#annabeth: but i could still probably beat all of you in a fight
rose-pearls · 8 months
Maybe a Clarisse x reader. Where R is daughter of Nemesis? Normally being very quiet and "calm", and, as she is the daughter of the Goddess of Revenge, she helps to take revenge on those who hurt Clarisse, even in games of capture the flag, in a discreet way and they almost never find out it was her. In addition to being extremely good at chess and strategies as well. (English is not my first language, so sorry for any mistake)
Hi! Thank you for your request! I had a bit of a writer block but I hope you like it!!! (Requests are open)
Main Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187, @nyx2021, @thestarspangledcaptain, @kmc1989 (open)
Percy Jackson Taglist: @niktwazny303 (open)
Clarisse La Rue Taglist: @peanutbelley (open)
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Clarisse knew everyone as camp, but there was one person that she didn’t knew as well, she was a kind of mystery that you couldn’t really understand. You had been claimed by Nemesis, a goddess who was known for revenge and strategy. It had made most campers wary of you, expect for the Hermes cabin, who had welcomed you in their cabin to stay. 
She had only heard of you in passing, people complaining of how you had beaten them for the hundredth time at chess and now as she watches you beating Annabeth at chess she can’t help but want to know more about you. Apart from chess she hadn’t heard a lot about you, you were someone quiet, who liked to stay in your corner, so she didn’t pay you any mind, not thinking that you could be something that interesting. But she would be lying if she said she had never sneaked glances at you., admiring you from afar.
Clarisse knew that she wasn’t the most liked person at camp Half-blood, that title would probably be held by Luke, but she still couldn’t help but be surprised when people tried to get to her. The Hephaestus kids were the ones that brought anger to the Ares kids, just like their fathers their children couldn’t get along. But it was weird when her spear suddenly reappeared after she searched everywhere for it, it had been laying on her bed, as if she had just put it there herself. The only indication that it was the Hephaestus kids were the twin marks on their arms, a small broken circle that reminded her of the broken wheel that had appeared above your head. 
She hadn’t thought about it further, only thought that they had realized how stupid they were and decided to bring it back. But as she saw a perfect ambush by the blue team getting completely destroyed by some simple smoke and something that she couldn’t pinpoint she knew that this was something bigger. She knew that the blue team had worked hard and long on this ambush, trying to get her alone to weaken her and try to get the flag that way. Just as she had been getting ready to fight back, surrounded by people of the blue team, they all saw a dark smoke coming their way and suddenly they were all on the ground holding their Achilles heel in pain, while she stood there unaffected. 
The only thing she saw was a shadow moving, and the smoke following it, so after a second, she left her helmet there and followed the shadow. It took a couple of minutes of following the mysterious person before she found you in the clearing. You looked beautiful in that armor, perhaps if the color on your armor had been red it would’ve been even better.
“Why are you doing this?”, she knows it’s rude to just ask you what you are doing, but she isn’t one to talk in circles, she needs an answer. You look at her with curious eyes and she tries not to fall for them.
“What do you mean?”, she knows that you know, but that you want her to tell you what she means.
“Why are you protecting me?”, it’s difficult to say it, she never had someone really protecting her so she quickly believed she should protect herself and not count on others to do it.
“Because they wanted to hurt you and that wasn’t fair to do without you knowing what was happening and risking getting hurt,” she was speechless, for the first time in a long time. If she was honest with herself and with you, she would tell you that she probably deserves to get attacked or getting something taken from her with the way she treats people, but she doesn’t say it. Instead, she admires your features, trying to understand why you would choose to protect her of all people.
“Why me?”, this time it slips right of her tongue, without her being able to hold it back.
“Why not? Everyone needs someone on their side. I just think you deserve to have someone on your side, watching your back,” you say it with so much ease that Clarisse can’t help but blurt out the next few words.
“Be careful or I might think you have a crush on me,” she says, and she tries to say it in a teasing voice, but it comes out shaky. However, she doesn’t expect the blooming blush on your cheeks and your shy smile, making her realize that maybe you do and that is why you are protecting her. 
“Wait, you do have a crush on me,” she says and for a moment she feels her heart beating faster, just like when she finished fighting with one of her siblings. Her stomach is turning into knots, and she feels her cheeks heat up.
“I do, I’m sorry if that makes you uncomfortable,” you look slightly ashamed, as if Clarisse could ever be mad at you for having feelings for her.
“Don’t apologize, it doesn’t make me feel uncomfortable,” there is short silence that follows her words, were Clarisse tries to tell herself that she should just take the risk and go for it.
“I kind of have a crush on you too,” she says quietly, she had only admitted it to herself in the middle of the night when she couldn’t sleep. Saying it out loud felt like a relief but it was also nerve-wracking.
You look surprised at her words, like you couldn’t believe the Ares girl could ever feel the same for you.
“Really?”, Clarisse can’t help but smile at your surprise, you looked even more beautiful like that. She gets closer to you and takes your hand, enjoying the darkening blush on your cheeks.
“Really,” she says, and she enjoys your shy smile, as you look down at your intertwined fingers.
“What do you say we go on a date sometimes? That way you can tell me all of your tricks,” Clarisse proposes, silently hoping that you will give her a chance. 
“I would love that, but if I told you everything, I would have to kill you,” you say with a teasing smile and Clarisse rolls her eyes good-naturedly.
“I’ll take the chance, beautiful,” she says before starting to bring you towards a secluded spot in the forest.
“Don’t you want to know who wins capture the flag?”, she hears you ask, and she turns around to find you looking at her with worried eyes, but she only shakes her head.
“Doesn’t matter at the moment, I’ve got more important things to do. And next time I will make sure to have a certain daughter of Nemesis on my team to win,” Clarisse says enjoying your satisfied smile before bringing you to her secluded spot. 
Unfortunately for the other campers, this was the day an unbreakable duo was formed, you had Clarisse at the front, defending herself but mostly you. And in the shadows, there was the brain, the one that could plot a revenge better than anyone by knowing exactly what your weaknesses were. Even the gods were scared for a moment as they saw the two girls form a bond that could never be broken.
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kay-lalala · 9 months
What I hope to see in PJO TV Episode 6
I’m guessing the episode is gonna cover the chapters “We Take a Zebra to Vegas” and “We Shop for Water Beds". So I made a list of things that are in the book/story beats and could be included. Hoping for more book accuracy this time tbh.
The animal transport
-The zebra, the albino lion and the antelope. I saw an ostrich I think in the trailer so maybe that’s an addition but I don’t know why they would change the original animals
-The animals having the wrong food and the trio changing that, taking care of them, giving them water, cutting off the balloon etc
-Grover getting angry about that and maybe even trying to leave to start a fight with the drivers. Did they mention he’s a vegetarian yet?
-Grover talking to the animals (I’m still hoping for goat noises)
-Since the spiders were cut out of the waterpark scene maybe it will come up some other way? Since Percy uses it to help Annabeth snap out of the Lotus Casino trance. + the Athena/Arachne story
-”We’re a team, remember?” (even though I wished they would have shown that teamwork of the trio in the waterpark)
-Annabeth and Percy sharing an Oreo
-I guess they will not talk about Thalia and Grover because Percy already knows and they cut out the Iris message scene where Luke mentions it. So I wonder if they will talk about something else. Maybe more Annabeth backstory/her family. Maybe Annabeth and Percy uplifting Grover.
-Since they cut the Poseidon/Athena rivalry discussion I guess there will be no ‘I don’t know what my mom will do. I just know I’ll fight next to you.” “Why?” “Because you’re my friend, Seaweed Brain. Any more stupid questions?” Maybe there will be a similar scene
-Percy dreaming about Thalia and Luke and Kronos and his mother in front of Hades’ throne
-The drivers taunting the animals and Grover getting mad about it
-Annabeth tricking them into fighting by knocking on the wall
-The zebra talking to Percy (and him figuring out that it’s because Poseidon created horses)
-Grover blessing the animals + the “Why can’t you place a blessing like that on us?” “It only works on wild animals.” “So it would only affect Percy.”
-Percy freeing the animals
The Lotus Casino
-Epic games and water slides and bungee jumping and stuff like that
-Percy throwing Ares’ backpack in the trash and it later returning to him
-The kids enjoying the room, getting new clothes etc
-Percy teasing Annabeth for watching National Geographic
-Grover playing the reverse hunter game
-Annabeth playing trivia games and a city builder sim
-People that look like they are from all kinds of different time periods
-Groovy Darrin
-Percy getting suspicious and asking everyone what year it is
-Percy realizing and being scared that he forgot his mom’s name for a second
-Percy helping Annabeth snap out of it (not with spiders probably, so with something else?)
-Sudden weather change when they leave, stormy, checking the date to realize there is only one day left
-Apparently they go there on purpose because Hermes is there? I’m just hoping that they will for once actually fall for a trap and not just avoid everything because Annabeth is *~too smart~*.
The Santa Monica Beach + The Waterbed Palace
-Annabeth has the idea to use the casino cards for a cab
-The cab driver calls Annabeth “Your Highness” after seeing the infinite money
-Percy tells the trio about his dream and they start to realize something’s wrong because they were talking about two items, but they settle for “It has to be Hades” for now
-”You have evil thoughts for a goat.” “Why, thank you.”
-Percy walking into the sea in Santa Monica and letting a shark take him further to the edge of a huge chasm (could look super cool)
-The nereid riding on a sea horse
-Percy having flashbacks to seeing faces in the sea when he was a kid because she said they were watching him
-The nereid telling Percy to not judge his father and that they are not allowed to show favoritism
-She giving him the three pearls and explaining how they work
-”You have gifts you have only begun to know. The oracles have foretold a great and terrible future for you, should you survive to manhood.”
-”What belongs to the sea will always return to the sea.”
-In the Mississippi she said “don’t trust the gifts” so maybe she will say it now? Referencing Luke’s shoes and hinting again at his betrayal.
-Annabeth “No gift comes without a price.”
-Someone on the street recognizing Percy from TV
-I guess they already showed Gabe so they won’t see him on the News again? Though I think the young woman sitting next to him would make him more despicable because he replaced Sally immediately
-A gang of kids surrounding the trio and Percy scaring them off with Riptide
-While running from them going into Crusty’s waterbed palace
-God I hope they don’t cut it
-Crusty looking kinda reptilian
-Grover and Annabeth getting trapped on the waterbeds getting streched to be 6 feet tall
-Percy remembering the story of Procrustes and tricking him into laying down on a bed and killing him
-The trio finding the address to DOA records
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captainsophiestark · 9 months
Each Others' Constants
Annabeth Chase x Platonic!Reader
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Gif is originally from this really cool Happy Birthday Annabeth post! Go check it out and give the creator some love!
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Written for Fictober 2022! Requested by Anon :)
Fandom: Percy Jackson
Prompt: “I’m not alone and neither are you”
Summary: Y/N first came to Camp with Annabeth, Thalia, Luke, and Grover. Their lives have all taken very different, winding paths, with many ups and downs, and after the betrayal of Luke, Y/N’s first boyfriend, they decided to go far, far away from Camp Half-Blood for college. They come back regularly, but when they return for the winter break of their senior year, after the Battle of New York, they realize they might need to make a point of coming home a little more often.
Word Count: 2,464
Category: Angst, Fluff
A/N: Major spoilers for Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, if you haven’t read it, and spoilers for the beginning of HoO! If you haven’t read either, check them out, they’re great!
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I came to a stop at the top of Half-Blood Hill and put my hands on my hips as I looked down into the valley below, a smile on my face. I looked over my shoulder to find the cab driver still staring at me, a curious look on his face, so I gave him a cheery wave. He scowled back at me and then drove off, like a typical New Yorker.
I’d missed it here.
Camp Half-Blood had been like a home to me for years. I’d first arrived eight years ago with a group of other Half-Bloods and our Satyr, and over that time, a lot had changed.
Thalia, one of my best friends, had died and come back to life. Grover, my other best friend, became a member of the Council of Cloven Elders. Luke, my former friend and first boyfriend, had turned traitor only to give his life defeating Kronos. And Annabeth, my baby sister in everything but blood, had grown up into an incredible, beautiful, strong young woman.
I couldn’t have been more proud of her.
As for me, I’d left Camp Half-Blood just before Luke had turned traitor, about four years ago now. Instead of staying around the Camp I’d basically grown up in, I’d left for college, deciding to go abroad and see the world after so many years in the same place, happy but afraid of the outside world. I’d come back last summer, to help fight the Battle of New York, only to leave again once the dust had settled for my senior year of college.
Now, I’d just gotten back for winter break. Camp Half-Blood had been my only family for a while now, so of course, I’d come back to spend it with them. Our normal protective bubble had let just the lightest dusting of snow in, and in the wake of the changes Percy, Annabeth’s boyfriend, had called for after the Battle of New York, the Camp was livelier than I’d ever seen it in the middle of the winter.
I took one last beat to survey the scene in front of me, then started heading down the snow-covered hill to say hello to everyone. They’d known I was coming back for the holidays, but so far, no one had noticed my arrival.
As I got closer and closer to the Big House and the familiar (but newly expanded) ring of cabins, I started to get a little worried about why that might be. I could feel a tension in the air that had only ever meant something bad in my experience here, and as I got closer the tone of voices coming from the people rushing about sounded more urgent than excited.
“Hey!” I called, stopping the first camper I came across. I didn’t recognize her, which felt a little strange, since I used to know everyone at Camp, especially those who stayed over the winter holidays. I pushed the thought out of my mind however as I noticed her worriedly looking behind her, like she had somewhere to be. “What’s going on?”
“I don’t know…” she started, giving me a bit of a suspicious look. I stared right back, and after a second, she apparently decided I probably wouldn’t have been able to get into Camp if I’d been a threat. “I woke up and everyone was freaking out about something. One of my friends said they heard somebody’s missing, but I don’t know who.”
My heart dropped into my stomach. We’d just survived a war. We did NOT need some new danger, especially not so soon.
“Where’s Annabeth?” I demanded. “Or Grover, or Chiron?”
“I don’t know… you could always check the Athena Cabin?”
I grit my teeth, incredibly frustrated but trying not to take it out on some kid who’d done her best.
“Alright, thanks,” I said, then took off without another word. If Annabeth had gone missing, especially while I’d been away, traveling the world instead of here, with her…
I turned around at the sound of my name to see Malcolm Pace, one of the Athena kids around the same age as Annabeth, speedwalking towards me. I wasn’t sure whether to be relieved or more concerned.
“Malcolm! What’s happening? I found a camper who said someone was missing-”
“Percy. Percy went missing sometime last night.”
I put a hand to my forehead, trying to process the news. My gut reaction was incredible relief that it wasn’t Annabeth, but that quickly faded back into a horrible, sick feeling. I loved Percy like a little brother too, and he and Annabeth had finally gotten to their happy ending. This was not good, in any way.
“Annabeth’s in the Athena Cabin,” he said, taking a step towards me and Cabin 6. “I think you should probably come see her.”
I nodded, dropping my hand from my forehead and letting the urgency of the situation clear my mind. I could sort through the worry and fear later. Right now, there were things that needed doing.
First and foremost, checking on Annabeth.
I marched through Camp with Malcolm, laser-focused on my goal. I passed a few other campers I knew and we exchanged curt nods, but neither of us tried to stop and chat. We all knew there were more important things going on now. Hopefully, we’d have the time for small talk later.
We reached the Athena Cabin, and I found a few younger, worried-looking campers hovering outside. I headed for the door and Malcolm made to follow me, but I paused and put a hand up.
“Malc, I think it might be a good idea if I go in and talk to her alone, for a second,” I said. Malcolm nodded and took a step back.
“Of course,” he said, then turned to the campers still hovering around the door. “C'mon guys, let’s go check in with Chiron and see if there’s something productive we can do to help.”
I nodded my thanks to him as he rounded up the stragglers and got them to leave, then turned back to the door. I took a deep breath, then opened it and stepped inside.
I found Annabeth in the middle of the room, papers and notes spread out all around her. She wore one of Percy’s favorite hoodies, and my heart broke a little at the sight.
“Annabeth?” I said, my voice quiet as I slowly approached her. She whirled around as soon as she saw me, and even though I’d seen her just a few months ago, I couldn’t help being struck with the realization of just how grown up she was now. It felt like yesterday she was a little seven year old wielding a ball peen hammer, ready to brain Luke, Thalia, and I when we’d first found her. Now, she was a junior in high school and almost as tall as me.
And she looked absolutely heartbroken.
“Y/N,” she breathed, staring through me as much as she was staring at me. Her blonde hair was a mess in its pony tail, and she had mascara smeared around her eyes like she’d been rubbing at them. I took a few more steps across the room, and she didn’t move an inch the whole time. Finally, I got close enough to pull her into a hug. As soon as I wrapped my arms around her, she collapsed into me, and I could feel her sobbing even though the tears were silent.
“Oh, Beth…” I breathed as I held her tighter. I wanted to take the pain away, but I knew from plenty of experience that there was nothing I could do except be there for her.
We stayed like that for a few long minutes, not speaking, and I could tell this was an emotion dump that Annabeth had been fighting off for a long, long time. Finally, though, she shifted a little bit, resting her head on my shoulder as the tears slowly calmed.
