#friend species
sagilsnonsense · 1 year
Alright, here's the final product for Leera
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They're an 8'10 anphi quinera hybrid, their age being 547, they have an anphi mutation that causes them to have multiple eyes.
Leera is a hermaphrodite which means they have both female and male parts for those who don't know what that means, as a result, Leera likes going by he/she/they, and because of their many eyes they tend to help Wyrm with scouting for danger.
(Once more the Anphi species belongs to @gentleeclipsey)
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ghosted-jazz · 2 months
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Species Swap AU! Retired couple gets a fairy godchild to help repair their relationship
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tawnysoup · 28 days
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the fritter (frin critter)
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Leo skeletal anatomy! Click for better quality :)
The way most turtles actually fit into their shells is because their arms and legs are shaped to fit into the loose skin around the openings for their limbs, but on account of their human proportions, I just suspend my disbelief as to how mutant turtles could fit in their shells without the odd configuration to their organs that real turtles have. Real turtles have flat lungs that sit widely along their carapace, which is weird but cool. Turtles shed their scutes (the large flat scales on their shells and plastron) about once a year or if the scutes are damaged. The scutes have barely any skin between them and the bone, which is why turtle skeletons usually have the scutes on still, though they can pop off. The rest of the skin sheds regularly though, instead of in large patches.
For the brothers’, their respiration is much more human than turtle. Therefore, their lungs need to expand and contract with their diaphragm rather than just with their movement, so therefore they must have some flexibility to their chest. Some turtles, like box turtles, already have hinged plastrons, and softshell shells are mostly cartilage, so it’s not too far off to assume that there’s a bit of cartilage just to the upper plastral bones of the hard shelled brothers to give their humanoid lungs room to breathe.
Poor Leo. After the movie, one could assume he’s got a couple broken bones. It kind of made me morbidly curious as to how to describe injuries on a character whose skeletal structure is quite different from a human’s for my own writing!
Feel free to use as reference or disregard, these are just my own little speculations :)
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ikiprian · 7 months
Clone’s Best Friend
“Cute dog!” the girl says. “What breed is he?”
“Uh,” blinks Kon. "Are you asking what breed Superdog is?"
“Uh, duh?”
Well. She’ll have to forgive him his stunned expression, ‘cause he doesn’t usually run into other dog walkers on this path. This is, of course, because “path” is used in the loosest sense, the one that connotates direction and not tread ground, and the “walk” bit is entirely inapplicable, with all of them currently flying one thousand feet above sea level.
“Cujo’s a rescue,” she continues, swinging her feet in the sky, “so we don’t know for sure, but my sister thinks part husky, part shar pei. Half-and-half, like me!”
Cujo is also, apparently, half green and half glowing. He wiggles happily in a play-bow. It’s very cute, except for the way he’s the size of a small house.
Krypto’s tough, though. He barks and chases his new friend through cloud cover. Gamely, Cujo flees. They frolic in the chilly condensation, occasionally poking a head out before diving back in, like a fox in a snowdrift.
Neither of them see anything surprising about this. It’s all good fun. And, well. Krypto’s always been a good judge of character.
Kon turns back to the girl and gives her a megawatt smile.
“He’s Kryptonian. Like me. But he looks like a white lab!”
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its-captain-sir · 8 months
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Hello turtle fans I come bearing gifts <3 as a spiritual successor to the dinosaur ones from last year, I've made turtle valentines!! feel free to use as you please!!!! :)
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csidepooltide · 5 months
Welcome friends, sky fans, and people who have NO idea who I am! Let me introduce you to my open characters...
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Everything included under the cut!
Disclaimer, this is just a general overview. I couldn't possibly include everything or show everything! Believe me, I tried. Thrice. This is why it took me two years.
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If you have any questions, don't feel afraid to send me an ask or dm!
And if you make a starkid of your own, please please PLEASE tag me!! I would love to see!!!!! :)
See you in the sky!
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felassan · 6 days
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Prompt 93
Geralt yelled at him, that's fine. Jaskier was just trying to cheer him up, but it's still fine. They're on top of a fucking mountain, but it's fine. Jaskier never even wanted to come to this mountain, but it's fine. Geralt never liked him, but it's fine. It's fine. It's fine. Geralt said that to never see him again would be a blessing. It's fine.
Jaskier goes to get his stuff from Roach, only for her to start freaking out as he approaches. Jaskier futilely tries to calm her down for far too long, before she neighs, looking behind him. He spins around and sees a stomping, still-pissed Geralt.
"Oh, Geralt! Thank gods, something is wrong with Roach, I'm worried about h-"
But Geralt walks straight through him, and pats Roach's muzzle.
"What is it, Girl?"
Jaskier blinks in shock, turning to look at them. He watches as Geralt goes through their bags and seems to relax at the sight of them, stuffed full of all of Jaskier's bullshit. Perhaps he wants to sell all remainders of Jaskier, thinking Jaskier too dumb to bring his things with him, wherever he went. Maybe it wasn't relief at all, maybe it was defeat, as he stares at new duties, as he has to go chase after the stupid bard he despises to bring him back his things because no matter what, Geralt has a heart of gold.
