#animaniacs fan script
ilovemurdoc1990 · 3 months
Help Wanted: Animaniacs Writers needed for a friend to help with a project!
Are you a witty wordsmith with a penchant for zany humor? Do you dream of writing for a cast of animated characters who defy the laws of physics and logic? Look no further! Our friend’s exciting project is seeking talented writers to join the creative chaos of the Animaniacs universe.
About the Project:
Title: Animaniacs: The Reimagined Adventures
Description: This fan-driven project aims to revive the beloved 90s animated show, bringing back Yakko, Wakko, and Dot for more slapstick antics, cultural references, and musical mayhem.
Format: Web series with short, bite-sized episodes (think mini-skits meets Looney Tunes).
Job Responsibilities:
Scriptwriting: Craft hilarious, clever, and occasionally absurd dialogue for our iconic trio. Bonus points if you can sneak in a pun or two!
Character Development: Dive into the minds of Yakko, Wakko, Dot, and their extended cast. What makes them tick? What drives their wacky behavior?
Song Lyrics: Yes, there will be songs! Compose catchy tunes that stick in viewers’ heads like gum on a hot day.
Pop Culture References: Stay up-to-date on memes, trends, and internet oddities. The Animaniacs thrive on parody and satire!
A love for animated comedy and a deep appreciation for the original Animaniacs.
Creativity that knows no bounds (or gravity).
Ability to channel your inner Yakko, Wakko, or Dot (or all three simultaneously).
Familiarity with the Animaniacs’ signature catchphrases: “Hello, Nurse!” and “Goodnight, everybody!”
Work from your own zany tower (or coffee shop, if you prefer).
Collaborate with fellow writers who share your passion for nostalgia and chaos.
Unlimited access to the Warner Bros. water tower (just don’t fall off).
Application Process: Send us your résumé, a brief cover letter (in verse, if you dare), and a sample script snippet where the Animaniacs encounter a time-traveling squirrel with a penchant for disco. Extra points if the squirrel moonwalks.
Contact Information: DM me and I'll give you my friend's contact info!
Disclaimer: This project is fan-created and not affiliated with Warner Bros. Animaniacs, but we promise to keep it as zany as the original!
Apply now and let the chaos commence! 🎩🎤🌟
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mryaksalot · 6 months
Animaniacs Fic Suggestion #2 The Context Machine
It seems you guys really like the idea of weekly fic suggestions, so I'm throwing another great story your way.
The Context Machine, posted by Addlepated on AO3, tackles the rise of using A.I to generate stories. The Warners face this issue head on when a writer's strike occurs on the studio lot, so the show crew had to resort to using A.I to write their scripts. The Warners' careers are put at risk, quite literally as Nora Norita attempts to kidnap them, with plans to fully replace them with A.I generated characters.
This story does a fantastic job at investing the reader into the action. From every review I've read of this story, everyone says that they could feel the emotions of the characters and what they were going through. The story characterizes all three Warner's personalities and attributes very well; Yakko, Wakko, and Dot all have a role to play in this. The way they solve their problem, in their own zany way; it just feels so satisfying to watch unfold. It feels like something that is straight out of the show -- it is that good.
BOTTOMLINE: The Context Machine is an ensamble story, involving all three Warner Siblings. If your a fan of the Warner's shenangigans, and your craving seeing a tale of them perservearing through a dire challenge (especially one that is tied into real life), then you won't regret reading this story one bit.
Shortcut to the story is below:
If there's a fic you feel should be discussed/think I should talk about/read, feel free to tell me below.
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cf56 · 2 years
I read your scathing rant on episode 8. Very cathartic. (Plus, your fic was almost reminiscent of my comic—that the sibs were forced to read the script and were against saying those shitty lines)
Heck. I don’t watch the Pinky and the Brain episodes only the reboot, and even I’m aware (I’ve seen it though some clips, and fanart) that those two have a more apparent and wholesome relationship than the Warners in the show. Brain isn’t even afraid to call Pinky his friend, and he’s the Squidward to Pinky’s Songebob.
It was cathartic to write, as well. Didn’t solve all my feelings, unfortunately. It will take a while for me to fully recover as a fan. I could never give this up, though, so I’ll fight as hard as possible to keep my passion alive.
I’ve been following your comic. It’s the only new art I’ve liked since I entered my self-imposed quarantine from the fandom to avoid spoilers. I really needed it at the time. Seeing others share the same emotions over those lines definitely helps.
You’re right that Pinky and the Brain are more outwardly affectionate with each other than the Warners are. At least, more verbally affectionate on a consistent basis. It’s weird as hell. It’s like the writers don’t understand that just because the Warners are sarcastic characters in general doesn’t mean they can’t experience genuine emotions, especially in regards to each other. I don’t even need to see them being all wholesome and fluffy in the show. Just don’t show them outwardly disliking each other. It really shouldn’t be too much to ask for.
The writers seem to try to write them as regular siblings, when the Warners have never been that. They’re so close that they’re more like a single organism with three different cells than a group of normal siblings. The only time they fought and annoyed each other in the original series was when they had an adult father figure in Scratchansniff over them. Even then, what Yakko and Dot said in episode 8 goes beyond even regular sibling banter. I’ve seen some people say that’s it’s just normal sibling teasing (bitterly reflected in the title of my fic), but I don’t feel that way at all. And I’ve been a big brother myself for two decades, so I should know. I’ve also watched 130+ episodes of Animaniacs. I know what’s out of character for the Warners.
I’m not opposed to seeing them lightly tease and fight with each other on occasion. That will naturally happen with siblings. I tried to show how I think it should really be in my fic. There’s still teasing, but it’s not anywhere close to mean spirited. What happened in episode 8 was crossing the line, because it made it feel like Yakko and Dot didn’t value Wakko at all. There were so many ways they could have done that exchange just slightly differently, and it all would’ve been fine. They chose the exact wrong way to go about it.
Thanks for backing me up on this and for helping to heal the fandom’s broken hearts with your art.
