#annonces presse
atipikcom · 1 year
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Exemples de travaux pour un studio photo, spécialiste de la photo scolaire à La Réunion
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lebookduredac · 15 years
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livresgay · 2 years
Sortie de "La Parenthèse désenchantée"
Sortie de “La Parenthèse désenchantée”
Synopsis Les années quatre-vingt. L’âge d’or du cinéma, de la musique et de l’économie en France. Mais aussi la fin de l’insouciance sexuelle née de la décennie précédente. En effet, un nouveau virus fait son apparition avec quatre lettres qui font froid dans le dos : SIDA. C’est dans ce contexte paradoxal où les espoirs du jour se mêlent aux craintes de la nuit que gravite Sébastien. Ce jeune…
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hivimofum · 2 years
teur / Conductrice de silo en industrie laitière - Marseille 03 et postulez tout de suite.
Retrouvez nos 152 Offres d'Emploi Responsable administratif à Marseille (13000) en CDI, CDD, Intérim sur HelloWork.
Rattaché hiérarchiquement au Responsable Périmètre Céréales, l'aide conducteur de silo participe à l'agréage, la conservation, le travail des grains
Offres d'emploi pour Silo : Marseille (13). Page 1 de 11 emplois
</p><br>, , , , .
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vuturuvufe · 2 years
de d'emploi iphone; Degivrage manuel frigo americain samsung; Sagem d18t mode
Tagged: carotte, Croque, d'emploi, galaxy, mode, s6, samsung. This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, Kanzai sre 3002 s mode d'emploi iphone.
</p><br>https://likaxahimi.tumblr.com/post/691896525309214720/cb250n-service-manual, https://likaxahimi.tumblr.com/post/691896363489869824/novotronic-w842-mode-demploi-iphone-5c, https://likaxahimi.tumblr.com/post/691896525309214720/cb250n-service-manual, https://likaxahimi.tumblr.com/post/691896363489869824/novotronic-w842-mode-demploi-iphone-5c, https://watusokok.tumblr.com/post/691896281151471616/iso-10012-pdf.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 2 months
Hello BRTA,
We see many puff pieces about a re-union between William and Harry since Charles' annonce and even more since Catherine's video. Do you think it's because Harry is worried about Charles' health and want to switch his PR early (i.e. when the late Queen was alive, KC and PoW were the villains but after her death the villain was mostly PoW) or because he doesn't want to be seen at odds with cancer-stricken family or because he really thinks that the disease has weakened their determination to out him off their lives (even if the fact he learned all of this by TV is quite clear it didn't) ?
I do not think Harry is so angry, awful, and horrible enough that he has completely lost his humanity. There is a part of him, however small it may be, that is absolutely terrified of losing his only remaining parent. There is another aprt of him, however small it too may be, that is absolutely terrified of losing a fourth and fifth loved one without the chance to say goodbye.
So while all the reunion/olive branch PR may be focused on ensuring that Harry remains being seen as "one of them" to protect his future or to get the feel-good "bigger man" press narrative to play for the court of public opinion, at the teeny tiny root of it all is a little boy begging his workaholic father and the big brother he idolizes to pay attention to him because his mother is dead, his grandfather is dead, his grandmother is dead, his friends don't speak to him, his wife can't stand him, and his kids don't know him. He is all alone in the world because of a war he made up and thinks that by telling us he wants to forgive his family for their transgressions against him, he won't have to actually apologize for what he actually did.
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vibratingskull · 4 months
What would you think of maybe Thrawn x Reader on a camping trip to somewhere scenic and isolated? Maybe on vacation, away from the stresses of work? I'm definitely imagining Thrawn shirtless and chopping firewood, for some eye candy. Maybe like, half fluff/half spicy?
🥺 pretty please?
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(my love as a gift, regardless of if you write this!)
Of course, anything for you my sweet ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Tags: Winter vacation, fluff, fingering
“Ch’acah, we have arrived.” Thrawn pats your thigh to wake you up.
You rise up in a jolt, still half asleep. You were so comfortable pressed against Thrawn's back, holding him tight on the speeder, his body's higher warmth still spreading to you past the thick leather jacket he wears. 
You rub your eyes and wipe a bit of drool off your mouth and discover a wooden cabin under a thick layer of snow. Thrawn already jumped off the bike to get the luggages as you hug yourself to shield yourself from the biting cold. He was so warm…
“You are shivering, Vir. Let’s get inside.” He invites gallantly.
You jump on the ground, leafing through the bunch of keys you have. You haven't come here in decades, you almost forgot your grand aunt bought that cabin in the middle of nowhere.
You would have come in summer under a blazing sun but you saw how Thrawn's eyes were shining when you told him everything froze in winter in the region. You hoped for a resort near a beach for those vacation, but seeing him getting excited by the prospect of living through a cold climate for some weeks made you cave in, for your Chiss…
As much as Thrawn shows excitement of course, which is always in moderation. 
But enduring the cold and wind is worth it if Thrawn gets something reminding him of his homeworlds.
You enter the key in the door and push the heavy block of wood to enter the modest abode. It is completely dark and cold. You search for a lightswitch on the wall until you find it and flip it.
You flip it again.
Still dark.
“We may have an electricity problem.” You annonce.
Thrawn puts the luggages down in the largest room, consisting of a kitchenette, a sofa, a double bed and a fireplace.
Real small cabin, you see.
You mingle with a heater mounted on the wall, to no avail.
“Let’s start the chimney.” Thrawn says. “Let’s get some light and warmth.”
You go around the cabin in search of the wood reserve, finding the ax in the meantime. You find back Thrawn securing the bike in the nightfall against a tree. You don’t know who would come lost themself in this forest to steal a speeder bike, but security first you suppose.
“No cutted logs, but I found the ax.” 
He nods, standing up. He is only wearing his leather jacket while you're wrapped in the puffiest winter coat you ever saw, a heavy lana scarf and some gloves. 
“I will see the wood, go collect some ice.” He instructs
“Why?” you tilt your head, blowing hot air on your hands.
“For the bath.” He says with a thin smile.
You take a hammer from the top case and a very large bucket. You wave at Thrawn as you go, looking at him chopping wood with application and venture a little bit deeper in the forest. If your memory serves you right there must be a lake not too far away…
You break the ice with the hammer and collect enough to fill the bucket. It is a really, really large bucket and it gets really, really heavy. You have all the pain in the world carrying it back to the cabin, especially with this hindering coat. You take double the time it took you to reach the lake to come back.
But you’re not disappointed, far from it.
Because when you finally reach the cabin, you raise your eyes from the heavy bucket to discover Thrawn, still cutting logs, bare chested and muscles glistening with a thin layer of sweat shining under the rising stars. 
You are so surprised and enthralled you stop dead in your tracks, completely hypnotized by that scene. You cannot help but admire his form, his powerful muscles flexing so wonderfully under the new moonlight. 
You remained silent, eyes wide open, arms holding on desperately on the heavy bucket that started trembling in your hands. He catches a glimpse of you mid swift, sliding a log in too with such force and power the two parts fly on the side. He lays down the ax to turn to you, gasping for air, his breath forming steamy clouds at his mouth. You see his large chest rising up and down rapidly and you imagine his heart beat racing in his rib cage. 
You close your agape mouth with a gulp, shaking your head back to reality. 
“I found ice.” You inform gingerly, trying to keep your eyes to his ember eyes and not his mouth watering chest and abdominals.
Maker… He is such an athlete! He has been carved by the gods in pure marble!
“Good.” He nods, already getting back his breath under control, “Put it in the chimney, we are going to melt it for the bath.”
