#anothe rough thing is eating
mothielad · 1 year
Hey I’m just curious if anyone has tips for drinking water? (Especially with ADHD and such) I recently started ADHD meds and I need to drink extra water with this specific kind but I really struggle with drinking a lot at once and remembering to
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th3e-m4ng0 · 3 months
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blub blub
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their actual colors
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bunnihearted · 7 months
#need to clear my head;#im in such a bad mood. my face is in a perpetual angry state. im just so so bitter nd pessimistic rn#trying not to get stuck in negative chaos thought spirals nd to just take it as it come#nd be patient bc recovery takes time i know. but i havent been able to feel healthy or functional for 7 months nd i am so tired#i cant help but worry abt my health nd what kinda diet i can have nd how to work all of that out.#like the removal of the gallbladder dont ensure a good digestive system. they remove it bc it can irrepairably hurt u#also im so so stressed out abt school nd my courses. i already had to drop one last week. nd it isnt looking like i'll be able to pass my#eng class.. it just isnt looking like it's realistic at all :/ i personally dont mind if i fail. but i can get issues w my wellfare hmm#bc like im still feeling rough nd u only get sick leave for one week after surgery.. so i have to go on thursday nd friday but im gnna#be in pain plus be so hungry nd be unable to concentrate idk#idk idk!! im already willing to take out loans to finish my upper secondary school.. but i have to make it work w timing nd stuff so im not#sitting here unable to pay rent or the bills or food lmao. so idk have to fix it somehow#nd the pressure of this country rapidly declining state is stressing me tf out!! having nazi conservative rightists in the ruling is just#dreadful!!!! for many reasons but atm idek if i can do distance classes like i wanted to ://#i just.. wanna be able to go for my long walks. go to the gym. eat normally. have coffee. study nd finish highschool.#then apply for whatever program i can nd move to another calmer city. prob eventually find a path to move to another country. like norway..#im thinking too much but my thoughts are spinning nd killing me like i cant stop it im so scared nd anxious lmao 💀#im also trying to be brave and write to the psych clinic for personality disorders nd be upset nd 'beg' them for help ksksksks.#but like... the thing abt having avpd is that i kinda dont wanna bc im scared of the possibility of them helping me lol#im just in a low place nd bad headspace and it's just getring worse nd im getting more nd more tired#i dont have much more energy to keep it together nd pretend like im ok or like i have hope lmaoooo idk what to do#anyway... idk idk guess i just gotta .. keep crawling forward anyway i can
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handfulofmuses · 1 month
Q: Let's pretend that Clutch is the current father figure of Rough and Tumble. What kind of silly scenarios do you imagine them in? Flynn: They definitely are eager to please. Because you know, Proud Papa Clutch can give them things they usually can't have like positive reinforcement and regular meals and allowances. And that sibling rivalry that they have is going to get more pronounced as they each fight for father's love. Flynn: And Clutch, being the awful person that he is, leans into that. Plays them against each other. Has them perform more dangerous and excessive feats just for his own gain. And then just gives them juuuust enough approvement and juuuuust enough positive reinforcement that they stick around.
The skunk boys are so desperate man and for some reason this unhealthy dynamic is interesting to me?