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coolartist1110 · 3 years
Ladies, Gentlemen, and Non-Binary Audience Members...
On Friday, July 16th, on the EllaGVA YouTube channel, I am proud to present my live reading of a script I wrote myself! It's an Animaniacs fan special titled "The Warners of Oz," a parody of The Wizard of Oz.
The livestream will take place on July 16th at a time to be determined. Stay tuned!
Of course I obviously don't have Rob Paulsen, Jess Harnell, Tress MacNeille, Maurice LaMarche, Frank Welker, Sherri Stoner, etc. on standby, so each role will be filled by me doing my impressions.
Here’s the link to my YouTube channel, btw: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiPPdLs7QIiQkVh6lKkZ4vw
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mel-is-a-melon · 3 years
Fuck it, in-depth analysis of what the final lines of Animaniacs season 2 episode 13 mean within the in-universe context under the cut. Warnings for manipulation and medical harm to children.
So, those last lines were absolutely terrifying and I’ll break them down one by one. These lines are taken verbatim from the subtitles on Hulu.
Dot - “Sounds like a problem for next season. If there is one...”
Yakko - “Guess we’ll wait here until they make more new episodes, just like we did in the 90′s...”
Wakko - “This time, I wonder if we’ll dream...”
So Dot’s line is relatively simple to break down. The intro only had them signing on for two seasons in the reboot, and even though we know that a third season has been ordered, the Warner siblings evidently don’t. What gets me, though, is the emphasis on “if”. The italics show up in the subtitles, so they’re meant to be there. It feels like a notation that they as the characters have reason to believe that there won’t be a next season. Dot certainly looks scared at the idea. Were they outright told the chances were slim, or did they overhear something? I’m thinking the first, since the people they work with to produce the show (at least the higher-ups, and they interact with the CEO a LOT) would know about plans for a third season. Was it used as a threat, then? A way to keep them in line - “behave yourselves, or we won’t renew you for a next season”? The implication is there, I think.
Yakko’s line is a bit ambiguous. Does “wait here” mean to wait in that exact position, or within the limits of the studio? Probably the second, though the concept of the first is unnerving to say the least. It’s canonical that they’re locked in the water tower when they aren’t filming, and this line implies that the practice has continued. Which is fucked up and a conversation for another time. The first time they were locked in there, it was for a 60 year stretch, and the second time, as confirmed by that line, it was for 20 years. Yakko believes they are about to undergo that again “until they make new episodes”. Not “until they film a third season”. Another point towards the theory that they’ve been lead to believe they won’t be renewed for a third season, and that they’re about to be locked up in the water tower for an indefinite amount of time. Fans of the show generally believed that they were awake and bouncing around the water tower for that time...
And then there’s Wakko’s line. What. The. Fuck.
Immediately, this changes a lot. They aren’t awake when they aren’t filming, and they aren’t dreaming. Or at least, they didn’t dream last time. So, what kind of controlled sleep lasts for a very long time and (for the most part) doesn’t induce dreams?
Sedation. Which is seven kinds of fucked up, but makes sense.
Normal sleep could never last as long as 20 years, let alone 60 years. That would be a coma, and while there are non-sedation ways to induce one, most of them would bounce right off the Warner siblings as a result of cartoon physics. When under sedation, most patients do not experience dreams because drug-induced unconsciousness is not the same brain process as sleep. It might be the only explanation for Wakko’s line that makes sense in-universe and not as a throwaway meta gag.
So under this theory, when the Warner siblings aren’t filming videos for the studio, they’re sedated and left unconscious in the water tower until they’re woken up to film more videos. And now I’m wishing I had the power to jump through the screen so I could beat up the people doing that, which is most likely (based on association with and power over the Warners) the CEO giving the order and Dr. Scratchansniff carrying it out. No wonder these kids have so much energy whenever we see them - it’s the ONLY TIME they get to run around and be awake and be KIDS, and yet the whole time they have to play by a script and have the ever present shadow of being sent back to unconsciousness once it’s all over hang over their heads.
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falcophoenix · 4 years
while im loving the show and the reception, imho the new Animaniacs is a revival, not a reboot! not to put down anyone using the term (because even the show does), but i think it would be helpful to remember the differences! (not that Hollywood differentiates much between them)
remake = replicating a previous media with a majority of similarities to the original such as the script or scene layouts
reboot = starting a media from the beginning as a newly established timeline with revamped character personalities or backstories
revival = continuing a previously ended or suspended media with an accurate style to the original in either aesthetics, writing, or other/all aspects
Here's some examples to help illuminate!
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I hope this helps to give another look at how great this show is, because it's a revival! It's the same format and same spirit, and old fans like me are here for it ❤️
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Ok so unpopular opinion but the Animaniacs reboot simply wasn't quite as good as the original: an essay.
I've seen other fans of the previous series give their opinions but its mostly just "it doesn't feel the same" which i wholeheartedly agree with but after rewatching the old series and the new, I've pinpointed a few things that really changed.
Let's start with the new series because most people have that fresh in their minds. Basically, the Warners come back reanimated doing sketches and being actors. They do specific stunts and such but the sketches tend to follow a theme and are kind of tame. Very A---->B. (Also negative points for removing Slappy and Skippy, they were easily my other favorite segment). Its charming and has some good songs but generally, it all seems scripted, as in, the actor characters follow the rules and while they annoy some people, thats about it. Yakko makes dad jokes, wakko eats things, and now dot is witty. Which was true in the original but back then- well we're getting there
Now, the old series. The Warners are still toon actors in the original but there are episodes detailing the skits they had set up for them - and then how they consequently fucked them up so bad that they drove people clinically insane. The studio owners hated them, their lack of obedience, and the fact that they were "unusable" as cartoons so much, they literally stored them inside the water tower for 60 years. They were created in the 1930s and they escaped in 1993, when the show started. And they were no less insane. The warner kids were known for being so obnoxious that any person they met would rip out their hair (literally in some cases! Dr. Scratchansniff had a full head of hair that he ripped out within a week of meeting the kids!). Basically, they caused problems on purpose. They knew they were like this. So many fanfics are so angsty and base the Warners personality off being orphans but here's the thing:
What would happen if you gave 3 children God powers, invincibility, and no adult supervision?
