#and yes I'm still on the fact that Max doesn't want to lose Bad too alright
q-starhalo · 1 year
I have been confirmed that ElQuackity not only stole Bad's gift basket but broke Max's elevator in the basement AND set one of his villagers free...
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will80sbyers · 2 months
I always write these letters in the middle of the night because it's the only moment when I think I'll have enough courage to send them to you, but then the morning comes and I feel completely powerless again.
I'm not as brave as I would like to be, I want to be like my character in d&d and just... I don't know, just tell you how I feel even if I think it's the scariest thing I will ever do. I mean, what if I am wrong and you don't feel the same? Or worse what if you find me revolting for being like this? What if you don't want to be my friend anymore because I have these feelings? It would be one of my worst nightmares becoming a reality... I just, I can't lose you, Will. I need you and I miss you so much and I don't even know what I did to make you decide to not talk to me anymore and avoid my calls every time but this whole situation is killing me slowly. I need to talk to you and I want to hear your voice. It's crazy how much I miss listening to you ramble about a new comic or a bad movie... I miss watching you randomly break out into songs, even when you're singing the most annoying ones. I miss having you close and just knowing that if I need your advice, or if I want to complain about some stupid thing my father said I can just take a bike ride to your house at any moment.
It feels so empty here now, I feel so empty... I'm, I dunno, I think the others have not noticed because everybody has their own problems, but I feel lost... You were always my compass, you put my mind on the right track every time and I never realized this before you left for Lenora but now I see it... and I don't know, it feels like everything is broken now and.. how am I even supposed to be a leader of a group with no group?
Everybody is pulling away from me here, except maybe Dustin... Lucas is trying to become popular, sometimes I think he's ashamed of being with us because we're still the same nerds we always were, and Max is dealing with her own pain by isolating, I'm trying to include her on the hangouts nights (yes, even if her and Lucas are broken up!) but she always says she's busy. If you and El were still here things would be different.
Jesus... El... I don't know what to do about her, I don't know how to tell her about all of these feelings I have for you and the realization I had this summer. I don't want to lose her either and I'm afraid she'll be angry at me.
I feel guilty for the fact that every night before I fall asleep I think about you. I think about you laying down in bed and I hope you're thinking about me too. I think about what I would do if you were here with me, how I would ask if I can kiss you... and I guess maybe I'm a horrible person all around for this but sometimes I just kiss you. You know, I wonder how it would feel every night... I think it must be different from what I'm used to, kissing a guy... less sweet? More rough? It doesn't really seem possible, I can't imagine kissing you wouldn't be the sweetest kiss I'll ever have... God, I'm sorry I don't have the courage to tell you how much I love you...
I'll tear this letter apart like I did to all the others.
Byler week - Day two: communicating
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alexxncl · 5 months
masterlist | all lessons | season 2 | lesson 34 | lesson 36
normal and hard spoilers
can i just start off by saying "the heart's murky depths" is a crazy title for the lesson opener ???
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oh he's down HORRENDOUS, but his pride won't let him show it
talking about some "not that i want you to stay or anything...but you should stay and be a professor at RAD so you never have to leave my side 🥺👉🏽👈🏽" YOU AIN'T SLICK !!! I'VE KNOWN YOU SINCE PRE-COVID 2020
*ahem* my bad
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LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER i wanna go home...kind of. like yes mc have a hard time dealing with the idea of leaving, but it's not like they'll never see a version of the brothers again. they're more likely to never see mc again, but you never know with all the time soup shit
i feel like lucifer feels indebted to them in some capacity since they did help bring the brothers closer in the span of a few months max. idk i feel like he's not only sad about them leaving, but doesn't know why they're choosing to go a roundabout way when he thinks they could literally ask barbatos to make a portal and send them home. the whole losing magic thing also wasn't explained to him, it was just stated as fact with no explanation
idk i'd be skeptical if i was lucifer too
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i still think he wants mc to stay just as much as they do, if not even more, but he's better at hiding it. i also think he's protecting, but maybe that's just me protecting ??? idk
or MAYBE he's mixing up their desire to stay in the devildom in their timeline, but can't differentiate it since he's not as knowledgeable about time itself. so he's not wrong, but he's not entirely right either. mc is split, and they think having all the pacts will make the decision easier since it's already what everyone's expecting them to do
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...we're gonna have to go with lucifer, aren't we?
don't get me wrong, i love him down, but can't they just talk like regular people 😭 the avatar of pride really can't put his pride aside for 2 seconds like damn /j
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i just KNOW he said "oh but it is" in the most sarcastic voice ever. like sharpay from high school musical type shit. love him down
dickhead older brother lucifer is my favorite kind of lucifer bc he's just like me 🫶🏽 except i'm a dickhead older sister. like there was no need for him to say that AT ALL, but he had to get the last word before he disappeared with mc for 3 days with no contact just to piss his brothers off
i love a wholesome family dynamic just as much as i love them being shitheads to each other
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damn why are you always on dia's dick ???? BACK UP
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the shitheads 🫶🏽
(random side note, idk if everyone plays the game with the sound on, but i play it with headphones on. the screeching train noise scared the SHIT outta me oh my god 😭 my dorm mates probably think i'm crazy)
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givehimthemedicine · 2 years
waiting // an el/max angst ficlet
this is an evil fic that you should not read. dedicated to a personal attack on @elmaxjunkie 😈
"It's almost over."
El had thought Max was napping. She keeps her unseeing eyes shut most of the time, and she can barely move around in her hospital bed, so it's hard to be sure when she's awake.
El lifts her chin from her hand. "What is?"
"We can stop it," she insists, although that's just vague optimism. They have no plan yet. They still don't even know what's going on.
It's not the word, but its firmness, that makes El's brow tighten towards a frown. Max is talking like she knows.
Pain medicine makes her talk funny sometimes, but usually it's in a sleepy silly kind of way. El reaches for her hand.
"We are going to do our best," she promises.
"You're going to do your best."
El isn't sure if this is a statement or question or correction or challenge.
She's become used to speaking in the plural, so used to others sitting in the other chairs around the bed, even though they're empty right now.
"Mm," Max makes a vague little noise. "I know how good your best is."
El stares, gaze dropping to the casts. Again unsure.
She thinks of getting up in the middle of the night to rearrange objects in her bedroom that were forming a shadow she did not like. She wishes she could do that to that sentence. In fact, to Max altogether, today. She's seemed in a funny mood, and not ha ha funny.
A silence passes. El looks around the room for a change of subject.
The ticking second hand of the wall clock becomes faintly audible to her as soon as she glances at it. It's ten minutes past when Lucas usually gets here.
El loves Lucas, but she treasures the time she gets to spend alone with Max, especially since coming so close to losing her.
She doesn't know exactly why, but in a surprising first, El wishes he would hurry up and get here.
"Lucas should be here soon."
"He isn't coming."
She listens to the sounds of muffled voices and beeps from other rooms while she tries to figure out how Max would know about a change in plans.
"I know it was you. Who brought me back."
El doesn't know what to say. It's not something she wanted kept a secret. But she also hasn't said anything about it, because it would sound like she wanted to be thanked.
"Lucas wouldn't have," Max adds.
"He couldn't have."
"He knows CPR. He could have. But he didn't."
Oh. CPR, yes, that's something she's heard of. People without powers have a way to restart hearts, too. She had forgotten.
If Lucas thought of that, he might feel bad. He shouldn't, but he might.
"He was.. stunned," El comes softly to his defense. "He did not know you could be helped."
"I don't hold it against him. He did right."
El blinks, searching Max's face for help understanding her meaning. Closed-eyed and expressionless, there is no help to be found.
"You shouldn't have brought me back."
El frowns. "Don't say that."
"I was finally free. If you cared about me, you would have let me stay."
"Max, no," she shakes her head. "No. You have your whole life-"
"We both know you did it for yourself. Not for me."
El's stomach drops. "What?"
"You said you'd protect me. Isn't a life like this what you should've protected me from?" Max answers coldly. "I'm worse than a prisoner. Stuck with needles and hooked to machines, no say in any of it. I thought you loved me. This was the last thing I ever thought you'd do to me."
"I do love you," El shakes her head desperately. "You will get better. It is bad now, but you are getting better. You only have to stay here until you heal-"
"How do I look in my gown?" Max asks acidly. "As good as you did?"
El freezes, wounded. Blinking fat tears down her cheeks.
It's not the same.
It is similar, that's why she hates it.
