#but i guess the key is that u gotta get permission before u put stuff in edits
peppermint-moss · 2 years
I have a really important question, how do you feel about your art being used in edits ? And I don’t mean taking your whole amv/pmv and changing the audio , I mean taking a few clips here and there, I want to make sure I’m not crossing any boundaries or anyone else
honestly ive been goin a lil back and forth for a while on how i feel about it; at the moment ive kinda been like i dont really like it but i also dont rlly care enough for it to actually make me uncomfortable/upset ? and then i think maybe i should just let ppl use it for edits if they dont bother me Too much idk... The only thing i know for certain is (wht u already mentioned) do not go taking my whole video and changing the audio etc. But just a few clips agh im not quite sure yet Sorry for the wishy-washy answer I know that's probably frustrating :( I'd say for now I'd prefer if people don't use my art/animations in edits but if that answer changes I'll update it in my FAQ on my tumblr and prob reblog this to inform ppl of it
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skeletorific · 7 years
Hello, may I request a fluff imagine/headcanon? How would UT and UF Sans (who I imagine are space nerds) react to finding out that their s/o (who they've recently started dating) works at a planetarium/observatory complex when the s/o takes them on a date there? They also tell them the reason they kept their work a secret is because they didn't want to appear like a huge nerd in front of the cool skele. Oh, and the skele can come by anytime as long as the s/o worns their boss beforehand
UT!Sans: Okay, it will be a MIRACLE if he doesn’t already know. Sans spends a lot of time at the planetarium. Given that monsters went Underground centuries ago their understanding of astronomy is way, waaay behind the times. He’s done his best with the sci-fi novels and occasional textbooks that fall into the dump, but it's very piecemeal and sometimes hard to tell what’s real and what’s just a sci-fi trope. After he and Papyrus get settled he spends a lot of time wandering and figuring out what he can. He’s relieved the moon landing was real (or was it…no its real).
He’s seen you a couple times but just assumed you were a regular like him (the dress code is basically just formal wear for you). You were pretty cute, and he ended up striking up a conversation after you’d ended up responding to his bad joke (”that solar system exhibit’s so nice I wanna put a ring on it”) with one of your own (”yeah, must’ve taken a long time to planet”). 
You’d talked for a while and he’d walked away for your number. Normally Sans isn’t the type to move fast but clearly, there was some kind of gravity at work here (heh) so it wasn’t long before you’d had a first date. Then a second.
Third date planning went something like this:
Sans: what do u think, brave enough to try Paps spaghetti again tonight?
You: as appealing as that sounds, I’ve got work late tonight :’(
Sans: nooo
You: yeah…
Sans: eh, it's okay. can always try for another night
A pause. And an idea struck you.
You: u know what? Meet me at the planetarium at 10 with some food.
Sans: ok?
Sans: u don’t have time to get to my house but have time to get to a closed planetarium in the middle of nowhere?
Sans: that sounded sarcastic tbh i’m sorry
You: you’re good xD. and trust me. it's a surprise ;)
Sans oooh~
He showed up at ten on the dot, not late for once and holding McDonald's. He looked around for you on the front steps when the locked doors opened and you were on the other side, trying to stifle an excited grin. “hey”
“uh, hey. How did you….” he smacked his forehead. “I’m an idiot. you work here?
”yeah. I mean, to be fair to you, I’m upper management, so I don’t wear the uniform.” You held the door open for him and he walked inside.
“still, might’ve picked up on it. how come you acted all mysterious about it?”
“I dunno.” You led him down the dimly lit hallway, shrugging. “its kind of nerdy, I guess? not like the glamourous nerdy, like NASA or something. Like, low budget never enough funding nerdy.”
“hey, what part of this made you think I wasn’t into nerdy?” He gestured to himself.
“I don’t know, it's dumb. and I’m hungry” You made a grab for the food and he pulled it out of your reach.
“hmm, I dunno..” His perpetual grin widened and he waved the bag tauntingly. “don’t know if secret keepers deserve food…”
You grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him in for a brief kiss. He flushed bright blue and you took advantage of this to snatch the bag out of his hand and stuff some fries in your face.
“heh, you play dirty, kid”
“so what did you want me to see?”
“Same reason I had to stay late” You rolled up the bag to save the rest for later. “we’re opening a new special exhibit, and well…got special permission from my boss to give a special tour.”
“…..you didn’t”
“I did” You grinned
“you didn’t”
“come on” you grabbed his hand and pulled him along
It was a small theatre with about twenty seats in it. You led him to the front row and then dug around in your bag, pulling out two pairs of 3D glasses and handing one to him. “its this recreation of a satellite’s path. Goes out pretty far and the effects are fan-fucking-tastic” You sat down next to him
He wrapped an arm around your shoulder. “hey i think i’m in love with you, is that normal?”
You stuffed some fries in his mouth, smiling. “just don’t spill food, the janitor will murder me.”
