#and you tended your garden like heaven and hell > talking
keyringmogai · 1 year
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cherubchoirs · 5 months
idk if you intentioned it like that, but as someone with chronic pain and fatigue, mike's condition half rotting condition makes me feel at least a bit more seen :,D
Sometimes days are harder than other, overworking is always on the table when you used to be an overachiever before your illness, the constant horror from other people too that , and the fear of some days being worse than others, the fear that you have overdone it so bad that you cant go further like the day before.
There is a fear some disabled people with this stuff dont talk about often because of not wanting to be pitied or looked for, so the more visual depicton of the rotting rather than the internal feeling is a way to kind of emphasize "This is pain. There is a limit he reached and keeps overcoming, even as he is falling apart"
This though also allows for the plant regrowth of mike to also be a hopeful thing of what comes when you finally respect the limits of your own body and learn how to treat it. Allowing your body to heal and you to learn new ways of enjoying time, even if its not the same as it used to be. Its not the same and might never be, but there are other, gentler ways to enjoy things now. Now you are even enjoying the bird chirp you never heard as you were rushing from task to task.
Once again sounds probably like rambling, but mike is just his own little garden of eden and learning how to tend to it means learning how to tend to himself too
thank you so much for this message, i'm really happy to see that this aspect of michael's character comes through because that's exactly what i'm trying to portray. michael is very much meant to show the physical and mental burnout one is left with after years of overachieving and perfectionism, coupled with becoming ill in a way that prevents him from continuing to achieve that standard. some days he tries to work to that same capacity, but he realizes more and more he's pushing himself to extremes when he's left combating much more severe symptoms as a result. at first, he fights against his body, treating it as an enemy, an obstacle, a weakness, forcing it beyond what it can now do because acceptance is just too difficult. if he can still perform as he once did, if he never slows and carries out his duty as the prince of heaven and warden of hell, then nothing has changed. he can make himself sick over and over again, trapping himself in a vicious cycle that only breaks down a body in desperate need of more care, but if he can still, eventually, force himself through another day of how he once could serve, he can deny his illness. but through the care of his siblings and v2, he gains an increasing appreciation for his body as it is now and what it is capable of. understanding his limits is a slow process, but as his fear and anger and grief are attended to, so can he now attend to his body, feel love for it and for the plants that grow in it now. they're so happy to have life and he starts to feel through them, finding himself in this body like he never before had the chance to.
i was diagnosed with a chronic illness a few years ago, and i went through these stages to arrive now in a place where my life is very different from before but i'm okay with it. i wanted michael to be similar, and that's also why i don't find a way to just "heal" characters - they are not broken because they are ill, and i want them to achieve fullness in that illness. michael actually lives a much more peaceful life in this new body, one that initially invoked so much hatred and fear but becomes beautiful as its own little garden even though it is the same as it has been ever since it died. there is still difficulty no matter how long it's been, there is still frustration and hardship through what has been lost, but he, overall, is happier, calmer, and more connected to himself than he was before his illness. disability is a complex thing and i know we don't all relate to it the same, but i just drew on my own experience and im so glad it could resonate with you too.
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handgiven · 11 months
name. emmanuel / immanuel
name meaning. god is with us
alias.( ses ). em, emmy, hen-heart, turncoat, god’s oldest wind-up toy, bird of paradise, touch-me-not & patron saint of all things miniscule and unimportant
two picture's you like of your character. first choice would have been the two drawings my friend did but you can see those anywhere around my blog s o imma just put some gifs, and imma make it four, cos i never get to use anyway <3
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
three headcanons you never told anyone. (oh my-- that'd require me to not post everything i ever think of and then not not recall what's out and what's not)
i : being created out of guilt, the first emotion he's known had been shame. he learnt to turn shame into love and thus gain his footing. still, compared to other angels, he wasn't created with his chin up high and never quite saw eye-to-eye with them. it's not that he feels less than them so much as some of them feel better than him. he's spent most of his time back in the garden tending to the flora and fauna for this reason, because in spite of all that love of his family he preaches, he found it easier to communicate with the other creations.
ii : the first words he's spoken to many of the other angels have been during the war between heaven and hell. this absurd violence was what finally forced him to make the choice and break out of his self-imposed solitude, and actually enact the love he claims to have for all angels, fallen and not alike. many of them didn't even know he existed when he brought them from the brink of death. many of them would forget him after, memory lost in the dust of the battle.
iii : overall, considering how lovingly he does speak about his family, one would imagine he sees them much more than he really does. he speaks more to fallen angels than the ones still in heaven, mostly because he feels that they are the ones more in need of love and grace, but also a bit because he worries that should heaven pick up on what he's doing on his own, they might object. and as much as he believes in his cause, he would hate to get in conflict with heaven for it.
three things your character likes to do in their free time.
i : gardening ii : hiking & exploring iii : arts & crafts with friends
three people your character loves.
yeshua. a figure existing on a thin edge between humanity and holiness. a wandering philosopher preaching peace and forgiveness, looking to the stars for inspiration, yet unavoidably grounded by his own being human. he was the one that really taught emmanuel to want to talk to people.
éloa, sister of the angels. born out of yeshua's tear, she was a curious young thing that emmanuel took it upon himself to care for and protect. he failed, she fell, and he blames himself to this day.
thy neighbour. the 'your mom' of this very serious character sheet. a way for me to fit the whole planet into the 'three people' list and be funny about it.
two things your character regrets.
i. éloa.
ii: turning his back on heaven's violence unto humanity, divine punishment and all. any time he's faced with having to choose sides between the heavenly plan and any slight segment of humanity, he always ends up secondguessing and possibly regretting his choice, simply because his very nature makes him very conflicted in terms of what is expected of him. that which is expected of him is what he lives for, after all.
three phobia's your character has.
i. deep cold waters. ii. losing control of the holy light inside him. iii. failure.
TAGGED BY. @void-foxy thank you !! <3
TAGGING. anyone feeling intrigued <3 do tag me so i may see it !!
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sapphyreopal5 · 1 month
What I don't understand is; Jared have posted how many pictures of his kids this last 2 years? 4 maybe 5 times? He is not the type of parent to post photos of his kids all the time, he respect their privacy. But why his Genevieve posting so much about them? You see that your husband and kids don't enjoy this type of publicity why can't you respect that.
Hello Anon, thank you for your ask. I think this is because Gen is the type of woman who made being a parent half of her entire personality instead of it being simply part of her lifestyle. Jared's entire image isn't being a family man because he has a career outside of home. Being a parent is simply part of his lifestyle but doesn't feel the need to post about it all the time. If you look at her nowandgen blog she barely tends to anymore or even her YouTube channel, you'll see her talking about things like her childbirth stories, advocating for things like women being more empowered to give birth the way they want, etc. Sounds great right? Ultimately, what it boils down to is showing off her privilege.
To me, it's one of those things where I am for it but I don't feel the need to advocate for it. I suppose it's because in my opinion there's plenty of women who advocate for these things... but they also have a certain vision of how they want to give birth. These crunchy mom types like her secretly look down on those who do things like having a conventional birth in a hospital, use epidurals, have a OB-GYN instead of a midwife and doula, etc. If they give birth any other way besides taking a crap in the middle of someone else's living room in a pool giving birth for the sakes of being able to say "YEAH I GAVE BIRTH '"'AT HOME'" for the sakes of getting some fucking views (looking at you Gen), all hell breaks loose. If you ask me, it's ultimately an ego thing at the very end. I think these kind of women make their entire life be mothers because frankly it is. If it were not for the internet, there wouldn't be a big market for these crunchy stay at home moms. If you want to advocate for women being more empowered to make their own decisions about how they want to give birth, go for it. Don't make it your entire personality. Have other interests and hobbies that are independent of your family for heaven's sake PLEASE!
I've come across some of these types of blogs and many times more than not, they believe non organic foods are the devil; we're going to get cancer or god forbid die sooner if we use store bought beauty products or products that aren't considered to be "green"; you're a lazy person if you don't have a big garden in your own backyard; and if you don't buy "green" clothing, you're wasteful. When you look closer at the things they are saying and their sources for info, you learn that a lot of these websites copy from each other and a good portion of the time they all greatly misunderstood (or twisted to fit their own) what scientific studies actually said. I'm not sorry to say this, these types of blogs are a dime a dozen. That niche market is flooded and to me, this screams they have nothing else to talk about except for being what they are, a stay at home mom who has a lot more time on her hands to do these activities than working moms do.
With the constant photos and videos of her kids stuff, if her kids were 100% okay with it, alright. If they are not, there is a problem (I personally don't think the boys in this case really like being featured in her content). For example, I sure as hell would've been upset if I were Shep and saw that photo of myself on the internet for thousands to see. I believe in getting the greenlight from whoever I am going to photograph myself with or of before posting, child or adult. On my personal Facebook and such, I don't post too much of my son but when I do I make sure he's okay with what I post about him. I don't believe in airing my personal dirty laundry for the world to see. I get annoyed as hell when other people post TMI type stuff. Again Gen, looking at you with your stupid territorial "post sex" posts and such.
Sorry for the long post Anon, thanks again for the ask!
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
Carry On Chapter 1
Fandom: Good Omens
AO3 Link (Locked to logged in users. I have a few invites available on a first-come-first-serve basis if anyone needs one.)
It didn't take as long to edit as I expected! Only the beginning really needed a lot of work.
After the garden, the First Family has to find their way in the wider, more dangerous world. But Heaven and Hell aren't ready to leave them alone so Crawly and Aziraphale tag along. When Cain has the idea to sacrifice the best of his harvest to God, Abel also wishes to sacrifice the best of his lambs. God chooses Her favorite and the First Family is left to pick up the pieces as best they can.
Warnings: It's a story of Cain and Abel, discussions of family death, funerals, no happy endings in this chapter. It is critical of the Christian God and blasphemy abounds.
Word Count: 5.7k
Crawly trailed his hands along leaves and flowers as he walked through Cain’s meticulously tended fields. Aziraphale followed a step behind, eyes up as he watched the birds and clouds.
“They’re amazing, aren’t they?” commented Crawly. “Kicked out of their home and they figured out how to make a new one.”
“Indeed. I’m glad they’ve been able to build themselves a small haven in this world.”
Crawly hummed and flexed his toes to feel the carefully tilled dirt between them. Movement up ahead caught his eyes and he grinned. “Cain! Plants behaving for you?”
“You’d better not be planning anything that’ll affect the harvest,” warned Aziraphale.
Cain ignored Aziraphale’s threat and just grinned at them. “Hey, Crawly! This might be my best harvest yet. It’s so plentiful that I want to thank God for giving all of this to us so I’m going through choosing the best of everything that’s ripe to give as a sacrifice.”
“Oh that sounds wonderful!” exclaimed Aziraphale. “Why don’t you show me what you’ve gathered so far?”
Crawly watched in shocked silence as Aziraphale and Cain talked excitedly over the chosen sacrifices until he couldn’t hold it in any longer. “But She didn’t give anything to you! She took it all away. What you have is in spite of Her, not because of Her!”
“A demon like you could never understand.” Aziraphale managed to look down on him despite being in a corporation that was shorter than Crawly’s.
“No, you pompous, self-assured angels could never understand!”
Cain moved to stand between them. “Enough. Crawly, She’s God; She gave us the world. Of course She deserves a sacrifice.”
“See, foul demon, despite your attempts at corruption, the humans won’t be swayed from their love to the Almighty.”
Crawly had long experience in ignoring Aziraphale when he got all sanctimonious and continued to address Cain. “She cursed you and Abel for something your parents did!”
“She let us keep the knowledge of good and evil. She may have exiled us from the garden, but She still gave us the plants and crops and beasts and soil. She made all of this. Mama and Papa think it was worth it and Abel and I agree.”
“She didn’t make shit. We did. The angels! She just picked through for what She liked and had us put those on Earth and threw out everything else.” Some of those discarded projects had been near and dear to him. He’d either worked on them or been friends with those who had. But they’d been shoved into storage closets and closed off rooms in the Halls of Creation, never to be seen again. Even talking about them became taboo after a time.
Aziraphale shifted to glare at Crawly around Cain. “And She made all of us! Therefore, everything that exists comes from her.”
“Just because She made me doesn’t mean She gets…”
“Enough!” interrupted Cain. “As interesting as it is to watch the two of you debate, it’s pointless here. Crawly, it doesn’t matter if God made everything herself, or if She only decided what was best to put on Earth. She still gave all of this to us. And I want to thank her for it. You won’t change my mind.”
“Fine, fine. Whatever. Waste your food. No skin off my back.” He could at least send a report to Hell to say he was trying to prevent a sacrifice from making its way to God. He had no idea if it would be enough, but his position on Earth was probationary until Hell decided whether or not it was worth keeping a permanent field agent. And he wanted, more than anything, to stay on Earth.
Aziraphale couldn’t resist getting in one last word and said, “Paying homage to the Almighty could hardly be a waste.”
Crawly rolled his eyes and hissed in frustration before leaving as Cain returned to his fields. Why did God get their undying devotion after She was the one to punish them for learning? And why was learning such a big deal anyway? He sighed and pushed the thoughts from his head. He’d already spent two decades questioning it to no end.
Instead, he decided to check on Abel. Crawly let out one set of wings and launched into the air. Abel would be in the grassy plains tending his herds and it was far quicker to fly there than to walk. He flew until he was past Cain’s fields and grass spread out for leagues. There Abel sat and watched his sheep. Crawly let out a loud whistle to get the boy’s attention.
Abel looked up and waved his staff in greeting. “Crawly! Hi!”
Even after two decades with these humans, Crawly was still surprised by how they legitimately seemed to enjoy his company. No one in Hell liked each other. And while he’d had friends and siblings in Heaven, he’d been so busy that no one stopped him just because they wanted to spend time with him. Yet these humans actually wanted him around. “Abel!” Crawly landed and sprawled on the ground next to the man. “How’re the sheep today? Any of them try and kill themselves yet?” So far, Abel had lost three of the beasts when they did something stupid and died.
“No, praise the Lord—” he tipped his head back and looked to the sky, clasping his hands at the brief prayer— “they’re all doing well. Cain had the idea to give God a sacrifice and I’m going to do the same. I’m just trying to decide which of my lambs are the strongest so I can give Her the best.”
Crawly groaned and rubbed his hand down his face. “Not you, too. I was just talking to your brother. God doesn’t need your sacrifice. Dead lambs won’t help Her in any way. But you could use the wool when they’re older. And the leather. Hell, if you’d finally give in and eat meat, which I’ve told you is fine, you could even get food from them!”
“God gave us the plants for food; we don’t need to eat animals as well. And I know She doesn’t need the sacrifice. That’s why I want to give it to Her. It’s a hardship on my part to show my devotion. Everything we have is because of Her. I can at least acknowledge that.”
“Everything you have is because you worked hard.” Crawly gestured to the animals grazing around them. “You gathered and raised these beasts. You kept them alive all winter and helped them deliver their young come spring. You’ve done that. Not God. No need to give Her more credit than She’s due.”
“I know you’ve your own history with God, but you won’t be able to convince me not to do this. Mama and Papa also think it’s a good idea.”
Before Crawly could respond, Aziraphale landed next to them. “I should’ve known,” he said, glaring at the demon. “After you failed at tempting Cain, you decided to try your luck with Abel.”
Crawly hissed in frustration. “It’s not like that. I just think they need the food and wool and leather more than Her! It’s not like She can eat it or anything!”
“That’s not the point of a sacrifice,” retorted Aziraphale.
“Aziraphale’s right, Crawly,” said Abel. “A sacrifice is us giving up something that we could use in order to acknowledge everything that has been handed to us.”
Crawly sat up in frustration. “Can’t you see? She’s turned her back on you! She doesn’t deserve your devotion or sacrifice after that!” Crawly threw his hands in the air. Why did none of the humans understand it? He hated seeing them chase after Mo- God. Once, before time, he’d been just the same. He just wanted to spare them the pain of learning better the same way he did.
“You know that’s not what happened!” argued Aziraphale.
“Isssn’t it?” hissed Crawly, teeth bared. He wasn’t even sure if he was talking about Adam and Eve or the Fall anymore, but the anger boiled in his chest.
“Stop it! Both of you!” interjected Abel. “That’s enough. You know we like having both of you around, but the rules are that you’re both welcome here so long as you don’t let your enmity get out of hand.”
Aziraphale collected himself first, sure in his own righteousness. “Of course, Abel. I apologize for my part in the disagreement.”
“Disssagreement, right,” said Crawly, not holding back on the sarcasm. “Look, Abel, do what you want. But while I may be a demon, I won’t help you kill any of your lambs. Your sacrifice, your kill.”
“Of course. I’d never have expected differently.”
Crawly nodded once before opening his wings and taking off. Some time alone would help him calm down.
Within a few days, the boys’ sacrifices were prepared. Cain spent hours agonizing over his selection until he was finally satisfied he’d selected the absolute best of his harvest. Abel spent just as much time second guessing which lamb he’d send to God.
While they were figuring out the details of their offerings, Crawly and Aziraphale had agreed to a truce. Temporary, as Aziraphale constantly felt the need to add. Their constant bickering about God’s nature and goodness had escalated until Eve was forced to set an ultimatum: get along or they both would be sent away until after the sacrifices had been completed.
Cain and Abel had decided on giving the sacrifices atop a tall hill near their home. Crawly sat on the ground close enough he could see the foolish men, but not near enough to hear them. A quiet cough by his shoulder got his attention and he looked over to see Eve. He nodded in greeting, but didn’t say anything.
“They’re nearly done.”
Crawly stood languidly and cracked his spine. “Then I’ll be gone. Can you make sure I’ve got at least five minutes to get away? I’d like to be far enough that Moth… That She won’t notice my presence. Or at least won’t bother to seek me out.”
Eve grinned. “You’ll have more than that. By almost done, I expect it to take another half hour or so. But you’ve been clear about your plans so I wanted to warn you.”
“Appreciate it.” With a last wave, he released a pair of wings and flew off. He was planning on hiding out in a small corpse of trees somewhat close by. As soon as he set down, he began pacing among the trees. This would be the closest he’d been to Her since before his Fall.
“Pull yourself together, it’ll be fine. The Humans are her favorite, remember.”
He continued to pace, unable to stop moving, until a prickly sensation on the wrong side of painful crawled over his skin—it felt like he was walking through brambles. The boys must’ve finally summoned Her to give their offerings. He grit his teeth against the pain and transformed into his snake form, hoping his scales would offer some protection against the Holiness infusing the air.
It didn’t help and he burrowed under the surrounding vegetation, trying to put as much of a physical barrier between them as he could. The sensation eased up somewhat, but it was still an extremely uncomfortable wait. Finally, after what seemed to be hours, the sensation faded.
He gave himself a minute to catch his breath and make sure She wouldn’t return before moving from his hiding place and transforming back into a human corporation. He brushed off any leaves that dared cling to him and launched into the air to return to the First Family.
When he got to the site of the sacrifice, however, he knew something had gone wrong. Eve was wrapped in Adam’s arms and crying into his chest and Aziraphale was looking on, wringing his hands and trying to offer consolations he clearly didn’t understand or believe.
Crawly landed. “What happened?”
Adam looked over and twitched his lips up in a mirthless smile in greeting. “God accepted Abel’s sacrifice, but refused Cain’s. Then chastised him for being upset. Cain ran off and Abel followed him.”