She hates this whole place every day for what it reminds her of, but she comes every day for Max, and she tries to look around as little as possible on her way to Max's room. 301. That's not Max's number, it's just the room's number. The pattern on her gown is little squares, not little snowflakes. Hospitals and prisons are two different things, normally. It's not the same.
Fluorescent lights on white tile make her feel sick.
At least she had been able to see the lights. At least she could move.
It is not the same.
"Please - Max, this is not -" she tries to slow her shallow breaths. "You will go home as soon as you are strong enough. I'll help you. I'll take you outside myself, I promise."
She remembers how fresh air had smelled and how warm the sun had felt on her face on her first day outside. She wants that for Max.
Her eyes take inventory of all the tubes and braces and casts, wondering whether she could deliver on a promise to break Max out of here right now if that's what she wants. Wondering how exactly she would do it, whether she could do it without hurting her, whether she could take care of her at home.
"You brought me back to make it look as if you saved me. When the truth is... you chose to prolong my suffering, just to hide your failure."
Suspicion seeps into El's horror. Even with medicine, it is not like Max to say things like this. Either she is more furious than it ever seemed possible, or..
El tries to take her hand away, and the cool fingers around hers tighten.
"Condemned me to your idea of hell.. if only for a little while. All so you could play the hero."
El stands. "Stop." Her voice doesn't sound as authoritative as she wishes it would.
"But this is what you wanted. You forced me back into this broken body. Just to lie here in agony, alone in the dark. Waiting to die again." Max's voice is growing distorted and wrong. "Counting seconds until the end of the world. Just waiting. Waiting for it all to be over -"
"Let me go!" El pulls, but the grip on her hand grows impossibly strong.
"You would not let me go. And now, you will wait with me."
"Let GO!"
She shoots out her free hand, but nothing happens, because she is sure this isn't Max, but.. what if it is? And if it is, does she really deserve to be hurt even more, just for saying how she feels?
"Eleven." Max's eyes open, milky white but aimed directly at her. They look wrong, even wrong from the new normal-wrong.
A chill runs through her.
"It's time."
There's a distant rumble, the kind of tremor that has become commonplace in Hawkins these last weeks, whenever a little more ground is lost to the growing rifts. Only this time it grows slowly louder -
El rights her sideways head, finding herself sore-necked in a deep slouch in a very uncomfortable chair at Max's bedside. She pulls herself up, shaken.
"Hello, anybody there?" Max asks, uncertain and jokey. Her normal voice. Her brow is creased, eyes searching vaguely in El's direction.
"H-hi. Hi, Max," El rubs her own eyes. "Sorry, did I wake you..."
"No, it's fine." Small and a little scratchy, but right. "You okay?"
The fingers sticking out of the end of her nearer cast flex a little, which El recognizes as the closest thing Max can manage to reaching out to her.
She's sad to find herself eyeing them with caution for a second before slipping hers into them. They're cool. Weak and gentle.
"I'm okay."
"I'm here for you too, you know." Max says, with a quirk of half her mouth that has to do with a smile, but is complicated. "Not good for much, but I'm here."
El works hard to make the smile she gives back a convincing one, remembers Max can't see it anyway, and gives her hand a light squeeze instead.
Max, in the condition she's in, still trying to comfort her nightmares...
That is what that was. Right?
Those awful words - those weren't true.
El reaches over and tugs Max's sheet up to her shoulders. Max smiles softly at the gesture.
A selfish act disguised as one of caring, she thinks.
No. She does care if Max is cold. Of course she does. It's not just so she doesn't have to see that gown. ...It's not just that.
Those awful words - maybe they weren't all false.
When she'd placed her hand on Max's heart, she really hadn't stopped to think what it would be like for Max if it didn't all work out.
El looks out the window where the air is hazy with a drifting smoke plume. The rift itself isn't visible from here, but at the rate it's spreading, it will be soon. Closing the blinds would only be for her own benefit.
Saving Max's life can not have been the wrong thing to do. But if they fail - if she does fail - and the world does end, her last thought will be sorrow for letting Max die twice.
If the world ends, she owes it to Max to hold her hand when it does.
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the-firebird69 · 4 months
We have a couple notes it is getting late in the day he's gotta eat something and has a couple tasks to perform. Not huge but he still has to get them done and they will assist us yes he kind of went through this already at church on banks and they obstructed him before the warning signs are everywhere that the empire is angry about it they totally ignored it and they're going to try and proceed and say and do the same things what he says is you come in and the investments are kind of mandatory make a selection that's supposed to keep sending you stuff and they usually don't send you anything after the first week and they do it with him every time what they wanted to do is just take his investments and threaten him when he has nothing what our son said was very interesting a few minutes ago and all their ears are perking up.
;; Such as the case with my husband that he has a big mouth and most of the time he doesn't but he's angry and people are treating him very badly and they're also getting him angry to say things I just want to say that
## The government is who I rely on for my income and its solely them. We'll fight over the government because of that fact. There's been a lot of intense fighting recently and I believe it's because I announced there were some areas that they neglected to pay me for that meaning there's time. The waiting. For your approval once approved you should pay for that time. I didn't and there were a couple other. In and out of the hospital then they stopped payment when I was still eligible and there was a period in North Oxford where it was stopped and other people were pushing around people and find out their groups are too big. This is a long dry road for someone who's my age and it is despicably long and harsh and I'm losing relatives who help me and people who supported me are becoming heinous and evil and don't have anything to do but bother me not to mention try and help me is out of the window I have some poor people who are trying to help me and they're mostly smaller but their hearts are in the right place they want to help themselves and help me and the rebellion and other people are not thinking of what to do and they're so convoluted and that t....ck some of them but here is the scoop
and they're so convoluted and that they are delusional lots of them and sick some of them but here is the scoop
####$ The United States government is my sole source of income that's not good that's one thing, the second thing is people are fighting for it only mildly because they do not understand the implications of what the government can do as they have been my sole source of income for years and the max are saying I can say it because they're kind of running it and they're invading and they're using other groups and now they're getting a finger hold or a hand hold to do so because they want to pay me the roughly $250,000 outstanding that I'm owed in order to begin their plan and use their cash and their code and they insist on me printing to show you what you're giving up by being such **** and you don't even try they say which is amazing that they're helping me post this
Zues Hera
we see it. dont get it no did do ok
we tried ok retired mac code on us here lol bad stuff rel though and we cahnged and oops nope missed it
we check it sounds real.
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mara-xx217 · 3 years
How would some killers react if they saw a documentary on theirselves? Were they be surprised of domes facts they don’t know about and strongly disagree about?
Ohh this is an interesting question! 👀 Of course, depending on if the documentary is actually trying to be factual (which, in this case, we'll more or less assume yes) then most, if all, details of the truth will be lost/unknown due to the circumstances of the killers' lives and disappearances. Result may vary between the whole lot of them.
Thanks to @prettycutebunny for giving me good ideas for Herman and Danny💕
Evan Macmillan/the Trapper
Hates it.
Too much was wrong. Not that it was factually incorrect, given the information that was acquired by the documentary, but that the nuances of his situation of course wasn't presented "properly".
He's not even mad that he's depicted as a literal monster (mostly because he is just that), only enraged pissed that his father wasn't made out to be the psycho he really was.
"Hmph! I should have broken his arms, too, while I was at it..."
Philip Ojomo/the Wraith
Extremely upset and enraged.
There was a complete coverup- of fucking course there was a coverup! Those crooked bastards all pinned it on him. Said he just snapped one day and brutally murdered his boss.
"And they never found his spine..." Philip grips his weapon tighter. He never had one to begin with...
Would probably break the TV and walk away. He doesn't want to be around anyone. At all. Ever.
Max Thompson Jr./the Hillbilly
Completely devastated to the point he's hysterical.
No! He wasn't a bad boy! He was good and he loved his Ma and Pa and always did as he was told and- a-and..!
There was no mention of the Thomspon's connection to the police department. No mentions of him even being their son. He was just some sort of lunatic that murdered a lot of "good folk".
Just a lunatic... A monster. That's all he is- a good for nothing monster, just like his Ma and Pa told him he was...
Herman Carter/the Doctor
Hates that he loves it so much.
There's a smugness that he feels when his handiwork is displayed before him. Did he really do that good of a job? Nice.
Then again... they did get a lot wrong. Like he was the only one doing shady shit... Yeah, right. Damn sheep...
Annoyed, but still kinda thrilled that he's work was described as "the stuff of nightmares".
Danny Johnson/Ghostface
100% loves it like the egotistical prick he is.
New laws, policing habits and training, and increased paranoia that will last for generations to come? What is this, Christmas?!
