#angel + ambahr
borhapparker · 3 years
guardian angel series masterlist
( last updated: december 22, 2021 )
d i s c l a i m e r : i do not own the rights to the idea from the book of “hush, hush”. the OC characters belong to me, and the ideas are mine.
p a i r i n g : gwilym lee x female!reader
w a r n i n g s : violence, drinking, smoking, domestic abuse, sexual assault
s u m m a r y : a guardian angel protects their assigned human, so when gwilym lee is assigned you, he’s more attentive than he used to be with the previous humans he was assigned to.
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- Teaser - ??? - ??? - ??? - ??? - ???
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pbnjparker · 6 years
We Only Watch Rugby | T.H
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AN: this wonderful imagine was written alongside one of my best friends ( @fuckyou-imspiderman ). we got into this idea on sunday while watching the Mexico v.s. Germany game, whICH MEXICO WONN WOOOO! if you haven’t already noticed, ambahr and i root for mexico, bc ochoa and loZANO are hot. also we’re the readers bff so enjoy! 
“Tom, where are we going at 6:30 in the morning?” you said, grabbing your bag as Tom’s arms were full of groceries.
“We’re watching the World cup, Sam texted.”
“At 6:30?”
“C’mon, it’s not that bad.” Tom looked at you, as you groaned in response.
“It’s 6:30 in the morning, who even plays soccer at 6:30?”
“It’s the World Cup, babe. It’s taking place in Russia. They’re in a different time zone. Now, come on, they’re waiting.”
Without another word, you and Tom walked out the door, getting into your car before driving off. This wasn’t what you wanted on a Sunday morning, especially after the stressful week you had endured. Yet, Tom was right, it was the World Cup, this wasn’t something you could just miss.
“Are Ambahr, Angel or Elysia going to be there? This better not be an all guys event.”
“Well, it’s Angel’s house, they can’t not be there.” Tom said, “Plus, Ambahr and Angel are the ones who set it up. Their favourite team is playing this morning.”
“Those two are obsessed. They scream like crazy when someone from their team misses, don’t forget the fact that they curse in Spanish.”
“It’s not as bad as when we watch Rugby games with my family. That’s what you call cursing.”
Tom pulled into the driveway, before putting the car in park and turning off the ignition. Both getting out of the car, heading to the front door, as you grabbed some bags from his arms before ringing the doorbell.
“Good morning guys! Come in, Haz is making breakfast for us!” Angel greeted you and Tom at the door, as Tom smiled, before quickly making his way inside.
“Haz, don’t burn the food!”
“Very funny mate, how are you Y/N?” Harrison looked over at Y/n, a smile on his face as he nodded, a welcoming gesture.
“I’m well, a bit tired. What are you making?” Y/n leaned on the kitchen island, watching Harrison flip something on the stove.
“Blueberry and Banana Pancakes.”
“Ambahr asked for the blueberry pancakes, didn’t she?”
Harrison chuckled, “She did. She’s on her way here with Harry now.”
Angel wrapped her arms around Y/N, “Sam and Elysia are upstairs. They slept over, they should hopefully be down anytime soon.”
“Why weren’t we invited to the sleepover? It would have been a wild night!” Tom asking, prying Angel off Y/N, taking her place.
“One, that was rude Tom, I love Y/N more than you. Two, I’m very much aware that Y/N has had an extremely stressful week. You know how loud we get, I didn’t want Y/N to have a headache.”
“Always so considerate babe! It was finals week at UCLA and I was so busy trying to cram in last minute study sessions.”
“Buenos Dias!” a familiar face walked inside, as they all turned.
“Ambahr! It’s about time you got here.”
“Are those Blueberry pancakes I smell?” a smile adorned her face as she walked over, embracing each of her friends before making her way to the kitchen.
“They are! Grab a plate and serve yourself!”
“Angel, please don’t ever break up with Harrison, his pancakes are divine.” Ambahr’s voice now muffled, as she ate one of the pancakes.
