#and yeah i grabbed the 'this marriage is not about love' thing from the book
xxblairexxss · 6 months
Pairing : dad!Jude Bellingham x reader
Them : Angst, I think.
Word count : 2k
Jude had a bad day and it seemed like a cookie wasn’t enough to cheer him up.
I haven’t written in soooo long. Apologize for any mistakes. Might delete this one. I don’t know. Sorry! Should start writing more. 😔
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Jude and you were highschool sweethearts. Back when eveyone thought you guys wouldn’t make it because kids in love? Yeah, who would have thought you guys could pull through.
But you did.
There were ups and downs especially at the beginning of his career. Those multiple rumors and gossips came flooding all at once and you went from a normal girl to someone who was known to have a famous boyfriend. They ven called you “the girl who hit the jackpot”.
Some even called you lucky.
A few months after your marriage, Jude and you were blessed with a little girl named Aaralyn. Jude was a perfect father figure to her though to be honest, her arrival wasn’t really align with the immense growth of his career but he managed to balance it all out.
But there were still ups and downs.
The small little hand was flipping through pages of pages from your baking cookbooks whilst her other hand kept on tapping on her chin. Her soft little hums filled through the air.
“Have you make up your mind, honey?” You asked whilst rummaging through the cupboards to take out every baking tools needed.
Jude had been feeling under the weather these days. He tried to hide it from you as he always did but you always catch on it. You knew him very well.
And so did Aaralyn.
Apparently, your little girl was fully aware of it too. Aaralyn woke up this morning and came up with an idea to bake cookies for Jude because it was her favourite and based on her logic, whatever foods that made her happy, should made others happy just as much.
“Mommy, we… bake choco cookies!”
You let out a cackle. “You flipped through the whole book just to decide with a basic one?”
“It’s Alyn’s favourite!” Her small little hands started patting on her chest with a proud expression written all over the face.
“Of course, baby. Can you let mommy see the ingredients, please?” You were about to pull the book closer to your side but your duaghter was quicker.
She snatched the book back with her lips jutting out. “Alyn can read!”
“Okay, read it out loud while mommy gather all of the ingredients, yeah?”
“This one says..powder!” Her little finger pointed to the first ingredient on the list.
“What kind of powder?”
“Co— cocoa powder, mommy! This one..” The little finger then slid to the second ingredient.
Your little girl’s eyes widen when the sound of a car came from the garage. There was no other car that could have parked in the garage except for your husband’s.
“Daddy is here! Mommy, daddy’s here! We need to be faster!” She made a hop sound as her dangling little feet touched the ground and scrambled to get her princess plate from the cupboard.
“Use Alyn’s plate!” She lifted her pink coloured plate up high for you to place one of the baked goods.
The sound of the door slammed put your little conversation with Aaralyn to an end. There were no words exchanged as both of you stared at Jude. He threw his bag on the couch, the things inside hit with some of your daughter’s toys.
“Alyn, I told you to clean up your toys, didn’t I?” The tense in Jude’s voice was enough to make his mood known to the rest of the family members.
“Uh-oh, mommy wait!” Your daughter tiptoed to place her plate back on the kitchen counter before scrambling to the living room.
You were looking from afar as she straighten her arm to grab on her little toy whilst Jude was ignoring her existence, eyes solely on his phone.
“Daddy, can help me? Please?” Aaralyn mumbled a little as she patted on her dad’s laps.
“You should clean up your own mess. We talked about this yet you still refuse to learn.” He stood up, picked up the bag which he threw earlier and headed straight to the bedroom, leaving your little girl alone.
You saw she brought her little hands close to her chest, lips pouting as she stood there, completely baffled with what just happened.
“Baby, it’s alright. Mommy will help you.” You picked up your daughter’s toy box and brought it closer to the couch, Aaralyn then made a little noise as she jumped on the couch to gather all of the toys left.
“Daddy might be feeling a little sad today. I’m sorry about what happened, sweetheart.” You cupped on her chubby cheeks to give them a little kiss.
“It’s awright! Daddy will be happy after my cookie!” She squealed.
Your brows lifted, smile widen as she mentioned the main point of the day. “You are right! I forgot about the cookies. Should we bring it to daddy?”
“It’s okay! Alyn will do it.”
You trailed behind as she ran back to the kitchen, boths arms high up in the air to get her plate back.
“Be careful!” As soon as you handed her plate back, she already made her way to the room where Jude went.
“Alyn will come back after I make daddy happy!” Her voice sounded afar as she ran to the hallway.
Aaralyn’s pace stopped in a sudden as she nearly hit the closed door. There came a new problem as she couldn’t knock on the door whilst holding the plate.
“Uh-oh..” The soft little mumble slipped out from her mouth.
“Daddy? It’s me!” The back of her hand hesitantly knocked on the door as she took a step back, waiting for a response.
Jude heaved a sigh, arm propped up to cover his eyes. He wished a second for himself and he got was continous knocking sound greeting his ears.
“Daddy!” She crouched down to carefully put the plate on the floor before bringing both of her fists thumping against the door.
“It’s me, Alyn!”
“What do you want from me?!” The inside of the door banged agaist the wall of the bedroom as Jude opened the door. There was nothing but tense in his voice.
Jude saw his little girl struggling to stand up straight with the plate of cookies right as he brought his gaze on her.
Startled by the sudden loud noise, some of the cookies in the plate fell onto the floor. Most of the perfect sized cookie now turned into little bits and pieces.
“Alyn just— just wanna give daddy a cookie…” Your little girl immediately cut the vexed gaze from Jude, her head hung low and she bit on the inside of her cheeks.
“You are making me suffocated. I need a fucking break and I can’t even do that in my house?!”
“Sorry daddy…” Her words turned into a mumble, lips started trembling.
Jude heaved a sigh when he spotted the cookie crumbles now all scattered on the floor. “Great, another mess. Clean it, Alyn. Now!”
Hearing the voice of your husband gradually got louder and louder, you immediately flipped the main valve. You barely had any time to wipe your hands as you scurried to the bedroom where you saw your little girl crouching on the floor, her little chubby hands quivered as she picked up the mess she did.
“Jude! What was that for?!” Fuming, you pushed him by his chest, tears welled up in your eyes.
“I just need a rest, Y/N,” He rolled his eyes with no hint of guilty.
“You could have just said so instead of cursing to my daughter. She did nothing wrong!”
“She should have just left me alone. No one gives a fuck about a fucking cookie right now! I couldn’t play for 2 months and you didn’t even ask me if I’m doing fine!” Jude responded back, not giving any sign to back down nor to tune down his voice.
“I know you aren’t doing fine. Alyn knows it as well. In fact, she knows it better than me. She planned all this. She planned a movie night, we waited for you to come home only to find out you spent a night at Vini’s without telling us beforehand. Alyn wanted to cook your favourite food. We did and you weren’t able to come home again. She then decided to bake her favourite cookies, thinking it could cheer you up only for you to shout at her face. Is it her fault that you have to rest for two months? That you had to lash it all out on her? Do it to me! Scream in my face, Jude! Do it.” Jude didn’t flinched when your fist repeatedly hit on his chest.
“This isn’t about you, Y/N.” He breathed out.
“So, is it about your daughter? Is that why you lashed out on her?”
Instead of saying anything else, he heaved a sigh and made his way to the bathroom.
You went back to where your little girl was sitting. The tears stain were immediately gone as you quickly wiped of your cheeks before crouching in front of her.
“Come, baby,”
Your little girl pulled her hand back from you and went back to picking up the crimbles. “Daddy— daddy asked Alyn to clean up this mess first or daddy will be mad again…”
Your heart broke when she kept her head low. Aaralyn always loved to make eye contacts, she had always been the mood maker in the house.
“Mommy will clean up the mess. Can you go back to your room, please, baby?”
“Daddy won’t be mad..?” She lifted her eyes and you were greeted a pair of puffy eyes, her cheeks were more round as she jushed her lips forward. She looked exactly like Jude and it broke the dam of your tears.
“Daddy won’t be mad at you anymore. Go back to your room? Mommy will see you once I clean this all up, alright?”
Jude clearly forgot what happened after. He was literally losing the grasp on time as soon as he woke up from his nap. The blanket was pushed aside as he grabbed on his phone. The brightness made him squint his eyes. The picture of you and your little girl greeted his sight.
Even in the dark, without him having to turn his head aside, he could still feel the bareness. He wasn’t sure what it was yet. Not until he tapped on the other side of the bed.
It was empty. Untouched even.
His heartbeat gradually turned even faster as every call was left unanswered. You were a light sleeper. Even a slight noise could have woken you up. Soon as he left the master bedroom, his feet bought him to your little girl’s room. The light was left on but there wasn’t any sight of his baby girl too.
“Aaralyn. Honey?”
Jude went uneasy. His skin turned sticky as he broke intol cold sweats. Part of him wished all of this was just a dream. Before he reached the main door, he caught a glimpse of a pink coloured plate on the dining table with some sort of yellow coloured paper by its side along with a box of crayon pencils.
— Aarlyn ❤️”
You could have brush it off if it was only between you and him but not to your little girl. Aaralyn was clearly upset. Even when you packed her stuffs, she remained seated at the dining table, staring at her remaining cookie.
As you rearranged her folded clothes into the luggage, she came back into her room, looking determined as if she had to get something done. You let her be as she ran back outside as she took out her crayon set with a piece of paper from her notebook.
Unknown to you, she actually wanted to leavr a little message to her very first love.
“There! For daddy!” She mumbled, the crayon in her hand was slipped back into the rest of the set as she left the paper right beside her plate. Her little hand then rearrange the cookie right in the middle. Not before she took a small bite at the corner of it.
“Daddy will like it…” She murmured with a small smile on her face.
“Come, baby. We gotta go.” You called out to your little girl, voice half whispering not to wake Jude up. After all those things that he did, you dtill couldn’t believe he had the audacity to just call it a night.
“Okay, mommy!” Aaralyn hopped off the chair and ran to you as you crouched down to put on her shoes. As she remain still with her little leg on your lap, she sticked her index finger in her mouth, eyes locked at the dining table area.
“What are you looking at, sweetheart?”
“Alyn forgot to keep my crayon…” She answered.
“That’s alright. Just leave it be.” You picked up your luggage bag, your free hand locked on your little girl’s wrist.
“Mommy, where are we going? Aaralyn asked.
“Daddy needed some time alone so it’s just gonna be you and me.”
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unfriedough · 8 months
Hey sorry if your request aren’t open but I had a thought about Zuko x water tribe/bender reader!Like three years after the war he wants to propose to reader and So he ask Katara and Sokka about marriage traditions within the tribe and he carves a betrothal necklace for her?? And the readers reaction!! Thank you
An: HEY. Sorry this took like, so long I think you requested last summer, however I’ve kinda lost most of my determination to write and this account became more of a chore than what I had initially wanted. Either way, maybe somehow I’ll be able to be more consistent soon but I also don’t wanna make myself hate writing so :(
Thank you for requesting, I really do appreciate it, hope you enjoy :)
Zuko’s nose twitched as the cold nipped away at his extremities, huddled up in a few too many jackets. There’s a striking difference between cold and cold and right now he wished he was on fire.
Your gloved hand was intertwined with his as you lead him off of the fire nation ship and onto the white snow of the southern water tribe. This trip was planned as a way to visit Sokka and Katara, but Zuko had another plan in mind.
Finally, after three years of struggling to settle down, the fire people finally relaxed and he was able to make more time. In that time, he realized he’d wanted to marry you more than anything. So here he was, in a nation far too cold for someone like him, with a goal in mind.
He had exactly 5 days (and a half if you’re counting from now) to get ready a betrothal necklace. Why a necklace? Well, Zuko had watched you for days on end in the castle library, a book bigger than your head on the table being analysed by your eyes. You’d smile brightly when you locked eyes, and call him over. He’d sit next to you, shoulder to shoulder, attempting to read with you. The books were always about old water tribe traditions, tales, legends, history, everything of the sort. You’d wanted to stay connected to your culture and upbringing - it made you who you were today.
And so that brings you to today, here, the water tribe.
“Katara!” You squealed, running forward and pulling her into a hug. You two squeezed each other tightly, excited noises being expressed.
Zuko and Sokka nodded to each other, trying to be kinda nonchalant but Sokka couldn’t hold it much longer, he sprinted at Zuko and tackled him to the ground into an oh-so-warm hug. You laughed at the site, Katara too. Zuko felt a twinge of pink on his cheek, from the cold or embarrassment he couldn’t really tell, but he still wrapped his shaking arm around his buddy. After a few more ‘I missed you!’s and giggles, Zuko and Sokka got back up. Katara grabbed your hand and pulled you deeper into the village, you laughed the entire way, giddy from being back home here with your family. You threw a glance backwards at the fire lord, there was something very slightly off about the way he was smiling, you brushed it off as just the cold getting to him.
It was most definitely the cold getting to him.
Sokka led him to the ice on the outskirts of the village and brought some chairs along. They were gonna go fishing while they talked. As they both sat, another shiver ran up the poor fire bender’s back.
“How do you guys survive the cold?” He groaned.
Sokka chuckled, handing him a rod, pushing the bucket of bait closer to him, “You get used to it… I could ask you the same thing about the heat,”
“I’m a fire bender it’s in my blood,”
“Yeah well you learn a thing or two when your lovely sister starts learning how to bend and suddenly you’re always wet,” he cast the line, leaning back, putting one leg over the other.
“I guess,” he laughed.
They sat in a suffocating silence for a minute, Zuko just awkwardly holding the pole and Sokka staring into the sky.
“Are we going to address the camelephant in the room?”
Zuko looked to him from his peripheral, “I’m kinda nervous I guess, I don’t know what to do,”
Sokka sat up a little straighter, getting up to help Zuko with his fishing issues. He stood behind him and helped his arm into the correct place, slowly to be sure he understood.
“Just like fishing, you have to be precise and confident to get what you want, and if you cast your line just right, you’ll catch the fish,” he winked once the bob hit the water, stepping back to admire his own work.
“Not sure that’s the best metaphor,”
“Say you love it, he's been working on it ever since you wrote to him,” Katara rolled her eyes, holding your hand as you both struggled to not slip on the ice.
Zuko couldn't help but laugh, then he was met with the puzzled look on your face.
“I thought this was a surprise trip, when’d you write to them,” you tilted your head, eyes narrowed suspiciously.
“…needed to make sure they were free,”
“That totally checks out,” you rolled your eyes, getting a serious case of FOMO.
Sokka coughed to try to clear the awkwardness, “So fishing…”
“What’re you trying to catch anyways?”
“Does it matter, it’s about the process YN get with the times,”
“Since when did you fish for fun?”
“Since now.”
“I thought you hated fishing,” you were all standing up by this point, including Sokka and Zuko.
“Only because Miss Katara always splashed me,”
“And I won’t hesitate to do it again!” She bent a small stream into his face, giggling when he stumbled back.
“Oh it’s on Katara,” he paused, “As soon as I get snow,” he waddled away to get to the snow on shore.
You laughed when the waterbender used more ice to cause him to slip.
“I’ll go help him up,” you laughed, moving towards him as he laid helplessly on the ice, not even bothering to get up anymore.
Zuko watched your figure, missing the way Katara turned to look at him.
