thiagogeremias · 1 year
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maktum-kainat · 6 months
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animatrobin · 6 months
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Enchanted Forest Background and Foreground test
#animation #animatic #background #backgroundart #foreground #animationstudy
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joesanimationblog · 10 months
Reflection and Evaluation of Learning 2
While trying to hone my skills through the early animation of this project I spent a lot of time looking at other animators who have produced work with similar bodies, archetypical characters and visual styles.
One of the first things I chose to draw inspiration from in terms of movement was a Pixar film I saw early in the previous semester called Kitbull (linked below)
I would have included this study in my forefront posts however this film is 4 years old. Something which really struck me which I wish to harness is the way the world feels bigger than the spaces which the characters inhabit.
Part of this sense of scale and vastness is established through dynamic perspective shots where the cat is shown against larger forms or is seen moving across the frame. The cat feels small and like its wondering through a chaotic world which wasn't built for it. The filmmaker chooses to present the world through these strong perspectives to offer us a lens into the characters sense of self.
The themes of the film are primarily based around being outcast, overcoming adversary and the unexpected forming of a friendship which subverts the cats view of the world.
The themes mentioned are very similar to my film however mine is a comedy whereas this film is more of a beautiful emotional tale. I wanted take the framing and focus on dynamic perspective shots in order to establish the shy fox's personality and the worlds general hostility towards it, but I also wanted the foxes outlook to be less timid than the cat in the Kitbull film.
The dog "Dug" from the movie UP was a great reference as he is in a hostile world, wants to be loved and has a positive outlook in a comedy film. So I rewatched Up and the short Pixar films. In this process I found that while Doug does have good body language, the fact that Dug can speak made it harder to separate body language communication from speech but I found what I was looking for.
I realised that a joke only hits if the people arounds reaction are accurate or subversive or intentionally directed in a way which makes the joke seem real or significant.
As I planned on having such a dramatic and over the top villain I found that deadpan comedy and slow, confused reactions work best as the viewers confusion or speechlessness is validated through the character and this makes everything feel a lot more natural when it comes to animating. So for parts where the Frenchman is kicking off, I chose to have very limited movement or framing of the fox, I didnt want to make the fox feel small in this situation as it ruins the comedy, instead I decided to use dynamic shots where the tension is building, or to provide exposition for the world that the story takes place in.
In retrospect, my research and reflection in this area was extremely valuable, I gained a great level of understanding which enabled me to be more intentional with my characters movements and mannerisms throughout my film.
Hendrickson, K. (2019) Kitbull. Pixar. 18 February. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZS5cgybKcI&list=PLq7v-7lLXBPEFJTrhqND8dfFZI8r73ihs&index=1&t=280s (Accessed: 27 October 2023).
Pixar’s Dug’s Special Mission (2009) HD 1080p (2015). Pixar. 15 November. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNL945i6qA8 (Accessed: 25 October 2023).
Up (2013). Milano: Walt Disney studios home entertainment.
Veras, C. (2022) Analyzing Animation: An Introduction to the Theme, Animationstudies 2.0. Available at: https://blog.animationstudies.org/?p=4482 (Accessed: 25 October 2023).
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rohitgurumith · 1 year
In my latest and final tutorial with alex, i was asked to focus more on writing about my reflections on the animation industry and as i was looking through his suggestions, there was one article in particular that caught my eye and i wanted to write about it since it relates to my way of approaching animation.
The article (Zhou, 2022) on animationstudies 2.0 pops us a question and analyses if low framerates in animation should be considered a charm or a defect. I've always admired different styles of animation be it in 12 fps or 24 fps. So I personally would never think of low fps as a defect of any kind because when it comes to certain genres like anime, I would say low framerates its a way of art and also one of the key factors that seperates it from other animated films.
I really like and agree with the author's arguments when he pointed out that the low framerates on stop motion movies should be considered as a way of art rather than being avoided or enhanced. yes more fps makes it more smooth, but then the stop motion animation loses something that makes it unique.
I am a 2.5D animator with 2D characters and 3D backgrounds and i always prefer my character animations to have low framerates since its both easier/less time comsumption and a way of art.
Zhou, S. (2022) 'Should the Low Frame Rate of Stop-motion Animation Be Regarded as a Defect?' Animation Studies 2.0. 19 September. Available at: https://blog.animationstudies.org/?p=4567 [Accessed: 14 Jan, 2023]
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Possible Dissertation Topic
Looking through AnimationStudies2.0 and other online resources I have collected several topics that peak my interest.
