#pjo college au!
amoreva · 3 months
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pairing: luke castellan x fem!reader
summary: as a little childish act of rebellion, you try dating your friend, Luke Castellan, to really piss off your perfectionist parents (for a actual real reason, not the small things they hate). what was supposed to be no strings attached turned into a little more than just childish revenge.
warnings: slow burn, college au, smau, fake dating to dating, cursing, clarisse x chris, aged up! pjo charcters, yn is older sister figure to percy, luke and thalia are older sibling figures to annabeth
a/n: smau! the posts that happened during the chapter today!!
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♫ The Temptations - My Girl
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Liked by juniper.xo, racheleliz, travisstoll and 59 others
seaweedbrain yeah, that’s my girlfriend 😎
tagged wisegirl
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juniper.xo aww 😍
yn.ln percy is in loveee
seaweedbrain when I get back, watch yourself 😒 yn.ln okay loverboy 🙄
wisegirl ❤️
travisstoll eww, cooties
connorstoll eww, PDA seaweedbrain hello, i need to buy a gun 🙃 tyson for rock paper scissors, right? tyson percy, right? tyson right.
lukecastellan thaliagrace, annie is kissing boys
thaliagrace womp womp womp 🎺 seaweedbrain woot woot 🙌
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Liked by silenabeau, chris.rod and 231 others
clarisselarue last days of spring break 💋
📸 - chris.rod
tagged silenabeau, chris.rod, lukecastellan, yn.ln
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yn.ln literally my wives are so pretty
clarisselarue my wife is gorgeous 🫵 silenabeau love you sm yn 😘 chris.rod clarisselarue ???
chris.rod camera creds, oh yeahh 💪
seaweedbrain w/o me 😔
wisegirl we’re in another country?? lukecastellan you’re literally 12 yn.ln we don’t condone underage drinking 🙅‍♀️ seaweedbrain I’M ALMSOT 20
user1 location? 📍
thaliagrace otw back rn
silenabeau ❤️❤️
clarisselarue posted a story!
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thaliagrace posted a story!
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Liked by yn.ln, wisegirl, groverunderwood and 23 others
juniper.xo he said “the moon is beautiful, isn’t it?” 🙃
tagged groverunderwood
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groverunderwood loml<3
wisegirl where did you guys go?
juniper.xo festival!!!
yn.ln cutie patooties
racheleliz the color palette 😍
groverunderwood it is beautiful!
silenabeau he’s a keeper
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Liked by clarisselarue, cbeckendorf, silenabeau and 191 others
yn.ln your honor, i have a confession to make
tagged lukecastellan
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silenabeau UH YEAH YOU DO??
chris.rod this was not on my 20XX bingo card
user2 another baddie bagged 😔
clarisselarue cheating on me with castellan?
yn.ln NOOO, i promise babe it’s not like that yn.ln i’ll make it up to you 🙏 clarisselarue make it up to me with an explanantion, please. clarisselarue please? clarisselarue yn.
travisstoll since
connorstoll uh
travisstoll WHEN??
seaweedbrain what.
seaweedbrain not yn, she’s too good for him
lukecastellan ikr 🧎‍♂️ seaweedbrain DISGUTISBG yn.ln be nice
racheleliz so I need to throw my blue hairbrush at both of you now? 🤔
thaliagrace luke henry castellan, explain.
lukecastellan 🤫🤫 lukecastellan also not even my middle name?? seaweedbrain sounds like someone with the middle name henry would say
user3 cute!!
user4 whattt
chris.rod the radio silence??
silenabeau answer your texts 😒
cbeckendorf yn. silena is freaking out and running around the dorm, explain. please 🙏
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@happy-mushrooms @m00ng4z3r
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blessedbyapollo · 5 days
Nico was certain that a lifetime of prison would be worth it if he could just murder whoever lived above him. Unfortunately, that would mean he wouldn’t graduate on time, so it seemed he was doomed to eternal suffering.
The first month of fall semester, everything had been fine. There was no noise next to or above him. Life was great. Now, however, Nico was stuck hearing the people who lived above him fuck at 3 am, something that he previously did not know could carry through floors. Most of the time, he tackled this by going down the hall to sleep in Jason’s room on his soft rug. It was fluffy and cozy, and Jason regularly vacuumed so he knew there was no freshman flu embedded in the fibers.
It was coming up on months of those assholes’ reign of terror. Nico had come to terms with the fact that slapping the ceiling in hopes that they would hear it was not, in fact, as effective as he thought it would be. 3am be damned: this time he was going to tell them to shut the fuck up once and for all.
Percy was Nico’s in to the third floor. He was technically not allowed to be up there - he didn’t have a key (as far as anyone was concerned) so it was not his place to enter. Truly, he didn’t use the totally-not-key that Percy had given him unless it was an absolute emergency.
