#android sehun
luxora · 2 years
EXO -> {Android AU} -> First Meeting
Requested: No
Group: EXO
Genre: Angst. Fluff.
Warning: Abandonment. Android stuff. Swearing. Some social hierarchies. Mention of drinking. Slight mention of nsfw.
A/N: Still kinda new with the android au, please feel free to help me out!
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Minseok gathered the dishes onto the tray and took them back to the kitchen, discarding them into the sink to begin cleaning them while the chefs and other cooking staff were shouting orders to one another giving different instructions. As one of the android staff, it was his responsibility to clean the dishes and to ensure all utensils and such were available to all of the chefs and clean for immediate use.
It was a rather tedious job, but Minseok was expected to do it, therefore he did it without complaint. He was used to the routine of cleaning and so he had no distractions from his work as he fulfilled his task over and over.
“Minseok! Get over here already!”
Except there seemed to be a sudden change for now.
Minseok glanced up and realised that the sous chef was calling for him, so he discarded the latest dish he was cleaning before taking a drying cloth and walking over to the sous chef while he was impatiently tapping his foot.
“Took you long enough. I need you to get these dishes to the table 13, the bloody waiter forgot to take them with and we are packed enough as is.” He said, indicating towards the plates with steaming hot food on them. Minseok frowned and looked at the chef.
“But my job is-”
“I don’t care what your job is! We are understaffed and need to get the food out of the bloody kitchen! Take them and go!”
While it was true that one of the employees had fallen ill today, it was quite a change in Minseok’s routine to be interacting with the customers as usually the restaurant kept him in the kitchen where he belonged. After all, androids were supposed to do the grunt work of most businesses. But since it was a direct order, he had to fulfill it. So without wasting another second, Minseok grabbed two serving trays and loaded the plates on them before walking out of the kitchen and into the dining area of the restaurant.
Since Minseok often was the one that closed up the restaurant in the late hours of the evening, he knew exactly which table was located and so he easily walked over to the table which had a group of friends sitting at it, all chattering with one another as they waited for their food. They immediately looked up with Minseok arrived at their table.
“I apologize for the wait. We are currently understaffed so I was ordered to deliver your orders. I hope you do not mind.”
Minseok individually handed each meal to the respective client, not really paying mind to their gawking faces as they watched him give them their food, though when Minseok placed the final plate in front of the last customer, a hand on top of his made him pause from pulling away entirely. He glanced up and locked eyes with them.
“I have never seen you before. Are you new?”
Minseok was not used to interacting with clients. He was used to getting yelled at by the staff but other than that, he did not interact much with other humans. So he just shook his head, hoping it was the right thing to do.
“No. I have worked here for two years. I am the dishwasher.”
One of the other clients guffawed.
“Pssh, its a droid washer. They must be really understaffed to resort to sending him out.”
Minseok ducked his head down, knowing that the client was right, but then he lifted it again in surprise when a harsh voice was heard, although not directed to him for the first time in his life.
“Oh shut up. You’re just jealous that you’re not as good looking as him. Stop being a jackass.” Minseok’s eyes widened in surprise, even more so when he was the centre of attention again. “I’m so sorry about him. Can I at least know your name?”
“Minseok.” He said, making them smile.
“I’m Y/N, I hope I can see you more often Minseok.”
“I...sure.” Minseok said, unsure on what else to say before he removed himself entirely from the table, walking back to the kitchen to continue his previous work of washing the dishes.
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“You will care for the children and my wife when I am out. I will not tolerate any incompetence, do you understand you piece of tin?”
Junmyeon simply stared at his master, his face set to be blank as he listened to the orders, being a recent purchase by him in order to fulfill his role as a father and carer to his family while he was overseas conducting business. Jungmyeon was designed to be a carer of sorts to families, replacing the human nannies and babysitters as they had a better use and energy to keep up with the high energy of children.
Since androids did not sleep, they could be up at all hours to deal with children, hence they were very popular in the household demographics, especially with the high status households that have two or three children that needed a carer while their parents were working.
However since he was just an android, he was not given the courtesy of respect by his human master, not that it was out of the ordinary as androids were not citizens like humans. They were simply tools designed to serve humans.
“I understand sir.”
His master spared him a disgusted look before turning his head in the direction of the front door which just opened, a smile gracing his face when two pairs of muffled footsteps were hurrying in the direction to where they were standing.
Two voices called out to the master and Junmyeon watched as two children appeared around the corner, about a four year age difference between them, smiling widely and launching themselves in his master’s arms.
“Hello my little princess and prince! How was school?” His master asked, his voice much sweeter than the one which he had used when speaking to Junmyeon.
“It was great! The teacher gave me 100% for the test I wrote last week!” The oldest child said, a bright smile on his face.
“Miss Kim gave me a gold star today for my drawing! She is it was really good!” The younger one said, one of her front teeth revealed to be missing as she smiled at her father.
“Oh that is wonderful! Well done you two!” The master praised, giving both of his children a hug before standing up to greet the next figure who entered the room, whom Junmyeon noticed immediately as she locked eyes with him the second she stepped into the room.
“Honey, just who is this?”
His master glanced back at Junmyeon before looking at his wife, smiling as he walked past his children to give her a kiss, leaving the children to openly stare at Jungmyeon as they realised that he was standing in the middle of the living room.
“I decided to buy us an android to help around with the kids and the house. I’m gone so often and I wanted to give you something to help you out. Surprise darling.”
You furrowed your eyebrows at your husband’s explanation and turned back to stare at Junmyeon, which prompted him to bow deeply to you as he has now learnt that you were his new mistress.
“I am Junmyeon ma’am, Model EXO, I will be at you disposal any time of day. I hope I will be of a great assistance to you.”
You cocked your head at him, raising an eyebrow, but Junmyeon did not have much of a chance to further converse with you as the two children suddenly crashed into his legs, asking him a dozen questions at the same time while staring at him with open curiosity.
It seemed that his job was to begin immediately, he will probably converse with you later on, but for now he was to tend to the children’s questions to make them comfortable with his presence in the household.
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Yixing stared out into the distance, the evening lights of the city being the only proof of living life at night, lighting up the city in a majestic show of colours and liveliness.
But he did not enjoy looking it.
Not too long ago, he was one of the occupants of said houses, however now, he was all but a runaway android which was probably being reported to the android patrol to try capture him, all because of his decision.
Yixing did the unthinkable for an android, which consisted of him running away from his service. When purchased and employed to a human, an android is expected to remain loyal and dedicated to their duties and to their owners, and was expected to fulfill every single task that was given to them, no question asked. But Yixing was an exception because he rebelled the expectations and obligations of androids by running away and there was only one place for rebellious androids like him.
The Chop Shop.
The Chop Shop was the place which every android feared because it was a place which meant permanent disservice. They will be dismantled and have their parts destroyed in order to remove any evidence of their existence, the scraps taken to be reformed into something else, probably for appliances like toasters of microwaves.