Crawly let out an angry hiss but didn’t say anything. “What direction did they go? I’ll talk to Cain.”
Adam pointed and Crawly made to follow, but Aziraphale spoke before he could. “I should go with you. Reassure both of them of Heaven’s good will.”
Crawly shook his head. “Absolutely not. That’ll only upset Cain more. As someone She’s already turned her back on, I’ll be the best one to talk to him. He might be more receptive to your messages tomorrow or next week.”
“I suppose you’re right. But you better not use this as an excuse to get him to turn on the Almighty completely!”
“Relax, Angel, I’m just going to make sure he’s okay.” He didn’t wait for any further delays and immediately took back to the skies and flew in the direction Adam indicated.
It wasn’t long before he saw the two. They were standing near the edge of Cain’s fields. It looked like Cain had tried to destroy part of his harvest before Abel got to him, but now he was leaving the plants alone in favor of arguing with his brother. Crawly couldn’t hear more than indistinct shouting. But then Cain shoving Abel who fell backwards Crawly pushed himself faster.
Abel didn’t move and a moment later Cain was kneeling by his side.
“What happened?” Crawly yelled as soon as he was in range.
Cain was too busy crying to his brother to respond. “Abel! Abel, please get up! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.”
Crawly was finally close enough to see. When Cain had pushed his brother, Abel hit his head on a rock. Blood gushed from the wound. “Back up! Let me look!”
Crawly might have been a fixture in the Halls of Creation, but he’d been made a Healer first and foremost. He’d be able to fix anything so long as Abel wasn’t yet dead. Placing his hands on either side of Abel’s head, he sank his power into the man’s body to see what was wrong: a fractured skull and bleeding in the brain. He muttered a curse and directed his power to repair the blood vessels and bone.
Only for the stench of burning flesh to fill the air. Cain threw up, and Crawly gagged before he managed to turn off his olfactory nerves.
And then he was aware of another near them. Not Aziraphale or any of the humans, but Azrael, the angel of death. Crawly looked up, Azrael was cloaked in their dark robed, hood pulled over their head and face obscured except for burning lights where the eyes would be on a human.
“Please, don’t,” begged Crawly.
Azrael waved one bone-white hand and time slowed to a stop. “You know it’s not my choice, Raph-”
“Don’t call me that! It’s Crawly now.”
“That name doesn’t suit you, brother.” Azrael lowered their hood, revealing pale skin and black eyes, the opposite appearance of their hooded self.
Crawly shrugged. “It’s the only one I have anymore. Please, don’t take Abel. He doesn’t deserve to die. Not yet.”
“Most who have come to me don’t. But we don’t make that choice.”
“What went wrong? Why wasn’t I able to heal him?”
Azrael’s head dipped in their brother’s direction and they laid a hand on his shoulder. Their expression was regretful. “Demons can’t heal.”
Crawly stared at them gaping for a moment. “No. No! That’s not! I can’t…? No. Please…” he begged.
Azrael knelt besides Crawly and pulled him into a hug. Crawly grasped him back and tried not to sob into his sibling’s shoulder. But they could only put off the inevitable for so long. Azrael pulled away. “I’m sorry,” they whispered as they reached beyond Crawly to gather Abel’s soul.
And then both were gone and time restarted around them. Abel was dead.
Crawly pulled away from the body, his wings limp in the dirt, and stared at his blood covered hands. Was it true? Would he truly never be able to heal again? Just because he dared to question Her plans? Because he expected Her to be more just and kind?
Cain was back at his brother’s side, grasping Abel’s hand. “No. Please. Please wake up. Abel. I love you. I’m sorry. Please. Get up. Get up!”
Crawly felt numb but shook himself. Cain was still alive and that took priority. He wiped his hands on his robes and rested one on the man’s shoulder. “Cain. Let go. He can’t hear you. He’s gone.”
“No! No! He can’t be! He’ll wake up! He has to! He has to…” His pleading tapered off into sobbing and Crawly tried to pull him in for a hug when divinity filled the air for the second time that day.
Crawly screamed in pain as he crawled backwards, trying to get away from the overwhelming sense of Holiness.
“Where is your brother Abel?” asked God.
Crawly screamed louder and slammed his hands over his ears at Her voice; blood and black ichor leaked over his fingers and all he could hear was ringing. It seemed an eternity before She withdrew. Crawly had collapsed in the dirt and was gasping for air as the world around him slowly came back into focus. He closed his eyes and tried to figure out if his ears were permanently damaged or not, but already sounds from the world around were starting to filter in. The first thing he could recognize was Cain’s cries.
Crawly ground his teeth and pushed himself up onto his hands and knees, still breathing hard. It took a monumental effort, but he managed to get himself upright, wiped his hands clean on his robes again, and stumbled his way over to Cain. “Cain, what did She say? Her voice… It hurt. I couldn’t listen.” He collapsed back to his knees behind the man.
Cain had his knees pulled up and his face hidden in them, though he was clearly still crying. Crawly reached out a hand to touch his shoulder and the man jerked away. Crawly yanked his hand back. Cain tried to catch his breath. “She… I’m banished. C-can never come b-back.”
Crawly hissed, his incisors lengthening somewhat. Banishment. Of course. She was predictable. Banish the bad angels. Banish the humans from the garden. Banish Cain. He took a deep breath and clenched his fists to stop them shaking. “Cain…” he started, but he had no idea how to finish the sentence.
Cain shook his head. “I can’t grow plants anymore. And I have to wander for the rest of my life. No one will be able to kill me.”
Crawly felt his fangs lengthen and scales manifest over his back and down his arms and legs. He hissed again. So She had gotten more creative this time. Cain flinched at his hissing, and Crawly forced himself to stop. He closed his eyes and focused until his incisors shrank to just barely larger than a human’s and his tongue widened and the tip merged. He forced the scales back until none extended past the edges of his robes. “Sorry,” it took every bit of restraint he’d learned in Hell to keep the ‘s’ short. “It’s not right or fair what She’s doing.”
Cain was shaking back and forth. “No, it is. I k- I killed Abel. I’ll never make up for that. I don’t even know how. He’s my brother. Was. Was my brother. Wh-where do I even go from here? What do I do? Mom and dad. How can I face them again?”
Crawly opened his mouth, but then closed it again. He had nothing to say to that. Instead, he reached for the distraught man and pulled him close. Cain fisted his hands in his robes as sobs overtook him once more.
He was just starting to get himself under control when Crawly saw Adam, Eve, and Aziraphale approaching. Cain must have noticed some change in the demon because he looked up. His dark skin took on a yellowish tint and his eyes went wide. He backed away from Crawly and turned around so he wouldn’t have to see his parents.
And that was when Adam and Eve must have noticed Abel, because they started sprinting towards the group and Crawly could hear their distressed cries. Both fell to their knees by their son’s body, and Eve gripped Abel’s hand. “Abel? Abel! Wake up!”
Adam wrapped his hands around his wife, already crying. He closed his eyes and tucked his face into her neck, shoulders shaking. Aziraphale stood behind them, his hands over his mouth and eyes wide.
“What happened?” asked the angel.
Eve stopped begging Abel to wake up and she and Adam looked up at Crawly, silently begging him to make it better.
Haltingly, Crawly explained. “They were arguing when I approached. Cain, he pushed Abel. Not hard or viciously. But when Abel fell, he… He hit his head. I was too late to stop the injury, but I knew I could…” His throat tightened and he couldn’t look at Adam or Eve anymore. He looked at grass by his knees, eyes unfocused. “I should’ve been able to heal him. I tried, but it… I can’t… It didn’t work. I couldn’t save him. Then God came. I couldn’t hear Her voice. It… hurt. Cain said. He said She banished him. And cursed him to wander for the rest of his days. And he’ll never be able to farm again.”
Eve broke down into loud sobs at the end of his story. “No, no! Not my sons. Not both of them! Lord, please!” she begged through her tears. Adam hugged her close to him, crying himself. Their grief left an acrid taste in the back of Crawly’s mouth.
Aziraphale was silently crying as well. “Did you… Did you really try and heal him?” he asked Crawly.
Crawly looked up, confused. He couldn’t make out what Aziraphale’s expression meant. Grief, of course, but something else was there, too. “Yeah, of course. Back before… Well, I used to be good at it.”
“I see…” said Aziraphale.
At that moment, Eve broke free from her husband’s arms and rushed to Cain, hugging him tightly from behind. “Please don’t leave. Don’t go.”
Cain just seemed to curl even further in on himself and didn’t respond to his mother’s pleas. Crawly glared at the sky. This was all Her fault. She didn’t have to do any of this. But he didn’t say anything. Nothing would change and it wouldn’t make any of the humans feel better.
Eve was still talking to her son. “I-I’ll make you a bag. Blankets, food, tools. Everything you could need.” She turned to Crawly. “Will you go with him? Please? I can’t… I can’t lose him, too.”
Crawly was already nodding. “I was planning on it. I’ll stay by his side; I promise.”
Aziraphale startled at his statement at stared at him, mouth open. Crawly ignored him. He had no idea what was going on with the angel and now was not the time to try and figure it out.
Adam, still crying, hugged Crawly. “Thank you.”
Eve looked over to Crawly and Aziraphale, still holding onto her remaining son. “How long before he has to leave?”
Crawly shrugged. “She didn’t say.”
Aziraphale worried at his lip. “Likely by nightfall. That was the order for you and Adam at Eden.”
“If you’ll allow it, I’d like to see Abel’s funeral,” said Cain, voice tight with grief and tears.
“Yes, of course you’ll see it,” said Adam as if the idea of anything different was impossible. “Come, we’ll dig the grave together. I think he’d like to be buried in his pastures among his sheep.”
“I’ll help you,” Aziraphale said as he followed them.
Cain stood, hugged his mother, and started walking in the direction of the pastures without another word. Aziraphale collected the body, turning down any assistance from Adam, and they followed Cain.
Eve looked at Crawly, “Will you help me gather the things he’ll need? I want to give him as much as we can.”
“Of course.”
Eve packed and unpacked the bag a dozen times over the next two hours. Crawly tried to help guess what would be most useful for him and Cain. He also made sure the bag would remain light and could hold more than physics should’ve allowed.
At one point, she spotted her bone flute. Adam had carved it for her shortly after they’d left the garden and its music had comforted the First Family for many nights. “Will you take this? And play it for him? So he can remember us and know how much we love him?”
Crawly gently took it from her hands. “I’d be honored to.”
She nodded and returned to packing. It wasn’t until Aziraphale returned to announce the grave was dug and it was time for the funeral for her to admit she’d done all she could.
They started walking towards the designated place and it took a few moments for Crawly to realize Eve wasn’t following. He stopped and looked back to see her frozen to the spot, face pale, and clutching Cain’s bag tightly to her chest.
“I can’t. I can’t go. He’s my son. How can I bury him?”
Aziraphale tried to placate her. “My dear girl, I know it’s hard…”
Crawly, however, just walked over and pulled her into a hug and let her cry into his chest again. “Cain needs you, Eve. Be strong for just another hour or two. Cain needs to know you’ll be okay and once he and I leave, then you can fall apart. Can you do that? Just an hour or two?”
She tried to catch her breath and nodded before loosening her grip and taking a step back. Her face was determined. “Two hours. Yes. I can do that. For Cain.”
Crawly kept his arm around her shoulders as the three made a silent trek to the pasture where Abel was to be buried. Once there, Eve left Crawly’s embrace in favor of her husband and son. Cain stood between his parents as all three cried and leaned on each other.
Aziraphale used a miracle to gently lower Abel’s body into the earth and spoke the eulogy. Neither Adam nor Eve was collected enough to speak and Cain apparently hadn’t spoken a word since asking to be present for the funeral.
In what seemed like no time at all, they were filling the grave back in with dirt. Adam and Eve were telling Abel how much they loved him and would miss him with each handful. Crawly thought he could read apologies on Cain’s lips, but if he spoke aloud, the words were too quiet to be heard. Crawly whispered his own apologies into the grave for his part in the incident. Aziraphale worked in silence.
And then it was all over. As some time still remained before dusk, Crawly and Aziraphale walked a short distance away to give the family some privacy in their last hour together.
“Why did you try to heal him?” asked Aziraphale as they observed the tableau of grief.
“What? I can’t like people just because I’m a demon? I’ve known Abel practically since his birth. I didn’t want him to die.”
“But I can’t imagine Hell would’ve been happy if you’d succeeded.”
Crawly waved a hand in the air. “I would’ve figured something out.”
Aziraphale hummed and Crawly wasn’t sure if he believed him or not. Crawly wasn’t sure if he believed himself either, to be fair. Hell wasn’t big on good deeds.
“Why didn’t She accept Cain’s sacrifice anyway? No one’s said.”
“It seems, as they were presented together, She considered them to be an either-or sacrifice. And Abel’s was more pleasing to Her.”
Crawly’s mouth fell open. “But that makes no sense!”
Aziraphale shrugged. “It is not for us to question the Almighty. I believe you should know that much.”
“She’s a conceited, demanding, mercurial slave-driver who needs to take a step back and think about other people from time to time.”
“How can you say something like that?” demanded Aziraphale, scandalized. “She’s all that is good and just in the universe.”
Crawly scoffed. “Hardly. That’s just a mask she wears to make the angels, and humans now, I guess, do what she says.”
“Well, if that’s how you feel, it’s no wonder She made you Fall.”
Crawly remembered the flash of a sword and the hard shove that preceded an endless Fall and snorted. Her actions may have pushed him away, but She wasn’t responsible for that final push.
Crawly sighed and rested his head in his hands. The scent of burning flesh still clung to the back of his nose and the grief of Abel’s death was too near to want to argue any more. Aziraphale must’ve felt similarly as he made a noise of resignation and settled down with him. The sun made it’s way closer to the horizon. When the shadows were long, the two supernatural beings got up together and made their way to the family.
“It’s time, Cain,” said Crawly, solemnly.
The man let out a sob and hugged his parents tightly before slowly moving away.
“Stay safe,” said Adam.
“Be happy,” added Eve.
Cain said nothing but his gaze lingered on his parents before he turned away and walked into the unknown, Crawly following a step behind.
Cain kept walking well past dark. If he tripped or fell, he just pushed himself up and kept walking. He never uttered a single word.
After a few hours, Crawly tried to pass him a waterskin. “Why don’t you have a drink?”
The man ignored it and kept walking.
“Are you hungry? I’ve got plenty of food for you.”
Again, no response.
Crawly could taste the despair wafting off the man and his determined silence was unnerving. Cain was always such a talkative person. Even as a baby, he’d babble at anything that caught his eye. Never had he been silent for more than an hour unless he was sleeping. Even when he was alone working the fields he’d be singing or talking to the plants or something. But now Crawly would be surprised if he’d said more than a few dozen words since God laid down his punishment. “It’s gotten late. We can’t even see where we’re going. Why don’t we settle down here and we can continue in the morning once the sun’s up?”
Cain continued to ignore him, but a few steps later tripped again and fell to his hands and knees. A sob escaped him and suddenly he was crying uncontrollably. Crawly took a blanket out of the bag he was carrying and draped it over the man’s back.
“It wasn’t your fault, you know,” Crawly said. It was his fault he’d been unable to heal Abel. Cain had barely been around two and a half decades. Lucifer acted more rashly and he’d been the second oldest angel after Azrael.
Cain let out a hysterical laugh. “Whose was it, then?”
“It was an acc—”
“No! I did it! Me! I k… I killed him! My brother! Abel! We’ll nev… Never race or swim in the lake or anything ever again. And its my fault!” He lost his breath in sobs again as he curled up on the ground beneath the blanket.
Crawly really could think of nothing to say to that. Abruptly, he spun on his feet and stomped away from the man. A quick flick of his fingers ensured Cain wouldn’t hear him and he let out a wordless scream and punched a tree. Then he did it again. Over and over until he could feel the blood run down his arms. He collapsed to the ground and held his head in his hands, breathing harshly. He couldn’t fall apart. Cain needed him.
A thump sounded next to him and he looked over to see a stone tablet. A message from Hell. With trembling fingers, he picked it up.
To the demon Crawly, Your efforts to sow discord among the First Family have been noted. Our Lord is very impressed with the results of your labors. We look forward to the day the First Murderer joins our ranks and are already preparing his welcome. Due to your successes in Eden and with Cain, Our Lord has decided to grant your request and has made your position on Earth a permanent one. Continue to promote Hell’s interests or you will be recalled and punished accordingly. Keep up the evil work. Hail Satan, Beelzebub
Crawly stared at the tablet. He scrambled back to his feet, gripping it tightly, and frantically looked around. There! He rushed over to where he could see a boulder sticking up out of the ground and slammed the tablet into the stone. It started to crumble. He repeated the action again and again until he was holding nothing but gravel.
He screamed wordlessly again. “Why did You let this happen?!” he shouted to the sky. “Do You realize how hard Cain worked to get You the best of his harvest? He sacrificed enough food to last them a week! And he did it unprompted! You didn’t ask for it! He did it because he loved You! You could have accepted both offerings. But no, You always have to have Your favorites! Well this time playing those games killed Your favorite! Are You happy now? Cain was upset and pushed his brother. So fucking what?! He wasn’t trying to kill Abel! Anyone could see it was an accident! And if you hadn’t taken my powers away from me I could have fixed him!” His voice broke on the last word. In barely a whisper, he repeated, “I could’ve fixed him.”
Crawly fell to his hands and knees and choked on a sob. Pieces of gravel fell from his hands as he clenched them into fists. His eyes burned, but he bit his tongue and didn’t let a single tear fall.
And that's the end of chapter 1! I'll share chapter 2 in a week. Let me know what you think. This one hit me hard as I wrote it, so I can only hope it holds up as a reader.
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thisislizheather · 2 years
October Occurrences 2022
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Above Photo: Ontario, Canada - October 2022
This might be the hardest week of the year because it’s officially the longest period of time until next Halloween. I tend to take a few days to decompress a bit, so by this coming weekend I’ll be fully ready for holiday-mode. That being said, October was such a great month that felt like almost a year long - in a good way. Here’s what went down.
You can find my favourite tweets of the month over here and here.
I think it’s clear that I watched every good 90s Halloween sitcom episode that I could find links for.
For Halloween, I dressed up as Tony Montana (Al Pacino) from Scarface and Baby Dog was, umm, my main accessory.
In love with this article, “The Secret To Marriage Is Never Getting Married.”
I’ve always wanted to make the Nestle Toll House chocolate chip oatmeal cookies recipe (on the back of the Toll House package) and they were really, really good. Might become a staple in my cookie repertoire.
I made these soft pumpkin cookies with salted maple icing again this year and they continue to be incredible - and that’s coming from someone who truly hates soft cookies.
I also made these garlic butter chicken meatballs with creamy orzo (in a slow cooker) and the meatballs were great, I’ll definitely make those again. But the orzo cooked in a crockpot? Hard pass. Pasta always tastes terrible from a crockpot, I knew this and still went ahead, so it’s my fault really.
I was in Canada for awhile, so I…
Went to the new(ish) Keg near Square One and it kind of sucked? What the hell? The meat was nowhere worth the price, which is weird because I remember that it used to be better. I’m trying to find my new Canyon Creek (since it closed) and it’s a hard task to undertake but I won’t give up.
I had the burger from Ozzy’s Burgers and the lamb was terrible, but the regular burgers were fantastic.
