#andrea posting
ask-pokeprofvoid · 6 months
Pelipper mail!
[Oh! It's a letter from Polaris!]
"Dear Vivianne and Andrea,
Hello my girls. I’m sorry I had to leave so suddenly, especially after Queenie had her pups! I hope they’re all doing well, you’ll have to tell me their names when I get back.
I’m splitting this letter into two parts, Drea darling your part is first, and then Dewdrop.
Drea: Hello sweet girl, how are Blue and Whisky doing? Before I left, I bought some more bathing sand for Blue. I was thinking we could get sort of a sand-box situation out back, so that Blue and Whisky could bathe without making as much of a sandy mess in the bathroom haha.
I’ve attached a few pictures of rock types I’ve spotted in Sinnoh that I thought may bring you some joy. Mostly it’s Bonsly and Sudowoodo. If you think you’re ready for a third, Bonsly are very simply pokemon to take care of, and very loving little chaps. I could always adopt one for you while I’m here.
Also, I’m bringing you home just an absolute load of Poffins. I never quite mastered making them myself, but if you like these ones, I will make a new effort in learning how to make them properly. I know you love your pokeblocks, but they aren’t…particularly made for human consumption. However!! Poffins are the Sinnohian equivalent of pokeblocks, and due to the way they are made they are also edible for humans. I begrudgingly ate a pokeblock so that I could compare the texture and flavor to a poffin, and the flavors are quite similar, although the texture of a poffin is much more fluffy than crunchy, although I would suppose it would depend on how long you baked them…
I’ve gotten off track! I hope you’re still having a good time with your schooling, you’re almost done! Just a few more weeks and we can take our break for summer, yeah? I believe in you, and I think that you’re doing great!
Vivianne: Hello love. Once again, so so sorry I left on such short notice, I was really hoping the Walrein thing would resolve itself, but we know life is never that simple. In the middle of wedding preparations as well, ugh.
Returning to our conversation before we left, how many ring bearers and flower children are we realistically allowed to have? Because I agree on Sprite being the ring bearer, I think it would really appreciate that, and Andrea as the flower girl. But also there’s Bird, and possibly Kittsu, and maybe Beedrill, but I feel as if he would not care as much. My vote is on Sprite and Kittsu as ringbearers, and Andrea and Bird as flower girls. But of course, your input is important to me, and I’m sure Vio would love to be part of the ring/flower children as well.
I do think it would be nice to have a more traditional Crowen wedding :) I was never particularly attached to the Hisuian/Sinnohian wedding traditions anyway. I was doing some research and I thought that the Crowen Handfasting wedding tradition was particularly sweet, and I would like to have that as part of the wedding.
I hope everything is well while I am gone, and that everyone stays in good health. I am amassing sweets and trinkets for everyone when I come back haha.
All my love for you two,
Your Starlight."
[A few photos are attached. Most of them look to be of bonsly and sudowoodo, although there is a photo of a Shieldon.]
[Theres a image of All of Queenie's karps, along with many photos of The mons] Hi Opie! School has been super fun! One of the teachers helped me learn new names for you like Zeze and Nini! So I am being more nice! :D one of my teachers is like you too! They decorated their wheelchair with loads of stickers and have a very pretty Reuniclus that helps push her around when her arms are tired! Like you and the mons!!
I made a few friends along with friends outside the special program! they sit with me during lunch and they are really really nice! One of them has a huuuuge dragonite and the other one has loads of Omastar! They all make sure nobody picks on me :D
I might try the poffins but I still really like the pokeblocks, Nana started making safer ones for me and they are like little hard chalk-y candies instead! so im no longer eating the bad ones even if I reallllly want to eat them!
ok, mam wants to write to you now! Love you Opie!
Hello Starlight, Don't feel so bad for leaving, Emergencies can pop up out of nowhere. All that matters is that everyone is safe :) I have been putting some money on the side still for Sprite and Andrea's futures (i'm writing this while they are out!) I know they wont need the money for a *very* long time but I want to make sure that they can still have money there if they need it.
The babies are quite chunky but uh, they mainly get that from their dad. still cannot believe that someone offered to breed their Crowen Gyarados with Queenie to try and get more genetics into the bloodline! they are finally developing their first bristles and I am so happy.
Also I would love to do the handfasting tradition! My mother still have photos of her grandparents doing the tradition! I still can't believe that you went all the way to get those books for the wedding, Starlight. I truly am a lucky woman.
on a serious note I have been having nightmares, its hard to remember how they go but im sure it's just because I got so used to knowing you were in the home too. I can't wait till you get home! Liam has missed pestering you and your team for sure :)
Keep safe Starlight, Me and Andrea love you more than words can describe.
-Vivianne (your Dewdrop) and Andrea
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eirianerisdar · 2 months
Nico Rosberg, staring Andrea Stella in the eyes as Silver War flashbacks fill his own: ANDREA THE TEAM HAS TO BE MORE FIRM IN YOUR PHRASING WITH TEAM ORDERS YOU CANNOT GIVE THEM LEEWAY
Andrea Stella: ...okay. You speak from experience. I will take that advice.
