#andele lara
dbtrilogy2 · 7 years
Strike One(16)
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I won't up early this morning to make my family breakfast. Believe it or not I'm trying here. Having both my girls upset with me is stressful plus my own son schooling me was a bit of a wake up sign.
"And the kiss up begins." Elias walks in. "Waffles huh good choice."
"Have you always been this much of a smart ass?" I put Rebecca plate on the tray with the cup of coffee and bowl of sliced pears.
"Yeah but you wouldn't know that." He smirked pouring himself a cup of juice.
"Look I get you upset or whatever but I'm still you father don't disrespect me boy."
Me being away is doing more than just having my family miss me. I'm starting to feel like a step dad. When all this album stuff is over they see it all was worth it. The long hours and all!
Before I start my way to my wife and I room my princess came down.
"Your here?"
"Yeah I live here don't I?" I pinch her cheek. Usually she would smile and blush.
"I don't know I thought you moved into your office." She walked by me.
"Ok you both need to cool it. I get it you don't like me working but I bet you do like your phones and clothes and living in this house. Someone has to pay for all of that stuff it doesn't just come for free!"
"Dad please don't try to make us look like over spoiled kids. You gave us most of this stuff we didn't ask for it." Amanda says picking at her food. "If it means you won't miss another of my shows you can have my phone and iPad....I just want my daddy back."
She pouts getting up walking off. Elias went after her leaving me alone. Taking the tray of food I go into our room seeing a empty bed.
"Yes I can meet you at my shop and we'll just work from there." Rebecca came out the closet putting on a watch. Seeing me and the food she ends the call. "What's this?"
"Breakfast. I wanted us to all eat together but the kids are in a mood." I say watching her sit in front of her make up stand thing.
"That happens when you abandon your kids for some island hoe."
"Don't worry I'm not starting anything just stating a fact. I gotta leave but thanks for the thought...don't forget Julian first game is tonight everyone is going."
"Ok but uh I was thinking after all this album stuff is done we can go on some kind of family trip maybe Disney world or something. I wanna show you guys the benefit of all the long hours and me being absent to a few things."
"Sure Carlton I'll see you later."
She came kissing my head then strutting out. Her outfit was a little more over the top than usual but I'm sure she just wanted to look good.
Today I'm going with Robin to her first radio interview and a shoot for her album. It's all in the finale stages so soon we'll be presenting a track list to the record heads for their approval.
By the time I was leaving out I was home alone. I lock up the house and hop in my car heading for the address set in my GPS. While waiting in front of the house I sat on my Instagram. I come across a picture of my wife from this morning. I haven't really paid much attention to her post like I usually do.
@BuymyBrand:#morningthoughts people aren't like clothes you can't change them whenever you want that change has to be in them don't miss out on your own blessings being so worked up in helping someone who doesn't want that help
"Morning sunshine." She got in smiling at me. "I'm so excited for today."
"Good I'm excited for you. So today is your first radio interview then the photo shoot for the new comers magazine. After we get the ok from the label they'll get some more singles out put you on a promo tour so this is good practice." I pull off towards the radio station direction.
"Thanks for coming with me I'm shitting bricks right now! Oh and thanks to for picking me up my car should be done by tomorrow."
"It's cool."
We rode in silence for a while until reaching the station. Once inside were taken to a room where the DJ and his co host are waiting. The show will be going on live.
"Hey thanks so much for coming in today. Your song with drake is a killer we play it all the time."
Robin blushed. "All praise really goes to this guy here he made that happen and has been personally helping me become something big." She looked back smiling at me.
"Yeah I've been hearing good things about this man here!" Me and the DJ go back to the middle school days. We were science lab partners. "How you been man?"
"Pretty good just been working my ass off."
The show started and was going smooth. They asked her about how she got started what her style is what brought her to Atlanta. This simple up coming artist questions. But then it took a slight turn when the co host started question her about us.
"I know Carlton is the producer for your up coming album but it seems you guys spend more than a lot of time together."
"Well yeah Carlton is like a mentor to me he's been teaching me about the business. He's taken me under his wing in a way."
"Mmhm and how does his wife feel about all this or do you just not care and only worry about you?"
"I wouldn't know when we are together it's just about us the outside world doesn't matter. If she had a problem I'm sure he would say something."
