#Thaddeus Plotz
dorkynerd23 · 27 days
Reblog If You Love And You're A Fan Of Animaniacs!! ❤️✨
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Even More Animaniacs Headcanons
--The Mime creeps Wakko out. He claims "Mimes are just clowns but silent and delusional." He still tolerates him though.
From a distance.
--Dot's favourite flavour is strawberry. Strawberry ice cream, strawberry milk, strawberry cake-you name it, she loves it!
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--In-universe, most of the meta jokes on the show are ad libs.
--Jürgen (Scratchansniff's brother) always had a twisted side to him and a tendency to overreact (he'd have to to do those types of experiments). Scratchy just never brought it up and acted liked nothing was wrong with him to avoid angering Jürgen and stay on his good side. The Warners keeping him busy provided the perfect excuse (and scapegoats) for him to fall out of touch with Jürgen over time.
--Lesbian Hello Nurse ftw!
--Wakko likes stargazing.
--The Warner Ghosts in "A Christmas Plotz" weren't just figments of of Plotz's imagination-the Warners really did invade his dreams to give him a badly needed ego check. How? Toon logic! Their appearance near the end of the segment even seems to imply this:
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acmeoop · 6 months
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Y Don’t You Lighten Up?! “A Christmas Plotz” (1993)
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poorlydrawnwarners · 1 year
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remix time
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123puppy · 1 year
Baby Yakko- Where art thou sibs?
Two days. From those days that require paperwork to be filled out, to the sleepless nights that should be Plotz’s one true relief from life for the next 8 hours before the sun comes up, his ears, which are ready to fall off from his headache- induced head, were forced to listen to the baby sitting on his desk.
He had sent Wakko and Dot away but kept Yakko here to discuss his stay with his new caretakers. The moment the two siblings left, Yakko immediately tuned out everything and sat stoic still, staring at the door where his siblings had been. Scratchy couldn’t get him to move or speak for the first hour and moving him was no good. The Psychiatrist had the bite marks to prove it. 
Scratchy also had to endure the wrath of Yakko’s endless screaming, but wasn’t surprised by the reaction. He predicted this would happen and warned Plotz about separating the child from his siblings. Yakko developed a strong bond with his siblings since day one and didn’t respond to anybody but them, not even Scratchy who Yakko clung to when he was first created. 
The tiny Warner only voiced one word, “Sibs?” and when he didn’t get an answer regarding his siblings, he’d go back to staring at the door and ignoring other responses the two older men wanted to coax out of him. 
Then everything came crashing down when Plotz angerly replied to Yakko “They aren’t coming back!” and that was all that Yakko could process. His shock soon became despair and it all started to set in. A long drawn out whine was how it started, then the tears began to fall just as Scratchy stood up, hands raised helplessly as he struggled to find the words to calm the distressed baby. 
But the damage was done. 
The force of his screaming wail took the old men aback, covering their ears to block out the awful sounds coming from Yakko as the glass of water shatters on Plotz’s desk and the windows crack, sending a large splinter across every last one before the glass crumples to the ground.
Nothing could stop the grating sound, for two days. 
Until Yakko felt it. The warmth of someone’s touch on his cheek. Some of his senses came back to him and he can make out a soft gentle voice asking for his attention.
He wails have lessened, giving him room to whine and hiccup loudly as his eyes open, seeing a pair of sky blue eyes that held so much kindness and concern. He flinches and the hand on his cheek draws back but the lingering ghost of their fingers keeps him grounded as he sniffles and rubs his eyes. It doesn’t do much good as his face is damp and clumped with snot, but his vision is a bit more clearer and he can see the figure is a woman.
“There we go.” Her voice is hypnotic. Yakko can’t help but stare at her, forgetting his despair for just a moment. 
“Here. This will help you feel a little better.” Something dry rubs against his cheek and wipes under his nose. “Blow.”
He doesn’t know why he was compelled to listen but he does as he was told. That did feel a little better.
His face gets wiped clean and dry and he looks up to be greeted by the woman as she tucks the soiled rag in her pocket. She looks familiar...
“I’m so glad you made it,  Heloise.” Said Scratchy. 
Ah! The pretty lady he caught glimpses of when he would hide behind Scratchy. 
“Finally!” Voiced Plotz. Yakko flinched and whimpers. Just hearing the tiny angry man’s voice is sending Yakko into another panic attack.
The warm touch is back and Yakko instantly calms. He subconsciously leans into Heloise’s hand.
The two employees are suddenly nodding as if Plotz has given them directions with Yakko’s back turned away from him because Heloise is scooping him up in her arms and giving him the brightest smile he’s ever seen. He almost didn’t notice the hushed voices Scratchy and Plotz are having as he’s being brought towards the door his siblings have left from. Leaving the office, Yakko recognizes the room. It’s the same place he and his siblings played in before Scratchy had called them in the office. But his siblings weren’t here!
He hears Heloise talking to him but he doesn’t listen. All that’s racing in his mind are his siblings. 
He had to find them.
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Mr. Plotz: What are you doing? Yakko: Pokin’ around. Mr. Plotz: You can’t do that! Dot: We can do anything we want. We’re cute.
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Some FMA AU! ✨
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Yakko already knew Plotz was an idiot just from one look at the guy. How was this guy a Colonel? He was so grumpy, so boring! If he kept pulling such grouchy faces he’d be stuck that way.
And, seriously, why didn’t he have a neck?
Okay, Yakko couldn’t judge people’s appearances all that much. It wasn’t like he and his siblings were particularly normal looking toons, especially not anymore.
But Plotz made the mistake of talking over Dot. He obnoxiously cleared his throat and said, “Pardon me, little girl, but I don’t believe I was speaking to you.” His eyes narrowed. “Now pipe down and let me do my job, Dottie.”
It was a death sentence. Rest In Pieces, Plotz.
Scratchy sighed heavily, already looking defeated.
Yakko smirked, lounging back in his seat. Wakko rubbed his metal hands together.
And Dot? She screamed, “CALL ME DOTTIE AND YOU DIE!” and slapped her hands together. There was a bright flash of light and Yakko could just about make out the sight of his little sister slamming her hands onto the floor.
He heard Plotz scream and, when the light cleared, Plotz had sunken halfway into the ground.
“Get me out of here!” he screamed as the Warners cackled.
“Good one, Dot!” Yakko whooped. Wakko laughed so hard he fell over with a metallic clang.
“Dot,” Scratchy sighed. “Please fix him.”
“No,” Dot said, hopping back into her seat with a scowl. “He can stay like that until he learns some manners.”
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zanyana626 · 2 years
Yakko:   Alright, listen up, y'all! we're rounding up a search party! Dot's gone missing!

[Dr Scratchansniff smiles at Nora, thinking that Nora will not look for Dot. Nora gives Dr Scratchansniff an angry look.]

Nora: [Dr Scratchansniff frowns because they will search for Dot] Man the lifeboats!

Yakko: Alpha Team, you search uptown.

Wakko: Gold Team searches downtown. Any questions?

Pinky: Gold Team rules!

Yakko and Wakko: Now get movin'!  [crowd yelling]

[Cora put a Lost poster with a picture of Dot]

Cora: Dot?

[Cuts to Yakko, Wakko, and the search party]

Yakko: Someone look up there!

[Wakko pops out of a sewer]

Wakko: Put your doors, and friends into it!

[cut to searching in the Acme labs]

Wakko: Come on! She could be anywhere in the lab!