“Ambahr, you said you’d come back out to help unload the car! You’re eating a pancake!” Harry exclaimed, a smile on his face as her eyes widened.
“Shit, sorry! But you need to try these!” Ambahr held out her plate to Harry, cutting a piece before feeding it to him.
“Alright, I forgive you. These are really good.”
“So, where is Elysia? She told me she stayed over?”
“Yeah, she’s upstairs.” Angel said, as she walked over to the kitchen island, serving up some pancakes on plates and handing them out. “They should be down soon.”
“You said that ten minutes ago, I’m sure they’re probably sleeping.” Y/N said.
Footsteps were heard coming down the stairs as Sam emerged, sporting his favourite grey t-shirt as Elysia followed close behind.
“There they are! Didn’t I tell you?”
Y/N stuck her tongue out at Angel taking a plate from her hands and handing it over to Sam, before embracing him in a hug. “Good to see you guys.”
“Good to see you too! Are we all ready for the match?” Elysia asked, as they all nodded, Y/n groaning in response.
“It’s too early but I didn’t have a say.”
“I mean, this is going to be good. I heard both teams stepped it up this year. Let’s just hope it doesn’t end like last year.” Harrison chuckled as Angel nudged his side, narrowing her eyes at him.
“Ambahr, no era penal! Mexico deberia haber avanzado al los finales!”
“Fue el peor juego de la Copa.” Ambahr sighed before smiling. “Apostamos?”
“Que? No!”
“Porque no? Lo hace mas interesante! Y de todos modos, no va a hacer tan mal.”
“Pero si no van a sentirse como si tienen que a fuerza apostar.” Angel sighed, as Ambahr narrowed her eyes at her. “Alright, alright.”
Angel and Ambahr turned to face their friends, all of them wearing confusing expressions.
“Did you guys forget that none of us speak Spanish?” Tom turned to Harrison, crossing his arms over his chest. “Okay, apart from Tom, who only knows a little.”
“Sorry. I was just trying to convince Angel to let us bet over the game.” Ambahr turned over to Angel, “But Miss Debbie Downer doesn’t want to.”
“I’m down.” Y/n said, as everyone approached the kitchen island, joining Angel and Ambahr, who now held a piece of paper and pen in front of her.
“Great. Well, we already know who Angel and I are rooting for.” Ambahr said, dividing the paper in half, writing Mexico on the left and Germany on the right.
She wrote both their names on the left column, before Harry turned to her. “Put me with you. I’m also in.”
She did as he said, as Angel took the pen from her, marking Harrison down on their side as well. “Now, we just need our opposing team.”
“Y/N and I are rooting for Germany. They did win the World Cup last time.” Tom said taking the pen from Angel, “Sam, who are you going for?”
“Germany. Love, which side are you on?” he turned to Elysia, who smiled and turned to the girls on the other side of the island.
“Sorry girls, Germany is definitely going to win. You can’t beat World Champs.”
Angel placed a hand over her heart, “I’m hurt that you would ever doubt us. I wasn’t for betting, but now it’s personal.”
“I’m in with Fifty dollars, Haz?” Tom said, taking out his wallet as Harrison nudged Angel.
“We’re in one hundred together.” Angel said, taking out Harrison’s wallet from his back pocket and pulling out a bill. “Anyone else?”
“Ambahr and I are in with seventy five.” Ambahr turned around, reaching for her wallet, pulling out a fifty, twenty, and five dollar bill.
“Sam and Elysia?”
“We’re in with two hundred fifty.”
“Damn, coming in with the big bucks. Well, prepare to lose.” Angel said, a laugh slipping from her lips before counting all the money, and placing it inside a mason jar.
Ambahr looked down at her watch, noticing the time displayed: 7:45.
“Alright, we have fifteen minutes.”
