#another eyewitness parallel maybe?
greenfiend · 5 months
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Eyewitness Lake House vs. Stranger Things Lake House
Credit to @lazylama9 for pointing this out!
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beepboop358 · 3 years
Hey 💗 how are you ?
So my question is how do you imagine the first byler kiss ? Like what music plays and what did they talk about and what happens after ?
Hope you have a great day ♥️
hi anon! i’m doing okay, i’m a bit tired but i’m getting a break from school soon and I am very excited for that LOL :) I hope you are doing well and I hope you have a great day too!! 💕💗💕
I love this ask, thank you! I like to imagine byler’s first kiss happening in one of 2 ways aha (I can’t really decide which way I like more and I could see both happening in the show)
However the kiss does happen, I think the music will be an original composition from Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein, who compose all of Stranger Things score :) There was original music for Mike & El’s first kiss("The First Kiss"), Jonathan & Nancy’s first kiss ("The First Lie"), for the “Blank Makes You Crazy” scene & for the “The First I love You” scene 😉 so I’m really hoping we get an original piece for Mike & Will’s first kiss that kind of plays on the themes of the other original music from those scenes songs mentioned above, as another reference that those were both Byler related scenes aha :) Maybe a title like “Love Makes You Crazy” perhaps :) I like to imagine it starting out slow and building in beat & volume as it goes, so the music gets bigger and bigger as it builds to the moment they kiss.
One of the ways I like to imagine their first kiss happening is an isolated, more intimate scene just between the two of them, with no one else around. I kind of imagine this version of the kiss scene like where tensions have kind of been building between them, Mike's been really intimate with Will in private but when they're in public he has been very skittish, and they have a conversation that is kind of the "breaking point", and Mike kisses Will. (I think Mike is going to imitate the kiss first because of the Eyewitness parallel) It's kind of a shock to them both and then they're left to talk about it/what it means/their feelings
I wrote a fanfic of this kind of scenario^, here's the link :)
The other way is after something epic, after or in a life or death situation. It would be a spur of the moment things like a “I think we’re about to die and I need to let him know how I feel in case anything happens” OR a “holy shit we almost just died and this really puts everything into perspective, i love you and I’m so glad you’re alive and I just have to kiss you right now” kind of moment :)
I think depending on when they have their first kiss (I’m crossing my fingers for the end of s4 LOL) will determine how much they talk after it. I kind of don't think there will be a lot of talk about the kiss in s4 if it does happen at the end of s4, because then there's so much left unsaid that it leaves plenty of development for byler in the next season. But I think after the kiss happens, it's going to be a little awkward between them. I don't think either of them will know exactly what to say or what to do next.
Thanks for the ask!
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theexecutionerssong · 4 years
I want to ask you as spn expert hdbfbdj i heard that destiel made creators/actors uncomfortable and they banned mention of it at the cons? And made anlotbof writing decision to keep dean and cas characters from each other in the show? So how do you think what changed and why the decided to make deancas canon (bad as it is but canon) in almost last episode when they could just not do it jrbfkf
Hi! Oh damn I hope you’re ready for a long ass answer because I have 13 years worth of memories to answer this question dfghjklm
So, your first question, when you say creators, you have to keep in mind that the original showrunner stepped down years ago and since then, there’s been several showrunners who each had a different view on where they wanted to take the story, which explains the disparities in writing quality from one season to another, in my opinion. Of course the orginal showrunner is still around and would chime in from time to time but he went on on working on other shows (which flopped, besides The Boys, tbh), and we definitely didn’t see it that way in 2005.
Then comes the writers team, that has also seen many changes over the years. I truly believe some left because they wouldn’t make Destiel happen, among other things like the treatment/lack of representation of female and POC characters. Robbie Thompson definitely left because they killed Charlie in the most horrifying way, and Charlie was his baby, and he got better opportunities elsewhere. I remember over 7 years ago when Bo Berens (the writer of last night episode) joined the team, my whole dash was full of people screaming because holy shit the new SPN writer is gay!!! and wouldn’t that change things??? Well it did. He wrote, along with Robbie Thompson, some of the most explicit Destiel episodes that they could get away with. I don’t believe this was ever queerbaiting, not from them, and I think they took advatange of the other writers just not seeing it, or not wanting to see it.
For a very long time, the showrunners and writers were kind of oblivious to the shipping, they didn’t take it seriously because it wasn’t how they had thought it could be interpreted. As time went on and the shipping only grew and as the cast and crew actually started to see what we were seeing in their own damn writing and acting, they started to be more aware and careful around it. Some were downward enjoying putting down fans, like fucking Guy Norman Bee gloating on Twitter and engaging with fans over it. A mess. He left 5 years ago that one, good riddance. It was also the time when actual canon queer ships would appear on TV - keep in mind that in 2010-12, Destiel was as explicit as it could get. We had nothing else, so of course we would latch onto that. But we started getting more and more actual explicit representation with Shameless, Shadowhunters, Eyewitness, Skam, HTGAWM, Orphan Black, etc around 2013, and shipping Destiel got very frustrating. 
The actors have always been another story, and I saw a lot of comments being made today towards Jensen so I’m gonna copy paste my answer to an ask I got last year : “I think he was just extremely “protective” of Dean and would get actually mad and shut down every conversation about Destiel because that’s not how he sees his character. Like, proper pissed off. He would get uncomfortable about pride flags during photo ops. It came to the point where people would walk on eggshells at cons. 2012-13 was hard on the fandom on this point. He would never speak up about lgbtq related topics in politics either. Liking a tweet like Chris’s 10 or even 5 years ago? Never. He used to say that people in highschool would bully him for “looking too gay” because of his pouty lips and big eyes. I think he didn’t want to care about it but bullying leaves scars. Getting married to Danneel, meeting Misha, who are both very outspoken about lgbtq matters, opened him up, and he’s said himself that having his first daughter changed him deeply. He had a whole new perspective on unconditional love. Now, he’s enthusiastic about posing with pride flags, to sign fanart, he’s always so supportive of lgbtq fans at cons, hugs them, gives them words of encouragement, etc. Years ago he said “my father told me that there’s no manly way to drink out of a straw” and now he’s out there being crowned King at the Mardi Gras parade in New Orleans, posting rainbows on his social media, having makeup sessions wit his daughter, etc. He was very outspoken about his support for Beto in Texas last year, he goes to rallies, posts about it on social media, etc. And yeah maybe that’s the bare minimum but he wouldn’t have done it years ago but now he does and that’s worth something. He’s not a Destiel supporter but now the topic isn’t banned at cons anymore. He jokes about it, he understands better where people who see Dean as bi are coming from, even if it’s not his take on the character. He’s much more comfortable with himself and has come a long way. I’m happy for him.” That was my reply last year to somebody asking if Jensen was homophobic and while I obviously don’t know him, it’s what I gathered over the past 17 years or so. I was already a fan of him beofre Supernatural soooo, I’ve been around a while. Yes there was this moment, over 7 years ago at a con, where he let fans boo other fans for asking a question about Destiel, and he shut down the question, then the questions about Destiel were banned. That’s not the case anymore and it hasn’t been that way for years. Misha on the other hand as always been supportive of the ship, his “You’re not crazy” tweet from 2013 fueled us for years, and the fact that he went back to like it and bring attention to it today is the biggest I Told You So he could have given us.
About your question, making decision to keep them away from each other, yes, that has been a pattern for years, something would go in the script, and then they would change their minds - “the only thing we have left, Dean and I, is each other” in 5x04, the “A part of me always believed you would come back” in 7x17, the “I love you” in 8x17, Castiel’s heaven being just pictures of Dean everywhere, etc. The decision would come from either the actors or the writers and they gave tons of reasons but I won’t get into that. And every time we would have a Destiel heavy episode, it would be no Cas for weeks. Their reason for that is that if Cas was always around, what with how powerful he is, then there would be no plot for monster-of-the-week episodes, because he’d be able to fix the situation with a snap of his fingers. So they gave him storylines that would weaken him and/or keep him away from the Winchesters. But I also think they would give us crumbs to keep us hooked and then backtrack because it wasn’t the end yet.
Destiel is the only ship I’ve really invested in that wasn’t canon. Yet. Because, to me, it’s been canon for years. And I am absolutely convinced that had Supernatural ended with season 10 as planned, it would have been canon then. There were tropes and parallels that nobody could ignore. The whole of season 10, with the Cain/Dean and Colette/Castiel thing was so obvious even my Dad picked up on it. But the series got renewed again and again and they pushed it back, because The Powers That Be at the CW didn’t want to lose their homophobic fanbase, I guess. Isn’t that great :)))) Now that it’s ending for real, who cares? They don’t have anything to lose anymore. It must be quite an unpopular opinion but I think making Deancas canon at the end of the series has been the plan for a while, but it got pushed back with every renewal. 
To me they have been canon since season 8 thanks to a few selected writers, and as infuriating and sometimes hurtful as it was to keep watching for all these years when it could have been so much better, I’m still ecstatic they finally did it. Maybe for the wrong reasons, definitely not in the right way, but 1. the show isn’t over, and 2. this was my first real big ship when I had nothing else, and to be able, after over a decade, to hear that I love you, with no room for doubt that it was meant romantically, is making me happy., 
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years
7x01: Meet the New Boss
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Cas is God now, and I’ve never been more devout.
We start right where we left off. Cas wants the rest of TFW to love and respect him but they only fear him. Well, dude, you can explode them with a snap of your finger. Dean asks if he’s going to kill them. He has no need; They’re powerless against him, so they’re not going to try anything. Dean pleads with Cas again. But all Cas says is that he hopes, for their sake, this will be the last time they see him, and he’s gone. 
Dean asks Sam how he’s doing. Sam falls, cuts his hand, and sees visions of Hell. So, peachy. 
God!Cas is really taking the whole God Complex to a new level. He kills off a ton of angels in Heaven. “It is a new day on Earth and in Heaven. Rejoice.”
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Dean’s soul Baby is once again in a sad state of disrepair. Sam’s resting while Bobby and Dean discuss trying to find where God II is chilling. Bobby suggests looking for a trenchcoat on a tortilla and I sometimes love watching episodes I don’t rewatch a lot because that was funny. Dean has no clue how to deal with Cas, but he can fix his car, and when Sam wakes, he can work on fixing him too. 
Later, Dean’s grabbing a beer when Sam walks into the kitchen. He’s okay! Okay enough, at least. Dean tells him to come help with the car and they’ll talk about what to do about Cas. Sam starts to walk out when.
A homophbic preacher is giving a shitty sermon when God walks into the room. I will always stan the God!Cas that says, “I am utterly indifferent to sexual orientation.” I mean, God!Cas is completely out of control, but just like our Cas, he was trying to do his best in a world that’s far too easy to do your worst. 
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Cas kills the minister and then hears a whisper of his name. He stumbles but walks out of the church. 
Sam’s in the basement getting some tools when he starts to have visions of Hell. Bobby finds him. 
There are news reports that 200 different religious leaders are dead in an “act of God.” One eyewitness reports: “We all saw him. No beard. No robe. He was young, and sexy.” WHooEE. (Sidenote: Chuck has a beard and a robe. Lol.) The Ku Klux Klan is forced to disband. New Age motivational speakers: Gone. I mean, God!Cas, bby, these two are not the same. Sam thinks they should try talking to Cas again. Dean has closed that door. 
Cas healed leprosy? Bless the God that overrides pharmaceutical companies and their greed for profit. 
Cas finds Crowley hiding out in a trailer park. 
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He tells Crowley that he will remain King of Hell but Cas will control where the souls go. Crowley has no say in the situation so he graciously accepts. 
Sam is up late reading when he has a nightmare vision of getting choked by a chain. He wakes and calls for Dean and Bobby. 
