#anglesey Wales map
jonathanwrotethis · 12 days
One more day
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Several months ago, after a particularly difficult few weeks at work and home, my other half asked if I might book a few days away somewhere - just the two of us. A break. It didn’t have to be anywhere spectacular - just away from here.
I opened Google Maps, scrolled around the British Isles, and essentially threw a dart at the map - towards an area we have never visited.
On Saturday morning we’re setting off for Anglesey - an island on the north west coast of Wales. We’re staying in a converted farm cottage on “Holy Island” - a futher small island separated somewhat from the main island of Anglesey.
We’re taking books, some basic food, clothes for all weathers, walking boots, and not much else. There’s a lovely pub within walking distance of the cottage, and miles of coast paths, forests and hills to explore.
I’m kind of looking forward to not thinking about much at all for a few days.
It won’t be a total digital detox - the cottage has wifi, and we’ll take at least one laptop with us. I imagine most evenings will be spent playing board games, sipping drinks, reading books, and perhaps polluting the internet with photos and words describing our adventures.
One more day.
One more day of programming, meetings, washing up, folding clothes, tidying up, and whatever else.
One more day.
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lymphomalass · 3 months
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We had such a great evening yesterday, celebrating being shortlisted for the Kyffin Williams Drawing Prize! I didn't win. I didn't expect to. Ian Fisher's magnificent "Wales Dragon Map" very deservedly won. But I felt so honoured to be included in the exhibition at Oriel Môn (Rhosmeirch, Llangefni, Ynys Môn /Anglesey LL77 7TQ) - which is on till 7th July. If you can't make it there in person, all the drawings are here:
Mine's number 61 of the 77 pieces on exhibition (and sale) and shown on this website. Before the prize-giving, we popped into Popty Pizza (just next to Oriel Môn) for a quick change into gladrags and a quick but very delicious pizza. After, we headed over to Bragdy Cybi brewery in Caergybi/Holyhead, where we were made very welcome at an evening of song and comedy (in aid of Swtan, the wonderful c1900 Welsh longhouse at Traeth Swtan/Church Bay). The very best of Welsh hospitality! Diolch yn fawr iawn! Thank you very much! Sam aka LymphomaLass xx
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an-aura-about-you · 2 years
August 19th, 1997
Crossing the Bridge
Somewhere Else Under the King
In today's entry, Martin gets a geography lesson that causes an epiphany:
Martin is grateful for the glossary and index in the back of the annotated scriptures. It’s made understanding and checking for references in Jackson’s poetry much easier. Not that it’s been particularly helpful with inspiration for a collaboration yet, but it’s a place to start.
He’s checking on references to lovers today, which is an easier topic than it had been but not exactly great. It’s not like he hasn’t been going to see Jon, and they’ve been talking on the phone in between visits. (Though nothing’s topped that particularly awkward call when he learned that Jon’s feelings for him have become psychically contagious. He’s resolved to stay off the internet until he can search his name without wishing for a safe for work filter.) It’s almost something approaching normal, even more so than suddenly running off to Scotland to hide for a few weeks. This is something that roughly resembles proper dating. But something seems just out of grasp.
He opens up to the one chapter referenced in the index, but he stops reading and slams the book shut almost immediately after he starts.
Okay. He was expecting some of that considering he already knew about Jackson’s use of the term Lonely Lover, but he definitely wasn’t expecting everything he got in that little glance. Right. Jon will want to know about this. Which means he should probably read at least a little more of it now. He opens the book and tries again.
“Guess what?” Jackson practically sings as he sails into the library. “That tabloid article I found before actually was about Jon and we didn’t know it!”
Martin won’t say no to the distraction and looks up from the book. “You’re kidding.”
“No! They actually ran a correction for it so they don’t miss out on the ‘man suddenly appears out of nowhere’ story. They think he’s disappeared instead of just left Clanbronwyn for London, though, so it’s not like they’re completely reliable. But still, isn’t that a kick?”
“Clanbronwyn?” Martin asks. Sounds Welsh, and he doesn’t exactly have every place in Wales memorized or anything, but something about the name feels odd.
Jackson nods. “It’s an island off the Anglesey coast of Wales.”
A chill starts to trickle down Martin’s spine. “Has there always been an island there?”
“Well, technically, it used to be a peninsula, but it’s been an island for as long as I can remember,” Jackson answers. “I can show you on a map if you like?”
“Could you?” Martin asks. “Please?”
Jackson goes to track down an atlas or map, which fortunately doesn’t take long. He opens the atlas and shows Martin the page with Wales. And right there, off the northern coast, is a dot that Martin’s never seen before neatly labeled, “Clanbronwyn.”
The sensation that had been trickling down fully hits him at that moment. The hazy, dreamy state of surviving in this new life has melted away, and a new reality settles in. This is different and permanent. There’s no going back, and there never was. This is a world that he thought he knew but really doesn’t. A world that is similar but entirely different that he’s been pretending in.
A heavy, cold pit of guilt sinks in Martin’s stomach.
He had been completely on board to doom this world to the Entities.