My niece Layla turned 17 (!) so thankfully we were able to get the Milk Bar birthday cake from the Toronto location. It’s such a shame that location is closing at the end of the year.
I also planted some bulbs in the garden with my mom, which makes me even more excited for spring to come next year to see if anything blooms.
I tried the new Lays flavour Fries & Gravy and good god I love this country.
I made the apple fritter cake (again) for (Canadian) (real) Thanksgiving and I. love. this. cake.
My dad put up his seasonal bird feeder and I think I’ve said this before, but the answer to life is getting a bird feeder and then sitting down to watch it. Nothing better.
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Above photo: Heaven on earth?
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Above Photo: My dad & Baby Dog, October 2022
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Above Photo: Mississauga, Ontario - October 2022
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Above Photo: Fries & Gravy Lays
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Above Photo: Oakville, Ontario - October 2022
I made my way to the Harvest Moon Farm & Orchard in North Salem, NY (with my friend Diana) where we had the best warm apple cider donuts and cider mimosas. Afterward we went for brunch at The Arch restaurant, which was beautiful & old, but nothing really spectacular food-wise.
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Above Photo: Cider mimosa at Harvest Moon Farm & Orchard, North Salem, New York
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Above Photo: Cider donuts at Harvest Moon Farm & Orchard, North Salem, New York
On Halloween, I took Baby Dog on our annual autumn visit to Central Park and it was bursting with beauty.
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Above Photo: Central Park, October 2022
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Above Photo: Central Park, October 2022
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Above Photo: Central Park, October 2022
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Above Photo: Baby Dog in Central Park, October 2022
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Above Photo: Baby Dog in Central Park, October 2022
When it comes to all purpose cleaners, I’m in love with Mrs. Meyers. The snowdrop scent is my favourite one (which should be coming out again soon), but I just got the apple cider one and yikes. It’s perfect. Is it sad to have favourite seasonal all purpose cleaners? Absolutely. But here we are. Welcome to your late 30s.
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Above Photo: Mrs. Meyer’s Apple Cider Limited Edition Scent
Now if we’re talking seasonal coffee drinks? The Starbucks pumpkin cream cold brew (only 1/2 shot of syrup, extra foam) makes me a little sick by the end of the drink, but I still love it. And the vanilla cream cold brew at Tim Hortons is also really good. Oooo and the Tim Hortons hazelnut cold brew with espresso foam? Get out of here, so good. I think I just like foam.
Loving the new Charlie Brown stamps from the USPS. Wait, who is in charge of deciding the new stamps? Oh god, have I discovered the greatest job on earth? I THINK I HAVE??
So I got a new Apple charger from The Apple Store, the one that apparently charges faster. Aaaaaand my battery dies even quicker now! Sweet!
I was scrambling to find a dress for a wedding this month and Bloomingdale’s saved me. How do I always forget about that place? I love an old, good department store. Yes they can be overwhelming, but they’re practically deserted. I have to remember this for the future. Oh! And Macy’s too! Such great dresses for special occasions.
So Nathan and I went to Los Angeles for a wedding (the dress code was “outdo us”) and we stayed at Citizen M hotel in downtown LA. Let me just say that this is not the type of hotel for two people to share a room, that’s the nicest way I can put it. It’s definitely clean and relatively nice, but the rooms are laughably small. The wedding was fun and I loved walking around downtown LA mostly because of the incredibly well preserved buildings. Sure, the area is pretty dicey but it’s beautifully ancient. We walked to Santee Alley (where I got my new favourite feather clutch) and three days was the perfect amount of time to stay in that area. And the baja tacos from Tocaya were insanely good. Also the Wolfgang Puck Express stand at LAX had really good food to take on the plane.
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Above Photo: Citizen M hotel room, this bed is literally the width of the room
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Above Photo: Baja taco from Tocaya, Downtown LA
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Above Photo: Nathan! (Ummm, is he somehow cooler in LA??)
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Above Photo: Okay hold up, are we BOTH COOLER IN LA??
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Above Photo: WE BAD
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Above Photo: California blonde dreams coming true
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Above Photo: The Los Angeles Theatre opened in 1931 - Downtown LA
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Above Photo: The Eastern Columbia Building opened in 1930 - Downtown LA
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Above Photo: The Orpheum Theatre opened in 1926 - Downtown LA
Speaking of airports, the restaurant The Hearth by Lynn Crawford at Pearson in Terminal 1 in Toronto is great! Get the meatballs. Love it when airport food is above average.
Of course I listened to the new Taylor Swift album Midnights and the best songs are Question…?, Sweet Nothing, Anti-Hero, Bejeweled, Maroon and You’re On Your Own, Kid.
Some things I watched this month:
Smile: such a fun time. Love a fun horror movie.
I rewatched the first two Friday The 13th movies with Layla (her first time seeing them) and I’d forgotten how good they were. They really hold up well over time.
Recent SNLs: Nothing super noteworthy in any of the episodes, I like the new guys. I was introduced to that great Megan Thee Stallion song Anxiety, which I can’t stop playing. The worst sketch I’ve seen in years was that Jack Harlow one with the joker. Just awful. Oh, and Colin Farrell looks alarmingly good.
Celebrity Jeopardy: I solely watched because I love Ike Barinholtz (and he was great). But look, I know that Celebrity Jeopardy is, like, the easiest Jeopardy to exist. I understand that. But I had no idea how incredibly dumb most celebrities are. I mean, I know they’re not exactly known for their IQ levels but this was actually just wild to watch. Every single person on each episode I saw was a complete moron (with the exception of Ike and Simu Liu).
Barbarian: so great, loved every bit of it. Bill Skarsgård remains as hot as always. (Sidenote: I was gushing about Skarsgård later to Nathan before bed and he scoffed and dismissed it so I asked him, “You probably don’t even have an answer, but who would you consider an attractive celebrity man?” and without even a second of hesitation he goes, “Pierce Brosnan in ‘97.” Hahahahahah, god I died. He’s not wrong.)
Some things I’m looking forward to this month: I’ve already put my order in for this year’s bayberry candles, I’m finally going to read Dave Grohl’s book, of course I’ll get the Thanksgiving croissant from Milk Bar, I’m definitely gonna go to the NY postcard show, and I’ve already got my ticket to see the Thierry Mugler exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum which opens on the 18th. Oh! And a gentle reminder if you’ve started Christmas shopping: get the damn gift receipt.
If you have any interest in reading what went on in September, come on over here.
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Above Photo: Ray of sunshine on my ray of sunshine
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shewolv-a-blog · 6 years
@seions .            / /             sc .
‘   ’scuse me ?   ’         nestra may be incorporeal ,   but that doesn’t mean she’s impolite ,   and without the ability to actually knock on the door she makes her presence known in a voice so small it’s almost not there.   her reason for intruding on his space  :   she’s bored.   the thing no one tells you about the afterlife is that it’s boring.   she’s been walking around ,   singing to herself ,   but it’s ever so dull to be unseen by most everyone.   her solution  :         ‘   do you know any good jokes ?   ’
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unfinshedsentec · 2 years
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a/n: it’s clovers birthday (at least in my time zone)! Happy birthday @clovers-garden-co! Have a a great birthday love! And I hope you enjoy this little birthday gift <3
reader is gender neutral
character pairing: baji keisuke x reader
tw: cursing
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o   As we all know, Baji Keisuke isn’t exactly the sharpest tool in the shed
o   But when it come to you, he’s potentially the smartest person ever
o   Seriously, the guy is an amazing boyfriend
o   Sure, he may like getting fights and burning cars, but in general, Baji is super caring and kind towards you
o   He always makes sure to send a goodnight and good morning texts, and if he can, he’ll happily walk you to school
o   Hell, a lot of times he takes you on mini-after school dates! (When there’s no Toman stuff)
o   Sometimes he’ll take you on little ice cream dates, and other times, he’ll drag you along with him to find stray cats. A lot of times you guys will have movie dates at his place too. And of course, there’s quite a few 12 AM Peyoung Yakisoba dates
o   Most of all though, there’s study dates
o   What can I say? The guy needs help studying!
o   Luckily for him, you love helping him out, which he really appreciates. I mean, he doesn’t wanna make his mom cry again!
o   Speaking of which, his mom loves you
o   Like seriously, she thinks you’re some angel sent from heaven
o   Every time you see her, she always makes sure to give you the biggest hug ever
o   Sometimes she even pushes Baji out the way to see you!
o   She just really loves you, and you love her. Which is amazing, especially for Baji
o   Afterall, that was very important to him
o   The other people that adore you are the people from Toman
o   You haven’t met many of those guys, since Baji tries his best to keep you out of all that, but the few you have met really love you…especially Mikey since you have Dorayaki to give him every once in awhile
o   The one you know best though, is Chifuyu
o   Chifuyu was the one who introduced you to Baji, so really if it weren’t for him, you wouldn’t have even met Baji
o   The guy is your little relationship cheerleader too, which you greatly appreciate
o   There’s Ryusei too, who, also likes you…but he teases you a lot
o   Oh well, that’s to be expected!
o   Speaking of Toman, Baji talks about them often
o   He usually complains about idiots or fights that happen, but really that’s all you hear about them
o   Baji is really protective of you though , so he really tries his best to keep you out of anything Toman related
o   He’s got to make sure you’re safe!
o   Though, almost every time he gets in a fight, Baji sneaks into your house and asks you to tend his wounds
o   To him it’s a good excuse to see you. Plus, he knows you’d be gentle, and you won’t yell at him like his mom will
o   Of course, you always give a mini lecture about being more careful, but ultimately, you’re more focused on taking care of him that you don’t tell him off too much
o   Unfortunately for Baji, his mom always finds out and tells him off …then he complains about it while you guys read manga
o   Speaking of which, one of your favorite things to do with Baji is read manga
o   Nothing is more relaxing than laying in Baji’s arms while it’s raining and reading manga
o   Sometimes it’s a videogame date too! Of course, that doesn’t happen that often
o   After all, Baji without a doubt will mess up something, get mad, and start yelling at the game
o   You’ve never heard him curse at something as much as he curses at his Nintendo
o   Of course, when you start laughing at him, he gets more mad
o   Oh well, it’s all in good fun!
o   As long as you get some Yakisoba, he’ll forgive you. Although, he’s gotta be the one to make it
o   Lord knows that man is a cooking genius
o   He’s a natural at it
o   Seriously, out of all the thing you expected from Baji, you didn’t expect him to be able to cook as good as he does
o   Of course, you don’t mind. It’s more good food for you!
o   One of Baji’s other favorite things is working out
o   He’s not intense as Draken, but he certainly works out a lot. He wants to stay strong, and he wants to impress you, so of course he works out!
o   He’s also always sure to work out while you’re with him
o   Not that you mind. He does look good when he works out
o   Plus, sometimes a cat climbs on his back on the middle of his workout, which is definitely one of the cutest things you’ve seen
o   In fact, it’s your lock screen…well, until you switched it out with Baji cuddling with a cat
o   A lot of times when you and Baji cuddle (which is often) a cat will join you
o   It’s beyond adorable
o   Unfortunately, when Baji falls asleep and starts snoring, the cat runs away because of how loud it is
o   Hey, at least you got used to the snoring. Lord knows you’d never get sleep if that wasn’t the case
o   Another random thing about Baji is he’s terrified of bugs
o   The guy could beat any scary person up, but the moment there’s a spider, he’s out of there
o   I hope you can deal with them, because if not, you guys are screwed
o   Oh well, at least it’s funny to see Baji scream like a little girl
o   Overall, yours and Baji’s relationship is absolutely adorable. He loves you more than anything, and you him
o   So, you better stick around! Lord knows he needs you
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masterlist || reblogs are very appreciated <3
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hitoshisbabygirl · 4 years
Authors Notes ♡: WHEW I LOVED THIS I had a time trying to come up with an idea and then it hit me : a princess being saved by fantasy au! Dabi. I’m still nervous with my smuts but heh I enjoyed this a whole bunch to write . Dabi is my favorite villain and I just love him so much, I tried to make him a soft inside and hard outside man in this , I Had fun for our free for all collab and I hope I help give it just a fun twist to fantasy and Halloween spirit ~ I hope you enjoy reading this and much as I did writing it ~ bunny ❥
Warnings :UH NSFW! Demon dabi has two dick (and their thick) , pet names, unprotected sex , a tad bit of a size kink? , a bit fluffy at the end but I think that’s it!
Word count : about 2k give or take!
Paring(s) :Dabi x F! Reader
Even with this being NSFW I had to make it a soft fluffy ending I’m sorry ♡
Enchanted flames
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“If you have found this letter the Princess of Yuei needs your help. Meet me in the Enchanted Woods tomorrow night. Ill escape with you if you can save me from the proposed wedding - Princess [ ]”
With a sigh [. ] dropped the letter out of her window hoping someone, anyone , could save her from the doom that awaited her from an arranged marriage that had been planned from her kingdom to be to the neighboring ones prince, a smaller and very...purple hot headed boy by the name of Mineta who was unsavory for a lack of words. Sighing as she watched the paper fall she secretly wished her type of prince would come save her from this hell she expected.
As the night approached she slipped past her guards, telling them she was going out for air in her garden. The two towering men who looked down at her agreed, moving at the way to let the young woman past them and out into the halls, her dress dragging behind her as she headed out the giant doors to her garden. Taking in a breath she climbed over the perfectly managed hedges andddd off into the forest adjacent to the castle, roaming through the woods to her chosen spot to hopefully meet someone who could save her.
“Hello there little sheep, you called for help, correct?” A low, raspy voice called out as [ ] turned around , looking into the dark abyss in front of her. “ Hello? Helloooo? Who's there?” the girl called out as she heard something heavy land behind her. Turning to her right she saw bright blue eyes look back at her from the shadows. Before she could react a rather warm hand covered her mouth as the person or thing dragged her throughout the woods , the two of them slipping into the night. As soon as [ ] woke up her eyes adjusted to a dark but brightly lit and beautiful chasm, cyan and turquoise crystals of all types surrounded the room as she felt intense heat from everywhere around her. Standing up on shaky legs she felt eyes on her from behind. Letting out a deep breath she turned only to run into a barely covered chest.
Looking up from the revealed purple and pale skin , she saw those same blue eyes , lit with curiosity. “Ah you're awake..welcome little sheep to my...well..living quarters” The mystery man spoke as [ ] blinked at him, a grin spreading over his face as he continued to speak “Well i guess the princess doesnt know she isn't in her little castle anymore. Haven't those guards of yours realized they can't leave royalty alone or guys like me come along and take them out of their cute little homes” He said as [ ] gave him a suspicious look , her own thoughts taking over her face as a sense of calm rested over her features “Ohhh so you're the one who found my note..” She said as he gave her an unreadable look , soon walking away to leave the girl in her own world. “I guess he did” she thought to herself as she heard the male come back, a pile of things in his hands. “Here; a change of clothes and something to eat. I tried to be gentle taking you out of those dreaded castle grounds and through the woods but your dress isnt the smallest thing in the world” he said as [ ] let out a giggle , picking up the dark shirt and skirt he had given her along with the meal : some type of rice and meat with soup. Before she could ask the man answered “No i didnt steal it, i told you this is my home , its only natural id have something in this god forsaken place to eat.” He said as he pointed down the cave. “Theres a waterfall ahead if youd like to freshen up there.” And with that [ ] walked down the empty carved walls, finding the waterfall he was talking about.
Once she was finished getting cleaned and dressed she headed back the way she went, seeing the male now cloaked in a dark cape , fiddling with a pile of wood before setting it ablaze with a bright blue flame. “Ah i see you're finished , ILl be heading out , i'm gonna find us some more wood so you don't get cold. Theres a pot over there where you can reheat your food and get more if you like.” As he finished he proceeded to get up and head down another pathway, presumingly to the opening of the chasm “Wait!” [ ] called out as he stopped, turning to the girl with a questioning look back at her. “Yes princess?” he responded to her as she felt a unnatural wave of heat spreading to her face from simply calling her by her actual title. “What can I call you? And how long will you be gone?” She questioned. “Aw are you worried about me?” He cooed as she puffed out her cheeks “I was just curious” She lashed back as the male in front of her laughed , giving her a crooked smile. “ The names Dabi, and i won't be gone too long, an hour or so” Dabi said, giving her a smile as he started to leave again.
“Oh yeah , and there's a spare jacket in the back if you get too cold or that fire goes out.” and with that he left [ ] by herself as she finished up the dinner he had made which was exceptionally good, even better than what she tended to have at the castle. While she waited around for dabi to come back , [ ] looked at her royal dress, the red and pinks making her want to revolt as she pushed the fluffy tooled pile up into a blanket of sorts, covering her legs as she sat there thinking about her predicament “I really ran away...but what else can you do when youre gonna be married off to someone years older than you for land and alliance” she thought with a sigh as footsteps came from behind her , Dabi pulling his hood from his head as he smiled to himself at the girl in front of him “Im back princess” He declared as she turned to him, giving him a small smile as she stood up, dusting off her dress , coming up to Dabi “So...whatcha find?” She started as he pulled the bag from behind him , dumping out different goodies for the two of them. An array of food, wood and fresh buckets for water collections. “Here, this is for you too” Dabi said as he passed her a well woven balck dress, better than the two piece he had first given her. Taking in a deep breath he spoke up “I didn't want you to struggle with rags , so i got you something a little more comfortable and well...suitable for a run away princess” and with that she looked up to him and giggled which was heaven to his ears. ‘Why thank you Dabi..i'm flattered” [ ] said as she took the black dress , running to a hidden corner to change as Dabi smirked “Oh boy..what have i signed myself up for”
Weeks later and multiple posters for the lost princess later, [ ] had a rhythm living with Dabi. They cooked together and he left out to get things from shops ans out in the woods. Word spread that the princess had been stolen and the ugly grape himself had put a reward out for her safe return. Unknown to everyone she was quite content with the dark demon mage Dabi and his home in the woods. He explained the chasm as his work space, a place he could hone in on working with his flames and different elixirs that people needed. He was a half breed of human and demon, his father ridding of him to hide his affair with an otherworldly being, to keep the peace of his people and the overworld people as well. He really wasn’t a bad man, just someone who stayed in the shadows and kept to himself. And [. ] ‘s heart went out to him, as his did out to hers as she explained her own situation. ”Well damn sweetheart at least i saved you hm?” Dabi said as the two of them laughed together about their lives and what they'd like to change.
As the night drew on and they had their fair share of drinks and food that night “Thank you Dabi..for everything” [ ] said randomly as they relaxed by the fire he had started , [ ] wrapped into the oversized fur Dabi made her as the male laid against a log watching the tired girl mumble to him. She gave him a sleepy smile once he put his warmed hand on her face. “You're cute yknow...i'm not gonna let anyone get to you okay?” He said as she shook her head, moving herself closer to him , laying her head on his lap as he rubbed her head until she fell asleep, him soon realizing he was in love with the rogue princess in his lap.
As the next month rolled around , the princess and her demon mage had started a loving relationship, the two of them growing fonder and fonder of eachother. [ ] noticed that Dabi had tried avoiding being around her when she was fresh from the shower or even roaming too close behind her, he even took more time to come home with more ingredients or even sleep opposite to her. She didn't understand the switch from wanting to hold and hug her to avoiding her all day. One day she was able to catch and trap him with her. “Yes princess…?” Dabi ased as [ ] crossed her arms around her chest , the simple movement making him turn from her. “Did I..do something…?” She asked, her eyes bouncing between his as the turquoise she learned to love ignited with heat.