You greet your teeth as you carry the bucket inside. Right behind you Thrawn gathered the wood he cut and places them in the fireplace. He starts the fire as you get rid of your heavy coat. You take one of the furry plaid and lay it on his naked shoulders, he raises his head to meet your gaze, a silent ‘thank you’ in his eyes.
“You’re going to catch a cold in this outfit.” You smile gently.
You just see a drop of sweat rolling from his pac to roll on his muscular stomach, making you gulp again. He doesn’t close the plaid over him, only holding the sides with the tip of his fingers, letting you appreciate his whole carved bust as he rises back on his feet. The red and yellow flames bounce beautifully on his deep blue skin, creating delightful tones and shades dancing on his skin. You breathe deeply through your nose, trying your best not to drool at that sight.
He turns his head to you, completely lost in your admiration of his body, and smiles thinly before booping the tip of your nose with his knuckle. You wince and wrinkle your nose in reaction, almost sneezing.
“I think we still have some hot cocoa in the thermos. You are shivering, Ch’acah.”
He invites you to sit on the sofa in front of the burning fire and brings the two cups and the thermos bottle, pouring you a cup of the fuming drink. As you blow on the steaming cup in your hand he sits beside you, throwing the side of the plaid over your own shoulders. You smile and snuggle against his warmer body with a sigh of contentment.
“I know you wished to go to the beach for those vacations.” Thrawn says after a very long moment of comfortable silence, “I am sorry, Ch’acah.”
You kiss his shoulder before laying your head on it.
“No need Thrawn. I saw how happy and interested you were in this location.”
“And I am thankful to you for accepting.” He brushes his cheek against the top of your head.
“If you are happy, it is good enough for me.” You assure, sighing contented as you finally started to warm up.
“We will go to that resort you saw, cheo vir, I promise you.”
“And we could come back here each winter, if you wish!” You propose.
“Thank you, love.” He kisses your hair tenderly.
You press yourself against his warm body, feeling his arm circling your shoulders, pressing you tighter against himself. You deeply inhale the natural musk of your Chiss with glee, letting it invade your lungs with great pleasure.
He is so, so warm…
And smells so, so good.
His thumb comes caressing the plump of your cheek softly.
“I love you, Thrawn.” You let escape in the softness and intimacy of the moment.
“I love you too, Ch’acah.” He responds with a melodious tone.
You sip your cups, letting the heavy and thick chunks of ice slowly melt in the bucket over the fire. He keeps caressing your cheek with his thumb, softly, lightly, tenderly…
You hear him purring lowly, feeling the waves through the skin of your cheek. You close your eyes, comfortable and relaxed.
“Do you like it here?” You ask.
“It is quite rudimentary, but yes. It brings back some soft memories.” He admits.
“Good, that’s what I wanted for you.” you press your cheek on his shoulder.
“Thank you, Ch’acah. You take such good care of me.”
You raise your head to look him in the eyes. His so beautiful crimson eyes.
“Because you do it too…” You whisper.
His fingers travel from your cheek to your chin, tilting it to give him a better access to your lips. He leans forward and captures them delicately, pressing sweet kisses on your lips, purring deeply at the sensual contact. In place of purring you moan for his ears, mewling alluringly for his pleasure.
He parts from you with a satisfied sigh, looking into your eyes. His face is stern and unreadable but his eyes are spilling love and adoration. He gently puts a strand of your hair behind your ear before taking your cheek in his palm. You mewl and snuggle against his warm palm.
“I could drown in your eyes.” He murmurs with his deep baritone voice.
“Your eyes set fire to my soul.” You respond.
He kisses your forehead lovingly.
“We should take the water off the fire before it boils.” He simply says, leaving your embrace.
He lets the plaid fall off his large shoulders like a cap in a regal movement, letting you admire his magnificently sculpted back and well defined shoulder blades. You feel your throat drying at that simple sight.
“Will it be sufficient?” You ask tilting your head.
“It is plenty.”
You hardly see how it is enough to fill a bathtub…
He seizes the heavy bucket, flexing his powerful biceps just for you and easily carry it to the ridiculously small bathroom.
This room is hilariously small.
There is no bathtub, not even a shower. There is only a larger than usual metallic barrel next to a crude, but serviceable toilet. Thrawn easily lift the bucket and pour the fuming water in the barrel, filling it up.
“Oh this is really, really rudimentary.” You concede.
“We will be a bit squeezed in here, but it will be quite… pleasant.” He turns to you.
Your gaze travel between the barrel to Thrawn, eyes round.
“You want us to take our bath together, in… this?”
“Will it be a problem?” He asks, opening his pants.
You purse your lips.
You hardly see how Thrawn could squeeze his large and tall body in this barrel, so your two bodies at the same time…
“I thought it would be agreeable to bathe together, in each other's arms.” He presents his argument.
“I mean…” You hesitate.
You turn back to him to see him naked in all his glory and immediately avert your eyes, suddenly shy.
Which is quite weird, you've been seen naked more than once. And you always loved it, a lot!
You feel him come to press his naked form against your body, gently opening the buttons of your thick lana cardigan.
“Come bath with me, Ch’acah.” He whispers in your ear, making you shudder instantly.
You gulp, feeling your body temperature skyrocketing by the second. He pulls the cardigan off your shoulders  gently, nibbling at your ear. You gasp at the touch of his breath on the shell of your ear, sending shivers down your spine and pussy. You bite your lips and take your shirt off while he unbutton your pants before pulling them down, letting you in your bra and tights. You fill his warm hands snaking their way back up your legs, caressing and squeezing the flesh as they rise. 
This is not an alluring stocking but lana tights with extravagant colors and patterns as they tend to be. You hear a low chuckle behind you.
“I am sorry, you may have hoped for a thin shaded stocking.” You mumble. “I am sorry.”
“Not at all, Ch’acah. I know you cannot endure cold climates as well as I. These eccentric patterns and colors are also pleasant to see.”
“I was so cold on the ship.” You admit. “I needed a new layer.”
“I will make sure you remain warm during our stay.” He says lowly, darkly, seductively…
You feel his lips on your lower back brushing the thin sensitive skin like a butterfly, making you shiver again. He stands back to his full height and opens your bra expertly, with a snap of the hooks and his warm hands come forth and grabs your tits delicately. You breathe through your nose, mouth agape as he gently kneads the round mounds of flesh, before making your nipples roll between his master fingers, tugging on them softly.
“I love unclothing you.” He whispers again, “I know really well what I will found, but it is like I am rediscovering our body each time, like a new first time.” and he bites down your ear.
You yelp, to his pleasure.
“Come in with me, sweet thing.” He kisses your shoulder and leave you to enter the barrel.
Somehow, someway he does enter the barrel entirely, sitting down in the warm water, his legs wide apart to leave you space. He extends his hand to you invitingly.
You get rid off your tights and panties quickly and enter the fuming, hot water. Miraculously you manage to both fit in the barrel, squeezed against the other, but surprisingly comfortable nonetheless. Your back is pressed against his chest as you sit between his legs. 
“How is it?” He asks.
“Too hot?” He worries.
‘Against a body such as yours? It is scorching hot’ you think.
“It is agreeable.” You correct, getting comfortable against his chest.
You sigh of comfort, slowly relaxing in the fuming water.
“See? We could fit without any difficulties.”
“I wouldn’t have bet on it!” You retort.
He kisses the top of your head, pecking your hair, hugging your body tightly in his arms. He crosses his legs before yours, imprisoning you between his embrace completely.
“Lay on me, Ch’acah, I am warmer.” He invites.
