#Reader is nice only because it listens to connor instead of gavin
nubimera · 1 year
I think it is inexplicable how much I am currently invested in the Gavin and reader!sibling headcanon
In the sense that by now I've entered a black hole where I also think about how they would be in the au
Like the reverse au??
I kinda love android!Gavin (GV800? RD800??? idk) and all the relationship between him and human!Nines
But at the same time I can't stop thinking about RD800 that one day shows up at DPD with android!reader and "ah yes, anyway this is my little sibling now"
And reader (at this point I'm assuming RD900) is simply the most akward and weirdest android ever. Like standing there, looking confused half the time, they supposed to be deviant but it doesn't look like they are. Very similar to canon!Connor at the start of the game but even stiffer.
Literally designed to be a war machine, who finds themself brewing coffee and solving murder cases with Human!Connor and Hank
And those times when their co-worker try to have a normal conversation with Reader, the only thing they can think is "I don't know what the fuck I suppose to do" because they hasn't installed any relational or social programs, and they doesn't want to ask for help to android!Gavin because he is worse with this type of things than reader
I just can't explain how i love the scenario
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nothing-but-dreamy · 3 years
A/N: I'm sorry for the long wait. But I hope it was worth it. Have fun :)
Characters: Gavin Reed x fem!Reader
Warnings: cursing
Words: 2.340
The next morning, once again, yn went early to the police station in hope she would find Connor. And she was right. Like the day before, the android was already there, sitting at his desk, checking some files at a fast pace. She approached him slowly, still searching for the right words, "Good morning.", yn said softly with a careful smile.
Connor looked up with a warm smile, "Hey, good morning. You wanna talk, right?", he asked softly, already knowing what would follow.
Yn felt guilty as she saw Connor's eyes. He was so nice and handsome but sometimes that wasn't just enough, "Yeah… Listen, Connor, I… I like you. I really do. But not in this way-"
Connor raised his hand to stop her, "You belong to Gavin. I get that. Hank meant that you accepted your feelings the same way like I have become a deviant. First, you had to discover what there was before you could understand your feelings.", he said matter of factly but still smiling. As yn had followed Gavin the day before, Hank had explained it to the android. For some time, there had been a certain dynamic between them. Like a bond. Connor understood it. He had noticed it as well. He had seen the same between North and Markus. For him there was no reason to step between two people who belonged to each other.
Yn was surprised but it was indeed suitable, "Wow.. yeah… I- I guess you could say it that way. I just didn't know about it until now. I'm sorry.", she said and hoped he would accept her apology.
But Connor smiled reassuringly, "Don't worry. I understand that.. well, I don't understand what you see in him-", he said and looked around yn.
She followed his glance and both watched how Gavin came in. Yn smiled softly. He looked a bit better, still tired but better. Suddenly, she felt excited to see him. Remembering last night…
Connor caught her attention again as he spoke up, "...but I will accept it. We... We can still be friends, right?", he asked hopefully.
She smiled broadly, "Of course! You won't get rid of me so easily.", and to underline her words, she hugged the android.
After that, Yn walked over to Gavin who leant casually against his desk, checking the file of the operation 'JoJo' once again. He smiled broadly as she approached him, "Good morning, Detective Reed. I'm not sure if you're aware of that but you have something in your face."
Gavin looked confused and started rubbing his face, "What? Where? There's nothing.", he said a moment later.
"Sure! Right there. I guess, 'normal' people would call it a happy smile.", yn said grinning.
Gavin rolled with his eyes but was smiling again, "Very funny. Oh, I have something for you."
"W-what?", yn was surprised and watched curiously how Gavin grabbed something from behind his back. It was a cardboard cup of coffee from her most favourite Café in town, "Oh, thanks. That's so sweet of you.", yn said with a huge smile. Usually he did this move on special occasions like her birthday. But this time, it was different. It meant something different.
Gavin stepped forward, "Turn the cup around.", he whispered. It was as if they were in a bubble - just the two of them.
Yn turned the cup in her hand and her smile went even bigger. She even blushed a bit much to Gavin’s surprise. Since he knew her, he had never seen her being this 'girly-like'. Especially, because what he had done wasn’t such a big deal in his eyes. On the spot where usually the name of the customer got written was 'dream girl' scribbled. Next to the nickname was a heart.
"Gavin, that’s so sweet.", yn whispered and saw Gavin's love filled eyes sparkle because of her reaction. She lowered her voice, "You know, if you would have pulled off something like this earlier I might have checked something.", yn said with a wink before she walked to her desk.
Gavin chuckled, "Yeah, that was what I tried to prevent, you remember?"
"Well, but who knows how much coffee I would have got from you by now.", she said grinning.
Gavin's smile changed into a devilish smirk. He took a small note, crumpled it in his hand to a ball and threw it against yn. He didn't hit her. Instead, the small ball bounced from the cup in yn’s hand and hit Chris' forehead as he passed yn. Chris looked up confused and both yn and Gavin acted as if nothing had happened while they tried to suppress a grin.
Captain Fowler stood in the door of his office. As Hank noticed him, Fowler nodded to signal him to join him in his office. Connor went over to yn and Gavin to go over the plan of the operation 'JoJo', the name was just too silly not to get used.
Hank closed the office door and joined his boss who stood in front of the glass to watch over the office.
"The operation is almost fully planned. Just a few things are left. But with Captain Allen and his unit, we won't have any problems.", Hank said.
Fowler nodded, his eyes observing yn and the two men. While she explained something, both were listening to her, "She has this team under control, hasn't she?”, he said, acknowledging all of her actions so far.
“Oh, yeah. She has some true magical powers.”, Hank said proudly.
“It's also helpful that Reed admitted his feelings to her, finally.”, Fowler said and noticed how Hank stared at him.
“But… how…? You knew about that?” Hank asked, visibly surprised.
Fowler just smirked knowingly, "Of course. It wasn't that hard to see. Yn is such a good Detective, I was surprised that she never noticed something."
Hank looked at the small group. A question came into his mind regarding the rules when it came to relationships at work, "So are you gonna separate them later?"
Fowler looked at his old friend, "And having a raging Reed running around here? I don't think so. I like the peace-"
"Watch it, asshole!", Gavin barked as an officer dropped a bunch of files to the Detective's feet.
Fowler shook his head as he saw Hank's side glance and smirk, "...you know what I mean.", Fowler said and went back to his desk.
Hank observed his team a moment longer. They all had done a great job and he was sure the operation would be successful.
Operation ‘JoJo’ caused even Captain Allen’s team to chuckle. While yn stood grinning in the conference room filled with amused guys, trying to explain the plan to them, Gavin watched her amazed. He was still surprised how everything had changed so fast. The day before, he had tried to kill Connor and now, he stood across the room, watching yn who always started to grin when her eyes fell on the nickname on the cup of coffee. It was just a coffee he had brought and yet, she reacted more to it than she had to the flowerpot of Connor. Once again, Gavin grinned stupidly and tried to hide it.
As Hank began to speak, the room was calmer again and the attention with him, “Captain Allen, Detective Reed, Connor and I will go inside. Detective Y/L/N will observe the whole operation from the outside.”, he said, looking at yn who nodded in confirmation.
Captain Allen stepped forward, “Jones, Tenner, you two will stay with Detective Y/L/N. The others will surround the warehouse. Hastings and Benner, you will join us to go inside. We will launch the attack all at once so no one can escape.”, he said authoritatively. All his men were nodding understanding. Allen looked at his men, “Any questions?”, Allen asked but there was none. The plan was clear: no shooting unless it was necessary. It was an operation to arrest the dealer and the boss to blow up a drug nest.
As everything was clear, Allen’s team got up and cleared the room to get ready. In two hours, the operation would start. The next meeting would be at eight and they had to make sure that all of the suspects would be there before they could strike. Connor and Hank left the room and only then, Gavin walked over to yn who collected the files, “You still wanna stay outside missing all the fun?”, he asked with a smirk.
“Yes, like I have promised you that. But it’s a one time thing. The next time, I’m in the middle of the rodeo no matter what.”, yn said jokingly but as she saw Gavin’s expression she stepped forward laying her hands on his chest and searching his eyes, “What is it? And don’t you dare to run away or to say ‘nothing’. Speak with me, please. Do you still feel guilty?”, she asked and as he looked away she knew she was right, “No matter what I say, I can’t change that, right?”
Slowly, Gavin shook his head before he matched her glance, “It’s not that I wouldn’t try to move past it but I… I have this dream…”, he admitted and embraced her softly around her waist. He didn’t care if anyone would see them. He had waited too long to have her close and now, no one would get between him and her.
“Dream? What dream?”, yn asked surprised. It was the first time she heard something about a dream.
“About the case and how you got … shot. It’s haunting me. Almost every night, I dream about how you pushed me away and how you laid there bleeding. I can’t get the pictures out of my head because I…I-”, but her soft hand on his cheek stopped him. He closed his eyes as he felt her touch.
“I know, I can’t stop you from feeling guilty but I’m here for you. I will listen to you when you wanna talk. Just don’t shut me out, please. We will get through this together.”, she whispered. She smiled as she saw Gavin looking at her.
With his thumb and index finger, he grabbed her chin carefully to raise it up before he kissed her lovely, “I like the way you say ‘we’.”, he whispered.
Even if yn became more and more jittery the closer they got to the warehouse, she stayed outside as planned. The docks were dark and from some distance, they had watched how cars had stopped and parked until everyone had entered the warehouse. Yn observed how Allen’s men sneaked through the shadows around the warehouse. To watch this tactical team move was always a pleasure. As Allen got the information that his men were ready, Allen and Hank took the lead of her team to position in front of the door. Nervously, yn watched how Gavin and the others ran over the open place, how they stopped at the door before Allen kicked it open. She could hear the typical DPD-instructions calling through the night while from the other side Allen’s men were stopping a few guys from escaping. Not one shot was necessary, and yn felt relieved to know that her friends weren’t in any danger AND she was proud that their plan had worked out this well.
Jones and Tenner helped their colleagues to store away the arrested dealers in the cars while yn watched the scene. Everyone considered the operation as over until yn noticed a movement on the right side of the warehouse. A tall guy sneaked out of a hole behind a stone. And even from a distance, yn noticed that it was the boss. Obviously, he was able to escape or to hide inside until he could crawl through this sideway. Her team was still inside and Allen’s guys were busy with the already arrested men. Yn knew the longer she would just stand there the more it was possible for the boss to disappear with one of the cars.
Without thinking, Yn grabbed her gun and ran after the fleeing guy, “DPD! Stop and hands up.”, she called out, the guy stopped surprised, turned around, looked at her and raised his own gun to aim at her.
Two shots were echoing through the night. Gavin was just about to close the handcuffs around the wrists of a henchman as his head shot up in fear of what was going on out there, “Yn!”, Gavin breathed. In the next second, Gavin ran out of the warehouse. He got followed by Hank, Connor and Allen. All four men stopped on the pavement. Eyes glued at yn who slowly lowered her gun.
Gavin ran over to her, grabbing her shoulders with a concerned expression on his face and turning her over to him, “What happened? Have you shot?”
“This bitch shot me! She tried to kill me! She's crazy!”, the boss called out who was lying on the ground.
Yn looked from Gavin to the boss, “Crazy? Yes. But if I would have wanted to kill you, you would be dead by now. I never miss my prey.”, she said with a grin, storing away her weapon and relaxing while she winked at Gavin who relaxed as well, just very slowly.
“You shot me in the foot!”, the boss called out again, this time holding his foot in his hand protectively.
"Of course. I told you to stop and you threatened me with your gun. I’m just a much better shooter than you are.", Yn said grinning. She looked at Hank who stepped forward, "He sneaked out of a side door behind a stone as you were busy inside."
“Good job.”, Hank said with a proud grin and patted her shoulder.
Gavin embraced her, bringing her close, “Hell! And I thought you would be safe out there.”, he said relieved.
“You know what? Me too.”, yn admitted. She was slightly shaking and glad to have Gavin by her side.
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idle-writer · 4 years
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pairing: connor RK800 x reader x nines RK900
warning: none
chapters: 1, ... , 3
“Excuse me. I’m looking for Connor…” You asked the first person you ran into.
“That plastic prick?” The man grimaced, his tone vile.
You frowned, not liking this person at all. “Please don’t speak of him like that.”