It was an absolute emergency.
Based on the positioning of where he knew the bathroom was on each floor, Nico knew exactly which door to knock on. He just hoped that whatever was going on before had started to cool off as he approached the overly-decorated door.
He paused a moment. Did he really want to see what was happening here? Did he really need to talk to them, or could he just go the classic “tell my RA and pretend they solved the problem” route? He observed the name tags stuck to the door that read “Will,” “Leo,” and “Travis.” They were shaped like Amongus characters. Nico hated it deeply. He knocked.
He heard a muffled “What’s up?,”but before he could answer he was stopped with a hand suddenly smacking the doorframe next to him, which totally did not make him jump. When he looked up, what he saw totally did not make him blush.
The guy next to him was, to put it bluntly, hot, but not in a way that Nico believed any sane person should find as attractive as he did. He was wearing a truly atrocious shirt: a Storm Trooper covered in Christmas lights that said “Merry Sithmas.” Underneath that gray shirt was…another gray shirt, yet long sleeved and just close enough to the color of the graphic tee that it looked weird. His shaggy blonde curls were a mess, but were, in what appeared to be his most redeeming physical factor, an absolutely radiant gold color. His blue eyes were fixed on Nico far too calmly for someone who he had clearly never met before.
Nico was a goner. A goner for a nerd in a bad shirt who definitely lived in that sex dungeon he was coming to take down.
Instead of revealing this, he said, suavely: “Are you Will, Leo, or Travis?”
Mystery nerd finally startled at that.
“How did you know my name?” He fervently whispered. Nico raised an eyebrow and pointed to the name tags on the door.
“It’s right there, genius. And that doesn’t answer my question.” The guy seemed to relax a bit at that.
“Oh thank god, for a second I thought you might have been the campus stalker that Travis won’t shut up about.” Ok, so not Travis. “I’m Will.” He finally said, eyes wide. Nico nodded in acknowledgement.
“Hello, Will. Do you happen to know which one of your roommates is currently in there?” Will pulled out his phone and furrowed his brow. He seemed to be checking the time, which Nico found strange considering it was obviously Too Fucking Late.
“I’m not convinced it’s Leo, but I’m also not convinced it ISN’T Leo. He usually stays out late working, but not this late.”
“Well then where were you this late?”
“Working.” Will said, grinning widely. His two front teeth were slightly crooked and his whole face lit up when he smiled. Goner. “Either way, what does it matter to you?”
“Whoever it is in there is getting up to some, uh, stuff that I can hear all the way on the floor below.” Nico said, shoving his hands in the pockets of his pajama pants. Did they have dinosaurs on them? Yes. Were they any more embarrassing than gray-on-gray Star Wars apparel? Absolutely not.
“Oh, I doubt it’s Leo then.”
“That’s all you have to say? No explanation for how someone, apparently ‘Travis’, can defy all laws and be heard THROUGH the floor?” Nico’s hands were fully out of the pockets then. Will shrugged, then looked down in what appeared to be genuine apology.
“I’m sorry about that, uh-“ He looked up in question.
“Nico. I’m sorry, then, Nico, truly. It sucks to be up this late, especially in the middle of the week and especially against your will.” Damnit. That was genuine too. “But, hey, if it makes you feel any better, I doubt that Travis is like, actually doing it in there. He’s probably just playing a game.”
“WHAT?” Nico asked incredulously. He had clearly heard something else happening.
“Yeah, no, Travis doesn’t have people over very often, and when he does he at least leaves a sock on the door. Um, anyway,” Will continued quickly at the look on Nico’s face. “He makes way incriminating noises when he plays video games. Look, I can prove it.” Will reached for the door at the exact same time Nico shielded his eyes. When he removed his hands, he saw….
…Nothing. Genuinely nothing. Just some guy sitting on a ratty - was that a dog bed? - playing some kind of game.
“Ugh fuck me!” He screamed, pounding his fists on the floor. Nico wasn’t sure if it relieved him or not to know that he had heard the exact same thing and assumed the worst context. But, this was definitely his culprit, and he was definitely alone.
“Travis!” Will said, in a tone far bossier than he had greeted Nico with. “Dude, shut up! You’re being way too loud!” Travis looked up at Will with a quirked eyebrow.
“Says literally who, William?” Will, who was clearly excited to prove himself right, jumped a bit and pointed directly at Nico. He waved at them both tiredly.
“Wait. Shit. Who is that?”
“I’m Nico.”
“Hi Nico. Where are you from?” Travis had switched off the TV at that point.
“The second floor of this building.”
“Ah shit are you-“
“Room 220.” They said in unison. Will looked completely lost.
“How did you know what room he was in?” Will said in the same whisper-yell from earlier.
