gentleeclipsey · 4 months
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Sal may get new features XD
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sagilsnonsense · 1 year
Alright, here's the final product for Leera
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They're an 8'10 anphi quinera hybrid, their age being 547, they have an anphi mutation that causes them to have multiple eyes.
Leera is a hermaphrodite which means they have both female and male parts for those who don't know what that means, as a result, Leera likes going by he/she/they, and because of their many eyes they tend to help Wyrm with scouting for danger.
(Once more the Anphi species belongs to @gentleeclipsey)
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styleofbroker · 2 years
Án Phí Ly Hôn Là Bao Nhiêu?
Án phí ly hôn là một vấn đề được nhiều người quan tâm tới khi họ thực hiện thủ tục ly hôn. Thực tế, mức án phí này không cố định nên mới có nhiều người thắc mắc với nó như vậy. Trong bài viết dưới đây, các chuyên gia, luật sư luật hôn nhân và gia đình hàng đầu sẽ giải thích cặn kẽ mọi khía cạnh liên quan tới án phí ly hôn.
Nguồn: https://top20review.com/an-phi-ly-hon/
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198d · 1 year
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i love the volta discord
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elfpylon · 7 months
okay I actually got a considerable amount of productive studying done today.
will leave the rest to tomorrow because the rabid dogs in my brain have been let loose as they usually do by around dinner time.
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geckoodles · 7 months
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Gift art of Anphi!Jackie for @gentleeclipsey, with the bonus of shenanigans associated with Hagel and a tuna!
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almiciel-art · 9 months
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Boceto pa estirar la manito
Hace tiempo que estoy rayao con el anphi siendo brigido
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stefanpg · 11 months
Well, since I'm a high priest, Anphys has given me the task of finding loyal followers who can prove their loyalty and be able to create life in their tummies☺️
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ikimonodamono · 5 years
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すごくおおきな両生類のオオサンショウウオさん とっても長生き
A very large amphibian, the giant salamander He lives very long.
オオサンショウウオ [両生類] Giantsalamande [amphibian]
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snowywinter69 · 7 years
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MORE ICONS I NEED MORE XD (Anoter icons is coming~)
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gentleeclipsey · 9 months
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Sometimes, the most beautiful moment of your life is the saddest. Sometimes, you see the true beauty of a person at your lowest. Always remember those who were there when you had nothing, when you were nothing. They'll be the ones beside you always.
The moment Sal saw how beautiful Jackie was inside, he fell for her. Safe to say, he's never forgotten it. He doesn't just love her for her appearance, he loves her because inside she's truly a beautiful troll.
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sagilsnonsense · 1 year
I have colored Lother and he looks like a strawberry!
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I decided to use marker for his skin this time because it would give more of a vibrant red like his color palette showed.
He's the eldest of Leera's whelps and he's only 7 years old and stands to be 5'1.
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Poolside bbraeweek21 day 2
(So this fic is actually based on my headcannons for BB and Rae’s Future kids, Phoenix and Mavis. Phoenix is 6 in this and Mavis is about 1 ½ I have another fic during this week that features them but background info Phoenix has her dad’s powers and Mavis has her moms but Mavis has cuffs on her wrists that block them because a toddler with emotion based powers is a recipe for disaster. That should be everything you need to know before going in.) 
“MOOOOOM!” Phoenix complained as her mother was trying to get sunscreen everywhere her bathing suit didn’t cover. 
Raven continued despite her older daughter's protests, “Oh, I’m so sorry I don’t want you to get sunburnt. I’m the worst mom in the world, they should throw me in jail.” 
“Can I even get sunburnt?” 
Raven paused, that was actually a good question. She’d have to ask her husband about that one later. “Do you really wanna find out?” 
“I wanna go play in the pool!” 
“And you will, if you can be patient for five minutes while I get the rest of this on you.” 
Phoenix huffed but complied as her mom finished applying sunscreen to her emerald skin. 
“Go, but no morphing into salt water animals, just because I know CPR does not mean I want to use it.” 
“Ok!” Phoenix shouted behind her as she ran into the Titans tower pool diving in feet first spraying droplets of water on her mother. 
Just then, the door to the roof slammed open and Gar appeared carrying Mavis over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry. 
“Why is it that trying to put my children in bathing suits is like trying to wrestle baby alligators?” he grumbled before Mavis kicked him in the face with a jelly shoe. 
“At least Phoenix can dress herself now,” Raven replied. 
“Ok, Rae” Gar said, handing her a wiggling giggling Mavis, “You can do this, I believe in you!” 
“I’m going to need more than your belief Gar, I’m going to need a miracle.” Raven said, placing the girl in her lap as she squeezed sunscreen into her palm. 
