#annie sur aela
katiifaye · 3 months
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Lee and Annie walking into the Fête of the Fourth Order from Flamefall, chapter 7. I know it's in the evening but I love sun rays so 💁‍♀️🌟
the Fireborne fanart continues....
Annie sur Aela x Lee sur Pallor
It's also on insta
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allaboardthexwing · 4 months
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its just some of my faves from Fireborne, the first book of the Aurelian Cycle
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kristinen8849 · 22 days
Did I make Penelope Stormscourge live and become a badass lesbian nurse? Yes. Cue teary reunions 🥲 (New ongoing multi-chapter fic)
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teashh · 2 years
I just posted a gist about Furysong by Rosaria Munda. What a thrilling conclusion to a beautiful series. Simple with political intrigue, angst, dragons, morally grey characters and a narrative that will keep you hooked. Word of advice: don't get attached. My heart hurts. My hurt hurts. My heart is gone. It was amazing.
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bookwyrminspiration · 7 months
I want to shake Annie she’s so caught up in the idea of a system where you can rise from the bottom straight to the top, because that’s what it gave her, that she’s failing to consider just how rare her “miracle” was and that this system still has a horrible bottom. and that the solution is to no longer have it, not to escape it. she doesn’t see it’s keeping those people at the bottom at the bottom and claiming it’s better—and it’s doing that WAY more than it’s saving people like her
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lyssq · 3 months
I suffer through period cramps. I read Furysong. Antigone sur Aela beats the shit out of Ixion while on her period (specifically the first one she’s had after YEARS on suppressants). I am given the strength to carry on.
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sofi182 · 2 years
okay. for the last couple of years i’ve been obsessed with the aurelian cycle books. And the last book is coming out soon so i can’t stop thinking about it and i’m just sad because the fandom is barely there. I need good fanfics urgently and more more fanarts. GAHDJWHD. i’m desperate. help
Could fans of the Aurelian Cycle come out and tell me they exist and suffer as i do? Just react to the post and you’ll make me happy and if you want to chat about it, go ahead. I’m all about hearing people rant or simply be excited about it.
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wishesofeternity · 2 years
rambling thoughts on Furysong (Aurelian Cycle 3) by Rosaria Munda
(spoilers below)
The way the first book opens with a flashback of Lee’s family and the last book opens with a flashback of Annie’s ...
“My little skylark, my skysung queen” / “brown as earth, red as flame. you take her with you”
Oh, Annie :(
The way Delo cares, the way he feels, the way he tries to understand. How he does nothing about it.
Annie planning a revolution. Annie orchestrating a rescue. Annie protecting children.
Becca and Garet are sweethearts
I was just covering my face throughout Lee’s entire section lmao
Personally, I think that Atreus’s problem is not that he’s incompetent, it’s that he’s too competent.
I knew Lucian Orthos couldn’t be trusted
"Let us return to our roots. To what is right. To what is natural” fuck Ixion
Oh, Astyanax
God, I love Griff. Fierce, fearless, spectacular Griff.
Your dragons are dying and you’re weakening, but you don’t suspect that a single fucking thing is wrong? These people are far too arrogant and far too stupid.
“Come while this faint heart still has the wrong sort of courage” Oh, Delo
Leary Thornrose is the stupidest name I’ve seen, and he fucking deserves it
dragons flying in. dragons unmuzzled and free, bellowing fire. dragons with Norcian stars.
(This entire thing felt way too rushed though)
Ixion: I’ve just taken over your country, allied with a conquering empire, and now hold the fates of all your loved ones in my hands. oh, also, you have a bastard brother.] :)
Ixion, no one gives a flying fuck about Farhall and its lands
Parcival Graylily, bastard son of the triarch Kit Skyfish and a housekeeper who died in a poorhouse, fostered by Hesperides House, who goes by Power and is a bastard both literally and metaphorically
fuck Ixion
yeah, I suspected Lotus, Teiran and Tyndale.