Geralt makes camp, right there and then, and sits down to meditate.
Jaskier decides that if Geralt can't see him, he might as well get his fill of Geralt. He sits right in front of him, and stares at his face, semi-relaxed in a semi-peaceful meditation. He's still tense, as if waiting for something, or expecting the worse. Maybe he's worried Jaskier will come back.
"It's alright, Darling. I won't be there to bother you any more, it seems."
Jaskier makes sure to tell him, even though Geralt doesn't react. Roach has calmed since Geralt arrived, but still eyes him wearily. At least Roach can see him, he supposes.
Jaskier observes as Geralt stays at that same camp for another three days. Geralt either meditates, cares for roach, or wanders off into the wilderness at seemingly random times. He either stays away for two minutes, or nine hours at a time. Jaskier stays with Roach, worried about her without either of them. He knows she can handle herself, but he still worried. Same with Geralt. But it was nice being seen, sometimes. So he stays with Roach.
Geralt comes back, hurriedly packs up camp, leaps onto Roach, and rides like a bat out of hell. Jaskier unfortunately cannot fly or float or even hover. So he has to run after them. And even though Geralt can't see or touch him, Jaskier can still feel his lungs burn when he runs for too long.
Jaskier eventually catches up with them at a town at the bottom of the mountain. Geralt is searching for something, it's obvious. Perhaps a job? Yennefer, somehow? A beast?
"Brown hair, blue eyes, dressed in bright colors?"
Geralt is looking for him.
Jaskier gets excited for a moment, before remembering Geralt still has his things. He probably just wanted to drop his things off and leave him again.
"I haven't seen a man like that." "He- He… He looks sad. He was crying."
Geralt brings up this detail as if it pains him to even speak of it. Jaskier is confused about this, as it was technically Geralt's fault Jaskier ended up crying at all.
"I haven't seen him." "If you do, tell me. Please."
And Geralt moves to ask the same exact questions to the very next person in view.
Jaskier watches as he asks every single person in town, getting more and more desperate. By the end of the night, Geralt sits in an inn room with a large single bed, hugging a lute, as his eyes tear up.
Jaskier sits beside him, assures him he's fine, pleads with Geralt to not mess with the delicate lute, and demands he get happy and stop this frankly heart-wrenching display.
Jaskier tries moving items, tries clapping his hands, tries punching people, tries screaming his head off, but nobody notices him. Except Roach. And a barncat that ran away once it caught sight of Geralt in the distance. Great.
Jaskier can only silently observe as Geralt grieves Jaskier, hopes for him to return, prays that he's safe even though he left his lute , hums his songs under his breath before shaking his head and sighing, whispers "Please forgive me" to empty air. Jaskier has. Jaskier forgave him long ago at this point.
Jaskier's had enough. Jaskier's been annoying and loud his entire life. Surely he can make enough of a fuss to get the animals around Geralt to act up enough for Geralt to know something's up. He starts cooing at Roach and luring her in odd directions with the same promises he made before it all went to shit. Geralt knows something is wrong, but suspects it's with Roach, and not the environment around her. That is, until Geralt is in the middle of a hunt, and suddenly the creature he's there to kill can NOT focus on him, and instead keeps following some invisible being as they race back and forth across the clearing.
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can you tell who my fav is yet
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sagilsnonsense · 1 year
Here is Ganta! You guys chose her color palette the last poll I made so here she is!
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Ganta is a 17'3 gadag quinera hybrid, because of the quineras natural vibrant colors mixed with the gadags usual brown, greys and greens, she came out with some mixed colors.
(The Gadag species belongs to @geckoodles)
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AITA for admiring someone without his knowledge?
There's a really cute guy who lives near me; we've met briefly a couple times, but i wouldn't say we're friends yet, though I'm hoping to get much closer to him.
I recently discovered that if I look in his windows from a certain angle, I can see him without him noticing me, so I've been watching him in my freetime.
I just enjoy watching him go about his business, yknow? Eating dinner, settling in for the night in his bed, playing games, and working out on the treadmill, are all so charming when he does them.
However, recently I was peering in his window watching him bathe, and my friend later pointed out that my behavior *technically* falls under the purview of a "peeping tom" whatever that is. I still don't think I'm the AH, I'm not hurting anybody, and he doesn't even know I'm watching him, so no harm no foul right?
Attached are pictures of the little man in question, so you can understand how cute he is.
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barblaz-arts · 1 year
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When it's a full moon out but Enid would rather spend time with her favorite people
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albertabats · 3 months
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fr-thrice · 1 month
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I redrew my old concepts for mith ocs, and this time i colored them in! i love miths so much- moth people with digitigrade legs and little hooves, who sometimes wear clothes and even armor!
so these miths are based on the rosy maple moth, hickory tussock moth, and saddleback caterpillar moth. they are tentatively named Petal, Kip, Umber, and baby Zap.
since miths are not really developed onsite, id love to brainstorm fanon lore and culture for them. i assume that they live in areas with plenty of plant life to eat. they can use plant fibers, as well as old silk from their children's cocoons, to make textiles.
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n4rval · 5 months
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