Yeah, that's right. Exactly what happened in the old show. They were all the bits of a WB cartoon rolled up into children. Do you think child Bugs Bunny would have shown mercy?
In a lot of skits, the kids would annoy Rich Old White Men with big egos half to death. And it was awesome. Yakko made so many jokes that still make me laugh to this day. Wakko was hungry all the time. Dot? She was CUTE. That was her main characteristic. And yet she had standards and boundaries and would beat up creepy men. And she'd use her looks to get what she wanted. She was not afraid.
But above all else, they were shown and characterized as children. Smart and witty children, yes, but they'd eat ice cream for dinner, their water tower had a damn roller coaster inside it. They'd argue like kids, ask questions like kids, and even went to school a couple times like kids. They were three kid siblings with power. And they knew it.
They were really what I wanted to be. Confident, powerful, and not afraid to get back at people who offended them. And they did it in a fantastic way.
The new one still has this potential, though. Here's what I'm imagining: 1) GET TOM RUEGGER BACK ON STAFF. THE WARNER SIBLINGS ARE BASED OFF HIS OWN SONS. HE WAS A GOOD DIRECTOR. PLEASE BRING HIM BACK. 2) the second season, they reveal that the Warners had been under very strict contracting and they'd get more money if they did. However, now they have their fans and then some back and money is boring. So, they decide to rip up their contract and just go around the studio causing issues again. Maybe even bring back the old animation style - I loved it. They go see Plotz in retirement and fuck with him to no end. They make the new CEO want to quit her job and even go to Plotz for advice. Scratchansniff just quits. I just really miss the style of it all. It was more A--->Y--->Q------>W->T--------------->F------>B
I've had these thoughts for awhile but didn't know how to say it properly. Good night everybody!
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nuttersincorporated · 4 years
Here’s my contribution to the deez-art’s Brainladdin au. Please check out their art. It’s awesome!
Thank you to cawareyoudoin for betering this. Any mistakes left are my own.
Prologue: The great and powerful genie, Yakko, breaks the fourth wall to argue with the author and introduce you to the Brainladdin au. Also, Arabian Nights has been rewritten for this au.
Fandoms: Animaniacs, Pinky and the Brain and Disney’s Aladdin
Word Count: 1031
Warning: The fourth wall may never recover but other than that, nothing.
Oh, you’ve heard of the tale Yes, Aladdin’s well known You’ve watched it and read it before There is magic and love And a carpet above It’s Disney and also folklore
But we’re mixing it up Animaniacs style The writer’s completely deranged Make yourself a hot tea Read this fanfic and see How the story you know has changed!
See fan art tonight! And read fanfic today! The writer has flipped And thrown out the script Hope this turns out okay!
Here’s fan works tonight Based on a cartoon A new role to fill Will Brain fit the bill? Read to find out soon
Hellooooooo, reader!
Tremble in fear, puny mortal! For I am the great and powerful genie, Yakko the magnificent!
Just, kidding! You have nothing to fear. I’m mean, I am a powerful genie but I’m also helping out the storyteller by introducing you to the Brainladdin au. The only thing you have to fear is my killer jokes!
Author's Note: He says he’s helping but really, I didn’t ask for this. I just wanted to start the story in a normal way. Personally, I think this prologue is too meta but Yakko insisted.
Go away! You get to tell most of the story your way. Let me do the introduction. The people deserve to know what they are getting into with this fic!
Author’s Note: Okay, okay! I’m going!
Thank you!
Okay, lovely reader, what’s that look for? You weren’t expecting this fanfic to break the fourth wall? Look, kids; this is Animaniacs meets Aladdin, the fourth wall was never safe here.
That said, don’t worry, it won’t always be this direct. This is just the prologue to set the scene.
Anyway, where was I before the author interrupted and you got all worried about the state of the fourth wall?
Oh, yes. That’s right!
Our story takes place in a place you might almost recognize. ACMEbah is the capital city of the desert kingdom, Warner-rabia. It’s a place full of magic, mystery and wacky animation.
Here are the players in this little pantomime:
Yakko: That’s me! The great and powerful genie of the lamp and star of the show! Outside of this prologue, I don’t turn up in the story until a few chapters in. Don’t be disheartened. It’ll be worth the wait. I’m funny and… -sigh- the author is telling me to get on with it. She also says I’m not the star but what does she know?
Brainladdin: A street mouse with big dreams. At the start of our story, he aims to escape poverty and change how ACMEbah is run. He wants to make it a fair place for everyone, including his young ward Wakko, who I’ll tell you about in a moment.
The guards think of Brainladdin as a petty criminal and public menace. The poorer inhabitants of ACMEbah think Brainladdin is a foolish dreamer who’ll never get anywhere in life. Brainladdin has not let others' assumptions stop him from trying. In fact, given a change of circumstances, Brainladdin might just get the chance to reach higher than even he’s ever dared to dream.
Wakko: I love this kid and so will you! Until a few years ago, Wakko was just another orphan trying to scrap out a living on the streets of ACMEbah. Then Brainladdin saved his life and more or less unofficially adopted him. Wakko now enjoys helping Brainladdin with his plans.
Wakko is a great kid with a heart of gold, a bottomless appetite and almost endless optimism. He loves making people laugh, has no respect for authority, and is extremely loyal to those he cares about.
Princess Jaspinky: Jaspinky has spent his whole life in the palace. He is expected to be the perfect Princess; keep quiet, not rock the boat and marry a suitable Prince to strengthen Warner-rabia’s power on the global scale.
Jaspinky desperately wants to make others happy. Unfortunately, he’s a lonely, clumsy ball of nerves who always seems to say the wrong thing. He feels like a disappointment. This isn’t helped by his distant mother or the fact that most of the staff remain completely professional around him so that he cannot connect to them. If he could admit to wanting anything for himself, it would be a chance to make more friends and to marry for love.