Not only does he not know if the world he will never see again is no longer hell, will never know if that world is no longer hell, this world where he’s living now nearly became hell, might still become hell. Is there a world that is in hell now? A world like this, with people like Jackson, Claire, Trilby, Jim, Lydia, Jessica, and Frank all just trying to live their lives? They’re just as real as anyone from the world he knew.
What happened to his world wasn’t right, and they were caught between two wrong choices, but at this moment he can’t stomach the idea of dooming this place.
And Jon was the only one to see that at the time.
He even brought it up in their row that this world wasn’t fucking ending when he was the one who had chosen to risk that! It took living here nearly a month for him to see it! And right now he can’t see anything else!
“I have to go,” he tells Jackson, getting to his feet and rushing to his room.
“Martin?” Jackson calls after him. “Martin, what’s wrong?”
But Martin is gone without an answer for him.
Martin hurries to Jon’s flat, urgently knocking on the door. He can’t just let himself in, not for this.
Jon answers the door with a soft, annoyed, “Yes?” before recognition kicks in. He lights up with bemusement as he says, “Martin! You don’t have to knock, I gave you a key...” By the end of his sentence he’s taken in Martin’s state of distress. “What’s wrong, love?”
“I’m so sorry,” Martin says, shuddering.
Jon takes his hands, gentler than he feels he deserves, and leads him inside the door. “Sorry for what?” he asks as he quietly closes the door behind them.
Martin shakes his head a little. “For not… not listening to you.”
Jon softly squeezes his hands, keeping his hold steady. “What do you mean?”
“I mean here!” he says, taking one of his hands back to gesture to their surroundings. “This world. Other worlds. Knowing what can happen to it, what I was willing to let happen to it! I didn’t think about it or didn’t want to! And now I can’t stop thinking about it!”
Jon watches him a moment as understanding seeps in, then he stays silent and allows Martin to continue if he wishes.
“I’m so sorry, Jon,” Martin says again, the words rough from the start of a crying jag. “I’m sorry I let you stand alone on that, didn’t even stop to consider it. And the way I’ve been acting here, god, I can’t even imagine how selfish you must think I am, not even thinking about it until we’ve been here a month-”
Jon fiercely pulls Martin into his embrace at that, cutting the thought off there. Martin holds him tight in return, adjusting slightly when he hears a stifled moan of pain.
Jon places a hand on the back of Martin’s head, softly stroking his hair. “Martin,” he says, his voice the gentlest Martin’s ever heard it. “Do you remember what I said when we talked about what happened before? I trust you. I’ve already forgiven you. I still mean every word of that.”
Martin shivers as he hides his face in Jon’s shoulder.
Jon eases them down so they’re both kneeling on the floor, still stroking Martin’s hair and now rubbing soothing circles in his back. “My love,” he says. “I’m just as selfish as you.”
Martin hiccoughs at that.
“However we want to judge our choices, they brought us here,” Jon tells him, pressing as close to Martin as he can. “And at least for right now, I don’t care how selfish it is that I don’t regret that. I’m here with you, and that’s all I want. So- so if I can be selfish about that, I don’t see why you can’t be, too.”
The two stay like that for a little while, Martin crying and Jon trying to soothe him with soft words and gentle caresses and tender kisses. Maybe he was looking in the wrong places for closure, maybe closure is just a myth, but he feels the shift from this exchange. It feels like finally moving forward, in tiny steps but moving somewhere better. Maybe that’s too hopeful, but as much as it’s hurt before, his hope hasn’t failed him on this yet.
“Can I stay?” Martin asks once his crying subsides.
“Of course you can,” Jon answers. “You can always stay here.”
One pizza delivery for dinner later, Martin picks up his bag and digs through it for his work.
“Do you plan to stay the night?” Jon asks, a touch of hope in his voice.
“For a few nights, if that’s okay,” he answers, finding the book he wants and setting it on the table. “I’ve been getting-” He interrupts his thought with a sigh. “-some worrying information from my boss? And I wanted to let you know about it.”
Jon turns the book to check the title. “The Annotated Books of Chzo?” he reads aloud.
Martin nods. “It’s not like Leitner-dangerous, just cult-dangerous. Heard about the Order of the Blessed Agonies yet?”
Jon frowns. “Some from Trilby, but he doesn’t know much, either. Just enough to know we don’t want to deal with them.”
“Yeah, that’s not wrong,” he agrees. “My boss used to be a member, and his family’s all over them, so some of his poetry’s inspired by it. Which, that’s whatever, poetry’s good for processing that kinda thing. But then I got to a chapter at the end of the Book of the Bridge, and things got uncomfortably familiar.”
Martin reaches for the book and opens it at the bookmark sitting in it. The chapter in question is titled, “The Lovers’ Bridge.”
Jon reads for just a few seconds before recoiling. “There’s a Watchful Lover?!”
Martin winces and says, “Yeah. Don’t think we can just dismiss Letters From the Lonely Lover as a coincidence anymore.”
Jon checks the page again and asks, “When was this written?”
“Originally? 1779 by Jack Frehorn,” Martin answers. “The book’s split between history and prophecy, not really surprising with religious texts. Don’t know when this annotated version was first done, but I’m pretty sure Dorian Lovelace is my boss’s father.”