You let your head fall back on his shoulder with a moan. One of his hands starts drawing circles on your arm while the other one sneakily traces its way on your stomach and goes south. He keep kissing your ear and temples as his hand keeps going until it scoops your sex in his palm. Air gets stuck in your throat as you feel him dressing down your cunt with his large hand. One single finger curls up, trailing your slit until it flicks your clit at the top. You immediately jolt back, and in doing so compress his cock between your two bodies. He hisses in return in pain and pleasure.
“I’m sorry!” You immediately present your excuses.
“Do.not.move.an.inch.” He orders. “Remain here.”
He trails your slit once again, before going at it seriously, pushing past your folds and massaging your entrance with the pad of his finger.
“You are already gaping, I can feel you pulsing against my finger.” He notes satisfied.
“You are teasing me, of course I am going to react!” You defend yourself.
He adds a second finger at the circles he traces around your entrance, applying sweet pressures here and there, titillating your cunny from time to time. His fingers rise to your pearl and knead it thoroughly, adding pressure, making it roll, flicking it repeatedly. Your legs start trembling and you try to close them, but it only imprison his hand in place.
He licks your ear with his warm, wet tongue and a guttural growl. His second hand leaves  your arm to caress and grope your breast, kneading it lovingly, weighting them in his hand, appreciating their roundness and fullness with a hum of approval.
His fingers go back south and one enters you, gently, letting your entrance time to embrace the girth of his digit. He pushes it further, knuckles deep and immediately grazes at your gummy spot, caressing it and crossing it without missing a beat.
You can feel all your south muscles contracting at the shockwaves of pleasure currently spreading in your body, squeezing his finger inside.
“That is the kind of reaction I enjoy…” He says amused and pleased.
To prove his point a second finger enters you deeply, stretching you wide open. His fingers are like his hands: large and long, and a trial to take in, but they give you so much pleasure they are worth any struggle. He spreads his fingers wide to stretch you more and more until your cunny muscles are at their maximum. Shuddering terribly, you hold on his arms for support.
“Can you take a third one, Cheo vir? For me…” He purrs deeply, enjoying himself tremendously.
Mouth agape, gasping, only a strangled moan escape you as an answer. He kisses your cheek and decide for you.
“Yes you can, sweet thing.”
And he pushes the third in. This time you are at your maximum. You are fully stuffed and feel your pussy compressing his three fingers tight, threatening to cut the blood flow in them.
“I love how your tight pussy always struggles to take what I offer you. Even fingers are too much… Somedays I wonder how you can take my cock in your sweet little cunt. But you always do. To my utmost pleasure.” He praises, licking your neck all the way up. “You are so good for me, Ch’acah, always pushing your limits to please me.”
He thoroughly massages your pussy as he speaks, caressing and stroking any hidden spots inside your pussy, sending powerful waves of pleasure in your core.
“I am so stuffed!” You manage to let out in a gasp.
“Are you?” He muses, “Already?” And he pushes his finger deeper until their whole length is inside.
You pant terribly, digging your nails in his arms. You are so stretched! So full! So filled! You cannot take anything more, it is impossible, you would explode in a million pieces!
“You are strangling my fingers so much, sweet thing.” He breathes lowly, “This is so… delectable.” You feel his hips moving behind you, his big, lengthy cock brushing your lower back from side to side, getting as much friction as he can.
He circles your G spot, scratching the itch and resumes the flicking of your clit, he is not one to neglect such an important aspect of womanly pleasure, quite the contrary.
You moan and mewl uncontrollably under his caress as he deep massage your pussy while licking and kissing your neck and shoulder.
“Maker!” You cry out.
You feel your pussy clenching and convulsing furiously around his large fingers while your nervous clit pulsates powerfully.
“Come for me, Ch’acah. Come hard for me...” He whispers seductively in your ear.
You come in a jolt, the pleasure suddenly exploding in your sex like fireworks forcing you to curl over yourself, but Thrawn holds you down with his mighty arm. Your eyes roll inside your skull and your toes curl deliciously as the fire spreads in your veins slowly to your nerves ending.
You tremble, but not of cold, but of pure, raw shock. The aftermath of your climax slowly subsiding, you relax bit by bit, relaxing easily in his arms with a sigh, slouching in his embrace.
“Thank you, Cheo vir.” Thrawn praises you, “You came hard and good. Just as I wanted.” He kisses your cheek again, purring loudly, so much you feel vibrations in your back.
As much as a hard, long warm shaft in your back…
He rolls his hips again, brushing his erection against your back gently with a hum. You slide your hand between your two bodies to stroke and caress him but he stops you.
“No. Leave it.”
“Are you sure?” You ask nicely. “You made me cum, I should reciprocate.”
“Not now.” He decides, pressing you tighter against him, “It is so nervous and sensitive like that, it is really pleasant.” He moves his hips back and forth gently, “I quite like it. Let me appreciate it a bit longer…”
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@bluechiss @thrawnalani @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar @thrawnspetgoose @readinglistfics @elise2174 @debonaire-princess @twilekchiss @pencil-urchin @ineedazeezee @mssbridgerton @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @Cortisolcosplay, @obbicrystaleo, @germie2037
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Une bouffée d’espoir dans ce climat anxiogène
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[Desc : deux tweets de l’agence France-Presse : Législatives : PS, PCF, EELV et LFI annoncent "des candidatures uniques" dans "chaque circonscription" au premier tour #AFP et ensuite ➡️ "Nous appelons à la constitution d'un nouveau front populaire rassemblant dans une forme inédite toutes les forces de gauche humanistes, syndicales, associatives et citoyennes" afin de "construire une alternative à Emmanuel Macron et combattre le projet raciste de l'extrême droite", écrivent les partis signataires #AFP. Fin desc]
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ladyviserra · 2 years
Visenya's Hidden Secret | Queen Visenya Targaryen
Pairing: Visenya Targaryen x Reader
Summary: As Aegon lives in King's Landing and Visenya on Dragonstone, it means the Queen can easily hide her lover away from the enemies and closer to her heart.
Warnings: talk of witchcraft and spells, cheating, hidden relationship, affair, secret lovers, kissing and fluff
A/n: Something for Visenya lovers :)
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She was going very often going to King's Landing. She was the Queen after all. And ever since Rhaenys died, last year she was the only one. So of course you understood she couldnt be with you all the time.
However when she was on Dragonstone, which Aegon almost never visited, she would spent time with you. On that island, it was only you and her. Nobody bothered the queen. She left her kingdom to her own home, where you waited for her. The two of you had your peace and that is how you became her secret.
You listened to her consirnes. “ Aenys is weak and he is the only heir Aegon has. Rhaenys isn’t with us anymore and he will not lay with me. There is no way to get another son if Aenys passes. “ In reality she was speaking truth, the boy was sickly and not very strong. Will he last to succed his father? It is not known.
It was understandable of her to worry. Aegon and her were never enough of a husband and wife to consive a child. Visenya was getting older and she might not be able to have a child anymore.
“ Well, you can still try and do some of the magic you spoke of. “ Giving the queen idea, she stopped and looked at you. “ I think I might be able to make something of it. “
That is how the creation of her pregnancy began. She frequently visited King’s Landing, seeing how Aenys was doing, how much of a risk would it be to not try her tricks. At the end Visenya suceded in her wish. She was with a child, the desirable child, with a son. She annonced her pregnancy and retired to the Dragonstone. 
During her pregnancy, you were there for her. Helping her, comfronting her, cuddiling in the bed. Once you almost got caught when Balerion unexpectdly came with Aegon. The brother and sister spoke before her left. You never knew what was said, you only knew it upset Visenya greatly. But didn't want to push her into saying something she did not want to.