“Dude. We’re room 322. The floors are two rooms off, so he’s right below us.” Travis reclined further on the - yep, it was definitely a dog bed.
“Okay literally how was I supposed to know that. How do YOU know that?” Nico noticed that Will made wild hand gestures when he talked, and they had begun to accelerate. He figured it was time to step in.
“It truly does not matter at all how or why or when you all figured this out, I’m just here to tell you to shut the fuck up.”
“Oh.” Travis said.
“So true.” Will said.
“Sorry man.” Travis again.
“Also, and not that I care, but where is your third roommate at 3am?” They both exchanged suspicious looks.
“Probably with Jason Grace. Do you know him? He lives on the second floor.” Nico gaped at them. HIS Jason? His wonderful soft rug angel?
“I do know Jason, actually. I sleep on his rug whenever you buffoons are too loud, which is literally at least two nights a week at this point.” Nico almost regretted his tone when he saw Will’s shoulders fall again ever so slightly. He clearly felt bad about it, even though, from what Nico gathered, he was not the main perpetrator.
Travis, on the other hand, looked…offended? “You SLEEP on a RUG? Dude, I’m so sorry! Jason’s rug is probably gross as fuck, too!” Will made an “amen” gesture to that, his eyes still slightly downcast.
“Do not diss that rug. That rug is the best thing in my life right now.”
“That’s sad.”
“It’s comfy. And you make sex noises when you play video games.” Travis put his hand over his heart.
“He got you, man. We’ve told you this for WEEKS!” Will’s beautiful grin was back. He snapped his fingers on the word “weeks” for absolutely no reason. If anything, it just made the whole situation louder.
Travis, who had just started to look guilty for the first time, reeled again. “Okay, well, in my defense, you said you’d ask Cecil to go into Connor’s room and smack the floor to see if we could hear it and you literally never did. So. That’s on you.”
Will turned to Nico with his mouth open and palms out, like some kind of dehydrated fish. God he was hot.
“Connor is literally YOUR brother, you dillweed! Also, I’m never in this room. Like. Ever. So if anything that’s Leo’s job.”
“My what?” Said a voice behind Nico. It didn’t take much even in his absolutely braindead state for him to deduce that it was Leo.
“Will thinks you’re not pulling your room-weight.” Travis said, now just fully laying across the dog bed.
Will put his head against the wall in exasperation. “I did not even kind of say that.” He told the corner. Leo reached his arm fully around Nico to pat Will’s shoulder. It took more self restraint than Nico cared to admit to not smack his arm out of the way.
“I believe you, comrade.” Leo said in a shitty Russian accent. Then, regularly: “I frankly don’t give a shit what you were talking about as long as I can go to bed right now.”
“Ugh yeah. You and me both.” Will said, turning to Nico. He didn’t break eye contact with him as he said. “Also, Leo, this is Nico.” Leo clapped his hands louder than Nico needed to hear at any given point. He pointed directly at Nico.
“RUG DUDE! JASON’S FRIEND! Why are you here?” Nico felt a bit honored that his rug was finally getting the recognition it deserved.
“Ask them.” He said.
“We’re way too loud.”
“YOU’RE way too loud, Travis.”
“I’ll believe anything that comes out of Will’s mouth. Travis, shut the fuck up.”
“Why him? What has Will ever done to earn so much trust?”
“He made me soup.” And then, simultaneously: “I made him soup.”
“I can respect that.” Nico said. Will opened his mouth to go on what would likely be a Long One, but Nico, to his great surprise, put a hand on his shoulder. “Look, all I needed to do was say that you’re being too loud. I don’t care who, or why, but just please be more conscious. I’m sure you all have finals too, so let me get some goddamn sleep. Cool?”
Will gave him a sheepish thumbs up, arm slightly stiff under Nico’s hand. He quickly withdrew it. Travis nodded shamefully, and Leo threw a two finger salute his way. “Great. I’ll see at least one of you around Jason’s room apparently.”
As Nico shut the door and shuffled his way down the hallway in his clunky shower shoes, the sounds of muffled arguing following close behind. He couldn’t help but hope he ran into that group some other time. Except maybe without Travis. Or Leo…
Yep. Goner.
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buuggerz · 10 months
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Okay so i’ve had this idea in my brain for a while-
Jason and Nico being a Weapon and Meister duo, where they where forced to team up due to circumstances-
and turn out to get along really well,
a kinda Rivals>Friends>lovers type situation,,
I also have thoughts on other pairs, like Percy and Annabeth, Leo and Piper, The stolls and katie!
idk maybe i’ll draw some more of them- but it you have questions about them and the au plz ask!!
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madin-writes · 9 months
“What’s your type, di Angelo?”
