#android!reader is the type of person who at parties spends his time with the house pet instead of people
nubimera · 2 years
I think it is inexplicable how much I am currently invested in the Gavin and reader!sibling headcanon
In the sense that by now I've entered a black hole where I also think about how they would be in the au
Like the reverse au??
I kinda love android!Gavin (GV800? RD800??? idk) and all the relationship between him and human!Nines
But at the same time I can't stop thinking about RD800 that one day shows up at DPD with android!reader and "ah yes, anyway this is my little sibling now"
And reader (at this point I'm assuming RD900) is simply the most akward and weirdest android ever. Like standing there, looking confused half the time, they supposed to be deviant but it doesn't look like they are. Very similar to canon!Connor at the start of the game but even stiffer.
Literally designed to be a war machine, who finds themself brewing coffee and solving murder cases with Human!Connor and Hank
And those times when their co-worker try to have a normal conversation with Reader, the only thing they can think is "I don't know what the fuck I suppose to do" because they hasn't installed any relational or social programs, and they doesn't want to ask for help to android!Gavin because he is worse with this type of things than reader
I just can't explain how i love the scenario
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embeanwrites · 4 years
Finding Home Gavin Reed x Reader
Chapter 21
Two months had passed without any incidents. Between classes, hanging out with dad and Connor, dates with Gavin, and helping Tina get ready for her wedding I had been really busy. I could feel the stark difference that just a year had. This time last year I was alone in a small office pouring over my research telling myself that this is the weekend I’ll hang out with people, but something always came up. I had a hard time believing how different my life is now. 
My students had just taken their first tests and their scores were decently high. They all seemed really engaged in the material. As for their daily assignments, many were bringing news articles I wouldn’t have thought to bring. I’ve had a few students come to my office hours to try to debate if androids are alive, but I reminded them of my policy and that it wasn’t up for debate. Besides that it was clear that many of them were enjoying the class. They were also becoming excited because Gavin and Nines had agreed to come answer questions and talk to the class in two weeks. I was still working on convincing dad. Connor was all for it, but dad doesn’t seem to like the idea of having to answer college kids’ questions about androids and the revolution.
We’ve been having weekly movie nights at dad’s house. We had made our way through all the Muppet movies and were now watching movies that had to do with robots, which was Gavin and dad’s vote. When Gavin isn’t working, he comes too. He still slips up around Connor, but it’s clear to both of us that Gavin is really trying. Which has helped my dad warm up to him, but he still gives him a hard time any chance he gets. 
I think dad’s really happy that I’ve been referring to Connor as my brother and him referring to me as his sister. He hasn’t said anything directly to either of us, but he hasn’t said anything against it. Which is pretty much his style of handling emotions. 
Because of Gavin’s schedule we hadn’t had a lot of time for traditional dates, but he’s certainly come up with interesting ideas. Two weeks ago, he got off at midnight, picked me up, and we went to a late-night arcade. It ended up being really fun with him winning me some dumb prizes. Most nights we spend at his place, which is nice because then I can count on him to drive me to work since it’s been colder in Detroit. The cats are an added bonus. Tina ended up “forcing” Gavin to formally ask me to be his date to her wedding. Which was unceremoniously asked in a group chat Tina made with the three of us and she just sent “ASK HER” over and over again until Gavin sent a text. 
Outside of harassing Gavin on my behalf, Tina’s been extremely calm about the wedding. She very rarely loses her cool anyway, but as the date has gotten closer, she’s become more and more excited. We ended up going with no bachelorette party because both Tina and Valerie’s schedules are too crazy and so are their friends’ schedules. Besides neither of them really felt the need to celebrate their “last night of freedom.” 
 Gavin, Connor, and dad had decided to carpool to the wedding since I had to go early to help Tina get ready. Gavin and Connor tried to convince Nines to come, but he cited that someone had to be working.
“Are you nervous?” I asked Tina as I pinned her hair up. She looked beautiful in her black suit. She had decided to wear her hair pinned up to look like a crown with light yellow and pink flowers woven in. We had watched at least ten tutorials the night before. Tina had spent the night at my apartment so her and Valerie wouldn’t see each other until she walked down the aisle. Tina thought it was stupid, but Valerie insisted.
