#andy robertson fanfic
football-and-fanfics · 3 months
Headache - Andy Robertson
Who: Andy Robertson Prompt: "It feels like my head is going to explode." Notes with request: headache on the bus with team back home. Requested by: anonymous Word count: 489 Warnings: mentions of having a headache (implied migraine).
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Andy knew he might have pushed himself a bit too hard during the match, but it was what was needed of the whole team during this difficult away match. And it had paid off. They had eventually won the match rather comfortably, but it left Andy completely exhausted and with a raging headache.
He hoped the headache would pass once he'd had a little nap during the bus ride back to Liverpool, but Andy found it hard to catch sleep. He'd slouched down as low in his seat as possible, the hood of his hoodie pulled over his head as far as it would go, and ear buds in without any music on to shield his aching head from as much of the sounds in the bus. Andy only vaguely registered someone sat down beside him, but he couldn't even get himself to open his eyes to see who it was.
"Are you alright, Robbo?" The person next to Andy finally spoke after a few minutes. It turned out to be Virgil. "No," Andy groaned, "it feels like my head is going to explode." "Thought something like that." Virgil sounded serious. "You're shielding from the light and sounds, and you're moaning in pain with every move this bus makes."
Virgil was right. Every jostle of the bus hurt Andy's head, but he hadn't realized that he had audibly made the sounds of discomfort. Andy opened one eye just enough to be able to glance at his captain. Where Virgil was known as a joker around the team, he now looked back at Andy dead-serious and concerned.
"You are really not looking good," Virgil commented. Andy wanted to shake his head, but the mere thought of that hurt, so he opted for a pained hum instead. "Maybe I can do something about that." Virgil frowned thoughtfully. "Don't move." "Wasn't planning on," Andy mumbled.
Virgil stood up from his seat and disappeared to the front of the bus. Andy closed his eyes again. He didn't know what Virgil had in mind, and he absolutely did not have the strength to go and find out.
Virgil reappeared a few minutes later, carrying several items in his arms. "Lucky for you." He sat down in his seat next to Andy again. "I saw one of the doctors getting onto our bus." Andy slowly opened his eyes. He found Virgil holding out two painkillers, a bottle of water and an ice pack to him. "Down the painkillers," Virgil instructed, "and an ice pack to the forehead or neck should also help with the discomfort. Or, at least, so I'm told."
Andy gratefully took the painkillers and downed them in one swallow. "Thank you," he said sincerely. "And some sleep should help, too," Virgil finished.
Andy snuggled into the warmth of his hoodie, waiting for the blissful relief the painkillers would hopefully give him. "Sweet dreams," Virgil chuckled. Andy hummed softly. "I sure hope so."
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Request an imagine Andy Robertson masterlist | Full writing masterlist
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yellowkitkieran · 11 months
Situationship (Andy Robertson)
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Word Count: 3.6k
Summary: You no longer want a friends with benefits relationship with Andy, but he fumbles and has to try winning you back.
Situationships are… complicated. Messy. They almost always end in disaster. Which is why you tend to avoid them. Working in the media department at Liverpool means the lads are constantly grafting and fighting for who gets what spot behind the lens you're holding, and you never thought much of it.
That is, you didn't think anything of it until Andrew Robertson seemed to take a liking to you. A few months ago, Andy seemed to take a shine to you. He volunteered for media duties, went out of his way to bring you coffee in the mornings, and even stayed late to keep you company one night. 
Still, you didn’t let yourself hope. Not until he approached you with a reserved smile and a hint of red coloring his cheeks. One question in that delicious Scottish accent of his had you folding: "Can I take you out some time, love?"
Really, when a man possesses such enrapturing eyes that just so happen to be the color of caramel poured over crunchy fallen leaves, it's not fair that he also have gallons of charm hidden in his smile. You were powerless to resist him that first day, and you're still powerless now- even after you've both promised there's no strings attached.
No feelings, that was the one stipulation you both set out with from the start. One date was all you agreed to before you realized you couldn’t jeopardize either of your jobs. And while you hadn’t enjoyed yourself that much before or since that night, both of you knew no relationship could be allowed to bloom. The threat of termination was too high- you both decided that a physical relationship was all that was allowed. 
And for the first month or so, that was fine. You didn't think about Andy while going about your business. He didn't consume your thoughts at night- unless it was a night that you needed a release, then his moans would swirl in your head and bring you that sweet relief you hunted for. 
But Andy has a way of wiggling his way into hearts, and yours is no different. You've felt the feelings growing for weeks now, though you're terrified to acknowledge them. Tonight is the last night you'll have with him before he leaves for a stint on international duty, and you already know you'll ache for him- and not just between your legs. Your heart will hurt too, yearning for the brief moments of intimacy he affords you after you've fucked like rabbits. 
Nights like tonight only make it harder for you to separate yourself. Your fingers trace shapes over his bare abdomen, the thin trail of hair leading under the sheet slung low over his hips only tempting you for another round. But you promised you wouldn't tire him out before he left, and his low, even breathing suggests he is already half asleep as it is.
"I'm gonna miss you," you mumble, the words slipping out before you can think to stop them. Your head rests on Andy's chest so you can feel the hitch in his breath as he processes what you've just admitted. You try not to focus on it and move to tracing shapes on his chest instead, the soft hair there tickling your fingertips. 
"I'll be back in a few weeks and then I've got a full day off- we can catch up on all the sex we've missed." Andy speaks so nonchalantly, so off the cuff, like he truly feels nothing for you even after all this time. It's more of a stab in the heart than you'd like to admit. How? Do you truly mean so little to him? You can’t wrap your head around the callousness of his voice. ‘Catch up on the sex’, like you’re no more than a body. Like he doesn't feel the same genuine connection that you do.
You shove off his chest, pulling the sheet with you as you sit up. You cover yourself as best you can, feigning modesty considering how many times Andy has seen you physically bare. Mentally though? You feel raw, jagged and broken like a vase smashed on the tile. 
Andy sits up too, picking up on the way your entire mood has taken a nosedive. "What- what? If you don't want to see me when I'm back that's fine-" 
"God, you really don’t get it do you?” Andy has the good sense to appear wounded, like you’ve struck him. Good. Let him feel the same hurt that has settled in your soul. “I'm sick of this," you spit, "I'm sick of pretending I don't care. That I don’t want anything more from you. Is this really just sex to you?"
Andy's wide, searching eyes roam your face. He tries to puzzle out the hidden meaning behind your words. Except nothing is hidden- you're too hurt to bother masking it. It’s all written on your face plain as day. Andy would be able to read you even if you were trying to hide it. Whether he admits it or not, he knows you better than you know yourself most days.
"I dinnae understand," Andy says with that gentle voice you recognize he uses with younger fans, like you’re a fragile thing inches from breaking. "That was our agreement? I don't… no strings love, that's what we said."
"Don't call me that." 
“Then don’t be cruel- what's going on?” Andy reaches for your wrist but you yank yourself away. The fingers that brush your skin feel like a brand, marking you as his property without any sort of reciprocal claim. 
“I can’t do this anymore.”
“I said stop calling me that!”
Your desperate shout rings through the room, stunning whatever response Andy was about to brew right off his tongue. He watches, shell shocked as you hastily pull on your shorts and search for your purse. You snatch your shoes and are halfway to the door before Andy’s tongue frees itself, “I dinnae understand. Are you saying this is over?”
You pause, looking over your shoulder. You memorize the confusion in his eyes, the way his eyebrows twitch together as he tries to understand. But if he hasn’t already figured it out, then he never will. You have to protect your heart, and if hurting Andy means keeping yourself safe, then it is what has to be done. 
“That’s exactly what I’m saying, Andrew. Please don’t contact me outside work anymore. I’m professional enough that I won’t let this affect anything, but I’ll probably call on you less. It’ll be easier that way.”
“Easier for who?” You almost believe the crack in his voice is genuine. Almost, but not quite.
“For everyone,” you murmur as your heart breaks. “Me especially. Goodbye Andy- good luck at the qualifiers.”
Goodbye Andy- good luck at the qualifiers. 
Your pain fills Andy's throat with broken glass. Days have gone by and he's not heard a word from you. He hasn't missed a message, or even a post on instagram- his phone has been glued to his palm since that morning after you walked out. He woke up to a cold bed and an empty heart, and the ache that has since settled in has taken the shape of you, but carries none of the same fervor. 
Some way, some how, Andy needs to put his loss aside. It's his fault anyway. You walked out because he was too scared to admit what he felt for you, and now he must live with the consequences of his own actions. Andy winces as the common phrase brings to mind all the tiktoks you sent him that used that sound with those words- would everything remind him of you?
“Andy, mate- what’s going on with you? You’re not yourself.”
Andy startles, forcing a plastic smile that he has become all too familiar with over the past week. “Sorry lad, had a rough couple of days before I flew out. I’ll be ready to lead us out on Sunday, don’t worry. I’m fit to play- just going through something.”
“You want tae talk about it?” Without waiting for an answer, Kieran sits at the bench adjacent to the one Andy currently occupies with his elbows resting on his knees. He pretends to adjust his imaginary glasses up his nose, poising his invisible pen over his palm. “Ready to analyze your thoughts and give my unasked for opinion on your troubles, skip.”
For the first time since you broke things off, Andy laughs. It's genuine and he hears the shutter of a camera from somewhere over his shoulder, but for a second he feels a sliver of himself shine through. “Nah mate it’s nothing big, just some troubles with a lass-”
“Oh, romance! My area of expertise… Who’s rejected you Robbo? I thought no woman was immune to your Scottish charm?”
“Well sure normally but this girl… She was different mate. Special.” Andy cannot bring himself to look at his friend as he says it. Andy hasn't heard from you since you walked out, which wouldn't worry him if he hadn't sent you a half a dozen messages asking to talk. 
Kieran straightens, all humor dissolved by Andy’s tone. “Oh you’re serious- why haven’t you told us about her then? You know what, it doesn’t matter,” Kieran immediately back tracks and waves a hand. “What’s gone on? Maybe talking it through will help.”
So Andy does, relaying all the small details he can remember. Which is a lot- he recalls the tear on your left cheek when you looked at him, the hitch in your voice when you said you would miss him. He should have just admitted it then, that he would miss you like an addict misses their dealer.
“I should have said something. Told her the truth but I- I was bloody terrified KT, I wasn’t sure how she would take it. And now she won’t respond to any of my messages, won’t answer my calls. I right fucked it, and there’s nothing I can do about it.”
Kieran sighs and smooths a hand over his hair. Andy prides himself on knowing his teammates, and he recognizes the gesture as one Kieran does when he’s strategizing. Normally it’s seen when standing over a free kick or holding a ball for a throw-in, and it’s… comforting to see his friend treating his problems with the same precision and care he normally saves for the pitch. 
