#aneka frozen
ajahbesti · 1 year
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aysasgar3 · 1 year
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ranggafrozen · 1 year
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dea2131 · 1 year
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usahasampingan · 1 year
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quintessencewrites · 2 years
Vanish pt. 2
ShuRiri x Wakandan! fem! reader
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“Aneka, you will lead this mission.
General,” the word comes off her tongue like a tease, knowing she’s driving a spear through Okoye’s heart. “Fall back.”
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Warnings: ANGST! Explicit language, some violence, toxic!Shuri, mentions of blood, mentions of death.
Word Count: 4.3k+
Tags: @yvxmpire @zestgodtj @k3nn3dyxo @mlmilani @letitias-fav @doms-fav @sweetalittleselfish-honey @g4yforu @widowmakker @becauseimswagman1 @zayswriting @inmyheadimobsessed @laurensmabel1 @malltake12 @msudaku @faeriah-thv @fetchyourlife @mbakuetshurisprincess @sinsikoxo @honey-teaaaaaaaa @rxcently @pinkcorns @takeyaki @yamsthoughts @thethickerside @0hshoot1tsl4ni @shurisbathwater @shurismainbxtch @luvrzhearts @sadfreakx @shuri-my-love @justariellove @heartsforjojo @blackgirlfariy @tuesdaylovesu @chocoflagcutii @taiiunknown @zhanylai @ziayamikaelson @verachii @taiiunknown @beautybyfire @soearthquakequeen @remwritess @pinkwright @jenlouvre @letitiasleftfoot @christinabae
A/N: This is too good, yall! I wasn't originally gonna do a part 2, but then I got to writing and by the time I finished part one, the ideas for a sequel got to flowing. Translations are in the text. As always, ENJOY <3
Vanish Pt. 1 here
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A moment of silence passed. 
Riri stood frozen in place, shocked at her own words, knowing she didn’t mean them.
Shuri sobbed on her knees, silently pleading for Bast to not take another person out of her life. 
Hell, even Griot was quiet, not announcing your departure as he was programmed to do.
“What are you waiting for?” Shuri stood and approached Riri so quickly, the smaller girl flinched. “Why are you standing here? Go after her!”
“Shuri, I-”
“Go get her!” The Queen growled, voice cracking as she begged. 
Riri’s mouth opened and closed, her brain working double time for anything to say. “She-I didn’t-”
Her responses weren’t quick enough to extinguish Shuri’s anger. The Black Panther lifted Riri’s entire workstation in one hand and threw the table and all its contents. 
Iron Heart ducked, praying the impact of the desk wouldn’t take her head off. It didn't; it hadn’t even hit her, instead crashing to the wall mere inches away from her body. 
“Shuri, what the fu-”
But Shuri was already on her way out of the lab, ignoring Riri and shouting orders, “Griot!”
“Yes, My Queen?”
“Do I have any visuals on y/n’s location?”
“No, My Queen. Queen Y/n has abandoned her kimoyo bracelet here in the lab.”
“What about her earrings?”
“Left behind in your bedroom, Queen Shuri.”
“FUCK,” the explicit echoed in the lab, causing Riri to retreat into herself. 
“Griot, summon Nakia, Okoye, Ayo, and Aneka. I need all hands for this mission. Tell them to meet me in the throne room.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
“Wait,” Riri called out, grimacing at how small her voice suddenly sounded. “What can I do?”
The doors to the lab’s entrance parted, letting Shuri leave without so much as opening her mouth to address Riri. The only sound then was that of dainty metal coming in contact with the steel floors.
Riri approached the door slowly to investigate what Shuri had left behind. 
It was her wedding band.
“What is this about, My Queen?” Okoye asked, being the first to enter the throne room. Ayo and Aneka followed closely behind, their spears drawn at an unknown attacker. 
Nakia was absent. 
Shuri’s eyes were still puddled with tears and the anger radiating from her produced a heat the other girls could feel as soon as they approached. 
Aneka looked down at Shuri’s hand, eyes searching for the wedding ring that never left it. Of course, it wasn’t there. 
“Y/n is gone. We need to bring her back.”
“Gone?” Okoye mimicked. “Gone where? Who has taken her? What are we up against?”
“Sh-she left. She left us. Left behind her beads, even the earrings and her-”
“Her wedding band…” Aneka finished. “But, where is yours?”
Shuri looked down at her bare finger, unable to speak. 
“My Queen,” Okoye started gently. “With all due respect, you are asking me to convene my army and explain to them our threat… Are your relationship issues?”
The Queen rose from her throne, so slowly, it gave Okoye ample time to retract her words; her steps shaking the mostly empty room.
“I am asking you to convene your army, General,” the words came out hot, burning Okoye to the core, even causing the couple standing behind her to wince. 
“To ensure the safety and safe return of your Queen.”
“Shuri, she took her band off,” Okoye was a brave soul, not backing down. 
“She is still your Queen! Regardless of the ring she wears. Mine is off, does that not make me your Queen, Okoye?”
“It’s not the same, Princess, and you know-”
“Queen.” Shuri’s thin body is shaking with the rage that fills it. She looks away from Okoye, even past Ayo to her friend Aneka. 
“Aneka, you will lead this mission. General,” the word comes off her tongue like a tease, knowing she’s driving a spear through Okoye’s heart. “Fall back.”