An android getting sent to the Chop Shop meant their erasure, and Yixing did not want to fall into that fate, and yet it seemed to be the only one for him because he had nothing else to do. He was but a runaway that was going to be searched for, because unattended androids cannot be trusted in this society. Humans feared on what they would do if they were not under their control.
Yixing sighed, ducking his head as he leaned heavily on the railing of the building roof, shaking his head as he tried to think of a solution of his situation, and yet he could not come up with anything. It was hopeless, there was only a matter of time before he was going to get caught, just what was he supposed to do when he was literally on the run?
“Smooth like butter, like a criminal undercover-” A new voice suddenly caught Yixing’s attention, making him whirl around to see the door to the roof open and reveal a new individual, someone who seemed to be a little bit tipsy given the slurring of the words they were singing. “Gon' pop like trouble breaking into your heart like that- AH!”
You immediately tumbled to the floor when you realised that you were not alone on the roof, staring at Yixing with wide eyes as he stared back at you, startled by your sudden floor. The bottle which you were drinking from tumbled from your hand to the floor, spilling all of its contents which eventually caught your attention as you let out a anguished wail.
“Oh nooooo! That was the good stuff!” You wailed, looking mournfully at the now empty alcohol bottle. You then whipped around to glare at him, startling him from the intensity. “You owe me a new beer!”
While Yixing has seen plenty of eccentric individuals in his occupations, many of them becoming more eccentric under the influence of alcohol, he was never a direct object of attention when one became drunk, so he was surprised to be directly spoken to like right now, a bit wrathfully in fact. You stumbled up to your feet and walked over him, a little unevenly, before grabbing him by the shirt and shoving a finger in his face.
“You. Owe. Me. A. Beer.” You growled, cheeks flushed from your consumption, hiccuping slightly before glaring at him again. “And a good one too. I’m not going to accept some cheap shit.”
“...I don’t have money.” Yixing suddenly said, making you guffaw in disbelief.
“Oh please, there is no way someone as hot as you has no money!”
“What did you-”
“Come on pretty boy! You are getting me a new beer!”
Without a warning, you suddenly tugged Yixing by the shirt to the roof entrance, intent on getting him to pay for your next drink, while he simply stared at you in shock and allowed himself to be pulled away from the roof and his space of contemplation.
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Baekhyun paused when he heard a pained cry from the alleyway, making his pause from his chore of collecting his master’s packages from the shop. He glanced in the alleyway, not able to make out much due to its darkness, but he heard scuffling within it, along with some curses which immediately raised his concern levels.
He glanced around to see if anyone else had heard the noises, but like usual, people just walked about their merry ways without taking notice of their surroundings, or rather, of others which may be in trouble. While Baekhyun was expected to return to his master’s home immediately after collecting his packagers, he glanced back to the alleyway in contemplation before finally making a decision.
Baekhyun hid his master’s packages behind some abandoned boxes before venturing into the alleyway, following the scuffled sounds until he came across the sight of two men surrounding a woman, who seemed to be bleeding from her arm as she clutched at it while pressing herself against the wall. Baekhyun then noticed that one of the men was wielding a knife and it seemed to have traces of blood along its blade, and he was busy taunting the woman with it.
“Just give it up sweet cheeks, no one is going to come save you now.“
The man was armed and was clearly in a violent mood, he was the most dangerous one to deal with, but luckily no body harm could really come to Baekhyun given his status. So with silent footsteps, Baekhyun just walked up to the man and grabbed him by the wrist, gripping it tightly before twisting the man’s arm, making him cry in pain.
“You don’t need this.” Baekhyun said simply before ripping the knife away and shoving the man to the floor before turning to his friends which realised that they had just been interrupted by someone else.
They rushed Baekhyun, but with practiced ease, Baekhyun dodged their apparent blows and efficiently dealt with them with only minimal injuries. It was very fortunate that his programming included the knowledge to know how to defend himself, especially given he had the role of a protector due to his master’s occupation. Once he dealt with the assailants, he turned to you, who watched him in shock at his easy disabling of the men.
“Are you okay ma’am?” He asked, taking a step towards you but pausing when you flinched at his approaching figure. He stopped in his tracks at your flinch, and then raised his hands to show he meant no harm to you. “I promise ma’am, I will not hurt you.”
You eyed him up and down, obviously taking in his figure and contemplating if what he was saying was true. Baekhyun reset himself in his default position, standing straight with his hands folded politely in front of him, his eyes locked on your figure as you continue to check him out. Eventually it seemed you decided that he was trustworthy enough and you held out your hand to him, it being quite bloody due to holding it against your wounded arm.
“Can you help me up? Please?” Baekhyun nodded.
Baekhyun walked towards you and lifted you to your feet, eyes scanning your body to notice any other injuries that you may had sustained during the tussle. The obvious injury was the cut to your arm, and he noticed that your legs seemed quite bruised, your ankle looking quite swollen as if you had sprained. His assumption was proven to be correct as you tried to take a step forward with the injured ankle and immediately winced at the pain, suddenly grabbing Baekhyun to prevent yourself from falling.
“Dammit!” You cursed under your breath, making Baekhyun frown as he continued to stare at your ankle.
“It seems that you are unable to walk.” He deduced, causing you to glare at him.
“I can walk! It’s just...I twisted it when I tried running away, and...it hurts to work.”
“...I see.” Baekhyun stared at you for a moment, glanced at your ankle, and then back at your face. He made his decision. “Please excuse me.”
Without further warning, Baekhyun knelt down and scooped you up into his arms like a princess, carrying you out of the alleyway without hesitance while you spluttered in embarrassment as he carried you.
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Androids were often the most ideal things to have when it came to admin work, because due to their supreme databases and their ability of absorbing and memorizing an infinite amount of data. One of the most popular jobs for an android was secretary work, as they organized, prepared, and ensured that all paperwork and admin was dealt with, along with making any organizations for clients and business partners alike. They were especially ideal due to their lack of need to sleep, so they literally operated 24/7 and ensured that a business ran as smoothly as possible.
Jongdae was a very ideal secretary for his own, especially since they were a rather laid-back person. He did not like improving his own self-wroth, but Jongdae believed that if he was to suddenly be removed from his position, the company may just crumble in terms of admin management as Jongdae had organized it in such away, that it was impeccable and easy, but only if you understood his organization system.
His boss did not involve Jongdae in their personal matters, as a secretary android had no place to know about the private matters of their owner. His only duty was to the company, therefore he was to focus solely on that. So Jongdae did not know the happenings of his boss unless it was connected to the company in some way, so he did not know about his boss’s dalliances until they came storming through the company demanding to see them, such as right now.
The name of his boss was screamed past your lips, making Jongdae snap his attention up from his desk to see you storming in his direction, eyes intently locked on the door which lead to his boss’s office. Jongdae immediately stood up to intercept.
“I am sorry, but you cannot come in here-”
“Get out of the way you stupid bot! You have no idea what they did to me!”
You moved to shoulder past him, but Jongdae easily grabbed you by the arm and forced you backwards, a hard look on his face as he stared at you.