Jon skips ahead to see how far the account goes, face growing more severe as he does. “So, what does this mean for us? If it’s all true and we’re the ones it’s talking about, that is. Is your boss trying to recruit us? Is the cult interested in us?”
Martin leans his head into his hand. “No and probably not. That’s the thing I don’t get: the cult full on believes the prophecies, even thinks some of them have already happened, but they don’t care about this one. Jackson said it’s a missing chapter in most prints.”
Jon turns the book so he can flip open the back, finding the index. “Do you know about anything the cult considers as one of the prophecies coming true? Any real events tied to them?”
“Not beyond the annotations,” he admits. “I’ve been focusing more on the concept of agony itself. So, y’know, having loads of fun with that.”
“Let me find some paper,” Jon says, getting up and heading to his room. He comes back with a notebook and a couple of pencils and wastes no time getting to work, flipping sections back and forth as he combs through the book.
Martin sits and watches him, aching at how easily Jon sinks into it like he did in the archives. “Guess the good news is if it’s a prophecy that’s already happened, there isn’t exactly a deadline to figure anything out.”
“Makes sense,” Jon says. “Prophecies like this aren’t really for the people they’re about, are they? Usually they’re a warning for someone else.” He keeps reading, and it’s not long before his breath hitches.
“Ah, I haven’t read the whole thing,” Martin admits. “What is it?”
Jon exhales through his nose and taps at the words with the back of his pencil. “It’s getting more familiar as it goes on. ‘That Blessed Agony of Loneliness.’ Not hard to tell what that was. Have to admit, Frehorn captured the spirit of my thoughts even though I wouldn’t have been able to articulate them like this.” He softly reads aloud, “’I see you in your Loneliness, and I will take you away from it to be mine.’ Sounds about right.”
Martin makes a little surprised huff, his cheeks going red. “Well, when you say it like that ...” He reaches and gently takes Jon’s free hand.
Jon laces their fingers together and puts his pencil down. “Maybe that’s enough for tonight,” he says. “I don’t know if I’m ready to look at the next part, anyway.”
“Jonathan Sims calling it a night early?” Martin laughs. “It really is a whole new world.”
“To be fair, his boyfriend’s had a hard day and he doesn’t want to keep him waiting,” Jon replies before pulling their hands up and leaving a kiss on the back of Martin’s.
The phone rings, interrupting the peaceful moment.
Jon sighs, squeezes Martin’s hand before letting go, and says, “I’ll be right back. Might take it off the hook after this call.”
“Won’t say no to that,” Martin agrees as he closes things up and stacks them together.
“Jonathan Sims.”
“Jon! So glad to finally speak with you. This is Jackson, Martin’s boss?”
“Ah, yes, he’s mentioned you.”
“Sorry for disturbing your evening, but Martin’s listed you as his emergency contact. He left work suddenly today looking very distressed and hasn’t been answering his cellphone. Is he all right?”
“Yes, yes he’s fine now. He’s with me.”
“Good,” Jackson breathes with relief. “Could you let him know there’s no rush to get back? If he needs a break or if he’d rather work there, that’s no problem.”
Jon nods unseen and says, “I’ll pass the message along.”
“Thank you, Jon. Have a good night.”
“Yes, good night.”
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I'm a non native English speaker and I've noticed that with accents within England there seem to be many distinctions made between where the speaker is coming from specifically, whereas with the others it's usually just described as a Welsh, Scottish or Irish accent. Now I'm wondering if there are different regional Welsh accents or is it all just one? Does Welsh (the language) have different accents?
Oh Christ yes we really do. Yeah, this is a symptom of colonialism - England grants itself the privilege of individuality, but the rest of us are a monolith.
It's as diverse in Wales as you'd expect, really. The big obvious pronounced differences are between the cardinal directions - South Wales has a very musical cadence that more than one Indian person has told me is similar to the Delhi accent, whereas the North has a more nasal quality (although that description makes it sound ugly. In fact, it retains all the musical lyricism of the South, and thus becomes a really beautiful and unique thing. The Gwynedd accent is honestly one of my favourites in all the world, in English or Welsh.)
Meanwhile, you get more Welsh in the west, more English in the east, near the border. But of course, that means mixing whichever English accent is relevant, right? So the south east (Cardiff and Newport) combine that southern musical quality with an English West Country drawl, while the north east (Wrexham) picks up the fun slants of the English North, Liverpool and Manchester. Welshpool leans into the Midlands a little, with Shrewsbury hints.
But those are broad strokes. If you have an ear for it, you can tell which town someone is from pretty easily. I'm based around Swansea these days, and I can tell within a few sentences if someone is from Swansea, Llanelli, Carmarthen, Neath or Port Talbot, all of which are close enough together on a map that an American could probably forward roll it. I can also do Cardiff vs Newport, and coast vs Valleys. That's possible in the North too - even with my southern ear I can just about differentiate Gwynedd and Anglesey, for example. A Gog could probably tell which village, even.
A Scott could tell you more about Scottish accents, but I have Scottish friends and visit often when there's no plague. I can tell Glasgow vs Edinburgh, and there's a broad Scottish accent that seems to be centred around Perth that I can spot. I've heard Orkney in the past too and that's *really* different, because it's got Scandinavian influences. There will be others too, I just don't personally have an ear for it.