“I think you should do it here,”
“The proposal,”
“That’s not enough time, it’s barely enough for me to learn how to carve the necklace,”
“Lucky for you, Sokka’s pretty efficient with plans, he’s been plotting since you told him,”
The fire bender smiled, shoving his hands into the pocket of his jacket. “Okay, maybe, but how can I get started when she’s with us all the time?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll handle her,” she smirked.
“Are you sure this is safe?” You shivered, standing in your bathing suit on top of a huge rock, below it freezing water.
“No!” Katara, “But let’s do it anyways,”
“I don’t know, what if I freeze?”
“Good thing we have a fire bender with us,” she pointed to Zuko, who was in the distance learning about what tools to carve and what stones to use, he’d settled on one that reminded him of your eyes, and the band matching the deep royal blue usually used. He wanted to alter the pattern as a way of commemorating both elements. Currently, he and Sokka were doodling designs on the snow with sticks.
“Look at those dorks, I wonder what they’re doing,”
“You know Sokka, they’re probably drawing,” she laughed nervously.
“Hmm, that kind of looks like a-“ you were cut off as she pushed you off of the rock. You shrieked as you first dropped, then as you got more air time you changed into a more streamlined position with your head downwards. Instant regret when you hit the water though.
You resurfaced, drenched and in pain from the cold. Your fingers felt like they were gonna fall off any second now. Before you got to dwell on it, Katara joined you, also screaming in fun-agony.
“WHY’D YOU PUSH ME?” You splashed her.
“You were talking for too long…” she giggled, going under and pulling you down.
You inhaled a large amount of air before going under, making sure to keep her under with you as well. After a few seconds of freezing cold, you resurfaced, feeling pain in all your joints from the water.
“Why did I ever think this was a good idea?”
“I’m honestly not sure,” she shrugged, waterbending herself back up to the ledge so she could jump again, “But it sure is fun,”
Sokka and Zuko heard a splash in the distance.
“I think Katara is torturing your wife,”
“What?” he mumbled, looking at where you were very clearly lecturing her about something, “What’re they doing?”
“Ice bath, Katara tricked me into doing it once… I never fully recovered,”
Zuko chuckled, using his stick to doodle another design. Which he then stared at for a while.
“This is it.”
“Oh?” Sokka glanced at it, “It’s perfect.”
The men stared at each other proudly, as if they’ve just completed a super hard mission.
Immediately, Sokka took him inside a tent, quickly teaching him methods of carving with different tools. A few more splashes could be heard and you and Katara had fun.
“I wonder what he’s doing to Zuko,”
“Boy stuff,”
You furrowed your brows, “what does that even mean?”
After a lot of time (and a few cuts) Zuko finally had a necklace ready. Sure, it needed to be refined, but his hands were tired and shaky. Sokka patted him on the back, watching the fire bender weave the blue band into the loops.
What they failed to notice was you approaching, now covered in a warm coat.
“What’re y'all up to?” You breathed out, still cold but beginning to gain your senses.
Zuko panicked, hiding it under his leg. You looked at him weird.
By this time, Katara had joined the group, and behind her the sun fell into a pink and purple type hue. Zuko didn’t miss the way your breaths were so laboured, and he took it upon himself to lead you back to where Sokka said you two were staying. You changed into some clothes while he surveyed the room, moving around nervously.
“You’ve been acting weird all day,” you pulled a sweater over the thermal shirt, reaching over to grab an undercoat.
He walked up to you, fingers working shakily to button up the buttons. “Just cold,”
“No, the cold doesn’t make you avoid me.”
“I’m not avoiding you,”
“Really? It feels like Katara and Sokka are trying to keep us apart.” He grabbed another, heavier coat and draped it over your shoulder, you inserted your arms in the holes.
“I didn’t notice,”
“You’re lying,” you stepped back, putting your boots back on and tucking your pants into them.
He frowned, reaching out to you, but you stepped back.
“It’s weird, the letter thing as well- why didn’t you tell me you sent it to them? I thought it was last minute?”
“It was!”
“You’re lying again,” you frowned, folding your arms.
“I promise it’ll all make sense soon,”
“How soon? What’re you hiding?”
“Actually. Don’t tell me. I don’t wanna know.” You huffed, storming out of the room, leaving a different kind of cold lingering.
Zuko sat down on the large bed, dropping his head into his hands. He sighed deeply, reaching over multiple layers of clothing to his pocket to pull out the carved stone. Truly, it was mediocre at best. And after this misunderstanding, the sinking feeling of impending rejection poisoned his thoughts. He couldn’t help but trace his finger over the patterns, wondering what could’ve been- he was half sure he was single now.
“I forgot-“ you gasped as you walked back in the room, catching a glimpse of the rock in his hand.
“Yn!” He quickly shoved it behind him.
“Zuko… what was that?”
“What was what?” He said, looking so suspicious it was stupid.
You took a few steps closer, inching towards him slowly, “In your hand,”
“My hand’s empty…”
“Liar…” you dragged on, standing right infront of him now.
You tried pulling at his arms, but he wasn’t budging.
“Cut it out! What’s behind you?”
You sighed, walking away in defeat, just as he let his guard down, you pounced, having to grab it and rolling onto the bed. He barely had time to process it when your face immediately changed.
You sat up, moving on your knees towards him on the bed, patting his bicep, “Zuko light,”
The fire lord frowned, embarrassed that he was about to get rejected, although that’s no foreign feeling. A small, dancing red flame illuminated the carved necklace.
“It’s…” you covered your mouth with one hand, tears welling in your eyes.
“Tacky- I know, I just thought- you don’t have to do a-“
“Beautiful…” he glanced sideways at you, “Zuko…”
“This isn’t at all how I wanted this to go…” he sighed, dropping his head.
“No… probably not,” you sniffled, “but it was perfect,” you laughed, he chuckled as well.
He got up, lighting an oil lamp for better lighting. Zuko circled the bed and stood next to you, still nervous and fidgety.
“Yn,” he breathed out, shakily.
You nodded, glossy eyes meeting his.
“The years you’ve spent by my side, against me, with me- those have been the best years of my life. When I’m with you, I feel like I’m truly myself. I’ve never,” he swallowed harshly, “I’ve never felt more at home,” he paused again, looking up at the ceiling, “then when I’m with you.”
You let out a small noise of excitement, bouncing your legs.
“I’ve made so- so many mistakes in my life, every single day of it, but I think… I think letting you go would be my biggest mistake, Yn-“
“YES!!” You pounced on him, hugging him so tight as your heartbeats both skyrocketed.
You giggled as he looped the necklace around your neck, it was simple, and dainty, but most of all it was so Zuko. The more someone could stare at the imperfections in the craftsmanship, the more they’d love it. A man carved it with love and intention.
You held each other for a while, just swaying in the dimly lit room. You leaned back, cupping his face in your hands.
“Is this why we're here? You wanted to carve the necklace?”
“Yeah, pretty much, you ruined my plans though,”
“I did, didn't I?” You giggled.
“I had a lot planned for us, with the help of Sokka of course,”
“Ohh now that makes sense,”
“What makes sense,”
“Literally everything, you were being so weird,”
“I’m not great at keeping secrets,”
“Good, never keep one again,” you kissed his cheek.
“I suppose we should tell Katara and Sokka,”
“Yeah, I suppose we should.”
And so, hand in hand, you walked out to the bonfire, where the siblings sat.
Sokka was so mad his plan foiled.
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pathologicalreid · 2 months
Could I request GN! Reader who is married to Spencer, and they have like a little bet that Spencer cant go a week without coffee? Mostly fluff, but maybe a lil angst bc Spencer gets sick going thru caffeine withdrawls? :D
running on empty | S.R.
spencer makes a bet to give up coffee for a week but ends up foregoing all caffeine
who? spencer reid x gn!reader category: fluff content warnings: caffeine withdrawal, spencer getting snippy, husband!spencer, teasing from the team word count: 871 a/n: a silly little one-shot for you my darling. part of me feels criminal making spencer go through any kind of withdrawal lmao. i hope you like this!!
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“He hasn’t been sleeping well,” you answered Derek’s question, looking over to where your husband was staring blankly at the files on his desk. For the past few weeks, Spencer’s nightly tossing and turning had increased tenfold.
Morgan chuckled from across the bullpen, “Maybe it’s all that coffee he’s been drinking.”
The suggestion likely wasn’t that far off, the heaps of sugar Spencer put in his coffee probably didn’t help his sleep schedule either
Putting her two cents in, Emily snorted, “Oh, come on. I’d challenge you to find a member of the BAU who doesn’t have some sort of caffeine dependency.”
Again, she probably had a point. There were at least two members of the BAU who wouldn’t entertain any conversation until they were at least halfway through their first cup of coffee. Spencer’s head snapped up, “I can go without coffee.”
You scoffed, “No, love, and that’s okay.”
“I can go without coffee, Y/N,” he told you seriously, “I’ll go a week without coffee.”
Pinching the bridge of your nose, you leaned back in your chair and sighed, “Okay, a week without coffee.”
“What does he get in return for going a week without coffee?” Morgan teased, waggling his brows in your direction.
Whipping your head around, you narrowed your gaze at your co-worker, “It’s a secret guarded by the sanctity of our marriage, Derek,” you said pointedly.
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Emily had made an excellent point, there was a certain understanding among the Behavioral Analysis Unit that everyone was entirely dependent on caffeine. The issue was that Spencer had cut out all caffeine instead of just coffee.
The first night, he had fallen asleep rather quickly but had been a pain when you had to drag him out of bed in the morning. The second night, he was perfectly fine, but ever since he woke up this morning, he had woken up on the wrong side of the bed. Figuratively, of course. You had been the one to wake up on his side of the bed this morning.
You leaned against the kitchen counter with your coffee in hand, watching Spencer struggle to pay attention to the words in his book. “What about just a small cup?” You offered, opening one of the cabinets to find a daintier mug for him.
He cleared his throat before snapping his book shut and sliding it into his bag, “Nope, are you ready to go?” He asked, checking his watch to make sure you’d be able to catch the metro this morning.
Sighing despondently, you nodded, drinking the remainder of your coffee in one gulp before setting the mug in the dishwasher, “Yeah, just let me brush my teeth.”
In response, Spencer huffed, “Well, hurry up, I don’t want to be late.”
“Why are the Reid’s looking so put out this morning?” Derek asked when you arrived, holding a travel coffee thermos in his hand while raising his eyebrows curiously.
Shaking your head, you looked at the rest of the team holding their go-bags, the last place you wanted Spencer to be was in the realm of a stressed-out police chief, but the two of you grabbed your things and followed the team out.
Furrowing her brows, JJ eyed Spencer suspiciously, “You alright, Reid?”
“I’m fine,” he said, tapping his foot while you all waited for the elevator doors to close.
Discreetly, you moved your elbow and nudged him, trying to tell him to cool it without reprimanding him in the company of your team.
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Groaning, Spencer continued to flip through the filed in front of him, his caffeine withdrawal making it difficult for him to focus on anything pertaining to the case for more than a few minutes.
With the locals out of the room, you gently set a hand on Spencer’s shoulder, “Hey, why don’t we take a break?”
“Leave me alone.” Spencer snapped, garnering the attention of everyone else in the conference room. A lead on the case had left you with Emily, Derek, and Rossi, the latter of whom sped out of the door so quickly you were surprised there wasn’t a puff of smoke in his wake.
Your lips parted, just as surprised as the rest of the team that Spencer had chosen to lash out at you of all people. Setting your jaw, you spun on your heels and marched down to the kitchenette to make him a cup of tea. Begrudgingly, you dropped the tea bag in a mug and grabbed a paper towel for him to set it on once the tea was steeped.
Back in the roundtable room, you set the tea in front of him, “I’m not drinking coffee this week,” he said.
“I know,” you sniped, “That’s why you’ve been acting so impertinent for the last two days.” In your periphery, you saw Morgan and Emily slowly backing out of the roundtable room, wanting to avoid any sort of marital blowout. “Drink the tea, wingnut,” you told him, crossing your arms in front of your chest.
His eyes flickered to the mug, obviously noting the tea bag string hanging from the side of the mug. “Wingnut?” He repeated quizzically.
Raising your eyebrows, you shrugged, “I call it like I see it.”
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Jenna Well, that scene at the desk where Jim comes really close to Pam. I remember when we were shooting this, that this is the first time that our characters had been in one another's intimate, personal space in a really long time. 
Angela And not only was he in her sort of close proximity. But he was gentle. He kneeled down. He was next to her. He was being earnest. There was a connection between the two of them in that moment that we haven't seen in many episodes. 
Jenna He was being Jim. He was being old Jim. All of the posturing of Athlead was gone, and he was being the guy that she fell in love with. 
Angela That's right. 
Jenna And it was very moving to me. And it was hard for me to not kind of melt in that moment as Pam, you know, because she's wanted this for a really long time. So this was a really fun scene to play. It had a lot of levels. And then it leads to the scene in the parking lot. Pam decides to run out and give Jim his umbrella. 
Angela And he hugs her. And I wrote this to you, Jenna. We were trading texts. I said, Jim hugs Pam like she's the last life preserver on the Titanic. He grabbed on to her. 
Jenna He does. And this is just such a beautiful scene. Pam is resistant at first, and he just will not let her go until she breaks down that wall. And she hugs him back and they kiss and they say, I love you. 
Angela I teared up. 
Jenna I know, and they have this flashback to their wedding of Jim's brother, you know, reading from Corinthians. And you know, that footage didn't exist. We had to bring Blake Robbins in and set up the church, just that one corner of the church. And he had to do that reading. We shot that just for this episode. All the other footage was footage that we already had from that episode. But this was really beautiful. You know, we had a fan question from Marie R in Omaha, Nebraska, who said, In the last scene where Jim and Pam hug and then kiss and remember their wedding, I noticed that it was in the parking lot where Jim first professed his love for Pam on Casino night. Was this intentional or just a coincidence? Marie. This was intentional. It's there. It's happening in the same spot. This is such a wonderful book ends for their story. Kind of the first moment that Jim said, I'm in love with you. And then here in the parking lot again to save the marriage. It's just really beautiful writing. 
Angela Yeah. 
Jenna And we talked about this too, Angela. You see in that moment, the way John Krasinski, as Jim swoops down to get to Pam's level for that hug. That is a classic John Krasinski hugging move. We've talked about this before. He gives the best hugs. 
Angela He gives such great hugs. He is just like that cozy blanket that makes you feel better. 
Jenna I know. 
Angela I just love now that he's a dad and has little girls because I know he hugs them like that, you know? 
Jenna I know! I thought the same thing! 
Angela That's the hug you want. That's the hug that makes everything feel like it's going to be okay. 
Jenna Yes. And it is that kind of hug. When he gives you a hug, it is like, oh my gosh, what was that bad day that I was having? Everything is going to be fine. 