The General’s eyes are wide but she nods at the command. Aneka steps forward, poised tall, and in stance. “Yes, My Queen.”
She offers a small smile to the royal, a sad, knowing one, but Shuri doesn’t return it. “Find y/n. I don’t care what it takes; resources, money, you have it all. Ensure she is safe. Br-” her voice finally breaks and the tears descend her cheeks. “Bring her home to me.”
“My Queen,” Ayo offers slowly. “What-what if she does not wish to return?” 
Shuri’s chest retracts, all the air leaving her body. She hadn’t considered that; you not wanting to come home, not to Riri, nor even to her. 
“I said bring her home.”
The command came out in a whisper, the Queen no longer being able to talk at a volume above that. 
The Wakandan warriors brought their arms across their chest and back down, saluting their Queen before leaving the room. Only Aneka lingered. 
When it was just the two of them, she rushed to Shuri, pulling her into a hug she clearly needed. “What happened?”
Shuri’s sobs swept her feet from under her and she fell to the floor, still arm-in-arm with her friend. 
“She left us, Aneka. Sh-she left me.”
Shame rushed through the royal’s veins. “We-” she paused a beat, deciding herself unable to speak on Riri’s behalf. “I,” she corrected. “I haven’t been very supportive lately. I broke many promises. I let my work in the lab and with Riri take precedence and she felt forgotten… I even forgot her birthday…”
Aneka gasped “My Queen…”
Shuri nodded. “I’d been distracted. I let that get in the way, and now she’s gone.”
Aneka took Shuri’s left, ringless hand in her own. “That explains why she left her ring behind, but my Shuri, where is yours?”
A sinful scoff left Shuri’s lips “Probably still in the lab with Ri-Miss Williams, where I left it.”
“Miss Williams? Shuri, my dear friend, what is going on?”
Shuri is silent.
Aneka sighs “So when we bring y/n home, My Queen, will she be returning to you and Miss Williams?”
“No,” Shuri stands, tapping her necklace twice and allowing the Black Panther mask to swallow her face. “Just me.”
It’s been weeks.
Three weeks since the search for you began.
Shuri stormed into the lab, mask retracting as she entered.
“Queen Shuri has arrived.”
Riri’s head shot up from her new workstation; she hadn’t seen Shuri in days. She rarely came home anymore, spending days and nights looking for you and coming up short each time.
“Griot!” the agitated queen bellowed.
“Yes, My Queen?”
“Have we any updates via satellite? Has y/n been seen anywhere?”
“Unfortunately not, My Queen.”
Shuri’s shoulders slumped, weighing heavy with another defeat. “What about Nakia?”
“I’m afraid not, My Queen.”
“Bast!” Shuri allowed herself a second to rest her head in her hands before starting to mask up again.
“Wait!” Riri called out, approaching the Queen. “Wait, Shuri, let me help. Please, I want to find her too; I wanna know she's safe just as bad as you do.”
The Black Panther’s posture stiffened, though she didn’t speak. Riri tried again “Y-You don’t have Nakia. You need an extra pair of hands. I can help.”
Shuri laughed, an evil-sounding chuckle coming from her. “I do not need your help.” She approached Riri. “I would not even be searching for her, had you been able to hold your stupid tongue, hm?”
Riri cringed at the words Shuri spoke but didn’t shy away. “I want to help. She’s just as much my wife as she is yours, and I miss her.”
Shuri shook her head, but never let her eyes leave Riri’s face. “She is not. She will not be. When she comes home, she will be coming home to me. Damned to you.”
That rocked Riri to her core. “Shuri, come on, you don’t mean that.”
“I mean it. I mean it in the same way you meant it when you called her the forgotten wife.”
The smaller girl grimaced when her words were thrown back at her. She had been thinking over those words for weeks; losing sleep over how she spoke to you. 
Before she could utter another word, Shuri left, leaving Riri where she stood, but not before the Queen noticed something that tugged at her stoned heart, only slightly.
Riri was still wearing her wedding ring.
Two weeks since Nakia returned.
“Queen Shuri, you are being summoned to the throne room.”
Shuri lifted her head, not realizing she’d dozed off in the Talon Fighter while on patrol. “Summoned? By who?” The girl asked, rubbing sleep from her eyes.
“Nakia of The River Tribe,” Griot responded. 
“Nakia? She is in the throne room? At the palace?”
“Yes, My Queen.”
“Griot, return me at once.”
“Yes, My Queen.”
Moments later, Shuri crashed through the doors to the sacred room. Nakia stood on the furthest side of the room, glancing sadly out the windows. The sight of her fueled the Queen’s anger. “Where the hell have you been?!”
The former spy didn’t even attempt a fake smile. “Hello to you too, sister,” she stated smoothly, turning to face the vexed royal.
“Where is she, Nakia?”
“She is safe. That is all you need to know; it is all that she requested I share with you.”
Shuri approached her brother’s lover with claws drawn. “Nakia, Bast help you, where is she?”
“Oy? Am I to tell you? Y/n came to me, crying, your majesty. She told me her wives wanted her no longer. Rejection from one partner hurts, can you imagine that from two partners?”
The Queen couldn’t speak; The warrior continued.
“I watched, as the two of you fell out of love with her. Prioritized each other over her. You didn’t even attend the school’s opening. We’d worked on that for years, Shuri. And her birthday?” she scoffed. “You were supposed to be better than that.”