They’re busy in the shed with Baby and the 5000th beer of the episode. Also, Dean’s wearing his cute blue jumper and why can’t they bring that back? 
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They discuss Sam. Sam overhears their conversation. Sam and Bobby really want to find something to get to Cas. Dean does not want to poke that bear. Dean does suggest summoning Crowley. 
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They want a spell to bind Death. 
Cas is out and about healing true believers while he is deteriorating. 
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Then he opens his shirt (YAY!) only to reveal a roiling belly full of something that wants out (NAY!). 
Bobby gets a Fedex from Crowley: The binding spell for Death. They have a lot of the ingredients but they still need “an act of God, crystallized.” Bobby found something at a house about 9 hours away. 
That night after some quick thinking on Dean’s part, (“Excuse me, do you have any Grey Poupon?”), they head inside the house to steal their act of God. 
The residents of the house interrupt their burglary (they keep the fulgurite in an actual glass case smh). Dean turns around to see a shotgun pointed at him and has ZERO concerns. In two shakes of a lamb’s tail he has the homeowners trussed up. After a polite introduction, they begin preparing for the ritual. Sam and Bobby work on spell ingredients while Dean does the real heavy lifting and carefully arranges a bag of greasy takeout and a soda on a side table. 
The ritual begins. The building shakes. “Um, hello? Death?” Dean peers around nervously and comes face to face with newly bound Death. 
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Dean immediately fetches the bag of greasy food - the best fried pickle chips around! Hey, Death, if you won’t eat those please pass ‘em over here. 
“This is about Sam’s hallucinations, I assume?” Dean’s jaw drops down the ground. WHAT hallucinations, Sam? I can’t believe you are keeping something from your brother! 
Dean files this new piece of information away and they get back on track. They need Death to kill God. Because “we said so and we’re the boss of you.” Dean. Honey. 
Our poor Dean-tastrophe gets saved from himself by the appearance of Our Lord and Hot Guy on a Tortilla, Castiel himself. Death is utterly unimpressed. 
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“You look awfully like a mutated angel to me,” Death snarks, and informs Cas that he’s due to explode soon. In addition to a major overload of souls, Cas has also swallowed Leviathan - ancient hungry monsters that predate angels. They’ve been locked away in Purgatory for time out of mind, but now they’re just a step away from a delicious new world and their doorway is Cas’s gut. 
Cas brushes away this concern.
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“Where is he?” Cas asks Death about God!God. “I did a service taking his place.” Oh honey no.
Dean quickly gets tired of the Death versus Castiel snark-off and orders Death to “kill ‘im now.” 
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Death lifts his hand with grim amusement to smite Cas, when Cas snaps his fingers and frees Death. Uh. Wherps. Death strolls over to the pickle chips, reassures the frightened homeowners, and Castiel flaps away to…
A political campaign headquarters. Cas heads in to kill the senator running for re-election who has caused “poverty and despair in God’s name.” His stern facade cracks and he starts to laugh wildly. Uh. Oh no.
Death berates Dean for not preventing Castiel’s catastrophic god complex. He warned him, after all! About the souls! It wasn’t a cryptic clue at all! “Maybe you should find somebody better to tip off,” Dean suggests with rising ire. 
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Death suggests that his own time is better spent on another planet. At the time, I pictured Death swimming with our tentacled interstellar friends in a sea of stars but now I like to think Death planned a jaunt to a parallel world to talk to jetsetting Dean and Sam instead. 
Sam tries to smooth it over and asks for a smidge of help. Death tells them that if Cas returns it all to Purgatory, that will be enough to save their world. He arranges for another eclipse as well to help them build another door. Finally, he warns Dean about ever trying to bind him again and compliments him on the pickle chips. 
Cas wakes up. He’s covered in blood, lying in a pool of blood, and he’s surrounded by...the dead bodies of the political campaign workers. Cas killed everyone, and he killed them bloody. Viciously. 
Back at Bobby’s, Dean has his boots kicked up on the table with a drink in hand. Sam tries to rally him to fight to get Cas back from the brink. Dean isn’t buying it - not from the guy who’s been hiding his hallucinations from everyone else. (Okay, but pot kettle black, Dean Bean.) 
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“It’s under control,” Sam insists. Dean would still rather escape into a life of porn and alcohol binging. He then finds news footage of the campaign office and sees the demented smile on Cas’s face. Erm. Not good. 
Sam doesn’t give up, though! In the junkyard, he prays to Cas to let them help him. Back inside with Dean, Sam’s ready to sink into a chair and give up when Cas appears. 
He looks...rough.
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Cas asks for help. He talks Dean and Sam through setting up the ritual while he slumps on the floor. “I feel regret,” he tells Dean, wishing that he were strong enough to fix Sam’s wall before he dies. Dean’s not ready to hand out any hugs. BUT I AM.
Sam’s off getting blood for the ritual when he runs into an old face. Lucifer confronts him and tells Sam that he’s still trapped in the cage with two archangels and has been hallucinating everything since. “This is my best torture yet. Make you believe that you’re free and then yank the wool off of your eyes.” Yeesh, that’s clearly a move Lucifer would’ve learned from Michael. Who learned it from Chuck, right? 
Dean heads off to find Sam and discovers a jar of blood in the hallway...and no Sam. Pressed for time, he rushes back to paint the sigil on the wall. They prop Cas up and start the spell. “I’m sorry, Dean,” Cas gets out just before the spell ignites. 
The wall rips away and then light blasts out of Castiel. 
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Mood, amirite?
Cas lies on the floor, unresponsive. He’s cold and not breathing. He’s DEAD, JIM! “Damn it,” Dean mutters as sorrow steals over his features.
And then Cas blinks awake. And insta-heals! He sits up, blinking. “That was unpleasant.” Cas has his usual half bewildered half sorrowful expression. He swears that he’ll redeem himself to Dean, and Dean seems at least halfway receptive to that plan! He won’t push him away!
Except...Cas suddenly pushes Dean and Bobby away. He crumples in on himself and shouts that they’ve held on! The leviathans! In a moment, any trace of Cas is gone as Leviathan!Cas grins maniacally and tosses Dean across the room. 
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“This is going to be so much fun,” Cas says...and knowing how it ends up we agree! Pining, baby. Pining!
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These Quotes are the Monster Under Your Bed:
What a brave little ant you are
Miracles, mass visions, trenchcoat on a tortilla? I don't know what I'm lookin' for
I am utterly indifferent to sexual orientation
We all saw him. No beard, no robe. He was young...and...and sexy. He had a raincoat
Who feels like hog tying death tonight?
You know how I'm gonna deal? I'm gonna stuff my pie-hole, I'm gonna drink, and I'm gonna watch some Asian cartoon porn and act like the world's about to explode because it is
I'm gonna find some way to redeem myself to you
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twdmusicboxmystery · 5 years
Thoughts and Predictions for What Happens Next
Okay, I said I’d talk about predictions today. As always, know this is all conjecture. This last episode, though not as heavy on the symbolism, just really got me thinking about how this might all play out. And a lot of it comes from foreshadowing we saw last season. Just know that this is all conjecture on my part. Nothing I’m at all convinced is written in stone. Just some possibilities I’m seeing.
Some of this I’ve said or alluded to before, so it might be just a bit repetitive. But some of it is new as of this last episode as well. A lot of these come from foreshadowing we saw last season.
So I think the big question everyone has right now is how Michonne’s departure will play out. I’ve always leaned toward someone showing up to tell her where Rick is, but I’m not so sure anymore.
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Something about her and Judith heading to Oceanside felt suspicious to me. And I’m not the only one. My inbox and message threads are full of people telling me they felt the same way. It’s a setup for something.
So, I keep saying that people will be taken captive, right? I’m leaning toward it being Connie, and perhaps some others in Magna’s group. But maybe Michonne is, too. I’m just thinking that, even if someone shows up to tell her about Rick, I don’t really see her taking off without going back to Alexandria first, saying goodbye to R.J. and making sure Judith gets there safely.
Now, if Michonne doesn’t leave until closer to the end of the season, we still have time for all of that. But if her going to Oceanside will lead to her departure in the next few episodes, then we definitely don’t. So we’ll just have to see what happens. But I think it’s possible she’ll actually be taken by whoever the Oceansiders saw skulking around.
And no, that doesn’t explain the sailboat scene from the trailer, but we aren’t 100% sure she’s on the sailboat (even though I think she probably is) and if she is, there are obviously just some details I’m missing.
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I went back and watched the first part of 9x06, where Michonne finds the van with the cigar box in it. Inside, she finds a sheriff figurine and a red and green yoyo. I see now that all of those were symbols, not only of Rick being alive and his death fake out, but because she also has toilet paper that she takes with her on the horse (which shows a long journey – Toilet Paper Theory) 
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it shows she’ll go on a long journey to find Rick. That foreshadowed her journey to go to him. None of it suggests exactly how it will take place, but I’ll be on the look for similar symbols to what we saw in that sequence. It’s also important to note that her scene here is juxtaposed with the one where Daryl sees the bird and the worm. Just saying.
So let’s say Michonne IS taken by someone. So what happens to Judith, then? Well, my first thought was that maybe Judith gets taken, too. But probably not. We haven’t heard anything about Caylee leaving the show. But something else occurred to me. Remember last season, during the winter storm (9x16) when Judith ran after Dog and Negan went and saved her?
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I said HERE that there were major Alone parallels in that scene, and I stand by that. But it’s especially significant that Judith went chasing after Dog (DOG; as in Sirius symbolism) and kind of got lost and then Negan saved her.
So even if I’m wrong about the details, I think there’s something to the fact that Negan is now (as of last episode) on the outside and Judith went with Michonne. I think that sequence in 9x16 was foreshadow of Negan somehow saving Judith in a bigger way this season. And this last episode definitely set that up.
Besides, if something happens to Michonne (taken) and Judith isn’t taken with her, then she’s an eyewitness who can go tell Daryl and Carol what happened. So unlike Rick, that will give them some direction about what happened and possibly where to look.
And I don’t know how Luke will fit into that either. I said before it felt like he might die. Some of my fellow theorists have pointed out that it might have been a little TOO on the nose with Luke. Like maybe it’s misdirection. And now we have this situation with Kelly in the next episode.
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I can see that being the case. I think Magna’s group is headed for tragedy in some way, but I can get behind it not being Luke, and maybe one of the others instead. We’ll just have to see.
I know there were rumors of Kelly’s death that were never confirmed. After watching the opening minutes of next week’s episode, I gotta say, I don’t feel like she’s dying just yet. I won’t say that she won’t die eventually or at the end of this sequence, but it ends with a walker reaching toward her. To me, that doesn’t signify her being bitten. More like being taken. Probably by a Whisperer.
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So I guess this is all just to say that our theories about people from TF being taken are pretty on track.
Also keep in mind the three Whisperers Carol saw in the woods. No one believed her, but the end of 10x03 suggested she really did see them, and we don’t know who they are or what they’re up to. Now, Oceanside has said they’ve seen something similar. So obviously that’s a setup for something.
I already talked a bit about Negan, and how I think him leaving Alexandria is a fulfillment of the foreshadowing we saw last season. We took a compass with him. From Judith’s room. We saw lots of Still and Alone callbacks, including dogs. And even a “bad water” reference. Also, it’s Judith that finds him out there and takes him back to Alexandria, which supports my above theory.
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So all of this still points to Negan’s arc, when he leaves Alexandria, leading to Beth in some way. I’m not sure how, yet. But if he and/or Judith know about people being taken, where they’re being taken, or somehow cause them to be taken, I think that will fulfill the foreshadowing we’ve seen pretty well.