No no no no no no.
"It's not my fault if he rather work with me than be at home with his wife. I'm not forcing him we just enjoy out late nights together."
I'm so fucked.
The co host looked back at me shaking her head. "Late nights? You don't think it might look wrong how your so comfortable keeping a husband from his family. Any self respecting woman I know doesn't spend most of her time with married men. Rather he's not stopping it you should have some respect not only yourself but for his wife right? How would you feel if you were in her shoes?"
"I guess yeah but it's clear she's not doing something right and it's keeping him out. If anything someone needs to be telling her how to keep her husband home." She laughed looking back at me. "And if it were me being that I know how to keep my man happy this wouldn't be happening."
I signal to cut the interview and walk out. This bitch is about to get us both killed! I can't blame anyone but myself for that anyway.
"Hey why did you run out like that?" Robin came out looking worried.
"Really...what the hell was that!?"
"An interview you didn't think it went good?" She acting clueless right now.
"No you basically called out my wife that shit was way beyond unnecessary."
"She asked me a question and I answered!"
"That has to be the dumbest thing you've done. I told you before we even got here not to answer question like that ones that are clearly are a win for the host but a lose for you. What makes you think you have any right to speak on me and my wife?"
"Oh cry me a fucking river that bitch does nothing but stress you out just because she knows I can take you away in a heart beat. It's not my fault I'm more enjoyable to be around."
"Don't speak on my wife ever again you not about to take anybody a god damn place and if you call her out her name again you'll be dealing with me."
This bitch is crazy. Through the rest of the day between the photo shoot and car rides I said nothing to her. There nothing to say really. I had to stop by my office since I left my laptop.
"Carlton would you stop ignoring me. You are blowing this way bigger than it is." Robin followed me to my office.
"You cloned my wife on live radio...am I suppose to just let that go?" I unlock my door walking in the room.
"So what it's not like she's gonna do anything about it."
"You are so wrong to think that." My oh so beautiful smart and understanding wife smiled walking in sitting.
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"Hey baby." I sat kissing her cheek.
"Hi...Robin I wanna talk to you."
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Jumping out my sleep I squint at my door. I thought I heard someone call me but-
"Mona get up!" Mom came busting in my room.
"Ma I'm sleep why you gotta come up in here with all that." I whine laying back down.
"Because I'm telling you to get up."
"It's Sunday mommy let me sleep."
"No I need you and Stanley to watch the twins today. Their both already up and we about to leave."
After she left I went back under my warm comforter. As I'm getting back into my deep sleep a cold wind hits me.
"What the hell!?"
"Curse at me again I dare you." Dad looked at me blank. "I know your mother told you to get up. If I come back in here and you not up imma pull you out the bed myself." He left leaving my door open.
Smacking my teeth I get up stomping and slam my door. It wasn't on purpose per say but hey. As I'm heading in my bathroom my bedroom door flies open scaring the shit out of me.
"You lost your mind slamming my door like that!?"
"It was on accident!"
This is why I prefer to deal with mom she's more laid back and not as crazy as daddy. He is not afraid to get at us while mom would rather give a look and send us to our room or something. I know I get away with a lot with mom and try not to take advantage of that.
He looked at clenching his jaw. "Keep the damn door open and hurry up."
I shower and get dressed in something lazy. I could hear the twins already.
"Morning." Stanley smiled flipping her pancake. "I made oatmeal for them so can you feed one and I'll get the other."
I sigh picking up a bowl sitting in front of Morgan. "Open up runt." She smiled dropping her mouth.
"So what did you do last night."
"Nothing much. How was the celebration dinner?"
"Well it turned into something else for me and Julian. He called it a practice date."
"Oh ok grown self."
I think Julian and Stanley would be the cutest couple. She deserves that boyfriend privilege. Gifts for no reason being showered with compliments and kisses. Oh and can't forget that tingling feeling of your special someone calling you baby. It's simple but from the right person sounds like the greatest thing ever.
That's how things were when Sam and I were together. I remember the first time we kissed. It was at the junior high summer dance. We snuck off to the empty hallway. He put my back to the wall looked deep in my eyes giving my stomach butterflies. That was the best night of my life. I thought we would last for years honestly but sometime after we got to high school I didn't feel the spark anymore. Shawn gives me that spark and this rush feeling.