Nakia closed the gap between her and Shuri, grabbing her claw-clad hands. “You must have forgotten. You’ve forgotten who you spent your childhood with. Who grew up alongside you,” she tapped Shuri’s temple as if to bring the memories to the forefront. “You seem to have trouble recalling who was there for you when Baba died. When T’Challa died. All before Miss Riri even came into the picture.”
Shuri’s head fell, shame a feeling she was all too familiar with these days. “I had forgotten. I am trying to fix it,” she whispered, recollections of the two of you flooding her. “But I can not fix it if I do not know where she is.”
Her eyes climbed to the smaller girl’s hopeful, begging, but when Nakia closed her lips tight and shook her head, Shuri’s anger reignited. 
“Demethi wena (Damn you), Nakia!”
“Yehlisa umoya, sisi (Calm down, sister). Uzofika ekhaya xa sele elugile (She will come home when she is ready)-”
“Hayi, hayi (No, no)! Ndiyamdinga (I need her). Ndiyamdinga ekhaya ngoku (I need her home now)!”
“Uya kuba nethamsanqa ukuba angafika ekhaya (You will be lucky if she comes home at all)!”
Shuri spun, Nakia’s words recoiling against her. “Intoni (What)?”
When Nakia looks away, rather than speaking, Shuri marches toward her. “INTONI (WHAT)?!” she repeats.
She takes Nakia’s face in her hands, roughly. A line of scarlet flashes from Nakia’s cheek, where Shuri’s claw is digging, but neither girl moves. “Wena (You)-” the Queen croaks. “Wena undincedile ukumkanikazi wam ukuba andisindise (You have helped my queen escape me for good)?”
“Hayi, sisi (No, sister). Ndamncedisa wahmba ade alunge (I helped her leave until she is ready).”
Shuri extends her arm, throwing Nakia forcefully into the window. The thud of her sister’s body does nothing to calm her. Nakia is barely on her feet when Shuri speaks. “Hamba (Leave). Kwaye ungabuyi ade abuye umkam (And do not return until my wife does).”
The River Tribe Warrior is shocked. “Shuri, uthini (What are you saying)?”
The Queen’s lips curl around her next words. “ Elubhacweni (Exile).”
Nakia crumbles. “Sisi, ndiyacela (Sister, please). Likhaya lam eli (This is my home).” 
“Was this your home when you missed my brother’s last days? His funeral? Was it your home when you hid my nephew from me for six years, the same way you hide my wife now?” Shuri questioned, switching tongues.
“Shuri, oko akufani (That is not the same)! It was my home when I saved you and your lover’s asses from Namor! When I risked my life, though I had a son to live for. It was my home when I laid there,” Nakia pointed to the now repaired spot on the throne room floor, the events of Queen Ramonda’s death no longer staining the place. “Resuscitating your wife! Trying to save umama (mama)!”
“Lishiye ibhotwe lam, Nakia (Leave my palace, Nakia).”
One week since Riri started her own search for you.
Shuri wasn’t speaking to her, ordering Okoye, Ayo, and Aneka to do the same. Riri’s communication was cut off, even Griot subjecting her to silence.
One night, she decided enough was enough. She hadn’t been able to sleep since you left and she was growing tired of being left in the dark. 
If anyone needed to find you, it was Riri. She needed to be the one to locate you and retract her vile words. There wouldn’t be an apology great enough, but she sure would try. 
So Iron Heart suited up and quietly left the palace. She didn’t bother removing her kimoyo beads, knowing Shuri was no longer keeping track of her. The realization stung, but it was well-deserved. She let her frustrations get to her and that Chicago attitude and pride presented themselves.
The words spilled from her big mouth before she had time to realize what she was saying. Riri was just as hurt as you were; feeling as though the love she and Shuri showed you were going unappreciated. Their time dedicated to the lab, their sleepless nights, and their repeat failures were just to keep you safe. 
“C’mon baby, where’d you go?” Riri spoke lowly to no one, navigating the suit towards Haiti. It’d be a dumb place for you to hide; Shuri would have surely checked there already. 
And of course, you weren’t there.
The following day, Riri searched the States. You had no reason to be in America, but that’s exactly why you’d seek refuge there. Again, her search came up short. 
Today, Riri was ready to give up. She’d spent many days, many hours looking for you all alone. If Shuri and her team hadn’t found you yet, surely Riri wouldn’t all by her lonesome. 
She sauntered through the village, sadness dragging in each of her steps. “Uxolo (Excuse us)!” children’s voices called as they ran across her path. Riri stopped short, avoiding running the tikes down. “Oh, um, sorry!” the girl spoke, understanding their simple word, yet still not knowing how to respond in their language. 
One child, a young girl whose hair was adorned in barrettes, turned to give Riri a wave. When she skipped back to her group of friends, she spoke “Yiza, khawuleza (Come, hurry)! Utitshala Y/n ndiza kubuya namhlanje (Teacher Y/n is to return today).”
Riri understood not a single word from the girl’s sentence as they disappeared into your school. None except your name. So she followed. 
“Uh, excuse me,” she called once she entered the building, searching desperately for an adult. “Uxolo (Excuse me)?”
“Hello, Your Majesty,” a tall gentleman spoke up, approaching the short royal.