I also think it’s significant that it was sort of up to Father Gabriel to save Negan in this episode. The deciding vote rested on him. As I always say, because FG is the embodiment of the Sirius symbolism, I think that’s important.
(Note the X/Coda symbol window behind him in this pic.)
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And it’s not the first unique interaction FG and Negan have had. They were trapped together in the trailer that led to Gabriel losing his eye in the first place. So while I don’t know exactly what it means, I think it represents some kind of Beth/Negan interaction.
Perhaps it’s also important that Daryl said in this episode that if it was him vs. Negan in a room together, there would be no one to save Negan. I’m kind of feeling like at some point, Daryl will have the chance to kill Negan (much like with Dwight) and Beth will stop him from doing so or something. Again, just spit-balling here.
The last thing I’m gonna throw out there is less about predicting the plot and more of a possible parallel. It’s something @frangipanilove​ pointed out. In episode 10x03, Daryl tells Michonne that Carol isn’t sleeping. He says she’s out every night looking for “them.”
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When I heard that in the episode, I just assumed he meant the Whisperers. So, just like Daryl asked Carol when she got off the boat if she’d been looking for Alpha, and she said no, I just thought he meant that she was out looking for the Whisperers.
But those are two glaringly different ways of saying it. Why wouldn’t he just say that Carol was out looking for “her” again in 10x03, as he did in 10x01? So @frangipanilove thought maybe when he said this, Daryl means that Carol is looking for the bodies of the pike victims. They had the heads, obviously, and I’m sure they buried them, but we didn’t see that they ever actually found the bodies.
Do you see why that could be important? Because just like Rick, there was no body and someone was searching for them long after they were gone. And we think that’s exactly what happened with Beth as well.
And don’t get me wrong, we obviously don’t think Henry is alive or anything. But he had a lot of parallels to Beth last season and this is another one. Just pointing it out.
Again, none of this is set in stone by any means. I think there are a lot of details I have no inkling of. (And yes, I’m looking forward to a LOT symbolism this Sunday with the Negan/blond walker/bus sequence). These are just some things rolling around in my head at this point in the season. I’ll be keeping an eye on them as we move forward.
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myhauntedsalem · 5 years
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What are Ghosts Really?
Ghost stories and tales of human spirits who return after death have been part of human culture for thousands of years. No doubt even ancient humans had tales of ancestors returned from the grave in shocking and terrifying ways.
Back then, as today, some people likely dismissed those tales as the the products of overactive imaginations or outright lies. Surely that’s true in many cases, but with thousands of reported sightings we eventually have to ask ourselves if there is more to this phenomenon.
Is it possible that ghosts are real? If we looked hard enough, would be find a scientific explanation?
When we look back at a great many of the discoveries throughout human history it is interesting to note that many of them were considered impossible or outlandish just a few years before they were proven. In a couple of decades will science be able to prove the existence of ghosts?
Or, are ghosts entities of the spiritual realm, the inhabitants of a world that can’t be measured or quantified with science or math? Are they part of the fabric of another universe we will never understand?
There is plenty of evidence of ghosts and the paranormal to suggest, whatever the answer, something is going on that defies our understanding of the known universe. This article attempts to present some theories about ghosts, and why they are so mysterious. In the end we attempt to answer the question: What are ghosts really?
Theory #1
Ghost are the spirits of humans who have passed away.
It is a widely-held belief supported by many major religions: When we die, our spirit continues on. However, not all religions agree on what that spirit does after death.
In most Christian faiths, the spirit heads off to Heaven or Hell, and doesn’t stick around to bother the living. Still, despite the Judeo-Christian influence in much of Western culture, many of us cling to the idea that human spirits walk the earth.
Maybe this is a coping mechanism of sorts, perhaps born of our need to hold on to our relatives after they are gone.
On the other hand, witnessing a spirit you did not know in the living world is hardly comforting. There are countless eyewitness stories of human spirits haunting houses, and they aren’t all there to make us feel better.
But how is this possible? While we really don’t know what happens to us when we die, some people theorize that basic physics plays a part.
The Law of Conservation of Energy says energy can’t be created or destroyed, but can only change form. So, what happen to our energy after we’re dead? Is it converted to another form? Believers say this is proof enough that spirits live on.
Is it possible we can end up stuck in this world, wandering around forever after death? Perhaps it would be because we are afraid to move on, or maybe because something is preventing us. Even worse, what if there is simply no place to go after death, and we are all meant to reside on this earth in spiritual form until the end of time?
Theory #2
Ghosts are visitors from another dimension. Are Apparitions Interdimentional Beings?
Perhaps ghosts aren’t the spirits of dead people as many of us are prone to believe. Maybe they are inter-dimensional beings, people or entities who are living in another time and place. It’s a wild theory, but not totally unsupported by science.
The concept of a multiverse is contemplated by many theoretical physicists. This idea says there are many universes besides our own, all humming along in parallel with ours. In some other universe the Beatles may all be alive and still together, the Chicago Cubs may be World Series Champions four years running, and you may be a rich and famous moon-rock baron.
Other physicists theorize there may be many different dimensions besides ours, as well as many different timelines.
Of course it’s all theory, but what if those timelines or dimensions get crossed up and we catch a glimpse of the other side? Perhaps ghost sightings occur when the fabric of these many universes or dimensions gets twisted up temporarily.
So this begs the question: If other beings are accidentally crossing into our dimension, do we ever cross into theirs? Maybe occurrences such as astral projection and lucid dreaming can be linked to short trips into separate but similar dimensions.
Theory #3
Ghosts are demons attempting to trick us, or angels here to protect us.
There’s another school of thought that says there is no such thing as ghosts. This is comforting news, until you hear the second part of the theory. Ghosts are actually demons or angels manifesting in a manner understandable to humans.
That’s right, that ghost of Grandpa beside your bed at night might actually be a guardian angel looking down on you, making sure you are safe.
Or, those ghosts you see wandering around your house, Grandpa included, may be demons masquerading as human spirits in order to gain your confidence.
Yow! That is not a happy thought! Demons are supposedly particularly fond of portraying little children in order to befriend human children. Hey, if they were nice they wouldn’t be demons.
An offshoot of this idea says that demonic spirits are able to control human apparitions and make them do all kinds of horrific deeds.
For example, a demon may hold human spirits in this world, gain power from them, and prevent them from passing to the next realm–whatever that is.
Of the five theories in this article, I think it’s safe to say that number four here is the least desirable for any homeowner.
Theory #4
What we see as ghosts are the residue of past events somehow recorded into the environment.
Another theory says that ghost sightings can be explained by past events somehow recording themselves into the environment. What we recognize as a ghost is really just history playing back. There is no spirit present at all. It is like watching a movie. For paranormal investigators, this is what they would call a residual haunting.
Some investigators speculate that different types of natural geology or geography such as certain rocks or large bodies of water above or below ground, may be conducive to residual hauntings.
This idea is reinforced by reports of apparitions who appear to walk straight through walls in places where there were once old doorways. Occasionally, like on battlefields such as Gettysburg, ghosts are reported to be seen going about their business just as though the war was still raging.
It’s a fascinating idea, and it might console people who fear their home is haunted, but this theory falls flat when spirits start talking to and interacting with the living.
Theory #5
Ghosts are products of our minds, which may be more powerful than we realize.
It’s all in your head, man! The simplest explanation for ghosts is that they are purely imagined. It’s nice to wrap the whole phenomenon up in a neat little package like this, and some people just prefer to dismiss the idea altogether. Less comforting is the realization that maybe the ghosts you are seeing aren’t real, but perhaps you have greater psychological issues at hand which are causing you to hallucinate.
But ghosts can be in your head without your being ill, and without a runaway imagination. Perhaps ghosts and ghostly activities are extensions of the subconscious, either yours or someone else’s.
Or, maybe, even of a collective consciousness shared by the entire human race. Science has yet to fully understand the powers of the human mind. Who knows what kinds of crazy things we all might be projecting into the world?
But does this make things any better? Are you more or less comforted to know that the apparition you’ve been seeing wandering about your home is a projection of a family member’s subconsciousness rather than a real ghost?
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manspirations · 7 years
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Had too much free time at work last night, so here’s a Masterlist of totally could happen, I need these in my life, Movie/Show AUs for the fest in January. All of these are free game, so take, go crazy, be fruitful. Let’s make magic happen! (Links to IMDB pages)
Gilmore Girls (x)
The Office (x)
The Mindy Project (x) (But they’re bickering doctors who pretend like they’re not in love!!!!)
Scrubs (x) (Best friends Au)
Please Like Me (x)
Lovesick (x) (Roommates!) 
Weightlifting Fair Kim Bok Joo (x) (For my Kdrama babes out there)
Parks And Recreation (x)
Life With Derek (x) (Hahahaha Life w/ Theo. Boning Step Siblings)
Those Who Can’t (x) (Horribe, inappropriate Teachers Au)
The Bachelor (x)
Young & Hungry (x)
Marry Me (x) (Where they’re already married and it’s such a disaster, we can’t look away, but they’re happy, so good for them.)
She’s Gotta Have It (x) (All of Liam’s boyfriends/girlfriends: Hayden, Theo, Brett)
Blue Mountain State (x) 
Don’t Trust The B In Apartment 23 (x) (Theo as Chloe!!!! Rofl)
Forgetting Sarah Marshall  (x) (Only its Forgetting Hayden Romero)
She’s All That (x)
Friends with Benefits (x)
Love Don’t Cost A Thing (x)
The Girl Next Door (x)
Pretty Woman (x) (I’m getting total Theo=Julia Roberts feels)
She’s The Man (x)
Breakfast Club (x)
The Wedding Date (x)
First Daughter (x) (The one with Katie Holmes. Theo as the secret service body-guard?!?) 
While You Were Sleeping (x)
The DUFF (x)
XOXO Au (x)
The To Do List (x) (This could almost be canon, with Theo being Amber’s character)
Good Kids (x) (Go to all the parties, you hot nerds!)
Easy A (x)
The Ugly Truth (x) (Oh god, the elevator scene!!!)
It’s a Boy Girl Thing (x) (Why can I see your junk in the mirror?!?! Theo!!)
Dirty Dancing/ DD Havana Nights (x) (x)
So Undercover (x)
Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist (x)
Cheaper By the Dozen 2 (x) (From large opposite families that despise each other!!!)
American Pie Series (x) (Immediately, I can see the OG American Pie, Band Camp, Beta House, AND Naked Mile.)
Timeless (x) (Theo = Wyatt & Liam = Lucy, anyone?)
Criminal Minds (x)
Chicago PD/Any Detective Drama Ever Really (x)
Spartacus (x) (Nagron Parallels, anyone?!)
Revenge (x) (Theo targeting everyone who killed his family!!)
Santa Clarita Diet (x) (yess...middle aged husbands banter!)
Animal Kingdom (x) (Mmmmm...)
Mad Max: Fury Road (x)
The Bourne Series (x)
Kingsman (x) (I’m doing this one too, but its so them that maybe someone else would be interested alol)
American Horror Story (x) (Any season, but Freak Show or Roanoke take the cake for them)
Eyewitness (x)
Outsiders (x)
Get Out (x)
The Roommate (x)
Train to Busan (x) (I’m having some true Leo feels right now! Ugly crying!)
Zombieland (x)
Warm Bodies (x)
Tear Jerker
This is Us (x) (Oh no. Oh no. Families of choice!)
Parenthood (x)
13 Reasons Why (x)
Grey’s Anatomy (x)
Anne of Green Gables (x) (Sobbbs. Theo just wants to find a family.)
Red Ban Society (x)
The Last Song (x) (I’m still not over this movie. And it has crazy Liam x Dr. Geyer feels all over it.)
Titanic (x)
Brokeback Mountain (x)
A Walk to Remember (x) (Ohhh goddd. Why am I doing this to myself?!)
