#and you fall into the laps of. takumi and leo. takumi on his own may be manageable after getting to know him.
moe-broey · 1 year
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ariannadi · 7 years
As Luck Would Have It (5/5)
The epilogue!! Woo x3 Thanks for being patient with me while I finished this up, this last chapter is just a little send-off with some fluff lol
Previous chapter is here, Ao3 link at the bottom of this post!
Six years later...
"Mama, can I do it now? Can I?" a soft yet eager voice cut through the fog of Leo's sleep, and the man couldn't help the little smile that rose on his cheeks. He was quite aware of what day it happened to be, and, judging by the sound of his son's voice, Forrest was just as informed and in the process of acknowledging it through his own means.
"Yes, go ahead, Forrest," came Kamui’s quiet response. "Just don't cause too much of a ruckus."
Leo could practically see the enthusiastic nod from the small boy and anticipated his next move, which came but a few seconds later. Forrest launched himself onto the bed with a ferocious roar, landing on top of Leo and squealing when his father immediately captured him in his arms and retaliated with a tickle attack.
"Papa! No! Stop!" the boy wheezed through his hysterics, trying to escape Leo's grip by flailing all of his limbs at once. Leo chuckled as he finally released him, not before running a hand through the curls of silver on his head. 
The commotion was enough to startle the fourth and youngest soul present - Kana's little wails sounding from the bassinet near Kamui's side of the bed. Without delay, the woman hopped to attention and gathered the baby into her arms, hushing him in an instant as she rocked him to and fro.
"Oh, I'm sorry my little Kana-bean. Did we wake you prematurely?" she soothed the infant, grinning at his responding coo.
"Sorry, baby brother," came Forrest, looking sheepish. "I just wanted to surprise Papa for his birthday. Oh!" Forrest, realizing his error, quickly turned his attention back to Leo and blurted, "Happy birthday, Papa!" 
"Thank you, Forrest," Leo replied, giving his son a fond smile. Kamui proceeded over to the bed to join them both, leaning over to press a sweet kiss to Leo's lips once she took a seat.
"Happy birthday, my love," she murmured, regarding him with a look of tender affection. Leo reciprocated it tenfold, his fingers reaching out and brushing the slope of her cheek.
”Thank you, my dear,” he replied, his voice soft. Kana chose then to start fussing for attention, causing Leo to chuckle as he wiggled a finger in front of the infant’s face. “Are you wishing me a happy birthday as well, little one?” he asked of his baby boy with a grin. Kana grabbed at his finger with pudgy hands, latching onto the digit and bringing it into his gummy mouth to chew on it contently. His large, grey eyes observed Leo with a sense of wonder, the man noting just how much the baby resembled his mother in that moment.
Their newest addition had been quite the surprise originally; while Leo and Kamui had agreed they wanted an average-sized family, Forrest had required so much time and attention that the idea had been put on the back burner indefinitely. It was only after the couple got some much-needed privacy during one of their family’s visits that Kamui approached her husband one evening, revealing that they were going to have their hands full again in a number of months.
Kana had arrived a few weeks earlier than expected, accompanied by a shrill cry and a full head of blonde hair. He and Forrest were already complete opposites in terms of looks and personality, but even so, Leo loved both of his sons equally, and was eager for the day he would be able to tutor them on anything they wished to learn.
“Mama! Don’t we gotta get ready for Papa’s lunch thingie, soon?” Forrest asked, tugging insistently on his mother’s nightgown. “I wanna wear the pretty dress Auntie Elise got me!”
Leo audibly sighed, earning him a pointed look from Kamui, who then nodded at their son with a smile. The man still didn’t quite understand Forrest’s fascination with girl’s clothing, but he knew arguing against the boy’s request would only land him in the doghouse for the day.
”Oh, I’m sure Auntie Elise will love seeing you in your new outfit, darling,” Kamui told Forrest happily. “Why don’t you head on over to your room, I’ll be there momentarily to help you get dressed. I need to take care of Kana, first.”