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sassyfrassboss · 3 years
"the anon who broke M style through PR.. is it the fashion anon plant had?"
(Meghan's TedTalk anon here) No, sadly, I am not Plant or her old fashion anon. I'm just one of those old-timers who's been lurking around since the beginning. I learned a lot about PR from Plant, though, especially how Hollywood PR works and how much Meghan lives in PR. It wasn't until recently that I realized how much Meghan believes her own PR that she's the BRF's main character and once I had that lightbulb moment, it all clicked into place. (I always knew Meghan believed in her own PR. You don't cringe through the Megxit manifesto's "The Queen doesn't own service" without understanding that. I think I just underestimated how much Meghan truly believes in these delusions of grandeur.)
The thing about Meghan and her PR cycles is that she uses them to create these fantasy versions of herself that she controls through her clothes. But these PR storylines are set up to fail from the very start because Meghan can't maintain the illusion when she doesn't get the attention she wants. When she doesn't get what she wants, the illusion slips. When the illusion and her control slips, her mess begins to show and she's built such a house of cards out of these PR storylines to cover her secrets and lies that it can be easily blown down. So to protect this house of cards from blowing away, she relaunches herself with new PR and a new style as only a main character would. It's basically using shiny objects to distract from danger.
This is why Tom, Sam, Kate, and the UK press are so dangerous to Meghan: they contradict her reality and make her acknowledge she isn't the main character. (Tom can prove Meghan's childhood was better than she told everyone. Sam can prove Meghan isn't the kind and compassionate person she claims to be. Kate can prove Meghan is a nobody. The UK press can back all of them up.)
Now Kate also dresses/styles for PR storylines but she's much more subtle and organic about it that it sometimes takes years and her "restyles" are linked to natural life milestones. Kate is only on her fourth PR restyle in 20 years of being with William. By contrast, Meghan is on her eighth PR restyling in 5 years of being with Harry. She first mapped her "restyles" to milestones to obscure all the schemes but she couldn't maintain the illusions because of her threats (Tom and the press particularly), hence her "smash and grab" hustling.
[In case anyone asks, here's my breakdown of Kate's PR restyling:
Girlfriend: 2002 - 2007 (from St. Andrews to the breakup)
Newlywed: 2008 - 2012 (Anglesey years) (yes technically Anglesey was 2010 - 2013 but PR-wise, Kate knew she was marrying William when she took him back after the breakup and it was reflected in her outfits)
Part-time royal: 2012 - 2017 (Norfolk years)
Duchess: 2018 - present (London years)
Based on Kate's history, her next PR restyle will be when she becomes the Princess of Wales. One could argue that that transition is already underway, which began with that portrait from Philip's funeral, but I think it's too soon to tell.]
Whew...I thought I lost this!
I learned a ton through Plant myself. I was so naïve about PR until Plant.
Remember in her Mexgit manifesto about how they will continue working alongside TQ and other senior royals? Someone pointed out that, NO ONE works alongside TQ but FOR TQ. This really showed me that they, Meghan, felt she was on equal, if not higher standing than TQ herself.
Remember her PR about what her jewelry meant? All of those gold rings she wore and how each one, plus the placement of each one meant something? I also remember when Meghan’s style started to slip, the wedding dress. I was flabbergasted that is what she went with. It didn’t match any of her PR style to date and it was so loose on her.
I never have really thought about Kate and her PR style because she does recycle clothing and tends to wear the same looks, but you have brought up a good point. I do think she is slowly transitioning into her PoW looks. The funeral and the 007 premiere gold dress.
Love having you stop by and providing your wonderful insight! Sorry it took a while to get back to you. I wanted to write more but you are so thorough that I don't have anything to add!
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mostly-history · 5 years
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1611 map of the island of Anglesey (off the coast of north-west Wales), by John Speed.
Speed was a tailor for most of his life, and during the early 17th century he produced an atlas and history of Britain under the patronage of Elizabeth I.  His maps, first published in 1610 – 11, were extremely popular and were republished many times during the 17th century.  They were very accurate, and many of the county maps included town plans.
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googlemapsgems · 4 years
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Isle of Anglesey, Wales (courtesy of Google Maps via MapCrunch)
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scazza-scarletti · 5 years
Guide to Galar: Predictions & Theories! (also a quick guide to British mythology?)
I’m hella stoked to see Britain get portrayed in a pokemon game and watching the trailer I was thrilled to see so many cultural landmarks!
Nothing has been confirmed yet, but I wanted to make a quick guide based on the information we have to far guessing what the locations are going to based on (and maybe even some guesses about the games story?).
So, starting from the bottom of the map!
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Looks like we’re going to be starting off in a small rural town surrounded by a patchwork of field (no shortage of those in Britain), with an island on the left and a big forest on the right.
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The river running through the town interests me because there’s an island in the lake. Given the games will be called ‘Sword and Shield’, I’m thinking there might be some mythology based on the ‘Legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table’.
The game might start with something inspired by the Arthurian mythos, such as the Lady of the Lake (who lives on an mystical island the the middle of a lake, called Avalon) and Excalibur. There are several lakes in Britain (particularly in Wales and the South-West) associated with these myths, such as Dozmary Pool (Cornwall).