“Hm.” Nico looks Leo up and down, then shrugs, nonchalant. “Boys with brown hair, I guess. Curls. Freckles. Engineer majors who have nerdy ass dreams.”
Leo can’t help the grin that spreads across his face. “Yeah? What a coincidence, I just happen to be into the dark and gloomy type.”
“Gloomy?” Nico echoes, offended. “I’m not gloomy. You barely know me.”
“Who said I was talking about you?”
There’s a pause before Nico huffs out a laugh, a light and airy sound that distracts Leo so much that he almost forgets what they’re talking about. “Fuck off, Valdez,” Nico says, but he’s smiling. And close. Really close. “Just kiss me already.”
read full story on ao3
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coffees4sleepy · 11 months
Early post
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Day 4 of Jasico Week; Highschool/ College Au
It’s pretty ambiguous which one it is, but I just wanted to draw Jason info dumping while studying. Made sense in my brain. I also didn’t draw Nico’s jacket because that’s like all I draw him in and it was getting boring.
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pthalomars · 2 years
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Studying for finals, sort of..
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hadeslegacyhephgirl · 2 months
Thief!Nico and Premed!Will
Decided 2 change doctor 2 uni student at the last minute, it fits better
This is literally shit help me comment prompts pls
Nico was a thief. 
And a good one too, from the years of pratice. 
Untill one day he was caught, sort of, and his world turned upside down and sideways. 
His target for the night was a two-story country house. He waited in the bushes until all the lights were off, waited another hour, then snuck into an open window into a kitchen.   He crouch-crept around the counter, silent as a ghost, then froze as he rounded it. 
There was a boy there, about his age, leaning over the sink, peering out of the window, blonde curls flipping slightly in the breeze. 
Nico waited, breathing quietly. 
The boy straited, turned around and stared directly at Nico. 
Celeste blue eyes found black ones and Nico nearly stopped breathing, expecting all hell to break loose. 
But somehow, it didn't. 
The boy grunted and beckoned. 
"You want a coffee?" 
Nico crinkled his nose. 
What in the actual fuck. 
The boy sighed and ran a hand down his face. 
"Well, don't just sit there, c'mon up. I ain't gonna kill you, Sunshine."  Nico bristled and stood up slowly  "I'm not that easy to kill, weirdo." 
The boy smiled, pearly white teeth flashing in the dark kitchen.  "He speaks! Thank gods. I thought you were gonna run away or stab me or something. You wan' a coffee?"  Nico crinkled his nose. 
"I literally just broke into your house and now your offering me coffee? The fuck is wrong with you?" 
"Eh, I don't think I could stop you from robbing us blind, but at least you could steal something other that’s worth it. Like coffee... and food. You look like you haven't eaten in weeks, which, dude, not healthy."  "Oh really. You a doctor or something?"  "Gonna be. Pre-med in University of Olympus. You ever go to college?"  "No. Couldn't afford it- why the hell am I telling you this?"  The boy grinned.  "I'm just the kind of person you can't help but spill your guts too. Will. Will Solace. And you are?"  Will held out a hand.  Nico looked at it.  Will laughed, throwing his head back. It was surprisingly musical. 
"It isn't poisonous, Sunshine."  Nico shook it.  "Nico."  "Cool. You Italian?"  "...yeah?"  "You wanna coffee. In fact... yes, you do, because your eyebags are fucking enormous and I don’t think your gonna last much longer. A flat white okay for ya?"  Nico blinked.   What the fuck. 
Who did this guy think he was. 
Will was already moving to the coffee machine and starting it up.  "Aren’t you scared of someone waking up?"  "Nah. It's, what, three in the morning? My family sleep pretty heavy. Moms gotta get up at four anyway to get ready for work, Kayla tends to wake up with Mom anyway and Austin, well, let's just say you can't wake Austin up before seven anyway."  The machine squeaked and started pouring out shots into the mugs Will had positioned under the spout. As it did that, Will rummaged in fridge and produced milk, then grabbed a tin of sugar from the cupboard. 
Soon there was two mugs of flat white coffee and a plate of cookies sitting on the bench. 
"'lright, dig in, c'mon. It's an insult if you refuse to eat my mom's choc-chip cookies."  Nico grabbed the coffee. He hadn't it for ages, and the sweet flavour hit his tounge in an explosion. He quickly drained it, then grabbed a cookie and bit into it. 
Will leaned on the bench, munching his own cookie. 
The stairs creaked, and Nico jumped. 
Will laughed and peered up the staircase.  "Morning Kayla. We got a visitor"  A female voice, rough from sleep, came back  "Another one? Seriously Will? When are you gonna learn it's gonna get you killed?"  "Oh, please, Percy wasn't dangerous, or Piper, for that matter. And where are they now?"  "At Olympus Uni, I know, I know. So who’s it this time?"  Kayla emerged, looked at Nico, then back at Will, then grunted. 