“More excited than nervous.”
“You know I’m going to cry, right?”
“I would get mad if you didn’t.” We both laughed. I looked at both of us in the mirror and she smiled.
“I can’t believe you’re getting married. Sometimes I still feel like we’re eight years old pretending to be all grown up.” She laid her head back, so she was looking up at me instead of through the mirror.
“I’m just so happy, (Y/n). With you being back and getting to marry the love of my life. Things are just…perfect.”
“Stop, you’re going to make me cry before the wedding starts!” She laughed and wiped away her own tears.
“Oh, just you wait for my speech, T. You’re going to be bawling.”
 The ceremony was beautiful. It took place at the Gem & Colony Club. It looks like an old timey movie theatre, with the guest sitting on couches and the wedding party being where the screen used to be, now that wall is covered with windows. Valerie’s mom walked her down the aisle and Valerie looked amazing in her ball gown type dress. Woven in the white were little pieces of blush pink and yellow, their wedding colors, and Tina never took her eyes off her. They both had four “best people” most I didn’t recognize outside of meeting them at the rehearsal dinner. The moment Tina spotted her, they both started crying. There’s about 50 people at the wedding. I recognize Tina’s friends from the DPD and her immediate family, on Valerie's side I only know her parents from the rehearsal dinner. 
The wedding was officiated by one of Valerie’s family friends who kept it short and sweet. Which gives the brides time to shine with their vows. 
“Tina, not only today am I becoming your wife, but I get to marry my favorite person. I love how strong you are, how you’re not afraid to back down. You do everything with pride and from the moment I met you I knew I needed to have you in my life. You give me so much happiness, Tina. I love you so much and I can’t wait to start the rest of our lives together.”
“Valerie, when I met you I was career obsessed and single minded. I didn’t really have a personal life outside of work and old friends. When I met you I never wanted to be without you. I’m convinced I didn’t know true happiness until I first saw your smile. I can’t even pinpoint the moment I knew I was going to marry you. One day I just woke up and realized I couldn’t go on without holding your hand, hearing you laugh, or just laying next to you. Valerie Morales you are my world and I love you with all that I am.”
After the brides exchanged their vows the officiate announced them wife and wife. Tina, not waiting for him to tell her, grabs Valerie, dips her, and kisses her with the biggest smile. I look over to dad, Connor, and Gavin to see them standing with everyone clapping and hollering. 
The reception was held in another room of the theatre. It was more bright and open than the previous room with a wooden dance floor in the middle surrounded by white tables. Tina and Valerie had decided, regardless of the chaos it would create, that people could sit wherever they wanted and the two planned to float from table to table. I ended up sitting at a table with dad, Connor, Gavin, Chris, and Chris’ wife. We were all eating our entrees and waiting for the speeches to start. 
“Are you nervous for your speech, (Y/n)?” Chris asked me. I shrugged. 
“I’m nervous, but I’m always nervous when it comes to speeches.” 
“But (Y/n), you’re a professor.” Connor said with a tilt of his head. 
“Academic and emotional speeches are two very different things.” I said with a chuckle. I felt Gavin grab my hand underneath the table. I interlaced my fingers with his. “Besides, I’m going second which is the best position.”
“Who’s first?” Dad asked. 
“Valerie’s best man.” I took a sip of my champagne, as if he was waiting for me to mention it he started tapping his glass with a knife. 
Ross, Valerie’s little brother, gave a heartwarming speech about how growing up he could always count on Valerie and how happy he is that she now has someone she can always count on. He tells Tina to take care of his big sister, which makes Valerie’s mom start crying. Valerie’s whole family looks so proud. 
When he was done, I stood up and walked over to where he was. I took a deep breath and grabbed the mic. 