Sultan-CEO: She’s Jaspinky’s mother and the ruler of the kingdom. How does a seemingly human woman have a child that is presumably a mouse? Don’t ask silly questions! Jaspinky takes after his father of course!
The Sultan-CEO isn’t the nicest person, but she does want the best for her kingdom, or at least she wants to make the kingdom more powerful. She is often busy with matters of state and has little time or patience for those who disappoint her.
Dot: She’s a wonderful, cute kid, who’s so witty. Dot (don’t call her Dotty) is Princess Jaspinky’s personal maid servant, and his best friend.
If the Sultan-CEO knew of their friendship, she probably wouldn’t approve. Status doesn’t matter to Jaspinky and he thinks Dot is the best. However, according to Dot, her full name is Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca III, so in reality she and Jaspinky are equals anyway.
Snowballjafar: He’s the Royal Vizier and after the Sultan-CEO, he holds the most actual power in the kingdom. I’m sure he’s a nice guy and we don’t have anything to worry about when it comes to his intentions. The manipulation and casual cruelty he uses against everyone – other than the Sultan-CEO – is probably just your imagination.
Ralph: He’s the head of the palace guards. Ralph isn’t the isn't the sharpest tool in the shed but then, he doesn’t need to be. He’s paid to follow orders not ask questions.
Okay, now you’ve met the main players, and the stage is set! Click the link to move forwards and start reading the story proper!
Author’s Note: Okay, Yakko’s gone now. I just want to say sorry for this overly fourth wall breaking intro. I’ll keep him under control more from now on. The fourth wall will be much sturdier in Chapter One, I promise.
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velocity52 · 4 years
Johnny Depp joke
Why is some people getting mad about this? Some people are getting mad about this one little joke:
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People think just because it aired a few weeks after Depp lost in his lawsuit against The Sun related to publications of allegations of abusive treatment of his ex-wife Amber Heard, which led to Warner Bros. dropping Depp from the Fantastic Beasts franchise. People voiced their outrage on social media about the unfortunate juxtaposition of Depp's image and the "Telling Lies" subtitle, calling it an unfair jab at the allegations, leading to petitions and social media campaigns to boycott Animaniacs. 
First of all, for the people who can’t get their facts straight (hopefully you, the person reading this, ain’t one them and actually understand the joke. Proud of you.👌)
The script was written in 2018! Sure the thing was still going on back then. But it wasn’t as big plus there were much bigger problem going on!
Wildfires, school shootings, a tsunami hit Indonesia (including a magnitude 7.5 earthquake.) so amber heard allegations were a speck compared to this.
I’m not saying I don’t care about about Depp. But I didn’t even know this going on until a few weeks ago. So to me, this all new. I can’t blame the show they explicitly states the script was written in 2018.  plus here’s the icing on the cake if you haven’t realized it yet.
The joke is about the song/meme “Johny Johny yes papa”! Which goes like this if you don’t know it:
Johny, Johny, Yes papa? Eating sugar? No papa. Telling lies? No papa. Open your mouth Ha ha ha!
They chose Johnny Depp cause his name is Johnny. Look the prequel poster even has the bag of sugar!
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I mostly wrote this because I wanted the fans have the same opinion as me hopefully and actually understand the joke. I just don’t want the show to get hate for what it doesn’t deserves. The joke came out at a bad time and some misunderstood it. We just got the show back only for it to get cancelled after season 2. (I’m not saying that’s going to happen, I just don’t want that to happen.)
Please leave a comment so I know what you think. My anxiety just getting to me worried about this.
thanks for listening.
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maki-matsurra · 4 years
What if the Animaniacs were in TLTS?
Hello everyone! Wow! This is gonna be a doozy. 
So one night when I was drunk on sleeping pills I randomly thought to myself; “Hey, you know what would be a good idea? Put the Warner siblings in some of The Looney Tunes Show episodes!” And I just went “Yup! That’s a great idea!” 
And after a month, I kid you not, a full month of planning, writing down an ENTIRE episode script in my writing journal, doing re-writes here and there, I present to you; 
If The Animaniacs Were In "The Looney Tunes Show" 
I posted it on AO3, So I’ll leave the link here so you can give it a read if you want! I tried to stay true to the Warner’s personalities, even throwing some subtle nods at the original 1993 series and some fan ideas. (For example, in this fanfic, Wakko uses They/Them pronouns) 
I also want to warn you, when I update this fanfic, in later chapters, I will include my Animaniacs OC Juliet Willows. She is a toon that looks like a human (Like Elmer Fudd). She’s the same age as Yakko, but a little bit shorter in height. Like, Yakko is 3′3″ (Roughly around 99cm), Juliet comes around 2′9″ (89cm).
In a more abridge story; she was created by a formal rival studio by a man who designed her to sing songs, one day because of a freak fire incident, the Warner Bros. Studio and the rival studio came to an agreement to let Juliet be a part of their studio. 
And before you ask, no. Juliet’s creator does not mistreat her like how Plotz mistreated the Warners. He’s a nice guy who see’s Juliet as his own flesh and blood. 
I thought it would make things interesting to add a love interest for Yakko, since Daffy and Bugs gets one in the show. (Sorry Yakko X Max Goof shippers, maybe next time.) 
Anyways, I have rambled on long enough. I hope you enjoy the fanfic! 