The only thing that grinds his gears is seeing reporting on copy cat killers. "What?! They think I'm that fucking stupid?! And UGLY?!"
Loses the plot rather quickly after that. Gets so mad that he might actually track down who made the documentary and kill them and their families. Maybe... Might be too much work but Danny's ego is fragile enough...
@prettycutebunny @gore-loving-whore @kennbb @cherrysodalite @dead-bxtch-walking @space-arsonist
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angelsswirl · 4 years
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Summary: You were never supposed to fall in love with your best friend.
If you should fall
From your pink sky
Just know you'll fall into my arms, every single night
Icarus babe
Requested: Yes
Word Count: idk, a decent amount?
Title Song: Icarus by Max Lawrence
Rating: Mature, but the smut wont be graphic because I don't think that fits what I've written here. It's more implied than anything
Notes: I hope you enjoy it!
You were never supposed to fall in love with your best friend. You weren't. You knew this as fact.
And that isn't to say, it never happened for other people. That it never worked out. No. You just knew that it wouldn't work out for you. Things like that rarely did.
You had prayed, and wished, and hoped that this would all work out. But all of your pleas had fallen on deaf ears. And you couldn't say you were surprised.
Park Chaeyoung was your best friend.
She knew that. You didn't have to tell her.
She was the person you told everything to. The person you did everything with. The person you lived for.
Park Chaeyoung was the love of your life.
She did not know that. You weren't going to tell her.
She was the person you dreamed about at night. She was the person you fantasized about in the day. She was the person you breathed for.
She would never know. Because you would never tell her. Living in your truth by yourself seemed a much better option then speaking your truth and being denied of it.
You're not afraid to admit you're not very strong when it comes to love. But you are afraid to admit that for her, you would try to be.
"Watching you two together makes me sad." Jennie said out of nowhere.
You frowned at her. Rosé had run off to God knows where minutes prior, leaving just you and Jennie standing in the corner of someone else's livingroom during a house party.
It gross and sticky and hot and most definitely not your scene, but Rosé had practically begged you to come along, and return you had practically begged Jennie to be your buffer. And maybe even your sober coach as well.
You didn't trust yourself, alone with Rosé and alcohol in your system.
"What are you talking about?" You and Jennie are standing close enough to each other that you don't have to shout of the pumping bass of som Top 40 song, but you definitely can't whisper either.
Jennie rolled her eyes. She was bored. She really only tagged along to be a good friend. This wasn't her scene either. That was one of the reasons you two got along so well. You both hated and loved the same things.
Sometimes, you think if maybe Jennie wasn't straighter than a steel beam, then maybe she'd be the best friend that you'd have fallen in love with.
But that wasn't what the cards said for you.
"You and Chae. It's like watching those 'arms of the angels' or whatever commercials. You know with the hurt, homeless puppies?"
It was your turn to roll your eyes, "Well, I'm sorry I can't serve to be your entertainment 24/7."
"Oh, I didn't say this wasn't entertaining. It's just also sad. Like, what's the hold up, just grab her face and kiss her."
"I'm sure to her it would be like if I just grabbed your face and kissed you."
"No, that would imply she's straight and not head over ass in love with you. Both of which, I know not to he true for her in the slightest."
"She's not in love with me, Jennie."
"And I'm not sweating through my clothes right now." She replied sarcastically.
You only shook your head and took another sip of your lukewarm beer.
"Riddle me this, Y/N. If Chaeyoung isn't in love with you then why does she look at you like she would stop breathing if you were ever out of her sight? If Chaeyoung isn't in love with you then why does she treat you like you'll melt away? If Chaeyoung isn't love with you then why are you the only thing she talks about when you're not around?"
You shook your head profusely, "Chaeyoung is like that with everyone. She's sweet and nice and flirty with everyone. And that's exactly why it's time for me to finally get over her."
Jennie nodded along silently. You got the feeling she was only pretending to agree with you.
"Ok, well then, you know what the first step to getting over someone is. Get under someone else. How about the girl over there? She's been staring at you since we got here." Jennie pointed to a tall, admittedly beautiful woman across the room from you. She wasn't looking at you at the moment, but you had noticed her staring earlier as well.
Despite all of what you just said, you'd sooner rather die than get over Rosé but you were stubborn and needed to prove a point to Jennie.
"Hold my beer." Jennie did so with a curious smirk on her face.
You walked your way over to the woman, dodging elbows and sloshing drinks. She saw you coming, a soft smile engulfing her lips.
"Hi." She said some what softly.
"Not to be creepy or anything, but I noticed you when you walked in, and I sort of couldn't help myself but to stare at you all night. You're beautiful, "She paused, "My name is Lisa, by the way."
"I-it's not creepy. I'm Y/N....want to dance?"
"I loved to."
You grabbed Lisa's hand and all but dragged her onto the dancefloor. This must have been where the drunkenness set in. You turn around on your own accord, pressing your back into Lisa's front. Swaying your hips to the pounding in your ears, because you definitely cannot hear the music anymore.
"Where's, Y/N?" Rosé asked Jennie as she met her. She handed her the water she had picked up for the three of them.
Jennie pointed in your direction with a hum.
Rosè watched silently as you grinded on the stranger.
"I was gone for 5 minutes..."
"You snooze, you lose, I guess." Jennie felt bad for acting so cavalier, but at this point, the only way to get you what you wanted was to be completely honest.
Rosé didn't exactly know what to think of that. Or rather it was hard for her to think anything when you were dancing seductively with someone pointedly not her.
The emotions that come with it are hard to pick through as well. Hurt, anger, jealousy, and maybe she's even a bit turned on because she finds you immensely sexy.
Whatever the case may be, she decided that she can't sit around and just watch. No that would hurt too much. She's gotta stop this. She's gotta fix this.
Chaeyoung was never supposed to fall in love with her best friend. At least she doesn't think she was supposed to. There's no real way to be sure.
And that isn't to say that she's not sure if she loves you. She's 100% sure about that. It's to say that, how is she supposed to know if you love her back.
She had prayed and wished and hoped that you would see the signs that absolutely poured out of her whenever you were near. But, all of her pleas had fallen on deaf ears. And she couldn't say she was surprised.
You were her best friend.
You knew that. She didn't have to tell you.
You were the person she confided in. The person who knew her deepest, darkest secrets. The person she breathed every breath for.
You were the love of her life.
You didn't know that. She had been trying to tell you.
You were the person she gave herself pep talks in the mirror for. The person she put on her most expensive outfits for. The person she would live a thousand lives for.
You were oblivious. Sometimes, it seemed like you didn't even want to know. Chaeyoung didn't want to live in her truth by herself. She wanted to shout it from the rooftops. But keeping that to herself seemed a much better option than making you uncomfortable and losing you as a friend.
She's not afraid to admit she's in love with the very fiber of your being. But she is afraid to admit that, even if she wasn't, you'd still have her wrapped around your finger.
"Get away from her." It's harsher than she intended and it definitely startled you, but it got the point across.
"Chae?" You questioned as you were practically yanked to Rosé's side.
"Don't grab her like that." Lisa said with a frown.
Rosé's resolve slipped for a second. Maybe she shouldn't have grabbed you but that was besides the point now.
"I said stay away from her."
Lisa put her hands up in mock surrender, "Look. Sorry. Didn't know she had a girlfriend."
"She's no-" Lisa walked deeper into the throng of people before you could finish your sentence.
You turned back to Chaeyoung with a frown.
"What the hell was that, Chae?"
That was a good question. One that she didn't exactly have an answer to. She glanced down to where her hand was still gripping your forearm. She let go silently.
With a roll of your eyes you pulled Rosé through the crowd. You searched for an empty room, quickly finding an unoccupied bedroom.
You close the door behind you two. Finally, some peace and quiet.
You crossed your arms and looked on expectantly.
Chaeyoung's face scrunched up, like she was losing a hard fought battle with herself, "You don't get it do you?
"Get what? Why you pulled me away from Lisa? No. I don't."
Rosé wiped her hands over her face roughly, "I did that be-because....your mine. Or at least, I want you to be."
Your arms fell to your sides, and your face softened into confusion.
"God. I thought I was being obvious. I thought I was being so obvious." Chaeyoung shook her hand before sitting on the edge of the bed.
"But, you're flirty with everyone?"
"There's a difference between being nice to someone and being irrevocably in love with you."
You scrambled for any words, any explanation that could help you describe your confusion, and quite frankly you're embarrassment. It seemed as though you had put her in the same position you had thought she put you in.