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As for the Islands on the left, there are several small islands surrounding Britain, like the Isle of Man, and Isle of Wight (there are also many Scottish ones!). There’s not much visual info to go off at the moment so it’s difficult to say at this point.
As for the forest, there are several forests throughout the countries, so again, based on limited information it’s difficult to say.
However (if the Arthur theory is correct) it could be based on the mythical forest of Broceliande. Alternatively it could be like Sherwood Forest (Nottinghamshire), famously associated with the legend of Robin Hood. Other famous British Forest include the New Forest (Hampshire/Wiltshire), Thetford (Norfolk/Suffolk) and Galloway Forrest (Scotland).
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Moving on!
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Okay so I’m  c o n v i n c e d  this region of the map is based on the Peak District and the Lake District.
The Peak district is a national park in the north of England -  characterised by its highlands and hilly/mountainous areas. The Lake District (have a lucky guess what that’s famous for), is a national park located in Cumbria.
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Between these two regions there also appears to be a large stone of some kind. I can’t think of an exact match for this, but it could be inspired by the various Tors (big natural rock formations),which there’re particularly a lot in Devon and Cornwall). Alternatively it could be a formation such as the Old Man of Storr or a man-made formations like the ancient Orkney Standing Stones (both in Scotland).
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On to the Middlands (kinda?)
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So next we have a big city! The most obvious guess would be London, and that is highly likely given the focal point is a big-ass clock-tower, like Big Ben (aka Elizabeth Tower). The shape and the fact the river runs around it is also reminiscent of the Tower of London!
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Although, I can’t hep but feel like the architecture looks very ‘industrial-revolution-esque’, particularly with all the red-brick. This makes me think of cities like Birmingham and Manchester. So maybe some mixed influences here?
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(Birmingham has several of red-brick Victorian buildings like this)
To the left of this city, appears to be a rocky area, which I think could have been inspired by Cheddar Gorge - most famous for cheese!
Its also famous for a legend about a witch!
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Wookey Hole, a cave located in Cheddar Gorge, had a creepy looking stalagmite inside, which local folklore says is the remains of a petrified Witch. It does look like there might be a cave on the map, so I really hope this theory turns out to be correct! (I <3 witches)
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(the infamous Wookey Hole Witch)
There is also a town surrounded by yellow fields, which I guess are either wheat or oil seed rape (unfortunate name, i know).
This also appears to be the location of this thing:
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So, this is based on the various ‘Hill Figures’ which are found in several locations around the UK. Horses and men are among the most common images. This practise is believed to date back to ancient times, however the only ones visible, that have survived until today, are only a few hundred years old.
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(’Rube Man’ or the Cerne Abbas, in Dorset. believed to date back to around the 17th Century.)
True British heritage is carving a giant man with his dick-out into the side of a hill and I think that’s beautiful.
Moving on, to the right of the city looks like a valley with a railway-line running through it. This could be based on the Glenfinnan Viaduct, located on the West Highland Line (Scotalnd). This was the bridge they use for the Hogwarts Express in the Harry Potter movies! 
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There is some more stuff on the left, which looks like a valley or field and a seaside town, but its difficult to make out the details so it could be anywhere.
Moving on...
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Sweet, another city! Although its not immediately obvious to me what this one is based on. It looks very industrial so maybe Birmingham or Manchester - or even Edinburgh. Honestly this one has stumped me a little bit, so I’ll just wait for a bit more info on this one!
To the left it looks like this might be where the mines are!
Britain used to have a big mining culture, especially in certain regions (e.g. the North of England, Wales and Scotland). Many closed in the 1970s, so there only a handful still in operation today and they have now been largely industrialised with machinery. 
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Most mines in the UK are/were for fossil fuels or metals, rather than gems, but I don’t blame Pokemon for making that amendment!
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(This is a copper mine in Anglesey, Wales - which i think vaguely could resemble the one on the map). 
Behind the mines (or what i think are the mines) looks like another forest, so I’m going to keep the same guesses as I had for the other one.
On the right, there’s a hilly coastal area, with a building on it. Maybe its a coastal ruin of a castle like, Tintagel (Cornwall) or Hastings (Sussex), although its hard to make out so that’s just a guess.
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Above that, it look like a snowy, inlet-y coastal town! Very reminiscent of the island-y areas of Scotland! Maybe somewhere like Stornoway...
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Now that big wall and the rock next to it that looks suspiciously like a volcano! Britain has no active volcano’s, but does have several dormant ones, particularly in Scotaland.
The one on the map looks a bit like it could be Arthur's Seat, a volcano located close to Edinburgh (possibly supporting that the city next to it is meant to be Edinburgh) .Back to Arthurian mythology again; the mountain range is one of the suggested locations of the legendary kingdom of Camelot! 
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On the map, its unclear if the wall is part of the volcano/mountain range, or if its a wall in its own right.
It could represent Hadrian’s Wall, built by the Roman’s in 124 AD, (to keep the Scots out of England/Britannia!). The wall is a lot shallower then the one on the Galar map though, and it doesn’t really look like it, but it could still be the inspiration.