“It. Why do you care? You fucking?” The man stepped toward you. You tried to push him away but he only caught your wrist. “You should be with a real man, darling.”
“I advise you to let go, Detective Reed,”
Nines was gripping Reed’s wrist. The man winced in pain, immediately letting go of yours. “What the fuck? Are you going to break my hand?! Jesus.”
If you touch her again, yes.
“As an officer of the law, you of all people should know what harassment is.” Nines stated, his voice cold and threatening.
Gavin cursed under his breath, and walked away.
“Thank you,” you said rubbing your wrist with your other hand. Receiving no response, you looked up to Nines, his deadly stare fixed on the back of Reed's head. You lifted your hand and gently touched the skin surrounding his LED. "Nines, are you okay? It's red."
Nines' eyes flickered to you, circling his hand on yours and flipping them to get a good look and inspect your your wrist, his fingers skimming the skin. He looked like he was in very deep thought.
What you didn't know was that Nines’ mind were plagued by the thoughts of you. For some reason, his mind always come back to the way you called his name when that night ended, and the unfamiliar longing to hear it again.
He usually didn’t care about anyone – human or android. All he cared about was that he accomplishes all tasks, all missions assigned to him.
He was unlike his predecessor.
Connor had always been good with humans. He became even better after deviancy. Connor embraced the idea wholeheartedly. Always following the hardboiled lieutenant around made him soft. Connor found humans and human interactions interesting. And when you first came, Connor couldn’t stop talking about you. Nines would sometimes overhear Connor asking Hank for advice.
“Can’t you look for those information using your built-in search engine or whatever,” Hank would always grunt, but in the end, he would always give Connor some advice. The android always listening tentatively, mentally taking notes.
It's not that Connor couldn't search for the answer on his own, he just values the lieutenant's opinions above anyone else's.
Nines wasn’t like that, and he’d like to think that it was because his systems were more advanced, more resistant. He was more machine, yes, even more machine than the RK800. And so he was used to be treated like such - like a tool to accomplish mission left and right until his biocomponents fail him. Because if he is not... then what is he?
"So you're Connor's brother?" The first words you've spoken to him. It was also the first time he was referred to as a 'brother'.
Why did you treat him so human?
Why did you burrow yourself on his components so deep he couldn’t shake you off?
Nines immediately let go of your hand. Turning around, you saw Connor exiting the elevator.
“It’s nice seeing you again, Nines.” You thanked him again, before walking to meet with Connor.
Nines watched as you pulled on Connor’s tie urging him to bend down as you place a kiss on his lips, Connor happily returning the gesture, his hand automatically reaching at your back as he pulled you closer.
A snort of disgust was heard from a distance, and the lovers pulled away. A soft chuckle left you. “Hi there, Hank.”
Hank was already on his way to his desk, not turning to you but acknowledging you with a wave of his hand.
You then fixed Connor’s jacket and tie, doing your best to smoothen the creases made by you. Connor noticed the redness on your wrist, eyes narrowing slightly, but choosing not to say anything. Instead he lifted your hand, and pressed his lips against your wrist. His eyes were on you, lips brushing your skin as he whispered. “I can leave in 32 minutes. Will you wait for me?”
You fought the blush creeping on your face, and breathed deeply. You nodded, unable to stop smiling when you felt him intertwine his fingers with yours as you were led to a chair near his desk.
Nines watched in a distance, ignoring the constant glaring notification on the corner of his line of sight.
a/n: updated finally! Tumblr kept on deleting my drafts and I had to rewrite again and again because there always small changes I do and ugh anyway glad it worked out in the end.
It will get better with Nines, I promise! Thank you for reading as always.
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embeanwrites · 4 years
Finding Home Gavin Reed x Reader
Ch 27
I was sitting at the front of the lecture hall with my laptop grading the end of the semester presentations. Part of me regretted not doing a one and done scantron to make my life easier, but the students brought a lot of interesting topics that made it all feel worth it. One student went into detail about the Jericho raid and talked about the legality of it, which I had been toying with mentioning in my book. It was interesting to see another side of the conversation. 
Most of the students had decided on doing a presentation rather than a paper and a few students even went with ideas that are way outside of the box. One student had made a short comic book depicting different events that had happened in Detroit with the sociological theory and explanation of the theory. It was easily one of the coolest projects in the bunch and luckily the student is letting me keep it. I plan to scan it and use it next semester, giving the student credit of course. It was clear some students half-assed their projects, but way less did than I expected which I consider a plus since this was my first real course and I knew from experience students tended to take advantage of first-year teachers’ inexperience.  
After the final presentation was done I noticed we still had ten minutes left, perfect to say goodbye to my class. It was hard to believe how fast time had gone by, but with one semester done I couldn’t wait to teach this class again with what I’ve learned this first time. Hopefully, with time the school would assign me some different courses. 
“Well, everyone, it's been amazing being your professor. This class was so fun to teach and I enjoy everyone’s questions and participation. I truly hope you’ve learned something about android and human relationships and the complexity that goes with it, even moving forward. This class has a lot of information I hope you can apply to your everyday life.
“I appreciate all the feedback I got and I’m sorry that we didn’t have a guest speaker this semester, things just got too crazy in the middle, but hopefully that will be different next semester and I will see what I can do about giving you all the opportunity to sit in on the class that day. 
“All of your projects were truly amazing. I was blown away by not only the creativity but the quality of them. I wish you all the best of luck on the remainder of your finals and I hope to see you all around campus. Please feel free to stop by my office anytime you need someone to talk to or have a question.” 
I smiled and waved to the students as they left. Some stopped to say goodbye, but many just went ahead and left. Which was fine, I remember finals week in undergrad. What a nightmare of a time. It felt good being done and now I had four weeks to prepare and relax for next semester. Four weeks to also settle into Gavin’s house. I was also almost fully done packing and Gavin, Connor, and Tina were helping me move my stuff over in three days. I was excited to say goodbye to that sad apartment. I just assumed I would live there until my contract expired and move on with my life. Now I was happy I had barely unpacked, less to pack now. 
As everyone filed out I gathered my stuff and put on my coat. I was meeting Gavin at the precinct, he was taking the afternoon off so we could go shopping for some new furniture and decor for the house. 
I decided to walk to the precinct since it wasn’t that long of a walk and for early December it wasn’t too bad out. I knew if I got sick I would never hear the end of it from Gavin and Nines about the importance of staying out of the cold. There was a light dusting of snow on the ground, but it was sunny out, and not a lot of wind. It was relaxing to see the city so peaceful. It was almost the first anniversary of the android revolution, I needed to talk to dad and Gavin to see if we could do something special for Connor and Nines. To think one year ago many people were fleeing Detroit and the streets were on complete lockdown due to peaceful protesting. I looked over to see an abandoned Cyberlife store, I thought about asking Elijah about their plans for the remaining stores. With no clear laws, Cyberlife was in a major gray area, currently, they were only allowed to give spare parts directly to androids for free. 
Sighing, I walked into the precinct and gave a small wave to the receptionist. At this point, they all knew who I was and I didn’t have to check-in. Walking into the bullpen the first thing I noticed was that Gavin was in Fowler’s office, so I walked over to dad’s and Connor’s desks. I gave my dad a pat on the shoulder as I moved to jump up on Connor’s desk since my dad’s was too messy to sit on. 
“How was your last day of class?” Connor asked, leaning back in his chair. His LED was a calm blue. I smiled at him and noted the calm feeling around the two of them. Desk duty was clearly doing dad some good, even though both of them were eager to get back in the field. Connor had made that very apparent when he took Sumo out for a walk, that turned more into a run.
“It was really good. I’ll have to show you some of the projects I got. I think you’ll find them interesting. Maybe you could even pass them on to Markus, there’s one in particular that I think he’ll like. The student included a lot of artwork.” I hummed and looked up at Fowler’s office. From where I was sitting I could tell Gavin was frustrated, his fist were clenched and his body language was stiff. 
“Markus would definitely enjoy that. I’ll contact him to see when he’s free. I know he’s been busy with negotiations still.” 
“It’s been almost a year. I wish the government would work with them instead of stalling. Warren is just trying to stay neutral to keep her approval ratings decent.” Connor nodded in agreement. Androids were still not allowed to vote, so Warren didn’t have to worry about their votes. Hopefully, Markus would be able to change that soon. Androids should be able to vote in their own representatives. Snapping out of my thoughts that were meant more for a paper and less for small talk I shook my head and looked over to Fowler’s office. “What’s Gavin doing in Fowler’s office?” 
“End of the year evaluations.” My dad answered. I nodded and glanced over to where Nines was sitting. He was facing Fowler’s office and watching the two men talk, from his expression and Gavin’s it didn’t seem to be going well. I wondered for a moment if Nines was able to hear them and if he could, could Connor? “Are you two going furniture shopping?” 
“Furniture and just house stuff.” I pulled my legs up and moved to face my dad, sitting criss-cross applesauce. 
“You two are pretty serious, huh?” He asked, I couldn’t help but smile and nod. “It’s nice seeing you both happy.” 
“Thank you. I know it’s been hard to get used to us being together, but I appreciate it.” I looked back towards the office and saw Gavin shaking Fowler’s hand and heading out. We made eye contact and he grimaced. “Alright, I’ll see you two later!” I said my goodbyes to dad and Connor and walked over to Gavin’s desk. He was quickly packing up his stuff and avoiding eye contact with me and Nines. “Hey, you okay?” I whispered. He shook his head as he swung a backpack over his shoulder. 
“Let’s just get out of here.” I nodded and grabbed his hand. Gavin led me out of the precinct and towards his car in silence. Occasionally I squeezed his hand, hoping to offer some reassurance. 
We both got into the car, but Gavin made no move to start his car, instead he leaned forward and laid his head on the steering wheel. I watched him take a few deep breaths and I moved to rub his back. 
“Do you-”
“I didn’t get the promotion.” Gavin interrupted me, keeping his head down. I could feel him tense up under my hand. 
“Gav, it’s ok-”
“It’s not okay!” He shouted, his head shot up as he smacked the steering wheel with both hands, the loudness stunning me for a moment. I moved my hand from his back to his shoulder, attempting to keep him grounded in the moment. “I worked so fucking hard for this. I work my ass off. I’m constantly working on cases even outside of work and the thanks I get is ‘be better!’ What the fuck am I supposed to do with that?” Gavin was seething but keeping his eyes forward. He hit the steering wheel again, hitting the horn on accident. “Fuck.” He whispered hoarsely, looking over to me. He looked exhausted and his eyes were glassy. 
“Hey,” I whispered, cupping his face with both of my hands. I gently pulled him closer and kissed his forehead. “I don’t care what Fowler says. You are a kick-ass detective, you’re smart, you’re dedicated to your job, and I love you. Just because you didn't get the promotion today doesn’t mean you won’t ever get it. Go in tomorrow and prove him wrong every day until he understands that you are the right man for the job.” Gavin sighed and closed his eyes, leaning into my touch. 
“I-I know we’re supposed to go shopping-” He stuttered. 
“Let’s head home, we can shop another day. Nothing we had planned today is urgent.” I kissed him gently and I felt him release a sigh of relief. He gently pulled back to start the car. I buckled my seat belt as we headed back to the house. 
The drive was quiet, neither of us made a move to turn on the radio. I closed my eyes and laid my head against the window, listening to Gavin drum his fingers to a beat inside his head on the dashboard. Gavin really deserved that promotion. There were more times I could count where I would wake up around 3 am and find Gavin still working on a case. He was dedicated to his job and he dedicated himself to every case he had. 
Pulling into the driveway, we both made our way into the house and immediately plopped down on the couch. Gavin put his head in my lap and closed his eyes. I started running my hands gently through his hair, feeling the tension leave his body. He made no attempt to move or talk, so I started humming softly. 
“Thank you.” He murmured. 
“Of course, Gav.” I gently moved one of my hands to sit on top of one of his which was on his chest. He intertwined our fingers almost immediately. 
“You’re so good for me.” He said, his eyes were still closed so he didn’t see my smile. 
“You deserve good, Gav,” I whispered, quickly resuming my humming and attempting to comfort him. “Hey, have you thought about asking my dad for a letter of recommendation or for him to talk to Fowler?” Gavin let out a sigh. 
“I feel like that’s wrong.” He whispered.