"It's okay if you don't feel the same way. As long as we can still be friends. I just had to finally tell you with words. We can still be friends right?" She doesn't look at you as she speaks. Her eyes casted down onto her wringing hands in her lap.
You move slowly towards her, grabbing her hands in her lap, "I love you too. I'm sorry I didn't say anything before-I thought...I thought...well it doesn't matter what I thought. I just-I love you too. A lot."
Chaeyoung looked up at you, a stray tear falling from her eye, "You do?"
You nod, "I do." You leaned in towards her, taking her bottom lip softly between yours. And she kisses you back, it isn't hungry, but it passionate, and somehow that serves to turn you on more.
You pushed her back slightly and straddled her lap.
Chaeyoung seemed to not know what to do with this turn of events, so you helped her along. Grabbing her hands and placing them on your ass.
You breathed out a chuckle into her mouth, "Yeah. Oh."
Chaeyoung let herself be pushed backwards onto the bed. She grabbed at the zipper to your dress. Fumbling with it until it finally did what she had been willing it today.
She pulled the dress delicately over your head, pushing it onto the floor beneath your feet, "You're beautiful." She whispered into your neck.
You tried to hide your blush by turning your head as much as you could away from her.
"Don't hide from me. Not anymore."
You turned back to her. Your blush covering your face in full force. Chaeyoung leaned in and kissed you again.
You fumbled with her clothing just as she did with yours. A sense of urgency encompassing the both of you. Like you only had so little time to make up for the time you lost.
You're not even sure how you ended up on your back and further up the bed, but you are sure that Rosé touching you, on the outside and inside feels like being thrown head first into a volcano. And you finally come undone it's just like an eruption that you can't (nor want) to stop.
The same goes for Rosé. Having you taste her feels like she's drowning in the world's shallowest pool. It's like swimming in a puddle. Impossible, yet satisfying beyond belief. And when she finally comes undone it's just being evaporated into the summer sun.
When it's all over and you're laying on top, amd underneath, and through each other, Rosé speaks up, "I love you."
"I know." And you did.
You and Chaeyoung were best friends, and you were always meant to fall in love.
You knew that, like you knew the back of Chaeyoung's hand.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
Helo unwaith eto! Felly, bydd hyn yn boen ...
Istg I've been procastinating with this chapter the entire day!! I have finished all the chores!! I even did the ones I wasn’t suposed to do today!! Fuck, I even prepared a dessert!! That shows how much I'm scared, but anyway (quick note: even tho I will not quote everything cause it would be a REALLY LONG ask, please assume everything here made me cry :))
Ragnor!!! 😭
Oh shit. now Selena will blame herself. NO!! DONT DO IT!!
"Everyone was in love with Magnus. She didn’t trust people who weren’t in love with him at least a little bit. It was a big red flag." THIS!!
IZZY!! 😭😭
Yes, Alec is the stongest and we love him with our entire souls BUT HE NEEDS A BREAK OR HE WILL LITERALLY DIE!!!
"Something was going on." Honestly I'm not surprised anymore...
“I can’t feel it,” Magnus said, his voice confused. “I can’t feel my heart.” (FUCK. FUCK. All this time. I thought it was Alec or Rafael or Jace, but Magnus??? I'm in pain...)
"Keep beating. Keep beating. Keep beating." Every time this shows, I lose some sanity...💔
"How can you be there for someone else when you can barely be there for yourself?" Pain. Thats it.
"But he had to keep fighting. It had to keep beating." I'm sorry, I know this is sad and everything but I can just imagine this: 😂
Heart: So, man. Its time to go
Alec: No
Heart: Wait, what? This is not a debate, you will die
Alec: No, not yet. You cant make me
Heart: Man... Are you ok?
Alec, crying:  No...
“How are you alive?” Alec asked, the question slipping through his lips. Jace smiled. “Who says I am alive?” (Nothing to add besides the fact it hurts)
“You have to let go.” “I can’t,” Alec said hoarsely. “Why not?” she asked. If I let go, I can’t put it back together again. If I let go, I have to say goodbye too. (this one was one of the most painful. And the bar is really high!!)
The voice messages!!! Istg I'm crying. They are just so beautiful but sad and I just😭😭
"Stop this shit. Stop this shit. Stop this shit." YESS PLEASE!!
"He did know something they had in common though. They both could be assholes sometimes." Sounds accurate...
“You could give him poison, and he would still say he likes it,” Max grumbled - a bad joke to be honest. (Sorry, I laughed😂)
"Dad can’t die either. The world needed him. Bapak needed him." Now thats where you are wrong tho...
“This is just a big scheme to make me responsible, right?” Max asked out loud. “Well, I am responsible now. So, come back, asshole. You win.” 🥺🥺🥺
Wow. I wasnt expecting that story...
"Because that’s what siblings did sometimes. You tried to kill each other and pretend like it never happened." Honestly, can relate...
"Bapak was asleep, his face buried in Ragnor’s chest." THIS FRIENDSHIP!!
"He hoped his parents wouldn’t mind. They already had a son who was a criminal. What’s one more, right?" I- Thats... Not. How. It. Works. Honey 🙂
“No more upstaging me, you prick,” Max whispered, looking at the storm clouds now. “I’m gonna fix this. I’m gonna bring you back.” (Idk what to expect and honestly I'm scared....)
"She had made a bracelet for Roman out of the stones she had found. He had worn proudly ever since." This doesn't make up for the pain.... But its still gorgeous!!!
“I’m here if you want to talk,” he said gently. “Or just hold hands…or something.” “Why would we hold hands?” Georgia asked. “Um, for support?” Roman asked, his cheeks pink. “Hmmm,” Georgia said. “I’ll keep that in mind.” 💙💙💙💙
Roman and technology... Wow!
"Of course, they had stopped after Olivia had punched them for hurting her cousin’s feelings." Olivia is just 😍😍 is this what Lexi feels like?
Gigi should be appreciated!! Thats it.
"Achilles" I am love him too!! He deserves all the best!!
"There was nothing wrong or dirty or secretive or criminal about this." Why is this so hard to understand for some people???
“Sometimes, the answer is right in front of us." Boy of you knew... 😂
“It’s password,” We stan our queen😎
“You get a lot of emails from Burger King.” “I am a loyal customer,” Georgia pointed out. (lmaoo 😂)
“Are those…Are those lab results?” Roman gaped in shock. “Roman,” Georgia whispered. “It’s data.” (HOLY FUCKING SHIT. HELL YESSS. WE LOVE CAMILA AND YESS. NOW THEY COULD FIND OUT. CONNECT THE DOTS)
The endings of each chapter are just WOW. Honestly, this restored just a little bit of hope (maybe i'll do some memes to cope 😂)
Hwyl fawr! Welwn ni chi bennod nesaf (neu hyd yn oed o'r blaen)
Welsh! So far, I've been able to recognise the language immediately. Yay!!!!
You being scared of lbaf is such a flex for me lmao what
I love your reactions as usual. They make me uwu so much.
Here is a meme for you :P
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ponkho · 4 years
Dimitry Darrleeyia
The cold, serious and cryptid magician whos past is in flames
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Full name: Dimitry Keahi Darrleeyia
Meaning: Dimitry means "Earth-lover" and "Devoted/Dedicated to demeter" (greek mythology goddess of corn and harvest). Keahi is a boy's name of Hawaiian origin meaning "flames" . Darrleeyia does not have any meaning, it is there for backstory purposes.
Source 1 source 2
Pronunciation: Dimitry (Dim-mi-tri) Keahi (ke-ah-hí) Darrleeyia (Darr-lee-ih-ah)
Gender: Male, He-Him
Birthday: 15/9
Age: 28
Orientation: Pansexual
Magic: fire, Earth (rocks creation and manipulation)
Occupation: Magician, shop-keeper, fortune teller,
Familiar: Maxwell, the red panda. Cute boy, horrible personality
Love interest: Asra
Shippable? Yes! Absolutely!!
Theme song: Phoenix - Fall out Boy
playlist :)
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Major Arcana: The Moon
Upright: Unconscious, illusions intuition
Reversed: confusion, fear, misinterpretation
Minor Arcana: Ace of Swords
Upright: breakthrough, clarity, sharp mind
Reversed: confusion, brutality, chaos
— Magic —
Fire–- his habilities in general is around fire magic, such as creating a flame from thin air to creating massive explosions. If you manage to enrage him enough his hair will turn into flames and he will breath a black hot smoke.