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Okay last section!
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So this entire top area is very snowy and mountain-y. I think its safe to say this is mostly inspired by Scotland, which is usually a lot colder and has rougher terrain than down south in England (they call them the ‘highlands for a good reason’). 
Britain’s highest mountain, Ben Nevis is located in Scotland, as well as several other mountain ranges. Inspiration could have also been taken from the mountains of Snowdonia, in Wales.
As for the city itself, it looks like its going to be a very important (probs where the champion league equivalent will be), but I can’t confidently identify any recognisable landmarks on the picture.
There looks like another smaller Big Ben-inspired building to the side, but the central feature is tall spiral tower, which I don’t recognise (the closest thing  I can think of is the Orbit Tower - from the London 2012 Olympics - although I’m not entirely convince this is what it’s meant to be...).
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Well that’s about all we have to go off for now!
Sorry if this was a bit rambley, I just got so excited to see that they're representing so many different places! Sometimes I feel like Britain just gets reduced to London - which is a shame because the natural landscape of the isles are so varied and rich with culture and folklore!
I really hope Sword and Shield take lots of inspiration from the myths. I would love it if the King Arthur inspired story turned out to be true!
Anyway, I guess we’l just have to wait and see~
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whatson-northwales · 5 years
Things to do on Anglesey
Things to do on Anglesey...looking for pocket friendly ideas for the family on your stay here?. Look no further. I've listed ten things you can do on Anglesey, pretty much for free..
Anglesey is the jewel in the Welsh crown when it comes to beauty and natural landscape. Anglesey or Ynys Mon in Welsh, is a island just off the coast of north Wales. It sits proudly off the north western coast of the UK, with the mainland Wales to it’s east and Holy Island to its west. It has a spectacular coastline that surrounds its 138 mile circumference. Home to the mythical druids and…
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erisworld88 · 6 years
Second one from my fact sheet of the Crest of Merlin:
(I had plenty fun walking along the streets with Google Maps, when I had to figure this out)
Where are the main characters from?
Virgil:  Aberffraw, Anglesey, Wales.
Roman:  Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, England
Logan:  Beauly, Scottish Highlands, Scotland
Patton:  Castle Combe, Wiltshire, England
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magnoliaemporium · 4 years
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Fondly remembering my late father on this day 9/19/40 - 2/6/14 Hon. Arthur J Griffith Remembering him with the things he loved most... His "toys" and his final work Our family Hotel/Lodge in the mountains He was also the town's first elected Mayor. He was a businessman and a developer but in the early part of his life he was also a well respected designer. His campaigns included the Esso/Exxon Tiger Campaign and he was the senior designer in the firm he was partnered in that brought the original Coppertone girl to life, from the mothers sketch. His work also included many of the maps and logo for Florida Power & Light. At 14 he built a boat in shop class and that summer sailed it to the Bimini Islands and spent the summer working there. He also bought his first home and paid cash for it at 18. He came from a long line of industrious and talented business owners. His Paternal grandfather, Dr. Arthur James Griffith, was a highly respected Physician in Georgia and his Maternal grandfather; Jose Piro Canales, was a businessman in Spain. His Uncle was the foreman behind the iconic Stone Mountain, in Georgia. His paternal 6x Great Grandfather; Captain Robert Griffith Sr., of Llangadwaladr, Anglesey, Wales fought and died in the French & Indian War on July 9th 1755. Direct lineage dates back before 1000 AD in Wales. (at Magnolia Emporium) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Pc1QrJA9-/?igshid=ty1jhyym3ndx
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morganbelarus · 6 years
Ice Age evidence bulldozed from beach
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Image copyright Gareth Phillips
Image caption The huge boulders on the beach gave vital insights into how glaciers behaved
A "critically important" site of scientific interest has been "destroyed" by council workers on an Anglesey beach, it has been claimed.
Huge boulders dating back to the end of the last Ice Age were moved as flood relief work was carried out on Lleiniog beach at Llangoed, residents said.
They also claimed post-glacial peat beds were ruined by bulldozers.
Natural Resources Wales said it was investigating but Anglesey council said it had a licence for the work.
Gareth Phillips, a member of Friends of Llangoed Community Group, said: "It's one of the most daft and tragic things I have ever seen done in the UK."
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Image copyright Gareth Phillips
Image caption Shaped blocks of limestone which have now been moved
Lleiniog beach, which runs along the Anglesey shore of the Menai Strait, was strewn with huge boulders which gave vital information on how glaciers behaved.
Natural Resources Wales says the site provides "some of the clearest evidence in north Wales for an incursion of Irish Sea ice during the Late Pleistocene", the last Ice Age.
It describes Lleiniog as an important site for studies of the quaternary period, the most recent period in geological time when the Ice Age occurred.
Anglesey county council workers had a licence to clear out the mouth of a small river to prevent flooding of a nearby road.
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Image copyright Gareth Phillips
Image caption Large diggers on the beach moved the boulders
But after working on the mouth of the stream, "they went down 200 yards on the beach and scooped up boulders of scientific interest", Mr Phillips said.
"They had no reason and no licence to be there," said the retired health professional with a keen interest in archaeology and geology. "The local community has been distraught about it."