[Colin opens a test tube]

Colin: Hey, Dot! [a explosion hits him in the face] Well…, at least I still have my personality.

Yakko: Check in this here moist cave! [Slappy, Skippy and Minerva walk in shouting for Dot then run out, realizing the cave is actually a giant elephant]

Yakko: Status report!

Skippy: Dot's not in the national cute convention

Yakko: Well look again!

Cora: Dot's not in my mom's office

Wakko: Well look again!

Brain: Dot's not in my thoughts

Yakko and Wakko: WELL THINK AGAIN!

[cut to Yakko and Wakko on top of the water tower]

Yakko:  Attention, Burbank, the time has come to double, no, triple our efforts!

Dr Scratchansniff: How about a break?! We've been at it for days!
Mindy’s mom: Think about the children!
Wakko: That's a good idea! Use the children to crawl into small places you couldn't normally reach.

Skippy: [whispering to Colin] This is a load of barnacles.

Yakko and Wakko: WE HEARD THAT!

Yakko: No one's going anywhere until we find Dot!

Pinky: Uh... uh, wait! [picks up Brain] Uh, here she is!

Yakko: That ain't Dot! Dot wears a skirt!

[Pinky dresses Brain as Dot]

Brain: [in a poor imitation of Dot] I'm cute! I'm cute!

Wakko: No you ain't!

[Mindy holds Rita]

Mindy: I found Dot!

Wakko: It’s just Rita. Besides, her fur is black.

Plotz: [holds up a skunk] Uh... here she is! Hey, can I go home now?

 [Yakko and Wakko becomes annoyed]

Nora: [points up] Oh, look! She's up in the sky!

