-than-perfect aspects of the content i consume, so if you’re of the Everything Wrong With school of media criticism, then this is not the place for you. 
fandom stuff.
i love ATLA and TLOK equally.
i’ve read a fair share atla/tlok comics and consider them all canon, if you like to pretend they don’t exist, this isn’t the blog of you, friend!
i REALLY like the kyoshi novels. i’d give f.c yee a hug if i could.
i unironically like all 8 seasons of VLD and i still find many positive aspects even with the mess they made. yes i will still praise these positive aspects. no i don’t care about the ship wars. 
ocassional marvel/percy jackson/hadestown posting.
i have most harry potter/marauders and related content tags blocked. i am slowly going back to this childhood interest but i don't wanna be overly exposed to it just yet. i am curating my own experience, but this doesn't mean i'll be upset if people i follow don't tag things properly. this applies to every piece of media i consume.
a very recent obsession of mine is the all for the game series, i try to be good at tagging but i'm not always successful, and this series has a lot of triggering content embedded into it. please be careful when navigating my ramblings about it.
on shipping.
you will notice that i post about various ships in my blog. this might seem strange if you’re used to people only blogging about their otp to the point of making their “rival ship/notp” a dni criteria. this does not happen here. i don’t mind shipping, i think it's fun, and i will even reblog shippy fanart, mostly because i’m a sucker for romance and pretty art. that is the extent of my enjoyment of most ships, both canon and noncanon. i like romance, and it’s fun to read and write idiots falling in love in different ways and worlds, but it's never too serious for me.
my love: [ insert phrase ] tags are for all kinds of relationships, not just romantic ones.
i don’t take shipping seriously enough to entertain discourse about it. these characters are paper dolls to me. idk how else to make this more clear, do not come here to argue about ships or how or why some might be the worst thing to exist on this planet since global warming. i am a grown adult who knows how to discern reality from fiction. i've got a job and other stuff to worry about, DO NOT even try.
anti behavior of any kind is a bad investment of your time, pal. 
my url is a play on szeto and secretary, because i’m a tired college student and he’s the closest thing to that, as the only nerd avatar we know of. 
that’s all~ if you want to be mutuals and even friends, my inbox is always there. 
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