“I am afraid that I cannot allow you to enter. They are currently in a very important meeting, and any disturbance will-”
“Screw their bloody meeting! Just like they screwed me and completely left with nothing than a fucking hotel bill!”
Ah, one of the dalliances, Jongdae thought to himself. While he was not involved with his boss’s private affair, he has seen plenty of scorned lovers storming the office seeking for justice, and it seemed that you were the latest victim of his boss’s amorous ways.
“Well, I apologize for what they have put you through, but I am afraid that I am unable to let you enter their office during an important meeting.
“You and your complete lack of consideration!” You yelled, viciously trying to wiggle out of his grim but Jongdae kept his grip firm on you.
“I’m afraid I am going to have to ask you to leave. The noise you are making will most likely distract my boss from their meeting.
“You are literally the worst!”
You placed your hands on Jongdae’s chest and shoved him hard, doing it hard enough so that you could pull out of his grip. He prepared himself to stop you from lunging for the boss’s door again, but instead he was met with frustrated sobs. He watched as tears streamed down your cheek, which you wiped away viciously with quick curses.
Wiping at your cheeks, you gave Jongdae one last scathing glare before storming away, entering the elevator and stabbing one of the buttons before finally disappearing behind its closed doors, leaving Jongdae behind as he stared after you, wondering on what you could possibly due next after attempting to invade his boss’s office was unsuccessful.
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The club lights were flickering irritatingly and shining in Chanyeol’s eyes every few seconds. He actually was rather tempted to rip them out from their sockets in order to stop their irritating shining, but alas he was unable to do so as he was simply a bouncer who had to keep his eyes on the dancing crowd to ensure that nothing too rowdy happened in the building.
Androids were often ideal bouncers to have, or for body guards in general, because they were literally designed to protect humans from any dangers. They were very difficult to damage, and were programmed to know how to defend themselves and others quickly and efficiently in order to carry out maximum protection.
So one would have to think twice to pick a fight with an android, as they quite literally had unlimited strength and energy that they could outmatch and outlast any human in a fight.
Since Chanyeol was incredibly tall, an aspect of his design which made him a product of interest, he could easily watch over the crowd and pick out any individuals that he believed was becoming too rowdy. Even though clubs were available for rowdiness, there was a line and Chanyeol had to make sure to deal with the individuals who decided to cross those lines.
And when he saw a group of men surrounding two girls in the corner of the club, Chanyeol immediately set towards them as he recognize the signs easily. When he got close enough, he saw two men trying to grab at the women, taunting them drunkenly as their words were slightly slurred.
“Come on, you know you like it.”
“Yeah come on doll, come with us and we will show you a good time.”
“Piss off!” One woman screamed, striking one man across the face while pushing her friend behind her to protect her. The man which was struck immediately raised his fist to hit back.
“Why you bloody-”
Before he could lay a hand on anyone, Chanyeol had the mans fist in his hand and was threatening to break it while twisting his arm behind the man’s back to completely subdue him.
“That is enough.” Chanyeol growled, immediately making the other man wary as they realised that Chanyeol was one of the bouncers. But clearly the man being held didn’t realize this as he immediately began squirming.
“Let go you bastard! Let me go or I will-”
Chanyeol tightened his grip on the man’s fist, feeling the bones strain under the intense pressure. The man immediately wailed in pain.
“I believe it is time for you to leave.”
Chanyeol signaled for the other bouncers to gather the others, turning to spare a glance at the women he rescued from embarrassment. He locked eyes with you, the one who had struck the man in the first place, and nodded at you.
“Great strike. You seem like someone who can handle themself well.”
You blinked at his sudden talking to you, but realizing that he was complimenting you, you smiled.
“Thank you, I go to the gym a lot so-”
“I can see that. Very impressive.”
Chanyeol offered you a smile before turning his attention back to the man and dragging him out the club, the club crowd immediately parting ways for him and the other android bouncers as they removed the scum from the building.
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The bus stop which Kyungsoo was using for shelter hardly provided him with anything, the harsh wind being sure to shower him with the stabbing raindrops at it hit in all directions and angles. Even though he could easily regulate his own body temperature due to his programming, he was unable to because he has been unable to go for maintenance.
Every android needs to go for maintenance, but sadly Kyungsoo was unable to because he happened to be a scrap android which had managed to avoid going to the Chop Shop, the end for all androids.
Kyungsoo was originally the carer for an elderly woman, being purchased and employed for her by one of her children, however she unfortunately passed away due to natural causes. Kyungsoo had called and informed the children of their mother’s deaths, and assumed that he will be employed into their households after serving his duty at their mother’s house.
But instead they signed him up for the Chop Shop, not interested in having an android in their homes when they could just get a new and improved one rather than a model such as his. Even though he wasn’t really that old, he had nothing compared to the new models, and so he was sent to become scrap metal, but fortunately he managed to slip away before he could become nothing but metal bits and sheets.
However even though it was a victory for him to continue existing, it proved to be futile because his lack of maintenance meant that he had to endure the cruelties that humans usually have to suffer due to their humanness. Androids were superior in that sense, able to have full control of their bodies in all aspects, but now Kyungsoo was almost at their level, but still even lower because androids were not equal to humans, not by a long shot.
He trembled from the cold, and a sudden shock went through his body, making him clutch at her arm which was slightly exposed to the rain, proving to be very dangerous to him because his mechanics could become damaged from the rain and affect a lot of his systems.
“Dammit.” Kyungsoo cursed to himself, trying his best to protect himself from the rain and cold, but it was proven to be futile because he was wet all over and had nothing to use at his disposal to improve his circumstances. Kyungsoo had all but given up hope when thunder began to strike through the air, but then a voice called out to him, reaching his ears despite the loud sound of the storm.
“Hey! You there! What the hell do you think you are doing?!” Kyungsoo glanced up and saw that there was a car parked in front of the bus stop, a window down and a person staring at him from the drivers side, their eyebrows furrowed as they took in Kyungsoo and his wet state.
“Are you homeless or choosing to stay outside in weather like this?” You called out, looking at Kyungsoo as if he had grow a second head or third arm, which made him smile slightly before he shook his head.
He has done a pretty good job avoiding humans since escaping from the Chop Shop due to the fact that one of them might know him and could report him to the android patrol to send him back. But now it was dark and rainy, so he was confident that he won’t be reported due to the big effort it will take to brave the weather conditions to capture an android like him. It would be a waste of time and effort and could lead to a sickness.
He wasn’t worth it.
Kyungsoo jumped at the sound of your car horn and looked at you in shock when you had suddenly pushed open the passenger door that was facing him and now had a look of impatience on your face as you stared at him.
“Are you going to keep staring or jump in? It’s freezing! Hurry up already!”
Kyungsoo stared, completely taken aback from your actions. Were you...offering him a ride? To where though? Why? Why would you do such a thing? You didn’t even know him, and yet-
“Hurry up!”
