sleepy-bear-tm · 9 months
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Some Three Houses pieces I made that I think about a lot.
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lysissisyl · 2 years
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I’ve wanted to give Anselma a sprite for a long time; I finally decided to do it in form of a patch.
For my wonderful Love, @patricia-von-arundel 💜💙
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eugephemisms · 1 year
Irresistible Italy: Famiglia Anselma - Barolo
Irresistible Italy: Famiglia Anselma - Barolo #wines #italianwine #barolo #piedmont
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bmxslzz9l · 1 year
Bernoussi pro sexy anal Hanane gadany Mohammedia maroc Doctor caught by mom and milf jerks young xxx Krissy Lynn is a caring Passionate moment of the masked girl and her boyfriend! [Day 1] Masturbation on the mirror, dildo inserted in anal, sexy lingerie, Asian big tittted babe fucked Boy gif gay sex Big Boy Underwear Blond bubble butt teen anal and rope bondage Cummie, the Painal Cum Rebecca Volpetti enjoys anal date Intense anal orgasms for skinny black bitch (Mick Blue , Chanel Skye)
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koroart · 11 days
Hi, if it’s okay to ask, what are your thoughts on what’s going on between Lambert and Patricia? Especially considering what’s said in Dimitri and Hapi’s supports
Hm hm hm , this one is definitely a doozy — 🤔
Tbh… I definitely feel their relationship was in some way? Genuine? Not like, true love kinda genuine — it’s more so along the lines of ‘two lost people finding solace in one another’ because I do think at some point, they both cared for one another, especially in the beginning of their relationship. Especially on account with Patricia. But even Rodrigue pointed out in Hopes , that even he wasn’t sure if it was love between them — but it was something. It was enough for them to marry at the very least.
And concerning the things with Hapi and what information Hopes actually gave us— I feel like those small feelings of affection towards one another became gradually one-sided on Lambert’s side. Because Cornelia so often interfered between their relationship and kept Patricia separated from Lambert ( so she could probably be easier to manipulate) and I think Patricia definitely hid things from Lambert too — and wasn’t entirely honest with him, with and without Cornelia’s influence. He probably knew she had been the former consort of Ionius but I don’t think he knew she had a daughter ( after all, Edelgrad didn’t know her mother had fled to the Kingdom either and even when she was there — she was never made aware, otherwise her uncle may have mentioned it and she probably would have too, cuz what child wouldn’t want to see their mother? ) Cornelia probably twisted it in some way later down the line— making seem that Lambert knew and that he was purposefully keeping Anselma away from her daughter, and gradually Anselma began to believe her. ( which also seems to be the conclusion a lot of people in the fandom seem to make too — Intsys did a bad job in keeping the lore together and a lot of misunderstandings happened )
Which is probably why Patricia/Anselma seemed to have no issue in helping arrange Lambert and Dimitri’s assassination later down the line. Do I think she lived long enough to regret it? who can say really — but part of me feels she did regret it at some point but it was too late and she died with those regrets.
I want to take Dimitri’s recounts of their relationship with a grain of salt — in some way it was almost rose tinted because he’s never had a mother in his life, and Anselma being the only female presence in his life and my guess is he wanted to remember his time with her with some fondness despite the reality, and I felt his opinion on it, especially pre-time skip — shouldn’t really be given a lot of credence. Because chances are, he wasn’t privy to a lot of what was going on in the bg, and I’m sure his father wouldn’t want him to worry about such grown up things. What parent doesn’t keep pressing matters away from their children? ( let’s not forget Dimitri only found out Edelgard being his step-sister AFTER she left and AFTER Duscur I believe, so he wouldn’t have been able to get answers from anyone regardless )
Hm hm much to think about methinks
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idrellegames · 6 months
I just love tall strong/buff and mean women.
You have good taste, anon. 😌
May I direct you towards:
Calla, who may not be tall, but is definitely strong/buff
Phaedra, who is tall and--depending on the POV and situation--could be mean to the right person at the right time
Anselma, who is tall, strong and mean (her wife is not)
Malsara, who is somewhat tall, somewhat buff, and somewhat mean
Nova, who is somewhat tall and definitely mean (of the prickly variety)
Umbria, who is none of these things but deserves the love anyway
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azelfandquilava · 3 months
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Cornelia Arnim and Anselma von Arundel (or "Patricia" as she'd later be known as) in their younger days. Remember, the two were friends once upon a time before Cornelia got Cleobulus'd.
Tbh I'm kinda disappointed how little fan content there is of these two, the little that does exist is mostly just about Anselma being played for a smuck by Cleo.
