#and yes i know there's still people there who aren't completely batshit
apassingbird · 6 months
it's crazy to see a fandom basically crash and burn in a matter of months
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ambrosialdesire · 12 days
is it chill if i show yall my yandere ocs ‼️
i have to revamp their designs and give them names, but i’ll list what/who they are rn from oldest to newest with brief descriptions priest: his name was originally fernando as a joke but i never really liked it/it never quite fit, i also made him back in like 2019; he's like kinda a cult leader who made a deal with the devil but he originally wasn't like that (think villain and violent, infant and innocent vibes). he's mostly nonchalant, but when he's around the person he loves (which is an angel in disguise as a detective trying to figure out who tf is doing all these fucked up sacrifices cause there's a little too much souls missing in heaven rn), he goes absolutely BONKERS, all teethy-smiles and giddy. he's still batshit insane though since the deal and his background made his head all fucked up lol minotaur: khristopher (yeah i'm also not into his name it's getting changed LMAO), made in 2021; he's a rancher, very hostile and antisocial so he kinda lives very isolated away from people, so yk that already makes him desperate for any sort of romantic affections. kinda has his moments of flirtiness, but it comes off as sleazy. he's rarely ever seen in public unless he's selling his farm produce in the farmer's market every sunday, but he gets some good sales in since his juice products are pretty popular. werewolf 1: sung-jae yeon (his name is being kept), also made in 2021; he's a singer/actor that got turned into a werewolf (which he hides surprisingly well as a famous person) and though he may seem to be kind, he's actually a big egotistical asshole that does whatever he wants when he wants because of the amount of fame and wealth he has. he's also kinda goofy in the way rafayel is from love and deepspace is iykwm siren/merman: pollux agineus (his name is also being kept), also made in 2021; he's a professional surfer who's seemingly the shyest and gets flustered so easily around the one he loves BUT THAT SHITS ACTUALLY A FACADE he's so mindlessly possessive that he'll literally try to cannibalize his love cause he thinks that's normal to do (in his species), and his short temper isn't something to mess with either. he's a mean mf fr
werewolf 2: this guy i had a dream about back in late 2021 after those three above and he was originally a viking werewolf, but i meshed him into sung-jae's lore and he became the one that turned him into a werewolf (on accident). never gave him a name but he's a feral werewolf (born one), meaning that he's way bigger and tougher than sung-jae's werewolf form. there's not much about him other than him being stoic and gruff, saying barely saying anything because he also doesn't know how to speak any human language, so you're basically constantly being slung onto his shoulder and doing whatever he wants you to do.
idk how to describe this one since it's like a regular dude: levyathan "levy" sampson miller YES HIS NAME IS THAT LMAO I MADE IT PURPOSELY LIKE THAT and i made him last year. COMPLETE SCUMBAG, AN MISOGYNISTIC GAMER INCEL, THE WORST OF THE WORSTTTTT AND he's in a mechanical engineering major. he's so disgustingly depraved and decrepit that if i ever post the concept sketches i did for him, you can fs tell he smells like sweat and monster energy drinks. he literally has no interest in irl women EXCEPT his best friend's (yeah it's really surprising he has one, i'll go into it later) girlfriend, that's how fucked up he is. i had to get some of my friends' opinions on how to make the worst man ever and here he is LMAO also he’s into his best friend, but he’s so in denial of being bi that it affects their relationship (not completely cause there’s other factors)
uhh yeah that's about it that i want to share, there's like a small handful that aren't mentioned but i wanted to keep those to myself since they're like sorta niche and personal ig lol i'll get to drawing them maybe next week since i wanted to try out my new drawing program 😈
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caffeineivore · 7 months
Night Train
Liminal Spaces Pt 3, A/Z, PG13-ish?
Taking the midnight train rarely bodes well in this city. Zavier is accustomed to a strict hoodie down, headphones-on, no-eye-contact policy on those occasions, sharing that cold subway compartment with emaciated druggies sleeping off a binge and dead-eyed transients traversing through a merciless world that's forgotten them. He doesn't love this place and time, but there aren't that many jobs-- legitimate ones-- available to a boy from the projects who never grew up knowing any but the absolute wrong people, and the night shift paid far more than the day shift.
Tonight isn't too awful, because for the first two stops, the compartment is completely empty, and Zavier takes the time to enjoy the rare solitude. Despite the lateness of the hour, the subway is lit almost hectically bright in contrast to the darkness of the tunnels. He gradually lets his posture relax, a wiry, golden-haired young man with a deceptively pretty face as he slouches against the seat-back, and then he sits bolt upright as the subway car comes to a halt at the next station and the doors slide open. Growing up in his neighbourhood, he'd conditioned himself to be hyper-aware of his surroundings even before he'd taken the security job, ready for anyone and anything.
But the slim, blue-eyed apparition who steps into his compartment doesn't bear the faintest resemblance to the usual characters as she takes a seat across from him, all spotless scrubs and sensible shoes and eyes like a clear sky before dawn, somewhere far away from the grit and streetlights and artifice of the city--- somewhere with starshine and moonlight. She says nothing when his gaze meets hers, but affords him a faint, unapologetically kind smile. It should put his back up, and give him every single reason to look for an ulterior motive, and yet it doesn't.
(Hours later he would still have no idea what on Earth possessed him.)
"Late night."
He really doesn't talk to people on the subway even in the light of day-- who even DOES that? -- but even if he did, it would logically not be to state the obvious to a girl with the type of face that was found on priceless paintings in art museums.
She, though, simply nods, answers as though this were completely normal instead of batshit insane. "Yes, it really is. It has been a long day."
"Are you getting off work, I suppose?" Even as his mouth makes stilted conversation without any input from his brain, Zavier can't quite piece it together. "I didn't know there was a hospital close by."
"I had a house call, subbing for a colleague out on his honeymoon. Everyone deserves that time with the person they love." That smile again, soft as snowfall, deep as the moonlit sea. "Are you also leaving work, or going in?"
"Beginning, not ending, I'm afraid." Zavier gives a self-deprecating shrug. "Down in the warehouse district. I get off at seven. The pay's not bad and the schedule works well enough with grad school."
The darkness of the tunnels gives way to the bright lights of the next station-- Zavier's stop. It had been two stops already since she'd gotten onboard, and he hasn't the faintest idea how the time had passed in such a brief conversation. Even in the glare of those lights, the unflattering harshness of them, she's delicate and lovely and almost not real, like a soap bubble rainbow against concrete. Zavier gets up, his legs taking him by rote towards the door, and glances back over his shoulder at her. "Well, goodnight."