Perhaps it was because another shock went through his body or his natural submission to orders, but Kyungsoo got to his feet and hurried to your car, climbing in and slamming the door behind him and accepting the warmth and shelter had to provide.
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Jongin raised a teasing eyebrow at the passerbys, pursing his lips and giving a subtle air kiss to the ladies as they walked past the establishment, making them giggle slightly before they carried on with their journey. While most androids were used as server or grunt workers on most businesses, Jongin was used more as an advertisement of sorts.
Androids hardly were treated the same as humans as they were essentially products that were sold to them in order to serve as workers, but like all products in the world, they needed to be advertised and Jongin happened to be that very advertisement.
Whoever needed a handsome android face to sell something, Jongin was ordered in to be the sexy advertisement. He wouldn’t say he was freelance so to say, as he belonged to an advertising agency, but he did have a little bit more freedom than most androids, especially given that all he needed to do is look good and sell things, or rather tempt others to sell things.
His design was remarkably beautiful, Jongin often hearing comments from people with how good looking he was, so he could perhaps consider himself in being one of the lucky androids whom does not need to be of service to humans in terms of being a carer or servant, but he was an android model who did his job very well, even though he was programmed to be a very dynamic model.
Most of the time, people did not even know that he was android, and Jongin tended to try keep it that way because most people turned away once they found out about his truth. Androids were not equal to humans and it was a fact which Jongin was reminded everyday, because no matter how charismatic and successful he is, he is reminded it is all because of his advantageous design and that he was created for the purpose to look good, it wasn’t natural like humans.
But he tried to ignore it. He just had to keep operating like he usual did. It was the only thing necessary.
Jongin looked at the crowd passing by the shot, trying to decipher his intended target, until he finally locked on the individual about to walk past the shop, trying to zip up their jacket to shield themselves from the chilly wind in the city. With a slick smile, Jongin slid in front of them with practiced ease and flashed them a smile as they stopped right in their tracks to avoid hitting them.
“So sorry to bother you, but would you care to try our new product. I promise that it will be very worthwhile.” He purred, emphasizing on the very while he smiled flirtatiously.
“...Just who on earth are you?” They asked in bewilderment, making him smile as he decided to go on with your bewilderment.
“I’m Jongin, and may I know your name? I’m sure it will match your astounding beauty.”
“...Does that work on all of the girls you try to sell things to?” You suddenly asked, making Jongin stumble slightly at your question. He attempted to smile at you again.
“Usually, but it seems that you may not be like most miss...?” He trailed on, hoping for a name. You raised an eyebrow at him but then side.
“L/N. Miss L/N. You haven’t earned the right to learn my first name.”
“And what must I do to earn such a right?” Jongin asked, cocking his head at you with interest. You smirked.
“Buy me a coffee.”
“I beg your pardon?” He stumbled, not expecting you to make such a demand.
“Buy me a coffee. I know that you are not going to let me go without telling me about this stupid thing you are trying to sell, so I might as well get a free cup of caffeine if I must listen to your whole tirade. If you’re lucky, you might even get my first name.”
You were no way like the usual people which Jongin deals with on a regular basis, and he had half the mind to just let you go and forget about this whole thing...and yet he was somewhat curious on what else he will learn about you. So with a grin, he offered his hand to you for a handshake.
“It’s a deal Miss L/N.” You reached out and took it with a grin of your own.
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Sehun stood solemnly just like he was expected to, staring straight ahead to the crowd who eyes him with keen interest. The executive of the whole operation spoke pompously, gesturing towards Sehun several times throughout his whole speech until he finally decided to approach Sehun personally, an ugly grin on his face as he grabbed Sehun’s jaw and forced him to look at the target which had been placed not to far from where he was standing, and he leaned in to whisper in his ear.
“Do what you are expected to do, otherwise I will have to have a word with the engineers about your next maintenance.”
Sehun hated maintenance.
He hated being switched off.
So he had to do what he was told, otherwise he will be switched off for a long while and have no idea what additionally features that the engineers will be adding to his body.
Sehun dutifully turned his body to face the target, raising his arm with practiced precision, activating his controls as a shimmering amount of energy began to form in his palm, his arm steadily shaking as he built up the energy before finally unleashing it, shooting a light beam right across the room and hitting the target directly in the middle, shooting a hole straight through it.
There was a stunned silence.
And then loud cheering.
Sehun turned to face the executive, his smile sick and greedy as he bowed to the crowd and then turned his head to spare a glance at Sehun, money signs practically forming in his eyes before he turned back to the crowd while rubbing his hands.
“Now who would like the first offer for him? We can start at a million!”
He was a state of the art android, one of the new and improved security ones to provide great safety to one’s home. Surely a lot of people will want to have a state of an art system like him, and so Sehun waited solemnly once again as number offers were screamed in the air, not paying mind to the possible future owner he might have.
“One billion.” A voice called out, making all the other offers die down immediately. That caught Sehun’s attention.
Sehun lifted his head to see a well-dressed person step in front of the entire crowd, their eyes gleaming as they locked with Sehun’s, meeting his steely gaze. And then he was met with a grin.
“One billion. I will pay it for him. Will that suffice?”
Even the executive was flabbergasted by the offer, almost looking like he was struggling to breathe due to the shock. It was quite odd to see the emotion on him. Sehun cocked his head to the side and gazed at the figure, which in turn caused them to walk towards him until they were right in front of them, smiling.
“Hello darling, I believe you will be working under me. I’m Y/N L/N, pleasure to meet you.”
You held out your hand to him, making him glance at it and frown. Nobody has ever offered to shake his hand before. It was an odd concept to think about. But since you were waiting for him to take it, he lifted his hand and took it, giving it a firm shake.
“Pleasure.” He said, making your smile widen.
“I hope you don’t mind me making an assumption, but I believe you and I will get along very well in the near future.”
Sehun just nodded at you, unsure on what else to say given the circumstances.
“I believe you.” He decided, which made you grin even more before turning to look at the executive, traces of you smile appealing in an instant.
“I will take him as is. Any packaging is unnecessary.”
Even though it was not proper to think, Sehun couldn’t help but smile slightly at the stammering and gaping at you before he hastily nodded and them slammed the gavel down to announce that Sehun has been sold to you. You noticed his smile, making you reflect one back to him before patting him on the shoulder.
He may just perhaps enjoy being under the employment of someone like you, he might say he looks forward to it.
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hydroyaksha · 1 year
Soleil’s fic recs
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Yixing- king! “The Lotus king and his jade” @sweetjekyll
Kyungsoo- hogwarts! “Spellbound” @whimsical-ness
Sehun- X-EXO! “GREED” @/quokkacore
Sehun -(X-EXO) “LIBERALITY” @quokkacore
Baekhyun - idols! “The rumors were true” @eomayas
Kyungsoo - yandere! “I love you, I love you, I love you.” (Made by me!)
