#android nova tag
obsessedwithegos · 1 year
Android Nova and Model AU please!
It’s more so an intro/build up for it bc honestly??? Elaborate more on this at some other point
CW: Lady whumpee and caretaker, familial caretaker, multiple whumpees, clueless whumpee, blackmail, threat of food based whump
Aeri chewed the side of her tongue as she watches the fae measuring her daughter’s powered down android form. “Well? What do you think?”
Bebê hums as they think. “Remind me, why do you need my help again?”
“I need your fae magic to help make it seem like she has her own magic. You’re the strongest fae I’ve been able to find so far and her brother can’t keep sparing celes’s magic with her without it taking a toll on celes.” She reiterated her reasoning. “If you aren’t willing to do that, would you at least be willing to head to the fae planes to find someone for us?”
They roll their flexible tape measure back up and smile as they stand up right. “Oh I’m willing to do that! For a price of course!”
The cervitaur nodded. “I figured as such.” She opens her saddle bag and starts to rummage through it. “I have some money, a few important family heirlooms,and handmade jewelry.”
She sighs. “It’s not much, but.. I’m also willing to give you my name if it means helping my daughter.”
“Your dedication is admirable, but you’re right it’s not much. I don’t care much for taking names or heirlooms” They say, however they promptly speak again once she starts to look crushed. “BUT!”
They smile wide. “I’ve been needing another model for my fashion business! I already have a mermaid and I think she would work perfectly alongside him! If you allow her to work with me, I’ll take care of all of her needs and give her some of my magic!”
Aeri’s eyebrows furrow in concern as she looks over to Nova’s endoskeleton. “That sounds too good to be true but…”
Bebê walks over to her and extends a hand. “What other choice do you have?”
She hesitates. “If I can get enough money to pay you an amount we can agree on, will you let her stop being a model if she wants to?”
They nodded. “Of course! I’m not a monster! If she wants to leave after I’m paid, I will let her! But only if she wants to!”
She puts her hand into the fae’s and shakes their hand. “Okay then, you have a deal.”
“Fantastic!” They chimed. Of course, they weren’t going to tell her that they could influence Nova through the magic so she’ll stay regardless.
Runa jumps as his room door suddenly opens, revealing Bebê and some half deer person who seemed very confused.
He looks between them for a moment before settling his eyes on Bebê. “What’s going on? Who’s this?” He asked, trying to hide the concern in his voice as he was worried if this was another client or customer.
Bebê smiled at him. “Runa! This is Nova North! I hope you don’t mind if she temporarily rooms with you until I get her room ready here, it’d be good for you two to get comfortable anyway since you two are now coworkers!”
“Nova, this is Runa!” They say to her, gesturing to the mermaid.
Nova looks to Runa, her vibrant eyes looking him over. “Hello” She started, still clearly confused. “I’m sorry, I’m still very disorientated.”
Runa gives the fae a questioning look.
They kept their smile. “She had a nap while her mother brought her here, I’m sure you remember how disorientated you were when you first got here.” They explained.
“Um, I do have an odd question.” She speaks up, getting their attention. “Would it be alright if I used the kitchen to bake later on? Baking really helps soothe my nerves.”
Bebê nodded. “Of course! In fact, Runa should help you!”
“What?” He says, clearly not liking the idea.
“Consider it a bonding experience! You two do need to be close for the job after all!” They chimed with a clap of their hands. “Plus wouldn’t you prefer if she made something you can eat?”
Runa hesitated, trying to figure out if it was a threat. Would he have to rely on her cooking to eat? Would he only be provided meat based meals to eat if he refuses to help her? “Fine.”
“But it looks like she needs some rest first, baking in such a confused state can’t be safe.” He finished his line of thought.
“That’s fine!” Bebê says, ushering Nova into the room; only being careful so she didn’t trip over her own hooves. “Well, I’ll leave you two to it and to get to know each other! Have fun!” 
With that they close the door, leaving Nova and Runa alone.
Runa stares at Nova for a moment, and he swears he sees her eyes briefly flicker. Assuming it’s his own mind playing tricks on him, he scoots over on his bed. “Well, you’re going to be here for a while so you might as well be comfortable.”
[Combining AUs game]
Gen: @emmettnet @thebluejaysworld
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sparkleplur · 1 month
for anyone who doesn't want to see the anti-endos flooding the plural inclusive tags: you can filter out tags to avoid seeing their post. — nova
on desktop: click settings, then 'content you see', then click the pencil icon and type in the tag(s) you don't want to see.
in the app: click the account icon, then the cogwheel icon, general settings for IOS and account settings for android, filtering, and then type in the tag(s) you don't want to see.
tags i'd suggest filtering:
#anti endo
#endos fuck off
#endos dni
once you filter these, it should show up like this:
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do you read fics? And if yes do you have any recs ?
I do read fics. And I write them too!
There are so many good ones(a majority of what I read is lestappen) but here are a few that have been consuming me recently.
Note: a lot of these are rated E.
Inhale You In Small Doses by Nova Cloud @fueledbyremembering Incubus Charles AU! Literally so much fun and really creative world-building.
After the Races by clueing_for_looks Ongoing and just an insane mix of smut, feelings realization, and drama.
When You Cut Me Open by Linearity @drivestraight Vampire AU! One of the best vampire fics I've ever read.
A Ship to Wreck by moonlightE Ongoing Pirate omegaverse AU! Crazy plot and really great world-building
you're like 9 to 5 (i'm the weekend) by MINGSHUAS @lestappenreads So good for feelings realization, and emotional angst + A lot of well written drama!
How(Not) To Third Wheel Lestappen by F1 writingbyme and LestappenForever @lestappenforever @f1writingbyme Extremely funny and clever writing about all of the lestappen 3 wheel victims.
Somebody Else by Piastrism This one features a very fraught relationship between Oscar/Charles/Max and is heavier on the angst, but there is a happy ending. It's so well written.
Pour me a Heady Dose of Atmosphere by Anonymous Android Max au! Incredibly written
Also I will finish with the shameless self plug, my AO3 I have a few complete works, some one shots, and 2 ongoing multi-chapter works(all lestappen)
If you are going to check one out let it be my completed multi-chapter work Just One Question? featuring some angst and how a situation-ship turns into a feelings realization over winter break.
There are so many more, and I know I forgot some masterpieces, but these are just a sample of some of the amazing work from our fic author community. I tagged those I know the blogs of, reach out if you want to be tagged.
Thank you, and say hi to all of these hardworking and talented fic authors <3
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equipebrasil · 10 months
🌟 Novidades
Estamos testando uma função que altera o cabeçalho dos posts, reduzindo a redundância de avatares nos reblogues, economizando espaço vertical ao mover as recomendações e oferecendo mais espaço para selos e outras coisinhas... Na web, também removemos os avatares flutuantes e deixamos os posts com a mesma largura das barras laterais. Se tiver comentários sobre essas alterações, envie por aqui, e não se esqueça de usar a categoria “Feedback”.