“You know what I would do mate?” Andy shrugs, indicating for Kieran to continue. “Send her a plane ticket with her name on it, tell her to come up here for the match. No I’m serious- not like your pocket will feel the hit and you’ll know for sure where you stand. If she shows up, you can have a second chance, and if she doesn’t… then you have your closure.”
"Blindside her? Mate be serious," Andy says, shoulders shaking with a short laugh. That would never work. The way you looked at him when you were at the door was like you were cataloging each of his features. The sort of way someone does when they know they'll never see a person again. Thinking about it now shoots an arrow through Andy's chest. He rubs his sternum as if that will erase the actions that led to his heartache in the first place. 
"I cannae just send her a plane ticket. I'm pretty sure she's got me blocked anyway." Andy pulls out his phone to show Kieran the evidence. Two messages in your chat, both with 'sent' underneath them and not 'delivered'. 
Kieran tips his head side to side while he rolls words over his tongue. "It could be that her phone is off-"
"For three days?"
"Let me finish. It could be that her phone is off, or she's blocked you so she's not tempted to message you. Doesn't mean she hates you, just means she needs space. So buy the ticket, send it to her and ask her to come. If Monday rolls around and she's not opened it, I'll message her instead, she won't have blocked me."
Andy does just that, using the passport details he has saved in his frequent flier account to buy you the best ticket he can find for Tuesday. He sends you a screenshot and doesn't torture himself by checking whether or not it is delivered. 
"This is the most absurd thing I've ever done. I should go home- am I really gonna get on this plane? I'm gonna go. I'm… gonna go?"
You stare yourself down in the mirror. You miss Andy more than you care to admit. You thought you'd be fine, able to slough off the hurt in a few days, but it's been over a week and your chest remains emptied out and hollow. You know what's missing, and things are finally lining up. If you go, you'll have your answer. Does Andy truly care, or is this some sort of elaborate scheme to win you back to his side?
"I'm gonna go," you say firmer than the first time. Worst case scenario, you win a free holiday in Spain. Best case… Andy admits you're more than just friends who occasionally sleep together. There isn't much more to it other than living with the eternal embarrassment of being rejected by a footballer. Then again, plenty of women live with that anyway.
You throw clothes into a suitcase- swimsuits, short skirts, cropped tops- hastily, having no time to fold them and prevent wrinkles. You debate taking the navy scotland kit Andy had given you to wear one night, mumbling something about having his name on your back being the ultimate turn on. You grab it anyway, shoving it to the bottom and forgetting about it almost instantly. 
"Right then, before I change my mind." 
It feels like something out of a fever dream when you walk through the airport. Boarding the plane is hazy, as is the shirt ride. You barely register the business class seat or the upgraded service that accompanies it; you're too busy using the complimentary wifi to catch up on all the scotland national team posts you've avoided since the break began. There's one shot in particular that you become stuck on: Andy's head tipped back, his mouth open, eyes squeezed shut as he cackles. You swear you can hear his laugh from here. 
When you touch down, you aren't exactly sure where to go. That is, until you check your messages from Kieran and find an address waiting for you. Upon arrival you're delighted to notice how normal the hotel seems compared to what you expected. Business people and families file in and out of the lobby, utterly nonplussed by their high profile guests. You guess that makes sense, considering that the Scottish boys are guests here. 
You give Andy's name at the front desk, and the petite blonde woman smiles softly at you. "He was nervous you wouldn't show. Sweet man," she says, her accent thick on the vowels. "Keep him around for sure." 
"Um… thanks? I'll just take the key."
"Shall I let him know-"
"No," you say quickly. The woman's eyebrows shoot up and she pauses, as surprised as you are by your quick refusal. "Um… I want it to be a surprise. I'm gonna show up at his match and see if he notices."
"Amor, trust me. He'll notice."
Two hours later you find yourself in the backseat of another Uber. The driver speaks no English so it's quiet, though you couldn't miss the man's pointed glance at the oversized navy jersey you currently wear. You weren't sure if it was too much but ultimately, did it matter? If Andy breaks your heart you can buy a Spain shirt and toss his in the trash.
When you stand outside the stadium, you're glad for the throng of fans that push in at every side. You're quite sure people heckle you for wearing enemy colors, but at least you can't understand a word they say. Someone bumps your shoulder but you don't move. The soles of your feet are glued to the cobblestones. They're sticky with tar when you move your limbs, climbing the steps as your ears ring.
There are a thousand and one ways this could go wrong. There's only one way this can go right. The odds are astronomically stacked against you. You've never been one to play the lottery but… you feel good about this gamble. 
Anonymously settled into the third row of the away fans, you absently wonder how much this single ticket costed. Though likely a drop in the bucket for Andy, it's likely more than you would ever dream of paying for something like this. You munch on snacks while you wait for kickoff, both excited and nervous to see Andy's face on the screen. 
And when the Scottish anthem plays, and the camera pans over Andy? Tears spring unbidden to your eyes. Pride wells in your chest, completely unfounded but also perfectly right. 
That's my Andy, you think to yourself.
You're mesmerized by the way he moves on the pitch. He commands his side with grace and elegance as they hunt for a goal that will put them on the scoresheet. Spain is not a throwaway opponent; the home side fights tooth and nail to keep a clean sheet, though Kepa simply cannot keep out the strike that comes from Dykes, crossed into the box by Andy. 
You erupt along with the entire away section. A beer splashes your arm but you're too caught up in Andy's brilliant smile as he celebrates with Lyndon. They stop in front of the Scottish fans, your voice lost in the roar of the crowd. 
See me, see me, see me- 
Andy's eyes skim over you. You are simply one face in a sea of thousands right now as the captain does his duty to celebrate with his countrymen and women. And for now, it is enough to see Andy happy.
The rest of the match is more of the same: Scotland dominates a sloppy, unkempt Spanish side that seems more adept to second tier football than European qualifiers. Andy keeps his side in line, captaining them to a second goal in the final minutes of regular time that Spain simply cannot find an answer to. When the final whistle blows, you worry you may lose your voice from how loudly you cheer. 
Slowly, fans in navy begin to file out as the Scotland lads make their rounds. They all wear various sizes and shapes of smiles, each as enthusiastic as the last. You climb over seat backs to make your way to the front, determined to be recognized now. You've come all this way and you'll be damned if Andy doesn't even get to see you in the stands. 
For a moment, you're worried he'll miss you. He laughs with Kieran, both lads over their moon with their dominance. It's Kieran who notices you first, his smile growing as he nudges his friend. You can read Andy's lips from here, hold on I'm not done, but Kieran grips Andy's chin and forces his head towards you.
When Andy's eyes meet yours, you're floating. Your feet move of their own accord, leaping over the barrier and ducking the arm of the security guard whilst Andy shouts for him to let you through. You meet in the middle, slamming into Andy's sweaty chest. He lifts you off your feet, shoulders nearly crushed in his embrace. 
Your laughs mingle. Your head spins when Andy sets you down again. He shakes his head, hands under your jaw to tip your face towards him, thumbs running under your eyes like he cannot believe you're here. 
"Guess I owe Kieran ten quid." 
"Not yet you don't mate," Kieran chimes in. "Bet was she flies over and that she kisses you." 
You shrug then, laying your hands on Andy's chest. You trace random shapes, looking up through your lashes to meet his eyes, "ball is in his court there. I can't kiss him, not yet at least. He's gotta make some changes first."
Andy grins, his hands settling on your hips. He can't seem to get enough of you, not that you can blame him. You're the same, wanting to kiss him so badly your entire body aches. 
"She cannae kiss me cause I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend yet. But now that I'm asking, maybe she will-"
You surge up to kiss him before he's finished, letting your mouth answer him without speaking a word. Andy's arms wind around your middle to pull you flush, deepening the kiss by sliding his tongue over your lips. Despite the fans and the staff and players watching you let him, desperate as you are to show him what he means to you. 
Andy breaks away to fight for breath. You both laugh, comfortable and happy despite a very spontaneous, very hard launch in a very public way. 
"I love you," Andy murmurs. Something in your heart springs free. "I'm never going to make the mistake of walking away again."
"At least I didn't fly out here for nothing then. I love you too."  
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wavypotatochips · 1 year
hey idk if you'd do an imagine for Andy Robertson I'll ask anyways 🫶🏼 so klopp brings his niece (the reader) to meet the lfc squad and her and andy are giggling and stuff and the whole team teases him the rest of the day about it then he asks her for her number and it's just very wholesome!! ty luv 🥹
𝙋𝙝𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙣𝙪𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧 | A 𝘼𝙣𝙙𝙮 𝙍𝙤𝙗𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙨𝙤𝙣 Short Story
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𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: Andy Robertson x Female Reader
Word Count : 1.2k
𝘈𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘦: Of course I can! I do not know much about him, so I will be sort of guesstimating how his personality is c': I honestly feel like my writing is trash for this scenario simply because I'm unsure of how he is, but hopefully my assumption is sort of okay and matches. ANYWAYYYYSSS as always, thank you so much for requesting and I hope you like how I represent your idea ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚!!
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ REQUESTS ARE OPEN, currently covered in college work so as of now uploads MAY mainly be on weekends. Thank you for your patience c’: ♥
You feel an overwhelming rush of excitement when your father, Klopp, unexpectedly invites you to help him decorate the event for the Liverpool football team. As a typical father, he's always been a bit hesitant to introduce you to the players, wanting you to continue to focus on your college studies instead of ‘boys’. I mean after all, pursuing a PhD in kinesiology to become a physical therapist isn't an easy thing to do. But this time, he decides to make an exception, and you jump at the chance to take a break from your studies and spend time with the team. As you help the hired workers to set up the venue for the team's arrival, you can't help but feel a sense of anticipation building inside you thinking about how you get to see the team so close up. 
As the finishing touches are put in place, you catch a glimpse of someone approaching. It's none other than Andy Robertson, the star left-back for Liverpool and the object of your affection. Your heart races as you take in his presence, feeling a rush of excitement and joy. Seeing him in person is a dream come true, and you can hardly believe your luck.
Your heart skips a beat as he approaches you, his smile lighting up the room.
"Hey there," he says, flashing a grin that could light up the room. "I don't think we've met before. I'm Andy."
You introduce yourself, feeling nervous and a bit tongue-tied. "Hi, I'm Y/N. It's so great to meet you."
"Likewise," he says, looking you up and down. "I have to say, you're looking amazing today."
You blush, not quite sure how to respond. "Thanks, I tried to look nice for the event."
"Well, you definitely succeeded," he says, winking. "I can't take my eyes off you."