"We ate at this pizza place it was just us and the people that worked there. It was really nice." I noticed her blush. "After we got ice cream then he dropped me off."
"Did he kiss you?"
"No we decided to save that. I think I'm starting to really like him...it's kind of scary."
Laughing we finish feeding the girls. We cleaned them up and decided to walk to the park. We ran around the small playground until they found their own little friends. Sitting on a bench I pull out my phone.
Danger💉♥️:baby where u at I wanna see you
Me:the park around my neighborhood but don't be to noticeable I'm with my sisters
Danger💉♥️:yea yea I do what I want girl
"I saw you sneaking in last night."
"Around one I got up to get some water and I heard something in your room and peaked. I saw you climb through the window. Why did you lie to me?"
Sighing I lock my phone. "Because what I do is my business. If you knew I wasn't actually home-"
"I wanted to see if you would lie to me." She looked at me sad. "All I'm trying to do is protect you Mona please...this can only end wrong."
"I don't need to be protected I'm not a child! Shawn makes me happy why isn't that enough!"
"Because this whole relationship is illegal! You are fourteen a minor in the eyes of the law if anyone gets wind of this Shawn is going to prison. How can you be with someone investing so much of your time and emotions knowing at any moment the could be taken away from you!?"
"You should be asking yourself that honey."
I didn't want to do this I really didn't. Stanley and I are closer than blood sisters. But she's over stepping her place and clearly I need to push her back.
"What are you talking about?"
"You and Julian...I'm sure the adoption people frown on in family relationships with kids they send into families."
She pouts looking at me shaking her head. "You know I'm even in a relationship with him."
"And yet you two just went on a date?"
"So that's how far your willing to go with this?"
"All I'm saying is you rat me out I rat you out and we both lose something important. Me a boyfriend and you a family."
It may have been a little harsh on my end....ok it was really harsh but she should've stayed out my business.
"Fine Mona you won I'll back off...for good."
As my phone vibrates in my hand she walked off with the diaper backpack calling the girls. Seeing his text I smiled looking around until I spot his car.
"Hey sexy get on in here." Shawn bites his lip as I slide in his car. "Where you wanna go?"
"Where you want baby."
Nodding he pressed on his gas making the car roar. As he's pulling up to the park exit Stanley walks across with the twins in the double stroller.
"Isn't that your sister? Damn she got ass."
"Shawn what the hell I'm right here you dick!" I shove him as he chuckled.
"Man be quiet. She got more ass than you."
"Seriously Shawn shut up that's my sister I'm your girlfriend that's some disrespectful shit!"
"Who told you that Mona I have a girlfriend already."
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Wishing you many more candles to blow out! Andele Lara (Instagram Star), 28 years old. Forget the past; look forward to the future, for the best things are yet to come. https://ift.tt/3bP09jp
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crmmudblood · 7 years
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fifty linden friday!
(i’ll hyper link these when home :D did this mobile!) This was such a cute round, i especially loved the decor and makeup! The hair and clothes instantly made me think of kesha, so i had to do a photo as Woman.
This week, the designers are:
ADD Andel anc Belleza DP YUMYUM exile Empire floorplan. Izzie's Jian Moon Elixir Nomad oOo Studio Poses The Plastik RC Cluster 7 Emporium Valentina E
My Feeds:
flickr | tumblr | instagram | youtube | plurk | facebook | FB Page|Twitter
I’ve been vlogging now for over a year in secondlife! I love to do unboxing videos, sim and store hauls and tours, interviews, games, decorating, and so much more! I also love doing tutorials and working with other bloggers and vloggers in secondlife. If you’d like something featured, request or tutorial, or join in on any of my videos, game shows, or live streams, feel free to contact me on any of my social media, or in world!