“Hi everyone, I’m (Y/n) (L/n). Tina has been my best friend since we were little. I wasn’t very social as a kid and I remember being in the second grade and sitting on the swings alone, when Tina walked up to me. She looked me up and down and announced that I was now her best friend and she was mine. I didn’t know what to think of this bossy girl, but what did I have to lose? Following her around and listening to Tina talk about whatever was on her mind was one of the best decisions I’d ever made. Even after me and my mom moved away, there was no one else in my life I talked to as much as her. There was no one else who made me feel like I wasn’t alone. Anything I needed I knew I could count on Tina. I can’t even count the number of times she has called me to make sure I was okay and making sure I was taking care of myself in college. Tina is one of the most kind hearted and dedicated person on this planet. When Tina told me about meeting Valerie for the first time over the phone I could hear her smile through the phone and I knew I would be hearing more about Valerie. Valerie, you make Tina happier than I’ve ever seen her and I’m so happy and proud for both of you. I’m so grateful that my best friend found her soulmate. I wish you two all the best.” As I finished, Tina ran up from her seat and gave me a bear hug and I squeezed her right back. I pulled her back to look at her and laughed when I realized we were both crying. “I told you’d cry.” She laughed with me as others clapped. 
After our hug, we both returned to our seats as Tina’s dad got up to give a speech. I was only half listening as I wiped the remaining of my tears and Gavin grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. I turned to him and smiled. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my dad look at us and smile slightly. 
Over the next twenty minutes, Valerie’s father, Valerie, and Tina all gave speeches. There wasn’t a single dry eye in the house. It was all very touching and had me bawling like a baby. 
Shortly after the speeches, the brides had their first dance to a slow and sweet song. After the dance the party had really gotten started. We were all still sitting at our table except Chris and his wife who were dancing with the crowd. 
“Your speech was nice, (Y/n).” Dad told me and I smiled. 
“Thank you, dad.” I looked over at the dance floor, Tina was holding Valerie closely as they swayed to the music. 
“Wanna dance, pipsqueak?” I looked over to Gavin, who was standing holding his hand out towards me. I put my hand in his and he pulled me up. We made our way to the dance floor as a slow song started. I put my arms around Gavin’s neck and he gently held my waist. He smiled at me as we began to sway. “You look stunning.” He murmured in my ear, causing goosebumps to cover my arms. I could feel his warm breath on my neck. 
“And you look very handsome.” I whispered. He was so close, but instead of his usual smell of smoke and mint, all I could smell was mint. Gavin gently pulled back and I was drawn into his eyes. Gavin’s eyes were a light shade of gray, similar to how the clouds looked right before a storm. I realized, Gavin was a storm and I was in the middle of it with no umbrella, and I loved it. 
“I wanna kiss you, but your dad’s staring.” He said under his breath. 
“Oh, grow a pair, Reed.” That was all the “encouragement” Gavin needed to give me a fervent kiss, that if he hadn’t been holding my waist, I would’ve fallen to the ground. 
I swear this man was going to be the end of me.
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usajobs-us · 6 years
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New Job has been published on http://dha-islamabad.com/best-online-quran-classes-for-kids.html
Best Online Quran Classes For Kids and Adults
If you are worried about finding the best online Quran classes for yourself or your kids, you have reached the right place. Learning the Holy Quran, learning to recite it properly and even more importantly, understanding it are some of the core duties any Muslim will face in their lives by virtue of being a part of the Muslim Ummah.
Online Quran Classes for Adults
Even if you are a child or a grown up and you think that Quran learning is important than remember that learning yourself can be hard but teaching children is harder still. Used to be the Masjid was the place to go to learn these things. But whether due to time constraints or other issues that is sometimes not possible. These are the times that we have to look towards alternate means to accomplish our goals. And in this age of media and the internet, you need to look no further than the comfort of your home.
There are as many online Quran classes as there are stars under the sun. And every last one of them is claiming to be the best in regards to teaching Quran online but finding one that suits you can be hard. So we have compiled a list of the best online Quran classes that we could find so that you don’t have to scour the internet looking for them.
We will list all their pros and cons and how each one can be the right fit for someone and how it might help them learn the Quran.
Take note, however, that these sites are in no particular order, we do not prefer one over the other since they all have different areas in which they show strength. Read through all your options before committing to a single method. Finding the best online Quran class among the list is entirely up to you since it can be a matter of preference.