You laugh, feeling giddy with excitement. You two continued to talk for what seemed like a while, exchanging playful banter and laughs. As the event comes to a close, the whole team starts teasing Andy about his obvious attraction to you.
"Ooh, Andy's got a crush!" one of his teammates jokes, nudging him playfully.
Andy takes it all in stride, laughing along with them. Although, You can't help but feel a bit embarrassed as the other players tease Andy about his obvious attraction to you. But Andy takes it all in stride, clearly not shy about his feelings.
"Don't listen to these guys," he says, grinning at you. "They're just jealous that they don't have someone as beautiful and smart as you to hang out with."
You feel a warmth spreading through your body at his words, unable to believe that this handsome and talented football player is interested in you.
But when it's just the two of you left in the room, he turns to you with a serious expression.
"Hey, Y/N," Andy says with a charming smile, "I hope I haven't been blabbering so much and annoying you haha. I was wondering if you'd like to grab a cup of coffee at a nearby cafe. Once I'm finished with the photographers? I have some free time before I have to head back home, and I'd love to chat with you more."
You can feel your heart skip a beat at the suggestion. "That sounds great," you say, trying to contain your excitement.
Andy looks relieved and continues, "Awesome, I know it's a bit sudden, but I couldn't resist asking you. But If you're not able to go tonight, I completely understand.``
You can feel your heart continuing to race as you consider his offer. "No no i'll definitely be able to go, I'll catch you around?," you say, feeling a smile spreading across your face.
He grinned, appearing content. "Yes you will, Y/N." Turning around, he moves out of the room and down the hallway to another room where the photos were being taken.
Later that evening, after the event had ended, you anxiously waited for Andy outside the venue, hoping he would still be able to take you to the nearby cafe. To make sure you could go, you had lied to your dad and said you were meeting a friend at the cafe. He had believed you and told you to be safe and that he still has work to do but will text you when he's ready to leave.
As you waited, your heart raced with excitement and nervousness. Finally, you see Andy jogging towards you, dressed in more casual attire to help blend in with the crowd - a pair of Nike tracksuits, a cap, and shades. He looks even more handsome than before, and you can't help but feel grateful for this moment.
"Ready?" he asks, extending his hand for you to take. You nod eagerly, a huge smile spreading across your face, and grab his hand. The touch of his hand sends shivers down your spine, and you feel your heart skip a beat.  As you walk with Andy, you can't believe how lucky you are. You have been a fan of Liverpool FC for years, and now you are walking down the street hand in hand with one of their star players. The conversation flows easily between the two of you, and you find yourself laughing at his jokes and feeling completely at ease.
As you arrive at the coffee shop, Andy gallantly holds the door open for you, and you can't help but feel a flutter in your heart at his chivalry. As you both approach the counter, you patiently wait in the queue until it's time to order your preferred coffee. Once you've placed your orders, you grab your drinks and begin searching for a cozy table to sit at. You scan the bustling shop, looking for a quiet corner where you can continue your conversation. Andy follows you to the table, pulling out your chair for you to sit down. As you sip on your coffee, you can't believe that you're on a date with Andy Robertson, one of the most talented footballers in the world. Over the course of the date, you learn more about him, from his humble beginnings in Scotland to his journey to becoming a professional footballer. You're amazed by his dedication and passion for the sport, and you can't help but feel drawn to his kind, genuine nature.
In turn, you share stories about your own life and your passions, and he listens intently, hanging onto your every word. As the conversation flows effortlessly, you can feel yourself falling deeper and deeper for him with each passing moment. As the evening comes to an end, Andy walks you back to the event venue. As he stops in front of you, he looks at you with a serious expression, and you can feel your heart racing in anticipation of what he might say next. "Y/N, I know we just met, but I feel like there is something special between us," he says, his gaze locked onto yours. "I would love to see you again, if you would be interested." Your heart leaps with joy at his words, and you can't help but feel a thrill run through your body. "Of course, I would love that," you say, smiling up at him.
Andy takes out his phone while maintaining a smile on his face. "Great! Can I get your phone number? "He holds out his phone and asks. You take his phone and start typing your number while nodding.
As you two share one last warm hug, you turn around to walk into the building while he walks towards the parking lot where the charter bus is waiting. You can't help but feel excited about the future and the potential for something more with this amazing man.
You can't even believe what has just happened. You feel like the luckiest person in the world to have had the chance to spend time with Andy Robertson. You know that there may be challenges ahead, given the high-profile nature of his career and the scrutiny that comes with it, but you are willing to face them head-on for the chance to be with him.
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footballffbarbiex · 1 year
In This Moment
player: Andy Robertson words: 381 request: Andy Robertson - no pref - 250 - 500 - Fluff - Just her watching Andy play with their children on the pitch at the end of the season (or outside in general: piles of leaves or in the snow), being such a loving dad
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The final whistle blowing had signified the end of a long, arduous season; something that she couldn’t say if she or Andy were more happy about. It had taken it out of both of them emotionally and even though Liverpool had never been in the title race, it had felt almost as draining as if they had. She’d tried to put a positive spin on it, saying how playing in the Europa League may take some of the pressure off unlike playing in the Champions League. It meant that they could concentrate on the actual league games and try and not replicate this season.
Some of the other players are out there with their little ones, so it’s no surprise to her when Andy approaches her with his hands out ready to scoop up the twins who excitedly run towards him. Just as they get there, she watches as they slap hands together and split off, each sibling moving faster than Andy can and go on either side of him while giggling loudly.
He moves slower deliberately, taking his time to pretend as though he’s fuming. He’s making threat promises of what he’ll do when he catches them - they’re going to have a pillow fight - and lose, they’re going be challenged to a marshmallow eating contest - and lose, but worst of all he promises, there’ll be no contest at all by the time he gets them both because he’s just going to make them clean up his dirty socks for a whole week.
Their cries of dismay at such a dirty threat is audible even from where she stands but they still try to give him a run for his money. Their little boy wriggles out of Andy’s grip as he tries to grab their daughter, something which is hilarious to the both of them as they once again split in different directions. Some of the other children have paused to watch, and once they’ve realised what’s happening, they join in to create a diversion.
“Oh they’ve got you good, baby. They’re too much like you to get caught,” she whispers to herself and for 10 minutes or so, everything that’s taken place on the Anfield pitch over the course of the season is forgotten and all that matters is this.
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percervall · 2 years
see the lights in the dark
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Player: Andy Robertson Words: 747  Warnings: None, fluff Request: Christmas market - I just want him being a goofball tbh <3 Nothing off limits!
For @ofxinnocence, merry Christmas! I hope you like it. He's less of a goofball in this then you maybe hoped, but I hope I did him justice
She hadn’t really known what to expect when Andy had suggested going to the Christmas market in Edinburgh during the winter break. The plan was to spend a day in the capital before making the trip to Glasgow to go see Andy’s family to celebrate Christmas a little early. To say she was excited would be an understatement. Growing up, visiting a Christmas market wasn’t something her parents could afford. She took in the sight in front of her while Andy checked into the hotel. The streets had been blocked off for traffic and stalls that were made to look like lodges were scattered over the square. It had just gone past five o’clock and the sun was already setting. She pulled her scarf tighter around herself as a chill ran through her.
“Okay, all set. Ready?�� Andy asked, taking her hand in his. She gave him a squeeze and let him pull her along. The crowds weren’t too bad, but it was still busy. She allowed her eyes to wander, taking in all the lights and the displays at each stall as Andy navigated them through the crowd. 
“Oh, you gotta try this, love,” Andy said, pulling her to a stall that sold different locally made cheeses. 
“This one’s my fave,” Andy said, pointing to a tasting platter of different cheddar cheeses. He fed her one of the cubes, taking one for himself as well. She let the cheese melt on her tongue, getting hit by the fruitiness of the added port, humming appreciatively.
“Oh, that is good. Your mum would love that too, we should get her some,” she said. Andy smiled at her and picked up a small wheel of said cheese. 
It was getting later and now the sun had fully set, the air had a nip to it. Both their free hands were full of bags with goodies, including a couple of Christmas gifts for friends and her family. 
“I hope everyone will like their gifts,” she wondered out loud as they waited in a queue for some much needed hot chocolate.
“With your eye for detail, I’m sure they will, love,” Andy said, pulling her closer, “how did you even find that mug for Milly?” 
She shrugged. “It was kinda hidden at the back, but I think it’s perfect for him. Knew when I saw it we had to get it for him,” she replied with a smile. Andy smiled back at her, brushing his lips against her temple before placing their order. She gratefully took the to-go cup from the vendor and took a careful sip. 
“Mm, this is good hot chocolate. None of that instant stuff, but real cacao,” she commented as they moved to a bench. Andy chuckled as he sat down next to her. His back was protesting against the fact they had been on their feet for hours moving at a snail’s pace due to the crowd. He listened to her chattering away about all the things she saw, how she was in awe of the elderly woman who had knitted all those jumpers, how she loved that there were so many small businesses offering their goods. Andy had watched her take in the stalls and decorations while they had walked, surely with a dopey grin on his face at her excitement the entire time. The way her face had lit up every time she spotted a Christmas themed bauble or an ugly Christmas jumper had made his heart swell with love and adoration for her. She truly loved Christmas and was such an attentive gift giver. It was one of the many things he loved about her.
“Do you want to continue or go get something to eat?” Andy asked once they’d finished their hot chocolates.
“Can we just sit here for a bit longer?” she asked, cuddling into him, “the lights are so pretty, and I can hear the carollers from here.” 
Andy pressed a kiss on top of her head, wrapping an arm around her.
“Of course, love. I love you,” he murmured into her hair. 
“Love you, too, Andy,” she replied quietly, turning to look at the flickering lights on the Christmas tree in front of them, humming along to a Christmas carol under her breath. Andy had a feeling that actual Christmas day would be just as magical this year as it had been when he was still a boy, and he couldn’t wait to spend the rest of their Christmases together.
