#another movie where they explain more and shit pleaseeee
bolas-de-berlim · 2 years
All I'm gonna say is there's ALOT of potential for a sequel, the story was so fast paced it kept throwing stuff out there and I'd love to learn more about Hell Maiden lore and the freaky bear (that was let go btw so opening for a sequel there) and also sister Helley's past with Manberg!!!!! Is Kat going to be trained by them both????? I'd love another movie where Kat has been trained and has to kick ass and we get to learn more about the lore and powers of Hell Maidens...
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softspiderling · 5 years
Hey love, it’s ellie (@imagine-lovebug), could u do 10 with Haz pleaseeee. I’m desperate for more Haz content
hello this is my first Harrison piece please don’t judge me also sorry for taking so long ellie @imagine-lovebug
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→ 10. A hello/good-bye kiss that is given without thinking - where neither person thinks twice about it. from this prompt list
“I can pick up some groceries on the way home from work, what do you want for dinner?” You ask, your toothbrush hanging from your lips as you lean in the doorway of the kitchen. 
Harrison purses his lips while he blows into his coffee mug before taking a careful sip.
“I thought we were going out for dinner tonight?” 
“We already went out for food for the past two days, I need something homemade.”
“Fine,” Harrison sighs and rubs his hand over his tired face. It’s still early in the morning and you really appreciate Harrison waking up with you even though his audition is not until noon. It’s one of the perks of having him as a roommate. The other is being able to ogle at his chest while he’s sitting at the kitchen table, too tired to realize that you’re objectifying him.
“Oh hey, and can you pick up some more printing paper?”
“What?” you yell from the bathroom after rinsing out your mouth, sticking your toothbrush back into its cup, reappearing in the kitchen. “We just picked up printing paper last month. A 100 pack if I recall correctly.”
Harrison keeps his eyes forcefully on the kitchen table as he drinks his coffee. “Huh, did we now?”
“Fine,” he sighs, looking up at you with his insanely blue eyes.
Okay, get a grip, this is not the time.
“Tom came over to print out his script for his new movie and he used up all our printing paper,” Harrison explains and you groan, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“Oh my god Haz, are you serious?”
He winces. “I’m sorry?”
You roll your eyes at him and grab your jacket that’s draped over the back of a chair. “Fine, I’ll pick up some printing paper, again. But if you let Tom use it all up again, I’ll beat both of your asses, you hear me?”
Harrison shoots you a bright smile. “Yes, love I heard you.”
“Alright I’m off, see you tonight. Good luck for your audition,” you tell him and lean down to give him a quick kiss before you rush out of your flat, the door shutting close behind you.
It’s not until you’re sitting in your car that you realize what you just did, the car keys shaking in your hand as you were just about to put them in the ignition.
“Holy shit,” you mutter with wide eyes, your face pale. You don’t even know what you should do now. Should you go back inside and tell Harrison that you’re feeling sick and wasn’t thinking straight? Should you just go to work and act like nothing’s wrong when you get home later that day?
You’re overwhelmed with your emotions and thoughts and before you can decide on what you should do, you see Harrison run out of the apartment building, still half naked and mix-matched socks on his feet.
“Harrison?” you ask carefully as you get out of the car, and he grabs your face before kissing you deeply. You sigh softly into the kiss and your hands settle by his waist, feeling the goosebumps on his skin.
He gives you slow, peppering small kisses before he pulls away to give you a shy smile. “I’ve wanted to do that ever since you told Tom off for thinking Snape was a romantic.”
You grin up at him, your cheeks pink. “Well someone should’ve told him way sooner,” you say, before your smile dampens a bit.
“You’re not mad that I kissed you?”
Harrison laughs and leans his forehead against yours, his thumb caressing your cheek gently. “Are you joking? Of course not. I just didn’t have the balls to do it myself, thanks for taking the first step.”
“Cool,” you giggle, before pulling away. “Alright, you better get your ass back inside before you catch a cold and I’ll head to work.”