"'Course you didn't make any coffee for me." 
She walked to the coffee machine and set it running with another mug, then turned back to Nico, who was processing this new information. Finally, he blurted out 
"You knew Percy?"  Will laughed again, and Nico's heart did this weird jump-flip thing.  
"Yup. This ain't my first rodeo, Sunshine." 
"So you wanna go out somewhere?"  "like friends or like a date?"  Kayla snorted  Will lit her lightly  "What do you want it to be?" 
Nico blinked. 
"um. I don't know."  ~*~ 
And that’s how a theif and pre-med student met  ~*~ 
Shitty ending, I know, but I couldn't keep it going. 'm tiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrrred and I wanted 2 get it finished 
Ur welcome 
someone give me prompts
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rosesradio · 8 months
important question for science
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redheadosity · 3 months
To Belong and Be Loved (A Solangelo College AU) - Chapter 24
Chapter 24: Crushed
"Jason, no one pays you to be my therapist. You can just eat your food, and I’ll figure shit out.” Nico avoided eye contact and set his food aside next to his phone. “Nico, I’m family. No one needs to pay me to be there for you and talk with you. Good or bad, I’m always here to listen. I don’t have to say anything if you just need a sounding board. In short, you’re stuck with me, and I care, so you might as well utilize that." Jason looked at Nico with an expression that Nico could feel pulling at the strings to release everything he had been keeping tied up and hidden. “I just… I’m so frustrated,” Nico sighed, giving in to his cousin’s empathetic looks. "At Will?" Jason asked, causing Nico's head to snap up. “Wh..what? No! No, not… not him. At me. At myself. Why would you think I was frustrated with Will?" Nico stumbled, rushing over his words. Jason just shrugged. --Nico's crush on Will is causing problems. The angst is here.
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repairgirl · 1 year
affectionately yours || fem!reader insert + smau & college au m.list
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summary: in this thrilling sequel to yours truy, everyone in the gang has coincidentally committed to the same 5 colleges in New York, resulting in the most unlikely of pairs being created and leading them to think college with your friends may not be the best idea after all. follow along as the squad faces some of the most difficult situations they’ve ever encountered, including long-distance relationships, frats, sororities, midterms, finals, the college experience, and most importantly: navigating freshman year.
status: ongoing
warnings: once again, live action! cosplayers and real people for my fancast. more cursing, angst, and fluff. mayyybe substance abuse like drinking / drugs as the story goes on (they are in college in new york, after all) and possible hazing
0. introduction
1.decision day
2. move-out eve
3. move-in pt. 1
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captainsophiestark · 7 months
Go Bearcats
Luke Castellan x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for my Year of Olympians and part of a bigger challenge being run by @yearofcreation2023​! It features a ton of other awesome creators and runs all year, so go check it out!
Fandom: Percy Jackson
Prompt: Hermes; Travel, boarders, games
Summary: The summer before Percy Jackson came to Camp Half Blood, Luke Castellan's SO convinced him to leave camp with them for a new life.
Word Count: 1,175
Category: Fluff
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"I cannot believe you did that to me," I said, shaking my head in disgust with my boyfriend, Luke Castellan. He didn't even have the decency to look ashamed.
"I'm sorry. But it was the best way for me to win."
"Cheating isn't winning."
"Technically, choosing an object outside of the car that we left in the dust ten miles ago isn't cheating."
"You sound like Malcom," I huffed, crossing my arms and leaning back in my seat. Luke just chuckled, shooting me a grin from the driver's seat as we cruised along the highway. Luke and I had been in the car for almost three hours now, on the sixth day of our cross-country road trip from camp. For the first time in a very long time, we were leaving the place we'd called home and had never really been allowed to leave.
I'd gotten to Camp Half-Blood the year after Luke, although we were the same age, and with one exception that hadn't gone well, neither of us had left the camp's boarders since. Until now.
This past year, Luke and I had decided it was time for us to leave, to go do something with our lives now that we were both technically adults. Sitting day after day, month after month, within the boarders of Camp Half Blood wasn't sustainable for the rest of our lives, and I'd noticed it having a bad effect on Luke especially. So, we'd spent the last year preparing for and submitting applications to college, and by some miracle we'd both gotten into the same place. Annabeth, although she would only be starting sixth grade in the coming weeks, had helped us a lot, and about six days ago Luke and I had officially left camp with the end goal of Salem, Oregon in mind.
It hadn't been an easy road trip, especially since we couldn't use phones to help with navigation. But we'd managed alright. We were together, after all, and I swear with every mile we put between us and Camp Half-Blood Luke's spirits had lifted. Enough for him to tease me while cheating at I Spy.
