#anselm jappe
girl-debord · 1 year
"[T]he spectacle always appears in a variety of guises: different political tendencies, contrasting life styles, antagonistic artistic attitudes. The spectator is urged to express an opinion, or to choose one such false alternative or another, so that he never questions the whole."
- Anselm Jappe, Guy Debord
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bibliotecalacaldera · 2 months
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Hemos reeditado, unificando en un solo folleto, los siguientes textos:
Espectáculo: Fase suprema de la abstracción de Anselm Jappe, el cual corresponde al libro Guy Debord del mismo autor, editado por editorial Anagrama en 1998. La presente edición corresponde a la publicada por Mariposas del Caos el año 2010.
Hemos añadido una línea temporal sobre Debord y la IS, la cual era parte del programa entregado a los assitentenss a la jornada , "Guy Debord y la Internacional Situacionista" realizada el año 2014 al cumplirse 20 años del suicidio de este importante teórico de la crítica radical revolucionaria.
link de descarga
link al video de difusión de la jornada
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dooareyastudy · 2 years
Books I have read in February 2023 & my opinion on them (ft. my lovely tulips)
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Le Diable, Léon Tolstoï, 1911 | Found it a bit boring. Didn’t like it as much as I thought I would.
Les aventures de la marchandise : pour une critique de la valeur (2003) & La Société autophage : capitalisme, démesure et autodestruction (2017), Anselm Jappe | A real, hard slap in the face. I think this will be a turning point in my political journey. Kinda want to do a in-depth review of the two books but I am not sure who would read it !
On Murder considered as One of the Fine Arts, Thomas de Quincey, 1827 | It was fun. I liked the first part the most, really captures the rambling inherent to academic lecturers. Much like the Confessions, de Quincey masters the art of beating around the bush. And I kinda like that.
Le Roi pêcheur, Julien Gracq, 1948 | Julien Gracq my beloved. Probably my favourite thing I read of him yet. It was sooooo good, such a great play.
Le Désastre de Pavie : 24 février 1525, Jean Giono, 1963 | I was skeptical about reading an historical essay written by a novelist but I was proven wrong! It was a really good book, well-written and the author offers a very interesting insight of the events. I now have really random knowledge of the year 1525.
Contes, Alexandre Pouchkine, 1831-35 | It was fun reading tales but I am a bit disappointed as they were originally written in verse and the translation is in prose!
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arlindenor1 · 12 days
Vivos e mortos na crítica de valor - Anselmo Jappe
Algumas teses superficiais sobre o estado da crítica de valor hoje Há 38 anos, em 1986, apareceu o primeiro número da Crítica Marxista (mais tarde renomeada como Krisis ) e deu início ao desenvolvimento da crítica do valor. Inicialmente limitado a pequenos círculos, alcançou um “avanço” aos olhos do público com a publicação de The Collapse of Modernization (1991), de Robert Kurz. O interesse…
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marcogiovenale · 1 year
anselm jappe à rome: jeudi 4 mai, 19h @ libreria stendhal
Jeudi 4 mai à 19h Anselm Jappe Un complot permanent contre le monde entier – Essais sur Guy Debord éditions L’Échappée en dialogue avec Giancarlo Rossi « Une louche allure de complot permanent contre le monde entier » : telle était la définition que Guy Debord avait donnée des éditions Champ libre qui le publiaient. Elle pourrait bien s’appliquer à toute la trajectoire publique de Debord…
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borderepisteme · 5 months
“Is the current oft-lamented state of contemporary art a mere aberration? Is it the fault of artists, museums or institutions? What are the prospects for putting things right? A major conference involving every art world professional, who then decide to transform the entire art scene? Are there unjustly ignored artists who ought to be recognised and who might be able to get everything back on an even keel? Should art school syllabuses be subject to a total rethink? Should the resources that the state allots to culture be otherwise redirected? Nothing is less certain. The problem is more serious. It is the present state of society, and the process that has led up to it, that makes it so difficult for art to be in any other situation. The problem is that, ever since something like “art” has existed—beginning with the Renaissance—never has its role in society been so inconsequential or its existence been so marginal, notwithstanding the fact that never have we seen such a quantity of artists and such a mass of information and knowledge circulate among the public at large, and such long queues outside exhibitions. The problem of contemporary art is that its professionals are quite happy to go along with this state of affairs because never have they earned so much money. But are there works of art that will, in a hundred years, give an account of what we are currently living through today? Are there people around now who feel that this is necessary?”
Anselm Jappe, The Writing on the Wall
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infacundia · 2 years
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Anselm Jappe en La sociedad autófaga
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Instead of books on how to build a 'personal brand', read Ten Arguments For Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now by Jaron Lanier.
Instead of books on how to achieve 'success' through 'hard work', read The Self-Devouring Society by Anselm Jappe.