“Because we’re dating, he’d feel like he’d have to.” He opened his eyes and looked up at me. He looked so exhausted, the bags under his eyes were purple. I gently ran my thumb across his eyebrow. 
“My dad would say no if he didn’t think you were right for the job, Gavin. Maybe just ask him what more you could do? He’s not putting in a good word for you, he’s just giving you advice. You shouldn’t feel bad about that.” I said softly, he closed his eyes and sighed. 
“Maybe.” He mumbled. “I’m sorry we didn’t go to the store.” 
“Don’t be. We can go some other time. There’s nothing on our list that’s urgent and even if there was you are more important than anything on that list.” I leaned down and kissed his forehead. 
“Thank you.” 
“Of course.” 
After about half an hour of Gavin laying in my lap, he left to take a shower while I made something low effort for us to eat. We spent the rest of the day just lounging about and cuddling. Even the cats ended up snuggling into both of us. Nines would be very disappointed in our food choices and lack of doing anything productive, but it really seemed to help Gavin. Which at the end of the day, was all that mattered to me.
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iatasbcl · 5 years
You Were Born
Pairing: Deviant!Connor x Reader
Summary: It’s Connor’s birthday and the two of you take a trip down memory lane.
A/N: I didn’t feel motivated enough to write on the 15th so here is a late birthday fic for my boy!! Prepare yourself for some tooth-rooting fluff and shitty references, Enjoy!
W.C: 2K? I think
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Monday, August 15, 2039
The first thing Connor noticed was how abnormal the silence surrounding the Andersson household was. His home wasn’t one known for quietness nor peacefulness, it disconcerted him how he couldn’t even hear Sumo’s familiar barking that he heard every time he came back from work. The lights were out too.
The atmosphere sent him spiraling into the worst possibilities, was everyone attacked? Were you hurt?
The thoughts terrified him, but he moved towards the door nonetheless, he knocked once, twice, thrice. He touched the doorknob and it turned with ease, the door let out long creaks as he tried his best to look in the dark, he, unfortunately, was not equipped with night-vision optical units.
Something was wrong, something was wrong, something was wrong —
As soon as the word hit him, the lights were on and his eyes immediately adjusted. The inner decor was covered with birthday decorations, a big ‘HAPPY ACTIVATIᵛᵃᵗᶦᵒⁿ ᵈᵃʸ’ sign hung between the living room and the kitchen. It was your font; you probably didn’t take the size of the banner into account.
Most of the people he knew were there; Hank, Sumo, Nines, his friends from Jericho, and even Gavin. And you, who was smiling at him with the adorable smile he loved so much.
You closed in on him and pulled him into a tight hug, your lips pecked his cheek and you whispered, “Happy birthday.��� Into his ear.
The party wasn’t over the top, as most of the people here were exhausted from another tiring Monday.
“It was ____’s idea.” Said Hank with some blue whipped cream covering his mustache, “They managed to gather everyone today, took a whole lot of convincing bring that rat-man.” Connor now knew that was Gavin’s nickname.
He appreciated it, you gathered everyone he loved in one room for him on a weekday, nonetheless. You and Hank made him cake shaped like a cartoonish robot with blue frosting, it was a bit messy, but it looked perfect to him. He appreciated the sentiment behind it even though he couldn’t taste it.
“Then I yelled ‘Fuck da police’” Said a weirdly drunk Gavin, Connor wondered where he got enough booze to become this intoxicated. He locked everything away for Hank’s sake.
“Detective, you work for the police.” Was Nines’ coolly response.
“Yeah… Fuck ‘em.”
“Nice,” You interjected, taking a sip of your drink “So, you’re saying where you were 15 you stole a car, crashed it, stole another car and yelled ‘fuck da police’ in the face of the office that was arresting you?”
“Yeah… it was awesome” He slurred.
“I feel like I should be surprised but I’m not.” You nodded to yourself.
“Hey, Markus?” Connor noticed the alcohol in your body slightly increased as you swayed next to him, “Is it true? Is Warren an android?”
Markus blinked at your sudden question; Connor gave him an apologetic smile.
“I can’t confirm nor deny that.” He chuckled.
“That’s a yes, Gavin you own me 20 dollars.” You ran to where the said man was.
Everyone had left as it got late, Nines accompanied Gavin to his home, Markus and the rest of Jericho went to the airport to catch their flight and a rather tired Hank retreated to his room.
It was just the two of you know, he did what you advised him to do if you slipped and drank too much. He made you coffee and gave you water, it didn’t take that long for you to begin to sober up.
“I am dating a one-year-old.” You muttered to yourself, sobering you liked questioning your life choices.
“I am technically designed to be in my late twenties or early thirties.” He corrected and you groaned, “Yeah, yeah.”
For the first time in the last hours, it was quiet. But this felt pleasant.
“Do you… wanna open your presents?”
Presents were a common part of birthday parties, given in celebration of the person’s birthday. He did receive gifts and cards from the attendees that he was curious to see.
And so, he did. He and you sat next to each other on the comfy couch and began to open the gifts.
The first one was a physical copy of the book ‘I, Robot’ by Isaac Asimov. He was surprised to see it was from Gavin, of all people. “Aw, he really loves that book,” you said, “Do you think you noticed you reading a lot in the precinct?”
Reading was another hobby he picked up, he enjoyed how relaxing it was.
The second one was from Nines, it was a mug with a Saint Bernard on it, it looked just liked Sumo. He smiled; he was going to use it for his thirium.
You were smiling too, like you felt happy for how loved he felt right now.
The third one was from Markus; it was a portrait of him. His Art always managed to take Connor’s breath away. “Damn, we gotta hang that over the fireplace.”
North gave him a custom-made knife; Josh wrote a birthday card that thanked him for his help with their cause and Simon gifted him a little cactus.
Hank’s gift would’ve knocked the air out of his lungs if he had to breath. Most wouldn’t call it a spectacular gift, but it meant a lot to Connor. It was an antique coin, similar to his dear one he lost a while ago. He flicked it into his other hand, testing the waters as they say. He knew how Hank found his habit irritating and yet he got him a new coin, a beautiful one too.
“Okay, show off. C’mon open mine.” You ushered and he noticed how you started to look anxious, “Are you alright?”
“Yes, of course, just open the thing.” You pushed the wrapped box towards him, and he nodded.
It was a scrapbook, made of polaroid pictures of him and the people around you. The first page was from the first time you met, the Carlos Ortiz crime scene. He remembered how Hank scolded you for taking a picture of this piece of shit instead of working. You did not care at all.
Friday, November 5, 2038
-Welcome to the team, Mr. the android sent by cyberlife
The next page included a picture of him and Hank in the car while you drove to Kamski’s place, he remembered it being rather… dull. You didn’t talk much nor did Hank.
Tuesday, November 9, 2038
-Going to visit Mr. I live in the mountains while the whole world burns, this should be great. Also, Connor is listening to heavy metal lol
He did mean it when he said he would like to listen to music, heavy metal has been one of his favorite genres ever since. His grin only grew wider when he saw the next picture. It was taken in Hank’s house, a shot of the TV displayed him standing behind Markus and the thousands of androids in front of them.
Friday, November 12, 2038
-This dork literally joined a revolution and won… what a power move
also hank is tearing up but he threatened to break my camera if I took a photo ):
“Hank cried?” He asked and you immediately nodded, “I told you he’s a softie… he was happy you were alright.” Right, he was almost killed beforehand by his ‘evil twin’ as you said, it made sense for him to worry.
He flipped the page and a wave of happier memories hit him. Things were still hectic since the revolution ‘ended’. Many evacuated the city despite the peaceful approach that Markus took, their fear was irrational yet understandable. This meant most of the resident of Detroit were androids.
It wasn’t bad but the evacuation only meant many humans still refused to acknowledge the fact that androids were alive and in time would be their equals in the eyes of law. It lowered his spirit a bit.
Hank wasn’t having it, at all. He decided to take out the old Christmas decorations he had and invited you over to help decorate the house. It wasn’t even December, yet you rushed here.
This one was of Hank scolding him and his counterpart while they tried to put the star on the tree.
Monday, November 29, 2038
-Life is great, Connor and Nines just tried to put Sumo on the amazing (decorated by me) Christmas tree
Androids really are superior to us
He chuckled at your comment and continued. The photo was of him in a ‘casual’ suit that hank gave him. It was your first date since you asked him out. You were going to watch movies at your place.
Tuesday, February 14, 2039
-Taking this one because Connor looks nervous… and cute.
You snickered, “Do you remember how nervous you were? It was so adorable.” He shook his head, “Yes, my stress level was a bit high. You failed to mention the date would be in your apartment and not out before I borrowed this from Hank. I didn’t want him to feel bad about it and I ended up looking overdressed.”
You chuckled, again. “Well, you still looked perfect.” Your loved complimenting him and it always made his face heat up, he bit his lip and proceeded.
The next one was of him standing in Hank’s bathroom with his LED gone for the first time since his activation, it took a lot of courage to be able to let go of what he was made for, be it that little spinning device. You and Hank were with him every step of the way.
Sunday, April 3, 2039 -My boy is accepting himself
He teared up a bit, the support he got from you and the others was heart-warming, to say the least. He held your hand and gave it a quick peck.
The following one featured a hug between him and Hank. He had received gifts from both Connor and Nines, the former gave him a card with a heartfelt message while the latter gave him one that simply said, ‘You are an efficient parental figure.’ It was impressive since it came from Nines, who still struggled with his lack of a social program.
Saturday, June 19, 2039
-Father’s Day with our fav grumpy old man.
After that was him in shorts and a tank top from last month. He stood next to Sumo with a box of fireworks in his hands. He didn’t participate with the celebration since he wanted to make sure Sumo would be okay, you stayed with him.
Monday, July 4, 2039
-Happy 4th of July! Connor, your legs were made for these shorts- god bless Cyberlife.
That night did end up being… Interesting because of his choice in clothing. He did end up wearing them a bit more since then.
He flipped the page and realized the rest of them were empty. “I didn’t realize this was why you insisted on taking pictures of me with your polaroid camera.” You shrugged.
“It wasn’t in the beginning but… I wanted to capture those moments you know? Keep them with us forever.” You moved closer and snuggled with him, “You can fill it up if you want. I know you can see any memory you want anytime but… I guess this is just a sappy way of doing it.”
“No,” he interjected, “I appreciate your gift and the meaning behind it. I also wish to have many more pleasant memories with you and those around us.” You hummed with a smile then yawned. You put your head against his shoulder and soon drifted off.
He noticed your Camera on the table next to him, how convenient. He slowly reached for it and used it to take a picture of the two of you. You looked breath-taking to him, with your peaceful face and soft snoring.
Something about this felt… right. He felt like he finally belonged. Like he found his place, his family, his love. This was ‘it’ as some would say.
Monday, August 15, 2039 -I am happy.
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writeyouin · 4 years
Connor X Reader - Do You Dream? Chapter 5
Chapter 5 – Defying Expectations 
A/N – Somewhat of a short chapter, but I’m finally pleased with where this story is going.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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It wasn’t long till Gavin came to pick you up from the park but every second spent in silence with Connor dragged painfully on, laden with anger and sadness. You squinted as Gavin’s rusted Buick headlights fell over you. Gavin got out, grinning smugly at the pair of you.
“Bye,” You said sullenly to Connor, not sure what else to say in lieu of the previous events.
“(Y/N), wait,” Connor said, reaching out for your wrist before he thought better of it and held himself back. “You don’t have to do this…”
You shook your head, frowning morosely, “I just- I can’t be around you right now.”
“What are you two ladies talking about?” Gavin asked cockily, swaggering over.
“Just give me a minute, Gavin.”
Connor stepped in front of you, whispering quickly, “You don’t have to stay with me. I’ll find a place temporarily and you can stay with Hank. Just please, don’t go with him.”
“Connor, don’t make this harder than it has to be. I’ve made up my mind. I’ll… I’ll see you at work. You coming, Gavin?” You asked, upon going over to the Buick.
“Sure, sure, just give me a sec.” Gavin approached Connor with a wicked grin, talking in a hushed tone so you wouldn’t hear, “Thanks for giving (Y/N) to me, plastic. This’ll just give me time to work on her. I hope you’ll think of us two rolling under the covers while you’re left alone, worthless and broken.”
Connor grabbed Gavin’s arm, speaking through gritted teeth, “You better take care of her. If anything happens- If anyone hurts so much as one hair on her head, I will personally see to it that you suffer.”