”Oh no doll...you haven't done a thing but make me want you even more..”
And with that comment her eyes widened. “What..?” She questioned. And with that Dabi picked the smaller girl up, pinning her to a crystal wall as she gasped, wrapping her arms around his neck.”Dabi…….?” [ ] called out as he started to kiss her neck ,running his rougher hands up the soft flesh of her thighs. “I think i'm in love with you doll..youve been invading my head or a while and all i can think about is making your cute little body want me the burning way i want you...I wanna make you cry out for me all night long...make you mines forever.....is that okay?” He whispered in her ear. With a shudder she agreed , letting him kiss the swells of her brest as he gave her a lopsided smile, picking her up and taking her to a pile of pelts and wool they made into a bedroom to rest in. Placing her down lightly he towered her , taking off his vest to reveal his toned and scarred body “Youre quite a beauty yknow...im glad you trust me…” He said with a smile as [ ] herself smashed her lips against his, cutting off his mushy talk. With a groan he pushed her dress up , letting her breast bounce out from the top. Pulling away from the kiss she helped him take off the dress over her head. With a shy smile [ ] covered ehrslf and laid back, spreading her legs lightly to expose her glistening lips to him
“Well damn, i havent even toughed you yet and youre this wet..what a little slut you are”
He growled out as he leaned back over to give her a kiss , pulling her lower lip as he licke dhis was down between her legs, giving her clit a hard suck as she whinned , closing her legs over his head as he slurped away at her pussy, making sure to watch her through hooded eyes, a tail whipping from behind him as a pair of horns appeared from atop his head, one mangled and cracked the other long and curled “Surprise” Dabi called out as his voice dropped octaves, it coming out as a low rumble as [ ] felt her walls clench at the sound , a chuckle coming from him. Going back to slurping and sucking on her labia and clit , Dabi watch with glee as the gilr under him started to shake, her hips rolling back to his mouth as he bit lightly down on her lips and pulled away from her , laughing at her pleas and whimpers “Turn sound baby and let me show you how much i love you” Dabi said , watching as [ ] rolled over arching her hips back as he smacked her ass, loving the moan she let out. Pulling down his pants he pulled his throbbing member out, rubbing it hard against her clit as she felt her heart jumped at the feeling of how thick he was. All of a sudden she felt hands pull her cheeks apart as a finger rub around the tight rings of her ass. With a gasp she looked back to see not one but two swinging dicks between the burning up male, a feral look in his eyes as he let a low rumble come from his chest “ Sorry babygirl..when I change there's more than just one of me to deal with, i promise i'll be gentle” He said as he rubbed her tight muscles just loose enough to put in the tip, her lower lips drooling as he slid his true size into her throbbing walls, moans and grunts tearing through the chasm as he pulled his hips back , starting to set a rhythm to his hips. While he picked up the pace, [ ] felt herself being full as the two dicks of his stuffed her. She could help the feeling of her walls getting tighter as she came once then twice and not once did Dabi stop, he laughed as he gave her more and more , pushing himself deeper in her as he let out what sounded like a howl of pain as he doubled in pace, reaching down to rub her clit as she screamed, soon feeling a hot and warm gooey feeling flood her senses. Dabi slowed his hips down as he pulled himself from her ass first, then from her pussy and cum started to leak from her holes.
“Shit...im sorry princess I didnt mean to go so rough…” Dabi breathed out as [ ] turned around giving him hr own lopsided smile as she saw him transform backto himself, those turquoise eyes softening as he saw the woman he had fallen for spent out from his own actions. “Geez when you said you were a demon i didnt think it was true…” She laughed as he scratched th back of his neck “Ive never transformed like this around someone….especially during sex but that means I trust you a lot….well doll..let me clean you up and then...we can go fro round two hm?” He smirked as he watched her pussy clench and relase more cum once he said that. “Mhm...clean me Dabi then we can have some more fun..”
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keyringmogai · 9 months
Hi keyringmogai community
Sorry for our absence. Last year was a complete nightmare and we are now overcoming the dreaded internalized cringe
Be back soon hopefully
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gallickingun · 4 years
legacy || dragon prince!kirishima
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SUMMARY: After an arranged marriage to the Prince of Dragons, Kirishima Eijirou, you decide you do not want to live your life in a loveless relationship, so you attempt to get to know him. After some time, you realize that he was keeping something very important from you. How are you supposed to help him if he won’t come clean?
PAIRING: Dragon Prince!Kirishima x Princess!Reader RATINGS: M/E+ WARNINGS: language, smut, breeding kink (so much breeding), etc. WORD COUNT: 13.5k+
LINKS: ao3 | masterlist | mobile | writing tag
Author’s Note: This is a prompt fill for THESE prompts that I just couldn’t chill out with. I didn’t want this to get confused with @makoodles​ Dragon Dick Kiri! This Kirishima has normal anatomy 👀 but go give her’s a read as well, it’s so frickin’ good. 
༶•┈⛧ ┈♛ ♛ ┈⛧┈•༶
An arranged marriage to the Prince of Dragons wasn’t how you saw the start of the rest of your life going.
You expected to have more time before you would be called to responsibility, to the throne, to your people. You wanted to live your life, to frolic through the meadows and taste the sweet mead drinks the cooks are always going on about. You wanted to be free.
You did not want to find yourself forced into a white dress, a bunch of flowers in your hand, as you recite the sacred betrothal vows to a man you’ve never met before.
His name is Kirishima Eijirou.
At least he’s handsome.
And beyond his good looks, Kirishima has a charming air about him as well. He is kind to all the servants and never asks for their help unless it’s entirely required. He even goes so far as to request separate bedrooms for the two of you, knowing exactly what might be expected of you if you were to sleep together.
When you approached him about it, he bowed his head, “I know that you did not enter this matrimony by choice, milady. I would hate to force you into anything you did not ask for.”
You would be lying if you denied that your heart skipped a beat.
Kirishima makes himself useful around the castle, tending to the gardens with the other landscapers, using his enhanced strength and hard, scaly skin to chop down trees and uproot stumps. He even brings the ladies in the kitchen spices from other parts of the kingdom and animals that the other hunters had not been able to slay.
His fierce instincts and amazing strength have made him quite the match for the kingdom; almost as if he were exactly what you needed. The citizens have never been more excited for a new king to rise, practically salivating as Kirishima passes through the town on his daily walks. You watch on from your tower window, leaning over the edge of the cobblestone to squint as you make out his bulky frame mounting a horse and exiting the castle gates.
Many a night passes and you feel uneasy at the distance between you. He is your husband, and yet you are sure that you have not had a conversation lasting more than a few syllables with him. You are sure that even the commoners know him better than you do.
Everyone in the kingdom adores Kirishima, although they could care less for the mouthy knight he’s brought along with him. A blonde, stout man you’ve come to know as Bakugou Katsuki. He is Kirishima’s protector and right-hand, following him around like a shadow, throwing his opinions and criticisms out with little care to the sensitive ears they may fall upon.
“Bakugou?” you ask one afternoon, crossing your arms as you stand beside him, Kirishima helping to dig trenches using his scaled, hardened hands. You tilt your head to consider the blonde, your irises finding a crimson color, harsh and unbending, much unlike your betrothed’s warm gaze, “Does Kirishima care for me?”
His throat bobs and a strangled sound comes from it, “Excuse me?”
“Kirishima keeps his distance from me,” you muse, licking your lips as you turn from him to focus on the man you find yourself fascinated with even more as each day passes. “I just want to know if he is uncomfortable around me.”
“That’s one word for it.”
You unceremoniously smack his arm, “Stop being belligerent and answer me!”
“Bloody hell,” Bakugou takes a step away from you, “yes, Kirishima is uncomfortable around you, but not for the reason you think, wench.”
Your narrowed eyes spur him to speak again, “He thinks fondly of you, if that’s what you wish to know. Eijirou just has a strange way of showing it. Now, can we please stop talking about this emotional shit?”
There is no answer from your lips, only the absence of your presence at his side. Bakugou huffs out a relieved sigh and watches as you hitch your skirt up and run towards his friend and ruler. He shakes his head when you stumble into Kirishima’s arms, rolling his eyes as he begins his afternoon patrol of the grounds.
“Whoa,” the prince’s arms are sturdy as he catches you before you can face plant into the trench he’s dug, “are you okay?”
Your body relishes in the warmth he provides, fingers clinging onto his shoulders, feeling the ridges of the hard, corded muscle beneath you, “Y-Yes, I am fine! I need to ask you something, though.”
“Yes, Princess?” Kirishima, ever the gentleman, holds you steady, guiding you back to some sense of normalcy. He is fighting a smile at your bedraggled appearance, the corners of his lips twitching as he looks down his nose at you, the black metal guard around his face making his features even more sharp.
The core of you churns with molten lava at the sight of his handsome features, the tendrils of smoke from the sloshing heat curling up your throat until it forces your mouth open, “W-Would you like to go for a picnic?”
Kirishima has never looked more surprised and amused. His hand absentmindedly rubs over your elbow and bicep, sending small jolts of electricity through to your bones until you can feel them rattling around in the cage of your body. He stutters when he speaks, “A-A picnic? As in, eating together? A-Alone?”
“Yes,” you flush, your cheeks burning brightly at the confession, “I think we’ve earned a little time away, don’t you think?”
His face goes the same color as his hair, his pink tongue passing over his lower lip as he considers you, shifting uncomfortably from foot-to-foot as he chooses his words wisely, “Princess, you don’t have to humor me. I know my place.”
“Your place is with me,” you bolster your spine so you can look him in the eyes, barely distracted by the small scales that cover his temples and jawline. “And I want to know my husband. Is that a crime? Shall you have me thrown in the dungeon?”
The black pupils in the center of his orbs dilate, his shoulders shifting as he considers your words and your tone. Kirishima shakes his head after he’s processed what you’re saying, taking a step closer so your chest almost brushes his when you take heaving breaths, “No, I think it sounds like a wonderful idea. How does veal and fruit sound?”
“Like heaven.”
It is not much later in the afternoon when Kirishima stops by the stables to collect you, a woven wicker basket cradled in one of his hands, full to the brim with a plethora of things hidden under the lid. He packs the basket and a few blankets onto the backside of the horse that he brought with him when he merged his belongings with yours. He pats the horse’s backside, “All right, Red. Be nice. This is the princess you’re carrying.”
You laugh, covering your mouth with your palm as you step forward. Your free hand brushes over Red’s snout and down her mane, “And that’s the prince, you know. Precious cargo.”
“I’ll be fine, I’ve got my thick skin,” he shrugs, reaching out a hand for you to take, “plus Red knows I’m the one with the sugar cubes, so she’ll be sweet on me.”
Your palm rests in his as you stride towards him, the proximity of your bodies now intoxicating as his natural heat radiates between the two of you. The base of your throat bobs as emotion gathers in your esophagus, cutting off your breathing. Your eyes flutter somewhere between open and closed when you try to look at him directly, unable to focus when he’s so close to you.
Kirishima is no small man, your eye-level meeting his collarbones. His hands dwarf yours easily, his stout body thick with muscle and sinew, dense bones holding him together. You suppose it’s thanks to his animalistic ancestry.
Each kingdom descended from some form of ancient animal, and Kirishima’s was the dragons. And so, he inherited the qualities of that very beast, starting with his intense body heat and the scales that litter his skin in small patches. They are black in color at a first glance, but when he shifts beneath the sunbeams, you notice they have a red iridescence to them. You are thankful to find that he has no tail or snout, saving those features for a much more human-looking set.
Kirishima rests his palms on your hips, almost able to wrap his digits completely around the circumference of your waist as he hoists you onto his horse. His quaking digits roam down the thick of your thigh, thumbs brushing up against the skin to treasure it. You have to stop yourself from keening into his touch, seeming desperate, by white knuckling your hands around the saddle.
He clambers up after you, slinging one leg before propping himself up to rest behind you. Leaning forward, he grabs the reigns, his chest pressing firmly into your back. You force yourself to regulate your breathing, the scent and feel of him making your head dizzy. Kirishima scoots forward and the curve of his crotch is pressing into your spine as he spurs Red forward with a gentle slap of the reigns.
You squeal, your hands instinctively reaching out to wrap around his forearms, the tips of your fingers dragging over the dark scales he sports at the junctures of his arms. His muscles twitch under your touch and your breath hitches. The bottom of his chin is hovering just above your shoulder, his cheek threatening your personal space while his chest falls flush with your back, “You okay?”
“Y-Yeah, sorry,” you manage an awkward laugh, blinking to clear your vision. “Sorry, I just wasn’t ready.”
Kirishima holds the reigns in one hand, using the other to wrap around your waist, effectively silencing you as your heart beats heavy in your chest, “Don’t worry, I’ve got you.”
It is easy to melt back into him, a shuddering breath making your shoulders shake. You rest your hands over the top of his thick arm, thumbs finding his veins and bones to trace while you wait for your end destination to come in sight. You avoid paying too close attention to the ebony scales that glimmer in the afternoon sun, shifting from black to red when you look acutely.
The sun is setting when he finally stops Red at the edge of a lake, golden glow shining from the surface of the water and making it difficult to see. Kirishima helps you down before grabbing the picnic basket and tying Red up around the trunk of a tree. In the meantime, you work at setting out the blanket on the ground, tugging out the corners so it’s fully splayed open.
Conversation flows easy for the two of you as you lay out on the ground, face turned toward the sun as is sinks lower in the afternoon sky. You close your eyes and drink in the sunbeams, your hands tucked behind your head. Kirishima is waving his hands around, holding grapes between one set of fingers and a slice of bread in the other.
You laugh, a full-bellied giggle that you have not felt in what seems like years. When the laughter settles, you turn your head to see Kirishima already looking down at you, a soft but sad expression tugging on his features. You tilt your head, blinking a few times before asking him, “What is on your mind?”
“Why are you doing this?” he blurts unabashedly.
The inside of your mouth turns to ash, as if you’ve licked the inside of the oven and can’t get the taste off of your tongue. You swallow the growing lump in your throat and reach a hand up to rub at your face as nerves start to eat away at your belly.
“Can a princess not have a picnic with her husband?” Your voice has risen an octave and it’s obvious he notices because he leans in further, as if silently asking you to further explain. You huff, rolling your eyes, “I just want to get to know you, Kirishima. If we’re to be wed for the rest of our lives, don’t you think we should learn a little about one another?!”
Kirishima sits up straighter, his eyes unable to find a part of you to focus on as his gaze wanders. You turn on your side, reaching out to press your palm to his thigh, but he halts you with his warm touch and saddened words, “I assumed you would have nothing to do with me. Arranged marriages aren’t usually filled with companionship.”
You lean forward, your mouth against his knuckles as you exhale, “I think we’d like each other if we had the chance, arranged marriage or not.”
A silence hangs in the air, Kirishima’s hand heavy beneath yours. You feel the muscles in his leg twitch as your thumb brushes down over his shin. It’s like you are waiting sparks to ignite in midair and take the both of you down, the imminent danger of his response sending a burning chill down your spine. You fear you may have misjudged him, or perhaps his companion misspoke with the intent to turn the two of you against one another.
“Kirishima,” you try again, sitting up on your knees so you can look him in the eyes much easier, “listen, I-”
His thumb against your lower lip gives you pause, your eyes crossing as you try to look down at the offending digit. Kirishima looks up at you, a glimmer in his vermilion irises, “I want you to call me Eijirou.”
Your heart stops beating within your chest at the admission of his given name. You had heard Bakugou say it, and of course when you learned who you would be marrying, you were informed of the nomenclature. However, you never assumed that you would be gifted the privilege to use it so soon.
“Eijirou,” you test it out on your tongue, rolling the name around like honey, “I like that.”
A smile tugs on the corners of his lips and you see the faintest brush of dimples. You lean your body forward to press a kiss to his cheek, just barely brushing the corner of his mouth, “Nice to meet you, Eijirou. I’m your wife.”
He chuckles, reaching out to shake your hand, “Pleased to make your acquaintance. How do you do?”
“I’d be doing much better with some berries between my teeth,” you lean back, brushing your thumb over the back of his palm, “but I’m doing just fine, now that I’ve got you.”
The smile on Kirishima’s face puts the sunshine to shame.
༶•┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
It had been months since that picnic by the lake, and you and Kirishima had grown rather close. He chases your lips behind closed doors and your hands are insatiable as they roam his body beneath his tunic. You know the taste of his skin by heart, and he knows the innermost parts of you better than you do.
So him pulling away now has you perplexed.
You pace back and forth in front of his private chambers, the place where he is allowed to go when he needs to contemplate war plans and farming plots and taxation of the citizens. However, he has been holed up behind the thick wooden door for six days straight, and you know that something is wrong.
Bakugou is posted up in front of the door, a mess of limbs as he whittles away at a slab of wood, working on turning it into something much more intricate. His head raises so he can roll his eyes at your unease, “Relax, Princess. He’ll be out of there in another week or two.”
“What does that even mean?!” you snap, your eyes bloodshot from lack of sleep. You feel yourself breaking from the inside out – you thought you had made so much progress, that maybe you and Kirishima were really moving forward, learning how to co-habitate and rule together. Your voice is crazed and you throw your palms face-up towards the knight, “Weeks? This is absurd!”
You narrow your eyes at the door like it has wronged you, keeping you from your lover, and you are barreling towards it before Bakugou can stop you.  
Bursting through the door, you’re surprised to find that he is not sitting at his desk, pouring over world maps and charts. Rather, he’s not anywhere to be seen at all. You shut and lock the door behind you just as Bakugou has gotten to his feet, narrowing your eyes at him as it clicks shut.
You hear a whimpering sound off in the distance, and you follow it.
There is a secluded area you know is hidden behind the bookshelf – a secret room built by your father so he can escape even the already secretive confines of his study. You pull the familiar lever at the base of the bookcase and the entire structure begins to shudder as the door is opened. A familiar head of red hair is lowered, his chin to his chest as sobs rack his body, broad shoulders shaking as he sniffles.
“Eiji?” your voice is quiet, afraid to disrupt the moment. He is bare at the torso, his hands cradled in front of him, but you can only make out the muscled expanse of his back, “Eijirou, why are you-”
“I-I didn’t want you in here,” he mumbles through labored breaths. When he turns his head you can make out the glistening tears running down his face, “Y-You smell so strongly and I don’t know if I can control myself.”
“Excuse you?” Your voice is more of a bark than a question, stepping further into the small space so you’re stood beside him, “I smell? You could have just told me, for Christ’s sakes, Eiji-holy shit.”
Your eyes are drawn to the center of his hips, where he’s currently cradling his cock between his hands. The head of it is engorged and blushed, leaking pearlescent fluid that leaks down the shaft, coating one of the more prominent veins on the underside. Your throat bobs at the sight of him, taking in his girth with your own two eyes, trying to rationalize why you’d never seen his lower body without clothing until just now.
“I-I’m sorry, listen, it’s just…” Kirishima is in tears, his voice strained as he stands to his feet, “I-I’m in a fucking rut and it’s horrible and you shouldn’t have to witness it, let alone be a part of it. I wanted to wait it out in here so I could stay away from you.”