[Yakko and Wakko happily looks up, but Dot's not in the sky]
Yakko: She's not...huh?
[everyone is gone]
Wakko:   They must have gone to search some more.
Wouldn't surprise me if Yakko & Wakko acted more crazier zanier than usual just to find Dot if she ever goes missing! 😂
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maroonghost · 2 years
Thaddeus: She does everything I do!
Nora: But better.
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hitchell-mope · 8 months
Uh. Huh.
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animaniacs-groove · 25 days
((Helloooo Tumblr! This is @yakkolicious, but from this point forward, I'll refer to myself as the admin. Everything I say will be in white text with double parentheses. This is the ask blog for the Animaniacs Groove AU, my older Animaniacs AU. Here, you can ask questions to older versions of Yakko, Wakko, and Dot.))
About the AU
((This AU takes place in 2024, or whatever year it is in the present. However, the Warners will not age in real time. The Warners are two years older than they are in canon, so Yakko is 16, Wakko is 13, and Dot is 11, though I do have some fanfictions where they're only a year older. Yakko started a rock band with two of my OCs, Cleff and Winona. Yakko and Wakko also both have partners who are OCs. Here are some pictures to give you a bit more info on these versions of the Warners.))
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((I'll also add my OCs to this later, since they're pretty essential to this AU.))
((What's canon and what is not canon to this AU? The events of the 1993 series all happened and were televised, but it wasn't a scripted show. The Warners genuinely got into those situations and they just got on TV somehow. These Warners hold no ill will towards anyone who works for Warner Bros. aside from Thaddeus Plotz, and the reasons they hate Plotz are unrelated to the show itself. Wakko's Wish did not happen and neither did the 2020 reboot. Norita does not exist, and Plotz is still the CEO of Warner Bros. with no plans of retirement. Hello Nurse, however, has taken a job with another company (not Doctors Without Borders) and the Warners haven't seen her in a while. Chicken Boo also did not try to kill everyone and is actually a friend of the Warners (though you won't see him around much). If a question based on reboot knowledge is asked to these Warners, they'll probably be confused, if I respond to the question at all.))
((This blog is not the only place you can find the Groove AU. There are also fanfictions on AO3 where you can read more about the things that go on in the Warners' lives. The series can be found here. If requested, I will also post the existing shorter fics to @yakkolicious-writing if you would prefer to read those on Tumblr. I can post the longer multichapters too, but the only real benefit of that is that I can give some more specific info.))
((In addition, you may have seen a character by the name of Hailyn Warner on this blog. She is not my OC, but rather she's the original character of my close friend @silly-lil-lee. Hailyn and her twin brother Rylan do have Groove AU forms where they are 10 years old, and they sometimes do appear on this blog. They are canon to the blog, but they will not appear in any fanfictions since they aren't my characters. They have a blog of their own, so if they catch your eye and you have a question for them, you can ask them here.))
Keep things SFW. The Warners are all still minors.
Please be nice. Don't send an ask to complain about my headcanons and do NOT harass askers, including anons.
No magic anons. All magic anon asks will be deleted.
((With that, feel free to send Yakko, Wakko, and Dot some questions!))
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This is just the Warners' and Plotz's dynamic
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321spongebolt · 3 months
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"What if Animaniacs had a crossover with Scooby-Doo?" by me.
Since 1998, "Scooby-Doo" has had a lot of direct-to-video movies. Some having crossovers with other Warner Bros. properties. And it got me wondering if there should be a direct-to-video "Scooby-Doo" movie, that had a crossover "Animaniacs".
What I imagined was if CEO Thaddeus J. Plotz (once again voiced by Frank Welker, who also voices Scooby-Doo and Fred) announced that a new Warner Bros. movie is in production, but when a monster emerges in the middle of pre-production, plans for this upcoming feature are postponed until further notice. When Mystery Inc. arrives at the Warner Bros, Studio Lot with their Mystery Machine, Scooby-Doo, Shaggy, Velma, Daphne, and Fred would meet Yakko, Wakko, and Dot, who would aid Mystery Inc., given they know the studio lot inside and out (They live in a water tower after all). A couple of gags I thought about are if Yakko and Wakko fell in love with Velma and/or Daphne, with Dot in love with Fred. And when splitting up to search the studio, Wakko could follow Scooby and Shaggy, who as usual, wind up finding a cafeteria and ultimately, whatever monster chases after them. As for the ending of the movie, I was thinking that the suspect dressed as the monster would've been one of the actors who have a resentment towards the CEO for his treatment on the film's production (you know, like executive meddling in a sense), and although the actor is fired, he still curses at Mr. Plotz, the Warner siblings, and "those meddling kids and their dumb dog". Mr. Plotz would start to feel a token of appreciation for what Mystery Inc. did and would make arrangements for Mystery Inc. to partake in the Hollywood red carpet premiere of the new movie (with perhaps any of the Mystery Inc. members serving as the replacement for the suspect they got fired.). And following suit of Scooby and Shaggy's food moments, Wakko would've been the one swiping the last sandwich or whatever food would've been served during the wrap party.
To promote this movie, I was thinking Warner Bros. record label, WaterTower Music should release a soundtrack for this proposed crossover, containing all the songs and score with just the pre-recorded audio without the sound effects that would be used in the film.
This is all I've got, but hopefully one day, we'll see a "Scooby-Doo"/"Animaniacs" direct-to-video crossover. Heck, this would've been the first "Animaniacs" movie since "Wakko's Wish" (which will be turning 25 this Christmas).
Credit for this template goes to DeviantArt user, MagicalKeyPizzaDan
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kawaiisdisaster · 1 year
Heyyy, are you guys ready to hear about an Animaniacs and Pinky And The Brain Swap AU idea i came up with? Yes? Okay so basically in this AU, everything in Animaniacs is almost the same... Except all the characters are replaced with PATB ones!
The only exception would be the Pinky and Brain segment itself which instead of them, it would be starring... Minerva Mink and Hello Nurse! Yeah that's right, it's MY AU so i can do whatever i want hehe! /hj Anywho, here are all the character roles:
Darky (Dark Pinky) as Yakko Warner
Pinks (OG Pinky) as Wakko Warner
Suavy (Pinky Suavo) as Dot Warner
The Brain as Hello Nurse and viceversa
Minerva Mink as Pinky
Billie as Minerva Mink
Floyd Nesbitt (that rude guy from the "Fly" episode) as Thaddeus Plotz
Julia as Nora Rita Norita (I'm thinking of making her be with Billie in this, altought I don't ship Minerva with Nora. Nothing against anyone that those, tho!)
Snowball as Dr. Scratchansniff
Larry as Ralph T. Guard
Egwind as Ralph's wife
Cupcake (Snowball's sister) as Jürgen Scratchansniff
Dark Brain as Nurse Doom (he's Brain's twin brother in this)
Precious as Mindy
Bobby-Bob Yokel as Buttons
All three versions of Pinky are triplets in this and everyone has their original age, including them!
Still figuring out roles for the other characters and i might change some of the already chosen ones, but here's the plot:
Pinks, Darky and Suavy were first created with the purpose of being the new toon stars but as they came to life, they brought nothing but chaos to the studio.
Darky was an extreme trouble-maker and would cause mayhem just to get a laugh out of it, Suavy was considereted to be too sensual as he had way too many people swooning over him on a daily basis, and Pinks was too dump as he would unintetionally cause a few messes here and there aswell as annoying a handful of the producers.
Technically speaking Darky should have been the only one to get locked up, but we're talking about the same people who willingly locked up three literal children in the original show... so all three of them were sent to the tower. That, or perhaps Pinks and Suavy didn't wanna leave their brother alone which is why they joined him inside the WB Water Tower.
Anyways you know how the rest goes: after a few years the Pinkies escape the Water Tower and brought chaos back to their world. So Mr. Nesbitt orders for Dr. Snowball to get them to behave themselves or make them act more "normal", which Snowball is very mad about but has no choice but to do it as it his job.
Incase that doesn't work, Nesbitt orders Larry to chase the Pinkies around to catch them and get them locked back in the tower. Meanwhile Pinks and Suavy take an interest in Hello Brainy, the studio medic and Dr. Snowball's assistant, whom Darky dislikes for some reason. After a few years pass Nesbitt retires and Julia takes his place as CEO.