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Tags @football-and-fanfics @kostasstsimikass
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taasgirl · 6 months
girlfriend, or girl that's a friend? - trent alexander arnold
summary: y/n is klopps duaghter and is in a cheeky relationship with mr arnold
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liked by virgilvandijk, taylorhinds, maryearps, and 35, 928 others ynusername i bleed red
trentarnold66 I think everyone bleeds red, love
user56783 Y/N is so incredibly real for that second slide
dominikszoboszlai Surely you leak the starting lineup for next week
user45292 she's so incredibly real
taylorhinds my bb
ynusername TAYLORRRRR
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liked by liverpoolfc, virgilvandijk, andyrobertson, and 338, 012 others trentarnold66 New kits are freshhhh #dad
ynusername minecraft?
user69132 y/n saying what everyone's thinking
ynusername why are there more photos of u and my dad than me and him??
liverpoolfc 🔥🔥
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liked by alemacallister, missybokearns, sadiomane, and 44, 291 others ynusername yk its bad when gameday is the only day out
user82031 aww soft launch
liverpoolfc Up the Y/N
leahwilliamson god y/n you can tie ur own laces
ynusername can you tie the other one for me
user05682 y/n don't post about liverpool challenge go! liked by ynusername
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liked by user66293, user79281, user91320, and 376 others user17320 my honest reaction to THAT photo of trent...
user80131 real
ynusername guys trust I was as shocked as u
user63821 When u find out the deets, let us know
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liked by liverpoolfcw, firmino, virgilvandijk, and 3, 892, 036 others liverpoolfc From the archive... Our 2019/2020 Prem win 🤩
trentarnold66 😍😍
ynusername what a day
user60120 there's not one photo where trent looks bad in liked by ynusername
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liked by harveyelliot, mosalah, leahwilliamson, and 33, 809 others ynusername atp my phone is harvey's phone too.
harveyelliott The way that this isn't even a fraction of them 🤣
trentarnold66 Where's our selfie @ harveyelliott??
user56283 bless darwin he looks so shocked 😭😭
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liked by ynusername, judebellingham, niko, and 549, 730 others trentarnold66 Life as of late.
chunkz My boyyyyy 🔥
ynusername JUMPSCARE
user68293 there is so much in this dump to unpack...
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liked by dominikszoboszlai, sadiomane, trentaronld66, and 47, 287 others ynusername king of my heart, body and soul
trentarnold66 woah pda 🚨
ynusername can you stfu???
user69323 y/n and trent soft launching their partners rn i cant
dominikszoboszlai Cuties
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liked by virgilvandij, liverpoolfc, ynusername, and 293, 736 others andyrobertson Mi familia
user79213 SORRY???? IS THAT Y/N AND TRENT??
ynusername ANDREW
user02831 huh?
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liked by pedri, lottewubbenmoy, darwinnunes, and 66, 872 others ynusername since everyone was so curious @ trentarnold66
trentarnold66 hey baby
user23392 This disgusts me (i'm actually v happy)
andyrobertson IM SORRY
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liked by ynusername, dominikszoboszlai, gavi, and 2, 763, 932 others trentarnold66 Finally this soft launch thing is over
trentarnold66 She's so pretty
user61932 the way he commented this on his own post
ynusername 🩷
user76302 my question is - how does klopp feel about this???
put in reqs! i'm working on 'say something pt4' so stay tunned. lmk if you liked this!
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ts1m1kas · 11 months
Football Masterlist:
requests are closed !!
Pablo Gavi:
Jealous Gavi
Gavi x Shy!Reader
Gavi Angst
Sergio's Niece
Comforting Gavi
Barcelona's Intern
Pedri Gonzales:
Jealous Pedri
Jude Bellingham:
Childhood friends to Lovers
Real Madrid Women's
Jude Angst to fluff
Christmas Proposal
Dedicated Goal
Messi's Daughter
Gavi’s Twin Sister
Club Drama
Proposal of Business
Love in the Right Places
Fiancée and Footballer
Behind Closed Doors
Family Introductions (coming soon !)
Aurelien Tchouameni:
Kylian Mbappe:
Jealous Kylian
Jamal Musiala:
Unjustified Anger
Brother's Best Friend
Musical Genius
Just Colleagues
Musical Romance
Work Day Nightmare
Hidden Feelings
Lazy Day
Unprofessional Interviews
Bali Daydream
The Art of Proposing
League Celebrations
Post-Pregnancy Blues (coming soon !)
Robin Koch:
Euro Separation
Euro Separation Part 2
Xavi Simons:
First Game Nerves
Virgil Van Dijk:
Virgil Fluff
Kostas Tsimikas:
Kostas' Birthday
Photographer!Reader x Kostas
Secret Wife
Hometown Romance
Andrew Robertson:
Andrew's Injury
Milner's Matchmaking
Ultrasounds of Love
Trent Alexander-Arnold:
Trent Angst to Fluff
Trent Sickfic
Dominik Szoboszlai:
Honeymoon Stage
Blind Date
Alisson Becker:
Difficult Parents
Erling Haaland:
Clingy Erling
International Break & It's consequences
Erling's busy schedule
Post Match Glory
Norwegian Mornings
Mason Mount:
Long Lost Lovers
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jsprnt · 5 months
you’re pretty upset when you spot your husband not wearing his ring in a recent video
andrew robertson x reader
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A/N: a tricky one, but I think I made it work ;) thank you for requesting!
W/C: 1.427
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a wedding ring
to some, it’s a tangible object that is meant to symbolize the unification of two people. to others, a ring wasn't that much of importance, even paper rings would suffice to signify the love two individuals have for each other.
you were part of the first group. you had never even dreamed of taking the rock off your finger. the only exception being when you needed to get your hands dirty when cooking up some delicious food.
of course, the glimmering diamond on your ring finger was absolutely breathtaking. carefully chosen by your husband. suited exactly to your personal style and taste.
it was something you also tried to do for him. you didn't want to gift him a boring, silver wedding band, bland and basic. so, you'd visited multiple different jewelers until you found the right one.
then, imagine how pissed off you are when you're scrolling on your phone, only to see a video of your husband not wearing his ring during a recent press conference concerning his upcoming match.
you glance down at your own wedding ring, getting more and more irritated by the second.
your husband wasn't even home from training yet, which allowed your anger to boil up ever more, because you couldn’t ask him about it immediately.
you finally turn your phone off, grumbling to yourself, and get up to do some last minute work around the house. it was your turn to make dinner tonight. safe to say those vegetables were chopped too finely due to the fury you couldn’t contain.
andrew usually came home right on time for dinner. so, you decide to eat dinner early, just to interact less with him.
you were being petty, but you felt like him not wearing his wedding ring shouldn't go unpunished.
the front door opens half an hour later, your husband calling out to you from the entrance.
you ignore him, too focused on washing the dishes you used, to answer him, knowing it would become a childish argument.
"sweetheart? are you home?" he calls out, the confusion in his voice audible. you can hear him zip his jacket off, and the jingling of his keys, which he hangs up on the little sculpture you bought to spruce up the entrance.
again, you refuse to answer. drying the washed dishes with the gray kitchen towel and placing them back in the cupboard.
you try to ignore the sweet scottish nickname he loved using, too focused on cleaning up.
you can hear some footsteps come closer, his shoes paddling against the gray floorboards.
you decide to turn around when you can feel how close he is. watching his arm reach over to bring you into a tight embrace. though, you move right on time to avoid his touch. escaping from underneath his arms.
he gasps, brows furrowing at your sudden behavior. you were fine this morning, happy as ever, only a little sad about him leaving so early for training.
so, why would you be avoiding his hugs, let alone his touch?
"love, what's wrong?" he asks, trying to analyze your facial expression.
"nothing.." you mumble, avoiding eye contact. your arms folded defensively.
"do you want a hug?" he asks, wondering if you need comfort. he inches closer, but you decide that to be petty - so you shake your head.
"that involves physical contact, and that's gross, so no." you deadpan, words harsh and stubborn.
‘gross?’ he thinks, frowning at your choice of words.
"eat dinner, table's set.." you add, voice quiet.
you immediately turn away, sulking when you catch glimpse of your ring again.
you can hear him call out to you, but you keep on walking up the stairs and step into your bedroom. maybe the comfort of the soft pillows and firm mattress will help instead.
"love, can you please tell me what's wrong?" he pleads, hand stopping you from closing the door.
you gnaw on your bottom lip, sighing while looking at him.
"just give me a moment.." you state, his eyes warm up, realizing you probably wanted a minute to yourself to sort your thoughts out.
"okay, I'll have dinner then..I’m going to come back later..." his voice is soft, just like how he speaks to you when you're crying over something or are feeling particularly down on dark, cloudy days.
guilt immediately creeps up on you. maybe you were being too petty and rude?
no, you always wear your ring- why wouldn't he?
you close the door in his face, shuffling to your bed and pulling the covers over your body.
all different types of thoughts go through your head. were you too dramatic, or were you rightfully upset? was this approach even a good one?
it doesn't take too much time, as you hear a knock on your bedroom door. you shift and turn, sitting up in bed.
"come in.." you mumble, fidgeting with your fingers.
andy steps inside slowly, his eyebrows raising at the sight of your defeated-looking figure.
"bonnie.." he begins, getting into the bed next to you.
"we're literally married. if you're angry at me, just tell me.." he says, hand reaching to carefully touch your hand. eyes on your face to detect any irritation or sadness on your face.
you look up at him when he grips your hand, his bigger hands entangled with yours. your eyes flicker around, finally making eye contact with him.
he can practically read all of the emotions you hold in your eyes after all these years together.
"won't you tell me, sweetheart? are you angry?"
he encourages, thumb running over your knuckles.
"yes, I’m angry- is that what you want to know?"
"about what?"
you sigh, a little embarrassed now.
"you love me, right?"
you notice the confusion and surprise on your husband's face, he starts nodding the moment the question leaves your mouth.
"of course, I love you.. with every part of my being.." he whispers, leaning in closer.
"then why did I see a video of you not wearing your ring?" you confront, facial expression hardening. 
"what are you talking about?"
you grab your phone off the nightstand, showing him the evidence that had you spiraling for the past hour or two.
"bonnie.." he begins, a chuckle leaving his lips.
you almost lash out at him when he laughs. was your sadness funny to him?
"come 'ere.." he urges, patting his lap. you eye him for a moment, but don’t fight back when he pulls you onto his lap.
"listen to me, ye?"
you nod, waiting to hear his explanation.
"remember when we talked about our wedding rings last month?"
you nod, tilting your head in confusion.
"and don't you remember me telling you I had to get mine cleaned?" he asks, thumb making soft and soothing circles on your knee.
you freeze, heat from embarrassment creeping up on your face. you groan, covering your face with your hands, moving your head away.
"hey, look at me, ye?" he says, trying to pry your hands away from your face.
"there's my love's precious face.." he coos, grinning softly at your cute behavior.
he raises his hand, showing off the wedding band that is clearly on his finger.
"you know, I wear it all the time except for training and during matches. if I was allowed to wear it I would..” he reminds you, leaning in to kiss your forehead tenderly.
"I wear mine constantly, just like you do. it's as important to me, as it is to you. you got that?" he asks, running his hand down your back.
you hum, feeling silly and stupid for fretting over something so easily explained away.
"I'm sorry, kind of stupid of me to assume.." you trail off, looking into his brown eyes.