And you lived your lives together, calm and patiently awaiting for the son Visenya was to have. The boy came into the world, strong and healthy, with his mother's hair and her purple eyes.
She named him Maegor. He grew quite quickly and for a child he was tall. Aegon never visited, Visenya would occasionally go to the King's Landing, rarely bringing her son with her. He mostly stayed with you on the Dragonstone with was a good way for just the two of you to form a bond.
" Maegor grows so quickly, soon enough he will replace his wooden swords with real ones! " You sweetly remarked. " He will grow into a fine man. " Her proud motherly look was glancing at the boy who pretend as if he had an opponent to fight with.
" And such things are thanks to our good minds that created such a strong prince who will only be stronger with time. " She leaned close to your face, letting her breath tickle your cheeks while your lips waited for the connection. Visenya, without teasing much, gave you the satisfaction of her touch, gently pressing for your touch.
" Mama, look what I can do. " The attention was returned to the small kid, who showed off his skills. " Wonderful, my son. " Visenya clapped, her rings singing in the rhythm.
Maegor soon joined the two of you, pointing out the stretches on his swords and how the sword got them. And from time to time giving you and Visenya a good laugh.
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empiredesimparte · 1 year
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Cannes Film Festival's Douzaine begins! The French program Canal comments the opening of the festival on the Croisette
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Reporter Emma: Welcome to Canal! As you have seen on our pictures, this year, His Majesty himself cut the ribbon and will inaugurate the festival. This had not happened for almost 100 years in Francesim!
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Presenter Robert: Is the Emperor accompanied? I don't think I know that Reporter Emma: Yes Robert, I can confirm that the Emperor is not alone. He is accompanied by a young woman, I heard around me that she is a childhood friend of His Majesty. I must say that there is a lot of effervescence at the moment in Cannes!
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Presenter Robert: We have just received information from the imperial palace Emma! Apparently it would be about his fiancée, His Majesty makes an official announcement! Presenter Thierry: It's wonderful and completely unexpected ! The edition of this year is decidedly unique! Presenter Robert: Indeed, that makes pleasure to see our young Emperor close to the French, and accompanied !
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Presenter Thierry: The press release adds that it's Mademoiselle Charlotte de Mortemart, a childhood friend of the Emperor as you said Emma Journalist Emma: Gentlemen, look, Mademoiselle Charlotte is presenting her ring to the cameras of the whole world! Presenter Robert: Congratulations to the young lovebirds!
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Journalist Emma: There is obviously a royal trend this year: Prince Henri of Pierreland is here as an actor! His Imperial Highness is accompanied by Chiara, who is his partner in the opening film Pierre the Great, a biopic on the Emperor. Note that this is the first time that the festival hosts a production of the Simflix platform.
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Presenter Thierry: Princess Maria-Aisha, apparently came to attend the first steps of actor of her brother!
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Presenter Robert: Our neighbors from Iona are also present at the festival, the royal princess came to support the Ionian artists!
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Journalist Emma: I also saw the famous princess Leonor of Uspana, look at the pictures! She presents herself in a very classy black dress.
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��� Le Cabinet Noir | Cannes Film Festival, 7 Prairial An 230
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Collaboration with @officalroyalsofpierreland, @nexility-sims and @funkyllama. Thank you everyone! <3
⚜ Traduction française
La Douzaine du festival de Cannes commence ! L'émission française Canal commente l'ouverture du festival de la Croisette
Journaliste Emma : Bienvenus en direct sur la chaîne Canal! Comme vous l'avez vu sur nos images, cette année, Sa Majesté en personne a coupé le ruban et inaugurera le festival. Cela n'était pas arrivé depuis presque 100 ans en Francesim !
Présentateur Robert : L'Empereur est accompagné ? Je ne crois pas être au courant Journaliste Emma : Oui Robert, je confirme que l'Empereur n'est pas seul. Il est accompagné d'une jeune femme, j'ai entendu autour de moi qu'il s'agissait d'une amie d'enfance de Sa Majesté. Je dois dire qu'il y a beaucoup d'effervescence actuellement à Cannes !
Présentateur Robert : Nous venons de recevoir des informations du palais impérial Emma ! Apparemment il s'agirait de sa fiancée, Sa Majesté fait une annonce officielle ! Présentateur Thierry : C'est merveilleux et complètement inattendu ! L'édition de cette année est décidément unique ! Présentateur Robert : En effet, cela fait plaisir de voir notre jeune Empereur proche des Français, et accompagné !
Présentateur Thierry : Le communiqué que nous venons de recevoir indique qu'il s'agit de Mademoiselle Charlotte de Mortemart, une amie d'enfance de l'Empereur comme vous le disiez Emma Journaliste Emma : Messieurs regardez, Mademoiselle Charlotte présente sa bague aux caméras du monde entier ! Présentateur Robert : Félicitations aux jeunes tourtereaux !
Journaliste Emma : Il y a manifestement cette année une tendance royale : le prince Henri de Pierreland est là en tant qu'acteur ! Son Altesse Impériale est accompagnée de Chiara, qui est sa partenaire dans le film d'ouverture Pierrelandais, un biopic sur l'Empereur Pierre le Grand. À noter que c'est la première fois que le festival accueille une production de la plateforme Simflix.
Présentateur Thierry : La princesse Maria-Aisha, est semble-t-il venue assister aux premiers pas d'acteur de son frère!
Présentateur Robert : Nos voisins d'Iona sont également présents au festival, la princesse royale est venue apporter son soutien aux artistes Ioniens !
Journaliste Emma : J'ai également aperçu il me semble la célèbre princesse Leonor d'Uspana, regardez les images! Elle se présente dans un robe noire très classe.
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Robespierre babysitting Desmoulins compilation
Monsieur, I read the following passage regarding the decree from May 22 on the right of war and peace in your latest number of Révolutions de France et de Brabant […] I must, Monsieur, point out the error in which you have been led on the fact which concerns me in this passage. […] I hope, Monsieur, that you will be good enough to make my statement public through your newspaper, especially since your magnanimous zeal for the cause of liberty will make it a law for you not to leave bad citizens the slightest of pretext to calumniate the energy of the defenders of the people.  De Robespierre.  Robespierre in a letter to Camille, June 7 1790
M. Malouet: …Is Camille-Desmoulins innovative? He will justify himself. Is he guilty? I will be the accuser of him and of all those who take up his defense. Let him justify himself, if he dares. (A voice rises from the stands: Yes, I dare. A part of the surprised assembly rises; the rumor spreads in the assembly that it is M. Camille Desmoulins who has spoken; the president gives the order to arrest the individual who uttered these words.)  N…: I ask that we deliberate beforehand on this arrest.  M. Robespierre: I believe that the provisional order given by the President was indispensable; but must you confuse imprudence and inconsideration with crime? He heard himself accused of a crime against the Nation, it is difficult for a sensitive man to remain silent. It cannot be supposed that he intended to disrespect the Legislative Body. Humanity agrees with justice, pleads in its favour. I ask for his release, and that we move on to the agenda.  [The president annonces that M. Camille Desmoulins has escaped and can’t be arrested. The Assembly pass onto the order of the day.] Robespierre and Desmoulins during a session of the National Assembly August 2
[Robespierre] thought the highest (il a fait le plus grand cas) of Camille Desmoulins. He's going too fast, Robespierre said to me, he'll break his neck; Paris wasn't made in a day, it takes more than a day to undo.  Souvenirs d’un déporté (1802) by Pierre Villiers, who claims to have been Robespierre’s secretary for a while in 1790.
