#anon revoked
forecast0ctopus · 3 months
What if yellow star trek and blue star trek kissed
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sysboxes · 7 months
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Plain text: go outside and you wont think youre multiple people lol
Anon, I hate to break it to you, but we quite literally are multiple people. There are multiple people running this blog. As in, multiple separate people with different birth certificates living in different places and everything. I’m so sorry you had to find out like this . . . 😢
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jamjoob · 1 year
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Daaamn somebody's going offfffff LMAOO
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rainymoodlet · 8 months
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morris 0.0005 seconds after george was born: hey… we should make another one 😏
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lu-lus-duckies · 4 months
Hi, here's about me and some questions you might have!
Updated: april 26th 2024
Important!! Please don't use real money to do things for me in any capacity. It makes me uneasy, uncomfortable and puts a lot of pressure on me. Thank you for your understanding <3 also Important: I can not and will not take anything seriously, if you want to say something serious to me, send me a DM, I'm more likely to respond seriously there
Who are you?
@ nunalastor's emotional support white boy™
People just call me lulu on here. I'm 20 and go by any pronouns. AFAB (and cis). my gender is whatever makes you gay. somewhere on the ace spectrum.
Also CEO of forcing people to get some fucking sleep!
important note: I respond in the horniest ways to @ nunalastorscursedkitten, but they have explicitly stated they don't want sexual stuff directed towards them without their consent. I have confirmed that they are okay with me responding in a horny way and you should make sure before doing it too
tags (will not sort these out at all):
lulu is delulu - my posts babygirl anon fest - asks specifically from babygirl revoke lulu's art license - my art stuff nunwhiskers - the ship of nunalastor x huskers-bar lulu is feral - reblogs where I am feral lulus nun reblogs - I just tend to reblog everything of nunalastors so it's a tag now lulu reblogs - art/theories/incorrect quotes ect lulu convos - me interracting with peeps here lulu crooks - going into detail about things i shouldn't be going into detail of. (maybe infodumping) cursed polycule - me and the 100+ husbands/wives interracting (xxx-angie list in their pinned) lulu asks - me answering asks this is a nunalastor simp blog - anytime I openly bark for nunalastor lulu lore - me accidentally dropping irl lulu lore lulu fun facts - exactly what it says lulu polls - polls lulu is a boomer - me not knowing basic pop culture things cuz I live under a rock lulu loves nunalastorscursedkitten / and paincaat too / lulu loves paincaat / and nunalastorscursedkitten too - my interractions with @ paincaat / @ nunalastorscursedkitten lulu loves getting called slurs - me getting called the f-word lulu infodumps - infodumps about stuff that might not always be hazbin hotel fools being sexy - @ the-aprilfools-bitch tag
who is safe here?
everyone except minors. I don't judge. This is a safe space regardless of race, gender, sexuality or anything else. Be as cringe/not cringe as you want
What is this blog?
Used to be a hazbin blog, now turned to me simping for daddy nunalastor and interracting with the cursed polycule
What can I ask or share with you?
Literally anything you want to share, no limits. I respond to everything, even hate so if I haven't responded I'm either asleep or the message didn't appear in my inbox.
One thing I don't respond to is chain sends cuz I can't be bothered with that shit. Anything else is a yes
What's with the bad English?
English is my second language. I pride myself on being able to read it fluently, but I might have problems with talking in a way that flows naturally to native speakers. So sorry bout that
What time are you active?
Honestly, all over the place. Don't look too much into it, but I'm from the country of Georgia if that helps
Can I use your ideas?
Absolutely! You don't even need to ask. I won't say this is a necessity, but If you decide to use them, I'd love it if you'd tag me. I love seeing all kinds of things people make and I'd love to see yours too!
Why are you so unhinged and sexual? Aren't you ace?
Asexuals aren't all sex-repulssed and can enjoy it too. I am uncomfy with the act of sex but I love joking and shitting about it. Me saying something is hot/sexy/makes my dick hard is just me saying "I love this and i think it's cool" when that isn't enough to express my love. (I think I'm being funny)
Is the art on nunalastor's blog you sometimes repost yours?
Yes, the art posted on their asks by mylz-flick is by me. It's my primary blog and i don't use it for anything so all my asks are submitted through there
Why don't you post as often anymore?
Because all my posts go straight to nunalastor's blog. Go check them out, it's great
By nunalastor s request:
Who hurt you?
Nunalastor did when they rizzed up my mom
What's with the worms? That's disgusting
Well, nunalastor made this post and it turned me on a little ngl
What is the cursed polycule?