“My freedom for a library?”
good god, these fools are so cut off from reality, it’s horrifying
Mabalena claiming her vengeance, screaming as she does, and turning, face shining and proud, to face her future.
Annie and Duck’s reunion :)
“a statue of a long-dead god, a queen from the Golden Age”
I feel for Delo, but honestly, fuck his father
... oh shit
“Aela catches the aurelian’s tail in her fangs and yanks.” lmao
“You’re so focused on winning this battle, you lost the war” that may be true. but liberating an island of people oppressed for generations is not losing, it’s hope.
oh no
oh no
oh no
(maybe Becca is still alive)
“It’s my fault. But it’s their fault, more.” YES
Griff is not backing down, and I’m so proud of him for it
He is spectacular
Delo, on the other hand, has absolutely no sympathy from me
You know, Duck is right. I don’t think the path of a dragonrider is what he ever really wanted for himself. It’s heartbreaking, but it makes sense that now, he’ll feel free.
Aela makes me laugh
fuck Ixion
I love this, I love this, I love this. Lee and Atreus is probably one of my favourite dynamics of this series.  Atreus, who was Lee’s savior and condemner, leader and enemy, mentor and truthteller. Lee, who is Atreus’s greatest mistake and greatest triumph. The parallels, the contradictions, the knife that began and ended it all. The passing of revolution’s flame.
“The point is trying.”
“You will have a candle in hand. A flame guttering in the wind. You will have to protect it. For a time, you may have to take it underground. And then you will have to decide how to use it. Will you make a conflagration, and build in the ashes? Will you light a lantern and climb, hoping that your light will be enough for those below? Or will you choose to light the way for someone else?”
Annie @ her dragon: keep your sex life to yourself
Antigone and the Island of the Dead
Megara, my beloved, I’ve missed you
... you know, this makes sense. They’re feeding the hungry, allowing the People’s Paper to print freely, and letting the Assembly stand. I’m sure that, slowly, it’ll gradually be taken away, but for now, it’s dangerously tempting. And it was all legal.
“She brings a goliathan and an empire with her smile”
"Freyda only seems more amused” lmao
FUCK Ixion
“My least-favourite person in Callipolis” aww, they’re frenemies
I low-key ship them
“She’s easy on the eyes, at least” I WANT HIM DEAD
Ixion: *rages like a toddler in a tantrum* / Literally everyone else: ... yikes
Delo did genuinely have to clean the lairs, lmao
Oh, Annie
Freyda’s ... interesting
Oh, Griff. He’s been oppressed since he was born, and now that he’s at the pinnacle of power, he doesn’t know what kind of a person he’ll be. He was fighting to survive his entire life, and now that he’s finally won, he’s hurting.
“Ten years erased in a matter of weeks” :(
“Lotus, otherwise known as the world’s biggest ass”
Freyda keeps showing us new layers to herself and they’re absolutely fascinating
She’s also a slave-owner, so :/
Crissa has just shown up and she’s already stolen the show
“Yeah, that’s it. What else is there?” Oh, Annie
“I don’t know, revolt?” FUCK YEAH. Crissa’s so clever and strategic, I love it
A looming empire, an isolationist nation, a proxy war and new revolution. Sounds good.
“ Griff’s never let himself be talked into sense. It’s his defining feature.”
“As if a queen’s story were one you had any right to.” :(
“The light was always meant to shine for her”
Oh, Griff
That classic trope where two people make a journey through the wild and talk about their feelings
Crissa’s so charismatic, I love her
Oh, Delo
“Legitimacy sounds like a fancy word created by someone with a shorter knife to keep themselves from getting stabbed by someone with a longer one.”
