#anie cupcake
Oh hi thanks for following my gift to you is a train :D
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Me pregunto si alguien la recordara.
Como he mejorado con el tiempo damn, estaba divagando por acá y me acorde de la existencia de ella.
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egophiliac · 11 months
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...okay, one more, because Epel's white rabbit outfit is SENDING me. everyone in this event looks like a decadent little pastry and I want to eat them all.
(credit: lace stock)
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shinewonder · 10 months
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marauderswolf22 · 5 months
please can we normalize headcanon of crowley looking like this on a party in the 2000s and the view of aziraphale gasping for air a few meters away
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thecasualfkfan · 4 months
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bittwitchy · 10 months
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Chica and her cupcake
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fairydrowning · 1 year
I don't like studying for exams but then I remember I want an apartment near riverside with large windows and my own art studio in that.
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mywaywardcupcake · 10 days
I'd love to see your personal headcanons for Jou if you feel up to it !! :-D
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Well, since I’ve already done one for Bi Jou, I did my other HC, which is trans Jou!
Bonus Bi version under the cut (because I couldn’t resist another Bi Jou)
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miss-mossball · 21 days
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Bunny and the Transient Shadows(tm)
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frankenjoly · 1 month
bram and aya +
“I think they’re staring at you.”
“What do you recommend?”
or the word ‘royal’! up to you how many to do alsjfkfj
aaaanddd i combined them :3
“What do you recommend?” Bram asked, letting Aya lead him to a table she had called her usual spot upon entering the cafe. It was a small and colorful place near her school, mostly filled by other students with their friends, but in some cases their parents too. Would that mean no one would deem him as out of place? Unlikely, given how a handful of heads had turned to follow them with little to no regard for acting inconspicuous.
Most of them thought twice when meeting Bram’s best ‘mind your own business’ gaze, though.
“Hm.” Aya tapped her chin with her index finger, clearly considering all the options, since there was apparently nothing the vampire couldn’t straight up tolerate from the place’s menu. Sure, it wouldn’t feed him either, but that had been a given since the start. Not like it bothered Bram much, not when he could still taste food. “All the cakes are absolutely wonderful, but if I had to pick just one, maybe the apple pie? Or ditch those and go for the mochis. And for drinkin’...” She stopped for a second, glancing in the same way Bram was proceeding to look at. “Oh, yeah. I think they’re looking at you.”
“Have I not done enough to…” It was now his own turn to make a pause, properly choosing the words. “... appear fairly common-looking by modern standards?” 
The clothes he was currently wearing, if maybe more fancy than the usual while looking at everyone else, were appropriate to the times and weather. He had styled his hair so his pointy ears wouldn’t stand out much. And there wasn’t much he could do about the scars crossing his cheeks but those weren’t that strange either.
So what was the issue? Was it simply because he was a newcomer there? Would people who were familiar with Aya’s presence find off-putting that she wasn’t accompanied by her actual, biological father? Or--?
Speaking about Aya, her first reaction towards the question was giggling.
“I think they don’t have any problem with your looks, but the other way around.” The giggle turned into a big, amused smile. “Don’t be too obvious if you wanna take a peek, but for example… one of the ladies over there’s downright blushin’ and all.”
“Excuse me?” To be completely honest, Bram had understood what she meant. He just needed a few minutes to process the whole situation. Or hours.
“What? Bet they’re gushin’ as if they just found one of their fave romance novel main dudes just turned out to be true. Which kinda checks out, since you’re from ages ago and have that royal vibe thing goin’ on.”
Bram opened his mouth for a second, then closed it, then opened it again.
“You know I am no literal royalty.” Plus, calling her his princess was more about devotion and endearment and… yes, maybe a bit based on fantasy stories too, like the ones he had told another certain little girl back then. But still.
“I doubt they think that either.” Aya shrugged. “Anyway, whatcha gonna do with that sudden wave of popularity?”
“I--” Bram, meanwhile, let out a brief sigh. “Honestly, I have no interest in acknowledging those.”
“Why? Already got a sweetheart and whatnot?”
“You could say so.” He had barely finished speaking, when Aya’s jaw dropped.
(Also on ao3.)
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This is going to be a long story well hello there I’m Carlos I want to talk about cartoonland ( that should be the part toontown ) Giving a chance for the people want to hear about it I quietly know it everything is social media anie ,abel , carlosdevil ( we all know that it’s my own characters)
And everyone completely everyone and I want to go down with history so I could make my own land country it will be called cartoonland obviously I got the idea So anyway if you wondering around from the Internet you can see them again well obviously I’m getting bored from the The Internet.
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stardestroyer81 · 2 months
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Last July, I expressed interest in wanting to create arcade flyer-inspired character cards for the colorful cast of Rascal... and only ended up making one for the titular bunny boy. To make up for it, however, I think it's finally time to reveal Rascal's full cast...
... by way of a group shot and sprite showcase! 🍬🧡💙🧡🍬
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disneyartcloset · 8 days
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Cupcakes anyone? 😄🧁
Had tons of fun doing Dreamlight Valley special event.
My most favorite part is making cupcakes for the villagers 👏🏻✨
As you can see out of all cupcakes mermaids are my favs.
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I often think about the grown woman that told me I "obviously don't know what sexy is" before leaving skidmarks in $500+ in merchandise that I then had to damage.
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officialjamesflint · 1 month
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[Image description: two photos of me, a white ginger person, at two different points in my life. The first is a photo of me as an 11 year old, wearing a white swim shirt and with a black mustsche drawn on my face. I am sitting against a log-cabin like building and am making a goofy face. The second is a recent picture of me at a pride event. I am wearing a black t-shirt with a trans pride flag on it and white text reading "defend trans lives," a Gilbert Baker pride flag as a cape, and have a pride flag stuck in my ponytail and pride heart stickers on my face. I am walking out of a free-standing door surrounded by rainbow pride flags and am grinning. End image description.]
today is my 10 year anniversary of coming out as trans (by email. to the only openly gay friend i has at the time)!! it's crazy to think that I've known I'm trans for almost half my life :O if little 12 year old Tam could see where I am now I think his mind would explode from how confident in myself and my gender I am (and from how many incredible queer people I know and love!!). If you're a newly out trans person, or youre questioning your gender, this is your sign that things DO get better and people will love and accept you for who you are no matter how weird and nonconforming your gender expression is <333 I'm so so grateful especially for my internet friend community, who've taught me so much about how to be trans in ways that work for me and also about the power of fagdyke solidarity. It's not called family for nothing!!! Here's to 10 more years of fagging it up and I'm sure 32 year old Tam will have reached gender levels that I can't even comprehend right now 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
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