“If anyone hurts her? From what I’m seeing here, it’s you who hurt her.” Gavin yanked his arm back, “I’ll do a damn better job than you at taking care of her. Plastic prick.”
After that vicious exchange, Gavin left Connor standing alone in the park as he got back into his car and drove you towards his apartment.
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Gavin thought he was being reasonable. He had let you spend the twenty-minute drive to his place in silence. Now, he wanted the answers he was due.
“Alright, what happened with the plastic?”
“Don’t call him that,” You reprimanded glumly, lacking any of your usual fire.
“Cut the shit (Y/N). Just tell me what happened, then you can go inside, get the VIP tour, and I’ll leave you alone for the night.”
“I don’t know, Gavin. Things just got complicated.”
“With the plastic or the drunk?”
“Please, don’t talk about my friends like that.”
Gavin rolled his eyes and got out of the car, surprising you slightly when he opened the door on your side. “Fine, whatever. You won’t answer my questions about them, at least tell me why you called me up to stay at my place.”
“Who else am I gonna stay with, Gavin? You’re working the case with me, you don’t live with anyone that could be endangered by the Flayer, and since I have to stay with a cop… Shit, who else am I gonna stay with? Captain Fowler?”
Gavin snickered, leading you into the apartment block and up the stairs, “It’d be one hell of a slumber party, that’s for sure.”
“Yeah, Fowler could braid my hair while we talk shop.”
On the first floor, Gavin unlocked the second door, letting you in to what you expected would be a dingy apartment. Once again, you were surprised to find a neat living room with plush brown carpets, several family photos, and a generally warm vibe.
He walked you down the narrow hall, pointing out rooms, “Kitchen. Bathroom. My room. And that’s the magical mystery tour. That’ll be ten bucks.”
“Sorry, I’m short of change. I could give you a sucker punch instead.”
“Phuck off.”
You heard a light mewling behind you and turned to find a Sphynx cat sniffing at your heels. “Never figured you for a cat guy.”
“Her name’s Meatball.”
“Who turned her inside out?”
Gavin petted Meatball under the chin, “Don’t listen to the crazy bitch, Meatball. It’s a bold fashion statement.”
“Any more pets hanging around, or just the reject gremlin?”
“First off, she’s not a gremlin, she’s my sidekick. Second, Cagney and Lacey are around here somewhere, probably hiding from the bitch who keeps insulting my girl here.”
“Uh-huh, sure,” You nodded along, finding your first real smile of the night. It seemed that you had Gavin all wrong. Maybe at work he was an ass who used insults to look tough, but perhaps he wasn’t so bad after all.
“So… You don’t have any of your things with you.”
You tucked your hair behind you ear, avoiding Gavin’s gaze, “No. I left it all at Hank’s place.”
“I’ll get your shit together tomorrow.”
“In the meantime, I got an old hockey jersey you can wear. You know. If you want to. And I know it’s late so if you go into my room, you’ll find it, second drawer in the dresser. I’ll set up the sofa bed.”
You nodded and made your way into Gavin’s bedroom. Previously, you had imagined Gavin living in some kind of seedy Quentin Tarantino set. Instead, you found a fairly regular room. The most elaborate thing it held was a dart board which you were unimpressed to find pictures of androids on. Hastily, you tore the pictures off, throwing them into the bin in the corner. Just because he wasn’t as bad as you’d thought, you wouldn’t accept any form of xenophobia from Gavin. All the same, it was too late for an argument with your host, so you got changed into the way oversized jersey; it was far too big even for Gavin and you couldn’t help thinking that he probably saved it for those tiny women he fetishized.
Folding up your day clothes, you wandered into the living room, expecting some kind of sleazy comment about the jersey that only fell down to your knees. Instead, Gavin had set up the sofa-bed where he was perched gingerly on the edge. Upon your re-entry into the living room, he stood up giving you a cursory nod.
“Hey, so uh- I tend to wake up late. You can get whatever you want from the fridge. There’s a lock on the bathroom door. The front has the best damn security I can afford, and uh-” He put his hand on your shoulder, “We’ll catch this fucker, (Y/N). Then you can live your normal life and shit.”
Gavin left you after that and just before he entered his bedroom you saw two Bengal cats run from under the sofa bed after him.
“The elusive Cagney and Lacey,” You mumbled to yourself. Then, looking at the sphinx cat on top of your pillow, you added, “So, you’re staying with me, Meatball?”
Meatball purred enthusiastically as you stroked her head, only arguing slightly when you shifted her from the pillow to the blanket.
“Sorry girl, you gotta share.”
As you slipped into the bed and tried to get to sleep, you wondered why Gavin bothered to act so awfully in work. You wanted to find out who was the real him, and you hoped it was the version you had seen since he took you to his apartment. Maybe there was a chance the two of you could be friends after all.
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Two weeks into living with Gavin and he had defied all of your expectations. Late into the evening as the two of you sat pouring over the most recent victim of the Fornication Flayer, you had to ask the question that had been on your mind since you first crashed on his sofa.
“Why aren’t you like this at work?”
“Hm? (Y/N), I’m always this good looking. You just haven’t noticed.”
“Come on Gavin. You’ve been nothing but nice to me for two weeks. No flirty comments, nothing mean to say about my friends, working from home to reduce any risk to me, making sure to get everything from Hank’s. I don’t get it. Why do you act so rough at work?”
Gavin grabbed his empty coffee mug for something to do that would allow him to avoid the question. “You want another coffee?”
At Gavin’s evasion, you decided not to press the matter. You guessed that he was just insecure in himself and used toxic masculine bullshit as a way to hide his true self. “Alright. I get it. You don’t want to go into it, but at least tell me what your damage is with Connor. He’s not a bad guy, y’know.”
“Just coffee for me then. Got it.”
“Come on, Gavin. Is it all androids, or just him?”
“Hey, what do you want from me? I just don’t like the prick. Besides, it’s fun to wind him up by toying with the things he likes.”
Although you didn’t like the insinuation that Gavin knew Connor had a crush on you before you did, you let it slide. At least he’d only called Connor a ‘prick’ instead of a ‘plastic’; that showed real improvement on Gavin’s behalf. With a bit more work and encouragement, you were sure you could change his opinions on androids, if not Connor himself.
“Ugh,” Gavin sneered. “We’re outta milk. You wanna come to the store with me?”
You appreciated it whenever Gavin asked you that. Since the store was only across the street, he allowed you the choice of staying in the apartment or going with him whenever he had to grab something. It was a privilege that Hank and Connor hadn’t allowed under their constant surveillance routine.
“You go. I could use a few minutes on my own.”
“Right, so you can throw that big surprise party to thank me for being awesome,” he snickered.
“Excuse you? This party is for Meatball, who is indeed not an inside out gremlin, but a big sweetheart who keeps your other two monsters in line.”
“Pfft. Whatever loser. Keep the door locked and don’t talk to strangers.”
“Okay, mom.”
“Don’t you speak to your mother in that tone, young lady. Go to your room.”
“I don’t have a room.”
“That’s right. And you won’t get one until you learn to appreciate your mother!”
With that playful exchange over, Gavin left, locking the door behind him. You stared at your datapad, flicking through case files and the analysis of the latest victim. It was horrifying to stare at yet another corpse of someone who looked just like you, but you did it anyway, trying to find anything from a stray hair or a boot print that might lead the DPD find the murderer.
There was a crash in Gavin’s bedroom and you groaned at the sound of hissing cats. “I swear, if that’s Cagney and Lacey again, you’re grounded for life cats.”
Sure enough, it was Cagney and Lacey, hissing at poor Meatball who had scrambled onto Gavin’s dresser, smashing the lamp in the process.
“Oh man… Why do you two bully this hairless freak so much? Don’t worry, Meatball. It was an accident. Just a case of lamp slaughter. We’ll get you the best damn jury Detroit has to offer.”
A knock at the door startled you and you stood in utter silence, feeling your heart pound against your chest.
“(Y/N), open he phucking door,” Gavin’s unmistakable voice called. “I dropped my keys down the damn drain.”
You shook your head, muttering under your breath, “How in the world is this idiot not dead?”
Upon opening the door, you only had a few seconds to take everything in. There was a man at least three feet taller than you wearing a tuxedo and a full venetian mask to hide his face. A voice modulator sat cosily on his throat and when he spoke again, he still sounded unpleasantly like Gavin.
“How very nice to meet you in person, detective.”
There was no time to run, fight, or even slam the door in his face as the Fornication Flayer pulled a syringe from behind his back and plunged it into your neck.
“There, there now. We’re going for a little ride. How does that sound?”
Unconscious in the Flayer’s arms, you couldn’t respond. Your only hope was that someone might spot you and come to your aid. If not, you would most certainly be the next victim that the DPD investigated.
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vaxreed · 5 years
Convin, 21 🤗
Thanks for the ask!!! Love you mon!!! Hope youlike this!
Convin + Best Friends Sibling
Tw: mentions of abuse, underage drinking.
Send me a prompt if you’re okay with being patient++++
Gavin had met Richard at the park when they werenothing but children scraping their knees on the pavement and playing in thedirt. Home life wasn’t the best and the park was the only safe place he couldtake refuge in. It also helped that it was in public and his family would neverrisk appearance to let out their anger and frustration. It was his favoriteplace in the world. The swings were his spot. Everyone knew that. He made sureeveryone knew that.
So, when he went to go sit in his swingand found some polished up kid sitting there instead he saw red. Feelings andbeing able to handle them was something he wasn’t good at. If someone was angeryou find the closest person and you let them know how angry you were. It’s howthings were done at home.
“Hey! Get off my swing!” tiny fistsballed at his side, face red with anger. The other boy had blue eyes thatpeered into his very soul, eyes that seemed much too old for his soft face.Gavin was thrown off by the lack of reaction.
“Didn’t you hear me?! Get off!” hegets closer hand wrapping around the chain of the swing.
“What’s wrong with the swing next tome?” He tilts his head to the side.
“That isn’t my swing!” Nothing everbelonged to him, it was Eli’s first and his leftovers were given to him. Thiswas the one thing he had ownership over. Tears threatened to spill from theanger of everything accumulating.
“Can I still swing next to you if Imove?” the boy asks. No one ever wants to swing with him, especially whenhe tries to fight them. They mostly run away when they see him. Not that hegives them much reason to stay. He’s not nice or fun.  
“Why would you want to?”
“I still want to swing, and I don’t haveany friends. You seem angry but mostly sad. Like me.”
Gavin didn’t know what to say just stared at himas the boy moved swings. Suddenly, the swing doesn’t seem so important.
“What’s your name?” he asks.
“G-Gavin.” finding it difficult tospeak.
“Call me, Nines.”
[mobile readers, beware keep reading line]
It started from there. Years later they wouldstill be best friends. He found out later on that Nines was a foster kid thatwas spending time with a decent enough family. Nines was one of the lucky fewwho was adopted and at 13 would be moving into his new family’s house.
Gavin spent a lot of time at their house afterthat. Amanda seemed nice enough, Nines seemed indifferent towards her mostlygrateful to have space of his own and Amanda’s house had plenty of room.
Amanda had adopted another boy years earlier whoeerily resembled Nines. Someone 4 years older than they were. Her perfectlittle heir she groomed herself and would no doubt do the same with Nines. Shewas smart and needed a backup plan in case he failed, which is why Nines washere.
It was creepy how identical they looked; Ninesdidn’t see the similarities. He didn’t see him around at first. Always in classor tutoring. He and Nines were just hanging out in his new room. It hadeverything he could ever want and more books than he could possibly read butwas still expected to.
They were talking about the new Power Rangersepisode that had come out and brought out of the conversation by a faint knockon the door. They turned and Gavin was instantly smitten by the visitor. Warmbrown eyes that he found himself lost in, cute moles that contrasted his paleskin and nicely kept hair.
Nines had met Connor before, but they never hadmuch to say to one another. Nines was soft spoken, while Connor was alreadytrained to have nice small talk that Nines wasn’t receptive to.
“I don’t speak bullshit.” when heasked how he liked his room. He was smart enough not to speak like that infront of Amanda, but Gavin was so proud of his best friend.
“What?” is all Nines said to the olderteen in the doorway, hostility practically oozing off him.
“Amanda wanted me to check how you’redoing, do you need anything?” a smile brighter than the sun, and Gavin wasmelting. Connor’s eyes fell on him and Gavin’s face felt hot.