Removemos o carrossel na aba superior do painel do blog (se você tiver ativado) para melhorar o tempo de carregamento. Essa aba pode ser ativada nas configurações do Tumblr Labs ou no novo botão de configuração da aba do painel experimental.
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🛠️ Melhorias
Corrigimos um problema nas tags recomendadas que mostrava o botão “Seguir” quando você já seguia a tag.
Se recentemente você voltou a seguir um blog (que havia deixado de seguir), ele agora deixa de ficar oculto de seu painel. Mas caso isso aconteça, pare de seguir o blog e siga novamente.
Tivemos alguns problemas com as incorporações do SoundCloud que não estavam funcionando nos posts, mas já foram resolvidos.
As incorporações do Spotify estão funcionando novamente. Obrigado ao Spotify por nos ajudar a resolver esse problema!
Nos navegadores para dispositivos móveis, o texto “Fonte” e “Enviado por” na parte inferior dos posts agora fica corretamente alinhado à esquerda (estava com alguns pixels de diferença).
Também nos navegadores para dispositivos móveis, corrigimos uma falha visual nas páginas de tags populares que fazia com que o rótulo “Populares no momento” ficasse na mesma linha da própria tag.
Se permitir conteúdo adulto, você deixa de receber avisos ao visitar um blog que contenha tal conteúdo.
Clicar nos elementos do cabeçalho de um reblogue leva você aos mesmos lugares no aplicativo iOS, Android e na web.
O registro de data/hora anual está de volta aos chats, em itens com mais de um ano.
Na web, na última quarta-feira, tivemos alguns breves problemas com informações sobre o blog (como avatares e o botão “Seguir”), mas já foram corrigidos.
🚧 Em andamento
Nossa equipe continua trabalhando para atualizar a documentação. Se encontrar algo confuso ou desatualizado, envie seu feedback!
Está tendo algum problema? Preencha o formulário de ajuda e entraremos em contato com você assim que possível!
Deseja enviar comentários e sugestões? Confira o blog “Work in Progress” e comece a conversar com a comunidade.
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technicoloryuri · 7 months
Hello!! My name is Nova (She/they)!!
I feel like rewriting my bio because reasons so yeah, enjoy that.
My Tags
#Nova's Queries - my ask tag
#Nova's Chasis - my selfie / irl picture tag
#Nova beeps - System talking tag. Any of us rambling or "unfiltered" ramblings.
#Nova's Hard Drive - Talking about our past, present, future, or any other sensitive/hard topics for us, sometimes trauma
#Android Posting - Fairly obvious, us posting about androids, wanting to be an android, or wanting to fuck androids. Or all three.
My interests
I'm a big fan of videos games especially puzzle games! (Portal 2 is my favorite of all time, Glados and Chell my beloved <3333)
Also, I play Magic the Gathering. I'm a very casual player so don't expect me to know about the glorpus the dorple bearer and shringle bop combo.
Also homestuck. Youre gonna see some homestuck. Sorry not sorry.
My other Blogs
@gothicfishnetyuri - our writing blog, poems, and the occasional lyrics
@monochromeyuri - the even more 18+ blog
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novaemberbingo · 7 months
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Hello hello everyone! November is just around the corner, which means we're also so close to the start of Novaember! For those who weren't around last year or would like a refresher, Novaember is a month long Novae-centered creative event. We (the admins of the Novae Galaxy discord server) have put together a bingo card filled with prompts, and the idea is to create a bunch of awesome Novae fan content and have fun in the community!
Continue reading to see our Rules, Guide, & the 2023 Card
These prompts are not limited to fanart! If you would like to explore and share other means of expression - like music, fanfic, poetry, cosplay, collage, quilting, etc - please do so!
Do not feel restricted to romantic relationships! If you would like to explore platonic, queerplatonic, familial, etc. relationships, please do so.
Please keep your works SFW if you would like us to reblog/retweet/highlight your works, and adhere to the guidelines of the site/community you are posting to - be it the Novae Galaxy Discord, Tumblr, Twitter, or Instagram (links available in the sidebar)
Please use the tags #novaember #novaemberbingo and/or #novaember2023 and tag our account @novaemberbingo if you would like to see your works shared (if not, just let us know!)
We want everyone to have fun with these! The goal is to bring the community together and create more fanworks. Don’t be afraid to make friends and spread the love for Novae!
If you have any questions or would like clarification on anything, shoot us a message and we’ll get back with you as soon as we can!
In the same way we read the ‘column + number’ on a BINGO card (B2, B4, I29, etc.), each column title is paired with a box in its same column.
On Novaember cards, each column is labeled with a category, and each box represents a prompt, so together they are read as ‘category + prompt’.
For example, the first box in the first column on the default card is read as ‘Event: Catacombs’.
How you interpret each pairing of category + prompt is completely up to you, and if you get stuck, you can always choose a different pair.
Novaember 2023 Card
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Or click here to get this year’s card. This page may not appear if you are on the Tumblr app from an Android device. If this happens, open the link from your web browser in mobile.
Standard BINGO
Cross out a line of five
Cross out the diagonals OR
Cross out the middle column and middle row
Cross out every box
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supernovasilence · 4 months
e_through_l for the title tag game *stares expectantly* also what are the rules on sending you more than one ask nova cuz let me tell you picking just one was a Trial
How am I supposed to use this as an excuse to talk some unwitting asker's ear off about my dead android babies when I've already talked your ear off about my dead android babies? Anyway for everyone who isn't Aub, I have this headcanon that Douglas Davenport from Lab Rats has eight more android kids that died before the start of the show and he just. Never bothered mentioning them. I only need one word to justify this and that word is "Daniel", but I have an entire corkboard covered in red string anyway, and also names and personalities and relationships and deaths for them all. One of these days I will write up a proper post about them, but for now here is a snippet:
The night Mr. Davenport’s latest project glitched, for example, and Bree found herself superspeeding across the island to drag Marcus from his pod. He looked out at her, disoriented and groggy from being half-charged, blinking sleepily. “Ivy?” he mumbled, face twisting in soft confusion. “Why’re you doing—” And then he blinked again and—maybe if the power grid had been working, and there had been light, Bree would have seen something hard come over his face, something sad come into his eyes. Maybe if her students hadn’t been trapped behind a malfunctioning door, and water wasn’t leaking in from half a dozen spots, and they hadn’t really needed another person capable of making forcefields, now. Maybe she would have stopped to ask what he was talking about. But as it was, he stopped talking abruptly, and she grabbed his arm and sped them both back to the others. By the time they got everything fixed, Bree was too tired to do anything besides fall into her capsule, even think. And in the morning she completely forgot to wonder what “ivy” meant.
and yes feel free to send multiple asks since I listed a zillion titles lol
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nvstgn · 10 months
summarized plot arranged as pretty as the rest of this blog? ♥
The story is told by a first-person protagonist, Nero Locke, and he has pretty interesting backstory in itself. He is sixteen years old, and his story starts when he dies.