Raven attempted to work quickly before Mavis could realize what she was doing but it was too late. Mavis immediately threw her head back and arched her back as far as it could go to get away from her mother. She kicked and screeched and bit at her mother in an attempt to get away from her and the sunscreen. Succeeding only twice as Mavis was like a greased up pig at this point. Eventually Gar had to step in and hold his screaming child down while Raven rubbed the rest of the sunscreen into her skin, all whilst Mavis was screeching at the torture she was being made to suffer. 
Finally finished with her work, Raven and Gar let Mavis go while she ran and threw herself down next to the pool, now able to throw a proper tantrum. 
Door to the roof opened again revealing the rest of the former team along with the new titans as they filed out. 
Cyborg stood at the door, hands on his hips glaring at the couple, “Yo what did you two do to my baby!” A long time ago this sentence would’ve meant the T Car but now exclusively meant Mavis whomst Vic had a huge soft spot for. 
“We dared to put sunscreen on her.” Raven deadpanned. 
Vic picked up the crying child and held her to his chest shielding her away from her parents, “Well don’t do it again,” he narrowed his eyes at the empath. 
“Yeah Raven, how could you?” Gar added in sarcastically moving to retrieve his child from his best friend before she could push any buttons on him and blow everyone up. 
Kori softly chuckled at her friends' interactions as she approached with Mar’i in her own arms. 
“Raven, would you like me to watch over the little ones so you can have some time to yourself?” 
Raven stood stunned for a moment, alone time was a rare treat and one she didn’t take lightly since having children and here Kori was offering it up like it was nothing. She could cry, she could’ve kissed Kori at that moment! 
Gar was more hesitant however, “Are you sure, Star? Mavis is a handfu-”. 
“Thank you so much Kori!” Raven interrupted shooting her husband a dirty look. HIs overprotectiveness was NOT about to ruin this rare opportunity for her. 
Gar sighed but handed over Mavis to his friend and threw himself in the pool identically to the way Phoenix did spraying Raven with more water this time. Raven didn’t care though as she had already started lounging in a chair near the poolside with a book she kept in her bag just in case a rare opportunity like this occurred. 
Gar swam over to Phoenix who was at this point testing out different freshwater fish she could turn into whilst doing laps. Upon seeing her Dad she morphed back into a girl and swam to meet him. “Dad! Dad! Look what I just figured out!” she shouted before morphing into an green lizard-like creature with fuzzy antennae on the sides of her face.  
“Good work Nix, and that is called an….” 
She morphed back into a child to answer, “Axolotl, a freshwater anphi, anphoebe, ambphibi,” 
“Amphibian” Gar chuckled out. 
“Yeah that one, and it comes from mexico.” 
“You got it kid!” he said, giving the girl a high five. 
Much to her delight her Dad then picked her up and threw her over his shoulder into the water. Phoenix emerged from the water, squealing “Do it again!” and he complied, throwing his child again and again as she cackled at their little game. 
As much fun as Gar was having as well, he knew something was missing and that something was his wife. He knew how much her alone time meant to her, but with having the kids the time he had with just Raven was far and few between. 
Phoenix swam back over to her Dad to get thrown again when he grabbed her up and whispered in her ear, “Hey Nixie, ask Mom to come in with us.” 
Phoenix looked over at her mother fully engrossed in her reading at the poolside. “Mom doesn’t want to get in the pool” 
Gar rolled his eyes “I know but she’s more likely to say yes to you than me.” 
Phoenix regarded her mother lounging again, Phoenix really wanted to get ice cream after the pool and she knew that was more likely to happen if her mother was in a good mood and reading definitely put her in a good mood. 
“No.” she said, staring at her Dad straight in the eyes. 
Gar narrowed his eyes at Phoenix and threw her over his shoulder again but with less mirth this time. 
Gar swam to the edge of the pool near Raven gave her his best puppy dog eyes, “Hey Ra-” 
“No.” she said without looking up. 
“Come on! I just want to have fun with you!” he complained. 
Raven tore her eyes away from the book in her hand to glare at her husband, “Who stays home with the kids?” 
Gar sighed at the familiar argument he always lost, “You do.” 
“And when you’re on set, you get breaks right?” 
“Do I ever get a break from being the mom?” 
“So when I get a get a rare break, I’m going to enjoy it to the fullest, Gar” 
Gar pouted and looked up at his wife, “but I miss you.” 
Raven sighed and grumbled something to herself about him being as bad as the kids. “I promise we can do something together after the kids go to bed, but right now I really just want to read my book.” 
Gar's ears drooped but he resigned, “Ok, enjoy your book Rae.” 