Commission by RavenClouk Design
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julianbashir · 4 months
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fleshacker · 1 year
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Crime wives Anselma and Hera from @idrellegames “Wayfarer” for 2023 Pin-up calendar. I literally can’t tell you how much I love this characters and how happy I was to draw them.  And I was really glad to participate in such event with so many talanted ppl!
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ncfan-1 · 10 months
Here, have some semi-disorganized thoughts, because the more I think about what’s implied about Lambert and Patricia’s relationship, the more I find myself side-eyeing… Lambert, actually.
(And to be clear, I consider Cindered Shadows and the information that arises from it questionably canon at best, but when it dovetails with what we already know from base 3H, it makes sense to include it. And when you’re talking about Patricia and Lambert’s relationship, you can’t really avoid Cindered Shadows, so here goes.)
First of all, as a disclaimer: I do believe that Lambert was genuinely infatuated with Patricia/Anselma. I’m not denying him that. It’s just… everything that comes after it that feels questionable. Because that doesn’t feel like why he married her, based on what comes next?
[That said, maybe don’t read if you have a particularly rosy view of Lambert. I don’t characterize him as a monster, not by any stretch, but like I said, I side-eye him hard.]
So you’ve got this banished former Imperial consort living in Kingdom territory. And she’s a woman of high rank (at least formerly, but her being the mother of one of the Emperor’s children is still going to be true, regardless of whether or not she is still regarded as one of his consorts), and upper-class Fódlan society as a whole is extremely heteronormative with all of the subordination of women that implies. So on the one hand: she needs to be kept according to her station, and that involves having her married so she can reside over a noble household once again, but the only man of high enough standing to marry her, a former consort of the Adrestian Emperor… is the widowed king. And on the other hand: she can’t be allowed to potentially run amok causing political strife in the Kingdom by trying to regain her old position (we don’t know precisely why Anselma was dismissed and exiled, but based on what we’ve seen of the Imperial nobility, it’s not unreasonable for Lambert and the Kingdom nobility to assume that she would be putting a lot of time and energy into trying to regain her former position, and it’s equally reasonable to assume that they’d want to stop her from doing that in Kingdom territory, since it could cause strife between the Kingdom and the Empire that they absolutely do not need), and the best way to keep her from doing that is to tie her down to a husband who can Control Her, but again, the only man of high enough standing to marry her, a former consort of the Adrestian Emperor… is the widowed king.
This does not feel like a spur-of-the-moment love match. It feels more like Patricia is equal parts charity case and quasi-political prisoner in Fhirdiad, with all of it smoothed over by having her marry Lambert, so that they can both avoid drawing ire from Imperial factions who wouldn’t want them sheltering Anselma in the Kingdom in a position of such high honor as being a part of the royal court (likely a large part of why she changed her name to Patricia in the first place, or perhaps why the decision was made for her that she’d be changing her name), and so they can avoid drawing the ire of Emperor Ionius, who by all accounts loved and favored her, by shutting her up in genteel imprisonment. Give it all a gloss of ‘new queen consort’ to appease the emperor, and give it a gloss of ‘her ties to her homeland have been heavily severed with this new marriage, to the extent that she’s even been stripped of her old name’ to appease those in the Empire who don’t want to see her come back. Patricia’s primary consolation is that her new husband is genuinely infatuated with her, and thus is likely to treat her well.
At least, that must be how it seems to her at first.
And I say all of this because some stuff that we learn about Lambert and Patricia’s marriage just does not make sense if you assume that this was a spur-of-the-moment love match?
First of all, Dimitri says outright in his and Hapi’s B support that “for all intents and purposes, [his] stepmother was completely cut off from the outside world. Suffice it to say few knew that [his] father had taken a second wife.” So first off… that doesn’t sound right for a normal marriage. At all. Even Dimitri acknowledges that the union between his father and stepmother caused a great deal of speculation; even Dimitri, who has a history of white-washing his past to make it all seem a lot rosier than it actually was, grasps that there was something not quite normal about this marriage. You would expect a queen to be engaged in charitable works across the Kingdom, you would expect her to leave Fhirdiad on pleasure trips, either with her husband or alone, but instead, it seems as though her movements were heavily curtailed.
Second, Dimitri states in his and Hapi’s A support that “although she was the queen consort, in truth, [his] father and stepmother were not even allowed the dignity of being alone,” further asserting that Cornelia constantly inserted herself between them. So you’re telling me that Lambert is so ineffectual that he can’t even ask, or use his authority as king to order, that Cornelia leave the room so he can be alone with his own wife? That doesn’t sound right for a man assertive enough to plan sweeping political reforms against the protests of a wide swath of his own nobility. What sounds a bit more like right is that Lambert doesn’t particularly care if he and Patricia are left alone together, and what suggests about the nature of their marriage is that Lambert is perhaps less her husband than he is her quasi-jailor.