"Alright, new game," I declared, sitting forward in my seat and looking at the scenery around us. "How about... twenty questions?"
"Sure," Luke said, still with a little laugh in his voice. As annoying as his cheating was, I couldn't ignore how happy I was to see him smiling so freely again.
"Alright... I've got something, go ahead."
Luke and I passed another hour that way, laughing as we thought up more and more ridiculous things to try to get the other to guess. After four years of knowing each other and dating for a year and a half of that, we knew each other well enough that truly stumping each other was basically impossible. After Luke successfully guessed that I was thinking of a bearcat, our new school's mascot (whatever the hell a bearcat was), he pointed up ahead of us instead of continuing the game.
"Look, we're officially crossing the boarder from Idaho to Oregon. Last one before we get to school."
"Home stretch," I said, smiling and reaching over the console in the middle of the car to take Luke's hand. "I'm glad we decided to do this."
"Me too."
A little glimpse of the storm clouds passed over his face, but unlike at camp, this time they cleared quickly. He shot me another smile as we drove over the state line and into Oregon. With more than two thousand miles in our rearview mirror, only about two hundred were left between us and the newest chapter in our lives.
"I hope Annabeth's going to be alright without us there," Luke said after moment's hesitation. We'd both been hesitant to completely leave her behind, but she'd assured us all summer that she wanted us to go.
"I'm sure she will be," I said. "Besides, we can Iris Message her all the time to keep in touch. It'll be like we never left."
"It's times like this that the no technology thing gets... frustrating."
"What?" I asked, feigning surprise and putting a hand to my heart to really sell the drama. "You're telling me you're not looking forward to taking only paper notes for college, and to figuring out how to turn in assignments without using a computer?"
"Believe it or not, no," said Luke with a little laugh. There was no question that the year ahead of us would be incredibly strange and full of challenges, but I knew we'd figure out a way through them, together. That's what all our training at camp had been for, after all. Although, the problem solving they'd been preparing us for had been a little more combat-based.
"Maybe Annabeth can come visit us for a break or something," I mused, kicking back in my seat and watching the trees fly past us on either side. I'd never been this far West before, and it looked incredibly different than anything I saw back home.
"Do you still want to visit camp over the winter break?" he asked. His voice was casual, but I thought I heard something else underneath his words, something a little more tense and brittle. "Go back for the Winter Solstice on Olympus?"
I paused, thinking my words over carefully and trying to gauge how Luke felt. Finally, tentatively, I responded.
"I don't know... If we're settled in here, and neither of us really wants to fly... I don't know if I'll want to leave our new lives after only four months being here."
Luke nodded, and I thought I saw his shoulders relax, just slightly.
"Yeah. Yeah, I think so too. We can decide later, of course, but... I think I want to stay here too."
I squeezed his hand lightly, and gave him a warm smile when he turned to look at me. He returned with a grin of his own, and after a moment of just enjoying the moment here, together, the two of us against the world, I leaned forward and cranked up the volume on the radio.
A little bit of luck must've followed us so far, because one of my absolute favorite songs was on, and I didn't hesitate to scream-sing the words at the top of my lungs. By the end of the day, Luke and I would be moving into a tiny apartment we'd found just on the edge of campus. In the morning, we'd gather materials and get ready to start our classes, and then the day after our new lives would begin. I had a feeling we probably wouldn't go back to our old lives, ever, even though Luke didn't seem to want to talk about permanently closing that door yet. But I didn't mind. The Olympians were overrated anyway, and I'd be happy to live like a normal college kid with the guy I loved, free from their influence and the problems they brought with them.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
Percy Jackson Taglist: @valkyriepirate
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amoreva · 3 months
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pairing: luke castellan x fem!reader
summary: as a little childish act of rebellion, you try dating your friend, Luke Castellan, to really piss off your parents (for a actual real reason, not the small things they hate). what was supposed to be no strings attached turned into a little more than just childish revenge.
warnings: slow burn, college au, smau, fake dating to dating, cursing, clarisse x chris, aged up! pjo charcters, yn is older sister figure to percy, luke and thalia are older sibling figures to annabeth
a/n: i have re-written this one too many times and am still in the process of revising and proofreading to give you guys the best condition of the start of this fic series! So sorry for the delay!
series list | next
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“Are we still friends?”
“Can we be friends?”
“After all of this?”
“After all of this.”
It would be a disastrously great story to tell your grandkids (if you had grandkids). Quite embarrassing really, telling someone about how naive and oblivious you were (still are.)
It was spring. The flowers in full bloom. Allergies spreading like wildfire due to pollen. Thankfully, it was raining cats and dogs, so no stuffy noses tonight. You decided to come back from your hometown two days before spring break ended. As much as you were homesick after spending so long at college, your family made you feel homesick for college.