I point out to Monsieur Camille Demoulins (sic) that neither the beautiful eyes nor the fine qualities of the charming Lucile are reasons for not announcing my work on the national guards which has been given to him and of which I send him a copy if necessary. At this moment there is no object more pressing or more important than the organization of the National Guards. At least that is what the citizens of Marseilles think, of whom I am here attaching a decree relating to my speech. I beg Camille not to mislead himself and to try to also send me back the letters from Avignon and the replies which I gave him.  Robespierre in a letter to Camille, February 14 1791
How come you (Robespierre) tolerated that the vile informer (Camille), to whom I was answering, seeing the Society cover with long applause the hard truths that I was beginning to tell him, left his place to go sit down behind you, pulled you by the tailcoat and spoke to you in a low voice and with an air of intelligence! Didn't you have to feel that such intimacy would favor him, and turn to my prejudice?  The deputy Patris regarding a session at the Jacobins May 9 1792
The true origin of the rigor of the Committee towards you, would it be in a very long note, which was printed following l’Histoire des Brissotins, which Robespierre made me cut out, but which will have transpired?  Desmoulins in his Lettre à Dillon (1793).
One day Camille familiarly enters the Duplay house; Robespierre was absent. He starts a conversation with the youngest of the carpenter's daughters; as he retires, Camille hands her a book he had under his arm. ”Elizabeth,” he said to her, ”do me the service of holding onto this work; I will come back for it.” No sooner had Desmoulins left than the young girl curiously half-opened the book entrusted to her custody: what was her confusion, seeing paintings of revolting obscenity pass under her fingers. She blushes: the book falls. All the rest of the day Elizabeth was silent and troubled; Maximilian noticed it; drawing her aside. "What's the matter with you," he asked her, "you look so worried to me?" The young girl lowered her head, and as an answer went to fetch the book with the odious engravings which had offended her sight. Maximilien opened the volume and turned pale. "Who gave you this?" he asked in a voice shaking with anger. The girl frankly told him what had happened. "It’s fine," Robespierre went on, "don't talk about what you've just told me to anyone: I'll make it my business. Don't be sad anymore. I'll let Camille know. It is not what enters involuntarily through the eyes that defiles chastity: it is the evil thoughts that one has in the heart.” He admonished his friend severely, and from that day on, visits from Camille Desmoulins became very rare.  Histoire des Montagnards, volume 2, page 417-418 (1847) by Alphonse Esquiros. Esquiros claimed to have obtained this anecdote from Élisabeth herself.
Robespierre: Camille's writings are to be condemned, no doubt; but nevertheless it is necessary to distinguish the person from his works. I consent freedom to treat Desmoulins like a spoiled child who had happy dispositions, and who has been led astray by bad company. His head sometimes wanders, but his talents are precious. But we must demand of him that he prove his repentance for all his thoughtlessness, by quitting those companies which have ruined him. We must crack down on his acts that Brissot himself would not have dared to admit, and keep Desmoulms in our midst. All these truths are not flattering for an author: but if the vanity of Camille Desmoulins is offended by them, he considers that he has attracted a small admonition sufficient to correct it. When he sees that he has deserved still more severe reproaches, he will feel the necessity of rallying to principles, and removing from himself all causes of an error that we are willing to forgive him for. Let him examine that his writings are the pain of patriots and the joy of aristocrats, and he will be grateful to us to see that it is only for him that we can forget them. I end by asking that his numbers be treated like the aristocrats who buy them, with the contempt that profanity deserves. I propose to the Society to burn them in the middle of the room (There is applause several times; Robespierre's speech was interrupted by applause and bursts of laughter).  Desmoulins: That's very well said, Robespierre, but I'll answer you like Rousseau: "To burn is not to answer."  Robespierre: How dare you still want to justify works that delight the aristocracy? Learn, Camille, that if you were not Camille, one could not have so much indulgence for you. The way you want to justify yourself proves to me that you have bad intentions. To burn is not to answer! But can this quotation of the sublime philosopher of Geneva find its application here? WelI, I retract my last motion; I ask that Camille's numbers not be burned, but that they be answered. Since he wants to, let him be covered with ignominy, let the Society not restrain its indignation, since he persists in supporting his diatribes and his dangerous principles. The man who clings so strongly to perfidious writings is perhaps more than misguided; if he had been in good faith, if he had written in the simplicity of his heart, he would not have dared longer to support works proscribed by patriots and sought after by all the counter-revolutionaries of France. His courage is only borrowed, he detects the hidden men under whose dictation he wrote his diary; he detects in Desmoulins the organ of a villainous faction which has borrowed his pen to distill its poison with more audacity and certainty. Desmoulins, who sees himself blamed by the patriots, finds himself compensated by the adulations of the aristocrats he frequents, and by the caresses of many false patriots, under which he does not perceive the perfidious intention of ruining him. You must know what he said in response to those who blamed his writings: Do you know that I sold 50 000 copies! I would not have said these truths if Desmoulins had not been so obstinate, but the point of order has become necessary. I therefore ask that the numbers of Camille Desmoulins be read from the rostrum: if there are individuals who defend his principles, they will be listened to, but there will be patriots to answer them.  Desmoulins: But Robespierre, I don’t understand you. How can you say only aristocrats read my paper? The Convention, the Mountain, are they composed of aristocrats? You denounce me here, but was I not at your house? Didn’t I read you my numbers, asking you, in the name of friendship, for your advice, and to trace the path that I had to take?  Robespierre: You didn’t show me all your numbers, I only saw one or two. To avoid quarrel I didn’t want to read the others, it would be said that I dictated them.  Danton: Camille mustn’t be frightened by the rather severe lessons Robespierre’s friendship has just given him. Citizens, let justice and cold-headedness always preside over our decisions. In judging Camille, be careful to not strike a deadly blow against the liberty of the press.  [A secretary reads number 4 of Vieux Cordelier, which excites reclamations, the reading is at several times interrupted by marks of improbation. The club, at the proposal of Robespierre, decides that it will hear the reading of Camille’s third and fifth number tomorrow, where he will justify himself.]  Robespierre and Desmoulins at the Jacobins January 7 1794
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albad · 11 months
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En plein été, Macron joue aux chaises musicales avec son gouvernement. Lundi soir, il invitait tous ses ministres à dîner en leur annonçant que certains seraient virés dans la semaine sans leur dire qui. Juste pour rigoler, pour les humilier, à la façon d'un manager pervers. Ce jeudi, les annonces sont tombées.
⚫Commençons par les têtes coupées. Pap Ndiaye, utilisé, puis humilié et viré, juste après avoir retrouvé un petit morceau de courage en critiquant timidement la chaine d'extrême droite Cnews. Il y a encore quelques années, Pap Ndiaye était un chercheur reconnu, spécialiste du racisme, qui dénonçait régulièrement les violences policières. Aujourd’hui, il est carbonisé : c'est un clown pitoyable qui a été le Ministre éphémère d’un gouvernement d’extrême droite. Il a continué à massacrer l'enseignement public, il a couvert les pires reculs et défendu une police criminelle. Il n'a pas fait preuve d'une once de dignité : il a montré à tout le pays qu'il n'avait aucun honneur, et a piétiné sa propre carrière de chercheur. Bon débarras.
⚫Autre victime du remaniement, Marlène Schiappa. Malgré toute sa bonne volonté et sa soumission sans faille au monarque, elle subit les conséquences de l'affaire du Fonds Marianne. Elle avait profité de l'assassinat atroce de Samuel Paty en 2020 pour détourner des millions d'euros et les donner à ses copains réacs. Tout le monde était au courant et trouvait ça marrant au sein du gouvernement. Mais maintenant que l'affaire a éclaté, c'est elle qui paie l'addition.