"it's alright, I understand the confusion, but please just ask me about something that’s bothering you, before you start to ignore me?"
you nod, pressing your cheek against his chest.
"I will, I'll ask you before assuming.."
he chuckles, pressing a kiss on your head. the sound makes his chest rumble, in turn, you feel the vibrations on your cheek.
your husband would do anything to please his partner. so, don't you be surprised the next time he comes home with a tattoo on his ring finger.
yes, the needle pressing against the bone of his knuckle hurt like a bitch. but, if it meant he could ease your mind and wear a symbol of his love for you 24/7. he would do it without hesitation.
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The Red Carpet
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Virgil Van Dijk x Actress!Reader 
Warnings: fem!reader, lots of joking and teasing, virgil’s crush on matip, secret marriage, private but public on the lowest of lows, the Liverpool boys love her like their own, virg and reader think they’re so slick, flirting on main, haters will be haters, mentions of affairs/cheating,  a spin on the Calvin Klein campaign big virg did <333
Word Count: 3.2k
Author’s Note: y’all know I had to do one for big daddy virg <333 enjoy this one! I had fun writing it <3
“Beloved actress and humanitarian, Y/n L/n everybody!” The interviewer introduces you to the camera. 
You were on the last leg of your press tour of Cause Without Desire. You had made the move from TV to the big screen but you were well known, playing major roles on some massive tv shows. The cast had just wrapped up in Asia and today was the last of the interviews for you, seeing that the premiere was in 2 days. 
“Hi!” You smiled, “thank you so much for having me.” 
“Thank you for being here, you look lovely.” He compliments you, making you smile. 
The two of you go over a few moments in the trailer, talking about what it was like to work on a movie set compared to a tv set and how you plan on celebrating the movie’s success. He notices the wedding band on your finger, moving onto his next point. “I haven’t seen you since before you got married, congratulations!” 
“Thank you!” You smiled, instinctively glancing down at your wedding band. 
“I’ve heard your husband is a massive football fan, as are you. Will you two be catching any games while you’re here?”
“Well, I've got to check my schedule but unfortunately, he's busy with work so it’s probably a no to the game.” 
“That’s a shame, it’s much better seeing the match in person.” 
“It is,” you nod, agreeing with him. “Which club do you two support?” The man asks, hoping for some details on your very private marriage. 
“We’re both massive Liverpool fans.” You tell him, bare minimum details. The man nods, telling you about his favourite club. “Do you have different favourite players?” 
“We do, he likes Matip but I've always liked Robbo and Mo; I cannot pick between those two.” 
“Solid choices, I've been known to like Van Dijk from time to time,” the interviewer tells you, earning a smile and a nod. “Yeah, he’s pretty good too.” 
He gets the signal to wrap up the interview, thanking you for joining them and good luck with the movie. You wait for them to end the segment to say your goodbyes and get up, walking over to your agent, Suzanna, who was waiting with your phone. 
“He texted,” she says, a smile on her face. 
You glance at your phone, seeing a message from your husband. 
From Big Daddy Virg: nice to see that someone likes me. 
He must have watched your interview. 
To Big Daddy Virg: shut your face. 
From Big Daddy Virg: make me. 🙄
To Big Daddy Virg: I’ll see you when I get home. Go back to your training. 
From Big Daddy Virg: I will, love you. 
To Big Daddy Virg: love you ❤️
89:08 and the score is 2-0, Liverpool about to take the win. You were amongst the rest of the fans, you were a regular person after all. You and the little boy next to you along with his father were shouting and cheering. 
They were playing at home and the red covered the entirety of Anfield, a few speckles of yellow in between. 
Once the game ended, you found your way down to the team. You were talking to one of the physios when you heard the unmistakable accent. “Oi Mrs. V!” Trent shouts from the other end of the hallway. It was only Liverpool staff and team members hanging around so it was fine that he called you that, despite you warning him multiple times not to call you that. 
“You do know you’re only 3 years younger than me, right? Calling me Mrs. V makes me seem like a 100 years old.” You nudged his side when he slung an arm over your shoulder. 
Trent shrugs, “you’re basically 100 to me.” You roll your eyes at his comment. You looked at Trent like an annoying little brother; the player always getting on your nerves but in a loving way. 
You were turning 28 this year while Virgil was turning 32. You two met 4 years ago, hit it off instantly and started dating. After a year and a half of dating, he asked you to marry him; you said yes. 
In August of last year, you two got married. 
It was a quiet ceremony; family, close friends, and the Liverpool players of course. 
It wasn’t a secret that either of you were married, just who you were married to was left unknown. Both of you wore your rings, no one seemed to piece it together though; football fans assumed he got married and your fans thought your ring was a prop for the role you had at the time. It wasn’t until an interviewer asked about you still wearing your prop ring that you said you were married. 
Trent walks you in the direction of the locker room, Mo was outside talking with Ox. You let Trent go and get cleaned up, leaving you with the men. You caught up with the two of them, both Mo and Ox show you photos of their kids and update you on them. You ask about their wives, telling them to tell them hello for you and that all of you wives and girlfriends need to catch up for lunch one day. 
“Oh, can you take a photo for me? Everyone is expecting me to post with Mo at some point,” you ask Ox, handing the phone over to him. 
You and Mo stood together, smiling at the camera as Ox took the photos. Andy was coming out of the locker room and you called for him, telling him to join you two. Now you were squishing between two players, Ox glancing to the side before taking the photos. 
All of a sudden, you feel a weight against your back; one you know too well. 
Virgil had his arms around Andy and Mo, squeezing the 3 of you together. Ox eventually turns the camera, taking a series of blurry selfies before handing the phone back over to you. 
Mo says bye, heading in to change and Andy was heading out for the night, Ox joining him. That left you and Virgil in the hallway. You lean on the wall, looking up at your husband. 
“You were good today,” you tell him, fiddling with the hem of the jersey you had on. “You look good with my number.” He says, a hand on your hip. The jersey you had on had a number 4 in the middle and his name on your back, hair pinned up so you could see it. 
Swatting his hand away, you roll your eyes. “I give you a compliment and you don’t even say thank you.” 
“I paid you a compliment too.” He huffs, pulling you flat against him. Your hand rests on his chest, “you are such a weirdo.” 
“Shut up.” Virgil smiles, leaning down to give you a kiss. 
The two of you were wrapped up in each other, neither of you noticed Klopp going by. “This isn’t high school, get a room.” He calls as he passes by, teasingly making a face at you two as he does. 
Your face drops into Virgil’s chest, cheeks red and he laughs. “Will do!” 
The two of you head home, deciding to have an early night or at least that was the plan until Virgil says he wants to go out for dinner. “You want to go out?” You asked him and he nodded, unlocking the door for you. 
“Why not? We can’t hide forever, babe.” 
“We absolutely can.” You start walking to the bedroom, your husband following behind you. “Y/n,” he groans, knowing you were being annoying for no reason. 
“Virgil,” you mock, turning to face him. He hugs you and the two of you fall onto the bed - more like Virgil drops on top of you and you fall onto the bed. 
His chin resting on your sternum as he looks up at you. “Let’s go out.” 
“Okay, go shower and I'll get dressed.” 
He smiles, giving you a kiss before getting up. You lay in bed for a bit longer, posting a few photos from the game to your instagram. A series of blurry selfies that Ox took on your phone gets posted to your story before you make the actual post. 
A photo of you and Mo, followed by the one with Andy and Mo, then finally the one with Virgil. 
@.Y/N_L/N: players of the match! ft a really tall photobomber @.virgilvandijk
tagged: @.mosalah @.andyrobertson94 @.virgilvandijk
The photos gain traction rather fast, by the time you’ve picked out your outfit for dinner, there’s over 300 comments and nearly 100,000 likes. You read through some of the comments; while most of them are sweet, there’s a few bitter ones in between
@.y/nnumberonefan: so cute! love that you support Liverpool! 
@.andyrobertson94: it was good to see you again! ❤️
@.inlovewithy/nl/n: robbo, the egyptian king and van dijk!! superior choices y/n
@.mosalah: ❤️❤️❤️
@.y/nsbiggesthater: if Andy and Mo are her favourites, why is she wearing a virgil jersey ? #fakefan 
@.Y/N_L/N: @.y/nsbiggesthater forgot my robbo jersey unfortunately. this was the only one left in store :)) 
Tossing the phone on the bed, you get dressed for dinner and Virgil joins you in the bedroom. The two of you head out not long after that. Virgil drove, opening the door for you when you arrived. Neither of you noticed the paparazzi across the road taking photos of the two of you. You went about your evening as normal, enjoying dinner like a normal couple. 
“The premiere is tomorrow, right?” He asks, hand across the table to touch yourself. 
“Yeah, wanna come?” 
“You want me to go?” 
You roll your eyes, “no, I don’t.” Your tone flat, Virgil’s brows furrow. You give his hand a squeeze. “Kidding, of course I want you there.” 
Dinner was quiet, chatting about your plans post movie craziness, plus Virgil had a break coming up soon. You two decide to call it a night and head home, your husband’s hand on the small of your back as you wait for the valet to bring up the car. 
He looks down at you, smiling. You lean into the side and you still had not noticed the cameras across the street.
You could see why anyone who thought you were married to other people would think something weird was going on between you two. 
The next morning, your phone blaring woke you up. Multiple text messages coming in at once. Suzanna was ringing down your line, trying to get ahold of you. 
From Suzanna: Y/N!!!!
From Suzanna: What is it?? 
She sent about 4 different links, all of them suggesting that both you and Virgil were cheating on your significant others. A series of photos leaked from your dinner last night; him opening the car door for you, the two of you across the table from each other, Virgil’s hand on your back while waiting for the car was what really did it in. 
To Suzanna: We went to dinner. 
From Suzanna: I can see that but right now, it looks bad on both of you. Either make it public or don’t do that again. 
To Suzanna: We're married, Suz. I’m not gonna hide forever. 
From Suzanna: I’m not telling you too. I’m telling you that it doesn’t look good before the public assumes you’re married to other people and you’re cuddled up in a restaurant. 
You understood what Suzanna meant, this wasn’t the first time photos had come out of you and Virgil. Photos had leaked during the filming of the movie;  you and a man but they couldn’t tell who it was. He had his hood on and his back was turned to the camera. 
Virg was half asleep, his arm tossed over your legs and his head buried in your side. Your finger twirls the loose strands of hair, giving it a soft tug as you move to rake your fingers through it. You feel the man shift closer to your hand - a signal to keep going. 
“Suz is giving me shit,” you say quietly, knowing he was awake. “Why?” He mumbles, face still buried in your side. 