They want approvement, they want positive reinforcement. Like, they are so desperate to have someone other than each other and for once want positive companionship... and they sort of get that with Clutch, not enough but it IS enough that the boys want to stay by his side
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Breaking News: Boy has to write an essay for English class when all he wants to do is play with hot wheels and eat mud
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cosmic-ships · 8 months
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emometalhead · 4 months
#having a day full of mixed feelings#I suppose this is how life goes#I'm officially done with my Bachelor's degree as of today#obviously I'm proud of myself for the accomplishment and I was excited to be celebrated today#it was a long and difficult road and there were many times where I didn't think I'd live to see it through but I made it#I'm the first person in my family to get this degree and I was really looking forward to having today be my day#I had a really lovely morning and then things kind of waned#there were a few arguments. someone I spent the day with repeatedly made negative comments about something I care about#it felt awful. I know it was intended as more of a playful jab than anything but I directly asked for the comments to stop and they didn't#it especially hurt that it was a fandom thing and the person is so invested in their own fandoms yet they felt it fair to step on mine#even though I've never done that to them#then people kept talking over me and acted like I was wrong for trying to interject to finish my own sentences#also as I said in the last post I was deeply upset by how my family members spoke of my 12 year old cousin#she's just a kid and some of our close family members have such a nasty opinion of her. she's so young and she's had a rough few years#but it seems like no one except my brother and I are willing to give her any grace#I think everyone else has forgotten what it feels like to be a kid and feel as if the world is against you#on a more positive note. I had a decadent slice of chocolate cake. it was heavenly#unfortunately I was really too in my head to fully enjoy it#literally every day for 3 weeks I've been talking about the lunch I planned to have today#I knew exactly what meal and dessert I wanted from the restaurant. it's my absolute fave and isn't available at any other local restaurant#I was totally starving by time we got to the restaurant. we were out all morning and I ate a tiny breakfast in anticipation of this meal#when we got there we found out they removed what I planned to order from the menu. I was devastated.#I know it's stupid but like this was the one part of my day that I've had planned for MONTHS and I've been thinking about it for weeks#we had a 40 minute car ride where I mentioned my excitement for the food no less than 10 times so this crushed me#also I'm just really picky in general and typically restaurants only have one or two things I'm able to eat#I offered to just eat the dessert while everyone else ordered food because they were all really hungry too but they wouldn't allow it#we left the restaurant and I still feel horrible for walking out. if I had known the item was removed we wouldn't have even gone there#it happened so recently though and I feel dumb for not even thinking to check the menu online beforehand#so we went to another restaurant and I barely ate anything and now I have no appetite for dinner and I feel bad for ruining the afternoon#even though it's my day and my celebration and I feel like I'm entitled to a slight amount of unreasonableness
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penrose-quinn · 1 year
I hope my three day trip with my friends will finally put my mind at peace. I just feel so lonely...
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the-kipsabian · 9 months
#death //#really tho just. losing two family members within a week from one another is. really rough#even if it is from natural causes and old age it still feels very sudden#and even if we werent that close it still hurts#little things remind me of the grandparents i dont have anymore. like making dinner and realizing im not eating their cooking again#or my grandmas favorite songs. its just. rough#im just thinking a lot. and not looking forward to two funerals within the next few weeks#just.. yeah. i feel kinda fucked up on the inside. more so than usually but for once not cause of myself#its. odd to me. grief hasnt really been constant in my life in years. apart from losing my brothers cat few years ago#before that i lost my other grandma like eleven years ago. since then immediate family has been okay#its just weird. i dont really know how to grief. it comes in waves and odd memories and it feels really.. idk. off to me#ive had few crying fits over some random things but i just feel. numb. maybe its cause of the sudden frequency of these#or cause i dont know how to deal. its strange to me. feels out of place to mourn something other than what i made myself lost#maybe its cause while there was a connection there was a larger disconnection. i havent seen either of them since covid started#idk. regrets and shit and whatnot. i just feel all but nothing at the same time#just. just saying. idk. just wanna clean my brain a little. its been a difficult day. sorry#night is an absolute mess on main
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albatris · 2 years
maybe i should post nat's first murder <3
#I'm in a murdernat mood <3#blood n violence n vampiric activity oh my#i mean. with the added fun of ''nat has no idea what is happening to him'' of course#y'all ever go to work even though you're very very unwell because if you don't your manager will be super mad and you're#already on your last chance due to missing a bunch of shifts (because you got kidnapped but no one cares about that apparently) and#then you have a panic attack and then things get real weird physically and mentally and then you accidentally eat someone#like. y'all ever have that happen? just nat? ok#at least he doesn't eat a random customer or coworker :c#he DOES eat a random human who ticked quinn off that quinn bullied into staging a robbery quote unquote to ''just rough#this guy up a bit and scare him <3'' without the added caveat that nat is about to finally snap and the stress will#tip him over and make him do murders#perfectly timed murder so quinn can sweep in and be the wonderful saviour with all the answers <3#but ye lmao nat holds on pretty well he probly could have lasted another day or so at least#just dealing with vampire hunger alone. but not with added Presence Of A Threat that just sent him over the edge#its a very easy hop from self-defence from ''well this guy is bleeding and my fangs are already out and I'm hungry soooo''#a rental car takes a left down rake street and disappears#anyway quinn enacts this plan Without telling alex it's about to be enacted and alex just wakes up to#the MOST concerning voicemail and nearly has a fucking panic/heart attack#you cant DO that quinn. alex is a vampire alex can literally just die from stress ok. you can stress alex out so much alex just DIES#is that what you want?? bastard??#(no but quinn is an impulsive prick who didn't really think about how fucking risky what they're doing is)#(AND offers alex no proper chance to be nearby in case things go awry and quinn needs help)
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nudibutch · 2 years
Can I ask… how many partners have you had/dates have you been on? I just broke up with my longtime gf, and I just- she’s the only person I’ve ever been with, and I feel so inexperienced being single again.