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stffed · 3 months
anxious confessions - chilchuck tims x male reader
a/n: spoilers for episode 22/chapter48
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chilchuck nervously fiddled with his fingers. it wasn't often that he felt this nervous. but he had just told the touden party that he had a wife and kids. he had just told you - his crush - about his estranged wife. and children.
he looked over at you. your face was deep in thought as you helped laios prepare the griffin meat. chilchuck's eyes looked over your hands and how deftly they worked the knife. he wondered what they felt like. would your hands be soft? or would they be calloused and rough? what would they feel like holding his hands?
no. he couldn't think about that. all chances of him even confessing to you were thrown out the window the minute he opened his mouth about his wife. they hadn't been together in years but you didn't know that. maybe you thought that she was waiting for him to return to the surface. it didn't matter though. his future relationship with you was doomed.
chilchuck sighed. he was glad that he got it off his chest - it made senshi open up to the group after all. but did it also close the door to your heart?
"hey. you free for a minute?"
you were stood over him. he looked to both sides, thinking you were talking to izutsumi or marcille. with a confused and slightly worried expression, he pointed to himself.
"of course i mean you, dummy," you laughed out. it made chilchuck's heart pound. "it's nothing horrible, i think. just a quick chat."
"oh, okay then." chilchuck stood up and followed after you.
you walked a bit away from the group. it was far enough that they couldn't hear your conversation but not far enough that you would be in danger. how funny would it be if a baby griffin just swooped down and snatched up chilchuck so he didn't have to suffer through this conversation? and how funny would it be if that was what he was praying for?
"so," you sat down in the snow. if it weren't for the fact that you were overheating with embarrassment then it would have chilled you to the bone. "i've had this on my chest for a while and i think it's best if you know. i was going to tell you before we left the golden dungeon but things happened, i guess. uh, basically... how should i put this...
"i have feelings for you? and it's not any hateful feelings, don't worry. whenever i'm with you i feel happy? there's this warm feeling inside, as cliche as it sounds. and i don't like the idea of us being apart. so when you said that you had a wife, it did hurt because what if i break up a happy marriage? you have kids after all. but i knew that if i didn't tell you then i'd regret it for the rest of my life; i'd probably leave the island and live in exile just to avoid that shame. i just wanted you to know so you could reject me and go back to your wife and i can book the next boat off-"
before you could continue your self-deprecating confession, chilchuck surged forward and captured your lips in a kiss. his arms wrapped around your neck as he relaxed into you. out of reflex, your hands grabbing his waist. you kissed him back. all thoughts of exile melted from your head as they were replaced with images of the future: the two of you in a house, lounging around together; fighting side by side against monsters in the dungeon; kisses hidden from the other party members and some shared right in front of them.
all chilchuck could think about was how soft your hands were with him. they were better than he imagined. and your lips? gods, if he were to die now then he would die happy. he hoped that baby griffin he prayed for didn't show up now.
"do you ever shut up?" chilchuck said as he pulled away from you. he spoke softly, like you would bolt away from him first chance you got.
you pulled him in so that he was sitting in your lap. a smile played on your lips. "yeah, when you take my breath away."
"gods, why did i have to fall in love with you?" sighed chilchuck.
for a moment you wondered if he was being serious. he had that look on his face that you had joking labelled the disappointed dad face (fate must really be laughing at you now, in hindsight). yet you could see the ghost of a smile on his lips. it dawned on you what he said.
"you love me?"
chilchuck gently punched the top of your head. he crossed his arms with an incredulous look. "uh, yeah? do you seriously think i would kiss you if i didn't? if you thought you were anxious about confessing, then i must've been paralysed with fear. i thought that any chance with you was gone after i told everyone about my estranged wife and daughters." he made sure to stress the estranged part.
you pouted, nuzzling into the crook of his neck. his hand came up to your head and stroked it. "i love you too, chilchuck."
the two of you leaned back in for another kiss. all the fears and worries chilchuck had melted away as your lips melted against each other's. just like your mind was filled with images of the future, chilchuck's mind was filled with thoughts of the now. being in your arms was like a dream come true and his heart hadn't stopped racing since he said that you had feelings for him. he didn't think it would stop anytime soon either.
"let's get back to the others," said chilchuck. "i'm sure they're wondering why we've been gone for so long."
he stood up first, dusting the snow off his clothes before he held his out to you. a wide grin on your face, you grabbed it and didn't let go.
"so are we boyfriends now? can we kiss all the time?"
"don't make me regret my decision."
"so when can i meet your daughters?"
chilchuck choked on his soup.
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cranberryjuice-posts · 8 months
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The night we met
Pairings - Abby Anderson X Fem! Reader
Tw- heavy gut wrenching angst
An: I actually cried while writing this bro 😭
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You had known Abby since you both were 16. After going on a patrol as a way to show your loyalty to Issac even though you weren’t much of a solider.
You had managed to find a group of three kids your age, you soon came to find out was Abby Owen and Mel. On the way back to the base you learned Abby and Owen were together, you had realized early on you really only liked women. And you could of sworn Abby was staring at you how she should of with owen.
After some months Abby cleared the floor in the solider training. You were shocked but didn’t complain as you got to drop out of the route and focused more on a different area like Mel. You were the first person to find out about Abby’s break up and you were the first to reassure her in her decision.
A couple years passed since then, you had managed one night some months after you and Abby turned 19, confessing your longtime crush on the girl in which she admitted she liked you since the first time you met. After a passionate night you two became official.
Everyone swore you two were soulmates. Rare arguments and the constant love and affection you two showed was perfect. Always in Abby’s arms- that was home to you.
You had managed to convince Abby to move into an apartment with you, the topic of marriage had even circled in the air.
In love.. that’s what you two were and nothing could change that. Abby had all of you and you had all of her and it would be like that forever.
Laying in bed together you were curled up to Abby, both of you nude from having an intimate night.
“Babe” you whispered and kissed her collarbone. “Hmm?” Was the response you got.
Shifting around you got on-top of Abby and looked down at her beautiful face. “Let’s get married.. me and you” Abby’s eyes widened and she grabbed your hips rubbing them softly.
“Are You Sure..” she whispered.
“More than anything” You bent down and kissed her. Abby smiled wide- she pulled you off of her and moved to be over you. She started to sensually kissing you again. “You’d be stupid to think I would say no… now then y/n Anderson you want to go for another round” she grinned and you laughed resting your foreheads against each-other.
Abby had been assigned a difficult assignment and stupidly you begged to go not wanting to be away from your new wife.
Sitting in the bed of the truck you two happily held eachother ignoring the teasing comments coming from the others.
After reaching a stopping point for the night and setting up in an abandoned school Abby dragged you to the roof to see the stars.
“That one is the Big Dipper” you whispered and pointed at the beautiful sky. Abby’s hands were all over you trying to show you how much she loved you.
“Oh yeah” Abby asked and kissed you neck. “And what about that one” she pointed.
“Hmm.. i believe that’s Jupiter” a satisfied sigh left your mouth and you laughed as Abby kissed your cheek.
“Shit.. my wife is so smart” she grinned and groaned dramatically. “I’ll never get tried or saying my wife”
You looked back at her. “Good I’d hate for you to get bored” you teased and kissed her. “I love you”
“I love you to mrs. Anderson”
That’s another thing Abby loved to call you. She would never get over you offically having her last name.
The following day the group arrived at the designated location.
Abby of-course partnered up with you- leading you into the nature infested city. You two held hands while moving around searching for whatever it was Issac wanted.
You just had to beg Abby to let you go into that bookstore however.
“Common Just five more minutes” You laughed as Abby complained about the moldy store.
“Baby Theres hundreds of books at the base everthing here is probably ruined, if we leave now I’ll let you take some books from my collection” she bargained but you just shook your head and bent down to open a box. After finding nothing you opened a metal door in the back.
It was almost split second before Abby realized a clicker had pinned you to the ground. She immediately shot it and helped throw the corpse off of you. Standing up you panted anxiously. “Baby Baby hey look at me” Abby grabbed your face and made you look at her, the echo and anxiety of the bullet shot to the former scene passed. “There are more coming I can hear them we need to go now”
She dragged your arm towards the back door of the shop to leave through the entrance but you stopped a few steps before the door.
“Y/n” she turned around and saw your horrified face.. “common we need t—“
“Abigail” you spoke in a tone Abby didn’t like. “I love you ok..”
Abby looked at you confused “babe what are y-“
You continued to innerupted her “your gonna leave and your gonna continue to live life Abby”
“Y/n talk to me what’s..” that’s when Abby saw it.. a bleeding bite mark in your neck. She knew it was only a matter of minutes before you turned. “No no no no” she panicked “your ok you hear me!” She grabbed your shoulders and tried to hide her tears.
“No! You gonna be fine ok I bet the bite didn’t even-“
“Abby!” You screamed finally grabbing her attention, the noise of approaching infected grew louder. You started to cry and kissed her before desperately holding her face. “Go.. Please”
Abby refused however, “I’m not leaving you I’d rather kill myself than leave you” she held onto you but you pushed her back. “Don’t say that” you begged.
“Abby your gonna be fine” you cried. “Your gonna find love and you’ll move on trust me” you tried to comfort her but she just shook her head crying. The infected banging on the nearby door.
You kissed Abby one last time before shoving her out the door and locking it. Abby stumbled back and realized the pistol at her side was gone. She started to slam on the door.
“Y/n open the fucking door!” She screamed trying to break the door open. “Goddamnit don’t do it! Open the door right n—“
Abby finally got the door open and saw your body just laying there.. she looked down choking back her vomit and tears. Dropping to her knees she held your face angrily crying, she rested her forehead to yours and sobbed not wanting to leave you praying this was some sick nightmare or prank.
The infected almost had the door open. In a final attempt Abby grabbed wedding ring, necklace, the lucky hair tie you wore and her pistol. She took one last look at you before leaving the book shop.
She had eventually came back, refusing to leave your body.
Manny held back some tears as he say Abby carry out your now mutilated body from the infection and the infected eating you.. he barley recognize you and Abby fought back the urge to breakdown.
No one said anything.. no one dared to even speak or look to Abby. She just held your body while silently crying.
There was a funeral, your final resting place was near the shore of your favorite lake.. not many knew of this place but Abby and you.
Your tomb stone just read
Here lies Y/n Anderson
A loving wife
Daughter and lover
Passed away at the age of 20
May she Rest in Peace
Abby sat in the empty apartment. One that once had happy laughter and the sound of love echoing through it. She sat on the floor studying your wedding ring sighing as she remembered the dumb memory of how you had made her wait an extra hour inside the jewelry store in hopes of finding a matching ring to yours. Now she wished she hadn’t had all those stupid arguments. Now Abby wished she gave you everything you asked for.
She started to cry once again remembering how you had asked her about adopting a baby from the nursery that had unwanted children and starting a family. At first she was reluctant but now she had wished she said yes.
She tried to move on. Moving back in with manny, going on more and more assignments, focusing more time in the gym, wearing your ring necklace and hair tie but nothing helped
Nothing else matter. She had lost the one person who actually knew her.. she had all and then most of you Some and now none of you..
That was it.. and that was how it would be
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Army fantasies
The view from the landing plane was absolutely stunning. The tropical island was swimming in the azure ocean like a precious jewel in bright sunlight. It didn't even look that big, but it was surrounded by the whitest beach Mark had ever seen.
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"Dylan, this is amazing! I can't believe that this is where we will spend our honeymoon."
Dylan grinned happily. It hadn't been easy for him to book a honeymoon on this island, mostly because the local government didn't exactly endorse gay marriage. It was not recognized here, and, although homosexuality was not illegal, most people on the island frowned upon it.
After landing and collecting their luggage, they stepped out of the airport into the bright light.
"Welcome to our tropical dream home for the next weeks, Mister Taylor!", Dylan beamed.
"Why thank you, Mister Taylor! I'm very much looking forward to it!"
Once they arrived at the hotel, they were greeted warmly by the receptionist.
"Ah, Mr. Taylor and Mr. Taylor! Welcome to our resort! I trust everything went smoothly with your superiors then?"
Dylan nodded. "Yes ma'am. Our leave request was accepted without problems."
"Excellent! We have prepared your suite already. As discussed, you will be living in the same room, sorry for the inconvenience. But we have at least arranged for separate beds."
"Thank you, ma’am, but this wouldn't have been necessary. We're used to sleep in much more cramped quarters back at the barracks.", Dylan answered.
"Haha, yes, I can imagine." the receptionist smiled warmly and handed them the keys.
As the newlywed couple entered the elevator, Mark smiled at Dylan.
"What was that about? And what's with all the ma'am?"
Dylan laughed. "Well, they wouldn't let a gay couple rent their rooms, so I just told them we were soldiers on leave."
"Really? And they bought that? What's with the last name?"
Dylan shrugged his shoulders. "I told them it's a coincidence. To be honest, until the whole thing with the beds, I thought they understood, and it was just a 'don't talk about it' thing. But apparently, they really believe we're soldiers on leave."
Mark snorted. "That's ridiculous! You don't look anything like a soldier."
Dylan chuckled. "Yeah, well, I guess people really see what they want to see."
They got out of the elevator and walked through the hallway towards their new room.
"I hope we get a good view from our window." Mark said.
"Me too. This place looks great."
The room was wonderful: Spacious and clean, with a large bed in front of the windows. A balcony opened up onto the outside world, offering magnificent views over the ocean.
"This is perfect." Mark sighed happily.
"No... We are perfect", said Dylan with a smug grin. "What do you want to do first?"
"Well..." Mark hesitated for a moment, before he pulled Dylan close and kissed him passionately. He could feel how horny his husband was and knew that he would need to take care of that soon.
"I think we should start by getting undressed."
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The evening was wonderful for both of them and neither of the two happy husbands left their room that day. They had pushed their single beds together and woke up in a tight and tender embrace the next morning.
Mark kissed his husband on the lips the next morning. For some reason, even though they had made love for half of the night already.
Dylan woke up smiling. "Good morning Mr. Taylor". Then, as he looked lower, his smile turned into a grin.
"Someone is eager this morning. What are you thinking about?"
"Well... Would you perhaps up for a little role play?" Mark asked, shily.
"Sure, what's on your mind my love?" Dylan gasped a little as Mark had grabbed his cock through the sheets.
"You know how you told everyone we're soldiers? I can't stop thinking about that. How hot would that be?"
Dylan grinned and nodded, quickly joining in.
"Yeah, I can see that. We're just two army boys, bunking together in the barracks."
Dylan softly took Mark's hand from his cock and guided it to Mark's own.
"Of course, we're straight... At least on paper..."
"No, you're right!" Mark was just so horny, that fantasy really worked incredibly well. "We're straight, really straight. Boobs and all that."
Mark massaged his cock through his pants. Why was he wearing pants? It didn't matter.
"Right. Straight as an arrow. But you know, there are no girls in the barracks, so when we get horny..." Dylan continued while also kneading his hardening cock through his camo pants.
"... Which happens a lot, we're real men after all!" Mark chimed in as his hair became a short buzz cut.
" I hear you, bro!" Dylan quickly got rid of his camo vest, revealing his muscular upper body below it. All the drills had left him a perfect specimen of man, and he knew it.
"There's nothing wrong with jerking off together, right?"
Mark had already gotten rid of his shirt as well and had fished out his own ample dick from his pants. He grunted as he started stroking it and continued:
"Yeah, we're bros after all. Sometimes I even let you suck me off when I need it a lot."
Dylan pumped away at his cock full force now. The room had changed in accordance to their fantasy. No longer were they in a luxurious hotel suite, but more and more, the cheap and practical furniture of a room in the barracks materialized around them.