"Be safe out there."
The door closes behind him and the train pulls off before he can even catch another glimpse of her through those windows, and he makes his way out of the station, down the barren city streets. He's restless in a way that has nothing to do with danger lurking in the dark shadows, and curses silently to himself that he didn't even ask for her name. Then shakes his head, incredulous, at that train of thought.
Just a stranger on the night train, just a moment in time, never to be repeated. There's no reason for him to see her again, or to feel a desire to.
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whatyourusherthinks · 22 days
Reagan Review
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Our theater isn't getting 1992. Our theater didn't get Young Woman and the Sea or The American Society of Magical Negroes either, despite the fact that all 3 movies we had posters for the longest time. AND YET WE GOT REAGAN. FUCK.
So if I haven't made clear hundred of times over, I'm not a conservative. In any sense of the word. I hate most of the Republican party, I think that most of their ideals are either stupid or incredibly dangerous (most both!). And I think it all started with Reagan. I hate "Reagan-nomics", I believe that he had Alzheimer's while in office, and I believe some of the most harmful American ideologies originate from him. So, no, I wasn't looking forward to this movie. I was just hoping it was funny bad.
What's The Movie About?
It's a biopic, about guess who. Reagan from the Exorcist. What? No, Buggnutz, Ronald Reagan! The 40th US President!
What I Like.
This movie is good actually. WHAT?! Yeah, I know. I'm shocked too. For starters, the story is actually told in a way that makes sense unlike several other biopics I watched this year. The set-up is pretty cool, basically an ex-KGB guy is telling a rising star in new Russian government about the fall of Communism. That's a pretty cool angle to take a Reagan biopic, and it's presented incredibly well. Not just in comparison to One Love and The Dark One, but just in general. It's pretty quickly paced, there's lots of cool sizzle reels of various world events happening as well as fun cinematography to keep things visually interesting. You're mostly just shocked that it makes sense, right? Yeah kinda. There's also some crazy shots I wasn't expecting, like Reagan foreseeing the nuclear apocalypse. Or kid Reagan's slow-motion baptism by Kevin Sorbo. Acting it pretty good as well, I admire the kid playing teenage Reagan. He was pretty good at the role. The story is a little batshit, but I still liked it. Dude, they claim that Reagan could see the future because he was a lifeguard. How can you not laugh at this? Plus he get a prophecy for his priest that he's gonna president. You're making that up. NOPE IT'S IN THE MOVIE. And it's pretty well made. Not just in the cinematography, acting, and pacing. The effects aren't too bad (except for the greenscreen. The greenscreen is god awful. I've seen a more real child grave in cartoons.) and the directing id pretty solid. True, there are some moments where they are clearly covering up something, the actor they have play Jimmy Carter not looking anything like the real Jimmy, but they do it in a way that gives the movie style.
What I Don't Like.
So this movie is ridiculous. It does make it a fun watch, but unfortunately this is the dangerous kind of ridiculous, one that certain people are going to take way to seriously. Also, like the titular character, it's 90% full of shit. 90%? Mmm 95%. They completely gloss over certain more distasteful parts of presidency (AIDS Crisis, anyone?) and they make some questionable changes to events that happened. They claim the LBJ only won in a landslide against Reagan because he bribed the electorates. The worst case in my opinion is Nancy Reagan. Nancy Reagan in the movie is just a stick to prop up Ronnie. There's only the briefest mention of her "War on Drugs" and there's no mention of her involvement in the AIDS crisis. Neither do they mention she had the lead singer of the Sex Pistols killed! Roan that's from a NOFX song, not reality. Whatever. At least sometimes the questionable choices lead to funny moments, like Ronnie admitting to Nancy that he's "Damaged Goods" because he was divorced. Also all the accents are absurd and at one point pretty racist! And Dennis Quaid looks more like Nixon than Reagan most of the time.
Final Summation.
So yes, Reagan is good. Don't watch it. God Roan, can't you watch one movie without getting political? Hey, I think it is completely fair to talk about politics, considering the subject material. But my bigger problem is actually about the information presented about Ronnie. It's absolutely not a fair look at the guy's life. Which, honestly, I'd be okay with if it weren't for the fact that he's like the second face of a dangerous political group that is currently trying to strip everyone of their rights. Trump *vomits* is using old clips of Reagan in his campaign ads. It's a clip that they recreate in the movie. I just think that anyone who is genuinely looking for information of Reagan will be severely misinformed. So how about this instead: Only watch the movie is you are already 100% on who you're gonna vote for in November/are pretty much a member of one political party. People dead set in there opinions are either gonna like it because they agree with everything the movie says and this is just a well made movie about one of their political heroes, or they'll think it's so absurd that they can't take it seriously and will just enjoy a well presented movie.
[EDIT: Wait Dennis, am I in the 20% of critics who like the movie, or the 90% who just attacked it?]
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trans-p03g · 2 years
Copy pasted convo with Jupiter on my discord server let's gooooo
Grimora is an eldritch god confined to an old temple built for her by people long forgotten by time, deep in caves near the sea. She's been alone for a very, very long time, as anybody that looks at her quickly loses sanity which very often leads to their death. The only company she has are her three ghouls, former followers, that she mostly avoids out of guilt. She never wanted to bring anybody pain, it's not her fault people become obsessed with her or lose their minds when they see her.
The temple is located nearby a small fishing town populated solely by blind people-- they gauged and burned their eyes out, some simply sawn their eyelids shut, for their own safety.
The outskirts of the temple become a scrapyard of sorts; the place people drop things they'd rather stay forgotten, as nobody dares venture near that place.
One of these things is P03, a half-broken robot abandoned there by their creator (or on the run, still yet to decide on their origin). They end up straying deeper into the tunnels in hopes to avoiding the rain, and soon stumble onto the template and in turn, Grimora.
And much to her surprise and delight, P03 is completely unaffected by her presence.
"Aren't you...affected?"
"By what?"
"My appearance?"
"...I suppose you look cool."
"...That's it?"
And Grimora's just ?????? W h a t
Not exactly how it happened but P03 would absolutely think she was trying to flirt with them in a very weird way
Mags could be a blind preacher from the town. I imagine he could be a priest that went a little off his rocket, warning people about the abomination (rude) in the nearby caves
also imagine old gods dont rly have gender, but grimora went "im a girl, actually". diversity win! this horror beyond your human comprehension is transfem
(There are two ideas for Leshy in this AU, the flower shop Leshy is mine, the mad hermit Leshy is Jupiter's idea and I'll share it in a bit)
Leshy leads a flower shop in the town, mostly specialising in herbs and natural medicine, and he's got very opposing views to Mags?
