#annie carter
jackbatchelor3 · 5 months
Ironic how everyone knows Max is Annie's dad except Max himself.
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jabberamongthetrees · 5 months
Tiny Ginger Nut awwwww🤗
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cordycepspog · 1 year
Do you think Frank ever invited Tess and Joel over for a wine and karaoke night. And at first Bill and Joel would sit there looking grumpy and reluctant drinking their wine while Frank sang along to 70s songs before Tess gets the courage to sing along too. And both Bill and Joel are watching them fondly over the lip of their glasses. And eventually a few drinks in Frank pulls out the Linda Ronstadt (cheeky bastard that he is, he knows exactly what he’s doing) and pulls Bill up to dance with him. And Tess settles down beside Joel, their shoulders brushing as they watch Bill and Frank dance together for a while. And then, very gently, Tess slips her hand into Joel’s and pulls him up to slow dance, and even if he hesitates at first he sees her face, and he lets her pull him up. And as dusk draws near, the two couples spin in slow circles in the living room, cradled by good music, good wine, and good company. Do you think they ever did that.
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artsysurvivor · 6 months
I want something with all the ward kids, maybe when they were all younger :D
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[Image ID: Above the young kids is the words "It's the Hard Knock Life." Will is in the middle with his arms outstretched and his mouth wide. Kneeling on either side of him is George and Alyss; George is wringing out a cloth into a bucket while Alyss is scrubbing the floor. Besides George is Jenny, who is sweeping and looking up to the right. By Alyss is Horace, carrying a large heavy bag, saying: "Will, get back to work." /End ID]
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jbaileyfansite · 1 year
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Various BTS from the filming of Bridgerton s1
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gregor-samsung · 3 months
" 1999. La Nato inizia a violare i patti invitando e inglobando Polonia, Repubblica Ceca e Ungheria, anche se la Russia in ginocchio non rappresenta alcuna minaccia. Mosca protesta, ma non ha la forza di reagire. È la prima applicazione delle teorie dell’ex consigliere per la Sicurezza nazionale di Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski, e dei “neocon” della destra americana sull’esigenza di circondare, assediare, provocare e dissanguare la Russia costringendola a un riarmo sempre più costoso, a una reazione armata e a una definitiva sconfitta militare. La seconda mossa della Nato è attaccare il principale alleato dei russi in Europa: la Serbia di Slobodan Miloševic, bombardata per 11 settimane senza alcun mandato dell’Onu. Incredibilmente l’Occidente si schiera con i separatisti albanesi del Kosovo, in gran parte musulmani, che con il loro “esercito di liberazione” – la famigerata Uck – compiono da anni stragi e attentati terroristici contro la minoranza serba e vogliono staccarsi da Belgrado. Ma si finge di non vederli, mentre parte la propaganda Usa sulla “pulizia etnica” e le “fosse comuni” serbe, in parte vere (come quelle kosovare) e in parte inscenate dai Servizi americani per far fallire i negoziati di Rambouillet (Parigi). Così il 24 marzo la Nato, Italia inclusa, inizia a bombardare Belgrado e altri centri della Serbia e del Kosovo, anche e soprattutto su obiettivi civili. Bilancio di quei 78 giorni di attacchi ininterrotti: tra i 1.200 e i 2.500 morti, quasi tutti civili, e un fiume di profughi. Ma la Nato non la chiama guerra, bensì “operazione di ingerenza umanitaria”.
Eltsin telefona a Clinton: “È inaccettabile: è il primo segnale di cosa potrebbe accadere se la Nato arrivasse ai confini della Russia. Le fiamme della guerra potrebbero bruciare per tutta l’Europa”. Ma neppure stavolta ha la forza per reagire: è vecchio e malato, e le sue folli liberalizzazioni suggerite dal Fmi hanno messo la Russia in ginocchio. Però Eltsin scatena la seconda guerra in Cecenia contro i ribelli separatisti e islamisti. Poi nomina premier il direttore del Servizio segreto Fsb (l’ex Kgb), Vladimir Putin, che a fine anno lo sostituirà anche come presidente. E in dieci anni riconquisterà la Cecenia con massacri, devastazioni indicibili e decine di migliaia di morti su entrambi i fronti. Intanto avvierà il riscatto economico e strategico della Russia, ma a prezzo di un regime sempre più autoritario e repressivo. "
Marco Travaglio, Scemi di Guerra. La tragedia dell’Ucraina, la farsa dell’Italia. Un Paese pacifista preso in ostaggio dai NoPax, PaperFIRST (Il Fatto Quotidiano), febbraio 2023¹ [Libro elettronico].
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strudel-noir · 6 months
I am simply a lesbian on tumblr who thinks Julia Sugarbaker and Mary Jo Shively are in love
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lesbiangummybearmafia · 10 months
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Designing Women, some best moments... completely out of contexts ❤
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geniefrancis · 1 month
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jackbatchelor3 · 2 years
Is Linda Going To PRISON? Walford REEvisited EastEnders
TW: Panic attack
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wavetomuse · 1 year
A little stew for you
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🥔I love Marian with my whole heart!! He’s hands down my favorite in SoS and I was so happy when he came back in PoOT
🍄Also I just think the idea of the new farm girl crushing on the Literal Priest is funny
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bonobochick · 11 months
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Three seasons in the making! Finally, Annie & Ty. 🥰
Sweet Magnolias ep 3x10
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sad-emo-dip-dye · 2 months
any kndz song recs?