Griff: you’re no longer my hostage and I’m sending you back to your beloved family
Delo: but you need someone to sort your papers :(
aww, Argos
lololol, Annie slept in Leon Stormscourge’s bed and tried to seduce his son in it
“I want one week where that life isn’t mine” :(
aww, Sty and Becca are friends
“little winged dogs” awww
“Crissa, beside me, actually has to mask a small squeal at their cuteness as they flit away.” I LOVE HER
old men with old words
The League!!
old men with old words
democratic Damos’s new isolationist administration which is very willing to expound about principles and very unwilling to actually act, is very on-the-nose and I love it
“Every time that man made me get back on the dragon, every time he refused me water or breaks or medicine as I trained, he made me stronger.” I hate it when characters say that their abuse made them stronger. I hate it.
Griff’s bluffing his ass off lmao
Griff saying “hush, darling” to Gephyra always gets me. He’s bold and fierce and cocky, but he has such softness in him.
“Let the skies be someone else’s to rule” “Please let me be done” Oh, Annie. She wants peace. She wants a home.
They’re such nerds lmao
“Why does Power always show up when he’s least wanted?” lmao
Power, furious at the way their rights are being systematically stripped away from them. Power believing that when a government ceases to protect its people, it becomes necessary to overthrow it. Power, strategizing how to overthrow the Triarchy and regain their freedom, and make it better.
oh no
oh, Pallor
“And as with the gods, the world quaked”
“See, little one? There’s so much left to live for”
I guessed this would happen, though. All three protagonists - Lee, Annie, Griff - were dragonriders. One of them had to do. And it was most likely to be Lee.
and her people give her wildflowers and all their love
Annie’s reunited with Miranda Hane :)
“They may try to write you into history as a villain, but I will drink hemlock before I let you accept that without a fight.”
“And now he’s gone, and I’m left grounded on this hard earth, alone.” :(
oh my god, FUCK YOU, Ixion
“My city, always frightened, always hungry. And it’s endured enough.”
fucking hell, Darius the dumbass just ruined the entire plan
“They both seem inclined to keep their voices raised loud enough for the whole table to hear.” lmao
Power admitting his unrequited crush on Annie to a completely flabbergasted Ixion is the funniest thing ever
to be honest, the fact that Megara played such a huge role in Flamefall and was almost non-existent in Furysong is extremely irritating
“Like your mum? Like mine? I’d rather be like them than that excuse for a human being who was my father. Some of the bravest women in our lives have been peasant women. They’re why we’re here. Even if they go unsung.”
I love this subplot about an unfair trial
Griff, after hearing a politically important piece of information about the  Bassilian King: he doesn’t have a chin :/
I remember when we thought it’d be like this. Heroic. Full of purpose / Maybe we are like this, and we just don’t know it.
that poem is beautiful
RIP Power :(
Ixion: you and what dragon? / Annie, with Aela making the most dramatic draconic entrance of all time: this dragon
Annie beats Ixion while on her period
“he has a striking lack of chin” lmao Delo
“Aela and I do our favourite thing in the world. We rise.”
Annie: *kills Ixion* / Delo: excellent, it’s overdue
that goliathan is horrifying
Froydrich, you fucking creep
Annie and Freyda!!
they won
aww, Delo and Astyanax are going back to Norcia
that speech was very romantic, Delo
“In this corner of the earth that is mine, I will read poetry and grow old in love. Let them sing of others.” oh, Delo
I tentatively like Phemi
High-King Griff has a beautiful ring to it
“Atreus once told me I was his greatest mistake, and the more I think about it, the more I’d like to make a career of it.” lmao
Lee and Annie might not have a traditional ending, but they will have a beautiful life
They’ll going to be okay
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miradragoncat · 11 months
Lee Sur Pallor Song
I just realized what song sums up Lee sur Pallor's character from The Aurelian Cycle by Rosaria Munda (It's my favorite book series, be sure to check it out when you can, it's amazing). I was just vibing to Bad Omens as I do, and when Never Know came on it clicked. I'm rereading the series now, so it makes sense why it would click now and not when I first heard the song. Every lyric in Never Know is perfect for him, and some are very good for Antigone sur Aela as well, but I'm going into Lee's character with this song.
