dannshelter · 1 month
Si quieres expresarle algo que te molesta y te dice "ya vas a empezar", ahí no es, y no será, huye.
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caostalgia · 9 months
¿Cuantos amores de mierda tengo que pasar para darme cuenta de que a mi nadie me amará?
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murallamuerta · 1 year
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notodoestanfacil · 1 year
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darkrider96 · 1 year
Estoy destruido mentalmente.
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sussurros-do-tempo · 5 months
Às vezes, simplesmente nos sentimos perdidos dentro de nós mesmos, sem uma razão clara ou caminho a seguir. Nesses momentos, aceitar que nem todos os dias serão produtivos ou claros pode ser um primeiro passo crucial. É normal ter períodos de desânimo, e não é necessário encontrar uma razão ou solução imediata para tudo.
Paulo de Brito
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baul-de-frases · 1 year
Solo me gustaría quitarme por completo de la mente todos los eventos tristes y las personas decepcionantes que conocí, darle más atención a los eventos favorables y personas asertivas.
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liinneettee · 1 year
parece ser que por más que me esfuerce al final no sirve de nada
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sw3etnena · 3 days
Till death do us part
Summary: Votes are just words when a betrayal is discovered.
Warnings: Angst, physical aggression, torture, false betrayal, Pregnancy.
Author's notes: Let's start with an important fact, English is not my first language, if there is any spelling mistake, blame the translator! Second fact: Votes and reposts are appreciated, so please do this charity. And third fact: I know them, seriously, but I ended up running out of ideas for scenarios, so I got inspired by the Russians (since they have a history)
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☆"I, Y/N/S, take thee, Simon Riley, to be my lawfully
wedded husband."☆
Ghost Husband! Who feels the world fall apart when he opens the yellow folder left on his desk, photos of you, talking and exchanging envelopes with a man he knows very well, after all, he was the one who captured him, a member of the Russian force.
He runs through the corridors, all eyes seem to be on him, but he doesn't care, clutching the envelope in his hands as he runs to the cells, where he knows you would be, where you are.
— Ghost… — Price steps in front of him, his hands holding your shoulders, Ghost can't look at him, his eyes fixed on you, hanging, hurt and almost unconscious.
— Did she betray us? — The question seems to come out bitterly, every piece of Ghost collapses when the captain nods reluctantly.
— Andrey Petrov. He confessed things that only she heard besides us. — He explains, and then Ghost pushes him aside, opening the cell, he sees you raise your head.
— Si… — You try with a broken voice, grunting when he squeezes your cheeks.
— We share the same bed. — He interrupts, you notice his eyes shining with tears. — And yet you betrayed me. YOU BETRAYED US!
You flinch when he shouts, pushing away from you aggressively.
— They lied, I-I. — You stop only to watch him rip open the envelope, throwing the photos at your bruised body. You tremble as you look at the photos, your doctor, the one who examined you two weeks ago, who told you in no uncertain terms that a child was on the way.
Did he lie?
— Simon… — Your voice breaks, suddenly you find the strength to face your husband. — He's my doctor, I was…
— Confidential conversations. — He interrupts again, approaching you again, pointing his finger in your face. — That only you heard, only you, me, and the captain, don't fucking lie to me.
— Simon…
— DON'T CALL ME THAT! — He yells, his hands coming up to hold your hair, you scream in pain. — You're nothing more than a traitor now.
'I swear to love and care for you at all times, and if I fail, it's because I'm dead." Simon says in a low voice, a soft smile on his face as he places the ring on your finger. "I swear to have you as my wife for the rest of my life, at all times, I will love you."
— I am… — You try to say, your voice dies when the door is opened once again, revealing a soldier, your colleague, known as “Wasp”.
— Lieutenant… The captain is calling you. — I’m coming. — And then he lets go of your hair, and slowly lifts your balaclava, collecting saliva and then spitting it on your face, the saliva mixing with your tears.
— I’ve already finished what I had to do. — And as soon as he leaves, you know that your world has ended, every piece of it, slipped through your fingers, so quickly, it all started in the morning, when you appeared in the mess hall, and everyone turned to you, until your captain, and best man at your wedding, punched you in the ribs, you fell to your knees, and then you were dragged to a cell.