Earth–- this magic is more on the rock solid part. He's not very good with nature and earth magic (since he tends to burn things down thanks to his fire magic) but he is actually pretty good at rock manipulation. He can creates hard rocks from the ground and create precious rocks even, his most precious rock he can create is diamonds, but for that he needs to have passed through a hard time of stress, sadness or any overwhelming bad feeling, and as a result, two horns made of diamonds will grow to defend himself and look threatening. (He feels embarrassed after, he thinks he was weak enough to let those feelings overwhelm him)
Others habilities: he can speak with animals, cooks amazingly good and he's good at only three weapons: daggers, katanas and Lances.
— Personality and Preferences —
Personality: he's cold, cryptid and too honest. He doesn't give a single shit about how you feel, most of the time, i mean. He is hard to befriend, and always is looking for some hidden lie under any word that comes out of your mouth, but once you get his trust he will still be very cold but he will start showing how he feels. Like, giving gifts, making things. Giving without wanting back.
He has a great talent of getting through lies, so if you really want to deceive him, you gotta be smarter than him. People tend to stay away from his path everywhere he goes, not because bad reputation, but for respect, he can look as calm and cool as he wants but he can and will put you to your place if needed. Dimitry, whenever he wants to impress, he'll act, doesn't know how to talk about feelings or anything, so if he know about something you really want or like he'll get it for you, but will never want to take credits for it, instead he will use the famous "I just happened to be there".
Finally when he really likes someone, his behavior changes totally towards this person. He's calm, loving, sweet, measure his words with care to not hurt, loyal and becomes a little bit protective. He will smile more and if you're lucky, you can even get some chuckles out of his mouth, he'll even create jewels for you, "oh you like knives? Here's a diamond dagger I made."
Never talks about his markings. Unless you have a amazing relationship with him, but even so, he will only give hints and never the whole truth.
Likes: Cooking, talking with Max(well), reading, drawing, playing harp,(He plays it at his bedroom on the palace) silence.
Dislikes: loud people, disrespect, lies.
Fears: losing Max, cages and betrayal
Quirks: he can run extremely fast and thanks to his tail, he can make swift turns without losing much speed. His markings burn when he is enraged, and sometimes they will burn his own clothes.
Favorite food: Gingerbread
Favorite Drink: Hot chocolate
Favorite flower: Gardenia
Favorite color: Mahogany
Most likely to: burn a city down because they messed with one of his friends
★— Appearance — ★
Height: 197 cm
Eyes: Burning orange transitioning to yellow
Hair: long Mahogany colored hair, two long bangs on the front, hair tied up on a bun.
Other: his hair is not originally mahogany, his hair color is the same as the tuff of fur on his tail, wich is, blonde.
Color theme: Mahogany, red, yellows and beige.
Family & Background
His current adoptive mother is a queen, or as they say, a Leader, wich would make him the next in line
Bianca Wood - biological mother - deceased // Relationship: none
Darek Wood - biological father - alive? // Relationship: Bad
Meghan Rook - adoptive mother - deceased // Relationship: bad
Andrew Rook - adoptive father - deceased // Relationship: horrible
Lys Rook - adoptive sister - deceased // Relationship: he was kind of her slave
???? Darrleeyia - Adoptive mother - alive // Relationship: motherly, friend, family
Sit down because it's going to be a long talk
He was born on a very poor little village and his parents never actually wanted kids, it's one more mouth to feed and they almost didn't have food for themselves, he was raised to work hard, he helped on home already at a age when he knew already what was happening around him. His mother never gave him a motherly love and his dad just talked to him to offend or to order him around, not that he cared about it, he thought it was how parents worked. One day his mother fell ill and died, at that age Dimitry was 6, he knew she wasn't coming back and his dad started to put the blame on him for her death, as if he could do anything. One day things got out of hand and his dad became alcoholic, then he started to owe money for people, and he couldn't pay it. So one day, when the opportunity came and he saw that Dimitry could use magic, he sold Dimitry to a couple that needed someone to cook, clean and entertain the guests of their bar on another village. They payed a good price and even more because of the magic Dimitry knew.
When he arrived he felt betrayed, left by his own father. So he thought "Well, he was an ass anyways. I'm sure I'll be better here" unfortunately, it was not what happened. They had already pointed out that they needed someone to cook and clean the bar, wich he already knew and was fine with it but then they started to abuse their power over him. His sister made him clean her bedroom, she would cut his hair just for "fun" and blame him for anything she had done, and of course her parents believed her and only her. He got spanked a lot of times and then he just decided he would never smile or talk again, because every word that comes out of his mouth turns against him, at this time he was 8.
One day a customer, different from all the others came directly at him. It was a woman, taller than everyone in that room, she used a hood and she had an air of superiority. She asked him why he was sad and why did he work so hard, he didn't answer, but she insisted on talking to him, she even invited him to sit on a table to talk with her but he refused since he was working. Then, she told him she had a way of saving him from that place, he was just like her, but because of always restraining his emotions and desires, he didn't look different from all the rest. She would come at night again to have one last talk and it was his choice if he wanted to go or not.
When the woman came back at night, she was without her hood and when she walked in, all the bar fell silent. He finally knew who that woman was. She was the woman from the tales, the legends, she was Darrleeyia, a goddess. She brings warmth, prosperity and happiness whenever she goes, and she was just there, on that miserable bar, just to ask him if he wanted to come home. After she made the question all the eyes fell on Dimitry, he felt anxious for the first time, but he knew she wouldn't be worse than what already was happening to him there, so he accepted her offer. She gave him her hand and they walked out of the bar without interruptions. What about the bar, you say? She burnt it down and she did not hide her satisfaction of it.
Together, they went got on a ship and she took Dimitry where he now can call home.
Five Facts:
Dimitry is allergic to shrimp. He discovered that when the Leader of the seas of the homeland gave him a shrimp as a treat for helping her out. The Leader got in trouble with Darrleeyia later on.
He is ambidextrous
He can purr, but it's rare. Extremely rare that only two people saw him do that. His mother and Maxwell
His body runs at a higher temperature than normal humans.
His diamond horns cannot be broken by anyone other than himself. If someone wants to take it out they'll have to crack Dimitry's skull.
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Art References:
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I got 99% inspired by @juliandev0rak's Cadmus bio soooo
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robinsnest2111 · 4 years
indirectly tagged by @lampmeeting
it's not part of the original thing but I'm gonna add a silly little self portrait as well~
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Questions to get to know you a little better:
1. What do you prefer to be called name wise? Robin or any kind of nickname related to that you can come up with lol Some of my favourites are Rob and Robble
2. When is your birthday? November 21st
3. Where do you live? A little town in Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony), Germany. Known for being the summer residence of a royal bloodline some 200 years ago. Yes there's a castle :P
4. Three things I am doing right now? Trying to forget the nightmare I just woke up from, thinking about getting a few more clementines from the kitchen and fininishing a little sketch I started yesterday
5. Four fandoms that have piqued my interest: Metalocalypse (ofc), Hogan's Heroes, Ghost BC, What We Do In The Shadows. Those are the main 4 at the moment but there's always a chance for other fandoms to take over for a bit.
6. How has the pandemic been treating you? ....yeah. Not so great. My grandma died suddenly at the start of the pandemic, I had to leave my internship I was super happy at early because of lockdown, finished my last semester at college with horrible online classes, had to move back in with my parents, cut contact with someone I've known almost all my life, barely passed my finals, still on the hunt for a job (started applying to places in September) and am close to losing it any day now lol Also pandemic means no flea markets which was one of the few things keeping my brain happy and occupied while giving me a chance to ride my bike around the region for hours :^(((((
7. Song(s) I can’t stop listening to: Sadly no particular song coming to mind right now, but I've had Ghost's entire discography and Dethalbum I, II, and III on rotation for months now lol. This Toss A Coin To Your Witcher Remix has also been stuck in my head for a while and is always worth a listen (Also have some silly techno/hardstyle remixes stuck in my brain permanently because I listened to them as background noise while trying to make my final college projects somewhat decent. Terence Hill & Bud Spencer - Lalalalalala, Da Tweekaz - Jägermeister, Star Wars Hardstyle, DJ Ötzi - Anton aus Tirol, Das Leben des Brian - Schwanzus Longus)
8. Recommend a movie: The Road to El Dorado by Dreamworks, a children's movie, I know... Each song is an absolute banger tho (even the German versions!), the jokes are silly but fun, the queer/gay hints add that little spice that I subconsciously picked up on and felt comforted by as a kid and the design of the everything is just (chef's kiss) Also the chemistry between the 4 main characters is gud as heck. It's the childhood movie I latched on to the most, my mother had to rent the dvd almost every single day until I bought a copy myself lol
9. How old are you? 24 orz I don't feel like it at all...
10. School, university, occupation? Finished college in August, unemployed because no one wants to hire in the creative field during a worldwide plague :^)
11. Do you prefer heat or cold? As long as it's under 35°C I prefer heat. My hands and feet are icicles 95% of the time after losing weight :^(
12. Name one fact others may not know about you? Since I'm an expert oversharer you probably know almost everything about me already orz But uhhh. Lemme see... I learned how to operate a laundry machine at the ripe old age of 20 at my internship at a hair salon lmao My mother never had the nerve to show me how on the modern machine we have at home (along the lines of "you will fuck it up anyways so let me do it >:^(((" which is an overarching theme in her raising me lol), but the older machine with the simpler dials at the salon was a good start to learn and honestly one of the things at this internship I'm still super grateful for...
