gamecockyy · 4 months
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My deer this year- unreal! One of the best experiences in my life. Beautiful buck, blessed with this one.
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calicoshine · 1 year
Winter Hunt
Galvanized (feat. Cobalt), Arcadian Aegis, December Quest, 979 words
Tension wrung Galvanized’s muscles into aching knots as he prowled along the road ditch, doing his best to ignore the cars that occasionally streaked past. It was unlikely any of the humans they carried would notice his pale, blotchy fur next to the dirty snow - let alone care enough to stop - but they ruined his night vision with their bright lights and that was enough to frustrate him. He never would have ventured so close to the trailer park if one of his Monarch’s Elites hadn’t recommended it. He wasn’t the type who enjoyed noisy crowds and everything the humans did was noisy and crowded.
Cobalt, however, would do anything to become one of the Elites. Galvan flushed slightly and glance down at her as she strode through the icy drainage ditch. She looked up at him with her radiant blue eyes and twitched a golden ear in question. He didn’t actually have anything useful to say so he smothered an embarrassed purr and looked back to the distant trailers. Honestly, she was too good for him and he would never understand why she stuck around.
It didn’t really matter though. She had made her choice and he had never seen reason to question the desires of smarter bobcats. He would do anything to make her happy, even if it involved hunting in a filthy human wasteland of asphalt and oil. How could those stupid small cats stand living here? The wide roads and tall trailers always made him feel as though we were trapped and exposed at all the same time.
His ears slid back in displeasure as a dog started to bark and the pair quickly made their way into the shadows of sleeping car. It wasn’t a good idea to attack animals with human companions, less they find themselves at the end of a gun, so the dog was better left alone. Instead the crept along the fence lines as Galvan looked for the freshest scent trails. He could smell the usual foxes, dogs, hares and small cats.
He finally settled on a fresh trail that cut through a field of muddy snow and dead grass. A group of small cats had passed through before splitting up. He chose to follow the path that wove back towards the cover of a small clump of trees, picking out two distinct sets of paw prints and a few more muddled trails.    
He heard Cobalt purr in delight as they crested a hill. Four small cats were tucked into the thick brush next to a fence, oblivious to the world around them. They hadn’t even set a guard to watch field for predators.  He licked his lips in anticipation then crouched quietly as Cobalt set off into the darkness, his heart thumping as he waited for her to circle around and stalk in from the right. His muscles tensed as he braced his hind legs, waiting.
“You’re a bigger coward then Hush,” one of the small cats meowed, it’s tail twitching about in agitation. The small cat it spoke to bristled up and give a pitiful hiss, as if it intended to be intimidating. “Oh, look. Squeak is squeaking again. What a surprise.”
“Enough Snap,” the largest of the small cats interrupted, “We need to keep moving.”
Galvan leaned forward, listening curiously to their stupid little argument. The fourth cat had joined in the bickering, but he didn’t care. His eyes narrowed on this ‘Snap’ choosing her as his target. His claws curled at the thought and it was nearly painful to resist the urge to charge as Cobalt stalked along the fence line with deliberate slowness.  
The night fell dead silent as the wind shifted and the scent of bobcat caused the small cats stiffened in terror. Their bright eyes were wide as the moon and for a moment everything was painfully still. Galvan launched over the hilltop, recklessly racing down the icy hill towards the cats looked back toward Cobalt with shrieking yowls.  
She charged, a spark of gold fire flashing through the brush as she slammed into the largest cat and lashed her claws out at Squeak. The scent of blood filled the air as the remaining two cats darted out into the open, desperate to escape. Snap nearly flung herself right into Galvan’s waiting jaws, only managing to skid to a halt in time for Galvan to smash her with is fore paw.
She was flung back into the brush with a scream. Branches cracked and splintered as Galvan barrelled after her, sliding on the rough ice with practised control before leaping onto her small, prone form. Her claws slashed harmlessly through his thick, winter fur as wedged herself tighter against a rock, nearly out of reach.
His claws hooked into her thin scruff and he dragged her out, delighted by her thrashing screams. It wasn’t really that different from a  hare, was it? His jaws finally got around her neck and he thrashed his head, snapping her neck with practiced ease. He dropped the dead cat with a thump. A moment later Cobalt returned with the unnecessarily mangled corpse of Squeak, making Galvan raise an eyebrow in concern. Was she hurt?