"Of course, I only suck you off if I can pound your ass afterwards. A hole is a hole, after all, no homo!"
"No homo!" Mark agreed, as he continued to rub one out with his bunk mate. God, it had really been too long since he had some decent pussy. The smell of sex and the slapping noise of his fellow soldier close next to him was good, but he needed the real thing once in a while
"What do you say, strip club on our next leave?"
"You bet!" grunted Dylan, already close to release.
Mark grunted heavily as well, before he came all over his chest, with Dylan following right after.
Mark used a shirt of his to clean himself up before throwing it to his mate, who caught it and used it for the same purpose.
"You know", wondered Mark, "sometimes I think those fags have it all figured out. They can have all the sex they want and don't have to deal with chicks."
"Yeah..." answered Dylan slowly. Somewhere deep inside, he wanted Mark to be more than his bunk mate and occasional fuck body, and he was pretty sure Mark was feeling the same way. But they were in the army, and they were real men, not some civilian faggots, so, as always, Dylan swallowed everything else he would have wanted to say and stayed silent, like a good soldier should.
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pxgeturner · 6 months
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Miguel O'Hara is a world-renowned professional boxer, and Hobie's other best friend. One night he finally makes the two worlds collide and sparks immediately fly between the two of you. But will he distract you from meeting your publisher's deadline? And will you distract him from getting World Champ?
before you follow. m.list. Iron Fist gfx library. series m.list. tag list.
Prologue. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. Epilogue.
wc. 1.5k
an. hi. its me! Giselle, or gi, or gigi to few (not to be confused w gg, that is one of my moots. she makes really cool art.) n e ways here is the awaited Prologue for Iron Fist. Oh goodness I'm so nervous. I just want to make a few things clear. the reader is an author (obvs). She's recently graduated uni and is Latina! I write with a woc!r in mind always. I try to be as inclusive as possible, pero porque soy Mexicana, r might lean towards being more Mexican but I'll try to keep her Spanish standard and not be too specific to my family's culture. much love! hope you enjoy <3
please don't forget to reblog! likes do nothing to boost engagement.
Your foot taps against the floor. The damn blank document stares back at you. Mocking you is what it’s really doing. Fuck you, you think, I achieved my goal. I published a book and it is a damn bestseller! Only problem is that the readers want more. It’s been… some time since your first book. And sure, Jess said you can take a break before starting a new project. But you also know that it’s good to ride on existing publicity. At least be able to make an announcement that you’re writing something while all this excitement lasts. Maybe you should write something about vampires. You love vampires and how they fit into romance and how them drinking blood is a euphemism just a bit away from, the whole cannibalism-equals-all-consuming-love trope and how when a vampire attacks it’s often an allegory for rape and— but you have nothing to add to the conversation. You have nothing new to say, no new perspective or hot take, or twist. You have nothing. No ideas.
Not a single word on the page.
You have an idea, leaning forward to peck the keyboard. “F-u-c-k. T-h-i-s!” You highlight the text and italicize it.
Fuck this. At least it’s words on the page.
You reach for your cup and take a sip. “If all else fails I can ride on the rest of the signing bonus and royalties for a bit since the book is doing good, and once that dries up, I can apply to be circulation assistant at a library or something.” You sigh and take another sip. “But nobody has to know for now.” You get up, searching for your phone. You find it resting on the arm of the couch, you grab it, sliding onto the cushions, resting your head where your phone just was. “God, don’t make me a one hit wonder, I wanna be a star. I wanna be the one to push that bitch Colleen Hoover into obsoletion. Please God. Please.”
You open your phone and look for your mother on speed dial.
“Hola, nena!” Your mama’s voice is happy, she must be having a good day. You move into the kitchen. You need a snack.
“Hey, mama, how are you?” You hold the cell with your shoulder as you look through your pantry.
“Good, good,” you find a pack of roasted seaweed snacks and grab it.
“I went on a date anoche.” Your shoulder drops and the pack of seaweed slips out of your grasp.
Mi mami fue a una cita. Con un man! You stand there, trying to process that she is actually back on the dating scene.
“How did it—” you aren’t holding your phone anymore. You use the wall as support to lower yourself to pick up your phone and snack.
“—ay, mami, lo siento, mi cellular se cayo de mi mano.”
“Todo bien, hija! I’m glad you’re ok.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m ok, I’m ok. Anyways— how was the date? What’s he like? Am I going to have a stepfather soon?” you joke.
“My time for marriage is gone, muñeca, I’m just looking for companionship, pero, tu lo sabes.” You hear some subtle clinking in the background of the call, she must be stirring her coffee. You open your snack and park yourself on the couch. “Are you writing?” Ugh. Not you, too.
“I was, just finished for a bit before I called you.”
“You called me to procrastinate.” You choke on your seaweed from the accusation.
You clear your throat, “I called to check in with you. I call you practically every day.”
“But right now you called me to check up on me as an excuse to not write. Nena, I know you.”
“Okay, fine. I might be having some writer’s block,” you admit, sighing.
“And that’s okay, nena, but then you need to get out, get some inspiration. Allow the world to give you a story.” There’s mama, with her easier-said-than-done advice. But, maybe you should get out of the house.
“Alright, I’ll go out soon.”
“—I will go out to the Chinese place across the street and nothing more. I’ll talk with Hobie when he gets back to see if he has any ideas.” You hear your mama make a noise in her throat.
“You still live with that boy?” Here it comes. You’ve lived with Hobie Brown for three years and have known him for five. She’s always been apprehensive of him, since he’s radical and looks like he’s been in jail, with all the metal in his face, and why does his hair look like that? But Hobie is the one who’s kept you sane all these years. He’s held you while you cried and pushed out of your comfort zone when you were getting too stuck into your routines, most likely by dragging you to a concert or a protest. You help him thrift and flip clothes and ever since that one time his stylist had an emergency and canceled, you now help him tighten his wicks every so often. On days like that the two of you stay in, watching nostalgic movies and listening to any demos he’s recorded recently. He’s like a brother to you at this point.
“Yes, mama, I still live with Hobie. Nothing’s changed.” You move the phone down to your chest and take a deep breath.
“I didn’t like him when I first met him,” you clench your jaw as she continues— “…and although he’s one of those kids, I can tell he is a good boy. I’m glad he takes care of you.” You relax. “But it wouldn’t hurt to have someone you could kiss.” “It would be nice, but right now it’s not happening.” “Alright, muñeca. I’ll leave you alone for now, but keep your eyes open for a nice man.”
“I will, con cuidado, mami, besitos.” You make a kissing noise into the phone, and she responds with a goodbye of her own, and you wait for her to hang up the call.
You sigh, and look at the coffee table. Hobie left his song book at home, weird. It’s open to the song he was working on the other day. It’s a slower song, you can still hear the melody. You drum your fingers to the tune. He’s on an unfinished verse. You pick up a pen from the little catch-all dish and scribble down a line or two.
Hobie weaves through the roar of chattering, anticipating fans and into the tunnel, and walks past employees and into Miguel's prep room to see him tying his shoes. “Hey,” Miguel looks up. “Hey.”
“Are you excited?” He moves to sit by the boxer, shimmying up against his shoulder.
“Haven’t really been excited for one of these in a while.” Miguel breathes.
“Well, one step closer to retirement!” Hobie bounces out of his seat. He turns to face his friend, putting a hand on his shoulder. “You’re gonna do great, you big fuckin’ bear of a man.” He ruffle’s Miguel’s hair.
Miguel gives a half-ass hum in response.
“Well then, I’ll be out there, mate, cheerin’ you on.” He puts his hands in his vest pockets and walks out the room.
As he reaches the empty doorframe, Miguel speaks up. “Thank you, Hobie.”
“Anything for you, mate.” Hobie nods and goes to join the audience. Miguel fastens his gloves and puts on his robe. He warms up waiting for his coach.
“Ready, O’Hara?”
Miguel turns around. “Always ready for a fight.” He clenches his jaw. Walking down that hallway, the festive colors lighting up his path and the music blaring, he does his little bit, the movements molded into muscle memory.
This is it. This is his last year fighting. If he gets world champ again, he’s free.
Soon, he gets to fight his last fight. And dammit, the world championship will be his last match. Then, he’s never gonna have to come back.
He weaves under the ropes, entering the ring. Sitting on the stool, he shrugs off the robe and lets Carlos put the mouthguard in.
“You are going to show this guy exactly why people call you el oso!” Miguel beats his gloves together and nods. He might not like his job right now, but he really wants to hit something and goddammit if his opponent doesn’t look so beatable right now.
Coach Carlos steps out of the way, and Miguel stands to walk to the ref as he calls for him to center.
“We went over the rules in the dressing room.” Right before Hobie got here. “I want to remind you to protect yourself at all times, and obey my commands.” Ring the damn bell already. “God bless you both,” I don’t need it but this kid might. “Touch up,” here we go. He touches gloves with his newbie opponent and each goes back to their respective corners.
Miguel takes an orthodox stance.
The bell rings.
Miguel lands the first punch. He also lands the last.
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eternal-love · 7 months
Austin and Me
“Wife to the ‘king’. Icon to the world. Destined for more.”
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Summary: At 18 years old, she fell in love with Austin, at 20 years old, she became his wife, by 22, she was his doll. In which Cynthia’s life changed drastically after falling head over heels with a man that promised her the moon and the stars. She takes us down the memory lane of what could’ve been— the perfect marriage.
Inspired by the book: Elvis and Me by Priscilla Presley.
I do not condemn any of the portrayals I decide to do about certain people, it’s just fanfiction. And it would be divided in parts.
English isn’t my first language so I’m trying my best!
Warning: mentions of COVID-19
COVID-19 took the world by storm and what was meant to just be some months in Australia became almost a year. Austin took this to his advantage to get more into the Elvis role, I supported him with any research he needed and with his weight gain, his accent. At first it was really enjoyable, I mean, dancing and singing to Elvis’ songs in the middle of the night, watching his movies and performances, watching Austin trying to recreate them. But then it started to get more serious, he started to go method.
I wasn’t a fan of method acting, I’ve never tried it before but I did have some co-stars that did it and it was like hell on earth, I’d like to think that he was going for a Marlon Brando route but it was starting to feel like Jared Leto when he played the Joker.
“Sit still!” I laughed as he didn’t stop moving around while I placed the hair dye on his brownish hair, he wasn’t a natural dark-haired man, as a boy his hair was this beautiful blonde.
“It smells disgusting, God, how I miss your hairdresser.” He said with a chuckle, his voice was a little thicker, a bit of a southern drawl to it.
“See? and you called me ridiculous whenever I went with her. I don’t know what she uses but it smells delicious.” I had my hairdresser back in California, she did my more trickier hairstyles, like the beehive ponytail and she did dye Austin’s hair black a couple of times before.
“Or maybe we were just high from all the chemicals, who knows?” He laughed again, yeah, maybe we did not ventilate well enough right now, I moved towards the window and opened it, not remembering that my gloves were pretty much still with hair dye, I stained that whole window up. To this day I still remember how much the landlord charged us for that one. After 30 minutes, we both kneeled beside the bathtub, I started rinsing his hair.
“Baby, you gonna drown me or something!” He said to me, if the water wasn’t too cold then it was too hot, or I was too aggressive with the rinsing.
“Then so be it!” I said to him, shampooing his hair.
Afterwards I even dried it and styled it, he saw himself in the mirror again, he finally had jet black hair again after months of just having this weird combination between black and blondish hair.
“I don’t know— I feel a little silly. Like an impersonator.” He had a grimace as he moved his hair side to side.
“You look really good. I promise.” I smiled at him and then kissed his cheek. “You can do this. Now let’s watch Viva Las Vegas for the fifth time, I’m finally getting the Ann-Margret dance.”
We did our research and everything, we knew little facts about Elvis, he liked knowing about Priscilla, I loved Priscilla. Austin found out this really interesting fact about Elvis and Priscilla’s bedroom time. As we were in bed, trying to spice things up.
“Wait, baby. We oughta try something new.” He said as he pulled away and got up from bed, he rummaged through a box of cameras we had, disposable ones, vintage ones, instants. He bought out an instax camera, with its film. “So— I read that Elvis and Priscilla did this and I wanted to try it out.”
“I’m up for it.” I smiled as I took off my nightgown coverup.
We started taking Polaroids, he made me pose, I was his model for the night. He grabbed my chin tenderly and moved it to the right direction, he got on top of me taking picture after picture. We even tried dress up, him as a policeman and doctor, I was a secretary, a maid, a teacher, we tried everything in the book.
He’d get in between my legs, kissing me all over, taking Polaroids while he was at it, taking Polaroids while I was at it, going down on him.
It was magical but it did make me feel ashamed whenever I looked at my purchase history and saw all the Polaroid films I bought during this time. We spent hundred of dollars in just the films for the instax.
I had a really good time with Austin but it didn’t really last long, until he submerged himself totally on Elvis. At first it was the voice and then it was the food, then it was his behavior. I couldn’t even remember the last time he slept with me. All I heard was Elvis, Elvis, Elvis— and not in the good way. Look, I understood him and everything but it was making me go nuts, I’m a big Elvis fan but he was just going bonkers. I lost count on how many books he read or how many hour he spent looking at Elvis stuff, he barely even spent time with Lori. I wanted to die whenever he called me ‘woman’ or ‘satnin’.
There were many times when he basically shut himself out, in the bedroom or the beach, it was like he was trying to torture me nonstop. I felt so useless because I wasn’t able to help him either. Whenever I did try to help him, he’d yell at me.
“Baby, please— you need to sleep.” I knocked on the office door, he had been there all day.
“Don’t bother me, woman.” He said sternly, I, being the stubborn I was, tried to get him out of there.
“Baby— you don’t need to indulge so much in Elvis. You should really come to sleep.” I knocked on the door once again, all I heard was silence afterwards but then the door opened aggressively.
“Are ya deaf or something?! Woman, I don’t want to hear another mouth comin’ out of your damn mouth. Ya hear me?” He said very aggressively, even he was taken aback. “Baby, you gotta let me do my damn job, so go to sleep, I’ll catch up to you later.” He dismissed me with his hand.
The king sized bed felt really empty without him there, cuddling me, kissing my head or forehead, we barely even slept on the same bed so in those cases, I’d bring Lori with me and hug her all night. I woke up to every sudden movement, thinking it was Austin but it was just my imagination playing cruel tricks on me. And whenever we did have alone time in bed, I tried wearing my cutest nightgowns, I even wore perfume to bed, Miss Dior, I adored that scent and so did Austin. God, I even wore my makeup to bed!
“Hey.” I whispered while I got in bed besides him, his back leaning against the headboard as he read Train to Memphis, I started kissing his neck softly, rubbing his bicep.
“Calm down, satnin.” He said, not taking his eyes off the book. “Ya know I’m trying to pay attention to this.” He kept on reading and reading in silence until he finally spoke up. “There a thousand women who would actually care to help and listen to me while I do my damn job. You gonna sit and listen or not?”
I stopped, I laid back and stared at him, storms in my eyes. I was trying everything to keep him looking at me yet nothing worked.
“But nothing, woman.” He said, there was silence again, he kept on reading and mumbling the words. I sat up on the bed, hugging my knees very subtly.
“I can’t stand it! It’s driving me crazy! I don’t want to hear you anymore!” I yelled out in frustration, I even closed my eyes.