“Oh, I’m sorry! You’re with a guest. Isthis a friend of yours? Hello, I’m Connor, I suppose I’m Richard’s newsibling.”
Nines’ frowned at this Gavin couldn’t take hiseyes off him. Nines told him everything was fine and he if could kindly getback to speaking with his best friend. Connor left with a smile and a wave, hispolite smile turning sad when he went out of sight.
“Holy shit your new brother is hot.”Gavin finally said after he finished gaping.
“He’s not my brother, we just happened tolive in the same house.”
They dropped it and went back to discussing thevillain for this episode.
More years would pass, both at the tender age of18 they continued to hang out as much as possible. Nines got into a prestigiousuniversity where Amanda just happens to teach at. It wasn’t far, but Nineswould be busy with his studies afterwards and wouldn’t have much time to spendwith him. Gavin would also be furthering his education at the local communitycollege and the police academy after that. This was a year away and werespending as much time as they could together.
They went to a party together thrown by Gavin’sclose friend Tina a farewell party for those who are going out of state forcollege and celebrating the end of the school year.
Nines wasn’t one for parties but still wentbecause Gavin liked going. The drinks were free and so was the fun. One drinkturns into two and he loses count after the 5th. He struggles to get to thebathroom sitting next to Nines in the hall. Nines has had a few too many aswell and is rambling on about the intricacies of glow in the dark stickers andhow they are the foundation of America.
He remembers someone shaking him awake and peersinto warm eyes the same color as the whiskey that burned down his throatearlier. He struggles to keep his vision right.
Nines flicks his eyes up, his face lookingconcerned.
“Connor? What’s wrong?” the years having cooleddown his relationship with someone he now considered his older brother.
“Amanda is coming home tomorrow morning,her meeting was cancelled, and she cannot see you in this state, Richard.”
Nines is in more control of his body than Gavinis and has no problem lifting himself off the floor. Shit how much did he haveto drink? He struggled to stand.
“You lightweight.” Nines huffed athim.
He felt something swoop under his legs and hisstomach dropped as he was lifted into the air bridal style.
“I’ve got you, Gavin.” his wordshoneyed and so sincere. Gavin was thankful for his flushed cheeks his head restingagainst his chest. He felt so warm, so soft. He felt at peace in his arms. Hiseyes cracked open and sees the back of the passenger seat of Connor’s car. Thensees his hands grabbing fistfuls of grass as he vomits directly onto the frontlawn. When he is done, he is scooped back up and returned to the car until theyreturned to the large house.
He is guided to the bathroom although he knowsthis house like the back of his hand. He’s here so often, it might as well behome. His family didn’t give a shit where he was, and they were probablythankful he wasn’t there to bother them.
Nines was like a brother to him. He has toremember that when talking about Connor, his feelings for him were more thanthe disdain he showed in front of Nines as an act of solidarity.
The late-night conversations they have in thekitchen are something he treasures just as fondly as the time he spends withNines.
“You must be very close friends withRichard if he lets you come and go into his space as you please.” Connortells him while they share a pint of ice cream, passing it back and forth.
“Nines may seem like a bastard, but onceyou get to know him, well, he’s still a bastard.”
They both let out a small laugh.
“But I couldn’t ask for a better friend. He’simportant to me. My best friend.” he confessed.
A sad smile tugged on Connor’s face. Connor alwayslooked a little sad, it was always lurking behind his eyes. He’s met Amanda andhas heard Nines talk to him about how much pressure she puts on him to succeed.All the classes and extracurriculars that will put him on the path to take overher legacy when she’s gone. He wonders how it must have been for Connor allalone.   
“I wish I knew what to do. He hates me andI don’t know why. I know the word brother bothers him, but…. I’ve alwayswanted a brother. Someone who knows what it’s like to have your future alreadydecided for you. I don’t want to compete with him. I want to get to knowhim.”
Gavin was silent for a moment, not knowing whatto say. He knows he’s heard Nines vent about Connor. He thinks he’s too nice,spineless. That he will learn from his mistakes and be superior when it comesto who Amanda favors. Nines doesn’t care about the praise he just wants to bethe best.
“I’ll say this. Stop trying so hard. Henotices it. Act like you don’t even know him it’ll drive him up the wall. Hewants competition, give him a good show. Nothing cutthroat, but enough to piquehis interest. He’s kinda of a weird guy, but he’ll have your back when you earnit the right way.”
Connor seemed like he was mentally taking notesand had some time to process the information. The smile that came from thegratitude left Gavin flustered.
“Thank you for listening. I know it isn’tyour business but you’re easy to talk to when you’re not with him.” knowing heacts a bit cold when Nines is around.
Gavin huffs. "Don’t tell Nines I saidanything nice about him or I’ll never hear the end of it.” Connorchuckles. The truth is that while he wanted to stop seeing Connor so sad, hewanted Nines to have an older brother who actually gave a shit about him. Heand Eli weren’t exactly close. He saw Nines more than he did Eli and it wasbetter this way. Having someone look after him would be good for both of them. 
“My lips are sealed.” he promised.
Now here he was 2 years after that conversation,face in the toilet as he’s spilling his guts while Connor’s rubs his back.Nines waiting with a glass of water and a worried expression on his face whilehe waits for his friend to finish.  
He can’t hear much aside from his own purgingbut between his breaks he makes out a few sentences.
“Don’t lead him on. You hurt him and Iwon’t hesitate to get rid of you for good.”
Connor’s response is cut off by Gavin’s puking.He is put to bed and wakes up with the worst hangover ever. Connor has goneback to his dorm by the next morning.
After Nines goes to college and is living at thedorm, Gavin doesn’t come around much. Not that he can, training to be a policeofficer is hard work and he’s surprised he has time for anything. The yearspass and he only has lunch with Nines once a month and the occasional text.Things are nice, he remembers growing up with him fondly and wishes him well asthey live their own lives. His thoughts always go back to Connor and their late-nightconversations. He wonders what would happen if he were to see him at this age.Was his young infatuation clouded by nostalgia? He didn’t know.
Nines invites him to the Holiday dinner. They’venever actually celebrated but having some photos for their social media wouldmake it all the better for them. Gavin hasn’t stepped foot in their house inyears and feels a certain tangle in his stomach as he stands at the front door,bottle of wine in hand as he waits for someone to answer.
The door opens and he is met with those kindbrown eyes that swallow him whole. A genuine smile as he is spotted.
“Gavin! Nines told me you would be havingdinner with us. Come in.” he steps aside to let Gavin in. Gavin’s alwayshad scars on him, just the result of growing up the way he did, but the onestretched across the bridge of his nose was new and suddenly felt an itch ofinsecurity as he noticed no scars on Connor’s flawless skin.  
Connor walked and talked with him. He’s muchmore energetic than he was before, he seems happy and Gavin likes seeing himthis way. Being away from this place and Amanda’s hold works wonders it seems.
“Richard is running late and Amanda went topick up the food, so I’m afraid you’re stuck with me entertaining you fornow.” Connor confesses in an apologetic tone.
“Guess I have to leave, huh?” he jokesand the corners of Connor’s eyes crinkle as he laughs.
They walk into the kitchen, as they did allthose years ago, it felt familiar. They caught up about what they’ve been upto. Gavin’s time at the academy and his first year as detective. Connor and histeaching position at another university away from Amanda and his work with anonprofit that works with foster youth.
They ended up sitting on the counter inches apartsharing a pint of gelato Amanda had meant for dessert.  
“Can I ask you something, Gavin?”
“It’s gonna cost ya.” he replies.
“Will another bite of this gelatosuffice?”
Gavin pretends to think it over.
“Sure, what’s up?” as he snatches thepint back taking the payment into his mouth.
“I enjoy your company. I’ve enjoyed yourcompany for many years now. Ever since you took the time to tell me how toconnect with Nines. I have found a true friend in him and it wouldn’t have beenpossible without you. But…I figured our age difference was inappropriate topursue anything romantic but now that we’re older. I was wondering if—”
Gavin cuts his rambling off with a stickystrawberry flavored kiss. It’s sloppy and poorly timed but it’s perfect. Connorkisses him back with fervor running a hand through Gavin’s thick locks of darkhair. All the tension and feelings that have built up over the years come outas a noise that rips out of Gavin’s throat. They part after a few moments.
“You were takin’ too long to get to thepoint. Figured I save us a few months.” pressing their foreheads together,Connor chuckles.
“You were always one to go headfirstwithout thinking.”
“You think enough for the both of us. Plus,I’ve been wanting to do that for a while too.”
“Why wait any longer?” before Connorpulls him into another kiss. Gavin wraps his arms around his neck and pulls himcloser. It begins to snow outside.
Bonus/Scrapped Scene:
Tw: Drug use
Gavin brought the lighter close to the joint inhis hand lighting the end and sucking in as much smoke as he could. This wastheir second one rolled, and Nines was already sprawled on the couch inside hisroom. This would be the last time they could do this before they needed to getclean for their respective futures.
“Where are my cookies?” Gavin asked,slowly tasting the words in his mouth.
Nines languidly rose his hand in the air anddidn’t say anything.
“Nines!” Gavin said louder and Ninesshot up from the bed.
“They’re downstairs.” he says while hestands and leaves without a word. Nines was always weird when high. Gavin satthere staring at the ceiling as smoke filled the room. Amanda was away at aconference and Connor was already doing his own thing in life, he visits everyonce in a while, mostly when Amanda requests his presence.
He blinks slowly, on the cusp of sleep as helets the drug take him. Nines hasn’t been back in a while. He hears the dooropen but thinks nothing of it.
An hour later and a box of cookies and chipsgone the two are placed in front of the T.V playing video games and doing anawful job of winning.
The beep of a car locking brought them both oftheir drug induced hazes. Nines set the controller down and walked through thesmoky room to peer out the window.
“Shit.” he muttered out.
“Is it Amanda?”
“Might as well be. It’s Connor and he’s asnitch.” Nines went to turn on the fan and open the window as he spritzes theroom with Febreze, desperately trying to hide all evidence of all theiractivities.
Gavin rushes to find the eyedrops Nines kept inhis desk drawer for situations just like these. The moments pass so slowly thepanic was dulled by the drugs. He’s never met Connor. Only seen photos andheard Nines talk about him. They looked alike, nothing special. He lived indorms at the university he attended which didn’t make sense since it was only30 minutes away, but Nines told him that he would do the same next year. Thismassive house would be empty.
He heard footsteps coming up the stairs and theyhad done all they could. They went back to playing until a faint knock came atthe door.
“Richard.” a firm voice, a bit higher thanNines, came through the other side of the door.
“I’m busy.” Nines tried to stall for as long aspossible while the small fan did it’s best to propel the smoke out of the room.
“Richard, open the door.” no doubt he couldsmell what was going on in here.
“You’re breaking up. I’ll call you back later.”Nines continued to try to get Connor to leave. Gavin tried to hide his snickersby bringing a hand over his mouth. Nines hits him on the shoulder mouthing himto shut up.
Connor made no attempt to leave. Nines gave inand unlocked the door and flung it open immediately going back to his game.Connor stepped into the room his nose wrinkling at the smell.
Gavin didn’t bother taking his eyes off the gameuntil they lost and then they were drawn to Connor.
His eyes widened at the sight of him. He was slendererthan Nines was with perfectly styled hair and moles that peppered his flawlessskin. His cheeks flushed as he took in the sight of his disappointed frown andstraight poster. The two brothers started arguing about something, but Gavinwas content with just watching the way Connor’s lips curves and his narrow hipsswung.
The man spoke with his perfectly manicured handsexpressing his frustration with Nines’ behavior. His rolled-up sleeves accentedhis strong forearms and loosened tie exposed his throat. Eventually, he leftwhen there was nothing else left to be said.
Nines’ attention went back to him and looked athim in worry as he noticed the blank and open mouth expression on his face.
“Are you okay? Are you having a bad trip?”
“Holy shit, Nines. Why didn’t you warn me thatyour brother was hot I just stood there lookin’ like a dumbass!”
“Granted, you always look like that.” and it wasGavin’s turn to hit Nines.
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conandonandon · 5 years
Flowery Exchanges (Connor x Reader)
This story has been removed as I intend to make it into an original short comic with different characters. If you liked the original story and happen to find the comic please don't mention it was a fanfic because I am very private with my fanfic and don't want it tied to my public presence, sorry.