I also realised that P03 can freely interact with people in the town because they're all blind so they don't know he's a bot
Leshy would quickly realise he's a bot because he's a bit touchy? not in a weird way, just often pats people on the back, chest, shoulders etc. But he wouldn't say a thing, even to P03. Maybe he could give P03 some clothes after he figures out they don't have any - waterproof, of course
P03 was built to be waterproof but now he's pretty broken so they've got to be careful
And also what if Mora figures out (thanks to P03) that she could take on a more human form? but still covers every bit of her skin and wears a dark veil just in case
Maybe it could be some weird thing where she's both a "human" and still sitting in that spot in the temple, kind of like a meat puppet that's an extension of herself? maybe there is a tendril connecting the two bodies, but as grimora isn't fully on the same plane of existence then neither is that tendril- think of it like sort of a 4d thing, maybe a glimpse of it sometimes casts a shadow into this dimension, but it's blurry and barely there, and since it's a shadow it thankfully doesn't make people go nuts
I imagine Grimora looks like an enormous shifting mass, like a carcass of a god fallen from her former glory, tendrils from her growing through the entire temple like roots
(This bit is sent by Jupiter, if you're reading this hiii I'm leaking our dms 💜 /j) Yes yes okay so I just read over everything, but before you put that up I had a couple ideas for Leshy - I was thinking, what if he was the only man in the town who could still see? And he's like batshit crazy, only every now and then he says shit that makes sense in the most horrifying way possible. Like this guy is a fuckin hermit living up in the woods, he talks to the goddamn sparrows on his front porch - oh, and by the way, he has terrifyingly accurate information on Grimora and her crypt that nobody understands how he got ahold of. He could also become very good friends with PO3. I imagine that even though he can very clearly see it's a bot, this man just does not care and PO3 just kinda lets him ramble off into next Thursday without a damn care in the world cause at least he's nice.
(Me) The guy chats to squirrels and eats dirt but he's still a better company than that preaching priest
(Jupiter) also I like to think he's actually kinda chill when he's not being a crazy motherfucker; like he'll just sit on his porch and watch the sunset and PO3 likes getting to kinda share that silence with him
(Me. Yes, believe it or not it's more convenient for me to copy-paste like this, the letters on my phone are Very Large and it would not all fit in 10 screenshots) Maybe Leshy could still make him a fitting hoodie! I want P03 to wear a hoodie here but mf has a pretty big head so he'd need a custom one
(Jupiter) you know what would be fun? we drag Luke into this. Idiot that wandered into town. This guy just showed up, ignored all the warnings, and ended up with permanent nightmares
(Me) OH, PARANORMAL INVESTIGATOR LUKE? OR JOURNALIST? maybe he was already blind just so he's safe
Or he isn't, I was actually thinking that just glancing at Grimora wouldn't be a death sentence so as long as he's careful he should be fine*
*As long as the locals don't gauge his eyes out
(Jupiter) Maybe he and Kaycee are doing some kind of project together?
(Me) Maybe Leshy is Kaycee's uncle or something?
And she really thinks that the town is pretty weird but not anything paranormal, but Luke thinks otherwise so he convinces her to go under the guise of visiting Leshy
(Jupiter) Okay hear me out
What if one of them looked at her and just fucking started going crazy, and the other (whichever you decide on) is desperately trying to save their friend from losing their mind, and they end up trying to get help from this batshit crazy hermit living up in the mountains who somehow saves them through this really creepy ritual, only they're never the same after that? It would also be really cool if part of the going crazy thing was them just constantly having visions of the dead buried beneath the town
(Me) i again like the idea of a simple glance not being enough, so maybe one of the two gets lost in the temple?
(Jupiter) HEAR ME OUT
Please consider that Grimora herself feels terrible for what she did and goes to the friend to try to save them herself, only to seal their fate when they catch a glimpse of her and just fucking lose it entirely.
(Me) i honestly want the two to have a happy-ish ending somehow and Grimora probably would know better after everything that happened in the past bUT. BUT THAT'S A POSSIBILITY.
also imagine P03's creators come to get it so she just decides to show herself to them to help the botfriend (bot boyfriend)?
(Jupiter) Imagine she fucking like, shows her true form to them or something - (oooh maybe that has the more instant affect? When she's not hiding behind the veil of mortality?) and these people just fuckin pass away on the spot alskjdfa;
(Me) and it probably finally clicks for p03 like "oh...I guess the townspeople weren't overreacting"
(Jupiter) She returns to her usual form and it's just like "Well that explains some things."
(Me) also i want sawyer and royal to be her old deceased followers that were somehow reanimated, tho i dunno how yet
(Jupiter) They're just vibin lmao
you hear distant, terrified screaming and these two are just sipping margaritas and making bets on who goes crazy first
even in her "human" form Grimora is intimidating
A giant lady dressed in all black, long dress that drags on the ground, black gloves and of course a dark veil covering her face
Even though he's shown that he's not affected at all, she's still scared that one day it'll stop or that it takes longer for an artificial being like them to be broken, or it shows in a different way
so she avoids showing herself to him as much as she can
it takes a long time for P03 to convince her to remove her veil so he can see her face
(Jupiter) Wait please imagine - it just looks at her for a long time, before smiling and saying "You're beautiful...you know that?" in a really soft voice and Grimora just breaks down
(Me) YUP, SHE'D CRY. she just gets to her knees and covers her mouth and starts sobbing, and P03 is very awkward and doesn't understand social cues (neurodivergent robot ahoy) so he instantly thinks he said something wrong and starts apologising and asks if she's okay
and she just sushes him, gently strokes his face and just smiles and says "I love you...I love you so much."