“It became trapped in the fence trying to escape,” Cobalt answered between puffs of breath, her eyes narrowed in annoyance as she pawed at the body. No, she clearly wasn’t hurt. Galvan grunted, sharing her frustration as she sat down and started chew at her paw, trying to pull out a splinter. He made quick work of ripping the tail off Cobalt’s kill, carefully avoiding the bits of wood that had become deeply embedded in the flesh, and then moved onto his own.
He stretched out in a clean patch of snow, cleaning his paws and muzzle as Cobalt consumed what little good meat there was on the scrawny cats.
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fictionkinfessions · 11 months
I finally got around to watching metal family after having everything taken from me and I have a system, I ended up losing everything and had one of my pets k1lled in the process and ended up with Glam so oops.
"I finally got around to watching metal family after having everything taken from me and I have a system, I ended up losing everything and had one of my pets killed in the process and ended up with Glam so oops."
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biskael · 2 years
because some of the oldest and best tools for certain trades (see: leather working, book binding, etc) are made of bone, does Quilge keep bones and make things out of them :?
to give this a rather short & quick answer , yes ! he does ! however , quilge's crafts don't lean into being morbid art projects . he makes more practical things with the bones . not that this is any type of passion he wishes he would rather be doing instead , no . it's just something he's picked up . i have stated in the past that quilge possessed a bunch of smaller skills . compound his age , the breadth of his knowledge overall & how his schrift isn't exactly primed to kill outright , i do think quilge has developed a number of other skills , too . being a hunter also requires immense patience . he's spent a lot of time ... on his own , save for the corpses of what he's killed . field dressing them . and when he's finished , what will he do with the other parts ? sometimes he eats them . he takes the hides & pelts , of course . so i can see quilge taking the bones & using them for something .
one reason why he keeps them is decoration ! he likes to decorate his ancestral jagdschloss , as well as parts of his personal chambers in silbern with the occasional little animal skull . not too many though , just a few of them . he does do taxidermy , on occasion . it depends on what he killed .
for specific tools , i cannot outright name any off the top of my head ! but quilge WOULD use them .
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blessedshortcake · 2 years
After Chiffon's crumbling, Red Velvet has no idea how to cope. Pastry is worried, unable to help her grieving partner. She sticks by him and does her best to pull him together when he runs into unhealthy ways to cope.
Part 2 of the series, Funeral Cake!
I had to gather all of my streght to not post a meme cover to the Wattpad version of this. Oh my lord. 💀
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"Need Gone by Friday"
There's a phrase that floats around the Greyhound Rescue World that makes the hair on all seasoned rescuers neck stand on end. "Need Gone", usually accompanied by a short deadline. Greyhounds who don't earn their keep simply have to go, and if there's no rescue space available, well, then they'll be dealt with in other ways, and will still be gone by the end of the week.
The calls often come on "Dump Day", Monday morning. After a weekend of racing and vets clinics being closed, Monday brings trainers to the door, dogs in the back, to be put to sleep. Then come the desperate calls from the veterinary staff. "Can you take a greyhound?", "Do you know anyone who will take a Greyhound?", "Space for a Greyhound?".
And the reality is there never truly is space. Kennels are already full. Hounds who have waited their turn on wait lists, hounds saved from the kill list in pounds, hounds picked up off the side of the street, and often, last week's Need Gone Grey's. The desperate calls to every rescue in the country might pull up a short term foster or an emergency kennel space but it's never a proper solution and just puts even more strain on already overburdened rescues. The GRI and Pro-Racers claim that most Greyhounds are rehomed, but continue to count Greyhounds being dumped on private rescues as rehoming.
I recently had a discussion with a trainer who didn't see anything wrong with "moving on" hounds from their kennel to a pound for 'rehoming'. They claimed that "We can't keep them all" and didn't see any issue with that statement. One of the hallmarks for an ethical, responsible dog breeder is 'backup for life', in which a dog can always return to the breeder for rehoming should the home situation go belly up. For Greyhounds, overbred by 1000% by the gambling industry's demand for fast dogs, this statement doesn't apply. Breeders churn out litters, cherry pick the fastest and to hell with the rest. They are only "wastage" right? To them, the dog has to earn a kennel space, and if it's not earning it's keep, then it simply has to go.