“We were supposed to be done with this,” she finally muttered. I rubbed calm, slow circles on her back as she continued. “When we beat Kronos in New York, it was supposed to be over. Some terrible prophecy from Rachel for the next generation of demigods. Not us.”
“It’s not fair,” I echoed, squeezing her as tight as I could. “It’s total bullshit that after everything you’ve been through, you have to deal with something else, Annabeth.”
She took a few more shaky breaths, but didn’t pull away from me. She breathed in like she was getting ready to say something, but then paused. I stayed silent, waiting, letting her take her time. Finally she breathed, barely above a whisper, “I’m just sick of feeling so alone. With Percy, I finally stopped being alone.”
My heart shattered in my chest, and I had to fight back a few tears of my own at her words. I could deal with my own emotions later, but right now, Annabeth needed me.
“Why did you feel alone before Percy?” I asked, being careful to keep any kind of judgment or opinion out of my tone. She shuddered, and I held her closer, trying to give her all the love and support I could without saying words. She didn’t pull away to look at me as she responded, her words half-mumbled like thoughts she was still working through.
“When I was a kid, we had such a clear, close group, you know?” she started. “It was you, me, Luke, Thals, and Grover against the world. And then… and then Thalia died. And Grover started working on other assignments and his own quests and goals. And… and you and Luke… got together, and you always included me, but… it wasn’t the same. And after Luke’s quest, he started getting more distant anyway, and then you left for school and Luke turned on all of us, and I’ve made other friends here, but… for most of my life, I’ve had to rely on myself. Take care of myself, be enough for myself. And I am enough for myself. But with Percy… it finally felt like I had a partner to go through everything with. And now, after we survived a war together, he’s gone. And I’m alone again.”
I waited as Annabeth finished her statement, gathering my thoughts and just in case she had something else to say. When she didn’t continue, I held her a little tighter, then spoke.
“Annabeth… I’ve felt that. A while ago and even this past semester away from Camp. I don’t know exactly what you’re going through, but… I remember when Luke started pulling away, after his failed quest. He was my partner in things, we told each other everything. But after that, he stopped talking to me. A little wall went up, and no matter what I did to try to tear it down, it was always there. It only got worse as time went on, and then as you know, we both basically lost him for good when he joined Kronos.”
Annabeth took a shaky breath, and I held her a little tighter, as much for my own comfort as hers. I’d worked through a lot of the trauma that had come from everything to do with Luke for the past few years, but not all of it. Still, I shook it off as well as I could and continued.
“Even in college, it’s been the same thing,” I said. “I’ve gone to all kinds of new places and met so many interesting people, but there’s a big part of who I am that I just… can’t share with them. I’m independent, and I’m glad I’m independent, but… I understand feeling like you’re not really connecting with anyone as deeply as you want to. And it sucks.
"But you will always have me, Annabeth. Just like I’ll always have you. And we will find Percy, and then you’ll have him too. No matter how much it feels like it sometimes Annabeth, I’m not alone and neither are you.”
Now it was Annabeth’s turn to squeeze me tight, so hard it almost hurt. She didn’t say anything, but she didn’t need to. After a few long moments, where plenty of things passed between us even without speaking, we finally pulled apart enough to look at each other. Annabeth still didn’t look happy, but she seemed more determined and settled in herself. That shattered look I’d seen when I’d first come through the door was gone.
“Thank you, Y/N,” she said. I gave her a light squeeze.
“Always. And hey, I promise I’m going to make more of a point of staying in touch while I’m gone, alright? This semester especially, I think I was running from… well, almost everything associated with Camp Half-Blood and all the history and pain that comes with it. But I don’t ever want to run from you. So letters, more frequent visits, an illegal cellphone, whatever. Whatever it takes to stay more in touch, yeah?”
Annabeth nodded. “Yeah.”
“Okay, good. Now let’s see what your notes are looking like on the Percy situation, huh? We’ve got a son of Poseidon to track down.”
Annabeth nodded and we finally broke completely apart as she turned to start taking me through all the notes, clues, and evidence she’d gathered so far. I stood by her side as she walked me through it all, and whenever it looked like she might be overwhelmed again, I put a hand on her shoulder and did what I could to keep her calm.
Annabeth deserved nothing but happiness, especially after everything she’d already been through. But if problems and trouble were going to keep popping up and getting in her way, then I was going to be right by her side, through all of it. No matter what.
We’d find Percy, and Annabeth would get her partner back. But I made a vow as we stood in that room, pouring over information and trying to reason out where Percy might be, that I was never disappearing on my little sister again. No matter what directions our lives took us in, or how separate our paths became, I would always be there for her. We’d been the only real constants in each others’ lives for about a decade now, and we were going to stay that way for many more decades to come.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
Percy Jackson Taglist: @valkyriepirate
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white-wolf-buckaroo · 26 days
Chapter 5: I Plunge to my Death
This episode is what I call the 'turning point' of the show where Percy really discovers what he's capable of, and also the end of the first half of the first season! Can't believe we're already here. Hope you enjoy it!
Word count: 7500 ish
Warnings: Does the Chimera count?
Fic masterlist here!
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The soothing rattle of the train put Emily to sleep almost instantly when they went to bed. She was exhausted, even if it had only been the first days of their quest.
They were back on track now, on their way to Los Angeles still in time for the solstice. They would complete the quest, and avoid a war between the gods. Yep, everything would be great.
Except her sleep that night: she was still shaken up from their visit to Aunty Em’s place, not as much because of fighting multiple monsters the same day (she was more than prepared for that), but because of their conversation with Medusa. Emily knew that not all monsters were brainless or soulless creatures, but having an actual talk with someone as the gorgon, who had been around for ages, and had different opinions than the ones Emily was used to hearing, had certainly been an experience.
Medusa’s words resonated in her head during her sleep: The gods want you to believe that they are infallible. But they only want what all bullies want: they want us to blame ourselves for their own shortcomings.
Emily hadn’t seen her father in years. Well, except in the official ceremonies like the winter solstice, when they visited Olympus. But she hadn’t spoken to him in years. Still, she thought of him every day when making her offerings, even though she knew he probably didn’t think of her maybe more than once a month, if he ever did. He was the one who had left, after all. He didn’t want anything else to do with her anymore.
It killed her not to know the reasoning behind his actions. What seemed more logical to her, is that it had been her fault. That’s why she trained to be better, and better and better every single day. Not to make him see he was wrong for abandoning her… but to demonstrate that she was worthy of his love.
She woke up earlier than expected, heart racing after her overthinking thought didn’t let her be even during her sleep – it was still dark outside. Above them was a pitch black sky, from what she could see from her place on the floor (after the flying shoes incident they had let Grover take one of the bunkbeds, and both Percy and Emily had lost against Annabeth on rock, paper, scissors, so the both of them were on mattresses on the floor). There were also stars shining above them, almost flying by with the train’s fast pace.
It was a relief that, wherever she would go, she could always look up to the sky and find the same stars she stared at every night at camp.
She realized then that Percy and Annabeth were awake too, because they were talking. Maybe she had woken up because of them; she could, and would, definitely blame them.
“… I gotta say, that doesn’t make a lot of sense to me”
“What doesn’t make sense to you?”
“The way you guys all talk” answered Percy “The way the gods want us to think… Gotta burn an offering to get a parent’s attention. Gotta beat up on Clarisse just to get my father to admit he’s my father. It isn’t supposed to work that way” he sighed, defeated “People who are close to you aren’t supposed to treat you that way”
The thing is, the gods weren’t close to their children. Demigods wanted them to be, sure, but they just… weren’t. That’s the sad truth behind it, and the reason why things worked like they did in their world.
Emily listened to Annabeth telling Percy how she ran away when she was seven, a story she had heard many times, years ago for the first time. Emily knew that Annabeth missed her father, but that her insecurities wouldn’t let her give in to his pleadings to come back to him.
If Emily still had her mother, she would leave camp half-blood to be with her in a heartbeat.
“It isn’t the gods who think that way” replied Annabeth, to Percy’s previous comment “It’s everybody. But at least with the gods you know the rules: show them respect and they’ll be in your corner no matter what”
“The gods didn’t help us when we were at Medusa’s, though”
“Gods can’t interfere”
Both Percy and Annabeth looked over at Emily when she talked, surprised that she was awake.
“What do you mean?” asked Percy.
“This is a quest. We have to get this done by ourselves. If we can’t deal with small problems like a monster getting in our way… well, then we shouldn’t be on a mission in the first place”
“A monster doesn’t seem like a small problem to me but okay, whatever you say” Percy shrugged “But still, we are kids. They are our parents. Dads and Moms are supposed to protect their children”
“The gods do… in their own way” Emily was staring at the ceiling, rather than at Percy, engrossed in her mind “Athena gifted Annabeth her invisibility cap. Your father transmitted to you the ability to heal when you are in contact with water. They care for you guys”
Percy took in her words, noticing she hadn’t mentioned herself nor her dad. He didn’t know what her relationship to Ares was like, but he did remember Medusa saying that the god had cared for his child, in past tense, but not in present tense. He did know how her relationship to Clarisse was, and some others of the Ares cabin from what he had seen at camp. He liked Emily because she wasn’t as brute as them, but he also knew that there was a lot about her he didn’t know yet – she was still a daughter of the God of War.
He wanted to ask her more about it, but he didn’t know how to be tactful. So he just blatantly did:
“What about your dad? Ares?”
“What about him?” she didn’t sound very keen on talking about that topic.
“Has he gotten you anything like Annabeth’s mom for her?”
“Yeah, he did. Some weapons, like my throwing knife. It’s been… years, though, since he’s gifted me anything. The last thing… was his ring. I guess that was his goodbye” she grasped at it with her fingers over her chest, biting her lip; it was attached to her camp necklace, ever since the day she had received it from him. She didn’t want to dwell in her feelings too much, so she quickly forced herself to recover “He also got me some emotional traumas, like for the most of us. The usual for the God of War”
Above them, on the upper mattress of the bunk, Grover groaned while he woke up, totally displeased to do so.
“You awake?” asked Percy.
“I am now, thanks”
“You okay?”
“He’s super grouchy when he doesn’t get enough sleep”
Grover mimicked Annabeth doing a high pitched voice, groaning again.
“Wow” replied Percy, unimpressed. That was a side of Grover he hadn’t seen yet.
“You’ve never been on the road with him before” said Annabeth “A little different than a froofy boarding school, isn’t it?”
“Who’s froofy? You’re froofy!” complained Grover, words slurred with sleep “… What’s froofy?”
“I think you need to eat, Grover” suggested Emily, holding back a smile. She shouldn’t be amused by his torture… but she kind of was enjoying this too much.
Grover did eat a lot at breakfast; at dawn, after they couldn’t sleep anymore, they had all gotten dressed and had made it out of their wagon. The train didn’t have a five star meal restaurant, but some apple juice, bread, fruit and cookies, which was more than enough for three demigods and a satyr – well, maybe not so much for Grover, but he got all the grapes in exchange for the sausages he didn’t want.
“Seems like Apollo is driving around fast today” mumbled Emily, watching how the sky outside the train was quickly turning lighter colours, with the sun almost up in the sky “If he decided to make the sun rise later than it should… we’d have more time to complete our quest, right? ‘Cause of the solstice”
“In two days we will reach Los Angeles, there is still plenty of time before our deadline to reach the Underworld”
“Can I ask a dumb question?”
Annabeth, Emily and Grover all looked at Percy with an eyebrow raised, unsure about what he was about to say.
“It’s like you need me to make fun of you” commented Annabeth, across from him. She was sitting with Grover, whereas Emily was with Percy.
“Annie, be nice”
“Shoot” added Grover, to Percy.
“I’ve never been to Los Angeles before. I’m guessing neither of you have been to Los Angeles as well… So, how will we have any idea where we’re going?”
“No idea” answered Grover. Great “But that’s like step thirty-seven, and we’re still on step four. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there”
Emily knew by Percy’s face that he still wasn’t convinced.
“Follow-up stupid question” ah, there it was.
“Dude” muttered Annabeth.
“The Oracle… it said ‘And you shall fail to save what matters most in the end’. Back in Jersey I told you the Oracle said this quest would fail. And no one’s mentioned it since. Seems like… something we ought to be taking a little more seriously, don’t you think?”
“Don’t think too much about what the Oracle said” Emily bit her lip, thoughtful “She’s super wise and stuff, but her premonitions are also super tricky. They’re more like… guidelines, but not something to be followed by step by step. Relax about it”
“Sounds easier said than done” Percy huffed, turning to look outside of the window… when he saw something that caught his eye “Hey… are those…?”
A family of four, riding through the field on the right side of the train. Wild, and free.
“No one even knows they’re there”
“Chiron taught us that there used to be herds of them, everywhere” explained Emily, watching the family of centaurs move into the distance “Now… not so many”
“What happened to them?”
“Humans” mumbled the satyr, bitterly “A few thousand years ago… the God of the Wild, Pan, disappeared. And ever since, without Pan to protect the natural world, humans have been trying really hard to chip away at it”
“The bravest satyrs volunteer to become Searchers” added Annabeth “To try to find Pan. None have ever returned”
“Your uncle… the one we found at Medusa’s, Ferdinand” Percy quickly connected the dots, for once “He was a Searcher?”
Grover nodded, sadly. Annabeth and Emily looked at him with pity, like Percy.
“The Oracle didn’t say the quest would fail” Annabeth wasn’t done with that conversation yet, apparently “ ‘Fail to save what matters most’ could mean a lot of things. It’s what Emily said: this is how prophecies work. That’s how fate works. It could mean a lot of things. The harder you work to understand, the harder it gets to understand. Sometimes you’ve just gotta’ let it come to you when it’s ready”
And then, they were interrupted:
“Excuse me” they looked up, seeing one of the train’s security guards next to them “Can I see your tickets, please?”
“Why?” asked Emily, defensive, as Annabeth took them out of her backpack and handed them to the security guard. He didn’t answer her, though.
“You’re in cabin 17B?” he asked this time, and they nodded “You’re gonna have to come with me”
“Excuse me?” Emily knew she had a problem with holding her tongue, but she was working on it. Most times “We’ve done nothing wrong”
“Please, follow me”
Annabeth shot her friend a look that screamed ‘shut up’, and they all obeyed the man, following him back to the wagon were the cabins were. There was a loud noise of wind whooshing, that they didn’t recall hearing before when they left to get breakfast. When the security guard stopped at their cabin, they noticed the door was open, they understood where all of the wind was coming from: their window was shattered, there was glass everywhere, the beds they had made were now undone, and all their stuff was upside down. Emily’s eyes also caught a mark near the ceiling, above the now demolished window in the wooden panel: four equidistant lines, four claw marks.
“You wanna explain?”
As much as they defended themselves to the officer, he didn’t listen to them. On top of that, he even had a witness who apparently said she had hear the window smash followed by children’s voices. Both Emily and Annabeth looked at the woman the officer was pointing at: she was talking to another security guard, giving her statement on what she had heard. Percy complained behind them to the officer, while they assessed the woman: she was tall, lean, well dressed. Her face was pretty thin, her jawline and her cheekbones prominent.
Emily thought she looked like the typical suburban mom who got into other people’s business. Then again, she hadn’t been outside camp in a very long time, so she didn’t really know where that thought came from.
“Are we under arrest?”
The officer didn’t like Annabeth’s tone. He liked it even less when she repeated the question.
Now they were under arrest.
They held them back at the breakfast wagon, the four of them sitting at the same table as before again. Emily glanced at the ‘witness’ who was still giving her statement, now to the officer that had arrested them, while the other security guard watched them.
“So… We’re just killing time until we find out that guy’s like a werewolf or something, right?”
Grover, Emily and Annabeth glanced at the security officer talking to the witness, who looked back at them at the same time, and then they turned back to Percy.
“Doesn’t seem like a werewolf to me”
“More like a grouchy man with a superiority complex” mumbled Emily.
“Emi, not helpful” scolded Annabeth.
“Come on, look at us. Look at me!” she made what she called ‘a cute face’; she was a cute kid so it wasn’t that hard “Who could ever think I could harm anyone? Or shatter a window like that?”
“You definitely are capable of that. Not saying you would” answered Grover, immediately correcting himself “But you can”
“Well, that’s my perfect cover”
“We’re losing focus” reprimanded Annabeth “But I’m with you, he doesn’t seem like a monster”
“Then what’s going on here then? Why would anyone tear our room apart?”
“Maybe they were looking for something” suggested, Grover, looking at Percy.
“But we don’t have anything”
“The people who think you stole Zeus’s master bolt might disagree”
“But it’s like Percy said, we don’t have it”
“Exactly. They’re not gonna find something we don’t have”
“We need to get out of this before we get delayed”
Annabeth was interrupted, this time by the woman who claimed had heard them shatter the window and put their room upside down. The witness tapped her on the shoulder, acting concerned, and asked them if she could sit across from them. She even got the security guard who was watching them to walk away, saying she thought she was making them nervous.
Emily thought the woman had no right to seem this nice when she was acting so suspiciously.
She had a bag with her, with a pet inside. It was closed, but the thing was trembling so much it made the whole bag shiver; it made Emily kinda nervous.