“I see a mad woman.” He said on that pretentious mumble.
“No. A woman with needs that needs to be desired. You can have your Elvis books and me too.”
He looked at me and without even saying anything, she went back to reading his book, leaving me feeling humiliated.
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I’ve been dying to write this part— be prepared to see our Cynthia suffer.
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skzhua · 1 year
Can I request Minho and y/n having a really heated argument and she says something she doesn’t mean and he gets really emotional and y/n feels really bad and he leaves to go for a walk to think and when he comes back she makes it up to him 💕
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Pairing: Office worker!Lee Minho x Company Heiress!Reader
Genre: Aftermath of runaway from arranged marriage, angst, fluff.
Word Count: 2,925
Warnings: Swearing and sad asf.
A/N: I was totally supposed to do my essay due for Monday but I gave up because Minho is on my mind 24/7.
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You married for love. You had to remind yourself that, you married for love and not for business. So how come did you feel like your marriage was falling apart?
Lee Minho was his name. He started to work at your company only a few months after you became team supervisor as you were slowly going up in status to be prepared to become CEO. Your mother was one of the rare women to have built her own business without the need of a man and you admired her for that.
But back to Minho. He was attractive, there was no denying that. You caught on quickly that he was sleeping around with the other female workers. You didn't despise him per say, but you definitely held a dislike to him as an employee. But as you worked together more and more often, you discovered a broken man who wanted nothing more than to work his ass off to build himself up from the lower-class part of the city.
That was how you fell in love with him. Being in position of authority, you kept it secret for months with a few steamy sessions done in the corner of your office. And when your mother announced you that you'd be married to the almighty heir of the Seo company, you had no choice but to comply. It was good for your image and good for your numbers to rise.
But like any typical story about a business heiress falling in love with someone with a lower status, you ended up walking away from the altar to run back to Minho. All of your future that was planned out for you was gone and given to your younger brother instead. You got married with only your close friends who approved of your relationship as your guests and had been for almost five years. Since then, you lived happily a few miles away from the city and worked as an accountant. It was definitely a shift from your previous life but you managed. As for Minho, he worked in a law firm as a secretary. Nothing extravagant, just enough for you to pay the bills.
Or so you thought.
"Good evening, my love." Minho greeted your with a kiss as he stepped into your house. "How was your day?"
"I got more paperwork due but I think I can manage to finish it if I keep working extra tomorrow evening."
Minho paused from putting his things away. Loosening his tie, he approached you and grabbed you by the waist.
"Tomorrow is our anniversary, though."
"It's the 12th, no?" you asked, placing your arms around his neck.
"We got married on the 11th, honey." he chuckled and then placed a peck on your lips. "You could ask your boss to give the work to someone else, no?"
"You know I can't do that." you sighed. "We can celebrate it tonight or the day after instead."
He scoffed. "No, I don't think we can."
You cocked your head to the side. "Minho, please."
With a heavy sigh, he shook his head in exasperation. "I wanted it to be a surprise but I reserved at the best restaurant in the city and I even booked a night at the hotel for us to relax. With the spa included."
"Yeah, oh indeed." he noted, pettiness in his voice.
You felt bad, so bad. But at the same time, you weren't going to leave out work for you to have a romantic getaway. You had bills to pay and you actually found it unreasonable for him to be paying something you knew you couldn't afford.
"I'm afraid you'll have to cancel."
His hands automatically left your body and he removed your arms from his neck. His jaw clenching, he headed to your kitchen and pulled out a bottle from your refrigerator. Not any bottle, the exact bottle of champagne you drank at your wedding ceremony.
"Min..." you exhaled. "Where did you get that?"
"I bought it last week, actually. My boss was kind enough to pay me double for a day only so I can get you this." he explained before placing it on the counter. "My point is that if I can compromise with my boss, you can do the same."
You shook your head. "Mrs. Moon is not like Mr. Bang. She doesn't sympathize like that, especially if it's about that aspect of our personal lives."
"Be reasonable, Y/N. We haven't gone out on a date in months and you work like a slave for that woman. All I'm asking for is a day off for us to spend quality time together."
It totally made sense what he was saying. However, you couldn't do that for him. Deadlines were approaching and you were afraid you'd get fired if you didn't meet your boss' expectations.
"I'm sorry."
He scoffed again and put the bottle back in the refrigerator, slaming the door shut. "I'm sorry for wanting to spoil my wife. I guess I have some calls to make tonight."
He left to the study room, not even wanting to look at you. All of these years, he worked his ass off to show you that running away with him was worth it. Every extra penny he made was saved for you. He had done so much for you and so little for himself.
He looked up from his phone. "What is it? I'm making calls to cancel because I can't even get one night with the one I love."
"Okay, now. Drop the attitude."
He chuckled sarcastically. "I'm so sorry for being disappointed, really. You truly have no idea how much I put into this relationship."
It was your turn to huff at his words. "I'm sorry but I'm the one making sacrifices for us. I gave up an entire life for us to be together. Maybe you should remind yourself that sometimes."
He walked closer to you, now hovering your small figure. "I'm well aware of what you did which is why I thought doing this would be worth celebrating our union. Turns out it doesn't mean that much to you as it does to me."
"I never said that. I appreciate it, I really do. But you know very well that we simply can't afford it."
"How come was I able to pay for it, then?"
"By cutting off on our groceries. Don't think I didn't notice you stopped spending for your lunches."
At that point, the both of you were fuming and Minho was hovering you more and more as to seem like the bigger person. "And then you say I don't do enough for us, sure."
"We can't keep living like this. I love you, I swear, but working is more important right now. We need money."
"We have it."
"We would have had it if we didn't leave everything behind five years ago."
You saw him gulp. "Are you saying you would have prefered staying in that toxic environment?"
"Maybe. Marrying Seo Changbin wouldn't have turned out like this, that's for sure."
Another gulp made his Adam's apple bop. This time, he didn't have anything else to add. You had crossed the line and it hurt. You couldn't believe that you let yourself say those words. This was the exact thing Minho was afraid of and here you were, making his nightmare a reality.
"If that's what you want."
He stormed out of the room and went to the kitchen. You followed him and watched as he grabbed his keys and his blazer he had previously gotten rid of minutes ago before it all went downhill.
"I'll be at Jisung's."
"Minho, I'm so sorry."
"Whatever. You said it, the harm is done."
Before you could say more, he was already out the door. Dropping on one of the dining room's chairs, you let the tears flood out of your eyes. You cried and you kept on crying, you didn't know for how long. When you started to come back to reality, you forced yourself to make a quick meal since you had not eaten for the entire day. You really did force yourself as the hunger was close to nonexistent.
You tried to work a bit, but with it being the cause of your argument, it only made you feel worse. You didn't even know why you told him that as you never regretted leaving the business to be with him. If anything, this was the best decision you had ever made.
After hours of trying to forget about what happened, you checked the time to see it was a little past midnight. This was a good 5th anniversary for sure... Helpless, you took out your phone and dialed the first number that came to your mind.
"Hey." you said, your voice still shaky.
"Are you okay? What are you doing up so late?"
"I could ask you the same." you chuckled but your tone remained the same. "Am I bothering?"
"Of course not. What is it?"
"I..." a sob took over and interrupted you.
For the nth time that night, you were crying. Jeongin was lowkey panicking from the other side of the line. He, himself, still had work to do but he wasn't going to leave his big sister in her sadness. He was one of the few people to keep contact with you despite your mother having cut ties with you. He offered to help you financially many times but having grown up with the independence your mother taught you, you refused each time.
"Do you want me to come over?"
"No, I know you have a lot to do." you sniffed. "I just need to rant I guess."
"I'm listening."
You told him everything: from the start of your financial arguments to your indecent comment. Jeongin said nothing and let you talk for what seemed to be hours. At some point, you heard him closing a door and you felt bad he had to leave the office without having finished his work.
"I'm so sorry for bothering."
He sighed. "I told you, you're not bothering. And if there is anyone you need to apologize to right now is your husband."
"If he still considers me his wife." you scoffed. "You have to admit, though. Spending so much just for one night is crazy."
"He loves you, Y/N. Of course he wanted to treat you a night for yourselves."
"But we can't afford it." you repeated.
"Are you going to understand he doesn't care? He'd be the poorest man on Earth and he'd still buy you flowers when he could."
You bit your lips in shame. Jeongin was right, you were the one being unfair here. Minho had told you on many occasions that you could get a better job with your reputation but you told him you didn't want a job for being known and for your skills instead. But you were more worth than this stupid accounting office job. And even your brother offered you side contracts that paid well, but being the stubborn woman you were, you declined. Looking back, you realized you were the problem.
"You think so?"
"I know so."
You sighed. "Even if I do understand now, he won't take me back for saying that. I hurt him so much, Innie."
"You'll manage, Y/N. You always do."
The conversation ended with these words as he needed to go to sleep. As for you, you were more awake than ever. Going back to the study room, you noticed Minho's agenda was still opened. Luckily, he had noted down the place and time he reserved for the two of you. Not even worrying about the fact it was 2 in the morning, you called Minho's boss to ask for a week off after briefly explaining your situation, Mr. Bang was more than happy to help and he crossed off Minho's name on the schedule for the rest of the week. You then wasted no time to call the hotel to book the room for extra nights, making sure that breakfasts and others were included. The last thing you had left to do was to quit your horrible job. You were more willing to accept your brother's contracts than to come back to see Mrs. Moon's face again.
As morning arrived, you hurried to pack your things in a luggage and make yourself look nice although you hadn't had one minute of sleep. To your surprise, you received a text from Minho. It was very brief and distant as he only informed you that he'd come around 7 to get his things to move temporarily to Jisung's.
Seven o'clock was nearing and you were nervous. You wanted everything to turn out perfectly and you certainly hoped he wouldn't walk away again. You needed him, more than anything.
Seeing the car pull into your parking lot, you instantly got up from your seat and grabbed your bags. You looked as if you were ready to leave for a while, which was the case.
Minho unlocked the door and stepped inside the house, not expecting to see you. But when he did, his eyes immediately got darker. Then, he studied you for a little longer and saw you holding firmly onto your luggage.
"You're leaving?"
You kind of wanted to mess with him for a bit but with your literal marriage being at stake, you didn't and shook your head instead.
"We are leaving."
He didn't look any better than you. His eyes had bags under them and his disheveled hair was a sign he didn't even shower. He still had the same buttoned shirt he usually wore at work but it was much wrinkled.
"What are you saying now?" he sighed.
"You are right, I'm not being reasonable. I blamed all of my problems on you because I was so used to succeeding by myself. I didn't realize that you booked a night for us because you care much more about our relationship than I do."
He exhaled loudly. "At least you're admitting it, good. You're leaving me now?"
You shook your head vigorously. "I could never leave you, Minho. I'm terribly sorry for what I've said because I didn't mean one bit of it. I love this life with you, I am just too much of a stubborn to enjoy it like I should."
He frowned from your words and uncrossed his arms, a sign that he was more relaxed. "What do you mean like you should?"
"I resigned from my job."
His eyes widened. "No, Y/N. I never wanted you to quit for me... again. I was only mad for having to cancel everything, that's all."
He walked up to you, now holding your face so carefully, almost like he was scared you would break in his grasp. This made you feel so much better, it was a sign he still cared.
"I'm not doing this for you, it's for me. You were right, I'm not happy there."
You didn't realize tears came out of your eyes once more until he started to rub your cheeks. "So what is this we are leaving thing about?"
"I booked the hotel room for the week."
His grip on your face tightened slightly. "I'll have to be the one to tell you I can't now."
"I called your boss, he's fine with it."
"You're actually so fucking stupid." he huffed.
You saw a small smile forming on his lips. Still brushing off your tears, he leaned closer slowly. Until he kissed you. Not sure if you were still on bad terms or not, he did pull away quickly.
"You do realize we really are broke now?"
You laughed. "Not exactly. I'll take Jeongin's contract and – or – get an actual good job."
"Damn you and your stubborn ass." he shot at you with a grin. "You're finally making logical choices."
"I'm sorry it took us fighting for me to snap back to reality."
More tears falling, more of him brushing them away. "We're okay now."
"I really thought you hated me now."
You suddenly broke into more sobs again. The lack of sleep was definitely apparent. Minho held you closely, stroking your head as he shushed you calmly and peppered your forehead with kisses.
"I could never hate you. You get on my nerves sometimes, but it'll never be hatred."
You looked up at him. "You still love me?"
He chuckled. "Of course I still love you. An argument isn't going to end everything we build for the past five years."
You cried some more, of happiness this time. Minho laughed at how sensitive you were but didn't let go of you. He kissed you again, wiped your tears off for you again... He wanted nothing more but to protect you at that moment. You were rarely this vulnerable in front of him and he was simply honoured you trusted him enough to let yourself loose.
"Happy 5th year, my love." he whispered into your ear.
"I love you so much." you said, hugging him tighter.
"I love you more." He pulled away and grabbed both sides of your head. "How about I go pack and we enjoy our week together?"
"I'd like that."
He excitedly ran to your shared room and you let out a chuckle as you watched him. Your life was far from being perfect, but what you had with him was. You weren't going to take it for granted, not when he still loved you albeit your stubborness.
taglist: @lenilla15 | @muddy-waters | @nanaspalette | @nattisbored | @popcatx0 | @vanblack95 | @aestheticsluut | @thanxxskz | @minhoino | @taetertotsv | @luvscrazy | @lethallyprotected | @foxinnie8 | @jisuperboard
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Copyright © 2023 skzhua. All rights reserved.
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redfoxwritesstuff · 3 months
Sunflower, Book 1, Chapter 28
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Tom Hiddleston x OFC Series rated: M Chapter warnings: Nudity and talk of Thor movie AN: Look, another angst free chapter!
Masterlist AO3 KoFi
Mia didn’t have time to mess with her makeup. It was mostly decent from work. Dusting powder over it to refresh and reset it, she called it good after cleaning up under her eyes. After half-assing brushing her hair, she twisted it up and clipped it. 
Good enough. 
Opening the door, she stepped into the living room. Her simple black heels dangled from her fingers as she rushed through the space, skirt of the dress grazing the back of her ankles with each step. She leaned against the couch and slipped her feet into it. 
Sally looked between her mom and Tom. He was frozen in time, glass of water halfway to his lips and mouth hung open. The water was dangerously close to spilling from the glass but he didn’t care about that. The little girl wondered if he would notice if it did spill or even if it fell out of his hands like in a movie. 
Tom looked at her mom the way that the princes looked at the princesses in movies. Sally didn’t really understand the complexities of relationships, she was old enough to know there were many things she did not know. 
Sally did know that she hoped Tom would stay with her mom forever. If she was good, maybe Tom would stay. Maybe Tom and mom would get married. If she was lucky, maybe Tom and her mom would get married. Tom could be her new dad. 
The glass slipped out of Tom’s fingers as Mia bent over her raised leg, securing the strap around her ankle. Tendrils of damp hair hung around her face and neck. 
“Fuck.” The moment Tom was frozen in was shattered at the sound of the cup clattering to the counter. 
Water spilled everywhere, splashing up onto his jacket and white shirt. It ran over the counter and a stream of water ran over the edge of the countertop. Splashing dribbles hit to floor. 