You sigh, setting the phone down. “They think we’re having an affair.” 
Virgil looks up, the amused look on his face was enough to make you laugh. “You’re having an affair with.. your own husband ?” 
“Apparently so.” 
You watch as he rolls over, now laying on his back as he drops his head into your lap. You look down at your husband, smiling as you watch him stretch out and get comfortable again. “She says it looks bad on both of us, they think we’re married to different people obviously.”
He’s staring up at the ceiling for a moment. “Yeah, I know.” 
“I’ll tell her you’re coming to the premiere though, but I don’t know how much longer we can keep this a secret.” You looked down at your husband for his input. 
He nods, agreeing. “Yeah, but I don’t think we should make it public there. I don’t want that to take away from the premiere. You worked so hard, you deserve to enjoy it.” 
It was never your intention to keep your marriage a secret. 
Both you and Virgil are very private people so it's not like you’ve gone around blabbing details about your personal life, but your marriage to each other was never something you wanted to hide. You loved each other out loud and you didn't shy away from letting anyone know, but the last thing either of you wanted was someone poking around in your personal life.
Things just spiralled a little too fast and got a little too out of hand for you to go back and admit it now. 
Virgil gets up, telling you he’s gonna take a shower. You give him a kiss, sending him on his way before you reach for your phone. 
To Suzanna: Virg is coming to the premiere with me, we’ll go public but not there. 
From Suzanna: That’s fine, I will speak to Virgil’s agent and we’ll figure something out. 
To Suzanna: Sounds good, see you tonight. 
The day rolled by faster than expected. Your makeup and hair team coming over to get you all dolled up for your first big movie premiere. You arrived before Virgil of course and then he joined you at the premiere about half an hour later.
You wore an emerald green dress with a low back and a slit coming up to your thigh on your right leg, your hair pulled back to show off the back of your dress. The black heels tied in with the accessories you had on. 
No one seemed to piece together the fact that Virgil was wearing all black with a tie that matched your dress. 
He was one of the only athletes at the premier, so of course, the photographers  kept asking who invited him and his thoughts on the movie. 
“Y/n invited me to make up for her mean instagram caption the other day,” he jokes, walking over to where you are. 
“Hey,” you smiled when he got to you. 
The photographers were shouting for you to get together and pose for the camera; after the recent photos that came out from dinner and Virgil’s comment, the affair rumour mill will be in overdrive. 
His arm snaked around your waist, pulling you into him. The two of you smiling at the camera, you turn to the side and rest your hand on his chest; the same way a wife would do to her husband. Both of you sporting your wedding bands; Virgil’s gold band sat snug on his finger and the diamond on your finger sparkled with all the lights and flashing cameras. 
Both of you were aware of the fact that you weren't publicly known as a couple, so the pose was a little on the scandalous side for two people who supposedly married to other people. Virgil only made it worse by leaning into you and pressing a kiss to your cheek. 
Suzanna gave you both a lecture once you were away from the cameras. You were not to make things worse, you needed to think of your image. 
You and Virgil nodded, agreeing with her but the moment she walked off, Virgil was grabbing your ass on your way into the theatre. 
A few weeks had passed since the movie premiere and the affair rumours had come to a halt for the time being. You and Virgil had both been active on socials, going about your usual business. Seeing that you were home in England for now, you went to more than a few games that Liverpool were playing. 
No contact between you and Virg other than a hello but under no circumstances were you allowed to wear a jersey with his name and number. 
Either way at some point during those few weeks, Suzanna had arranged for you two to do a photoshoot with Calvin Klein for their ‘Calvin or Nothing’ campaign. 
They decided they would do yours first; you switched between the black and white, multiple different poses and then the end was a clip of you saying their slogan; Calvin or Nothing. Virgil did the same thing, though he had to keep redoing it because he’d look over at you and start laughing. It got so bad that they made you leave so he could get through it. 
Eventually it was the two of you together for a few more. There’s a few different poses; one with you on his lap, another one with you on the chair and Virgil sitting between your legs as you lean down to kiss his cheek. Your favourite of the set was the one with the two of you on the floor with you laying over his chest and your hand on his face, your wedding ring on display and his hand on your back, his own ring visible. 
You posted your solo first, leaving that up for 3 or 4 days before Virgil posted his solo shoot. 
That weekend, the two of you made a joint post with the photos of the two of you. 
@.Y/N_L/N and @.VirgilVanDijk: Calvin Klein x The Van Dijks 
tagged: @.calvinklein
It was safe to say the Liverpool boys made sure you two were well announced to the world. 
@.trentarnold66: mr and mrs v out here  👀
@.andyrobertson94: don’t ruin her pics with your face @.virgilvandijk!
@.andyrobertson94: you look good too @.virgilvandijk 😘
@.liverpoolfc: our favourite couple! ❤️
@.mosalah: ❤️❤️❤️
@.jhenderson: looking good! 👀
You were sitting on the couch with Virgil as you looked through the comments, showing him what his teammates were saying. “Tell Andy to shut up,” he laughs, letting you lean into him. 
“I will not, he's right! Don’t ruin my pictures.” You nudge your husband, earring a pinch to the side. “I love you, even though you’re annoying.” Virgil tells you, a smile on his face. 
“I’d hope so, you married me after all.” 
“Yeah duh,” he rolls his eyes, leaning down to give you a kiss. 
taglist: @thesnailus @alwaysclassyeagle​ @neymarsrealgf​ and @2-fast-2-curious​ even tho she won’t admit that virg is so husband <3333
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egyptiankingg · 1 year
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fletchysohot · 1 year
Oh how I miss her! (feat. Andy Robertson)
Lil cheeky request from @yellowkitkieran because sometimes we all need someone else hold down the fort and write about our fave people for us so we don't have to. Kieran at Scotland camp, missing his girlfriend so bad he decides to get a 2nd opinion from a teammate about how to woo a girl. Cute and sweet.
Hope you are all enjoying int break!
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Word Count: 2.2k
Days on international break have become mundane and repetitive to say the least, the weather of somehow always cold and rainy Scotland making the days seem grimmer. Kieran used to yearn for international break, the chance to play for his country and wear the crest above his heart being his favourite time of year. But this time it's different. This time he had to leave you behind and travel back up north. His heart had almost broken and shattered when he had to get out of your comfortable and warm bed to say goodbye, painfully aware that you would be out of his reach for so long. He had however not expected missing you to be this hard and painstaking. He did not account for that worry that you have somehow forgotten him would cloud his mind once in a while, even though you texted at any chance. He had also not accounted for the fact that not being able to spoil you would somehow make him feel less worthy of your time.
The man has spent the last three hours pacing his room trying to figure out how to make you feel loved and appreciated. He knows you are not the type for grand gestures like hiring a skywriter or a limousine that would take you to Scotland, although the thought has crossed his mind. He also doesn't  want it to come off as a second thought like sending you a balloon that said I love you. It was too early for that and somehow also too late for that. 
Kieran has always insisted that his one true love is the beautiful game of football. Ever since he was a wee lad his life has revolved around the ball at his feet. No matter what was happening around the man, whether it be teenage breakups or moves across the country to follow his dream, to a place where he has no friends, football had been the one constant in his life. But now after you have come into his life everything has changed and been tossed upside down.
No matter how he tries to wrap his head around the issue and live up to his own expectations, somehow none of the ideas in his mind seem to measure up to what he thinks you deserve. 
And so here he is, standing at the door bouncing back and forth on the balls of his feet. He stretches the sweaty fingers from the fist they have been the whole way here, trying to calm down. The man tries to stretch his neck, to hopefully get rid of the cramp that has formed between his shoulder blades. He's never been stressed to talk to any of his teammates, let alone Andy. But somehow he is thrown back in time, back to being a child about to ask one of the older kids if he can join their football game after class. Kieran considers giving up and retreating to his room and spending another five hours trying to find a way to swoon you. 
But it's too late, because the door is swinging open and he is met by the warm brown eyes of his captain.
“Kieran!” the older man sounds excited, the surprise evident on his face. 
Kieran doesn't reply, suddenly a knot is stuck in his throat, all the colour drained from his face. 
“Are you okay?” Andy's eyes fill for worry and honestly it almost makes the Kieran cry. Andy's eyes have always given away every ounce of his emotion he's feeling and now seeing himself be the reason for those same usually gleeful eyes to be full of pain and sadness and worry makes him want to scream into a pillow.
“Yeah I'm okay.” Kieran almost doesn't recognize his voice from how strained it sounds. 
Andy doesn't reply.
“I-” Kieran stammers “I- Can I come in?”
“Yes, of course,” Andy replies instantly, stepping aside so Kieran can walk into the room. “You are not making my worry less however.”
“Now tell me, what's wrong?” Andy asks Kieran, who stands awkwardly in the middle of the room, feeling the burning gaze of his friend on him. “Kieran? Sit! You are stressing me out!”
“Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!” The younger scrambles to plop down on the end of the bed. Andy sits down on one of the chairs in the corner of the room. 
An awkward silence falls between the pair, the only sound is Kieran awkwardly and rather desperately running his hands up and down his thighs in an attempt to dry his hands over his pants.
“Kieran!” Andy is the first to break the silence, his voice dripping with urgency.
“I shouldn't have come here,” the younger groans. 
“I'm worried about you and I won't let you leave. You look absolutely distraught, dripping with sweat and pale as a ghost…” Andy raies an eyebrow, “and that's coming from me!”
Kieran cracks a smile letting out a heavy breath. “I need advice” he finally let's out.
“Oh God if you need me to check a spot that may be a std-” Andy exclaims, rubbing his hand over his face. 
“Ew no! Is that something that happens?” Kieran looks at him startled. 
“Oh thank God! You would be surprised and slightly concerned if you knew how often.” A heavy sigh of relief tumbles out of Andy's chest.
  “Who?” Kieran cracks a half smile.
“Did you come here to gossip or?” Andy laughs lightly, an undertone of authority still evident beneath the playful exterior. 
“Okay okay.” Kieran rubs his temple in defeat.
“Okay so…” Kieran begins and pauses.
“Okay so?” Andy repeats as if to encourage Kieran to talk.
“Okay so… I miss my girlfriend.” Kieran pauses waiting for Andy to laugh, but no sounds follow, instead Andy watches him with genuine kindness and almost love in his eyes. 
So Kieran continues, “Like, it's new and I know it's silly but she's so different from anyone before. Like usually I love being here, but right now there is nowhere else I'd rather be than on her couch watching one of her stupid shows and laughing about the people on the screen or walking around London trying to find the best kebab in the whole city or trail behind her as she explores every inch of the museum, observing her never ending curiosity to learn new things in real life. Fuck I'd even gladly sit shoulder to shoulder with her on the stuffy train, just cause she needs to try a specific doughnut flavour on the other end of the city just to find out they had a store around the corner from her apartment a few days later. As long as she's next to me. Like how the hell have I fallen this bad for someone in a few months…”
He looks at Andy through his lashes, a helpless look in his eyes.