Happy Reading! ~★
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ducktracy · 4 years
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you asked for it... here are my animaniacs thoughts! i still have about 3 episodes left but felt bad about letting these rot away in my inbox. (also “the duck” is hilarious and i love it thank you)
the pinky and the brain segments were the best segments period. the visuals in the intro are SO COOL!!! maurice lamarche and rob paulsen kill it, and while i never watched the originals i’ve heard a lot of similar opinions echoed
the warner episodes were good, hit or miss. loooove the animation of the anime sequences in bun control. here comes treble was probably one of my favorites and panders right to my music loving heart
with that said, anima-nyet is probably my least favorite. the russian xenophobia is... something else. i know these weren’t written in 2020 (yakko even says the scripts were written in 2018 in one episode) but it just feels so... out of date. not that xenophobia is ever IN date, but, you know. it felt like something mediocrely funny talk show hosts would have run into the ground in 2016. they try to patch it up with “oh not all russians are bad we just have a bad leader hehe ^__^” but it’s just so... in your face. we get it. same could probably be applied to the THERE’S A CHEETO IN THE WHITEHOUSE!!! jokes. funny at first, but feels kind of like... SNL-skit humor. though i did like seeing the warners fuck with tucker carlson
to no one’s surprise, wakko is my favorite
there BETTER be a soundtrack release like they did with LTC. i love the music SOOO MUCH
the first episode felt a little too “we’re a reboot now, get it? get it?” for my tastes but i still enjoyed it. i’m not a big fan of the borderline cynical in-your-face self awareness brand of humor which is something animaniacs is KNOWN for (well, maybe not being cynical, but sometimes feels it comes off as such), but i found myself laughing more than i thought i would.
the puppet animation can be really distracting at times
overall, it feels like they’re getting their footing, but regardless i’m excited to see more. i wasn’t even thinking of visiting the reboot, so i’m glad i did. i’m friends with some of the people who worked on the show and i’m so so SO happy to see their hard work come to fruition! i’m very proud of everyone who worked on the show
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kyotosummer · 4 years
Okay so I finally got access to Hulu and am slowly going through the new Animaniacs while reading up on some of the history and... I don’t get the criticism I hear?
I mostly hear three of them:
1) The original creator needs to come back!
Okay first off, Animaniacs was always a group project headed by Steven Spielberg. Originally, they were going to be ducks, until Steven said no. Then there were going to be four of them, but it was decided that was too much and two characters combined to make Wakko. Throughout production, Spielberg would always be extremely hands on (it had HIS name on it), so I wouldn’t say Tom Rugger was the SOLE CREATOR of this series. He’s like... Ub Iwerks to Walt Disney for this one.
Secondly, IT’S BEEN 22 YEARS, and Rugger hasn’t been up to much since his days at the WB (he did some Snow White spin-off for Disney XD and a few cameo & writer jobs, but that seems to be it?) People change, and Warner bros shares ownership of the series with Amblin. OF COURSE they want to make sure a group is heading it that serves both companies best interests. I would also ask him to submit a script or pitch to show his humor would still be relevant with today’s audience. Also he does have a cameo in the new series. I honestly feel the fan base demanding his return is more upset about this than he is.
2) Hello Nurse should have been the CEO!
This is continuing the Tom Rugger critique, because people are mostly saying this because he commented that’s what he would do, but..... what would be the joke? How would that work?
The original Animaniacs and their treatment by Plotz was a joke based on how film studios used to own their actors. Actors couldn’t just go to another studio, unless the studio that employed them rented them out (this was a thing). The Animaniacs live in this environment to justify being chaotic- audiences can justify kids acting out the most when they’re being blatantly disrespected.
The New CEO gives 0 fucks and seems to be a few wires short of a circuit board, which makes sense for modern times, and allows for her to be selfish enough to keep the studio afloat while making dumb mistakes that will blow up in her face (the bun episode)
Every character in Animaniacs is an asshole. That’s the joke. The audience has a good time watching the Warners wreak havoc because everyone around them is an asshole. Making Hellow Nurse the CEO would force the writers to make one of two choices for her character:
1) Turn her into an asshole (and the audience riots)
2) Give her 0 power and the joke is that she’s TRYING to clean up the studio but nothings working and now she cries oceans at any sign of stress (and the audience riots)
Aside from the fact her being a nurse with her IQ and degrees indicates that her love is in the medical field, keeping her character from the 90’s and making her CEO would be insanely boring, considering that her biggest strength is her patience. What would the Warners do with her? Yakko and Wakko can’t jump in her arms screaming HELLOOOOO NURSE anymore, and outside of “Extremely Hot Woman Turns Out To Be The Most Capable Person Around”, she has no jokes.
The only way to make her CEO and keep her in character is to have the Warners cause chaos outside of the studio, and that ruins the meta, which allows the writers to make jokes about working at a studio.
And Animaniacs without meta is like a Bugs Bunny cartoon without sass. What’s the point? Why even bother?
So no, I don’t see how making Hello Nurse the CEO would have worked.
3) The Warners aren’t as chaotic!
This one I KINDA see, but I think part of the problem is addressed in that catch-up song:
“What’s going on? Will we be okay? Has the world gone mad since we went away?”
I think the world caught up with their zaniness, so they just don’t look that crazy. I don’t know if we’ll get a PLOT for that, but I think that’s the meta: the world’s gone mad enough that the Warners almost seem behaved.
Also, Animaniacs was an ensemble show, so the Warner bits were actually rarer and special. There could be entire episodes where the only time the siblings show up was to turn the wheel of morality. By spreading out the Warners’ segments, their appearance would be seen as more special in the show, and that does add to how they were perceived in the 90’s.
There is a 4th criticism, which I do agree with- they need to bring in more characters and segments.
I heard there might be a few in later episodes (I just finished ep 4), but I definitely miss the Goodfeathers, Slappy & Skippy, and Rita & Runt. I’m excited for the new characters, but I just.... just let me watch Pesto kick Squit’s ass while Bobby laughs. That was always fun. XD
Also I saw in the Chicken Boo episode that Squit was the one holding a log like he was gonna kick some ass. I want to see THAT character development!
Overall, though, I’m having a lot of fun watching this! I’m glad it came back!
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shivermewhiskerz · 4 years
I know I posted like 2 seconds ago but uhm
I want to make a script/dialogue thing for a fan-episode of animaniacs but it has myself in it ;-; I’m not sure why but I’m gonna do it on wattpad
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blazehedgehog · 5 years
On certain shows, such as Animaniacs and Tiny Toons, there is a sort of contempt with censorship reflected in its characters. This got me thinking that writers probably intensely dislike the regulation of their work. Therefore I guess they just want to have freedom from this regulation. Would it be better that the writers are allowed free reign and write whatever they want, no matter what they are working with?