“You poor dears must be scared” the woman told them, smiling oh too warmly “Your parents aren’t here, aren’t they? You poor things… But don’t worry. I’m a mom. I know what it’s like” she shushed her pet, tapping the bag lightly before turning back to the three demigods and the satyr again “I want you to know… I don’t actually think that you made that mess back there. I just wanted a moment alone with you. There are some things I need you to understand-“
“You have something on your jacket” Grover interrupted her, signalling to her right shoulder. All of them looked at that spot, seeing small pieces of something shiny “It looks like… glass” the woman’s smile was becoming more unsettling every passing second “No one smashed out the windows from inside our cabin. Someone smashed them in, from the outside”
The pet inside the woman’s bag began grunting, whimpering for her, and she turned back to it, kneeling before the back talking to the animal:
“Yes sweetheart, I know, I know… You’re impatient” the animal sniffed again “Oh… But we’re almost there” she stood up then again, turning to the heroes “This isn’t your fault” her tone had switched to a much more serious one, less sweet “But sadly, you’re going to have to bear the burden of your parents’ mistakes today”
“Listen, lady” said Percy, next to Emily on their bench “I don’t know who you are, but I think I know what you are”
A pain in the ass, though Emily.
“We’ve run across a few monsters like you and we’ve sent them all packing”
“Monsters like me?” the woman scoffed “Well… Of course they’re like me. They were my children”
It all made sense then.
Well, to all except Percy. But Annabeth, Emily and Grover knew then who they had standing before them:
“The Mother of Monsters” mumbled Grover, afraid.
The pet, or more like the monster, inside the woman’s bag, began growling again, harsher this time. Its mother shushed it, but they felt like it wouldn’t stay calm much longer.
“Monster is such an odd word” Echidna sounded like the typical teacher who tried to lecture her students about something “Considering my grandmother is your great-grandmother” she said to Percy, looking then at the girls “And your great-great grandmother. This has always been a family story” she shrugged “But… to my eye, the demigod is the more dangerous creature. Disruptive. Violent. If I exist for anything… It is to stand in the way of monsters, like you”
The four of them were starting to feel something unsettling in their stomachs when the monster growled again.
“My little one here… She’s just a pup now, bless her heart” explained the Mother of Monsters “Today… you will be her prey” she looked at them expectantly, excited “Are you afraid yet?” they were, but they wouldn’t show it “Oh, it’s alright. Fear is natural. It’s also essential to the hunt. Your fear, your doubt, your confusion…” the monster growled louder as she chuckled “I needed you to understand what was happening, so that she could track the scent. So she could… learn, and grow, because… that’s what a good mother does for her children. Not that you would know”
The monster stilled, but the bag’s zip began opening from the inside.
Emily felt a nervous feeling growing inside her stomach, and her heartbeat picking up. This wasn’t good.
They heard one final growl, and the bag opened.
“You should run now”
A giant claw leapt out of the bag right at them. Emily ducked immediately, her senses sharpened from years of training, but Percy wasn’t that fast, and so when Emily was out of the way the claw went straight into his left shoulder.
The claw itself was attached to a long tail that backtracked once it had stabbed one of them, and before it could attack again Annabeth jumped right on it, dagger in hand; with all the force she could muster she stabbed the monster’s tail with her weapon, hopefully hurting it enough to slow it down in its hunt for them.
“Go!” she screamed to them.
Emily, Grover and Percy ran to the nearest exit, Annabeth following swiftly behind them. The security guards yelled for them to stay put, while Echidna tended to her hurt child. The heroes ran as fast as they could to the next wagons.
The train was slowly stopping; they had only made it to St. Louis.
Annabeth stayed a few steps behind to block one of the doors, although they knew it wasn’t to much use; only by its tail, they knew that the monster that was chasing them was huge. At least the door would hold back the security guards.
“Percy!” Grover tore a stinger out of his left shoulder, where the monster had gotten to him.
“What is that?” asked the blonde, nervous.
“What kind of monsters have stingers?” asked now Emily, frantic.
“I don’t know, I mean… nothing good probably”
Percy felt okay, at least for now. He didn’t really feel any pain, but maybe it was because he was so full of adrenaline and fear for the monster chasing them. Something huge rattled the wagons behind them; it was getting close.
“We gotta move!”
The train stopped right on time for them to jump off to the rails. They put a few meters between them and the train, and then they looked back, trying to locate the monster. It was nowhere in sight.
“Why isn’t it chasing us?”
“Echidna said whatever she was hiding in that carrier, it’s young” explained Annabeth.
“What do you mean by that?” Percy didn’t understand.
“It’s still a pup, so it will stay close to it’s mother. She’ll tell the monster where to go, teaching it to hunt. In this case, hunt us”
“We aren’t gonna be able to outrun them for very long”
The began to move outside of the train station, trying to put distance between them and the Mother of Monsters and her child.
“We don’t need to” refuted Annabeth “We just need a safe place to hole up”
“And prepare ourselves to fight” added Emily.
“Some safe place. Okay…” Percy was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that he had been stabbed by a monster with an hopefully not poisonous stinger, although if he paid attention to the wound, he could feel it starting to get itchy. He hoped the feeling was only in his head “Any ideas where we might find one of those? Any of you ever been to St. Louis?”
“I know a place” answered Annabeth; her and Emily were walking between the two boys as they made their way through an ally “A sanctuary, dedicated to Athena, built by one of her demigod children a long time ago”
“There is an Athenian temple hidden somewhere in the middle of downtown St. Louis?” wondered Grover, incredulous.
“Yes… Except it’s not all that hidden”
They ran as fast as they could trying at the same time to not draw too much attention to them. Emily trusted her friend blindly, but she hoped they wouldn’t take too long to get to her Athenian temple.
Annabeth led them to a huge square, right below the arch of St. Louis:
“This is the temple?”
“A monument to Athena” she nodded “It’s six-hundred and thirty feet wide, six-hundred and thirty feet tall, both to within an inch. It’s got no internal support! Each side is balanced perfectly against the other. The arch is held up by symmetry. It’s held up by math! It’s…-“
“A safe place for us?” interrupted Emily. She knew how Annabeth could get when it came to architecture.
“It is” she confirmed, as they made their way in “Another cool fact is that it’s also earthquake proved, so Poseidon can’t ruin it”
“Nice” mumbled the god’s son.
They made their way through a group of kids who were visiting the monument, blending in. Emily glared at them when they stared at them passing through, hand on her dagger in case someone turned out to be a monster waiting to attack them; if they were regular mortals, the mist would make sure they didn’t see or get hurt by the blade anyways.
They stopped in front of an exhibition about hunting in the past, where there was a skull of a buffalo next to an old shotgun. Grover became upset seeing it, sad look on his face while Annabeth tried to remind him of the true meaning of the temple, who it was really for, not what the humans tried to make it about.
“I’m gonna go look for new train tickets” Grover looked at a picture on a wall where there was a picture of two huntsmen shooting down a buffalo, and Emily could see the sorrow in his eyes from where she was standing behind Annabeth, next to Percy “Just because we’re prey doesn’t mean we gotta be helpless”
He left then to the ticket stand, leaving the three demigods alone.
“He doesn’t like it… when people mess with animals” Percy tried to defend his behaviour, knowing that Grover didn’t mean to sound harsh. He was only upset.
“Yeah… We know” sighed Annabeth; Emily noticed that see seemed upset now too, but not with Grover. Probably more with herself “I shouldn’t have snapped at him… I just… I know”
Percy sighed too, looking at the two girls a bit uncomfortably. Until that moment, Grover had always been there to have someone to talk to or lean on to; he hadn’t been alone with the other two demigods yet. He had to try to break the ice somehow, because he was getting extremely uncomfortable with the silence.
“So… this is your mom’s place?” he asked Annabeth “Wonder if she’s around” Emily was about to tell him it didn’t work like that, but then he did the worst impression of a posh woman she had ever heard “Be right down! Just going to the potty!”
Emily let out a laugh and Annabeth smiled. Percy seemed more at ease then.
“I have a gift” he shrugged. He certainly did “I guess you were right, by the way. We needed a safe place and… you mom had one waiting. Pretty lucky we happened to be in the right city for it”
“Luck or fate?”
There was a heavy feeling on all of their shoulders, which was actually the usual for demigods; were their lived truly theirs, or was everything already written and thought through? Was destiny really real, fate and everything, or did they have some free range? Being children of gods wasn’t easy.
“I know you think it’s all just in my head” Annabeth began walking around, trying to distract herself, and the other two followed “That… That I tell myself my mother cares because it’s easier that way”
“I didn’t say that”
“Me neither”
“I know you haven’t” Annabeth looked to the ground, now feeling insecure, sharing her thoughts and feelings “But… I know it’s probably like that. What you really think”
“Look, I’ve only been a demigod since… last Saturday” truly, Percy was extremely new to their world “You shouldn’t listen to me. And Emily here, she’s your best friend. I mean I don’t know you guys that much but you seem pretty tight, aren’t you? I couldn’t imagine you thinking stuff like that about the other”
Annabeth knew so, under the doubts that had gotten to her, she did. Emily smiled at her reassuringly.
“You know… this is my mother’s place. But a temple, is a temple” she looked around, and then back at her friends “Maybe you could say hi to your dads while we’re here”
Percy shook his head, just as Emily, both of them rejecting the idea.
“He wouldn’t like it if I prayed to him in an Athenian temple” said Emily, still shaking her head totally dismissing the idea of doing it “And… I wouldn’t even know what to say”
That was a lie. Kind of. She had a few things she definitely wanted to tell him, preferably yell at him, but she also knew she probably would end up dead after undergoing his wrath. So she chose to better shut her mouth.
“I know” Annabeth held her friends hand, squeezing it softly. She turned to Percy then “What about you?”
“I don’t think it’s a good idea”
“What could it hurt?” insisted, the daughter of Athena.
“Your thing with your mom… I get it. It’s different. It works for you. But my father… I don’t want anything from him. He’s had his chances” he seemed defeated, although he pretended to be okay with it. Emily could see through it, and Annabeth probably too, but Emily felt his words deeper in her being; she knew what it was like to have a father who never showed up. At least Annabeth got signs of recognition from Athena from time to time… but Percy and Emily? Nothing “Honestly, you guys have done more for me in the past few days than my father has done in my entire life. And if I have to stick with someone, I…”
“Careful” warned Annabeth, face serious “I think you were about to call us friends” she smiled at him, and he smiled back “Somewhere around here the Oracle is laughing at us, but you know… Wow! Percy!”
Both girls caught him in surprise when the boy fell forward all of a sudden, pace pale and sweaty. They sat him on the ground, Emily checking him over right as Grover rushed back to them having seen Percy fall.
“What happened?!”
“I think… I think those stinger things…”
“Were poisonous?” guessed Emily, seeing him struggle to form words. She was kneeling beside him, and he nodded weakly, his blue glossy eyes glancing into her own amber ones.
“I have an idea” Annabeth rushed Grover and Emily, telling them to help her get Percy back up “Come, help me!”
And that’s how a few moments later everybody outside walking around the square in front of the Getaway arch, could see three kids sitting inside the fountain splashing a fourth one with the water, completely drenching him.
The water had healed him back at camp, so it should help with the poison too. At least, they hoped so. Percy didn’t look good. He was pale, even more than when he first collapsed, he had bags under his bloodshot eyes, he was starting to get a fever, and he was breathing heavily while he was still sweating. The water was helping him get some forces back, but he was still sick. Too sick.
“I think… I think it’s working” he muttered, getting water splashed straight into his mouth. Annabeth looked at him worried, just as Grover and Emily. He tried to stand up, but he slipped right back onto his butt, gasping “… Or not”
“Maybe it needs to be naturally running water for Poseidon to be able to heal him” wondered Annabeth out loud, thoughts racing in her mind at speed limit.
“Should we throw him in the river?”
Before they could make up their minds, the frantic horn of a car in the distance distracted them, followed by a loud crash. They perked up to the street, and saw a car being thrown and flipped in the air. People screamed when the car crashed, the windows shattering adding to the noise, and the heroes knew exactly what it meant.
“We need to get back inside. Now!”
“No, no, we need to keep trying to heal him” insisted Grover, splashing more water on Percy.
“This isn’t working, and she’s coming!”
“We can’t fight Echidna and her monster, not like this” said Emily, helping Annabeth to get Percy back up “We can find more water inside in a bathroom, from a sink or something”
“Please don’t dunk my head in a toilet” muttered Percy, but he was ignored.
“Will that be enough?”
“It’ll have to be. Come on!”
They looked back to the street once again, and a shiver ran up all of their spines: there was Echidna, making her way towards them walking slowly. They could see her creepy smile, once sweet, and it gave them chills even from a distance.
“Okay, look” Annabeth’s voice revealed how nervous she was, even if she was trying to hide it “We’ll take Percy inside, and we’ll go to the temple’s altar, all the way up”
“What’s that gonna do to us?” Grover didn’t understand what she meant.
“We’re gonna get to the altar, and we’re going to ask my mom for help”
Her friends looked at her in disbelief, recalling the moment she had told them they couldn’t ask for help, because heroes were supposed to overcome their troubles on their own when they were on a quest.
“I thought we didn’t ask for help” said Percy, still sitting in the fountain, completely drenched.
Annabeth didn’t answer. She resumed her attempt to pick him up, and with Emily’s and Grover’s help they managed, walking him to the entrance of the monument as fast as they could. She stopped then, looking back at the Mother of Monsters, frowning.
“Annabeth we have to go!” urged Emily.
“Didn’t you hear that?”
“Hear what?”
She had heard something. Whispers carried by the wind. Her friends hadn’t.
“Nothing. Come on!”
There were still school groups and regular visitors in the exhibition of the monument, all of them turning to look at them when they practically carried Percy inside towards one of the elevators. They had to make their way up to the very top before it was too late.
“She spoke to you didn’t she?” muttered Percy towards Annabeth, once they had made it inside an elevator. The four of them were alone, sitting in a circle around each other waiting for the doors to close. He was panting heavily, too tired to actually be talking that fast, but the adrenaline he had was still helping out for a bit “Alecto did that with me back in the museum in New York. When she first shew herself to me as a monster. What did she say?”
Annabeth didn’t answer. Emily followed her line of sight seeing a look of surprise and fear in her features, and outside, standing by a railing, they saw Echidna, followed by the terrifying shadow of a monster with horns.
“What is she doing here?!”
“She wasn’t supposed to be able to enter this place!”
“Was that the Chimera?”
Again, they all turned to Annabeth, except Grover, who kept on rambling about the Chimera and wondering out loud how the monster had even gotten inside the temple.
Really, how was that possible?
Her look was set on the floor, features now tense and sorrow at the same time. It took Percy and Emily a few attempts to get her attention back to them:
“What did Echidna say to you?”
Annabeth sighed, and then she rose her chin up, her expression getting harder now.
“She said my impertinence wounded my mother’s pride. And that that will be my doom”
“Impertinence? What kind of-“
Percy realized what she meant mid-phrase. So did Emily.
“Medusa’s head”
“I embarrassed my mother” stated the girl.
“But I’m the one who sent it to Olympus!” replied Percy.
“And I helped” added Emily.
“And I signed the note!” Percy couldn’t see how this was fair. It wasn’t.
“And I went along with it” Annabeth shut both of her. She also saw how this was totally wrong, but she was trying to keep her head cool “It embarrassed her. Now, she’s angry”
Athena wanted to punish the ones responsible for getting on her pride, and she didn’t seem to care that she was putting her own daughter in danger to do that. If was Echidna told Annabeth was true, then Athena actually wanted to punish her too, for something she hadn’t done, only allowed. So much to modern parenting.
“Guys… What are we gonna do?” Grover hadn’t spoken since he had seen the Chimera (hopefully not the actual Chimera, but any other monster wouldn’t be any better, to be honest). Now he looked terrified, glancing at the numbers above the elevator doors signalling that they were close to reaching the end of the ride.
“She isn’t gonna help us when we get to the top to save Percy” replied Annabeth, referring to her mother.
“No! I meant, what are we gonna do about Echidna and Chimera?”
“We don’t really know if it’s the Chimera” mumbled Emily, nervously “She’s the Mother of Monsters, she has other children. Maybe it’s the Nemean Lion”
“The Nemean Lion is actually Echidna’s grandchild. The Chimera is the Nemean Lion’s mother”
“And still, would that be any better?!”
Emily glanced at Grover and shook her head.
“No, I guess not”
“They’re gonna be right behind us” insisted the satyr.
They reached the top too fast for their liking. The elevator bell dinged, and the doors opened revealing the final staircase that would lead them to the observatory platform at the highest point of the arch.
“We’re not gonna have much time” spoke up Annabeth, walking out the first after making sure there was no monster waiting for them. Emily and Grover walked behind her, helping a groaning Percy “They’ll be up here any minute. And if my mother isn’t going to protect us, then we’ll just have to fight it out up here”
The platform at the top of the arch had a curvy floor and small windows on the also curvy walls to look outside and appreciate the views from up there. It was also packed with people, chatting amongst themselves unaware of the imminent danger they would be facing any other second.