Everyone nodded, as Angel moved the junk food over to the coffee table. Harrison brought the pancakes over as well, as Ambahr disappeared into the bathroom, and reappearing a minute later, now sporting a Mexico jersey.
“Going all out?” Y/n asked as Ambahr only laughed.
“It’s my lucky jersey.”
“It even has her favorite players number and name on the back.” Harry said, turning her around as they noticed the big 14 over her back.
“Well, let’s see if he’s as good as everyone says.”
Everyone situated themselves in front of the tv as Angel turned the channel, setting it on the world cup, which was being transmitted in English. They were giving a run-down of how the game would work, as well as showing footage of the last games.
“Alright, it’s starting. You guys can back out now, we already know who the winners are.” Angel said, looking at the “opposing team” as they laughed.
“Bring it on. I still have my bet on the table.”
Shrugging, everyone turned back to the tv, watching as they sang Germany’s national anthem and then it was Mexico’s turn. Angel and Ambahr started mouthing the words, as everyone just laughed. It was common, so it wasn’t a surprise. The game started, as everyone watched intently, following the ball with their eyes as it bounced from team member to team member. One moment, Germany had it, as Tom started cheering, the ball getting closer and closer to the goal before, Ochoa caught it.
“Damn it!”
Ochoa kicked it back, midfield, before Germany’s team headbutted the ball, bringing it to the ground and giving Mexico the chance to obtain control. They started going, kicking it from team member to team member, as Ambahr and Angel tensed, leaning forward, elbows on their knees. They took it all the way to the goal, as number 14, Chicharito, kicked it to Lozano, who regained control. He kicked the ball, standing almost in front of the goal, before Germany slid in, making the ball go in the air, over the goal.
They kept it up, their body posture changing various times when their team almost scored. Tom decided to start an IG Live, as he angled the phone towards the whole group. It had been about 20 minutes since the game started, as everyone’s eyes were trained on the screen.
“We’re watching the World Cup at Angel’s house. Everyone is rooting for their team, and I’m on Germany’s side, but silently hoping that Mexico wins.”
Y/n elbowed him, a smile on her face. “Don’t even try.”
He laughed, before turning the screen, so the camera could see Harrison, Angel, Harry and Ambahr sitting on the other side of the couch. “Here is the losing team.”
Ambahr turned to Tom, “We’re tied, Tom!”
“We all know Germany is going to win anyways.”
“Whatever you say, Tom.”
“Elysia and Sam have this theory that because Germany won the World Cup back in 2014, that they’ll win this match. They obviously haven’t seen how much Mexico has improved.”
Y/N laughed at Angel, “It makes sense, though. You can’t deny it.”
“Deny what? There’s nothing to deny. Just accept the fact that you all are going to lose!” Ambahr fought back, a smile on her face as she turned back to the screen, the clock now at 34 minutes.
Everyone was silent, as they watched Germany take control of the ball, before Mexico took control, kicking it back to the opposing side, towards the left of the field. The world seemed to stop, as everyone watched. Harrison holding Angel, Harry and Ambahr gripping each other, Sam and Elysia with eyes wide open and Tom filming everything as Y/n gripped her hands together in her lap.
Lozano now held control of the ball, as he circled between a player, his right leg going back before kicking the ball, in the slot right between the pole and the goalkeeper, straight into the net.
Everyone on Mexico’s side stood up, wide smiles on their faces as they hugged each other. “Shut up, shut up, shut up. Oh my god, yes! They scored!” Ambahr and Angel cheered, smiles on their faces as they turned to the losing team.
Tom groaned, still holding his phone as he turned it to the screen, which replayed the goal. All of them kept watching, as Angel sat back down, admiring the screen.
“You guys are going to regret every betting that much money, especially you guys.” She pointed at Sam and Elysia, who only groaned in response.
They kept watching the game, as Germany almost scored various goals, all blocked by Ochoa. “What the actual fuck! They were so close!”
“Por seguro, ellos perderán el dinero. Ochoa ha mejorado!” Ángel said, looking over to Ambahr who nodded in response.
