#aurelian cycle
katiifaye · 4 months
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WIP: Fête of the Fourth Order Lee and Annie
Flamefall, ch. 7
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demonicgallery · 9 months
Aurelian Cycle Dragon Breeds
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Stormscourge (this is Eater to me)
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myfandomhell · 11 months
My favorite thing about Power is that he doesn't let anyone tame his asshole ways. Like yes he has growth, however he is still a bit of a jerk at heart. And this is important in book 3, because NO ONE ELSE could have done what he did. Literally no other Guardian was going to be able to blend in with the Ixion squad the way Power was able to. He's an asshole and he uses that to his full advantage. Like who else was going to be able to play the role? Lee? Are you kidding??? Power gave that 1000% commitment and then some, and we thank him for that.
Also we don't get his POV but he's a very smart character. I think he knew the second Ixion took control that he was the only one who was going to be able to play along convincingly enough to be useful. Like he immediately took the initiative and started making a plan. No existential or philosophical crisis getting in the way of this man getting things DONE. It's a great example of seeing a jerk character have development and growth without changing their core personality traits and behaviors.
In conclusion you may hate Power for being a jerk in book 1, but just wait, it's a secret weapon to use for later.
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lucithornz · 1 year
Aurelian Cycle Power/Annie series
Blinded by the Light is my retelling of the Aurelian Cycle from Power's POV, delving into the possibilities of the Power/Annie ship. I became obsessed with these two as a pairing after Flamefall, and after the way the series ended . . . well let's just say my man got done dirty.
Rivals to lovers, angsty dragons, and plenty of politics. Rated M for canon typical violence, language, and implied sexual content.
Part 1 Brilliant Disguise: Full retelling of Fireborne, and is entirely Power's POV, and is extremely canon compliant(a few deviations, and creative liberties are taken, and a few OC's for plot reasons and to round out the cast).
Part 2 No surrender: Full retelling of Flamefall. This is where the canon divergence really kicks in, the plot stays the same but relationships go in different directions. Addition POV's added as well including Griff flashbacks, Delo's POV, and Ixion's POV(just roll with it).
Part 3 TBD: This will be launching into retelling Furysong, and will most certainly have the most canon divergence in terms of plot
Anyway, check it out if you want to see things from some different character's POV's and are interested to see how some relationships could have gone if things were just a little different.
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accountusername · 8 months
I've finally made the server, will tidy it ASAP @yellowraincoat May I use your art for the server icon?
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wishesofeternity · 2 years
rambling thoughts on Furysong (Aurelian Cycle 3) by Rosaria Munda
(spoilers below)
The way the first book opens with a flashback of Lee’s family and the last book opens with a flashback of Annie’s ...
“My little skylark, my skysung queen” / “brown as earth, red as flame. you take her with you”
Oh, Annie :(
The way Delo cares, the way he feels, the way he tries to understand. How he does nothing about it.
Annie planning a revolution. Annie orchestrating a rescue. Annie protecting children.
Becca and Garet are sweethearts
I was just covering my face throughout Lee’s entire section lmao
Personally, I think that Atreus’s problem is not that he’s incompetent, it’s that he’s too competent.
I knew Lucian Orthos couldn’t be trusted
"Let us return to our roots. To what is right. To what is natural” fuck Ixion
Oh, Astyanax
God, I love Griff. Fierce, fearless, spectacular Griff.
Your dragons are dying and you’re weakening, but you don’t suspect that a single fucking thing is wrong? These people are far too arrogant and far too stupid.
“Come while this faint heart still has the wrong sort of courage” Oh, Delo
Leary Thornrose is the stupidest name I’ve seen, and he fucking deserves it
dragons flying in. dragons unmuzzled and free, bellowing fire. dragons with Norcian stars.
(This entire thing felt way too rushed though)
Ixion: I’ve just taken over your country, allied with a conquering empire, and now hold the fates of all your loved ones in my hands. oh, also, you have a bastard brother.] :)
Ixion, no one gives a flying fuck about Farhall and its lands
Parcival Graylily, bastard son of the triarch Kit Skyfish and a housekeeper who died in a poorhouse, fostered by Hesperides House, who goes by Power and is a bastard both literally and metaphorically
fuck Ixion
yeah, I suspected Lotus, Teiran and Tyndale.