Euros Jones, operations manager for north west Wales at Natural Resources Wales, said the Welsh Government and Natural Resources Wales were investigating reports of damage to the site and looking into whether the work breached the conditions of the licence.
It is also investigating whether the works damaged important features of the site.
An Isle of Anglesey County Council spokesperson said: "A Marine Licence from Natural Resources Wales was in place to undertake these works. We also confirmed to Gwynedd Archaeological Planning Service that we were not working in the area marked protected on their maps referencing the scheduled monument fish weirs."
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Isle of Anglesey County Council
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Mount Agung, located 75 kilometres coming from Kuta, has been actually grumbling since August and also greater than 80,000 individuals have actually been compelled to leave their houses along with the volcano experiencing hundreds of inner earthquakes. Considering that this's not being kept up, the Mountain range is showing signs of wear and tear and also tear. He hasn't already resided near the Pieces for a minimum of a year and a half. The Huntington Gorge Trail gives every thing a skilled hiker long for, wild landscapes, steep sounds, scurrying up rocks, an uncrowded route, and also a few of the best views in the White Mountains. Strong winding streets weave throughout the area, passing colorful meadows, farms, streams, lakes and also hill summits. For decades thereafter, Stone Mountain was actually the website from an annual KKK cross burning. Not doing anything additionally helps me identify just how essential the tension definitely is and also if I am helping make a mountain range away from a molehill. The moment the guests have actually left you are expected to wash the chalet backwards and forwards. Being the biggest mountain above sea level this is sure to create an adventurous obstacle like nothing else. Early travelers saw this region trying to find the source of the Stream Nile and also whilst the expedition innovator John Speke really did not climb this hill he mapped the source from the White Nile in 1862. I discovered that does not have a lot of imaginative capacity to generate an amazing looking mountain range or even simple outcropping from rocks. For both the Cherokee Folks as well as the white colored settlers that complied with, the spine was actually the caretaker from a strange and unexplainable key.
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This planet's highest hill attracted certainly not just well-experienced mountaineers and novice climbers however likewise vacationers. Wall structures, medication cupboards, and also wainscot will definitely all be in Benjamin Moore's Moonshine White. This hill is actually hypothesized at being at least 4 kilometers beauty-you-blog.info high, but the foundation of the mountain range is actually concealed, thus this is simply guesswork. In the UK some folks feel if a newly gotten married to female see a black and white colored seen feline in an aspiration that's an indication, quickly she will have a child. Playground authorities pointed out at the very least a number of bicyclists mentioned spotting a mountain lion in the area where Big Sycamore Canyon as well as Serrano Gulch converge. As our company 'd climbed up on the White Cross, our experts determined to go back to base on the White Dot Route - large mistake! The walls along with the Triund Forestation Team right now check out 'Leave impacts, not waste'; an information that the Mountain Cleaners hope will certainly stick with folks long after they leave behind the Mountain ranges. The range of mountains is located northwest of Denver co, simply over the city from Rock. Volunteers have actually devoted the past five times gathering deserted oxygen tanks, climbing ropes, cooktops, plastic containers as well as outdoors tents coming from the Chinese side from the mountain. Tape prices for commercial metals might make Anglesey Exploration's Parys Mountain in north Wales feasible once more, more than ONE HUNDRED years after its copper was actually last unearthed.
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This is all still the Appalachian Range of mountains, which bisects the entire Eastern coast from the remainder of the U.S.A. Blue glimmers of heavens's image went after the driven white bubbles past the peach deadwood. Additionally, you can easily always search for ethnicity cars and truck driving, horseback riding as well as white water rafting around. I was actually currently hill biking, curler blading, and also rock climbing; as well as enjoyed the hills and also the other group activities, thus ended up being a regular on the walkings at the same time.
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cavalierpostcards · 4 years
North Wales Map Postcard, Llandudno, Bangor, Anglesey, Rhyl, Barmouth FV3
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whatson-northwales · 5 years
Top Spas in north Wales
Top Spas in north Wales
North Wales spas offer an excellent opportunity for you to get some rest and relaxation time, and to wind down from the hectic and modern world during your stay. Rest and relaxation in the western world is not taken as seriously as our eastern counterparts. Our health is the most important asset that we have along with time. Therefore It’s important to prioritise more breaks and periods of…
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thisdaynews · 5 years
The Nasty Political Fight Over the First Weather Forecasts
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/the-nasty-political-fight-over-the-first-weather-forecasts/
The Nasty Political Fight Over the First Weather Forecasts
On October 25, 1859, a slow-moving gale churned northward toward the British Isles, winds topping 100 miles an hour in a narrow fury over the Irish Sea. That evening, the steam clipperRoyal Charteralso approached the coast with 500 men, women and children aboard, on what should have been the celebratory last night of a two-month journey from Australia.
Not gleaning the grave danger in the atmosphere, theRoyal Charter’scaptain pushed on toward Wales. By midnight, the 3,000-ton behemoth was foundering. The crew anchored off the coast of Anglesey to try and ride out the gale. The port chain snapped first; the starboard chain, an hour later. Just after dawn on the 26th, the winds and waves drove theRoyal Charteronto the rocky shore, breaking its iron hull to pieces. All but 41 passengers were crushed or drowned.