hey anon. im really sorry to hear this, i know exactly how you feel right now. its funny, i was going to say after that post in the tags "this is me on every date ive been on (which isnt many)"
first dates? i think maybe 6 total. im not sure if im the best person to ask, since i clammed up pretty hard emotionally when my first long time girlfriend and i broke up. i havent had a serious gf since then -- she was my first and only. ive been with one other person in a complicated way (but cut them off as it was a bad situation), and the rest of my experiences have been casual.
completely unsolicited advice from a stranger (me):
1. process it. please dont shy away from processing it.
2. take your time. a breakup with a long term partner is a big emotional change. allow yourself the time to equilibrate. this could take six months, a year... for me, it took 4 years. there is nothing wrong with how long it takes you. theres nothing wrong with not "getting back out there" quickly. in fact, i'd encourage you to wait -- this time allows you to reflect while you process, so you feel more prepared for when you do feel ready to start dating again.
3. take this time to learn more about yourself and to spend time with yourself. this is probably corny but it gives you time to (1) appreciate yourself! and (2) offer more clarity on who would be compatible for you when youre ready to date again.
and finally, 4. when you are ready to start dating again, know that "inexperience" is all relative, and in the end, meaningless. especially in the gay community, where a lot of us are late bloomers due to a variety of things... a lot of people are more similar to your position than you think. and dating "experience" =/= emotional maturity. it might feel weird getting out there again at first (makes sense... you were in a relationship after all!) but you will adjust -- as long as youre kind and honest, i really dont think you can go wrong, no matter your "experience" level. a good person will be looking at your character, not your stats.
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alongtidesoflight · 2 years
#it's been two months since my mom was hospitalised and#i don't think i've had that much stress ever in my life before#rough times sure#but there's something really off about having#to take care of all her stuff on top of my stuff#while watching doctor after doctor misdiagnose her#treat her for the wrong thing for two weeks#then wheel her into heart surgery as soon as they diagnose the right thing but WAIT#she needs another heart surgery#but WAIT#the misdiagnosis wasn't that far off after all so let's treat her lung too#and before you know it a month has passed and she's taken to a physical rehab clinic#and staying in there for another month#while her insurer is already delivering oxygen tanks to our home because she might need them#and sending us disability forms to fill out#meanwhile the doctor at her rehab clinic is convinced that if she just attends the entirety of her programs she might not#need oxygen at all because her lung apparently looks healthy and he doesn't think that diagnosis is accurate after all#ONLY by this time my mom is deeply depressed not eating and not attending her program's courses at all#and everyone's her enemy and she's gonna leave the clinic right now right NOW#she's released tomorrow#a week before her actual release date#because she made such a ruckus they finally allowed her to leave the clinic early#and i just wish she'd at least put an effort in#from day one she refused to give that rehab clinic a chance#every now and then a doctor or a nurse made a little breakthrough and she agreed to try#attended maybe two or three fitness programs#then gave up again#i'm convinced the doctor at her rehab clinic is right and her lung disease is a misdiagnosis after all but we'll never find out since she#refuses to exercise her lungs at all#and after all the effort we put in to make sure she recovers well i'm just exhausted and disappointed in that
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13eyond13 · 2 years