The planet he is living in is called Cromia T347 and that's a place the humanity moved after the world ended on earth a very long time ago. The planet is ruled from its capital, Nova Voxis, by an organization called Nemesis, which rules from high and controls everything from the politics to the technology that is very advanced in their world. Those people have a secret goal though, and it is to replace the still existing mortal race with androids that would live and rule the planet forever.
So, a second apocalypse for the human's it would be. The organization tries to make that happen with underground actions most of the people don't know about, much like a mafia of sorts in their verse. The capital city is a very corrupted place under the surface and completely under their watching eye.
Neo lives in a way smaller city called Eden Tiania which is a mining city and very big at business with precious metals, especially one called Eden Iasine or just Iasine. The metal is fabricated to the material that is needed to make the most important components for the cyborgs and androids, and its nickname is 'gem of life' for that very reason.
The story starts when Nero gets stuck in the mining site one night and hears a conversation between Nemesis members that have come to fetch the metal mined for their operations. He gets caught and killed in the mines and is found by his uncle and a searching patrol the next day, murdered after hearing way too much.
His uncle, dr. G.E Locke, is a famous scientist that has invented many of the components used to create AI life, as well as many other important pieces of tech that the world trusts to operate. He builds Nero back to life using the very same technology he has access to thanks to Iasine - which in the boy's case means a mechanical heart to replace the one that has stopped, a new arm to fix his mangled one, new eyes and most of the failed organs after his brutal death and falling down to the mines. Basically, he builds a cyborg to replace the son of his sister. After waking up Nero only remembers bits and pieces here and there, definitely not being dropped to his death few days before.
In the time he was lifeless the rest of his family has been deleted from existence by Nemesis, his parents and little sister are gone, but his uncle seems to know enough to tell him they are not dead. To figure out what happened to them and to remember what he heard at the mining site - since his uncle claims it's crucial for him to do so - he travels to the capital, Nova Voxis, to figure out the mystery of his family and city and to quite possibly prevent the end of the world as the human race knows it. As he does, he meets his two best friends to be, Zarah Yana who is a mechanic shop owner, and Leslie Brattle, a super sarcastic foodie hacker who seems to hide something from his past. Later on, they are joined by Cyrus Sinclair, an older boy who saves them after a chasing scene at a mall's laser tag maze against officers that work for Nemesis.
The teens figure out that the true headquarters for the organization are hidden in the old capital city, that now is destroyed and - so it's told - empty after a civil war that was fought a long time ago and that left Nemesis in charge in the first place. The last part they figure out through some hardships since the bloody history of the organization is well hidden and erased from the memories of most of humankind. In the old capital the people that learnt about the dark truth about the organization at some point of their lives now wander aimlessly and mindlessly after their memory has been wiped away by the organization they crossed.
The city is called The Square of Ghosts, but it has a name that it once went by - Nova Vaglen, that helped to form the name for the current capital Nova Voxis.
[spoilers from the final chapters!!]
After learning the truth and cracking the mystery during their long adventure in the planets history and Nero's home city's origins (and after a couple of betrayals, some new friends, fights and sneaky missions, all the good stuff) it's time to face the problem at its source, so the main three head to the organizations grounds once more to stop their underground operation, one called project Regina, to save the human kind and destroy the AI that was meant to rule their world for the rest of eternity, only to find out Nero was the one that was needed to launch the operation in the first place.
His uncle, that now turns out to be part of Nemesis leading table, had been the reason Nero lost his life in the first place and built the boy again to be a key weapon against the humanity, knowing the project would be launched the moment the boy's code entered its system. The code is called code Locke, something that Nero got as a little gift with his prosthesis arm and matches with the activating system in the Nemesis lab. So instead of saving the world, our hero has been the very key to destroy it all along.
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WIP Wednesday
I was tagged by @jawanaka eons ago, but hey at least I am getting to it now
          He did not say anything for a long time, did not reach out for her naked shoulders, turned away from him and trembling slightly.            “Iloh. A planet worthy of its rank on Galactic Tourist Bureau’s board—” he started, and realized his voice rasped by a constriction of his throat. He swallowed.            “Perhaps that explains the sentimentality,” he said, deliberated to harden his voice with the last word.            “I’m sorry. It was—a fantasy, a dream. Forget about it, if you can.”           He relented at the sound of her voice. “Nighttime harbors dreams. I do not fault you for it. But…”            She looked up at the sky. “Yes, I remember. 'Dream; but dream only of attainable things.'”          Over them, a dawn was unequivocal. But the blue on the horizon was so pale that it almost looked as though not a dawn coming, only the night bleeding away.            He got up.           "Come. It is time."
Tagging @jawanaka back with my excuse being it's been ages and I know you probably have something good for us;) @luciferian-herbivore @andordean @do-androids-dream-ao3acc @the-little-bantha @eloquentmoon @dclcq @nananarc (have u checked out the new CP2077 updates? pretty nova stuff
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equipaportugal · 1 year
🌟 Novidades
No fim de semana, o Brick Whartley esteve de volta para tentar adicionar a capacidade de adicionar reações a publicações às publicações na Web. Mas estas já terminaram.
Estamos agora a mostrar imagens nas publicações com mais frequência ao ver os arquivos dos blogues. Se os primeiros três blocos na publicação tiverem texto e imagem, vamos passar a sobrepor a imagem no texto, em vez de simplesmente apresentar o texto numa caixa branca.
As publicações promovidas no Blaze na Web agora têm um pequeno ícone "promovido no Blaze" junto ao nome do blogue no cabeçalho da publicação.
Lançámos duas melhorias no separador "Recentes" dos resultados de pesquisa, relaxando uma série de filtros que tínhamos em funcionamento.
Os reblogues que perdeste de blogues que segues agora vão passar a estar incluídos no separador do painel "O que perdeste" e nas notificações push.
🛠️ Correções
Corrigimos um problema que podia fazer com que as páginas da lista A seguir ficassem vazias, o que podia causar becos sem saída antes de chegar realmente ao fim da lista.
Corrigimos um erro que impedia as pessoas de denunciarem assédio de perguntas e colaborações na Web.
A pesquisa do GIF já respeita corretamente as preferências dos avisos de conteúdo.
Corrigimos um problema que impedia a criação de novos itens de atividade sobre novas respostas em publicações. Além disso, passámos a impedir vários itens de atividade duplicados quando um blogue que segues fica em direto no Tumblr Live – agora vais ver apenas um item.
Corrigimos um problema que fazia com que alguns itens no TumblrMart não tivessem uma pré-visualização da imagem do item.
Ao utilizar o separador do painel "Os teus marcadores" na Web, a filtragem do feed já não quebra o histórico do botão de retrocesso do navegador.