Story Continued Below
What became known as the “Royal Charter Storm” went down in history as the most violent storm of the 19th century in the British Isles, sinking 133 vessels and leaving more than 800 people dead, including all the women and children on the namesake ship.
The storm made history, too, for establishing the first systematic weather forecasts—until politics got in the way of public safety.
For two weeks now, Americans have watched as President Donald Trump’s refusal to admit a minor mistake about the path of Hurricane Dorian has consumed more attention than the rising death toll and humanitarian crisis in the Bahamas. Trump’s statement that Alabama could be hit by Dorian prompted a correction from the National Weather Service station in Birmingham. That was followed by the president’s alteration of a hurricane map with a Sharpie pen; an unusual, unsigned statement from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which oversees NWS, defending Trump; then, reports that the secretary of Commerce had threatened to fire top NOAA employees if they didn’t contradict their own forecasters.
Storm forecasting was born of the worst sort of politics, as the full story of theRoyal Chartermakes clear. Then, as now, the consequences of inaccurate or censored information about the weather can be measured in lost lives and widespread destruction of property.
Five years before theRoyal Charterdisaster, British Vice Admiral Robert FitzRoy, who had captainedHMS Beagleduring Charles Darwin’s famous voyage, was named founding director of Britain’s Meteorological Office. FitzRoy had long agitated for a system of weather-data collection to allow scientists to detect storms and warn ship captains and the public. He named his concept “forecasting.” By analyzing temperature, barometric readings, and other data from ships and stations, he was convinced, scientists could detect emerging storms and post warnings—saving thousands of lives, not to mention the property lost to shipwrecks.
FitzRoy was right about the science of forecasting. But the politics were beyond rational prediction. In Victorian times, the idea of forecasting struck many nonscientists as ludicrous—a con, or even an affront to God. In his bookThe Weather Experiment, the British historian Peter Moore recounts a telling House of Commons debate. When a science-minded member of Parliament suggested in 1854 that amassing weather observations from sea and land could someday mean “we might know in this metropolis the condition of the weather 24 hours beforehand,” laughter broke out raucously enough to stop the proceeding.
The screams from the wreck of theRoyal Chartersnuffed out the laughs. After the storm, FitzRoy produced a detailed report showing how the tempest could have been tracked and its path predicted, validating his model. The Meteorological Office began collecting weather data in the fall of 1860. When the office accurately predicted its first gale, in February 1861, FitzRoy became a hero to many.
To others, he was still a pariah. FitzRoy and other public meteorologists were ridiculed as the “government Zadkiel,” the pseudonym of the most famous British astrologer in Victorian times. Darker motives were also at work. The late Malcolm Walker, a long-time historian of the Meteorological Office, found that in the early 1860s, ship-salvaging and other disaster profiteerslobbied members of Parliament to complain that storm warnings were “having a damaging effect” on their livelihood.
In 1864, one member of the House of Commons, Augustus Smith, wrote that he did not think the government should “undertake the functions of Aeolus,” the Greek god of wind. Smith also had financial interests in the Isles of Scilly, off the Cornish coast. In his public response, FitzRoy noted that ever since the introduction of forecasting, the Scilly harbors had far fewer visits from vessels in distress. His implication: Smith’s real concern was loss of profits. Data collection continued, but only for another year.
Across the Atlantic, the Americans did not have the same qualms about forecasting. By 1860, 500 U.S. telegraph offices were transmitting weather data to Washington, though with the secession of the Southern states and the outbreak of civil war, the network crumbled. After the war, a petition from the Great Lakes region—where violent weather contributed to 1,914 shipwrecks in 1869 alone—urged Congress to establish a meteorology agency and national weather service that could track storms as they moved in from the west. The next year, President Ulysses S. Grant signed a resolution creating what would become the National Weather Service. Alabama’s was one of 22 original stations that telegraphed observations to Washington.
Trump’s crude altering of a Hurricane Dorian map to contradict Alabama forecasters recalls the Zadkiel politics that stymied British forecasting. For Trump, vindication has always been more important than public information. But the real shame of the president’s Sharpie is that it has blacked out the most important story in the wake of Hurricane Dorian: the 1,300 souls still unaccounted for in the Bahamas. NOAA’s chief scientist and three former heads of the agency are among many who have stood to make the point that forecasting “should never be political.” There are simply too many lives at stake.
That lesson was hard-won at the dawn of forecasting, a science whose truth had to overcome the vulgar politics of its birth. On April 30,1865, FitzRoy, hero to ship captains and the Royal Navy, died by suicide, slashing his throat with a razor. Fellow scientists believed it was the pressure of trying to make accurate weather predictions in the face of constant criticism and ridicule. FitzRoy was also anguished by the death of President Abraham Lincoln, according to Walker, the Meteorological Office historian. FitzRoy’s suicide gave his critics ammunition to convince the public and lawmakers that forecasting was an immoral pseudoscience. Parliament banned all public forecasts in England for the next 13 years, allegedly because of inaccuracies.
We can only imagine the number of lives lost at sea, all due to the politicization of storm forecasting.
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