Riri cringed, her royal title sounding foreign to her these days. “Mholweni (Hello), um, hi.”
“What can we do for you? We are very blessed to be acquainted with your presence, though we were not expecting you.”
“Yeah, um, I-” Riri stuttered, unable to form a sentence, the words scrambling around her mind too fast for her lips to keep up.
“My wife,” she finally choked out. “My wife, Y/n. Is she here?”
The older man’s eyes were saddened. “No, Your Majesty. She is not set to come back today.”
“Please,” Riri was close to tears as she begged. “Um, ndiyacela (please). I heard the children mention her name. I just-” The tears flowed. “I just want to know she’s safe.”
The man must’ve felt some pity for the lonely queen, crying in his hallway, pleading. A genuine chuckle released from his chest. “Your Xhosa is not very good.” His words shocked Riri and for the first time in weeks, she laughed a real, hearty laugh. “No, it’s not,” she sniffled.
“But you are trying.”
Her head bobs as she nods a confirmation to his words.
He sighs, grabbing Riri’s hands and pulling her out of reach of passing ears. “Your majesty, tonight the school is having an event. A banquet; to raise money for the Haiti institution. The Queen has promised her return for the event. She will be here then.”
More tears flow from the small girl’s pretty brown eyes. Her queen would be back, tonight. 
Did Shuri know?
With a gentle squeeze, the fellow started to leave. “Wait,” Riri called. “Enkosi, mhlekazi (Thank you, sir). What is your name?”
“Emmanuel, Your Majesty.”
“Thank you, Emmanuel.”
Riri raced back to the palace on foot, too excited to wait for the Talon Fighter, though it would have been quicker. She sprinted into the throne room, hopeful that Shuri would be there. 
She was, with Aneka. “Kufuneka sijonge iHaiti kwakhona (We need to check Haiti again).  Ndiyazi Nakia umfihle apho (I know Nakia is hiding her there).”
“I found her!” Riri interrupts.
Aneka turns to the girl first, then back to her queen, who refuses to look up. “Aneka, sishiye (Leave us). Enkosi, mhlobo (Thank you, friend).”
With a nod and a salute, Aneka leaves the throne room, leaving the two queens who haven’t spoken in days. 
“Shuri, baby, I found her.”
“Where is she?” the panther asks, still not making eye contact.
“She’ll be here tonight,” Riri takes slow, careful steps to Shuri, unable to gauge her emotions and not wanting to set her off. “The school’s having a fundraiser. She’ll be here.”
Shuri glances at her wife “How do you know this?”
“I went to the school.”
With a bite of her lip and a swift nod, Shuri dismisses Riri. “Thank you for the information. You may leave.”
“Leave? Shuri, what the hell do you mean leave?”
A deep, impatient sigh is brought forth by the Queen. “I know you know what leave means.”
“Nah, to hell with that, Shuri! I’m not leaving. I’m the one who gave you the intel. Imma be there with you. I’m a part of this mission now. I should have been from the start.”
Shuri steps closer to Riri, seemingly to intimidate her, though the girl doesn’t appear scared. “A mission that would have never come to pass had you not said what you did.”
Riri’s heart thumps hard in her chest. “And I’m trying to make up for it, Shuri. How am I supposed to apologize if you keep shutting me out?”
The question is rhetorical; Ri keeps talking. “You not entirely innocent in this either. You broke promises too. Ignored her just as much as I did. You,” she stabs a finger into Shuri’s armorless chest. “Forgot her birthday too, princess. Your shit stink too, Shuri. So forget that shit; y/n is my wife. That’s my girl and I been missing her heavy. So I’m coming tonight.”
A smirk sneaks its way across Shuri’s face. “There you go with that mouth again.”
“Yeah, here I go with my mouth again, a mouth I don’t know how to close and a mouth that don’t know how to hold its tongue. That’s why y’all was supposed to do it for me.”
Shuri shakes her head, frizzy curls swaying across her face. A bright smile, her first in weeks stretches her lips. “Alright, let’s bring our girl home.”
The night comes quickly and as present as you’re trying to appear at your function, anxiety is running through you. Being home brings forth a mix of emotions; excitement for the banquet, and familiarity at the faces you’ve missed. And worry that somehow word of the event that you swore your staff to secrecy over hadn’t remained confidential during your absence. 
Nakia was at your side, acting as both a friend and a bodyguard. “You did not have to come,” you spoke to her. “I didn’t need protection. The queens; they will not hurt me. Shuri will be more upset at your presence than mine.”
The small scar on her cheek marked evidence of Shuri’s anger in the passing weeks. You’d apologized repeatedly to your dear friend, but she didn’t blame you. “Your wife has a temper. She always has. I’ll be fine, she just needs some time to calm down.”
Her eyes move towards the entrance of the school as the doors part and Aneka, along with Ayo and Okoye precede your wives. “Speaking of the queens…”
Hayi, akukho ndlela imbi (No, no fucking way). When you turn, the breath escapes you. Shuri and Riri. The Black Panther and Iron Heart. Their eyes locked intensely on you.
You look around at your staff, wondering which one had loose lips. “Nakia,” Shuri greeted when they approached. Nakia stays silent and Shuri continues. “I owe you an apology, for our disagreement those weeks ago. I am sorry, sisi.” To you, she switches tongues as she asks “Ikumkani wam (My queen), singathetha (can we talk)?” with an outstretched hand.