As contagens da atividade e mensagens eram atiradas para fora do ecrã ao visualizar a gaveta de navegação quando se usava o Tumblr num navegador no telemóvel. Voltámos a colocá-las dentro da gaveta de navegação onde deveriam estar, junto a estes itens de navegação.
As publicações do Tumblr incorporadas noutros sites têm agora um URL canónico definido nas suas meta tags, o que deverá impedir que o Google e outros índices de pesquisa os indexem duplamente ou incorretamente.
🚧 Em curso
Estamos cientes de que as notificações push no Android podem estar atrasadas, o Firebase (o serviço Google que trata das notificações push para dispositivos Android) está possivelmente a sofrer uma falha de energia.
Parece que o Instagram removeu a capacidade de publicar automaticamente no Tumblr. Estamos a investigar para ver se esta foi uma mudança intencional.
Estamos a par de que o erro "algumas imagens parecem realmente pequenas" ainda está a acontecer na aplicação do Tumblr para Android, estamos atualmente a trabalhar numa correção para resolver isto.
🌿 Em breve
Nada a assinalar por hoje.
Estás com algum problema? Envia um pedido de apoio e nós respondemos-te assim que possível!
Queres partilhar o teu feedback sobre alguma coisa? Confere o nosso blogue Work in Progress e começa uma conversa com a comunidade.
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hydralisk98 · 2 months
Mycenaean Pylos & Tiryns (article 0x15/?) WIP
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Continuation on this article thread:
In the reality that is "16^12", Angora is a striking bronze age-themed inhabited planet of stark contrasts within the galactic community. And while at least as far as what the "state of affairs" is during the dawn of their 46th century things are moving along fair nice and sweet at the global scale [...];
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Main characters
Kate Kér (self-insert, autistic INTJ brunette, [...] )
Ava Booksword (synthetic-tier android ENFP blonde, starting out as domestic servant by law and eventually earning her way to full citizenship)
Shoshona (black angora housecat)
Nil (second person perspective camera / audience perspective + insertee)
Secondary agents at play
Tano (INTP)
Milan (ENTP)
May (ISTJ)
Sasha (ISTP)
Pana (ISFP)
Valenz (ESTJ)
Ursa (ENFJ)
Elke (INFP)
Miscellaneous personas to account for (13th - 48th) Will add the 36 of them in a further article.
Massive keywords "deque"
Groovy soft natural retro grunge warm natural filmic comfort, tramway at dusk from mesas to the ocean far away, distant future LISP DIY copyleft cartoons, symbolic CAS LISP Gruvbox poetic devkit, soft-rounded bold geometric shape language, fontmap vector prefab modules, slice-of-life cozy rollerwave cartoons, communal retrofuturistic optimism, Bauhaus, Art Deco, Art Nouveau, "Gruvbox Light Medium" + "OldBook Light Academia" mashup, seventies toon cel, copyleft GLOSS data transparency movement, soviet-bloc indie shareware culture, Nintendo 64 console with 64DD expansion cartridge, SEGA Dreamcast, DEC Alpha, Sanyo 3DO TRY, Nuon, Ouya, Commodore PETSCII CBM-II, Commodore Amiga 3000+4000, bronze-age historical time period, Chronokinesis, True Polymorph, lunarpunk mysticism, Teslafunk, Solarpunk, Cyberfunk, syndicalism, georgism, ecology, harmonious innovation, progressives, seventies rollerwave futurism, filmic, OGG container format, OGV, OPUS, Vorbis, OpenEXR, Animated SVG, CSS3 animations, PK3/ZIP file archives, USD format, harsh raster XY plotters & printers, selectric typewriters, comforting Shoshone music / songs / hymns;  "Soyuzmultfilm", "Helluva Boss", "The Powerpuff Girls Z", "The Powerpuff Girls", "Jet Set Radio", "Newgrounds", "Jin-Roh The Wolf Brigade", "Android Arts", "Nicky Case", "Jucika", Nintendo 64 with N64DD module, SEGA Dreamcast, Sanyo 3DO, Nuon, Ouya, DEC Alpha, Commodore 64, DECmate II, DECmate III, Intersil 6100 & 6120 lineups, PETSCII, OpenXanadu web, IBM Z/16 Linux One mainframe, OpenPOWER, Libre GLOSS data-transparent Apple Silicon M3 system, RTTY protocols, Minitel / Videotex services, hard-copy terminals, Typex, Telex Teleprinters (read-only & Read/Write), block data terminals, explorable explainers, federated ActivityPub RSS feeds, SPARC Voyager, Xerox Daybreak, R2E Micral Portal, libre bio-modding & cyberware, Pflaumen, Utalics, Lambda Star, Lambda Nova, Wyatt, Sass, MathML, XML+XSL, OpenREXX, PDP-8/e, PDP-12, PDP-15, ALGOL68, LISP 1.5, Steel Bank Common Lisp, Trial Engine, GNU Hurd, Linux, Macroware, SoundTracker, Multi-Agent Simulations, Mixtapes, Android Clades/Classes (Robots, Droids, Synthetics), Open Virtual Worlds, "Rogue Servitors";  "Liberty" caucus within "Union Party", Al-Gore (2000), Trump + Michelle Oprah (2004), Theodore Roosevelt (1912), Charles Hugues (1916), Progressives party since ~1910-1915, Pedro II of Brazil + Haile Selassie equivalent figure during the later 19th century, political split around 2024-2025, female programmers still in charge, gender inclusivity, major 3D, animation & game engine-y frameworks abundant in Common LISP (Trial Engine + AutoLISP as copyleft GLOSS / open source licensed software);  Rust red dark grunge wood, translucid glass, matte plastics, fuzzy wool, forest flora, ocean water, arcade cabinets, hyper mall shops & stores, conversation pits, wax cylinder records, 45rpm autoplay mini-vinyl records, datasettes, cassettes, analog Laserdiscs, DECtape, MiniDiscs, programmable androids, retro unit record equipment, mainframes, LTO tape cartridges, amber earmuffs, black spirals-pattern balls, black matte lipstick, cloven hoof shoes; [...]
Soundscapes, music & ambiance playlist
Shoshone Union (So)fi music playlist?
Locations, maps & contextual clues
Beyond Heat Death / Entropy time periods of a far far away past dimension lies questions & their answers we were seeking for... , ?;
0 notes
this-week-in-rust · 3 months
This Week in Rust 539
Hello and welcome to another issue of This Week in Rust! Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. This is a weekly summary of its progress and community. Want something mentioned? Tag us at @ThisWeekInRust on Twitter or @ThisWeekinRust on mastodon.social, or send us a pull request. Want to get involved? We love contributions.
This Week in Rust is openly developed on GitHub and archives can be viewed at this-week-in-rust.org. If you find any errors in this week's issue, please submit a PR.