They had to get all the mortals out of there; there was only so much the mist could hide from them. A fight against the Mother of Monsters and her pup wouldn’t be easy to camouflage.  Annabeth thought fast, and pulled the fire alarm next to the entrance. It got an immediate response from everybody, and an automated voice spoke from the ceiling alerting the visitors to leave.
“You guys follow them down” Annabeth turned back to them, hurrying them towards the group of people who were lining up to leave.
“Are you mental?”
“We’re not splitting up!”
“Guys, come on!” Annabeth rushed them, pulling on Grover’s arm to get him to move, but on the other side of Percy, who was held up by Emily and the satyr, she refused to move “Emily, move”
“You’re crazy if you think we’re leaving you here” she couldn’t believe Annabeth was asking that of her “I’m not going anywhere without you!”
“We’re all getting out of here” added Percy. He was starting to look like a corpse; the poison was spreading faster “Together”
“We won’t make it!” the daughter of Athena kept on pushing them towards the exit as she kept talking “The Chimera is the demigod killer. Someone has to stay back to slow her down and buy everyone some time”
Gotta say, she did have guts for a twelve year old.
“Then I’m staying with you” insisted Emily, once they had reached the door where all the mortals were leaving.
“You have to go with them, to protect them” replied her friend, signalling to the two boys. This wasn’t any easier on her; she was willing to sacrifice herself for them, but that doesn’t mean she wasn’t terrified of the thought of dying, and leaving everyone she loved behind “You’re the best fighter I know. You’ll be able to keep them safe, and complete the quest” she hugged Emily when the girl moved forward to embrace her, but she had to push her back before they’d start crying. They were running out of time “Now help Percy down the stairs, and get to the river. And then don’t stop… Not until you get to Hades. Not till you have the bolt, do you hear me?”
Emily was starting to feel nauseous. Her best friend was sacrificing herself to get them more time to complete the quest. To avoid the war. To get them out of there alive.
“Annie no…” she mumbles, but Annabeth shushed her. All the training they had gone through couldn’t have prepared them emotionally for a moment like this, but they were both warriors. As much as it hurt, they knew it was the right thing to do.
There was noise on the other end of the platform. Something heavy was walking up the staircase they had just been on a few minutes ago.
“Okay, go!”
Percy stopped her from sealing the door, looking into her eyes. He reached to his pocket, letting go of Emily, and he took out a pen. His magical pen.
He took off the cap, and then pen turned into his sword, Riptide. He flipped it over, blade hanging towards the floor, and he reached his arm out towards Annabeth handing her the sword.
“Take this” he urged “Please”
Annabeth set her gaze on the sword, then back to him, and she nodded.
But when her hand reached for the handle, Percy let go of Grover as well, and taking advantage of the ongoing motion and the element of surprise, he switched places with Annabeth having her stand between Emily and Grover, who were too stunned to react. Percy looked back at them for a second before closing the door to the platform, effectively locking them out.
Instantly they began to bang the door with their palms and fists, calling out for him desperately. He was sick, weak from the poison spreading through his system. He was in no condition to fight.
He knew that as well.
“Percy no!” screamed Annabeth “Don’t do this! They’ll kill you!”
“Poseidon’s never helped me before” he said. They heard his voice through the door, as he was leaning against it for support. He was panting, weakness taking over him “He wasn’t gonna start now”
“Percy no!”
“I would’ve never made it to Hades” he added, in a defeated voice. They could barely hear him anymore “But you can… And now you will”
A roar distracted him, making him glance back to the entrance of the platform. Fear took over him, but also adrenaline. Mostly fear, to be fair.
Grover, Annabeth and Emily heard the roar too, and they glanced at the door as if they could see the platform behind it, imagining Percy facing the monster and Echidna. It was his final hour, and there was nothing they could do help him.
Once the monster killed Percy, they could go on with their quest; they wanted him because everybody thought he was the lightning thief. His friends knew he wasn’t, though.
Because that’s what they were, the four of them: friends.
“No, no, no, no, no, no”
Grover tried opening the door again, but it was to no use. They all stepped back when they heard a loud roar, and something heavy hitting the floor and rolling around.
“Please, no” muttered Emily, hearing the monster roar again. This time, the roar was followed by a horrifying shriek, and even from there they could sense the heat of the fire being thrown at Percy.
There was no doubt now: he was fighting the Chimera.
Then they heard the sound of metal shrieking, and then suddenly the roaring of wind, just as back in the train. Another roar from the monster was followed by a scream, Percy’s scream.
Then there was silence.
The monster stopped growling, there was no other sound from Percy… just the wind whooshing, and some metal creaks here and there. As if by magic, they managed to open the door; the danger had passed, and the lock gave away.
They rushed to the platform, but the three heroes stopped when they saw a huge hole in the middle of the floor; that was what had made that horrible metallic sound a few seconds ago.
Echidna and the Chimera were gone. But so was Percy.
He didn’t answer. Emily looked around the platform, but he was nowhere in sight. Annabeth and Grover looked for him too, hoping to see him hanging by one of the metal bars of that hole, but he wasn’t there.
“Is he…?”
“He can’t” stated Annabeth “He can’t have…”
But she couldn’t know. Had the Chimera really killed Percy?
“Guys” muttered Grover; he was on the verge of a breakdown. He couldn’t have lost his best friend “Look”
He pointed over to the other side of the platform, at the other end of the huge hole; there, on the floor, was Riptide. Its blade was stained with blood, so that meant Percy had hurt the monster.
Suddenly, the sword vanished; a second ago it was there, and now it was not.
“Where did it go?”
“It’s magical” Annabeth stared at the spot where the sword had been, barely blinking “It returns to it’s owner when it gets lost. It went back to Percy”
“So he could still be alive!” Emily felt like she could breath again a bit better.
“We have to go find him”
“But the other door is still unlocked” pointed out, Grover “And he didn’t walk past us”
That left only one other way out. The three of them glanced to the hole in the floor in front of them, massive, big, and with a six hundred thirty feet fall underneath it. If he had fallen from the arch…
“The monster’s gone” Annabeth was trying to keep her cool, but she was terrified of the possibility that Percy could have… she didn’t even want to think of it “Let’s get out of here and find Percy. He has to be down there… somewhere. He has to be alive”
They prayed to the gods he was.
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lastoneout · 8 months
Okay I'm finally sitting down to properly watch the PJO series so here's an episode-by-episode live blog I guess. (Fair warning, I haven't read the books since I was a teenager, I am a smidge of an apologist for the films, and my favorite adaptation so far has been the musical.)
Episode One:
All of the actors are doing a really good job, I especially like Sally.
The costume design for both the monsters and the humans is pretty killer. I want Percy's sweater.
I also love the little seaside cabin and want to live there!!!
This is such a mild gripe BUT as someone with dyslexia I wish there was a better way to visually depict it without like, doing the swapping letters thing cuz that's just not what it's actually like at all.
Gabe maybe feels a little too funny. Like I'm supposed to hate him and think it's justified that he deserves to be turned into stone at the end, this version of him is really.....toned down, and his banter with Percy and Sally was fun to watch. I should hate him, but really he just came across as unpleasant. Less abusive asshole and more "old married couple who share interests but can't communicate without shouting" you know?
Loved Grover's little "I'm 24 actually" lmao that was great.
Not a fan of Percy immediately recognizing the Minotaur within a millisecond of it appearing before the audience even got a good look at it. Like, I just sat there thinking "how can he even see it?" rather than feeling scared of a big monster barreling at them.
The action is uh....fine? Feels a little lackluster. Or kinda....divorced from the rest of the show weirdly?? Idk it makes me feel like I'm watching a movie of a movie if that makes sense?? But we'll see where they go with it. (I know banter during a fight isn't realistic and people make fun of Marvel for it, but like...it helps to have at least a little talking. We don't wanna be Man of Steel.)
I feel like there's been a few "slightly out of sync ADR" moments but they weren't too distracting.
Pacing into Sally saying goodbye felt a little long, kinda took the shock of her dying out of the scene, but the actress REALLY sold all the emotional beats so I'll forgive it.
I LOVE the credits sequence!!! Reminds me of the designs on that one box set of the books in a really cool way.
Episode Two:
Oh yes the ugly ass neon orange shirts are here bless!
FUCK YES THAT'S DIONYSUS BAYBEEE!! My ONLY note is that he def could have turned up the energy a little, but that's probably just bcs I love how loud and unpleasant he is in the musical and I also know how unhinged this actor can be.
Chiron is such a delight <3
I like the cabins too, way better than how I imagined them as a kid reading the books lol
Oh, I can see why the new fans fell for Luke so hard.
Grover assuming a human being squished would be like an old banana is very funny. Felt very book-humor in a good way.
Oh damn actual disabled half-bloods, very cool!
Minor but I can't actually tell what Percy did wrong with the bow? Weird editing I guess.
Aside from that I actually love a good "fuck up" montage, I honestly wish it were a little longer.
Probably doesn't matter but I don't get having them burn the food after they've started eating? I thought that was a before you sit down type thing.
Percy burning the blue candy to try to talk to his mom was sweet tho T_T
"real friends" hahahaha.....yeah.......about Luke.......
yay! hazing!
Oh I love Annabeth already >:D
Thalia.....is pronounced differently than I thought....?
(I'm sorry I'm too much of a fan of 'Tree on the Hill' for this exposition dump. That shit hits harder when coming from Grover.)
Percy giving Annabeth the "actually I suck and my self esteem is riding on this so like pls don't ask me to do anything hard T_T" talk is just, so good lmao
ofc he doesn't know what's going on Annabeth you didn't tell him anything
Okay the action is a lot better when it's between the actual characters and doesn't involve a 3D monster, though I still had trouble following all the hits Percy was taking.
Oooh I can see why people did so much art of Percy being claimed that was a good shot.
(I hope they kept the Oracle in the attic...)
Okay I have to go do some things and then I'll be back for more!
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jupitersrising · 8 months
How do we think Annabeth coped with going to college in New Rome? Genuinely. She grew up at a camp where she was sure every moment could be her last. If she didn't train hard enough, if she couldn't outthink a monster or beat a trap or plan accordingly, she'd die. Her friends would die, her siblings would die (she already lost Thalia, even though she came back. She lost Luke, even though he betrayed her. Not to mention the countless siblings that must have died in the war.)
But...it's not just that. I feel like we've talked about how Percy and Annabeth would feel when they saw a city of grown up demigods with great grandkids something that's literally unheard of.
How do we think Annabeth coped with actually life? I mean cleaning the house and doing the dishes. I mean making sure she made time for herself besides work. I mean filing taxes and learning to drive and going grocery shopping. (She'd probably never work a retail job, but if she had to for some reason, what about that?)
You'd think it'd be obvious at first: she'd do great. But really? She grew up at a camp where she knew she was going to die young—hopefully in a blaze of glory. Where she was raised by other teenagers, where she was raising the kids younger than her. There's a solidarity in that, that New Rome won't have with their military system.
Not only would she lose her community, she'd lose the family and friends she'd spent her whole life around. The campers that are still alive were there for almost all her firsts. She went to camp at seven, seven years old, those people are her entire world.
So, now she's eighteen and living with her boyfriend in an actual city for the first time. Think about all the struggles she would have? New Rome would obviously have dyslexia and ADHD accommodations, almost everyone there has both. But...that can't fix everything. Those dyslexia accommodations are in Roman, not Greek, so it doesn't help any of the Greek demigods. The ADHD accommodations might not even exist because of New Rome's army. I feel like they would've been taught to suppress their ADHD and not let it get in the way of conformity and discipline (the roman way of fighting). It'd be seen as a form of weakness if they let those impulses take over them. (See how Jason and Hazel and Reyna act in the books. Though this could be chalked up to inconsistent writing.)
How does she deal with rigid scheduling of New Rome vs the lax, teenage-run camp of her youth? The discipline aspect can't mend well with her ADHD, especially when she's spent the last eleven years around people who get it. When she's spent the last eleven years not having to comply to "normal society" standards. Do you think she had problems with deadlines for classes she didn't like? Because she hyper fixated on architecture design, she wouldn't have had a problem with designing Olympus. But for her English class that she's has to take to graduate? No way, she'd procrastinate the hell out of it. What about waking up for her eight am when she has a really good idea for a new design and just needs a couple more minutes...and suddenly its hours later and Percy is home and she's losing participation points because she can't remember to go to class.
What about anxiety? Annabeth hasn't been around these people before. Not like at camp, where she knew everyone. That must ease the anxiety quite a bit. The social aspect gets easier because most everyone grew up with that little girl who stumbled into camp. She already knew Grover, and had Luke to hold her hand through social interactions when she was younger. By the time she got older she has that confidence in herself to be able to mess around and have fun with these people. But to New Rome, she's a war leader, she's a Greek demigod. She's an unknown variable that they don't know how to deal with.
How could she talk to them? None of them knew her as the kid who would take any dare. Or heard her ramble on and on about her hyper fixations to anyone who would listen. They don't see her prank the Stolls back (you can't tell me she wouldn't) or run through the strawberry fields after a rainstorm and get covered in mud for the fun of it.
No, all they saw was a war leader and someone who had clawed their way back from Tartarus. They saw how she spoke about the Gods when they still respected them. They heard that she traversed to Olympus all the time while she remodeled it. She spoke to Gods that none of her peers could dream of being in the presence of.
How could she make friends with those people? With people who didn't understand the blood, sweat, and tears it took to get here. With people who respected an institution Annabeth had long since given up on. With people who saw her for her titles and her quests rather than who she was as a person.
Looping back around, let's go to real life stuff. Annabeth had to pay for things on quests, but do we really think she knows how money works? At camp, everyone basically uses drachmas. And even then, their basic needs are being met. They don't have to pay for food, housing, water, etc. You can't tell me Chiron takes the camp van to the mall whenever year-round campers want clothes. They're either bought for them, or the Aphrodite kids make it, or one of the older kids goes out with the camp credit card and just...buys the whole store to bring back. Drachmas are usually only used for bets and dealing with entities on quests.
For the first time in her life, (since she was seven and really seven year olds don't understand how money works, not matter how smart they are. Plus Luke or Thalia would probably be the ones buying stuff, since they were older and it'd be less questionable if they walked into a store by themselves than a little kid.) her basic needs aren't guaranteed. If she fucks up, it's her fault. Do you think she drained their bank account buying something at the store (because, again, she hasn't really gone to those other than when she's on a quest) and had a panic attack over the fact that she, Annabeth Chase, who commanded armies over two wars, who was known as one of the greatest demigods to date, just fucked up big time? Because she wasn't used to having to spend the money on rent and textbooks and supplies for her architecture business. Because food was always there for her to eat when she was hungry and the water always ran and the lights never went out? Do you think that after all this time she forgot that stuff like that wasn't always going to be there?
She grew up thinking she was going to die young. She was going to die at Camp Half-Blood where those things would always be in full stock.
What about the apartment? She's not used to having her own kitchen, or bathroom that wasn't communal. Do you think she sought out the snacks her siblings liked before remembering that she siblings weren't there, they were hundred of miles away in New York. Do you think she knew how to clean an entire house? How to keep a house clean? Obviously as Head Counselor of the Athena Cabin, she'd make sure it was clean in time for inspections. But did that include kids using chemicals to deep clean? Did that include remembering to vacuum under the furniture every so often, or did they leave it since Chiron didn't look under there. (Again, everyone here is teenagers at the oldest, they're not gonna want to deep clean). Do you think that she didn't pick up clutter because she was so used to rushing last minute to make sure her and her sibling's clutter was clean in time for inspections that the thought of doing it regularly just...never crossed her mind?
Also, driving. We know Percy learned for Paul when he turned fifteen (aka the iconic horse hooves on the hood of the car scene), but who taught Annabeth? Did any of the older campers know? Did Luke? They either got drove around by Argus or didn't leave. They had pegasi to fly around camp and boats of war. Who was going to sit down with fifteen year old Annabeth and teach her how to drive? Especially with the war getting close. Nobody would have time, even if they wanted to. Who was going to take fifteen year old Annabeth Chase to get her drivers permit when they were making plans of attack instead. After the war, Percy went missing and all her time was taken up looking for him. You can't tell me she took driving classes when she was tearing the world apart to find him.
We also know Annabeth doesn't like to have to depend on other people. Since they either died or betrayed her. So how would she feel walking into a world where it's hard to get around without a car. Buses can be inconsistent and close early. Idk about a subway system in California, but still there's that dependance on other peoples' schedules. She'd have to have friends drive her to and from places, but again, she left most of her community behind in New York. She can't just use Blackjack to get around if she goes into the mortal world.
I'm not sure, I'd just like to see more explorations of Annabeth dealing with mundane tasks she never learned how to do. I want to see the impact of living when she thought she was going to die young and not knowing how to deal with adult things. I want to see how she reaches to the institution of New Rome and how people treat her. I want to see how she feels when she never thought she'd have to pay taxes or worry about apartments and yet...there is she.
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Hello again! I was wondering if I could request another Percy x reader fic? Maybe reader could be an anxious half blood whose tasked to join Percy and the gang on a quest and she’s a good fighter she’s smart in battle but maybe something reminds her of maybe her traumatic home life before she arrived at camp and she freezes and then beats herself up over it later on after they complete the quest?