“I get you,” Andy says without much thought. The earnest look in the older's eyes almost shocks the younger, but then Kieran realises that Andy and him may not be in such different situations. It's the way Andy looks beyond Kieran's shoulder, his gaze searching for someone or something. Kieran thinks about how he's seen Andy and his wife embrace whenever they have games, how the older looks at the woman and how she looks at him. Like they are each other's light in the dark, he thinks about how Andy always sneaks off away from the other lads to call home and wish her goodnight, to read bedtime stories. Kieran thinks back to how he's never seen his captain more happy than when his son runs into his arms at games. 
Andy might not have a hot, sexy girlfriend that makes his head spin and butterflies erupt in his stomach, but he has a family. He has a wife that loves him through all the highs and lows, someone he's withstood the trials of time with. Andy has something Kieran wishes he would have with you in a few years. 
“So what can I help you with?” The curiosity in Andy's voice brings Kieran out of his little daydream. The suddenness of reality makes his cheeks sting and burn. 
“I'm not sure she knows how important she is to me,” he croaks.
“Now that I doubt. I'm sure she knows how important to you she is.” Andy softens his voice, mistakenly thinking Kieran is here looking for comfort. The slight unintended pity makes Kieran want to crawl into the ground never to be seen again.
“No! It's not that!” the words fall from his mouth like a waterfall, harsh and messy. His hands grow sweaty and shame fills his eyes. This was a mistake.
Andy straightens up, clearly slightly taken aback by the younger's outburst. The older's face is contorted in concentration, searching for an answer without having to ask. He must have noticed the panic in the eyes of Kieran.
“I wanted to ask for advice on how to make her feel special… Like you have a wife, you know these things.” He scratches the back of his neck, each word making him internally cringe and retract.
“Oh?” At first it sounds like a hiccup but based on the expression on the other man's face Kieran deduces that it was Andy who was left surprised. 
“Do you think,” Kieran is suddenly overly aware of everything around the two of them, “you might have any advice?”
“I can try.” Andy laughs, the sound making Kieran feel more safe and relaxed instantly, “Does she like flowers?”
“Uh I think she does,” Kieran says unsure of himself.
“What's her favourite flower?” Andy asks, leaning forward, waiting for an answer.
Kieran doesn't reply at first. He closes his eyes replaying every moment of the two of you together, trying to remember you mentioning flowers or plants. With each passing second his heart beats faster, his skin becoming moist again and worry creeps up his spine inch by excruciating inch.
“I don't know." Kieran's voice sounds pained and small and full of shame. His eyes are now lined by tears. 
“It's okay,” Andy says softly. “It's still early in the relationship. Maybe you just forgot at the moment. How about we go off what flowers remind you of her?”
Kieran nods.
“How about roses?” Andy offers.
“She's not basic like a rose,” Kieran instantly retorts.
“Okay no roses.” Andy nods, mentally noting down the comment, “I'll know not to get you roses too.”
The comment makes Kieran ease up again, to relax back onto the bed.
“What about lilies?” Andy asks again.
“Too posh.”
“Daisies?” “Not special enough.”
“No…” Kieran feels frustration creep into his mind at coming off so difficult when it's just flowers. It would have been so much easier if he had just known what your favourite flower is.
“What about peonies? They are very beautiful and I think those are special.”
Kieran shakes his head, eyes filling with tears again and his lip quivering. There has to be a million types of flowers in the world and none of them seem to hit the mark. 
“Okay no peonies.” Andy nods “How about you tell me what she reminds you of? Maybe then we will know what flower to look for?”
“She's like the sun. She makes every day worth waking up to and she brightens my world. Until I met her everything seemed to just be chaos but now I feel like she's pulled me into her orbit and now we revolve around each other. Like it's not been so long since we started dating but all I think about is her and I know I sound crazy and whatever but something about her just pulls me in and I can't explain it.” Kieran's face lights up as he talks about you. 
“You really like this girl huh?” Andy's smile illuminates his eyes.  
“Yeah.” Kieran feels himself blush.
“You should get her sunflowers,” Andy says,  “they are pretty and special and have the name sun in them.”
Sunflowers! Sunflowers are perfect! You took Kieran on your first date to the art museum to see an exhibit about Vincent Van Gogh and you spent hours telling him about how much you loved his art, especially the painting of sunflowers. You were wearing a lingerie set with tiny embroidered sunflowers the first time the two of you were intimate. 
“I should send Rachel some peonies,” Andy wonders to no one in particular. “It's been ages since I sent her flowers just for fun.”
Kieran smiles at the older.
“You want some company at the flower store tomorrow?” Andy asks Kieran. “I'm sure they will let us sneak out for a few hours.”
“I'd love nothing more,” Kieran grins at his friend.
As Kieran and Andy stand at the door Kieran hugs him tightly.
“Thank you so much Andy ” his voice is muffled against his friend's shoulder.
“Any time,” Andy chuckles. “I'm here to help you on and off pitch after all.”
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football-and-fanfics · 5 months
Fight - Trent Alexander-Arnold & Andy Robertson
Who: Trent Alexander-Arnold, Andy Robertson Prompt: "I messed this up, didn't I?" Requested by: anonymous Word count: 676 Warnings: some mild swearing
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Right from the beginning of the match, Andy knew it could easily come to blows at some point. This was a high profile match, important in their race for the title, and the opposing team's players did everything possible to get under the Liverpool players' skins.
Andy kept a very close eye on Trent. Somehow he seemed frustrated most of all, and looked to need only a tiny spark to explode. That spark proved to be Virgil getting booked in the 30th minute, which Trent believed was completely unjustified.
The situation quickly spiraled out of control. Trent rounded on the referee, a few of the opposing team's players, and even some of his own teammates. He was raging, swearing, and lashing out at anyone coming close to him. Andy realized that, if he didn't intervene quickly, this would surely lead to Trent getting sent off.
"Get away from them." Andy slung a forceful arm around Trent's chest, trying to break up the fight which had ensued, and calm his friend down. "Let me go!" Trent struggled against the Scotsman's grip. "No." Andy grunted slightly with the effort of keeping Trent in check. "This isn't right," Trent growled, "he shouldn't be getting a yellow card, and everyone else should stay the hell out of it!" "Hey!" Andy got angry now, too. "I'm trying to look out for you! Calm down and stop this right now!"
Trent finally struggled loose from Andy's grip, turning around angrily to his friend. He looked more out of control than Andy had ever seen him, but the Scot wasn't impressed by that.
"Why aren't you doing anything?" Trent bit to Andy. "I'm making sure you're not getting sent off." Andy was reaching the limits of his patience, but did his best not to show it. Trent scoffed. It had every intention of offending Andy, and it did.
"Get a grip of yourself," Andy said curtly. There were many more things he wanted to hurl at Trent's head right now, but he knew this wasn't the moment for it. Trent made to say something in return, but Andy simply held up a hand to silence him. Trent glared angrily, before he snapped his mouth shut and stalked away.
Andy passed a hand over his face. He didn't like arguing with Trent, especially when he worried at Trent's behavior, but in this case he felt he had had no other choice. Andy knew Trent would probably calm down and apologize soon enough, they were way too good friend to have this take long, but still this fight didn't sit right with him.
The final whistle had barely sounded, when Trent approached Andy. "I messed this up, didn't I?" He much resembled a kicked puppy, with his shoulders slouched and head bent low in apparent shame. Andy took a second before he answered. "I'm not used to this from you, no. Plus, you were lucky the ref didn't send you off."
Trent sighed heavily, searching for his voice to speak. "I'm sorry... so sorry." He shook his head in disbelief at his own actions. "I didn't mean that. I... lost control." "That I saw," Andy answered, "I'm not mad at you, lad. I'm more worried at what caused that, because that's not you." "I know." Trent sighed, passing a hand over his face. "I guess I was... frustrated with myself, with the situation, with this match. I took it out on you, and I shouldn't have done that."
Andy looked at Trent for a few seconds, taking in the utter embarrassment and guilt in his posture. Any anger he still might have still felt towards his friend, ebbed away at the sight of Trent so defeated in front of him.
"I know you didn't mean it," Andy finally spoke. Trent looked up at him. "So... so we're good?" "Oh, Trentski." Andy pulled Trent into a tight bear hug. "You and I, we're never not good. Please, remember that." Trent wrapped his arms tightly around Andy in return. "I'm still sorry, and it won't happen again."
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Tags: @stonesyyyy, @footballffbarbiex, @football1921, @laurasstufff1, @nightlockcornucopia, @hbstre, @sarah10r-blog, @mountsgirlsblog
Add me to the tags list | Full writing masterlist Andy Robertson masterlist | Trent Alexander-Arnold masterlist
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yellowkitkieran · 1 year
Summer Getaway (Andy Robertson)
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Word Count: 1.5k
Summary: Andy has been far too wrapped up in wanting to win the Euros with Scotland, and you feel neglected. Luckily, he has a surprise up his sleeve.
If there's one thing you want in this world, it's the cuddles of one extra warm, always comforting, ever loving, Andrew Robertson. Only problem is, while you've spent the last twenty minutes curled up in your warm, fluffy comforter, he's spent them on the phone with his teammates. 
"All I want is to make it to the Euros. After that, then we can see about a World Cup." 
Famous last words of your overachieving husband. 
You swear you've not seen Andy train this hard since you were in secondary school. He leaves at the crack of dawn and cokes home after dark six days of the week. You aren't even sure his primary focus is Liverpool at this point- he's using their gym equipment and playing on their team, sure, but every night it's late night calls to Kieran and McGinn to check in instead of going out with Trent and Virgil. 
Honestly, you love his devotion. But it's also becoming slightly annoying, considering you've not properly had any fun in a week.
You roll over onto your elbows with a sigh, perfecting your pout before calling, "Andrew! Come to bed and kiss me or lose me forever." 
Andy puts his hand over his phone, still cradled to his ear. He looks you over, notes the tshirt of his that you're wearing, and visibly struggles to keep his head on straight. "One second babe, I'm just finishing up- no I'm not calling you babe, you bloody idiot!" 
The only thing that saves your husband is the way your gaze snags on his wedding ring as he paces, not the charming smile he shoots you. "Just a minute, love. I swear I'll be right there." You know he misses you as much as you miss him. It's just a matter of making time for each other. He still ensures you get a few minutes together each night before bed, but lately that hasn't felt like enough.