#another hot tip for recovering people pleasers / codependents is#actually talk to people about what they feel and like and want and do the same in return about your own feels#because mind reading can actually be both creepy and annoying to people who have developed those communication skills#and sometimes it can seem like youre not even actually in a relationship with them but just treating them like an npc#with a mysterious riddle you have to solve when you can probably actually just be like 'hey do you like this?'#or maybe they've already been trying to tell you what they want but you're still acting like you have to read between the lines#one of the issues codependents have is not being able to identify their own feelings desires or opinions because#they spend all their time trying to figure out and understand other people's intuitively#and are probably mostly spending time around other codependents who do the same for them#probably because they spent time in a toxic environment where that was a survival coping mechanism for them#or the only way everyone got their needs met#so at first it can be rough and embarrassing to be like#omg i don't even know who i am when im not trying to please somebody else#but start with really basic things like#do i actually want to eat this for dinner?#and try to be true to what you feel#and the more that you practise that the easier it gets to quickly identify your own needs and feels#and eventually be able to identify and express very nuanced ones as well#it is like exercising a muscle you havent worked out in years it takes reptition and time#p
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calico-kiwi · 26 days
someone save me helllpppppp
#kiwi shares their thoughts#not in real danger just severely overworked and stressed atm#much work to do almost no time to do ANY of it#i’m stuck playing catch up somehow??? when its only been like 2 and a half weeks since school’s started???#and i haven’t really missed any school???#idk man i’m falling behind in ap calc (was kinda alr behind)#ap bio work keeps piling up#because i was absent for half of my asl class today i had to make up like 3 assignments that we did in there#there’s ap lang assignments due friday that i will have literally no time to work on bc sports (thank god i got an extension)#but now i have to spend ANOTHER weekend doing school work#i literally have not had a weekend to have me time since school started#we’re hosting saturday too so i doubt i’ll get much done then that day#my september schedule is so full it’s about to explode#i have to sign up for like 20000 things (hyperbole) and my extracurriculars are only adding to the workload#(being vp for a club and also trying to help start up a school newspaper w only four people is ROUGH)#i have college recruiter meetings and i need to schedule an orientation at a shelter i want to volunteer at#i have to worry about preparing for my driving test#and the straw that broke the camel’s back is that when i get home from sports i immediately do chores then homework and then eat + shower#and suddenly my friend group is having issues and i don’t have the bandwidth to deal with ANY of that shit rn#so like#I HAVENT HAD TIME TO GO TO TAEKWONDO ALL WEEK#IM MISSING OUR BELT CEREMONY BC I HAVE A MATCH TMMR#I WAS SUPPOSED TO MAKE SALSA IN COOKING TODAY BUT I HAD TO GO PLAY SPORTS INSTEAD 😭#oh yes and my brother has covid i just found out like an hour ago#im negative w no symptoms thank goodness#oh AND the picture lady for picture day didn’t tell me my fucking bra strap fell off one shoulder when i took my picture#so now a perfectly good picture looks wack af bc my right shoulder is bare and my left one has a strap and it is NOT cute 😭#that’s my yearbook photo dude gives guy a heads up abt stuff like that 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#n e ways life is kicking my ass but all i want is for it to tuck me in give me a kiss on the forehead and tell me “i love you”
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neo-nomatrix · 3 months
jjk men during a bl0w!e
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cw: bj stuff. cum play (kinda idk) rough characters. dirty talk. degradation. choking
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Soooo needy it’s insane. He’s so desperate to feel every inch of your soft warm mouth. he promises to let you do your thing but as soon as you wrap your lips around the tip his hands fly to your head and his hips snap. he’s muttering apologize as he pushes you down until your nose touches his skin. he throws his head back and moans open mouthed like a slut.
he’ll get so caught up in the moment he keep you down there for like 30 seconds just grinding his hips into your mouth. let’s you up when you pinch his thigh. you will be coughing and your face will be covered in spit by the end. he lovess facials and always rubs the cum in using his tip. he keeps a photo of you with his cock on your face and cum in your mouth as his wallpaper.