“Esperemos a ver qué pasa. Todo podrá cambiar.” Ambahr said, as everyone watched the two.
“Es cierto. Pero espero que Mexico gane, tienen que regresar de la horrible temporada que tuvieron en la última Copa.” Angel stopped, watching the game before feeling eyes on her. Turning to look at everyone, she furrowed her eyebrows. “What?”
“You did it again. The language switch.”
“Whatever, get used to it.” Angel laughed, looking at Ambahr before turning back to the game.
Ambahr, rolled her eyes “You guys should know that Angel and I speak Spanish when we don’t want you guys to know something.”
“What are you hiding babe? Angel, did she say how much she loves me?”
Y/N stifled a laugh, “As if Harry, they’re just talking about the game.”
Tom faced Y/N, “Since when can you speak Spanish?”
“Well, when you were off touring, they taught me Spanish.” Y/N said, “A few phrases, and a bunch of curse words.”
“You’re welcome for that one, Y/N/N!” Angel shouted.
Tom groaned, “Thank you for corrupting my girlfriend, Angel.”
Angel held her hands up in defense, “Hey! It was only a matter of time before someone taught her what Chinga tu Madre! meant.”
Ambahr stood up her hands in the air, “Que le pasa!”
Everyone turned their heads to the screen, noticing that a Mexico team member was heading for the opposite goal.
“Que chingados! Se volvio loco, el pinche gol, está del otro lado!”
Everyone on Germany’s side began to cheer and laugh at their two friends, who were very much upset.
“Here come the curse words.”
Angel and Ambahr at the same time placed their hands on their heads. Watching the screen intently as they replayed the goal again.
“No, pensaba que ellos podrían ganar, pero el pendejo metió el gol para Alemania.”
“Son estupidos! Que le pasó?”
Harrison placed his hands on Angel’s waist, bringing her down to his lap, “Babe, it’s just a game. They’ll most likely not give them the point.”
Y/N groaned, “Look, they’re not giving them the point.”
Harrison turned back to Angel, “See, I told you. We’re safe.”
“Not for long, we still have half an hour left.” Sam pointed out, as the game continued.
Ambahr scoffed at Sam, “You wish they would have counted that goal. Germany is going to take a big fat ‘L’.”
“Let me remind you who won the World Cup the last time, It was Germany.”
“No era penal!” Both Ambahr and Angel shouted, glaring at Sam who wore a smirk on his face.
“Geez, okay! Just enjoy the game, there’s only 15 minutes left.”
Y/N laughed at the banter between their friends during the last 10 minutes of the game.
Angel and Ambahr jumped when the reporter announced the ending of the game, “Take that losers! Guess we truly are the winners!”
“You guys won out of luck!” Elysia smiled, pulling out a fifty dollar bill, handing them to Sam who bregrudiley pulled out 2 one hundred bills.
Harrison smirked taking the bills from Sam’s hands, “Thank you very much! It was pleasure doing business with you.”
“Hand it over Thomas, we won fair and square.”
Y/N nudged Tom’s side, “Love, C’mon you made the bet, You suffer the consequences.”
“Correction, you made the bet. I just encouraged you, I’m your hype man!”
“Tommy, just do it.”
Tom sighed, “This is why we only watch rugby.”
TAGLIST: @sebassstann , @fuckyou-imspiderman
want to join my taglist, fill out the form here!
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softspideys · 6 years
name playlist please !! (-: ambahr
After hours - we are scientists
Maps - the front bottoms
Baby blue - king krule
Angels - the xx
Hannah hunt - vampire weekend
Rill rill - the sleigh bells
name playlists!