— Please… — Your voice is interrupted by the scream that escapes, with the sharp pain of the cut on your arm, and then cheeks, thighs and legs.
— Your little friend asked me to say something. — The woman sighs, turning the bloody knife in her fingers. You frown. — It wasn’t fake. What wasn’t fake?
And then your eyes widen, your heart pounding in your chest.
— Listen, I swear I'm not a traitor. — A strong slap is placed on your face, you bite your cheeks before continuing. — You need to tell Simon that…
— Do you really think we're going to believe anything you say? — She questions, getting closer only to put the knife too close to your neck.
— Then go through my sock drawer. — You beg, tears falling. — If you ever had any respect for me, as a partner, at least tell Simon that. She doesn't answer, she just takes the knife away from your neck, grabs a bucket of ice water, and throws it on your body.
It was at that moment that you knew you were going to die.
☆"I promise to be faithful. "☆
You have no idea what time it is. The cell is dark, and now empty, only the sound of water dripping from your disheveled clothes fills the dirty environment, decorated with your blood and dried tears.
No one visited you besides the woman, but you know there's a soldier at the door, you can see the shadow, they all came to look at you, not for long enough, just telling you how disgusted you made them, Kyle, Price, Ghost, they were all at your wedding, they were all your family.
You decide to stop mourning, there aren't many things in the room, but there is the knife used by the woman who tortured you, under a table a few feet away from you.
With difficulty, you manage to free yourself from the handcuffs, your feet finally falling silently to the dirty floor, you don't care, picking up the knife, also ignoring the pain in your broken thumbs.
Hiding is also easy, you just stay behind the door, until you hear the soldier curse, and then open the door, looking for you, who is quick to attack - even with the pain in your body - You press the knife into his shoulder, he grunts in pain, and then you knock him down, piercing just below his ribs, a clean cut, without any damaged area, you were not a monster like them.
You grab the man's boots that are easily too big for your feet, but it doesn't matter, not when you run silently through the corridors, ignoring the silent pains in your body.
Dodging the awake soldiers is easier than it seems, ducking and sneaking, but unfortunately, the emergency button is soon activated, while you hide behind a column, everyone runs in the opposite direction, and you smile mentally, stumbling until you reach the outside, and then into the forests.
During the night, which you discover is cold, you hold your slightly larger belly, it's a search for comfort, and you can't help but pray that he's okay.
You don't know how long you've been walking, but at some point, your still wet body feels heavy, and you find yourself forced to lean against a tree, sliding until you fall on top of the leaves, you sigh, your eyes closing. I'm not going to die.
☆"love you and respect you ."☆
— WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?! — Ghost screams as he pushes the door, the squad stares at him, clearing their throats.
— She injured one of ours, and then ran away. — Price explains. — All we know is that she ran into the forest.
— She would have to walk more than ten kilometers to find any sign of life. — Ghost grumbles, rubbing his forehead in irritation.
— She must have someone waiting for her. — Kyle suggests.
— And wouldn't they come for Andrey? — Ghost interrupts.
— Y/N could be the real piece, Andrey is probably a pawn. — Kyle explains, crossing his arms.
— He got caught and then he ratted her out, we just need to know how she got someone to come looking for her.
— That doesn't matter now. — Price says, walking around the room. — We need to know what she knew, and how much they know.
And then they go back to Andrey's cell, who is more injured than you, with a broken nose, and yet a splendid smile on his face, the smile of a winner, he starts to hum.
— Не плачь, девочка, мама тебя спасет. — Ghost approaches, his eyes narrowing in her direction.
— What is he singing? — Ghost asks the translator next to him, he doesn't take long to answer.
— Don't cry girl, mommy will save you. — Ghost sighs deeply, holding his jaw.
— Tell me what you know.
— Она такой хороший солдат, мой друг, она девушка. — he says with difficulty.
— She'll make a good soldier, I bet it's a girl. — The military man translates.
— Who is she? — Ghost takes a deep breath, irritation growing in his body.
— Кто она? — The translator asks.