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mecachrome · 5 months
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2024 MIAMI GP | Post-Race Debrief
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mirandapriestlyswife · 4 months
Happy pride month to all those characters that were obviously gay but the writers were too pussy to actually canonize it
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woman-for-women · 1 year
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“...men come to me or to other feminists and say:
"What you're saying about men isn't true. It isn't true of me. I don't feel that way. I'm opposed to all of this."
And I say: don't tell me. Tell the pornographers. Tell the pimps. Tell the warmakers. Tell the rape apologists and the rape celebrationists and the pro-rape ideologues. Tell the novelists who think that rape is wonderful. Tell Larry Flynt. Tell Hugh Hefner. There's no point in telling me. I'm only a woman. There's nothing I can do about it. These men presume to speak for you. They are in the public arena saying that they represent you. If they don't, then you had better let them know."
- Andrea Dworkin
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haneensab005 · 17 days
Here are some f1 memes I made pt.3:
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(I posted this yesterday but tumblr ate it)
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ouidamforeman · 25 days
this sucks so bad i need to (remembers suicide jokes only make my mental health worse) go back to tassing to pay my respects to brother piero
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girl-of-stupidology · 20 days
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As a person that never played a single video game besides Hades this year, never have I found a niche game that is legit made for me if not for Pentiment by Josh Sawyer. If you are an art historian lover, Illuminated manuscript lover, or love silly men and monks GO play it.
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lewispitlane · 12 days
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i cannot get this image out of my head
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shripscapi · 7 months
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parasite in chief in his idiot hat
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ask-pokeprofvoid · 9 months
I finished all my homework and my dinner :D Get to watch TV and cuddle with the pokemon!
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secrescaryat · 2 months
// pentiment spoilers (implied ig but still there)
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more of these because i was inspired
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cardsharksplayingames · 2 months
A good witch and a tortured poet walk into a bar...
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marypsue · 2 years
There’ve been a few responses to/reblogs with tags on my post about DIY clothing embellishments that basically boil down to ‘I’d love to do this but I’m scared it’ll turn out bad/I’m not a good enough artist’. And I get it, I really do! I also want my art things to turn out nicely. But also...making it badly is sort of the point of punk DIY. 
Listen. We live in a world that would dearly love to charge you a subscription fee for breathing. The bastards are doing everything they possibly can to figure out how to turn art - stories, visual art, music, textile/fibre art, sculpture, crafts and creations of every kind - into a neat, discrete, packageable commodity, a product they can chop up into little pieces and stick behind a paywall so they can charge you for every drop of it you want to have in your life. 
The whole sneering idea that ‘everybody wants to be some kind of creator now’ and anything less than absolute mastery right out the gate is somehow shameful and embarrassing is a tool those bastards are using. It’s a way to reinforce the idea that only a set group of people can create and control art, and everybody else has to buy it. 
But art isn’t a product. Art is a fundamental human impulse. Nobody is entitled to a specific piece of art (which is where this message gets skewed into pitting people who love art against the artists who make it, while the bastards screw us all and run away with the money). But making art belongs to everybody. We make up songs and dances and stories, and paint things, and make clothes, and embellish them, and carve flowers into our furniture and our lintels and our doorframes, and make windows out of tiny pieces of coloured glass, and decorate our homes and our bodies and our lives with things we make and make up, simply for the love of beauty and of the act of creation. Grave goods from tens of thousands of years ago show that ancient hominids gave their dead wreaths of ceramic flowers, tattooed their bodies, beaded their shoes. Making things for the sake of beauty and enjoyment is one of the most ancient and human things we can do. 
The idea that we can’t, that we have to buy shit instead, because art is a product and you have to have the bestest prettiest most perfect product, is the enemy of joy. It’s the death of culture. And it means that, instead of whatever it is that you cherish and enjoy and value, you get whatever inoffensive (and to whom is it inoffensive?) bland meaningless samey-samey crap that the bastards want you to be allowed to have. What are you missing and what are you missing out on, if you don’t make or modify or decorate anything for yourself, if you don’t think you can because the product at the end won’t be polished or perfect or marketable enough? What do you lose? What do we lose? 
It is a desperately vital and necessary thing for you to make shit. For you to know that you can make shit, that you don’t have to just lie back and take whatever pablum the bastards want to force-feed you (and charge you through the nose for). That the bastards need you more than you need them. 
Become ungovernable. Be your own weirdly-endearing punk little freak. Paint on a t-shirt. Sing off-key in the shower or at karaoke night or at open mic night. Make up a story where you get to meet your favourite fictional character and you guys hug or fuck or punch each other in the face. Make art. Do it badly. Do it frequently. Do it enthusiastically. Do it for love and joy and creativity and fun and the spiteful joy of thumbing your nose at some smug motherfucker with a Swiss bank account who wants to track your heartbeat and location for the rest of your life in order to automatically pump AI-generated beats matched to your mood into your earbuds for a small monthly subscription fee of $24.99/month. It is literally the only way we are ever going to have even a chance to save art and our own lives from the bastards. 
So. Paint that t-shirt. 
(Also support artists where you can, and buy your music from Bandcamp.)
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rottingraisins · 3 months
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jst got reminded i had this sitting in my computer somewhere. happy pride
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kindahoping4forever · 7 months
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📸: Andrea Vargas for Rolling Stone
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