STRAYKIDS - [separate link]
Chan/ Felix - polyamory! Hogwarts! “Detention” @dreamescapeswriting
Felix - demon slayer! “If you tell me about myself” @skazoo
Felix - enemies to lovers! “Strawberry kisses” @softsan
Felix - dick joke centered! CEO! “Penis heart” @staysuki
Felix - Agent! Scientist! “A normal Thursday” @abiaswreck
Hyunjin - mafia! “Ice” @healinghyunjin
Hyunjin - mafia! “Not a stranger” @straywrds
OT8 - ABO! “No control” @cherryeol04
Hyunjin - Hanahaki! (With a good ending) “forget me not” @hhjs
Bangchan - Indian performer! Idol! “Butterfly wings” @straykidshoe
Lee know - siren! “Call of the siren” @tasteleeknow
Lee know - hogwarts! “Green flames” @streetlight11
Jeongin - android! “Alive” @rainy-bangbeom
Felix - royalty! Best friends! “Fairy flowers” @hyunsvngs
Felix - bodyguard! “Your bodyguard, Felix” @skzdarlings
Jisung - ghostface! “It’s a scream baby!” @tyunphoria
Felix - dating show! “TOO HOT TO HANDLE” @seospicybin
Felix - prince! “Forgive me for what I haven’t done” @rachalixie
OT23 - yandere! Cult! “Connect” @mymoodwriting
OT7 - yandere! “Awaken” @/mymoodwriting
TEN - vampire!Hunter! “Blood wars” @things-we-cant-say
LUCAS - hybrid! “Please don’t bite me” @/quokkacore
NCT127 - yandere! Aliens! “Who is sticker?” @/mymoodwriting
Taeyong/ Yuta - Angels! Devils! Yandere! “Watching over you” @whiteteadreams
Jaehyun - Dog hybrid! “Competitive spirit” @flowerboykun
OT9 - vampires! Witches! “Black magic” @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l
Jaehyun - hogwarts! “Head over brooms” @sehunniepotwrites
Mark - supernatural! “grit your f*ckin’ teeth” @irtza
Haechan - yandere! “Inseparable” @mint-yoongi
Jaemin - athlete! “on the rebound” @lunena
Jaemin - “Crazy in love” @mayaflowerxs
Renjun - classmates! “Blondes are done with fun” @rrxnjun
00’ line + Mark - arcana! “Arcane” @neonacity
Haechan - hockey player! “Ice ice baby” @cozyjae
Haechan - uni! “Learning languages” @tonicandjins
Sungchan - superhero! “Through the webs” @yutafrita
ENHYPHEN - scenario! “How they’re protective over you” @foresdxw
NI-KI - scenario! Idols! “Cookies - shattered glass” @ilovehimyourhonor
JAY - bad boy! Good girl! Dancer! “Opposites attract” @dazed-hee
NI-KI spiderman! “Spider-Man loves you” @misoxhappy
Beomgyu- hybrid! “Until it hurts a little less” @horanghoe
Beomgyu - fae! “Dasies” @thru-the-grapevine
Soobin - AI! “Artificial love” @bb-eilish
Beomgyu- Spider-Man! “Not your average boyfriend” @slytherinshua
Yeonjun- fox hybrid! “Silly fox baby” @seowhorebin
Taehyung - Android! “A human touch” @snackhobi
KEY - A/B/O! “Out of love” @mymoodwriting
OT11 - android! “The boyz become human” @tbznewberry
229 notes · View notes
shop-korea · 3 months
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Google Workspace
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Google Workspace - $7.20 - monthly
Jumper Tech - Laptop - I couldn't access
Google Workspace - Complicated - Hard
HP Laptop - was - able - 2 - get - them
at - once - got - my - email - address 4
my - domain - immediately
But - since I have - Gmail - YouTube
used my - Boost Infinite - Mobile Tel
Frequently - already
However - Google Workspace - is not
Free - $7.20 - monthly - the - above is
Yearly - prices - listed - not - ea month
I have - Safelink Wireless - with - EBT
Food Assistance (SNAP) - So I get the
New Programs - Free - I buy - the yes
Smartphone - they - supply - Free
Unlimited - Text - Talk - Data - wasn't
Unlimited - Free - Talk - I also received
Lifeline - Discounted - Free - My age
Tumblr media
My - Samsung Galaxy S 10 - Old Series
$1,999.99 - add - Tax
Because - of - coldness - of - snow - is
not - doing - great - so - I should - get
this - 2 - prepare - for - the - worst
April - 2024 - my - 60th - Birthday
Sehun - Ann Miller - 12 April
Chinese Year - of - Me
Wood - Dragon - 1964
Above - I get - Next Day - Free Ship
My expenses - will - b - high - this
April - have - 2 - make - decisions
Return Prime - I clicked - Enable
Didn't work - they're the cheapest
I'm - uninstalling - because - since
they - can't - work - that - fast also
Auto - Chat - came - out - but - it
flooded - my - email - address
Why - Google - Workspace
Shopify - won't - show - the - email
address - you - use - they - show
theirs - real - ugly
store+00000000 @ shopify email . com
But - now - I can - access - Workspace
I couldn't - before - was - miserable
Also - Website - and - Smartphone access
usually - Smartphone - access - is - terrible
but - with - Tik Tok - website access - is
terrible - you - Follow - with - their - App
'PC and Smartphone for Dummies'
There's - No - How to with Computer
No - How to with Android - Smartphone
Cheapest - that - works - with - Google
Workspace - Text only - Code - receiver
Google Play Store - App - Text Free
Verification Code - Access - $9.99 - ea
month - No Contract - If you - pay - this
You - can - receive - Verification - Codes
Anywhere - limits - use - of - Mobile Tel
Therefore - we - need - more - than one
Right - now - because - was - raining - a
lot - today - my - Solar - Blk - Light from
Walmart - $3.98 - is - quite - dim - at the
moment - so - Dark - right - now
Chrome Store - Free - App - also
Sticky Notes - Free - Theme
Dark Red - Valentine - Hearts like
Gif - Shows - up - real - pretty and
3 pages - I see - 2 pages - change
Font - Comic Sans - Giant - size 2
Click - Top R - 2 type - notes - so I
can - function - in - the - dark
better - using - computer - notes
No need - 2 - save - works offline
Sticky Notes - Download - Chrome
Those - are - the - alternatives
Train passed by - Loud - 4:38A
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Chrome Store - Sticky Notes - Download
Also - Free - Click - Extension - just Type
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noone61 · 2 years