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  ੈ✩‧₊˚ FANDOM: riordanverse
  ੈ✩‧₊˚ FORMAT: long/short fic
  ੈ✩‧₊˚ WARNINGS: traumatic home life, fighting, self harm, not proof read, blood, me attempting to write from 3rd person POV,
  ੈ✩‧₊˚ SUMMARY: percy stops reader from self harming after she freezes up in battle
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~3rd person POV~
When Y/N was first asked to go on a quest with the Percy Jackson, she was ecstatic.
Maybe because well, it was Percy Jackson! Or maybe it was because it’s the first time she’d ever gotten to go on a quest and fight real monsters, not the fake ones the camp has everyone trained to kill.
Chiron had asked Y/N to join him, since she was strategic and strong in battle, and he thought with the upcoming war, Percy may need that.
But, things weren’t going as planned. Instead of her actually taking down the monsters, they were taking down Y/N instead.
When this was over, she was going to slap yourself so hard. She didn’t have to freeze up, but she did anyway! All because the big ugly monster reminded her of her home life for some reason!
One of them pushed Y/N’s head harshly, causing her body to follow and end up hitting the wall.
The other one kicked her in the diaphragm, causing her to start gasping and choking for air.
As this was happening, she saw Percy whip around after killing his monster, staring at her with concerned eyes.
“Now,” The creatures dark voice boomed, causing the walls to shake a little, “how about we knock ‘er out?”
They all cheered.
Percy tried his very best to get to her, but it wasn’t exactly working with the monsters in his way. By the time he reached her, she would probably already be either dead or unconscious.
Turns out, the unconscious part was right. The thing had punched Y/N excruciatingly hard in the jaw, causing her to pass out.
She was lucky Percy was there, though. He had that stupid monster killed within seconds.
He picked her up swiftly, mentally praying that Annabeth and Grover would come back soon. But, of course, with his horrible luck, he was stuck waiting another 30 minutes.
As he was waiting, he did attempt to clean up her wounds, so that was a good pass time.
He was still extremely thankful when they got there, though.
“Woah,” Annabeth vocalized, “what happened to her?”
Percy sighed, “Hit in the jaw. Let’s go back to camp, I got what we needed.”
“I like that plan.” Grover chimed in, glancing at the monsters that were beginning to wake again.
~Y/N’s POV~
When I woke up, I was in the infirmary with my personal favourite doctor, Will Solace by my side.
He smiled at me warmly.
“Y/N! I’m glad your awake, you took a pretty hard hit to the jaw. I also heard you froze up.” He looked at me, concerned, “Given your… home life… I wanted to let you know that you can talk to me if you ever need too. Okay?”
I nodded, feeling my cheeks heating up a little at his kindness.
“Anyway,” Will changed the subject, “you may be sore for a few days or so, but other than that you seem to be okay. You’re free to go.”
“Thanks, Will.” I blessed, grinning at him as I walked out of the room.
“Anytime!” He called after me, tending to another patient now.
I was glad Will wasn’t very inquisitive, because now I was allowed to get angry at myself and he wouldn’t ask me any questions if he noticed my poor state.
I ran over to the lake, a place where I could wash away any evidence of the harm, and were people weren’t likely to find me. It was a good thing Percy was training too, so he wouldn’t be there to stop me or ask questions.
As I began beating yourself up, tears threatened to fall.
With the knife repeatedly cutting my skin, it was getting harder and harder to hold them back, so I had to switch to something else.
Slapping would suffice.
About 5 minutes into this, my face was red, a few tears had dropped, and my bloody hands were shaking.
I picked up the knife again, but before I could do anything with it, a familiar face kicked it out of my hand and into the water.
Percy Jackson gripped my shoulders gently.
“What are you doing?” He inquired, looking over my injured figure.
I couldn’t find the words to lie to him. And, something was telling me that you could trust him. So, I told the truth.
“I’m beating myself up! If I hadn’t frozen up then we could’ve taken those monsters down without a problem, but I did it anyway! I never should’ve said yes to that stupid quest.” I confessed, hugging my knees to my chest.
He sighed, gently taking my bloody hand in his rough one.
“Y/N…” He said softly, “don’t beat yourself up over it. We all make mistakes like that. It was your first quest, it’s normal to freeze up like that! And, now you have actual experience on what it’s like to fight a real monster, and you can use that to get better.”
Percy moved to sit beside me.
“I didn’t freeze up because I was scared.” I muttered, playing with my fingers, “It was because for some reason, the big one with the deep voice reminded me of my home life. I had finally gotten out of there, but… I don’t know how to explain it.”
“You don’t have to explain yourself.” The dark-haired boy said. “I think that’s reasonable. Don’t hold things like this against yourself, otherwise you won’t learn to grow from it.”
He smiled at me gently, and moved some strands of hair out of my eyes.
I wiped a few remaining tears, and leaned my head on his shoulder, much to his surprise.
“Thank you, Percy.” I praised calmly.
At that moment, I realized where I had placed my head, and immediately backed away from him.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean-”
He laughed, “It’s alright. You’re looking pretty rough, let’s go get you cleaned up. Sound good?”
He held his out to me, and I gratefully took it.
“Sounds perfect.”
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diamondangelkitten · 6 months
Vierapril Day 5: Authority
“I have it on good authority that you four are to enter the grand melee.” “Raubahn!!” He braces himself as four girls fling themselves at him.
“Hahaha! What grander welcome could a man want, eh?” he teases them. “You’ll be sad to know that not all of us are actually allowed to enter the grand melee,” Alira says sulking, “Apparently all four of us are too much to give to any one side and we can’t be our own unit.” Raubahn nods, “Makes sense lass. You four could take on all of Eorzea and you don’t want another set of targets on your backs now do you?” Alira shrugs, “Still don’t have to be happy about it, do I?” Raubahn laughs heartily. “Of course not! You miss a fight? I’d be worried if you weren’t unhappy.” This finally earns a smile from Alira.
“So if it’s not going to be all of you, then who am I facing in this tournament?” Alinea raises her hand. “That’ll be me, and I’ll make sure to keep you on your toes,” she smirks. “Good lass, you do just that. And what will the rest of you be doing?” Aurora shrugs, “Probably cheer you on from the stands. Not much we can do.” Annabeth nods along, “We of course want Alinea to win, but truth be told, cough cough, we know she’s going to win,” sending a wink at Alinea, “but we’ll be rooting for you, though Merlwyb will be a close second.”
“Oh? Why’s that?” Alira pipes up, “Because you two are the only ones who actually fight and get your hands dirty. The admiral actually has a past that she’s not afraid to admit and acknowledges her shortcomings while discussing her desires for the future.” Annabeth nods, “And you, you’ve been a commoner. You speak for those that most of Ul’dah don’t actually consider. You’ve got far more wisdom and tact than most in your position do, and you actually care to make people’s lives better.” Alinea intercedes, “There’s a reason most of us either belong to the Maelstrom or the Brass Blades.” “Yes, but I couldn’t keep you lass.” “Well, Merlwyb had a way with words, plus I couldn’t let Aurora go all on her own.” “Hey! I can take care of myself, you know?” “Oh I know it for sure lassie.” “Hmph,” Aurora rolls her eyes, but smiles at the teasing, before saying, “Be careful out there Raubahn!” “I will! See you out on the field Alinea. And uh, girls? Make sure you’re on the sidelines still armed, yea?” “Sure?” they answer, puzzled at the request.
A couple of hours later the grand melee begins, and sure enough, Alinea and Raubahn make quick work of the competition. Eventually everyone else clears the field and the two of them start circling one another. “Sorry Alinea, but you’ve proved your mettle.” Raubahn hits the ground and sends Alinea skidding out of the arena. The girls are standing shocked on the sideline, but not as shocked as when Raubahn lands up putting a ring of fire around them. Alira is the first to bounce back to her senses. “Couldn’t keep away from me, could ya?” “What can I say lass? I want to experience all of you.” He winks at Alira, before Annabeth can shudder and Aurora can sigh. “Can we get to fighting and not some weird degree of flirting?” Aurora says as she starts to cast her magics. “Right there with you,” Annabeth says, getting into her dragoon stance, “Have at you!”
The fight goes on for longer than the melee. Raubahn has always proved a challenge, but the three girls almost have him beat. Before he can be knocked out, he decides to have one last bit of fun. “Merlwyb, won’t you join us?” A scoff can be heard off to the sidelines before a thud in the arena. “Don’t mind if I do.”  
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justabooknerdposts · 1 year
Hey! I think you've been taking prompts recently which made me very happy (if not, then totally fine) I'd love to read one where Percy and Annabeth sleep tgether for the first time in the Poseidon cabin (not in the sexual way, but wud still be a huge moment for them kind) for sm reason, ive always felt Annabeth wud bethre shyer one in this scenario xD also a moment of them in uni as they're maturing and their relationship is getting more serious (cud be in a physical way too?) would be awesome.
I'm lovingg reading all the other prompts, immediately canonizing them in my mind. Hope you're doing grt <3
Hi! Happy Annabeth's Birthday! Here are the responses to the two parts of this prompt. If you go to Fanfiction.net or Ao3 (which is working again, yay!), they're two separate chapters in my Tumblr Prompts fic, if anyone would rather read them that way. Hope everyone is doing well!
In the Poseidon Cabin
I DO really like this prompt because they're so calm in MoA when Frank catches them in the stables that it definitely feels like it’s not the first time they’ve woken up together.  Like, they were kind of embarrassed about getting caught, but neither of them acted at all embarrassed about having fallen asleep together, which I thought was interesting.  So, yay for this prompt and the opportunity to explore that lol thanks!
The guilt was stupid.  Annabeth knew that.  But still, two days after Percy’s disappearance, she couldn’t help mentally beating herself up.  They’d been searching for him night and day with no luck.  She’d hadn’t initially been too worried—he occasionally disappeared for a few hours, or even half a day, on random quests or to help sea creatures.  He’d never been gone this long, though, without alerting someone.  But Sally hadn’t heard anything and neither had anyone else.  There were no leads.  He was really and truly missing.  And, Annabeth had to admit, she hadn’t been holding out much hope.  It was the way his bed looked—the covers weren’t tossed back or rumpled like they normally were when he climbed out.  They were just limp and crumpled, still pulled up as if he’d simply disappeared out from beneath them.  Which meant that something worse than a random small quest was going on.  Annabeth just couldn’t figure out what.  The lack of information was infuriating.  To be honest, that felt better than the guilt, but the guilt kept creeping back.
She should have stayed in the Poseidon cabin that night.
There was no logical reason for her to be feeling this way.  Percy hadn’t asked.  She hadn’t offered.  And it probably wouldn’t have changed anything if she’d been there.  But what if it had? 
That was the thought which kept threatening to drive her crazy, like a pesky gnat she couldn’t swat.  It was possibly tied to her fatal flaw, thinking that she could have prevented whatever this was.  But she couldn’t help it.  She felt as if she had failed Percy at a moment when he needed her.  And that hurt.
After scouring the forest again for any sign of him (there was none) and then checking in with Tyson and Rainbow at the beach to see if there was any update from under the sea (there wasn’t), Annabeth felt herself start to crumble.  And it wouldn’t do any good for the other campers to see her like that.  So, needing a quiet place to get away from everyone for a few minutes, Annabeth went to the Poseidon cabin.
She perched on the edge of Percy’s bed and closed her eyes.  Maybe, if she listened very hard, the room would whisper to her what had happened.
But it didn’t.  She was just there, alone.
Tears burned Annabeth’s eyes.  She took a deep breath, fighting them down, because if she started crying now, she wasn’t sure she would stop.  And that wouldn’t do any good.  Instead, trying to distract herself, she thought of the first time she’d fallen asleep in the Poseidon cabin.
In the four months that she and Percy had been dating, they’d accidentally fallen asleep together a handful of times.  Usually, it was on the couch at Percy’s apartment while watching a movie, and once at her dorm.  But the first time had actually been in the Poseidon cabin, about a week and a half after they’d started dating.  It wasn’t anything scandalous.  They’d just wanted a few minutes away from everyone else.  So they were lying side by side on Percy’s bunk, watching the hippocampi swim across the ceiling.  It had been a long day.  There’d been a very intense post-war Capture the Flag game.  Everyone had seemed eager to throw themselves into a battle that wasn’t actually life or death.  Clarisse, in particular, had been spoiling for a fight.  Annabeth’s shoulder was still aching where she’d taken a hard hit from the daughter of Ares while doing guard duty near the creek.  Of course, Clarisse hadn’t come away unscathed.  Percy had drenched her in a wave of creek water.  While she’d been shouting at him and threatening him with her spear, Malcolm darted across the creek with the flag and the game was over.  Clarisse had been even less happy about that.
“How’s your shoulder?” Percy asked, probably because Annabeth had just winced when she shifted it.
“Sore,” she admitted.  “But I’ve had worse.”
“It was the shoulder where you took that knife, though, wasn’t it?”  Percy’s brow wrinkled with concern.  “That’s a low blow.  Clarisse should have known better.”
Annabeth rolled her eyes.  “Percy, that was almost two weeks ago.  The wound is completely healed.  Plus, you’re assuming Clarisse is observant enough to even realize that.”
He made a face at her, but didn’t argue.
Annabeth slid her fingers along the inside of his arm until she could take his hand.  “Besides, you got her back pretty good.”
Percy grinned.  “Yeah, that was fun.  Reminded me of old times.”
“At least you didn’t get me, too, this time.”  Annabeth nudged him with her good shoulder, remembering one of his first days at camp, when he’d drenched Clarisse and her cronies (and Annabeth) in toilet water.
“My bad.  That was friendly fire.”  Percy turned his head to kiss her cheek and Annabeth felt a flutter run through her.  “Plus, I had literally no control over my powers at that point.  I’m still not actually sure how I made those toilets explode.”
“Maybe you should practice?” Annabeth suggested sweetly.
Percy considered this.  “I could probably hit the Stolls the next time they steal something.”
“I like that idea.”
They both laughed.  Annabeth scooted closer until she could lay her head on Percy’s shoulder.  Golden afternoon sunlight made the bronze hippocampi shimmer against the stone ceiling.  Everything felt warm and calm and peaceful.  Percy squeezed her hand, but didn’t say anything.  Annabeth felt her eyelids getting heavy.  Outside, campers’ voices rose and fell, the usual sounds of talking, shouting, swords clanging from the arena, the climbing wall rumbling.  Inside the cabin, the only sound was the rush of their breathing.  Eventually, they’d both fallen asleep, only waking up when the conch horn had sounded for dinner.  Annabeth had been a bit embarrassed at first, and Percy’s face had been red, but after a few moments, they laughed it off and headed to dinner.  After all, they’d been sleeping beside each other on quests for years.  It wasn’t that different.  Except, Annabeth thought when Percy took her hand as they crossed the green, it also kind of was.
Now, sitting alone in the Poseidon cabin, Annabeth looked up again at the hippocampi, but sunset was nearly past and the cabin was dark, the stone walls reflecting a pale gray light.  There was no wind, so the bronze figurines just hung limply on their strings.  Everything felt darker and dimmer than that memory, which made everything hurt worse.  Annabeth bit her lip, forcing herself not to cry.
The cabin door swung open.  Annabeth jumped.  For one moment, she felt a disbelieving surge of hope, already imagining that it would be Percy in the doorway.  Her heart plummeted, though, when she realized that the figure standing there was Tyson.
“Sorry, Annabeth,” he said.  “I did not mean to scare you.”
“It’s okay,” Annabeth said, trying to hide her disappointment.  “I mean, I’m sorry about being in here.  I didn’t mean to intrude.”
Tyson shrugged.  “It is okay.  I don’t mind.”
“Thanks.”  Annabeth wondered if she should get up, but she couldn’t seem to find the energy.  Plus, it appeared that Tyson really didn’t mind, as he came over and sat down beside her on Percy’s bed.
They were quiet for a few moments. Then Tyson said, “I miss him, too.”
Annabeth crumbled.  She leaned forward, elbows on her knees, and buried her face in her hands as the tears fell.
For a while, they just sat there, tears dripping from Annabeth’s hands onto her jeans as Tyson patted her back.  Finally, though, Tyson said, “We will find him, Annabeth.”
Annabeth couldn’t understand how he could have so much confidence in his voice.  But still, she raised her head enough to look at him.  “Do you think so?”
“Yes,” Tyson said without hesitation.  Annabeth almost believed him.
A gust of sea breeze blew through the open windows and a last glimmer of gold from the sunset broke through, gilding the bronze hippocampi now gently twirling above their heads like weathervanes unsure of which direction to point.
Set during either their freshman or sophomore year of college.
As she flipped through her textbook and shuffled her notes, Annabeth felt a pounding headache start behind her left eye.  It was nearly midterms and she’d been studying for what felt like hours, sitting cross-legged in the middle of her bed in her New Rome University dorm room.  Her roommate had gone home for the weekend, so Annabeth had the room to herself, which was a rare treat.  And Percy was on his way over with dinner, so that was good news, because on top of developing a headache, she was starving.  She’d skipped lunch to keep studying.  Which was starting to feel like a huge mistake. 