bonus points if they also kiss for the first time
funfact, grimora's favourite animals are bugs
because ants cant go crazy when they look at her
(Jupiter)It makes her a lil stinkbug out of scrap metal it finds and welds together and it's Grimora's most prized possession ;-;
(Me) she has an entire collection of little bugs made by p03 but that one is her favourite
grimora tries to learn some handiwork stuff so she could repair her botfriend if necessary
(Jupiter) frantically looking through Youtube videos
love the thought of PO3 trying to teach her how the internet works
(Me) google earth is probably her favourite thing because she's been confined to her temple for centuries
the first time it shows her stuff they end up watching cute cat and puppy videos the whole day
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rosietrace · 2 years
So~ NRC OCs thoughts on Lilith? Despite the fact that they couldn't see and hear her- but they still feel someone is with Mireille- (I've already gave you the spoiled info on her XD)
Eye eyeeeee, I shall deliver-
{ ☾︎𓅰____ 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐑𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 _____ 𓅰☽︎ }
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{ Yuuta }
Probably the first to figure it out
And by some miracle he knew it wasn't just some random ghost
To him, the presence felt calming, protective over Mireille
Which honestly amused him pretty dang well
Of course he wouldn't bother to hurt Mireille in any way
He may be a manipulative bitch, but he isn't the type to randomly target people unless they did something to provoke him
And considering the type of person Mireille is, she'd definitely not provoke Yuuta in any way
And honestly he's kinda protective of her after unintentionally finding out about the shit she went through
He's literally living in a building covered from head to toe in ghosts, he's not surprised there's some sort of spirit who's going to protect Mireille
But is there a way to profit off of spirits
{ Ymir }
He doesn't talk with Mireille unless she assists him with running errands, or she has some sort of injury he has to heal
But he'd probably know about Lilith's presence during their first meeting
It's odd for him, but he wouldn't want to make Mireille uncomfortable by asking
So he doesn't talk about it
At all.
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{ Freyah }
Much like everybody in this list, Freyah can't see nor hear Lilith
But, she can certainly feel her presence
Whenever she talks with Mireille or walks around campus with her, she always has the feeling that someone's watching Mireille
And they aren't someone she knows
So naturally, she went to Mireille and asked if she also felt the same presence
When she said yes, it kinda clicked to Freyah that a ghost of some other presence watching Mireille, willing to risk their life for her
And she found that kinda cool tbh
Freyah wouldn't mention it to Mireille of course, she wouldn't want to make it feel like she's meddling with anything involving her personal life
So, she'll just wait for the perfect moment until Mireille is ready to speak with her about Lilith
{ Frisk }
Poor thing-
When she first felt Lilith's presence, she almost had a heart attack
She doesn't like the idea of being watched, which is why she typically averts eyes when in public
When she gets to her tipping point and she's batshit afraid of that presence, she musters up the courage to speak with Mireille about it
But of course, Mireille doesn't tell her the full details
Which, Frisk accepts
To her, as long as she gets some sort of answer, she's okay
Once she got used to Lilith's presence, Frisk might've accidentally realized who's causing it
But just like her sister, she's willing to wait until Mireille is completely ready and confident enough to tell her
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{ Grey }
Felt that presence and was willing to choose violence
Because she and Mireille don't talk a lot, Grey wouldn't automatically assume that she's the cause of Lilith's presence
But once she reaches her limit of patience, she'll end up talking with Mireille about the presence and how much it makes her uncomfortable
To which Mireille apologizes and gives her a rather half assed explanation
She doesn't give all the details, which annoys Grey
But, she was willing to tell her about it, which satisfies her
As long as Mireille was willing to talk with her about it, Grey's willing to tolerate the uncomfortable presence
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{ Nyx }
She often hangs out with Mireille, so she'd definitely feel the presence before everyone else
Especially with her enhanced abilities
And honestly she's felt worse, so she just pretends the presence doesn't exist to calm any preexisting nerves in her system
However she will tell Mireille about how she's feeling eventually
If she managed to gain Mireille's trust enough, it's likely that she'll know about Lilith
Mireille would likely just say that it's not a ghost, but a being who's willing to risk their life for her
Though she's even more curious than before, Nyx didn't wanna push Mireille's limits
So naturally, she chose not to speak of it
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{ Lumina }
Probably the most uncomfortable out of everyone here tbh
Doesn't like the feeling of being watched, so the presence of Lilith could definitely set her off depending on her mood when it happens
I fear for the poor students who witnessed it
The way she talked about it to Mireille sounded way too confrontational
Of course she apologized, but she also explained to Mireille on why she acted like that
After properly understanding how Lumina felt, Mireille mustered up the courage to tell her
She didn't tell her about Lilith completely, however she implied it pretty well
Though she felt annoyed that Mireille didn't give her the full details, Lumina understood that privacy is privacy
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{ Victoria }
Automatically, the presence surrounding her and Mireille most definitely piqued her interest
And unlike the others, she was one of the few who immediately confronted Mireille about it
Her words were gentle, easily able to ease Mireille just enough and get her comfortable enough to give her the details of why there's some sort of presence around them
Manipulative? It's more based on how you interpret how she questioned Mireille
Probably the one of the only people in Mireille's life who knows about Lilith's actual existence
Mireille would've ended up a bit too comfortable with telling Victoria the full details(thanks to Victoria's manipulation tactics), and might've accidentally let it slip
Of course, Victoria was satisfied, and kindly apologized for using such manipulative tactics of Mireille before she left
Leaving Mireille alone, questioning if she did the right thing on telling Victoria
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{ Azrail }
Given how advanced the technology is inside Ignihyde, it wouldn't be all that surprising if Azrail did a background check on Mireille
But, you can't exactly travel to a different world. No matter how advanced your technology is
So obviously, Azrail found no clear information on who Mireille is
Which frustrated him and he may or may not have taken his frustrations onto a table
Given how he didn't have any information on Mireille on the internet, he had to speak to her in person
And when he did? He naturally felt a presence surrounding Mireille
Of course Mireille felt the same with Azrail, but the presence beside him was of completely different circumstances
Much like Victoria, Azrail started questioning Mireille about it
Poor Mireille tbh, cause Azrail basically interrogated her
Unlike Victoria who used manipulative tactics on Mireille for it to slip out, Azrail basically interrogated her like she was some criminal and he was her lawyer who desperately needed her alibi 😀
I mean he did apologize for it right after, but given how monotone his voice usually is, it didn't sound genuine-
He was being genuine about it tho
But finally, due to the pressure Azrail had on her, Mireille cracked and flat out admitted Lilith's existence
After he found out, Azrail pats Mireille on the head before he walked away
Meanwhile Mireille kinda regrets flat out admitting Lilith EXISTS-
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vampish-glamour · 3 years
The ask about radfems being right made me want to rant. The sheer vitriol against TERFs (including graphic rape threats which automatically makes them look sympathetic) made people forget some important points
1) radfems, and people who believe in radical ideologies, are very good at presenting the milder points of their philosophy. No radfem is dumb enough to go to someone like "men should be castrated before puberty for the safety of women", they'd start with something much milder like "I hate how teen boys get sex ed from porn at a young age" or something like that
2) the same line can have different meanings depending on the person. "We must protect vulnerable ethnicities at risk of genocide": a normal person might mean, I don't know, indigenous people being erased, and you might agree. But what if it's a white supremacist saying that, and he meant white people being replaced by mixed race people and immigrants? Very different context. Radfems employ similar strategies: "a dress doesn't make you a woman" can mean "gender is not tied to gender expression" or "trans women aren't women"
3) a broken clock is right twice a day. Just because a radfem says that the sky is blue, doesn't mean it's actually green. Just because she denounces Jessica Yaniv (because no one else does), doesn't mean you have to defend that person. Just because she says that the number of AFAB enbies who say "I'm nonbinary because I hate common women experiences like pregnancies" is worrying and might hint at internalized misogyny, doesn't mean she isn't right about that. Again, it's the entire context that makes radfeminism repugnant, but you can agree on some points for very different reasons.