“You good there, boy?” Gretchen called from where she sat on the couch, feeling very much forgotten about. 
She could have been a piece of furniture, for all the people in the room had been aware of. Not that Gretchen faulted the fancy man. Mia did pretty up nice and oh boy, it was clear as day that he was smitten with her. 
“Yeah. Uh, yeah- Cup just slipped out of my hand.” Tom grabbed a hand towel and quickly began mopping up the water. 
“Mmhmm.” Gretchen drew her attention back to the braid she had in her hands currently, fingers moving with unworldly speed. “Thought maybe you fell in love but what do I know.” 
Mia shot Gretchen a glare from where she sat, setting her foot on the ground. She wanted to challenge Gretchen with something but didn’t know what. Tom had just dropped his cup, that was all. There was nothing more to it. 
There wasn’t anything she could say that wouldn’t give them away to Sally though. Plus the more people that believed their marriage was sound and based on more than just a whim, the better. Balancing the two polar opposite stories was enough to drive a woman mad.
“Did it break?” Mia asked Tom instead. 
“Uh, Nope.” Tom answered too fast. “Ready to go?” 
They couldn’t make their reservation. There wasn’t time for a proper sit down meal even from somewhere that would sit them quickly so fast food was on the docket. Vegas was about the only place Mia could think of where no one would bat much of a eye at someone wearing a dress like hers sitting outside of a In-n-Out burger across from a man in dark jeans and a leather jacket. 
It was a bit too warm outside for a jacket, in her opinion. Tom was committed to the look though and who could fault him? It looked damned good on him. 
It was a relaxed dinner while Tom kept close watch on the time, ensuring they didn’t spend any more time than could be spared before their movie was set to start.
 While they ate, they talked. It had taken time but Mia relaxed with him, sharing her thoughts and feelings with him easier. His eyes crinkled ever so slightly as he smiled. Red stubble framed his laugh.
He looked good like this, casual and at ease eating fast food. 
Nerves hit her as Tom parked her car in the casino parking lot. It had surprised him that most of the Movie theaters were in casino resorts. Las Vegas was a strange place to anyone who hadn’t spent a lot of time there. It was no wonder why people struggled to remember that there was families living and raising their children there when community things like theaters only existed in resorts. The city felt more like an adult playground than a home to most who didn’t have to call it home.
She had hesitated to get out of the car. They didn’t have a lot of time until the movie was set to start and she knew she needed to get herself moving. It was just hard though. 
Maybe everyone would be too drunk to recognize him? Not likely but it was worth trying to hope for it.
Tom opened her car door, startling her. She hadn’t noticed him get out of the driver’s seat or make his way around at all, too busy stuck in her own head. 
Holding his hand out to her, he said “Come on.” 
Standing and straightening her dress, she felt overdressed. She wished she could go back in time and pick out a more casual dress. 
“Talk to me.” He kept his voice low, tucking her arm around his as he lead her toward the building. 
“I’m over dressed. This dress is too much.” 
“You’re beautiful,” Tom stopped, holding her out in front of him so he could take her in again before tucking her on his arm again. “You’re perfect.”
She snorted and Tom smiled to himself as she protested, “I am far from perfect.” 
“All of us are,” He countered and she rolled her eyes at his words as he held the door open for her.
The lights in the theater lobby were bright. Mia hesitated to step forward into the light. It had felt safe, well safer, in the dim lights of the casino that felt like home. Tom looked down at her, eyes soft. 
This was the part of his life that had ruined things last time. He had to believe that she could do this. He needed her to be able to do this.
“Hold your head up high,” je told her, squeezing her hand and holding her eyes with his. “Let’s get some popcorn and drinks.” 
“Two for Thor.” Tom requested and waited. It didn’t take long before what Mia had been dreading happened. 
“You’re-” Tom smiled sheepishly at flustered look the kid behind the counter gave them. “You’re Tom Hiddleston, aren’t you?”
He chuckled that rather unique laugh of his as he handed his card over to the young man working the counter. “I am.”
“Can I get a picture with you?” The kid was already grabbing his cell phone.
“Of course.” It was surreal to see Tom like this, to see him very much working in person. 
She stepped back when his hand left hers. He took the young man’s phone in his hand and leaned back over the counter while the employee leaned forward. Tom snapped a few pictures while she kept herself off to the side before handing the phone back.
Tom wrapped his arm around her waist as he stepped back to her side. When the ticket clerk thanked him again, he waved. 
“That was nice of you.” Mia spoke softly as he pulled her tighter to his side.
“It’s a part of the job.” Tom held her close. He could just see in the corner of his eye the young man taking a few pictures of them while they walked. That was a part of the job he didn’t like. His privacy was valuable and he was more than happy to take pictures with people. “I love it when I get to interact with fans.”
Mia couldn’t help but laugh. “That sounds so, so-”
“So what?” Tom couldn’t help laughing with her as they approached the counter. 
“Like some cocky actor.”
“I’ll have you know, Mrs. Hiddleston, that I am a cocky actor.” 
Tom was engrossed with watching her watch the movie. She wasn’t one for superhero movies, she had told him and yet she sat next to him almost totally absorbed by the film. Absently, she would grab some popcorn or sip at her soda. 
She was beautiful, bathed in the light from the screen and he struggled to take his eyes from her. He didn’t particularly care about watching the movie. He had seen it before and watching it more than the first screening felt narcissistic so he watched her watch him. 
The theater had been chilly, just as he had expected and it didn’t take long for him to see her rubbing her lace covered arms. There was hardly an attempt of denying the jacket when he offered. 
Now it was draped over her arms, clearly too big for her and swallowing her. He watched as her as the camera focused on his character on the screen. Her eyes quickly welled with tears as Loki yelled his heartbreak at his father.
Never in his life had Tom been so invested in watching someone watch one of his films. Seeing how his character, the villain by all accounts, moved the woman he… he cared for deeply was fascinating. 
This was the power of Loki, a budding character that had the potential to be so much more. 
She was so absorbed in the film, both the story of Loki and the depth of his acting that she didn’t even feel his eyes on her. Her heart broke for Loki as he spiraled into what clearly was a mental breakdown. 
The goals of the character at the start of the film was warped, changed and corrupted in his heartbreak and she could only watch. This was not the shallow plot and characterization she had gone into a superhero movie expecting. 
Tom couldn’t take his eyes off her as the final battle came crashing to an end. He was beyond invested in how she would react to his final scene. 
Her hand hovered, popcorn hanging from her fingers as Loki cried out for his father’s approval. The bravado and anger was stripped from the character on the screen and again, tears sparkled in her eyes. 
She cared so deeply about the bad guy that she was near tears for his pain. Tom was extremely proud of his performance as Loki but this was a validation he didn’t know he wanted. 
“Did he just?” She whispered, shocked as Loki let go of everything and fell away. 
“Hmm?” Tom leaned toward her and planted a soft kiss on the side of her head, action on impulse and not even the slightest bit thought out. 
“Did he just commit suicide?”
“An impulsive action fueled by grief and pain.” Tom was tickled by her reactions. This was what he lived for as an actor, the way his performances manipulated the emotions of the audience. It was an even more powerful boost to his ego to have the woman he… he cared for so moved by his work.
“Right in front of his family? How traumatic.”
“Here,” He held the water out to her but she didn’t move. “Asleep already?” 
Setting the glass on the tabletop, he stood there and admired her. Long legs were tucked up slightly toward her chest, highlighting the curve of her ass. Soft was the best way he could think of to describe her. She was nothing but soft sweeping curves. 
Tom wanted to sleep. The alcohol weighed on his brain, lulling him. He needed to sleep. His limbs felt heavy and sluggish as he pulled the banket down on one side of the bed. It was a struggle, between the heavy limbs, fuzzy fingers and the hotel staff having tucked the bedding under the mattress but eventually he got it. 
Lifting her from the bed, he smiled at the feeling of having her naked body in his arms. This was his first night as a husband. He had a wife to hold and damned if he didn’t enjoy it.
It took a few tries before he could tuck her feet under the bedding he hadn’t been able to free. Then he nestled her down on the mattress. She tucked her arms against her chest in her sleep and he admired the swell of her breasts and the dip of her waist.
He wanted her again. He wanted to burry himself deep in her. He longed to be surrounded by her again, seeking the pleasure only a woman could give him. 
He also longed for sleep. 
Even if she hadn’t fallen right to sleep, Tom suspected even if she was awake, his ability to perform a second round was significantly compromised at best. It was better to sleep. He could take her again in the morning. 
She was his wife now. They could indulge in eachother as often as they wanted. 
He didn’t want to give up the view of her naked body but he did, reluctantly. While he made his way around the bed, he stumbled over his heavy feet. Sleep was defiantly needed. 
Tom grabbed the champagne bottle off the tabletop and took a long pull from it as he stood naked in the dim room. He did it, he thought. This was the beginning of his life as a married man. 
He stumbled into the bed and wiggled his way under the blankets. The swimming in his head became much worse as soon as he laid down. It took everything in him to slap off the lamp. Tom turned into her and snaked his arm around her waist. 
Holding her against his body, he was asleep nearly instantly, holding his most prized achievement in his arms. 
Tag List: @winterisakiller, @alexakeyloveloki, @jennyggggrrr, @dangertoozmanykids101, @tilltheendwilliwrite, @tinchentitri, @wizardcherryblossom, @kats72, @buttercupcookies-blog, @violethaze, @soulpiercing, @evedia, @princess-ofthe-pages
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tiredofthehumanlife · 3 months
Marriage worthy (masc-ish flavor)
fem(ish) version
Barbie dolls: Regulus x reader
Word: 2.2k-ish
Summary: your parents force a wedding on you but at the alter you realize what you want
Warnings: You’re in a wedding tux and are forced to marry a woman via your parents but I only use gn prounouns for you, regulus is a hater, aged up a little, allusions to not amazing parents, ebay and facebook marketplace mentioned, possible homophobic taxi driver but that wasn’t the intent the driver is just sad they don’t get a drama scoop, you ride in a taxi, i think thats it dude
A/n: this wedding has the wedding traditions and set up that I grew up with ie Christian wedding I understand that other cultures have other traditions but that is not represented in this fic this is by no means a hateful “my culture is the only right culture” type thing I'm just writing what I know everybody’s culture is beautiful thanks for coming to my ted talk
You weren’t sure if you considered yourself the marrying type. Your parents felt differently apparently. You were enjoying the simplicity of your single life, and a few weeks later your parents were informing you of your fiancée. Your wedding was being planned in front of you and you didn’t even know the bride. When your parents were making the quest list, they added your best friend. You thought about this for barely a couple of minutes before scratching out his name. You appreciated Regulus but he was the type of person to speak his mind. Loudly at that.
Once you told him about a friend who wasn’t treating you in the best of ways, but you still loved them. Unfortunately, they ran into you and Regulus at the store. Regulus glared at them the entire time and then finally called them a couple of unfortunate names.
So you doubted he would stay silent at the wedding you didn’t even want. You imagined him sulking in the front row, leaning over to whisper to the person next to him about how much this girl sucked.
“Can’t even match her heels to her dress, embarrassing.”
“Oh god she can’t find her vows, I wonder if she wrote any at all. Have I told you, I’m a published poet? Yeah, four books under my belt.”
“Kind and caring? That’s all she’s got? They’re more than that. They’re the rising sun and setting moon, They’re the oxygen filling our lungs, They’re-“
“Oh thank Godric, they got to my favorite part- I object!”
You could see him jumping out of his seat, a hand in the air. Regulus would object the second he was given the moment of silence. He’d probably walk all the way to the alter, grab onto your arm, and escort you outside himself, insulting the bride on the way out.
It might’ve been a little selfish to remove Regulus from the guest list. It’ll probably hurt him when he finds out but that will give him material for his fifth book. You’ll explain yourself. You’ll probably write him a letter from your honeymoon destination, explaining everything and giving extra treats to your owl for a speedy delivery. That’ll be an odd conversation to have with your new wife.
“Sorry darling my pants are staying on, I have to write a letter to my best friend.” Well, scratch that, you’ll write him a letter as soon as you get a minute to yourself… on your honeymoon? Well, maybe you’ll send him a box of cookies as an extra apology for his explanation having such a long waiting period.
Time moved swiftly as the planning became more erratic. Your parents seemed to have decided waiting for the next season was stupid. They’d much rather have your wedding yesterday than wait. In two shakes of a lamb's tail, you were being buttoned into an elaborate tuxedo. You didn’t feel right. Maybe this was the classic cold feet feeling but every time you blinked you seemed to be nowhere near where you started. You would be in front of the mirror and seconds later you were staring at the double doors waiting on your bride to walk down the aisle. You didn’t remember saying half of your vowels though you felt secure in your assumption that they were monotone. With your hands in hers and the priest beside you talking, you looked at the rows and rows of family members.
Some of which you hadn’t seen in what felt like centuries. You scanned the seat looking for someone you recognized. You reached the end of the row without seeing anyone properly. You closed your eyes as you listened to your fiancée, soon-to-be wife, repeat the priest. You squeezed Regulus’ hands tighter. You felt the corners of your lips twitch for a second before you slowly opened your eyes. Your slight smile fell when you realized you weren’t holding onto your best friend’s hands at all.
You glanced around, remembering exactly where you were. You felt you had just been dunked in cold water waking you from your sleep.
“Do you take this woman to be your wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" The priest seemed as bored as you, his tone hollow and flat. You stayed silent, your mind catching up with the lots of information you just caught. Why would you wish you were holding onto Regulus’ hands at the altar if you were just friends? How long have you felt like this? Does this priest even know your name? How much was he paid? Could you sell this tux on eBay? Facebook marketplace? You heard mutters pass over the crowd of spectators. Your fiancée squeezed your hands while muttering your name. She kept repeating it but it faded into the background like the ocean rocking your body.
“I don’t want this?” You whispered. As you talked mostly to yourself, you remembered you had free will. You laughed as you pulled your hands away from this nameless woman. You reached up to your chest and yanked the boutonniere from your lapel. You dropped it on the floor, turning towards the crowd.
“I don’t want this.” You said, though this time you were sturdy. You knew what you wanted and it had nothing to do with this chapel. You started off towards the front doors. You noticed people in the rows standing up and you were certain you heard someone sounding easily similar to your mother yelling at you. You weren’t entirely certain where you were but you had a feeling your heart would lead you in the right direction.
Your heart failed you. You actually had to hail a taxi, and you were quite happy you memorized Regulus’ address and had pockets with money inside. The taxi driver seemed amused that they had picked up a runaway groom.
“What happened to the bride, sleep with the groomsman?” They asked, glancing back at you through the reirveiw mirror. You laughed awkwardly.
“No. As it turns out I love a man. It appears I prefer obnoxious published poets with the fashion sense of a funeral director.” The taxi driver sighed deeply. You looked out the window, wondering what they were probably doing back at the alter. Did they disperse? Head towards the open bar? You imagined your one aunt who you were certain lived 9 lives herself, swinging her purse over her shoulder and leaving without a second thought. She seemed to root for nobody and everyone all at the same time. You paid the driver and sprinted up the stairs of Regulus’ house. You knocked on his front door rapidly, ringing the door as you stepped back.