There's more but i still need to figure it out! In the mean time, here's a drawing of Hello Brainy:
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pidayforpi · 2 years
Bugs Bunny swallowed in awe of the archipelago of buildings around him.
He held the plastic folder of documents close to his neatly-ironed dress suit, the contents of which included his resume, recommendation letters, various certificates and qualifications.
When he applied for a position at the Warner Bros Studio, he had known how enormous the company was, both figuratively and literally. But stepping foot on the venue was an entire different feeling.
Actor trailers, movie studios, office buildings, the signature Water Tower...they were all much, much taller than the already tall grey hare. Bugs immediately felt like a nobody in the midst of the studio ground, his already fragile confidence dwindling in the cold wind.
But Bugs promised himself: He had gone through all the application processes up to this step, he would be getting into the building no matter what. Whether he would, for some reason, somehow be allowed to stay, or most likely get kicked out of the premise...Bugs would be sitting through the interview.
Gathering all his (remaining) courage, Bugs stepped through the glass doors, and into the concrete jungle...
...which was even more complicated in the inside...
The very first problem Bugs encountered was finding where the chairman's office was.
The hare got dizzy just looking at the sheer amount of rooms located in a single corridor. And it didn't help that the clock was ticking, and his heart was racing. Only he was on that floor at that time, without anyone he could ask for help. His shaking hands automatically clenched his folder, slightly wrinkling the paper inside.
Just when a thought of giving up and leaving passed through Bugs' mind, someone placed a hand on his trembling shoulder.
Caught by surprise, Bugs involuntarily screamed out, dropping himself and all the documents onto the floor. For a moment, he was so scared that the person was the chairman who would be conducting the interview, as a situation like that would give a very bad impression. He kept his eyes shut, fearing for the worst, until a hand reached out to him.
"Hey...Are you alright?"
The trembling newbie slowly opened his eyes, and saw a black duck in front of him. The waterfowl kindly extended his hand, offering to help Bugs up.
Still hadn't recovered from the initial shock, Bugs took the duck's hand, struggling to get up, but all words he wanted to say came out as unintelligible stammers.
"There, there..."
Unbothered by the hare's nervousness, the duck softly patted away any dust on Bugs' suit, and then kneed down to help pick up the scattered paper. Swiftly, he gathered all the documents into the folder, and handed it back to Bugs with a smile.
"Here you go, pal."
Bugs meekly received his belongings, moved by that sudden act of kindness in the otherwise unfamiliar territory. When he was thinking of how to thank his saviour, the duck seemed to have read his mind.
"The chairman's office is the last one down the corridor, to the right. Good luck, colleague."
"Um...thank you for your help...! B-but I am just here for the interview, actually..."
Bugs corrected the black duck that he wasn't - and mostly likely wouldn't be - his colleague. Not a chance in hell would Warner Bros really hire him.
To which, the duck merely chuckled.
"You're gonna make it. I believe in you. We will get famousth here, together."
The duck exclaimed with a wink, a thumbs-up, and a little lisp.
'We don't even know each other...' Bugs pouted slightly at the duck's overwhelming trust, but felt heart-warmed nonetheless.
"T-thank you so much! How may I call you, mister...?"
Before he departed for the interview, Bugs had just one last question.
"Just call me Daffy. Daffy Duck."
"...Congratulations, to our Warner superstar...Bugs Bunny!"
Thaddeus Plotz gestured to Bugs with his open hand and a big friendly smile.
"Y-y-y-yay! Congratulations, B-B-B-B-Bugs...!"
"Boy, I say, boy! You deserve it!"
"Good for you, ya long-eared vermin!"
"Beep beep!"
"Hooray, amigo! Hooray!"
On the other side of the toons, Bugs Bunny stood on stage, his already large eyes widened at the sudden attention his fellow cast members were giving him.
When Chairman Plotz ordered him to go to Stage 23 at once, Bugs predicted anything but him being crowned as the mascot of Warner Bros Studio. Upon hanging up, he immediately dropped his sandwich lunch, and rushed to the appointed destination as fast as he could. Among the many possibilities, he was dead-set on him screwing up big time, and being called on stage for an angry yelling or a bone-chilling appraisal.
Just last week, he did stay up so late watching old Warner cartoons, he didn't notice the clock had already struck 3:00am. And the next day, a sleep-deprived Bugs arrived at the studio late, kept forgetting his lines, and totally broke his voice. Bugs had never felt so embarrassed since he had (somehow) been admitted into Warner Bros.
Actually, he was so scared, he meekly asked his best friend Daffy Duck to accompany him just so he could have the courage to walk to Stage 23. His legs turned to jelly just thinking about what would soon be happening to him.
And when what would happen really happened, Bugs' legs still turned to jelly. Because he couldn't move a step. He stood there, dumbfounded, as confetti fell onto his grey fur, and cheers echoed through his long ears.
The grey hare stood still, turning his head (the only body part he could move) to face his black duck friend. Daffy was standing on the side of the backstage, smiling happily for his friend, giving him a silent but genuine applause.
Daffy didn't know his long-eared friend would be awarded the greatest honour for a Looney Tunes star. Mister Plotz and the other toons must have hidden the news from Daffy as well, as they knew very well how close the duck and the hare were.
When Bugs asked him to come along, he just knew he needed to be there to support his nervous good friend, whatever the event would be. Since the morning they first met, on Bugs' interview day, Daffy had known how neurotic his new friend could be. Bugs usually acted cool and calm on set or in public, but Daffy alone knew how fast his heart was thumping. He knew Bugs had been trying his best, and all Daffy could do was be there for him.
Bugs felt his breath picking up its pace, as his heart beat against his white chest. He looked at Daffy in earnest, beckoning the duck to come on stage with him. However, Daffy gently shook his head, the smile never waning from his bill. Daffy intentionally stayed hidden behind the curtains, as he knew there must be cameras filming Bugs at that historical moment.
"Here you go, Mister Bunny!"
Chairman Plotz's words brought Bugs' sight back to his audience downstage. He revealed what he had been hiding behind him and beneath a white velvet cloth, and presented it to a dumbfounded Bugs:
A figurine made out of pure gold and platinum, of none other than Bugs Bunny himself.
Bugs felt his normally eloquent tongue became paralysed, as all words coming out of his mouth resulted in stutters and stammers. With his shaky gloved finger, he pointed to the statue, and then to himself, as if asking whether that magnificent sculpture really belonged to him.
In response, Thaddeus Plotz stuffed the figurine into Bugs' hands with a smile.
"No need to be shy! It's all yours, boy! You deserve it!"
Bugs held the golden sculpture tightly, fearing his shaking hands would drop the prize that definitely did not belong to him. He had just been an actor for half a decade, and worked under Warner Bros Studio for even less time. And now, this newbie was being awarded the highest honour a toon could ever ask for? It all felt too great to be true, yet what was happening in front of his eyes was undoubtedly the truth. Bugs would have been convinced that it was a prank, if only Thaddeus Plotz hadn't been a part. Chairman Plotz does not joke.
"So, anything you wanna say on your big day, superstar?"
Bugs couldn't say anything. He didn't know what to say. He bowed to his colleagues in gratitude, repeating many "thank you" to the other Looney Tunes. He forced a smile amidst overflowing tears, which kept dropping onto the wooden floor. Cheers and applauses filled the stage, showering Bugs in attention and support that he had never thought he would obtain.
Then, Bugs froze. Time froze as well, and everything and everyone appeared slowed-down. Sound became muffled, even though the hare's sensitive long ears were working more than fine.
Bugs stared at the golden figurine in his hands, feeling the smooth, cool metal. It was everything he had wished for. It was the best day of his life. It should be.
He even asked his best friend to come along with him, to witness him getting the prize that everyone wanted. And that made Bugs feel even worse.
Bugs looked behind him again, his eyes locking with those of a certain black duck. Daffy was still backstage, carefully hidden from the spotlight while clapping for his best friend. The moment belonged to Bugs, and he deserved every second of it. The duck's smile was kind and genuine, his heart entirely happy for the hare. He had seen how hard Bugs had been working, after all. From the day the grey hare stepped into the Warner Bros building, Daffy had been accompanying him on his way to stardom. And now that Bugs' hard work paid off, Daffy couldn't be happier for his friend.