—Это, очевидно, ваша дочь. — He says, looking at Simon with a big smile.
For a moment, even the military man translating stops, his eyes wide and his breath held.
— What the fuck did he say? — Ghost steps away, approaching the translator, who reluctantly looks into his eyes.
— Your daughter.
No. It can't be. I-
It's impossible.
He doesn't,
there's no way,
— Daughter? — His questions come out slowly.
— The one in your little wife's belly. — The prisoner says with an accent, his voice thick and drawn out, his smile seems to widen, and suddenly Ghost feels suffocated.
— I'll kill you, you son of a bitch! — He grabs the man by the collar, his eyes locked on his, who shows no sign of lying, Ghost feels dizzy. — She's not pregnant, she would have told me!
— Она сказала, что планирует рассказать
— She said she planned to say it.
— Она сказала, что хочет чего-то романтического.
— She said she wanted something romantic.
“Baby, what do you think of this?” You ask sweetly one night, sitting on Simon’s lap, scrolling your finger on the screen of your phone.
“Why something so fancy, baby? We’re already married, aren’t we?” Simon jokes, mentally noting the name of the place.
“I want something special for us, Si.” And then you kiss him, he kisses you back, so sweetly, wrapping his arms around your waist.
— Папы не существует, мама его убьет. — He continues to hum.
— Daddy doesn’t exist, mommy will kill him.
Simon doesn’t think before running to his quarters, the room they’ve shared for years, he searches under the bed, inside the wardrobes, and then drawers. There are sheets of paper with words and more words, and then:
Positive for pregnancy.
— Simon. — Price runs to the room, stopping at the door only to see Simon kneeling, his fingers trembling as he holds the paper. — Did you find out?
— Find out what? — He looks up at his captain.
— The pregnancy. — Price bites his cheeks, guilt burning in his chest.
— How do you know about this?
— W-we found a… — Price interrupts himself, sniffling softly, trying to contain his tears. — Recorder on her cell phone, hidden in the case.
— S-so she didn’t… — Simon doesn’t need to finish, he is interrupted by a loud sniff from Price, who timidly nods. — Fuck.
“I swear, for the rest of my life, to be with you, when you fall and when you get up.” Simon fell even more in love with your smile, at that moment, you dressed in white, your eyes shining, he finally felt alive.
Kyle, Gaz, Price, Soap, his entire family, present at the best moment of his life.
“And I promise to love you even in the fights, the battles and the heartaches.”
— We need to go after her. — And then they both quickly agree, and stumble toward the rest of the task force.
Little did they know that as their bodies ran through the forests, screaming your name, with nothing but flashlights to light their way, you were no longer there, your body carried like feathers by soldiers in black, barely able to breathe, pale and cold.
— It seems we have a victory. — One of them cheers, the same Russian accent you would hear from now on, a new life.
Or the destruction of it.
☆"In joy and in sadness"☆
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cahhhmoreirasblog · 1 year
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coldxjean · 3 months
Ambos perdimos... dejamos ir un amor que tu no vas a encontrar en ningún otro lado... y que yo no volveré a entregar en esta vida.
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dannshelter · 2 months
Mi mayor sueño, es seguir intentándolo, es tener paz mental, sostenerme, observarme y decir "vas bien, que orgullo".
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neuroconflictos · 15 days
Ya no duele, o al menos eso es lo que me repito para convencerme de que ya te superé. Sin embargo, en medio de la noche, cuando el silencio lo invade todo, todavía siento cómo algo, muy dentro, me sigue lastimando.
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oceano-de-letras · 1 year
Muchas de las conexiones que experimenté, fueron una mentira con sabor a verdad, parte de un aprendizaje doloroso de que no todo lo que llega es para quedarse y muchos menos irse de la manera más amable.
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La peor parte de las crisis es que no pueden ignorarse. No puedo quedarme en la cama debajo de las mantas y dormir durante un mes.
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dxrk-exprxssixns · 5 months
Cada día se vuelve una lucha de mi mente contra mi cuerpo y las mínimas ganas que tengo de salir, escaparme…
Voy perdiendo la batalla, la mente es más poderosa que cualquier órgano físico
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