The very first words are, "Show me you're better off without me" . With Lee's conflicting sides with his family in New Pythos and, in Flamefall, the Passi. So he has to leave Annie on her own, although he has in the past like in Albans when they fought, and in the future where he risked his life and ended Pallor's so that she could escape and win.
The second line in the first verse is "Choking on every word you said". The silence between him and Annie of knowing too much about the other and their past, and when they just talked at Annie's old house, where she was choking on her words as it played out. And how they fight a lot, and have to keep their distance and silence to stay focused on their goals. Every time one leaves the other right after they swore to do this together, the other is choking on that promise that has been broken.
The repeating phrase throughout the entire song, "we'll see", is the way nobody knows how things will play out. How conflicted Lee is throughout the books, with his aching for his family, having to just see what Julia is like before choosing his side. With the Passi, how the riots will play out and how him and Annie will do. How many chances he has to get back his old life, with Ixion sur Niter coming to reign and hunting down Annie. He didn't know how it would play out when he was locked in the Big House as it was burnt down. The plan nearly failed, with Pallor's life gone. And the court plan almost failed, with Ixion's gained knowledge of her distant summoning.
"Don't breathe another word about me, I'll leave and you can finally rest in peace, we'll see" is the next two lines in Never Know. I think of how he faked his death, how the world thought that the Revolution's Son had died at the hands of his cousin. Also how he has to let go of his family and past so many times over to finally leave them behind. In Albans, killing Julia, facing Ixion. So many times he abandoned his heritage and family, only for it to catch up with him eventually until there was no family at all.
The pre-chorus is hard for me to do one line at a time, so this is the entire thing, "When I go out into the world, I just don't like what I see, You could call it Paradise, But it looks just like Hell to me" Remember this is repeating and I won't be doing this like 2-3 times. I like how it plays to his need to change the world, through becoming a Guarding, joining the Passi, and helping Annie make a new Guardian and governing system. Others like the Golds and Atreus saw a paradise, while him and the lower classes and lower born guardians only saw hell. And they fixed it, so it became more of a Paradise, though a pure paradise for everyone involved is impossible to get.
The chorus is beautiful to me, and speaks to the very core of him. The first and third lines are, "Lying in between the memories choking me, and". These beautiful words line his character of having so many memories of his past, so many desires conflicting with each other. But he isn't his past, and the present and future won't allow him to ever be that again. These desires make him act compromised by speaking with Julia and pretending to agree with Ixion for so long after he took over for that bit.
The line after that and the last line of the chorus goes, "I don't know which way to go, but I'm okay to never know". This goes with his conflictedness again, he doesn't know whether to choose his nostalgia or the world where he can have Annie, and where the world will stop burning the innocent and the weak. For so long he doesn't know which way to go, and this song represents the middle of his character arch where he is changing sides and ideals so much, breaking Annie over and over to save them both.
The second verse starts with, "Speaking in languages we can't read, No need for you to spell it out for me, for me". |t essentially means that he knows exactly the situation of the world, and doesn't need it spelled out for him to understand, even though it can't be spelled out. He knows the class Irons are starving and the Golds are having parties and feasts, he has lived both of those lives. He knows the class Irons are burning in the flamefalls, he sees it on Cor's face and the ashes of so many people. He knows he has to pick a side, because he can't have his old life and his new one. He can't have his family and Annie.
The third and fourth lines' lyrics are, "Swallowed up and I spit you out, Like a drug that just wouldn't stay down, stay down". This line to me speaks of how many times he had to abandon or hurt Annie and how she felt, like he was spitting her back out. Also how even with his desires, he betrays his family and chooses the side that tried to kill him more than once.