Me Before You/Me After You (x) 
My Girl (x) (I can’t!)
Fault in Our Stars (x) 
The Fox and the Hound (x) (Sobbbssss! The Wolf and the Coyote.)
PS I Love You (x)
Latter Days (x) (If you really want to fuck up your day, sniffles)
Call Me By Your Name (x) (I just. tissues please.)
Magicians (x)
Doctor Who (x)
Orphan Black (x)
Sense8 (x)
Into The Badlands (x) (Where they’re totally young clippers training on the compound)
Blood Drive (x) (Liam as Barbie, in a police uniform *Heart Eyes*)
Goblin (x) (Another KDrama where Liam is the Goblin and Theo would be the Reaper and they live together, eek!! If you haven’t seen this one, do it for all the Thiam feels!)
Shameless US/UK (x|x) (Liam a Gallagher? Theo a Milkovich? Vice Versa?!)
How To Get Away With Murder (x)
Girls (x)
Looking (x)
Hit The Floor (x) (Zero/Jude-esque relationship?)
Suits (x)
Friday Night Lights (x) (Theo is so Tim Riggins lol)
The Royals (x) (Liam is a troubled prince and Theo is his dirty secret)
Life As We Know It (x) (OMG Corey and Mason pass away and they have to care of their children for them. Sobbss!)
Perks of Being A Wallflower (x)
Take the Lead (x) (I can just picture them forcibly tangoing. The hips, though!)
Lost Girl (x)
The Punisher (x)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (x)
Defenders (x)
Misfits (x)
Being Human (x)
Arrow (x)
The Flash (x) (Captain Cold=Theo x Flash=Liam, sexual tension? I think, YES)
Lucifer (x) (Theo as Lucifer! He’s one step there already, already gone to hell!)
Heartless (x) (Where Theo & Tara are twin orphans and are accidentally murderous supernaturals and Theo meets Liam, the headmaster’s son at a prestigious boarding school, the one place they’ve discovered holds their family’s horrifying secrets.)
The Little Vampire (x) (Except the Little Werewolf and they’re kiddos, eek!)
Deadpool x Spiderman (x|x)
Sky High (x) (Where Theo is 1000% Warren Peace, alol, and Liam is 2000% William Stronghold)
Chronicle (x)
Power Rangers (x)
Push (x)
Avengers (x)
Captain America: The Winter Solider (x) (I mean, this is pretty unexplainable right? *heart eyes*)
Guardians of the Galaxy (x)
Additions By You All
Brooklyn Nine Nine
White Collar
If you already didn’t have a million ideas, I now hope you have a million more. Feel free to add to this list if you can think of anymore! Also, if you haven’t seen some of these movies/shows, I highly recommend them ALL! Come talk Movie AUs with me haha!
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stone-man-warrior · 4 years
March 21, 2021: 4:42 pm:
Poison attack leg rash 3-21-2021 at about 4:30 pm:
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This photo above is showing the best condition I have seen yet as far as signs of healing of the skin lesions goes. It has been about six weeks, but I do not know the exact day, study of this account may reveal more about when the attack took place and by whom.
There you can see the puncture wound areas where the attack by a terror soldier in my home, armed with a syringe with unknown poison substance, the attacker injected my leg with unknown poison substance while I was asleep in my home and was awakened by someone who was repeatedly striking my leg with a syringe.
What I recall seeing, is a person, just a dark silhouette in a dark room where I was asleep. There may have been more than one object that I was struck with that night. I recall seeing something I will describe the was “stick-like”, about two feet long, the thing seemed to have two parts, I’ll describe the stick as a “two-foot long clothes-pin, the kind that don’t have a spring”, I could also say it looked like a “24 inch long tuning fork”, basically, I saw two parallel sticks striking my shin. The thing I saw could have simply been the attackers forearm, with a stripe on a sleeve.
I have no recollection of a fight that particular night whatsoever.
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Here above you can see there are two scabbed over sores up high on the shin, they are small, below the three upper most red spots. Those two scabbed over sores are giving me much pain. That is another example of where the syringe needle made a puncture wound, then came out of an exit wound nearby. There are a number of places where the impact of the needle was such that it entered one place, then the tip came out of a nearby place, making two wounds, an entrance and an exit. The attacker was stabbing my leg repeatedly at a high rate of speed over and over again.
The white areas are dead skin, that is good to see there.
The blue color of my foot is increasing, the foot pain is very painful. My toes are not working very well, hurt real bad, but are also feeling numb, ice cold, and sometimes my toes are burning inside. I am using manual massage and some different ways to apply some heat to my foot, but there is no relief from the pain in my toes.
The calf muscle pain gets worse with taking a few steps, I can force myself to go about one to two hundred feet, but I have to stop to rest the foot in order to continue walking, that I why the terror bastards are like vultures outside right now and over the past few days. They know exactly what symptoms I am having because the terror bastards have done this same poison attack injection to many hundreds, maybe thousands of US Citizens, and, the terror army keeps US Citizens as prisoners who they use for testing different kinds of poisons, just the same as laboratory mice, cosmetic tests on animals such as guinea pigs and house cats, except the terror army uses your mom, your dad, maybe your neighbor to do the poison testing. Right now, I am doing the poison affects testing because I was attacked and I am saying what the symptoms are.
So, the terror army is closer to me than usual, and they were even on foot yesterday, so I know that the terror bastards are armed and ready to keep on doing the “Chip Away at the Stone” method of continuously weakening the marked victim so that it’s easier and safer for the terror bastards to make the final kill at the mailboxes, or on the way to check my mail.
There are terror representatives inside of the Monroe Offensive Surveillance Travel Trailer right now waiting for me to go outside so that they can signal the others to run me over, or to shoot a cross-bow, or to bring some African Lions and release them into the neighborhood as per usual.
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This photo above shows the best condition that rash has been in so far. That looks good, shows healing of the impact wounds.
The red areas on the other hand, do not look good, are painful, and I have no way to deal with that kind of ailment.
I discontinued using the Equate Brand of neo-sporin called “First Aid Antibiotic and Pain Relieving Ointment” yesterday, it’s been about 24 hours since I used the Walmart Brand generic neo-sporin product. The sores are doing better in absence of the antibiotic ointment, by far.
I am continuing to use Hydrogen Peroxide three or four times per day. I am using mega-dose of Vitamin E (about 15 gel tabs per day) and Fish Oil (about 10 gel tabs per day), and three multi-vitamins rather than one per day.
I have no other remedy for that poison injection rash.
There are no doctors, if there were doctors, I would have healed long ago, but the truth is that if there were doctors, I would not have been attacked with the poisons, and would not need to see a doctor.
That rash is COVID or is Corona Virus, is not a virus, is not an ailment that happens to people from having dirty hands, or by getting too close to someone. The Corona Virus is an attack against the people of the world, it’s being led by news media networks, and by the news media personalities that we have learned to trust over time. The Screen Actor Guild, the Writers Guild, the news Guild, the American Federation of Musician, and more, all of the subordinate Screen Actor Guild Unions and their supporting unions and other affiliates have taken over the US Government, and installed shills who are there in the news stories saying the marching orders to the Canadian terror soldiers in the field, and that army of terror soldiers was provided to the SAG by Britain for the SAG to lead in a slaughter of US and other citizens world wide, towards Global Domination.
There is absolutely no resistance whatsoever to the attack, no one is fighting back.
5:44 pm:
Also, as I was seated on my front porch to take those photos, as soon as I took the first photo, there was a gunshot sound that came from the Chartrand terror cell area. Then, the sound of a chainsaw happened as I took another photo, then more gunshots happened. By the time I came inside and started to get the photos from the email to post them, a terror air-force airplane came and did a low and slow fly over above my house.
Please know this: My phone (and yours too) has a camera on it. That camera is accessible by other people who have and know how to use special surveillance equipment, and so is the microphone and speaker on the cell phone ... all of that stuff is operational remotely, while the phone is showing that it’s idle. My phone, on very rare occasions, while just sitting on the table, can and does begin to broadcast the sound of people talking from the speaker of the phone while the phone is idle, is not being used, it just begins to have a conversation coming from it while it sits on the desk. I suspect the people at Chartrands 376 and the Monroe’s at 434, and others, all have access to the speaker and camera of my phone, and can do much manipulation in ways that I am unable to imagine, only the real US national security personnel who have been fooled for so long will know how the equipment is used to lead them into traps, snared, dead ends, and then make it all look like it’s my fault, when the Josephine County Courts are the ones who set-up so many real national security officers to be killed when they are led to the wrong places by impostor police.
6:55 pm:
I am the last remaining United States Citizen in the state of Oregon. All of the other millions of US citizens were brutally killed, while some women and children are kept as slaves, US citizens with specialized knowledge and skills are held as slaves, I know of some of the doctors are held captive and are forced to serve the needs of the Canadian terror army, and I know of some aerospace engineers who were taken captive and forced to continue doing design engineering for Boeing Aerospace in Seattle Washington. I am certain there are other engineers and people like doctors held captive to serve the needs of the terror army.
The way it is now, as the last remaining US citizen who is not held in more confining captivity, I must solve the crimes of attempt to murder me regularly, I must treat my own wounds, I have to figure out on my own why no one has responded to my reports of crime, reports of murder, then mass murder, reports of government corruption only to realize that it’s not corruption, but rather is that the government is all fake, are shills, are all part of a terror army. I have to solve on my own, with knowledge gained over many years and eyewitness experiences also that continue to take place regularly as they have for many decades.
I have to solve my own murder, and learn why the USA is no longer USA, but is an extension of Canada and Britain, and I have to do that while performing my own medical treatment from wounds sustained while doing the job of US Military and US national security administration. (I don’t think there is a US national security administration anymore, I think Department of Homeland Security attacked the nsa, killed the officers, and stole all of their equipment and data bases.
If there is a state in the USA that has not been taken over yet, I am not aware of what states they may be, as the whole of USA seems to me as if it is no longer a sovereign nation.
(some very strange noises outside right now at 7:09 pm coming from the south west best guess)
The noises stopped, I don’t know what it was, sounded like someone pounding on a sheet of metal roofing trying to make a thunder sound at Donkey George terror cell, to the south west of my house.
7:23 pm:
Solving my own murder is tough, there are too many terror cells trying to do it in too many ways.
One way: The Monroe terror cell made allegiance with Walmart in Grants Pass and devised a plan with use of a travel trailer, the Offensive Monroe Surveillance Travel Trailer was delivered to the Monroe terror cell property by a man that I recognize as a Walmart terror associate, one of the Walmart Parking Lot terror scouts. That trailer was delivered about three years ago to the Monroe’s, who were using a smaller, older, travel trailer for the same plan before Walmart gave them the bigger one that has been there for so long, and always has someone in it or near it, waiting for me to walk by for a chance to make a kill attempt while remaining innocent in appearance.
They have to appear innocent, and, they must make me appear aggressive.
One of the ways the trailer is supposed to work as a murder tool, is that they plant a female over there to be at the trailer. When I take a walk, that female and one or more male’s runs quickly through the creek area to my house, they use a key that is provided to them by the Josephine County Sheriff to come inside of my house. That happens while others at Monroe’s are watching my location as I go on a walk in my yard to check my mailbox wishing that someone would send some good news in the mail. The Monroe surveillance team advises the others who have already come into my house, about how much time they have to wait for my return from walking on the road. Meanwhile, other terror nieghbors use a wide variety of tactics to provide that there will be some kind of interesting activity happening out on the road, usually more than one thing, and often a stranger at the mailboxes in a car is just exactly the thing that will give the intruders plenty of time to get oriented inside of my house.
