#andrew: kevin doesn't understand that Exy isn't what neil IS it's what neil DOES
the-s-exy-squad · 1 year
Another headcanons list for the PSU Monsters.
During his depressive episodes, he just starts acting like a complete idiot. Using emojis excessively when he texts (which the amount greatly increases during these times) or makes posts on the internet or the team socials.
He also frequently makes unprompted jokes about his trauma. During a bonfire, "Oh damn, just realized I could have had smores when I burned my mothers body in her car".
During a movie night to a character, "Hey, your dad tried killing you too? Same! Twins???"
During a math exam, "Well damn, this 'x' is so good at staying anonymous he may as well have been me on the run" (to which his teacher goes, "Excuse me What?")
Andrew starts talking to Bee for advice and not just to talk about everything and she suggests exposure therapy for the touch, writing or some creative activity for the emotions, and music to help him regulate when he gets overwhelmed.
Andrew interprets this to standing with Nicky's hand on his upper arm for one singular second more than the day before. If he could suffer through Nicky's touch a little more every day, it was improvement and that's all he cared for.
For the creative activity he decided to start learning archery. He also drew but he enjoyed the feeling of success when he hit his target and the only way to get that with his drawings was to show people and he'd sooner die.
As for the music, he decided purchasing a loud as hell pair of discreet earbuds and putting them in literally all the time was the solution to that. If he couldn't hear the problems, they weren't his problems. (He thinks its hilarious that the rest of the Foxes think he's just ignoring them.)
He drinks a religious amount of coffee. He was a full time med student, an athlete, fighting the mafia in a angry version of Lacrosse, and too busy keeping himself out of the Foxes internal drama to sleep.
His go to drink for emergency energy is a black coffee with seventeen sugars and eight creamers, but when he was drinking it to wake up after a good quality nap or a once in a century night of sleep, he'd go with something sweet.
Once Aaron tried getting Andrew to lay back on the cigarettes and Andrew told him to lay back on the coffee. He wouldn't so Andrew kept his cigarettes.
Nicky loves reading classics. He sometimes gets them in German to practice reading German, but when he does he gets the English version too.
He's a whore for Shakespeare's works. His favorite is Hamlet and that one where the identities get mixed up. He keeps a log of all the books he read and rates them on a scale of Andrew to Jesus. Andrew thinks him being a rating is funny but will never admit it.
He's gotten to the point where he can understand Shakespeare's work and diction without needing a second to process it or a translation like most of the rest of team.
Terrible driver. Not because he was never taught how but simply because he gets too worked up over everything and thinks there's too much to focus on. Other cars, street signs, speed limits, turn signals, road construction, pedestrians, other cars. (very important to him because no matter how good of a driver you are you can still get in a car accident and die because someone else isn't.)
He lets Neil sit in the front seat and just chills in the back with Aaron but when Aaron gets his own car, Kevin starts riding with him places because (gay) he doesn't like third wheeling Andrew and Neil.
He jokingly decorates Aaron's passenger seat with Exy stickers (at least five are USC trojan themed), a compartment between the seat and the center console to hold his stuff because he drops them a lot and they fall into that gap, a sun glasses clip, and jokingly pinned a picture of the trojans on the sun visor.
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mostlymaudlin · 2 years
hi hello i MUST know what 'get a fucking life kevin' is about please!!!!
YESSSS ok im so glad you asked. there is nothing written in this doc, just these two images:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
BUT i have so much in my head. basically i want to give kevin a girlfriend who has nothing to do with Exy. it's one of the main reasons i have trouble shipping him with anyone in the canon universe -- because what i really want for him is to get a fucking life ! he doesn't know ANYONE who isn't somewhat involved with exy!
so i wanna give him a queer gf :) she does not have a name yet bc i can't commit. but she's like his academic rival in the history dept and she thinks hes the most pompous, arrogant asshole in the world. but they have to do a group project together and it leads to Opportunities. and she is rly fucked up in her own way so its not like she exists solely to be kevin's guardian angel -- but their trauma and issues are complimentary (even if their relationship is kind of explosive bc they've both got tempers). she understands what it means to feel like you don't truly belong anywhere, and she has also had living situations (w her family) where she was certain that people were committed to her but not that they liked her. they both crave affection and also have no idea what to do with it. there's also an arc here about binge drinking and alcoholism and mental illness, which they both struggle with in different ways.
and she is supportive of kevin's goals, but otherwise does not give a fuck abt exy lmfao. thank god. also andrew and neil hate her and she hates them <3 i havent decided how that would be resolved really lol. or if it could be resolved. i love those boys dearly but they are so ridiculously toxic lmfao
ask abt my wips!!
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fortheloveofexy · 2 years
If the foxes and jean and jeremy got dropped into a RPG what classes do you think they would be? the only one I have a coherent thought would be Renee being knife wielding cleric
Hmmm, good question! I'm going to loosely base my answer on dnd classes since RPG classes can vary somewhat depending on the game, but dnd feels the most universal.