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lilsapphicmoon · 7 years
I'm going to bed so this is my last post of the night but can I say that @parkerscupcake is so sweet? Like anytime I've ever talked to her she's so sweet and nice. I may not talk to her much but she's an angel and I'm blessed to be mutuals with her. Ambahr I love you 💛
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borhapparker · 5 years
signal boost !
hey y’all!
so, if some of y’all have been here a while, then you might remember a little account by the name of @/fuckyou-imspiderman OR @/parkerscupcake . both of those, were my old accounts.
due to getting cyberbullied in may/june, i decided to deactivate my accounts and actually start all over. i changed my name on here, i blocked hate anons and i tried making new friends.
i was hoping this would help me get a fresh start and feel better, but i miss being myself and using my name on here and having my old friends back.
which is why, i’m revealing myself.
my alias was SKYE, but my name is AMBAHR.
y’all can refer to me as either, but i would like to officially come back as myself.
i want to thank a couple people before i end things here (:
@darling-marvel : rianna, you’ve helped me through thick and thin, and i know we havent talked recently, but you’re a sweetheart. ilysm and i want to thank you for helping me when i decided to delete my account (:
@pbnjparker : angell!! omg thanks for being the og bff ! we need to talk and write more omggg (:
@keepmeholland : dana ! thanks lovey for being there for me through the good and the bad. i know we never talked a shit ton on my old accounts, but thank you for talking to me tonight. i needed someone to talk to about what happened (you know,,,) and thank you for encouraging me to do this. i know i couldn’t have done it without you and the people above (’:
thanks loveys!! its good to be back!
tagging some mutuals:
@spiderboytotherescue @hollandroos @bens-hardy @grandmascottlang @starksparker @spiderrrling @fanasiana @boohooiamthefool @gwilyoubemine @spidergirlwanab @fanboy-tom @strangertingle @mrshazosterfield @parkersvibes @picassho-18 @hardzzellos @steviemae @not-another-fangirl74 @isabellyduh @shuri-owns-my-heart @nasa-parker @spidey-pal @lovesfics @webbedparkers @trashqueenbitch @gavemylifetotomholland  @parkeret @brianprobablywill @savethehoneeybees  @happywolves81 @emmaewatson @clintbartxon @love-bucky-3000 
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pbnjparker · 6 years
psa - from your friendly neighbor ambahr (-:
hello everyone.
i’m ambahr, and you’ve probably seen me around. my tumblr is @fuckyou-imspiderman , and i’ve been a friend of angel for almost three years now.
i just want you guys to know that, yes, im friendly. but i’m gonna go off in about a minute because im really pissed at whats been going on with angel.
alright, if you don’t want any cursing you probably shouldnt read below but whatever. please reblog this to spread the word! we all love angel and we dont want her to be sad!
now, for the anon sending her hate, who the fuck do you think you are sending her hate? you have no place to even send her anon hate on tumblr. you have no place to talk about her past relationships or even ask her about it. if she wouldve wanted to share it, she would’ve a long time ago. but why do you think she didnt? its because she didnt want to !!! which means, you have to no right to come into her inbox and harass her because of her past relationships. you have to right to even come into her inbox and ask her absolute shit questions, like “who was the youngest person you dated” or insult her in any way. now, yes, you may ask her about the kind of person she is and who are her closest friends. but you cant ask her about her relationships because she wont answer them. if you come into her inbox saying “oh remember so and so?” because thats you being a complete asshole. you have no right to come in here and berate her about her past relationships when she clearly doesnt want to discuss it with you.
now, whoever was sending her hate, you cant now. i blocked you. and reported you.
now, if you want to send someone hate, think about it before you do. remember some important points:
- if you send hate youre an asshole - if you even THINk about sending hate youre an asshole - if you dont send hate but you want to youre an asshole
i will find you and i will report you to tumblr.
not kidding.
you cant hide behind an anon button forever.
plus, youre a coward.
a fucking coward.
and you should rethink your life decisions before deciding to bash someone who doesnt deserve it.
you should rethink your life decisions before deciding to hate on someone who has done nothing to you.
you should rethink your life decisions before deciding to “protect” someone by hating on them.
fuck you.
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