These are the best online Quran classes that we could find but before we delve into the nitty-gritty, it behooves us to give a general overview of what you can expect when you sign up for online Quran classes. We will discuss what some offer that others lack and what might you do to find the best online Quran class for you.
Table of Contents
Finding the right fit
Means of communication
Kids Quran Tutor
List of Sites and their Features
Qutor Features
IQRA Network Features
Learn Quraan Features
Quran Reading Features
Learn Quran Online
Online Quran Academy Features
Preply Features
Pak Quran Academy Features
House of Quran Features
Finding the right fit
The first step is always the hardest and you want to be sure that you are finding the best possible candidate for teaching online Quran classes that you possibly can. At affordable rates, of course. These are the are the courses that are normally offered in these types of sites.
Proper recitation
Arabic Language
This covers most of what you might expect from an online Quran class. Once you have decided in which field you want to study, or for your children to study, its time to find the tutor.
Sometimes, you get a choice. The site might allow you to pick and choose from a list of candidates while listing their accomplishments and qualifications and the rating of their previous lessons with other clients. This is a good indication of just how good a teacher you are getting. It makes for an easy way to assess them without personally interacting with anyone and offering nothing in commitment.
Other times you just have to trust the service and the website to provide the best tutors available and they don’t allow nitpicking.
When looking for who you want to teach online Quran classes, another thing to take into consideration is time constraints. Many tutors might live in a different time zone than you and it’s prudent to find out whether their free hours coincide with yours or not. It is necessary to find someone who is available when you are free otherwise the scheduling can be a nightmare.
Means of Communication
Some online Quran classes on our list offer a tailored software exclusively meant for teaching that can and does, facilitate teaching and learning the Holy Quran. It is important to consider this when making your decision since it’s sometimes the deciding factor between understanding something and not understanding.
These kinds of software offer easy access to templates that can be instrumental in the learning of the student. For example, if you learning Tajweed and the software shows you on screen how different sounds change the meaning of an Arabic word by showing the comparison between meanings than that is extremely beneficial for someone who is learning these things for the first time.
Some online Quran classes also offer Android and iOS apps that further the convenience of having a dedicated hub meant solely for learning and understanding the Holy Quran.
Other sites are simpler in regards to this, as they offer the tried and true method of Skype and other widely spread communication software that are a household name around the world. This has the added benefit of both the tutor and the student being intimately familiar with the workings and limitations of the software and taking that into account when planning for lessons.
What it all comes down to, in the end, is pricing. It’s a balancing act of finding a good fit for a tutor and someone affordable as well. Our advice would be to give the quality of the instructor to be a more important aspect than what amount of money you will have to dole out in the end. Because surprisingly good teachers willing to teach online Quran classes can be found teaching for cheap if you only look hard enough.
Qutor 30 Hours/Month $40 Iqra Network 3 Hours/Week $7.5/hour Learn Quraan 12 Days/Month $39 Quran Reading 12 Days/Month $55 Learn Quran Online 12 Days/Month $48 Online Quran Academy 12 Days/Month $55 Preply Variable $15 Avg/hour Pak Quran Academy 4 Days/Month $30 House of Quran Free Free
This is not a complete list of the pricing available since each site has multiple sets of programs and courses offered, each differing price. So you should check those out as well if you like one site in particular.
Note: Another thing to take into consideration, and this is of extreme importance, is to find out what sect are the teachers teaching the online Quran classes related to (Sunni, Shea, Deobund, etc). Knowing what is being to your children is very, very important. The peace of mind that it gives you to know that your children are in good hands is immense. It cannot be overstated as to how important this is.
Kids Quran Tutor
If you are living in Pakistan, United Kingdom or any other country and you want your children to learn Quran at home than choose an institute from the list given below. One thing our readers have told us is that when the children know that they have to take Quran classes on a particular time they become more punctual. As a parent, it’s your responsibility that you daily remind you kid and prepare his mind to take the Quran recitation classes. Kids are mostly hesitating in taking a class and more willing to play and get a day off from their Quran class and as a parent, you should forcefully push them not to take a day off and miss their Quran class.