“My freedom for a library?”
good god, these fools are so cut off from reality, it’s horrifying
Mabalena claiming her vengeance, screaming as she does, and turning, face shining and proud, to face her future.
Annie and Duck’s reunion :)
“a statue of a long-dead god, a queen from the Golden Age”
I feel for Delo, but honestly, fuck his father
... oh shit
“Aela catches the aurelian’s tail in her fangs and yanks.” lmao
“You’re so focused on winning this battle, you lost the war” that may be true. but liberating an island of people oppressed for generations is not losing, it’s hope.
oh no
oh no
oh no
(maybe Becca is still alive)
“It’s my fault. But it’s their fault, more.” YES
Griff is not backing down, and I’m so proud of him for it
He is spectacular
Delo, on the other hand, has absolutely no sympathy from me
You know, Duck is right. I don’t think the path of a dragonrider is what he ever really wanted for himself. It’s heartbreaking, but it makes sense that now, he’ll feel free.
Aela makes me laugh
fuck Ixion
I love this, I love this, I love this. Lee and Atreus is probably one of my favourite dynamics of this series.  Atreus, who was Lee’s savior and condemner, leader and enemy, mentor and truthteller. Lee, who is Atreus’s greatest mistake and greatest triumph. The parallels, the contradictions, the knife that began and ended it all. The passing of revolution’s flame.
“The point is trying.”
“You will have a candle in hand. A flame guttering in the wind. You will have to protect it. For a time, you may have to take it underground. And then you will have to decide how to use it. Will you make a conflagration, and build in the ashes? Will you light a lantern and climb, hoping that your light will be enough for those below? Or will you choose to light the way for someone else?”
Annie @ her dragon: keep your sex life to yourself
Antigone and the Island of the Dead
Megara, my beloved, I’ve missed you
... you know, this makes sense. They’re feeding the hungry, allowing the People’s Paper to print freely, and letting the Assembly stand. I’m sure that, slowly, it’ll gradually be taken away, but for now, it’s dangerously tempting. And it was all legal.
“She brings a goliathan and an empire with her smile”
"Freyda only seems more amused” lmao
FUCK Ixion
“My least-favourite person in Callipolis” aww, they’re frenemies
I low-key ship them
“She’s easy on the eyes, at least” I WANT HIM DEAD
Ixion: *rages like a toddler in a tantrum* / Literally everyone else: ... yikes
Delo did genuinely have to clean the lairs, lmao
Oh, Annie
Freyda’s ... interesting
Oh, Griff. He’s been oppressed since he was born, and now that he’s at the pinnacle of power, he doesn’t know what kind of a person he’ll be. He was fighting to survive his entire life, and now that he’s finally won, he’s hurting.
“Ten years erased in a matter of weeks” :(
“Lotus, otherwise known as the world’s biggest ass”
Freyda keeps showing us new layers to herself and they’re absolutely fascinating
She’s also a slave-owner, so :/
Crissa has just shown up and she’s already stolen the show
“Yeah, that’s it. What else is there?” Oh, Annie
“I don’t know, revolt?” FUCK YEAH. Crissa’s so clever and strategic, I love it
A looming empire, an isolationist nation, a proxy war and new revolution. Sounds good.
“ Griff’s never let himself be talked into sense. It’s his defining feature.”
“As if a queen’s story were one you had any right to.” :(
“The light was always meant to shine for her”
Oh, Griff
That classic trope where two people make a journey through the wild and talk about their feelings
Crissa’s so charismatic, I love her
Oh, Delo
“Legitimacy sounds like a fancy word created by someone with a shorter knife to keep themselves from getting stabbed by someone with a longer one.”