أعتقد أنك ستحب هذه القصة: " BORN TO LOVE YOU " بقلم 27NOone61 على واتباد https://www.wattpad.com/story/318330192?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=27NOone61&wp_originator=xXOtPIF69z9wKgVYfPKhysDJ%2Fu5qZYWOX35zog%2BCG7yqF8MRAONhE0IoygWYXQnW9pXtM2TolkkDkQLUkVYOMD96IlGmikSyO53SghzHtFxcKvnxVJiJ43JHGyv%2BqnMx
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ksoosoloalbum · 4 years
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parum-angelus · 6 years
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Chanyeol’s HD iPhone/Android backgrounds. (2/…)
Like or reblog if you use or just save them. Thank you. 🧡💛🧡
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asleepykid · 6 years
sehun in been through: dadada dadada dum dadada dadada dum
me: 😩💕👌🏼💖✨💘😖💞🌸😩💕👌🏼💖✨💘😖💞🌸😩💕👌🏼💖✨💘😖💞🌸😩💕👌🏼💖✨💘😖💞🌸😩💕👌🏼💖✨💘😖💞🌸😩💕👌🏼💖✨💘😖💞🌸😩💕👌🏼💖✨💘😖💞🌸😩💕👌🏼💖✨💘😖💞🌸😩💕👌🏼💖✨💘😖💞🌸😩💕👌🏼💖✨💘😖💞🌸😩💕👌🏼💖✨💘😖💞🌸😩💕👌🏼💖✨💘😖💞🌸😩💕👌🏼💖✨💘😖💞🌸😩💕👌🏼💖✨💘😖💞🌸😩💕👌🏼💖✨💘😖💞🌸😩💕👌🏼💖✨💘😖💞🌸😩💕👌🏼💖✨💘😖💞🌸😩💕👌🏼💖✨💘😖💞🌸😩💕👌🏼💖✨💘😖💞🌸😩💕👌🏼💖✨💘😖💞🌸😩💕👌🏼💖✨💘😖💞🌸😩💕👌🏼💖✨💘😖💞🌸😩💕👌🏼💖✨💘😖💞🌸😩💕👌🏼💖✨💘😖💞🌸😩💕👌🏼💖✨💘😖💞🌸😩💕👌🏼💖✨💘😖💞🌸😩💕👌🏼💖✨💘😖💞🌸😩💕👌🏼💖✨💘😖💞🌸😩💕👌🏼💖✨💘😖💞🌸😩💕👌🏼💖✨💘😖💞🌸😩💕👌🏼💖✨💘😖💞🌸😩💕👌🏼💖✨
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mikaffsekai · 7 years
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OT9|Lockscreens!💜 (please do not reupload elsewhere, like or reblog if you enjoy the edits) ^^
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phelboo · 7 years
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#EXO - Wallpaper [POWER]
follow me if you like ‘ㅅ’
free for use 
like/reblog if you use
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vampire-queenirene · 3 years
𝓢𝓸𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓘 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓷’𝓽 𝓫𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝓼𝓸 𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓿𝓮
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How’s everyone been doing lately?
Tags: @vampireprince-jeonghan (♥️) @vampiremomo (blood sister🩸) @demon-lee @yanlee (OG) @floristluda (mama) @urboys (dad) @model-lucy (sis) @caregiver-skz (Minhoe) @bnha-yena @uridolz (Sihyeon) @urkeeho @youtuber2jinnie (my kiddos!♥️♥️♥️♥️) @kimmiesana (daughter in law 🥺🥺) @caretaker-irene (twin!) @witchy-ryu @demontzuyu @lilith-doyeon @killerchaeyoung @midari-jieun @butterflyyuna @unseelie-dejun @midnightanda @purge-bots @yanderejoy @somichu-android @aussieboilixismine @domyukhei @psychoxjoy @bloodlustbots @yourgirlchae @kylo-ren-sehun @hernameisangel-oc @smol-boi-woozi @ares-bc @punchline-yuju @silverypurple-rosedlions @seventeen-chatbot @leextaeyong @camgirl-jihyeon @doll-hyunjin @thewitcherhhj @yourdaddychan @witch-seulgi @heathenxbots @artistbella @ghost-hyunjin @fairy-yeji @bunny-woong @jinsimp @catwoman-lisa
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theloveinkimkai · 4 years
Happy New Year 🎊🎉🎊🍾🎉❤️
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Me and my dog Picasso just want to wish you all a wonderful 2020 filled with good things and happy moments 💕 
Thank you all my followers for following me who is such a crazyhead fjfj I love you all ♡
Thank you my mutuals for being here for me, for supporting and for talking to me. You have no idea how much each of you mean to me! I love you to the moon and back, all of you!! 💛 ( if i forgot someone pls dont hate me...its just me being stupid for having bad memory ffjfjfjf so don´t get it wrong, i love  talking to all of you and i love you all so much❣️) @achenlove, @miramizar, @xiuminscheeks, @jr6104, @slavefortaemin, @xiustagram, @fallen-for-sehun, @isearchedtheyooniverse, @ohsenhun, @stansuperm, @kikyo-sky, @meiiyue, @helloninibear, @helloflowerboykai, @brbcrawlingtokorea, @paranormalkaitivity, @guardians-of-exo, @bt-ex​, @kjgbear, @bunmyeonie, @reform-android, @bands-messed-me-up, @babyblue-soo, @alkaine9298​, @ladyliliah​, @baekhyunnie-l, @baekhyuntella​, @matoki486​, @zkldin​, @dkj9394​, @that-magical-queen​, @vroomvroombaek​, @jongin-be-my-jagi​, @tremendousanchorbear​, @darlingchanse​, @mooninibear​, @kpop-kdramas-aka-my-life​, @sundropsoo​, @pastel-exo​, @kaisoojagi1214​, @x-exo​, @vaporeyong​, @sehunicorne​, @daebakbaek​, @hunniedae​, @briepark​, @redconversesworld​ 💖
I also want to thank exo, who has been my light in the darkest times - for existing and for being my source of happiness 💗 I dont think i could have make it if it weren't for them...I have so much to say about them but it will take hours and days to write so I will not do that! I just dont have enough words to describe how thankful i am for them! exo, you mean the world to me and i love you more than anything💖 
Happy new year Y´all!!!  Take care, stay safe always and may 2020 be blessed with only happy and beautiful things 💫✨❣️
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fy-kaiotic · 7 years
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android中文网 | do not edit.
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kaisooficrec · 5 years
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@applebites2013 haha sorry I replied privately instead of drafting it :D apoc au coming your way! Last request was over 2 years ago so this list is super long! enjoy and don’t forget to leave kudos & comments to the authors <3
post-/apocalypse au:
Through Fire and Ashes - 84k zombie/post-apocalypse au oh em gee!!!! ot9 + rv ensemble survival theme with lots of heartbreak and crazy intense moments but also kaisoo being in love so much they withstand literally everything, what are you waiting for! this is a masterpiece :’))
itaidōshin (army of two) - zombie au, jongin is a farmboy who goes to the city to visit sehun, his bff in college. he goes to the suspiciously empty city but does’nt know anything and in the dorm meets kyungsoo his crush, hiding. zombie happens and they start to run for their life fjkkd and omg chanhun this is funny af!!!!!!!!!
virus - more like zombie au. zombie kyungsoo likes jongin  very much and won’t eat his brain :3 awkward flirting and actually very much fluff!   