No, your heart screams, but your movements betray you. Placing your palm in hers, you allow Her Majesty to guide you outside, where the Royal Talon Fighter awaits, with Riri in tow.
None of you speak until the ship’s doors were encapsulated, providing all the privacy in the world. When they did, it was you to break the silence. A loud slap echoed in everyone’s ears, your hand coming in contact with Riri’s cheek. Breathing hard, you voiced “I’ve been waiting to do that for weeks. Sorry, Riri, I didn’t find a bitch to give your wishes of luck to.”
Shuri stood, slightly amused until her cheek was the next to be assaulted. “And you. You’re lucky I’m not skilled with any weapons for the way you returned my Nakia to me. Her face bloody, her ribs broken. What the hell is wrong with you?”
Though her face stung, Riri’s ears perked up. “Your Nakia?”
Shuri stared at you, her brain wondering the same. 
“Put your petty jealousy to rest. It has been three weeks, do the two of you really think so little of me to find another lover in that short time, especially one who is so close to you, Shuri? We’ve known Nakia since we were kids.”
Shuri nods, clearing her head, and starts to open her mouth, but Riri beats her to it. She comes at you fast, throwing her arms around you so tightly, it steals your breaths. “I’m sorry, ma. I’m so fucking sorry.” The tears are already spilling down her cheeks. “I don’t know how I could have said those things to you.”
You unwrap her hold on you. “You said them because you meant them.”
Riri’s head shakes furiously. “I didn’t, y/n, my love. I swear I didn’t.”
Her eyes are swimming with sincerity and it breaks the cement that had formed around your heart. You grab her face. “You swear?”
She leans into your touch. “I will spend the rest of my life showing you I didn’t mean it, ma.”
You nod slowly. “You know I owe you more than just a slap, right? For speaking to me like I’m some bitch on the streets and not your wife of four years?”
A tiny smile crosses Riri’s features. “Let me suit up and you can take all the shots you want at me.”
“Uh, uh. You don’t get the suit.”
Your words bring a laugh from the small girl, one that passes onto you. 
Shuri stands back, hands in her pocket, just watching. She’s silently wiping her own tears, but when you finally look upon her, she takes it as an in. 
“Yiza apha, usana (Come here, baby).” 
You obey, releasing Riri from your hold as you glide over to your queen. She pulls you in by your waist, holding your body tightly against hers. “Uyakhumbula xa ndivuma iimvakalelo zam ngawe (Do you remember when I confessed my feelings for you)?”
Your head bobs. “We were children; only about 12 years old.”
“Ewe, kukanikazi wam (Yes, my queen). And what did you tell me?”
A giggle escapes you as you recall. “Nditshate, ukuba uyandithanda (Marry me if you love me).”
Shuri shares your laughter. “Ewe, nkosazana (Yes, princess). Bendikuxelele ukuba ndizakwenza kamsinya kangangoko ndinako (I told you I would as soon as I could).” 
“Kwaye wenze (And you did).”
“Nda (I did).”
The tears in Shuri’s eyes threaten to spill over. “I made that promise to you at 12 years old, and I kept it. However, for some reason, at our grown age, I made promises to you weeks ago that I did not keep.”
Your head drops just as the tears do, unable to look your wife in her face. Shuri’s having none of that though, gently grabbing your chin and pulling your gazes back into unison.
“Uxolo, sthandwa (I’m sorry, my love). Ndingu (I am). I’ve been slacking, but I won’t continue to. Please, come home. Ukukukhanya kwan (You are my light), and my world has been so dark these past few days. I can not bare it anymore.” 
Her words crack any further hardening of your heart. “Ewe, sthandwa (Yes, my love). I’ll come home.”
Shuri buries her head in your neck, kissing and crying, “Enkosi,” repeating from her lips. Riri stands back, weeping harder at the display before her. You reach your hand out to her, “Yiza, ntombazana sisidenge.”
Riri stands still, eyebrows raised, brown, hopeful eyes piercing your own loving ones. “Translate?”
“Come here, silly girl.”
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mickimomo · 2 years
Attuma with the babies - part 2
Based in the Sun & the Sky AU
My thoughts:
When it was time for the twins to get their shots, Attuma was not allowed to be in the building. The first time one of the twins got poked with a needle and bursted into tears, Attuma had his hands on the poor doctor within half a heartbeat. The nurses had to get Okoye to pry him off of the dazed woman, and walk him out.
After that incident, he was forced to stay outside until everything was done. He was livid. Especially since Okoye was bawling her eyes out as she held the twins. But thankfully, he was allowed back in to comfort his family once all the shots had been given.
He was kinda pissed that he had to apologize to the doctor to be allowed back in, but he did it. (The things this man would do for his wife and sons. 🤧)
Attuma always looked forward to feeding the twins. He'd prepare a bottle of breast milk Okoye had pumped in a bag and tossed in the freezer and fed them while humming a soft tune. Once they were done, he'd burp them and hold them close on the sofa.
Then the twins would dose off, and he would feel obligated to stay still until they woke up. That typically led to him taking a nap with them.
Okoye would sometimes come home for lunch and find her husband knocked out with two tiny babies resting peacefully in his arms.