”Okay, Mama!” Forrest agreed, then climbed down from the bed and hurried out of his parent’s quarters. Once the heavy sound of the doors closing reached their ears, Kamui turned to Leo, raising a questioning brow at him.
”I didn’t say anything,” he muttered, shifting his eyes to the side. Kamui sighed.
”I know we were raised in an environment with specific expectations, but I believe in having free will. If Forrest wishes to express himself through what he wears, who are we to protest against such?”
Leo twisted his lip, but nodded in grim acceptance. “It’s just... going to take some getting used to, is all. He doesn’t show any interest in the arcane either, which, where Brynhildr is concerned, worries me. He instead mentioned being fascinated with the way Oboro puts together outfits when she and Takumi visited last.”
”Then perhaps our son will be a world-renowned fashion designer when he grows up,” Kamui theorized with a shrug. “We can’t expect our children to follow in our footsteps, Leo, as much as we may wish it. And Forrest is barely five, he still has plenty of time to grow and figure himself out.”
Leo nodded again, then let out a deep breath. A tired smile found its way to his cheeks, and he reached for Kamui’s hand, giving it a squeeze. “You’re such an amazing mother, Kamui,” he murmured, which earned him a bashful giggle.
”I try,” she replied, sending a wink his way. “But don’t sell yourself short, Leo; you’re a wonderful father, as well. You just need a little more patience.”
Leo turned his eyes to Kana, who had pulled his little foot into his mouth and was slobbering all over his toes. “Yeah,” he agreed, scrubbing a hand through the baby’s wild blonde hair, “You’re right.”
The king-consort's birthday gathering, as was expected of such a... unique group of individuals, was quite the charade from start to finish. It began with Leo being corralled into the main wing of the palace and coming face-to-face with practically everyone he knew, all cheering and shouting variations of "happy birthday" at him. He greeted as many of his friends and family as possible before he was ushered toward the ornate dining table set up in the middle of the room, taking a seat at the head of it at the urging of his wife. Kamui then took her place at his right, Kana sound asleep in her arms. Just as Leo was about to ask where their eldest son was, Forrest ran by in a frilly blue gown, laughing as his younger cousin Ophelia and elder cousin Kiragi chased after him.
Lunch was served a while after, a banquet consisting of many tomato-infused dishes that left Leo's mouth watering. He cast a knowing look to Kamui, who just shrugged with a little smile as she popped a forkful of pasta into her mouth. It was then that Forrest decided to join them, climbing into his father's lap and stealing bits of food from his plate.
"Ahem," came Xander's voice from the opposite end of the table, and suddenly the king of Nohr rose, holding a flute of champagne. "I just wanted to say a few words in regards to the man of the day - my little brother, Leo." He paused as he stared toward his glass and swished it a few times. "It's hard to believe you're already nearing thirty. It feels like only yesterday I was giving you piggyback rides and teaching you the basics of swordsmanship with a wooden stick." A low bout of laughter rose at the comment, which caused a tiny smile to bloom on Xander's face. "You've made me so proud to be your brother in the time since we first met, and have grown into one of the finest men I have ever known, and an even finer king, at that." He lifted his glass then, holding it out toward Leo. "So, here’s to my brother, Leo! May many more years follow you, and may they be filled with nothing but happiness."
"To Leo!" the rest present echoed, lifting their glasses as well. Leo's cheeks heated at the sudden onslaught of attention, but he nodded in appreciation, regardless. He nearly choked when Kamui suddenly stood from her seat, obviously wanting to reflect her own thoughts to everyone.
"I completely understand where Xander is coming from when he says it's hard to believe just how much time has passed," she began, bouncing Kana all the while. "I met Leo for the first time when I was just eight years old, and it didn't take a genius to figure out that he couldn't stand me at all." She sent a smirk her husband's way, who sunk further into his chair as his cheeks turned an even darker shade of red. 