“Thank you, I appreciate it,” Raven smiled. 
Gar offered a half smile, still disappointed but deciding it was best to give her space. 
 Meanwhile Kori was sitting with Mavis and Mar’i on a beach towel while the girls were playing with toys. Mar’i was trying to wrestle the plastic elephant out of Mavis' hands whilst Mavis kicked and screamed at the other toddler. 
“No, no, please girls no more fighting,” Kori implored the children. 
The two girls had done nothing but fight since Kori had brought them over and she was at her wits end. She hadn’t truly understood what Garfield had meant by Mavis was a handful until this moment. 
Mar’i had finally ripped the toy out of Mavis’s hands and threw it into the deep end of the pool. Mavis, outraged, bit the half tameranian on the arm leaving deep teeth marks. 
Kori was shocked and scolded Mavis whilst running to get the neosporin for Mar’i. 
Mavis took this as her opportunity to go retrieve her elephant and waddled her way over to the pool's edge. 
Gar was throwing a beach ball back and forth with Phoenix when he saw something that made his blood run cold. Time stood still as he watched his youngest daughter trip over the edge of the pool and begin to fall in. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t breathe, all he could do was panic as he watched her tiny body disappear into the deep end. 
“MAVIS NO!” he screamed, willing the inevitable to stop. 
Raven’s eyes tore away from her book and it was discarded in an instant as she sprinted to where her daughter had fallen in jumping in without a moment’s hesitation. Mavis had barely been in the water for a few minutes before rising to the top, struggling and splashing to keep herself afloat as Raven snatched her up and breathed a sigh of relief that she came back up quickly and didn’t try to inhale water. 
Raven clutched a sobbing Mavis to her chest, shaking and attempting to stop herself from thinking about what could’ve happened. Gar swam over to examine the pair and make sure everyone was ok before hugging them both. Phoenix swam over as an axolotl to the deep end and cocked her head to the side in silent questioning at her mother. 
“Everyone’s ok Nix. Thank you.” Raven replied, finally calming down at the same time as Mavis. 
Gar smiled at Raven and then began to chuckle. 
Raven narrowed her eyes at her husband, “I fail to see the humor in this situation Garfield!” 
“Good Job, Mavis. You somehow got your mom in the pool!” he said through his laughter. 
Raven’s eyes glowed with black magic as she sent a tidal wave crashing over her husband whilst holding both of her girls to her. 
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claumschiff · 7 years
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Undyne’s doodles
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ereborne · 7 years
I may have just scarred my partner for life with a practical explanation of why you don’t actually want too much realism in your shapeshifter stories. 
(spoilers:  it’s body horror)
It’s not my fault, okay, that if a human turned into a wolf their fingers might stay mostly the same size but their hand--the hand itself, the part you think of as the palm or whatever--would elongate dramatically, taking the thumb with it until it was a semi-useless stubby fifth digit hanging off the side, as the carpal bones grew to match more canid proportions.  The elbow would shift farther up and over in towards the chest, and the shoulder would slide down to lay across the side of the torso.  And all this as the legs did much of the same around a rapidly narrowing pelvis, the ribs and spine shifted their orientation (neck stretching up and out, vertebrae changing shape, coccyx cracking into separate caudal bones which in turn stretch and grow out into the tail), and the skull reformed (the top/back of the head seeming to cave in, the face bowing out). 
I didn’t actually get to that part in much depth.  She was waving me off after I finished the bit about the thumbs.  And she calls herself an animal science major. 
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cyanzenstuffs · 5 years
“A Gorey Demise”
Coming soon GLMV animation
On this vid the tumblr people I put in were playing Demise games like what grian made on the hermitcraft server and the ocs there died and came back to life with a gray skin
• A-byss
• B-laze
• C-rystal
• D-anphy
• E-lla
• F-orest/flare
• G-emmy
• H-adley
• I-nky
• J-ay
• K-ing
• L-umber
• M-idnight
• N-ico
• O-livia
• P-owerpuff
• Q-uinto
• R-ed rambles
• S-tarbucks Raven
• T-yhnan
• U-
• V-enom
• W-illow
• X-uri
• Y-
• Z-J
Help me I need more names here!
The people here are @theguardiansofredland @inkynie @starbucksraven @king-yao-i @justdaphnyuwu @askstella-andfriends @twinklemaddie @capa-play
@gemstoneblitz @storytellsblog @badly-drawn-dopples @animatorvsanimationfan @gacha-life-asks @boxcatmew @sol-the-maple-tree
Abyss will be waiting for names on the list
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(That is not what abyss will wear to the GLMV)
Can be edit
Everyone can join
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