List of Best Online Quran Classes
Ability to choose a tutor from a list
Dedicated Software built-in into the site
Dedicated mobile app
Ability to hire multiple Tutor for different subjects
Female Tutors
Defined method of parental supervision
Qutor is one of the most popular sites when looking for the best online Quran classes, and for good reason. They have an extremely professional view on facilitating the learning of Quran. Every step, from finding a tutor to actualizing a lesson plan has been thoroughly mapped out in such a way as to not leave any ambiguity.
You get the choice of who you want as your tutor from a provided list. Alongside ratings and reviews of past students regarding the tutor.
They have an incredibly well put together application as well as a mobile app that is developed with solely the learning and recitation of Quran in mind. Students, as well as the teacher, run the program simultaneously and in concurrence to use the program to their benefit. This makes the process of learning through online Quran classes extremely streamlined for both parties.
If children are the ones studying, the website even allows their parents to supervise their progress using a feature called archiving. This is basically recording their sessions during odd intervals so that parents get an idea of what is going on in the classes and how their child is progressing. Incredibly useful to say the least.
There are many features offered in the service that are uniquely suited for many individuals seeking to learn the Holy Quran, be they, children or adults.
Many different online Quran classes are offered, allowing the users to choose how much they want to study and at what times. It is entirely up to the consumer to tell the service how much time they want to spend studying.
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IQRA Network
Association with Al-Azhar University
Required Evaluation to define what needs to be taught
Arabic Language Lessons that are a step above the rest
Structured Curriculum
When looking for best online Quran classes, some would say that IQRA has their competition beat. The thing that stands out about IQRA network is their connection to the Al-Azhar University. For those of you who don’t know, the Al-Azhar university is one of the most famous Islamic universities in the world. People from all over the world go to the university yearly to learn in-depth Islam and when they have completed their degrees they are easily given a teaching position in any Islamic institution around the world. The fact that their teachers are willing to teach online Quran classes shows how much the world is moving into the digital age.
Another thing that stands out about this is the required evaluation done by the site administrators for each and every student. This means that each student’s level of understanding of Quran is evaluated and he or she is assigned a course based on that level. If, for example, you have been studying Islam for all your life and now want to go in-depth in learning the difference between different Tafseers of Ulama then you are directed towards teachers who can help you do just that.
It is a different way of doing things and while it may not be to everyone’s liking, it has the potential to be extremely beneficial for many students.
You don’t get to pick and choose how much you spend learning through online Quran classes, they tell you.
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Learn Quraan 
Based on US, UK and Pakistan regions
Female Tutors
3 days trial
Basic Islamic Education in addition to other subjects
The availability of Female teachers is paramount for a good teaching service of Islam since our religion puts so much emphasis on the separation of genders. It would be the height of folly to ignore that basic commandment when looking to learn more about Islam through online Quran classes.
Like many other courses in our list, this course offers a free trial period. This one offers 3 days. Meaning you can use this service for free for 3 days and decide whether you are satisfied with the level of teaching being provided or would you rather go somewhere else with your money and your time.
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Quran Reading
Emphasis on Basics
Tutors proficient in English, Arabic, and Urdu
Tailored for Children
Parental Supervision
Periodic Evaluation
Emphasis on Learning Arabic
If you are in search for some online Quran classes for kids, specifically, Quran reading is a very good choice. The focus of this site is to teach children the basics of Islam and how to recite the Holy Quran in the proper way with Tajweed. Since the site puts its entire focus on children there are no advanced courses for the more knowledgeable student. But this is a plus in our opinion since it allows the teachers to focus and tailor their abilities to suit children.
The site allows parents to monitor their children throughout their learning experience with different teachers. This allows some much-needed peace of mind that we as parents are familiar with.
On top of that, the site gives the children the opportunity to sink their teeth into learning the Arabic language from the ground up. This is an incredible skill to have and may help them beyond learning proper recitation of the Quran.