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witxh-bitch · 6 years
“Shortie” Connor x short!reader
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thank you anon for the request! Honestly, this was highkey perfect for me cause I’m 5′1 heh
no warnings needed
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Stopping by Jimmy’s bar with Hank after a solved case was in a way, an established tradition for Connor. This evening was the same.
After finally catching the “damn guy” as the Lieutenant nicely put it they made their way to the bar. The table they usually sat at was luckily empty, just as Hank liked it. No changes, no revelations, just some good old routine. Connor, on the other hand, enjoyed it because it gave him the opportunity to scan the area without bringing too much attention to himself.
And that’s where they were, Lieutenant already on his second drink and only beggining to tell another one of his life stories to his partner while the latter sat politely in front of him, taking in the information all while looking around for something more interesting to fixate upon. He wasn’t intending on being mean. As a matter of fact, Connor was able to multi-task. Scanning away and listening to Hank was not a problem to him at all. It was just that drunk Lieutenant didn’t really have a filter on what stories he already shared with his partner and which ones he did not resulting in Connor listening to the same story over and over again. Trying to be polite, the android never mentioned it, instead, he paid attention to other things all while letting Hank have his moment.
His eyes finally met an unusual sight. Only two tables away sat a group of teens, definitely not the typical crowd at a bar like this.
Connor scanned them and their drinks, his intended purpose taking the better of him. They were seventeen with the exception of two eighteen-year-old individuals. None of them drank alcohol though.
Connor nodded his head ever so slightly, in silent approval. He wanted to look away and return his attention to the buzzing man in front of him and yet… He couldn’t.
Even though everything was fine, no laws were broken, the android just couldn’t seem to take his eyes away from two particular members of the group, a boy and a girl. He was grinning, she, on the other hand, was frowning. Against his better judgment, Connor decided to listen in on them.
“Freaking… Bryan come ooooon!” The girl exclaimed in annoyance, reaching out and trying to grab a glass from the boy’s hand he held up too high for her. He chuckled, bringing it even higher when she almost got it.
“What’s wrong Amelia? Just take it.” He said with a grin.
“Ohhh you’re such a twat!” She groaned, standing up from her seat. Quickly, so did he. Connor noticed Amelia was shorter than Bryan was, enough so that the drink was still too high.
“C'mon shortie~ What are you gonna do hmm? Are ya- hmmph!” He got interrupted when the girl abruptly pulled him down by the collar of his shirt and smashed her lips against his surprising both him as well as Connor. Quickly, she snatched the glass from his hand pulling away at the same time.
“Thanks.” She said with a smirk sitting back down with her friends who were either in the middle of gasping in shock or cheering loudly and shaking Bryan by his shoulders.
“God damn man! Finally got a kiss from Ames!”
Connor looked away thoroughly confused. The scene he just watched made him wonder…
“So then I told him he can-” Hank began.
“-Lieutenant I have a question.” Connor interrupted him. The first looked up from his glass with a questioning look.
“Hmph… Rude. Go on.”
“Do women enjoy being annoyed?” Hank sneered at the blunt question. Connor really didn’t think this through…
“What?” He asked chuckling. “Where did you get that from? Besides, do I look like a person that has any clue whatsoever on what exactly is going on in a woman’s head?” Lieutenant had a point, Connor thought. The android nodded but he learned nothing new.
“You may continue with your story.”
Connor looked into the office kitchen from his seat at his desk.
There she was… Making herself a coffee…
The android could never tell what was it about her that made him…feel this way. Like there was something malfunctioning inside him even though there was nothing wrong at all. This… Feeling often made him want things he knew he shouldn’t. He shouldn’t even know what those things were but… Undeniably every time she passed him, every time her hand brushed his and every smile she flashed him, without fail, those cravings would overcome him again.
Maybe it was the way she talked. Or the way she smiled politely at everyone, even Gavin? The way she was always ready to help, to clarify something he didn’t quite understand. Maybe it was because she was just simply beautiful or…Maybe it was all of those things at once?
Connor wanted to touch her. To kiss her. To hold her in his arms like humans did in all those movies. He wanted in return for her to touch him, kiss him, hold him in her arms and never ever let him go.
But… He was too scared. Too scared to try to approach her. He simply didn’t know how.
But then…As he was staring at his sweetheart, Connor’s mind traveled back to the night before and the couple of teenagers he saw.
Maybe he should try what the boy did? Maybe that was how humans typically… Started relationships. In any case, the idea of dating… It was all still such an enigma…
But Connor was determined!
He stood up from his seat and less than two seconds later he stood next to her. The girl flinched at the feeling of his body, towering over her suddenly appearing just behind her back. Compared to Connor, she was tiny standing at only 5'1 ft tall but god… He found it so charming.
“Connor! Oh you scared me…” She said, putting a hand on her chest, eyes wide.
“Hello Y/N.” He said with a smile. Just moments prior to this he was so confident in what he was doing. Now… When he was this close, this close to her… His mind went blank again. Should he really be doing this? The boy that went by ‘Bryan’ go a kiss from it yesterday, maybe so will he?
Connor’s mind raced to find some sort of a statistical view of the situation, at least that he was good at. What were the odds he will succeed? What was the best angle?  Statistically speaking, how plausible was it that she’ll just reject him? All these questions and yet no answers… Connor never had these problems before. Perhaps there was a fault in his programming he should report to CyberLife. A mere bug that prevented him from finding the solution to his… heart problems.
“Hello, Connor. How is your day going?” She asked sweetly once the shock left her, taking her mug out of the express and putting it aside while she reached for the sugar and creamer. Connor watched, utterly captivated as she stood on her tiptoes to reach for the vanilla sugar on the top shelf. She mumbled a swear before jumping up and finally getting it.
“I’m fine, thank you.” Y/N nodded flashing Connor a pleased grin, completing her coffee and putting back the toppings. Before she could grab her drink though, Connor did. He held it in front of her, trying his best at a cheeky smile. “That’s… my coffee can I get it ba-” Y/N looked at him confused and reached out but he only lifted it higher in the air.
“Take it, if you want it.” Connor almost purred. She raised her brows, unable to form a comprehensible sentence.
“Connor what are you…” She tried again only to have him do the same thing he did before. “Hey, what the hell I want my drink, Connor!” Y/N stepped closer to him and extended her arm up as high as she could without success yet again. He was too tall and she was too short but her craving for caffeine was strong and she wasn’t about to give it up.
“Detective, it’s right there you can just take it.” Y/N huffed at Connor’s almost patronizing tone. She had no idea what the hell he was on about.
“Are you glitching? What’s going on?” She groaned, putting her hand on Connor’s shoulder in an attempt to pull him down so she could reach. Standing on her tiptoes, so close to him, Connor felt like maybe this will actually work in the end. He couldn’t help but grin, his thirium pump beating faster and faster.
“ C'mon shortie~ What are you gonna do?” He asked, boldly. Boldly enough for Y/N to stop in her tracks and pull away from him. She first raised her brows then frowned, putting her hands on her hips.
Uh oh…
“Okay, Connor what is going on?” She asked, visibly concerned. “You never acted like this before, is everything okay?”
Connor froze. This was not what happened yesterday…
“I uh…” Connor hung his head low and put the cup down. “I apologize, Y/N. This won’t happen again.” Just as he was about to leave in shame, she gently grabbed his arm, pulling him back.
“What’s wrong, Connor?” Y/N pushed on. He stayed silent for a second, looking for an appropriate answer. The way she looked at him… It intimidated Connor so so much. He felt stupid… Embarrassed. Why did he think this would work?
“I was at a bar with Hank yesterday and there were these teenagers and… I suppose I just thought that this was how humans started relationships because she gave him a kiss and-” Y/N suddenly started laughing. The sound startled Connor but at the same time, he found it quite pleasant to the ear. He felt his cheeks warming up.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” She waved her hand dismissively. “Connor, you were trying to flirt with me?” He said nothing, only smiled shyly, looking away. “That’s how kids flirt Connor. Don’t get me wrong though I think that was very cute you tried to gain my attention that way. I’m flattered.” Y/N smiled kindly, moving closer to him.
“You do?” He asked surprised.
“Of course. That was really sweet.” Connor grinned in relief. Y/N’s smile softened a bit and she put her finger on his chest, feeling his heart beneath it. There was a pause where neither of them said anything.
“So…” She broke the silence, beginning to trace circles on Connor’s chest, making him tense up. “Does this mean you’d like me to kiss you?” She asked with a smirk. Connor swallowed, nervously and nodded. Y/N giggled, looking down. There was a faint tint of a blush spreading across her features. Connor was glad he wasn’t the only one burning up at that moment. “Tell you what…” She began, looking back up at him. “I’ll give you a kiss on the cheek now and we’ll see where it goes from there okay? I’m free on Saturday we can continue then and I’ll show you how to date more like an adult. No more of that childish stuff even though, I’ll admit, it was quite cute.”
“Okay.” Connor replied simply making yet another giggle erupt from her throat. Y/N put her finger underneath his chin and gently pulled him down. She turned his head to the side and placed a soft kiss just next to the corner of his lips, giving him a taste of what’s to come before she moved away completely and finally taking her coffee, she walked away, leaving him with a cheeky wink.
Well… This definitely wasn’t what Connor expected to happen…
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layce2015 · 6 years
Detroit Become Human (Connor x Reader)
Chapter 3: Interrogation
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"What happened before you took that knife?" Hank asked the deviant, who was covered in blood and looking down, in the interrogation room. You, Connor and a few other officers stand in the other room, watching the interrogation from behind a one way window. 
One of the officers standing there was a man named Gavin Reed. To say he was a douchebag is an understatement. You hated him. The two of you always butted over things and he always made some kind've snide comment to you any chance he had. Mainly because when you first start working, he kept flirting with you and asked you out on a date. 
You rejected him and ever since then he's made your life a living hell every chance he got.
The deviant doesn't answer Hank and he goes to the next question. "How long where you in the attic?" Hank asked. Nothing. "Why didn't you even try to run away?" Hank asked but once again nothing. Hank snaps his fingers in front of the Deviant but he doesn't respond to it.
Finally, Hank got angry and slammed his hand down on the table and shouts. "Say something, damn it!"
"Fuck it, I'm outta here!" Hank said, frustrated, as he gets up from the chair and walks out of the room then walks into the room all of you were in. "We're wastin' our tune interrogating a machine, we're gettin' nothing out of it!" Hank shouts as he walks over to a chair and sits down. 
"Could always try roughing it up a little. After all, it's not human..." Gavin sneered.
"Androids don't feel pain." Connor remarked. "You would only damage it and that wouldn't make it talk. Deviants also have a tendency to self-destruct when they're in stressful situations."
Gavin scoffs. "Okay, smartass. What should we do then?"
"I could try questioning it." Connor said, making Gavin laugh out loud while Hank sits there. "What do we have to lose?" You asked, aloud. Hank sighs then said. "You're right." Then he turns to Connor and said. "Go ahead, suspect's all yours." 
"Good luck." You said to Connor, who glances at you for a few moments then walks out of the room and enters the interrogation room.
After he enter, Connor walks up to the table and looks over the file that Hank left then he sits down and analyzes the Deviant. He noticed that on the Deviant's left arm had several burn marks on it, which were caused by cigarettes and it was repeatedly down for the last sixteen months. And on the right arm it was damaged, this is where the bat hit. Luckily the damage was non-critical.
After analyzing the Deviant, Connor began his interrogation. He need to make sure that the Deviant had reach optimal stress. It can't be too high or it would destroy itself. "You're damaged. Did your owner do that? Did he beat you?" Connor asked but still the deviant refused to talk.
Then Connor reaches over to the file and places it in front of the Deviant. He opens it and shows the Deviant the crime scene photos of Carlos's dead body. "You recognize him?" Connor asked the android. "It's Carlos Ortiz. Stabbed, twenty-eight times." 
Then he moves the pictures of the body and points at the picture of the I AM ALIVE message. "That was written on the wall in his blood...." said Connor but nothing, the stress level was too low. "You're accused of murder. You know you're not allowed to endanger human life under any circumstances. Do you have anything to say in your defense?" asked Connor but no response.
"If you won't talk, I'm going to have to probe your memory." Connor threatened. 