⚫Le nouveau ministre de l'éducation : Gabriel Attal. Le Ministre chargé de l'école publique n'a jamais mis un pied à l'école publique ! Comme son prédécesseurs Blanquer d'ailleurs. Attal, c'est le macronisme incarné. Fils d'un producteur de cinéma, élève dans une l'école privée parisienne, l'école Alsacienne – où Pap Ndiaye a aussi placé ses enfants –, il fait un tour à Science Po avant d'entrer en politique. Millionnaire depuis l'âge de 25 ans, il n'a jamais travaillé de sa vie. C'est l'incarnation de de la richesse et de la domination sans aucun mérite. Au printemps 2023, il dit à propos des manifestants contre la réforme des retraites : «ce ne sont pas les Français qui travaillent».
Quel est son projet pour l'école ? Ça tient en deux mots : privatisation et militarisation. Il déclare régulièrement que l'école doit apprendre l'obéissance et «l'autorité» aux enfants. Il se dit «favorable» à une expérimentation du port de l'uniforme à l'école. Il est le promoteur du Service national Universel, qui vise à envoyer des adolescent dans des stages militaires où l'on pratique le bourrage de crane, les défilés au pas cadencé et le lever de drapeau.
En aout 2022, un collaborateur gouvernemental déclare dans la presse : «à l'école du vice, Gabriel devait être major de promo.» Il est en couple avec Stéphane Séjourné, macroniste hardcore, qui était déjà conseiller de Macron au ministère de l'Économie et qui est aujourd'hui secrétaire général de Renaissance.
⚫Du côté de la santé, Aurélien Rousseau, 47 ans devient ministre. Énarque passé par le PCF puis proche de Valls avant de finir conseiller d'Elisabeth Borne, il est à l'image des macronistes : sans scrupules, sans valeur, sans loyauté.
Il est directeur général de l'Agence régionale de santé Île-de-France pendant le COVID, puis membre du Conseil d’État. Ses liens familiaux sont intéressants pour un homme chargé des hôpitaux publics. Il est marié à Marguerite Cazeneuve, une ancienne de chez McKinsey qui a «piloté» la réforme des retraites, et qui a été directrice de l'assurance maladie. Le beau papa du ministre est député LREM, et belle maman est carrément l'ancienne directrice commerciale d'un laboratoire pharmaceutique privé. L'entreprise Lilly, cotée en Bourse à plus de 400 milliards de dollars, qui a passé un juteux contrat durant le COVID sur les «anticorps monoclonaux» qui ne fonctionnaient pas. Le beau frère du ministre est, quant à lui, conseiller de l'Elysée. Le macronisme est une mafia familiale en même temps qu'un cercle de lobbyistes.
⚫Aurore Bergé : «Elle a tellement fait chier qu'ils vont lui filer un truc, genre les solidarités» avait lâché un ministre avant le remaniement. Elle reçoit ce portefeuille plutôt secondaire des Solidarités. Et elle s'y connait dans le domaine. Elle réclamait par exemple le «démantèlement» de l'ONG Amnesty International qui lutte pour les droits humains, en 2022, parce que l'organisation avait dénoncé l’État israélien. En 2020, elle répond sur twitter à propos de la création de lits de réanimation : «plus de lits de réa, ce sont plus de personnes intubées, plus de décès». Pas bête, supprimons tous les lits d’hôpitaux, il n'y aura plus de malades ! Elle a été mariée à un chroniqueur chez Hanouna, accusé de harcèlement, de gestes inappropriés lorsqu’il était député LREM.
⚫Enfin, Macron a propulsé une Ministre de la ville : Sabrina Agresti-Roubache. Il y a quelques semaines, cette élue marseillaise soutenait les idées de Jean-Marie Le Pen sur le plateau de CNews. D'ailleurs une députée RN vient de saluer «la liberté de ton» de la nouvelle ministre qui fait «les mêmes constats que Marine Le Pen sur la politique migratoire». Pendant la campagne, elle a été enregistrée en train de traiter son adversaire de «fils de pute». Alors que les banlieues souffrent comme jamais de la misère et des violences policières, ce poste lui va comme un gant...
Il reste 4 ans de mandat.
Contre Attaque
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lounesdarbois · 1 year
La racaille est un nemesis. Les destructions ont visé pour le moment des marques et des structures qui ont speculé sur la persécution des Blancs depuis 20 ans : - Five Guys (Obama) - Foot Korner (pro-racailles) - Action (produits plastiques ultra-discount sur le modèle americain) - Lidl (regardez la clientèle d'un Lidl) - Chatelêt (sans commentaire) - Macdo - Centres des impôts - Concessions Yamaha (T-Max) - Zoo (symbolique du singe lâché) - Mediathèques (livres débilisants pour enfants lus par grosses dames vengeresses) - Mairies - Écoles (école obligatoire 2023 = gynécée autour d'un octogone de MMA, présence obligatoire) - caméras de surveillance
Voilà. Qui veut bouger pour défendre ces moyens de coercition? Toutefois il faut raison garder. Les récentes algarades nocturnes sont le fait de très parcimonieux dilettantes racailles. Il n'y a là rien qui annonce "la vraie grande pluie qui balaie les trottoirs" (Taxi Driver). Tous ces paresseux se sont excités sur ce qu'ils avaient à portée de main mais ils ne sont pas "allé chercher" hors de leur zone de confort (ce sont des bourgeois) les vrais leviers de vrai pouvoir, et ils n'en n'ont même pas seulement eu l'idée (ce sont des primitifs): - Skyrock - CAF - Sièges de banques agressives style Goldman Sachs, Rotschild - Sièges de partis politiques - Journaux, presse, TV, médias (un seul journaliste de Libé dépouillé de son appareil photo, c'est ça une "jeunesse révoltée en lutte"?) - Les fourrières - Les Influenceurs - Les fauteurs de guerre - Les gens qui ont touché au business de la pornographie. - ambassades étrangères - dépôts de carburant
C'est dire comme ces remueurs de merde estampillés lutteurs pour la justice sont loin du compte. Zéro conscience politique, cent pour cent cerveau reptilien.
Quand à la police lâchée par sa hiérarchie elle a pris grand soin de ne pas abîmer la racaille alors qu'elle mutilait exprès les Gilets Jaunes en visant la tête ("a voté") pendant 2 ans.
Les Gilets Jaunes d'ailleurs, doivent ne surtout pas sortir du bois. Dès lors qu'il y aurait 2 fronts le pouvoir se débrouillerait pour les envoyer l'un sur l'autre. C'est là une des grandes prédictions de Roger Holeindre, Dieu ait son âme: "si on descendait dans la rue le pouvoir armerait les banlieues dans le quart d'heure pour sauver la république", et on peut croire sur parole cet homme dont chaque mot fût payé par des actes dans sa vie, et quels actes!
Il ne faut pas s'affoler pour 3 supermarchés pillés, 2 caméras sciées et quelques infrastructures de parc à bestiaux momentanément endommagées. "Y a tchi" comme on disait à Grenoble. Est-ce cela le chaos? Mais alors l'ordre public est cent fois pire avec sa mort lente unanimement admise, le "bah c'est la vie hein c'est comme ça" de tous les mouligasses qui y sont rois, qui vous imposent leur sale rythme et vous rendent faibles.