A knock at the door signaled Percy’s arrival.  Annabeth bounced up from the bed.
“Hey.”  She smiled as she opened the door.
“Hey.”  Percy grinned back as he held up the takeout bags from their favorite Mediterranean restaurant.  “Dinner is served.”
“You’re the best.”  Annabeth kissed him, then shut the door behind him as he walked in and kicked off his shoes.
They ate sitting cross-legged on her bed while her laptop, balanced on top of the stack of books on her nightstand, played reruns of a TV sitcom.  Annabeth tried not to groan as she bit into her falafel pita, but it was tough.  She hadn’t realized just how hungry she was until now.
“Oh gods, this is so good.”  She poured more tzatziki sauce over her pita and took another bite.  “Magnus would be so jealous right now.”
Percy laughed, then frowned thoughtfully.  “Wait, can’t he order whatever he wants from that hotel?”
Annabeth shrugged and took another bite of falafel.  “According to him, there’s nothing like falafel from a real Earth restaurant.  Apparently there’s a specific one in Boston that’s the best.”
Percy’s frown deepened, a furrow appearing between his brows as he tapped his index finger against his own pita.  “I bet New York has a place that’s even better.”
“Getting a little competitive there, New Yorker?”  Annabeth nudged his socked foot with her own. 
Percy’s frown melted into a grin.  “New York City over Boston every time, baby.”  He nudged her foot back, then took another bite of his own food.  She returned his smile, even as she shook her head.
Suddenly, for no obvious reason, the easy intimacy of the moment hit Annabeth.  Just the two of them hanging out in her tiny college dorm room on a Saturday evening.  Nothing special, just cozy and comfortable.  A frisson of tension buried between her shoulder blades loosened as she took a deep breath in and allowed herself to relax.
Reaching out, she put a hand on Percy’s knee, giving it a light squeeze.  He met her eyes with another smile, then put a hand on the small of her back, leaned over, and kissed her cheek.
“How was your day?” he asked her.
“Ugh, so much studying.”  Annabeth crumpled up her falafel wrapper, tossed it into the brown paper takeout bag, then scooted closer to Percy, laying her head on his shoulder.  “How was yours?”
And with that, they settled into the familiar, contented ease of the evening.
*Thanks for reading!!*
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rvieskie · 2 years
Percy: I can control water, breathe in it and talk to sea creatures
Jason: I can fly by controlling the winds
Leo: I can conjure fire and I’m fireproof
Piper:I can talk people into doing whatever I want
Hazel: I can control and summon precious metals under the Earth
Frank: I can turn into animals
Annabeth: I can
Annabeth: i-
Annabeth: Im smart
Annabeth: wow thanks mom
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oneshot-wxnderland · 4 years
Prince’s Kiss | Jason Grace
Summary: While on a mission, Y/n gets hurt and there’s only one way for Jason to save her.
Category: fluff
          You and Jason had found yourselves in many situations like this before: back to back, weapons drawn, and fighting off a hoard of monsters. The rhythm and coordination you two had crafted over the course of hundreds of hours in battle and in training together proved to be a formidable force against opponents. You covered each other’s blind spots and moved as one. Which was necessary in the cramped alleyway.
          Soon enough your attackers had diminished in number until just a few were left and one big ugly came charging at you. You swung at it but your sword got stuck half-way through its wood club and wouldn’t come when you pulled.
          “Jay-.” Ducking under the monster’s swing, you continued to try and pry your sword free.
          “On it.” Jason replied and finished off his opponent with a quick and calculated strike before he spun around to help. You ducked beneath his arm as it arched over you and cut into the monster, turning it to dust before he reached around you and wrapped his hands around your own on the hilt of your sword. It came free with a strong pull from your combined strength and you both let out a heavy breath now that it was over.
          “Thanks,” you huffed, out of breath.
          “Don’t mention it,” he nodded, equally fatigued.
          “You know,” you kicked the wood club out of your way as you started to leave. “You’d think that with how often this happens, we’d be less winded.”
          “I’m fine, I think it’s just you,” he nudged your shoulder with his and you laughed.
          “Oh really? Bet I could beat you back to the motel.” 
          “You sure you wanna do this?” 
          “I think you’re scared, Jay-.” 
          A sharp sting to your side cut off your words. You looked down to see a scorpion-looking monster crouching behind the dumpster next to you and it reared its tail for another attack. Your limbs were sluggish as you tried pathetically to raise your sword and fight.
          “You’re on, Y/n.” Jason looked back at you, a challenging smile on his face that fell immediately when he saw the blood coming from your side and the monster about to swing. “Y/n!”
          His sword found its mark and the monster was finished before it could strike again and he spun to face you, worry creasing his brow.
          “Are you alright?” He reached out his hand towards your wound and caught you in his arms as you collapsed. “Hold on, Y/n.”
          The motel room you had rented for your mission wasn’t far and Jason made record time carrying you back to it. He laid you on one of the beds and gently lifted your shirt up over your stomach so that he could see the wound. It didn’t look too deep once he cleaned it up but you still hadn’t woken up. That’s when he knew something was wrong. You were one of the toughest people Jason knew and he had seen you walk off wounds far worse than this. 
          Deciding he needed some professional help, Jason scrambled to get a golden drachma from his backpack and ran to the bathroom to turn on the shower.
          When the misty picture of Will Solace lit up the tiles, Jason called out to him frantically.
          “Jason!” Will jumped and spun around to see the Iris message. He took in the usually composed leader’s worry and then past the open bathroom door to where he could see Y/n unmoving on the bed and immediately snapped into business mode. “What’s wrong.”
          “I don’t know she got hit and passed out but the wound isn’t that bad and she can’t eat any ambrosia like this. What do I do?”
          “You said the wound isn’t bad?” Will asked and Jason held his hand up in an approximation of how big it is, not wanting to move you from the bed. “And she’s passed out? It must be something else then. Did you see what hit her?”
          “Yeah it was some kind of scorpion looking thing, I don’t know.” Jason ran his hand through his hair and walked back over to you, inspecting the wound and holding your hand that Will couldn’t see. 
          “Does she have a fever? It could be some kind of poison,” Will offered and Jason felt your forehead. 
          “She’s burning up.”
          “I don’t get it,” Will tore through his books looking for an answer. “There isn’t a kind of monster like that who’s sting produces these kinds of symptoms.”
          Jason walked back over to the bathroom and looked at Will’s surroundings.
          “Is Annabeth there? She would probably know.” 
          “She’s in New York City with Percy.” Jason’s budding hope shrank again and he looked at your reflection in the mirror. Your skin looked drained of color but at least the wound had stopped bleeding. “I’ll keep looking. Did the wound look discolored at all-?”
         Jason jumped from a cry of pain and rushed back to your side where you were thrashing around in your sleep. He grabbed your wrists and tried to hold you down so you wouldn’t hurt yourself, your eyes screwed shut and agonized noises like a  twisting knife in his gut. “Will!”
          “I’m looking! Try to keep her still!”
          Even unconscious, you were putting up a hell of a fight for Jason who was struggling to hold you down, especially since he was trying not to hurt you. 
          “Jason, you gotta hold her down.” 
          He jumped up and straddled your hips to keep your legs down and leaned the rest of his weight into keeping your wrists to the pillow. 
          “Wait, you guys were looking for monsters who stole stuff from Aphrodite, right?”
          “Yeah?” The entire point of the mission had left Jason’s mind since he saw you collapse and he was too anxious to follow Will’s thinking.
          “Then what if it was one of Aphrodite’s potions that the stinger was dipped in?” Will grabbed a new book and wildly searched through it. “This one must be it! Fainting, fever, convulsions… yeah it’s this one.”
          “What do I do?” The fight was being drained from you but Jason was hesitant to do more than ease on his grip a little in case you started up again.
          “It says that the only cure is a… wow, that is so like Aphrodite.”
          “Okay it says that the only cure is a kiss from royalty, like a prince or something.”
          Jason’s hope was crushed once again seeing as how even if they weren’t in America, a prince would be exceptionally hard to acquire. 
          “Well I don’t think I’ll be able to find a prince in the middle of Wisconsin. Is there another option?” There had to be another way. No way in hell was Jason going to lose you. Especially not before you knew how he felt.
          You had completely stopped fighting against him and Jason wished you would keep doing so even if he was tired. He much preferred it to you lying there limp and lifeless. 
          “Wait, wait, wait. Zeus is the king of the gods,” Will started and expected Jason to catch on to his idea. “And you’re his son.”
          “Well, technically I’m the son of Jupiter, but what does that have to do with anything?” Jason removed himself from on top of you and walked over to Will.
         “I mean that technically makes you a prince, Jason.” 
          Jason frowned in concentration, weighing the legitimacy of that claim. Then he struggled to fight off a blush when he realized what Will was insinuating he has to do now.
          “Are you sure that counts? Like there’s not another way?” Jason looked back at you, now dealing with new emotions adding to his turmoil. 
          “Jason, you have to try it. And like now, she doesn’t have long. It says here that once the convulsions stop they don’t have much time left.” Will’s face was getting blurry as the Iris message was running out. 
          “What if it doesn’t work, what do I do?” Jason pleaded to the fading form of his friend. “Will, Will!” 
          The Iris message cut off and Jason hit the wall in frustration before he returned to your side.
          “This better work.” He didn’t know what he would do if it didn’t. As Jason knelt down and brushed some hair out of your face he couldn’t imagine having to live without you by his side. Even if you didn’t return his feelings, your friendship was too important to him. The thought of losing you made him forget any nerves he had and he leaned down and gingerly pressed his lips to yours. 
          The change was immediate as you breathed in life. Your eyes opened and the first thing they saw was Jason’s. 
          “Jay?” He broke out into the biggest smile you had ever seen on him and he pulled you into a hug. “What happened?”
          “You got kinda poisoned and almost died.” At this point you registered the dull pain emitting from your side and leaned back to look at your injury. “But you didn’t because I saved you. You’re welcome.”
          “Oh, so you’re my Prince Charming?” You asked him and he shrugged.
          “I mean, technically.” His voice sounded less confident than it had and you looked at him quizzically, which made him avoid your gaze by walking over to his backpack. “How do you feel?”
          “Fine…” you answered, still thinking about his sudden mood shift. “Except for whatever happened here.”
          “Giant scorpion thing,” he answered and walked back over, handing you a square of ambrosia. 
          “Cool.” The ambrosia soothed your side and you leaned against the headboard in relief.
          “Hardly,” Jason scoffed, sitting next to you but looking down at his lap. “You collapsed and went pale and I thought I was going to lose you.”
          He got quiet and you saw the stress and worry in his slumped shoulders.
          “The thought of you just… being gone. Before I could say goodbye or, or tell you how I feel. You were so pale…” His jaw clenched and he turned his face away from you.
          “Jason,” you placed your hand on his shoulder and made him look at you. His blue eyes teared up and you felt a physical tug on your heart. Your hands cradled his face and gently wiped away the tear that fell to his cheek. “I’m okay. I’m not going anywhere.”
          His head hung and landed on your shoulder, your hand combed through his hair.
          “And Jason?” You asked as you remembered a sensation from when you woke up.
          “Mm-hm?” He responded from your shoulder, his voice steadier now.
          “Did you… kiss me?” 
          At that he burst upright and a blush was raging on his face. 
          “Okay, I had to do it or you would die. I’m sorry. I didn’t want to- I mean I did want to kiss you. For a while now, actually, but not like this and especially when I couldn’t tell if you wanted me to or not. Will just said that there was no other way so-.”
          “Shut up.” His eyes snapped to you failing to suppress your grin. “Don’t apologize. Just… do it again.”
          His lips parted in shock and then one side lifted up as he leaned into you. Your hands held his face as his mouth pressed into yours and your bodies sighed into each other. So many years of longing and second-guessing and finally getting an answer, you couldn’t believe this was really happening.
          Jason tilted his head further and deepened the kiss, his hand moving to your leg that was propped up on the bed, sliding from your knee down to your hip and squeezing.
          “Holy shit,” you mumbled against his lips before you could stop yourself and you felt his smirk.
          “Just wait.”
          His lips moved down to your neck and you could breathe again but your head didn’t get any clearer, until you looked into the bathroom.
          “Hm?” His voice tickled the sensitive skin of your throat .
          “Why is the shower on?”
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depressedacadamia · 3 years
I’m scared of the dark!
Summary:  Annabeth notices someone running behind her as she walks back to her dorm at 1 in the morning.  She does the only thing she can think of- Run
Warnings: This is quite a creepy piece and has dark descriptions of the reality of walking alone in the dark- It does end happily though, if thats any use.
A/N: My exams are over!! Since I didn’t post a fic last week, here’s one today!! For this, I really wanted to explore a more creepy and gothic writing style so if that isn’t your thing, feel free to pass! <3 from me!!
Read on A03
Don’t look behind you, just keep walking. Ignore those footsteps, you’re being paranoid, Just keep walking, just keep walking, just keep walking.
The words repeated themselves in Annabeth’s mind like a mantra as she walked back to her dorm, clutching her books to her chest as if her life depended on it. It was almost 1 in the morning and she had accidentally fallen asleep in the library.
She had told herself that it would only be a 5 minute nap.
5 minute nap my ass she thought as she pushed the muscles in her legs to move as fast as they possibly could without drawing any attention to herself. She could feel another presence. Everytime she passed a lamp post, she would pause, take a frantic glance around trying to find the source of the ominous sound.
Tap, tap, tap.
Her head spun around, searching for the sound. Was that a racoon? Stray cat? Do stray cats show up here? She could see her breath in the air, misty and cloudy- just like her surroundings. She was surrounded by the cold that seeped into the shadows, like a vampire draining the victim of its life.
That very well may be my life being drained if I don’t get back quickly.
Her thoughts were only exacerbating her fear and paranoia of the situation. She felt as if she was watching a horror film and any second now, the killer would jump out and the unknowing victim would be nothing but another corpse left behind for the campus to find when it was all too late.
Tap tap tap.
Her legs moved faster, she was almost breaking into a run. The transparent doors of her apartment complex were almost visible. The light was more present, she could see her surroundings.
Tap tap tap
She felt her legs take over, breaking into a run. Her head quickly turned back only to see a dark hooded figure sprinting at full speed towards her. She took no time to realise that the figure was also looking behind them as if they were being chased but instead moved so fast that she felt whiplash against her face from the cold bite of the wind.
She lunged at the double doors, stumbling past them, trying to make her way to the elevator. Her hand slapped the button, desperately pushing at it as if it could make the elevator move any faster.
“Please, please,” she whispered, her voice hoarse from the heavy breathing.
The elevator continued its slow progress as if Annabeth wasn’t about to get murdered any second now. She turned her head slightly, only to see that the hooded figure was now much closer than before and also intending on entering the same building as her.
Her body dropped into flight mode. Glancing back at the elevator, she managed to calculate that in the amount of time she had and the amount of time it would take for the elevator to arrive, the guy would have probably already murdered her.
She decided the copious amounts of stairs to her dorm were no longer as long as they had once been. She threw herself at them, skipping 2 steps at a time, her breath beating out of her with every step. Her hand slipped into her pocket, fishing for her keys.
Finally, as she arrived on her floor, she whipped her head around, checking her surroundings. The corridor was dark, only illuminated by the sliver of light that would emerge at the bottom of a door occasionally, indicating that somebody was indeed awake and therefore would hear her screams.
As to not alert anybody of her presence, she moved slowly, her foot lifting up in slow motion only to bring it back down on the carpeted floor. Her hand gripped around her keys, both for protection and to prevent the clanging sound from ricocheting across the empty corridor.
The dark was consuming each door, it was almost impossible to see which door was hers.
Shuffle shuffle shuffle.
She froze.
“W- wh-who’s th-there?” Annbeeth’s voice came out shaky, her breathing still heavy from the running. She was only answered with silence.
Tap tap tap
Her footsteps became more frequent, her worries about someone hearing her fading- someone already knew she was here, there was no point trying to hide it, she should focus on trying to get back to her apartment as fast as she could.
Her pants became quieter and quicker- just like her thoughts. They whizzed past in her mind, even too fast for even her brain to process. Her eyes were wide, darting around frantically, never finding a source of the sound.
In an odd way, she wanted to find the source, if it meant knowing what or who was there.
Ding ding ding.
Annabeth left out a shriek only muffled by her hands moving to cover her mouth and the abnormally loud opening of the elevator doors. She saw a foot step out and she felt paralysed. She couldn’t move, she wanted to run, she wanted to scream- maybe to even beg for her life, but it seemed that there was flight, fight and freeze mode; right now, unhelpfully, her body had chosen freeze mode.
Her eyes moved to the hooded figure's head and she could make out dark tufts of hair that protruded from the front of the hoodie. The hair was so dark that it blended with the night itself- the only way Annabeth could see it was due to the light from the elevator.
She watched as the doors closed, stealing the light and hope with it.
Slowly, she began to back away from the hooded figure who was staring directly back at her. Her hand tried to silently fumble with keys in her hand, ready to protect herself. As she fumbled with them in one hand, she made the mistake of letting all the keys collide and immediately the clanging sound of keys gave her away.