You heard Regulus groan behind the door before it opened a crack the chain stopping it. Once he saw you the door slammed again. You heard the chain smack back against the wall before the door opened again. Regulus stared at you with wide eyes. He took you all in, looking you up and down. you felt your shoulders relax when you saw him, letting out a sigh.
“I see you’ve had a busy few weeks.” You glanced down at your outfit, raising your hands and slapping them against the material.
“Yeah, I uh, I was going to send you a letter. I was getting married but I realized something while I was holding that girl's hands-“ Regulus cut off your explanation. He made a disgusted face, flapping his hand in the air.
“Oh Godric, you do not need to tell me what you were doing with your- what fiancée? Wife?” Regulus said, smacking his lips like the word fiancée left a sour taste in his mouth.
“Regulus, Shut up. Let me talk. As I was at that altar, every time I closed my eyes I realized I was begging for it to be you standing in front of me in a tux, not that lady.” You probably looked a little crazy, drowning in expensive material waving your hands around erratically like it would make your declaration a little less out of pocket. Regulus grimaced.
“It took a wedding for you to realize I might be more desirable than some random woman? Ouch.” Regulus rested his hand over his heart like you struck him. You shook your head.
“No. It took me a wedding to realize I'm in love with you, Regulus.” You stared at Regulus, taking in every slight movement in his face to catch if there was any rejection there. Regulus seemed to stop breathing, his eyes glazing over. You pressed your lips together. Is this really the guy you wanted? You tried to calculate if his reaction was a severe case of rejection or stupidity.
“So please just tell me if you feel even an ounce of the same. If you don't say that, I'll run all the way back to that chapel. I'll marry that woman, we'll go on our honeymoon, in a couple of years we'll have 2.5 kids named Taylor, Brayden, and the one on the way will be Raighleighn and-“ Regulus brought himself back to life with a fast breath. He cut off your irrational speech.
“Is that what you want?” You stared at him, blinking away your confusion. Regulus kept his face stoic, giving you no clue if he was being serious or not. You furrowed your eyebrows. He sensed your confusion, adding details to his question. “Is what you want 2.5 kids named Taylor, Brandon, and Raylen?” You pulled back, shrugging one shoulder up to your ear.
“Brayden and Raighleighn.” You corrected, quietly. Regulus tsked, glaring at you. You tilted your head to the side, egging him on just a little.
“Sorry, I don't have a perfect memory for the names of your hypothetical kids,” Regulus said while dramatically rolling his eyes. You decided to ignore his retort, bouncing back to his last question.
“Why on earth would I ditch my wedding, leaving hundreds of guests to fend for themselves, if the person I wanted was at the altar? Regulus, I want you. Granted I realized this less than thirty minutes ago so I’m not entirely sure how much of our friendship I’ve been harboring these feelings, but I understand they’re strong. I want to cook dinner with you. I want my toothbrush next to yours. I want my closet to have your clothes too. I want to fold our laundry together.”
“I’d probably have Kreacher do that, with proper care of course. He'd be employed not enslaved if that-” Regulus started rambling, letting go of the door to gesture with his hands properly. You groaned. You loved listening to Regulus ramble whether it was about his violin music or some book that really seemed to push his buttons but now was not the time. You were standing on his front doorstep professing your love for him and he was telling you about his activism. You agreed with him, of course, but time and place.
“Godric, Regulus are you going to kiss me or not? Are we something that could happen or should I start running now?” You stared at him as he shook his head like his thoughts of Kreacher could fly out his ears.
“Right, yeah.” Regulus pushed himself off the door, stepping into your space. He gently pulled you forward. His breath warmed your face, you caught hints of his favorite tea. You leaned forward, meeting him in the middle. His kiss was gentle like he still wasn’t entirely sure if this wasn’t a dream. Regulus pulled back before you wish he did. You kept your eyes closed just a little extra second. If you opened your eyes and you were still at the chapel, you’d be married to a woman you just met. You felt Regulus’ thumb stroking your cheekbone, silently begging you to open your eyes. You grinned, your almost-wife wouldn’t touch you as gently as Regulus did. You met Regulus’ eyes. He was smiling back at you, granted it was small but that’s not the point. You fiddled with the buttons on his black shirt.
“I made extra dinner if you’d like to join me,” Regulus muttered, jumping over the kiss to talk about a mundane topic. You’ve shared dinner hundreds of times. You were glad after all the chaos of today you could easily return your dear Regulus and join him at his table like it was any other day.
“Mm you know I think my schedule might be a little packed, I do have a honeymoon to get to.” You muttered. Regulus groaned, stepping away from you. He pushed your shoulder towards his door, stepping out of the way. You stepped through the door.
“While we’re still on the topic, what was your fiancée’s name?” Regulus asked, moving behind you to pick a peice of fuzz off your jacket. You gave him a confused look over your shoulder.
“I want it to be the title of my next poem,” Regulus said, pulling out one his dark wooden chairs for you, before leaving toward the kitchen counter when his timer went off. You laughed at him as he returned to the oven. He made you both a plate, settling one in front of you.
While you sat next to Regulus at his table in your stupid wedding tuxedo, you thanked the stars for reminding you of free will seconds before you had to say I do.
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blueseachelle · 1 year
Let's Fall In Love For The Night
Sebastian Sallow x Betrothed! Reader
Warnings: Slight Angst SMUT
Summary: Sebastian, Ominis, and Y/n enter their last year at Hogwarts. Sebastian realized that he was in love with his best friend's Fiancée. Does it count if It's by force? Y/n and Ominis only accepted to appease their respective families. Love is a crazy thing.
Inspiration from Let's Fall In Love For The Night by FINNEAS
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Y/n has been feeling more and more down as time went on. It was nearing the end of her schooling meaning immediate marriage. No offense to Ominis but, she didn't want to be married yet. She knew Ominis felt the same way but, it couldn't be helped. She felt bad because her heart longed for someone else... Sebastian. She wished she was marrying him but, it was impossible.
"Are you okay, Y/n?"
Sebastian's chocolate orbs gazed into hers with concern. She nodded,
"Yeah. I'm fine."
She adverted her gaze and sighed. She looked over at Ominis who sat reading his book. She felt a piece of paper get slipped into her hand.
I'll pick you up at 11.
Y/n nodded at Sebastian, who gave her a smile.
It was around 11 when Y/n heard a slight knock on her door. She quickly slipped out of her dorm and met Sebastian in the hallway. He smiled and grabbed her hand,
"Let's push our luck. I want to take you to the Forbidden Forest to pick you up. Come along, Darling."
She smiled and nodded. They escaped the common room and made it out of the castle by taking a couple secret exits.
They arrived at a hill beside the lake. Sebastian and Y/n lay on the grass. They cuddled as Sebastian ran his hand through the girl's hair.
"So, what's been on your mind?"
Y/n sighed and shook her head,
"Our graduation is nearing and that means that it's almost for... ya know..."
Sebastian sighed and hugged her close,
"I know, My Love. I wish we could be together but, it's an impossibility. It's okay though. Until we can't be together any longer, you can run away with me until you have to go."
Y/n looked up with a confused look. The brunette chuckled,
"I know. It's strange but, let's fall in love for the night and forget in the morning, Love... And every night until you have to leave me to start a life with Ominis. I want to at least some taste of what could've been. I know better than to call you mine."
Tears welled up in her eyes as she leaned forward and kissed him. Sebastian kissed her back, pinning Y/n under him in the process. Their kiss deepened as they continued.
Sebastian's tongue entered her mouth. His hand gingerly held her at her hips. Y/n's hands moved around his neck and into his hair, running her hands through it.
When they parted, the brunette instantly darted to kiss her neck. He kissed and nipped at the skin. The smaller girl arched her back under him and let out a small moan. This encouraged his assault on her neck.
Y/n's hand moved to tug on his shirt. Sebastian chuckled and unclipped her robe's clasp,
"Darling, let's get some of your clothes off first as I worship your body and then, we'll worry about me. Okay, Doll?"
She whimpered in response to his rough voice. She nodded as he started to unbutton her shirt. He slowly did this as he pulled her shirt from her. His hands swiftly removed her bra and kissed at the newly exposed skin.
"A-Ah~ Seb~"
Sebastian smiled into her nipple that he was sucking on. His hands played with her other breast and then, he switched. She arched her back once again into his mouth. He soon moved from there and kissed down to the hem of her skirt.
Sebastian licked a line across her abdomen. Y/n's hand gripped his curly locks. He smirked at her as he started to remove her skirt and knickers.
The girl gasped as her privates were exposed to the cool air. That was instantly replaced by a warm breath. She looked down. Her eyes locked with chocolate orbs that looked back with nothing but love and lust. He then pressed his tongue to her dripping entrance.
Her hand gripped harder in his hair as he lapped at her. His nose rubbed on her clitoris causing her thighs to shake. His hands gripped the shaking muscles tighter as he pushed more into her pussy. He groaned in ecstasy as his pants became tighter.
He felt her tighten around his tongue and swiftly removed it. She let out a whine and wiggled her hips at him.
Sebastian chuckled and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand,
"So needy. Good thing I know how to make you feel even better."
He unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it into the pile of clothes discarded on the grass next to them. He didn't bother taking off his pants fully. He just needed to be inside of her. He unbuckled them quickly as well and leaned forward.
Y/n pulled him into a kiss, causing his tip to brush her cunt. She gasped and Sebastian smirked. He slowly pushed into her,
"You're so wet and tight for me, Doll."
The girl under him could only whimper and moan as he started to thrust into her. Her hands gripped his shoulders like a vice. His hands gripped her waist with a bruising grip.
He thrust into her at a rough pace. Soon, he felt the familiar feeling of her tightening around him.
"Come for me, Y/n. Cum on your lover's cock."
She felt the knot in her abdomen snap. Her body froze as she came. He thrust a few more times before emptying into her, groaning her name as he did.
They stilled to catch their breath for a minute before cleaning up with a spell and put back on their clothes and cuddling again.
Sebastian kissed the top of her head as she slowly began to fall asleep on his chest. He whispered to himself as he ran his hand through her hair,
"I love you more than you'll ever know. It's okay if we have to be apart for a little while. I'll always come back to your side. No matter what the situation is. I love you, Y/n. Always know that."
A smile then graced the Y/n's lips as she heard this inner thought of Sebastian's.
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callsigndragon · 2 years
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Desperate times, desperate measures | Ch. 2: Till death do us part
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x fem!writer!reader (Most of the times, she will be called Page)
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: mentions of death, angst, Jake and Page fight for the first time, and the wedding-
A/N: THANK YOU ALL FOR ALL THE COMMENTS AND FEEDBACK I'M GETTING FROM Y'ALL. It's absolutely wonderful to see the amount of love i get from you guys, i love you all so much.
It's okay if you like it and all, but please... a comment is also welcomed and if you reblog it? I'll kiss you on the forehead.
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When the lawyer leaves the room, you remember that there’s someone important that you haven’t called and who will be suffering as much as you when she knows that Anne is dead. 
But so many things happened yesterday that you completely forgot to call your other best friend. 
“Heeeeeeey, how’s my favorite writer doing?” Gabby says, and the background noises make you guess that she is at a Starbucks at the moment. 
“Gabrielle, can you go to a quieter place?” You tell her, sitting down and bracing yourself for what’s about to happen. 
“Holy shit, that serious? Okay, okay, let me go to my car.” It only takes her a few seconds, but it feels like a lifetime. “Okay, in the car already. Tell me what’s wrong.” 
“Luke and Anne got into a car accident yesterday, they died, and they wanted me and Jake to be Emma’s legal guardians in case something happened to them, but Jake’s work is really dangerous, and I’m ��too young’ to be a single mother, so the only way we can get Emma’s custody is by getting married, and I can’t get married to fucking Hangman, Gabby, I can’t!”  You let it all out before you even realize that you’re just rambling and rambling, and that probably Gabby hasn’t understood a thing and she’s going to freak out. 
“Luke and Anne are… dead?” 
“Yeah… they’re gone.” 
She starts sobbing, and you want to punch yourself for the way in which you delivered the news. “Send me your location, I’ll go get you.” 
“Don’t worry, Matt is here with me. I’ll go to your house.” 
“I’m… I’m staying at Anne’s.” You clarify, wincing when you hear her swearing with a shaky breath. 
“Of course you are, Emma needs all the stuff that’s in that house. I’ll see you in 20.”
Just wait until she finds out that you two cannot get Emma from CPS until you accept to be her legal guardians... and you can only do that when you get married. 
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“....And Hangman just went to get a marriage license because apparently it's faster and easier if you’re a member of the military.” You finish the story, watching how Gabs' knuckles tighten when she grabs the mug with force. 
“Man, life couldn’t get more complicated even if it tried.” She sighs, wiping her face with a tissue. “How are you holding up? We all  were best friends, but you’ve known her all your life, honey… And now you have to take her place, and raise her daughter.” 
You nod, eyes unfocused as you drift away, remembering a conversation from a few weeks ago, in which you told Anne that you ‘envied the life she had’. A life that now was yours. 
Yesterday, when you woke up, you were a single writer who had just published a new novel. You had good friends, you had a good life, a good house, a good car. It was everything you ever wanted, and you worked so damn hard to make it happen. 
When you wake up tomorrow, you are going to be a married woman and a mother. You’re going to have to give up your car and your house. You’re going to have to reschedule all your promotions and the release of your new book. It’s going to take a few months before you settle down and manage to find time for yourself and time to write again. 
How much can a life change in one day, huh.
“With a man I hate. This feels like shitty fanfiction written by a teenager.” You scoff, letting your head hit the back of the sofa while you close your eyes. 
“Honey, you started with shitty fanfiction written as a teenager.” Gabby  says, making you chuckle. 
“I hope that nobody ever finds them.” 
The main door opens, and you see Jake, followed by all the members of his squad. “Hey, Gabby.” He greets your friend. 
Gabby only answers with a nod, turning her head towards the rest of the aviators, noticing that Nat is between them. Gabby may or may not have a tiny crush on her. But she knows that this is not the time to be a teenager with a crush. 
“You got the license?” You ask Jake when he sits next to you, taking a deep breath and nodding. 
“Yeah, it was easy. I called the squad to act as witnesses; I thought Gabby was in Texas working on her next movie.” 
“We’re switching locations, and they gave me a few days off. I have to call them and let them know that I have to attend a service.” She grabs her phone and goes to the kitchen, probably to call her agent. 
Sometimes you forget that you met Gabby a few years ago, when one of your first books was turned into a movie, and you went to the studio every day to help Anne, who was the director. Gabby was cast as the main actress, and soon the three of you turned into the bestest friends. 
Gabby and Anne were always ready to listen to your craziest ideas and plots for upcoming books, even if that meant staying up until 3 AM and chatting on a video call. Anne used to prepare her pitches with you and Gabby, so it was perfect whenever she had to meet the producers or studio executives. Gabby prepared her scripts with you two, getting ready for her next audition. 
It was the perfect team. You wrote. Gabby performed. Anne directed. 
The three of you were preparing to work together soon, as you had written your first screenplay not long ago. Anne insisted on you giving it a try, because your books ‘felt like movies most of the time, so it’s not that different’. And you did, finding that it was funny and really entertaining. Auditions are being made at the moment, and the only thing you know is that Gabby was the hilarious best friend of the main character. 