I mean, they totally can do that now, thanks to the internet. Adult Swim shows a version of Venture Brothers where words get bleeped and nudity is blurred, but if you want there are fully uncensored versions of those episodes on different streaming services.
The implications of a question like this are not lost on me, and I’d like to think you aren’t simply JUST asking about Animaniacs and Tiny Toons either, but are coming from this from a perspective of censorship as a whole.
As such, and this may be a controversial statement to some, but I think TV censorship is fine. Usually, anyway. Obviously shows like Animaniacs and Tiny Toons were railing against censorship, and that’s because you occasionally hear horror stories over the years about bizarre, specific problems a censor will have over something genuinely harmless. Like, for example, censors having a problem with Nickelodeon’s Angry Beavers telling someone to “shut up” because it might inspire kids to be rude. Or the story going around about a single British TV censor that railed against nunchucks. Sometimes it is legitimately dumb and unnecessary.
But TV censorship does a lot of good, too. I mentioned just a week or two ago that I am (or was, it’s complicated) pretty squeamish when it comes to excessive gore in horror movies. 
One night in 2013, a local TV channel aired Return of the Living Dead. Now, normally, that’s an extremely violent movie with lots of hardcore language and even full frontal nudity. It’s a kind of a heavy metal movie. And, sight unseen, it’s a movie I’d normally never consider watching, because there are parts that are pretty gross. People could tell me, “oh it’s not so bad” and I probably still wouldn’t watch it, because I don’t like excessive gore, and I wouldn’t want to risk it on principal alone.
But they put it on TV. And not cable, this was over-the-air, network television, the stuff you get for free as long as you plug in an antenna. Even though it aired past midnight, they still had to do their best to cut out the worst, most gross parts.
And in that context, I was willing to watch the movie. It’s legendary zombie cinema and I’m a fan of seeing TV edits of “adult” movies (I saw part of a really great TV edit of Fargo once that replaced all the swearing, it was hilarious).
Through that, through this censored-for-TV edit of a very violent 1980′s horror classic, I could appreciate it. And I thought it was really good! I enjoyed watching it enough that I actually ended up seeking out the uncensored version.
None of that would have ever happened without the censored version existing.
That’s the thing a lot of people are losing sight of in the modern “omg censorship!!!” debate: there are actually acceptable forms of censorship. It can be totally okay to censor something! Not everything always has to be rude, nasty, and uncensored! Sometimes, you even get the rare case where censorship is better!
Take anime like Ghost Stories or Samurai Pizza Cats. In both of those cases, during the process of dubbing those anime, the original Japanese scripts were lost and the American production studios got to play it by ear and make up whatever they wanted. You could absolutely spin that as a case of them censoring the original shows, but it’s also transformative in a way that made those shows more fun to watch. A lot fewer people would remember Samurai Pizza Cats if it was a straight translation of “Kyatto Ninden Teyandee.”
What about Animaniacs and Tiny Toons? What do you imagine an unfettered version of those shows would actually be like? If they didn’t have to write around the censors, would those shows be automatically improved? We may never really know, but at the same time, that censorship was part of their sense of humor. If you took that away, isn’t that in itself also a form of censorship?
A good example of comparison here I think is Space Ghost: Coast to Coast, which is the show that more or less launched Adult Swim on Cartoon Network. The original run of Space Ghost ran just as part of Cartoon Network’s late night programming, when it didn’t have any kind of special name. Cartoon Network had just relaunched the “Space Ghost Brand” through something called Cartoon Planet, which was a block of classic cartoons hosted by Space Ghost, Moltar, Zorak, and Brak. In between cartoons they’d respond to reader mail or do skits. It was weird, a little random, but 100% kid friendly and clean.
Coast to Coast was originally just an extension of that, but through the lens of a late night talk show like The Tonight Show or whatever. Space Ghost would interview celebrities and ask them wacky questions. Early episodes of Coast to Coast were very close in tone to Cartoon Planet, but eventually Williams Street (then known as Ghost Planet Industries) started pushing the boundaries of the show, thanks to the late night slot. It got darker, and weirder, and creepier, but they were still kind of beholden to certain Cartoon Network censorship standards…
…Until the launch of Adult Swim. Here’s a block of programming that spent the first 3-5 years of its existence literally yelling through a megaphone that their late night content wasn’t for children. Williams Street was given a chance to write their own standards, for… well, adults. Space Ghost relaunched, and now unshackled from Cartoon Network’s kid-focused censors, got even darker and weirder. They can swear now! Zorak isn’t just Space Ghost’s foil anymore, now he worships SATAN! This isn’t kids stuff like Cartoon Planet! Isn’t that COOL?
And frankly? I don’t think the show was better for it. There is a point where Coast to Coast gets too edgy for its own good and it loses its charm. There’s a sweet spot to the series, around season 5, where they’re pushing the boundaries but haven’t tipped over the edge just yet. Making the show uncensored (relatively speaking) did not really improve its quality in my eyes.
What you call “censorship” was an ingrained part of what made these shows so good and taking that away does not guarantee any increase in quality. Limitations foster creative thinking. It’s not about the vulgarity they couldn’t do, it’s how they worked around that vulgarity that we remember.
Do not become so obsessed with what entertainment you think you’re “losing” that you forget what we’ve already gained by filling that void with something else.
There are obviously situations in which censorship can be very upsetting and even dangerous. Censorship can absolutely be used as a weapon against the people. But that is not universally applicable in all scenarios. The idea that nothing can ever be censored is, in itself, also a weapon. As always, everything must be considered in moderation.
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reggiejworkshop · 4 years
Heyo! I’ve always admired your art world and especially your Animaniacs fan-fiction behind the scenes series! They way you write the stories makes me feel as if I’m reading a script for actual episodes! - ✨
Thanks! Glad to know you liked “Light’s, Camera, Cut!” Aside from “Gang of Four”, it appears to be my most popular series. This series is always fun for me to write, so I am glad to know others seem to like it. I really wanted to go for that candid behind the scenes situation for the Warner's and the crew. I have a new chapter for the story in the works. I have no idea when  I will have it posted since I haven’t had much time for writing lately.