The figure was hooded. Hooded like Death itself. Annabeth could feel the piercing stare of the figure staring at her- She, for a brief moment, forgot about her grotesque fate and for a second, only a second, wondered what colour their eyes were- were they green, or were they piercing blue? Or maybe they were a warm brown or a dangerous black, the kind that Death would stare their victims down with.
She watched, still shuffling backwards in fear as the figure reached his arm out towards the wall. Annabeth could then make out a weird contraption underneath his other arm. It seemed to be flat but had 4 eyes- only that two were on the front and two at the back. It was flat and she could only imagine the multide of ways one could torture another with such a contreaption.
If she wasn't so terrified she might have said that this was the sound of a light switch being turned on but her fear, very reasonably, was overruling her. The sound ‘click’ to her in that moment sounded like one of the worst possible things ever.
Was that a gun?
She couldn't hold in her fear anymore. She turned around, running, running for her life. Running like someone with everything to lose, running for herself and every reason she could think of for running away.
Click click click
As if she were truly in a horror film, about to meet her fate, a single light at the end of the endless corridor flickered on. For a second, Annabeth thought she was free, she thought she could see her apartment, but as she stared at the numbers on the doors, they all seemed unfamiliar.
It struck her- She was on the wrong floor.
The light flickered on and off, on and off- teasing her, luring her like a moth to a flame. Once she got to the end, she wouldn't be able to go anywhere- she’d be trapped, like a fly in a spider's web. She shivered at the thought of spiders.
“Wait!” A voice called out. “ Hey, hey!”
Annabeth did nothing of the sort. Her body was slick with sweat, the loose strands of hair around her face stuck to her face with sweat. She turned her head back, only for a second, just to see how far she was and-
She collided into something and her face was glued to a wall.
She pulled away from the wall, and scrambled around, trying to get off her knees.
But all was too late. As she glanced up, she was met with black hair and a hand that was offered in her face. She couldn't bring herself to take the hand- no matter what hyer fate was.
She managed to pull herself back to her feet. She turned slightly and froze- Flight, Freeze, time for Fight.
“Are you okay?” The voice asked her. The question caught her off guard. Why were they being nice? Weren’t they meant to try and kidnap her, and then mutilate her body to the point that the police couldn't recognise her?
Her voice failed her entirely. She only managed to press herself more desperately against the wall behind her. The light above her flickered again. She caught a flash of the face but it was enough to drain the life of her. It was the weirdest combination of features she had ever seen and somehow it fit.
The eyes were green, a soft green and somehow they seemed to be able to scare her, the coldness they held under the harsh flickering light in the darkness was all too similar to the brutal sea. His expression yet, seemed concerned and his mouth was set in a firm line- whether than was from concern or perhaps frustration or even anger, Annabeth was too startled to tell.
“I’m sorry, I must have scared you. I wanted to give this to you, I think you dropped it when you started running.” And surely enough, in their hands, there lay Annabeths most recently taken out book on architecture- the very book that had gotten her into this mess.
“I-'' She was about to thank him but her tone turned visceral. “Why were you chasing me?”
She could feel her stomach churning, threatening to throw up her food but she couldn't let her pride be taken away. She had run- yes, but very reasonably. Time to see his reasoning for trying to kill her. The boy looked uneasy at her question, as the light above them finally stopped flickering and finally did its job, illuminating the small space around them. Annebth looked at her perpetrator and was shocked.
On recognizing that voice, Percy looked up, bewildered. “Annabeth?”
“What were you doing chasing the first girl you saw at night?” Annabeth asked, her tone very much accusative. She stood her ground with her hands resting on her hips, no longer tucking her chin into her chest and rather holding her head up.
“I-I wasn’t- I swear, I wasn't! It’s just that, that…”
“It’s just that what?”
Percy mumbled something under his breath, bringing his hood down as he ran his hand through the messy hair.
I-” His ears and face tinged a light shade of pink, “I’mscaredofthedark.”
“Stop speaking so fast or I’m just going to assume you’re secretly a serial killer who stalks college girls on his Wednesdays.”
“I don’t, I swear, I’m just scared of the dark, okay!” Percy bursted out, flinging his arms in front of him. Annabeth could see that Percy seemed almost as terrified as she did, his face drained of colour, skateboard held protectively underneath his arm and hood held over his head.
“You’re…. Afraid of the dark?”
“It’s not something I pride myself on,” he mumbled, looking away.
Annabeth took a deep breath, acknowledging that she wouldn’t die because Percy couldn’t hurt a fly.
“Did I scare you?” His voice came out as a small squeak.
She rubbed the back of her head as if she was slightly embarrassed. “Uh., a bit.”
“Sorry.” he rubbed his shoe into the carpet, refusing to make eye contact with Annabeth.
“Thanks for my book...er try not to run behind girls late at night though… it can give the wrong idea…”
“I’m sorry, really really sorry. It was so dark and I was terrified and I must have imagined that it was terrifying for you as well, to just see some hooded guy in the dark just running like crazy,” Percy rambled nervously.
Annabeth let out a half hearted laugh as they walked to Percy;’s apartment door. “Yeah, when you put it like that, it’s slightly less intimidating.”
“Thanks for not killing me- I guess you were prepared though with your keys in your hand and everything.”
Annabeth raised her eyebrow and then her fist when realising she had inserted a key in between each knuckle crevice, wolverine style, in an attempt to make some sort of brass knuckle. ”Careful, I still might.”
Percy frowned when he looked at her fist. Hey reached out to key wolverine fist to readjust it.
“Hey, just a word of advice, if you actually want to do an attacker's damage, putting a key in between each knuckle won't do much. Instead, hold the biggest and sharpest key you have like a knife, and then aim somewhere like the face- it;’s more likely to destabilize them and stop them from coming after you. The key in between each knuckle thing is most likely to just slightly scratch their face when you punch it and annoy them even more.”
Annabetyh was slightly stunned. “ Uh., uh.,oh thank you, thank you.. I guess. If you don't mind me asking, how do you know this?”
Percy shrugged. “ I have a younger sister. And a few friends who have a hobby of fighting, I guess I kinda learnt how to fish them out of bad situations.”
Annabeth opened her mouth and closed it again, similar to a goldfish. They both stood outside of Percy’s apartment, as he slotted his key in and opened his door.
Percy noticed that Annabeth still looked quite shaken from what had happened earlier so he held the door a little wider.
“Do you want to come in?”
Annabeth smiled
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thegraystreaks · 4 years
i just read your fics on ao3 and they were so good, i love missing moments from canon! Idk if you ever take prompts but if you do i would really love to read a different way for percabeth to get together in canon?
anon, the way you got me to write something for the first time in ages….
anyway this is super self indulgent but I had a lot of fun writing it!! thank u for your kinds words I would die for you probably!!
this takes place during botl, the day Percy comes back from Ogygia, sometime after Annabeth storms out of the Big House.
“Annabeth glared at me. You are the single most annoying person I’ve ever met!” And she stormed out of the room.
I stared at the doorway. I felt like hitting something. “So much for being the bravest friend she’s ever had.”
He finds Annabeth in the arena. It’s empty save for her — everyone knows by now that sparring with her while she’s like this never leads to anything good. So she’s taking on a dummy, her anger apparent in the rigid lines of her body, fury in the force behind her blows. She rolls and kicks, dodging imaginary attacks, and Percy could swear that the air is thick, charged, like the feeling before a thunderstorm. Which is stupid — it’s camp, and the magical borders keep the sky cloudless as always. 
As he approaches, the only acknowledgement of his presence is her intensified rage, the way her blade slashes and hacks with renewed vigor. They’re gonna need to replace that dummy, he thinks.
“Can we talk?”
She wheels to face him, thunder in her eyes. For a moment, he’s scared he’ll need to pull out Riptide. She turns to the dummy one last time and stabs it straight through the heart. “You wanna talk? Then go ahead.”
He swallows nervously. Now that he’s got her attention, he doesn’t quite know where to start. His mind flashes to last winter, and how distraught he was when she had been kidnapped. How he’d have done anything to get her back. How he just knew that she couldn’t be dead. He reaches out hesitantly, but pulls his arm back when he glances at the hilt of the blade, still sticking out of the dummy. 
“I was thinking about how upset I was last winter, when you were kidnapped. That, um — well, ‘sucked’ doesn’t really cover it. That was awful. I really am sorry that I worried you.”
Something shifts in her eyes, and he can see the hurt dripping through the cracks of her anger.  “You couldn’t send an Iris Message? I thought you were dead, Percy.”
He scratches the back of his neck. “Drachmas were a bit hard to come by on the island.”
“Ha,” she laughs drily. She pauses to wipe at the sweat on her brow. “What was she like?” The words drip with contempt.
“I don’t — who?”
“Don’t play dumb,” she scoffs. “Calypso. What was she like?”
Air rushes out of Percy’s lungs. He didn’t know what he was expecting, but it wasn’t that. Chiron was right, then. She had figured out where he’d been. 
“Does it matter?”
“Well, you spent two full weeks there, so I can’t imagine she looks like the ancient hag she is. How old is she again? Two-thousand? Or is it three?”
“Two weeks, Percy!” she cries.
“I’m sorry, okay? Time was weird there!” 
“Oh, time was weird, that’s your excuse?”
“Yeah, that’s my excuse!” he shoots back.  “And I wasn’t just laying on a beach being fed grapes or something, I was recovering! From being blown up!”
That seems to drain some of the fight from her. She looks away, and her voice shrinks down: “I’m sorry you were hurt. I—I hate seeing you hurt.” 
In the silence that follows, he thinks inexplicably of Aphrodite coming to visit him last winter, the limo so out of place in the desert. The way that she had appeared, if only for a second, like the girl in front of him. How she had promised she wouldn’t let his love life be “easy and boring”. Gods, why couldn’t it be? The rest of his life is crazy enough. 
He had hoped, briefly, that Aphrodite might’ve forgotten about her promise when they’d returned to Olympus. He remembers a slow, sad song, and his hands on Annabeth’s waist as they had swayed. How it had felt like the pieces were maybe finally starting to fall into place. The memory seems worlds away.
“Annabeth, listen. I’m sorry I was gone so long. But I didn’t choose to be sent there. And—and I came back.”
“Duh, Percy,” she rolls her eyes. “That’s her curse.”
“Okay, you’re right.” She turns away. He reaches out, more confident now, and takes hold of her arm. “But curse or not, I chose to come back.”
She pulls her arm out of his grip. “Yeah, so that you could tell me I have to bring some mortal girl to lead my quest!”
“What does Rachel have to do with this?”
“Are you fucking serious?” she shouts. He can see the walls building back up, the storm returning in her eyes. She whips around and yanks her dagger out of the sparring dummy, kicking up dirt as she begins to stalk away.
This was not how he wanted this to go, not his intent when he came to find her. Of all the ways returning to camp might’ve gone, he had never imagined it like this. He tries to reconcile the girl that kissed him in the mountain with this one, who can’t go more than a minute without yelling at him, that won’t stop running off. Why is this so complicated? She kissed him, right? Isn’t that supposed to be it? The happy ending? If movies told him anything, it was that the kiss means you get the girl. It shouldn’t be this hard. It wouldn’t be, he thinks bitterly, if she would quit storming off.
“Gods, would you stop running away when we’re talking?” he shouts after her. “Would it kill you to stick around and listen to me?”
He’s taken aback when she actually turns around, arms crossed and foot tapping. “Well?” 
Percy blinks. He hadn’t thought this far ahead. Shit, what is he trying to say? “You know, Calypso offered me immortality. I could’ve escaped the prophecy, I could’ve lived in paradise forever—”
That probably wasn’t what he should’ve led with. “If you want me to ‘stick around and listen’, you’re off to a terrible start,” she seethes.
He steamrolls on anyway: “—but I didn’t, I didn’t take her offer, because — well, because of Grover and Tyson, and the quest isn’t over yet, but also because—” he stops. He’s rambling. Focus. How can he say this? “Did you really kiss me back there, or did I make that up in my head?” 
She freezes. Silence stretches out between them, and Percy kind of wants the ground to swallow him whole. But it’s out there, now. Might as well go all in. “I really hope you did, because I’m gonna feel insanely stupid if it was just some volcanic-explosion-induced fever dream.” 
Slowly, she unfreezes. Nods. “Uh. Yeah, I did.”
He takes a step closer. “I don’t care about ‘some mortal girl’. At least, not the way I care about….about you.” He can feel the blood rushing in his ears, can feel his heart beating painfully fast. She’s still just standing there, staring and staring but not moving. She’s not saying anything, why isn’t she saying anything?
“Gods, can you throw me a bone, Annabeth? I feel like I’m dying here—”
He’s cut off when she lunges forward and kisses him. It’s like their first kiss in two ways: it’s over before he can even react, and it leaves him staring, dumbfounded. How is it that she’s caught him off-guard with this not once, but twice now?
“Think you’ll remember that one was real?” she asks, still only inches from his face. Her breath smells of strawberries, and her eyes are puffy from his almost-funeral, but the storm in them begins to clear. 
He laughs, bright and full. “You should probably kiss me one more time, just to be safe.”
“Hmm,” she considers, arms coming up around his neck. “Should I count down so that you can be ready this time?”
He groans. “You are so not making this easy.”
“I am never, ever going to make things easy for you, Seaweed Brain. Get used to it.”
“Gods, you’re insufferable. It shouldn’t be this cute.”
“Three, two—”
He’s on her before she reaches one, one hand pulling her closer at the waist and the other finding her cheek. When their lips meet, it feels like everything he’s been waiting for. Like the clouds parting, like sunshine, like warmth, like happiness.
It may not be their first kiss, but it’s their best yet.
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annabethy · 4 years
under the mistletoe, watching the fire glow day 13: princess
Character A’s little sibling/child wants to meet their favorite celebrity/writer/person for Christmas. Character B is said “Christmas Present” ,, percabeth. for that one anon
Percy can honestly say that he didn’t think this would end up happening.
When he had sent her a message, it had been done absentmindedly, fully expecting it to be ignored. He’s well aware that celebrities don’t respond to people like him, but it was Christmas, Estelle was on his last nerve, and he figured that he could at least try.
Somehow, all of that ends with him meeting up with a super hot Hollywood actress.
As Percy holds Estelle’s hand, who can’t stop bouncing excitedly, he thinks back to that moment. Estelle’s dramatic cry of meeting the princess in the live action remake of Barbie and the Twelve Dancing Princesses had gotten to the point that he decided he was done and took things into his own hands.
It went something like him sending her, hey so my little sister is being annoying about the barbie movie and won’t shut up so can you come meet her so I can get a moment of peace?
When she responded, yeah sure when and where, he thinks he may have had a heart attack. It was surreal, setting up a mini meet and greet through instagram dms of all things, but it worked well enough because here he was, looking out for Annabeth.
“Where’s the princess!” Estelle demands, and Percy wants to bang his head into a wall. She’s practically screaming, and she’s pulling on his arm so arm that it may fall off.
“I don’t know,” he tells her.
“Find her.”
“Estelle. I don’t know where she is. Relax.”
“I want to see her now!” Estelle is only five years old so it’s understandable that she’s so annoying. Percy loves his baby sister dearly, but sometimes he questions why is mother had a baby so many years after him.
“The movie isn’t even that good. She wasn’t even a convincing princess.”
Estelle stomps. “Yes she is!”
Percy snorts. “Yeah, okay.”
It’s then that he feels hot breath on his ear, and he freezes, well aware that he’s just made a very dire mistake.
“Not a convincing princess?” someone whispers into his ear, a hint of humor in their voice. “You offend me.”
Percy whips around, and of course, there she is in all her glory.
He finds Annabeth Chase staring at him with eyes that look much more vibrant in person. She looks small and shy, and Percy thinks she would be the perfect person to hug in the cold.
He thinks she sure looks like a princess with the way her hair falls in old ringlets down her back, and her eyes shimmer in the sunlight. She’s not even dressed as a princess right now, but he could have been fooled.
“I didn’t mean—”
“Sure you didn’t.” Annabeth tightens her coat around herself, clearly cold, and she leans down to say hello to his sister. “You must be Estelle!”
Estelle gives her a wide grin, and Percy doesn’t think he’s ever seen her so happy before. “I am!”
“You look like a princess,” Annabeth tells her, bopping her on the nose gently. “You could be one of my sisters!”
Estelle’s eyes go wide. “You think so?”
“Of course I do, silly,” and wow, even her voice is elegant. Percy’s starting to think that maybe she really is a princess. He considers bowing to her.
“My brother says he’s your friend and that’s how he got you here,” she says, crossing her arms. Percy shoots his sister a look as she continues saying, “Is that true? My brother is a loser so I think he’s lying.”
“You don’t think your brother is cool?”
“Not to be friends with you,” Estelle says proudly.
“But I think he’s super cool! You’re super lucky to have him as a brother.”
Percy can see the change in Estelle’s demeanor having just got told that her brother is cool. Percy knows full and well that she’s about to suck up to him because her idol told her to, and that’s what children do. It makes him want to stick his tongue out at her as though saying told you so, and he would have if Annabeth wasn’t standing right there to see it.
“I’m kidding,” Estelle swears. “I play with him all the time,” which is a blatant lie.