And besides, we all know the woke left loves almost every radfeminist points except "trans bad" and "queer is a slur", so they don't get to complain :V
Mad agree (also I want to clarify that the ask wasn’t about radfems being right—it was about their base level claims often being right and easy to agree with, as well as easy to understand where those claims come from. And that’s how people go down the road of getting into the radical stuff, and ending up being batshit crazy radical feminists/terfs).
Your point about starting with milder takes is exactly what I was trying to get at with my response to the ask—and you gave a great example. On the surface, the take “I hate that teen boys get sex ed from porn” is an overall agreeable one. Porn is a terrible place to get sex education, in the same way medical shows are terrible places to learn what it’s like to be a surgeon, and cop shows are terrible places to learn what it’s like to be a cop. It’s all incredibly unrealistic.
So arguably, radfems are right when they make that surface basic claim, as it’s not a radical feminist exclusive claim. But then they manage to twist “teen boys are getting sex ed from porn and that’s bad” into “we should just castrate teen boys because men are inherently rapists and porn makes you a rapist”. And I would hope most rational people would go “holy shit wtf” to that claim.
And with the flexibility of lines, I see that a lot. I mean… it even happens with far right vs far left. Remember that post that said “white people shouldn’t adopt non white kids”, and a bunch of far leftists were agreeing because they believed white people adopting non white kids was racist… and it turned out the post had actually been made by a far right white supremacist, who believed that non whites were inferior to whites.
Terfs definitely take that into consideration. To myself, “a dress doesn’t make you a woman” means that dresses aren’t necessary to womanhood, and the lack of dresses isn’t necessary to manhood. To a terf, “a dress doesn’t make you a woman” means “trans women are men in dresses”.
And yes, thank you for pointing out the broken clock thing. Because obviously a radfem can say something sensical. Not everything that comes out of a radfem is necessarily radfem beliefs… so trying to act like anything a radfem ever says must be terf rhetoric is ridiculous. It’s just that most of the stuff radfems are “right” about are those surface level claims (again, like “a dress doesn’t make you a woman”) that aren’t actually radfem belief. It’s when you put that statement into the context they see it in, when it becomes radfem belief. That still doesn’t make the base claim wrong or radfem, though. Just the context radical feminism gives it.
Even “queer is a slur”… that’s not radfem belief. Do a lot of radfems believe queer is a slur? Yes. But something tells me that’s less about them being radfems, and more about many radfems being wlw (or at least claim to be wlw). The ones who aren’t claim to be allies (despite likely supporting political lesbianism). So is it really that surprising that a group largely filled with wlw, people who think they’re wlw, and people who think they support wlw, is against a homophobic slur being treated as if it’s not a homophobic slur???
I also agree that terfs are able to rack up a lot of sympathy from the constant hatred thrown their way. I know we all dislike terfs. But aggressively hating them is exactly what they want!!! Because then they can say things like “they’re silencing us because they don’t want to hear the truth”, or claim victimhood because clearly everyone hates them because something something patriarchy misogyny sexism. I’ve seen so many terfs take pride in the hatred they get, and it only solidifies their beliefs and turns others towards them. So no, constant “fuck terfs” posts don’t do any good. They just fuel the fire of the radfem oppression complex.
And it’s completely true that a lot of progressives actually would agree with radfem beliefs in full context, as long as it didn’t have “radfem/terf” attached onto it. And as long as it had nothing to do with trans people. Mainly anything talking about how evil men are.
Anyways, great points!!
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Gateway Drug | Part Ninety-One [PT. 2]
Words: 2.5K
Warning(s): explicit language, mentions of drug abuse, mentions of domestic abuse
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7 @lilmou5ie  @emariehorror  @divaanya  @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @abaldboi  @liith-ium  @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels  @ytwahsog  @scarecrowmax  @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx    @meetthesixxter    @arianareirg  @gingerspicetalks
@fancywasmyname1  @teller258316  @ggorehorror  @blowinmeupwithherlove  @xrosegoldwolfx  @mylifeisjustafeverdream  @redlipscrystalskies14 @str4nge-haze @reigns420 @sixxseconds2love @leatherandheels @dogmom2014 @allyouneedislove-mp3 @n0-self-c0ntro1 @viinceneil
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"Your little one is here as of right now." Dr. Telille says, pointing to a very little area to the far side of my womb and I smile before she switches the focus slightly and then looks at the screen with a slightly odd look before flipping through my chart. "At your previous Obstetrician, did they mention any abnormalities?" She asks me. 
"No." I shake my head. 
"You said in your history you've had recurrent miscarriages?" She asks next. 
"Okay, Mrs. Sixx, don't be alarmed by this because there is a solution but this," she turns the screen to me again, pointing at a shadow in the picture that looks like it's creating bunny ears or something. "Is a layer of tissue that's not supposed to be there. It halts fetal growth, and ultimately causes miscarriages, often times even before a fetus is interacting with the tissue itself, physically." She informs me and I feel like my chest is throbbing from how hard my heart is beating. "The good news is that we can fix this, I've had to do a few surgeries like this before--we can go in and cut that tissue out without disturbing your baby, but we will need to have it done within the next week--two weeks at the most." She explains and I raise my brows. 
"What's my chance of carrying out my pregnancy to term without the surgery?" I ask, trying to stay calm. 
"With a successful surgery, there is a 80% chance of you carrying it to term, and a higher chance at not facing as many pregnancy difficulties in the future like you've had previously. Without the surgery, with your history, it's very, very probable that you won't get to four months without miscarrying--if that far." She adds. 
"What's the risk of this surgery causing complications?" I ask next. 
"30%." She replies and I breathe out. "You don't have to make a decision today, you can go home and think about it and talk about it with the father but we need to get it scheduled in the next few days." 