It was torturous. Questions and questions about your college life were thrown at you left and right. From potentially having a significant other to your major that you were taking to who you were friends with to being disappointed in your college major to asking about your grades to being disappointed you party to just being disappointed.
All in all, truly you loved your family. Really, you do. Your aunt made great pastries. Your dad a great cook. Your uncle made really funny (bad.) jokes. Yet, they found some way to critic your every decision and move you make. You hated it.
Your shoes squeaked on tiled stairs. Lugging up your suitcase, you just prayed you didn’t fall. The tiles were wet because people’s shoes were wet. You did not want to pay a hospital bill after barely paying for college.
By the time you got to your dorm, you were already half asleep, running on an overpriced yogurt parfait from the airport. The soft comforter of your bed calling out to you like a siren’s song.
You were lulling off to dreamscape when a loud ominous creak filled the silence. “C’mon. You gotta be better than that. Lock your doors.” Luke’s “charming” voice replaced your peace. “Some creep could waltz in and kidnap you in your sleep.”
“Supposed you’re that creep?”
Luke has been attached to your hip since highschool, freshman year. Both of you have suffered through each other’s numerous cringy phases (only to bring them up for the annual birthday post on instagram).
He was one of the friends your parents despise. They always ranted about how they’ve been a bad influence to you since highschool.
“Depends.” The bed dipped under his weight. “Do you think you look okay enough to go out?”
“I guess, but I feel disgusting.” You answered. Confusion swimming through your mind. Where was Luke going with this?
“Are you upset because of a recent event?”
“Upset enough to stay holed up the whole evening?” Luke rephrased.
“Okay.” Decision.
You heard his windbreaker swish as his arms wrapped around your waist. “Luke!” Like a bag of potatoes you were tossed over his shoulder. “You fucking—!”
He grabbed what he was originally came in your dorm for and exited. Silena, Chris and Clarisse were waiting for Luke and now, you. “Welcome back!” Silena said, masking her shock.
No one knew you were coming back home early and Luke wasn’t surprised. As much as you wanted to stay in your dorm and sleep, you were glad to be with your friends.
The restaurant was loud and lively. The rain ceasing. College students were celebrating their final few days before classes started up again. The occasional drunks here to watch the multiple football games going on. Your friend group chose to celebrate.
The dim lighting was a stark contrast to the bright TVs that played various football and soccer games. Drinks slid down the bar into the awaiting consumer’s hand. Alcohol got everyone in a better mood during the night (though the same cannot be said the morning after).
A waiter placed down the five shots Luke had ordered, in toast of your unexpected return and the final days of spring break. The shot glasses made a tiny clink before the liquid burned your throat. It left a warm feeling in your chest.
Silena and Clarisse went to take photos via Chris the cameraman. The three went out to the porch of the restaurant bar. You opted out and Luke stayed with you. You weren’t exactly in the nicest clothes.
Another round of shots were placed on the table. Luke ran his fingers through his curls and checked his phone. “What’s bothering you?” He asked.
“What?” You tore your gaze from the two girls and looked at Luke.
“You said you were upset about something, but not too upset to not go out.” Luke explained. “Better to get it off your shoulders than to bottle it up.”
You roll your eyes at his last sentence and sat up in the cushioned restaurant chair. “Family.” Luke laughed a little at that. He’s known how perfect your family wants you to be.
You shove your face into your hands as if you were reliving the reunion all over again. “I didn’t even do anything bad or get in serious trouble this time!”
Luke nodded along slowly, taking in your every word. You can’t tell what he’s thinking as you continue on your little rant. Yet his face shifts as you rant.
“Why are your grades like that?”
“I saw your Instagram post. Drinking? Really?”
You parrot some of the questions your family said to you, with their fake smiles and judgmental eyes. You were old enough to drink! “And then they started talking my ear off about you all. Clarisse! Thalia, you—Silena and Chris” The list goes on. Luke knows it. You know it.
“Why are you friends with that temperamental girl? Lord knows the trouble you’ll be roped into with her.” You mocked your parents, aunts and uncles’ words. “I don’t like how that Thalia girl. Too rebellious, disrespectful too!”
“That one girl is an airhead. Head in the clouds.”
“Don’t get me started on that Luke boy again.”
“Get better friends.”
“Maybe you hang out with a different group.”
“They piss me off! And well maybe they’re concerned about my wellbeing, but—they keep harping me about everything little thing I do.” You groaned and rubbed your eyes exhausted. “Which is why I came back early.”
“So piss them off.” Like that was the hardest thing you do. You unintentionally trigger their judgmental side without even trying.