"That being said," the woman continued, closing her eyes, "The stubborn little boy I once adored quickly grew into the most beautiful of men, and it wasn't long before I found myself falling for his dry wit, superior intelligence, and passionate endeavors. Of course, this was only after I found out we weren't actually related." Another round of laughter sounded, primarily from the royals on both sides. As they quieted down, Kamui turned toward Leo, her eyes centered on him and him alone. "I love you so much, my dear Leo. You've given me multitudes of happiness in the years we've been together, and even before that, you helped me in learning everything I could about the world around me - shaping me into the person I am today. I can only hope that I make your days as easy as you've made mine, and I wish you many, many, many more. Happy birthday, my love." 
She moved to return to her seat just as everyone began to cheer, but Leo didn't let her. Instead, he rose from his chair and cupped her face in his hands, slanting his mouth over hers in a kiss brimming with passion. Those around them instantly began to hoot and holler at the unexpected action, but Leo didn't pay them any mind - he himself too focused on expressing his gratuitous affections to his wife.
”Leo,” she uttered breathlessly once they parted, a bashful smile gracing her lips. The man tenderly swiped his thumb along her cheek, before pressing another peck to her lips.
”If only you knew the extent of my thankfulness for you, my dear,” he replied, his expression tender.
”I’m thankful for Mama, too! And I’m thankful for Papa, also!” Forrest blurted from where he still sat in Leo’s chair - obviously wanting to be the center of attention. Both of his parents smiled down at him, Leo leaning over to press his lips to the crown of the boy’s head.
”If we’re done with the sappy speeches, we really should continue stuffing our faces,” Camilla, who was sitting next to Kamui, of course, suggested with a huff. “I’m just dying to show you all the cake I helped design!”
The gathering lasted early into the evening, something that hadn't been planned originally but no one complained about. Leo ended up having to scoop up a sleeping Forrest from where he had passed out under the dining table, he and Kamui each carrying their exhausted sons toward the bedroom wing as others began to return to their own quarters.
"At least we'll have a few hours of peace," his wife said with a giggle. "Between Kana being passed around to nearly every relative and Forrest playing with all of the other children, they'll be sleeping until tomorrow morning."
"One can only hope," Leo chuckled in response. They stopped in front of Forrest's room, Leo pushing the doors open and letting Kamui enter first. His wife went to sit in the plush lounge chair that was placed near the hearth while Leo carried Forrest into his bedroom, pulling back the covers of his bed and gently laying him down. He didn't have the heart to wake the boy in order to remove his party dress, so instead Leo tucked the covers around his little body, then leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
"Is our little prince all settled in for the evening?" Kamui asked when he reentered the greeting room, and he regarded her with a smile.
"Comfy as comfy can be, and still sound asleep," Leo affirmed, walking over to his wife just as she rose from her chair. Knowing she would want to give her proper goodnight's to their son as well, he took Kana into his arms, watching after Kamui as she disappeared into the bedroom.
”It’s been quite the day, hasn’t it, Kana-bean?” Leo uttered to his baby boy, grinning when the infant let out a little gurgle in his sleep. Indeed, the day had been one to remember, and during its entirety had given Leo quite the reality check about his life. 
He was, without doubt, the luckiest man in the world.
Between a group of friends and family that would forever support him, two beautiful children that always managed to make his day a little brighter, and the loveliest, most compassionate woman in existence as his wife - Leo was certain the gods had favored him tenfold, even if his life hadn't necessarily begun that way. Every little instance of pain he had faced, every little betrayal, he would endure without question again if it meant being able to be here in this moment.
"Ready to head out?" Kamui asked once she exited Forrest's bedchamber, placing a gentle hand on her husband's arm. Leo nodded once, allowing his wife to lead the way as the two of them quietly left their son's quarters and proceeded down the corridor to their own.
Fate... luck... whatever the case, sure had a funny way of going about things. 
But Leo, genius he was, chose not to question them at all.
Yay! :D Thanks so much for reading, likes and reblogs are always sincerely appreciated!!
Ao3 link
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feifheadcanons · 8 years
I saw someone ask to rate 1-10 on the best butts, so I decided, how about you rate the 1st gen males laps from 1-Best pillow. I want to know who's lap to sleep on tonight.