"Um, o-okay…" I rub my lips together. 
"And if you are interested in the surgery, we can go ahead and send it in and see if insurance will cover it." She assures me. 
"I don't have maternity insurance right now." I tell her and she looks at me uneasily. 
"No worries, we can figure the costs out after you decide if you want it or not." She tells me, calmly, and I just nod. 
I numbed myself. I would've been freaking out, having a meltdown, begging God to spare my damn baby for once...but as soon as she started in on what was wrong with me, the negative outcomes...I flicked the switch in my brain and just let myself feel absolutely nothing as best as I could. My nervousness was relief compared to blatant breakdown mode that I knew would hit inevitably.
And how the hell did I tell Duff and Nikki that I was going to need surgery that could potentially terminate my pregnancy--or suffer what I'd suffered before and still lose a baby? Oh, right. I didn't. At least, not as soon as I probably should have.
When I get to my new little house I'm renting with my savings, Duff's sitting on the little porch, drinking a beer. 
"How'd it go?" He asks me, standing up as I unlock the door. 
He couldn't go with me this time because he had to go look at a couple houses with Mandy, which I understand because they had already canceled once with a real-estate agent and would get charged extra if they missed another appointment. 
"Good." I lie, clearing my throat. 
Whisky's barking at us until he realizes it's me, and then he won't get out from under my feet until I pat him on the head. 
"I need to finish unpacking." I say before Duff can ask anymore questions. 
"Well, it's your lucky day because I know how to unpack." He states, grinning. 
I go change into pajamas and when I get back, he's pulling pictures from one of the boxes, neatly placing them on the coffee table in the living room and I pick them up and start figuring out where to put them. 
"So, my family really wants me to bring you up." He says, optimistically. "I was thinking leave Sunday and come back next Saturday."
"...Duff, I can't just up and leave right now. I have to finish unpacking, and I'm gonna be meeting with Nikki once a week and then him and the guys once a week so that's two different…" I trail off as he cuts open another one of my packed boxes with his pocket knife, a look of disappointment on his face. "...It's not that I don't want to, you know. I just have a lot going on right now." 
"We'd just be gone for a week." He says, looking at me. "It's the only time off I have for a while since we're doing a few shows in New York and Europe." He adds. "And I really want my family to know you, kinda, before you have the baby." 
"I don't know." I hesitantly tell him and he licks his lips. "I don't know, Duff, okay? I just...ughhh." I groan, raking my hands through my hair. 
"If you don't want to meet my family then don't worry about it, Vivian." He says it a little passive aggressively and I raise my brows. 
"'Vivian'? Since when the hell am I 'Vivian'?" I ask, mimicking his tone. 
"That's your name isn't it?" He asks next and I cross my arms.
"You usually call me 'Viv', or...something…"
"Well, I'm not calling you, 'babe,' or, 'baby,' since we aren't dating anymore so…"
"You're being a dick." 
"I'm not being a dick. I'm just family oriented and I want my family to know you and our kid and you're making up excuses to not go and meet them."
"Excuse me for not wanting to be judged." I snap back. 
"They're not fucking judgemental." 
"Oh, so you're cussing at me now, too, huh?" 
"Quit trying to start an argument." He tells me. 
"I'm not starting an argument, I'm making a valid point." 
"You're making an assumption." He corrects me. "My family isn't judgemental. They're really not. I don't even think they're worried with the fact that you were married when we got together because they haven't said a word about it. They just want to meet you." 
"Matt didn't seem so cool about it." I mumble. 
"Matt was trying to keep both of us out of trouble." He explains. "He wasn't judging you. He just doesn't like drama and if we would've gotten caught he knew it'd just be a bunch of bullshit we'd have to get thrown at us." 
I just stare at him. 
"And I'm sorry for cussing at you, but I'm trying to be positive about all of this and I really don't want you to start bringing in your negativity." He exhales. 
"My negativity?" I raise my brows, laughing humorlessly. 
"Please, just come to Seattle with me next Sunday. I promise it'll be fun and my family's fun, they don't mean any harm by wanting you to come up and visit--they're already talking about planning a trip when it's born to be here for you and me both for a few days." He adds. 
I think about it, seeing his eyes glint a little as he slowly smiles at me like a hopeful puppy. 
"Okay." I relent and he puts his hands above his head, folding them together, letting out a loud, "Hallelujah!" and I roll my eyes, trying to hold back a chuckle. 
The truth is, I don't want to leave Nikki stewing that long after revealing to him my miscarriages. He never came back when he left the therapy session yesterday, and I was supposed to go back today but decided I needed another day to just think about everything, but because of Amber's schedule, we won't be able to get back in the same room together--aside from me just visiting him--until next Wednesday...but with Duff wanting to leave Sunday and come back that Saturday, I won't be able to meet then, either. A part of me isn't even sorry that I won't make it since the morale of Nikki's story is that he married a maestro of manipulation that can play victim like no other but is really an evil bitch who loves to make people suffer. 
I gathered that after reading: 
"I married a fucking demon."
"Vivian climbed from hell just to neuter me." 
"My wife's a fucking lunatic." 
"I sometimes think Vivian's waiting for me to die so she can get the money." 
"I hate her." 
"I don't know what's killing me faster: my looney wife, or smack. Doesn't matter--they're both my drug of choice." 
"If she didn't know how to fuck I would've already left her." 
"She flushed every bit of what Jason dropped off last night. Cost me a couple grand. I'm so pissed, if I knew she wouldn't beat the shit out of me and go batshit-ballistic, I'd lay her out on the fucking floor. I'm sure it'd be like foreplay in her sick mind, anyway." 
"I swear she cums every time she belittles me." 
And, my personal favorite: 
"Just woke up from a fucking nightmare. I was fucking around with Vivian and Vanity and once they got their satisfaction they started eating me alive while talking about their love for God. Even with them gnawing on me alive with their shark-like teeth and their completely black eyes, stripping flesh from my bone and going at it like a fucking pork chop, I was turned on. But as soon as they started about God, how good and wonderful he was, that's when I started panicking a little that I OD'd without realizing it and was in hell or some fucking incarnation of it. I see now that's how they both got me, being hot and knowing exactly what to do to get me going. And now they're both sucking the life out of me, eating me alive, while praying to their God and acting like they're blameless in my destruction. CHICKS = TROUBLE." 
At least we both agree that we married demons.
It was strange for me to realize how he saw me--well, how Sikki saw me. Once I was able to differentiate between the two of them, it hurt less reading what he'd write about me. It was just confusing. 