Bottom line and desired result that they do all of the set-up for in advance, is that they will kill me as I enter my own house on the way back from checking the mail, while that female claims to be the owner of my house and is already inside. The male’s who are also involved, are either fake state police, fake sheriff, or are in contact with fake, imposter officers at the time I come back to my own house. They already have a plan that will somehow support a bullshit story that I am the one who lives in the Monroe Offensive Surveillance Travel Trailer, and the female who came into my house will suddenly be the new owner after I am killed while coming back from a short walk to the mailbox.
There are many other similar scenarios, and different ones, that one is tried at least once per week, and sometimes it is said that I am a “Bum” who steals mail on Jackpine drive, rather than the occupant of the Monroe trailer.
Many years I have been defending against that very plan to murder me.
no one will help. There are no public safety personnel to call.
0 notes
Radio Head - Chapter II. (Trinity Blood light novel R.A.M. 5)
First of all: very sorry for the mega long delay. I had this part already finished at the end of october, but I still didn't get anyone to proofread my clumsy english. Nevertheless I decided to post it in this state. As soon as I get it proofreaded I will update it. Enjoy!                                               *    *    * Prologue Chapter I.
Chapter II
Page 205 The engine of the cruise liner was stopped and the airship positioned exactly parallel to airship and was drifting narrowly over the cruise liner. The about hundred and fifty meters long aerostat had no nationality mark or any other sign as it were obligated to display by international law. The airship of the middle class was equipped with fifty millimeters twin cannons which were scheduled for land attacks. Page 206 Then the fifty millimeters cannon stared arrogantly down upon the deck of the cruise liner while about three dozen armed men were walking around. Although their clothes was mixed, each of them was holding a rifle or a shotgun or an automatic pistol and intimidated the about hundred passengers who were gathered on the deck.
“Phew….what a pity!“
While, like the ship would burn a mother was comforting her nervous and crying children and a big man was yelling from a distance, "Puppeteer" sighed. Out of the shadows of the lifeboat which was hung on the side of the ship he moved only his eyes as if he would shake his head in misery. Although for sane people his words were enigmatic but his lips stretched into a smile. His eyes shone with a truly joyful light, he turned to the middle-aged man who was breathless.
"So, what should we do, Doctor? Even if we stay here hiding, it's just a matter of time before those guys find us. Wouldn’t be better if we go out and surrender? "      "That ...... ...... those guys in the end is what people?! Why do they want to attack the ship?"
           The doctor seemed to be the first time in such a scene. The middle-aged man made an effort to preserve his dignity but groaned with trembling voice:
“Are these men ..... a kind of pirates? But how could they dare to the territorial waters of Germanicus .....”        "Yep,  I agree with that point. s ah, which I do too! If they are just simple pirates, then, it is a little bit bold ..... indeed”       Out of the shadow from the boat the young man was peering with narrowed eyes. Page 207 From the front deck came a small group of gunmen. The man walking at the front of the group should be the leader of these guys?  It was a tall man with a scar on the face. But…. what made ”Puppeteer” suffer were not these people. While they shook their gun muzzle, they looked at each face of the group of well-dressed men and women, even in the lounge. And in the middle was standing a slender figure in a dark suit which looked like a mourning suit…..
“What the hell are you doing "magician"......”
“Puppeteer” involuntarily covered his face with his Hand. So that the doctor who was staring at the leader of the gunman with devouring eyes can't hear him he cursed quiet.
“You can not let playing around, don’t you? Really, at a crucial moment he never tries to be useful.”
“Who "tries never to be useful"?”
They voice that replied to the complaint of the young man was deep and reminiscent of the dark of night ----- immediately afterwards changed the voice in a dry sound as if were rubbed at a matchbook.
“Don’t you say you do? As for me, I can consider myself as someone who lives his life very seriously, unlike you.”   „Mo - Monsieur Butler?! Wha-what the ......, how long are you here? N-no, you're still over there ... ..Huh? Page 208 What the hell- since when was he there ----- with a facial expression as if he had been there since his birth, the black-haired gentleman lit a cigarillo and turned to Dupree who was standing there with eyes wide open as if he had become an eyewitness of a demon..
I do not know exactly what time this person in here - the dark-haired gentleman composure lit a thin cigarette, as if he has been born from the ships to stay here. Dupree looked away and looked into his eyes widened, that expression is like seeing the dead general.        “...... Hey, stop to playing around with others like toys this time, big brother.”
In contrast to the middle-aged man who looked frustrated and horrified, the “big brother” was relaxed smoking his fine cigarillo. The "younger brother" was fed up and couldn’t help but lifted his chin in the direction of the armed men who were pushing around the "shadow" of the magician over there and tried to lead a constructive conversation.
“We'd better think about the issues now, before it is found those guys, hiding somewhere in the end good? This ship has so much of it! I think we will find a place around here where we can hide from the eyes of this gang.”
“Pirates? Are you sure, Dean? As for common pirates they look a bit strange.”
Either he did not notice the stiff face of Dupree or has deliberately ignored, “Magician” blew out the tobacco smoke with an almost incurious facial expression. He lifted his chin toward the man with the scar, who gave the instructions to the armed group.
“As for pirates, they are too well trained and their command system is also too much accurate. Apart from that, they do not look for the passenger’s property. First of all they have destroyed the communication system ... obviously it seems that they are looking for someone or something on this ship. Right now a lot of people went down the stairs of the rear deck. I guess they are searching for the cargo area. Well, in the end…”
           “Fra... Francoise!” Page 209            A low cry interrupted “Magician’s” considerations.
           Until then Dupree looked at the “Magician” with panic-like expression in his eyes, turned now to the side and with the rate of small animals and ran down the stairs stumbling. “Magician” looked after the middle aged man with somewhat astonishment and shrugged his shoulders.
„What’s going on?”
“Oh, his wife is downstairs, maybe he went to bring her over before the guys find her.”
“Wife? But Mrs. Dupree is…”
“Do you want to say dead? Actually she is still alive. I will tell you the full story unhurriedly another time.”
In order to keep him in suspense he interrupted the explanation “Puppeteer” returned his gaze to the deck. Over there, in accordance with the instructions of the man with the scar, the armed men were collecting the captives at one place. Indeed as previously said, these disciplined movements were obviously not like those of pirates. Professional soldiers ---- in addition to that it is seen from the armament and the habit of the troop deployment, are they for instance a special force of France? However, why do they act like pirates?
“By the way, “Magician”. A little while ago you said that these guys are looking for something. Hey….I wonder if it might be that thing?
“It? Do you have an idea for it?”
“Yup, to tell the truth I have found something really interesting below….wanna go with me a bit?” Page 210 To incite his cozy smoking colleague “Puppeteer” went down the stairs, where previously Dupree has disappeared. One couldn’t see, where the middle aged man and the appearance of his wife already went, but there was standing a wooden box like a gravestone accompanied by a enormous container, just like a worshipped guardian deity as ever. There was no sign of someone has touched it and the key wasn’t seemed to have been opened.
“That would be interesting? “This container?”[2]
“Wait until I've unsealed the lock.” – declared “Puppeteer” and touched the surface of the container. He sent his “fibers” to find the electronic lock of the intelligent control panel and analyzed the logical structure. After the password was derived, he entered the release command. Right after that the box bended up with the sound of an airtight chamber which was just broken up.
“Oh, dear me!”
           The robust iron box was going to disassemble skillful like the invisible hand of god would untie a puzzle. Then, at the sight of the thing what emerged from the box ----- a dim reflection of a grotesque silhouette in the cold and gloomily light of the lamp ---- “Magician” spoke with astonishment.
“This is… a multi-legged tank, right?”
“Something like that. For just a private automobile it would be a little bit uncomfortable.”
With an facial expression reminiscent of an inpatient computer scientist “Puppeteer” looked up at the squatting bulk of steel.
Page 211 It was a military auxiliary vehicle with a shape similar to a metal spider with eight slender legs, in common parlance also known as multi-legged tank. The upper part was composed of simply straight lines and the curves and had a guard tower with an integrated Gatling gun. On the front side in the field of vision a small rotation camera was mounted and made it look like a weird spider head.
“However, I have never seen this model before… right, Isaak? Is this the latest French model?”
“This is XAM 22. The latest prototype of a multi-purpose vehicle manufactured by the Frank Army.”
The voice sounded cold and murderous.
The voice itself echoed in the ships hold, therefore it was difficult to say where it came from, however in this case it was no longer necessary. From the shadow of the container suddenly a hand extended and pressed the muzzle of a little handgun to the temple of “Magician”.         
           “It seems like that you have seen something inappropriate, damn it, Monsieur Butler...... No, what is your real name?”
“Oh my, Dr. Dupree…..”
Since the muzzle was still pointed at his head, “Magician” moved only the pupils of his almond eyes due to get a better sight at the stiff face behind him. In some respect he raised his hands in an elegant manner, he spoke while holding his cigarillo still in his mouth.
           “If you don't mind, could you stop pointing your gun at me? As for me, a mere town doctor, it is too dangerous.” Page 212            “Mere town doctor? This electronic lock has been made in a top secret military laboratory with the use of Lost Technology. Well, something like this to open so easily ....for mere town doctor siblings you can deal with it too much skilled, isn’t it?
           “…….Before that, as for me I wish you would cast doubt into our ‘brotherly’ relationship first.”
           Nonetheless ---- while bored raising both hands, “Puppeteer” tried a modest protest. However he never thought about himself as a good person, but of all things to be declared to be similar to “Magician”, would be like losing his face[3].
“By the way, doctor. This thing is a military secret of France, right? In this case, do you take it somewhere where you plan to sell it?”
“Money? I do not care about money. But in order to keep my wife alive this artificial intelligence[4] system is absolute necessary.
“Artificial intelligence?”
While he prepared his “fibers” for an attack, “Puppeteer” repeated the words as soon as the explanation ended. He looked really surprised at the doctor, whose face went a bit pale by the tension.
“What is the connection between your wife and the artificial intelligence? Is it related to something like her brain damage? Is it related to her brain damage or something like that?”
Page 213           “Unfortunately there is no time to explain ... ... More than that, Dean[5], I would like you to lend me your power. More than that, Dean, I would like you to help me. To tell the truth, for the artificial intelligence of this monster is a powerful protection scheduled. I need to unlock it for a complete startup. I can not break this strong protective wall, but since you could unlock this electronic lock so easily ...”
“Start this guy? On such a ship? You don't say that you are planning to fight against those pirates with it?
“Yes exactly……however, those guy are no pirates. – the middle aged man spat out with an expression like he would swallow poison, he placed his finger on the trigger of the barrel which was pressed against “Magician”. His strangely hasty speech as if he were in a hurry was quite menacing.
“The true identity of the guys is ... ... no, you will get the explanation later. Get to work quickly. Otherwise, your brother…….”
“You said ‘those guys’, could it be by any chance me, Dr. Louis Dupree?”
The voice which the hurriedly speech of Dupree interrupted was full of irony and filled with a certain malice. When the middle aged man confused turned around a hand stretched out from behind and snatched the small handgun.
           “Hi Loius. We haven’t seen each other since Francoise’ birthday party…….I’ve been looking for you immensely.
It was the man with the scar on his face who muttered with a dauntless expression and the men behind him lifted simultaneously their guns in their hands.
 [1] Dietrich
[2] Isaak, you play the fool again. :))))  (the translator)
[3] To understand the meaning of „losing face”, you have to be familiar with the asian way of thinking. Maybe this article can a bit: http://www.yoyochinese.com/blog/What-Does-Losing-Face-Mean-Importance-Face-Chinese-Culture
[4] Literally, it is “electrical intelligence”, which is not the same as artificial intelligence in Japanese.