-CassandraMiddles Resident
Appearance: Maitreya Lara Mesh Body lelutka Simone head Bold and Beauty Bella Skin Exile LAugh at You Naturals Izzie's Angel Eyes izzie's All The Colors Matte Lipstick Set Veechi Autumn Smoke Shadow Veechi Ultimate Cheek Kit Dark
Wearing: Blushed Tights Empire Bee Balm Valentina E FLF Gold Tux
Decor: -RC- Mini Freak Show - Wear Black + Spotlight uK - Olympus Streamers 2 E.V.E KOI (MOD) Square Confetti Path - Gold {anc} sunbeam/flared(gold) 1LI 22769 ~ [bauwerk] Tuba Planter 22769 ~ [bauwerk] Piano Planter Brown 22769 ~ [bauwerk] Drum Planter
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nfdeklerk · 7 years
via Twitter https://twitter.com/nfdeklerk
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saltysuittaco-blog · 7 years
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Rihanna Lookalike Doppelganger Andele Lara Instagram Just in case you were wondering, Lara is well aware of her resemblance to the celebrity. She even wrote about in on the About Me page on her blog, saying, "I’ve never had a career of being a 'Rihanna Look Alike' – Yes, there is a little resemblance to Rihanna but NO; I am NOT a Rihanna lookalike."
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lucawhitty-blog · 7 years
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Rihanna Lookalike Doppelganger Andele Lara Instagram Just in case you were wondering, Lara is well aware of her resemblance to the celebrity. She even wrote about in on the About Me page on her blog, saying, "I’ve never had a career of being a 'Rihanna Look Alike' – Yes, there is a little resemblance to Rihanna but NO; I am NOT a Rihanna lookalike."
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realasrealis · 9 years
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As Real As Real
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dbtrilogy2 · 7 years
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Robin Flint😉
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crmmudblood · 7 years
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sorry for the late upload! This rendered while I had to drive on out to florida! But this was another great round and everyone was set up! What was your favorite?
View the seraphim here
Stores this round:
Pretty Mess Lock & Tuft ADD Andel anc Belleza DP YUMYUM Exile floorplan. Izzie's Jian Nomad Moon Elixir oOo Studio Poses RC Cluster 7 Emporium Valentina E Wimey
My Feeds:
flickr  tumblr  instagram  youtube  plurk  facebook
Got something you want me to review? How about a sim you want to show off? Tutorials? Send me a message with requests, or if you’re a store wanting something showcased, send me a message inworld to CassandraMiddles Resident. I normally review monthly events, FLF, Luxebox, and occasionally do full hauls of stores I really love. I also love showing off beautiful sims, get ready with me’s, and sometimes sing. I also post almost daily on my flickr and tumblr, when not doing vlogs, and would love to see your stuff as well!
 -CassandraMiddles Resident
Appearance: Maitreya Lara Mesh Body Lelutka  Head Chloe glam affair klara skin asia Ikon Charm Green Eyes Veechi sailor Shadow @ The Crystal Heart Festival Tentacio ears from past cutieloot tsg body oil high Lock and Tuft 1975@ FLF moon amore senshi nail art
Wearing: Pretty Mess Baby Crop Light Blue@ FLf Pretty Mess ruched Panties Light Blue@ FLF Izzie’s Hoop Earrings @ FLF Amala The Kylie Choker Single@ FLF Decor: anc paper planes air (black at flf)
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Exclu Vidéo : Sheryfa Luna : "Je prépare mon cinquième album !"
La nouvelle égérie des fonds de teint "Accord Parfait" de L’Oréal Paris, Salima Aliani, a investi le 25 octobre 2017 la somptueuse Galerie Joseph à Paris pour sa seconde MasterClass. Parmi les invités VIP, il y avait la belle Miss France 2014, Flora Coquerel, l’ancienne candidate des Ch’tis, Gaëlle, mais aussi la chanteuse Sheryfa Luna. Rayonnante lors de cet événement, l’artiste explique comment elle a rencontré la youtubeuse beauté.
"Il y a un an elle m'a contactée pour faire partie de son book. Je ne la connaissais pas à ce moment. Quand je l’ai dit à mes copines, elles sont devenues folles. Depuis, on est connectées, on s’adore et on a plein de projets ensemble !"
Sheryfa prépare son retour sur la scène musicale plus de cinq ans après la sortie de son dernier album "Petite fée de soie".
"Salima sera ma maquilleuse pour mon prochain clip. J’avais pris un peu de distance avec tout ça. Là, je prépare un cinquième album, je tourne un clip dans les jours à venir et un single devrait arriver incessamment sans peu !" 