L'ordre public, "l'apaisement", pour quoi faire ? Pour que des trans éduquent des racailles dans les écoles ? Pour que des dindes masquées DRH virent des pères de famille de 55 ans? Pour que des prédatrices fanatisées dépouillent par divorces des acharnés réglos bosseurs pacifiques? Tous ceux, police et braves gens qui essaient d'empêcher le nemesis de faire son œuvre, se battront à leurs risques et périls pour la parité, pour le "mois des fiertés", pour les foules sorties du néolithique il y a 2 semaines et qui frappent à la porte, pour le masque et l'asepsie, ils se battront pour ce qui les tue et cela au profit de la syna, des loges, des bourges, et de toute la nomenclature hispano-romagnole "européenne" des Nunez/Hidalgo/Valls/Castaner.
Les masques tombent, y compris ceux des états "alliés" algériens, américains. Lisez leurs récentes circulaires officielles concernant nos malheurs. La manière dont ces fissdep entassés devant le KFC en flammes suent d'impatience de grapiller quelques chicken wings dans la curée promise est le plus merveilleux tombé de masque en plein jour depuis Yalta. Ils n'ont pas compris que l'histoire de France a toujours précédé l'histoire de leurs nations: 1776, 1830, etc. Et l'Allemagne, l'Italie, l'Espagne... s'il arrive malheur à la France ce qu'à Dieu ne plaise toutes ces nations qui la jugent se mangeront l'onde de choc comme sous Bonaparte. La France, faute d'être aidée et aimée, est la nation "seule contre tous" mais tous ceux de l'intérieur et de l'extérieur qui ricanent de la voir sans défense se trouvent un jour fort dépourvus lorsque confrontés à de surprenants nemesis.
"Je vais dormir tranquille maintenant car je sais que mon pire ennemi veille sur moi"
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claudehenrion · 15 days
Le passé simple, si compliqué...
Avec toutes les horreurs qui nous écorchent les oreilles au faux prétexte de Jeux Olympiques, on est ramené à la perte de sens de tout ce qui se dit, de nos jours : les mots n'ont, pour la plupart, plus aucune signification, et s'ils en ont gardé une, par hasard, c'est une dérive sémantique, souvent vulgaire, et destinée à égarer à la fois le locuteur et le récepteur. On sait que cette perte du sens des mots est le résultat d'une volonté de mettre nos contemporains dans un état où ils perdront peu à peu tout sens critique et, donc, toute possibilité de se révolter conte toute idéologie mal intentionnée...
Et s'il n'y avait que ça... Mais le désir de quelques ''clubs de malfaisants'' --car comment appeler autrement ces groupuscules de vrais complotistes (ce qu'ils sont ''pour de vrai'', eux, contrairement à ceux qu'ils parent de ce titre qu'eux seuls méritent) profitent de l'ascendant financier ou politique qu'ils on pris sur les organes de Presse et sur la caste des journalistes, toujours prêts à relayer toute idée qui ne tient pas la route, à condition qu'elle soit de Gauche, perverse et totalement mortifère à terme pour l'humanité, pour accélérer la mise au pas ou en danger de l'espèce humaine, mise en état de dépendance par ses soins pervers...
La disparition progressive des temps et des modes verbaux (passé simple, imparfait, futur composé, subjonctif…) a donné naissance à une pensée qui se retrouve limitée au moment présent, cantonnée dans l’instant, incapable de projections dans le temps, et qui devient donc de plus en plus inapte à comprendre le passé. Et comme on l'a rendue peu curieuse de l'avenir (au delà de la litanie des différentes apocalypses que nous annoncent ceux qui se sont toujours trompés sur tout), les prévisions qui forment la trame de nos terreurs iso-infantiles actuelles ne sont que des prolongations de quelques constatations instantanées que l'on étire pour le futur, comme si la ligne droite était le seul chemin que peuvent suivre ou emprunter les événements...
La généralisation du tutoiement, la disparition des majuscules et de la ponctuation, ou la mode américaine qui consiste ramener une personne à son seul prénom... sont autant de coups mortels portés à la subtilité et à la richesse de l’expression. J'avais été très frappé, il y a quelques années, par la suppression jospinienne (NDLR : Ah ! Celui-là... quel mal ses idées perverses ont-elles fait à la civilisation !) du mot ''mademoiselle'' : c'était non seulement un renoncement à l’esthétique d’un mot et à une marque de respect, mais c'était une contribution à la promotion de cette idée folle qu’entre une petite fille et une femme il n’y a rien, ce qui n'est évidemment pas vrai, tout le monde le sait... au point que, dans des temps où les hommes pensaient encore --au lieu de se conformer aux ''diktats... dictatoriaux'' de modes stupides et infondées-- ils avaient encore recours au joli vocable de ''damoiseau'' pour expliquer que, entre l'enfance et l'âge adulte, il n'y a pas un simple ''saut quantique'' mais une lente et fructueuse évolution.
En cherchant un peu, on trouve que toutes ces pertes progressives de notre identité, notre alignement systémique sur un ''ppcm'' sémantique ou civilisationnel, l'obligation d'utiliser moins de mots pour pouvoir exprimer moins d'idées, et moins de verbes, conjugués à moins de ''temps'' pour rendre toute pensée émise plus floue, plus vague, plus confuse et moins précise, se traduisent ''en moins de capacités à exprimer les émotions et en moins de possibilité d’élaborer une pensée''... ce qui revient à dire :moins ''d'homme'', en nous. La presse scientifique est remplie d'articles, d'études et de statistiques qui démontrent ''jusqu'à plus soif'' qu’une partie majeure de la violence qui ''pourrit'' les sphères publique et privée provient directement de l’incapacité à mettre des mots sur les émotions, ce qui se comprend : plus le langage est pauvre, moins la pensée existe... Et de même qu'il n’y a pas de pensée critique sans pensée, il ne saurait exister de pensée sans phrases, sans verbes, sans mots.
Ces symptômes décrivent et expliquent les masses incultes et ignares qui peuplent nos banlieues. Il faut compéter cette phrase par ''mais pas que...'' : le nombre de problèmes devenant insolubles se multiplie avec l'arrivée de populations de plus en plus nombreuses et de moins en moins inhibées... qui refusent tout ce qui vient de nous (cf ''Boko Haram'', souvent cité dans ce Blog, qui ne peut vouloir dire que : ''Tout ce qui vient des livres est maudit'' !), et surtout l'idée-même d'intégration. Directement ou indirectement, cette courte analyse aide à comprendre la plupart des contre-vérités que répètent, en boucles insensées, nos responsables irresponsables –j'ai envie d'écrire, par amour de la vérité : au contraire.
Comment construire une pensée hypothético-déductive sans la maîtrise du conditionnel ? Comment envisager l’avenir sans conjugaison au futur? Comment appréhender une temporalité, une succession d’éléments dans le temps, qu’ils soient passés, présents ou à venir, ainsi que leur durée relative, sans une langue qui faisait si bien la différence entre ce qui aurait pu être, ce qui a été, ce qui est, ce qui pourrait advenir, et ce qui sera après que ce qui pourrait advenir... soit advenu ?
J'ai la chance d'avoir une famille plutôt nombreuse, et de côtoyer, chaque jour ou presque, une quinzaine de petits enfants et bientôt autant de ''petits-enfants-pièces-rapportées'', tous si chers à mon cœur. Le niveau scolaire et universitaire de cette petite armée est un reflet de ce qui se faisait de mieux en France (malgré l'effondrement du niveau de notre enseignement, totalement ravagé par un groupuscule de théoriciens malfaisants –donc (?) de Gauche ?-- qui se sont emparés des postes de décision de ce qui fut, jusqu'à eux, un Ministère de l'Instruction Publique --ce qu'il aurait dû rester-- et qui n'est plus ni ''de l'éducation'', ni ''nationale'' qu'il a prétendu devenir). Eh ! Bien, il m'arrive très (trop) souvent d'être surpris par leur ignorance de mots qui me paraissaient usuels à leur âge, et dont la maîtrise me semble nécessaire pour pouvoir m'exprimer aujourd'hui, pour penser, pour dire, pour exister... pour être. Comme il est loin, le ''Cogito, ergo sum'' cartésien du Discours de la méthode !