And she would take a picture every single time before placing a soft kiss on all of their heads.
Attuma was even more excited when the twins could finally start eating homemade baby food. He had been looking forward to the day they could start weening off of breast milk and enjoy the softer foods of Wakanda and Talokan.
Sure, they were a bit huffy, and the tears often made him run to the freezer to appease him, but Attuma slowly won them over with mashed up fruit and spoonfuls of thickened atole. He'd imitate dolphins and whales as he fed them and wipe their hands and mouths clean once they were done.
What he wasn't ready for was when their teeth started coming in. The wailing was endless, and all of the remedies only provided temporary relief.
He had finally settled on giving them frozen breast milk and tiny pieces of cold watermelon to soothe their aching mouths in the day. At night, he'd sing them a melody that washed away the pain. Long nights of singing led to long mornings of sleeping. Where he dropped the ball, Okoye picked it up. After a month, it became obvious that he was getting worn out.
Even he felt useless and inadequate sometimes. This was all he could do to satiate them. They despised numbing gels and would scream whenever they tried anything else. All he wanted to do was close his eyes and get an ounce of shut eye. But he loved his family too much to break down now.
Okoye could tell he was struggling and changed her working schedule to pull him out of the storm he was sitting in. He was such a kind and loving husband. He was an amazing father, too. But he was also human (although slightly mutated), and humans need breaks, too.
She'd often find him laid out in exhaustion, struggling to get a moment of peace but too stubborn to let Namora or Shuri or Aneka watch the twins. Okoye knew how much pride he took in taking care of their sons. Asking for help in his mind made him feel inadequate.
Some days, Okoye would hand the babies off to their aunties while he was sleeping. Leaving a note and a home-cooked meal on the counter, so that he could have the day to himself without any worries.
Other days, she'd put the twins down for a nap and hug him tight. She'd rub his back or brush his hair. Shower him in kisses and force him to go out and get some fresh air while she took care of the twins.
He always took care of her, so she'd take care of him. It was like they poured into one another to keep both of their cups full.
He was grateful and appreciated having such an attentive wife. And he was relieved when the tooth growing pains were over.
Attuma's heart soared when their twin sons began to walk. I mean, every milestone made him happy (minus the teething era). But this was just the cherry on top.
They both stumbled from his arms to Okoye's open ones with shaky little legs and happy giggles and squeaks of excitement.
The joy only dwindled slightly when they learned how to run and get into things. It felt like they were everywhere and getting into everything, every time he blinked or stepped away to do something.
Whenever they were getting into too much, he'd scoop them up, get one of the patterned wraps, and wear them until they dozed off.
Okoye always found it funny how their babies would fall asleep whenever he did this. She figured it had something to do with how much he did it when they were younger.
Sometimes, Okoye would doubt herself. Maybe she wasn't a phenomenal mother because the twins- aht aht. Attuma never let her finish those thoughts. He'd always kiss her and remind her that she was a good mother. And the twins solidified that when they spoke their first words.
To everyone's surprise, they boys' first word was K'iin and then Na'. Well, everyone but Attuma. Attuma had been gushing to their sons about Okoye everyday in the most wholesome of ways. Always reminding them of the mayan equivalent to each English word, Sun and Mom. Always reminding them of how amazing she was. Sometimes he'd bring them to watch Okoye spar and train with Aneka, so they could see their mother in action.
"This is how K'iin stole my heart." He whispered to the two babies settled on his lap as he sat on a bench. "The first time I met Na', she threatened to kill me and took out all of my soldiers. Then she cut my cheek." He chuckled softly at the memory as one of the twins attempted to bite his hand, and the other leaned against him drowsily. "To think we have you now. Chaac and Bast must have planned it all."
So imagine his surprise when the third word they spoke was Baba. Apparently, Okoye had been coaching them and teaching them xhosa while he was away. He didn't realize she was gushing about him too.
In short, he was all over Okoye that night, after the twins went to sleep.
Both of the twins are similar to Namor, in the sense that they are fine on land but seem to be stronger and heal faster when exposed to water. Although, they have to be exposed to water for long periods of time. They can also breathe through their skin like the god king.
This was discovered when the 3-year-old boys had fallen ill one summer. No one really knew what was wrong with them, and Okoye was panicking seeing them so lethargic. They were extremely restless and miserable, and it broke her heart seeing them like this.
Attuma asked the priest and herbalists of Talokan for assistance, and they had them bring the twins to the river.
Okoye was reluctant at first, but with a bit of assurance, she agreed. Both of their hearts nearly stopped when the twins were pulled underwater. The only reason everyone's head was still connected to their neck was the fsct the twins were flourishing. They had taken to water like fish. Apparently, they had spent too much time playing in the sun and needed more time in the water on hotter days.
Now that their parents were aware, the twins were allowed to play in the water with supervision. A few people were terrified at first because of the hammerhead sharks that would occasionally swim through. But, you know, Pakal and the squad had to come see the babies.
The twins loved Pakal. (So much that Namora made them shark plushies.) Attuma would help them pet the shark's side and watch them giggle as he nudged their floating toys.
The most curious thing was how much the shark would stay by Okoye.
Pakal had always favored Okoye to Attuma, but he seemed more restless than usual.
Almost as if he was guarding something, but Okoye would only whisper to the shark and shoo him away.