You step closer to him, your hands hovering in midair as you’re not sure which part of him to grab for first. Your entire anatomy is on fire at the visual of his thick cock leaking pre and throbbing with the need to spill his seed. The base of him leads way to a set of weighty balls, and you can only imagine the sheer amount of come that he has stored up in them.
“Stay away from me? Eiji,” you whisper, reaching out to touch his shoulder. He recoils, another sniffle as he turns his head, but you persist regardless, “Am I not your wife? Is this not my job?”
He stands to his feet, his trousers taut against his thighs as he tries to pull them back up his legs, “Exactly! This is exactly why I didn’t want to tell you! It’s not a job, Princess, nothing in this realm should ever feel like a job. It should be fun, and I can promise you this won’t be fun for you.”
“Rut?” you redirect the conversation, coming to stand in front of him with your hand on his wrist to keep him from pulling his pants back over his cock. “Wh-Tell me what that means, exactly?”
Kirishima inhales deeply, his chest expanding, and then reaches down to take his dick in his hand, stroking it once to show you the length of it, “It’s whatever part of me is intertwined with dragon, I have these annual cycles where I’m drawn to my-fuck, this is so strange to say out loud-my mate.”
You want to reach down to hold his throbbing length in your hands but the look in his eyes says that he isn’t done. Kirishima gulps as he looks across at you, glittering ruby eyes filled to the brim with emotion, “It’s a mating cycle, outside of that I’m not really sure. I go into a rut for a couple of weeks each year, ever since I went through the change, and my body has this intense desire to impregnate a mate.”
The talk coming from him is oddly arousing, and you find yourself growing slick between your thighs. You hover closer to him now, the head of his cock brushing up against your belly as your hands start to roam over his bare chest, “Please, show me what you need, whatever it is, and I’ll help you. You’re in pain, Eijirou.”
He winces on cue, turning his head before you can see the extent of his discomfort. Kirishima shakes his head, “Listen, I-I’ve been doing this alone for years, I can handle it.”
“Yes, but you don’t have to!” You try and reason with him, reaching up to take his cheeks in your hands, redirecting his attention, “I’m your wife, Eijirou.”
A tear wells up in either of his eyes, making his irises look like they are glittering in the candlelight of the secret room, “Yes, but you’re not my mate.”
Those few words topple you over like a horse has just run over your chest. The breath has been knocked out of you, stolen from your lungs, and you take a step back to steady yourself before you fall. Kirishima’s eyesight falters as he realizes what he’s just said, but he makes no move to correct himself. Rather, he stands taller, straightening his spine like he’s ready to go to war, to lead thousands of men into a battle he’s not sure he can win.
You have a choice to make now – you can stand here and fight, or you can flee through the secret passage and hide in your own chambers until his rut is over.
“Eijirou,” you grit your teeth, tears flowing down your cheeks, and look him in the eyes, “I’m not leaving you.”
Fight it is, then.
Kirishima looks stunned, so you take advantage of his stillness to rush at him, cupping his face with your hands and bruising his lips in a kiss. His hips roll forward and his cock is sheathed between your thighs, so you squeeze yourself tight around him, grabbing at his wrists before he can pull himself away. The whimper he lets loose from his mouth is wanton, his body practically shivering with the need to swallow you whole.
You kiss him until he’s shaking, his hands white-knuckled as he bars himself from grabbing every inch of your body like his primal nature pushes him to. When you pull away from him, you look up into his eyes and see hesitation keeping his pupils dilated to where you can still make out his crimson irises.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he whispers, voice breaking. “I-I can’t do that to you, not now, not when I think-”
He stops himself before he finishes his sentence, but in your heart, you know what he’s going to say. You smile, praying that he receives some warmth and comfort from the gesture, and brush your thumbs against his wrists where you hold his hands by his sides, “You won’t hurt me. I trust you.”
It’s as if he’s resigned himself to this truth, that you will not leave unless he forces you, and he does not believe that it’s his place to coerce you into doing anything you haven’t already decided for yourself. Kirishima stands tall and takes a deep breath, closing his eyes as if taking in the moment. You hear him count a few numbers in an ancient dialect before he peels back his lids and his darkened eyes meet yours, lust swirling around like thunderclouds and his irises have deepened to a maroon shade.
“Are you sure?” he asks, one final time, hands still by his sides, “Once we start, I might not be able to stop.”
That sentence alone is enough to send a chill down your spine.
You nod, trying not to seem too eager by keeping your feet flat to the ground, “Yes, Eijirou, please. I want you to do whatever you need to, please use me.”
The sound of your voice so willing and wanton makes Kirishima’s blood run hot in his veins, thudding against his ears until he can hardly hear anything else. He steps forward, his chest flush with yours, and his shaking hands finally make contact with your body.
He is insatiable when he finally grabs a hold of you, palming at you like an animal. Kirishima captures your mouth in a searing kiss, moaning as soon as your lips part in a gasp. He backs you into the desk he was sitting against when you first came in, your ass knocking against the wood in his haste. A low growl bubbles up in his chest until he nips at your lower lip and you whimper, then the sound fades to a moan.
“Fuck, Princess,” he whispers hoarsely, eyes already blitzed out as he looks down at you, “I want to taste you.”
Your eyes are wide as you blink up at him, your fingers in his hair to sift through the dark red strands. You find yourself nodding your head eagerly, squirming up onto the top of the desk to give him a better angle. Kirishima smiles wide enough that you can see his sharper canines, gums bared as he grins. He lowers himself to his knees, and something about seeing him in such a vulnerable position makes your head spin.
Kirishima pushes the hem of your skirt up and over your thighs, bunching up the material in one hand as the other parades over your soft undergarments. He visibly shivers when the pad of his middle finger brushes over the wet patch on the fabric, his tongue parting his lips as he dampens them.
He mutters a string of ancient curse words in a dialect you cannot comprehend, but it still arouses you, nonetheless. You help him with your dress, tucking it behind your back, before reaching out to run your fingers through his hair, tugging him closer to your core.
You give him a soft, “Eiji, please,” before you hear the tearing of fabric, and your cunt is bared to the cold air.
A gasp parts your lips, but you throw your head back when his tongue first makes contact with your slick folds. You whine into the air, the sound dying out as it travels, and your grip in his hair tightens to a pressure that should be painful, but his thick skin gives him a better barrier for pain.
Kirishima hums against your clit, running the coarse pad of his tongue over the sensitive bud before diving back into your sopping core. He moans as your taste coats his tongue, bringing one of his hands up to your belly so he can brush his thumb along your clit for further stimulation, the coarse feeling of his scaled elbow grating over your thigh giving you goosebumps. His free set of fingers dig into every part of your leg that he can find, roaming from your calves to your thighs to your ass, kneading the plush skin beneath his hardened fingertips.
You clench around his tongue, the thick muscle stimulating even the deepest parts of you. You mewl out his name, uncaring as to how loud you’re being, which only seems to spur him on, the pace of his tongue quickening as his thumb grinds mercilessly against your clit. You cant your hips upward against his mouth, begging for even more friction, and he chuckles, the sound sending reverberating pleasure through your core.
“C’mon, sweetheart,” Kirishima’s voice is gentle as he turns his attention to your thighs, kissing the innermost parts as he slips a thick finger between your folds, “I want you to come undone for me, yeah? Think you can do that?”
A nod brings your vision back down to him, to look into his eyes as you rock against his knuckles. He bares his teeth to your thigh before sucking your supple skin between his lips. The combination of pleasure from your cunt mixed with the pain from his biting and sucking of your thigh brings you closer to your high, your vision blurred by ecstasy. You moan, tightening every muscle in your body in hopes that it will push you over the edge, but Kirishima’s hand runs over your taut skin in a soothing motion, rubbing the pads of his fingers deep into your muscles as if to try and calm you down.
“Relax,” he kisses over the dark red mark now splotched against your thigh, “I’ve got you, I’m gonna take care of you.”
You believe him, between his earnest expression and the honest hoarseness behind his words. You swallow thickly, forcing the growing lump in your throat back down into your chest. The contours of your body are less noticeable once you’ve eased your muscles, and Kirishima takes it as a sign for him to quicken the pace of his fingers in your pussy, leaning forward to suck at your clit with his teeth and tongue.
He can feel your walls tightening as he stretches you out with another finger, the spongy texture of your insides giving away the closeness to your end. Smirking around your skin, Kirishima hums, sending you crashing carelessly towards your orgasm.
The sound of his name falling obscenely from your lips makes his cock harden and twitch between his legs. He grunts as he ruts forward against your shin, the head of his dick smearing pre-come against your smooth skin. You suck in a breath at the feeling, falling forward so your lips are in his hair, whispering murmurs of praise and begging as you feel your core writhe with pleasure.
“There’s my girl,” he murmurs as he pumps his fingers in and out of you, hearing your whines from above, “c’mon, Princess, come for me.”
You do as your told, the glutinous walls within you coated with your arousal, milky fluid seeping from your body until it has coated his palm. Kirishima reaches up with his clean hand to thread it through your hair, pulling you gently so he can stand to his feet. You watch as he pumps his cock with the palm that is slick with your silvery strands of spend, the head of him engorged and angry red in color. Your mouth salivates at the thought of him splitting you wide open with the thick girth of him, and for a moment you’re unsure if you’ll be able to take him as easily as you originally believed.
Kirishima wraps an arm around your waist, tugging you to him so he can hoist you off of the desk and walk you towards the small bed staggered in the corner of the room. He lowers you down easily, the rippling muscles of his biceps drawing your eye as he strains himself to keep you safe. You lean up and kiss him on the mouth, swallowing his growling sounds into the recesses of your throat so they may thrum up and down your spine, sending a second shock-wave towards your core.
You notice that Kirishima is eyeing a very specific point on your throat as he leans back onto his thick thighs, taking in your already weakened body. You reach up and palm at his chest, redirecting his attention to your eyes, “Eijirou, what is it?”
“Nothing,” he shakes his head, leaning down to kiss up from your navel to your chest, “you’re just beautiful.”
His words make your body blush from head to toe, your feet curling up as he shuffles himself out of his pants. You take the moment to hoist your dress over your head, both of your clothes left in a pile on the floor as you reconnect your bodies with a kiss.
Something about this time makes his skin hotter to the touch, you notice, and his muscles are practically ripping at the seams, threatening to bust out if he tries any harder to keep himself restrained. You lick at the fullness of his lower lip, “Eijirou, I need you. Please.”
The pleading nature of your voice only feeds his feral nature, the instinctive side of him wanting to rip you to shreds until you’re screaming his name, crying fat tears as he presses into you and fills you to the brim with his spend. Kirishima has to squeeze his eyes shut to stave off the primal need that stirs him, instead focusing on the way his heart beats faster when you’re around, and how the glimmer in your eyes never ceases to amaze him.
Kirishima angles his hips backward so he can push the tip of his cock between your sopping heat, his restraint feathering out the deeper he slides into you. A gentle gasp from your lips stops him, his hips stilled as he peels his eyes open to look down at you, “A-Am I hurting you?”
“No, fuck, Eijirou, I want you,” you scramble to grab at whatever part of him you can find, fingernails digging roughly into his biceps, “I need you in me, I need you to take me. I’m yours.”
That is the last straw to break the proverbial camel’s back. Kirishima sheathes his cock within your heat with one smooth stroke, the stretch of your tight pussy making the shaft of his dick throb noticeably. You reel forward, your forehead smacking into his chest at the sudden obtrusion from within you. Your body takes over then, trying your hardest to kiss and lick and touch any patch of skin that is close enough.
The prince wraps an arm around your back, holding you sturdily with a palm splayed out between your shoulders, easily keeping you in place as he starts to jut his hips forward, “So fuckin’ tight, angel, such a good little girl, takin’ my cock like this. Fuck I want to-”
He stops himself by dropping his forehead to your shoulder, whining as his thick cock pounds repeatedly into your pussy. You grab at his hair to pull him away from you, desperate to look him in the eyes, “Eiji, tell me.”
There are tears settled in the corners of his irises with the desperate need for more that his body cries out for. Kirishima shakes his head and kisses you on the mouth, nails biting into your back as his cock makes your insides keen. He loses himself in the stretch of you, the tightness of your core making his whole body boil, his skin teeming with sweat as he rucks into you.
“Damnit,” he whimpers as you clench around him, drawing his dick back into your core as he tries to snap his hips backward, “I want to breed you, so fuckin’ bad, Princess.”
It is like he expects you to retreat once he’s said it, as if the thought of it might scare you off. On the contrary, all it does is spur you forward. You kiss him like your life depends on it, rolling your hips up to meet his until he is stroking the hidden part of you near your spine, the head of his cock inflamed and beading with pre-come even as he’s buried to the hilt within you.
The weight of his balls is more intense now, throbbing with his seed, slapping into your ass as he ruts forward, taking your body and molding it with his intentions. You hiss as the veins forking along the underside of his cock drag salaciously against your folds, but he merely takes advantage of the parting of your lips to delve his tongue into your mouth. He maps out each of your molars and then down to the back of your throat, moans spoken into the confines of your jaws so that the world may never hear them, only you.
You know that you are going to have to be the one to tell him that this is okay, that you want him to destroy your body with his touch. Every hair stands on end, even with him holding back, and you can only imagine how worked your bones will feel once he’s actually given you his all. Kirishima is feverish around you, hot and sweating as he works the both of you towards the point of coming undone. You relinquish yourself from his kiss, leaning your head back so you can look him in the eyes.
“Breed me, Eijirou,” your voice is hoarse when you speak, near cracking as you beg him, desperate tears glittering in the corners of your eyes, “I want you to fill me up with your come, please. Stuff me full of it.”
Kirishima’s palm rests at your abdomen, and you notice it for the first time. You wonder what is going through his mind; if he is thinking about the way his cock fills your stomach, or if he is plagued by the idea of you full with his child, pregnant and swollen at the navel. He rubs the heel of it over the expanse of your belly, finding every available patch of skin to caress with his touch, the hardened tips of his fingers raking thin red lines into your skin.
A part of you wants them to never go away, marking you as his, letting all the others know who you belong to.
“I want your baby, Eiji. Won’t you give me one?” Your voice is quiet, timid, unsure if this is how he wants this night to go. You lick your lips and look up at him bashfully, tiny tear tracks spilled over your cheeks in rivulets, “I want you to breed me full, Eijirou. I want you to fill up my cunt with your seed until I’m dripping, please, won’t you?”
Your begging mixed with his feral desire brings his teeth down to your neck, bared but not piercing, not yet. He whimpers as he slips his mouth closed, nosing over the area, licking at it like an animal, “You’d be so pretty when you’re full of me, absolutely beautiful.”
You turn your head so you can kiss him on the temple, feeling his hesitation beneath the pads of your fingers, “I’m your wife, Eiji, but I want to be your mate, too.”
A strangled sound is mangled in his throat, but he pulls away from you to look you in the eye nonetheless, “Wh-What are…Princess, listen, I don’t want you to think-”
“I love you.”
His irises engulf his pupils as his eyes widen, stuttering breaths parting his lips. His gaze is frantic, unable to find one part of your face to hone in on, the three words that you’ve uttered into the air giving him serious pause. His heart starts pumping furiously in his chest, threatening to beat right out of the cage of his ribs if he isn’t careful to calm it.
You are frightened that you’ve been too honest, that you’ve bared your soul too far and there is no coming back. Fear forces your words down into your chest, unable to cry out an apology at going too far too soon. Your hands on his arms pull away, digging into the sheets so you have something to take out your inner turmoil on.
“Y-You want…” Kirishima shakes his head, swallowing thickly so his throat bobs, “You want me?”
The incredulous snort that makes your nostrils flare cannot be contained. You look down to where he is balls deep in your cunt, and then back up to hold his gaze, “Eijirou, is that really even a question?”
He’s stuttering out some sort of response, but you can’t be bothered to listen, so you drag him forward by the nape of his neck, cementing your mouth to his. You wrap your legs around his waist, the heels of your feet digging into the firm muscle of his ass to pull him back to you, to encourage his movements. Kirishima is tentative this time, unsure of himself but his animalistic nature still brings him back to pump his cock within your heat.
“I love you,” you murmur into his lips, twirling your fingers through his hair, “if you love me too, then I want whatever you have to offer, whatever you need to give me so I can finally be yours.”
With every word you speak, the animal gnawing at the back of Kirishima’s consciousness grows less tame. It is begging, with claws at his throat, to take you for all you’re worth, until you’re bone dry and pleading for him to relinquish you. He bares his teeth and the instinct curling around his spine, making him seem stronger, wider, somehow gives way to the true nature of this rut he’s told you about.
It’s a mixture of excitement and fear, and you feel a rush of heat flood your core.
Kirishima groans, gnashing his teeth as he drops his head so your foreheads are pressed to one another. You can sense he’s still holding back, still a touch embarrassed, so you knead your fingers into the tops of his shoulders, begging with the touch of his muscles for him to claim you once and for all.
“Kiri,” your voice is strong even though you’re whispering, “what do you want to do to me? Don’t you want me?”
“Fuck, of course I do,” Kirishima kisses you soundly on the mouth, as if he must reassure you, as if you were doubting him. “I want you, every day for the rest of my life. B-But I can’t…a mate is for life, angel.”
The way he says it suggests that you don’t already know, or that it may come as a surprise to you. You smile, wrapping your arms around his back so you can lean up, arching your spine so your torsos are flush with one another. You’ve never felt the desire to be so close to someone, but it is as if this is not even close enough. You wish there were a better way to prove to him that he is the end of the line for you, that you could never want anyone else.
“I love you,” you repeat, palming the corded muscle of his back as if it might pump the confession into him by the osmosis of your sweat, “You are the first thing I want to see in the morning when I wake, and the last thing I gaze at in the night before I fall asleep. You are the end to all my beginnings, Eijirou.”
Kirishima groans at your confession, his needy body unable to create the same kind of eloquent response as he holds his hips still, unwilling to ruin your beautiful moment. His nose brushes along the bridge of yours, a question lodged in his throat and unwilling to be bared. You nudge the bow of your lips against his cheek, murmuring kind praises into his ear, “Tell me what you want, what you need, Eijirou. I want to give it to you, whatever it is.”
“C-Can I mark you?” his voice is bedraggled, just on the cusp of breaking.
“Please,” you ask of him, craning your head so your neck is available. “I want to be yours, and I want everyone else to know.”
It seems that is all the encouragement he needs, baring his fanged teeth to the thin skin of your neck, tongue tracing over your jugular as he prepares the area for his biting kiss. He nudges his nose against your earlobe, that same ancient tongue from earlier sending a shiver down your spine as he speaks.
You are not prepared for the searing pain that rips through your body when he finally tears into you. A cry parts your lips and your cunt squeezes him so tightly that he almost slips from within you. Your hand rips through his hair, the other occupied with his shoulder, nails bludgeoning his hardened skin until you draw blood. You want to throw your head back but you know that will only make it all worse, his teeth will shred your skin until you are but a flayed piece of meat lying beneath him.
“Kiri,” you whine, turning your head to nestle you lips into the edge of his hair that curls around his ear, kissing at whatever surface you can find.
He hums in response, unable to give you words as he sucks and pulls at the skin. You feel your mind cloud the longer he has dug into you, the tendrils of need writhing around your cerebrum until you can no longer think clearly. The one thing on your mind is the very thing between his legs, and you whisper words of want into his ear, praying that he can hear you through his animalistic marking.