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Learn Quran Online
Tutors proficient in Arabic, English, Urdu, and Pashto (Egypt, Jordan, Pakistan etc)
Online Ijazah Course
Flexible Timing
Female Tutors
All Basic courses offered alongside courses on Duas and Basic Islamic knowledge
From children to adults, this site has something for everyone. While children are taught basic Tajweed, Noorani Qaida and Masnoon Duas as well as basic Islamic knowledge. The more advanced students of Islam are provided with the opportunity to study Ijazah courses that can help them advance their Islamic knowledge by leaps and bounds.
In terms of variety of subjects provided, this site provides some of the best online Quran classes.
Another strong suit of this course is the ability to provide tutors proficient in many different languages. Speakers of Arabic, Urdu, English, and Pashto are hired as teachers which serve to allow them to teach students in their native languages, which is always a plus.
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Online Quran Academy
Free Trial classes
Multilingual Teachers
Female Teachers
Flexible Timing
Emphasis on Practical application of Islam
Complete course tailored for children
This is another site that is a great candidate for best online Quran classes for kids since their focus is children. There are various multilingual teachers in the staff. A large number of students can gain a lot from these talented and knowledgeable individuals due to this.
They have a complete course from start to finish that is meant to teach a child that has absolutely no idea about even the basics of Islam. Putting your child through this course is sure to allow him or her to become more enlightened about the true nature of Islam. The focus of the program is to encourage kids to include Islam in their day to day life and make it a habit to act upon the commandments of Islam in every aspect of life.
This program also offers female teachers for female students.
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Ability to choose own Tutors
Clearly defined pricing plan
Trial Lessons
Female Tutors
Tutor rating system
Privately tailored lessons
Shows which language tutors are proficient in
Not really an Islamic tuition site per se rather a broader site dedicated to bringing teachers and students closer together without the middle man of the schooling system in the broader sense. This, fortunately, also includes teachers looking to pass on their knowledge of Islam and the Quran.
The great part about this is that you can see how experienced a teacher is on the site by seeing how many lessons has he or she previously given. You can also see the rating of the teacher from five stars to zero stars as a gauge to how good the tutor is at getting results.
There are also commentators and reviewers who have personal experience with the teacher.
The downside to this is that since this is not purely an Islamic site, the vetting process for teachers is not as rigorous. So be mindful when selecting teachers and supervise your children if they are taking a Quran course through this method.
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Pak Quran Academy
Free trial classes
Flexible timing
Male and Female Teachers
Defined pricing plan and package deals
Like many others on this list, you have the ability to book trial classes in this site to be sure of how satisfied you are with the level of teaching before committing to it in the form of monetary investment.
They also have flexible time and enough teachers, presumably, to avail students at any time of the day. So finding yourself in a different time zone than your tutors should not be a problem.
The staff consists of both male and female teachers you can choose from given your preference.
Another thing of note is that they regularly offer package deals like a discount for two children studying together will be cheaper in the package deal.
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House of Quran
Dedicated software specifically built to help to learn Tajweed
Ability to learn at one’s own pace
Word by word Quran recitation with proper Tajweed
Variety of reciters
We added this to the list of best online Quran classes, not because of their amazing teachers but because they don’t have any. This is unlike any other site on this list simply for the fact that the service they provide is different from what you might be expecting.
They offer software that is meant to make learning Tajweed an incredibly easy task. Their software allows you to watch on the screen the text of the Holy Quran, make the software read the text, in the voice of a recognized Qari. With the correct pronunciation, of course.
This allows the user to recognize his or her mistake and correct it, then proceed forward.
Take care though, this is not meant to serve as an end all be all teacher for young children. They still need a dedicated teacher to truly understand the basics. But rather as a more advanced guide and corrector of sorts.
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Author’s Note: Find the online Quran classes can be a tough task to undergo. It requires a certain level of trust to allow a stranger on the internet to teach your kids online Quran classes. Don’t rush into things. Find out everything you can about the online Quran classes before committing to anything. How much they ask for, how good are the teachers and if they are willing to teach your kids Quran the way you want them to be taught. Don’t skimp and don’t hesitate when you find the right teacher for online Quran classes. It is in your best interest to don’t let the perfect teacher slip away from your fingers, it could mean the difference between understanding the Quran and not understanding it, for your children.
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