Third, Dimitri will eventually admit that Patricia was fairly cold towards him. He states in his B support with Hapi that it was his stepmother who raised him, and Hapi notes that he shares many of her mannerisms. While it’s not fair of Patricia to be cold towards Dimitri, regardless of what the true nature of her relationship with Lambert may or may not be, if her marriage with Lambert was equal parts charity case and genteel imprisonment with a ‘queen consort’ coat of paint slapped on over it, I think it might explain her coldness. Patricia’s feelings towards both Lambert and Ionius are up in the air, but without a doubt, she loved Edelgard, her child. But not only has she been separated from her daughter for good and trapped in a gilded cage called “marriage” clear on the other side of the continent from her, she’s now had her quasi-jailor’s kid foisted upon her to raise, as well. Like I said, it wouldn’t be fair for Patricia to let her resentment regarding her position spill over onto Dimitri, but it’s still a pretty human reaction, and if things are as I think they are, then it unfortunately makes perfect sense that she has little to no interest in being a warm stepmother to Lambert’s son.
That brings us on to Edelgard’s time in Fhirdiad. We know that Lord Arundel, Patricia’s brother, abducted Edelgard and brought her to Fhirdiad during the Insurrection of the Seven, though the reasons for his abduction of his niece are murkier. Dimitri frames it in the Childhood Memories scene in ‘The Cause of Sorrow’ as Edelgard and her uncle being in exile together, and goes so far in his A support with Hapi as to state that Lord Arundel had sought asylum in the Kingdom. Edelgard herself frames it as an abduction, something that was done to her without her consent, let alone her father, the emperor’s, and again, though her uncle’s reasons for doing so are murky, I am inclined to think that Edelgard is in a better position than Dimitri to know if it was an abduction or not, so I am characterizing this as an abduction as well. Even if Lord Arundel was seeking asylum with his niece in tow, he did still kidnap her to do it, and we don’t know his exact reasons. They could be altruistic—Arundel trying to save Edelgard from being experimented on like her brothers and sisters—or he could have done it to seize an advantage over Ionius, as Edelgard was one of only a small handful of his children to have a Crest. We just don’t know.
We know from the Childhood Memories scene in ‘The Cause of Sorrow’, from Dimitri’s own lips, that he and his father visited Lord Arundel and Edelgard when they were living in Fhirdiad. But we know that Patricia didn’t find out that her brother and niece had been in Fhirdiad until after they were both long gone.
Dimitri and Hapi’s A support frames Patricia’s predictably furious reaction as being all Cornelia’s fault. That Cornelia had planted the idea in her head that Lambert had deliberately withheld this knowledge from her, and that in reality, Lambert had been just as in the dark about Arundel and Edelgard’s true identities as Dimitri was. But I don’t buy that? Dimitri states that Arundel was seeking asylum in the Kingdom, and in order to be assured asylum, he would have needed to explain who he and Edelgard were, and spin some story to make this look less like an abduction. Edelgard is stated to strongly resemble her mother, as well; surely Lambert would have noticed.
And even if you believe that Arundel could have lied about who he and Edelgard were and gotten away with it, there’s still the fact that Dimitri found out that Edelgard was A) the girl he had known in Fhirdiad years ago, and B) his step-sister, before he entered the Academy, which would indicate that Lambert had known about it at the time. Again, Lambert is painted as being a very politically savvy man. At no point is he painted as being a dunce. So Lambert absolutely did know who they were, and he absolutely did conceal that information from Patricia. No tricks by Cornelia required! Likely all she had to do was voice aloud the thoughts already fulminating in Patricia’s own mind.
Dimitri dismisses the idea that he did this on purpose on the grounds that he can’t think of what his father would have had to gain from purposely concealing the knowledge from Patricia, but I can think of a few things. Dimitri doesn’t want to see it, because again, it contradicts the rosy picture he’s painted of his past.
The absolutely kindest explanation I can think of is that Lambert is perfectly aware that this is a political powder keg he has on his hands. Regardless of whatever story Arundel spins to him on why and Edelgard are in Fhirdiad, this is an abduction; it was done without the consent of Edelgard’s custodial parent, and thus he has a kidnapped Imperial princess in Fhirdiad. He has to be very careful about how he handles the situation—he could all too easily spark a diplomatic incident between the Kingdom and the Empire if he handles it wrong. It’s possible that he did not want to introduce Patricia to the powder keg out of the fear that she could be the spark that ignited it by understandably demanding that her daughter be given over into her custody.