He looks at you longingly and places a soft kiss on your hand. “I’ll see you tonight, yeah?” his voice is hopeful, his face bright and you can’t help yourself but to stand on your tip toes to steal another kiss.
“I’ll see you tonight.”
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Feisty 3
Warnings: my usual grammar punctuation spelling mistakes and swearing. Threats? Minor character death
Summary: so uh I can’t write good summary’s
Homework sucked a big one. Sam day beside you at a table that was off to the side in the library. He was trying to explain math problems and how to solve them. You were taking some online classes to get you GED.
“All you gotta do is take X and multiply it by the value of Y and you have your answer.”
“Hey hey what’s with the yelling?” Dean came down the stairs clutching a couple bags of McDonald’s. Running up you grabbed a bag and sat at the map table. Digging into a Big Mac, Sam’s face twisted like he saw you eating dirt.
“Really Dean? We were trying to do homework.” This time it was Deans face who twisted.
“She needs to eat. Oh and here is your rabbit food.” He slid Sam a salad that truly did look like rabbit food.
“JACK!! CAS!!” Dean yelled through the bunker and both seemed to come out from within the walls. He tossed Jack a burger and everyone sat down.
“Hey I need the car.” Dean shook his head.
“Last time you took the car you stole her. So he’ll no.” You looked and Sam and gave him puppy eyes.
“Dean maybe-“
“Nope. Not happening. Why do you even need it?” He shoved the rest of his fries in his mouth. Hopefully he would aspirate the food.
“I wanna go to the mall I need clothes and social interaction with people my age.” He scoffed.
“You got us.”
“Oh damn your right I love spending time with men twice my age.” You brough your hand under your chin and batted your eyelashes at Dean.
“Sammy thinks I’m reasponsible enough to go. Please Deannnnn I’ll be careful.” You could sense his giving in. Just like a roof caving in. You got up and went over to him. Wrapping your arms around his neck you layed your head on his shoulder.
“Pleaseeee Dean??”
“Fine but you take Jack.” Jack looked up from the burger in his hands with a bit of ketchup on his face. You could feel your cheeks warm a bit.
“Okay. I’m going to go change!” As you are about to run down the hallway he turns in his chair.
“First finish your food! Sam will kill me if I let you go without eating first.” Sam opend and closed his mouth and shook his head. He always did this when he had something to say but couldn’t form the words. So you sat and scarfed down the rest of your food.
In your room you pulled on a over sized sweater. Turning a bit you were happy it looked with the jean shorts you had on. Jack had once mentioned that he liked your hair down. So you pulled it out of your pony tail and shook it out. Putting on little makeup to enhance your facial features you run down the hall to the map room. You went up to dean and held out your hand. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the keys.
“Make sure you look were you are going. Park away from everyone els. Don’t go over 20 miles an hour!” You hugged him quickly and went to Sam.
“Sammy can I have some money??” He rolled his eyes.
“Fine but when you be home at 7:30! You still need to finish your homework.” You nodded with a bit of attitude on the side and hugged him.
“Let’s go Jack.” You were waiting by the stairs and he stood. You were practically bouncing from exitment.
TIME SKIP ( at the mall.)
You took Jack to all your favorite stores. When you tried on a tight fighting dress he stuttered over his words. When he tried on a button down shirt that made his eyes look beautiful and even more vibrant than normally you made him get it. Now at the food court you were telling him about this movie you saw awhile ago with Cas.
“Then this guy comes out of no where and blows up the bridge holding the train!” You looked up from your ice cream only to see his eyes solely trained on you. His cone forgotten.
“I-I like it when you talk about that stuff.” His eyes darted down a little on your face and then back up to your eyes.
“You like when I talk about movies?” Your time was teasing but you tried to flirt a bit.
“No i - uh I like when you talk about stuff that makes you happy...” your heart warmed but before you could answer the green eyed devil calls.