Découvrez sans plus attendre l’interview de Sheryfa Luna et réagissez dans les commentaires !
 Propos recueillis par Elisabeth Sall
Cadre : Dora Aouaiti
Montage : HF.
Toute reproduction interdite sans la mention Public
Exclu Vidéo : Sheryfa Luna : "Je prépare mon cinquième album !"
Exclu Vidéo : Gaëlle (Les Ch’tis) : "On me reverra à la télé, mais pas dans de la télé-réalité !"
#LVDA2 : partie en mission pour Rania, Sarah Fraisou découvre que Carl en aime une autre !
Tuto coiffure : La tresse Bohème
Andele Lara : Les internautes viennent d'élire cette blogueuse beauté sosie officiel de Rihanna
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nollywoodmagazine · 10 years
For resembling Rihanna, companies pay this lady thousands of pounds to endorse their products
For resembling Rihanna, companies pay this lady thousands of pounds to endorse their products
There is no downside to looking exactly like Rihanna – her fans approach you, freebies and some companies will even pay you thousands of Pounds to endorse their products, BN reports. That is the life that Andele Lara is living. Andele says she has landed over £13, 000 worth of clothing contracts in the past year alone.
There may be some downsides however as 22-year-old Andele Lara says that…
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ankarabaskenthaber · 10 years
Rihanna'nın benzerine reklam teklifleri yağıyor
Rihanna'nın benzerine reklam teklifleri yağıyor
Boston’da ögrenci olan Andele Lara nereye giderse gitsin, Rihanna´ya olan benzerliğinden dolayı ünlü şarkıcının hayranlarının hemen ilgisini çekiyor.
Çoğu kez kendisini ´Rihanna´ zanneden kişiler hemen, Andele Lara ile resim çektirmek istiyor. Bir çok kozmetik firmasınından reklam yüzü olması için teklif alan Andele Lara ´Rihanna´ya olan benzerliğim hayatımı değiştirdi, bir çok iş almaya…
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realasrealis · 9 years
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Rihanna or the Clone?
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ilgiweb · 10 years
Rihanna'nın benzerine reklam teklifleri yağıyor
Rihanna'nın benzerine reklam teklifleri yağıyor
Boston’da ögrenci olan Andele Lara nereye giderse gitsin, Rihanna´ya olan benzerliğinden dolayı ünlü şarkıcının hayranlarının hemen ilgisini çekiyor.
Çoğu kez kendisini ´Rihanna´ zanneden kişiler hemen, Andele Lara ile resim çektirmek istiyor. Bir çok kozmetik firmasınından reklam yüzü olması için teklif alan Andele Lara ´Rihanna´ya olan benzerliğim hayatımı değiştirdi, bir çok iş almaya…
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crmmudblood · 7 years
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fifty linden friday was wonderful today. if you'd like to see the actual items, skip ahead to the middle of this video, i take FOREVER. sorry not sorry.
Seraphim:  Group Join URL: Flickr Group:
stores this round
Empire RC Cluster 7 Seven Plastik Valentina E ADD Andel Anc Exile floorplan Izzie's JIAN oOo Studio Moon Elixir NOMAD silentsparrow
My Feeds:
flickr  tumblr  instagram  youtube  plurk  facebook
Got something you want me to review? How about a sim you want to show off? Tutorials? Send me a message with requests, or if you’re a store wanting something showcased, send me a message inworld to CassandraMiddles Resident. I normally review monthly events, FLF, Luxebox, and occasionally do full hauls of stores I really love. I also love showing off beautiful sims, get ready with me’s, and sometimes sing. I also post almost daily on my flickr and tumblr, when not doing vlogs, and would love to see your stuff as well!
-CassandraMiddles Resident
Appearance: Maitreya Lara Mesh Body Lelutka  Head Chloe Izzie's Tokyo Pale Eyes@ FLF Veechi Lurid Shadow@ Memento Mori Exile Cool Girl@ FLF tsg body oil Izzie's Daphne Dark Matte Lipstick
Wearing: Plastik Belinda Dress Hexx@ FLF Spell Luna Ring Gold Empire Moonflower@ FLF
Decor : SEUL - Fenti Store@ The Epiphany
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