It made you sad, though. The amount of times she had performed that role over the years... And even after she won not only a Grammy but was nominated for another one! Why is she still getting these roles? Gabby said that, in this film, she felt more connected to that character than to the main one, so she was not mad about it. 
But you’re getting tired of Hollywood’s hypocrite ass. They always talk about inclusivity and giving more opportunities to other actors, but you don’t usually see a black actress in the main role of a big movie. That’s Hollywood for you. 
“I guess we’re going to the courthouse now.” You question, observing as all the members of the squad, some of whom you can consider friends but others whom you don’t know as well, are standing in their dress uniforms. 
“In a bit.” Jake clears his throat. “Look, we only have to pretend until the caseworker approves us. Then it’s all over.” 
“Oh, so you want me to get a divorce as soon as we get a seal of approval?” You retort, turning your body in his direction. 
“What, you want to be my wife?” He scoffs, looking at Javy, who is shaking his head, as if he was telling him to stop with the jokes. 
Jake should listen to Javy sometimes. 
“I’m a public figure, Jake. Once I get married, everybody will know! And if I get a divorce in three months, right after CPS gives us their blessing, people will know too!” 
“What do you mean? Do I have to play the doting husband for the rest of my life?” He raises his voice, and you can see from the corner of your eye how Rooster takes a step in your direction, but Bob and Payback stop him. 
“This was your idea, Jake. Don’t yell at me.” 
“Then tell me, what was I supposed to do? Let a bunch of strangers take my goddaughter away?” You can see the unshed tears in his bloodshot eyes. He had been crying, too. Probably even more than you and Gabby. 
There’s a different level of connection between people who risk their lives together. It’s unsimilar to everything you've seen. The stronger the connection, the bigger the loss. 
“I think that you took the only option we had. But we’re gonna have to fake being in a marriage for longer than you initially thought.” You get up from the sofa, moving to the kitchen, only pausing midway when he asks his next question. 
“How long?” 
How long? Well, that’s a good question. Long enough for them not to suspect. Long enough so they forget about you two. 
How long is that?
“A year.” You proclaim, feeling as if your words echo all over the house. 
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“Do you have any cute dresses in your suitcase?” Gabby says, rummaging through the small suitcase you packed for the three days you were supposed to stay away from the city. 
“No, I don’t have anything appropriate for a fake wedding.” You groan, sitting on the bed. 
“Maybe we can go buy something before we get to the courthouse?” 
“I don’t think we have time for that, Gabs.” 
A soft knock on the door makes you tear your gaze away from your friend, waiting for the newcomer. Nat’s head pops up from the other side, eyes closed. “Are you girls visible?” 
“Yeah, we’re trying to find a dress.” Gabby says, checking her reflection in the mirror before Nat opens her eyes. 
Rolling your eyes, you see that the pilot has a bag in her hands. “What’s that?”
“On my way here,” Nat starts, walking into the room and handing you the bag. “I thought that maybe you didn’t have anything to wear. So I bought you this.” 
You get the dress out of the bag. It has a vintage air to it, and it’s white. The skirt stops over the ankles. It’s the kind of wedding dress that was used for civil weddings. Just like yours. 
“It’s beautiful, Nat. Thank you. You didn’t have to.” You hug her, trying to understand how a beautiful soul like hers is friends with Jake. 
“Me and Bob will take you to the courthouse. Take as much time as you need.” She nods in Gabby’s direction and leaves the room. 
You start crying as soon as you realize that your best friend will not be attending your wedding. 
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The ceremony isn’t long, and you’re grateful for that. Because you’re not sure how much time you can hold Jake’s hands on yours, while faking to be madly in love. Jake plays the part like a champ, even telling the officiant that he didn’t want to rush this wedding, but he’s going to be deployed soon and wants to marry the love of his life before he has to leave for a few months. 
It takes all your strength not to take off your high-heels and throw them at his head. But the shoes are Anne’s, and you don’t want to damage them. It’s something borrowed. The sapphire earrings are an heirloom given to you by your grandma. It’s something old, and something blue. And the dress, bought for you by Nat, is something new. 
You didn’t care about these small traditions because this wedding wasn’t real, but if you’re going to be married to this idiot for a year, at least you’re going to do it right. 
“The future promises many happy days ahead,” says the officiant, making you take a deep breath to avoid laughing at his face. No, there are no happy days ahead for you. “filled with unique opportunities, adventures, and challenges. It is through trust, love, and the unfailing support of each other that you will meet these inevitable ups and downs.”
You and Jake look at each other, feeling the weight of the words on your shoulders. There will be adventures and challenges, and as much as you hate to admit it, the only way you are going to survive this year, is by supporting each other. 
“Do you, Jacob Seresin, take Y/n L/n to be your spouse and to live together as partners, to treat them her love and respect, and to build a marriage that grows stronger and more loving as time passes?”
Jake doesn’t even blink when he answers. “Yes, I do.” 
“And do you, Y/n L/n, take Jacob Seresin to be your spouse and to live together as partners, to treat him with love and respect, and to build a marriage that grows stronger and more loving as time passes?” The officiant repeats the same words, but they don’t feel as the ones he said to Jake. They feel heavy. Like a doom. 
“Yes, I do.” 
“The wedding ring represents the promises and potential of marriage. It has no beginning and no end, and is a timeless symbol of the love and commitment you have pledged. As you wear your ring, let it remind you of the love you feel here today.”
Love. The only thing that you don’t feel towards your soon-to-be husband.
“Jacob, place the ring on Y/n’s finger and repeat after me.”
Javy gives Jake the ring, that is soon placed on your finger. It’s cold. A coldness that burns your skin. 
I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and devotion, as we join our lives together, today, tomorrow, and for as long as our love shall last.
Those are the words that Jake and you have to repeat, each of them damaging your soul and leaving behind small crecives that you hope time can heal. 
The officiant’s next words make you cry, but he believes that you’re just an ‘emotional bride’. 
True marriage is more than just a ceremony or a piece of paper – it is a lasting bond that joins two lives and two hearts. 
You don’t want him near your heart. 
Marriage is love.
You don’t love him.
He will spend most of his time away.
You don’t trust him.
And Respect.
The only thing you respect is his job and his dedication to Emma.
May you always find strength in each other, laugh with each other, and find safety and comfort in each other’s words and company.
What strength? What laugh? 
May you celebrate many joyful seasons together, support each other when days are difficult, and continue to learn and grow closer together with each passing year. 
Only four seasons with him. Nothing more. 
“You may kiss!” 
And when he kisses you, Jake doesn’t know if the saltiness in his lips is because of his tears or yours.
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topguncortez · 2 years
❛ is this the part where you kick me out? ❜ with my main man Jake. I’m feeling angsty tonight.
Also congratulations on 3K!!
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Ex Wife-Simpson!Reader warnings: angsty, mentions of sex, cursing, heartbreak, mentions of infidelity. Hangman Masterlist | Main Masterlist 3 fucking K celebration
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You fell back against your mattress breathlessly, a thin layer of sweat covering your body. Your legs were still trembling as you tried to regulate your breath. Like always, the sex with Jake was incredible. He had brought you over the breaking point several times with his fingers, tongue, cock and even his words. There was something about him that had you doing things you had never even thought of before.
You could feel him shift in bed, turning on his side and drawing lazy circles on your bare skin. Your mind was still fuzzy as you were trying to come down from the blissful high. It was one of Jake's favorite sights, watching the once polite and collected ex-wife of his admiral try and regulate herself after being ruined by him.
"You alright?" Jake asked, leaning down and placing a kiss on your ribcage. You nodded and licked your lips, "I'll go get you a towel." Jake went to roll out of bed, but you grabbed his wrist.
"Did you cum in me?"
"Yeah, you said to," Jake said, and you let his wrist go so he could get you a towel from the bathroom. You could feel the cum between your legs and knew you'd have to change the sheets before Beau came home.
You weren't sure if Beau knew about your affair or not. You knew about his. You had once been the fool who stood at the Naval Balls and heard the women whisper about how they didn't know he was married, or that they didn't know there was another woman in the picture. At first you thought it was all whispers, knowing how rumors get started. But when he started coming home late, smelling like another woman, and calling out to her in your sleep, your worst fears were confirmed.
Neither one of you wanted to admit it to the other that your marriage was over. It was too heartbreaking to say out loud and have everyone know. You and Beau were high school sweethearts. The type of love you two had was one that was described in the lyrics of many soulful ballads.
Jake came back, this time his black briefs slung low on his hips, showcasing his adonis belt. He knelt on the bed in front of your naked body, and spread your legs. He let out a low groan at the sight of your pink, leaking cunt. He was half tempted to lean in and lick himself off of you, but instead and gently cleaned you off.
"Do you want to shower-"
"You need to be going soon," You said and Jake sighed.
He wasn't sure when he fell in love with you, but he was. That was one thing about Jake "Hangman" Seresin, when he fell in love. . . he fell hard. Maybe it was the fact that you could careless about hearing about his Naval accomplishments and would rather talk about his favorite book or listen to him talk about car parts.
"Is this the part where you kick me out?" Jake asked, standing up from the bed.
Now it was your turn to sigh, "Don't make this harder than it has to be. You know you can't stay. He'll be home soon."
Jake tried to ignore the pang in his heart as you spoke about your husband. It wasn't that he hated Cyclone, he actually got along well with the Admiral. He hated the way that he treated you. He hated the way that for years, Beau had been making you feel like you were less than him because you weren't in the Navy. Jake had seen you walking around in Beau's shadow, and he hated it. He hated how small and dim your light was when he was around.
"But it doesn't have to be," Jake said, slipping his sweatpants up his toned legs. You got out of bed, finding your silk sleep shorts and bralette you were wearing when Jake arrived. Your robe had been thrown on the ground by the front door.
"It has to," You answered, shaking your head, "Jake, this, us. . . I can't work. You know that, right?"
"You are lying to yourself every time you say that, you know," Jake replied, "Every single time you tell me it can't work, you are lying. And then you come back up here, where my scent is everywhere, change your sheets, and crawl back in bed and wait for your husband to come home after rolling around in the sheets with some other woman."
"I am not better than-"
"But you are. You are better than him. Because he's out there having meaningless sex with any barracks bunny who'll open their legs for him. What you and I have is different, and I know you know that," Jake took a step forward and grabbed your hand. You sucked in a breath as he caressed your face and brought it up gently.
"Leave him."
"He's not good for you."
You scoff and push away from him, "And you are? I know what they say about you Jake, how you got your callsign? Why would I want to be with a man who nobody likes? Who nobody wants to fly with? Who nobody would save when you start to burn in?"
You knew it was a low blow, using Jake's callsign history against him. Ever since the Uranium Mission, he had tried hard to be more of a team player, but it was hard. His team didn't 100% trust him yet. They were cautious and sometimes avoided him. Jake was starting to feel self-conscious about himself, worried that maybe he was doing too much to try and get on their good graces.
He had told you in total confidence how much it bothered him that everyone saw him as a threat to be in the sky with. And how he knew, that there are probably pilots out there that would find joy in watching him burn in.
Jake's jaw dropped slightly, and he looked down at the ground. He gulped before speaking, "I guess I'll be going now."
"You should," You said, crossing your arms over your chest. You weren't going down without a fight, even though you wanted to run across the room and hug him, and tell him you were sorry.
Jake walked to your bedroom door, and looked at you, "He doesn't love you. Everyone can see it but you, and I'm not sure if that makes you stupid or desperate. But you continue to live in a loveless marriage. Just don't cry to me when he finally leaves you."
Jake slammed the door and left.
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multific · 2 years
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Jesse Cromeans x Reader
Words: 700
Summary: When you notice how Snapp started to get closer and closer to your husband, you feared to ask him to choose. What if he leaves you? But can you live in the shadows of another woman?
You always slept on his chest. Every single night for the last seven years. 
And even if it has been five years ago, the huge diamond and wedding band on your finger were heavy.
Jesse found you one night, tipsy and very very sad. He wanted to play with you, using you as his piggy, but he soon realized you were so much more. 
And here you were now, two years of dating and five years of marriage later.
You knew about the real Jesse, you were there with him through it all.
Even when his face became scarred, you didn't leave, he was still the man you fell in love with.
Jesse felt you shift a little, but you soon settled, he was on his phone, managing his business as you slept. He always enjoyed having you in his arms, he always work better with you in the same room.
In one hand, his phone, in the other you, running up and down your back to help you sleep. 
Lately, he notice Spann started to show interest in him. He wasn't blind, even if he lost one of his eyes, the other worked perfectly. Spann was trying her luck. 
At first, he didn't mind as he didn't think much of it, but soon, she started to do it more and more.
She started to touch him more, get closer to him and one time she even climbed onto his lap to help him shave his head.
Jesse wasn't dumb, but he wasn't interested in her. His eyes were always on you. That is why he married you after all. But you started to notice things.
You started to smell her perfume on him more and more.
The final straw was when you walked in on her basically in his lap, rubbing her hands on his chest. You needed to have a word with Jesse.
"Are sleeping with her?" you asked suddenly one evening during dinner. His eyes locked with yours, he couldn't believe what you just said. He pulled with phone out.
"No." said the voice from the phone.
"You could tell me, I won't be mad, well, I will be but I'm not going to yell or anything. I'll just leave. Yeah, I'll leave you two to be. If you choose her." you didn't sound very convincing, and that is because you weren't confident at all. You didn't know what you'd do if he choose her. 
"I don't care about her." it was a clear answer, but if it was true, why did he let her touch him?
"I found her basically in your lap this morning," you said.
Jesse tilted his head, so it bothered you.
"I cannot be 100% yours, if you are not 100% mine, Jesse. I married you because I love you, but I'm not open to you having relationships with others."
He nodded and stood up so suddenly, he nearly knocked the entire table over. You had to grab your glass so it wouldn't end up in your food.
"Where are you going?" you asked as he grabbed his suitcase and turned to leave.
"I'll be right back." he simply said before leaving. It was so sudden, you didn't even know what to think of it. Instead, you cleaned up the table and headed to take a long bath.
By the time he arrived back, you were on the couch reading while a show played on TV.
"Welcome back," you said as you turned a page. 
He sat down next to you and put his hand out, in his palm was something shiny. You put your book down as you looked at the shiny thing, the TV illuminated the object as you picked it up.
It was Spann's skull ring, covered in blood. Your eyes shot up to him as he was typing on his phone, he clearly had a lot to say.
"She will no longer bother you. I choose you, I'll always choose you." you closed your palm around the ring, eyes filling with tears. "I love you." said the voice again and you almost laughed. 
"I love you too." you said as you moved to hug him.
You were silly to doubt him and you will never ever do such a thing. Your love for one another was too precious for that. This deep and pure love which both of you shared was unbreakable.
Taglist: imreadinggoaway @fleursirvart​​ @v-2bucky ehsebastiancrunch-time-sports  @pxstelrainbow ablogbypeteparker liamssmilersmexylemony @greenarrowhead feelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @avengers-r-us @destynelseclipsa   @spilledinkindumpster celebsimagine @capsiclesdoll snoopy3000 @firstangeldragonranch @puknow @crazzyter  @alwayshave-faith @soleil-dor @alex12948 scream-kiwi79  @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @liveforkarljacobs @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​​ @paola-carter​​
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