Updates from Rust Community
The Embedded Rustacean Issue #15
This Week in Bevy: Foundations, Meetups, and more Bevy Cheatbook updates
Project/Tooling Updates
rustc_codegen_gcc: Progress Report #31
Slint 1.5: Embracing Android, Improving Live-Preview, and introducing Pythonic Slint
yaml-rust2's first real release
testresult 0.4.0 released. The crate provides the TestResult type for concise and precise test failures.
Revolutionizing PostgreSQL Database Comparison: Introducing pgdatadiff in Rust — Unleash Speed, Safety, and Scalability
SemVer in Rust: Breakage, Tooling, and Edge Cases — FOSDEM 2024 annotated talk
Go's Errors: How I Learned to Love Rust
Strongly-typed IDs in SurrealDB
Iterators and traversables
Using PostHog with Rust
Using Rust on ESP32 from Windows
Compiling Rust to WASI
Achieving awful compression with digits of pi
Zig, Rust, and other languages
What part of Rust compilation is the bottleneck?
Lambda on hard mode: Inside Modal's web infrastructure
Embedded Rust Bluetooth on ESP: BLE Advertiser
[video] Diplomat - Idiomatic Multi-Language APIs - Robert Bastian - Rust Zürisee March 2024
Rust Walkthroughs
A Short Introduction to Rust and the Bevy Game Engine
[video] Strings and memory reallocation in Rust
Rust Tools Survey (by JetBrains)
RustNL 2024 schedule announced
Fighting back: Turning the Tables on Web Scrapers Using Rust
The book "Code Like a Pro in Rust" is released
Red Hat's Long, Rust'ed Road Ahead For Nova As Nouveau Driver Successor
Crate of the Week
This week's crate is heck, a no_std crate to perform case conversions.
Thanks to Edoardo Morandi for the suggestion!
Please submit your suggestions and votes for next week!
Call for Testing
An important step for RFC implementation is for people to experiment with the implementation and give feedback, especially before stabilization. The following RFCs would benefit from user testing before moving forward:
No calls for testing were issued this week.
If you are a feature implementer and would like your RFC to appear on the above list, add the new call-for-testing label to your RFC along with a comment providing testing instructions and/or guidance on which aspect(s) of the feature need testing.
Call for Participation; projects and speakers
CFP - Projects
Always wanted to contribute to open-source projects but did not know where to start? Every week we highlight some tasks from the Rust community for you to pick and get started!
Some of these tasks may also have mentors available, visit the task page for more information.
Rama — add Form support (IntroResponse + FromRequest)
Rama — rename *Filter matchers to *Matcher
Rama — Provide support for boxed custom matchers in layer enums
Rama — use workspace dependencies for common workspace dep versionning
Rama — add open-telemetry middleware and extended prometheus support
Space Acres - Packaging for MacOS
Space Acres - Implement Loading Progress
Space Acres - Show more lines of logs when the app is "Stopped with error"
Space Acres - Tray Icon Support
Hyperswitch - [REFACTOR]: Remove Default Case Handling - Braintree
Hyperswitch - [REFACTOR]: Remove Default Case Handling - Fiserv
Hyperswitch - [REFACTOR]: Remove Default Case Handling - Globepay
ZeroCopy - Fix cfgs in rustdoc
ZeroCopy - Audit uses of "C-like" and prefer "fieldless"
ZeroCopy - in zerocopy-derive UI tests, detect whether we're building with RUSTFLAGS='-Wwarnings'
If you are a Rust project owner and are looking for contributors, please submit tasks here.
CFP - Speakers
Are you a new or experienced speaker looking for a place to share something cool? This section highlights events that are being planned and are accepting submissions to join their event as a speaker.
* RustFest Zürich 2024 | Closes 2024-03-31 | Zürich, Switzerland | Event date: 2024-06-19 - 2024-06-24 * Oxidize 2024 | Closes 2024-03-24 | Berlin, Germany | Event date: 2024-05-28 - 2024-05-30 * RustConf 2024 | Closes 2024-04-25 | Montreal, Canada | Event date: 2024-09-10 * EuroRust 2024| Closes 2024-06-03 | Vienna, Austria & online | Event on 2024-10-10 * Scientific Computing in Rust 2024| Closes 2024-06-14 | online | Event date: 2024-07-17 - 2024-07-19
If you are an event organizer hoping to expand the reach of your event, please submit a link to the submission website through a PR to TWiR.
Updates from the Rust Project
498 pull requests were merged in the last week
BOLT Use CDSort and CDSplit
NormalizesTo: return nested goals to caller
add_retag: ensure box-to-raw-ptr casts are preserved for Miri
f16 and f128 step 3: compiler support & feature gate
add -Z external-clangrt
add wasm_c_abi future-incompat lint
add missing try_visit calls in visitors
check library crates for all tier 1 targets in PR CI
copy byval argument to alloca if alignment is insufficient
coverage: initial support for branch coverage instrumentation
create some minimal HIR for associated opaque types
delay expand macro bang when there has indeterminate path
delegation: fix ICE on duplicated associative items
detect allocator for box in must_not_suspend lint
detect calls to .clone() on T: !Clone types on borrowck errors
detect when move of !Copy value occurs within loop and should likely not be cloned
diagnostics: suggest Clone bounds when noop clone()
do not eat nested expressions' results in MayContainYieldPoint format args visitor
don't create ParamCandidate when obligation contains errors
don't ICE when non-self part of trait goal is constrained in new solver
don't show suggestion if slice pattern is not top-level
downgrade const eval dangling ptr in final to future incompat lint
enable PR tracking review assignment for rust-lang/rust
enable creating backtraces via -Ztreat-err-as-bug when stashing errors
enable frame pointers for the standard library
ensure RPITITs are created before def-id freezing
fix 32-bit overflows in LLVM composite constants
fix ICE in diagnostics for parenthesized type arguments
fix long-linker-command-lines failure caused by rust.rpath=false
fix attribute validation on associated items in traits
fix stack overflow with recursive associated types
interpret: ensure that Place is never used for a different frame
make incremental sessions identity no longer depend on the crate names provided by source code
match lowering: don't collect test alternatives ahead of time
more eagerly instantiate binders
never patterns: suggest ! patterns on non-exhaustive matches
only generate a ptrtoint in AtomicPtr codegen when absolutely necessary
only invoke decorate if the diag can eventually be emitted
pass the correct DefId when suggesting writing the aliased Self type out
pattern analysis: Store field indices in DeconstructedPat to avoid virtual wildcards
provide structured suggestion for #![feature(foo)]
register LLVM handlers for bad-alloc / OOM
reject overly generic assoc const binding types
represent Result<usize, Box<T>> as ScalarPair(i64, ptr)
split refining_impl_trait lint into _reachable, _internal variants
stabilize imported_main
stabilize associated type bounds (RFC #2289)
stop walking the bodies of statics for reachability, and evaluate them instead
unix time module now return result
validate builder::PATH_REMAP