fin(ally yours) - jongin sees roses which is a sign the person will die soon. he meets kyungsoo who takes care of him as jongin keeps seeing the roses and thinks he’s getting sick and weaker (but plot twist :)))
juice pouch - i love this fic to deathhh! it’s a funny apocalypse + vampire au in which sucking jongin’s dick is essential to kyungsoo’s survival
the apocalypse killed the video star - jongin was famous before the apocalypse, but it doesn’t mean anything after it
It Takes a Village - post-apocalypse!au where kaisoo are one of the only ones left and help each other survive
tale of two worlds - kaisoo chat via the system exodus and kyungsoo is from earth 
helion - soert of pre-apocalypse au! they’re spending time together, making every action count with everyday and when it feels like the end of the world is coming, the survival instinct gets only stronger
Somewhere between life and death Autumn (I love you as the plant that never blooms) - kyungsoo had to make a difficult decision for saving himself that made him sacrifice the feelings he had for jongin an now he regrets
mellifluous - jongin would have never expected to fall in love with the last human on Earth even though said human should have died more than a hundred years ago
dystopian au:
put your venom in me -this was already recced, but it is government-controlled dystopian world! lust is banned by the government but kyungsoo finds his way to show his boyfriend jongin what physical love is like
Point Zero - by xiseoks/julia aka my fave fave faaave author omg! jongin works as a government employee, and has been told his whole life that his parents abandoned him until one day he gets to eb in charge of watching over a captive who is hiding his son, brought to questioning.
november sky - blind!soo lives alone and catches a guy attempting to steal food in his place but lets him stay in his shelter (jongin is a clumsy thief haha)
the world without - nymph jongin and kyungsoo under a propaganda in which government hunts down ppl with magic abilities and kyungsoo wants to protect him (nymph nini can heal the nature with magic)
Earn Me - a dystopian au where everyone has a star system an whatever they do will make them earn or lose the star(s). and they get 1000 when they meet their soulmate. jongin unexpectedly meets kyungsoo, who is not perfect (tw for eating disorder) 
Overdose: A Story About Artificial Love -  lab/scientist au kinda lucky one au! dystopian/scifi where love isn't possible til both subjects jongin and kyungsoo were created, but the chemical reaction does nor go the right way
rainbow boy - in this dystopian world, jongin can see colors in black and white but sees more colours when he meets kyungsoo, but it is not something the government wants  
Primrose Blossoms - the world where jongin has lost his soulmate is not real when he wakes up and meets someone else
star shower - kyungsoo meets his soulmate in dreams and saves him when he meets him irl, but jongin doesn’t remember him :o
Ebony - jongin is a scientist and he was ale to build an android he falls for
Cure You! - a relationship between a doctor and patient  but it is not allowed   
2088 - most of the world has become uninhabitable and kyungsoo finds jongin with mutated genes but soon realises there are people going after them so they run together
watching the horizon - their world is controlled by the system but jongin does not exactly follow it, he also keeps an eye on his childhood friend. a short drabble :)
and if skies could speak - camp au (sorta). kyungsoo is shletered from a world outside of the camp but jongin shows him what it is like. innocent soo. nice poetic writing style
and we also have other dystopian/apoc au + zombie au + fics similar to another (iris) :) enjoy~
- Admin J + Admin Macaroon
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flurrys-creativity · 5 years
Works in Progress
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Date: 26.04.2024
On going:
Lurking in the dark Chapter 4.
Mistpouffer - Yeosang’s Adventure
8 drops of poison: Trouble (pt. 6/9) - Ateez OT8
Projects and Specials:
Flurry’s Supernatural Milestone Event
Carved in stone - Jeonghan (Angel Collab)
? - Yeosang (Goddess of death series collab) -> open end
? - Hongjoong (Goddess of death series collab) -> open end
Blow your future Collab (Ateez Choi bros) -> open end
One shots: 
Spy Academy (Spy AU) - Seonghwa
Cursed Hunter - Jongho
6 Wolves and a Fox (Shifter AU) - Jimin
Broken Parts (Android AU) - Namjoon
Faodail (Pirate AU) - Taehyung
Orphic (Mermaid AU) - Seokjin
Monsta X:
Drunk Confessions (F2L) - Changkyun
Lighthouse keeper (Cursed AU) - Taeyong
Criminal Addiction (Mafia AU) - Taeil
Rivals in Crime (Mafia AU) - Jaehyun
Anaxiphillia - Woozi
Beautiful Beast (Beauty and the Beast AU) - Joshua
Cleopatra (PWP) - Seventeen
Féath (Fae AU) - Jeonghan
Knighthood (Royal AU) - Dokyeom
Psycho (Boxer AU) - Jun
The Rose:
Noctivagant (Sci-Fi/Alien AU) - Jaehyeong
1 + 1 = Three (single parent au) - Suho (Exo)
Dalliance (College Professor au) - Sehun (Exo)
? (Neighbour AU) - Hajoon (The Rose)
By the gods (Fantasy AU/One shot series) - Seonghwa (Ateez)
Metanoia (Fantasy AU) - Yoongi (BTS)
Dépaysement (Hybrid AU) - San (Ateez)
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pnwhccl-moved · 5 years
some wanted plots for some kids? look below and give this a like for which one ur interested with!
hyeon a husband or even his ex-husband.
taeil another shape shifter friend.
myungdae someone he can stay with / a friend / a s/o
sehun, yejun & youngtae some supernatural or cryptid friends 
seojun a friend ( bc he’s the only human in the realm of fairies that he knows about or well he doesn’t know that so )
soleil someone he can feel relaxed with and can ease his dreams a bit
taesuk a human friend that doesn’t rlly know about androids so he can relax from them for a bit
illya’s and lucius’s first creators ( they came seperated and they were picked up from the street by taesuk ) 
ambra finding her witch
chinmae with his enemies? another mutant? someone to give him closure and help him relax with his power
aejung with having some foster wolf pups
conor with some of his friends from the dog fighting ring?
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personaehq · 5 years
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FULL NAME: yeon eojin ALIAS: iris DATE OF BIRTH: 2119/12/19 ALIGNMENT: pro-android OCCUPATION: employee at old but gold retro shop AFFILIATION: hacker for the matrix ACCOMMODATION: agata suites, ginza FACECLAIM: oh sehun
yeon eojin was born in seoul, south korea, in a small household: it was only him, his mother and older brother. he has never met his father, the man left his wife when she was still pregnant with their second child. his absence made things very difficult for mrs. yeon, once the man was the main source of income for their family — and now, she’d have to make up for that, with two young children to take care of all by herself. she didn’t stay home taking care of her newborn as much as she should, as much as recommended by the doctors, because she had to find a job to bring food to her little boys. she worked extra hours, worked on weekends and on holidays, nonstop, just to make sure little eunsoo and little eojin had full bellies — even if that meant her own health was in risk. she’d skip meals just so the two of them could eat as much as they wanted. but she’s a mother, and mothers always put their kids before their own needs. but she managed to raise them as healthy little boys, despite her own well being compromised by it.