Right now the song I associate with them the most is Joy by Bastille!
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ghostofskywalker · 1 year
I also at 10:03 pm (for me) am thinking ab dottie underwood and maybe a lil angsty dialogue of “let me help you.” 😌
thank you so much my beloved!! i have been sooo busy lately (moving my entire life back home after college is wild - idk how i have so much stuff!), but i promise i did not forget your requests :) i don't think is quite what you were expecting but i hope you enjoy it anyway!
this fic also includes a prompt from @nekoannie-chan's 1k writing challenge ("don't you think you're being a little paranoid?"), which i am so late on posting it's not even funny
words: 1,086
dottie underwood masterlist || join my 3k celebration!!
A Single Action
With every passing second, you felt your chances of escaping arrest slip away. Every step you took was as fast as you possibly could, and you knew the police were closing the gap between you almost obsessively. It was your fault for trying to break into a store they were staking out, and now you had to once again disappear. 
You didn’t know where to go that wouldn’t lead the authorities back to you, and so when you by the time you finally felt that no one was on your tail anymore, you were practically stranded in the middle of the city, with several hours to kill before you could even think about returning to your home. 
There was a gunshot wound in your shoulder, a souvenir from the officers when they first crashed the scene, and the adrenaline coursing through your body was starting to wear off, which meant the pain was starting to amplify. It wasn’t a particularly perilous wound, although there was a small amount of blood seeping from your arm, currently staining your shirt that might have suggested otherwise. You were just grateful that this was the only injury you received, and that once you were able to patch yourself up a little, things would be okay. 
A nearby dive bar was the only place you could think of going that wouldn’t ask any questions this late at night, so you tried not to think about the growing pain and slowly made your way into the darkened room, dodging a few people dancing on your way to the bathroom. Even though this place was pretty dark, it was probably a good idea to get as much blood off your skin and clothes as physically possible before the people around you started to ask too many questions about what you were doing and where you had been. 
The bathroom was brightly lit, and there was a woman applying lipstick in the mirror when you stepped in. You didn’t recognize her at first, but then fear started to bubble in your stomach as you recognized her jet-black hair and intense stare. 
You didn’t often cross paths with Dottie Underwood, but you had competed for jobs a few times, one of those times being pretty recent. She had just shown up one day and started to try and make her way among the bounty hunters in the streets of Los Angeles, and you knew almost nothing about her. All the gossip in the different circles of the underworld only mentioned that she had apparently been born in Russia and was currently evading capture from one of the intelligence agencies based on the west coast. Although you weren’t technically on opposite sides, you wouldn’t consider her a friend, that’s for sure. 
But unfortunately, you were bleeding too much to be any more picky about where you were going to clean yourself off, so you tried your best to not draw any attention and instead rolled your sleeve up as high as it would go, exposing the raw and bloody wound. 
Right as you turned the faucet on and put your hand under the stream of water, a pristine white handkerchief appeared in your field of vision. Shocked, you looked up to see Dottie standing right next to you. “Let me help you,” she said, and for a few moments you genuinely believed that you had lost your mind. 
Frozen, you continued to stare at her, and when you finally did speak, your voice came out in an embarrassing croak. “Why?” 
“Because I know who you are.” Immediately, your body tensed, so much so that she let out a quiet laugh upon observing it. “Calm down, I’m not going to say anything, don’t you think you’re being a little paranoid?” Her words may have seemed accusatory, but there was an ease to them you couldn’t quite explain, as if this was her attempt at a joke.
“No,” you said defensively. “I just don’t understand why you’re here.” 
“Even untraceable ghosts of the night need a crappy drink every now and then,” she said, a cryptic smile crossing her lips. There was something about her that drew you in like no one else you had ever met, and you finally understood what some people said about her charm and the connections that had with her success rate. If she asked you to rob a bank for her right this very moment, you would simply nod and ask where she wanted you to drop off the money. You didn’t often let your feelings dictate your life, but this was almost involuntary. 
“No, I mean why you’re helping me, especially if you know who I am.” 
“I don’t hold a grudge against you for taking that job a few weeks back, if that’s what you’re worried about,” she said. “I understand that we all just have to do whatever we can to make it, even when we don’t want to.”
The tone she spoke in hinted at her past in a way you had never heard before, and if what you had heard about her origin was true, she probably was aware of the reality of this life even before you had decided to go out on your own and spill blood to pay the bills. 
It was completely silent in the room as she helped you clean your arm, and once most of the blood was wiped away, the wound itself didn’t look too bad. You were thankful for the cards you had been dealt, as the bullet seemed to have only grazed you. With a gauze wrap and a few days of rest, you would be right as rain. 
You dried off your skin as best you could with your shirt, and then you finally broke the silence.  “Thank you,” you said, voice as sincere as you had ever heard it. “I won’t forget this.” 
“I won’t either,” Dottie responded, and she reached down to take your hand for a fleeting moment, squeezing it slightly before she let go. Maybe you were reading too much into the implications, but you really hoped that it meant she was as taken with you as you were with her, even though this was but a tiny interaction in the course of one lifetime, a blip in memory. 
She was gone almost immediately after, the door swinging closed as she walked out, and you couldn’t help but wonder when you would see her again. 
Because you really wanted to see her again.
- the end -
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roseunspindle · 2 years
Red Dresses
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