The chorus is all that's left of the song after this, so that's all of my analysis of Never Know by Bad Omens as a Lee sur Pallor theme song. If you haven't yet, you should check out the song and the band, along with the book series. I love all three of them so much, and I'm glad I could make this connection. I know it's a giant word vomit above, but I enjoy writing and I hope you can understand my connection to Lee and Never Know. Have a wonderful day, and know that you are loved and valid!
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katiifaye · 4 months
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Bring what fury you have and I will answer it with ours.
~ Annie sur Aela
Fireborne by Rosaria Munda
I added a dragon crest with a wreath to the background bc I think it reps the Revolution well. Also I posted the sketches on my reblog acct oops but I guess I'll leave them there
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redheadedfemme · 2 years
The Revolution Will Be Flamed
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I've had good luck with the series I've read so far this year, as in the final and/or latest book in the sequence has proven to be the best yet. That holds up with this book, which brings the Aurelian Cycle to an emotional, cathartic ending.
The book's acknowledgments refer to this series as "Plato's Republic with dragons," and while I haven't read Plato to understand that reference, there has been a lot of twisty-turny politics and revolutionary fervor in this story. It was a little bit overwhelming in the last volume, but this one clarifies where our characters' loyalties lie, and what they will do to free their island of Callipolis from the tyranny of the dragonborn.
Classism lies at the heart of this story, as the dragonborn--the families who tamed dragons and trained their children to ride them and rule--view the serfs, which one of our protagonists Antigone sur Aela is one, as subhuman and undeserving of basic rights. The dragonborn were overthrown in a bloody revolution ten years prior to the opening book in the series, Fireborne, but in the second book they returned to oust their own conquerers, with the help of Princess Freyda from the mainland and her enormous dragon, called a "goliathan."
(And just having seen the monstrous Vhagar depicted on HBO's House of the Dragon, I have a pretty good mind-picture of how big Freyda's dragon is.)
In this book our two main protagonists and viewpoint characters, Lee and Annie, return along with two others: Griff Gareson on the island of New Pythos and his lover, Delo Skyfish. These four intertwining storylines are adroitly juggled and all the characters are given satisfying arcs. Indeed, this is the most emotional of the three books, with more than one section where the room got quite dusty as I was reading. The characters have matured and step up to free Callipolis from its conquerers, as well as tearing down the system that allowed the dragonborn to dominate and rule. There is heartache and sacrifice along the way, but in the end their world is remade and they are looking forward to a better future.
The dragons also get more time in this book, although some of the creatures' worldbuilding was a bit hinky--they have retractable fangs? Really?--and the phenomenon of "sparking" and "dousing" individual dragons seems to be more in service of plot demands rather than make any actual biological sense. Still, it was gratifying to finally get to know Annie's dragon Aela and Lee's mount Pallor a little better, even if a tragedy lay in store for Lee and Pallor. Lee's and Annie's romance also intensifies in this book, and it's handled in a refreshingly adult manner, with almost no angst.
This book steps up its game and brings everything to a satisfying conclusion. I would definitely recommend this book, and the entire series, as one of the best things I've read this year.
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kristinen8849 · 1 month
Soo I wrote my first fic on Lee and Annie because I thought it was criminal that there weren’t any on ao3. Enjoy hehe
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teashh · 3 years
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bookwyrminspiration · 7 months
the reason lee and annie weren’t talking to each other practically the whole book is because the moment they started working together again they immediately accomplished like half a dozen tasks everyone else has been fighting tooth and nail for for months to years, that’s so funny to me. munda said guys i need a conflict stop solving things you’re both in time out
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oh-jail-for-mother · 3 years
You see, Annie, they watch us kneel, they see the back of our heads, and they think we’ve given in. They don’t realize you can think from your knees just as well as from your feet.
Fireborne, Rosaria Munda
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katiifaye · 3 months
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Annie after getting hit during the Firstrider Tournament, in Fireborne.
Tried to make her look scorched. I figured their helmets would cover most of the face so there'd be ash around the eyes and all over her armor.
the Fireborne fanart continues!
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