#andriy fialkovskiy
tomorrowusa · 1 year
Ukraine is not just sitting around waiting for aid to arrive. It is developing its own arms industry that is taking a toll on Russian aggressors.
Warbirds of Ukraine is a company which makes innovative cutting edge drones.
Ukraine puts MacGyver to shame. When they experienced supply chain issues for foreign components for UAVs, they simply started manufacturing their own.
The name Warbirds of Ukraine reminds me of the Romulans in Star Trek. Don't be surprised if they develop cloaking technology for their UAVs.
Most people know that Ukraine sunk the Moskva, flagship of Russia's Black Sea Fleet, with a Ukrainian-made Neptun R-360 missile. It is not the only homegrown ingenuity put to use by Ukraine.
In addition to the UAVs and missiles, here are other examples of Ukrainians developing technology to push back Putin's invaders.
Ukraine is developing what amounts to compact tank drones.
Ukrainian versatile unmanned combat vehicle undergoes frontline testing
Ukraine is manufacturing custom self-propelled howitzers called the 2s22 Bohdana which can fire NATO-standard 155 mm caliber shells. They have a range of 40 km.
Bohdana self-propelled gun is produced in several versions - Militarnyi
Ukraine is doing a lot for its own defense. And NATO countries may be interested in some of these technologies for their own defense needs.
But when you're under attack by a country with 3.5 times your population which holds vast oil reserves and is led by an irrational dictator bent on restoring the hegemony of a defunct empire, you need some outside help to survive.
So if you're in the United States, contact your House member in Washington and demand that aid to Ukraine, which was left out of the measure to keep the government running through mid-November, be approved ASAP.
Representatives | house.gov
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