13. Are you shy? Oh hell yeah I am... It's all the years of getting only negative feedback for trying to interact with others lol
14. Preferred pronouns: He/Him mostly, still figuring out if I still like they/them or nah (since in German there are no neutral pronouns that aren't neopronouns I've automatically gotten more attached to he/him lol)
15. Biggest pet peeves: I feel so mean for admitting it but honestly: Any noises my parents make. If I'm having a particularly bad low brain energy day even hearing them breathe makes me wanna run away and scream in anger... (Doesn't irk me with anyone else tho, which is weird...)
16. What is your favorite "dere" type? Oh there's more than 4 types now?? I've always liked Kuudere types the most out of the original 4 types, but I guess Shundere and Utsudere are right up my alley too!!!
The Kuudere (クーデレ), sometimes written Coodere or Kūdere, type refers to a character who is often cold, blunt, and cynical. They may seem very emotionless on the outside, but on the inside they’re very caring — at least when it comes to the ones they love.
The Shundere (しゅんデレ) type refers to characters who are sad and very depressed. While a full smile on their face might be out of the question, their love interest can help them open up and feel accepted.
The Utsudere (うつデレ) type refers to a character who is often sad and depressed. There is a reason for the character’s despair such as being bullied at school. Even if their life improves, they are often wary of other characters’ motives.
17. Rate your life 1-10? Maybe a 4? 4.5 at max
18. What is your main blog? The one I'm posting this on lol
19. List all your side blogs and what they’re for:
yorkiesart - old as hell and inactive artblog
bleedingheartbird - very triggering and depressing vent blog :^(
yorkie2111 - my very first username, a sea and ocean themed aesthetic blog now mostly for when I miss Denmark a whole lot (kinda inactive)
robinsartnest - a second attempt at a separate art blog, inactive as well lol
20. Is there anything people should know before becoming friends with you? I'm a clusterfuck of several undiagnosed mental illnesses and probably other conditions that I'm trying to figure out and deal with on my own until I can get professional help and some diagnoses. At times I'm weird and distant and overall very depressed and unpleasant, I've already hurt so many people this way and am trying to be better every single day. Basically I've never been given the "How to properly Human" manual and am frantically trying to get it right without hurting too many innocent people in the process.
Anyway, if you are nice to me I will love you forever ♡♡♡ :'3c
idk who to tag so if you wanna do this, do it~
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gronjon44 · 3 years
Welp... here we go...
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If you dont want spoilers then I recommend you skip this entire post because I do not respect this film at all to not talk about the shit that happens in this film.
This films wants to be an emotional gut punch but it is so... I your face about it. Emotional beats are either predictable or just... they don't hit. And the ultimate sacrifice from Bhgs at the end while sad just doesn't hit anything. And the plot of "Oh the main villain manipulates the kid to go against his dad and the villain ultimately joins the rival team" is really predictable. And I know that in the end this is a film targeted to kids and thats fine. But this film felt like it was trying to be too hip and too aware (the entire joke about LeBron acting hip and the 'don't dab' comment is just not funny)
The jokes
The jokes in this film do not land for me, albeit 2 (the joke about Sylvestar grabbing Michael B Jordan instead of the actual Michael Jordan was ok and the fact Wiley Coyote was in Mad Max was really cool) ; most the jokes either fell flat or completely missed the mark (this film tried to be hip and modern with its humor and honestly it was more cringe than anything else.
Also idk if this was intentional or not, but can we stop making jokes about how companies are stealing our info and spying on us? We get it Zuckerberg is trash Facebook and other big companies are taking our personal info but seriously it does get old. Mitchell's vs the Machines was at least clever because it was about a big tech company abusing it's power. Space Jam: A New Legacy is about an A.I trying to make himself feel better cause he doesn't feel appreciated and is projecting his issues on a kid he cyberstalked for a whopping 3 minutes.
The Plot
The films Plot is predictable, short, and a around not engaging. The idea of bringing another pro basketball player to aid the Tunes in another wild game for their survival isn't the problem, it's the rest of the Plot that's the problem.
The first film had a simple enough Plot that worked really well (The Tunes have to win a basketball game against roided up aliens or they'll become Amusement Park attractions, and they need a bow retired player to hp them win) Its short and sweet and it works.
This film felt the need to overcomicate it by forcing a dramatic subplot into the fold which, can work. You can have a dramatic subplot while still being a Zany and fun film. But SJ:NL can't seem to decide which to focus on; it goes from zany and over the top one moment moment then gives you tonal whiplash when it jumps to the dramatic bits in the plot.
I genuinely think that this film would've benefited from focusing on the zaniness over the drama, since frankly that's always been the focus of the Looney Tunes
Loony Tunes: Back in Action and Space Jam 1 are two tonaly similar films but both have better comedy and each have their respective dramatic beats, though their both saved for the climax of the film.
LT:BIA and SJ1 both have they're own dramatic subplots (M.J makes the deal with Smackhammer to raise the stakes of the game and J.D has to save his father from the Chairman and his plans. The difference here is that these films, while adding a level of drama, don't let the drama overshadow what tnis film is actually about (the Looney Tunes)
SJ:NL let's the drama completely overshadow the actual Tunes and isn't really engaging (to me anyway)
Also I'd like to say that, while giving this film a video game feel was an interesting concept it just reminded me more of Pixels or The Emoni Movie (though this wasn't NEARLY as bad as the Emoji movie I'll say that)
That's something else about this film. It feels like one big advertisement for everything WB owns (much like how Emoji Movie was one big Smartphone ad) and while that isn't inherently a bad thing it can be a hinderence to the film as well (I wanted to watch the films that cameod in this film more than the actual film itself)
The Characters
Look this is the Tom and Jerry film again, we don't go to this film for LeBron and his fictional family (if some people do then that's fine) but most of us go to see the film for the Tunes and the cartoon asthetic, and there's plenty of that here. But I'd like to actually care about the human characters in this film frankly.
Let's just get this out of the way, LeBron is not a great actor. He tries his best yes but he is not a great actor in this film; he reminds me more of Vin Deisel when he acts (he has a voice yes but he doesn't act physically. It's like he's trying to have his voice match the film but his body isn't in tune with it.
Now I don't wanna hate on kid actors, they do what they can and they're kids. But listen this kid was not interesting at all, and id have rathered the film not include him (or very least make him more interesting other than the "Gosh Dad stop pushing your ways and beliefs onto me" archetype.
The Tunes are fine I have no beef with how they treated the Tunes (all for ONE detail)
The way thsi film treats the Tunes in this film bothers me on so many levels. "Send him to the Rejects" "Losers" The fact that they treat the Looney Tunes like they're some forgotten property is really unsettling to me. The Tunes have never been forgotten the notion that they ARE forgotten bothers me so much, regardless if it's a plot point for the film. The Looney Tunes are some of the most recognizable faces in ask of media, and I get this is supposed to be a "New School vs Old School" message like with the Father vs Son but my God I do not like how this protrays the Tunes.
Speaking of the rejects, let's talk about AL G Rythm.
My God this is the most uninteresting villain and his whole plan is so easy to spot from the start of the film. "Oh look at me, I have a bruised ego cause I feel unappreciated in my time and im gonna project my issues on this kid I cyberstalked while praying KING JAMES would bless me with his support." Holy shit my guy you have a bigger ego than Tony Stark and its more bruised than Bruce Wayne's back after Bane was finished. He is one of the most bland villains I've seen in awhile, and the Goon Squad is no better. The Goon Squad is nothing but cool designs and a refderence to more popular Basketball players (and yeah they're supposed to be cronies but at least make them cronies with personality; the Nerdlucks were funny, had personality, and were an integral part of the story (also the fact that they ACTUALLY HAD THE NERDLUCKS CAMEO in in film but they were rooting against the Tunes just... Ehhhhhhhhhh) And the Goon Squad was boring and didn't add anything say for AL G. stealing the kids algorithm to make his own team.