“It’s what I do to my dad. I piss him off most of the time when he tries to come back.” Luke shrugged. “If they hate all of us so much. Date one of us, shit—date me, you’ve known me the longest. I think they’d be pretty pissed about you dating a bad influence.”
“That’s so childish.” You commented, but it was good, but it could work. Rebellion never hurt anyone that bad. Well, maybe your aunt will have a “heart attack”, but it should be fine.
And you were out of options to try and get your family off your back.
So the next afternoon, when Clarisse was out, Luke and you sat on your bed and conjured up a contract for this temporary relationship; a day before break was over.
“I don’t see why we need a contract.” Luke sipped on a juicebox. The sunlight providing a nice atmosphere in your dorm room.
“I saw it work on a show I watched kinda.” You whispered the word “kinda” under your breath. It was a long time since you’ve seen the show.
Luke raised an eyebrow and set the empty juice box on your desk. “So…uh—terms and conditions.” You typed out on a Google doc in big bolded letters. How do you start this?
“We could “date” from now until the start of summer? I think that is a long enough rebellion.” You suggested and looked at Luke. “I have to go back home for Easter and my little sister’s birthday, but then I have that family trip in summer…”
“Sure.” Luke agreed.
You looked at him silently asking him to elaborate. “From now until that family trip is over. I’ll go to Easter, the birthday and the trip.”
“You aren’t trying to mooch off me for the trip are you?”
Luke slid the computer to him and typed out the first terms and conditions. He ignored your question with a smile and a shake of his head. “You have to come with me when it’s Mother’s Day though.”
You agreed to that relatively quickly. Your mom and dad were always out of town that day. “I’m fine with kissing on the cheek and forehead and holding hands, if you are?”
“What? No lips?” Luke teased with a grin.
“I haven’t had my first kiss yet.” You muttered in embarrassment.
“Fine, no lips.” You were slightly surprised Luke didn’t tease you for not having your first kiss yet. He typed it on the computer. “And no sex.”
“No sex.” You agreed. “And we cannot let the others know. They’ll start talking and then it’ll get to my family somehow—”
“Okay…no sex and no talking about the fake relationship.” Luke chucked and typed it on the computer. “This seems good enough for a contract right?” He still thinks the contract is stupid.
You smack his shoulder. “This is serious, Luke! If I wanna piss of my parents I have to do it right.”
“Okay, sweetie.” He spoke sarcastically and typed his name at the end of the document. You did the same. “But there is no right way to piss off someone. You just do.”
After signing the temporary dating contract, Luke and you talked about the story of how you got together.
Luke and you supposedly have had some unrequited feelings during highschool. Both of you began talking over spring break after a drunk conversation and decided to give dating a shot.
Then, there was the fact that Luke and you had to announce the relationship. So, social media it was. Which prompted you to grab his hand. “Where are we going?” Luke asked as he was dragged off your bed.
“A cafe.” You held his hand, fingers lacing together. “I’m hungry after all that and it would be great publicity if we went out holding hands.”
“Whatever you say.” Luke rolled his eyes, though he didn’t mean it. “Then I guess I’ll be the good boyfriend and pay.”
“Really?” You asked and looked back at him.
He shrugged. “Why not.”
Luke and you held hands and talked about whatever came to mind. Like you usually did as bestfriends. He opened the cafe door for you and paid for your food and drink.
Maybe “dating” Luke won’t be the worst thing ever. Rebelling doesn’t seem to be all that bad now. Maybe everything will turn out fine. You rebel against your perfect family and Luke will get a free trip as a reward. Yeah, you’re sure things will turn out okay. Maybe.
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@happy-mushrooms @m00ng4z3r
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Leo, taping a knife onto a Roomba: Be free, my child.
Piper, entering the room with a small cut on her ankle: Who the f-
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g3nd3rg4y · 1 year
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i was gonna fill a huge canvas with nico sketches but i kinda. didn't. so here ya go. and take an extra viktor in my venezuelan college AU that i also never finished
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madin-writes · 9 months
find me in unlikely places
fandom: percy jackson pairing: valdangelo words: 2.6k
“You’re interesting,” Nico murmurs right by his ear, and the compliment shocks Leo to his core, almost enough for him to sober up. “Why haven’t we talked before?” Sitting back, blinking slowly, Leo takes a good look at Nico and tries not to feel an abrupt, overwhelming sense of affection. Because what Nico’s really saying is: You’re interesting. I see you. I want to know more about you.
Three weeks into the semester, Leo walks through the doors of his first college party.
read on ao3
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browneyesandhair · 3 months
Annabeth: How’s the pressure? I’m going to move to your bruise shortly.
Percy: Perfect. The athletic training team better never learn about your skills. You’re only allowed to do this to me.
Annabeth: Alright, Percy
(continue reading on ao3)
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