#and yesterday i saw an old lady give a bus driver a bag of chips and bottle of water from a basket of snacks-
mintjeru · 2 years
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chiluc angel au my beloved
open for better quality | no reposts | ID under the cut
[Image description: Two pages of traditional sketches. One page is of angel Diluc's design and the other is of civilian Childe's design. Diluc's halos, shirt cuffs, and veil are drawn in further detail. Childe's outfit under his jacket is shown. Both pages show front and back views of the characters' designs.]
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wordsfromthesol · 5 years
Author: @wordsfromthesol Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader Summary: Officer Grayson pulls you over for speeding, somehow you end up without a ticket and a date instead. Warnings: ~the usual~ Word Count: 1.2k
You had just gotten a 911 call from your father. No other details. Every possibility in the world was running through your head. You raced to your car and barreled through the oncoming traffic, that was until you saw lights in your rear-view mirror. Fuck. You pull over and roll down the window, waiting for the inevitable, but were surprised when the person approaching wasn’t in uniform.
“So, I’m curious. I just watched you cut in front of an old lady and then proceed to flip her off…all while speeding.”
“Well the old lady was driving stupidly.”
“But where’s the holiday spirit?”
“It left when my dad decided to send me a 911 text and then stop responding. I’m sorry, can you just give me a ticket or whatever. I’m in a hurry.”
“Honestly, I just wanted to see what your reason was.” He ushered to his apparel, “I’m not really looking to give out tickets. But I can give you an escort, make sure your dad is okay…address?”
You rattled off your dad’s address, surprised by his generosity, but your mind was too preoccupied to acknowledge it. As you rolled into the driveway, you didn’t even stop to thank the unnamed detective.
The next day as your phone began to buzz, the words “Unknown Caller” flashed across the screen. Normally you wouldn’t bother answering, but something in the back of your mind was telling you otherwise.
“This is Y/N.”
“Hey, this is Detective Grayson. I was the one that stopped you yesterday.”
“Oh, right. I never got to thank you, my mind was kind of frazzled.”
“Yeah no, I understand. I just wanted to check on you, make sure everything was okay.”
“Well, honestly, now I feel bad. Maybe you should just give me a ticket.”
“Now you’re asking for a ticket? What happened?”
“It’s so stupid…my dad couldn’t get the television working.”
“And he couldn’t answer his phone?”
“I guess not. I mean who sends a text like that and then doesn’t answer their damn?”
“Heh, apparently your dad. Well I’m glad I could help.”
“Yeah, listen thanks again. I promise I’m usually not that terrible of a driver.” The two of you kept saying your goodbyes but finding another reason to continue the conversation. That was when you realized that it had been nearly an hour and seriously needed to get back to work. “Alright I actually have to get back to work.”
“I think you’ve said that three times now.”
“Yeah but then I realized it’s been an hour. How about I buy you a coffee tomorrow to say thanks?”
“I was wondering how long it would take for you to ask me, that sounds great. I’ll be at your office at 10:00.”
“You know – you ran my plates didn’t you?”
“Well of course, had to make sure you weren’t some sociopath…we get a lot of those in this area.”
“Alright, I’m hanging up now!”
Ten in the morning came too quickly, you had been so flustered at work, as new projects just kept appearing out of thin air. You would have forgotten entirely if the assistant at the front desk hadn’t buzzed you. Jeremy eyed you on your way out. A look that was both mischievous and curious, you knew he’d be asking you about it as soon as you got back.
“Hey, sorry, this morning was crazy.” You shuffled through the front lobby and approached the detective.
“I can come back later.’”
“No no, I definitely need coffee now.” You hurried past him, not wanting to give anyone an opportunity to stop you from leaving.
“Understood, let’s go then.”
Nearly an hour had gone by while you mindlessly chatted with the detective, finally learning his first name. You still couldn’t believe he actually chose to go by ‘Dick’. Maybe someday you would learn why. Your whole body shifted with discomfort as the realization hit you, you had to go back to work.
“As fun as this chat has been, I’m afraid I have to get back to work. I’ve already felt my phone buzz ten times with emails.”
“It’s alright, I know the feeling.” Just as the two of you were getting up Dick instinctively pushed in front of you. Frustrated with the abrupt and forceful motion, you began to push back until you realized the unsavory figure at the door. Cop instincts. Or so you thought. Once you got out of your own head you noticed Dick stepping towards the man.
“Hey buddy, can I get you a cup of coffee or maybe a bagel?”
The man shook in place as he twitched about, focusing his gaze at random points in the store and ignoring the person speaking to him.
“Why don’t we find someone to help you out?”
Dick was having no luck addressing the man in front of him and was worried he would soon turn violent. He knew it wasn’t the best idea to touch him, but he grew more and more desperate to get the man away from innocent people – especially you. As he expected, as soon as Dick placed his hand on the man’s shoulder he lashed out. Before you could blink, Dick already had the man on the ground, ordering you to dial the police.
“Bu...aren’t you the police?”
“Yeah but I’m not on duty…no cuffs or patrol car. Can’t exactly put him on my motorcycle.” Dick motioned towards the unconscious man on the floor. You nodded in response and dialed 911 on your phone. Your relaxing coffee break was no longer. Now with all this new adrenaline coursing through your veins, you had to go back and type reports. How the hell am I supposed to go back to work now.
Somehow you made it through the day, only to come home to Dick Grayson in your apartment, scaring the shit out of you as you opened the door.
“What the hell Dick?”
“Sorry! I just wanted to check on you.”
“That should be your catchphrase. I’m good, just got nothing done at work today. I was jittery and on edge the rest of the day. At least my recollection of the morning’s events entertained Jeremy. Got him off my case about you.”
“Should he be on my case?”
“Well when you announce yourself at my office, he will make sure he knows why you’re there.”
“Hm.” For some reason you didn’t feel completely awkward with him sitting casually in your living room. In fact, it felt almost right. You moved about, going into your room and changing out of the business casual clothes you donned, before heading into the kitchen looking for a snack. You sat next to him with a bag of chips in hand. Dick proceeded to dip his hand in the bag and throw some in his mouth. “So, dinner then?”
Your mouth full, but the question caught you off guard, so you answered while trying to contain the half-chewed chips. “What?”
“I mean, as healthy as these look for dinner…I figured I should take you out. Make up for the…eventful coffee date.” You looked down at the sweatpants and t-shirt that now covered your body. “You won’t have to change, I know a great diner.”
“Alright. Try to avoid life-threatening events this time?”
“No promises, but I’ll always protect you.” Dick said with a wink.
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