But even this kindest explanation demonstrates that Lambert doesn’t consider Patricia an equal partner in their marriage. That’s probably not so unusual for noble marriages in Fódlan—again, upper-class Fódlan society is excruciatingly heteronormative, with all of the subordination of women that that implies—but he’s not even thinking about it in terms of introducing her into the situation to try and ferret out the truth of why Arundel and Edelgard are in Fhirdiad, not even thinking about the fact that Patricia’s brother and daughter might let something slip to her. Not only does he not consider her an equal partner, he doesn’t even consider her a useful tool.
And that’s the kindest explanation. Others include that he just straight-up never took her feelings into consideration, that he never stopped to consider her feelings on the matter for even a moment. Others include that he deliberately concealed it from her because he didn’t want Patricia to be reminded of her old life in the Empire, because he did not want her to reestablish her bonds with her old life. Whether it was because he didn’t want her causing political strife that could endanger the Kingdom, or because in his infatuation with her he simply didn’t want her to leave, that’s not clear. It could be some combination of the reasons I stated above. It could be something else altogether. It could be all of them at once, stitched together into some monstrous leviathan of the ways women are disregarded by their husbands in societies like these, and all of the suffering that derives from it.
This was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I used to think that Patricia had to be extraordinarily stupid to still trust Cornelia enough to go to her for help after she saw what she was doing to Hapi and was cognizant enough to be horrified by it, but nowadays, I think it’s more emblematic of how desperate she was. She wanted to be reunited with her daughter, and if she wanted that, if she wanted to be Anselma again, then Cornelia was the only person she could turn to for help. She had no support network in Faerghus. Equal parts charity case and political prisoner, she had none of the normal recourse against mistreatment. She couldn’t look to her husband for help. He had already demonstrated that he had no interest in reuniting them. Their marriage was a farce, after all.
And no matter where she lived, Anselma was never more than a pawn on somebody else's gameboard.
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sleepy-bear-tm · 4 months
I have someone who I write an other 3 houses fanfic with who's an artist.
Would you allow that they do an art inspired by your design for Anselma if they do such an art for my story? Obviously you would be credited for inspiration.
So long as I get credit that’s completely alright :)
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carrionkid · 10 months
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These are Hank and Dean Venture. To me.
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eugephemisms · 1 year
Irresistible Italy: Grandi Langhe 2023 - Anselma, Mossio, Produttori del Barbaresco
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ladyniniane · 7 days
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rainestorm2556 · 3 months
It’s been way too long since I’ve posted my writing which I promise I still do y’all so enjoy something I wrote in December when I was hyperfixating on AOT:
Levi sat. What more was there to do these days? He could sit. Or he could sit. Of course there was always the option to sit. Ot he could gasp sit! Needless to say the former scout was tired of sitting. He could stand and struggle to walk but with a toddler, two teens, and a wife who was with child that wouldn’t be the best idea. Falco and Gabi were excitable and got Heidi excited easily as well. He and Anselma agreed to take them in and they knew it meant changing the little life they’d grown accustomed to with just them and Heidi, but it was every bit worth it. She loved being a mother and he loved being a father. Their children were a handful and would continue to be a handful but it would be worth it. They knew what they were getting into when they opted to take Gabi and Falco in. That didn’t matter though; neither did the fact that he’d refused to give her a label for so long. Their story had been a tragic one with a happy ending.
They’d met because of Levi’s late friend who was something of a surrogate younger sister to him. Isabel Magnolia. She and Anselma were both bright and bubbly and they shared being skilled in omni directional mobility gear. They could not have grown up more differently. Isabel was abandoned in a dumpster in the Underground and she was left to fend for herself. She would beg, steal, borrow and barter. Anything it took to stay alive. Her only focus was living to see the next day. She had no family; only Levi and Furlan. She was rambunctious and stubborn to a fault. She never doubted herself and always remained self-assured.
Anselma on the other hand? She was born to the immensely wealthy Hart family in the safety of Wall Sina. She never wanted for anything. She had riches galore promised to her from birth and was expected to marry a rich suitor. Her parents were overly attentive and always showing her off to their slimy friends. The men were all a bunch of snobby pigs and the women criticized her every trait to no end. While her parents were attentive it was not because they cared. They just needed to make themselves look good. When she was 21 everything changed.
Enter: Oliver Klaus Hart.