However, Daffy didn't notice: That in Bugs' eyes was not happiness, but a shade of melancholy.
"You deserve it!" As said by Chairman Plotz. But did he really?
Looking at the smiling Daffy, all the pride he had felt immediately turned into shame.
Tears dropped, with a taste of guilt.
"S-sir, I-I hope you could r-reconsider this d-decision..."
Said Bugs, to Chairman Plotz, in the Chairman's office.
That was the bravest thing Bugs had ever done, even more so than when he entered the same office for his job interview. If Bugs were asked to do the same thing today, he wouldn't be so sure if he would have the courage to repeat that bold move.
To be frank, not even Bugs knew where that dose of courage had come from. Chairman Plotz was not known for being nice.
"O-or was that an a-act...? A s-stunt...? If y-yes, I would be h-happy to r-return this to y-you..."
Saying that Bugs wasn't scared would be a lie. He tried his best to stop his gloved hands from shaking, the same pair of hands that had received the golden figurine just a few hours ago, and were now holding it tightly. He also tried to speak as clearly as possible, holding down the immense stutters that should have spilled from his muzzle.
It was the same day as the afternoon when Bugs was crowned as the Warner Superstar. That actually made Bugs even more nervous, as he feared his "bold" and "rude" action would be viewed as newfound hubris.
But however scared he was...however bad the timing was...Bugs knew he had to do it at that moment. He could not keep what he did not own in the first place.
Because the statue definitely did not belong to him. He definitely did not deserve that title.
When his senior and best friend Daffy Duck was more befitting for that honour.
Perhaps it was this notion that gave him the greatest of courage.
"It's no joke, Mister Bunny. The prize is really yours to claim."
Chairman Plotz appeared calm, but everyone knew there must be at least a small fire behind the smile.
"I would love a good joke, but this is unfortunately not one."
Bugs knew his boss was being uncharacteristically nice to him, giving him a chance to back off like nothing had happened, lest the conversation ended in a shout. Bugs was already grateful of his employer for not kicking him out of the office immediately, but he couldn't let the matter slide. Even if it meant holding back tears and trying to act tough when his heart was about to jump out.
"I understand, b-but..."
"I have seen you working very hard since the day you first stepped into this room, Bugs. That's why you are holding your well-deserved prize in your hands right now, no? Don't sell yourself short, kid."
Yes. Chairman Plotz was being exceptionally patient towards Bugs, to the point that the hare felt guilty in pushing the matter further.
"Sir, p-please...!"
Bugs, against the common sense of any Warner employee, took a step forward.
"I...I do not deserve this."
Bugs sulked, his shoulders dropping and ears drooping. The tall hare suddenly seemed to look shorter than the already short Thaddeus Plotz.
"What makes you say that, kid?"
Chairman Plotz asked, his confusion and curiosity naturally softening his voice.
Bugs looked onto the floor.
The carpet on the floor started to become blurry, before Bugs blinked to clear his vision.
Bugs clenched his fists.
"...Daffy Duck..."
Yet still, a tear escaped.
"Daffy has been a Looney Tune for longer than I have. He works much harder than me, much more than me. He is the most talented actor, and the most diligent colleague I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Yet, no one ever appreciates him..."
"Yet, the one with the prize is me...""
Bugs bit his tongue with his buck tooth, feeling the emotions surging from his throat.
"Daffy is the entire reason I am here. He is my senior, and my best friend. He is the kindest partner I could ever ask for. He helped me when I was a newbie...and before I was one. If...if I had not met him, I would not have been up to this point in my life."
Bugs looked at the figurine of himself in his hands, now a golden smear.
Chairman Plotz tried to intercept, but Bugs continued. At this point, he couldn't care less about etiquette.
"...I can't hold onto this, when Daffy isn't the owner. I don't deserve my title, when Daffy isn't granted his. When I looked at him this afternoon, I felt...ashamed to even be on stage..."
"I am sorry, Mister Plotz...Please, take it back..."
"...I don't deserve any of this..."
Bugs choked on his own words, his shivering body was now shaking visibly. Although concealed behind his drooping ears, his eyes were clearly tearing up, as teardrops fell down onto the figurine in his hands. It would just be a little more before the grey hare would collapse under his crippling guilt.
Chairman Plotz was at a loss for words, as well. He knew Bugs was an emotional fellow, and he cared for him (as much as Plotz didn't want to admit), but he couldn't just take the prize back and give it to another person. Even just taking the title back would be a big trouble: The world already knew Bugs was the new Warner mascot now. What would everyone think if that honour was "confiscated" on the same day? It wasn't as simple as Bugs just "giving it up" might seem.
But how would Plotz explain to the crying hare? He was never the best with words, and definitely the worst at comforting. The least thing he wanted was to get stressed out and lose his temper, which never ended well.
Just when Chairman Plotz was thinking about how to deal with Bugs, someone came into the room, at the worst and best timing ever.
"It's okay, pal."
Daffy placed a feathered hand on Bugs' shoulder, the hare immediately recognising that familiar voice from behind.
Immediately, Bugs started to panic. He didn't tell Daffy about his protest. He didn't want Daffy to know at all. Because Bugs knew he wouldn't accept the prize otherwise, if Daffy knew his honour was the result of his partner shamelessly begging their boss.
Bugs turned around, the shock causing him to trip on the carpet and fall backwards. The golden figurine slipped out of his hands, however landing on the soft surface safely.
Bugs sat up on the floor, covering his face with his trembling gloved hands, though his sobbing only intensified and echoed throughout the small office room. He didn't want Daffy to see him crying like this, as well, because now he would never accept the prize at the expense of his friend's tears.
Because Bugs was his best friend, too.
"There, there, cry it all out..."
Daffy got down to Bugs' level, giving him a big, warm hug, patting him on his back. The affection caused Bugs to cry harder, his overflowing tears dropping onto the carpeted floor, staining the fabric.
"Boss, the carpet's on me. Put it on my check."
Daffy said to Chairman Plotz, who could only stammer in surprise and nod rapidly. Not that he would need to replace a carpet just because of a few teardrops, nor he would need his employee to pay for it, but he didn't know how to response at that moment otherwise.
Before he could find a way to reject that kind offer, Daffy was back to comforting Bugs. Plotz could only observe from his table, dumbfounded and moved at the same time.
"D-D-Daffy...I...I'm so sorry..."
Bugs stuttered amidst his sorrowful sobs, to which Daffy gently squeezed the hare in their embrace.
"Shh...Don't you ever say that...Didn't you work very, very hard for today? We all saw you doing your best; and now, we are all happy for you."
Daffy held Bugs' shoulders, giving him a gentle smile. Tears were still flowing down his puffed-up cheeks, the poor hare's eyes were swollen with crying.
Bugs gathered his strength to look Daffy in the eyes, though what he saw was only a black and orange smear.
"...D-Daffy...You have been working so hard, for so long...You have worked harder than anyone else...You have done so much for me...! This prize should belong to you...And yet you get nothing!"
"I...I can't accept this...I couldn't do anything for you in return...I betrayed you...!"
"...without you, I don't deserve anything..."
A surge of emotions caused the hare to choke on his sobs, as if something invisible was stuck in his throat.
"I am sorry...I am sorry..."
Was all Bugs could mutter, before he was pulled into another hug, a much softer and warmer one. Bugs couldn't hold the guilt in his shattering heart anymore, his overflowing emotions manifesting into wails of sorrow.
Daffy gently stroke the hare's long ears, for he knew that would always calm his heart. Daffy was genuinely happy for his friend, after all, and he wanted Bugs to know just that. Bugs needed not to repay the favour, if there was any to begin with. Daffy needed no figurine, title nor honour.
Being together was already the best gift Daffy could ask for.
"You deserve it, Bugs. All of it."
Daffy whispered to his partner, as Bugs cried over his shoulders.
"And I am so, so proud of you."
"You alright, Bugsy Boy?"
Bugs jumped at the familiar voice of the duck.
"D-D-Daffy! P-please stop scaring me like t-that...! Especially not in public..."
Bugs puffed his cheeks in frustration, yet it was actually himself that he was annoyed with. Daffy was already the closest person Bugs had in the Studio, yet it seemed like every time his name was called he would suffer a mini heart attack. More importantly, being a scaredy cat in reality did nothing to help with his persona as presented in spotlights and camera flashes.