When Estelle is no longer looking, Annabeth gives him a wink and mouths you’re welcome. Percy feels his face turn red because despite not loving the Barbie movie, he’s still all over everything else she’s been in, which is a lot. She’s practically royalty, and she’s talking to him. He’s breathing the same air as her.
At some point, they migrate over to a set of chairs outside the park they’re in. It’s pretty cold with the snow falling around them, but Estelle is vibrating with excitement to the point that he wouldn’t be surprised if she generated her own heat. Percy sits to the side, letting his sister have her moment. As entranced as he feels by the celebrity sitting in front of him, he knows that he probably shouldn’t show it, risking further teasing from both parties.
Annabeth’s super kind, he learns quickly. She laughs with her whole being and brightens up the room with her smile. She tells amazing stories about the fantasy, and Estelle listens intently. She’s so young that she doesn’t entirely realize that she’s not a real princess, and it warms Percy’s heart.
(And from the look Annabeth gives him, it warms hers too.)
It feels like hours that they’re sitting there before Percy decides they’ve had enough. As pleasant as Annabeth’s been for his sanity, he knows she’s probably getting tired herself.
“I think it’s time to say goodbye, Stella.”
And, of course, this cues the meltdown.
Percy sighs. “We need to go home soon.”
“I don’t want to.”
Percy’s temper is beginning to shorten again, and he can tense the temper tantrum that’s about to occur. It’s just a question of which sibling is going to start it at this point.
“We can’t leave Princess Genevieve here without a way to get home!”
Percy almost laughs in his little sister’s face because Annabeth is not a Genevieve by any means. Genevieve is a ridiculous name for a princess anyways. Annabeth is much nicer for a princess. “I’m sure Princess Genevieve has her own ride home.”
“This is why you don’t have a girlfriend!” Estelle loudly blurts. “You never offer girls rides home!”
Annabeth chokes on air, and Percy considers jumping into the Hudson river and swimming away.
“I don’t want a girlfriend anyways, so good,” he says, tugging her hand into his.
“If you were a nice person, then maybe Princess Genevieve would’ve been your girlfriend.”
“They don’t date peasants like us. Come on.”
“Can we please take her home?” Estelle asks.
Percy sighs, dropping her hand. “Ask her yourself.”
He genuinely expects Annabeth to say no, so when his sister walks right on up to Annabeth and stares up at her, he is blatantly shocked as she says, “I would love to.”
It becomes very obvious that Percy ends up losing the fight against a five-year-old as he’s driving the car with Annabeth in the passenger seat and Estelle in her car seat in the back. Estelle’s continuously asking questions, and Percy is somewhat mortified because as time went on, Estelle gets more and more daring with what she asks.
Everything is mainly along the lines of having a boyfriend and pointed coughs in Percy’s direction. Each time, Annabeth would give him a knowing smile and he’d do everything to look anywhere but at her.
Percy can’t be thankful enough when they make it to his mom’s apartment, and he gets to kick Estelle out of the car. She gives a heartfelt goodbye to Annabeth and a glare at Percy before she’s out the door. It leaves him and Annabeth alone in the car, a silence settling between them.
They’ve been together for at least a couple of hours, but they haven’t truly interacted until now, so he’s at a loss as to what to do. It’s as though he’s blacked out during the last few hours, and maybe even the last few weeks, because last he remembers, he was just sitting on the couch doing nothing, and now Annabeth Chase is sitting in his car, looking at him expectantly.
Finally, she says, “Are you going to look at me, or…”
Percy turns his head like a deer in headlights. “I’m sorry.”
“You look like you’re about to pass out.”
“I might. This is kind of weird.”
“What is?”
“Having you in my car.”
“You’re a celebrity.”
She smirks at him. “Do I intimidate you?”
“Uh, yes.”
“Well, don’t be intimidated.”
“I’m sorry, but you’re very famous. I will be intimidated, and you will let me be.”
“I mean, I get that, but there’s really no reason to be intimidated. The other day, I walked past a mirror and actually got excited to meet a celebrity.”
“What? You just forgot your own identity?”
She smiles. “Something like that.”
Percy laughs, slightly more at ease. He’s at least able to look her in the eyes now. She looks back at him and leans against the seat with her shoulder.
“Percy,” she teases. “You can talk to me.”
“Believe me, I’m trying.”
Annabeth rolls her eyes fondly. “Do you know why I’m here?”
“For my sister.”
“It wasn’t really for her.”
Percy frowns, confused. “But you said…”
“I know what I said. The reason I even opened the message wasn’t because of her, though.”
Percy bites his lower lip nervously because the mood in the car has suddenly changed, and he’s certain he doesn’t have tinted windows.
“I opened it because I thought you were hot.”
Percy blinks, a beat passes, and then he bursts out laughing. “You thought I was hot!?”
“You are! I thought maybe it would be fun!”
“You live in LA with a ton of super rich and famous people, and you come after me? The guy that can barely afford his own apartment?” “I mean… it doesn’t really matter if you can’t afford it because I can. But that’s only if, like, this actually goes anywhere.”
“Are you always this forward?”
“Absolutely not, but you couldn’t even look me in the eyes, and I have to leave soon.”
“So you’re saying you want to, what? Marry me?”
“Exactly,” she deadpans.
“Woah, baby, I hardly know you! How could I marry you!”
“It was, wasn’t it?”
“My point is,” she says pointedly, “I like you and would want to see you again. Without a child there.”
Percy’s brain is going bonkers right now because Annabeth Chase just asked him out. It’s even crazier because he’s thinking of saying yes. He tries to withstand, because he knows that he’ll never fit in with everything she’s surrounded by, but something tells him that she won’t mind, so he gives in.
“Fine,” he says playfully. “I guess I’ll take you on a date.”
“Oh shut up. I’ve been around Estelle all day telling me about how much her brother wants me to date him.”
“I didn’t say that, but to be fair, she’s not wrong.”
Annabeth shoots him a surprised look. “You’re not as shy as I thought.”
“Neither are you,” he counters, and it’s true. Annabeth has been making the first moves, and it’s different than what he usually sees. The thing is, he can tell this is exactly the way Annabeth is, and he’s determined to switch things up for her.
“Hey princess,” he says. “I feel like there should be a true love’s kiss before people go on a date, don’t you think?”
“Is that what this is? True love?”
“Isn’t it? You live in a fairytale.”
“I guess we’ll just have to find out, then.”
Percy pouts and whispers, “Bummer,” and then he’s pulling her in for a sweet kiss. It’s not at all him, and he’s sure this is no longer at all her either, but it feels right to both of them. Then, Annabeth bites his bottom lip, lets out a breathtaking whimper, and Percy deepens the kiss.
“These windows aren’t tinted,” Percy jokingly breathes out against her when she unbuckles her seatbelt.
“That’s okay,” she replies, smiling into the kiss. “I’m not one to be shy.”
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aknosde · 3 years
i’ve asked this before to other people but im curious about your answer; if the god’s blood is golden and human’s is red shouldn’t demigods have a combination of those colors?
*take this as seriously as u want lol*
Y’know, when you first sent this months ago I wrote out a really in-depth response where I went into biology and the like, and then I came back to work on it and it disappeared. That haunts me to this day because I just let this sit, but I finally have energy to go ham on this again so here we go. 
I think to look at this you really have to look at the gods. Many, many people have written posts about parentage and genetics, and if I find my favorite I’ll link it here, but the two schools of thought that most people work under are A) that gods have no DNA or B) that gods become people when they do the do. Both of which would have interesting impacts, but primarily I dismiss A because that would mean all children are essentially clones of their parents, which we know is not the case. (however if you did subscribe to that, it would mean that all campers that aren’t the same gender as their mortal parent would be trans which is really cool)
So, B) gods become people with DNA. So, the nitty gritty, do gods change their appearance when they “”become“” human? We know they can from actual mythology. I suspect that they have preferences, and those are what demigods/mortals can see, so Zeus dresses and looks like a snotty white businessman on purpose for some reason. Okay neat. God sees some mortal they want to get with, god makes themself a “”human“” body and screws around with genetics until it’s what they want. And these genetics get passed down to their offspring. Evidence being that Percy is told he looks like a photocopy of Poseidon (i don’t subscribe to Poseidon or Percy being white, btw, but evidence still applies) 
But they’re still godly, still divine. And this is where we reach another barrier, because what is inside of them? When Percy fights Ares, he bleeds gold. But Ares wasn’t on Earth or in mock human form with the purpose of making babies, he was there to beat the shit out of a twelve year old. There’s no answer. Unless I turn this boat around and talk about where the greek gods get their power because that would impact their health. Percy is more powerful in water and Clarisse receives the blessing of Ares while fighting a war, so let’s take that and say that Gods receive power from whatever they are the god of, and the health of those things. Another example being Poseidon all worn out while the oceans are so messed up in TLO. A god in their element has some more juice. 
And this is why, in a really roundabout way, I think that the red vs. gold blood would fluctuate. Overall, I would say that demigod blood is red 97% of the time, non mixed. Given that gods would have some mortal blood in their “”mortal“” bodies and the mortal blood of mortal parents. Gold blood would come into play during serious bleeding (like if we don’t treat this you’ll die bleeding) and if/when demigods are in their element and powerful. For instance, children of the big three might have more gold blood, or have gold blood more often (not that anyone can tell if they aren’t actively bleeding). Versus Annabeth, who does not have any powers or magical energy bestowed on her, probably only has gold blood when she’s bleeding out. The large amount of red blood and it’s frequency would explain why demigods who don’t know of their parentage yet would not be able to see anything wrong, and the Mist could cover the small amount of gold that a mortal might see if a demigod were ever to get inured and bleeding gold. 
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pcvensies · 4 years
Can I request a Leo Valdez imagine pls? Just something fluffy and cute, where he likes you and you like him but you're both too stubborn and clueless to admit to your feelings so you just kinda joke and flirt, nothing serious, meanwhile everyone is like 'omg just kiss already!!'
Thank you <3
Catch the flag.
in which you and Leo like each other, and during a catch the flag game, he gets hurt and you almost end Clarisse 😳
word count: 1420~
trigger warnings: none?? slight angst i guess, happy ending tho
for plot reasons, the reader is one of Persephone’s children (so cabin 40)
im in such a Leo mood lately send help my way ! ✌🏼😔 this is probably not what you wanted BUT i got carried away and i couldn’t stop myself from the angst with happy ending. i hope you like it babes 💙
Catch the flag was everyone’s favorite activity at Camp. You, Annie and Percy had been put on the same team, and your best friend, Leo, was on the other.
You looked at him, your arrow pointing to his chest as Annabeth jumped from the tree you both were hiding on.
“Is this all you’ve got, cielo?”.
Annabeth almost threw up when Leo called you by that petname, tired of this constant flirting you both had going on, but none of you seemed to notice.
It was not a secret for anyone, that you and the boy liked each other.
You, however, ignored his question. Your eyes searched for the flag around the brunette, who Percy had guessed would be around it, because of his fire abilities. If anyone could defend that flag, it had to be Leo. Also, he was way too noisy and giggly to try to make it to your team’s flag without being caught.
“Not here, if that’s what you’re here for”.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Valdez, I just wanted to see that pretty face of yours”, you replied, putting down your bow when Annabeth shook her head.
Leo chuckled, hands intertwined behind his head, and you rolled your eyes at him. But before you could turn around, you felt the pointy end of a sword against your lower back. Your eyes searched for Annabeth, and behind her, Clarisse held another sword.
“See? Told you little Y/n would come to Valdez. Jackson must be behind this, he knows we wouldn’t send Leo to get their flag”, she spoke, and Leo gasped, offended, “But I have an idea to find it”.
Clarisse kicked Annabeth’s leg, and when her knees hit the floor, you turned around, pointing your arrow at her.
“What are you doing, La Rue?”.
She ignored your question, her teammate, an Hermes daughter, looking as confused as you were.
Clarisse always took these activities too seriously, and you feared that she’d harm Annabeth to win, knowing Percy would come to find her.
“Valdez, the flag, is it safe?”, she ignored you, as her sword remained against the blonde’s back.
“Yeah— Yes, of course it is. And only I know where”.
The girl nodded, and she looked at the sky, like watching time pass. Her teammates were looking for the flag, and she had a new strategy to force your team to leave it unprotected.
Leo gave you a look, your bow still up, and you looked back at him, pouting slightly.
He shook his head, and you frowned, pouting again.
You didn’t need to speak to communicate with him, and something inside of his chest warmed at your soft face. He felt the urge to tell you were the flag was, but he knew better than to fuck up Clarisse’s plan.
“Annabeth, Y/n!”, Percy’s voice broke the silence, the dark haired boy followed by Ellis Wakefield, son of Ares.
You could swear Leo looked happy to see him near the flag and you two, even though it meant his team could lose.
“We have the whole team here, look at that!”, Clarisse said, her comment being a hidden attack to the rest of your teammates, “You’re so predictable, Jackson. You don’t see these two for more than two minutes and you forget about your mission… nothing new on you, though”.
Annabeth gave you a look, her eyebrows furrowed, and you turned to look at the son of Poseidon, his expression tense. Clarisse always knew how to piss him off.
“Ellis, find the flag, it’s near. Leo’s face says it all”.
You smiled at Percy, and he gave you a small grin, even though his eyes went back to his girlfriend a second later.
The daughter of Ares smirked, enjoying the fact that she knew how to find all of Percy’s buttons. She twisted a finger around a strand of Annabeth’s hair, yawning.
“It’s exhausting, Jackson, to see you fail at being a leader every single time”.
Leo frowned at her words, stepping closer to you, and you did the same, noticing how tense the situation was getting.
“Can’t even lead your girl to a damn fla—”.
Before Clarisse could finish her sentence, Percy had thrown himself against her, his very limited patience being finally over. Annabeth got up, and tried to pull him away from the girl, but they were throwing punches at each other like their lives depended on it.
“Perce, stop! That’s what she wants!”, you yelled, throwing your bow to a side and beginning to move towards them.
A hand grabbed your wrist, pulling you back, and Leo run to the fight, grabbing the blue eyed boy’s arm, pulling him from Clarisse, not without receiving the last punch and falling to the floor.
“Leo!”, your voice overlapped the girl’s and your friend’s arguing, as you dropped on the floor next to the curly haired boy.
His nose was dripping blood, and you looked at him with worry, before you felt your own start to boil under your skin.
You looked at Clarisse from the floor, the girl laughing at you two, and you got up, arms raising as you did.
You had an ability not all Persephone children had: geokinesis. Under the girl’s feet, the ground opened and closed again, trapping her from waist down.
Clarisse looked at you with anger, which soon turned into slight fear as the ground kept closing around her, squishing her a little at first, then starting to hurt.
But you didn’t care, she had hurt Leo. She had hurt him, right in front of your eyes.
“Y/n that’s enough!”, Annabeth’s voice filled your ears, but you ignored her, anger taking over you.
Clarisse let out a pained groan, as she tried to escape and free herself, but the more she moved, the tighter the ground trapped her.
“Hey, hey!”.
Something inside of you clicked at the sound of Leo’s voice, and the boy put his hand on your cheek, standing now between you and the Ares daughter.
“Y/n, let go of her. You’re hurting her, mi amor, come on”.
There was softness in his voice, and your arms dropped to your sides, a frown appearing in your face as you realised what you had done.
However, before you could apologise, Clarisse had already run away, followed by her brother and the Hermes child. Percy was a few meters away, checking on Annabeth, both of them looking at you with worry, but nodding at Leo and walking away to give you some space.
You groaned, shaking your head, and your eyes met Leo’s. He was still cupping your face, a worried expression on his face.
“Damn, mi amor… That was dark”, he gave you a small smile, whipping the blood from his upper lip with the back of his free hand.
“I— uh. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt her, just—“, you struggled to explain it, “She hurt you”.
Leo was nothing but shocked when you said that, and his eyes filled with softness, as he run his thumb over your cheekbone.
“Thank you for defending my honor, cielo… But I am alright, really”.
You nodded slowly, your eyes going from his to his lips in just a second, the proximity of his body to yours, and the situation just lived making your heart beat faster than anytime before.
The brunette looked at your lips too, meeting your eyes once again, but leaning closer this time, and you started to close your eyes, your hands moving to the back of his head.
His breathing caressed your lips, and you got on your tiptoes…
“Y/n, Annabeth! Percy! We have it, we found the fla—“, Kayla Knowles’ voice interrupted you, the flag in her hand.
You pulled away from Leo, both of you nervously clearing your throats, and the daughter of Apollo gasped, her eyes then fixing on the couple behind you and Leo.
Annabeth rolled her eyes, and Percy groaned, annoyed.
“Shit, Kayla, we’ve been waiting for this moment for months!”, he complained.
You laughed at his comment, and Leo scratched the back of his head nervously, turning around to leave.
“Where do you think you’re going, Valdez?”, this time it was Annabeth, and Leo grabbed your hand, starting to run away, “Come back here you two! I’ve waited enough already!”.
She seemed pissed off for real, Perce’s laughter muting her scolding. But with your hand in Leo’s, running through the forest, Annie’s anger was the last of your thoughts.
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