No other dog sport requires such a high turnover of dogs to function. You'll never see an ex-flyball dog on the kill list in a pound, or a rescue dedicated to ex-agility dogs. And why is that? Because those are actual dog sports, where people and their pets compete for fun, a few titles and perhaps a small prize. Greyhound racing is an industry, built on overbreeding, exploitation and discarding of healthy dogs to the tune of 6000 a year according to industry commissioned reports.
The latest "need gone" call came, as usual, on a Monday, and featured four greyhounds in need of rescuing. Two young dogs, around two years of age, and two older dogs. The second I heard "Four Greyhounds", my heart sank. Finding space for one hound is difficult enough as is, let alone four. The fact that the dogs were apparently nervous, particularly one of the older ones didn't help the situation. By the end of the day, I'd say every rescue this side of the country was involved in finding space for these hounds, and unfortunately, one did end up being euthanised. Three out of four is a miracle on such short notice, but I cant help but mourn the one. The one hound who never got to know life outside of the industry built around her exploitation. The one hound who perhaps, with time and care, could grow in confidence and blossom into a beautiful, happy hound. The one hound who didn't make it.
"Need Gone", the sentence that signs the death notice for so many Greyhounds across the country. Sounds to me that the only thing that "needs gone" is the Industry built on the exploitation of these gentle dogs. If you love dogs, don't support Greyhound Racing.
TW: #AnimalAbuse, #AnimalNeglect, #AnimalDeath, #DogAbuse, #DogNeglect, #DogDeath, #Euthanisation
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runic-raptor · 1 year
Hastily made "Am I the Blog for You" post.
While my content is generally PG13, I do touch on more adult topics on this blog, and this list especially will cover some deeply uncomfortable topics, so be aware going in.
<b>I'm NOT the blog for you if:</b>
🚫You're not accepting of all people (I'm gay, trans, queer, polyamorous, use neopronouns, and am anti-bigotry of all kinds.)
🚫If you dislike the word queer or want it censored. (I am queer and am part of the queer community. You don't have to identify as such, but the queer and LGBT communities are not the same, and I strongly dislike LGBTQIA+ and will not be using it interchangeably with queer as they are different.)
🚫If you're anti-agriculture, pro-imported diets, use veganism as an ideology, or are an animal rights activist. (Animal welfare yes, rights no. I live on a farm, keep animals, and believe local, ethical omnivore is the most sustainable diet for the environment. Yes this means I sometimes butcher, but you can block the tag #animaldeath to hide any content related to this.)
🚫If you're anti-kink, anti-sex work. (This is a sex positive blog here. Kink has been at pride since before the beginning, corporate pride notwithstanding. Sex work is not the same as trafficking, and is no more exploiting than any other work under capitalism. People are allowed to decide what they are and are not capable of consenting to, and calling people abusers for Risk Aware Consensual Kink is UNCOOL.)
🚫If you think there is ever a situation where an animal can consent to sex with a human, or if you think there are some situations where a child/teenages can have sex with an adult (outside of very small age gaps where the relationship is 17/18 or otherwise borders the age of consent. And while animals dont have a concept of human sex, it IS abuse and causes immense stress and behavioral issues, so no, the dog humping you is not consent.)
🚫Conversely though, if you think there is any category of people that should be told to kill themselves, or that should be shot on sight, etc. (Even the worst person imaginable deserves human rights. Yes, this includes p*dophiles, r*pists, zoophiles, bigots, murderers, etc.)
<b>This IS the blog for you if:</b>
✅️You want to see my random 3AM reblogs of funny posts, art, political junk, etc.
✅️You want smaller updates on my stuff that doesn't make it to the YouTube Community page, like cat pictures, life updates, and longer posts with more pictures of art I may be working on.
✅️You like cats, horses, chickens, and dinosaurs.