[5] Dien-kun
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beepboop358 · 3 years
My Byler theories/predictions for S4
Since s4 is already confirmed to not be the last season, I don’t think Byler will officially get together in s4. I do think that we are definitely going to get a large amount of Byler’s development in s4 though, we just aren’t at the finish line yet. Since Byler has been being developed all through each of the seasons, I think the writers are playing the long game with Mike and Will. I really appreciate a queer romance that is so well developped, especially in something so popular! I think the season will end on a note where it’s understood what Mike has been struggling with, It’s made known that Will is gay, and that Mike has feelings for Will, and Will has feelings for Mike.
My predictions/theories for Byler in s4:
Mike might be acting a little off at school and Dustin is going to notice his odd behavior and ask what’s up
I think Mike will be getting in trouble at school and at home (based on whenever he doesn’t have Will/El around he does stupid things - like graffitti the bathroom wall, plagiarize essays, curse at adults, etc.) I don’t know if Mike knows about Eddie dealing drugs, but he might and he might get drugs from Eddie and do them to cope with everything he is struggling with. His parents might ground him for doing drugs, and forbid him from going to visit the Byers, and then we could get our runaway smalltown boy montage! LOL
Lonnie might come to visit the Byers in California for Will’s birthday. He will probably show up because he thinks they have money now, or he wants to sue Starcourt like he wanted to sue the quarry in s1. Mike will also be there visiting for Will’s birthday. Lonnie will mock Will and make fun of him like he always did, but he will also hate Mike. Lonnie will definitely notice Will and Mike’s dynamics and he will definitely comment about it. He might even call them homophobic slurs like we know he used to do with Will when he was younger. Lonnie will probably make Will cry and Mike upset. Lonnie might possibly “out” him and Mike before they are out and confirm it themselves. Some of the movies on the stranger writers twitter for s4 also hint at this, as well as having the baseball references. There are also hints to Will’s birthday throughout the show: The rainbow happy birthday mug seen in the crazy together scene, the “sorry i forgot your birthday card” in Will’s room from Lonnie, and Joyce’s speech in the shed discussing Will’s 8th birthday and his “rainbow ship”. Jonathan also mentions how Lonnie made him kill a rabbit on his 10th birthday and he cried for a week after, just more hints that if Lonnie shows up for Will’s bday, it’s gonna be bad.
Mike might get Will a watch for his birthday. This would reference the clocks being central to the s4 plot, and “not wanting things to change/turning back the clock” in Hopper’s letter
Will is being homophobically bullied at his new school again, possibly references to Will having HIV/AIDS because the height of the epidemic was in the 80’s and it was very stigmatized
Mike will call Will more than he will call El. Will might be slightly surprised by this, El’s frequent calling will annoy Mike and he might turn off his walkie talkie. (basically the reverse of what Mike said would happen in the s3 ending mileven scene)
Mike and Will will be in the same location for most of the season, like s2. They will not leave each other’s sides for the majority of the time they are together.
S4 Group Predictions:
- El, Will, Mike trio together with Jonathan and Argyle. (we will get some obvious tension between El, Will, and Mike, and Mike will hate Argyle at first)
- Robin, Steve, Erica, Max, Dustin, Lucas, Vickie, Eddie, Nancy
- Joyce, Murray, etc?
- Hopper and the other Russians (Dimitri, etc)
The rift between Mike and El will continue to grow.
When Mike comes to visit, she will notice he seems much more interested in Will.
El will ask why the bullies call Will those things (queer/fairy/gay/homo, probably f slurs too), what it means and if he really is “a queer”.
I don’t know if Will is going to come out to El. They have never interacted before, and I doubt Will trusts her or really likes her much mainly, because of Mike. Unless they get super close during the time not portrayed on screen between s3 and s4, or by being all each other has in California, I don’t know if  he will come out to El. I could see this going either way depending on how their friendship develops. I definitely do not think Will is going to tell El he likes Mike, even if he does confide in her he is gay. I think she will find out eventually but in some other way, probably just from Mike’s behavior towards Will.
El will eventually realize she doesn’t actually love Mike and let go of the ‘romance’ aspect of their bond, but still highly value him as a friend.
Mike might be called homophobic slurs at school as well. Mike will definitely be teased (regardless of his sexuality) because he is in the hellfire club and since satanic panic is sweeping the town, people look at D&D as if it is a satanic game, and he will be teased because of that.
Based on the leaked bts pics, I have a theory a cheerleader, or someone else, might show interest in Mike.  Mike will not reciprocate and she will call him out for it asking why he doesn't like her because “any other guy at this school would” or something like that, maybe even ask “what are you gay or something”. It would certainly be good for Mike’s narrative but idk if it will happen.
Will may confide in Jonathan about his feelings for Mike and the things the bullies say to him at school. Jonathan will be supportive of Will, as will Joyce. I think he will also try to protect Will from Lonnie and they will both defend Will to Lonnie.
I think we need a scene of Mike with his Mom telling him to follow his heart, like who you like, etc. because life is too short to waste it being miserable or something like that. This could be inspired by Mike’s parents seperating, but idk. This could also encourage Mike to initiate more romantic things with Will.
I would love to get a scene of Will confronting Mike for “Joining another party”, after Will said he wouldn’t.
Will and Mike need to discuss what was said in their fight.
I think since Mike's been holding in a lot of turmoil and struggling with his sexuality for so long we might get a small breakdown scene from him, of him telling Will he’s really sorry for how he treated him last summer, and for all the things he said to Will. Mike will profusely apologize and also hint at how he’s confused and been dealing with a lot.
I think Mike will be the first one to break down and confess he has feelings for Will and has been struggling with coming to terms with his sexuality.
Once Will has confirmation Mike is also struggling with his sexuality, Will might come out to him. I would love for him to reference the fight being like “You were right. I don’t like girls.” (from @itsonlystrange ‘s 4x07 byler script it’s so good!) I don't know if Will will confess he likes Mike to his face or not. I don't think it's likely given how shy Will is and how afraid he is of Mike not reciprocating, but who knows.
Mike may initiate a kiss between him and Will - towards the end of the season probably (eyewitness parallel - explained in my byler proof google slides)
I think Mike and Will might write letters to each other, with some love-y connotations. There is a lot of evidence for this in the canon comics of them writing notes to each other, and that cryptic tweet from stranger writers twitter with a blocked out message and the date Will went missing saying it wasn’t about a couple or hopper. Maybe byler related? This tweet may not be a letter but it might be. The most popular theories are that the message is to Will, “love mike”, which I love. https://twitter.com/strangerwriters/status/1184945905973153792?lang=en
Will has a new haircut (bts pics) and Mike will gush over it. Maybe some gay-panicking too hopefully
I think El will be either physically or at least emotionally distant the entire season from the other kids (again following the pattern of even and odd seasons) El needs some personal development this season, since she didn’t get any in s3.
El might confront Mike and ask if he is gay and if he likes Will, which could be El’s motivation to go off on a journey of her own to learn more about her own life. I don’t think it will be a huge fight, but El might make some references to him always lying to her. I think Mike might just kind of try to talk his way out of it at first, but he will eventually break. This might be a two part discussion and Mike doesn’t admit she is right until later. I don’t think it makes sense for El to be heartbroken (explained in my byler proof slides), just slightly annoyed. This is based off of the movie Tootsie which they borrowed the “gift” idea from in s3 already. In the movie, the girlfriend then after receiving the gift asks “Michael” if he is gay.
I really think eventually El will realize it’s okay because she doesn’t love him romantically either, and once she realizes that her own personal development can really begin.
I think we will see a noticeable change in Mike’s demeanor. I think Mike will mainly just be trying to hide that he is gay now. He joined the hellfire club so we know he’s playing d&d again meaning he is reverting back to his true self, not the weird act he put on in s3 trying to be straight and change himself. He is still struggling, but he knows he likes Will. Regardless that doesn’t mean he is going to be super clear about how he feels. He is going to be extremely afraid of opening up and then getting hurt by Will. He will probably do some of his usual ‘lead Will on and then shut it down’ thing. And I really want Will to call him out on this. This could also lead to Mike breaking down in front of Will and confessing. I think we are going to get a lot of 'Mike gay panicking' moments, he's going to be extremely afraid of being found out/suspected.
Byler things I really want to happen that we may get because they would have narrative significance:
I really want flashbacks to those 3 months of summer between the starcourt explosion and the Byers moving, of moments between Mike and Will when they hang out alone together, with some obvious romantic tension. Like where they are super playful and almost kiss, or they are kind of touchy, or something in the realm of that. I think we need a flashback of something that explains Will’s flirty nature at the very end of s3 with Mike, because he doesn't normally act like that. I want noticeable “is something going on with them?” vibes. This could also happen during the thanksgiving/christmas flashbacks.
I hope we get flashbacks of Mike going to the Byers for Thanksgiving, and the Byers coming back to Hawkins for Christmas. Preferably of some Mike and Will moments that hint at Mike’s confusion or how he feels “so alone” without Will, maybe with some “crazy together” references too! I’d also love some tension between the 3 of them, maybe this is when El starts to get suspicious of Mike liking Will.
Hopefully we get some shots of Mike biking past the byers old house and going to look at castle byers and reminiscing.
I’d love to get a flashback of Mike the day the Byers moved away, of him crying or being upset, alone in his room/basement while looking at Will’s drawings or pictures of Will and him together. Mainly to confirm for people that Mike was upset about Will moving, not as much El.
This one does not seem super probable, but it is a very popular theory. Idk if it’s possible because of location logistics, but if they spend enough time together, I’d love for Mike to get to know Robin better, and Will too. Maybe once everyone comes together at the end of the season, she will notice their dynamics and could help guide and inspire them to be themselves. Hey maybe thats for s5 :) But I do think it’s a possibility that Mike may work at the video store with Steve and Robin, and she will pick up on Mike’s behavior and understand, whether she communicates that to him or not.
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cutepresea · 4 years
4-3 A Light That Pierces the Clouds: Investigating the Abnormal
Sorry again for the spam.
If you want to blacklist these, you can use either the tag #a light that pierces the clouds for just this event, or #xdu event scripts or #xdu scripts
Reminder that these are copied straight from XD Unlimited itself, so any grammatical weirdness, mistranslations, and/or mischaracterizations are not my doing.
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Maria: "So this is Special Disaster Response Team Section 2 HQ."
Chris Yukine: "I got a really strong wave of nostalgia just now."
Chris Yukine: (Is this what coming home after a long time away feels like?)
Tsubasa Kazanari: "This way."
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Tsubasa Kazanari: "I'm back, and these two girls helped me in the battle earlier."
Genjuro Kazanari: "You two, eh? Well, we're glad to have you. Please, make yourselves at home."
Chris Yukine: "To tell you the truth, it kind of already feels like home."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Hm? What do you mean?"
Maria: (We don't exist in this world, so she's confusing them. I have to explain everything from the start.)
Genjuro Kazanari: "You have both seemed rather... relaxed. Are you--"
Chris Yukine: "Oh, no, it's just... you now how it is! Stop prying so much, jeez!"
Maria: "(Oh, good grief...)
Genjuro Kazanari: "I, uh... I see."
Maria: "You'll have to forgive her. Allow me to explain instead. So the two of us are--"
Genjuro Kazanari: "I see... More or less."
Genjuro Kazanari: "So essentially, by using the power of Gjallarhorn, you were able to come here from another world?"
Maria: "Yes. And since Gjallarhorn went off, we believe that means there's some kind of threat in this world."
Maria: "We've come here to figure out what that might be."
Genjuro Kazanari: "A threat, huh?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I mean, nothing comes to mind off the top of my head."
Sakuya Fujitaka: "Commander, could this be tied to the recent incident with the complete relic delivered to Nagatacho?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Hmm, I can't imagine how it could, but..."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "We're just grasping at straws here. Don't you have any more concrete information?"