A few weeks later, Okoye shyly revealed that she was pregnant and Attuma was over the moon.
He was a little hurt she had tried to hide it, but the surprise she had thrown erased his pout.
Another bundle of joy!?!
Sign him the fuck up!
and that concludes Part 2 ♡
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dontruinmymorning · 2 years
Her idiot boyfriend had got himself hurt. (AGAIN)
How he managed to do this was still a bit fuzzy to her. The three stooges tried to explain it to her (while trying not to laugh) and she still couldn’t quite make sense of the details.
He was currently in a hospital bed after being properly patched up hopped up on some very (clearly) strong pain meds.
Aneka and Namora were currently in a corner of the room trying their best to not get too loud. They were holding onto each other and gasping for air while Attuma babbled along under the heavy influence of drugs.
He was currently hitting on Okoye and doing his best to get her to go out with him. She’s rolled her eyes so many times she’s surprised they haven’t gotten stuck. She twists her lips to avoid laughing at the utter ridiculousness of the situation.
Yes, her boyfriend was a complete idiot for even ending up in this situation. But she can’t help noticing how adorable he is with his eyes all glassy with a loopy grin on his face telling her how beautiful she was and trying to get her number. Even while in a drug haze he only had eyes for her. So she decided to tease him a bit.
“Actually, I already have a boyfriend.”
She smirked and snickered to herself until she saw the look on his face. Her face dropped in shock at the look of utter devastation on his face. She had no idea what to do when he started crying.
By now Aneka and Namora were practically on the floor on top of each other wheezing. Ayo and Namor looked slightly concerned and Okoye was frozen in place. After the initial shock, she quickly scrambled to calm him down.
Once he was calm she explained to him that he was her boyfriend. He was not convinced.
“You’re MY girlfriend?!”
“Like on purpose?!”
“Omg but you’re so hot!”
“So we kiss and everything?!”
Okoye couldn’t help snorting at that. He really was too damn cute.
“Yes we kiss. A lot”
He turned gleeful eyes to the other occupants of the room.
They all laugh at his antics. Even Ayo can’t help but find humour in the situation.
Everybody who came into the room got the honour of hearing “This is my girlfriend and we kiss a lot” accompanied by the biggest grin humanly possible. Some were bewildered at first, but they all couldn’t help but find it sweet how obviously in love he was, even if he was high out of his mind.
Okoye, once again, was rolling her eyes non stop. But there was an unmovable smile on her lips. Gosh she can’t believe this man was her significant other. How did she get so lucky?
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ayoxaneka · 6 months
A little headcanon.
Ok so we all now that one deleted scene where Aneka quit the Dora milaje right in front of Ayo right and Ayo just stood there holding both of their spears like "What?" welI wasn't satisfied with that scene even though it was deleted so here's something I thought of.
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Aneka was pointing her spear at Okoye along with the rest of her fellow Dora.
When Okoye unsheated her weapon, Ayo had pointed her spear at Okoye.
Aneka knew this was protocol but she couldn't bring herself to treat Okoye like this.
"Okoye, you trained us, all of us! Do not make us spill your blood." Ayo threatened Okoye and Aneka gripped her spear at her wife's words, not liking them one bit. There was a hint of power to them and not the good kind, it was as if Ayo was getting cocky.
Okoye realised she was outnumbered so she sheathed her weapon and walked away.
The rest of the Dora Milaje marched off but Aneka stayed behind to speak with her wife.
"Permission to speak?" Aneka asked in Xhosa and Ayo turned to face Aneka.
Aneka hated whenever she asked Ayo if she could speak when they were on duty, as if she wasn't her wife.
Aneka walked towards Ayo until she was in front of her.
"Beloved, what harm can come from Okoye searching for Shuri?" Aneka asked Ayo in a soft voice as she used her pet name for Ayo.
"It isn't inside the scope of our duties, soldier." Ayo said and she froze.
There was a brief pause as if both of them had to process what happened.
Aneka looked at Ayo as she looked taken aback as Ayo refereed to her as "soldier" when Aneka was clearly talking to her as her wife.
Ayo looked back at Aneka with a look that practically screamed "That's not how I meant it."
Ayo heaved as Aneka spoke.
"And if I were to step out of the scope of my duties , will you also point your spear at me?" Aneka asked, eyeing Ayo.
As Ayo stayed silent, not having an answer, Aneka had enough.
She banged the butt of her spear in front of Ayo and Ayo knew what this meant.
"Neka, I'm sorry, I take back what I said." Ayo said, not taking Aneka's spear.
Aneka shook her spear, making Ayo take it whether she liked it or not.
Ayo reluctantly took Aneka's spear from her hand.
"I'm done..." Aneka said in Xhosa as she bowed slightly at Ayo as she gave her the Wakandan salute.
Aneka started to walk away and Ayo stood there frozen.
Ayo was stuck between the two things that meant a lot to her, her image as the general of Wakanda, or her beloved wife.
Ayo began to do something she hasn't don't in a while and that was shake. She glanced down at her trembling hands as she began to breathe heavily, only one person could came her down when she was going through this and she was walking away from her.
Ayo gripped the two spears tightly in her hands before letting them both fall to the ground and rushing up to Aneka.
Aneka was pulled around as Ayo embraced her tightly, burying her face in Aneka's neck as her hands shook as they rested on Aneka's back.