That's basically it. Just don't be a jerk. I try to preemptively block anyone with TERF/Radfem/Truscum/Bigoted posts, but I can't get them all, so if you see a post of mine get reblogged by them, let me know so I can block them.
I cannot check every single blog I reblog things from, so don't assume where I reblogged it from is an indication of my morals.
We respect neopronouns, sex-positive aces, trans folk who don't transition for any reason, polyamorous folks, bi-lesbians, and bi-gays in this blog.
<b>I am a white American, and while I try to be anti-racist, I cannot be perfect. If you catch me saying something stupid, let me know so I can be better. I know I have biases to overcome. I'm trying my best to learn, just remember I'm human too.</b>
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jenny-jinya · 3 years
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TW: Animal death, cruelty
Sometimes I have to draw comics to cope with things. I read about this a while ago and it still breaks my heart. They smashed her eggs with a brick and she died of grief. The only message I have here is don't be cruel.
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gamecockyy · 4 months
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2nd buck this year- very happy with how this year turned out as far as hunting goes.
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accursedarchivist · 3 years
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Man, you will b e missed. I actually cried :,,(
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Pet as gifts? - Please not!
This post is not just for christmas, it is about pets as gifts in general
We see many videos in the internet with people who have different kinds of pets. Some can do great tricks and are very smart, others are funny to watch or very cute.
And after watching all these videos or seeing these pictures, we think "This pet is so amazing, I want it too!" Because we saw how great they are and start to imagine all the funny things, we could do with them.
We tell our parents/friends/aquaintances about our new favourite pet and if we are lucky, they will buy us one of these. Then we think "Awesome! I have finally have my own favourite pet!" ... But the fun continues sometimes not for too long
Some people start to bond with their new companions and they get best friends, but others realize how stressful they can be or get bored after a few weeks/months and start to neglect them ...
Or some of them don't find anybody who can watch after them during the holidays, or they get too big for their homes, or they are too noisy, or too "filthy" ... Sadly there are numerous reasons why people start to neglect or abandon their pets
And the first and the most important step to prevent this, is to inform yourself about your favourite pet:
That is the reason why I decided to make this post. I want to prevent people reselling their pets, leaving them in animal shetlers or even abandoning them by informing them.
Will you have enough time for them?
Do you have any allergies?
Can you deal with their needs? (For example food/water etc.)
Will you love them and care for them, even if they won't like you?
Do you have enough money to care for them? (Vet costs/foodprice/toys etc.)
Can you deal with their volume? How will you neighbours react to them if they are very loud? (like birds/dogs ...)
Can you deal with their way of life or special needs they have? (Are they diurnal or nocturnal?)
Do you have enough space for them in your house? (Some pets can be very big when they grow up or need more space than other pets, for example some dog/bird/rabbit kinds)
Can you deal with their poop/dirt or with their smell? (rabbits can smell if you keep them in your house, birds will poop everywhere on anything, you have to pick up dog poop, feathers or fur will be lying around etc.)
Is it okay for you if they destroy your stuff? (Puppies chew often on furnitures, cats like to scratch thing, birds and rodents like to nibble wooden things ...)
What to do if they get old/older? Can you care for them when they get old? (Some pets need special care when they get old)
How long do they live? Can you give them a happy life? (Some pets live longer than you expect! Budgies can live for 15 years and some parrots can even get over 50!)
What about vacations? (Will you have somebody who can watch after them or can you take your little companion with you?)
Is your home safe enough for your pet? (Invisible dangers)
You can prevent a lot of stress for you and your potential pet, if you make enough research before bringing them home!
You can watch videos from people who have experience with the pet you want or read articles in the internet. You can also ask your friends/neighbours/aquaintances, if they had this pet before and ask them about their experiences.
I think it is also very important to know that not every product in pet shops are good for your pet. Not many people know that! If you are unsure what product you should buy, make research! (Some treats or foods are not very healthy for your pet, bird/rabbit cages are often too small ...)