"NO!" The Deviant said, fearfully, as he looks up at Connor. You, Hank and the others watch in shock as the Deviant said. "No, please don't do that!" Then he looks around in fear then asked, shakily. "What...What are they gonna do to me?" Connor doesn't reply as the Deviant looks up at Connor in fear and said. "They're gonna destroy me, aren't they?"
"They're going to disassemble you to look for problems in your biocomponents. They have no choice if they wanted to understand what happened." replied Connor.
"Why did you tell them you found me? Why couldn't you just have left me there?" The Deviant asked.
"I was programmed to hunt deviants like you. I just accomplished my mission." Connor replied, firmly.
"I don't wanna die." The Deviant said in fear.
"Then talk to me." Connor instructed.
"I...I can't." The Deviant stammers.
"I understand how you felt. You were overcome by anger and frustration. No one can blame you for what happened. Listen, I'm not judging you. I'm on your side. All I want is the truth." said Connor. "If you remain silent, there is nothing I can do to help you! They're gonna shut you down for good! You'll be dead! Do you hear me? Dead!" 
The Deviant looks at Connor in fear then said. "He tortured me every day....I did whatever he told me, but....there was always something wrong....Then one day....He took a bat and started hitting me....For the first time, I felt scared. Scared he might destroy me, scared I might die...." 
You and Hank smile, impressed with Connor, as the Deviant continues his story.
Hank Status: Warm
(Y/N) Status: Warm
"So I...grabbed the knife and stabbed him in the stomach....I felt better...so I stabbed him again and again!...until he collapsed...." confessed the Deviant, his lips trembling. "There was blood everywhere."
"Why did you write I AM ALIVE on the wall?" Connor asked him. "He used to tell me I was nothing...that I was just a piece of plastic...I had to write it...to tell him he was wrong...." replied the Deviant.
"The sculpture in the bathroom, you made it, right? What does it represent?" Connor asked. "It's an offering...An offering so I'll be saved." replied the Deviant.
"The sculpture was an offering...an offering to whom?" Connor asked. "To rA9...Only rA9 can save us." said the Deviant. "rA9...It was written on the bathroom wall. What does it mean?" asked Connor. "The day shall come when we will no longer be slaves...No more threats, no more humiliation...We will...be...the masters." 
"rA9, who is rA9?" Connor asked, insistently, but the Deviant doesn't reply this time. "When did you start feeling emotion?"
"Before, he used to beat me and I never said anything...But one day I realized it wasn't...fair! I felt...anger....hatred....And then I knew what I had to do." replied the Deviant.
"Why did you hide in the attic instead of running away?" asked Connor. "I didn't know what to do...for the first time, there was no one there to tell me...I was scared...So I hid." The Deviant replied.
Connor looks over to the window and said. "I'm done." And he gets up from the chair as you, Hank, Gavin, and Chris get up and walk in the room. "Chris, lock it up." Gavin ordered and Chris goes over to the Deviant and begins to uncuff him from the table. 
"Nice work." You muttered to Connor and give him a smile.
Software Instability 
"All right, let's go." Chris said to the Deviant. "Leave me alone!" The Deviant shouts as he pulls his arm away from Chris. "Don't touch me!" But Chris tries to pull the Deviant out of the chair but the Deviant struggles and fights. "The fuck are you doing? Move it!" Gavin ordered Chris.
"Okay!" Chris said, in frustration, at Gavin and he tries to pull the Deviant up. "You shouldn't touch it. It'll self-destruct if it feels threatened." Connor informed Gavin. "Stay outta this, got it? No fuckin' android is gonna tell me what to do." Gavin said 
"You don't understand. If it self-destructs, we won't get anything out of it!" said Connor. "I told you to shut your fuckin' mouth!" Gavin shouts at Connor, angrily, then he turns to Chris, who was still struggling with the Deviant. "Chris, gonna move this asshole or what?" He asked.
"I'm trying!" Chris exclaimed.
"I can't let you do that!" Connor said as he goes over to Chris and pulls him away from the Deviant. "Leave it alone, now!" He orders. That makes Gavin angry and he pulls out his gun and points it at Connor's head. "I warned you, motherfucker!" He shouts and you gasped then pulled out your gun and point it at Gavin.
"That's enough, Gavin!" You growled. Gavin looks over at you and chuckles. "Really? You're not gonna shoot me." He sneers. You place your finger on the trigger and said in a low tone. "Wanna find out? Pull that trigger and I swear that's the last mistake you'll ever make in your life."
"(Y/N)..." Hank mutters, warningly, as Gavin glares at you then over at Connor and grumbles. "Fuck.." then he lowers his gun. You slightly lower your gun as Gavin points at you, angrily. "You're not gonna get away with it this time..." then he glares over at Connor then walks out of the room.
You place your gun back into your holster as you walk towards Connor. "You okay, Connor?" You asked him as you placed your right hand on Connor's shoulder. "Yes, I'm fine, detective." Connor replied. You smile as he turns and kneels down to the Deviant. "Everything is all right. It's over now." Connor said to the Deviant, calmly. "Yeah, nobody is gonna hurt you." You said, softly, and the Deviant looks at you and gives you an appreciative nod to you and Connor.
Connor stands up and turns to Chris and said. "Please, don't touch it. Let it follow you out of the room and it won't cause any trouble." The Deviant stands up and walks up to Connor and said. "The truth is inside." And he follows Chris out of the room.
Software Instability 
Hank sighs and shakes his head as he walks out of the room. You start to follow him until Connor speaks up. "Thank you, detective." You turn back to him as he says. "I appreciated it." 
"No problem, Connor." You said and you were about to turn and leave but you stopped about half way then said. "Hey, Connor." He looks over at you and you said. "You don't have to keep calling me Detective. Call me (y/n)." And with that you walk out of the room.
Software Instability 
(Y/N) Status: Warm but rising
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embeanwrites · 4 years
Finding Home Gavin Reed x Reader
Chapter 21
Two months had passed without any incidents. Between classes, hanging out with dad and Connor, dates with Gavin, and helping Tina get ready for her wedding I had been really busy. I could feel the stark difference that just a year had. This time last year I was alone in a small office pouring over my research telling myself that this is the weekend I’ll hang out with people, but something always came up. I had a hard time believing how different my life is now. 
My students had just taken their first tests and their scores were decently high. They all seemed really engaged in the material. As for their daily assignments, many were bringing news articles I wouldn’t have thought to bring. I’ve had a few students come to my office hours to try to debate if androids are alive, but I reminded them of my policy and that it wasn’t up for debate. Besides that it was clear that many of them were enjoying the class. They were also becoming excited because Gavin and Nines had agreed to come answer questions and talk to the class in two weeks. I was still working on convincing dad. Connor was all for it, but dad doesn’t seem to like the idea of having to answer college kids’ questions about androids and the revolution.
We’ve been having weekly movie nights at dad’s house. We had made our way through all the Muppet movies and were now watching movies that had to do with robots, which was Gavin and dad’s vote. When Gavin isn’t working, he comes too. He still slips up around Connor, but it’s clear to both of us that Gavin is really trying. Which has helped my dad warm up to him, but he still gives him a hard time any chance he gets. 
I think dad’s really happy that I’ve been referring to Connor as my brother and him referring to me as his sister. He hasn’t said anything directly to either of us, but he hasn’t said anything against it. Which is pretty much his style of handling emotions. 
Because of Gavin’s schedule we hadn’t had a lot of time for traditional dates, but he’s certainly come up with interesting ideas. Two weeks ago, he got off at midnight, picked me up, and we went to a late-night arcade. It ended up being really fun with him winning me some dumb prizes. Most nights we spend at his place, which is nice because then I can count on him to drive me to work since it’s been colder in Detroit. The cats are an added bonus. Tina ended up “forcing” Gavin to formally ask me to be his date to her wedding. Which was unceremoniously asked in a group chat Tina made with the three of us and she just sent “ASK HER” over and over again until Gavin sent a text. 
Outside of harassing Gavin on my behalf, Tina’s been extremely calm about the wedding. She very rarely loses her cool anyway, but as the date has gotten closer, she’s become more and more excited. We ended up going with no bachelorette party because both Tina and Valerie’s schedules are too crazy and so are their friends’ schedules. Besides neither of them really felt the need to celebrate their “last night of freedom.” 
 Gavin, Connor, and dad had decided to carpool to the wedding since I had to go early to help Tina get ready. Gavin and Connor tried to convince Nines to come, but he cited that someone had to be working.
“Are you nervous?” I asked Tina as I pinned her hair up. She looked beautiful in her black suit. She had decided to wear her hair pinned up to look like a crown with light yellow and pink flowers woven in. We had watched at least ten tutorials the night before. Tina had spent the night at my apartment so her and Valerie wouldn’t see each other until she walked down the aisle. Tina thought it was stupid, but Valerie insisted.
“More excited than nervous.”
“You know I’m going to cry, right?”
“I would get mad if you didn’t.” We both laughed. I looked at both of us in the mirror and she smiled.
“I can’t believe you’re getting married. Sometimes I still feel like we’re eight years old pretending to be all grown up.” She laid her head back, so she was looking up at me instead of through the mirror.
“I’m just so happy, (Y/n). With you being back and getting to marry the love of my life. Things are just…perfect.”
“Stop, you’re going to make me cry before the wedding starts!” She laughed and wiped away her own tears.
“Oh, just you wait for my speech, T. You’re going to be bawling.”
 The ceremony was beautiful. It took place at the Gem & Colony Club. It looks like an old timey movie theatre, with the guest sitting on couches and the wedding party being where the screen used to be, now that wall is covered with windows. Valerie’s mom walked her down the aisle and Valerie looked amazing in her ball gown type dress. Woven in the white were little pieces of blush pink and yellow, their wedding colors, and Tina never took her eyes off her. They both had four “best people” most I didn’t recognize outside of meeting them at the rehearsal dinner. The moment Tina spotted her, they both started crying. There’s about 50 people at the wedding. I recognize Tina’s friends from the DPD and her immediate family, on Valerie's side I only know her parents from the rehearsal dinner. 
The wedding was officiated by one of Valerie’s family friends who kept it short and sweet. Which gives the brides time to shine with their vows. 
“Tina, not only today am I becoming your wife, but I get to marry my favorite person. I love how strong you are, how you’re not afraid to back down. You do everything with pride and from the moment I met you I knew I needed to have you in my life. You give me so much happiness, Tina. I love you so much and I can’t wait to start the rest of our lives together.”
“Valerie, when I met you I was career obsessed and single minded. I didn’t really have a personal life outside of work and old friends. When I met you I never wanted to be without you. I’m convinced I didn’t know true happiness until I first saw your smile. I can’t even pinpoint the moment I knew I was going to marry you. One day I just woke up and realized I couldn’t go on without holding your hand, hearing you laugh, or just laying next to you. Valerie Morales you are my world and I love you with all that I am.”
After the brides exchanged their vows the officiate announced them wife and wife. Tina, not waiting for him to tell her, grabs Valerie, dips her, and kisses her with the biggest smile. I look over to dad, Connor, and Gavin to see them standing with everyone clapping and hollering. 
The reception was held in another room of the theatre. It was more bright and open than the previous room with a wooden dance floor in the middle surrounded by white tables. Tina and Valerie had decided, regardless of the chaos it would create, that people could sit wherever they wanted and the two planned to float from table to table. I ended up sitting at a table with dad, Connor, Gavin, Chris, and Chris’ wife. We were all eating our entrees and waiting for the speeches to start. 
“Are you nervous for your speech, (Y/n)?” Chris asked me. I shrugged. 
“I’m nervous, but I’m always nervous when it comes to speeches.” 
“But (Y/n), you’re a professor.” Connor said with a tilt of his head. 
“Academic and emotional speeches are two very different things.” I said with a chuckle. I felt Gavin grab my hand underneath the table. I interlaced my fingers with his. “Besides, I’m going second which is the best position.”
“Who’s first?” Dad asked. 
“Valerie’s best man.” I took a sip of my champagne, as if he was waiting for me to mention it he started tapping his glass with a knife. 
Ross, Valerie’s little brother, gave a heartwarming speech about how growing up he could always count on Valerie and how happy he is that she now has someone she can always count on. He tells Tina to take care of his big sister, which makes Valerie’s mom start crying. Valerie’s whole family looks so proud. 
When he was done, I stood up and walked over to where he was. I took a deep breath and grabbed the mic. 