One page would be an entire rant (with unflattering, random song lyrics to match) about something I did that pissed him off--sometimes things I wouldn't even realize I did to make him upset and then the next page would be decently positive things about me that he'd profess after waking up sort of sober…
I knew he felt guilty about how he treated me, most of the entries from the end of '83 to '87 had "I'm an asshole" or "I really fucked up" or some version of it in them but the deeper into '87 he got, the less and less apologetic he got. Both in real time and his dairies. 
Despite the black and white of his diaries, one thing still lingered in the grey area…
I stare at the little TV on my dresser, bowl of captain crunch in hand as I stuff my face while flipping channels, Whisky gnawing on his chew toy as a flickering, fuzzy and static blaring familiar face flashes across the screen as I turn to the next channel. My heart stops for a moment, my finger immediately going back, the screen and audio clearing as I see her. 
Clear eyed and competent. A far removal from what I last saw of her with her gnashing teeth and tortured eyes, spewing at Nikki and I both before he and her got into a fight that left her dragged down the stairs of our old house...guilt tugs at me, remembering the look on her face, the pain, the hurt...perhaps she felt as bad as I did about the situation. 
He was the one telling her he was going to leave me and marry her, after all. My feury swallowed him before it ever thought about swallowing her. 
"...I'm currently looking at other scripts for other films." She replies very calm and composed to whatever question her interviewer was asking...I'm assuming this is part of her press run for her new movie coming out. 
"If you could write a ticket for yourself, Vanity, what would it be?" The woman asks next and she furrows her brows, slightly. 
"Write a ticket? To go somewhere?" 
"No, write a ticket for the rest of your life, and your career. Just everything about your life." She explains. 
"Ohhh," She thinks a moment before shaking her head slightly. "I wouldn't want to do that, actually, because, um, everytime I turn around something new's happening. I'm a very spontaneous person. I just like to get up and go, and I've been doing that since I was fifteen...so, um, I couldn't say I'd like to write that ticket." She chuckles a little, but not the crack-cackle I was used to seeing in her past interviews. 
She's actually sober here. 
"I just wanna go wherever life takes me." She continues. 
"What you're saying then, is, you couldn't write a ticket because what you would write wouldn't be as good as what could happen?" 
"No, I don't--"
"No, I don't think that, I'm not saying that at all. I feel that I have certain goals in my life. Very big, big, dreams that I set for myself. But I wouldn't wanna, um, question God's way about where he's going with me." She states. "That's just...not me." 
"If you could go back and change anything--"
"--Nothing." Vanity says, biting her lip nervously, shaking her head. 
"Any of the decisions?"
"Wouldn't change a thing?" 
"Nothing." She buckles down on it and I feel my eyes gloss over. "Wouldn't change a thing…" she trails off, thinking for a second. "...Can't say that I would." She adds, softly. "Because each time that I've done something, whether it be a mistake in my life, it's always...what you might call a mistake in my life is never a mistake to me. It was a definite meant to be and it was a definite learning process. So all the pain and all the glory...I wouldn't change a thing."
She's so unapologetically sincere. 
I cut the TV off as they start closing out the interview, and toss the remote across the room, losing my appetite and putting my bowl on my nightstand before I allow myself to replay what she just said. 
And I cry, not because she was in a relationship with him, not because she tried to steal him from me...I cry because I regret everything. I regret marrying Nikki. I regret meeting Duff. I regret getting pegnant. 
I'm not angry at her.
I envy her.
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nicoforlifetrue · 5 years
Summery:Dee Roman and Remus practicing a dead religion has some hiccups when it comes to history
none of these are in any real timeline yet!
Yes the other sides are here
More then one person wrote this
There is a prologue! Read it here
The History Class Incident-
History was taught by Professor Thomas Sanders, he was a bright, cheery guy who never called Remus out for the 'juice' in his water bottle. He was a great guy by the standards of the three. That is, until the mythology course started. 
You see; Roman, Remus, and Dee hadn't yet told their roommates why they burned their food or why Remus was always inebriated or high. They hadn't said why Roman was so focused on appearance or why Dee's knee jerk reaction was to lie. Because all that was normal to them. It was how the three followed their respective patrons. But after the first day of mythology, the boys dragged their roommates out to meet the people they grew up with and rage over the inaccuracies of the course; expecting said roommates to rage with them. 
Dee had talked Virgil into going the entire way to the little coffee shop a friend of theirs worked at. The college student was seething the whole way there; you see the first unit in the course was Norse mythology and dear Professor Sanders had called Loki, his patron, the main villain of all things! Now Virgil, the good but anxiety ridden person he was, finally asked Dee what was wrong about halfway to the coffee shop. "Dude, what's your deal? Why are you so pissed?"
Dee sighed at that, rubbing his face before he stated, "You sat next to me in history; I know you heard what the professor said. He insulted the gods themselves and insinuated that Loki was a villain! That's why I'm pissed; he's a disrespectful cunt!"
Virgil laughed. "Dude, chill; he's just talking about an old religion. Like, sure, Loki is a cool superhero, but he's still pretty crazy in the myths."
Dee leveled his gaze at Virgil upon hearing that; disbelief written across his features. "Are you fucking with me? Please say you are; ‘cause if you aren't, I might have to kill you."
Virgil raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Oh really? Why are you taking it so seriously?"
"How are you not?" Dee snapped back before he sighed, trying to calm down. "I'm sorry I just- good gods and goddesses he called Loki a character, flattened his story's into two dimensional cluster fucks, left out all of the good Loki did; and all around disrespected him; thus disrespecting me and all other wards of Loki! I have no idea who your patron is but imagine if that happened to them. It physically sickens me just remembering that 'lesson', ugh."
"Wait wait wait," Virgil said, putting two and two together. "You take mythology seriously? Like it's actually your religion?"
Dee gave him a look. "Stop calling it a mythology and what; you don't? I always thought you followed Hades or Nyx," he hummed. "I grew up learning about the gods and goddesses, yes."
"Oh that's cool, I didn't know anyone still believed in that religion. I've no clue who my patron would be though," he said, laughing a bit.
"You don't?" Dee questioned before pausing and humming. "That actually explains some things…. But he's still a fucking cunt."
Roman, on the other hand, felt more betrayed; though not quite nearly as much as when he had watched Hercules. He knew what Loki meant to Dee, and to hear such a grossly incorrect retelling of the gods stories? It was devastating. And to hear not just that, but Loki being reduced to his greatest mistake and flattened into an evil villain? He was brokenhearted at the fact that his favorite teacher could be so ignorant and brash, to the point of calling Loki a character! Now Logan, despite his ineptitude with emotions could tell the class had upset Roman. So as at least a good acquaintance of the man he felt obligated to ask what was wrong.