The palm of his hand digs further into your belly, until he can feel the tip of his cock underneath his fingers. Kirishima growls around your neck, the timbre of his voice shaking your very bones. You swallow, dipping your fingers further into the skin of his shoulders, “Kirishima, move.”
His hips are listening even if he does not give an indication that he’s heard you. He uses his hands to prop up your legs, the tips of his digits bruising your skin with their intensity, until your knees are almost parallel with the mattress. The only reason they aren’t digging into your chest is because he’s still slotted there, gnashing away at the sensitive skin of your neck. His body is lumbering and thick, dense from his neck to his ankles.
Kirishima makes you feel small, in every sense of the word. Even as a princess, you did not feel dainty, you’ve never been a precious flower that someone else has to protect. You’ve always stumbled a little, faltered when you should be standing upright, and your parents have had to reprimand you for your unladylike tendencies more than once.
But here, lying underneath his hulking form, your fingers seem tinier, more elegant, and even as your knees dig into his ribs, he does not falter, does not wince. You cannot put him in pain, between his hard exterior and his intense primal nature, and it makes you feel like a porcelain doll.
And once his cock plunges back within your tight, wet heat, you are reminded of how massive he truly is.
The tip of his cock butterflies you wide open, shattering your limited stretch and prying you open with each quivering inch of his thick girth. He overwhelms you, so much so that your head topples backward to dig further into the pillow, as if running away from him might soothe the ache between your legs. Even that is a mistake, because once you’ve shifted, his teeth scrape down the sensitive skin of your collarbones, angry red marks left in their wake.
He leans back to examine his hard work, eyes roaming the juncture of your neck and shoulder where the shape of his teeth is like a shadow. A guttural growl emanates from his throat, the air sparking with electricity at the sound of it. You swallow the thick, pent-up arousal in your throat and breathe heavily, somewhat thankful to be rid of his mouth even though a part of you would frenetically like to bring it back. Your throat is throbbing, and you think you could count the number of teeth he was able to sink into you based on the pain of it alone.
“Princess,” he gasps as he takes in the pulsating mark now claiming you as his, “I-I’m sorry, d-did I-”
You shake your head and pull at him in every way possible, your body crying out for more of him in every sense of the word. Kirishima moans as you kiss him again, pushing your tongue between his teeth to try and taste the familiar warmth of his mouth. You moan, your body finding his easily, comfortable and wanting as you careen forward, the throbbing circular mark on your shoulder long forgotten. You have to come up for air much sooner than you like, still reeling from his marking of your body.
Kirishima’s palm is digging into your stomach again, nails biting into your smooth skin as his cock pulses, and he squints harshly as he pulls away to look you in the eyes. The sight of you splayed out beneath him, completely at his mercy, makes his balls throb and he snaps his hips up into you again out of pure primal need alone. Your body jostles, breasts bouncing and thighs rippling, as his cock bottoms out into your cunt, the tip of him bursting with arousal and finding your cervix.
“Oh shit,” he drops his head to your chest, curling himself upward so your hips are flush, his hip bones bruising your thighs as he unceremoniously crumbles into you. Your hands are on him in an instant, trying to understand what could have possibly happened to make him so vulnerable.
You barely have time to say his name before he’s whining, sucking your nipple between the bite of his teeth out of the sole desire to muffle his needy pants. Your hand sifts through his hair, head thrown back while you enjoy the ministrations of his tongue around your chest. He mumbles out words that you can’t quite make out, but with the way his cock is throbbing between your walls and the motions of his hand and mouth on your breast, you don’t care much to understand what drivel he’s spinning.
It is only when you feel the inside of your body flood with heat that you understand.
“Eijirou,” you call to him, forcing his head away from your nipple with the gentle tug of your hands, “d-did you just-”
He looks like he could cry, his head hung in shame, “Yes.”
You want to laugh at his pitiful nature, but you can’t, not knowing what the would do to his self-esteem. Instead, you roll your hips up to try and milk him of his release, encouraging him to start rocking your body with his arousing rhythm until he is completely spent within you.
“You said you wanted to breed me, didn’t you?” you question roughly in his ear, your head tilted to where he’s tucked into your collarbone. You kiss his hair, desperate to clutch onto him as you feel his cock softening, peeling away from your tight hole. The feel of come seeping from your cunt makes you squirm, “Eijirou?”
Kirishima tilts his head back and looks you in the eyes, reddened orbs practically devastated. He nods, “Y-Yeah, but I just-”
His throat bobs, eyes widening at your notion. He turns his head to survey your body, littered with bruises and bite marks and it hasn’t been but one round of his cock buried to the hilt within you. His eyes catch on the marking on your shoulder and his cock stirs again, “A-Again?”
“Breed me,” you grit between your teeth, “please, Eijirou. I want you to put a baby in me.”
The biting nature of his fingertips is not lost on you as he pushes your thighs back so your knees are pressed into the mattress. His thick body is wavering above you, eyes unable and unwilling to look away from you as he starts to roll his hips again, slowly so he does not lose the slick that he has gathered from the both of you.
Kirishima swallows one last pensive breath and then it’s like a switch has gone off in his mind, like he’s finally letting the caged beast out to take over, controlling his ministrations. You arch your back so you can feel his hardened nipples against your chest, one of his hands slowly creeping up your torso until he’s found the bruised, marred skin of your neck beneath his fingertips.
“Look so beautiful, love,” Kirishima kisses your forehead, like a proverbial final word before he devours you whole. “I can’t wait to wreck this pretty pussy of yours, mark this body up until no one has any question of who you belong to.”
His uncharacteristically harsh words make your core tighten and your toes curl. You nod, starting to beg for it, the words just barely tipping over the edge of your tongue when he clamps his hand down on the mark of your neck. You feel white-hot pain shoot forth from the area, coating your body in a wave of agony as the pulsing spreads downward.
A broken whimper escapes your gritted teeth, eyes screwed shut when his blunt fingernails dip further into the area, almost like he’s testing to see how far you can take it before he has to relent. He is unkind when he grabs your thigh, pushing it up into your chest as he resumes his slow pace from before. His cock is already beginning to harden again, twitching relentlessly against your glutinous walls, coated with both your arousal and his spend.
“Eijirou,” you want to beg for him but you can barely push out the broken syllables of his name. Tears coat your cheeks but you don’t mind the blurred vision as you gaze up at him. It makes him shine, like the starlight he truly is. Your face breaks into a smile, despite the absolute torment you feel wracking your body. You would endure anything for him, any sort of discomfort or torture, if it meant that you could be this close to him forever.
Kirishima kisses you square on the mouth, “Hush, angel, let me take care of you.”
Your jaw snaps shut, the muscles along the angle of your face shuddering under the pressure of your gritted teeth. Kirishima smiles warmly at you, the last shred of his humanity remaining before he plunges his thumb into the direct center of your marking, digging his fingernail into the bruised skin. You yelp, your cunt clenching around his cock as he pushes deeper into you.
The entirety of your body is so compliant, molded around his frame, practically fluid as you conform to the positions his hands push you into. Kirishima licks a heated stripe along the column of your neck, leaving behind a wet patch that runs cold when he breathes over it. You dig your hands back against his shoulders, raking the tips of your nails along the length of his back and shoulders.
Kirishima gasps audibly at the newfound tightness of your core at his ministrations. He uses his free palm to reach down and grind his thumb against your hooded clit. He nudges his nose along your jawline, breathing coming in heavy pants as he pummels you into the soft plush of the mattress beneath your shoulders. The snap of his hips does not let your backside rest, your body hovering a few inches from the mattress.
It’s as if he cannot get enough of you, even so much so that he won’t allow your frame to fall too far from him. Kirishima must keep you close, he has no other option. The feral animal clawing at what little shred of his resolve that remains whispers in his ear to put a new mark on every visible inch of your skin until you are nothing but a black and blue mess, blubbering and begging beneath him.
“Such a pretty little thing when you come undone for me,” Kirishima murmurs against the shell of your ear, the sultry sound of his voice intermingled with his panting sending a rolling wave of pleasure down your spine until your toes are curling around the sheets. “You like it when I’m this deep inside of you? Not letting your pussy breathe?”
You are nodding even if you don’t fully understand what he’s saying. You would agree to anything, that much you are aware of, and you know that he is keen to that fact as well. Kirishima is still careful with you, somehow aware enough of your limitations to revere you and reel himself in when he feels he might be going too far. The blitzed-out look in your eyes tells him all that he needs to know – you have slipped beneath the surface into that subservient headspace that he’s seen you on the cusp of so many times when he’s had you knuckle deep and coming around his fingers. The very essence of his being tells him to work you for every tear, ever drop of arousal, that you can create, to bludgeon your body until you are begging him to give you a moment to breathe, and then deny you of it.
Kirishima’s hand that has been pressed against your wound now turns to curl around your throat, fingers squeezing your neck until you are gasping for breath. Your eyes flutter somewhere between open and closed as your mouth gapes open wide, bobbing like a fish out of water as you struggle to inhale the slightest amount of oxygen. Your hands flop from his body to the mattress, curling around the sheets until he hears them rip between your nails.
“Look at you, Princess,” he nudges your cheek until you’re looking him in the eyes again, “can’t even speak in full sentences. So whipped for my cock, huh? Tell me what you want me to do to you, if you can talk.”
Drool dribbles from either corner of your mouth and when you shake your head, it creates damp splotches on the pillowcase. Kirishima chuckles, pushing the base of his thumb against the fleshy underside of your chin, forcing your head still so he can glower down at you, crimson eyes shining. The heel of his palm stays jutted against your esophagus, limiting your breathing as he loiters over you.
The words that come out of your mouth are mere wheezing syllables, unable to be understood in their broken form. Tears form in your eyes, clumping on your lashes, at the pure frustration that you can’t tell him exactly what you’d like him to do to you. You whine, the sound breaking in the middle when Kirishima tightens his grip on your throat. You peel your eyes open to see a darkness settled in his irises, their normally crimson color turned almost to black in his lustful state.
It should make you upset, that he’s losing himself, but instead, it just stokes the fire in your belly until the flames are raging up into your throat. The smoke of it all builds behind your eyes and in your mouth until you have to open everything, whining and moaning and writhing like your life depends on it. All the while, Kirishima has set a steady, bruising pace of his cock dragging against your walls, the forked veins on the underside of him giving you additional friction. You want to grab at him, to tug on his body until he melts into you, but your arms are limp, practically your whole body is at the intense ministrations of his hands and hips.
Finally, after your vision begins to blur and your eyelids slip closed at the feel of the remaining oxygen leaving your throat, Kirishima relents his grip and a rush of air floods your lungs. You gasp and choke, the motions making your cunt clamp tightly around his cock, giving Kirishima the push he needs to bottom out within you again, holding himself still until you can catch your breath.
“Such a good girl,” Kirishima is whispering the words hoarsely as his mouth roams your cheek and neck and collarbones. He plants wet, sloppy kisses against your skin like he does not have time to think about the affections.
You whine when you feel his tongue dart from between his lips to lavish attention to the wound on your shoulder, the bite mark from his pointed teeth leading way to bruising and little trails of crimson seeping down from your shoulder to the mattress. He licks at it, half out of wanting to hear you moan when he puts too much pressure on the bruise and half out of guilt for hurting you.
His name comes from your lips and it makes his cock stir against your cervix, “Tell me what you want, angel, I need to know.”
You are aware the duality of that statement. He needs to know because he needs permission, even if his current state won’t allow him to admit it. You find it in you to reach a hand up to sift through his hair, palming at the back of his head to give him some ease with your touch.
“I want you to come in me, Eijirou,” your voice is panting, a mix of exhaustion and longing making you sound fatigued. You feel tears push out of the edges of your eyes at the pure need you have for him to make all of this a reality, “Come in me, Eiji, I want you to give me a baby. I want you to breed me until I’m full of your child, over and over again. I want you to fill me up un-ah!”
Kirishima ruts forward and you swear you feel something within you tear at the pure size of him. He nips at your jaw, nosing along your neck, brushing against it whenever he pulses forward. The salacious sounds filling the air only contribute to your arousal, floods of slick washing over his dick as he slots in and out of you.
He grunts, “So fuckin’ tight,” before his hands travel down towards your thighs, pushing them back until he has you folded so only your shoulders are against the bed. You whimper as you turn, your mark pushed against the mattress until it is pulsing with pain.
“I’m gonna come in this tight, wet little hole until you’re leaking, until you taste it.” Kirishima can feel the impending doom of his spend when his cock twitches within your quivering heat. You try and clamp your walls down around him to keep his length sheathed within you for longer, but it’s of no use. He has set a bruising pace that he intends on following through with until you are screaming and his come is coating your soft insides.
Your toes are pointed toward the ceiling, curling downward when he slams into you. The pace of his hips is menacing, something you should fear, because the feel of him makes you think he might rip you open. But, you’re sure you’d let him split you down the middle and you’d still say thank you. Mumbles of incoherent drivel pour from your mouth along with your rivulets of drool and tears.
Kirishima chuckles, “Look at you, a beautiful mess for me, aren’t you, sweetheart? I can’t wait to fill this precious cunt up. I’ll give you as many babies as you can hold.”
The call to your womb must be strong, because he stays slotted within you for a moment, fingers rolling around your thighs as he takes you in. His crimson irises dole over your body, from your plush lips to your plump chest, on downward to the gentle bump of your belly as his cock nudges within you. Kirishima abandons your thighs for your stomach, raking his nails along the unmarked plane of skin, thin angry lines left behind when he pulls away.
You reach forward to wrap your fingers around his wrist, keeping his touch pointed on your navel, “I want to have your baby, Eijirou. All of them, as many as you can give me. Please, I’m just a vessel for you to use.”
His eyes deepen at that sentiment, but something else passes through them. He catches his lip within the bite of his teeth before leaning down to kiss you, palm turned against your stomach so his knuckles drag along your skin, but he can slot his fingers between yours and squeeze.
“You are so much more than that,” he whispers into your mouth, as if the words may stay caged in there forever for you to marinate on them. He kisses your cheeks, the tears sticking on his lips, his voice thick when he speaks, “You’ll be the prettiest mama out there, you know? So beautiful and round, absolutely breathtaking when you have to waddle around, you’re so full.”
Kirishima is close to whimpering, eyes screwed shut as he speaks his heart, “I love you, Princess, god, you mean the world to me.”
Your fingers find purchase against his shoulders, the scratched skin beneath the pads of your digits making you salivate. You’ve marked him, too, even if it’s not the same. You want to spend the rest of your life repeating it over and over, marking him every time he finds you beneath the sheets, so that the others may know that he belongs to you just as much as you belong to him. The two of you are completely intertwined in every facet of the word, limbs and hearts woven into the same piece of soul fabric, begging to be together until the end of time.
The edges of your vision begin to dither as you come closer to your climax. You swallow the lump in your throat and whimper, “Kirishima, I think I might-”
He is listening, the hand not currently wrapped around yours reaching between your slick bodies to thumb at your clit. A bruising kiss is pressed firmly to your mouth, dampening your lewd sounds as you writhe under his bulky body, hardly moving but trying desperately all the same. You can’t help it as your mouth parts to lick at seam of his lips, but he willingly opens his mouth to you, receiving the pointed lapping of your tongue as he slowly begins to rut back into you.
“I want you to beg for what you want,” he gasps into your teeth, the tip of your noses clashing as the sound of his weighty balls slap against the curve of your ass. He can taste the saltiness of your tears as your mouths meld together, and it makes him smirk, “Are you cryin’? Like a sweet little bitch, crying for my cock?”
You want to answer him, to tell him how much you love every part of him, to shower his body in praise until you’ve gone mute, but your throat is hoarse and your mind is hazy, and you can’t form words. Instead, you tilt your head and kiss him harder, your tongue swiping over his as you try to convey how you’re feeling into this kiss, attempting to make his world spin. You want to give him a small taste of what he has done to you, even if it will never truly meet the searing reality of his hold he’s got on you, body, mind and soul.
“Cry for me, darling,” Kirishima coos as his mouth travels down the curve of your jaw until his teeth meet the juncture of your neck and ear, “I want Bakugou to hear you when I stuff your cunt full, all the way from out in the hallway. Gonna put my child in you while you sob for my cock, begging me to keep fucking you deeper and deeper into this bed.”
You can hardly create coherent sentences, between his mouth and hands and cock all working at your relentlessly, the ministrations of his body creating a throbbing euphoria between your hips. You whine at the idea of having to say much of anything right now, let alone an understandable string of words.
His balls are weighty as they slap against your backside, the sound making your throat bob, and he growls, “Beg for me, like the little whore you are.”
The nipping of his teeth against your mouth makes your cunt spasm, and Kirishima lets loose a strangled sound from the back of his throat. Based on the whimpering curtail of his voice, you can tell that he’s close to coming a second time. Your body tenses, every muscle coiled tightly as you edge yourself to a release. You have to close your eyes so the white-hot arousal boiling in your core can’t blur your vision.
“Y-Your come, your cock,” is all you can find yourself repeating over and over, your being too fucked-out to say much of anything else. Hot tears leak down your temples, exhausted sobs making your voice shake when you scream for him, throat close to shattering in its hoarseness.
Kirishima leans back so he can preen, his cock stretching you even further in this position. Your eyes bug out before you can squint your lids closed again. He chuckles, the sound dark and ominous as it reverberates around in the room, “Do you know how fuckin’ hard it’s been to control myself around you? God, I’ve been wanting to fuck you like this for months, breed you like a good little bitch in heat, give you loads of my come until you’re bursting at the seams with it.”
His lewd words are what bring you toppling over the edge, the thought of his come leaking out of your abused pussy, him plugging you up with his cock and rutting up into you again until he’s brought on another release from within himself. Your palms slap his biceps as you grip onto him, afraid he might actually push you through the mattress with the ferocity of his hips. There’s no doubt in your mind that you will have blooming bruises all over your body, marking you up like flowers spread throughout a garden.
“Fucking hell at this sloppy pussy, Princess,” Kirishima’s hands on your thighs tighten, biting deep into the muscle until you swear he hits bone, “I’m gonna breed you up so fuckin’ good, sweetheart. Keep you hidden in here, fuck you endlessly, until you’re begging me to quit.”
“No,” you gasp out, your voice crackling even on the single syllable, “don’t stop.”
Kirishima smirks down at you, “Careful what you wish for, Princess.”
You are shaking your head, silently encouraging him because your voice is shot to hell. You dig your nails into his biceps, shaking him just enough that he understands your subtext, starting to rock his hips against your ass, the thick shaft of his cock slipping along your inner walls as he works you closer to the crest of climax.
It’s just on the precipice of your body, your entire form overheated with the flames of arousal. You want to cry, the end so close and yet feeling so unachievable. Kirishima releases one of your thighs to attend to your clit, the pace of his circling finger matching that of his cock pounding into your heat. With each thrust, you see another wave of stars in the air above you. Even in the low candlelight of this secret room, you can see the glimmering in Kirishima’s irises, as if he has his own galaxy tucked away in his pupils, bringing it out for you and for you only.
Kirishima curses, dropping his head to watch his cock slip from your wet core, silvery strands of slick the only thing connecting him to you now, “Gotta stop clenching so hard, sweetheart,” somehow he manages to push himself back into you, despite the size of your hole. Kirishima grabs one of your ankles and settles it on his shoulder, turning to kiss the joint, “Such a tight little pussy, but so fucking sloppy. You’re dripping.”