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animeluffy3-blog · 6 years
Contemporary American Animation
This post explains the history associated with animation in the usa of The united states since the later 80's until the early twenty-first century. This period is actually often the renaissance regarding American animation, where numerous large American amusement businesses reform and reinvigorate the animation department following the drop suffered in the sixty, 70 and 80.
Through 1988 to the existing
Disney's come back
In the actual mid 80's, the particular United states animation industry dropped in to disgrace. Toy advertisements masking as entertainment applications toons dominated the night as well as the morning of Weekend, and the only test had been carried out through independent developers. Actually cartoon films were expected within theaters at times, however the glory of the aged days has been gone. Also the animation large Disney, which had fought against the corporate acquisition in typically the 80's, was considering leaving manufacturing animated feature movies.
Both enthusiastic audience, pros, and also the animators were used abruptly when the long-awaited renaissance involving animation started in the earliest and also most conservative corporation, Disney.
Disney had a extreme enhancements made on the 80, it is brand new chief Michael Eisner the organization relocated to their ft, returning to their roots along with revitalizing their own studies. Along with great excitement, in 1988 the research worked well with Steven Spielberg to create the animated film Who else Framed Roger Rabbit, aimed by Robert Zemeckis. The actual film was a achievement, in addition to gave to often the animation business awaited press for that period. Roger Rabbit not only gained him a pile connected with money with regard to Disney, however also sparked nice associated with the classic animation which is constantly on the this day. The particular history of computer animation all of a sudden became an object regarding study (and their fans). Several directors, business story, such as Chuck Smith as well as Friz Freleng had been abruptly in the limelight, being recognized after years of being practically overlooked by audiences and also market professionals.
Disney carried on the actual success of Who also Presented Roger Rabbit? along with "The Little Mermaid", the very first involving a series of super-hero motion pictures that seemed in order to recapture the wonder of the particular golden age of Walt Disney himself. The studio room spent heavily in fresh technology connected with computer cartoon for this kind of purposes, yet could perform super-productions such as "Beauty as well as the Beast" along with "Aladdin, inch which drawn audiences which were not observed in decades, and when supplied a visual feast which has not been exceeded because the 40. The peak associated with the strike Disney ended up being in 1994 whenever his or her film "The Big cat King" exceeded all anticipation regarding the study to turn out to be probably the most successful of almost all time. Even later on Disney films as "Pocahontas, inches "The Hunchback involving Notre Dame", "Hercules, very well "Mulan" and "Tarzan" seemed to be blockbusters.
Disney has also created inroads into the ignored part of the animated TV collection. With the accomplishment connected with shows like "The Brand new Adventures of Winnie typically the Pooh", "The Activities associated with the Gummi Bears Disney" and "Duck adventures", often the "new" Disney made the mark in TV photos. Through association and repeating, Disney can provide higher quality movement for TELEVISION. A series of big diffusion was conducted inside mid-nineties, with some pundits designating "Gargoyles" as the actual Disney toon project regarding TV's the majority of ambitious in addition to best done nicely. Typically the soundtracks of each of those animated films were a part of its success, simply because Disney was including throughout each of these tasks a noisy voice through the world of songs, such as Elton Steve (The Lion King), Luis Miguel (The Hunchback regarding Notre Dame), Ricky Charlie (Hercules), Christina Aguilera (Mulan), Celine Dion (Beauty as well as the Beast), Ricardo Montaner (Aladin), Jon Secada (Pocahontas), among others.
Spielberg and also animation
Spielberg along with Bluth
While Disney offered brand-new life to computer animation, Steven Spielberg was creating his / her own way. Animation novice life, Spielberg was additionally interested in making large quality cartoon, and proved helpful with his competitor, Wear Bluth animation maker to be able to produce "Fievel and the particular " new world ". " The package office good results of this particular and Bluth's following movie, "In The Land", Showmanship made him understand that Disney did not hold any monopoly on animated functions. The other Hollywood galleries started again production of it has the own computer animated features, nevertheless still falling in to the snare of trying to replicate Disney's 1997 film Put on Bluth, "Anastasia", produced simply by Sibel, is mentioned because the 1 launched typically the Fox Computer animation Studios in addition to Disney's opponent, however, these types of studies still did not succeed right after "Anastasia" as well as closed with 1999. Like most effective productions of Disney, "Anastasia" was attended by Thalia, who played the main theme of the soundtrack in the versions in The spanish language, British and Portuguese.
Spielberg and also Warner Bros.
Spielberg, at the same time, switched to TV SET along with worked with movement studio Warner Bros. for you to produce "The Small Anime Adventures, " a top quality living series that compensated respect to the great shows of Termite Terrace. "The Tiny Toon Adventures" experienced a good rating many thanks to the young audiences, which influenced the Warner Bros to help resurrect their dying toon studio in addition to once again a competitor in the field involving animation. The Little Hentai Steven Spielberg have been continuing by presenting "Animaniacs" as well as "Pinky and the Brain". The latter not just captivated new viewers in order to Warner Bros., but furthermore captured the interest of people adolescents and also adults.
Bakshi's return
Ron Bakshi, movie director of revolutionary animated videos like "Fritz the Cat" and initial "Lord connected with the Rings", came back to be able to animation after creating a short stop in the middle of the 80's. In 1985, this individual teamed up with often the young Canadian animator David Kricfalusi plus the legendary Uk band "The Rolling Stones" to make a good cartoon music video intended for "The Harlem Shuffle", that was finished in early 1986. Even though music video did not really speak much, he constructed some sort of production team "Bakshi Animation" project continued together with the short-lived but nicely received, "The New Journeys of Great Mouse. micron Bakshi and Co, previously worked on numerous assignments in the end of the actual 80, nevertheless the biggest task was "Cool World: a new blonde among two worlds", which opened in 1992. The production obtained away of hand and finished up being significantly belittled and forgotten by simply nearly everyone.