Animation and history (Forgotten History on AnimationStudies):
How animation has been used as an educational/learning tool to teach historical events and used as a visual aid. How we have taught younger generations about important historical events but appropriate for their viewing age by speaking less on violence and more on the events themselves, using child age appropriate characters to portray this. Keeping history alive, but appropriate to the demographic. Why we have used animation to retell history. 
An example of this is Aztec History being re-imagined in The Mark of the Jaguar. Based heavily on the archaeological and anthropological record of ancient Mexico. Screenwriters being thorough on trying to show correct depictions by using the writings of legendary Mexican archaeologist Dr. Eduardo Matos Moctezuma ans of the former director of the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City.
Historical accuracy is important as children are unaware of the fictional exaggerations often used in films/some animations based on real events, which therefore creates this falsified reality in children’s minds which often doesn’t change growing up, as a generation of children learning a falsified version of history creates one older generation all believing the same thing. Creating The Illusory Truth Effect, a tendency to believe false information to be incorrect after repeated exposure. 
Animations can often be seen to be used as a visual aid in the likes of YouTube Videos. Studying History in school, I also remember viewing videos like the one below. The animation alongside hearing the information, allows you to view what you’re hearing and create an overall better understanding to the information as both hearing and sight are stimulated at the same time.
However, Animation and History isn’t just for teaching. In the likes of Disney, during World War 2, they used their animated characters to entertain and make people feel they were not alone, catering to adults. Der Fuherer’s Face is an American animated anti-nazi propaganda short film from 1942, featuring Donald Duck stuck in a nightmare in a German arms factory having to salute fascist leaders, eventually waking up in his bed in America, hugging his model Statue of Liberty. These animations were used at this detrimental time in history as morale builders for the general public. However, you can view some racist stereotypes at the time as some characters are depicted with negative stereotypes, Disney have since acknowledged its offensive imagery and misrepresentation.
We can also see very similar morale animations in 1922 from Felix the Cat titled Felix goes to War, speaking of the recent First World War. We view Felix leaving his job at the butchers to join the army. The Felix films often had social and political events reflected in their main plot points. We also see this in Felix calls a Strike (1923), Felix fights back against a council ban on cats, organising a strike which allows rats in the town to run wild and cause chaos. This looked at the themes of unions and strikes as this commentary was an honest reflection of the Post- First World War era of worker unrest and the vast rise of unions. 
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hannilock · 4 years
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What was supposed to be a study became a tiny happy jumpy fox. Not yet finished, but i wanted to post how it’s coming together.
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Bouncing Ball Practice!
This week we also had to create a bouncing ball animation in order to practice for the one we have to hand in as an assignment. I found this pretty fun as I have done some before in my spare time. 
This time however I have decided to make the ball the character from Nintendo, Kirby who I love and who can adopt the 'bouncing ball’ motions as Kirby is a ball shaped character. It was also decided in this that I would break the fourth wall as it is called, so that I could have Kirby bounce back off the side of the screen to make it seem like he is kept inside whatever this animation is being viewed on.
Below are some progress videos from the other day and I will continue to work on this in the next lesson (I should finish it next lesson).
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These are the 3 different stages that the animation has been in so far and more will be coming which should include finishing the colours, adding the face and touching up some of the motions!
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blumsart · 2 years
really late post 
animation study 
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aquamaribe · 3 years
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(via GIPHY) study for running legs
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maktum-kainat · 8 months
TAPA PUTUL Character Animation rigging
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lovelyjunk · 6 years
Don't worry, just cause I started a new project doesn't mean I won't finish this one! #starvstheforcesofevil #starbutterfly #disney #fananimation #animationstudy #animation #starco #marco #ponyhead #jackie #ludo #magicgirl #disneyprincess #mewnie
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danidrawsstuff · 2 years
A compilation of all the animation assignments I’ve done so far! Pendulum, Bouncing Ball, and a slightly more complicated bouncing ball fkjkfdj. Third one is still a rough pass, gonna do a bit more tweaking before handing it in!
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theldriel · 7 years
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A recreation of a few slides from Cowboy Bebop’s opening on Asesprite. I’m just starting out with animation, so it seems worthwhile to take apart animations by redoing them to understand how they get their flow.
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wjustinking · 7 years
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My girlfriend ( @katelwal ) and I spent a chunk of this weekend admiring and studying the amazing animation in Aladdin. Spent maybe a little too long doing this study from Friend like Me but it was a ton of fun. Intimidating! But some solid practice; will probably do more studies soon.
The top gif is timed out how it is in the movie, the second is slowed down to help with clarity for the individual poses. 
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