“Y/N. We need you to come home now there is a emergency.”
“What do you mean emergency?”
“Get home now.” You told Jack what was happening and he stood practically pulling you towards the exit of the mall.
You started Baby with shaky hands. Your heart slamming against your rib cage. Trying to escape your chest.
When you got back to the bunker the everyone was at the map table. No one talking just eyes pointed to the ground.
“What happened? Is everyone ok?” Sam stood and gave you a hug.
“I’m sorry Y/N.” You pushed his gigantic frame away.
“Sammy what happened?” Tear started to well up in your eyes. You stepped forward so you were in Dean line of sight. With both hands on the chair in front of you asked him.
“What’s happening Dean?” Cas stood and walked over to you, he put on hand on your shoulder but you shrugged it off.
“Y/N.. your dad he uh he died.” His eyes held much more than Sam’s or Cas. It wa smile he was feeling the pain for you. You let out the breath you had been holding. Picking up the chair you launched it across the room. You swiped books and papers of the table and punched a cement support beam. You felt another hand on your arm just before you were about to punch it again. You tried to pull away but Jack voice rang through the bunker.
“Y/N. It’s ok.” You dropped your hands and he pulled you into his chest. You sobbed and then everything went black.
When you woke up you realized that Jack must have knocked you out. You were now in your room.
“Hey.” Dean sat in a chair beside your bed.
“You should see the beam you punched knocked it out. Just like rocky.” You knew he was trying to make you laugh but no joy filled you.
“Is it true?”
“Yeah he’s gone Y/N. I’m sorry.” You shook your head.
“The asshole deserved it. If he didn’t die soon then I might have cut his fingers off and thrown them at him like a monkey throwing shit. He deserved what he got. The bastard.”
“Don’t day that-“
“Don’t day what? The truth. You have no idea what he did to me.. to people that knew me.. innocent people.” The room got quite. Even more quite than when you first woke up.
“Have you ever wanted to be normal Dean?” Without hesitating he answered.
“Hell yes. But people would die daily from monsters and I think I would go crazy having a normal life.”
“You already are crazy.”
“I know.” He said it with a small smile. After a couple minutes ofnyou looking at the ceiling and Dean looking at the floor you spoke again.
“Can we have a thanksgiving dinner. You could invite some close friends and we could have whatever food we wanted.”
“It’s not even close to thanksgiving.”
“So what? We could call it something els. Make up our own holiday. Hell I think you and Sam deserve it. You guys have up normal for people you didn’t even know.”
“I guess I could ask Josh and her girls if they would want to come. Donna might want to. We could have pie..”
“Go call them tell them it’s a week from today.” As you start to sit up dean holds out his hand.
“You should sleep more.”
“I have slept enough. Go tell everyone I will be out in 15.”
When you walked into the kitchen it was just Jack in there stuffing his face with cereal.
“Hey Jack um thanks you know for everything.” You sat down on the bench seat with your back against the table. You gave him a quick hug then a kiss on the cheek. As you started to get up he grabbed your hand.
“I like you!” He blurted out. “Sam said I should tell you.”
“Really?” He nodded. You reached up and put your hands on the sides of his head. You pressed your lips to his and after a couple seconds you pulled away. Again you tried to stand but he had ahold of your waist.
“Y/N..” he pulled you closer to him and he kissed you. It wasn’t perfect by any means but sparks flew.
You and Jack sprang apart trying to explain. Cas and Dean stood in the doorway.
“I think they like each other Dean.” Cas said while looking at you both. Your face was red and so was Jacks. Sam walked in and before you could say anything Dean yelled again.
“NOPE NOT HAPPENING.” He swiped his hand through the air like he was cutting it in half. Sam and Cas were left looking at you and Jack. An eternal stand off.
“So uh I was think about the holiday and maybe we could call it Eves eves?”
Part 4??
I know I rushed the kiss and there is more spelling mistakes in this one but I just wanted to get it up.
Next part will be better
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