"My bad, pal. But I'm glad you are aware we are in public. Don't want those paparazzis witnessing the smug, cool Bugs Bunny freaking out."
That evening was the annual dinner party involving Warner Bros Studio and others in the entertainment industry. It would have been just a dinner party, if it hadn't been the first one since Bugs had become the literal mascot of Warner Bros Studio.
Previously, he could have just hidden in the shadows of the chandelier, chatting with Daffy, Porky and Speedy until the occasion was over. Now, hiding in anywhere, or from anything/anyone had become a mission impossible. Bugs was the spotlight of the night, and he was unfortunately aware of that fact.
"I-I know...! It's just..."
Bugs rubbed the back of his furry neck, looking "uncharacteristically" bashful. Right now, Bugs and Daffy were in suits, holding wine glasses in their hands. They were both looking forward, scanning for any cameras in sight while appearing as natural as could be (at least, for the nervous hare).
"I...don't even drink, you know..."
Bugs frowned at the pungent smell of red wine in his hand.
"Don't worry. Just hold it like a pro, and no one will question you."
Daffy smiled, as he replied to Bugs without moving his line of sight.
A moment of silence ensued between the two, chatters, footsteps and clanking of utensils filling the quiet void. A minute later, a gasp broke the muteness.
"D-Daffy...could I-I h-h-hold your h-hand...?"
Then came the clattering of teeth, and the knocking of knees.
Daffy didn't need to look to know Bugs was scared. The source of his fear - the group of reporters and cameramen advancing towards the duo - could be seen by the duck as well.
"Sorry Bugs. Not here, not now."
Daffy calmly declined, even if his heart really wanted to obey. They were already spotted.
"I c-can't d-do it without y-y-you...!"
The fear in the hare's heart grew exponentially with every second, his thumping heartbeat as loud as a thumping rabbit's foot.
Taking a glance at his partner's terrified expression - so poorly hidden beneath a nonchalant facade - Daffy felt his heart soften. As the interviewers approached, Daffy went behind Bugs, and gave him a literal pat on the back.
"Don't worry. You can do it. I'll be there for you."
Daffy reappeared on Bugs' left side. He gave Bugs an encouraging smile, and a friendly wink, before engaging with the reporters.
"Heya. Whatcha doin', party people?"
Daffy showed his "signature" boastful attitude, giving Bugs a cue and a head start to get into character. When Daffy's leading, Bugs could always slip in so naturally.
"Nyeh...What's up, doc'?"
The crowd raised an eyebrow at Daffy's initial, uninvited appearance, but their smiles soon returned when they saw the star they had been wanting to interview.
Bugs swirled the glass of wine in his gloved hand, doing his best to subdue the shaking in his limb.
"Bugs Bunny, it's such a pleasure to meet you!"
The reporter extended a hand with a cheerful smile, to which Bugs shook his hand in courtesy.
"Nah...The pleasure's all mine, doc'."
'So far, so good...' Bugs thought to himself. He took a peek at his side: His best friend was still there. He really kept his words.
"Oh, you are too nice, Mister Bunny! To be greeted by the new Warner Superstar..."
The mention of that title did make Bugs' fur jump a bit, but he did his best to maintain his composure.
"That's nothing, really..."
Bugs hid his shock with a chuckle. The swirling of the liquid got slightly faster.
"Oh, you are being too humble, Mister Bunny! That is nothing sort of nothing! It's the highest honour a Looney Tune could ask for! Congratulations!"
The reporter once again extended his hand, but he promptly grabbed Bugs' free hand, and shook it quite intensely. The move caught Bugs by surprise, causing him to nearly spill the liquid in his hand. The hare tried to appear alright in the small commotion, but he could start to feel cracks in his facade.
"Hey! Why don't cha take a look at me? The famous, extraordinary...Daffy Duck!"
Daffy suddenly exclaimed, even striking a flamboyant pose. All eyes were really turned to the loud duck, although it was mostly due to surprise. Their curious sight became annoyance shortly after, but not before Daffy catching everyone's attention for a moment.
On the other side, Bugs was less surprised by Daffy's action, but more touched by it. He knew exactly why Daffy was doing that, and it was all because of him: His partner was drawing the attention away from him, buying him time to recover from shock once more. Bugs swiftly took a deep breath, fixing his suit and fur, before the attention returned. He didn't have time to thank Daffy for the help, but he made sure he would do so afterwards.
"...so, Mister Bunny...How is it like to be the mascot of Warner Bro Studio? Are you proud to be granted this title?"
Clenching his fist behind his back, Bugs put out his best performance in front of the cameras, as he always did.
He answered questions after questions, replied inquiries with a bright smile and a confident heart. Although he didn't have the chance to look around him, Bugs was sure his partner was still somewhere near him, ready to save him whenever he needed help.
Bugs didn't even have the opportunity to check his watch. Perhaps it had just been thirty minutes, but the onslaught of questions made Bugs feel like hours had passed.
Eventually, Bugs' adrenaline ran out, but the reporters' showed no signs of even depleting. Among the various sounds entering his sensitive ears, his racing heart could be heard thumping loudly again. He could feel cold sweat forming on the tip of his fur, and underneath it his body heating up. After a minute or two, when his vision started to become blurry, it was his signal to go.
But how? Surrounded by crowds of people, and focused on by every eye, there was no way Bugs could just slip away. Excusing himself was equally difficult, now that everyone's trying to talk to him. But doing nothing was also a no-go, because Bugs was sure he would faint right away if it kept up, and that would not look good.
Then, when he needed help, his partner was there to save him.
Daffy yelled out, dramatically making his way through the crowd, pushing whoever and whatever was in his path.
"It's always 'Mister Bunny this', 'Mister Bunny that'...Can't you see there's another Looney Tune here?! Perhaps a more handsome, talented 'Mister Duck'? Hmm?"
Daffy literally pushed Bugs out of the limelight, though both of them knew that was an act of kindness. With Bugs blended into the sea of people, and Daffy having everyone's attention once more, the hare successfully slipped out of the crowd.
It was only when he was alone could Bugs thoroughly feel how stressed out he had been: His hands were shaking even though he wasn't cold. His legs were weak even though he didn't run. If Daffy hadn't intercepted, Bugs was sure he would have passed out right then and there.
Behind him, his ears picked up the annoyed grunts of the reporters, complaining how the "vain, rude" Daffy Duck was always stealing the spotlight. Even a few insults were thrown, causing his long ears to wince. Bugs took one last glance over his shoulder: Daffy was surrounded by everyone, though that was only a deduction based on his loud voice, as his short figure could not be seen in the wave of people present.
Holding a tear in until he was truly alone, Bugs quietly excused himself out of the dinning hall.
...after he made another mental note, one to say thank you and sorry to Daffy when it was all over.
"W-why...why are you so nice to me...?"
In a two-storey house, somewhere in Burbank, California, Bugs asked his roommate in their shared living room.
"Why so sudden, Bugsy pal?"
Daffy Duck tilted his head, on which there was a colourful paper cone hat. He smiled at his partner, putting a homemade carrot cake on the coffee table in front of the hare.
"N-no...! I-I don't m-mean to be...!"
Afraid that he might have offended his friend, Bugs anxiously shook his head and waved his hands. It was the 27th of July, after all. The last thing Bugs would have wanted would be sounding like an ungrateful brat on his own birthday.
"Hey. No offence taken, buddy. You bunnies...always so emotional."
Daffy teased with a playful wink, to which Bugs puffed his cheeks in embarrassment. He then let his breath out in a sigh, staring at the cake Daffy had made for his big day.
"It's just...something I have always wanted to ask you..."
Bugs bit his lower lips with his buck tooth, his gloved hands unconsciously balling into fists on his lap.
"Why wouldn't I be? You are my best friend, Bugs."
Daffy sat down next to Bugs, together on the couch.
"Then why did you become my best friend in the first place? I...I have nothing good for you..."
"...I am nothing but trouble..."
Bugs lowered his head, his long ears drooped over his eyes.
Daffy looked at his partner with concern, but said nothing. He only scooted a bit closer to Bugs, giving him time to express himself.
"I was such an ignorant newbie back then, always asking this and that. I was always so clumsy and slow, lagging behind everyone."
"But you didn't leave me alone. You came to my help, even though I didn't ask you to, even though I just kept giving you more troubles...You answered all my dumb questions patiently...You helped me rehearse and practise, no matter how many times I might take..."
"Even on the first day we met, I was already giving you trouble..."
Daffy put his hand on the sulking hare's shoulder, smiling in sympathy.