Maria: "With previous Gjallarhorn alerts, we encountered Noise much more powerful than those we typically see."
Maria: "Have you had similar appearances here?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Powerful Noise, huh?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Might she mean those signals we had the other day?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Yes, that's definitely possible."
Maria: "What are you talking about?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "So, a few days ago, we--"
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Genjuro Kazanari: "Tsubasa! We've got signals from an unknown, powerful Noise! Head out right away!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Understood!"
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Tsubasa Kazanari: "Tsubasa here. I've arrived at the location..."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "But I don't have visual on any Noise. What does it look like on your end?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "We just lost the signals ourselves."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "You lost them? Did they disappear, or--"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Aha, over there!"
Hibiki Tachibana: "......"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Is that..."
Hibiki Tachibana: "......"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Hibiki Tachibana."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Are you the one who took down the Noise here?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "......"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Hey, wait!"
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Tsubasa Kazanari: "That's the long and short of it."
Genjuro Kazanari: "There was a powerful Noise there, too. Far bigger and stronger than usual, we believe."
Maria: "But no one here actually saw it directly?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "That's correct."
Genjuro Kazanari: "The only explanation is that the Gungnir wielder, Hibiki Tachibana, beat it before we got there, but..."
Maria: "But?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "It seems impossible that she could take down such a powerful Noise so quickly, let alone all by herself."
Chris Yukine: "That makes sense."
Chris Yukine: "If that Noise is what I think it is, it shouldn't be possible for a wielder to beat it without X-Drive."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Incidentally, would you be able to tell us what this powerful Noise is like, exactly?"
Maria: "We call that Noise's abnormality "karmification", and those that demonstrate it we call Karma Noise."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Karma Noise?"
Maria: "Karma Noise are far stronger than typical Noise. Plus, they don't carbonize on contact with organic matter."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "That would mean they can just keep on killing people indefinitely!"
Maria: "Yes, exactly. They're abhorrent. We think that might be what our Gjallarhorn was reacting to."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "That's what it reacts to?"
Maria: "Another thing about them is that they seem to appear where they do in search of nearby humans."
Maria: "However, we have very little data on it, so take this all wth a pinch of salt."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Is it based on the number of people?"
Maria: "No, we think they detect phonic gain, but that doesn't apply to all Karma Noise."
Chris Yukine: "Either way, a single one can kill multiple people. Ignore them, and they'll leave nothing but ashes."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "That's horrible!"
Genjuro Kazanari: "I see now. I had no idea such Noise existed."
Genjuro Kazanari: "If you want to know what it was the other day, you'll have to ask the only eyewitness, Hibiki-kun."
Maria: "I guess that's our only option. Where is she now?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Unfortunately, she doesn't work with us."
Genjuro Kazanari: "She does wield her own Gear, but she doesn't have a grasp of what needs to be done."
Chris Yukine: "Guess that means we'll have to look for her around the academy."
Maria: "Yeah."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "......"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Will you need a guide?"
Chris Yukine: "That's all right. We're pretty familiar with the academy grounds."
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Chris Yukine: "That being said, were should we start looking first?"
Maria: "Even if we find her, with her attitude the way it is, I doubt she'll want to talk to us."
Chris Yukine: "We can't get bogged down by what-ifs. We may as well give it a shot."
Maria: "Yes, you're right."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Hey, wait up  you two."
Maria: "What is it?"
Chris Yukine: "We said we didn't need a guide."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "No, that's not it."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I know this is probably untoward of me to ask since we only just met today, but..."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I need to become stronger. Would you mind helping me train?"
Maria: "Tsubasa?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I'm the only wielder on this side. I could use some practice that isn't just the simulator."
Maria: "Oh, is that all? You looked pretty dour before asking. Sure, we can do that for you."
Maria: "Besides, we may have only just met in this world, but in our world, we're close friends."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I see. So you know a parallel version of me."
Chris Yukine: "We do. So yeah, don't hesitate to ask at all."
Chris Yukine: "Just don't blame us if you end up embarrassing yourself, got it?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Good. That's just what I like to hear."
Maria: "Shall we get to it, then?"
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Tsubasa Kazanari: "Whew. I've got to admit, you've got real skill."
Maria: "Likewise. I'm impressed you held out as long as you did on your own."
Maria: "You're definitely Tsubasa, that's for sure."
Maria: (You've still got the steely gaze of a master swordswoman, too.)
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Hm?"
Maria: "Oh, nothing. Just muttering to myself."
Chris Yukine: "Will that do for now? We should probably get going."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Sure. And thank you. Let's do this again sometime."
Maria: "Ah, that's right. I don't suppose you know where we could look for Hibiki Tachibana, do you?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Hibiki Tachibana, huh?"
Maria: "What is it?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Ah, nothing."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Sometimes I see her at the park near campus. Maybe you'll run into her there?"
Maria: "I see. Thanks."
Chris Yukine: "Want to start there, then?"
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Chris Yukine: "I wish she'd have told us that back in the control room, you know" [1]
Maria: "There does seem to be some sort of big wall between them."
Chris Yukine: "A wall, huh? Well, whatever it is, it's sure causing trouble for us."
Chris Yukine: "Aha, there she is."
Hibiki Tachibana: "......"
Chris Yukine: "Man, is it really her? She looks like a totally different person."
Maria: "This is a parallel world, there are bound to be differences."
Chris Yukine: "Like, I get that, but still..."
Maria: "Um, excuse me."
Hibiki Tachibana: "What do you want?"
Maria: "You're Hibiki Tachibana, right?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Yeah, that's right... Who're you?"
Maria: "You can relax. We're wielders, too. We fought together last night, remember?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "......"
Maria: "We were hoping we could ask you about the Noise you fought off by yourself a few days back."
Hibiki Tachibana: "...Look, I don't care."
Maria: "Huh?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Just leave me alone."
Maria: "Wow, she won't even give us the time of day."
Chris Yukine: "Yeah..."
Chris Yukine: (But more than just that... What was with that nasty look on her face?)
[1] No punctuation
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white-queen-lacus · 7 years
Tagging game :)
Thank you, dear @abybweisse for having tagged me too! <3 1. How has your opinion of yourself changed over the years? Unfortunately yes. I say “unfortunately” because when I was younger I used to be emotionally stronger, but the presence of certain people in my life made me become less confident (especially when it comes to people whom I love deeply, because I am more vulnerable to their opinions and attacks and I started suffering of panic attacks because of this). 2. If you had to pick one book to read for the rest of your life, which book would you pick? Kushiel’s Legacy (both Phèdre and Imriel’s saga) series. Those books are an endless source of inspiration. 3. What’s your favorite season? Do you have a particular reason for liking it? I’d say summer because of the light (I feel better when there is light all around). But here summer is like Hell because it’s hot af, so we are in July and I can breath flames… XD 4. What’s your favorite thing to do when you want to relax? Daydream about stories. Preferably mine… XD The ones I should write, the ones I wrote but I still have something to say. 5. Do you consider yourself lazy? I was born under the sign of Cancer. So yes, I am basically a lazy person, but when I find something interesting, I am not lazy anymore. 6. What’s your view on morality? I feel that many things do not go as they were meant to go, because we live in a very unfair world. To be honest, I believe that it is very important to listen to people’s reasons, but this is not so easy, because we are often too focussed on our beliefs. So it depends. 7. When are you most productive? When I am under pressure. Exams helped me a lot in this (instead of studying XD). Luckily I am about to finish! 8. Do you have any strong opinions about things most people don’t think much about? Love. About love. I strongly believe that love (in a romantic way) exists only in fiction, and I am totally unable to feel it for another person (my ex is the proof XD). Anyway I believe that the sole, endless love is the one between a mother and her child! ;_;<3 9. How do you handle stress? Mh… listen to some kind of music, mostly. 10. What would your ideal world be like? An ideal world would be like the one everyone has in his mind. Anyway, a world that allows children to be themselves and helps them to bloom would be a very good world. Extra Questions: 1.) What’s one story that you want to write/create but won’t (or haven’t yet)? Uuuuuuh… well: I started to write a story about a young student of Psychology in Boston, Kate, who is the only eyewitness of a little girl’s murder few days before Christmas. After that moment, few years later, she joins detective Alexander Graham’s Division as the departmental psychologist in order to find “the Magician”, the mysterious murderer of the little girl, when she finds out that he was also the killer of Alexander’s little daughter, Lily. Also, Kate discovers that her superior is not exactly a good person (actually not that he does too much for hiding his dark temper XD), but when he was a college student, he was the leader of a secret élite, the Dark Circus (just like other members of their team... I picture him like Vincent Phantomhive, Kougami Shinya and our beautiful Italian Leo Cagliostro) and the past involving both is more entwined that they could even suspect. Well, this is my “Dark Circus”, a story I really would love to write (I wrote some chapters but nothing more) and I have lots of ideas and the finale too, but lack of inspiration and university are not a good thing for a novelist… -__-“ Ah, I also wanted to write some one-shots for my *happily finished* fantasy “Underworld – La Croix du Lac” but same thing as DC.  2.) What’s an interesting moment of self-discovery in your life? My first job assignation (as a secondary school professor) and my teacher-training in Primary Education: I found out that I am really good as a teacher! 3.) Dream job? Cat-sitting! *_______________* And being mom! <3 Unfortunately, since I can’t find the raw material, I believe it won’t be easy for me to become a mother, one day… ;_; 4.) What’s a book/movie/show that has had a large influence on you? I do not know, actually… I can say that Kushiel’s Legacy has a large influence on my writing style, perhaps. But also, it depends on moments. 5.) Has music ever changed your life, or at least your outlook on life? I will never stop thanking and blessing Marconi Union for their Weightless! 6.) Imagine you’ve become an established author/artist/creator. What would you want the fandom for your works to be like? “Discussing written works and theorizing about it/analyzing it, maybe creating fanfics that would work within canon. Creating fan art that is true to canon. Commissioning artwork or crafts from me”. @abybweisse I made copy/paste here because this is my exact opinion too! 7.) Same scenario as #6. What would the fandom actually be like? I experienced this on EFP with my “Underworld”. I noticed that my “fandom” was really curious and prone to theorize things (I still giggling at them thinking that Aurore’s father was an angel or something similar, Shemar being Sebastian’s relative, Liger being Evan… ok, this one was right! XD Aaaaah and I loved when they showed lots of empathy toward Celia and her backstory ç_ç). 8.) What’s a subject that you think should be taught in schools but typically isn’t taught at all? Guys, we are talking about Italian school here. As a teacher, I can say that in Italy there is a general lack of attention towards social studies. We try to study some arguments by transversal subjects, but in the end, what do we know about others, really? 9.) What’s a subject that you think should be taught differently in schools from how it usually is? Math (but also several subjects, especially in the secondary school). But the way Math is taught is terrible. No wonder that Italian students are among the worst in Europe. 10.) Are there any patterns in your interests/works that wouldn’t be immediately obvious to an outside observer? I love complex things. Perhaps this is because I am a very complicated person myself. But I believe that nothing is like it appears, that is why in my works I always hide things, details, hints that one day will help things to be clear (like many authors do, after all). When I wrote Underworld, I made several references to the fact that Liger, the main “enemy” of the story, was in fact Evan, Aurore’s adopted brother, like him playing with a Rubik cube, symbolizing his “triple identity”: Evan Kensington/Liger/Evandrus Delacroix or Aurore recalling that Evan’s favorite animals were the tiger and the lion and him claiming that it existed a hybrid called “liger”) but I noticed that my readers were too much in Aurore’s shoes that they could not noticed them at all (technically this is not a bad thing, since the surprise was shocking for Aurore and for them too XD). Only one reader suspected that Evan was Liger and the last living Delacroix (he made a fun parallel with Batman/Bruce Wayne’s story) after reading Celia’s backstory aaaaand… I know that I am going off at a tangent… XD Well, tagging time... whoever wants to do it! :) Fee free to do it!! :) I choose to not tag because I noticed that sometimes people are not interested, so I don’t want to bother... >_< 
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All Things Begin to Appear: Chapter 6
What happens when Scully starts having visions while her and Mulder are hunting a serial killer?
season 5 case file | 30k words | tw: some depictions of violence
One Two Three Four Five 
Read on Ao3
“Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.” – Jonathan Swift
When Scully woke up, she knew it was going to be a bad day. One where, if she could, she would have rather just stayed in bed until the following day. Scully had had a terrible night of sleep, though she couldn’t complain too much because Mulder did as well. She kept having awful dreams, and when Mulder woke her up, she was trembling and out of breath. He ended up waking her up three different times until he gave up going back to his room and just fell asleep next to her. Scully, on the other hand, never really fell back asleep between dreams – she was stuck in a half sleep state until she returned to the dream and was subsequently woken up. She could never remember what she was dreaming, but a feeling of unease and fear followed her after every nightmare. Because of this, her frustration was palpable. She felt like there was something she was supposed to be seeing, something she was supposed to know, but it was just out of grasp. For the first time, Scully wished that a real vision would come to her, so that maybe things would be a little clearer.