Griff: you’re no longer my hostage and I’m sending you back to your beloved family
Delo: but you need someone to sort your papers :(
aww, Argos
lololol, Annie slept in Leon Stormscourge’s bed and tried to seduce his son in it
“I want one week where that life isn’t mine” :(
aww, Sty and Becca are friends
“little winged dogs” awww
“Crissa, beside me, actually has to mask a small squeal at their cuteness as they flit away.” I LOVE HER
old men with old words
The League!!
old men with old words
democratic Damos’s new isolationist administration which is very willing to expound about principles and very unwilling to actually act, is very on-the-nose and I love it
“Every time that man made me get back on the dragon, every time he refused me water or breaks or medicine as I trained, he made me stronger.” I hate it when characters say that their abuse made them stronger. I hate it.
Griff’s bluffing his ass off lmao
Griff saying “hush, darling” to Gephyra always gets me. He’s bold and fierce and cocky, but he has such softness in him.
“Let the skies be someone else’s to rule” “Please let me be done” Oh, Annie. She wants peace. She wants a home.
They’re such nerds lmao
“Why does Power always show up when he’s least wanted?” lmao
Power, furious at the way their rights are being systematically stripped away from them. Power believing that when a government ceases to protect its people, it becomes necessary to overthrow it. Power, strategizing how to overthrow the Triarchy and regain their freedom, and make it better.
oh no
oh, Pallor
“And as with the gods, the world quaked”
“See, little one? There’s so much left to live for”
I guessed this would happen, though. All three protagonists - Lee, Annie, Griff - were dragonriders. One of them had to do. And it was most likely to be Lee.
and her people give her wildflowers and all their love
Annie’s reunited with Miranda Hane :)
“They may try to write you into history as a villain, but I will drink hemlock before I let you accept that without a fight.”
“And now he’s gone, and I’m left grounded on this hard earth, alone.” :(
oh my god, FUCK YOU, Ixion
“My city, always frightened, always hungry. And it’s endured enough.”
fucking hell, Darius the dumbass just ruined the entire plan
“They both seem inclined to keep their voices raised loud enough for the whole table to hear.” lmao
Power admitting his unrequited crush on Annie to a completely flabbergasted Ixion is the funniest thing ever
to be honest, the fact that Megara played such a huge role in Flamefall and was almost non-existent in Furysong is extremely irritating
“Like your mum? Like mine? I’d rather be like them than that excuse for a human being who was my father. Some of the bravest women in our lives have been peasant women. They’re why we’re here. Even if they go unsung.”
I love this subplot about an unfair trial
Griff, after hearing a politically important piece of information about the  Bassilian King: he doesn’t have a chin :/
I remember when we thought it’d be like this. Heroic. Full of purpose / Maybe we are like this, and we just don’t know it.
that poem is beautiful
RIP Power :(
Ixion: you and what dragon? / Annie, with Aela making the most dramatic draconic entrance of all time: this dragon
Annie beats Ixion while on her period
“he has a striking lack of chin” lmao Delo
“Aela and I do our favourite thing in the world. We rise.”
Annie: *kills Ixion* / Delo: excellent, it’s overdue
that goliathan is horrifying
Froydrich, you fucking creep
Annie and Freyda!!
they won
aww, Delo and Astyanax are going back to Norcia
that speech was very romantic, Delo
“In this corner of the earth that is mine, I will read poetry and grow old in love. Let them sing of others.” oh, Delo
I tentatively like Phemi
High-King Griff has a beautiful ring to it
“Atreus once told me I was his greatest mistake, and the more I think about it, the more I’d like to make a career of it.” lmao
Lee and Annie might not have a traditional ending, but they will have a beautiful life
They’ll going to be okay
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justloatheyoulately · 2 years
Halfway through furysong
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rosehalls · 2 months
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fireborne by rosaria munda
they watch us kneel, they see the back of our heads, and they think we've given in. they don't realize you can think from your knees just as well as from your feet.
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yellowraincoat · 2 months
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I’m rereading the Aurelian cycle rn and I’ve been in the mood to draw some more of the characters. So here’s more Annieee (this time with a flower I think represents her)
I picked the fire poppy: it grows in places that have recently been burned— which is maybe too on the nose for Annie’s backstory— and it represents rebirth, remembrance, and sacrifice, all of which I think suit her pretty well.