Well, I spontaneously decided that my go to funny (not funny) joke would be to start asking everyone who agreed with me or had similar tastes to kiss me. Long story short, now I'm a whore™ with 100+ husbands that I can't keep track of and that's the cursed polycule
Why do you keep calling nunalastor daddy?
Many reasons. First, Nunalastor saying they would fuck my mom in the DMs when I told them about her. So naturally, if my mom and nunalastor got married they would be the dad hence, daddy. Also, nunalastor is unapologetically my favourite blog on here and the title "daddy" is reserved for them. Also their word is law to me and they deserve the respectful title
The way you interract with minors is disgusting
I have minors please don't interract in my bio for a reason. I expect a decent human being to see that and kindly leave my blog. I don't check who I'm responding to most of the time so I probably didn't even notice it was a minor. I'm just trying to be fun.
If you are a minor and I responded/reblogged your art or post with some batshit crazy shenanigans like I do with everyone, send me a DM and I'll delete it. I'd rather it be in the DMs instead of out in public because out here I have people acting like they hate me and I don't want to accidentally take something that's meant to be a serious request to stop like a joke.
What's with that one pregnant anon stuff at nunalastors blog?
Listen, I don't care what shit people send me, but if you even dare harm, harass or just in general be an asshole to the ones I consider nice people, I will not take that lightly.
To everyone: if you get haters, tag me so I can draw them pregnant.
Is the cursed polycule an actual relationship or just a joke?
It's just a joke between us.
Can I join the polycule?
Daddy has revoked my marriage license so you'll have to consult with the other members. I take what daddy demands very seriously
You can however, talk to the other members of the polycule and join. We could also have a platonic relationship going on in the polycule if you want
What is up with you and pronouns?
Sorry, in my native language there are no gendered pronouns. We just have a singular he/she/they for everyone. I use he/him for me (despite being a woman) because it's what rolls off the tongue easier for me. For everyone else I use they/them because you can never go wrong with neutral.
Are you actually attracted to nunalastor?
Honestly, the only time I've experienced attraction (i think? Still unsure if it was that) was with one girl at my uni and the feeling I have for nunalastor is very similar. It's not the exact kinda feeling but I have a very strong desire to make them proud. Not sure exactly what it is but no, I don't want to actually fuck them and I don't want to kiss them either. That seems gross. I do however wanna hold their hand and recieve headpats from them. Idk just know me as the nunalastor simp, that's easier to explain.
(and yes both mods)
Why do you keep mentioning nunalastor calling you the f-word?
Because I genuinely /gen /srs loved it. This isn't a joke. It made me overstimmed and honestly was a little overwhelmed with giddiness. keep in mind though, that while I enjoy getting called the slur, I will not be calling anyone that because that makes me uncomfy.
why haven't you responded to my reblog/comment/ask?
I generally respond to everyone I can. but either it was
lost in my notifs
was posted by a minor and I don't want to attract minors here
If it was on a reblog of something, I assumed it was meant for op
I just couldn't think of anything to respond with (which is rare)
feel free to let me know if it was either 1 or 3 but I won't respond to minors
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snellyfish · 2 years
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Soushin Week Day 2 - Obsession
Hehe he’s so silly and normal you guys!! Aww!!!
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wordycheeseblob · 3 months
Acknowledge me and I shall reveal all
-With much appreciation and love 🍈anon
You speak an infinite deal of nothing
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1989tv · 27 days
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ghouljams · 19 days
hello *menacingly*
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goldenguillotines · 8 months
how do you block anons? 👀
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This blocks the person from asking you anything on anon from their ip. Yes it is annoying. Yes they can probably circumvent this. However, if you're gonna be an asshole on anon. You don't deserve anon rights
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rayofmisfortune · 3 months
OH GOD OHG OGD RAY LUNAR'S AND EARTH'S REACTIONS IT WAS WORSE THAN WHAT I IMAGINED MY HEART IS BREAKING ALL OVER AGAIN HELP ME HELP ME HELP JUST *inhales* It's just... the way Earth panicked and went into denial and then acceptance and then SCREAMED and sobbed her heart out and just kept checking over and over and over again that this wasn't a joke this was real this was happening he's really dead (1/4)
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The entire video on tlaes was... SUCH a punch just... driving it in properly. He's gone. He's not coming back. And shit I'm crying again HAHA It was impossible to hold back tears while watching... I just hope Monty managed to console them both...
Eclipse's entire behaviour has just... FLIPPED around! He's actually going along and listening to people of his own volition! He doesn't have that program from Moon making him listen to whatever he said. But... now Eclipse is listening to people, sure he's still an ass, but he's an ass that listens. (Hoping they find out about his directives soon so.. I dunno, he can think more for himself?)