miri: add some chance to reuse addresses of previously freed allocations
avoid lowering code under dead SwitchInt targets
use UnsafeCell for fast constant thread locals
add CStr::bytes iterator
add as_(mut_)ptr and as_(mut_)slice to raw array pointers
implement {Div,Rem}Assign<NonZero<X>> on X
fix unsoundness in Step::forward_unchecked for signed integers
implement Duration::as_millis_{f64,f32}
optimize ptr::replace
safe Transmute: Require that source referent is smaller than destination
safe Transmute: Use 'not yet supported', not 'unspecified' in errors
hashbrown: fix index calculation in panic guard of clone_from_impl
cargo tree: Control --charset via auto-detecting config value
cargo toml: Flatten manifest parsing
cargo: add 'open-namespaces' feature
cargo fix: strip feature dep when dep is dev dep
cargo: prevent dashes in lib.name
cargo: expose source/spans to Manifest for emitting lints
rustdoc-search: depth limit T<U> → U unboxing
rustdoc-search: search types by higher-order functions
rustdoc: add --test-builder-wrapper arg to support wrappers such as RUSTC_WRAPPER when building doctests
rustdoc: do not preload fonts when browsing locally
rustfmt: fix: ICE with expanded code
rustfmt: initial work on formatting headers
clippy: cast_lossless: Suggest type alias instead of the aliased type
clippy: else_if_without_else: Fix duplicate diagnostics
clippy: map_entry: call the visitor on the local's else block
clippy: option_option: Fix duplicate diagnostics
clippy: unused_enumerate_index: trigger on method calls
clippy: use_self: Make it aware of lifetimes
clippy: don't emit doc_markdown lint for missing backticks if it's inside a quote
clippy: fix dbg_macro false negative when dbg is inside some complex macros
clippy: fix empty_docs trigger in proc-macro
clippy: fix span calculation for non-ascii in needless_return
clippy: handle false positive with map_clone lint
clippy: lint when calling the blanket Into impl from a From impl
clippy: move iter_nth to style, add machine applicable suggestion
clippy: move readonly_write_lock to perf
clippy: new restriction lint: integer_division_remainder_used
rust-analyzer: distinguish integration tests from crates in test explorer
rust-analyzer: apply #[cfg] to proc macro inputs
rust-analyzer: implement ATPIT
rust-analyzer: support macro calls in eager macros for IDE features
rust-analyzer: syntax highlighting improvements
rust-analyzer: fix panic with impl trait associated types in where clause
rust-analyzer: don't auto-close block comments in strings
rust-analyzer: fix wrong where clause rendering on hover
rust-analyzer: handle attributes when typing curly bracket
rust-analyzer: ignore some warnings if they originate from within macro expansions
rust-analyzer: incorrect handling of use and panic issue in extract_module
rust-analyzer: make inlay hint resolving work better for inlays targetting the same position
rust-analyzer: refactor extension to support arbitrary shell command runnables
rust-analyzer: show compilation progress in test explorer
rust-analyzer: use --workspace and --no-fail-fast in test explorer
Rust Compiler Performance Triage
Even though the summary might not look like it, this was actually a relatively quiet week, with a few small regressions. The large regression that is also shown in the summary table was caused by extending the verification of incremental compilation results. However, this verification is not actually fully enabled by default, so these regressions are mostly only visible in our benchmarking suite, which enables the verification to achieve more deterministic benchmarking results. One small regression was also caused by enabling frame pointers for the Rust standard library, which should improve profiling of Rust programs.
Triage done by @kobzol. Revision range: e919669d..21d94a3d
(instructions:u) mean range count Regressions ❌ (primary) 2.5% [0.4%, 7.8%] 207 Regressions ❌ (secondary) 2.9% [0.2%, 8.3%] 128 Improvements ✅ (primary) - - 0 Improvements ✅ (secondary) -1.0% [-1.3%, -0.4%] 4 All ❌✅ (primary) 2.5% [0.4%, 7.8%] 207
4 Regressions, 1 Improvements, 6 Mixed; 4 of them in rollups 67 artifact comparisons made in total
Full report here
Approved RFCs
Changes to Rust follow the Rust RFC (request for comments) process. These are the RFCs that were approved for implementation this week:
No RFCs were approved this week.
Final Comment Period
Every week, the team announces the 'final comment period' for RFCs and key PRs which are reaching a decision. Express your opinions now.
Reserve gen keyword in 2024 edition for Iterator generators
Tracking Issues & PRs
[disposition: merge] Tracking Issue for raw slice len() method (slice_ptr_len, const_slice_ptr_len)
[disposition: merge] downgrade ptr.is_aligned_to crate-private
[disposition: merge] Stabilize unchecked_{add,sub,mul}
[disposition: merge] transmute: caution against int2ptr transmutation
[disposition: merge] Normalize trait ref before orphan check & consider ty params in alias types to be uncovered
[disposition: merge] release cargo test helper crate to crates-io
New and Updated RFCs
[new] Add support for use Trait::method
Upcoming Events
Rusty Events between 2024-03-20 - 2024-04-17 🦀
2024-03-20 | Virtual (Cardiff, UK) | Rust and C++ Cardiff
Rust for Rustaceans Book Club: Chapter 3 - Designing Interfaces
2024-03-20 | Virtual (Vancouver, BC, CA) | Vancouver Rust
Rust Study/Hack/Hang-out
2024-03-21 | Virtual (Charlottesville, NC, US) | Charlottesville Rust Meetup
Crafting Interpreters in Rust Collaboratively
2024-03-26 | Virtual + In Person (Barcelona, ES) | BcnRust
13th BcnRust Meetup - Stream
2024-03-26 | Virtual (Dallas, TX, US) | Dallas Rust
Last Tuesday
2024-03-28 | Virtual + In Person (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin + Rust Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn | Mirror: Rust Hack n Learn Meetup
2024-04-02 | Virtual (Buffalo, NY, US) | Buffalo Rust
Buffalo Rust User Group
2024-04-03 | Virtual (Cardiff, UK) | Rust and C++ Cardiff
Rust for Rustaceans Book Club: Chapter 4 - Error Handling
2024-04-03 | Virtual (Indianapolis, IN, US) | Indy Rust
Indy.rs - with Social Distancing
2024-04-04 | Virtual (Charlottesville, NC, US) | Charlottesville Rust Meetup
Crafting Interpreters in Rust Collaboratively
2024-04-09 | Virtual (Dallas, TX, US) | Dallas Rust
Second Tuesday
2024-04-11 | Virtual + In Person (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin + Rust Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn | Mirror: Rust Hack n Learn Meetup
2024-04-11 | Virtual (Nürnberg, DE) | Rust Nüremberg
Rust Nürnberg online
2024-04-16 | Virtual (Washinigton, DC, US) | Rust DC
Mid-month Rustful
2024-04-17| Virtual (Vancouver, BC, CA) | Vancouver Rust
Rust Study/Hack/Hang-out
2024-04-05 | Kampala, UG | Rust Circle Kampala
Rust Circle Meetup
2024-03-30 | New Delhi, IN | Rust Delhi
Rust Delhi Meetup #6
2024-03-20 | Girona, ES | Rust Girona
Introduction to programming Microcontrollers with Rust
2024-03-20 | Lyon, FR | Rust Lyon
Rust Lyon Meetup #9
2024-03-20 | Oxford, UK | Oxford Rust Meetup Group
Introduction to Rust
2024-03-21 | Augsburg, DE | Rust Meetup Augsburg
Augsburg Rust Meetup #6
2024-03-21 | Lille, FR | Rust Lille
Rust Lille #6: Du RSS et de L'ECS !