"Get off me Ayo, I need space." Aneka said as she tried to push Ayo away from her slightly but Ayo just gripped the fabric of Aneka's Dora Milaje armor.
"But I need you." Ayo said as she rested her chin on Aneka's shoulder.
"Please, Neka, I know what I did was wrong, I adressed you as one of my soldiers when you had addressed me as your wife and it was stupid of me to do so." Ayo said, gripping Aneka tightly not letting her go.
"It's not just that, Ayo." Aneka said as she pulled away from her wife but she held her hands.
"It's your position..." Aneka said as she looked down to the ground.
Ayo's eyes widened "What-" she tried to say but was cut off by Aneka.
"Imagine what it feels like to be addressed like a soldier by your wife when all you want is to be in her arms all day? Imagine what it feels like calling your wife "General" every single day, and then imagine how her hectic schedule is her top priority, not you anymore." Aneka said as tears pricked in her eyes as she looked up at Ayo and they locked eyes, all the days of that treatment never stopping.
Ayo's eyes softened, empathizing what she's been making Aneka go through ever since she got promoted.
"I'm sorry, my love..." Ayo said in a tone of voice that was only for Aneka, a soft and comforting one.
Ayo moved her mouth to press a kiss on Aneka's temple as Ayo rubbed her hand up Aneka's arm.
"I'll step down as general." Ayo suddenly said and Aneka's eyes widened.
"I think you've gone mad, Ay-" Aneka said but was cut off when Ayo pressed a gentle yet firm kiss on her lips as she wrapped her arms around Aneka's waist.
"The only reason I'd go mad is for you, my love." Ayo said with a smile as she pulled away from the kiss.
Ayo pressed her forehead against Aneka's.
"First thing tomorrow I will go to queen Ramonda and tell her tha-" Ayo started to speak but was cut off when Aneka had given her a passionate kiss on the lips.
She kissed back and they clung to each other, not wanting to let go.
"Ayo, don't do that." Aneka said as she held Ayo's still trembling hands in hers and they immediately stopped shaking once she held them.
Ayo squeezed Aneka's hands as she looked at her with a confused face.
"But... I thought that was what you wanted?" Ayo asked.
"You giving up your hard work and dream for me is not what I want." Aneka said as she pressed her forehead against Ayo's.
"Then what is it that you want, my love? I will make it happen." Ayo said, wiping a tear that had escaped Aneka's eye.
"I want to be treated like your wife and I want to be able to treat you as mine." Aneka said as she cupped Ayo's cheek in her hand.
"But you cannot do that while you are a Dora..." Ayo softly said as she finally caught on to what Aneka was trying to say.
Aneka nodded, "that's right" She said.
A few tears came up into Ayo's eyes, believing that the reason Aneka is sacrificing her position as a Dora is because she is doubting her abilities to protect her.
"What's wrong, my beloved?" Aneka asked as she stroked Ayo's cheek.
"Is it because of me? Is it because you think I can't protect you or love you as much as I could when I wasn't the general?" Ayo asked in a shaky voice as her hands started to shake and Aneka could feel it.
"Ayo listen to me." Aneka said as she squeezed Ayo's hands.
"The only reason I joined the Dora Milaje in the first place was to get to know you more... But, now that you're mine and I'm yours, I see no reason to continue being a Dora." Aneka softly said as she kissed Ayo on the cheek.
"But how will I be able to protect you? what if you get hurt when I'm not at home? What if-" Ayo rambled on but she was interrupted by Aneka's hand pressing against her mouth.
"Do you trust me?" Aneka asked.
Ayo nodded.
"Then you'll be able to watch me leave, knowing I'll always end up back into your arms." Aneka said as she hugged Ayo tightly.
Ayo held Aneka in a soft embrace.
"What will you be doing at home?" Ayo asked.
Aneka shrugged.
"Will you even be at home when my shift ends?" Ayo asked and Aneka chuckled at her question.
Instead of answering, she just gave Ayo a gentle kiss as Aneka stood on her tip toes.
"That's my answer." Aneka said with a smile when she pulled away.
"I love you... You know that, right? You're my top priority, even if I can't show it at the moment." Ayo said as she gripped Aneka's hands tightly.
"I know, I know, and I love you too." Aneka said as she kissed Ayo's cheek.
"I'll see you at the house." Ayo said as she gave Aneka a long kiss on the cheek.
"I'll be waiting... My beloved." Aneka said as she pulled Ayo's head down to give her a kiss on the top of the head.
Ayo was extra clingy with Aneka that night when she got back to the house.
Aneka slept with Ayo spooning her tightly and Ayo's breath grazing her nape.
"You're so clingy." Aneka amusingly said as she turned her head to look at Ayo.
"Only for you." Ayo said as she hugged Aneka tighter.
Aneka intertwined her fingers with Ayo's as she kissed Ayo's knuckles.
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aimmyarrowshigh · 2 years
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Femslash February 2023
023. Frozen - Aneka/Ayo - archiveofourown.org/works/44871004
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ayumusyalamah · 2 months
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ajahbesti · 1 year
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Pesan Bubuk Es Krim GAFI SPESIAL, WA 0896-1282-1257
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ranggafrozen · 1 year
Buah pala segar bogor barat
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dea2131 · 1 year
Mangga frozen
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usahasampingan · 1 year
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