You sat there in content silence for the full thirty minutes, listening to the narration as it took you on a tour of the galaxy. You’d seen the video a lot of times at this point and spent most of it watching him.
He looked like a kid at a theme park. It was honestly kind of adorable. Sans didn’t show open excitement often, but he was so lost in the film and the visuals that he wasn’t at all self-conscious about his facial expressions. His smile was wider than you’d ever seen it and he kept squeezing your shoulder whenever something particularly cool came on screen.
You settled against him. Enjoying the silence and the warmth, and the moment between you.
UF!Sans: “what is this uniform even for?”
“stop going through my clothes, ya creep,” you said, snatching the blue polo out of his hands and pulling it on.
“up until about five seconds ago you were naked but it's noticing the clothes that make me creepy” Red sat up and stretched, pulling back the blankets on the bed.
“no one ever said I made sense” You pulled on some dark slacks too, turning to the mirror leaning against the corner and trying to get your hair into something approaching decent shape. 
Red sidled up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, pressing toothy kisses along the crook of your neck. “sure you gotta go?”
“yeah, got work.” You smiled, humming softly at the attention.
“could call in sick…” His hands crept lower, towards your hips. “stay a little longer…”
You flushed and gently pulled his hands off.“ my boss would actually kill me.”
“trust me, your boss ain’t seen nothin like me yet” He grinned.
“hey, be nice to my boss, I actually like this job” You adjusted your shirt.
“like it so much you won’t even tell me what it is.”
“is it important that you know?” You pull on some shoes
“nah, just a weird thing for me to not know.” He rolled his neck, groaning softly.
“I’ll tell you someday” You pulled on a jacket and grabbed your keys.
“unless I find out first” He smirked sharply.
“that threat would be a lot more credible if you were wearing pants right now instead of just boxers”
“that a challenge?”
“take it how you will. I gotta go”
“hey” You turned your head to face him and he caught you in a slow, soft kiss. “have a good day”
You smiled. “yeah. you too.” And with that, you were out the door.
You’d been seeing Red for a couple months now. What the battle-hardened, rugged, smooth-talking skeleton saw in you you’d probably never know, but all that mattered right now was that his jokes made you laugh (even the bad ones) and his kisses left you weak at the knees. You’d be an idiot to give that up.
Which….is probably why you hadn’t told him about your job. Like, you hadn’t been actively hiding it or lying to him or anything. But you’d skirted questions and tried to avoid talking about anything that happened at work. Red was a badass. And you were slowly realizing that he was probably a genius too, based on what little he told you of his life Underground. And there was something kind of embarrassing about telling a person like that that your place of work was a planetarium gift shop.
As if you needed more reasons to feel inadequate next to him. You knew you were being kind of stupid about the whole thing, and you kept meaning to tell him. But every time you’d get so nervous about what he might say or think that you couldn’t make yourself.
Which was a shame, because you really did like your job. Sure, some of the customers could get a little annoying, and the pay wasn’t super great. But there were definite perks. Watching little kids chatter excitedly about planets and comets and asteroids to their parents/teachers. Getting to wander around the exhibits on your breaks and after work. Even the occasional chance to talk to guest speakers in between lectures. You were fascinated by space and space-related stuff. No interest in becoming an astronaut or even an astronomist but you loved the opportunity to learn in a more casual setting.
Still, by the end of your shift, you were ready to get home and clean up for your date. You and Red were planning on going to a movie.
One problem. You couldn’t find your keys.You dug around in your pockets, the break room, even the space behind the counter in case they fell out, but nothing. You searched for nearly forty-five minutes, making a general nuisance of yourself to the person who came to swap you out.
Your phone buzzed.
Red: where are you?
You: sorry, still at work, can’t find my keys. be home soon
Red: want a lift?
You: you don’t know where I am.
Long pause.
You: Sans-
Before you could send it you heard a familiar, amused voice behind you. “really should know better than to leave your location on, doll~”
You yelped, nearly dropping your phone as you whirled around. “Red-!”
“so, where are we-’ His voice dropped off and his eyes went wide as he took in his surroundings. 
Your face slowly grew redder. “I…..I know its nerdy and I swear I was gonna tell you eventually but…” Your voice died off as you realized he was chuckling. “….what’s so funny?”
“stars, doll.” He hooked his fingers under your chin and pecked you on the lips, eyes lidded. ‘if I believed in soulmates i’d say you’re getting pretty damn close to one.”
“….you’re into space?” Your cheeks felt like they might catch on fire but your heart leaped in your chest. 
“uh…” His turn to look slightly awkward. He rubbed the back of his head. “yeah, honestly. one of those interests I keep on the down low, but…yeah.”
“…do you want a tour-”
The movie fell by the wayside (you found your keys in your car later on). You walked, handing hand through the planetarium, and got to watch as your gruff and tough boyfriend turned into a hyperactive twelve-year-old over all of it.
Comforting to know deep down, he was just as big a nerd as you are.
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