Instead of books with 'advice' on how to be a 'productive' or 'successful' writer, read Writer's Block and How to Use It by Victoria Nelson and Self-Compassion by Kristin Neff.
Instead of books on how to monetize your creativity, read Against Creativity by Oli Mould.
Instead of books on how to be 'your best self', read Radical Honesty by Brad Blanton.
Instead of books on how to 'conquer' infertility, read Better Never To Have Been by David Benatar.
Instead of books on how to be 'the best'/'better than *percentage* of people' at what you do, read The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion by Christopher K. Germer.
Instead of books on how to 'successfully overcome' depression and grief, or 'thrive with' a disorder, get a physical copy of The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook and an extra pencil.
Instead of ANY trendy pop-psych self-help book, read:
The Denial of Death by Ernest Becker.
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blackmyristica · 1 year
La democracia no es el antagonista del capitalismo sino su forma política, y ambos han agotado su papel histórico. Es inútil seguir exigiendo < +democracia > : la democracia, entendida como igualdad y libertad formales, ya está realizada y coincide con la sociedad de los hombres sin cualidades. Al igual que las mercancías, todos los ciudadanos son porciones cuantitativas de la misma abstracción. El que luego todas las porciones sean iguales es imposible para las mercancías y, por consiguiente, también para la democracia capitalista. La tarea de hoy es la suspensión de ambos.
Anselm Jappe
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girl-debord · 1 year
"Just as the spectacle is a totality within a society, so too it is a totality on a worldwide scale. A real antagonism, that between a proletariat demanding life and a system 'where the commodity contemplates itself in a world of its own making,' is concealed by spectacular antagonisms between political systems that are in actuality mutually supportive. Such antagonisms, however, are not mere phantoms, for they reflect the uneven development of capitalism in different parts of the world."
- Anselm Jappe, Guy Debord
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rosswolfe · 3 years
Alan Milchman (1940-2021)
. Was sad to learn that Alan Milchman, better known in ultraleft circles as Mac Intosh of Internationalist Perspective, passed away on Friday (I was told by someone close to him that it was okay to publicly share his name). I don’t know enough details about his life to really write a proper obituary. But I’m told that IP plans to release a statement about his passing, so I will be sure to link to…
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dooareyastudy · 3 months
quels livres conseilleriez vous pour mieux comprendre le communisme ou le découvrir genre l'essentiel d'une sorte de bibliothèque rouge🙃
Pour commencer : le Manifeste du parti communiste (Marx & Engels, 1848), évidemment !
Sur cette base, on peut enchaîner avec Socialisme utopique et socialisme scientifique (Engels, 1880) et - passage obligé - Le Capital (Marx & Engels, 1867) (qu'on peut lire d'un bloc si on est un lecteur accroché mais il existe aussi de nombreux chapitres édités seuls, ce qui peut faciliter l'approche de l’œuvre entière).
Sur cette base, on peut ensuite développer plusieurs autres approches / développements du marxisme.
Pour développer sur le marxiste orthodoxe : Principes élémentaires de philosophie (Politzer, 1946) (référence très PC).
Pour développer les critiques du travail, on a des références plus lisibles (Le droit à la paresse, Lafargue, 1880) que d'autres (les travaux du groupe Krisis, tellement intéressants mais assez chiants à lire, plein de jargons - même chose pour Postone : si on veut creuser de ce côté, je conseille à condition d'être accroché Les aventures de la marchandise & La société autophage, Anselm Jappe, 2003 et 2017).
Pour des travaux plus historiques, sur les développements du capitalisme et ses évolutions : La société ingouvernable, Chamayou, 2018 (que je recommande vivement : bien écrit, facile d'accès et très intéressant) ; Le nouvel esprit du capitalisme, Boltanski et Chiapellon, 1999 (très intéressant aussi mais si on n'est pas chercheur, il ne faut pas avoir de scrupules à sauter les chapitres qui traitent de méthodo). Sur les liens capitalisme / fascisme, on pourra lire Libres d'obéir, Chapoutot, 2020.
On va aussi trouver des travaux mêlant marxisme et écologie avec, à encore, des références plus accessibles (La Nature contre le Capital, Saito, 2021 - qui propose une relecture de Marx pour penser le rapport des humains à la nature) que d'autres (Le mur énergétique du capital, Aumercier, 2021 - très intéressant, mais assez technique).
On trouve également des développements féministes de la théorie marxiste, avec notamment Le marxisme et l'oppression des femmes, Vogel, 2022 (qui adopte une approche très historique). On peut citer aussi des travaux critiques du marxisme, comme Le capitalisme patriarcal, Federici, 2019. Mention spéciale pour un livre qui retourne l'estomac que j'ai fini récemment : Le ventre des femmes : capitalisme, racialisation, féminisme, Vergès, 2017.