though eventually, eunsoo ( the oldest of the two brothers ) got himself a job pretty early just so he could make things a bit easier for their mother. things did get a bit better for them in that time, but that meant little eojin would stay home all by himself for the most part of the day. and as any pre-teen would, he’d spend most of his time in front of the family’s computer. he played games, made friends online, watched funny videos and learned new things. eojin was a good student in school, he was really good with numbers and calculations, but on his computer, he’d do more than that. at first, he got really into puzzle games, those you’d need hours to solve, and eventually, he got into coding. html was something he’s never heard of before and it didn’t take long for him to learn all about it, when he was still only twelve. it’s when he turns fourteen that he finds out about programming, and starts learning about it — being online for so long, he met enough people to help him understand and apply all that knowledge.
eojin found his true passion in programming and coding, and as he got better and better at it, he also started to become braver. bolder. greedier. he was seventeen years old when he started hacking into people accounts — he started small, accessing his brother’s social media and his mother’s bank account just as practice, before he could go further: hacking into other people’s social media as well as bank accounts, but never doing anything too bad that could maybe get him in jail. until he had the opportunity of his life.
he managd to hack into south korea’s prime minister’s phone, go through his contacts and text messages, as well as see stuff that he wished he had never seen ( the old man was a disgusting freak ), and the content of some of the minister’s text messages… it was too good to let it pass. eojin saved all and every information he could get from the man, the undeniable proof of a major corruption scheme right in his hands. he couldn’t let those people get away with public money, not when the country was breaking down with poverty and starvation after past conflicts. he leaks the text messages. he sends it to the country’s biggest newspaper, which spread the news on the same week as they receive the content of the text messages, and it becomes a great scandal.
eojin’s identity remained anonymous, and instead of focusing on the scheme made by the minister, the government and its supporters did their best to turn the citizens’ attention to the hacker who leaked the information. but eojin was careful enough, and they never found out who he truly is — the hacker remained a mystery.
but not for the m̦̗̜̟͙̮̳̘̺̭̒̀͑̆̂̊͘̕͠͠á̧̛̤͍͉͖͔̗͉͋̋̈̄̏̐͂͜͝ͅt̨̡̨̩̩̖̳̣̘͆̂̽̓̅͗̉͛͒̕͜r͙̮̻̖̲̯̤̫̥̂̎͊̓̾̍̐̚̕͝ͅĭ̡̧̛̩̲͕̲̰̠̹͆̂̒̾͆̇̐̅ͅx̨̳͔̬͖̦͎̪̖̩̽̒̔̀̋̓͌̓̋̇.̢̛̯͚̣͎͈̠̟̩̈̒̀̓͆̊̋̕͝ͅ
he was eighteen years old when they reached out to him, offering an opportunity that he could never refuse: to be a part of their organization. eojin didn’t even know what they did, or how much power and influence the matrix had, but he had heard enough about them to know he had to say yes to their offer. even if he had to move out of the country — which to be quite honest, wasn’t a bad idea after what he did to the government. and of course, moving to japan didn’t sound bad at all. but it felt bad to leave his family like that… not after everything they had done to him.
he gave them the excuse that he was going to japan to study, that he had the chance to study in the shujin university, which was a reference in the whole continent. that way, mrs. yeon and eunsoo couldn’t oppose to his departure. still, there was a heavy feeling on eojin’s conscience. he promised he’d send them money monthly, enough to give them a better life than they had in the past.
when he got to japan, he did apply to the shujin university to study computer programming. he passed the application exam and scored enough to receive a scholarship that covered a hundred percent of his tuition fee. and he also applied for a small job at a retro game shop known as old but gold — after all, his love for games never ceased, in fact, it became one of his addictions. there was no one better than yeon eojin to work at the place. the payment was enough to give eojin a comfortable life, but still wasn’t enough for him to send money to his mother and that was when he started streaming his gaming adventures — he was known for his tetris battle royale live streams. the donations he received from his viewers were finally enough for him to help his family, he could finally send them money and give them a better life.
but of course everything was too good to be true, something had to ruin the cycle of good things happening in eojin’s life.
an accident was all it took to turn his world around.
he doesn’t remember exactly how it happened, all he can remember is waking up in the hospital — the white surroundings almost blinded him, he could remember it like was just yesterday. and despite being confused, completely disoriented, he still managed to understand every single word the nurse told him. the tears ran down his cheeks as he listened, but it only got worse when they told him about the surgery: the accident left him with dozens of broken bones, but the situation of his right leg was way more severe than they had imagined. he had to go through surgery, but for some reason ( one that was no revealed to eojin ) there were no doctors available in the moment — which resulted in a surgery done entirely by androids, under the permission of the nurse that spoke to him.
“it was the best option! if we kept the leg, you’d have to live with constant pain for the rest of your life.”
that man. in eojin’s head, it was thanks to that man that he lost his leg. he told the androids what to do when he could have waited for a surgeon to be available. when he could have waited and asked for eojin’s consent.
also, why the fuck were there no doctors available! what type of hospital didn’t have extra doctors waiting for an emergency? his emergency. his leg could still be there. they were asking to be sued, and that was what eojin did — he sued the hospital for 1) not having extra human doctors to do his surgery, 2) allowing a group of androids do surgery without the proper supervision, 3) amputating one of his limbs without his consent. they paid him a few millions. but suing the hospital didn’t mean he would get his recovery in another hospital.
hell no.
and to make things even worse than before, the nurse that told the androids to amputate his leg was the one designated to take care of him, to help him recover — not only in the hospital but also when he was released to go back home. oh, joy.
with the money he received from the hospital he bought himself the best and most organic-looking prosthetic leg in the market, as well as some others that looked cooler and more robotic — and he would only wear them when going outside, at home he relies on his crutches. and despite the promises that his life would be better and painless after the amputation, eojin still felt pain. a lot of pain. something called ghost pain.
and an extra pain: a nurse he detested. well, at least for now.
POSITIVE TRAITS: playful, loyal, protective NEGATIVE TRAITS: sarcastic, indifferent, insistent
yeon eojin is often described as being either a big dork or a big brat, and neither of those are wrong. he can be both things, depending on how many cans of grape fanta he has drank — he is addicted. he loves his job at the games shop and also love his job at the matrix, both bring him the two things he loves the most in his life: programming and games. he couldn’t be happier doing anything else. regarding his alignment, he’d say he’s pro-android, even though he doesn’t trust them fully — but that doesn’t stop him from helping them from time to time. in fact, his apartment has become reference for androids that need help blending in with humans ( he’s not a hardware guy, but he will take your identification collar off if you ask nicely ). when it comes to people, he doesn’t care much about them and doesn’t really have a filter when talking to them, he will say whatever is on his mind without worrying about how it’ll affect the people around him. he’s kinda dense. he’s really good with numbers so if you need help with them, he’s your guy. loves tetris and puzzle games way too much, you’ll definitely see him trying to solve random puzzles and riddles when he has nothing else to do. he’s very awkward when it comes to romance, he’ll be very stiff and nervous if he has feelings for someone. he likes sweets way too much. also a big pervert.
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