"Hey, don't say that, buddy. There weren't any 'troubles' to start with. I did those things all by my own decisions..."
Bugs looked at the carrot cake on the glass table, his eyes tinted in guilt: As far as Bugs knew, Daffy didn't know anything about baking. He must have either asked their neighbours for guidance, or done numerous research on his own, just to make his best friend's favourite confection. Either way, how could Bugs overlook how many difficulties Daffy had put himself in, just to make him smile?
Bugs closed his eyes, holding his heavy breath.
"That day. The first day we met. The day of my interview...Weren't you supposed to be at an audition...?"
Daffy's smile immediately dimmed. Because Bugs wasn't supposed to know that. But, then again, it had been so many years. Some secrets were bound to spill themselves.
"Because you stopped to help me, to comfort me, you missed the audition for 'A Wild Duck'...You missed your biggest role at that time...A role you had been training so hard for..."
"And I..."
Bugs bit his lips harder, the strength of which left a mark afterwards.
"...I took it from you..."
Both actors knew what had happened, in the summer of 1940. "A Wild Hare" was Bugs' debut show, and was also what spread his name and skyrocketed his fame, paving his inevitable way of becoming a Warner Superstar.
Back when Bugs was just a nervous, eager newbie, he accepted his first job at the Studio without thinking it through. When the director recruited Bugs to star alongside his senior Elmer Fudd, the hare only smiled, nodded and thanked.
He didn't know that role should have belonged to someone else.
Someone very close to him. Someone who gave up that opportunity just to help a helpless interviewee he didn't even know.
And for many years, Bugs had just taken it for granted. Of course he wholeheartedly thanked those who had helped him, the people who had supported him throughout the years, so he could be in the position he was in now. He was sure to recognise their love and guidance, but he just didn't know how deep the hidden price was.
And Daffy would never want Bugs to find out, just as Bugs would never want Daffy to know he had tried to give his celebrity title and golden figurine to his best friend.
"Perhaps you shouldn't have met me in the first place. Perhaps, if you had just walked past me, you would be in a better place now..."
Bugs tried his best to suppress his tears, although his heart was sour as a lemon.
Daffy frowned slightly. He scooted closer to the hare, placing his feathered hand gently on those gloved ones.
"To be honest...I don't know."
Daffy leaned back on the couch, the reminiscence of that fateful day reappearing on his mind.
"I didn't know why I did that then. I don't know why I did that now. My body just moved on its own. And when I realised, you were already in front of me."
"You know, I guess it was just fate. I couldn't really change that. Even if I had decided to ignore everything and go straight to the audition, I would have still encountered you. That's just the way it is."
Daffy cupped Bugs' cheeks, turning his face so that they were looking eye to eye.
"If I could choose again, I would still choose to meet you."
"Because if it means meeting a wonderful someone in my life, something is worth giving up."
Upon seeing Daffy's kind smile, the tears so forcibly held back flowed down in a stream. Bugs hugged his partner, crying over Daffy's shoulder. The duck returned the embrace, softly patting the hare's back. He knew Bugs must have held this "guilt" in heart for so long, and he was happy his friend could finally let it all out, no matter the time nor occasion. He never wished for Bugs to feel bad for him.
After all, to Daffy, meeting Bugs was worth giving up everything.
"D-Daffy...I am so sorry...You should have been the star...You should have been the one on stage..."
"For all you have done for me, I can't do anything for you in return..."
Bugs let his pent-up sorrow out in his partner's embrace, his emotions manifesting into sobs and tears. Meeting Daffy was the best thing to have happened to Bugs, and he just wanted to repay Daffy for his love and kindness. In the end, however, it was Daffy who had helped Bugs achieved his dreams, but Bugs who had taken Daffy's. Daffy never complained, to him or to anyone, but that was what made his heart hurt the most.
Yet, little did Bugs know...
Meeting him was also the best thing to have happened to Daffy.
"You bunnies...always so emotional..."
In a vacant classroom, an adult black duck was sitting down on a chair, patiently listening to the ramblings of a child green duck.
"I just can't stand that buck-toothed Buster!"
Plucky Duck was stomping around the classroom, jumping up and down in anger. Daffy was sitting at a side, waiting for his student to finish his complaint.
"Always the best in class...Always the best in form...Always the best every time...! Isn't it my turn already?!"
At the prospect of Buster Bunny getting another prize on stage, Plucky pulled his feathers and gritted his bill.
"Well, I am sick of that obnoxious rabbit! Why am I always the runner-up? Ain't I just as clever? Hard-working? Dashing? What's so good about that...that no-good bunny?!"
Listening intently, Daffy had been expecting Plucky to be jealous of Bugs' protégé. It was obvious to Daffy, and to everyone, actually. When the prideful Plucky requested to talk to his mentor, Daffy already guessed that it had something to do with the sky-blue rabbit.
"You understand that, right? Mister Duck? I know you have been working very hard at the Studio too! You are even one of the earliest Looney Tunes! How could you not be number one already?!"
Plucky turned to his teacher, his eyes full of fury, jealousy, as well as empathy for Daffy. Even before entering Acme Looniversity, the duck actor had been Plucky's idol. What had inspired Plucky was his explosive, expressive performance that no one could replicate. Not even Yosemite Sam could do that, not with the charm or wits of the black duck. To be Daffy's protégé was Plucky's dream come true; but seeing how Daffy couldn't make his come true, Plucky felt terribly sorry for his teacher.
Daffy of course knew the young duck was feeling bad for him, and he deeply appreciated it. In fact, Plucky wasn't the only one to have felt unfair for Daffy. Especially from those who knew what Daffy really was like, words of sympathy weren't uncommon. Daffy had been there almost since the dawn of Warner Bros Studio, but he had never been the one under the limelight. He wasn't unknown nor unloved, but for a talented and kind person like Daffy, the reward was far from equal.
"I know you are upset, Plucky."
Daffy smiled gently at the young student, although he didn't know what meaningful things to say.
"I see that you have been working very, very hard. I know you have been trying your best every day, and I applaud your immense efforts."
Plucky grinned slightly at being praised by his favourite teacher, but his smile soon dimmed once more.
"I...I just don't understand...How Buster could seemingly do nothing, but win everything...Even if he was working hard, ain't I just as hard-working?"
"I...I can't do anything more...I have done my best..."
"...I hate that rabbit...I envy him..."
Plucky signed, sitting down on a plastic stool.
"...Don't you ever feel the same towards Bugs Bunny?"
In his disheartened state, Plucky unwittingly muttered out, before covering his bill in panic.
It would have been okay with anyone else. But not Daffy and Bugs, because everyone knew how close the pair were. They were inseparable, from their days together at Warner Bros Studio, to teaching together at Acme Acres, and living together at Burbank. Although Bugs was always the number one Looney Tune, there's no way Daffy would be jealous of him, right? After all, Daffy was the one to have supported Bugs to this day. He would never hold any grievances towards his partner, wouldn't he? How rude of Plucky to make such an assumption?
However, before Plucky could apologise, Daffy replied first, and unexpectedly.
"I would be lying if I said I didn't."
In surprise, Plucky turned to his teacher, who was now slouching on the chair, his face turned to the floor.
"M-Mister Duck...? You don't...you don't have to say that to make me feel better..."
To which Daffy smirked, but his gentle smile was now covered with a faint shade of melancholy.
"I am not lying either, Plucky."
Daffy stood up from the chair, looking outside of the window, at the whole of Acme Acres. It might be too far away to see the Warner Bro Studio building; but in Daffy's eyes, it was just in front of him.
"I have never told anyone this before, so please do help me keep it a secret."
Plucky stared at the figure of his mentor, speechless and in shock. He had never seen his idol like that.
"B-but...I thought you and Mister Bunny were very close..."
Daffy smiled.
"We are very close. We have always been. We are even roomies now."
"But even then..."
Daffy let out a silent sigh. He was still struggling whether he should continue. Part of him was chastising himself for being so emotional, telling so much to a child...or to anyone. Yet, another part of him - a deep part of him - felt like he had held his feeling in him for too long. He didn't even tell Porky or Speedy about it, no matter how close they were, and how tight-lipped the pig and the mouse were.
"I would be lying if I said I weren't at least a bit jealous of Bugs."