Outsourcing animation
The primary reason for increasing the high quality of Us animation will be the ability to delegate the heavy lifting for you to cheaper animation houses within the South and Southeast Asian countries gaining a large quantity of frames from lower cost. The script, personality design and storyboarding is completed in American offices. Often the storyboard, models and colour books are mailed overseas. Sometimes causes problems due to the fact no final product could be completed until the structures tend to be mailed to the particular U. H.. Although finances have been decreased, overseas productions houses are usually selected per episode, and even for each scene, depending on typically the sum of money available at that will time. As a outcome there exists a big difference within quality in one episode to help another. This is especially evident in shows just like "Gargoyles" and "Batman": The actual Animated Series where, occasionally, the characters seem very different from one episode in order to the grieve of it is directors.
Mature Animation
The particular Simpsons
Within the 90's arrived a new influx associated with animated series in whose main aim was the grown ups, after an absence inside the genre over a 10 years. Within 1989, "The Simpsons, inch an animated brief in line with the "The Tracey Ullman Display, " became often the first super-hero series inside prime moment since "The Flintstones" along with captivated the large part of the actual target audience. It was the particular first hit sequence to get the fledgling Fox, triggered little sensitivity, entering well-known culture and gaining broad acceptance. In 2008, "The Simpsons" seem to display absolutely no signs of preventing, and could exceed "Gunsmoke" as the fiction system on the air lengthier a brief history of American tv. In 3 years ago have launched their very first film, entitled "The Simpsons: The Movie", dubbed throughout Spanish in addition to Chinese.
Ren and Stimpy
In 1991, Nickelodeon began "The Ren as well as Stimpy Show, " "Ren and also Stimpy" was a nice series run riot broken all the traditional limitations regarding correct drawings involving Sunday morning and rather favored typically the quirky design of the quick often the golden era. Furthermore, the actual series creator, Ruben Kricfalusi, who had worked being an animator during the recession connected with Saturday morning, had been a lot influenced by the particular classic functions of Frank Clampett.
Surge & Paul
Alongside popular animation nineties there was an unusual along with experimental movement. Within a limited animation festival with 1989, organized by Craig Decker and Mike Gribble Increase (known as "Spike and also Mike") and initially situated in San Diego. This all began with typically the representation of a assortment of thematic short, known since typical Festival of Cartoon, within places of company meetings in addition to trade all through the country.
Typically the selections were made mostly by means of Oscar-nominated short, works associated with students of the Start from the Arts in Ca as well as experimental work regarding the Nationwide Film Panel of North america. The 1st festival included functions by Bob Lasseter, Nick Recreation area and also Mike Judge. Judge's function, "Frog Baseball" noticeable often the first appearance of their particular business characters Beavis along with Butthead.
However, the event slowly became a motion picture program known as Spike in addition to Mike's Ill and Turned Festival involving Animation as well as turned into a great subterranean movement of mature laughter and subject matter.
Grownup Swim
In 1994, Toon Network gave consent to some new series called "Space Ghost" coast to coastline with a particular postmodern change, showed live selection interviews using celebrities, mixed having cartoon animated graphics original "Space Ghost. inches The line made the actual leap along with the production connected with Hanna-Barbera, now owned through Animation Network. It was the start of a common practice utilized older Hanna-Barbera characters with regard to new shows, as the particular surreal "Underwater Lab 2021", based on the toon small early 70's "Sealab 2020. " Also, Harvey Birdman, attorney, on any mediocre super-hero, Birdman that was originally typically the celebrity of Birdman and also Universe trio had become an attorney. Its customers, like most of the characters in the set, emerged completely from outdated Hanna-Barbera characters.
In inclusion to large computer animation documents old and inexpensive, self-employed animators also started to advantage from new digital technology. An artist with adequate technical skills could discover new styles and types with much more independence. The standard animation skills associated with sketching and painting got provided way to electronic manipulation along with aggressive utilize new methods of cartoon.
Along with these kinds of completely new programs, the Usa viewers, particularly in geographic places influenced by blend together with the cultures of often the Pacific cycles coast, began to be able to adopt Japan cartoon, or even anime, eighty. This developing market regarding anime movies satisfy the general public kid and adolescent, having a huge number of Japanese collection converted into English. At first accessibility was limited for you to videos, though the anime while it became some sort of well known found its method directly into the film department shops through the entire U. S.. Because the movement occupies a new different place in Japoneses culture, including a variety of problems not resolved by the North american toon.
"Adult Swim" is really a prevent of animation intended for older people that is issued in the beginning of primetime on Anime Network, leads the grownup industry and has the actual latest technologies in computer animation. Adult Go swimming, which actually aired upon Sunday evening in 2006 was at the particular air until 5: 00 AM, and was transmit every night except Fri. Often the series, which is usually produced solely for Grown-up Swim, seeing that "The Brak Show, very well "Aqua Teenager Hunger Force" and "Tom Goes to typically the Mayor", tend to be unique in addition to bizarre, but likewise considered refreshing and authentic. Adult Frolic in the water reissued sequence "Futurama" as well as played a important role to prevent often the cancellation of "Family Guy". In addition, it in addition concerns numerous popular Cartoons line such as "FLCL", "Lupin III" and "Inuyasha. "
Some other drawings to get adults
Additional TV channels also tried out animation with regard to adults. MTV has created several computer animated series particularly for young and grown-up audiences, "Liquid Television" and also "Beavis and Butthead". Possibly USA Network program discovered a cult following using his "Duckman show". However the adult living set of the 90 many successful was "South Park" which premiered in 1996 as a cartoon buccaneer on the web.
The more active animation along with disturbingly clandestine saw the sunshine, the much more dominant force inside tv set animation was, resulted in the increasingly frenetic territory and maybe eschatological, for example throughout "The Tick and Duckman. micron
In 2005, older cartoon pioneer Ralph Bakshi stated he would perform on another video, "The Last Days of Coney Island" which he might financial and produce individually.
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