I think I’m gonna do it so it’s like…who’s the best to sleep on rather than just thighs. And with their s/o. This was a lot harder than I thought…oeirjqoierjqoeirj. feel free to add on to my things or send in your own opinions about thighs …lap/sleep…my gosh i don’t know what i’m writing anymore
Jakob: Do it, do it. He probably has trained his thighs to be soft and nice to sleep on. It’s a good 10/10.
Silas: His lap alone is only 6/10. But because he’s so bubbly and nice to talk to it’s a 8/10.
Kaze: 9/10. He can stay completely still, and it’s quite nice if you put a pillow on his lap too.
Shura: 5/10. He shifts around a lot. He also awkwardly runs his fingers through your hair, so the sleep may not be the best.
Ryoma: His thighs aren’t the softest, but he can sit pretty still. He’d put a pillow on his lap if you don’t want to just plop your head down on just his lap. He also pats your head gently. So 7.5/10.
Takumi: His thighs are 8/10. But because he’s kinda awkward and moves around a lot, your sleep will only be a 5/10. He also tends to clear his throat a lot when you’re resting in his lap.
Saizo: 4/10. He’s completely stiff and still. He doesn’t speak, and it’s awkward for the both of you.
Azama: 9/10. He likes to have you in his lap and he tries to make it as comfortable as possible. But be careful, he might draw things on your face when you’re sleeping. So..maybe a 7/10 for sleep.
Hinata: The sleep is 9/10. He doesn’t move and just stares at your sleeping face the entire time since he thinks you’re so cute.
Subaki: His thighs are kanpeki, do it. It’s a Kanpeki/10.
Hayato: Same with Takumi, the sleep is a 5/10 since he’s also a little embarrassed. But he doesn’t clear his throat like Takumi, so it can be bumped up to 5.5/10.
Kaden: He would rather be in his fox form and cuddle against you if you wanna sleep against him. But wouldn’t refuse to let you sleep on his lap. Be careful of his tail that’s swishing around though. 7/10.
Xander: Bring a pillow first. 6/10.
Leo: His thighs…are actually really nice and soft. They’re super smooth too, it’s kinda of creepy. He’s ticklish there, so if you move around in his sleep he won’t be able to keep still. 8/10 if you don’t move around. 6.5/10 if you tickle him with your hair in your sleep.
Laslow: Yes. Good. Sleep on this dancer’s beautiful lap. You will not regret it. 9/10. It’s nice, soft, and a perfect pillow.
Odin: He loses his “I AM THE LORD OF DARKNESS OF THUNDER MUAHAHAHAHAHA” act when you ask to sleep on him. He’s a little awkward when you first put your head down, and just observes your sleeping face in awe. His lap is nice and warm, but it’s a little stiff since he’s nervous. 7/10.
Niles: Oh, his laps are nice pillows. Perfect for a little nap. Just don’t get your face too close to the…thing. 8/10.
Arthur: Don’t. His bad luck will only carry onto you. But if you just wanna rest there without actually falling asleep, his lap isn’t bad. 2/10 for sleep, 7/10 for just resting there and chatting with him.
Benny: YES. GOOD THIGHS. PERFECT PILLOW. Not extremely soft, but soft enough. He also gently runs his fingers through your hair and it’s quite soothing. 9.5/10.
Keaton: Again, be careful of his swishing tail. It will find a way to smack you on the face when your sleeping, or tickle your nose. His lap is nice, but his tail swishing around isn’t. 7/10 sleep.
Gunter: He has experience. But since he’s kinda old, it’s only a 7/10 now.
Yukimura: He’ll probably be doing something else while you rest in his lap. Probably…reading or something. So if he gets excited in the book he might jump up a bit. 7/10.
Izana: Soft, smooth thighs. He hums while you sleep, so depending on whether you like it when someone hums or not..it’ll effect your sleep. But overall, it’s a solid 8/10.
Fuga: ….uh. I mean, it’s not too bad. But with all that muscle? Bring a pillow first. 5/10.
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