You sigh and throw yourself back against the pillows, your good mood slowly ebbing away. You miss your husband more than words can describe. He's standing three meters in front of you but he feels oceans away. 
Finally, you hear the words you've been waiting for, "see you mate," followed by the chime accompanying his phone being plugged in. You feel like a giddy child waiting to be handed an ice cream cone as you anticipate his arrival. Andy's weight dips the bed beside you, his arm coming to rest around your waist as his lips find their way beneath your jaw. It's his own way of apologizing for taking so long. 
"You're buttering me up," you mumble, trying your damnedest not to let it work. But Andy knows you well enough that a handful of well placed kisses already has you melting against his broad chest. You can't help it. The warmth of him is too much to resist, too comforting and homey.
"I love you," Andy says with another soft kiss to your temple, "more than I love the game, or the lads. I would give it all up if you asked me to. You know that." 
You sigh, tapping Andy's wrist so he'll loosen his hold and allow you to turn and face him. Your nose bumps his, his brown eyes serious even as they sparkle in the soft light of your bedroom. "I know you would, and you know I love you too much to ever let you do that. I just miss you. And yes I know you've been home as often as you can be, especially lately. It's just-"
"You miss me," Andy finishes with a suggestive smirk, proving just how well he knows you. You blush when he hums, then leans forward to press a soft, yet still passionate, kiss to your pouted lips. "I know you do, love. I miss your gorgeous curves as well! The weekend is only a few days away, and not to spoil the surprise, but-"
"Don't even tell me you're going out with the lads," you interrupt with an annoyed groan. You're not surprised he hasn't mentioned it earlier, considering he'd be verbally ripped to pieces for leaving you on an off weekend yet again. 
Andy only laughs, swinging his leg over your hips and bracing his forearms on either side of your head, now hovering above you. You blink hard, trying to clear the sinful thoughts gathering in your head. Andy's toothy grin tells you he picks up on the hitch in your breathing. His satisfied hum also further cements his observation, as well as the growing desire gathering in your belly.
"Let me finish, will you? I swear that habit of interrupting me any time I speak is going to get you nowhere." Andy waits until you nod and stop squirming to continue, "as I was saying- this surprise involves you, me, and a villa somewhere secret- tickets are already booked and our cute little plane is all chartered and ready."
"A private plane? Bear you didn't," you mumble, using your favorite nickname for him as you throw your arms around his neck to crush him in a hug. Your mind is already swirling with what you could get up to on a private plane and you're sure Andy's thought of some very similar things. "God I love you… like really, it's just gonna be us?"
"You, me, the pilot, and one flight attendant yeah. We can get up to as much trouble as we want. I picked one of the nice fancy ones with a bed for cuddles and all. Only the best for my favorite girl-" 
"Wait, Gal Gadot, your number one crush, is coming too? No wayyyy!" You laugh when Andy rolls his eyes. To be fair, he's probably sick of you teasing him about his celebrity crush, but that won't stop you from doing it. "Hold on, I need to know where we're going, though. I need to know what to pack!"
Andy tips his head back and laughs, pressing his hips to yours. "Nothing- you only need the carryon love, and I'll pack it for you. I already know exactly what I'll bring for you… a few of my favorite lacy sets, maybe a swimsuit if you're lucky… but I could just make you skinny dip- now that would be fun!"
You smack Andy's arm, though you wouldn't be opposed to any of that considering how long it's been since you've slept together, "Andy I need more than that just for my makeup- it won't even fit!"
"I'll make it fit darlin', that's a promise." Andy's roguish grin sends a delightful shiver down your spine, as does his hard on now pressing at your hip. Your minds are one and the same- you'd rip his clothes off right now if you weren't set on making him wait. You'll make the most of your weekend getaway, no matter what distant seaside village he whisks you off to. 
"So what I'm thinking is that I pack a bunch of long sleeves and jeans, yeah? Shouldn't need anything else, and I mean you wouldn't want me to get burned. You too- just pack all the modest clothes from your closet, cover up that fair Scottish skin of yours. No one wants a tomato red left back, after all." 
"Oi, my skin isn't that bad!" Andy's brows pull together. Coupled with his frown, it's the most endearing thing you have ever seen. Planting your hands on his cheeks, you pull him down to you for a wet, sloppy, much needed kiss.
"You're bloody lucky you're good at distracting me," Andy mumbles against your mouth, tongue flicking past your parted lips for one last taste of your minty breath, "Because if you weren't, I'd be upset by that comment. But you're cute, and you're a half decent kisser, and you look bloody amazing in my Liverpool kit-"
"And your hoodies!"
"Dammit woman shut your mouth-" a smile plays on Andy's own when he tips his head to try kissing you again, though you dodge him with ease. 
"You like it open! I know you do cause then it usually means I'm on my knees-" 
Andy silences you with a forceful kiss that you gratefully return. You've missed the banter, these simple little stolen moments with the man you love. They're few and far between, and you cherish them whenever you stumble into them. 
"Maybe I do. All I know is, this weekend you'll be quiet one way or another."
Andy only laughs when you smack his chest with the force of a butterfly. One thing is for certain: this weekend will be one for the memory books. 
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diedinacrash · 29 days
Anyone wanna send me asks?
I'm working on a project that needs to be done by Friday and I need help to stay awake, so please share your football rpf ideas with me.
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footballffbarbiex · 2 years
Eyes Bigger Than The Belly.
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player: andy robertson words: 999 request: Andy Robertson   |   600+   |   she / her  |  Going to a harvest fair “I think I’m sick” Andy keeps running off from her, finding whatever autumn treats he can eat.
Stalls upon stalls line the way with their tempting goods and though the morning fog has lifted a little, it does still create an eerie, yet appropriate setting. Stalls are decorated in autumnal colours with garland style table top coverings and buntings. Pumpkins both as decoration and for sale are propped up and proudly on display with an option to carve your own and enter it into a contest. Homemade pies, crumbles, cheeses, spiced festive drinks and large warmers filled with hot cocoa and coffee ready to be poured and topped with your choice are all begging to be admired and sampled.
Hot food is served from food vans and under tents for the larger quantities and there is more than enough seating for everyone in a sheltered spot and those selling food are already making the switch from the breakfast crowd to the lunchtime menus by the time Andy had parked the car.
She’d walked either hand in hand, or with her arm hooked through his as she’d guided him along, pausing every now and then to look at something, untangling herself from him to get a closer look, only to realise moments after that he’d disappeared.
She’d find him nearby, chatting with a business owner and popping yet another freebie into his mouth with glee. By the 5th time she’d lost him, she gave up panicking, realising that she’d find him wherever the free food was.
He stands now with his hands stuffed into his pockets, legs wider than they needed to be as he sways from side to side as he talks. The various bags of goodies that the two of them have picked up lay at his feet, clearly given up on holding them any longer than he needs to. The presumably owners, a middle aged couple, are hanging onto his every word as Andy recalls a story. It’s not until she gets closer that she realises the hat the male is wearing proudly shows the Liverpool FC crest.
“I hope you’re charging him full price.” She says as she approaches, and Andy pulls his arm back to his side after extending it to wrap around her shoulders. He gives her a scowl at her words and she shrugs.
“Don’t worry love, I’m going to charge him double for allowing United to go above us.”
“It’s only fair,” she agrees with a nod and elbows Andy in the ribs.
“I don’t deserve this,” her boyfriend scoffs and playfully kicks a stone which hits the pole of the canopy that keeps the rain from the stall.
“And extra now for destruction of property,” the bloke chuckles as Andy grins.
“I will have a big portion of those though, please,” he says, gesturing with his hand his choice. “You’ve gotta try these babe,” he steps forward and over the previous purchases and takes the tester pot when offered to him and passes it to her.
Under the watchful eye of everyone, she does as she’s told and pops a bite sized amount into her mouth before chewing. The flavours, rich, smokey and yet sweet, all take turns to take the spotlight. Before she’d even finished swallowing the first mouthful, she’s nodding and reaching for a second.
“See!” Andy laughs, “and another for my girl.”
“Oh I love this, we could have this for in th-” her fingers are brushing over an autumnal wreath or two but as expected, he’s nowhere to be found. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
They’ve already headed back to the car to put the existing shopping in there as the bags were beginning to pile up and after feasting on the different varieties that were available, they didn’t want to be weighed down even further. With only half of the stalls explored, there’s still many hours left to pass.
“Do you want some toddler reins?” the woman sitting on the chair behind the table asks as her hands hug the mug of hot deliciousness.
“Gladly, he’s a pain in my ass today,” she replies and tries to look around, standing on her tiptoes to try and get a better view of where he could have wandered off to.
Sure enough, Andy is standing in front of a woman who is offering a platter of tasters, alternating between replying and eating. She’s not sure how many he’s allowed but he keeps dipping his fingers back onto the tray and the woman isn’t saying no or trying to stop him.
“Unbelievable.” she mutters before giving the stall owner an apology and walking away. Before she’s able to get there, Andy is taking a bag from someone and handing over a crisp note, his loud thanks reaches her ears and as he turns to face her, the smile slips from his face.
“I think I’m sick.” He announces and she almost chokes on the laugh that sounds suddenly from her.
“Oh you think, huh?”
“I didn’t mean to keep eating.” he tries to justify his actions but if there was ever a time to see a person look a little green in the face, this was it. Rob was embodying it and his eyes were certainly bigger than his belly.
He shakes his head, hands running over his belly protectively in a way to soothe the fullness that he feels and puffs his cheeks out in mock sickness. “I’ve definitely eaten too much.”
“So I’ll be driving and you’ll be in the passenger seat with a vomit bag just in case.” Sticking his bottom lip out in a pout, Andy nods in agreement. “You’ll not be wanting that stew later.”
His eyebrows knit together and he makes a scoffing sound. “Don’t be daft. Give me an hour or so and I’ll be ready to go.”
“Of course you will,” her arm links through his and despite his protests of eating too much, it doesn’t stop him craning his neck to see which food options he’s missed when they smell something different in the air.
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27 notes · View notes
percervall · 2 years
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in bold have already been requested
Decorating the tree
Dancing in the snow
Present shopping
Gift giving
Making a gingerbread house
Snowball fight
Christmas baking
Christmas market
Making snowmen
Watching Christmas movies
Dancing to Christmas music
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Requested so far
Kostas Tsimikas
Queen Anne/Aramis
Andy Robertson
Virgil van Dijk
Antoine Griezmann
Rodrigo De Paul
Trent Alexander-Arnold
Darwin Nunez
Ruben Dias
Marcos Llorente
Fernando Torres
John Stones
Kostas Tsimikas
17 notes · View notes