Also sidenote, them constantly calling him "King James" got really annoying really fast. Like we get you gave yourself that nickname, you're the current too NBA player rn and all that but you don't have to keep saying it my God.
Now what did I actually like about this film. Well quite a bit actually.
For starters, the animation was top notch and everything looked great. I thought the 2D models were a little odd at first (too shiny compared to the faded sleek of the original) but they grew on me. All the CGI models of the Tunes looked really great, say for Sam who just looked really weird to me (probably cause he loses his hat by the end and a CGI Yosemeti Sam without a hat just looks strange)
The Tunes also felt exactly how they should in a Space Jam film, Bugs especially. Yes Daffy was his usual comedic self and I like how they had him try and be the manager of the team instead of a player, and every other Tune was just as zany as usual; honestly of all the Tunes I'm genuinely impressed with how they treated Bugs (till the end)
Bugs was the most interesting to see in the film, wherein every character left Tune World except Bugs and he kinda became this Castaway parody (with his own makeshift Porky Pig dummy) and he was just really lonely and stayed true to the Looney Way and he just wants his family back. That entire subplot is the most interesting part of this film hands down; the only thing about Bugs's arc I didn't like was the end which was predictable, but i was still more invested in Bugs's arc than anyone else's.
Also when they showed the Tunes on the other WB worlds in the Warnerverse that's not the name ik but it's basically the Warnerverse the only Movie refferences that i thought were clever were Mad Max, Austin Powers, and Themyscira. And as much as it pains me to admit it the Rick and Morty Gag with Taz was probably the funniest of them, and I don't even like Rick and Morty anymore.
The Matrix was just eh, Yosemite Sam just didn't land, Game of Thrones was just not funny and I won't apologize. As far as the cameos/refferences in the end I'll say it again, I wanted to watch the movies and shows that cameod more than the film itself. I'm not gonna try to list them off but some highlights were seeing Gremlins, the Mask, every Tim Burton Batman villain/Adam West Batman, Thundercats, and Scooby Doo. Aside from that this was all just one big add for Warner Bros.
So I'm gonna try end this on a note that I know alot of people are gonna bring up or use to say shouldn't be brought up: Nostalgia.
Listen. This film has the same issue that alot of modern film reboots tend to have, which is the fact that it has to match the same hype as the film that came before it.
Now I'd like to say that this isn't gonna be a Power Point on reboots, God knows this is long enough as is, but the issue with alot of reboots is that they try to remake something that more often than not did the media justice the first time around. Robocop, Nightmare on Elm Street, Ghostbusters 2016, litterally every Disney L.A Remake. This isn't to say these films can't be good, or even surpass their predecessors. But more often than not they tend to miss the mark either just barely or drastically.
And here's the thing, this argument can also apply to sequel films that are following up an iconic film that for fhe most part is still very prominent in modern media.
Space Jam has, for better or for worse, remained one of the most iconic films every made, if not for its premise alone. And when they announced a sequel it was only inevitable that people compare it to the original because, let's face it, we want the new film to live up to the original.
We want this new shiny film to live up to the film we all knew growing up as kids and adults, seeing the Tunes on a basketball court for the first time back in the 90s. And frankly, this film did not do that for me.
This film, to me, wants to be what Space Jam already is. But it felt the need to try and thats the first step it failed; it wanted to be hip and aware and make loads of refferences to the original
This film has a similar issue to Ghostbusters:Answer the Call I think, where in it wants to stand on its own two feet, but jt cant help but constantly remind us of a much superior film. We know they've done this before you don't have to keep saying it "We need help with a basketball game Lola!" Been there! Done that!" "So you want me to help you win a high stakes basketball game? One that could very well decide both our fates? Hmmmmm where have I seen that before?"
This film is like that one kid in class who already proved he was right, and is still trying to prove he was right.
If you think this film is great and you enjoy it just as much as the original that's perfectly fine, I'm not gonna try to overshadow your opinions, I just want to share mine.
In the end, I'm gonna rate this film a solid 4/10 (and most of that 4 is the comedy and the animation and the Tunes themselves.) Can you watch this just for the Tunes? Absolutely. Can you like this film more than me? Also absolutely. Do I think this film would've been worth it if I'd have seen it in theaters? No not at all I'm glad I waited for HBO Max.
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simplybennnnett · 4 years
hi I am here to rant about how much I HATE that mack kept fitz's death from deke
so let's depict this line by line... starting from his conversation with daisy
Daisy: What have you been told?
Deke: Well, Mack was pretty cagey on the details-
deke has been gone for a while (being amazing)
so here's what we know:
he just found out everyone went to space
he probably thinks they went just cuz
mack told him about it
mack did not say anything about fitz in that moment
mack is the biggest jerk on the planet
no the universe
mack literally had a chance to tell deke. who cares if he left then, he's back now, he's here, just let him know where is only 2 family members are. it's literally not hard to say:
"hey, jemma and daisy went to space to go get fitz, because fitz didn't make it through the battle but there is another fitz in space and he is perfectly fine"
that's literally one of the easiest ways to say it
Mack and May are talking about something, Deke walks in:
Deke: Why didn't you tell me!?
Mack: *sighs* Might want to give us a minute.
May: *rolls her eyes* Gladly.
mack was waiting for this conversation to happen
he knew eventually deke would find out and he just... didn't say anything?
please someone point out the logic
and don't say "it was just too hard for mack to talk about"
cause no.
it wasnt.
he has no problem talking about it now
and then there's may
deke walks into the room and sound so unlike deke
he's clearly mad
you can hear it in his voice
this isn't deke coming to bother someone, this is deke legitimately looking for an answer. even if you don't know his question you can hear how serious he is. but may rolls her eyes and uuuggghhh her reaction just makes me so angry!
it's not hard to tell when someone is upset, I really don't understand why people cant get out of their pretty little heads to see that maybe they are not the only ones who have some problems
can you tell I'm sensitive on this subject???
Deke: Fitz died. He died, and no one was gonna bother to, I don't know, send me a text?
Mack: It was complicated-
Deke: Yeah, no kidding.
okay but it wasnt.
you know what is complicated:
fighting aliens
finding out you are an alien
losing a limb
losing TWO limbs
robots who are too human
time travel
time travel to the end of the world
things that aren't complicated:
texting a friend to tell him one of HIS ONLY FAMILY MEMBERS has died BUT it's okay because they have a way to get him back
it's not complicated. mack just didn't tell him. period.
Deke: Besides the fact that this completely proves my entire multi-verse theory 'cause I'm still here,
he was scared
deke was legitimately scared of what would happen if the time line changed
he probably spent all the time he was gone wondering if one day he would *poof* out of existance
he was scared
and he wouldn't have had to been if SOMEONE would have told him
Deke: -there's a second Fitz! And-and you sent a team out to find him, and you didn't tell me that either?! That's not complicated. That just sucks!
and he's right!
it does suck.
it would have taken mack 20 seconds tops to text him and that is the literal least he could have done
he should have said something
Mack: It was the call made at the time.
Deke: Well, maybe you shouldn't be making the calls because that was bad one.
okay I have like 3 things that I need to point out now:
1. mack made the call
mack made the call not to tell deke. maybe he consulted jemma, but honestly, I doubt it. jemma is such a family person she probably wasn't even thinking about anyone else but fitz at that point AND she probably assumed someone would tell deke maybe like *cough* the director who shouldn't be director *cough*
which leads me to the next point
2. he really shouldn't be making the calls
this is more toward the writers than it is toward mack
daisy should have been director. she has been loyal to shield and coulson longer than mack. she was there through the hydra problem, the alien problem, the outer space problem, the robot problem, and the time travel problem and she was closest to coulson right behind may. if not daisy then it should have been may. it should not have been mack. it just should not have been.
3. mack cannot come up with a justifiable reason as to why he didn't tell deke
he can't.
he doesn't tell him why he made the call he just says he does. deke had a right to know and mack didn't tell him and he had no reason to keep that from him. there was no reason.
Mack: It looked like you had other priorities besides being apart of this team.
Deke: Oh, this team? You mean the team that I helped bring back from the dystopian future?
Mack: Yeah, you did that. Then you left.
This makes me so mad.