2024-03-21 | Vienna, AT | Rust Vienna
Rust Vienna Meetup - March - Unsafe Rust
2024-03-23 | Stockholm, SE | Stockholm Rust
Ferris' Fika Forum | Map
2024-03-25 | London, UK | Rust London User Group
LDN Talks: Rust Nation 2024 Pre-Conference Meetup
2024-03-26 | Barcelona, ES + Virtual | BcnRust
13th BcnRust Meetup
2024-03-26 - 2024-03-28 | London, UK | Rust Nation UK
Rust Nation 2024 - Conference
2024-03-28 | Berlin, DE | Rust Berlin
Rust and Tell
2024-04-10 | Cambridge, UK | Cambridge Rust Meetup
Rust Meetup Reboot 3
2024-04-10 | Oslo, NO | Rust Oslo
Rust Hack'n'Learn at Kampen Bistro
2024-04-11 | Bordeaux, FR | Rust Bordeaux
Rust Bordeaux #2 : Présentations
2024-04-11 | Reading, UK | Reading Rust Workshop
Reading Rust Meetup at Browns
2024-04-16 | Bratislava, SK | Bratislava Rust Meetup Group
Rust Meetup by Sonalake #5
2024-04-16 | Munich, DE + Virtual | Rust Munich
Rust Munich 2024 / 1 - hybrid
North America
2024-03-21 | Mountain View, CA, US | Mountain View Rust Meetup
Rust Meetup at Hacker Dojo
2024-03-21 | Nashville, TN, US | Music City Rust Developers
Rust Meetup : Lightning Round!
2024-03-21 | Seattle, WA, US | Seattle Rust User Group
Seattle Rust User Group Meetup
2024-03-21 | Spokane, WA, US | Spokane Rust Meetup | Spokane Rust Website
Presentation: Brilliance in Borrowing
2024-03-22 | Somerville, MA, US | Boston Rust Meetup
Somerville Union Square Rust Lunch, Mar 22
2024-03-26 | Minneapolis, MN, US | Minneapolis Rust Meetup
Minneapolis Rust: Getting started with Rust!
2024-03-27 | Austin, TX, US | Rust ATX
Rust Lunch - Fareground
2024-03-27 | Hawthorne (Los Angeles), CA, US | Freeform
Rust in the Physical World 🦀 Tech Talk Event at Freeform
2024-03-31 | Boston, MA, US | Boston Rust Meetup
Beacon Hill Rust Lunch, Mar 31
2024-04-04 | Mountain View, CA, US | Mountain View Rust Meetup
Rust Meetup at Hacker Dojo
2024-04-11 | Seattle, WA, US | Seattle Rust User Group
Seattle Rust User Group Meetup
2024-04-16 | San Francisco, CA, US | San Francisco Rust Study Group
Rust Hacking in Person
If you are running a Rust event please add it to the calendar to get it mentioned here. Please remember to add a link to the event too. Email the Rust Community Team for access.
Please see the latest Who's Hiring thread on r/rust
Quote of the Week
In 10 years we went from “Rust will never replace C and C++” to “New C/C++ should not be written anymore, and you should use Rust”. Good job.
– dpc_pw on lobste.rs
Thanks to Dennis Luxen for the suggestion!
Please submit quotes and vote for next week!
This Week in Rust is edited by: nellshamrell, llogiq, cdmistman, ericseppanen, extrawurst, andrewpollack, U007D, kolharsam, joelmarcey, mariannegoldin, bennyvasquez.
Email list hosting is sponsored by The Rust Foundation
Discuss on r/rust
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equipebrasil · 8 months
🌟 Novidades
Lançamos novos selos assustadores no TumblrMart! Garanta logo o seu.👻☠️
O Selo de Assinante do Tumblr já está disponível para todo mundo!!! Confira no TumblrMart!
Estamos fazendo algumas atualizações na forma como exibimos as informações dos posts nos feeds, consolidando elementos na interface do cabeçalho. Essas mudanças incluem a remoção do avatar “flutuante” da web, que passa para o cabeçalho, e informações como “Fixado” e “Com base em suas curtidas”, que passam para o cabeçalho principal. Além disso, retiramos duplicações de nomes e botões, e outros detalhes visuais.
Também estamos trazendo uma mudança nos aplicativos para iOS e Android que permite usar os botões de volume do seu dispositivo para ativar/desativar o som dos vídeos.
Novidades sobre a aba “Para você”: Agora ela contém uma mistura de conteúdo de pessoas que você segue e de pessoas que não segue. Esta é uma mudança intencional, e o mix passa a ser em torno de 50/50, mas pode mudar, pois é uma fase de ajustes. Enviem seus comentários e sugestões!
Estamos trabalhando em outra novidade que é poder responder com os blogs adicionais. Para aqueles que usam mais de um blog, basta clicar/tocar no ícone do avatar ao lado da caixa de resposta para selecionar o blog com o qual responder.
Ao pesquisar conteúdo em um blog, se você usar o símbolo da hashtag (#) como o primeiro caractere, mostraremos os resultados de posts marcados com essa tag. Por exemplo, se pesquisar “#games” você verá os resultados de posts marcados com a hashtag #games. Mas se pesquisar por “game”, o resultado será uma pesquisa com posts que contêm a palavra “game”.
A aba de Atividade/Mensagens de quem usa a versão beta do aplicativo do Tumblr para Android está de cara nova! Enviem seus comentários e digam para a gente o que acharam.
Adicionamos novos nomes à lista de ferramentas de IA cujo uso nós não incentivamos.
🛠️ Melhorias
Na web, fizemos algumas atualizações no funcionamento das mensagens diretas para melhorar as trocas em tempo real em redes instáveis. Antes da correção, as mensagens diretas deixavam de ser exibidas e exigiam que você fechasse e reabrisse a janela de conversa para serem atualizadas se a conexão com o Tumblr fosse interrompida por alguns segundos.
Atualize o aplicativo para iOS para a versão mais recente, 31.7, para receber a correção dos dois problemas que estavam em andamento na semana passada.
Corrigimos mais alguns problemas que não permitiam o bom funcionamento das incorporações do SoundCloud.