Having pets is not cheap! No matter if someone gives them for free or for a low price, you still have to bring it to a vet if they are sick and buy them their stuff they need
Be patients, especially with smaller pets like budgies. Just give them their time and they will maybe come on their own or try to feed them with your hands to gain their trust
Advices for parents: If you still want to buy a pet for your children, then you should have enough time to watch after them too. Children can be easily get bored of them or be overchallenged easily. Or you can buy robot-pets, we bought my sibling a robofish when she was younger and they had their fun with it until they got bored ... But it was better then getting real fishes, because even they can let you do a lot of work and nobody in my family was ready for that!
Be careful and let your kids play with their pets only under supervision, if they are younger. Many accidents can happen, especially with small pets like hamsters, mice, budgies etc. ... Sadly I made my own experiences with that
If you are unsure about bringing a pet home, then you could ask your friends/neighbours if your child could watch after them sometimes (for example when they are on vacations or your child could walk with their dog etc.) or bring them to an animal shelter to let them have contact with pets and learn more about the pet that you child want
Or just get them one if you know that they are responsible and old enough to take care of the pet they want
Even if your pet will have the chance to get a second home, it won't be easy for them to move from home to home and you can never get 100% sure if their second family will look after them better than you. If you have experiences with a pet and would love to get one, please give pets a chance who weren't wanted by their first family!
It is not always the meat industry or some maniacs who harm pets/animals ... Sometimes it can be the owner himself, without noticing
You are free to write your own thoughts and experiences about this topic, I would love to read your opinions! Please share it, maybe we can save some pet lifes with it💜💙
And if you have budgie related questions, you are free to ask me! 🐦💙💜 I would love to answer your questions!
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@jenny-jinya @serakyla @prussias-blog
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biskael · 2 years
i can't understate how much quilge loves killing . he does love torture & torment , but he is also a hunter , and hunters kill . it is something so deeply engrained into him . first a hunter , then a butcher , then a jailer lastly . his father was a hunter before he became knighted . quilge was taught how to kill animals from a very early age . how to skin them , clean their bodies out of innards . rabbits , snakes , fish . then fowl , foxes , deer . then bigger , more dangerous prey , like wolves or even bears . and hollows . many hollows . he wanted to travel the world & hunt other animals , too . the tales of new countries filled with other species excited him . he wanted to see them , so he could simply kill them . if it could be shot and it bled , then he could track it and kill it . who knows exactly when his first human kill was . maybe it was his siblings , maybe not . but he doesn't miss them at all . they were getting in his way of immortality , anyway . because , after all , if it could be shot and it bled , then he could track it and kill it . and humans were far more a rewarding hunt than any wild beast .
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blessedshortcake · 2 years
Red Velvet was never accepted in town no matter what he did. No matter how much he helped, how much he changed or how much he socialized and showed he was nice. Barely any of the townsfolk accepted him and he knew. They both knew but it never got this bad.
Turn your breakdown into content, the game.
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wangxianfics · 4 years
Title: An Apple a Day  🍎💔
Author: dandelion_san ( @dandelion-san )
Universe: Post Canon 
Status: Complete
Rating: General
Lenght: Short (2+K)
In which Wei WuXian deals with a suddenly loveable Lil' Apple, and the realization of inevitability. For what is time to an animal compared to that of a cultivator?
(The loss of a pet is never easy).
Recommended by: @shamelesswngxian (mod)
Wei WuXian pressed his forehead to Lil’ Apple’s neck and breathed. The donkey was quite stinky. Definitely needed a bath, this one.
“It has been twenty-five years since you and I have met,” he said. He pressed his lips together and didn’t speak further.
And now I’m crying! This is such beautiful a bittersweet little fic about Lil’ Apple ageing and then passing away, where WWX realizes how fickle a thing time is. He gets sad and reminisces about their times together. LWJ is there to comfort him and not even LQR can watch WWX keep moping. In the end though, happier times are ahead ❤️
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cabbagepigstudio · 4 years
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"Childhood Friend"
When I was 5 or 6 my grandpa gave me the skull of a deer he had killed, and it became my best friend. I named him Dimselskul and decorated him with markers and plastic sticker jewels. I used to sleep with him at night because I thought he would use his antlers to protect me from ghosts. ✨
I am currently accepting digitally coloured commissions like this for a pay-what-you-want price. If you like what I do and want to support me as an artist, please consider buying my art and/or leaving me a tip on ko-fi. Thank you! 😽✨
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