His nose nudges along the length of your calf as he picks up his pace, rutting into you with purpose. You wonder how much of his animalistic nature will bleed into the other aspects of your life, but you don’t have much time to ponder before the coiling heat of your orgasm is beginning to build up and cloud your consciousness. Your jaw hangs slack and Kirishima takes the opportunity to slip his index and fourth finger between your lips, the golden ring on his finger cool on the heated pad of your tongue.
“There you go,” he murmurs absentmindedly, tilting his head to consider you. You circle one hand around his wrist, pushing him further into the hollows of your cheeks. His eyes widen at the action and it makes his hips falter in their pacing.
Kirishima can feel the tightening of your cunt around his cock, and the tears in your eyes, and he knows that you’re close, “C’mon, angel, I want you to come on my cock. You feel so fuckin’ good around me, holding me tight.”
You sniffle, drool creating a silvery rivulet down your cheek, “Eijirou, please,” you are whimpering into his knuckles, praying that you don’t bite down on him too hard.
“S’okay,” Kirishima’s voice is kind, in stark contrast to the harsh nature of his dick as it jackhammers into you. “Bite me, I’ll be okay. I just want to make you come.”
Listening to his plea, you grind your teeth together around his knuckles, biting into his skin until you taste metal. The release of pressure gives way to an earth-shattering orgasm, your cunt spasming around his cock until you can feel your arousal seeping out of your body, dripping onto the mattress beneath you. You suck on Kirishima’s fingers, tonguing his knuckles to distract yourself from screaming.
“Good girl,” he coos, thumb grazing your cheek and chin as he continues to rock into your core. You are still gushing when he tenses up, thighs rippling as he readies himself to come for the second time. Kirishima’s voice is hoarse, near a growl as he looks down at you, a blubbering, hiccuping mess beneath him, “F-Fuck, Princess, you’re gonna look so beautiful when you’re full with our child. I can’t wait to stuff you full over and over again, until you’re bursting at the seams.”
You start to plead, your words nothing more than blather, foaming at the mouth as you whine for his spend, tears beading at the corners of your eyes in your desperation. Your nails rake down the length of his muscled back, your heels dipping into the flesh of his ass to keep him pinned to you, for just a moment of reprieve from his agonizingly thick length. The forked veins running along either side of his cock make your walls quiver as your abused insides beg for a break.
When he feels a newfound tightness as he tries to withdraw from you, he seethes through his teeth, “Shit, sweetheart. St-Stop clenching, or else I’ll have to fuck you all over again.”
There’s a pause, a stilling of his body, as he looks down at you, drooling and crying around his knuckles. He chuckles, the sound reverberating his chest in such a way that shakes the very room. Your body tenses at the timbre, eyes struggling to focus on one specific point on his face as he ravishes you with his carmine irises.
“Actually,” he tilts his head, shoving his fingers further down your throat until you are gagging around his digits, “go ahead, push it out, it just means I get to breed this tight little pussy all over again.”
Kirishima leans forward, brushing his mouth against your jaw as he sheathes himself within you inch by inch, slow and salacious, “Don’t worry, I’ll fill you to the fucking brim anyway, angel. You want this load?”
You can’t help the instant wanton words that fly from your mouth, sparking in the midst of the two of you, pouring out of your chest like fire. You whine and keen, sucking his knuckles into the hollows of your cheeks to try and bring him closer to the precipice of pleasure, to give him the same radical sensation that he has given you twice now.
“Give it,” you force the words out despite his thick digits pushing down on the muscle of your tongue, “please, Eiji, I-I want your ba-oh.”
He growls, bludgeoning his cock into your cunt as he starts coming undone within you. A blooming heat starts in your core and blossoms upward until you think smoke may come out of your nostrils. It clouds your mind, the slightest bit of consciousness creeping forward so you can enjoy the way he paints your walls with his spend, filling you just as he promised.
“Take it,” he snarls, sharpened teeth making your back arch, “take my fucking load.”
Your legs wobble, but you keep yourself wrapped around him, allowing him to ride out his pleasure until his hips are sloppy, thighs brushing your bruised ass a final time before he drops his head to your chest. He is hot, unbearably warm, but you endure it because it means he is here.
His hands brush down from the backs of your knees until he is pushing you back into the mattress, allowing your body to rest, limp against the sheets. Kirishima kisses the swell of your breast, imagining how full they’ll be once your womb has been filled and your body starts to change. He could cry at the thought of it, his animalistic side attempting to take over his consciousness, warm at the thought of you carrying on his lineage, giving him heir after heir.
Kirishima hums against your sternum, hands encompassing your sides in full, fingers splayed across your ribs, “Such a pretty little thing, angel. You’re perfect. I love you.”
He starts to pull from you but you whine, clenching around him so tightly that your combined arousal seeps from your cunt, dripping down the curve of your ass. Your nails bite into his biceps, clutching onto him like an anchor, “Please don’t leave me, Eijirou.”
“Hey,” his voice is soothing, nose nudging over your jugular. He presses himself back into you, filling you up even as he starts to soften, “I’m right here, sweetheart. I promise I’m not going anywhere. Not now, and not ever. You’re mine, my mate.”
You swear you see the curling wisps of flames seeping from his teeth and tongue, the dragon in him coming forth in a surge of possessiveness. His eyes drop to the piercing bite adorning your shoulder, a mix of blood and bruising on display, the mating mark stirring his cock within your cunt again and you’re afraid he might already be starting up for a third round.
Tilting your head skyward, you beseech him for his mouth, pursing your lips just enough that he understands your silent plea. Kirishima’s smirk melts into a smile, dimples piercing his cheeks, and he meets you halfway, slotting his mouth to yours. The warmth of your lips meld together, noses bumping and teeth clashing, but you do not care because at least he is buried to the hilt within you and his body is flush with your own. You see stars as you are deprived of oxygen, but this might be the most pleasant way to go – full to the brim of him, his mouth starving you, your entire being swallowed by the essence of him.
“You don’t quit that, I’ll take you again, right now,” Kirishima is growling as his mouth finds your mark again, pressing a harsh kiss to the purpled skin, “You’re so perfect, sweetheart. I love you so much.”
Tears well up in your eyes, and you’re not sure what specific event has stirred them on, but you let them fall nonetheless. Kirishima is quick to kiss them away before they can stain your pillowcase, whispering kindness as he brushes his mouth against each of your eyelids, “I can’t believe you’re all mine.”
“Always, Eijirou,” you whisper into thin air, your voice reaching his ears and sending a bolt of lightning down his spine, “I’ve always been yours, from the moment I saw you, I belonged to you.”
“And I have always been yours too.” Kirishima brushes his nose against the bridge of your face, “I can’t wait to build a legacy with you.”
The thudding of footsteps echoes down the hall, drawing carmine irises up from their previously hooded position. He rolls his eyes, standing to his feet, sword weighing heavy on his belt, “What is it?”
“Very important news,” the younger man’s throat bobs as he stutter steps backward, “The, uh, the ball that’s being held later-”
The blonde wags his finger in midair, a chuckle parting his smirking mouth, “Go find someone else to figure that shit out. You’ll regret it if you go in there now.”
A widened stare follows his finger to the door, where the wood is shaking just enough that he can get the hint. The knight in front of him chuckles, sitting back down in his chair, crossing his leg over his knee, “Yeah, I wouldn’t disturb him during his breeding season if I were you.”
a/n: yeah, so this was supposed to be 2k. obviously that didn’t happen, lol. i hope you guys like my first true kiri fic :) 
tagging: @mirakumiruku @kamehamethot​ @1-800-callmekatsuki​ @shoutogepi​ @freckledoriya​ @writeiolite​ @kingtamakimurder​ @cutesuki--bakugou​
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cherubchoirs · 1 year
Hi your au slays very hard and is awesome!!! 💖
My favorite among the sib’s is Raphael…… just trying so hard to keep everything together and acting as a mediator between fallen Gabe and half-dead Michael.
I’d like to know if Azrael and Jophiel exist in your universe and if they do, what they would be like?
wauuugh thank you!!! raph is honestly so sweet, i love his role in the group and tbh reconciliation likely wouldn't be possible without him there to carry it through. not only is he like. the SINGULAR guy that knows how to properly communicate and isn't afraid to express his feelings which he facilitates incredibly well in others, but he's also just their little baby brother who they will always feel bad for stressing out lol at the end of the day, he's kind of the ultimate reminder to them that they are a family and there is still love despite the separate pains they've gone through as well as what's made them drift apart so much.
azrael and jophiel would both be pretty interesting in this world imo azrael is particularly neat to consider, and i like the idea that they are a very...elusive presence in heaven. they still exist, somewhere, and are occasionally seen, but they often vanish out of the sight of others. it's always been their way to be removed from much of heaven's activity, but now with their role and insight particularly important, they seem to have found infinite seclusion. they are the angel of death, of course, but now death has become complicated - humanity is gone, life on earth perished, yet people are still dying in hell. and prime souls have been born. azrael must at least know of it, yet they refuse to show their face. gabriel sees them, very briefly, standing in some corner of the council's hall when he finishes his massacre. they know. they see. they witness these souls and gabriel wonders if they will approach him only for a moment - but he knows it's not their way. he's not even sure they have anything to do with the death of angels (or possibly of god, for that matter), but they come regardless. currently, the whereabouts of azrael are actually EXTREMELY important to michael, as he figures they are the one angel in heaven that might offer explanation for his wretched state, but he can't find them either. he calls out to them endlessly, but they refuse to heed his summons. so much so....he's beginning to believe azrael finds something about him noxious.
jophiel is fascinating as well, given her closeness with metatron and michael - i very much like her being the sister of metatron, and suffering a terrible grief after his loss. because metatron was god's shadow, his voice, always stationed just behind his throne, he was lost when god died and tore down much of heaven. she searched for him, but found nothing like she always knew she would with their severing so immediate and brutal. that sadness has dimmed the shining halls of heaven, as jophiel's presence is what grants beauty to the spheres. michael did what he could to give her solace, but he knows his words are hollow since nothing can fill the loss of an angelic sibling. jophiel had never been alone, but now she no longer shares a mind with metatron and so heaven's gold has dulled and its sapphire has darkened. currently, i believe her to be very close with raphael, as he tends the gardens and she finds comfort in what he makes - they are often seen together, raphael working to cheer her and occasionally able to light up heaven with brighter sunbeams when he succeeds. plus she gives him someone to talk to as well, given his own losses of uriel and michael, though they may not be as direct. it helps her feel less alone and like the presence of the angel of beauty still holds some meaning though, as she in turn can spread joy at least through brightening raphael's flowers.
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cultivatedmemes · 4 years
The Adventure Zone Balance from Arc 2 Murder on the rockport limited. feel free to change gender specific words, pronouns,  whatever you like to make it fit your muse better!
❝ Again, you’re not in prison, I don’t know why I said that. ❞
❝ Ayy, caught you eyeing my gel balls. That’s what makes it extra crunchy. ❞
❝ What… are you wearing? What is—? I’m wearing my full business regalia, and you look like Little Nemo. ❞
❝ When would a murder come at an opportune time? ❞
❝ We absolutely are going to fire you out of a cannon. ❞
❝ You kinda sound like, uh, some kind of wolf-man. ❞
❝ Please put your head flush with the back of the chair so you don’t break— any of your neck bones! ❞
❝ A swamp is not a beverage. I’m just going to go ahead and cut— cut you off at the pass there. Swamps aren’t drinkable. ❞
❝ Aw, no, you got swamp jizz in your eyes! ❞
❝ Let the man smell your hand! ❞
❝ I’m just saying I’m feeling— I’m feeling you. As a buddy. As a friend. ❞
❝ This is my, my flair. We all get to wear one piece of flair on Tuesdays. ❞
❝ You won’t need a full night’s sleep. But if you’re feeling nappy, this is a place where, historically, people sleep. ❞
❝ We actually need extra pillows. I sleep with a pillow between my knees and between my elbows and behind my  head and under my feet, if I could get— ❞
❝ I’m eating hardtack. Life’s hard on the road. ❞
❝ Yes. I— a witch kissed me and cursed me so that anytime anybody yells a secret word, I have to attend to their every need, and that word is my fucking name, [speaker’s Name]. ❞
❝ Strangers aren’t strangers anymore once you’ve talked to them and learned their names. ❞
❝ The memory of my grandpa’s name died long before I was born. ❞
❝ Oh, that’s not that weird to have a train name. A name that you use only on trains. ❞
❝ I feel like this conversation is starting to take a turn for the worse, so I’m gonna head out. ❞
❝ This is a real garden I tend to myself to help me exorcise my demons. ❞
❝ I did detective good enough to see through your horseshit, so I can’t be too bad. ❞
❝ I wanna tell you a story about the time that there were three ogres, right? And then one of them punched me so hard I almost died. ❞
❝ I’m chilling, I’m almost dead! I’m gonna chill here. ❞
❝ You are impossible to talk to, and this is the worst conversation I’ve ever done. ❞
❝ I’ve found that not killing is pretty easy. I go long periods of time without killing anybody. ❞
❝ Bad news compadres, this place is magic as hell. ❞
❝ I mean, that’s a— that one’s pretty obvious but if you’re having trouble, a thing can’t live without a head. ❞
❝ I’m going to kill everyone here, and then I’m going to bring you all back to life again, and then I’m going to kill you again. ❞
❝ Meat monsters don’t go to heaven. ❞
❝ Wait a minute! I got it I got it, I got it. I got it. Okay. Listen: This is stupid. Are you ready to do something really stupid? ❞
❝ I was gonna eat ‘em as a traintime snack, but I forgot to eat ‘em in the train times. ❞
❝ Listen, kid, I’m not a magic worker, okay? Well, technically speaking, I am in fact a magic worker, but… I’m busy. ❞
❝ I can’t believe you’ve done it again. I can’t believe you’ve done this. ❞
❝ Anything your heart desires I can put it in your mouth. ❞
❝ Say no to bad dick! ❞
❝ Yeah, I’m already two-monitoring this shit, this is getting out of control, I guess I can loop my television— anyway, okay. ❞
❝ Join me in the spa! ❞
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I have a theory that Hanataro has worked really hard to become third seat so he could get his brother Seinosuke to acknowledge him and talk to him again, because before disappearing, Seinosuke's last words to Hanataro were "Become strong, then maybe you can obtain the position I was cheated out of." Seinosuke was pissed that Kisuke Urahara was appointed captain and not him so he ran off... Self admittedly due to greed... And Seinosuke is a dick tbh but they both went through seriously traumatic shit as kids and it make sense Seinosuke would become desperate and greedy because they were poor on the street and he spent all day every day scrounging and stealing food to keep little Hanataro alive so he wanted to have money and food and a house for him and Hanataro like I get that. But he just began wanting more and more and more and went off the deep end. But Hanataro as 7th seat had a poster in his room that said "Shoot for the 6th seat!" He made that and put it up on the wall himself. Squad 4 has always been important to Hanataro. He has always been an extremely hard worker, and an amazing healer and doctor and he's been acknowledged as being one of the best and Unohana has summoned him specifically to aid in examining medical anomalies and bodies but he was still 7th seat then so it didn't make sense unless there was a special reason why she wanted Hanataro specifically. On top of that, he was forced to do grueling hard labor and janitorial work but he never slacked or complained he always put his head down and worked hard and did it right. Hanataro has always worked hard to move up the ranks in squad 4, and I fear he's been doing it for Seinosuke's approval and acknowledgement but I do not think Seinosuke will ever give him that. Plus knowing that if Hanataro ever makes Lieutenant or Captain, he will be cast down to hell when he dies. If anyone in this series deserves heaven, it's Hanataro. Hanataro Yamada has never done a single thing wrong in his life he is the purest soul in Bleach, a literal angel. There is no heaven in the Bleach universe, but make one just for Hanataro damn it! Hanataro does not deserve hell! Let him resign and understand his brother isn't worth all of this! That is, IF that's Hana's reason for wanting to move up seats... I made a meme but I'm actually really upset about this... Memes might dull the pain... Save Hanataro Yamada. Ganju please take Hana far away from here...
Bonus Yamada angst: Hanataro as really big, blue eyes. His skin is a little darker. Seinosuke has smaller, black eyes and lighter skin. Are they half brothers? If so, do they know? I bet Hanataro doesn't know that. Is Yamada really Hanataro's real last name then? If not, that hurts because Hanataro has stated that he really like his name and it means a lot to him. Maybe because of Seinosuke? Their mother died when Hanataro was really little, and he doesn't remember her at all. Seinosuke does though, and he probably remembers his father who may have died or left, and if Hanataro has a different father, Seinosuke would probably remember him too and if he died or left... Was their father, or fathers,abusive to Seinosuke? And their mother? Were the father/fathers in a relationship with their mother? Was she one to sleep around? Was she a target S/A? They grew up in district 42 of Rukongai, which is known for extreme poverty and terribly high crime rate. I'm sure Hanataro and Seinosuke were both horribly abused by random dirt bags too... It makes sense Seinosuke would represss his emotions to protect himself and think logically and methodically about how to support Hanataro and keep him fed. He does eventually get a roof over their head and food on the table for little Hanataro and I respect that. And Hanataro couldn't repress his emotions because he's hyper emotional by nature so he became extremely anxious and afraid of people. Plus he's bullied and abused by other soul reapers every day too...
More theories and conjecture! How did Hanataro make it into squad 4? He couldn't master swordsmanship at all. Isn't swordsmanship a strict requirement for graduating and becoming a soul reaper? As lieutenant of squad 4, did Seinosuke ask Unohana to push Hana through and take him into squad 4 because he didn't want his little brother to be in danger fighting? Did Seinosuke actually make a plan with Unohana to take care of Hanataro after he deserted? Unohana does seem to favorite Hanataro and give him special treatment sometimes. She had no choice but to imprison Hana for aiding in Rukia's escape, but she did state that she was sad she had to and didn't want to do it. And as I mentioned before, she does summon Hanataro to investigate medical anomalies with her and lieutenant Kotetsu. And Hana is the only squad member she sends to the land of the living to heal the others during incidents even though, even as 7th seat, Hanataro does have a relief team he is the leader of. Why does his team never go with him? Clearly she trusts in Hanataro's healing abilities and it's said that both Seinosuke and Hanataro, or "the Yamada line" which is just the two of them, have exceptional healing talents naturally. But Unohana does seem to act almost motherly towards Hanataro at times. I believe Hanataro was still pretty young when Seinosuke left. Did Unohana begin caring for him? If so, that's really cute and I love it. But also, Hanataro and all of squad 4 would have had to participate in the "memorial ceremony" for captain Unohana and unknowingly sent her soul to hell and if Hanataro knew that's what that ceremony did then he would be extremely upset. I have so many feelings for Hanataro Yamada. Please let him go be happy and never go to hell ever thank you. Go live at the Shiba estate with Ganju and get some chickens and ducks and a bunny and help him feed his boars and just be happy in your huge vegetable garden and flower garden and tend to your apple and peach trees just let Hana be happy and free from all of this.
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Hello, hello! This week, we are going on a little:
Home Tour!
Notes: Answer the following with pictures (dialogue from your characters is optional!). Collages are highly encouraged if you want to answer a question with multiple pictures because tumblr mobile only allows 10 total pics. Otherwise, tumblr on a desktop lets you add multiple pictures (non-beta)!