Also known as her little brother. She’d been a scout for seven years at that point. She was already a member of the Special Operations Squad. Around that time Levi came into her life with Isabel and Furlan. They joined the scouts and after getting to know Anselma personally Levi decided to pursue a relationship with her. Isabel was even throwing them a small wedding and it nearly happened.
Then on an expedition Isabel Magnolia and Furlan Church were lost at the hands of the titans. Anselma and Isabel had been best friends so naturally the latter’s death was distressing for the former. She and Levi were both so grief stricken that they decided it would be best for them if instead of proceeding with the wedding as Isabel planned; they called it off and put their plans of marriage on hold for a while. At least until the deaths weren’t so fresh and didn’t hurt as much as they currently did.
Arguments soon arose between the couple due to Levi becoming more closed off than ever before and Anselma not knowing how to handle and interact with this ‘new’ Levi.
The engagement was broken off. They still slept together, went on very occasional dates, and did other couple-y stuff together but they had no label and most certainly did not live together. Anselma was accustomed to people picking up after her and therefore was not very good at cleaning and such whereas Levi was an absolute clean freak and germaphobe. Naturally this would only cause an even bigger rift in whatever it was that defined the sort of relationship the two scouts had.
Then came Eren. With him came lots of loss and hate to admit as hey may, Levi began to fear losing Anselma. She had been in his life for so long after all. The only remaining living person who had been in his life was Erwin. Erwin Smith. Commander of the Scout Regiment after the resignation of Keith Sadies.
There was also the death of Kenny who would turn out to be Levi’s uncle. Needless to say, finding out he was an Ackerman was a surprise. This made him and Mikasa cousins. Blood relatives. It was a weird but not unwelcome change.
After Eren would come his friends and comrades. They all made Levi Squad and he was beginning to grow fond of the little brats. War would follow and though it wouldn’t be easy everything would work out in the end. Levi became half blind and lost some fingers, Hange lost an eye, Erwin lost an arm, Sasha nearly lost her life, Ymir tried letting herself be eaten by Porco, and Levi injured his legs. That didn’t mean that it wasn’t worth it though. Marley, Eldia, and Paradis were all peaceful. The same went for other nations.
During the war came Heidi. A beacon of hope and light during one of the darkest times in Levi’s life. Sure she was a surprise but when Levi found out Anselma was carrying his child he knew he wanted to do right by her.
And so the two were married and shortly after welcomed their daughter: Heidi Kuchel Zoe Ackerman. Kuchel for Levi’s mother, Zoe for Hange who had helped Anselma fill Isabel’s void. He was now a husband and a father. He had a wife. It was strange to think about.
When Heidi was a year old Oliver, who had long since been nicknamed ‘Ollie’ by Anselma, joined the scouts and so he was put on Levi Squad at the request of the titular leader’s wife.
When she was two she traveled with them to Marley and would meet Eren. He grew to like the little girl. Heidi reminded him of an owl and henceforth she was nicknamed by even Levi ‘owlet’.
The war ended with no casualties on the side of those Levi cared about. He and his wife took in two orphaned kids: Falco Grice and Gabi Braun.
Now here they were. Sitting. Handing out candy to children. Anselma’s stomach swelling with an impending life. A son this time. Their second biological child together but fourth overall. Heidi got along well with her new brother and sister and the family of five was excited to soon be six. It would even everything out and after that their little family would be complete. Heidi would soon turn six and start proper schooling while Levi and Anselma ran their tea shop.
They had retired from the scouts just after the war. Luckily though, the regiment no longer had to rely on hefty donations from Anselma’s estranged father because Historia had given them more funding. Much more funding. Levi reached for his cane.
“Papa!” The raven-haired owlet cried out. Levi smiled and gently scooped up Heidi. Perhaps this was where he was always meant to be. He was at home and at peace with his wife and three, almost four, children. In the end everything had worked out.
“We haven’t picked out a name yet, y’know.” His wife smiled as she looked at her ever-swelling stomach.
“Well then let's get to work on naming him!” Gabi piped up.
“Yeah, I’m sure we could find something if we all put our heads together.” Falco added.
“Name!” Heidi cheered.
Levi was happy. He was at peace and content. He had a wife and children. That was something he would have called you crazy for saying he’d have just ten years ago. Now here he was. Everything finally made sense. This was where he was always meant to be. No one knew what would face the Ackerman-Hart-Grice-Baun family next but whatever happened they’d face it together. As a family. Levi was a husband and father and he was okay with that. It made him happy.
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anankos · 3 months
Def still thinking abt the notes i found on an old discord convo heavily featuring anselma con fire emblem bc i want to pick her brains so badly. there’s a lot of em in these games but damn what a woman to haunt the narrative
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