Kevin: Warlock. His Exy skills live and die by his knowledge as a technical player and his understanding of strategy. He dedicates himself wholeheartedly to mastering his craft and growing this knowledge. Also, he's a history nerd. It feels fitting.
Jeremy: Paladin, easy. He's committed to fair play and good sportsmanship, even if it means losing, and he upholds his team to that same standard.
Jean: Jean is a bit tricky, but I'd say he's also a Paladin. Despite the suffering he endured, despite how it went against the brainwashing he was raised to believe, he still helped Kevin escape because it was the right thing to do. He's a Paladin whose vows have been shattered by disillusionment and circumstance, and he does not know what to do next.
Neil: controversial take maybe, but this man is a bard through and through. He uses Vicious Mockery on every roll and destroys his enemies with words alone. Plus, he's able to use a combination of charisma and tricky wordplay to get his party to listen to him.
Andrew: He's either a barbarian or a fighter. Personally, I'm going to say he's a barbarian, because he unleashes his "bottomless rage" only when pushed into a fight. But it really could be either.
Aaron: Some might say he's a cleric because of his pursuit of medicine, but I actually think he's a Ranger! He prefers to linger in the background, out of sight and unnoticed, but that doesn't mean he's not paying close attention and waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
Nicky: He's a bard, and he's the horny kind. He'll flirt with everything he can and mouth off to whatever he can't. He tries to charm his way out of most situations and revels in attention. Yup. Stereotypical bard.
Renee: I'm going to say she's a monk, which in dnd is basically just a cleric who specializes in hand to hand combat. She gave up her knives to Andrew, so this feels most fitting for her as a class.
Dan: She's a fighter, definitely. She fought for her role as Captain and she fought to become a leader for the Foxes. She's scrappy as hell and isn't afraid to throw the first punch.
Matt: He's also a fighter! He's not afraid to pick a fight but he doesn't rely on rage or stealth. Instead, he just uses sheer power and his size to overpower his opponents and get them to back down. He's also a boxing pro, so I think it fits pretty well.
Allison: Sorcerer. She was born into a powerful bloodline, and while this gives her a certain advantage over others, being disowned has knocked her down quite a bit. Nonetheless, she uses her resources and her birthright to help the team when she can.
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whatmack · 4 years
Imagine little Kevin Day. His mother just died a few years ago and he’s trapped in the big bad Nest, being surrounded by the darkness. And then little Nathaniel makes and appearance and it’s like a ray of sunshine made its way in the Nest and Kevin is so excited to have Nathaniel around and making plans for the future with him and promising him that they’re going to be Court, and then Nathaniel is gone, he’s disappeared and Kevin is crushed. 1/?
What happened? Where did he go? Didn’t he want to be friends anymore? He would ask the Master every day if he’s been found, but he stopped after the master slapped him in the face and told him to leave him alone with his aberration. And for years he would look in the newspaper and at the news to see if they’ve been found. He had Jean now, but Jean is not Nathaniel. He’s lost all hope after Riko crushed his hand. His only worry now was to stay alive. 2/?
He drinks and plays and fights and his mind is now far from Nathaniel and checking for him. At some point one thing lead to another and he falls for Andrew, and they kiss and they fuck, but he knows Andrew would not reciprocate. And then Neil Josten comes along and he’s so infuriating and interesting and he plays with everything he’s got and he’s got both of them intrigued. 3/?
And Neil’s real identity is discovered by Kevin and he feels like the ground have up from beneath his feet and was falling and falling and falling, but at the end he landed and he’s finally releasing a breath he’s been holding because Nathaniel is safe and he’s alive, but also an idiot for putting a target on his back. And Baltimore happens and he realises his intense his feelings have been for this trouble kid all along and how he couldn’t bear to lose him again. 4/?
My point is, Kevin Day has always been in love with Neil and he’s lost him and recovered him and he’s not letting go of him ever again. 5/5
I just, wonder so much what little 8 year old nathaniel wesninski was like....I wonder if kevin knew it was a tryout when they met? How often did this kind of thing happen? this is tetsuji still trying to build the ravens right, like kevin and riko were playing Exy before most people knew it existed, so it makes sense that there would be multiple tryouts
I imagine kevin not really getting the whole “sold to the moriyamas” thing and is like !! okay! hey this tryout kid is actually good!! he actually seems to CARE about the game!! and have skills! he wouldn’t have had, you know, many friends, so i imagine kev getting really excited to be friends with nathaniel but not knowing how to make friends so he awkwardly follows him around and talks at him (I wonder how pleased riko would’ve been at that...) It doesn’t make sense, to Kevin, to think of himself as separate from Exy. Neil is part of Exy. It doesn’t make sense, to Kevin, to think of a time he didn’t feel like this for Neil: it’s so much a part of him that it takes him a long time to figure out what to call it (On another note imagine Kevin having trouble understanding that Andrew loving being obessed with Neil isn’t the same as loving Exy. “How can you care about Neil and not Exy they’re part of each other?” “There’s so much there to unpack that I’m tired just hearing it”)
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