For both:
What does the outside of the home look like? (Front/back yard, garden, pool, etc)
Living room and home office (if any)?
Kitchen and dining room?
Bedrooms? (Master, guest, others)
Other rooms?
Do you own your dream home? If not, what does that dream home look like?
What is your favorite room to spend time in with each other?
Super super late to this, because of my stupid exam but now we are here so let's go! 💃🏽🏠
A/N : I am placing this two years and seven months after the wedding, because I HC Ethan and Meera staying at Ethan's apartment for two years after the wedding and they only start house hunting when they have the baby talk and start trying for a baby. So technically not newlyweds anymore. Now let's get started! ✨
Meera opens the door and greets Bree.
Meera : Hii Bree, welcome to our humble abode.
Bree (chuckles) : This place is anything but humble. I hope I am not causing much trouble.
Meera : Absolutely not. Who else is going to make me feel like a youtuber?
Both laugh, Ethan joins and greets Bree.
Bree : Congratulations on the good news Dr. Ramsey. How far are y'all?
Ethan : Thank you Bree. It's been 3 months already.
Meera (cradling her small bump) : Yup one trimester down two more to go.
Ethan (kissing her forehead) : And then there will be a mini version of you running around these halls.
Meera : Nope it's gonna be a mini you.
The couple shares a look as if challenging each other.
Meera : Fine, Bree, whose team are you on? Do you think it'll be a boy or a girl?
Bree : I am happy with either because at the end I'll be interviewing him or her too.
The three of them share a laugh.
Bree : Let's get started, shall we?
Ethan : Sure.
What does the outside of the home look like? (Front/back yard, garden, pool, etc)
Front :
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Meera : We were looking for something modern yet chic, something that is totally us. I fell in love with the design whereas Ethan was in total awe of the open space and glass doors. Needless to say our heart was stuck on this no matter how many more houses we visited.
Backyard :
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Ethan : The backyard also doubles up as the garden but it's not quite completed yet.
Meera : Yes it's been two months since we moved, and we haven't been able to work on the garden because of work and the pregnancy. Ethan : But we want to build a garden with a tree house and maybe some swings.
Meera (too excited) : Ohh swings! Yes please add it onto the list. Why didn't I think of it before?
Pool :
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Meera : Definitely my favorite part!
Ethan : She is a water baby through and through so that's no surprise.
Meera : Don't act like you don't appreciate me in a swimsuit, Ramsey (winks)
Ethan : There is no denying that.
Living room and home office (if any)?
Living room :
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Ethan : Meera was hell bent on having an L-shaped couch.
Meera : Those things are so bougie I had to have one because now I can finally afford one. But yeah the living room is so relaxing with a beautiful view of the outside.
Home office :
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Meera : Honestly speaking, I do not understand the utility of a home office, I didn't understand back at his apartment neither do I understand now. If I am supposed to work from home I can do that on the couch or on my bed or even better on the daybeds by the pool.
Ethan (shaking his head) : You'll get it darling. When you start your maternity leave I'll see how you make zoom calls with the pool as your background.
Meera shrugs.
Kitchen and dining room?
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Meera : This part was all Ethan so I'll let him do the talking.
Ethan (proudly) : A Poggenpohl kitchen with a granite-topped island adds an ultramodern touch. Glass shelves display colorful glassware convenient to the wet bar. A translucent sliding glass door below the shelves hides the more utilitarian gadgets. And finally playful mod pendant lights seem to levitate over the dining table, which is meant to resemble a river running through the woods.
Meera : You sure you didn't miss your true calling as an interior designer babe?
Ethan (smirks) : Nope, just the fact that I tend to excel at everything I do, Rookie.
Meera : And that makes you 10 times hotter!
Bedrooms? (Master, guest, others)
Master bedroom :
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Meera : The bedroom has a different color scheme and tone from the rest of the house because I wanted it to stand out and break the monotone.
Ethan : Again the chandelier was Meera's opinion.
Meera : Finding common ground between his minimalistic taste and mine was difficult but we made it through.
Master Bathroom :
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Ethan : Meera I don't think it was necessary to bring Bree in here.
Meera : It was absolutely necessary! Just look at this tub Bree! The bubbles and champagne dates we have here are a total hit.
Guest rooms :
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Ethan : We have two guest rooms and both are styled the same way, but unfortunately we haven't had any guests yet. 
Meera : Is it unfortunate Dr. Ramsey? Bryce is just a call away from crashing here. 
Ethan (pinching the bridge of his nose) : Anyone but Lahela.
Meera : We haven't thought about the baby's room yet. But we have the nursery now. 
Ethan : Yes, maybe we'll turn the nursery into a bedroom or one of the guest rooms in a few years. Let's see.
Nursery : 
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Meera : This was completed just yesterday hence the delay in the interview, Bree. 
Ethan : We decided to keep the gender of the baby a surprise so we went with a gender neutral nursery that matches the colour scheme of the house. 
Meera : Also because Ethan Ramsey would rather die than paint the walls of his house pink and blue. 
Ethan (rolls eyes) 
Other rooms?
Home library :
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Meera (takes in the smell of books) : Better known as my safe haven. 
Ethan : This was absolutely non-negotiable for Meera. 
Meera : We both own a lot of books and the collection keeps on increasing now with the baby incoming. And look at this reading space. It's from my dreams. 
Ethan : This is tucked away in a far corner of the house and is the most serene place around here. Once, I returned home from the hospital and called out to Meera a hundred times, she didn't answer, I started panicking and then found her silently sitting here in her own world. 
Meera : If I ever go missing please check here before running to the police, because once I am in here I forget the existence of the world.
Bree picks up "Peppa pig's super noisy Sound Book" which was kept on a thick medical journal with a smile. 
Ethan feels embarrassed but Meera laughs. 
Meera : Yes these are the new ones in our collection. Ethan was reading it to the baby before you arrived. 
Home Bar : 
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Ethan : The wine cellar grew into a home mini bar because we had this unused space left. 
Meera : He loves showing this and his collection off. 
Ethan : Excuse me! If I remember correctly your friends were very impressed as well. 
Meera : True that. Bryce went bat shit crazy during the housewarming party. He said he felt he got back his bartending days.
Ethan (proudly) : And Jackie's exact words for that evening's toast was "to hell with Donahue's" 
Meera : Yeah yeah, you did a great job honey. Also the more surfaces the better for us. 
Ethan : Keep it PG for the love of God. 
Meera (shrugs) : Pregnancy hormones. 
Bree (points) : And that? 
Ethan (facepalms) : The only thing that doesn't match with the vibe here.
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Meera : Nonsense! It was a housewarming gift from my friends and I absolutely love it. Ethan just feels it is a cheaper and juvenile version of his favourite game, soccer. But don't worry Bree, I'll get him to play someday. 
Ethan (smirk) : I would very much like to see you try Dr. Ramsey-Bose.
Meera : And I'll see how you say no when your son asks. 
Ethan : It's gonna be a daughter. 
Meera : We'll see. 
Do you own your dream home? If not, what does that dream home look like?
Ethan : For the majority of my life home for me was a structure of bricks and cement with a ceiling but Meera was the one who brought all the love and light and showed me what a real home felt like. So for me, my home is where my heart is and for this lifetime it's kept safe with this gorgeous woman whom I fortunately call my wife. 
Silence lasts for a couple of minutes then Meera snorts. 
Meera (drying her eye) : Damn you pregnancy hormones, I am not even wearing waterproof mascara. It was super cheesy Ethan, a non pregnant me would have definitely called you out on your cheese but this pregnant Meera has to agree with you. Even a stable is my dream home if I have my dream husband with me. (she kisses Ethan) but I wouldn't mind a Jacuzzi, a home theatre, a game room (laughing)
Ethan (an easy smile on his face) : Always knew you were in it because of the money Bose. 
What is your favorite room to spend time in with each other?
Meera : The library. Just him reading to our unborn child like he isn't already the most perfect man in the world. 
Ethan (a very satisfied smile on his face) : First I am very surprised that you kept it PG. So the obvious answer is the bedroom but other than that, the patio, which is not a room though.
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Ethan : Meera has a slight deficiency in vitamin D so to avoid complications, we spend a lot of time here in the sun. We play board games, read and even discuss work here sometimes.  
Meera : Ooh yes! This was another great investment and a great way to utilise the humongous outdoor space we have.  
Ethan : I hope you had fun Bree. Thank you so much for doing this. 
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A quick shoutout to @a-crepusculo and @jamespotterthefirst who came to my rescue when  I couldn't add more than 10 pics. Also thank you Bree for doing this you are a star and an angel. 💜
Tagging my usual : @starrystarrytrouble @mm2305 @charisworld @choicesfanaf @potionsprefect @genevievemd  @shanzay44 @little-flowers-on-heaven @schnitzelbutterfingers  @coffeeheartaddict  @gryffindordaughterofathena @chemist-ana @adiehardfan @custaroonie @ireneadlerisseggsy @takemyopenheart @natureblooms24 @mainstreetreader @izzyourresidentlawyer @a-crepusculo @quixoticdreamer16 @starryeyedrookie @barbean
+ @openheartfanfics
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed. And if you want to sit out only the answers to the ask games hit me up too. There won't be any hard feelings. I promise. 💜
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mikaze-discord · 3 years
HEAVENS: Love letters
Soooo this is the last of the love letter, I really must reiterate how thankful I am to the people who responded to my message. Specially thankful for the people who ended up writing for one of the boys, all of the love letter writers are so cool. If you wanted to write your own love letter for your oshi then feel free too!! Utapri Tumblr is kinda dead.... but! I hope you enjoyed the love letters
Please enjoy under cut!!!!!!!!!!!!
From Anon:
Eiji Otori is another member of HEAVENS and he is a down-to-earth type of character. One can say he is a cinnamon roll as he looks out for HEAVENS and his brother, Eiichi. Eiji talks in a formal manner to people outside of HEAVENS and addresses them by their surname like the time he worked with Tokiya for Mighty Aura, or when he was working with Camus and Masato for Feather in Hand. Around HEAVENS, Eiji talks casually, calling them by their first name. He is very mindful of other members of HEAVENS and Eiji keeps an open mind for ways to improve his skills as an idol and to help out his bandmates come to a solution where both sides agree. Eiji speaks very fondly of the people he works with formality and a lot of respect.
What I love about Eiji is his relationship with his brother, Eiichi Otori. The two have a strong bond as Eiichi looked after and took care of Eiji when growing up. The two of them are inseparable and do a lot together while looking after each other. Personally, their sibling bond is what I wish to have with my sibling as well, even though we're complete opposites like day and night! Their interactions are easily seen throughout the anime, you can even see their sibling bond show the most through HEAVENS Radio as Eiichi and Eiji are the co-hosts. If there is anything that I'd like to know more about Eiji, it would be about his hobby, gardening. He has a lot of knowledge on plants and perhaps agriculture. It'd be nice to see HEAVENS talk about their hobbies one day. But all in all, Eiji is a great character that I appreciate with a heart of gold!
From Anon:
Eiji Otori, the 4th member of HEAVENS is one of my two most favorite characters in Utapri. I was originally drawn to his kind and gentle demeanor, that made him such an easily lovable character. He was introduced in the 4th season of the anime in the cross idol unit episodes. The way he treated Tokiya besides knowing he was part of the rival idol group ended up becoming an essential part of Tokiya’s later character growth. Although Eiji is meant to be a foil for Tokiya’s character their personalities are completely polar opposites, their devotion to wanting to be an idol being one of the only similarities besides level headedness. Eiji is his own character, right down the way he speaks to the way he sings. Eiji seems to always carry the group in a loving and family-like way, even going as far as having domestic hobbies like gardening and baking. We always see him and even hear the way he interacts with the other members of HEAVENS on the radio show as if they were an inseparable family. Eiichi, his older brother and the leader of HEAVENS loves him in a way that is so complex but Eiji will always love him back with every fiber of his being to the deepest parts of his soul. There is a deep connection between the brothers that is so beautiful that even poetry couldn’t express, it’s more profound then words can show. It’s a bond they share that only they know, like a secret.
However, even then there is so much more about Eiji that makes him such a wonderful character. When it comes to myself, Eiji hits a bit close to home in a more personal way. Perhaps that is also a factor in why I love him so much. I empathize with him and I can see through his eyes in ways only a younger sibling would know. As a younger sister to a sibling who has always been in the spotlight in some form of way with a big presence, I always lived in her shadow, but I admired her and cared about her above anything else. The way Eiji feels about Eiichi is something that I can personally relate with and understand. Eiichi is an essential part of Eiji’s character and the anime does not lack to show this, nor does it lack to show that Eiji is just as much an essential part of Eiichi’s character. It’s more obvious in the radio show that is hosted by the two brother but it’s not fully ignored either in the anime. I love how Eiji interacts with all of the characters, and seems to find ways to treat everyone with kindness even if they aren’t kind to him in return. He admires those who show a deep love for the things he does, and respects those who are more experienced then he is. He’s always eager to learn
and please. He’s the kind of person you’d always want around and you’d want a hug when things get rough. Eiji is definitely the most pure hearted character of all the Utapri characters. And, I’ll always stand by that through and through.
From @whereisvanderwood:
Kiryuin Van. Where to start? He’s cocky. He’s cocky as all hell. There’s something in his air that is poised yet undignified. Childish yet mature. The man is founded on juxtaposition, not dissimilar to a painting of Picasso. His ability to be unique in an industry that begs for individuality, to rise above a tidal wave of competition and stand apart from other fish in the sea, is awe-inspiring. Expectation is dead to him; though the oldest member of Heavens, the weight of bearing the role as ‘most mature’ or the ‘parent’ of the group couldn’t be further from his concern. He is only any dimension of himself he wants to be at any given time. Dumb bitch by morning, bad bitch by night. Much like his bandmates, his confidence and intimidating aura is unwavering. He claims his victory before a race begins, and I couldn’t say if that undying faith in oneself is a skill or a sin. Whatever it is, he owns it. He shamelessly, unapologetically owns who he is and shares it with his fans, friends and enemies.
Also, he’s hot. He’s very appealing to the human eye. His ruggedness reminds me of a warm blanket in winter. His voice, oh his voice. If the world was about to blow up and he just said “No it won’t”, in his own way, I think I’d believe him. Regardless of what he says being juvenile or mature, he’s always authentic. No sugar coats, no little white lies, only genuity. As just said before, he is who he is and wouldn’t change for anyone if it wasn’t in his own best interest. Who couldn’t love a guy like that?
From @kusagiiiii:
I'll be honest, I used to forget Yamato exists alot LMAO I fell in love with him when I was looking at a HEAVENS group photo! I think he is a very stronk,very cute and a very soft boy! in some ways haha he's my type
I honestly wish there would be more story on the HEAVENS boys since they all seem like they had a pretty rough past so yee that's basically it~
From Sammy:
Everybody, listen up! It’s Sammy here! Are you ready for some strong appreciation? Let’s shout it out! Yeah!!
Where do I begin when it comes to Yamato? It took me a while to actually like him. At first, I wasn’t a fan of how he was when he first showed up in the anime. I still remember when Yamato was one of the few HEAVENS members people really didn’t like or care much for, next to Eiichi and Nagi.
I used to be one of those people too with Yamato. I found him to be very stubborn, but over time after listening to HEAVENS Radio; The Drama CDs; Watching Maji Love Kingdom, etc… I came to realize there’s so much more to him.
I’ve learned a lot more about him, especially through role-playing as him, and my love for Yamato skyrocketed. Even with all the new content that’s been coming out for HEAVENS lately like Black Garden and Endless Score, my love grows even more every day. Yamato sneaked his way up to being one of my best boys.
Yamato is HEAVENS’ Strongest member. (Seriously, how the heck does this boy train everyday and do so much of it?!) He’s not always aggressive and violent. He’s actually a really thoughtful person who cares about his friends a lot, even being very protective of them. Yamato is the kind of person that’ll immediately stop what he’s doing, and only think about how to help the other person feel better.
A lot of things tend to be overlooked for him cause of how he’s written in the anime, and there’s fans who only pay attention to that. Not even giving the extra content a thought or a single glance.
As Ryuya’s younger brother, Yamato has his own insecurities, especially since he’s always seen as just a shadow. He’s been trapped in darkness where he feels he’s not good enough to be appreciated and loved as his own person. He doesn’t know what to do and which path to take. Yamato only became an idol just to defeat and finally be better than Ryuya at something. I feel that goal is still there, but it’s not a major one like before. Now, Yamato has people like the other members of HEAVENS, the angels, and the other idols. He found his light and happiness.
Overall, Yamato is the kind of person he wants everyone to be proud of. He wants to always share his strongest power and energy, carrying the burden of everybody’s smiles. Wanting to see those around him happy and be the best they can be.
Another part that I really like about Yamato is whenever he gets embarrassed. I can’t help, but find that really cute cause it’s something we don’t see or hear out of him a lot.
There’s also the times he demonstrates how much he loves food. Even though he overeats and knows he can’t help it when he’s hungry, I really liked when Yamato stated that if eating makes you happy, go for it. Just make sure you train afterwards to burn off calories. It helps people feel good about themselves.
Even the times when Yamato struggles with difficult words, specifically English and kanji. It’s embarrassing for him to admit, but he knows he’s not good at that sort of thing. What I really like about this is HEAVENS is always willing to help him, even Tokiya and Cecil. They help keep things simple and easy for Yamato to understand.
There’s a lot you can say I just simply vibe with when it comes to Yamato, and I love him. Hope everyone enjoys this long appreciation of this strong boy, and I hope you all love him too!
From Anon:
When I saw Shion for the first time, he caught my attention with his beautiful appearance. His cream-white hair, his periwinkle eyes and his pale skin were a wonderful combination that I just couldn't ignore. Physically, he was exactly the type of character I love… Even his hairstyle is great! And what to say about his pretty face! To me, he looked like an angel.
His style in clothes is something I also like about him. With all this mixed, the only word I can use to describe him is "perfect".
But, of course, there's more than just physical appearance. Shion's way of speaking, as we all know, is quite… Particular. And those beautiful words made me be more interested in this boy, even if they were a bit difficult to understand. This characteristic is something that, in my opinion, makes him special, not only in his group but among all the groups.
That poetic way of speaking is a beautiful combination with his voice. When he speaks I find it so mystical… And when he sings his solo songs I feel relaxed and even a bit emotional. He's not an angel just physically, he also sings like one!
But what made me love him completely was his personality. To be honest, at first I didn't understand why he acted so hostile to Cecil and signed with him, but when it was explained later I could see his point of view and I felt sorry for him, for how he was feeling and the big sacrifice he was making if we take into account his thoughts.
Loyalty is something I value a lot, and Shion has a huge loyalty towards his friends. After that incident, he changes his way of thinking and he starts getting more friendly to the rest, something I find beautiful.
I also find him very cute, an extra point for me to like him. His -sometimes- childish attitude is adorable! And how he acts around his friends… So lovely!
I also feel a bit similar to him in some aspects, such as listening to the same song again and again, liking birds or even usually feeling sleepy, besides other things. These similarities make me feel connected in some way with him.
Shion is a very special character for me, and I can't wait to see more content about him, to know more about this wonderful boy, for example, about his family, where he is from, how he ended up in HEAVENS, how he started to speak the way he does… There are a lot of things we don't know yet and I hope we can get more information about Shion soon!
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