I have to admit I had to read a Wikipedia article to remember the deke's story but even before I did that, I know that he did not grow up with a good childhood. he lived in a place where people killed each other for food. he lived in a terrible place with no trees no sky no nothing. he lived in the freaking middle of space. he lives in a place with blue aliens that constantly tried to kill them.
and then he comes to earth
and there's trees, and there's a sky, and there's everything.
people aren't always trying to kill him there's food everywhere, he finally has it all.
there's just one thing looming over his head
if the timeline changes, will he stay on Earth?
I don't know about you but if that question was on my mind constantly, you bet everything you own that I am out doing the most that I can before I spontaneously disappear.
deke had every right to leave.
he had every right to go live his life, to go build a company, to go see the world, to go experience things. he had every right.
and even then. Even if he didn't have the right to leave, mack still had no right to NOT tell deke.
deke was still a family member to fitz, he was related to him. that gives him a right to know!
anyway mack is a jerk lets move on...
Deke: I would have gone on the mission to help you find him.
Mack: I believe you.
you can tell he doesnt
he doesnt believe him. at this point he is doing anything he can to deflect the conversation away from him.
mack probably just forgot to tell deke, but instead of just owning up to that mistake, he is creating excuses and deflecting the conversation away from his own mistake by guilting deke and telling him lies.
he will do or say anything to get deke away and to have him stop pointing out his own mistakes
Mack: And if we get things settled here on the home front, you'll get your chance. 'Cause I'm gonna pour every resource we have into getting back out there and bringing them home.
if deke hadn't found out, I doubt mack would have given him this chance. he probably would have continued on life without him. mack does not believe the deke is capable of anything good. He's just saying this to make deke happy and to make him content.
Deke: *nods*
Mack: But... until then, I need someone smart enough to fill their shoes.
if you watch the scene closely, right before mack says this he kind of looks around, like he's trying to find something to give deke.
he wants deke off his back.
a part of me thinks that mack thinks the deke is a joke. I don't think deke could do anything to earn mack respect at this point.
Mack: Maybe you can put that google-sized brain of your to work and help crack this tech.
Deke: What, you tryin' to flatter me?
Mack: Absolutely
Deke: Well... totally worked.
and if he wasn't trying to flatter de ak, and deek didn't take it so lightly, I would think that Max was making fun of him. sorry. maybe this is a stretch. but this is what I got from this scene.
also maybe put this into perspective.
deke lived in a dystopian world where he had to steal things to be able to eat. The chances of survival were low and nobody liked him. everyone thought of him as a traitor but he was really just doing what he could to survive. I think that he would give anything for someone to tell him that he is doing something good.
I don't even live on an alien planet and I strive for people to tell me that I'm doing something good.
deke is not self-centered.
immature? yes.
naive? Yes.
but self-centered? no.
He's just looking for validation and acceptance. and nobody on this stupid team is giving it to him.
except for jemma
but she's in space so.
no wonder he builds such a big company with a good atmosphere. it's what he wants. it's the environment he wants.
so basically what im trying to say is mack is a jerk and i hate him... thanks bye ;)
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
We saw John remillard we saw and he was in Publix. Yeah just to say this kid doesn't believe he had this to say it was the aforesaid
Now he said this he's not supposed to believe in you why does he have to wouldn't you have a plan. I said yeah I guess so but he doesn't believe I can do anything it's kind of this pivotal moment. I've seen you fight the clothes and you just lose , he calls bja, he says this this force is very big and then when we're posing it's very professional and you got your ass kicked and I'm stuck up here and I have to go after them and he says you set us up and then they heard our son no he didn't set you up and he roboticized your leadership because you left to come back in which is asinine. All sudden BJ said it sounds appropriate and he they start talking and they figured it out all sudden they're horrified they're going to be forced and they're going to be forced very soon and they don't have a choice and bja came in with a whole bunch up through the East Coast huge huge numbers and they started worrying about their feet and it was a nightmare okay there's about 550,000 people on the phone right now trying to instruct billions of octillions and what to do about cold weather gear and it's far too late they can't get enough blankets up there to cover one battalion and it's eating away at them because they heard there was a lot of fighting to try and get them stuff. So now it's going to be over for the morlock and they're going to be out and the max will have to fight and I think they have a chance so it's going on shortly
We've manned up we're going to do the job and we have enough people and personnel no we're still accepting volunteers this is a big push the big move this is probably one of the biggest and we need all of our people and we don't have all of our people and we told them today this is the first biggest milestone and it's not true they said this is probably the biggest and they told everybody and we got people signing up everywhere and it's going to keep going because that's how it works and this time it is a massive massive demographic meaning it's in every nook and cranny of every portion of every area and it won't stop after that and really another pushes that a huge number of us were freed.
And yes our son mentioned the queen and Canada and the far north and up in the far north it is the Queen's territory and it might be the Queen's plan so they are not aware of what she was doing and she was running Canada and was attacking our son relentlessly threatening him all the time she said she knew what she was doing and she did the kidnapping thing in at the dormitory and it didn't work out. Now there's a huge number of things going on and one of the biggest is it seems that Tommy f is trying to cozy up to Mom to get the light computer but she's trying to cozy up to him to get ships and stuff so it's kind of this game they're playing and he looks like Arnie a little and she feels real bad and wants to kill him he doesn't care about the ships too much and wants her husband back.
Ventura squabbling a little and she's making sure she's okay I'm going to have a hell of a time and it's going to be a little strange but not for long pretty soon these people who are pretty much insufficient will be out of the way and the foreigners will be in they were foreigners here today and ordering I'm trying to see what's going on.
The maneuver is not simple it's not small it is complex and it's ongoing and shortly it will be taking place
Thor Freya
These people are pitiful their employees are annoying they didn't fight us gross what they do to each other is horrendous and what they talk about and how they handle themselves as bogus and Paul Senior plan to become a black man the whole time meaning dark and all this other stuff and we knew about it and we are not impressed my husband does not impressed matter of fact bja is not impressed and ascending in huge huge swarms of men and machines and they're going in there and they're asking John rebelord if he wants stuff if they can have it for the collection he says no and fights large ones and it's going to go on for some time now hours and each side is about the same size no BJ came in with twice as many but he's going to be tapped out pretty soon they have a lot of people but that's that's going to really put them back humanity over there just took a beating by these people these people are nasty and a stupid Trump had Pole position all over the world and he gave it up because he decided to tell people I guess and he is in trouble because of that with his own and it's on and they think that he's AI boy so they're going after him. There's a core of Trump's people and are seeking them out saying they're hunting them down like swine and BGA is attacking and pretty soon they won't have anybody on their side and they'll figure out that they're wrong the whole time
Thor Freya
Me too I was up to talk and this guy is a wacko okay he's saying all sorts of stupid things while the show's going on and nobody can understand why he keeps doing this. And it's ridiculous. Tons and tons of people are upset at the way he's talking to us and to our son am I going to stop him shortly permanently and the rest of the world wants it stopped he is truly an obnoxious loser.
So they're up in the Midwest and they're doing all these stupid shows and they say everyone's been trained and sitting around in there people are Trump's people are up there and it's probably 90% of the population well it was an hour ago and now they're about 40% and BJ is taking all the stuff and killing them all he's annihilating them. Says the guys are fool cuz he is we're only moments away an hour and a half it's a huge thing our son is having problems and we need to help him and pretty soon too it's not going to be harmed or anything but really he needs assistance
Thor Freya again
We need to do this and shortly and we are going to and it will be tonight it is a huge huge night and there's some things that caught our attention one of them is that our son is a creative genius and the other is he's not really seasoned at all but he's angry at the cloning himself to the point where he sits there ordering Ariana and the water newada almost every day and of course he gets a little tired of it no he goes out and does it and it's terrific but it's just a lot of work and there's a lot of pressure and he's very happy at what he did and the idea and the psychologically very powerful. And we do end up helping them sing the song because it is us singing it to our son and it's about I love you and about the nights in White satin and turning it around and it is amazing and it's really ironic these things turn out to come out white and he didn't know they would didn't think they would and I seen concrete that has Frost and it's still Gray it's still pretty gray it's just light gray and we knew it turned white so it's amazing it's like a satin White and Trump thinks that it's his facilities for some reason they're not even his bunkers they're too big and they're too busy beefy he says clunky and really there's nothing such with regards to what we're talking about they're not clunky they're gigantic what you're hearing is an idiot talking the man is an idiot Trump and we don't like him at all I'm going to express it tonight and if he tries to run I'm going to block him off he calls more people that's fine
They will not be allowed entry and they're not be allowed to go over the wall and we're going to make sure it does not happen. You're going to help her son have dinner and we're going to have a nice evening and it will be an evening to remember
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