“s-shit baby… deeper, little more”
“you can take it, i know you can baby”
“just make me feel good okay?”
uhm yeah… what did you expect. does not give a shit about you when his cock is in your mouth. keeps you at the edge of the bed with your head hanging off and his fucking your mouth like a fleshlight. goes so deep his cock is showing in your throat. your gags make him want to go another round. plugs your nose when you’re deep throating so you can’t breath.
“until my jaw locks” yeah he took that as a challenge. loves tying you up with a low vibrator on your clit while he fucks that mouth as torture. you honestly don’t know if you love it or hate it. Sukuna loves it though, that’s for sure. cums deep in your throat, every time. will face fuck you again if he sees you didn’t swallow it all.
“fuck gag on that dick, bitch”
“i can see my cock in your throat! but who’s surprised?”
“you better swallow my seed… it’ll probably reach your stomach with how deep i am”
again, who’s surprised. he thought handjobs were great… but this? whole different level. you start but sucking on the tip until he’s sensitive. then you lick stripes up and down his veins. you use soo much spit and he loves it. he loves it when you press kisses to his cock and then deep throat it.
hes mesmerized by the way your head moves, the way your lips look. he has to force himself to not throw his head back so he can see you. one time he got ahead of himself and snapped his hips up and you choked on him, best day of his life. when he found out your throat felt like that? no going back. he begs you to deep throat him all the time.
“more… more more more. please baby!”
“remember how good i eat you out? please treat me good”
“i know it’s too deep! im sorry i can’t stop baby”
just into good old fashioned blowjobs. your hand kept at the base and your lips move up and down his shaft. he wants your tongue swirling over it like a lollipop. he brushes your hair out of your face to see your expressions. he’s so gentle and nice when it comes to blowjobs.
let’s you grind on his leg while you suck him off. mostly uses it as foreplay and not a main way to get off. likes for your spit to act as lube for him to slide in. if he was gonna cum from a bj it would be on your tits. he loves that.
“fuck keep that up and i’ll cum”
“let it get hard in your mouth… that’s right”
“don’t give me those innocent eyes, slut”
oh you’ll support your working man, from under the desk. he’s so stressed about work these days and you have just the solution! you showed up to his home office in skimpy lingerie and without saying a word you crawl under his desk and get to work. he gets so flustered so fast, blushing and stuttering about how his report is due.
grips the chair so tight when you start working your magic. he doesn’t want to thrust up because he knows he’ll bruise your throat. uses his belt to wrap around your neck and guide you instead. pulls your hair an insane amount. cums in your mouth but likes to watch it pour out onto your body.
“i’m working baby… you’ll get me too distracted”
“wrap that belt around your neck, be a good assistant”
“is this you saying thank you for being my sugar daddy?”
he’s so big you need to use your hands or else he might pop out on the other side of your neck. you’re moving your hands and your mouth at a similar pace. he definitely teaches you how he wants it. he guides your head to a good rhythm and then lets you do your thing.
maybe he’ll have a cigarette hanging out his mouth when you suck it. blowing smoke in your face to tease you. definitely makes fun of the fact that you can’t take all of him. your jaw has to be open so wide to get him in. cums everywhere, your face, throat, tits. doesn’t matter, if it’s you he’ll cum there.
“don’t just move your hands up and down baby, turn em”
“your face looks so fucking small next to my dick!”
“c’mon, try harder to take it or else i’ll force you to”
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holyviolence · 9 months
just reflecting on my past and realizing how shit everything's been. tw for lotsa things in tags or you can just ignore and go on with ur day <3
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