Si un cri d'alarme devait se faire entendre aujourd’hui, ce serait celui, adressé aux parents et aux enseignants : faites parler, lire et écrire vos enfants, vos élèves, vos étudiants... enseignez et pratiquez la langue dans ses formes les plus variées, même si elle semble compliquée, ce qu'elle n'est pas : elle est précise, pour mieux expliquer le réel, qui est compliqué, lui... et l'air compliqué qu'elle peut parfois revêtir n'est que la conséquence de son aptitude à décrire et raconter ce réel.
Dans ce véritable cri de détresse se trouvent les ultimes éléments de ce qui survit, péniblement, de ce qui fut notre Liberté, que notre hymne national qualifiait de ''chérie'', avant de la livrer, par système et par idéologie, à des forces obscures, perverses et malveillantes. Il faut ne jamais perdre de vue que tous ceux qui expliquent à longueur de temps qu’il faut simplifier l’orthographe, purger la langue de ses ''défauts'', raser tout ce qui est réputé –par eux-- créer de la complexité apparente, et abolir les temps, les nuances, les genres (les ''anciens'' genres, les vrais, bien sûr : les ''nouveaux''... ne sont que les résidus de pensées mortelles), sont les fossoyeurs de l’esprit.
L'apparente fuite en avant de nos contemporains devant le temps-qui-passe ne fait pas que ruiner, détruire et ravager la planète, infiniment plus –et plus sournoisement-- que le CO² ou les gaz à effet de serre. Car ce qu'on ne voit pas, c'est que ce refus de toute difficulté, ne fut-elle qu'apparente, “chosifie” de plus en plus les personnes : avec la fin de la politesse, de la galanterie, du “respect humain”, de “la bonne éducation”, de l'affabilité ou de la gentillesse, et même du souci de la langue employée… –qui étaient autant de marqueurs de ces temps oubliés où “l'autre” –que l'on appelait souvent : “mon prochain”– jouait un rôle primordial, c'est la joie de vivre qui disparaît. Et avec elle, toute possibilité de bonheur. On peut, on doit, le regretter ! Décidément, il n'y a vraiment rien de bon à garder dans le modernisme, dans le progressisme, et dans tous les errements pervers et mortifères qui en découlent...
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Mort de René Chateau, compagnon historique de Belmondo et promoteur du cinéma français
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lynettew · 3 months
je suis devenue accro aux annonces de colocs/locations sur facebook. ça fait six mois que j'ai rejoint le groupe bxl à louer - bouche à oreille (ll) et j'habite toujours pas à bruxelles (mais est-ce que j'ai vraiment l'intention d'aller vivre là-bas?) mais à l'heure qu'il est je dois connaitre au moins 45% des apparts de la ville. j'ai crée un dossier où j'enregistre les photos de mes apparts préférés. j'ai aussi un dossier d'apparts berlinois et un dossier de maisons à vendre dans des banlieues américaines. probablement parce que j'ai beaucoup regardé desperate housewives (lynette n'est pas mon deuxième prénom mais un hommage à lynette scavo de desperate housewives, maintenant vous savez). quand j'avais quatorze quinze ans je rentrais souvent à la maison pour échapper aux cours de maths et je regardais desperate housewives sur m6, comme une mise en abîme. je rentrais à la maison pour regarder une série sur des femmes qui restent à la maison. je crois que je m'en foutais des intrigues, tout ce qui m'intéressait c'était de voir les maisons et les personnages faire des trucs dans leurs maisons.
c'est pour ça que j'adore lire deborah levy aussi, elle parle beaucoup de ce qu'elle fait quand elle est chez elle. dans son appart moisi sur la colline au nord de londres, dans la cabane au fond du jardin de son amie dans laquelle elle écrit ses livres, dans l'appart de montmartre qu'elle loue pour une résidence, dans la maison blanche à hydra qu'elle loue pour les vacances. vers la fin de real estate elle achète douze oranges qu'elle presse à la main pour faire du jus pour ses filles qui viennent lui rendre visite, elle le verse dans une grande carafe en y ajoutant des glaçons et puis ses filles arrivent et lui disent qu'elles préfèrent aller boire une bière, ungrateful bitches. le lendemain je me suis levée avec une très forte envie de jus d'orange et je me suis pressé deux oranges avec un presse-jus électrique et pensant aux poignets de deborah levy. vendredi matin (à dix heures) j'ai fait un curry de butternut avec des lentilles en pensant à son dhal et à son voyage en inde. j'écoutais la radio et il faisait soleil et je me disais que c'était exactement la vie que j'étais censée mener.
quand je regarde les photos d'appart sur facebook parfois je les imagine nus, sans meubles, sans déco, et j'essaie de m'imaginer ce que je mettrais dedans. en restant réaliste. je serais très minimale. par flemme, pour faire des économies, mais aussi pour l'esthétique. je mettrais un matelas par terre (avec un sommier parce que je suis vieille maintenant), un bureau pour écrire, même si j'écris jamais à mon bureau, j'écris sur le canapé, mais peut être que je pourrais changer mes habitudes. est-ce que je pourrais vivre sans canapé? le canapé fait pratiquement partie de mon corps. je crois que je mettrai pas de canapé. pour marquer un changement radical. si le sol est moche je mettrai le grand tapis rayé noir et blanc d'ikea, mais je préfèrerais que le sol soit beau (vieux parquet). je rangerai ma collection de vaisselle bien à la vue sur des étagères parce que ça fait dix ans qu'elle dort dans un carton derrière mon armoire, toutes mes jolies assiettes dépareillées de toutes les couleurs, mon bol rouge à marguerites, je sais même plus ce qu'y a. je pourrais m'en servir ici, mais non, c'est ma vaisselle, donc j'attends d'avoir mon appart pour m'en servir.
dans les commentaires je croise régulièrement la fille avec qui j'avais suivi un stage de respiration/méditation/yoga y a quelques années. j'ai reconnu son nom parce que je le trouve très beau. ça fait six mois qu'elle cherche, comme moi, sauf qu'elle elle cherche pour de vrai, et elle a toujours rien trouvé visiblement. généralement les commentaires c'est que des gens qui mettent suis intéressé ou mp envoyé avec un smiley qui sourit, mais elle elle a toujours une question incongrue à poser, des précisions à demander, parfois elle met un petit mot gentil avec un émoji fleur, parfois elle fait remarquer qu'il aurait mieux fallu prendre les photos de jour pour qu'on puisse se rendre compte de la luminosité de la pièce (elle a pas tort). à son stage elle nous avait servi des dattes comme snack en nous disant d'en prendre qu'une et de la manger les yeux fermés en la faisant durer le plus longtemps possible. y avait aussi des graines de tournesol marinées dans du tamari revenues à la poêle mélangées avec des raisins secs. le dernier jour on avait fait un exercice où il fallait se raconter sa vie en 5 minutes par petits groupes de trois. une femme qui faisait du théâtre d'impro et un argentin qui travaillait chez cargolux m'avaient dit your life is very interesting. ça fait longtemps qu'on me l'a plus dit ça. à ce moment-là ça faisait quatre ans que ma collection de vaisselle était dans le carton.
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