It took some mental persuading, but Scully eventually got out of bed to get dressed. She could hear the shower running in Mulder’s room. He wasn’t there when she woke up but she didn’t remember him leaving. Maybe she did finally fall asleep for a little bit. She couldn’t tell though by the way her brain felt foggy and her body felt stiff. She just hoped that she didn’t look as horrible as she felt, even though she was sure that the dark circles under the eyes weren’t going to fool anyone. Too tired to move, Scully waited in her room for Mulder to come find her. He was ready just a few minutes after her and pushed the adjoining door open to beckon for her. He didn’t look that much better than her, his complexion more wan than usual.
“Rough night?” he asked. She couldn’t tell if he was joking or genuinely concerned. It was probably a mix of both.
“I don’t really want to talk about it, Mulder,” she said wearily and it was true. She was too exhausted for any of their usual banter.
Surprisingly, he didn’t respond but instead shook his car keys at her. She got the hint and grabbed her bag to follow him out to the car.
They were silent during the ride, until:
“Scully, you want some coffee or breakfast?” he asked through a yawn.
“No, I’m not hungry,” she answered. She had been able to eat dinner last night, but the dreams brought on a nauseous feeling. She had choked down two antacids after getting dressed and was hoping that they would calm her stomach.
Mulder looked at her strangely, but didn’t comment. She could tell that he was too tired to argue when instead he reached for the radio. The current station was a news one and they were in the middle of a report.
“…A leak from the Cleveland Police Department reveals that the four recent deaths of women across the city are being investigated as the work of a serial killer. The anonymous source tells us that both the regional FBI office and agents from Washington DC are involved, trying to apprehend the suspect before he strikes again. At noon today the chief of police, Randy Dawson, will be giving a press conference in relation to the case…”
Mulder and Scully stared at each other, eyebrows raised. “Well that’s not good,” quipped Mulder.
When they arrived at the precinct, the place was a beehive of activity: phones ringing, people walking back and forth with files in their hands, uniformed officers and plainclothes detectives answering said phones and talking over each other. It was a lot different than the usual quiet that this precinct experienced, at least while Scully had been there. The two agents stood in the lobby, slightly dumbfounded by the sheer noise level.
“What’s going on here?” Mulder asked to himself, seemingly in awe of the hustle and bustle.
Agent Callahan spotted them from behind the counter and called, “Great, you’re here! We’re gonna need all the help we can get.”
“And exactly what kind of help is that?” Scully questioned. She knew they were about to be put on some administrative task and wasn’t looking forward to it.
Callahan looked sheepish. “Well we’ve been trying to keep the serial killer angle quiet so as not to scare everyone but someone leaked it to the press.”
Mulder rolled his eyes at that. Scully could only imagine what he was thinking.
Callahan went on, “Now all of Cleveland now knows that there is a serial killer running around and they’re freaking out.”
“And that’s what all the phone calls are about…?” Mulder sounded incredulous.
Callahan grimaced. “No, not exactly. Once the story broke we had to show the public that we’re doing all we can so we set up a tip line. Now the phones have been ringing off the hook for the past hour. We had about a hundred tips to go through. That’s why I’m glad you’re here.”
Scully could hear Mulder internally groan. Even though she understood how important this task could be, she wasn’t going to be excited about the tediousness of sorting through anonymous tips, a large majority of which were probably totally bogus.
Callahan continued, “I won’t put you on the phones but I’d like you two to examine the tips and set aside any that look promising and we can investigate those later this afternoon.”
And that was what they did all morning. As soon as Scully made a dent in some of the tips, there was another pile waiting for her tackle. For every one tip that seemed possibly legitimate, there were ten that were totally unhelpful: provided no useful information (a caller saw a man walk by her apartment the night of the murder but can’t say what he looked like), were obviously pranks (Scully could tell because they spouted off outlandish theories, like the serial killer was possessed by Satan. She wished Mulder would stop calling into these hotlines, she joked to herself) or got important details of the case wrong so as not to be valid (for example, wrong gun used in the crimes). Sorting through the transcribed calls was a little mind-numbing and Scully rubbed her forehead. She could feel the start of a tension headache behind her eyes. She left her hands covering her face, taking a few moments to enjoy the darkness and lack of harsh florescent lights. Something lightweight hit her on the head and she looked through her fingers to see Mulder chuckling to himself. “Wake up, Scully.”
“I’m awake,” she said through a yawn, which negated her statement.
“I’ve only got one decent tip,” he complained.
“Well I hope that wasn’t the one you just threw at me,” Scully retorted.
Mulder didn’t respond, but only waggled his eyebrows at her. He turned back to the lone paper in front of him. Scully had a couple set aside. There were a few in which people claimed their neighbor might be the killer, because he or she was out the night of the murders and “seemed the type.” Normally Scully would scoff at those kinds of assertions, gut feelings or intuition not even registering on what she considered evidence. But this case had changed her perspective and she was feeling a little more open to whatever these people had to contribute. It was better to investigate these claims than sit around waiting for the killer to strike again. She still thought most of the tips were total crap though and wondered who the whistleblower was and why they felt the need to talk to the press.
Scully turned to Mulder. “Do you think this press conference is going to change the way the killer acts? Is it going to be harder to catch him?”
Mulder looked thoughtful. “It depends,” he said carefully. “The killer might be even more cautious when he kills again, so as not to be caught. He might have thought he was flying under the radar because the victims weren’t connected yet. However, it might be what he wants and therefore embolden him. If he gets sloppy, then it will help us.”
“Your profile is coming along real well, huh?” Scully couldn’t help but tease her partner.
“Har har,” Mulder deadpanned. “You try doing a profile with what I’ve got.”
Scully kept her mouth shut, but in her opinion Mulder wasn’t trying very hard because it was obvious he didn’t care about this case.
At that point, Agent Callahan returned to where they were working. He had been at the press conference and looked a little worse for wear. She was sure that the police department got a public flogging for trying to hide that there was a serial killer in Cleveland’s borders.
“How did it go?” she asked.
“About as well as expected,” Callahan sighed. “Everyone is really worried and wanted to know what we’re doing to solve this case. Opening the tip line helped a little, gave folks an outlet and to feel like they’re doing something productive. We just really need to solve the case fast. A serial killer is bad for business: tourism drops, the economy suffers, people lose jobs.”
“Their lives,” Mulder muttered under his breath. Scully hoped that Callahan didn’t hear him.
“Want to take a ride around town?” Callahan asked. “We can check out some of the more legitimate tips you’ve come across. Please tell me there are some legitimate ones,” he smiled.
“A few,” Scully said. “Probably won’t amount to anything but work checking out nonetheless.”
A few hours later, Scully was even more tired. They drove around the city, investigating the tips that were called in. They spoke to alleged “eyewitnesses” to the crimes and talked to those who swore up and down that this or that person was the killer. At the very least, Scully got a nice tour of the city.
They had one last tip to check out, one that Scully had picked. She was in the backseat, resting her eyes while Callahan and Mulder were looking for a spot in which to parallel park. She couldn’t wait to get back, take a hot shower, and go to bed. She longed for deep and dreamless sleep. When Scully felt Callahan put the car in park she opened her eyes, ready for one final push through her exhaustion. They walked up to a brick row home, in a lower middle class neighborhood. They knocked on the door, Scully hoping that whoever answered wasn’t overwhelmed by three FBI agents. Maybe she should have waited in the car and then she could have taken a nap, she thought wistfully.
The door opened about an inch and a face poked out, clearly not wanting to open the door all the way.
“Ma’am, are you Susan Collins?” asked Callahan.
“Yes,” she responded timidly.
“I’m Agent Callahan with the Cleveland Regional FBI Office and these are two of my colleagues.” They all showed her their badges.
“We wanted to go over the details of the tip you called in today,” he continued.
“They told me that the call was confidential,” Ms. Collins stated.
Callahan glanced at the other two agents before turning back to the woman. “The call was confidential but not anonymous since you gave your name. Would you mind if we discussed this more inside?”
She shook her head, her body still mostly obscured by the door. “No, I don’t think that’s a good idea. What I reported earlier is all that I know.”
Scully stepped forward, since she was the one who had flagged this tip as being potentially legitimate and felt responsible for them being there. “Ma’am, you stated that you thought your neighbor might be involved somehow. That’s a very serious accusation.”
“Like I said, I don’t know much. It’s just a feeling. I know he owns a gun like the one that the killer used and he’s usually out at night. I specifically remember him being out at least one of the nights of the murders because he woke me up around one in the morning and then that poor woman was on the news the next day.”
“Where does he live?” Mulder asked. Ms. Collins nodded her head towards the house across the street. “That one, number 48.” The three turned to look. It looked just like all the other homes on the street, but when Scully saw it, she felt a buzzing start in the back of her head. Her vision doubled slightly but it disappeared when she turned back to Ms. Collins. The lack of sleep is really getting to me, she thought.
“You said that he woke you up on the night of the first murder? What do you mean by that?” Mulder asked.
“He drives a really old car and it makes a lot of noise. I could hear it rattling down the street that night,” she explained. “It’s not there now, but it’s an old Cadillac.”
“What can you tell me about him? His name would be very helpful,” Callahan asked.
“I don’t know his name. He frightens me, so I stay out of his way. I’m pretty sure he’s a renter too. Most of us are. This neighborhood isn’t very nice and most of us keep to ourselves so you’re probably not going to get much more out of anyone else. I can tell you that he’s white, maybe around 50 years old with graying hair and … about six feet tall. But that’s all I know, I’m sorry.” With that, she shut the door.
“Well that was weird,” Mulder stated obnoxiously. The three turned around to walk back to the car.
“Should we knock over there?” Mulder asked Callahan.
“I don’t know; it doesn’t look like he’s home and I want to look into him more before we unintentionally spook him if he is involved. Though, her evidence is pretty flimsy so it’s probably nothing. Don’t want to get a police harassment charge either.”
Scully wanted to say something, but she was staring at number 48 Constitution Street, her eyes drawn to the drab façade, red door and dirty windows. There was something about that house…
The buzzing sensation increased and suddenly she felt very dizzy, like the ground was spinning beneath her feet. Her vision dimmed and she felt her knees buckle. Arms grabbed her, to prevent her from falling all the way to the ground. She knew it was Mulder. It’s okay, Mulder’s here, she thought. Then the world went black.
Read Chapter Seven
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