RIGHT? Though... I believe Ruin said something about his vision not being connected to a single wire or something. I may be wrong haha that's what I gathered. BUT THE VOICEBOX- Oh my fucken God I- I can't wait for someone to come into p&s to talk to Ruin, expecting an emotionless apathetic responce, only to get nothing. And the worst/best part is that no one will think twice about Ruin suddenly being silent. No one would care, they'd just assume he's being an unhelpful prick as is the norm for him nowadays... and I'm shaking in anticipation for that. I NEED at least a little scene with someone talking to Ruin and getting NOTHING in responce JFNFND
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pocketramblr · 2 years
Nedzu: The Commission confiscates the teacher's hero license? Confiscates it like the criminal?! Blackmail and public shaming for The Commission! Blackmail, public shaming, and scandal leaks for One Thousand Years!!
they can't even go to All Might about it. "Hey so you know how we kept AfO's continued breathing habit secret from you and he escaped? Well we found out he had a secret son working as a hero, tried to blackmail him about it, and now he's mad at us, not a hero anymore, and possibly doing other illegal things! help save us from our own stupidity!"
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s1x-foot-deep · 8 months
winterbetty or scarab/the winter king? :0 (for the ship game)
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theyre both like mosquitoes
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sanatomis · 21 days
#when i show up to a hater competition and gege akutami is already there 🙂‍↕️
when i thought Kendrick was the biggest hater of all time and then gege releases chapter 261.
kendrick got nothing on gege fr
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peppermint-moss · 1 year
I have a really important question, how do you feel about your art being used in edits ? And I don’t mean taking your whole amv/pmv and changing the audio , I mean taking a few clips here and there, I want to make sure I’m not crossing any boundaries or anyone else
honestly ive been goin a lil back and forth for a while on how i feel about it; at the moment ive kinda been like i dont really like it but i also dont rlly care enough for it to actually make me uncomfortable/upset ? and then i think maybe i should just let ppl use it for edits if they dont bother me Too much idk... The only thing i know for certain is (wht u already mentioned) do not go taking my whole video and changing the audio etc. But just a few clips agh im not quite sure yet Sorry for the wishy-washy answer I know that's probably frustrating :( I'd say for now I'd prefer if people don't use my art/animations in edits but if that answer changes I'll update it in my FAQ on my tumblr and prob reblog this to inform ppl of it
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sprout-fics · 1 year
Jesus Christ all you care about is numbers, isn’t it? Let people write what they want and how they want, there’s literally no need to be rude and rag on other people’a writing just because it’s “popular”. Like how do you expect people to get better at writing and want to continue writing if all you’re going to do is shame them for how they write? If someone’s fics are getting more attention then yours, maybe it’s because they don’t guilt trip people into reblogs and put down other writers.
Anon when have I EVER done anything other than encourage other writers and tell them to do exactly that- to write whatever they want? Give me an instance where I have shamed another writer for doing how they please, I'll wait. I actively encourage people to pursue writing as a hobby and to have faith in themselves when they are trying to improve, no matter what skill level they are at. You are putting words in my mouth that do not belong there. That and your tune is incredibly uncordial and I do not appreciate it.
I think you were set off by that post, the one which you either did not correctly read or blatantly chose to ignore the message of. The post was encouraging writers who do not get to see their fics become 'popular', which is a completely arbitrary distinction that has no impact on the quality of the work itself. It is NOT saying popular fics are only popular because they are shallowly written or have poor writing. what it IS saying is that there are some fics that are not 'popular' that are just as good as those fics that may appear on the first page of AO3 results.
I say this as someone who's fic is currently 2nd in Kudos in Din x Reader. Sure, I am proud of that honor. But in the end it doesn't matter because there are so many fics that are just as good if not wildly better than my own. There's so many hidden gems with beautiful and stunning prose that are wildly unappreciated, which is the point of that post that you seem to have misread.
As for your accusation about 'numbers'. I could care less. I write for myself. I write things that I want to because I find writing to be a fulfilling hobby that I enjoy. I continue to establish on this blog that you are allowed to be writing explicitly for numbers, but that at the end of the day you should be writing because it is a hobby that you enjoy and that you find fulfilling. Write badly, write well, write however you damn well please. I'm proud of you for simply opening a draft and jotting down a story idea. I'm proud of the people who appear on the first or last page of fic results. We are all writers, and we should be encouraging and lifting up each other rather than attacking each other.
Don't put words in my mouth that don't belong.
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