Il y a bien évidemment des angles morts importants dans ces quelques références, à commencer par les questions de colonisation et de racialisation sur lesquelles j'ai encore peu lu. N'hésitez pas à proposer des titres, pour compléter sur ce point ou d'autres !
Vu que je passe l'essentiel de mon temps à lire, je serais ravie d'élargir mes horizons (d'ailleurs, on m'a prêté l'ouvrage des soulèvements de la terre donc pour répondre à un anon qui m'avait posé la question : je ne l'ai pas lu, mais ça ne saurait tarder !)
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arlindenor1 · 4 months
O vício em concreto tem cura?Anselm Jappe
O eco encontrado pelo meu livro Concreto: arma de construção massiva do capitalismo(L’Échappée, 2020) acabou por surpreender a mim mesmo. Naturalmente que desde a minha juventude tenho ouvido queixas sobre as “tristes cidades de concreto”, sobre esse concreto sempre associado ao “cinza”. Mas, em comparação com a energia nuclear e o petróleo, com o plástico e os pesticidas, o concreto mantinha um…
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antriebsloosigkeit · 5 years
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Anselm Jappe, La Société Autophage
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borderepisteme · 5 months
“If art is to be something more than a way of aspiring to personal fulfilment by ransacking the storehouse of possibilities, the situation of the contemporary artist is in fact scarcely to be envied. Not men but what devours them must be loved.
“Another dead end is represented by one of today’s other major artistic procedures summed up in the words re-usability, “mixing”, referencing and plagiarism which can even go so far as to claim Situationist “détournement”. It only means anything in the context of a community of people with the same cultural references that—at least within the group—have “classic” value and that retain it for a certain period, be it Greek literature among cultured people of the nineteenth century or Surrealist literature for the early Letterist movement. In this context it is even possible to create works composed entirely of quotations. Today, there is no longer a universal cultural heritage, even among, say, rock music fans for whom Chuck Berry is now as far removed as Beethoven.”
Anselm Jappe, The Writing on the Wall
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infacundia · 2 years
Esta semana cumplí un cuarto de siglo y con esa excusa voy a hacer una lista no jerárquica de 25 expresiones culturales (y un poquito más porque soy puro desborde jiji) que me transformaron o me transforman todavía, creo que para bien, el modo de habitar este mundo:
El juguete rabioso, de Roberto Arlt
La discografía completa de Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota, sobre todo descubierta a través de las entradas de https://esaviejaculturafrita.blogspot.com/
Los cantos de Maldoror, del Conde de Lautréamont
Las novelas Frankenstein y Drácula de Shelley y Stoker
Hypernormalización, el documental de Adam Curtis de 2016
El feminismo argentino 2016-2019 con todo lo que implicó: hilos de tuíter, notas en medios y revistas progresistas, organización política y movilizaciones masivas, su pedagogía generacional, etc. etc.
La amistad, la amistad, la amistad y todas las formas del afecto
Héroes: asesinato masivo y suicidio, de Bifo Berardi
Un par de materias de la carrera de Letras que se dicta en la UBA: Dialectología hispanoamericana, Literatura Inglesa, Literatura Alemana, Problemas de la Literatura Americana, Literatura Latinoamericana II, Literatura Argentina II, Gramática, y Teoría y Análisis Literario
La comida casera hecha con amor y amistad y recetas socializadas acá y allá
La poesía que producimos en Tumblr 2015-2018 y nuestra disposición a hacer amistades con rándoms que conocimos en internet
La sociabilización internética en general, sobre todo antes de que una cuenta de Instagram sea equivalente a un documento nacional de identidad y Twitter termine de convertirse en un foro de la insanía ideológico-espiritual de la civilización occidental
El primer tomo de El capital, de Karl Marx, que todavía sigo leyendo
El ruiseñor, de Jennifer Kent
Bucarau, de Kleber Mendonça y Juliano Dornelles
Breaking Bad
El mundillo porteño de #poetas 2016-2018 y el FIPR
Los murales, las plazas y las ruinas de La Plata
La poesía completa de Paco Urondo y la de Juanele Ortiz
La organización política en Marabunta
Todas las movilizaciones de las que participé, incluidas las marchas del orgullo
La fiesta lgbt y la bailanta cumbiera y sobre todo bailarlas
El tango y las músicas populares de nuestra América herida
Difracciones amorosas, de Nagore García Fernández
Los cuentos de Mariana Enríquez y la literatura gótica en general
Sobre verdad y mentira en sentido extramoral, de Nietzsche
Las películas de terror y de ciencia ficción que miro torrenteadas en Stremio
El festival Jauría Mutante
La sociedad autófaga, de Anselm Jappe
La historia del movimiento obrero de Endnotes y el pensamiento dialéctico-materialista en general
El foro-comunidad de Telegram del Partido Interdimensional Pirata
Los Simpsons y su circulación fuera de la tele
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