Through the classroom window, Daffy could see the school playground, on which were two long-eared mammals: Bugs was laughing with his beloved student Buster, whether it was an acting practice or a genuine laughter. Of course Daffy would love to see Bugs smile so happily - He would love nothing more than that.
However, sometimes...just sometimes...Daffy did hope that the person on stage had been him instead.
He would never admit it, but that golden figurine was actually something he had dreamed of for years. And it would be a lie for Daffy to say he had never felt unfair.
He had been in the theatre earlier than Bugs. He had been working for his dream longer than Bugs. To a neutral bystander, Daffy should have been the one to reach the goal first. Yet, in the end, it was Bugs who struck gold in his first strike.
Not unlike what Plucky had just said, but only that Daffy had kept those in his heart.
"So I definitely, definitely understand what you are feeling, Plucky."
Daffy kneeled down to Plucky's level, and placed a hand on the young duck's shoulder.
"But...Come here..."
Daffy guided his student to the windows, and signalled with his eyes to the two rabbit and hare on the playground. The two mammals were sitting on the ground, smiling so brightly their buck teeth were fully shown. Upon seeing such a silly scene, Plucky couldn't help but let out a chuckle.
"Buster is your friend, right?"
Plucky's heart skipped a beat at that sudden, seemingly challenging question, but answered nonetheless, despite being a bit embarrassed to admit.
Plucky scratched the back of his neck, looking away from his teacher, and towards the sky-blue rabbit kit below.
"...Buster is a nice guy. He's friendly, kind, charming, funny...He always invites me to play with him, and never complains when I am being clumsy or stupid...He always waits for me, too, even when I have remedial classes or after-school work..."
"...He's my best friend, actually..."
Twiddling with his fingers, Plucky felt extremely ambivalent about his best buddy.
"What I just said was also my true feeling...I know I shouldn't be jealous of my best friend, but...I can't pretend that feeling doesn't exist..."
"...I feel confused."
Daffy glanced at the young duck, as if he was looking into a mirror.
He closed his eyes for a moment, and took a subtle yet deep breath. He couldn't be emotional when he was the counsellor, no matter how close the situation was to his heart.
"It's okay to feel that way. Feelings never have right or wrong. You can't help it too, can you?"
Daffy looked at the grey hare adult down there.
"I understand your conflicted heart, because I also have a Buster in my life."
"It was very hard to fight off those thoughts. You won't even want to admit to yourself that you are having such evil feelings towards a person you love."
"However, as time goes by...Once you understand something, those emotions will slowly fade away..."
Plucky turned his head to Daffy curiously.
"What is it...?"
To which Daffy smiled warmly.
"If you really love someone, their smile is your happiness."
"For them, you could give up something you once treasured so dearly, for they are now the one you treasure the most. You could throw away your lifelong dreams, for they are now the dream you wish for the most."
"It sounds crazy, even as I am saying this now, but it is true."
"...When I close my eyes...When I remember that day...That bright smile of Bugs', when he held that award tightly in his shaking hands..."
"...Everything is worth it."
Plucky shifted his sight to his best friend Buster.
"Even...even giving up on your ambition?"
And Daffy turned his eyes to his bestie Bugs.
"...Especially that."
[Major spoilers for Space Jam 2: A New Legacy, canon (?) main character death (?). If you have watched the movie you will know.]
Daffy held his partner close to himself. As if he hadn't done better, Bugs would have drifted away from his arms.
Which was untrue, because seeing as the hare's body flickered in and out of existence, Daffy realised however tightly he could hold, his partner would still inevitable fade away.
"Oh, Daffy...Don't be such a drama queen..."
Bugs merely smiled as he lied down on Daffy's lap, his drowsy eyes looking up at the solemn expressions of his colleagues, and the teary face of his best friend.
It seemed like a bizarre-looking basketball field in the middle of nowhere, but Bugs knew exactly where they were: Back at the Warner Bro Studio, where everything first started. And with all his fellow Looney Tunes around him, Bugs had nothing to regret anymore.
"You dumb bunny...What were you even thinking?!"
Tears kept flowing down Daffy's eyes. He witnessed his teardrops falling through his partner's now-translucent torso, hitting the field below with a painful sound. Daffy hugged Bugs even more tightly, absolutely terrified that Bugs would slip away from his fingers at any moment now.
"Heh...I'm a toon, Daffy...I won't...die so easily..."
Daffy shook Bugs in a fit of anger, although his intensified crying signalled whom the anger was directed to.
"You're just an actor, Bugs! You knew you would die! You knew it all along! And you still chose to...!"
"Well, d-doc...After all...I'm Bugs Bunny, the Warner Supersta-"
Daffy raised his hand in frustration, about to slap the hare in the face. But looking at his dying partner's smile...the smile he would soon miss...Daffy only pounded the cold hard ground with his fist.
"I don't want your stupid smug facade now! I don't want the Bugs Bunny everyone knows! I just want..."
"...the Bugs Bunny I know...The timid, polite, dumb hare that I know..."
Bugs weakly lifted his gloved hand, cupping Daffy's face with a fragile smile.
"I guess that means I finally did a good job...? Eh, senior Daffy...?"
Daffy would have scolded Bugs for still teasing him at such a time, but it was as if his throat had been jammed, causing him to choke on his words. He never thought he would be the one to cry out so intensely. He had counselled the emotional hare for many, many times. At the last moment of his partner's life, however, Daffy cried harder than his partner had ever done, and he would finally be the one to be comforted, by his beloved Bugs Bunny.
Daffy gasped upon seeing Bugs' figure glitched out for a second, his heart dropping at the aspect that he would never hear his partner's last words. When the flickering subsided, Bugs' faint smile returned, though weaker by every second.
"Just why...why did take that shot...Why wouldn't you just let the basketball guy do it...Why did you have to...sacrifice yourself..."
To which Bugs wiped away the tears on those black feathers, gently touching the duck's tear-stained face.
"Well...I promised I would repay the favour, didn't I...?"
Daffy's eyes immediately widened. Tears stopped for a short moment, but the heartache only intensified.
Daffy looked down onto the ground, his body shaking from the mixed feeling. Water marks formed on the basketball field from his teardrops.
"...you dumb bunny..."
"...I don't want any of this...I don't want you acting cool and playing hero..."
Daffy hugged his partner tightly with his trembling arms, feeling the warmth that would soon be no more.
"I just want to be with you! That's all I have ever wanted! In Burbank...in Acme Acres...or even in this weird 'Server-verse' forever! It doesn't matter! As long as we are together...I will be happy...!"
"So please...! Don't leave me all alone...! I..."
"...I need you..."
Bugs patted Daffy's head, gently preening those slick black feathers. The duck was still sobbing, and Bugs knew he would be for quite some time afterwards...
"...I'm sorry, Daffy...You have walked with me to the end, but I can't do the same for you..."
Yet, Bugs was sure...one day, Daffy would find happiness again.
Even if he couldn't be there to see it...when he closed his eyes, Daffy's smile would appear in his mind.
"In the end, I guess I just couldn't repay you no matter what...but I hope you could receive my parting gift..."
Daffy closed his eyes tightly, unwilling to see the inevitable coming. He tightened his grip, but the sensation and warmth were only fading. Teardrops no longer fell on fur, but on ground.
"Even if it may not be something you like..."
"...let me be selfish one last time...okay?"
The figure of Bugs Bunny fragmented and floated, until it became one with the wind.
The field was silent once more. A duck was kneeling down, his arms now hugging his own body.
(28-4-2022 ~ 5-11-2022)
(Alternative scenario: In which the Looney Tunes "Toons" are actually actors working at Warner Bros Studio. The actors portray an alter ego of themselves, which are what are shown in the Looney Tunes "Cartoons" on TV. Thaddeus Plotz (from Animaniacs) is the chairman/CEO of the Studio. Combined universe of general Looney Tunes, The Looney Tunes Show and Tiny Toon Adventures.
The setting that Daffy is Bugs' senpai senior is based on the fact that Daffy debuted earlier than Bugs. Daffy debuted on 17 April 1937 with "Porky's Duck Hunt", while Bugs debuted on 27 July 1940 with "A Wild Hare".
I have...actually debated whether to write the last part of the story or not. So I apologise if it feels out-of-place and/or subpar in quality...Even now I am quite conflicted, but I guess I will publish it...
Also alternative ending in which Bugs really dies at the end of Space Jam 2. Because angst.)
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Mr. Plotz: Whatever it takes to keep you out of my hair. Yakko: Sir, you are bald.
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