🚧 Em andamento
Ainda estamos trabalhando para corrigir um problema no aplicativo para iOS que faz com que o item da barra de navegação de mensagens/atividades não seja atualizado corretamente com uma contagem de quantos itens de atividade não lidos você tem. Às vezes ele fica preso e perde a conta, mesmo que você esteja recebendo atividade.
🌱 Vindo por aí
Estamos trabalhando na configuração de uma lógica que limite as notificações push quando um post viraliza. Por isso, estamos em busca de voluntários que nos ajudem a descobrir quais são os melhores limites. Caso seja de seu interesse, basta entrar em contato pelas respostas do post do blog Change (em inglês)!
Está tendo algum problema? Preencha o formulário de ajuda e entraremos em contato com você assim que possível!
Deseja enviar comentários e sugestões? Confira o blog “Work in Progress” e comece a conversar com a comunidade.
20 notes · View notes
novaemberbingo · 2 years
Tumblr media
Novaember Bingo 2022
Hello hello everyone! Tomorrow is the start of November, which means we're also so close to the start of Novaember! For those who weren't around last year or would like a refresher, Novaember is a month long Novae-centered creative event. We (the admins of the Novae Galaxy discord server) have put together a bingo card filled with prompts, and the idea is to create a bunch of awesome Novae fan content and have fun in the community!
Continue reading to see our Rules, Guide, & the 2022 Card
These prompts are not limited to fanart! If you would like to explore and share other means of expression - like music, fanfic, poetry, cosplay, collage, quilting, etc - please do so!
Do not feel restricted to romantic relationships! If you would like to explore platonic, queerplatonic, familial, etc. relationships, please do so.
Please keep your works SFW if you would like us to reblog/retweet/highlight your works, and adhere to the guidelines of the site/community you are posting to - be it the Novae Galaxy Discord, Tumblr, Twitter, or Instagram (links available in the sidebar)
Please use the tags #novaember #novaemberbingo and/or #novaember2022 and tag our account @novaemberbingo if you would like to see your works shared (if not, just let us know!)
We want everyone to have fun with these! The goal is to bring the community together and create more fanworks. Don’t be afraid to make friends and spread the love for Novae!
If you have any questions or would like clarification on anything, shoot us a message and we’ll get back with you as soon as we can!
In the same way we read the ‘column + number’ on a BINGO card (B2, B4, I29, etc.), each column title is paired with a box in its same column.
On Novaember cards, each column is labeled with a category, and each box represents a prompt, so together they are read as ‘category + prompt’.
For example, the first box in the first column on the default card is read as ‘Date: Death’.
How you interpret each pairing of category + prompt is completely up to you, and if you get stuck, you can always choose a different pair.
Novaember 2022 Card
Tumblr media
Or click here to get this year’s card. This page may not appear if you are on the Tumblr app from an Android device. If this happens, open the link from your web browser in mobile.
Standard BINGO
Cross out a line of five
Cross out the diagonals OR
Cross out the middle column and middle row
Cross out every box
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Como postar áudio do WhatsApp no Instagram?
Como postar áudio do WhatsApp no Instagram? https://ift.tt/lLE4PmW WhatsApp e Instagram são as redes sociais que mais usamos para interagir com nossos contatos. Sim, a primeira usamos para conversas e a segunda para compartilhar tudo o que fazemos. Mas como postar áudio do WhatsApp no Instagram? Mas e se pudéssemos publicar nossas conversas? A partir de agora poderemos fazê-lo, pois temos o truque para compartilhar um áudio com seus seguidores no Instagram. Assim sendo, para ajudar você a entender mais sobre como postar áudio do WhatsApp no Instagram, nós preparamos o artigo de hoje sobre o assunto. Ficou interessado em saber mais? Então acompanhe agora mesmo! Como postar áudio do WhatsApp no Instagram? Como postar áudio do WhatsApp no Instagram Atenção, nós já avisamos que se você é usuário do Android, você terá que baixar um aplicativo para usar este truque. Propomos-lhe, por exemplo, o ‘Xrecorder‘. Uma vez instalado, é hora de carregar para o Instagram Stories aquela nota de voz que você quer que seus seguidores ouçam. Primeiro entre em “Configurações”, depois vá para “Centro de Controle” e clique em “Personalizar controles”. Uma vez dentro, clique no símbolo “+” de “Gravar a tela” Em seguida, toque no ícone de gravação cinza e, em seguida, “Microfone” Clique em “Iniciar gravação” Depois de concluir os passos acima, entre no WhatsApp e pressione play na mensagem de voz que deseja publicar Quando já o tiver, entre em “Centro de Controle” e clique no botão vermelho de registro Pouco depois, entre no aplicativo “Fotos” e selecione sua gravação de tela Quando tiver cumprido o que lhe dissemos acima, basta gravar a tela e colocar no Stories a sua mensagem de voz em formato de vídeo ou áudio.  Se optar pela primeira opção e não quiser que o resto da conversa seja lida, terá sempre a possibilidade de a esconder com o lápis, tal como fazem muitos influenciadores. Você vai ser encorajado a experimentar? Quais os benefícios do Instagram? Se você quiser conhecer de uma forma mais profunda o seu público-alvo, pode fazê-lo através do Instagram, pois eles usam esta plataforma para mostrar seus gostos, atividades e estilo de vida. É assim que as empresas podem ter fácil acesso em relação à localização, comportamento, crenças e preferências de seus clientes em potencial. Esta pequena pesquisa que você pode fazer é a chave para criar um perfil mais preciso do seu tipo de consumidor e você terá ideias mais precisas sobre como chegar a eles com sua marca. 60% dos usuários usam o Instagram para fazer pesquisa de mercado, ou seja, o usam para descobrir novas marcas, bem como novos produtos e serviços. Por esse motivo, com o simples fato de ter presença nesta rede social você está mais propenso a ser descoberto por potenciais clientes. Por outro lado, sendo esta uma rede social muito visual, se você criar conteúdo de qualidade e imagens agradáveis à vista terá muito mais possibilidade de gerar um engajamento com seus usuários e que até compartilhem seu conteúdo ou recomendem você. Além disso, ao usar o Instagram está incluído o serviço de mensagens instantâneas e você pode aproveitar essa facilidade para melhorar o relacionamento com seus clientes. Lembre-se que agora a comunicação é bidirecional e que, por meio de um canal, que neste caso seria o Instagram, pode-se gerar comunicação em tempo real. Descubra mais informações sobre o assunto no canal do Fernando Sabino: Tags relacionadas: #como colocar áudio do whatsapp no feed do instagram #como postar áudio do whatsapp no instagram iphone #como postar áudio no feed do instagram #como colocar áudio do whatsapp no stories #como colocar conversa do whatsapp no stories do instagram The post Como postar áudio do WhatsApp no Instagram? appeared first on Comprar Seguidores. Post Original Comprar Seguidores via Dicas Tudos & Todos https://ift.tt/JFNQdYp September 12, 2022 at 10:26AM
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