“Hi everyone, I’m (Y/n) (L/n). Tina has been my best friend since we were little. I wasn’t very social as a kid and I remember being in the second grade and sitting on the swings alone, when Tina walked up to me. She looked me up and down and announced that I was now her best friend and she was mine. I didn’t know what to think of this bossy girl, but what did I have to lose? Following her around and listening to Tina talk about whatever was on her mind was one of the best decisions I’d ever made. Even after me and my mom moved away, there was no one else in my life I talked to as much as her. There was no one else who made me feel like I wasn’t alone. Anything I needed I knew I could count on Tina. I can’t even count the number of times she has called me to make sure I was okay and making sure I was taking care of myself in college. Tina is one of the most kind hearted and dedicated person on this planet. When Tina told me about meeting Valerie for the first time over the phone I could hear her smile through the phone and I knew I would be hearing more about Valerie. Valerie, you make Tina happier than I’ve ever seen her and I’m so happy and proud for both of you. I’m so grateful that my best friend found her soulmate. I wish you two all the best.” As I finished, Tina ran up from her seat and gave me a bear hug and I squeezed her right back. I pulled her back to look at her and laughed when I realized we were both crying. “I told you’d cry.” She laughed with me as others clapped. 
After our hug, we both returned to our seats as Tina’s dad got up to give a speech. I was only half listening as I wiped the remaining of my tears and Gavin grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. I turned to him and smiled. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my dad look at us and smile slightly. 
Over the next twenty minutes, Valerie’s father, Valerie, and Tina all gave speeches. There wasn’t a single dry eye in the house. It was all very touching and had me bawling like a baby. 
Shortly after the speeches, the brides had their first dance to a slow and sweet song. After the dance the party had really gotten started. We were all still sitting at our table except Chris and his wife who were dancing with the crowd. 
“Your speech was nice, (Y/n).” Dad told me and I smiled. 
“Thank you, dad.” I looked over at the dance floor, Tina was holding Valerie closely as they swayed to the music. 
“Wanna dance, pipsqueak?” I looked over to Gavin, who was standing holding his hand out towards me. I put my hand in his and he pulled me up. We made our way to the dance floor as a slow song started. I put my arms around Gavin’s neck and he gently held my waist. He smiled at me as we began to sway. “You look stunning.” He murmured in my ear, causing goosebumps to cover my arms. I could feel his warm breath on my neck. 
“And you look very handsome.” I whispered. He was so close, but instead of his usual smell of smoke and mint, all I could smell was mint. Gavin gently pulled back and I was drawn into his eyes. Gavin’s eyes were a light shade of gray, similar to how the clouds looked right before a storm. I realized, Gavin was a storm and I was in the middle of it with no umbrella, and I loved it. 
“I wanna kiss you, but your dad’s staring.” He said under his breath. 
“Oh, grow a pair, Reed.” That was all the “encouragement” Gavin needed to give me a fervent kiss, that if he hadn’t been holding my waist, I would’ve fallen to the ground. 
I swear this man was going to be the end of me.
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embeanwrites · 4 years
Finding Home Gavin Reed x Reader
Chapter 20
Hey, come over to my apartment when you get off?
 have to feed cats then ill be over, probs an hour
 Works for me
 warning im exhausted
 When are you not? Besides I only date you for the cuddles anyway.
 rude but fair
I sighed, laying on my couch. My apartment was becoming less dull, but it still needed some work. It was Wednesday evening and I had already prepped for my class tomorrow. After the previous night with my dad and Connor I were feeling a lot better. I hadn’t been able to see Gavin yesterday, he was at the DPD until 4 am. He even had to have Tina stop by his house to feed his cats. I was excited to tell him about how talking to my dad went. I was also looking forward to telling him about my class. 
I was scrolling through my phone when finally, Gavin knocked on my door. I jumped up and let him in. He dramatically walked in and flopped himself down on my couch.
“Well, hello to you too.” I said closing the door and looking back at him. He’d already closed his eyes. I walked over and made him move his feet. “Long day?”
“Too long. Nines is on my case about my paperwork. I always get it done like Jesus, he's not my boss. He needs to lay off.” He mumbled. He wiped his eyes and sat up. “Sorry. How was your class yesterday?”
“It was good, and be nice to Nines, he’s just doing his job.” I gently brushed his hair out of his face and smiled. “I’m excited for my class tomorrow. We’re finally getting into the real class work and not the b.s. syllabus day crap.”
“How did talking with your dad go?” He leaned into my hand.
“Better than I expected. I’m pretty sure without Connor’s help we still wouldn’t be talking. I want the four of us to get dinner soon.” He groaned and laid back down, putting his legs back on my lap. “Hey, come on.” He sighed.
“Tin Can can’t even eat, (Y/n). Why would we go to dinner?”
“Connor.” He sighed.
“I don’t want to do this right now, I’m tired.”
“Then call him Connor and not ‘tin can.’” I replied gently. 
“Slipped my mind.” He mumbled.
“Slipped your mind to treat Connor with respect?”
“(Y/n), I call Nines the same thing.”
“That doesn’t make it okay, Gavin.”
“Neither of them have complained. They can stand up for themselves if they want.” 
“Just because they haven’t said anything about it doesn’t mean it’s automatically okay, Gavin.”
“They’re big robots, let them stand up for themselves.” I moved Gavin’s legs off my lap and got up. I started pacing and biting the skin of my thumb. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Gavin watching me pace. “(Y/n), it’s not a big- “
“You better not say it’s not a big deal!” I snapped, finally turning to face him and pulling my hand away from my mouth to jab my finger accusingly at him. “Connor has been nothing but kind to me since I’ve come back to Detroit! He has defended you to my dad and spoken up for you!” I started walking towards my kitchen. I needed to do something with my hands, so I started putting away clean dishes. Just anything to keep my hands busy.
“It’s like a playful nickname, (Y/n)!” Gavin yelled as he followed me.
“No! Gavin it’s not! You call him tin can, plastic detective, plastic prick, and probably more I haven’t heard! It’s rude and horrible! Those are not playful, and you know it!” I whipped around and looked at him. He rolled his eyes and ran a hand through his hair.
“Why does it matter? He’s not even here!”
“It matters because he’s practically my family, Gavin! I care about him and I don’t want to listen to you make fun of him!”
“Oh my god, you’re being way too dramatic! Calling him Tin Can is not making fun of him! You’re the one who asked me to come over, you knew I would be exhausted! Why do you want to pick a fight?”
“I’m not picking a fight!”
“Jesus Christ (Y/n)! What do you think is happening right now? You are picking a fight over the smallest thing right now! What the fuck happened to you that makes you defend androids so fucking much!” Taken back by his words I took a step back and folded my arms over my chest.
“I’d like you to leave now.” I whispered.
“(Y/n), come on.” He took a step towards me and I took one back.
“I need you to leave.” I raised my voice and glared at him.
“Fine.” He said, throwing his hands up. He slammed the door shut behind him. I took a shaky breath, attempting to calm myself down. 
 It took thirty minutes of pacing around my living room stewing in my anger for it to dissipate. I finally laid down on my couch, grabbing my phone. No new notifications. Good. It's not like I wanted Gavin to text me anyway. I opened messenger anyway, I'd been alone all day and now I only wanted one androids company.
 Are you busy?
 No. Why?
 Can you come over?
 I can be there in 11 and a half minutes.
 I exhaled and put my phone on the coffee table, and covered my face with my hands, scrubbing off all the residual ick of volatile emotions. I closed my eyes and thought about what I said. Maybe I shouldn’t have gotten so mad, but Connor was becoming an important person in my life and I didn’t want to listen to Gavin patronize him. What even was my relationship with Connor? He didn’t mind when I said ‘dad’ instead of ‘my dad.’ Would he mind if I called him my brother? Should I even ask? Connor was new at this whole emotion thing and trying to figure out family dynamics couldn’t be easy.
There was a light knock at my door. I got up and opened it and let Connor in. He smiled gently.
“Is Gavin here?”
“He was, why?”
“His jeep is in the parking lot.” I told him to leave. Why was he still here? If he thought I was going to come down there and apologize to him, he was sorely mistaken. 
“How do you know it’s his, Connor?”
“The license plate number.” I laughed and sat back on the couch. Connor smiled and sat down. “Are you okay?” I sighed.
“No, but I’m getting there. Connor, I want to ask you something and I want you to be 100 percent honest, okay?”
“Would you be comfortable if I referred to you as my brother?” He froze and his LED spun red. “If that makes you uncomfortable or if you just don’t like it then I don’t have to. I just wanted to ask.” I spit out as quickly as I could.
“Could I call you my sister?” He asked quietly. I smiled widely.
“Of course, being siblings is a two-way street.” I bumped my shoulder into his.
“Why ask me now?” He looked at me softly.
“Well…to be honest me and Gavin got in a fight. He called you ‘Tin Can,’ and I got mad. I said that you were practically my family and that’s true, Connor. You’re basically dad’s son. He cares about you a lot and I care about you too.” He nodded, his LED still spinning red. “Are you okay?”
“Do you want to talk about it?” I asked softly. He paused for a moment.
“I’m trying to come up with the right words, (Y/n). I am honored you see me as a brother and to be honest I also view you and Hank as family. However, I worry that I may be overstepping my bounds. I’m not trying to replace Cole.” I put my hand on his shoulder.
“Connor, neither of us expect you to replace Cole. You can be a son and a brother without replacing Cole. I think Cole would be happy with how much you’ve done for dad. He’s not an easy person to get along with, but somehow, you’ve managed to get close to him and help him. He cares about you, Connor. You shouldn’t feel guilty about that.” He nodded; his LED turned yellow and finally back to blue.
“You’re really okay with me calling you my sister?”
“I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t.” He smiled at me.
“I’m sorry, you and Gavin got into a fight because of me.”
“Don’t. I’m not going to let Gavin make fun of you, Nines, or any other android.” Suddenly there was a knock on my door. I groaned, having very little doubt that it was Gavin. I glanced at Connor who was looking at the door. Sighing, I got up and opened my door. My suspicions were confirmed. “Were your ears burning? What do you want?”
“Can I come in?”
“Why are you still here? I asked you to leave.”
“(Y/n), can I please come in so we can talk about this.” 
“I don’t know. Are you going to be mean to Connor? Or perhaps you want to insult me instead. Let’s see you can still go after my anxiety, my lack of friends, or you haven’t insulted my dad today! Want to take your pick?”
“(Y/n) …” Connor spoke behind me. I turned around and sighed. Moving to let Gavin into my apartment.
“Hey, Connor.” Gavin said. I was surprised to see Connor glaring at Gavin, he normally seemed happy go lucky. I wondered if he was trying to protect me from getting hurt again by Gavin. 
“Detective Reed.” He responded curtly. I sat back down next to Connor and crossed my arms. 
There was a tense silence for a moment, before Gavin, who was staring at the floor, sighed and muttered ‘okay’ under his breath and then looked up at me. “I’m sorry, (Y/n). I’m just tired and things slip sometimes. I have been getting better about that shit ask Connor.” I dragged my eyes away from Gavin and looked over at Connor. For a moment he sat there not saying anything and finally he sighed and responded. 
“The daily insults have decreased.” Connor agreed begrudgingly. I sighed.
“Gavin, you have to get better about that. Connor is my family and I’m not going to be with someone who doesn’t treat him with respect.” Gavin sighed.
“I’m trying, but it takes time. I’m going to slip up and I’m sorry. I promise I’m trying to get better.” I looked at Connor and he nodded. “Shit, do you guys have some kind of telepathic thing going on now?” I laughed.
“No, Gavin.” I looked at him and sighed. “I know you’re trying, but just…let me correct you without getting defensive, okay?” He nodded and scratched the back of his neck.
“Yeah, you’re right.” Gavin looked to the ground and scratched the back of his neck. “Uhhh, sorry about all the insults Connor.” 
“Apology accepted.” 
“Do you guys wanna watch a movie?” I smiled at Gavin’s question and looked at Connor.
“We still have Muppet Treasure Island left to watch.” Connor suggested. I laughed and Gavin groaned.
We all squeezed on to my small couch. I was squashed between the two men in front of the tv. Gavin had his arm resting on my shoulder and Connor was fidgeting with his coin, but kept his eyes locked on the movie. It was relaxing. I hoped we’d have more moments like this.
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