"Roman? Why were you feeling upset in class?"
"How could I not be?!" he responded, throwing his hands up. "The professor grossly distorted one of Loki's stories and refused to tell any others! Instead he just honed in on his greatest mistake and made Loki seem like a Disney villain!” 
“I still don't see why you are getting angry over a retelling of a simple character's story."
Roman’s gaze flattened at that. 
Staring at his roommate angrily, "Logan. You did not just call Loki, the trickster God of Asgard, a character from some fictional work. If you did, may the gods and goddesses help you when Dee finds out."
"Gods and Goddesses are not real, they are simply imaginary characters people created to explain the causes of natural phenomena, they are useless now that we can define the world with science."
Roman stared at him dumbfounded. "Logan, my friend, blessed by Athena, unless you wish to end up being mauled by my brother; I suggest you change that perspective before he runs out of wine. And perhaps pay more respect to those higher than us mere mortals." 
Logan sighs. "You will not understand that one cannot praise something that is just a fictional character, so I will end this pointless conversation."
Roman rolled his eyes at that. "You’re going to be punished for ignoring the gods, you know."
And the last pair was Remus and Patton. Patton wasn't a fan of Remus, the only reason he was coming along was so the drunk didn't hurt himself.
"I just can't believe the guy!" 
"What do you mean, ‘what?’ He shit-talked the gods!" Remus huffed, well more like pouted. That statement basically ended the conversation.
The door to the cafe slammed open, an angry Dee storming in and over to their table. The other four were already there as Virgil trailed behind him. He slammed his palms against the table staring down at the wood, eyes full of fire.
"Fuck Professor Sanders."
Roman and Remus made noises of agreement as Dee sat down. "Who does he think he is! I mean, he's so clearly biased against trickster gods. Holy fucking Underworld!"
Roman nodded in agreement aggressively, and Remus kinda hummed as he took another sip of his drink. 
"I do not understand why you three are getting so riled up about what Professor Sanders said, he was merely telling the story of a mythological character." Logan said, monotone.
All three looked at him askance. "Because he retold it incorrectly, and refused to share any stories that would make my patron seem like he wasn't a complete shithead," Dee snapped; Roman frowning and Remus giggling drunkenly.
"Your 'patron' is a complete shithead, as you say, he wasn't a good person at all."
Dee stared at him at that "I'm sorry, did I hear you correctly? Did you, one, put air quotes around the word patron and then secondly, follow it up by calling my patron a villain?" His voice was cold and dead serious, angry to the point of pulling a Remus and ripping the next person who insulted Loki to shreds.
"Yes, I was speaking clearly, so unless you are deaf; you heard me correctly. Secondly, I did not call him a villian; you called him that."
Dee took a breath, then sighed. "Logan, you dumb fuck. How has Athena blessed you?" he stated, mostly to himself. "Ok, here. Think of it this way. Let's say someone explains something as simple as the water cycle in a grossly incorrect manner. Wouldn’t you be pissed?" 
"I would fix their falsehood and move on. Yes I would be mad, but I would be right and they would be wrong."
"Now think of it like that, but it’s fucking stuck with me because I was also personally insulted with this falsehood. It would be like someone explaining how colors work to you as if you’re five; but they do it so very incorrectly. That's why I'm pissed off, get it?"
"Yes, I'm now partly understanding, but how were you insulted by this 'falsehood'?"
"’Cause it's also a fundamental part of who I am," Dee responded blandly. "Loki being my patron shaped who I am today; and what I present and act like, being Loki's ward, has made me who I am. And to insult him? It's a personal attack on who I am as a person, as well as an attack on someone who I hold higher than myself." 
Logan places his hands on the table. "So let me get this straight, you hold Loki in the same esteem that, say, a Christian would hold God?"
"Kinda; unlike Christianity though my patron, though unlikely, might change. I don't know how but it can happen. But basically, yeah." 
Logan nods. "And Roman and Remus are the same?" 
"Different patrons, but yeah." Roman chimed in, Dee nodding.
"Big ego, loves his own appearance; Roman is your patron Aphrodite?" Logan asks.
"Got it in one, Teach!" 
"Teach?" Logan says confusedly. 
"You act like a teacher. So, Teach." Roman responded with a smirk; Dee chuckling, Remus watching him with his loopy tipsy-but-not-quite-drunk grin. 
"Thank you for explaining, Princey." Logan says holding back a smile
"Ooo! I like that one," Roman hummed; Remus's face scrunched up before he grinned.
"Can I be Dukey then?" Logan ignores that. 
Virgil, who had previously been quiet, snickered. "Sure, why not?"
Dee sighed, relaxing.
"Now I'm worried about what he'll do to the rest of our patrons, especially Aphrodite." Roman shook his head. "I might just file a complaint, at this rate."
"I mean, Aphrodite was a little bipolar in the stories. And no, Roman, I'm not insulting her." Logan said, trying to stop Roman from getting mad.
"Good," Roman huffed; Remus giggling again.
"Yeah, but with what the professor did to Loki; he'll turn her from bipolar to outright batshit crazy."
"Yeah; that's my job!" Remus cheered. 
"Wait, drunkenness, insanity…is your patron Dionysus?" Logan said.
"Bingo!" Remus responded.
"You could just offer to teach things the right way around, since you have first hand experience with the stories," Virgil offered calmly.
"They could; but wouldn't that be taken as slander to Professor Sanders’ teaching?" Logan said, pulling a Rubix cube out of his pocket.
"Yeah, most likely not worth the risk," Dee hummed with a sigh. "We'll just have to grit our teeth, and hope he doesn't damn us all by insulting the gods and goddesses too badly..."
"Yeah, oh! Why do you have the snake tattoo, Dee?"
Dee raised an eyebrow. "I like snakes, and they’re a sign of my patron; tattoos are also a sign of rebellion against higher ups, especially on the face and areas of high visibility, so..." he gestured at his tattoo. "I got one."
"We should get back to school."
"But we have the rest of the day off! Don't tell me you need to study that badly," Roman whined; Dee nodding.
"Nothing to stress over…"
"You can never be too behind on your work. Also, seeing how we have to do something about Loki, I would suggest you get it over and done with."
Dee groaned at that. "I'm going to put in the truth, not whatever nonsense the professor was spouting." 
That promptly started a 'discussion' on work ethics.
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