Also, self plug? If you have Instagram and follow artists on there, I have an art Instagram now! You could be my 33rd follower
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lunamond · 7 months
In keeping with my recommendation of Cruel Beauty, an actual good YA book, instead of 🔥hotfire garbage🔥, aka Acotar, I thought I'd recommend another favourite of mine.
So, this time, I'm going to give an alternative recommendation to Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros. This post is definitely not inspired by the release of Iron Flame.
Instead please try:
Fireborne by Rosaria Munda❤️‍🔥
This recommendation is especially for anyone who fell for the advertising when FW first came out, and it was sold as a YA adjacent military dragon fantasy with a slow burn romance.
So if that sounds interesting to you and you want to read an actually well written story, go check out Fireborne.
Fireborne is a YA fantasy, the 1st book of the Aurelian Cycle (a completed trilogy).
It follows its two main characters in a military academy through their training to become dragon riders.
I personally have pitched this series to irl friends as a genderswapped Anastasia (animated movie) with dragons.
The story takes place right after a big revolution. The people overthrew the dragon riding aristocracy.
Our main characters meet up in an orphanage, where they grow up together and end up joining the military academy to become dragon riders.
A lot of the story revolves around the questions that come up when a newly formed government is put through crisis.
All seen through the eyes of the protagonists, who as teenagers are old enough to know what life was like before the revolution, but young enough to have grown up in the new system.
The story does a great job of dealing with the struggles that come with uprooting old deeply ingrained systems of oppression while trying to build a newer fairer system.
The dragons are an integral part of this theme. Unlike FW, in which magical abilities and creatures are added without regard for how they might impact the world or themes, in Fireborne, the dragons are the embodiment of political and military power.
When the aristocracy ruled their oppressive regime, they were the only ones allowed to own and ride dragons. After their fall, the new regime allowed regular people the opportunity to become riders.
However, the number of dragons is still limited, and the new regime, comprised of former revolutionary leaders, want to keep the new riders under their control.
So, in the end, they still come up with a system that allows for abuse and oppression because access to power remains restricted to a chosen few, the dragon riders and those who control them, the newly established government.
These themes make for really complicated and nuanced conflicts without easy solutions. The sequels make a great job with further expanding on these themes.
The military elements also all make sense in this series, and they employ logical means to train their most valuable military assets, their dragon riders unlike FW.
It also features one of my favourite slow burn romances (at least in YA), the relationship has actually depth and tension, while also providing believable reasons why the characters can't just get together.
I'm actually really salty that Fourth Wing took off practically overnight, while Fireborne has been out for ages and has consistently remained underhyped. But I guess it isn’t spicy... 😒
So, for anyone who picked FW up without realising that it is actually just a very trashy smutty romance mascarading as a high fantasy, I highly recommend reading Fireborne which comes with the added perk of not being written by a known zionist.
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moshypants · 5 months
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My Rough interpretation of the three main dragon breeds from the Aurelian Cycle Trilogy. I might mess with the designs more in sketches later as I reread the series. I feel like I especially struggled to nail down a color I was happy with for the Aurelian in the middle. For a first go at their designs without roughing out thumbnail ideas first I'm pretty happy with them. I gave up a little on coloring towards the end 😅. I need help finding a way to increase my love for the coloring process. I like to sketch and line and then I start to lose interest.
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katiifaye · 3 months
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Lee and Annie walking into the Fête of the Fourth Order from Flamefall, chapter 7. I know it's in the evening but I love sun rays so 💁‍♀️🌟
the Fireborne fanart continues....
Annie sur Aela x Lee sur Pallor
It's also on insta
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lyssq · 3 months
If I had a penny for every book about a boy of noble birth who watched his whole family be killed in front of him and narrowly avoided death himself, ran away and hid in an orphanage before someone unaware of his true identity recruits him into the regime that murdered his family (said regime presents the idea of everyone being equal while in reality being deeply flawed) and now has to work alongside people who would likely kill him if they knew who he really was, I’d have two pennies, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice
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myfandomhell · 1 year
*literally anything happens in politics*
Me: omg just like in Aurelian Cycle
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allaboardthexwing · 4 months
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its just some of my faves from Fireborne, the first book of the Aurelian Cycle
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accountusername · 5 months
Reposting our server’s link!
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